The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 16, 1879, Image 4

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Orchard aad Oardea Note.
In making selections (or an orchard,
the question should not be, What are
the best varieties ? but what are the best
grown in yonr locality. If there are any
frnit-gTowera in the neighborhood, get
their experience. If one is in a new
country, where information of this kind
cannot be obtained, the next best is the
opinion of a nnrseryman of good reputa
tion. For family use, the orchard should
contain varieties from the earliest to the
latest, the greater number of trees being
of good keeping kinds.
For market fruit, the selection will
depend npon whether the market is near
at hand or the frnit is to be shipped to
a distance. One near a town will find
showy early apples, which do not keep
long or transport well, morn profitable
than later kinds.
Protect young trees from large ani
mals by oare of fences and gates.
Trap or shoot rabbits; smearing the
trunks with blood or raw meat of any
kind will keep them off.
If cions have not been cut. do it now
in a mild spell; label and store in saw
dust, moss or sand, and keep in a cool
Make channels to carry off surface
water wherever needed.
Cart out manure to the orchard.
If there is any one respect in which
farmers take the country through do
not live np to their privileges, it is in
the matter" of small fruits. The table
of the city mechanic is better supplied
with these fruits than that of many a
wealthy farmer. We hope to see the
time when every farmer s family shall
have their fill of fruits, from the begin
ning of strawberries to the end of grapes.
The succession in small fruits is:
Strawberries, raspberries, currants,
gooseberries (usually Bold green), black
berries and grapes. Of course, there is
some lapping, the late varieties of one
kind coming in with the early sorts of
the next. Those who have had no ex-
Eerience in these are at a loss how to
egin. If one has the money to invest,
plantations may be made this spring;
but many, whose means are restricted,
would like to make a beginning; such
may purchase a few plants of each
variety, and propagate them to obtain a
supply for a planting. This will, of
course, take time and cause the loss of
a year with strawberries, and of two or
three years with the shrubs.
Whatever of pruning has been omitted
should be completed on mild days.
Coarse manure may be applied around
currants and gooseberries; the soluble
portions will find their way into the soil,
leaving the rest as a mulch in hot
The plow and spade, wherever the soil
is not too wet, may be kept at work in
mild weather, and thus facilitate tte
spring operations.
Implements should be overhauled and
put in order and the stock replenished.
Extra plow-points, cultivator teeth, and
duplicates of parts likely to be broken,
save many a half day's work.
Overhaul the stock of seeds. If in
doubt as to the vitality of any, there is
time to test them by sowing in a pot or
box of earth in a warm room.
Provide a supply of pea brush and
bean poles.
Make markers of various widths, and
A well-made wooden reel for the gar
den line is better than the weak iron ones
sold at the stores.
Labels or marking-stakes should be
provided ; have these so large that they
cannot be hoed up without some trouble.
American Agriculturist.
Fruit Tree Borer.
Let not our readers forget that much
of the weakening of our fruit trees is
owing to absolute starvation, caused by
the workings of stem-borers. The sup
ply of sap upwards is cut off by every
hole which they make, and is just so
much put in the way of the tree getting
all the food;it needs. It is of no use to
manure trees, and keep our eye on all
other cultural details, if these rascals
are permitted to continue their depre
dations. This is one of the best sea
sons of the year to look after and de
stroy them. The egg laid during the
summer has now developed to a consid
erable " worm," and it is working its
way down between the bark and wood
or even into the wood, so as to get
comfortable quarters for the winter.
Their presence can be readily ascer
tained by noting a little fresh looking
matter like saw-dust near the tree at
the surface of the ground, which the
larva eject in their boring course. To
destroy them get a trowel and dig away
a little from the stem, so as to find
exactly the opening of the channel made
by the insect, and then thrust down a
piece of stiff wire upon it, which will
generally end its days.
To many this looks like a considera
ble job; but a smart hand can get
through with several hundred trees a
a day in this search, as the fresh dust
affords an unerring clue to the direct
whereabouts of the marauder. Sural
Health illDtn.
A writer in the Farm Journal cures
dyspepsia by a swallow or two of vine
gar after each meal.
The best drink for renewing the pow
er of endurance that we have tried is
simply hop tea three or four days old,
strained and put away with a little
sugar. Ex.
Three cures for sore throat are recom
mended by a New York paper, as fol
lows: (1) Gargle the throat with sola
tion of salt and water. (2) Gargle
throat with chloride 01 potash and
water. (3) Keep a small lump of gum
camphor in the month and swallow the
saliva : do the same with chlorate of
There is no simpler or better remedy
for frost bites wan the following : JSx
tract the frost by the application of ice
water till the frozen pari is pnaDie,
avoiding all artificial heat ; then apply
a salve made of equal parts of hog's
lard and gunpowder, rubbed together
until it forms a paste, and very soon the
frozen parts will be wen. actentyw
A curious old manuscript, containing
an allusion to the death of Uuttenburg,
the Brent inventor of printing, has re
cently been found in the Walraf museum
at CJologne. it contains tne poems,
written in Latin, of a certain Jan Burtz-
bach, who speaks in one of them of a
recent invention by means of which the
works of authors can be rapidly multi
plied;" adding that this invention "had
proved fatal to the discoverer, for a
band of malcontents had entered his
house, borne him away in a carriage,
and then out his throat" The moral
that the wise medieval poet derives from
this circumstance is that " the love of
gain is often the cause of our rain."
The poem is dated 1141, and is com
posed of 2,000 verses.
Fashion Natea.
Pale-drab cloths trimmed with far
are worn by young ladies.
Only one very small ornament is worn
on the head, even in full dress.
Blue-gray, or lead-white, is announced
as about to displaoe cream-white.
Suits of black ehuddah cloth are now
made np very plainly and trimmed with
black silk.
Antique embroideries are carefully
cut from old dresses and sewn npon
new once, with very good effect.
A light rose-piuk is the choicest color
for ladies glovep. Pure white kids, of
course, are indispensable on wedding
Finger puffs are little worn, the ex
traordinary f eaka played with them by
some women having destroyed their
Ear-iings pendants are going out
of fashion, though solitaires, either dia
monds or pearls, will be worn by all
who can afford them.
