lrW)S H eW T 5" kr Wakamelkla, the Medicine Man Nothing him been added to (he medicine end notlim-; h i- boon taken away. It la without doubt th? Ih.'-T l'i mnr.ncf the Blood and RiihtuoI the SvfTf.M evir known to man. This .syrup iiosfespes varied propertied. Bt Hrf s upon tlio l.lvrr. T.l ik'Im iiton tlic Kidneys. II n(f ill ! I lie llowrln, VI M,rift lit.- ftluod. Tt quiet I in- Nirmns Synteiu. tl iiutlitr IMiri-Mtion. Til -MnurlHlieM, Strengthen and Invltr parrlon oil tlic old blood and makes it Op- Induce tho porr of the akin, iSeuUlij l'oriirntloii. and I i.i-ntraljri-s Hi horedit:nrv fntnt n i. l!i !;-.'.','.. Isk-lj (.eneTOtvcmfalmKrfeiH-lu', nd i ,.,..,., ,,, ;m.wi niMr;i'S ill' Interim hiimiir. iir.i-.-in,(v. ,i in ii., iraniifni'tura. niitl i: I " tr. Hi'1 liio't 4!"lli-t:tr h.-ihp. n. I.' ' 1 nl nu t li,'y rrmYcct in DR. CLARK INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Laboratory, 77 W. 3d St., Sew York City, LATa or JERSEY C1TT, TRADE HARK. Tho Best Jtemedy Known to Man I T)r. Clark Johnson having associated himself M ich Mr. Edwin Eastman, an escaped captive, long a siove to Wuknmotkla, the medicine man of the t 'oiiianches, in now prepared to lend his aid in the introduction of the wonderful remedy of that tribd The experience of Jlr. Eastman bcinjjBlmilar a that of Mrs. C'lias. Jones and son, of Washington '.. Intra, an account of whoso snfferinEe were t-irillinirly narrated in the Aa York Jierald ot Dee. loth, 1B78, the facts of which are to widely known, end an nearly parallel, that but little ruen lion of Mr. Eastman's experiences will be given lore. They mo, however, published In a neat vol ime of :;(VJ pases, entitled, "Sevenaud Nine Yenrs kiv.onc the Comanche and Apaches," of which i.iiiuion will Ih made hereafter. Suffice it to say, i .iat for several years, Mr. Eastman, while a cap '.ive.Swas coinpellcd to gather the roots, Rums, sarks, herbs and berries of which Waknmetkla'e nedii ino was made, mid is still prepared to pro 'idn the same materials for the successful intro iii' tion of the medicihe to the world; and assure! the public, that the remedy is the same now M when Wukanictkla compelled him to make ib at tn Edwin Eastnan Ln Indian Costume. 6bve AKn Xp,t: Veahs Amono rnr. Oomanches and Ataciiks. A neat volume of 3')0 pages, being a simple statement of tito horrible facts ronuected v ;' 'I the sad massacre of a helpluss family, and captivity, torturesand ultimato escape of it . ,vo surviving members. For sale byour agents generally. Price $1.00. The incidents of the massacre, briefly narrated, are distributed by agents, free- of charge. Mr. Eastman, being almost constantly at the West, engaged in gathering and curing the materi als of which tho medicine Is composed, the sole business management devolves upon Dr. Johnson, and the remedy has been called, and is known as Dr. Clark Johnson's INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER. Price of Large Bottles $1.00 Price of Small Eottles 60 Kcdd the voluntary testimonials of persons who have been cured by the use of Dr. Clark Johnson's Indian Blood Syrup, In your own vicinity. Testimonials of Cure. LIYKIl COMPLAINT AND CII1U.S. 1". O., Feb. 25, 1879. Dear Sir: Ifuvui tried your most excellent Indian lllood Syrup nnd found it a valuable medicine for Liver Complaint ond Chills, I would recommend those who are nlllicted to givs it n trial. Mits. C. Autman. CCRES CHILLS AND BIMOpSNESS. EhisoTON, l'eb. 1, 1879. Dear Sir: I wits troubled with Chill; had them evory other day for six mouths; hud two doctors attending niewhon yourngent perMuudud me to try j our Indian Blood Synip, and I can wiy 1 never hud n Chill lifter taking the first noun. 1 cheerfully recommend it to nil. Lizzie Wink. HEART D1SKASK AND L1VEK COM PLAINT. MmiiLEnuitGH, Snyder Co., Pa. Dour Sir: 1 have been troubled with Heart Disonse and Liver Complaint, and I had spent s crent deal of money lor medical aid without receiving auy benefit, until I procured some of our Indian mood syrup lrom your ngent, R. L. liulflngton. I enu now testify from my exjieiience nn to the great value of it in such difceane. llt:M:r Zechman. LIVICul'OM PLAINT. . PKfxvt'.v iK Mii.i.h, Peli. '22, 1879. Dear Sir: I have ucd your Indian Bioo 1 fiyruji anil found it to do all you claim for it. it is u sure cure for Liver Complaint. " JuSKI'II Hainks. HEMEDV FOR LIVE It AND KIDNHV DISEASE. Eiii.MiiiiN, Feb. 2, 1879. Dear Sir: 1 eau, from my experience, re commend your Indian lilood Syrup na a anre curs for Liver and Kidney Disease. Ei.izAiiKTir A. Sands. Our agent can also luruudi inquirers with many unities and addresses of others who have experienced the good effects of the justly eele. bruted Indian lilood Syrup, and we would re quest all iu need of a lilood Puriller or Liver Regulator to cull and get a pamphlet, and make such inquiries us they may wih. LIVER COMPLAINT. Jacksonville, March, 3, 189. Dear S.5?': Knowing, from experience, that your Indmn lilood Syrup is a sure euro for Liver Coui'laiut, Iconfulently recommend it to all sufforii.g humanity. Kehkcca Nl LI THE INDIAN JlLOOD SVRUPTHE RIGHT MEDICINE. Pittsmljmjh, Pa., August 25, 1878. Dear Sir: I was troubled with Kiduey DU eass uud Liver CnnipluiiU. I triud everything which 1 thought might do me good, but 1 did not find the right inediuino untiy got a 69-cent bottle of your medicine, wliioli entirely cured ue. " Ainu. Ka.M'AI.i. aa K.T-i. I? Wjl j 1 r X 5 A FOE THE TOUNQ PEOPLE. : i The Apples of Idnna. ; We extract tlie following leijpnd from it Htory entitled "The Applr of Idnnn," prlntt'd in Bl. Nirholan l negnnio ot tlic story 1 laid in Icf lnnd. late in the winter of the vtnr Olnf is seafd, holding Ills port