The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 15, 1879, Image 3

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    TITURSDAY, MAY 16, 79.
' Local Notes
Boys now go In swimming.
Garden plow ing Is In fashion.
Ridgway la lively this summer.
Pork, lard, ham, and canned beef
at Morgester's. '
New spring hats were 'numerous on
the street last Sunday.
Gilt Beveled Edge cards arc now
the rage. Call and see our samples.
The weather during the past week
'has been dallying with the nineties.
The rollicking potato bug seems
to be scarce In this section of country.
Onion setts In this latitude ore
scarcer than negroes on an " exodused ''
Mississippi plantation.
Strawberries and Icecream for one.
One strawberry Is about all a pprson
can afford at the present war prices.
Yesterday was the Inst day of
school. Appropriate exercises were
held In the upper room, which were
attended by a room full of citizens and
The woods up Eagle Valley are nil
ablaze, as are the woods in several di
rections, and unless a rain soon conies
the loss of baik and timber will be
very great.
Ridgwav Public Seltools.
Among the many Institutions the
people of (Ms village have 1ut cause
to be proud of nonostands highe r than
our Graded School. Humors of the
efficient management of this school
by Prof. Johnson and wife, having
reached our ears from time to time,
and having an invitation from the
Principal to pay them a-isit.
good our promise on Thursday after
noon last. In the first place the room
is a marvel of neatness and good taste,
pictures adorn the walls, beautiful
flowers and vines add to the home
like appearance, while the national
flags arouse the patriotism of the
scholars and the festoons of evergreens
on the window casings, and chande
lier in the centre of the ceiling, have a
cooling effect in the summer, and in
mid winter, remind these set kers after
knowledge that the ' summer will
come again, or perhaps they may, by
familiar associations with these em
blems of enduring faith and purity
be thereby enabled to keep an ever-
..1 ! . . . - I . ,
green jimce in meir ncaris long alter
the stonn3 of adversity have dimmed
the eye, siuldei.ed the countenance
and grayed the. hair. The paper on the
wall, although in luctuo years, shows
no finger marks or oibir. effects of
careless usage, and we will venture
the assertion that few families of half
a dozen children, can boast of as well
kept paper, as this family of eighty.
Perfect order pervaded tlie atmosphere
of the beautiful room while the drill
of the classes is something remakable,
and is an evidence of patience, firm
ness and discipline that only a person
comc'ning all these qualities in thesu
superlative degree that Prof. Johnson
does, can ever hope to achieve. Visiting
school is considered a bore generally,
but V3 much fear that should the di
rectors prevail on Prof. Johnson and
s.'s cniimuhio wife to remain, we
.k- r-a.i zenn become a bore by frequent
.. to pleasant -were our imprcs-r'c-.H
c ' ' e Hist one. For four years
'.1'.3 ". ".-d School has been under
the present management, and although
It is impossible to please all and do
your duty, we will predict that no
other teacher will ever teach the same
length of time and give as general
satisfaction. By all means should
they be prevailed upon, if such a thing
be possible, to slay another year, nor
should the consideration of a few dol
lars stand in (lie way of the advance
ment of our children, for be it known
that simply teaching children from
text books is one thing, and teaching
them order, politeness, and placing
them under a good moral influence, as
is at present done, quite another. Too
high an appreciation can not be placed
on those of whom we write, and al
though our praise seems extravagant
maybe to those who have no personal
knowledge of the workings of the
school under present management, to
those who have visited the school we
appeal for the truth or falsity of our
estimate, feeling confident that a
unanimous aye will be the result of the
vote. To the scholars- of the school we
extend our congratulations for the
earnest manner in which they apply
themselves, as evinced by the rapid
progress they are making. Mrs. O B.
Grant and Mrs. C R. Kline were alto
visitors on Thursday afternoon.
On Monday evening of last week,
a black wretch named Dewatt at
tempted to outrage the person of a
twelve year old daughter of Mr. Hugh
Millen, of Oliver township. The
scoundrel had laid in wait for a victim
in a small piece of woodland near the
village! of Belleview, and as the child
passed he caught her and drawing a
razor on her threatened to kill her
if she made a noise. In spite of
his threats she cried for a sistanee,
and some men working iu an
adjoining field came to her rescue
when the black iiend tied. A party
of citizens started al ter hiin and soon
succeeded in capturing tl.e scamp,
when lie was brought bock to Belle
view and given a hearing before
Esquire Reitz, who comnitted him to
jail in default of bail. lie was brought
to Brookville and lodged in jail to
await the May term, when he will
doubtless receive a long lease at the
Western Penitentiary. Such depraved
beluga should be treated to a little
lynch-law, a this is about the only
way Justice' can teach thern. Brook
viile Republican.