Winter fans have knob handles,
which hold powder and a puff. A mir
ror, a scent tnbe and a pocket comb
are hidden in the side sticks.
White and pearl-colored bonnets have
facings, breasts, lips or ties of garnet
or wine in a majority of instanoes, and
the contrast is certainly most charming.
Striped silks and sntius are used for
facings on black gowns. They aro cut
straightwise and laid so as to show two
or three stripes. Velvet is employed on
red costumes.
Jet, crystal and amber are all fash
ionably beaded among garnet grass or
the various fancy colored gimps, but
black jet is used more frequently than
any, and is decidedly preferred for
black trimmings.
Suits of fine twilled flannel are worn
both in the house and the street. They
are made without flounces, the under
skirt being of alpaca faced about fifteen
inches from the hem ; the overskirt be
ing turned up washerwoman fashion ;
and the basque a Russian blouse. Seven
yards of double-width cloth is enough
to make one of these suits for a person
of ordinary height.
Indoor and Outdoor Exercise.
Few ladies, Bays the Boston Tran
script, have any idea of the number of
steps they take and the number of miles
they walk daily in going about their
houses. The pedometer reveals some
extraordinary facts. A lady, an acknowl
edged invalid, who thought she saved
every unnecessary step, found that she
had, between breakfast and tea, walked
nearly two miles without going outside
the door. The pedometer would prob
ably show that nervous ladies who
"can't sit still," and are constantly
" jumping up " to get this or that, walk
at least five miles a day in their daily
travels about the house. What it would
do in the case of the young ladies who
dance by the hour, yet are too delicate
to walk, can be imagined. Of course,
exercise is a good thing, but exeroise
in the open air is the kind that in bene
ficial to health. If our ladies would
manage to avoid a part of their unneces
sary " trotting around " the houses
the result, in the great part, of nervous
habit and put the same number of
steps in outdoor exercise every day, the
result would be greatly to the advan
tage of their health. And then there
are the stairs. If a lady were asked to
hoist her own weight through twelve to
fifteen feet of space, the ordinary height
of a "story," she would esteem it a
cruel hardship, but she will do precise
ly that a half a dozen times a day to get
her "other gloves," her fan, or to see
that her ha;r is as it should be. Let
any lady take pains to count the number
of times she climbs a flight of stairs in
the course of a day, and she will be
surprised to find how much of her
strength is consumed in lifting herself.
Funeral of a Chinese Mason.
A stunning Chinese funeral took place
in this city yesterday afternoon, says a
recent issue of a Virginia City (Nev.)
paper, deceased having been a member
of the Masonic order, as it exists among
the Mongolians. An American brass
band headed the procession, which was
composed of Chinamen wearing badges
ana other decorations denotmg their
rank, while in a Urge covered vehicle that
followed the hearse were seated a num
ber of female musician; a regular
Chinese band, in fact. The instruments
were fiddles, guitars, drums, cymbals
and gongs. Tue noise made by the Ce
lestial musicians was such that after
they came np and passed not another
uote from the American band was heard.
They gave their late brother a good
seud-oif. Behind the native band wagon
came a wagon loaded with roast pig and
all manner of good things eatable and
drinkable to be left at the grave. Strips
of paper pierced in three places with
creoent-shat:ed holes in rowB of five
were strewn by thousands along the
whole route of the procession. The
Imericans who crowded the line of
maroh outside barbarians seemed to
consider the whole thing a sort of farce,
tnd rather a jolly affair. A bevy of
Piute tquaws standing at the corner of
C and Taylor streets langhed until the
tears ran down their cheeks when the
Chinese band came along. These sim
ple children of the desert doubtless put
themselves outside of all the viands left
at the grave of the defunct as soon as
the shades of evening covered the hills.
Nor man Superstitions.
The directions prescribed as preven
tives against all sorts of witchoraft vaiy
in different parts of Germany, and a: e
generally limited to certain province?.
Thus, in Silesia, people carefully avoid
swallowing a cat's hair or a fragment of
thread, as this imprudence would cer
tainly cause consumption. In the Tyrol,
eating a sparrow is believed to bring
about St. Vitus dance ; and in Hesse,
spitting into the fire will make the
culprit's mouUi sore, a belief which is
probably a remnant of the time when
fire was considered sacred. In Saxony,
nobody ventures to wipe their fingers
on the tablecloth, lest their hands be
come covered with warts. Throughout
Germany, brooms play a large part in
the tragi-oomedy of popular medicine,
since they are the witches' favorite
means of conveyance to their nightly
feast at the Blocksberg. In Westphalia
that lumber room of superstition
and Saxony, the unfortunate mortals
who happen to have been beaten with
a broomstick firmly believe themselves
doomed to. die of consumption; and
small children who have been chastised
by means of a hazel or willow rod, are
supposed either to be crippled or stant
ed in their growth. Another strange
notion prevailing throughout Germany
is that no one should boast of good
health, at least not without spreading
ont the fore and middle fingers of both
hands, and saying the word Unberufen
or Unbetohrieen, whioh means jin be
witched. Many of these preventives
are closely connected with church holi
days ana other religions ooncerns.
Thus, bathing in the open air on Good
Friday or at Easter is supposed to keep
the Siletians well and healthy the
whole year, and in Saxony, the common
preservative against ague is to eat nine
different kinds of green vegetables mix
ed together on Maundy-Thursday. In
many parts of the German empire it is a
custom to take a oold bath on Christmas
night, for during the following Twelfth
night the water is believed to possess
magio powers. In Brandenburg, the
oil believers in these wonderful doc
trines say that every illness becomes
contagions to those who hear the sick
porson complaining about the disease:
wherefore the individual thus addressed
will most ungraciously retort :
" Bear thy pains alone,
Or bewail them t5 a stone."
Three crosses painted over the house
door keep diseases and all other domes
tic disasters off the homes of tme be
lievers : for whioh the initials K., (Kas
par), M., (Melchior), and B. (Baltba
ear), or even the pentalpha, (common
ly called wizard-foot), may be substi
tuted. This prntalpha consists of two
triangles united in a manner to foim a
five-pointed star. It is strange to ob
serve how, in the above-mentioned cus
toms. Christian and heathenish ele
ments are commingled. Chambers'
"The Tug of War."