Thorold nnd little Tliurida on knfes.: A crcnt wood-fire rrnoklos nnd be foro them, and the children listen as Olnf sptjnkst "I'mtV'snid f?. long tmio ngo, lio fbre the Christiana crime to Tcclnnd, tlic god Odin, with Hamir and the wicked Ixikl, went on a journey. The nnclent gods surely differed little from mortal. lor, like us, tlier often were hungry and thirsty and tired. When these three had traveled fur, they enine to a beautiful vlly where a herd of oxen "were graz ing, lteing very hungry, these gods not even the best of whom was reallV good did not scruple to steal nnd kill one of the okeh for their supper. They cut the ox into quarters, which they put into their big kettle to boil. Hut boil the beef would 'not. In vain the three travelers piled on the fuel; in vnin the wnter in the kettle bubbled and lwiled. Kvery time thnttho lid of the kettle was removed the merit was found to be as raw as at first. While wonder ing what the reason for this could bei the perplexed travelers, hearing a voice, loOKeu up. ana oe neit nn enormous eagle, perched on the stoutest branch of a very large oak tree. " ' If ve are willine.1 snid "the voice ' to let mo have lny share of the flesh, it snail soon he boiled. "Of course the . hungry gods said 'les.' when instantly flew down the loud-flapping eagle, niid with his fjreat beak snatched up tliree-qxtarters of the iieci i "Mop! stop ! exclaimed Loki, one ounrter only is thy share nnd with that he struck a fierce blow with his travel ing st.-ilV upon the eaele's hack. So much the worse was this for Loki, for while one end of the unlucky stall stuck fast to the back of the cngle," Iki found himself unable to loosen his hold from the other cud. which lie the more de sired to tlo because he now found, to his dismay, that the supposed enc;le was no other than the renowned Frost-Giant I mass), who, with his great ensle wines, went Hying over rock and forest tojs. tirngging alter nun tue unhappy Loki till he was torn almost in pieces.' "lor a long time tlie giant took no notice ot Ixikrs piteous entreaties, but, at last, Th.jnssi deigned to tell him that he should be released- when lie had bound himself by n solemn oath to bring Iduna nnd her npples out from her safe retreat behind the bright walls nf As card, the city of tlie gods. " Loki, who was selfish enough to do anything, willingly took the oath, and all tatters anil wounds ns lie was, soon rejoined his companions. Hut lie told them nothing of his onth. " ' My father,' interrupted Thurdin what are npples lliey nre round things that grow on trees, as I've been told,' snio Olnf, but I never saw any " Now, these apples of Iduna were very diflerent from all other fruits, for it was bv eating them that tlie cods kept them selves nlwavs young and handsome and strong. So Loki did not dare to tell of the oath he had taken. " On the return of the three traveler to bright Asgard, tlie crafty and cruel Loki told tlie beautiful and kind Iilun; that in a forest a short distance ofl'he had found apples which lie thought were of a much better quality than her own. and lllnt at all events it-was worth while t make a comparison between tlitm. "Idunn, deceived by his words, took her apples and wont with hiro into th forest ; but no sooner had they entered it thaiiTllijassi, clad in his eagle plum age, flew rapidlv toward them, tint ditching tip Iduna, regardless of her rears, carrieu uer nnu ner treasures will linn to gloomy Jotunheim, the drear citv of.wie Frost-Giants. "Xow the gods, left in lofty Asgard without tlie society of the beautiful Iduna, and without any of her youth giving npples to eat, soon became wrinkled and bent and gray. Old age was creeping fas-t upon them, and tliei mourning for Iduna was loud ami sin cere. It was long before thev discovered that Ioki was tlie author of tlie mischief Vhen they did so, he could only say himself from their wrath hv nrotViisin to bring safely back the beloved Iduna and her youth-giving npples "To do this, Loki borrowed from th goddess i ngga the falcon plumn which she sometimes wore, and, dis gtused in it, flew to .Jotunheim. lu spue ol ins disguise, it was no without fear that Loki approached th grim and terrible walls of the city of the f rost-i.iants. i. autionsiy and silenti; lie flew about it until he discovered thn I hjassi was on an ice-floe, far out at sen spearing fish for his dinner. Then, will ajoyiui cry, Loki tlew into tlie city, an lost no time in changing Iduna into sparrow nnd flying off with her safe! clasped in his talons. " Hut before they were far on the way the Frost-Giant returned to hi gloomy city, there to learn of the escape oi iiiuna. into ins eagle plumage hus tled Thjossi, and, screaming with rage, flew in pursuit of tlie trembling sparrow and swutiy-llymg lalcon. "Upon the bright Twalls of Asgard eagerly watching the uncertain race, stood the impatient gods. Kapidlv aiv proaehed the pursued, but close behind them followed the terrible pursuer. Tlie gods trembled with terror lest Iduna should ngain fall into his cruel hand and us fast as their now aged limbs would let them they began to gather upon the wans ounuies or dry chips wniie tne gooa isauiur waited with firebrand in his hand. " Over the bright walls flVw LoV anil Idunn. Close nfter them came the loud flapping Thjassi; but Haider had been too quick lor him, and had al ready set fire to the ready chips me rapid name taught tho Dor rowed plumage of Thmssi, and I thus fell into the power of the cods, who slew him within the walls of the sacred city. I hen great nnd loud was the rejoicing, while the gods hastened to make themselves vounir and hand some and strong again, by eating freely oi tue apples