Personal Chitchat.
Vinton Ross Is in town.
Neut. Rhines cut his hand.
John Cobb and wife were In town
lust week.
C. B. Earley Is home. He will
stay until fall.
John VanOrsdall has a fine team
of white oxen.
A brother of Prof. Johnson was in
town on a visit.
Mert. Rchram's little boy wears
his hair banged.
Martin Sowers, of Wilcox, was in
town on Wednesday.
Dan. Cook's calf kicked him on
the knee last Saturday.
M. E. Lesser has one of the neatest
residences In this village.
Dave Mulqnccn's cow atp Mrs.
Sheehan's paint and died.
The forest fires burned Geo.
Rhines' kitchen at his saw mill.
Pat Malone's hr use, near the site
of the old plaining mill, Is raised.
J.Powell has set out a number of
fruit trees on his farm this spring.
Jerry Singleton has cleaned out
and painted up ills store fit to kill.
Mrs. Sheehan sustained the loss
of a valuable cow a few days ago.
Cause unknown.
Frank Nichols cut his foot with an
ax last week, while out with the en
gineer corps.
Thomas Johnson has a chicken
and kitten that play together and are
rcat friends.
--Mrs. Mike Shechan's new picket
fence is an ornament to the lower end
of South street.
Will Nichols ha3 returned from
Kane, and proposes staying in Ridg
way this summer.
Geo. R. Woodward has the con
tract for furnishing the sand to be used
in building the new courthouse.
Miss Loia N. Card whose term
of school at has closed, paid this
village a visit while on her way home
to Potter county.
Miss Athcrtoii's and Miss Wilcox's
schools paraded the streets yesterday
afternoon, more than an hundred little
children were iu the procession.
.Tas. II. Ross lias moved from Miss
B E. Wilcox's house to the house re
cently occupied by Geo. Woodward at
the corner of Main and Depot streets.
Misa Atherton and her school went
wintcr.'Meen berrying last Saturday.
The trip was a berry pleasant one, and
the school succeeded in capturing a
large number of the little berries.
- Trof. Johnson, we are sorry to note,
lias been ill for several days. On Tues
day nfi'crnoon he was compelled to
stay at home, and at the exercises yes
Uy he spoke with manifest difficulty.
The account of one woman acci
dentally shooting another is given in
"Pete's Wilcox Budget" this week,
and is another warning to people not
to point firearms at any one, for guns
and pistols are dangerous tilings with
out lock, stock, or barrel, a man hav
ing, it is said, whipped his wife to
death with a ramrod.
Pete's Wilcox Budget.
Wilcox, May 13th, 1S79.
Dry, with warm days and cool
Frightful forest fires fora fortnight.
Montgomery's wrists fooled him
this time; couldn't get up a rain
The Lumber Co. started their mill
Monday morning.
Mr. Preston has mo red to the land
of Goshui.
-Mr.' Campbell lias moved to Ridg
way. The Rev. Lampee has moved bis
family here from Warren.
John Meehim'wife is very sick.
Irving Schultz, Fred. Aldrich and
George Sowers shoot glass balls.
A Swede, just from the old
country, went in the saw mill Monday
morning and in less than an hour cut
one of hisfingers off.
A man at the tannery rolled one of
his fingers off' yesterday.
Whoa, Billy, the boys ain't driv
ing mit you now, yet Billy runs away
about three times a week.
M. M. Schultz was thrown from a
wagon last Friday, striking on his
head. The horses ran two or three
miles, nobody hurt Maurice must be
made of india rubber for he has been
piled up in several runaways, and,
notwithstanding he weighs about three
hundred pounds, has always come out
without a scratch.
While playing with a revolver that
was not loaded (of course pistols are
never loaded), Mrs. Louisa Derr shot
her sister, Mrs. Martini Ellis, in the
right side just below the arm pit. Dr.
Straight was at once called iu and
made a thorough search for the ball,
but was uuableto find It. The patient,
however, Is doing well and it is be
lieved will soon recover. On exami
nation of the pistol it was found that
four more loads were iu it all in good
shape for children to play with. Will
people never learn that it is dangerous
to snap pistols at each other?
Wutson's well, No. 1, at Watson
town, five miles northwest from here,
has the derrick up, machinery on the
ground, and will be drilling in a few
days. Pete.