The recent two days' exhibition of
amateur atbletio games, in Gilmore's
garden, New York, resulted in a series
of interesting contests, consisting of
running and walking matches, veloci
pede and hurdle racing, and " tugs of
war," in which two " teams " catch hold
of a rope and try to pull each other
over a mark. 1 he last event in the ex
hibition a tug of war between twenty
men is described thus by a reporter
The concluding event was a tug of
war the final of the contest of the
previous evening between the Scottish'
American team and the team of the Em
pire City gymnasium. The former had
never before been beaten, and looked
like winners in their pretty uniforms,
displaying magnificently-developed mus
cles. The Empire City men were knot
ty fellows, apparently workingmen.and
were simply stripped to their shirts and
pantaloons. The struggle was the tin
est that ever took place. At the flash of
the pistol the Scots went to work imme
diately with every muscle of their bod
ies and all the skill for which they have
won a reputation, but they did not
budge their opponents an inch. Then
the Empire City men pulled for all they
were worth, and succeeded in dragging
their opponents a foot toward the line.
The cheers, yells, whistles and cat-calls
that arose from the assemblage at this
were simply deafening. The triumph
of the Scotchmen had been regarded as
a foregone conclusion,and the delight of
the crowd at this indication that the con
test was not to be altogether one-sided
was indescribable. Men lost their heads
and jumped around like lunatics, at the
seme time shouting themselves hoarse
at one team or the other. Until the end
of the contest the din had no cessation
nor the excitement any abatement." The
mortified Scotchmen rallied and made a
supreme effort, bnt they loBt another
inch in so doing. Pull followed pull in
quick succession; the bnnched muscles
on the arms, backs, and legs of the
Scotchmen swelled and writhed, and
their powerful bodies swayed from side
to side under an intermittent strain that
seemed almost enough to part the thick
rope, but the others were like rooks.and
yielded not a hair's breadth. On the
contrary, they proved quick to take ad'
vantage of every relaxation of their op
ponents, and added inch after inch to
their advantage, until they had a clear
gain of four or five feet. Then they just
anchored themselves and held on. The
Scotchmen got mad at length, and began
taunting the Umpire City men, but they
stopped on being promptly hissed. The
niteen minutes were fast slipping away.
Bracing themselves, the Scotchmen
partly arose, and pulled until it would
f-eem that something must break. But
to no avail. The pistol shot went off
which gave the Empire City men the
victory, and a shout arose that shook
the building.
Roses in Winter.
At a recent regular monthly meeting
or. the Mew xork Horticultural society
the business was to elect half a dozen
new members and to listen to the read'
iug of a prize essay. Mr. Peter Hender
s in. the veteran norist. offered in .No.
vember last a special prize of 825 to the
writer of the best esay on ' Hose (Jul
ture for Winter Blooming." The prize
went to William Bennett, florist, Flat-
bush. Mr. Bennett advised that cuttings
should be taken from the strongest roots,
as early as January if possible. In
March plant them in the rosa house
The border in whioh they are to be ee1;
should be of strong loamy soil, with no
manure. Drainage of the border should
be perfect. While the roses are grow
ing during the summer months, they
must be well watered continually. The
v trieties best to grow for winter are
Ron Silene, Saffrano, Sprunt, Cornelia
Cook, Nephitos, Douglas, Madain, Tal
c )t. Pearl of the Garden and Marshal
Neil. These comprise all shades of
o lor known in roses. Pruning should
be done sparingly ; roses are usually
hurt by overzealons pruners. The tern'
perature iu the night should not average
bove fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit, and
by day seventy-five degrees. Finolly
Mr. Bennett said that the causes of
failure to produce winter rose blooms
are not only that the border is usually
manured too richly, bnt also that the
borders are badly drained and the roses
too closely pruned. Great care should
be taken to begin the temperature low
when the rose-house is closed np in the
fall. If weather permits, the tempera
tnre at the beginning should be forty
five degrees in the night, ranging np to
fifty-five degrees in daylight.
New Mexico has seven different tribe a
of Pueblo Indians, each speaking a dif
ferent language. Arizona has one tribe
that live in seven different villages, ad'
jaoent to each other, however, and in
several towns a different dialect is
spoken the Moquis.
Words of Wisdom.
Truth is as impossible to be soiled by
any outward touch as tne sunbeam.
No man is the wiser for his learning,
Wit and wisdom are born with a man.
Reason is the life of the law; nay, the
common law itself is nothing else bnt
To write well is to think well, to feel
well and to render well; it is to possess
at once intellect, soul and taste.
A man can do without his own appro
bation in much society, bat must make
great exertions to gain it when he Uvea
Our hones, though they never hap pen
yet are some kind of happiness; aa trees.
whilst they are growing, please in the
Itlea wha Mel aa the Field of Heaer, aad
What thev Qaarreled Aboet.
Jan. 12. At the innotion of the A.
and G. and 8. and 0. B.R.. three miles
from Savanna, between Walter A. Har
ley, lawyer, and Robert Vishburn, ten
paces, uoit's revolvers, iiarley killed:
cause, politics.
Feb, 8 A. J. Niooiopuio and George
Villere fought with swords at Montgom
ery station, on the N. O. and M. R.R. ;
Niooiopuio wounded in hand.
Feb. 2C In Charles City county, Va.,
forty miles from Richmond, Thomas
Wilcox and Richard Walker, dispute
about lands adjoining; two shots fired
and Walker fell; Wilcox slightly wound
ed in the arm. Both parties were ar
rested. After the first shot Wilcox said :
" Hold on, my pistol is ont of order and
won't fire." "All right; I'm not in a
hurry and I'll wait," was his opponent's
Maroh 7. At Panton, near Universi
ty of Virginia, B. T. Johnson, Jr., and
Mr. Cock r ell fought with bowie knives;
Cockrell called Johnson a liar over a
game of billiards; the young men were
aged about twenty-two; neither party
March 28. At Eistvillc, Va., 8idney
Pitts and A. P. Thomas fought with
pistols, to settle a quarrel about $20;
two rounds at six feet apart. . Pitts was
killed, and Thomas fatally wounded.