oiiauna." " My father," said Thorold, " the goo priest tells us that all those ancient fables about tlie gods have a meanin that is not a fable. Canst tteu not tell m and Thurdia what this one means? " "I do not know how it is of myself. said Olaf, " but I have heard the good priest say that idunn means the beauti ful spring, while Thiassi means the des olating winter. Hence, when the short days and long nights begin to come, we 6ay that Thjassi is earying off Iduna. And, when the days grow longer and the nights shorter, we say that luuna with her.applcs is returning to us. The fire kindled by the gods upon the walls of bright Asgard is the sun, before whose heat winter dissolves; while all nature, partaking of the fruits of spring, grows young again." " My father," murmured sleepy little Thurida, " 1 will wake up to eat some of the apples." Olaf laughed, and, kissing his little daughter, laid her tenderly in one of the bed-boxes 1 filled with elastic seaweed, and spread over her a sack, of seafowl feat lers, saying : ' It is not for many a long and bitter night yet, my Thurdia, that the beauti ful Iduna 'Khali reach our cold land. " Yet," he continued, patting Thorold on the head, "when Iduna is with us, Ioeland's the best laud the sun shines on !" TRAISISO TRICK HORSES. ' Professional Trainer's Kxperlenee In the Art of Kiulna 12ducatlou, A New York reporter was admitted behind the scenes " of Rarnum's circus in New York, nnd saw Cnrl Antony, tlie elebrated horsa ' trn tier, put several horses through the "mill." SignorvHe- astmn. tvlck eauestrian. wns nttired in costume, but it wns simply to give him Ireedoin of motion while ndinc the spiritod steeds. Antony brought for ward a beaulilul charger that lie nan re cent ly purchased. It wns handsomely marked. It carried its head like a prince, and displayed a little, npprehensivencss nt the large banners and billions, under which it Tind to run. In going around the arena the course in Usually toward the left.' Few riders can keep their feet in thn bareback Style in the opposite di eetion. Hiding tradition i more llian physical laws make the course toward tlie left, although ft few skilled riders, hue NMiastinn, lor instance, nave learned ; to ride in . both directions. When a horse new to the ring is to he broken in, he must he taught to put ins left foot first every time. In that only can he preserve that nice equilibrium HUH rse's hps. ,oist necessary lor the rider. xue nor bnck is well rosined, so that tlie eq triun's feet will not slin from the moi skin of the nnimnl. for a Steady foothold is required for those extrnordi narv acts of horsemanship, Antony wnfked nround tlie ring, never taking ills ever-watchful eye from the horses an instan t, nnd snapping his long whip thnt d obedience with every crnck, but ciirriei! tlie task seemed too much and it wns abandoned. Pur ng nn interval. Antony indulged in bits ol talk in regard to his profession, lie has a noble-looking countenance, with a dainty dark red mustache, which be is fond of twirling. " You see, sir," lie began, " horses nre i:i.A(t.i.n. ... .!rw. ,ttn1a , 1, 1 Oil I (TOnt i 1 I f 11 others. And there are many grades of WUtT IIHII , Wl UV (Wl.l..,ILl'.LL m 1,1ft' ii. w ...... nil, itmum t..r I invo fl Itt l M'll- tucky thoroughbred that understands evervthins. As it is. ho has picked up ft 11 1" have wished to impress upon his little wicked soul. Oh. lie s a wild one, I can nssure volt." nnd he laughed with a peculiar chuckle. "American horses earn auicker than nnv other stocK, out thev also forget easier. To-day 1 may have no difiiculty in getting nn idea into their heat s. ami to-morrow they win forget it. This is true, however, only in tlie lirst days of the training. After a while thev'become accustomed to their newly aeotiired skill and form a valuable portion oi your stud. Russian and Hun garian horses, on the contrary, are inure difficult to teach, but when they do learn anything thev hold on to it like grim death. The Trakcne stallions that I in troduce dnv nnd niirht came from Km- neror William's stable in Prussia. 1 broke' them mvseit, nnd, as tney nan never known Halter or stable, ot course thev were pretty lively specimens. They were 'broke' in 184 and have performed in tlie principal cities in I.urope. I could tell ou interesting things in re- garu lO trUllllllg MICK. llOleo, UUI 11 la with us the same ns physicians what we know is our fortune. Kindness. 1 find. accomplishes more than the whin, al though a horse must have a wholesome dveail of the latter. Some people nre under the impression it is a difficult matter to vunke horses stand on their hind jegs nnd walk nround the ring. I think it is one of the easiest. I can make nny good horse do it in two days. It requires assuaguness. Mj lather, who is in the . . , 1.1 city nt present, was considered to be one of the bigges t horse breakers in Furope, and from him 1 learned the art of break- nig horses. Since I wns seven years of age I have been, in some way connected wiili horse business. At that early nge my work was confined to ruling horses at breakneck speed. At fifteen I entered the Imperial school in Berlin, where 1 I learned n grent ileal about horses nnd missed examination 'successfully. Then I went to tlie stables of the Kmperor of tlusw, and had the privilege ol break ing ' for him a magnificent stud. I love mv work and hone to adhere to the pre fession. If you ever go into the art,"' said the horse trainer in conclusion, let nn tell vou that stallions make better trick horses than geldings. They nre arc more intelligent. You din begin to teach a horse when he is two years old, and if vou take care ol him he will last tr a