Green corn 15c. per can at Mor
gester's. Haxall white wheatand amber flour,
feed, meal and graham, flour at Mor
gester'a. Wash tubs, wash boards, wooden
pails, clothes pins, brooms and mop
tick9 at Morgester'a.
All kiuds of Canned Gotxtd vry
cheap at Morgesttr'a.
State Notes.
Col. Keller of Reading has received
a check for $2,700 pension money.
He was wounded seven times.
The heaviest shipment of coal ever
made out of the Clearfield region was
made week before last, being 35,937
Win, Ostermelxe, aged 25 years,
while duck hunting near Pittsburgh,
was shot aud killed by the accidental
discharge of his own gun.
A tramp while robbing a cellar
near Reading, fell Into a well thirty
feet deep. He was kept there four
hours befoie being relieved.
Fayette county has more Gypsies
roving over its highways than any
other county in the State. It is a
favorite resort of the nomads.
The Chester county bar has been
duly and formally challenged by the
Delaware county bar to a game of
marbles, nine to be chosen on each
A young boy, son of rorterOrner,
was almost Instantly killed at Altoona
Sunday afternoon by a horse fulling
on him. He was watching the unload
ing of some circus horses at the time.
Peter Evans, aged 68 years, huck
ster, was murdered on black Log
Mountain, aliout fifteen miles from
Mifflin, on Saturday evening. The
murderer escaped. It is supposed that
robbery was the motive.
A singular relic was found in front
of the breastworks charged by Pickett
at Gettysburg, the other day. It was
the lower jaw bone of a man, with a
bullet firmly imbedded. Several teeth
wire iu it.
There Is still a good deal of tobacco
in Lancaster county. Farmers are
holding on for better prices. The
plants for this year's growth are said
to be in excellent condition, and quite
n u m erous every w here.
The temperance reform agitation
has more force iu the central than any
other portion of the State. In some
of the towns of Cambria, and Blair
counties vigilance eommitties patrol to
detect violations of the law.
A furnace is to be erected at Ty
rone, for experiments iu converting
raw ore into incipient steel. If the
operation is a success, a number
of other furnaces for the same purpose
will bo put up by the Tyrone Forge
Conductor James M'Lain, who
runs the passenger train between
Littlestown aud Port Deposite, on the
Frederick division of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad, was thrown 'olF his
train on Friday morning, nearMcCali's
Ferry, and died from the effects of his
injuries within two hours.
W. II. Logan, assistant P. M.
West Monterey, Clarion county, com
mitted suicide on Friday. Some four
months since he - was arrested for
opening nnd destroying letters; his
trial was to have come jip at Pitts
burg. He was a young, unmarried
man, and up to last fall had borne an
unimpeachable character.
Ella Kline, one of the female pe
destrians who entered the walking
match in Allegheny, and succumbed
after'the first day's walking, nude an
attempt to commit suicide. She is
22 years of nge and has been engaged
in ail sorts of sporting business, having
been at one time a prize-fighter, bil
liard player, gymnast and sculler.
Word has been received in Pitts
burgh, that L. L. Dembits, Esq., of
Kentucky, Master in Chancery iu the
suit of J. L. Lewis, of Pittsburgh, has
decided in favor of the latter. The
case involves an action against infrin
gers on Lewis' patents on rollingangle
iron, and has been pending for nearly
five years. A large amount of money
was involved In the affair.
One of the Pittsburgh bank rob
bers was so hotly pursued after getting
from under the shadow of the Work
ingmen's Bank tiiat be plunged into
the river, and when he jumped placed
the weapon between his teeth. He
floated down a short distance and was
saved from drowning by some men,
who threw a line from the shore.
On Friday evening, Joseph Ren
nard, Phcenixville, aged 73 years, died
from paralysis. Deceased was a con
sistent member of the Phtenixville
Baptist Church, and was still a scholar
in the Sunday school, where no pupil
was more faithful in attendance on its
sessions. At theannual distribution of
prizes for punctual attendance, he
would step forward regularly and take
the prize awarded him. At the last
annual distribution of prizes he re
ceived his usual award by the side of a
little child 5 years old the oldest and
youngest scholars.
Willi-im Hammond, a young man
of Honeybrook, Chester county, was
bitten by a clog twenty-three weeks
ago. The dog was thought by some to
be mad, but was killed before it was
rightly known, and on Tuesday even
ing William complained of a pain in
his arm where he had been bitten, and
went home. His mother ottered him a
drink of water, when he almost went
into a spasm. The doctor was sent for
who at once pronounced it hydropho
bia. He continued In awful agony
Wednesday ,and died during the night.