July 4. On Luxembourg frontier,
Jorres Caoedo, minister to Belgium from
San Salvador, and Medira, minister
from Guatemala, - Caoedo wounded in
shoulder. Dr. William Aubery and
Adolph Flummer; Colt's six-shooting
pistols; near Latonia Springs, Ken
tucky; one shot. Dr. Aubery wounded
in foot. Quarrel about a lady; fifteen
July 14. The Rev. Dr. Wade Heil.
Baptist, and Andrew Scroggins, son-in-law,
fonght duel, ten paces, in Ruther
ford county, N. Q ; Scroggins spanked
Dr. Heil's daughter and the doctor re
proved him, A quarrel and fight en-
,1 . . i a
gins challenged, the reverend declined.
Scroggins vowed revenge, if he poison
ed his coffee. The reverend was
armed. They met on horseback. Major
" ua, i ve got you now." The rever
end "Keep oool." Major " Ten min
utes to say your prayers." The rever
end "Well, sir, I'm ready," drawing
aerringer. juaior "And so am 1
, may the Lord have mercy on us both.
ana nrea, with no effect. The reverend
fired ana killed Soroggins.
Aug. 1. R. S." Sullsbnry an! J. 8.
Iverson of Augusta, Ga., met on Ciro
lina side of river and exchanged shots;
nobody hurt.
bept. 14. John ituey and unknown
man, at (Jitholio cemetery, Han Francis
co, ten paces and advance; Riley wound'
ed : ref ases to telL
Paris. Nov. 21. A duel with pistols
between M. Gambetta and Ju. de Four
ton, arising out of the passage in the
chamber of deputies on the 18th inst.,
when the latter was unseated, was fonght
to-day at Plesses Pioqnet. They fought
at thirty-five paces. Only one exchange
of shots was had, and neither party was
Columbia, S. 0.. Jan. 2. A duel was
fought last Monday night near Bishop-
vine, the principals being Mr. CJantey,
of Uimclen and Mr. Uash, of Cash s De
pot. Two shots were exchanged with
ont effect. Vmcinnali Commercial.
flup Tssnrs af Mrs
Depends in great measure upon our regard for
or neglect ot the laws of health. If we violate
them we cannot expect to " make old bones.
lint that tne apan ot existence allotted to
naturally delicate constitution, or one which
has been Bbaken by diwase, ma; be materially
lengthened, is a faol of which we have daily
proof. The vivifyint and restorative influence
of Hoatetter'a Stomach Bitters npon a failing
physique affords a strmiog illustration of tbe
potter of judicious medication to strengthen
the hold on life. Restored digestion, complete
assimilation, renewea appetite, sound repose.
tlieae are among the benefits conferred upon
the debilitated by tbat supreme rfnovant.
With a circulation enriched, a frame invigo
rated, and a nervous system tranquilized, tbe
Inyaliu, after a course ot tne uitters, reels that
his life-tenure is no longer tbe precarious thing
tbat it wag that be may yet enjoy a " green
old age.
There is nothine to cleanse an impure circu
lation or wake np a dormant liver line aoovui i
Blood and l.iver Birup. it does tne business
thoroughly in either case, promoting active
cillous secretion, restoring to tne lire current
tbe pnrity of perfect health, and removing
from the cuticle diaBgnring eruptiona and
sores. Cbronio rheumatiam and gout also suc
cumb to its curative influence. For tbe dis
eases peculiar to the gentler sex, it ia a capital
remedy. All druggists sell it.
Water leaka ar j very annoying, whether in
roofs, about chimneys, watei tanks or else
where. A 500. or 76o. can of Flexible Cement
will stop them every time. Any one can appl;
it. For sale by hardware or paint supply stores.
Inducements offered agents. Depot HGth St.,
East river, New Yort
For onwards of thirty years Mr. WINSLOW8
MOUTHING Bl'BUPhfts been used for children
with never-failing raoosss. It oorreota acidity
of the stomach, relieves wind eolio, regulates
the bowels, cure dysentery and diarrhoas,
whether arising from teething or other causes.
an old and well-tried remedy, aa eta, a botue.
For coughs and throat disorders, use " Brown's
Bronobial Tiochea," having proved their ef
ficiency by a test of many years. 25 cents a box.
Ohnw .Tflkion's Best Hweet Navy Tnhanoo
Tb Baneta.
naw loaa.
BeafOalfia Hallvs C H 19V
Ttxaaaoa uaerosi.. ibmw ik
Dreasaa.... mxs oX
Uhesp. ........................ ...... (s:K CS
MmDS.... iJia in
Oitton Middling , 0 9 (
rloari Western i aoMMUaoui, iw 0S'i
BUte: Fair to Onolcs.... Ss aaw
Whaatl Bad Ita 1 110 1111
Whit 8tate...ess 1 lUKtS 1 X
Byai Btate.. m 6 H
barley I Blata.... ui.hw,.. "
Barley Malt h.u.Jhm.ihhi i
Oats i Mixed Wnetexu..i. tl
Corn I Mixed Western fugrAded...
Hay, par owt...M,.M.,sse.
Btra w, per ewt . ...... 0
Hods 1's OH alt ....Ti'B OS
IS ou
1 W
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0 49
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Pork s ramlly Mass
i2Xa i so
Lara I uuy meson
.us. a
rish I Mackerel, No. 1, new 16 00 Ala uu
' Ho. lPrince Edw'dSO 00 30 60
Drv Ood. ner ewt. tS M 4 25
Herring, Boeled, per box.... IT J 18
Pstrolanmi Crode.. ..... 01 Kenned.
uaiirornia neecn.. au sj in
Texas Fleece N II
Australian W la6M.ataaei) H
Btatell m 8a la) It
Bute Creamery.,., II 1 38
uatrj.. .. in aj -jj
Oreamery,. ................ II 0 81
Factory.... ...M. -, 06 yk )B
Ckaeaa i Bute Kaotory. CS 14 0v
DHHsnnmea,,..!. us si ta
Western M (I a OS
Ejgs: BUta ani PannajlTanls.... ST 4 SS
Floor Pennarlw!
i tu
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Wheat Bed Pennsylvania,..,
OOTD TellOW. ...M...Maa....
Oats Mixed.
PetroleomOruda. ...... ,.07H ,07)4 BtUed,
at aM j '
WOSt-lOTMlO.,llMMt.M,Ma.t, aw 9
TexM..., 18 H
0Ufornl.M.. ... 30 a
Beat Oattls...M ...u.. .......