quarter of n century. Hiiat (.'nine of ITnnfiiig Trees, About twelve years ago a gentleman engaged in business in JSew lork citv purchased a farm in tlie interior of tliut Mate, and set about improving it in ue conlance with Ins own tastes and no tions. Tlie farmers nbout him at first 1-iughed in their sieves tit his attempts at book larmmg, and predicted cer tain failure ns the result ot his expo moots. Heing nn admirer of the beauti ful, his first move was to surround his place with shade trees, and to give orders for their careful attention and culture. He next employed the columns of a local paper to prove to his lifciglibors the ad vantages ol trees, not only lor shade and shelter but also as a means of protection against storms. A circular was printed and distributed, Betting forth the matter more fully, and giving directions as to what varieties to plant, nnd how to .care for them after being set. Meetings were called and the matter discussed, until at length the neighborhood caught the spirit of progress, nnd a tree planting mania set in. The highways were adorned for miles, and yards heretofore bare of shade were now adorned with a bountiful supply. Tlie good influence of that man s example spread until the leading roads in tlie whole town were coverted into avenues of shade, and the unattractive village transformed at length into one of the most lovely towns in Central New York. A short time since the place was visited n gentleman from tlie citv a son of tlie party who first led the way in tree planting and it was with dillicultv that lie recognized the spot. The old farm and the neigh bors' farms and the village streets were adorned witli graceful elms and maples - A A.-"- ll ...... f . 1 irom iweniy 10 iinny icet in neigni. Strangers had heard of the place, and. attracted by its beauty, had chosen it for their honie, and line residences now graced the 6hady avenues. Th old farm, which his father had purchased for $11,000, has been since resold for $0,000, and a like advance in property has taken place throughout the town. Tlie gentleman "huilded better than he knew." We doubt not whether, with all his far-sightedness, he ever ex pected such results as have followed from his efforts. St. Paul FUmeer-Prtas. To Remove Dandruff. This is a natural secretion, but be comes a cutaneous complaint by neglect. Take an ounce ot powdered borax, a piece of unslaked lime the size of a chestnut, and a tablespoonful of spirits of ammonia; put them in a quart bottle, and lit it up with boiled or pump water. After twelve hours, apply this wash to tho scalp. Ladies can apply it best with a fine sponge. Rinse with tepid water. After a few applications tho scales will (lisanriwir. the hair heroines soft nnd hiilliunt, and the younij liair will be seen very heavily of late, and all indications to start out. Dandruft should l)e cured are that she is approaching a crisis in Ki-adually, so as not to produee sick her fortunes which will require the full headache or dizziness by its Budden sup- est wisdom of her statesmen to meet pvession. Health and Home. She appears to be socially, politically i - financially and morally disorganized, or in ir. jounson s iamous aictionary lie is guilty of a queer blunder. He defines garret as " a room on tne nignest noor ol tlie House," ana a cocn-ioit as tue room vi wv tM. Anecdote of Qne'en Tlctorla. ' Tlie queen was not twenty years of nge ' when she ascended the throne. ''Coming into possession of power with a heart fresh, tender nhd pure, and With all her instincts inclined to mercy, we may be sure thnt she found many tilings tlint tried h.-r strength of resolution to the lit most. On a bright, beautiful morning tlie young queen wns waited upon nt her palace, nt Windsor, by tho Duke of Wellington, who had brought from London various papers requiring her signature to make them operative. One of them wns n sentence of court martial pronounced ngainst a soldier of the line that semenco that ho be shot dead. he ciueen looked upon the paper nnd then looked upon the wondrous beauties thnt nnturo had spread to her view. "What has this man done?" she nsked. The duke looked at tlie paper nnd re plied: "All, my royal mistress, Unit man, I fenr, is incorrigible; he has de serted three times." "And can you not say anything in his behalf, my lord?" Wellington shook Ins nenii " uni thinK again, 1 prny you!" Seeing thnt lier majesty was so deeply moved, nnd lcoi ing sure she would'not have the man shot in any event, he finally confessed ' .,tj ,t;iii, ii" nii'"j - tnnt the man wns brave and galln really a good soldier. " Hut, he "think of the influence!" "Tnfl' ;allnnt and le added. Influence!" the queen eric A, her eyes flashing nnd her bosom heayimr with strong emotion. "Let it be ours to wield lnlluenee. I will try mercy in this man's ense, nnd I charge you, your grace, to lot me know tlie result A good soldier, you said, Oh. I thank you for that! And you may tell him that vour rniod word saved him." Then slit? took the "paper and wrote with a bold, firm hand across the dark page the bright, saving word "Pardoned!" The duke was fond of telling the story; and he was willing also to confess that the giving of that paper to the pnrdunrd soldier gave him tar more joy than he could have expert - . enceu irom tne inning oi a city. i,onaon ""' Rees on the Wing. When a swarm leaves for the woods they nre off before voil fairly know it. They drift awavfrnm tlie hive in a wide spread and apparently aimless concourse, then suddenly gaticr up their skirts, draw together then forces, nnd away they go, a humming, flying vortex of bees, the queen apptrently in the center and the moss revolving about Jier as n