During most of the time he was ra
tional und talked in a sensible manner.
He warned those about him to be
careful in approaching his bedside as
he might bite them. Some hours be
fore he died it was found necessary to
tie him dowu, ann he recognized,
called by name and spoke pleasantly
to two of the geutlemeu who tied him.
New stock of candy at Morges.
Reeves, Parvin & Co's. select Rio
CoftV-e in novelty package at Mor-gter'.
Resolutions of Respect.
Passed by Cokii Grange No. 629,
of P. of II., April 6th, 1879, on
the Death of Mm. James Busy.
Whereas, Our Heavenly Fatber.has
seen fit in his wise and inscrutable
providence, to remove from our midst,
by a lingering and painful disease, our
much loved sister and friend ;
Renolved, That though we can not see
why this blow has fallen, taking away
in its prime a virtuous, useful life, we
bow uncomplaining in this bitter
bereavement, and acknowledge still
the kindness of the. Hand that gives
aud takes away.
Resolved, That we, as members of
Corner Grange, No. 029, of the Patrons
of Husbandry, with which our loved
sister was connected as an active, Iu
fluent la t member, do hereby express
our sincere regret for her true womanly
character and unswerving christiau
integrity, and our heartfelt sympathy
for her beloved husband and their
Irreparable loss.
Resolved, That a copy of these reso
lutions be published in one or more of
the county papers, and in The Farm
era' friend.
J. 11. Keeley,
P. W. Hays,
Committee on Resolutions
Stop iu and see our new styles
visiting cards.
Ice cream every day at Moles
ter's. Gunpowder, Young Hyson, Japan
and Oolong tea at Morgester's.
A Litekary Avalanche. An
enviable fame among people who love
good books is being -achieved by the
American Book Exchange, 6o
Beck man street, New York. Simul
taneously Willi the completion of their
wonderfully cheap ' and successful
Acme edition of Chamber's Cvcr.o
ivedia of English Literature,
they announce the publication of six
other standard and popular books, all
choice editions, at prices heretofore un
heard of. They are 'Rolliu's Ancient
History," 1,192 very large double
column pages, large type, price in
cloth, $2,2.1, in sheep, $2,73 r" "Jo
sephus' Complete Works," 1,042 pages
uniform with Rollin, but still larger
type, price, cloth, ''"$2 00, sheep, $2, 50;
'Arabian Nights," Urge type, cloth
55 cents; "Bunyan'i Pilgrim's Pro
gress," very large type, cloth 50 cents;
"Robinson Crusoe," .'arge type, cloth
05 cents; and "Baron Munchausen,"
extra large type, cloth, 50 cents. A
discount of 10 per cent, from these
prices is allowed to all whose orders
are received before June 1, and an
additional 'discount .'f 10 per cent,
when ordered in clubs of five or more
of either book, or to the amount of
510,00 or more selected from the list
at one time. Circulars giving full
particulars, specimens- of type, &c.,
will be sent free on request. Sold only
to buyers direct, and not through
dcaloru or ugents.
Lautz Bros. & Co's acme soap at
3 lb. tomatoes, lie. per can at
List o: Licenses.
Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing persons have filed their peti
tions for License in iny office, and that
they will be presented to the Court of
Quarter Sessions on Wednesday, May
28th, at 2 o'clock P. M. :
Jay E. H. Dixon j Armel Turley.
Fox Joseph Koch
Ridgway Salver Jiekson.
St. Mary's Mary Miller; John
Groll. .
Wilniarth Williaiu Haley.
Benezette John D.-!ey.
Fox James McOJoskeyi''
Fred. Schen'ing, Clerk.
'That if any ptrson or persons
shall neglect or refit to lift his, iter or
their License, within fifteen days
ufter the same has bfl'n granten, such
neglect or refusal stall be deemed a
forfeiture of said, license." Pur
don, V. 2d, page !'!.
r.csTT.N. Y.. July SI, 1S7.S.
Dr. M. M. Fenxkk, r'wlonlu, . Y.
J "ear sir: t luivo always been
opposed to putenl iiMMlliines. lull I liuvu been
mi inviiliit, betnt! iitlliiMl with dizziness uml
fiilntini! tllsimiseil by biliousness, dermi'ed
Niouitieli Hint Ijmvlft unit imimireil nerves tor
Kevenil years. I iloutofvl a grout ijeut but
still they yrew worse. I litive taken seven
bottles of your hiooil hi1 Liver Remedy and
Nerve Tonie, unit liuve not hud one since I
bi'Hiin lis use. 1 Hin hnpiy to say that I leel
fatly restored by yuur eyeelient medicine,
whieh I recommend f every occslon. If u
system Is out of order it fijipenrs to luive the
power to restore it to health, und that In what
n wauled. Very Truly.
oiiHnu. chase.
Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Rem
edy and Nerve Tonie may well be
called "The conquering hero" of the
times. It Is the medical triumph of
the age. Whoever bes "the blues"
should take it," for It rtyulutc and re
store the disordered sjstein that gives
rise to them. It alwajs cures Billious
ness and Liver Conijilaint, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches,
Fever and Ague, KpleeSt Enlakge
MENTS, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples,
Blotches and all Shin Eruptions
and Blood Di?soiuikrs j SwMed
Limbs and Dropsy ; Sleeplessness, Im
paired Nerves and Nervous Debility ;
Restores flesh and strength when the
system is running down or goiug Into
decline; cures Female Weakness aud
Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves
Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung und
Throat difficulties. Itf.oes these tilings
by striking ut the root of disease and
removing its causes. .
Dr. Fenner's Impioved Cough
Honey will relieve any cough in one
Dr. Fenner'a Golden Relief cures
tfny pain, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia,
Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes,
and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid
ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery.
Dr. Fenner's St. Vitus Dance Spe
ciflc. One bottle always cures.' For
sale by Drs. T. 8- Hartley and I). B.
Sheriffs Sale.
of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi
tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa
tum nert fnciM issued out or toe Court
of Common Picas of Elk County, and
to me directed. I, D. C. OYSTER,
High Sheriff of said county, do hereby
give notice that I will expose to public,
sale or outcry at the Prothonotary's
ofllce, in Ridgway, at one o'clock, p.
M., on
MONDAY, MAY 20TH, 1879.
ALL that certain part of town tot
ino. t" in me village nt Ktrigway, r.lK
Co., Pennsylvania, containing four
thousand (4000) square feet, bounded
on the north by Main street and on the
east by Court street. Containing forty
feet front on Malu street by one hun
dred feet in deptli on Court street, be
ing part of the same premises conveyed
to Sarah Thayer by Jerome Powell,
A ili..iiiiulr..t.,r i.t T C flint. ! l..nrl v. V vuujiiii. il.tut
and to D. I). Cook by Horace Warner
ana wife by deed aatert July 3d, 1873,
duly recorded in deed book "(J" page
too, &c., in Elk county. On above lot
there is erected a frame dwelling 24
feet front by 24 feet deep used as store
room, .and addition uttached 16 by 24
feet used as dwelling house, two stories
high, also wing atUtclictl 10 feet by 4t
feet deep used ns Bakery nnd Grocery.
Also a large lee House and Meat Mar
ket 32 feet by 2 feet 1J stories high.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of D. D. Cook at the suit of
14. V. lllme.
ALSO All that certain tract of land
situate in Spring Creek township, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, bounded as fol
lows: On the north by warrants Nos.
1509 and 1570; on the east by warrant
No. lotj-i and on the south and west by
warrant No. 8757. containing five hun
dred and thirty-nine acres and know as
warrant No. LV10.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Thomas Irwin at the suit
of Powell & Kime.
ALSO All that certain tract or par
cel of land situate in Ridgway, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows: Beginning at
the south corner of land lately sold bv
J. S. Hyde to W. H. Osterliout, and oh
the north sideof the Philadelphia and
Erie Railwav; thence north eighty
six and eight-tenths (W.8) rods along
file line of said Osterhout to a post;
thence south forty-five degrees east
(S. 4" E.) seventy-one and six-tenths
(71.0) rods to the northeast corner of
lot number four (4) in the village of
Elk; thence south sixty degrees west
(S. 'ti W ) along the nortli line of lots
Nos. 4, 8, 2 and 1, twelve and ten
twelfths (12 10-12) rods to the north
west corner of lot No. 1 in the village
of Elk; thence south thirty degrees
east (S. 30 E) six and six one hun
dredths (Oti-l(Mi) rods along the west
line of lot No. 1 to the northwest cor
ner of said lot; thence south sixty-one
degrees west (S. Ci W.) fifteen and
six-tenths (15.(i) rods; thence south
sixty-five and three-fourths degrees
west (S. oo$" v.) twenty-seven roils to
the place of beginning, containing
fourteen and ninety-seven one-huii-
dredtbs acres (14 H7-100) and being the
same land conveyed by John Shack to
Krancis Tollman, Jr., by deea uatcrt
September 23, lfc7.r.