Flonr WiaoonalD and Mlnsaaota..
Ourn Mlxed...Ma,..M.,M....,..a
Oats- ... .. ... .
Wool Ohio and Pennsylvania H
OalUornU Spring MM
WU8o, auss.
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aawi usiiiin.sai
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atnaap..aMa... ......
witiinwi, MASS.
Baaf Oattla Poor to (Jhotoa
ba p . a.aaaa .aaaee. ssaaaa
LlUbt ...aa,... .m. ......
Adranred Phyatnlnne.
Many of the mora advanced physicians.
having found Dr. Fieroe'i Family Medioinea
prompt and a tire prescribe them regularly In
their practice.
TwiHVH.LR, Tenn., May 28, 1877.
Dr. B. V. Pisbcb, Buffalo, N. Y.i
near sir r or a ions time i snnerea witn
catarrh. I finally called in Dr. Zachary, of
this plaoe. He fnrniafaed me with yonr Nasal
Drraohe, Bage's Catarrh Remedy, and your
Golden Medical Dlsoovery. These remedies
speedily effected an entire enre.
i onrs trniy, juhw h. hh AmuKsa.
Only one American cabinet or uarlor orean
matter has ever mooeeded in bearing off the
highest honors at any world' exposition,
whore they came iu competition with the beat
Enropean makers, and this U tbe Masou A
Hamlin urgan (Jo., wbo hive taken first medal.
or highest honors, at every such exhibition for
twelve years, ending with the Paris exposition
last year, where they were awarded the highest
gold medal.
The Celebrated
" Matchless "
Wood Tag Ping
The Pionep.ii Tobacco Company,
New York. Boston and Chioago.
I'heiuient Arivnrttiltijr In the World.
Aanrl for (Jiranlar.rith full n.ttlmil&rM free. Hl. A
rompr, iu pprnce mreei, new Torn
Amaplrnn NWHiiHiitr liinu iiii i
for 1879 now read. Five hundred piges. Price Ffve
Dollars. OItm Oircn.ations of all Newspaper. Vor
mum ny American news uonipanyj new iotk,
A NRlftRt l.tatt r .no n I MftwVnDniirrMa
arranged by separate Ft.ites, with pub tLnrV seliedu
rates and a ffreat reduction to cash customer), mailed
frne to any applicant. Address Newspaper Advertising
miretq, maprnca Htrwer, mew orv.
la the Best Burning Oil Mmle.
As It stands a Fire Test of 150".
150 Front Street, New York.
BOSTOK-n. T. Mills 4 Oo.
PKOV1DKNOK -Mason, Obawn Oo.
N K.W IAJNDO! Nichols A Hntiij.
KORWICH-L. W. Oarroll A Co.
SAVANNAH-Andrew Hanler.
HALIFAX. N. K.Wood 4 Uo.
bT. JOHN, M. B.-Tainboll A Co.
tW R.uflxd br all first elan daltr.
Cores Kidney, Bladder and
Urinary Diseases, Diabetea,
Gravel and Dropsy, Reten
tion and Xnoontinence of
eurea Pain in tbe Back,
Side or Loins, Nervous
Prostration and Bright's
Disease 01 tbe K idneys,
Hank's Kemfdr cures all Diseaaeeof the Kidneys,
f,?j A-.tM iiwin.r.OPMfis Tr II untft Kerned v.
Send for pamphlet to Wm. ft. OLABKg,Protldence,R.I,
The Antidote to Alcohol fonnd nt l.nat.
Is a cortaln and speedy cure for intemperance. It de
stroys all appetite fc? alcoholic liquors and buuda up
the nervous system. After a de bunch, or any
litreinperiWe Indulgence, a elnale tennpoon
ful will remove all mental and pnyntcal de
propelon It also cures every kind ot KEVER, LY
pEi-fli a and Torpidity of tbe Liver. Hold by all
drngsists. 8 1 per bottle. Pamphlet on " Alcohol, it
Effects on the. Human Body, and intempei ince as 1
Disease," sentrree. Father Mathf.w TkmpraU
AND manufacturing uo., aoDona oi.,ew vera.
Ta rxorfftMW rrivsv
TinnrvntiAAi1 thfthftst hvthe high-
Bt medical authorities in the world
liven iiiKiiPni
award at 12 World' Expositions, and itPanLlH;
HoianyuruirmBis. Wi 11. Bcmeiifiiuasvvx""!
Matthew Hale Smith's new book
1000 Prominent persons men and womec
snalrzod. laierl fortrnlta af A. T.
sensation of the season. Now ia the time for
aprajTC to secure territory.
"UC.I1 aencv circulars at
Address for
circulars and terms.
Hn'iforil. Conn.
1. 0.0. P.
itftl jtten. Dtitlrtm. otid all other Societies
nude tu orlr l.v SI.C. I.llley A Co., tolumtou,
onr. Henri ror M-lre iahih.
Military ana Firemen 'a Oooda, Banners & Tlasa
NO MONRY REQUIRED till sales are made. I will
IrJUU aVIl UUI lit. Willi pauifUini.B W auirivita, uj auatii,
pojt-paid. This a aooa opportunity for attente to add
aomet hing to tbir income without risking one oent.
Write for particulars to
fllorrlatown, Ht. Lawrence Co.. Nw YorU.
1 HIST0RYil'0RLr
Itoontains 6T2 fine historical engraving! and 1280
ftrirsa rinnhlaAnlniTin Diurfia. and ia the most com d late
Historr of the World ever published. It sells at sight.
Rend for specimen pages and extra terms to Ageota.
Address National fuhubhinq uo., rtn.ade.phia.ra.
Pensioners, vhicrj
Very Important bi'la are
now peDuina in uongresa,
whicn. if allowed to qui.
all pension olaims heretofore admitted will be reopened,
thousands of meritorions olaimanta will be dropped
from the rolls and grat injustice done. For full par.
tioniars send for oopy of The National tbibcne, an
tt-Tafte paper, luauea moni my, anu uermou w mib mint.
esta of soldiers snd aaitnrs, and their neira. UoDtAtns
all fw bounty and penbion taws. Khonld be in
the hands of every soldier. Terms, (tit eeots per year.