pivoi, over orcnnuis anil me.itiows across creeks nnd swnmns. or woods ant' deep valleys, straiglt for the appointed tree, slow at lirst, so that you can keep up with them, but presently with speed that would tire a fox-hound. Tn this flight tlie individual bees do not move in right lines, sr straight forward like :i flock of birds, but round nnd round hue chatl in a whirlwind : unitedly thev form a whirling, revolving, nebulous mass fifteen or tweniy feet across, that goes as straight as & proiectile to its mark. 1 hey are not partial ns to the kind ol tree pine, hemlock, elm, birch maple, hickory r.ny Sree with a good cavity ingii up or low down. A swarm of mine ran away frotn the new patent hive I gave them, and took up their quarters in tho hollow trunk of nn oli; ipple tree across nn adpiiung hold, lhe entrance was a mouse hole near the ground. Another swarm in the neigh borhood deserted their keeper nnd went into tlie cornice of an out-houso that stood amid evertreens in tlie rear of a large mansion. Hut there is no account ing lor tho tost ol bees, as .snmson found when he discovered the swarm in lllllllll 111.11 11U UlKUVUiril LJIU BITltl t, , probably the s ton) of tlw j(m h;l'(, sain.L,Mu iu riinrr. ,, kelc- llur- Fresh Air nnd Moderate Eating. A capital sermon on fresh air nnd moderate eating il prenched by " Game keeper at Home," hi tlie Pall Mill Gazette : "Its indoors, sir, as kills half tlie peo ple ; being indoors three parts of the day, and next to that, tilling too much drink and vittals. Katirg's as bad as drinking: arid there ain't nothing like fresh air and tiie smell of the woods. You should come out here in the spring, when the oak timber is throwed (because you see the sap be rising, and the bark strips then), nnd just sit down on a stick A tali peeled I means n trunk, you know and sniff up tlie scent of that there oak bark. it goes right down vour throat nnd nre- si-rves your lungs, as the tan do leather. And 1 ve heard sav as lolk whawork in tan-yards uever-hare no illness. There's al witvs a smell from trees, dead or living. I could tell you what wood a log was in tin! dark bv mv nose, and the air is better where tlie woods be. Tho ladies up iu the great houses sometimes goes out into the tir plantations tlie turpentine scents strong, you see and they say it s good for the chest; hut bless you, you must .ive in it. lcople go abroad, 1 in told, to live nt tlie pine forests to cure 'em: I say these here oaks have got every bit as much good in that way. I never eat but two meals a day breakfast nnd supper; what you would cull dinner and maybe in the middle of the day a haunch of dry bread and an apple ; I take a deal of breakfast, and 1 am rather lear (hungry) at supper ; but you may lay vour oath that why I am what I am in the way ot health. People stuffs themselves), nnd, by consequence, it breaks out, you see. It's tlie same with cattle; they're overfed, tied up in stalls and stuffed, and never no exercise, and mostly only food, too. It stands to reason they must get bad. nnd that's the real cause of tliase here rinderpesU and pk-ura-pnuinoni, nnd what-nots. At least that's my notion. I'm in tlie woods all dav. and never comes homes till supper 'cent, of courst, in breeding time, to tetcn the meal and stuff for the birds so I gets the fresh air, you see; and tlie fresh air is the life, sir. There's the smell of the earth, too 'spe cially as the plow turns it up which is a fine thing ; nnd the hedges and the grass are as sweet as sugar after a shower. Anything with a green leaf is the thing, depend upon it, if you want to live healthy.'' ltussiu'8 Plight. A New York paper says : No country iu all civilization seems to be in so pitiable a plight at present as Russia. In addition to her immense foreign debt and her general financial derangement, her political afflictions continually crop ping out in defiance of law, and mys terious assassination, and her losses of every kind from tlie late war, she is threatened witli famine. Last year she suffered exceedingly from drought; nearly one-third or her crops were de stroyed by beetles and marmots so that the seed has been deficient, and field labor is Inadequate in consequence of the excess of holidays about 100 a year and the widespread drunkenness of many tof the people, involving great waste- uiness. iirtun, which is the chief arti cle of export, wliich furnishes the means of paying taxes and of getting all sup- ', . . . . m i a 1 inn, huw act-ins iiiHuiucicni: io nome con sumption, ner domestic debt is very oppressive. Most of the land of the empire is mortgaged to bankers, and Its owners are scarcely able to pay their interest, much less the principal, their arrears being from twenty-five to thirty per cent. Russia is a vast country of vast lesourcest dui sue has drawn on them "car n, anu tine cannot go on much longer in her present condition. ' Evergreen trees on a lawn afford .treat irviuuu tut oamers againat tne wind. ' The Growth of Temperance. The following is from a letter written by William K. Dodge, 6ne of tho lend ing men in the temperance cause in New York city : But those of tis Who can go bnck to the very commencement of the temperance 'reformation know tlint in all parts oftlie country outsideotir largo Hies there has noon a mosi remarKamo dianire in tlie habits and customs of the grent mass of the people ns the result of tlie temperance efforts. Then there wns hardly a family of any standing thnt sat down to dine without some kind of in toxicating drink on tlie table. Men were hnrdly cxpecleti to work on tne farm or in the shop without their regular allowance. It wns kept in every cour. try store s was used at all public