Seized und taken in execution as the
property of Frank Pullman, Jr. at the
suit of Adam Shack.
ALSO All the right, title. Interest
and claim of defendant in and to the
following real estate to wit: Begin
ning iu the Centre of Milesburg and
Sinethport turnpike at the point where
the south line of m. uill s line crosses
it; thence west two hundred und
twenty-four rods to a post corner;
thence south seventy rods to a post
corner iu the north line of land of
Enos Retzirer; thence bv said line
east one hundred and seventy-nine
rods to centre of aforesaid turnpike;
thence along centre of same in a
northeasterly direction to place of be
ginning, containing eighty-five acres
more or less. There is about five acres
cleared and improved, and a frame
house erected thereon about 18x24 feet
two stories high, also a cow shed on
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Oeo. Powell ut the suit of
Jacob Smith.
ALSO All that certain tract, mes
suage and plantation of land situate in
Ben.inger township, county of Elk.
und State of Pennsylvania, 'described
as follows to wit: "Beginning at the
southeast corner of a fifty acre lot,
deeded by. Hiram Payne ami wife to
Jacob Delger, being eighty one perches
east of thesouthwest corner of warrant
four thousand eight hundred aud
eighty-two; thence extending north
two hundred und one perches to the
northeast corner of said Delger lot;
thence east eighty perches; thence
south two bundled and one perches
to the south line of said warrant (num
ber 482) , thence extending along said
warrant west eighty perches to the
place of hcuinliing', containing one
hundred acres (strict measure) reserv
ing one perch in width on the south
end thereof, for a public road or high
way forever, exclusive of said reserva
tion, being the same premises which
,ioliu Slitcr and Liydia h. his wile by
their Indenture bearing date the
12th dav of Dec. A. D. Is72. recorded
in the office for recording deeds in the
county of Elk in Deed Book " P '' page
S.S!) Ac, grant i'd and conveyed unto
the said Charles Luhr his heirs aud
"w'ip1" iu loo, and the said Charles
Luhr by deed bearing even date here
with conveyed to the said Rebecca
Sykes and August Wernoth.
'Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Rebecca Sykes und Au
gust Werneth at the suit of Charles
Luh r.
ALSO All the right, title, and in
terest of the defendant In and to the
following described real estate to wit:
Lots Nos. 12, 13, and 14 on Charles
street according to the map or plan of
the Borough of St. Mary's. Each Jot
being 100 ft. front on Charles street by
two hundred (200) feet deep. Said lots
are improved and enclosed in a body
by a substantial fence. There iserected
on lot No. 14 a frame dwelling house
two and one-half stories high, clustered
and witli a good cellar, main building
lKx32feet, wing lox'-W reel. A irame
stable 12x16 feet and other outbuild
ings. A good well of water on this
Seized and taken In execution as the
proerty of Nicholas Halligan at the
sun ot vv amer & nun.
The following must be strictly com
plied with when the property is struck
1. All the bids must be paid in full
except where the pluintiffor other hen
crcditoni becomes the Purchaser, in
which case the costs on the writs must
be paid, aa well as all liens prior to
that of the purchaser, and a duly cer
tiHorl list of liens shall be furnished.
inHiirlina- mortgage searches on the
property sold together with such lien
creditor's, receipt for the amount of
the proceeds or tne , or ?w-q jr-
tlon thereof aa he shall appear to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not guttled Immedlatclv
will bo continued until nix o'clock P
M., at which time all property not set
tled for will again be put up and raid
at the- expense and risk of the person
to whom it was first struck of, and
who, in case of deficiency at such re
sale, snail make good the same, ami in
no instance will tho deed be presented
for confirmation unless the bid Is actu
ally settled for with tho Sheriff as
aoovo stated .
D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Pidgway, Pa.,
May 1st, 1879. f
See Purdun's Digest, Ninth Edition,
page48; Smith's Forms, 348.
Elk County Court Proclamation.
WHEREAS, tho Hon. L. D. Wet-
more, rresidcnt Judge lor the I htrty
seventh Judicial District of Pennsyl
vania, and Julius Jones, aud George
Ed. Wels, Esquires, Associate Justices
in 1JI K county, have Issued their pre
ccpts, to me directed, for the tiine of
holding ot the Orphun's Court, Court
of Common Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions and Oyer and Terminer, at
.Ridgwav. for tlie county of Elk, on
1S79, being the 26th day of the month,
to continue one week.