Special induoemelaU to olnba. Specimen oopy free.
WashinRton, I) O.
ritrTH IB MIfillTY!
Wssar II an, a, ins -.M Si.aaiaS
sriisi insr Ma, beiB, cstlsf f tt aJ
haabtiid or stir, tmi-iavi. f
nl f r.i in, (.! ths jiia ef martiafS),
Adste Ir-.f UABTISK2. 4 rmrlss
una ll.e Oine ed Uaca at I, are let
Unrivaled Combinationi, aiert liir.rl, great demand.
.k fiaairi fnr AsAnta. W nrautioe H ie Culture, boa oi
hooey and goo .1 news ta all sendi, x staiuo for circultrs.
yvriie now, u win pay you, u. rtitiirM"! ";"vil..
We will paty Aganta a batury of HW per montb and
axneDses. or allow a large oomnusaion u sen oar aew
and wonderful inventions. H's mean what um hay.
bam pie tree. AiareB8,
WltCltlTIA. Oav 1F. luurpnNiis "nt ii
failed in any diseaoe of tbe Kidneys in the patttttret
TUB great Dloinc ior an ivmiiibji viatNtm. uo- im.ot
xa im Knnn rnr namnii i. una aaarHHi nr. i n
Knlannid lllutrated Work readr. Age
Wantasrl on xalkrv or aom mission. Great
reduction in prices of Itooks and Regalia.
Send for catalogue. Redding A Oo., AUsooio
Publisliers, 731 Broadway, N. Y. Beware
of spurious Rituals now being offered.
MEIV and WOMEN wanted everywhere
t-WJO. CttvMji ntfrclv new. 8mpli tW i wrii at onoe.
box 36JU. WlIiUKS fefU.. Boston, Man.
n.nraA in 'III lift ii. Relief in-
atantaneoua. By method now
v.ursued by eminent raris.
London and Vienna pbyicians. Benton receipt 019 L.
Da. DROUET, 17U Leiinjtoo Avenue, New York.
irnofininnfisiia is tha beat
Two Medals, Pans, 1m74
Haiiinar hattLar than ever.
Ag'U write to T. Kixwooo
Sure relief 1 orrnu 1
Price 36 cts.akJ 1 iliuili
Ik UUtK 5 TAD I ILLCd.bvmaU. fctowellACi
jsajjBsjsjsa-jsasjssajny rharlebwp, Mass.
A..m. . nmna .,1 in mVa.l Ht. IStOOkS UialCe
Sill 10 SlllllU lortanM e.err month, Book sent
Iree explainins e.errUtaa.
IMmSlITIK AOO.. Bankers. 17 Wall St.. !. T
month. Uverf sradnata a
Iultii Telearraobr and
earn 40 to M1UO a
. h v.M .n.t. .n.r.ntMd S DdlUU lib
nation. Address K. valentine, Maaer,.iane.u.. " i.
Addreea J. W. HARRIS ft OO.
L1 A UUI U WW mi Washinxton Htreet. Boston
J. Ca XuxtX JJXvKJ Maaa., for best prioea for batter
one ee, esse, poultry, same, ana an ainaa oi prop go.
w f. fAa. Wltn Dienoii uaiau. niwiwiwa
avvs s. M. ByKNcaa. 1 1 a Waab'n Bt..Boston,M
K 1 1 eta. sells rauidli lor an ou. uii,ioi'm
...... . I . , niaa... ThMi.
flT'TTTlVr sands oured.LoHest Prioea Do not fail
AWMtowils l)r I .r..lHarsn.jiiinu.iiiiu ss
STt: BUCK. MiltonJPi
PEH.!MINi desiring to make from
o 9 I d a a ay win wurea m.m w,
ormnmperiana vu., rm.
beat Hill Pcb Co.. gft K. g8th Bt.. wew York.
hi i Kni;a mi- o s iv I 9 Sown. Boxing free. Hand for Catalogues,
ann AillUTii-asa.. ..--, -r--
. - T. . . . '. an tJ UaU halaaaB
icsu war. jiTBRONnoi' itrMio'b: - -
AKWErhiTinTTIlnpeji if gJJou'r'
tar-t. prompt pment and bt fUal EU ouri
mi raw yobr. iUN for iits.
Tn Stm will bs Brinted ararr da? darlnf tbs fMM
MB. IU parpow aad mstbod will ba th sam aa In
ib past i To pnasat all tbs news in a nadaBN snap,
and to toll ths tratb thoaah tha hsanos fall.
Tn Stm haa will sontlnns to b Itrfs-
psndsnt of ataijbodi and awithint sst tha Trath
and It owa odtMIoos af datf. That Istbsonlf pollof
wklsh an honsst aswapapn nasd bar. That la tbs
poller whieh baa won for this aswapapar tba onfldsnea
and frlandablp of a arldar sonatltnmat tbaa Was srat
sajorsd bt aor othat Amarloan Journal.
Tn Stm la tha nswspapsr of tba paopls. It is dm rot
tha rioh man against tha poor man, or for tha poor man
acalnst tha rich man, bnt it asska to do aqnal Jnatloa to
all lotorasts in tha oonunanitr. It is not tbs orcaaof
anp parson, olass, aaot, or party. Thara nsad bo no
nustatr about Its torso aad hatas. It la for aba hoaast
man aa-alnat tha roamaa ararr Uma. It la for tba honsst
Domosrat aa acainat tha dlshonaat Hopnblloaa, aad for
tha nansst BopnbUoaa aa Matnst tha dlshonaat Domo
arai, It doaa Dot aaka its ana from tha nttoransaa of
any polltloian or political ariaalsatloak It (Iras Its
npport anrassTTadlr whan man or maunras aro n
acraaoiont wisn wj . -. .u
Bias noon whlah this rspoDlls waa ronndsd for tha
psoplo. Whan.rar tha Constitution and
T i i j la uaWs atb a fns tha sriahfc Thai
EnnOl pi Krsj viuuainru a aira-." z '. T .
. rtWaT antaia iAm. I n rl nnavn A m IB thfl MDMl
ihtra will ba no obanre In Ita proaramine forl87.