gather ings, and, in my , remembrance, was passed nmong the attendants at funer als. As you sat down nt the hotel tables every second man hnd his bottle or elnss of some, kind of Intoxicating drink. Now we know thnt to a great extent this is changed. Go where you will throughout tlie country, sit down to the . . . J o . . . .... f e . i tames ot tne grent majority oi our iami lies. nnd you will find no intoxicating drinks." Sit down In our hotels on tho grent lines of travel nnd you will not sec one person using strong drink, wnere. fifty venrs ago. vou would have seen ten; Those of us who hnvc watched tlie tem perance movement feel that its progress has been most encouraging. I have just returned from nn absence ot two months, in which I liavo traveled through ten States nnd over 2.000 miles, nnd I have seen less drinking nnd fewer drunkards man ever ueiore in nit- same iiuie nuu distance. It has never been ascertained how much old ocean measures around her gray and melancholy waste. ThreiUc-uh evory num. wouiuu or child living in a region ot country wnere lever ana ague is nrevulvnt, since tho gorms of nnUnrinl 3in- ense nre inhaled from the air nnd are swal lowed from tho wnter ol such a region. Mech- cimil safeguard ig nhsolutely neceHsnry to nut hfy this ilnuger. As n menus ol lortilying nnd nceliiuuting thn system so ns to bo able to re sist the nutlurinl ooison, llostoltcr's Stomach Bittni-s is incomparably the brwt and tho most popular. Irregularities ol the stomach, liver and bowels eucouingo miliaria; but these are speedily rectified by tho Bitters. The functions ol digestion nnd secretion arenmisted by its use, nnd a vigorous as well lis regular condi tion ol the system promoted by it. Constitu tion nnd phyutue are thus dufunded ngainst the inroads of malaria by this inutcbloNS pre ventive, which is tiu-o a coruun nnd thorough remedy in the worst cuscm ol iuteruiittcnt and remittent levers. Not Col. lngersoll's "nrintocrncy of tho air," but real human ghosts. Ghosts that wereonoe healthy men and women, but are now simply the "ghosts of what they once woro." As we meet tliein, and inquire the cnuso oi all this change, they repent tlie old, old story, "a cold," "neglected cough," "ciiturrh," "overwork," or "dyspepsia," ' liver complaint," and "consti pation," v ith uiisuecesHlul physiciuns and remedies. In offering his Golden Medical Dis covery anil PleiiMiut 1'uigativo Toilets lor tho cure ul the above affections, Dr. Pierce does not recommend theni as a "sure cure" in all singes. fr if the lungs bo hall wasted away, or there bt ciuieerous complication, no pbv sicie.u or luedieiuo can oure. lhe Discover. is, however, an uneiiialed pectoral and blood purifier. It speedily cures the most aggravated cough or cold, and, in its early or middle stages, consumption. Jty correcting nil irregularities of the stomach und liver, it readily cures blotches, pimples, scrofulous ulcers, "bunches," or tumors. Hundreds testily that it has re stored their health, after eminent physicians had lulled. For constipation, use the lMlets. As n local remedy lor catarrh, use Dr. Kayo's I'utiirrh Heinedy. Sudden changes in the weal her a re productive of throat diseases, couglis nnd colds. There is nn more effectual relief to be found than in tlie nso of " llrown's Uronchinl Troches." Twenty-live cent a bo lu lhci luy4, s hen thero is o much Btriic among makers as to who shall produce the lowest-priced parlor organ, it is well to remem ber that one company keeps np their standard of highest excellence livery organ made by them may bo depended on. To have a Mason .v Hamlin Organ is to have the best that can be linMe. tunoke I'ogii'iV' Sjiitiiigilull I liuham Tobacco lops hiuf and lines the uir tuissasjos is eiceeelin(ly sensitive, and sli'-.'-t irritation of it increase) und -Jii-i"''1 : - .... " .-'.n'jiui.ij liii i, use, il . o,i era attacked bv u oouffh or cold, hut incomparable jmlmonie nnd preventive ol (onsu:ni!ion, Dr. HaW's linlMara for tho Lungs, which mvai udjly givt speedy relief and ulti mately elTer.ts n completo cure in all cases where the hrt'iithinir orains are affected. Use it in time nnd prevent serious bronchial trou ble. .Sold by all di-uggibta. CHEW l"hn t'flehiated " MAT'liLi-i- " Wood Tag Plug Tobacco. Tub Piokekr Tobacco Compant, New York, Boston, and Chicago. Chew Jackson's Host 8 wcet Navy Tobacco. The Howard 3IUlou aii-1 lloms for Little Kunderers gives aid and comfort to the sick, tarnishes food, shelter and clothes to the destitute, work for the uuomployed and procures homea for homeless children. It Is non-tiecttrlau and Is suppoited mainly by oluo- tary contributions. We earnestly aok yon to help ns. Cosh may be sent to II. K. Tompkins, Treasurer, P. O Hon 4AU. N. T or to A. S. llatch, President, t Nassau Street. l'lease send your bundles of doUilng and supplle. to the MUaiun, tu New Bowery, N. V. A. 8. 11 ATCIL Pre. Eev. Wilijbd PmsoyB, Supt ELECTRICITY n!4B or num. in alwavi rt-1'ly un-l is dunU'.e. ijrKe Hiak, Jis Int... 24 puli s. :" .Wl: Hi-It. U1. Clrruiars COM HAN v.'Si liii-nltou l'.ce. Uo,ton. Sp.cial Induce ...:..., -. l'i r.iitii: iiini: A il hk :r vaanin to Afcf i.w. moues: Horn- nnn.iivcn nil Is iierff-ctlv rvira Prononnctd tho beet by the li'gh- csi meJKtil sv.Uinritiui in Uio world. Gin u Iuko award at l'J tVoriu's Kxin.itiona. and at hold by iirusriratfc V.ll..Scliiflli-lin V t a..i Y. AliEJTS 1VAJITEU FOB "ItACKfroiu tht SiOVTIl of JIELL." 