Notice is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justice of the Peace and Con
stables in and for the county of Elk,
to appear in their own proper persons,
with their records, inquisitions, and
remembrances, to do those things
which of their offices and In their be
half appertain to be done, and all wit
nesses and other persons prosecuting
in behalf of the Common wealth against
any person or persons, are requested to
lie then and there attending, and not
to depart at their peril. Jurors are
requested to be punctual in their at
tendance at the appointed time, agree
uble to notice.
Given under my hand and seal, at
the Sheriff's office, in Ridgway, the
i'2d day of April, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and
D. C OYSTER, Sheriff'.
List of Jurors.
We give below the list of grand and
traverse jurors drawn on the 18th ult
for tlie May term of court :
Bknezette J. W. Barf, G. T.
Bknzinokr Mathlas Gerg, John
Wittman, J. J. Vollmer, Lewis Han
hauser, John Kroeckle.
Fox Edward Mulone, Lawrence
Mohan, Peter Thompson, Herman
HidiiLAND Thos. Campbell.
Hoktox A. S. Horton, Wilbcr
J a y J oh n Munn,
Joxks J. C. Mulone.
Riduway Jacob M'Cauley, Jacob
Butterfuss, Will Dickinson, S. A.
Rote, N. T. Cummings.
St. M aiiy's Ebeu J. Russ, Joseph
Spuing Crkek D. G. M' Knaul.
Benkzettk W. L. G. Winslow,
John Latt'ey, John Mulroy, Isaac
Dent, H. F. Wilson.
BicNZiNQKit Paul Bush, George
Leber, J no. D. Brcndle, Jr., August
Fox Bernard Canavan, John
Kyler, Win. Meredith, John Mevers,
Peter Poucer. Hzekiah Moyer, John
Koch, Thos. Sulli van, James D. Cuneo,
Jacob Dollinger, C. R. Kelts.
Highland Wm. Stuhbs.
Houton John M'Allisrer, Chas.
Chamberlain, E. C. Wood, Jacob
Jay Justus Weed.
Jones Michael Miller, J. C. Mef
fert, A. M. Straight. Bernard Weidert,
John Bonnert, John Bowers.
Millstone Edward Mabie, M. B.
Ridoway David Patmorc. John A.
Ross, E E. Willard, W. Vv . Madison.
F. C. Ely, A. H. Head, Al via Male
horn, John Median.
Sr. Mary's Jeo. Hanes, Henry
Luhr, Edward M'Bride, Joseph Dietz,
John Dornish. O. C. Brandon, Frank
Geyer, Jos. F. Windfelder.
Spuing Ckekk A. W. Irwin,
Sylvester Milliron.
inform the citizens of Ridgway, and
the public generally, that lie has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms,
fctrlle will also do job teaming.
Stable on Elk street. All orders left
at the Post Office will receive prompt
Howe Sewing Machines.
Anion? the crpt. va!-
every description for sale at
Powell & Kime b
Will be found an assortment of th
celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved
Sewing Machines the best machine
now manufactured they having been
appointed sole agents for. Elk county.
They will keep on hand Tuckers,
Corders, Hemmers, Braiders and Ruf
flers, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil,
Thread, &c, &c. Will also furnish at
any time detached parts for said ma
chine. All at greatly reduced prices,
and will be sold on accommodating
terms with approved security.
Ridgway. Aug. 20, '78. tf.
Bill-heads cheaply, and neatly
printed at The Advocate office.
In th Diatrlet Court ot the United
For the Westekn District of Pa.
Joseph Windfelder of Elk Co., a
Bankrupt under the Act of Congress
of March 2d, 18t7 having applied for a
Discharge from all his debts, and
other claims provable under said Act,
By order the Court, Notice is
hereby given to all Creditors who
have proved their debts, and other
persons interested, to appear on the 3d
;i..f Inna 1H7Q at i o'clock. P. M .
before 8. .' Woodruff Esq . Register
in bankruptcy, at his office, Erie, Pa.,
ahnw nuu If snv thev have. Whv a
Discharge should sot be granted to
the U1 EanKrupi.
Business Cards.
Rates of Advertising.
Onaoolnmn, ttui year...
4l lA
. .,' ki txi
- a
i I t .rfuBrliflnminil. tiT wnilfire Ol
elKht linen, ono Innnrtloii H.two Insartloni
tl.M, three Insertion fci.