Tu BUN hat fairly aaraad tb heart hatred f raa.
als, frauds and ham bays ot all aorta and aiaaa. It
bopea to deeerTa UUI nrw nai istna m iwr (
thud 1878, 1877, or m,vf year (one br. Tan Sum la
printed for tba man and woman of to-daf, wboea eon
earn ia ohtaflr with ttao PjfTi Uf bSn
tne Disposition ana aw Muiuur w ,rr Z
promptest, f alltst. ftnd most aoottrate InUllif anoe of
whaUrer in tha wide world U worth Wtention To this
nd the reaotireea belontfnf to waUstabUahad proa.
parity will be liberally ompioyea. , ,
The present disjointed oondiUon of prtU In thl
eon d try. and tbe uncertainty of tha future, lend an
extraordinary slrnifloano to the ovanta of the eomuitf
year. To present with eoonraor and oleaxneeatheez
aets1tnat;onlneaoh of ltaTarylnf phaaes, and to ex
pound, aooordirtf to Ita well-known methods the pnn
oipiea mat anoaia aniaa ustnxouab tne laoynnin, wui
be an Important part of Tn BritTi work for 1979.
We hare the means of tnakinf Tbi d, aa a polltf.
aalf m literary, and a fenerel newspaper, more enter
Linine; ana more dibiri uub Ter ueioxv ua w
iean to apply them freely. 4
Onr rate of subscription remain noohanffed'Foff
the Daily Sun. a four-pave sheet of twenty-efht
oolnmns, the prloe by mail, postpaid, fal 6A eenta a
montb, or (10.60 a year 1 or, lnoindina; the Bnnday
paper, an eight-page abaet of fifty-six oolumna, tbe
price la tiA oentaa month, ot SI .70 a yea, postac
Tbe Sunday edition of Tn Suw to also furnished sap
aratelyat Sl.UO a year, poatag Pid. The BuvdaT
Bum, in addition to the entrant news, preaenta a moat
entertaining and lnstrnotWe body of literal y and mis
eallaneous matter, in bulk twice aa great and in value
not inferior to tbat of the beat monthly magesinea of tha
day at one-tenth of their oat.
Tbe W KVKLT sun ia especially auapiea tor tnoce waw
do not take a New Tork dally paper. The newe of the
week la fully presented, ita market reports are fur.
n.snea co tne ircmi momni, ido u crioaiiari u
partraent,edited with great are and ability, is unsur
passed. The Wekklt Btjh ta probably read to-day by
more farmers than any other paper published. A ohoioe
story, with other oare tally-prepared miscellany, appears
in eeoa iBnne. i ne weeniy proteota ita reaoera di oai-
ring Ita advertiring oolumna against frauds and hum
bugs, and furnishes more good matter for leas money
than nn ha nhi ulnnrl from anv Othar innriM.
The price of the Weekly Sun, eight pages, flftrgt
columns. is JBtl ayear. postage ptld. For oubsofte
lan can oeoDiainau iroio iiu wuier ouros.
The price of the Weekly Sun, eight pages, flfty-sli
sendtBsfj BIO we) will send an extra copy freeAd
draaaVT I. W. ROLAKi,
rnDiupejoi lumtavm, aew yorKuity.
Is tha Old Meltable Concentrated 1.7
Directions aeeompanylns eaoh can for maklns Hard,
Don ana roues soap quicaiiy.
The Market Is flooded with (ao-oalled) Oonoantratod
Lye. whioh is adulterated with salt and resin, anal wim'l
aiMS aoaj.
bavm Morrxr. and bdt rem
Pennsylvania Salt Mannfg Co.,
"Old Itellnljle.
"lcmocrntlo Ullle."
"SouiHl to tlio Core."
"Old, Tried onrt True."
AVlilto 3riin Paper."
8 1 .OO a Year Postage prepaid.
Address THR DAY HOOK OO., New York.
Flrat Established I Moat Successful I
THEIR 1X8TRUMENT9 have a stanjerd
ralue in all the
Kvervwliere recognized as the FINES1
Made and In uao New Designs constantly.
ut'si worn ana lowest prices.
Send iot a Catalogue,
Ivzd St.c opp. Walthn St,)
The vers beat aooda
I direot from the lm
1 nortera at Half the
usaal co.t. Beat plan ever offered to Ulub Aejents and
lar.e Duyers. ai.i
New teruil FRUK.
TheGreatAmericanTea Company,
31 and 33 Veaey (Street, New.VorU.
P. O. Boa 4 ail's
For lienuty of I'olKha Havins L.abor. Clean
kluH0. DuinbilHy t CfaeapueMm UDeqaaled
ltloasE BttOa., Prop'aTtH Cautuu. Ola.
Going Kansas
Send for FV Guidrt gmog fn!l snd nHable informa
tion ia regard t the Obepet, M-st Productive end
lieet ijoo&ted f anning Mnae in tne Mate. Aaareae
J. E. L0CKW00D,
uanersU immigraiion Ag i,
Al.OOO Krwarit fur ny UeUrrb Ktimedf thit
will give at quick and permanent relief u A KMNm'
VrruioDt Outurrli itciiietlr for the uma amount
of money. One to five boxes cure uasea of from S to 5
yeara itacding. Five to ten boxea cure old cbronio
o- money refund'!. Price by mail, oil eta. and HI per
oiavaor iu to 40 reeta etanding. bure relief warranted
noi, pottpaia. aii order sent to A. roes, f Airfax,
r ran Kim jo vnriaoni, wui oe promptly nuea.
for it at yonr Druggists. Wells. Kiobardaon
A. no..
Burlinston. Vt.. Wholesale A sent. Cut iKiu out. Onli
An infallible and nneioelled remedy for
Kits. KdIIcdhv nr KMllln
warranted to effeot aspeedyand FJt
mt pi r.n i' oura.
"A free bottle" ef my
renowned apeotho and a val
nable Treatise aent to any
sufferer aendins me his
r. u. ana luprese addrees,
Db.'H. Q HOOT, 1 S3 Pearl Street, New York.
Dr. Barker of the Brighton Hospital for Child ran
(Kng )iaya it resembles mother's milk so closely tbat
infant are reared, and tcetV .reared, exolnsively npon it.