1;- tine who Una been there 1 "Use mul tall of thf 3fO I'S TA CUK.' Ms the Iiuiiioi,'lun liuwkeye humorlet. "Hamantha uh a I. A. nnd P. I." Hy Josiati Allen's wife. Tlie three brightest aud bett-bclUng books out. Agents, you can oat these books in everywhere. ternis given. Address fur Ageucy, AMKltlCAN PLliLLSUlNl. CO., Hartford. (Jt.i Chlcagu. III. . Lawn Mowers at Half Price. TIIK JOHNSON I " 8 Iucheg to I iu lir. Five llellan to Thirty I'ollare. Simple, durable nnd easy. Every yard or Uwu may be ki-pt neat aod atlmuive at allcht expense. Agents wjntad. No bouu fur exclulTe territory. Address for particulars, AI STIN STBVKNfj, 15 Park Row, New York. P. O. B- tl. We will pay Ageui. a salary ul snw per mouin sea expans.., er allow a large eommlMloa, U sell eur e.w euawonderfiil iuTentioos. H "? "l"ft'J? cle (ra. Address cHaHMAN t Mara hail, Mica, i Sura relief ICTTTM1 1.11'inrnio iviV'i k!0 l"rtoeSou.'"llJ kiUDER 8 jllfeO brliaT.. StoweUC ekjaasjKjVfHSHS'. .t'A-- rjrV-i-.riii.wa. Maaa. a. a . A. rt"liivebled in Wall St. Stocks makes M J Tn a 1 1 j It LI fortune every nioiim. am QIU IU IUUWrretexp-alllilu, everything. Adilreas HAXTF.H i CO.. Itanki-ra, IT Wall 8L. S. , Y. TOCH ilT lUCTIO . iY, iitl.OOO Words nnd alt'BH.r Hil l Foe. t'o.. J-ArtF.. aHHi ktN""!" i ii.i.ii Al elk In lila. lume Miu ueure.1. Luwe.t Frkea. l)o not tail I !u write. Dr. F. K. MiiraUunicy M leh SODA FOUHTAINS--'' "" R Sbipped rfd. for u. r-r CHOdojue. a I-,. Inn -3T8T l0.y as a CURATIVE POWEIl MSlHK.fni iWUf&l pad or belt,cUng onljr with Uie moM wrtt,t!l & 1ilsSTl" i'f '1 L3 I WmSA of the human boJy, baa 00 equal fur eOWirtK-T i '- f-i f-! JJtS ti'.ll!? I II 8 J K f IZfTTV aDdeconoray. Specially adapted for the rclle ., ' J , J ' " . 1 . and cure of nervius ani chronic allinenU. snrb 0" nJ J" Send for a pamphlet on B'u-j as Neuralgia, llhcumatlsni, and local weak- f """(K1 uUr ad-lress in full, to W OOLltlCJU A Co., It is aexibie and eiwr to wear. ""'"v?r'.u'D un Knrllmuty of Hollih, Saving Labor, Cleanliness, Porabllliy and f ,hnjiness JTnrqftalrd. . Alolitlli UlMja., Proprlotors, Canton. Mass DEMOREST'S Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Nnbncrlber-i for 1 HT9 will 1p printed with the iuowiuj iianciard pubuuiiidnt a prrmmro: MME. DEMOltEMT'H What to Wear, nf-ml-nnnnnt. loitfollo of Fashion. mt-aniinal. IUuitratd Journal, quarter ly All the four pnbllcatlons, One Year, for Thrca D0lf ;fAl'S , including polAge. W. JEN'MNViS DEMOliKST, 17 Kast 14th Street, New Tork. Send name on Postal for fall particulars. ff K r artT.-Bfiuni rnirpmraTi Ct9 PURE COD LIVEE vtt trr t Turn To the Coiimmpth-e. WHbor'i Com- pocnd or Cop I.itkk Oh, jn Limv. without nr-ssfsslnfi the uattBentinB flavor of 1ip artirle pb heretofore nwil, lb endowed by thf PboBjihal ot Lime with a ht-allnp property whirh lenders the Oil doubly effl ncious. Hn markaliie t-'otiinoninls or l! einVa'Y thown- Sold by A. B. Wii.aoR, Chemist, Hoston. aud all drtmaif t 1 Soldiers-Pensioners. We publish nn eight - page paper The Ninosit Tbjbtjke' devoted to the liifcTentn of Pensioners, Sol diers and Sailors and their belrs; also coutaius Interesting faintly rendluR. Price, Fifty cents ft year special Inducement, to cm. A proper hiank to collect due under new Ar rteik4 or Pension Ilnx. fiirnitihcd eratuitouslv. to rt'cnla: snhscribers only, and such claims tiled in Pc nstoii Oillre without cbaTKC. J.-tniiarv number specimen copy free , Scud for it. UiiOHfiE K. LKMON k CO.. 1 Wfishlmtton. 1). C. Lock TWx 391. O W TO GET THEM In the tint piM of Die lute. . 000. 000 :r.rriu,e. ',.r I'rve cipy ol Kan.fia I'aclllo llom J. Illlinore LanJ lou r, balint. All EAU W.T1IHTIMF Tlie Tery best K'ods direct (rim ti 'iiipnrters at Holt Uie usual cost, llest plan evrr oflTed w 'Hub A grent i , tuiai cost. lie Lar liuyers. and Urce Buyers. ALL KXl'HLSS CUAKGES PAID N'W ternuPUtiK. The Groat Am or Iran Tea Company, :il nnd 3.1 Vcaey Street, lew York. P. O o42;5. TiiE NEWYORK SUN. I.AII.V, 4 pi-iuj. Kfi ct. h monlb; 80.50 a yeai M'. OA Y. S panes. stl.tlO a yiiir. W!".l-:li J.V. H pmrcs. SI tt year. Till: Sl'A" has tUi lurui-nt clri-ulatlon and la tin rhcapeat and luot lnleruiUijg paper lu the I'ulteii Si'il"3. TIIK T.KHL Sli la empliauciu.'y the peo- p.e s liiuiuy pari r KN'Gf.AN'K. Pnt llsher. N. V. f)lty. f rr'iv.'ti t r,. tlf " t M 'lti .it lie rti enl r PARIS KXrOSITIONt nviri.ll Au;-ri. ii- ii.H.ut ib. 'liittr PI.X:U.K IUP cnilvKT 4 1 20 Bnt"i tl-n wiih p-'iirct i:i.l U stkd i"t to 1 n ik .(ftwti over t'i liii Titt-tr IIIMMII I'tHtMTv.lth It- ltd- turn provi'd iliift. 1 Ji W n Krt'f .-r f nvrtrtt l.inwrr. Tlietr Kt'l.SlMI COliSkTH tli a c'i'lliTlit "if cv.-i y (ih K r mU- ly iil!1oft.ilui me rc!i.tit". ? U Ji J I 11 I'iL-"...: WAKrihl! ni!0S., 351 Broadway, S. I t vr ctriuivmi vmiul. lllllfttl UctllrltV I'.'i bt'i'ii lifif-r' tli- pvi'ilic tr.irtv yenia aiirl UBt'tl by u'.l, wtlb aud without the advice m" hviit'!aii?. lIiiikt'H Itemeily hn have;! imiii uuireriuj: icspaac vud ileat!; huu lreds of wl ravel, and all HiKnsi's or the i.lrji:vi. Uialdvr and Iriimry IIikadh. aijii-l for pam phlet to WM. S. CLAKKK, Provldiuce, It. I. WEAR WEST. A choice from over l.ttoo acres Ioxva Tnn ft ft. due Wi'dt from Chicago, at from !