BusineM oards, mu llnwi tr loss, par fa
AdvertlUPmonU poynblo qasrtnclr
Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., P
Office In new brick building, Mala
street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. v82t
A T TO It N E Y S-AT-L A W ,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Offic
across the ball from the Iemocrat es
tablishment. Claims for collection
promptly attended to. JneJo,1870
X. W. corner of Main and Mill streets.
Ridgwav, Pa., full assortment of cure
fully selected Foreign and Domestic)
Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis
pensed at all hours, day or night
J. S. BORDftELL, M. D.
Has removed his office from Centre
street to Main utreet, Ridgway, Pa., in
the second story of the new brick
building of John G. Hall, west of the
Hvde House.
Office hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7to 0 P.M.
W. n. SCIIRAM, Proprietor,
Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.
Thankful for the patronage hereto
fore so liberally bestowed upon him,
the new proprietor hopes, by paying
strict attention to the comfort and con
venience of guests, to merit a continu
ance of the same. ocl io'G!)
millinery" 'anti cressmakinq
MRS. J. R. KF.LTZ, Kersey, Elk
county, Pa., takes this method of an
nouncing to the citizens of Elk county
that she has on band an assortment of
fashionable millinery goods which will
be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in
all its brunches.
Agent for Dr. J. Bail & Co.'s Patent
fvorv nnd Liirnnm Vitie Eve Cults.
Send for descriptive circular. nliyl
Volume 10 of this admirable work is
just out, making it eomplele. Eacli
volume contains nou pages, it maKes
a complete library, mid no one can
iliord to do without it who would Keep
well informed. Price S;1."0 a volume
iu leather, or 87.00 in elegant half Tur
key. C. K.-Judson, rredonia, rs. v.,
controls the sale in Elk county. Ad
dress him for particulars. sep!7-tf
State Normal School.
(Eighth A'ormnl School District)
A. N. RAT'B, A. M., Principal.
This school as at present constituted,
offers the very best facilities for Pro
fessional ulid Classical learning.
Buildings spacious, inviting and
commodious: completely heated bv
steam, well ventilated, and furnished
with a bountiful supply of pure water,
soft spring water.
Location healthful and easy of ac
cess. Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, efficient, and
alive to their work.
Discipline, firm but kind, uniform
and thorough.
Expenses moderate.'
Fitly cents a week deduction to
those preparing to teach.
Student admitted at any time.
Courses of study prescribed by the
State; I. Model School. II. Prepara
tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scicn-'
adjunct courses :
I. Academic. II. Commercial. III.
Music. IV. Art.
Tim IMll.n j ...... J.l...tta.
courses are Professional, and students
graduating therein receive Slate Diplo
mas, conferring the following corres
ponding degrees : Master of the Ele
ments, and Master of tlie Sciences.
Graduates in the oilier courses receive
Normal Certificates of their uttiiiur
ments, signed by the Faculty.
The professional courses are liberal,
and are in thoroughness not inferior to
those of our best colleges.
The State requires a hitrhor order of
citizenship. The times demand it. It
is one of the prime obieets ot tins
sclicol to help to secure it by furnish
ing intelligent ami clliclent teachers
for her schools. To this end it solicits
young persons of good abilities and
good purposes those who desire to
improve their time ana tneir talents,
as students. To ail such it promises
aid in developing their powers and
abundant opportunities for well paid
laiKir atter leuvimr school,
x-. .niu terms address tha
S. U. ball,
President Board of Trustees.
f"1iiifon fnnntv. S. 1"). Rail T n.
Hippie. Dr. J. 11. Barton, A. iv Best.
Jacob Brown, Wilson Kistler, A N.
liuub, W. W. Rankin, 1!. (. Coo
Samuel Christ, G. Kiutz'mg, S. MY,
Bickford, II. L. Ditienbneh, A. C
Noves, S. It. Peale.
Centre Ex-Gov. A G. Curtin.
Clearfield Ex.Gov. Wni. Bigler.
Elk Charles R. Earley.
James McAfee, Merchant Tailor,
has just received a varied and exten
sive assortment of spring and S"mnier
goods for gents' wear, which he will
make up cheap.
Cull on Butterfuss, Masonic Hall,
to buy your Boots and Shoes. Best
quality of stock used, and made up by
first-class workmen at low prices
Examine prices before purchasing
D. 8. Andrus &Co., Williamsport,'
Pa., are prepared totell a good organ
now for f 75.00 cash. 7 stops and beau
tiful case, and they are fully warranted
by them, which is a sure mark of their
merit. Bend them your orders an
you will not be disappointed.
Sweet Oranges aud fine freah