$5 to Si4 uer acre, lu farm lota and uti easy terms. Low f reightu and ready market, wildtniebti no acue uo Indiana. Ijuid-expiorlng ''.4 frcia I'blcAKO, free to buyers. For Maps, Pam iiiiicUi an i full mfonuatinn apply to IOWA RAIIlSOAT LAD COMPACT, CcdarJ Jtapids, Iowa, or 13 Kaudolph Street. Chicago. Aud Other Colorado Glittering C'urlonitlea, sent in cabinet of twenty-five dtnVrent spectmem each for 'Ji tiriei;n.l.f0,aud twelve,!. Aleo, four Miulni , and liallroad Mane, tea views of Co!oraJo Scenery, and i IJihtory of Uadvllle, for il. AgeuU wanted, Send ktauip for circular. , AddretH ALUKItSOV ft COOKK. Cut this out. J'.ox IHm Uadville, Colo. COLONY. A fOLOXY U orcanlilng In BVFFALO for t'ALIFOK'IA.togoout tbiasummer to acille In a community, information will be sent by mall on noollcatlon, Inclosing two tbree-cent stamps. Address CALIFORNIA COLONY. II WEST SWAN STIUSET IK'KFAl.O, N. Y., or Wendell Kaston, Moutgouiery t , San Franclaco, Ca i lASl UWpricea i iclitwt honors-. iiiiuoiiek a fccale for aqurua nuert un r.K'ita hi America 12,0 0 In u Pluis Bfnt nn trial atHlzus tree. MnNLEia BOJi.N l'UNO Co.. 21 L. 15tU biroct, H. Y. BERRY CRATES? Autt ikulicta. In nte 10 yra. Ht-ut k rhcanest ma-te. Send ior Free Circular. S.D. HA ri'KHSOX, HulV.ilo.N.Y. VOUNC MEN I month. Every trradaate ruai Learn THefraptiV and earn S tO to SlOO a mmith. Kvrv irrA.lmktp aitartkntPit a nnvtuo altn 1 tbB. Addresa H. Valentine, Manager, Janasvtlie, Wia. tion. Ad BIG! PAY. With Siencll Outflia. What coats 4 eta. bells rapidly for (Hi eta. Catalogue, re S. M. finNCEH, lia iWmh'n St, IloaUm. Maaa. J)Q31iiiiii'll,'Wln tne worm; one nam pie tree 'Ad-lreaaJAY KKONSO.V, Detroit, liu'k. , A YEAR. 11.'' til." .,lli TEAS! 1 i ' is- jicftifmiaN la mm ; EllEDYl y rureh uiophv, m HOMES LMPILLIGDLOMER . 1 iiB i KKLLY BTKKL BARB FKNCK WIRtt. W H I 1 I ten il. Bci.d fun-ircuiM- mJ pr o l t. ' " U TH..M W..F Mtiw- "-V- t I Hi f tW Ii V!lTI.- ttetf fi3f H ai. ertii tk. 1 f Wrt 1 n The Constitution of the United States. A eopy of Tba CoiulUuUon of tlx lulted KtaUs, with aU ths AJu.udxucuto coiupleU, naaU printed and bound, 2, pages. "Pocket Kdltioa',' e.01 be sent tret to any applicant on receipt SI l-er.l pestags stimr. Address CK0. P KOWELL k C. Kewspaper AdveitUing Bureau, lO Bprnoe Street, New Turk. New Music Books TVio nnsnfil of JoV tlr Rev. Siavite. . Aijuk and 8, H. hymns i"l melodies myde for them. ' ma mac. Wsltforlt, tW cents.) The Shining Kiver d . . B.. mala). Baa"tn t t esi oi 0wnr""n- Gems of English Song iVBb nearly mi me I,MWdi. $3.00 olotb. IU uei souk. w TV n continue.' In great demand, iI.M tw Pinafore to "-Suw instrntnental arranneinent. Tm,SpCEHB,, also complete, Is equally good, at P- The Musical Eecord r..nuY, W..UT Mnslral Par" Z?.l:l for single copy, containing W cenu wo..- OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. C. H. DITSOW vu., .Tv. 849 MrIMvr- , - E. IITSOIf 4. CO., . a,n-. STS U-1T For Two Generations The good nnl stauncli i old stand-by. MEXICAN OUS TING LINIMENT, has done morn to assuase pahi, relieve finPreritt!?, nnd save tbo lives ot miMi and beasts than all other liniments put together. AVIiyE Bcciinw tho Mnstang pene trates ihronish skin and flesb to tho vry bone, driving out Ml and soreness nnd i'y)r3;d secretions, aud restor ing the afflicted part to sound and sapplo health. Is tlie Old Reliable Concentrated Liyf FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. r.tfiT!. rcnmTwnvintr each can for makloc Bard,. Soft and Toilet Sap ti'nirkly. IT IS FULL WEIGHT AND STRKXGTa. Tlie Markrt In flooded with (so-cAlled) Vnrentraf1 Lye. which Is adulterated with salt nnd resin, ana inmi make Atxip. - r r-t a m n iilrni A vn BrTT m APoryiFiEll HADE BT TUB ircnnsjlvnnla Salt ManuTg Co., PfllUA DELrULA. tie ami First EMtnblUUefl I Moat Successful t nir.IH INSTRUMENTS have Standard VoJoe to all Leading Markets at tne wonat Bvcrj where recoitnuwd as tne j'INKST IN TONH OVER 80,000 .Hade and In use. New Vetitut constanUy. Bs Work aud Lowent Pikes. Uir Send for A CnUlogw. j fteamjjjUpp JaStto jUBoston, Mass. MASONIC HunnllpH for TOdeos. ChnDters. tnd Cnmmuntloriefl, rnnnufact- uroil hv Xr. C. lAlh u .fc Vn.. Colum- jS' out, O. Sena for frtc Jins. .nrKnlghti Templar Uniforms a Specialty. Military, Society, and Firemen's Goods. Chairs and Rockers With or without Reading TaMe. No Office, Library, public f prt-vate.SHUng-room or Plaua shouHl be without some of my ilocklnjrv ('hairs, so roouiv, so eaay and Ju able I Try my Purttan Hocker, or iaS' find Rbst. Bend stamp tor Ulu- wjg uttiA'ii rrice vo (S F. A. SINCLAIR, Monruxa. N.T P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL HISTORY of the U.S. fKThe vreat Interest tn the-VbrtUluK history of or emn- uy uiaKes inn me riuiu-i-fiiinK boon evet- puuiKtnan, prlct'b rdu'-ed 33 per cent. It la the most compete 11 j tory of the V. 8. ever pubUthed. Send for extra tenm . Agent, and see why it Mils so very fast. Addretw National PoBuamye Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. CURED FREE. AntnfalllMsand unexcelled Remedy ft: Flte.KpllepeyorFaUlnxrNlclaneea wavrrauteif to effect a speedy aud rKKn.tHEH l cure " A free bottle of toy renowned specific and a valoah.e ITS; Treatise sent to any snfWT sending me uis r. u. ana &x press addrosa. P-Hi ROOT, 1 Pearltreet, NewTort. Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs Demonstrated best by HIDIIFT HONORS AT Al L WORLD S EXPOSITIONS FOR TWKLVK YKARS,.I at Paris. 17; Vilkii., 1KTS; Sakti.oo, 1175; PuiiDa ruia, 176; Paris, IH7H, and Ukand Swhdisb Gold alaoa . 1s;m. oniy A uierican Organs ever awarded highest bw ors at any such. Sold for cash or installments. Lllos. tratku Catauocss snd Circulars with new styles uid rricit, sent free, masun a uamua utuan ia., lloston. New York or Chlraco. mm 1Ki t'KAKi'H H1D9IKY CtHE, for sTltlrV XJ NKY DISBASKS. A sure Remedy, alluree un known. Send for Ctrci'.ar. 'oyes llros'. a Cutter, 8u Paul; Lord. SWutbnrg A Co., Chicago; A. Smith, lxo don; W. dox, Ripley, Ohio; K. Cary, Dee Moines; J hli arns. Detroit. The most popnlar meilicluc uf the day. mTI . p. Choicest in the world importers' pdcea I r, A X Largest Company in America Staple sr. A. J-IXAUs tide Please, everybody Trade eontiru ally inrseaslng Agents wanted everywhere Beet l ducementa Don't waste time Send for Circular. Roll T WEL1JS, 4U Veeey St., N. Y. P. O. llox !. &77 .."n.1?. guarntd.teAght.