Mason & Hamlin. Cabinet Ore-ana
rii.t at Pami, 1wj7 : Viknna, 1878: BuiTiaoo, 176;
pHIUPSUaiA, 1H76 ; PaUtLB, ltfTB ; and O&AKD bWgDUB
Gold BIkdai. 17H. Only slmerioan Organs ever
awarded bigheat honors at any such. Bold fox oash or
Install mente. i aatki uaTAisOeuag ana uiroi-
lar with new styles and pcioes,
LviUsi ana Diiatsa. txai mtit- ma a ou j.i m
NewTork, or Obioago.
cfK UHHOMO CAQI14t FUwertj. Moll.
LttJ no two alike, with name tree, baud 1 0 oen
nootago. NASSAU OARD UO.a Wasan.W.l
oenu W
a iA y to AgnteeeJiV4uuiiiAg tor tne lretut
VUitA-. Terms ADdOatbt Fr. Aaaroes
sT. V. V e.VoTAA'Cb me"-t aeAAdaV
t. Niclolas for Boys & Girls.
., ...... . not in eM """ PallaVan'i
Special Announcement.
n. afta Jannarr 1st, l",.."? ".Pl"?
BiNioHOiuS lor tha ear 187S will D. -
nnmberslot , ,
NOV. and DEO. 1878, FREE.
Tha Normbe ismbsr. tha Brst of tha Tolnma,
tains the opening ebapters or
A Serial for soys,
a .!., Tar rwaniP." hj 1-rank B. Btoekton. to aa
tbroosb thaaeari and
A Serial ror uiris, . . .
entire Tolnme will be erowdad wita JOd tntna o ana
beet srritere and artiaU.
The Christmas Holiday Number,
ontalnlns eon trthntlon. '-" Mil-
rlDSiW Ooolidoi, Hawthom, u nui
TIB. Mrs. Bdrmett (author ot !h"Jr.'!Zr
"s'-rand man, ot"'. P0,0.0"? Ji3? iblnVl?
of ST. Niohous erer lasuad. la Inolndel In a inineenp
tlon for 1879. or will ba sent, postpaid, fof B nanta.
Price, 3.0O a Year.
.. i .I nb, numbn ft S all r -
irriplion. aHIk (As January. ' "SWiSW.
BnbMrlntlons reled on abore J krmt
n nil tvnd Mnd with remlttaa n eJisB s- v. snuw-n
order, ot raistered 14 er, to
SdUBHER & CO., 743 & 743 Bro.l!faT,l.T.
-n.rr beantf of maatmasa aara naaus
'in"f"Tlt2.-b. rm.
S4.00 a rear t tha
dnrlna tha raat, arm am" urn w
SCRIBNER & CO., New York.
Who want glossy, luxuriant
nnd wavy trosses of abundant,
benntirul Hair must nso
elegant, cheap article always
makes the Hair prow freely
and fast, keeps it from falling
out, arrests and cures- gray
ness, removes dandruff and
itching, makes the Hair
strong, giving it a curling
tendency and keeping it in
any desired position. Beau
tiful, healthy Hair is Hie sure
result of using Kathairou.
H YW I' g
The Eraeei Cheapest, aaa Meat AttraetlTC
efthe Meathly MasTaalaee.
The mat merit of tha literary end arttstie depara
mentahaa aeenred almost naexanplad snooeaa for the
PuPuxaa Momthlti and snuh arransements have
bean Binds aa will render tha forth-oonuns volaaaas
Store BrllHantlu Attractive. '
Baeh nnmbar eon tains IBS qnarto para, and eras
IOO beantifnl .Df .aTinfSi two eeml-annnal mlnmes
(barefora oontaln l530lunrtopnaTea and more than
I tfOO Hnndaome Illnetrnllonn, eonstitutinsi e
9rmprennBi. uorarj or tne ntgneet oroer or neuos,
Pootrf, lliatory, Adrentnres, Kaaara. ete., and a .aaa
S'.nroe of enter'aiDment aad
?a.nabla Informatloa.
PnbUabad uta oi eaon month.
S3.00 par Ann am, 25 otn. par Number,
vosTAaa rmaa.
Frank Leslie's Publishing House,
53, 60 and 67 Park Place,
Hew Opera! Cantatas!
Oomio Opora by Arthur Sr Uivan,
Is tha most fepnlar thine of tha kind aver performed ia
this eonntry. Musio exoellent and eaay, and worda an-
eaoeptloautnis, aaaatns it very aeetraoie
perform. nss la any towi
words, masle and llhsei
for al.OO.
Ilaars. Blasant eopy, with
aplete, mailed aaiwhere
Operetta by the aaaae aathor.
ia a laachahle
AO eta.
Joseph's Bead aaa.
ByOaADWica. B1.00
" BtrrrBBrraxD. l.OO
" BaASeDBT.. .AO
Three Oantaaaa whieh are mafnlfloent whan alraa
with Oriental draaa aad aeanery. The last one ia eaay.
" Paellas (IL M Palenalta (tl - Dia
mond eat OisBiaad (!" Gnardlaa
but ft law md
eta "j.eaeoe Int hnrlty" (fiuota.)
rwflnar UO atA I are) ODerettaa reauirina
Ths last three are Juranilaa.
Tn yvesa, "The tsoreerer." by SouLrtra, sad
Tbe Little Duke," by Laooco,
0L1TEE DIT80N & CO., Bota
C. H. 1ITSON cV CO.. fj
a tllatUI BretaUermy, Maw V ark.
J. St. OITSON sis OOn
9t OHeetaat Bt Fblla.
A (tat r AID erery aoldlsr disabled In Uns
af duty, br Aeeldent or atasrwlss. A
'UIS t
of ani kind, loan ot KIW
OKB.Ta or as at as.
If but slight, or Disease of I.fJNasi.
BOUNTY Dlachars for Wound, Injur
ies or Bupture, ffive ITU Boaaty.
l,o.t Horses, Otneere Aeeennta
and all War Clalma settled. HK
SendSS eenta for a t'osy or Acta
on posiona, huuntv and
1AWD f:LAlll8, Mend stamp for
IV n. a. vCUSflKOS a CO..
s.v son si'Mahtn-ton. la a:.
racMved tl,r HlKl,. .1 MmUl .1th. r.wal
rtv.r .11 A I. ..ii ., .h.i.
llMii.c, i. w.aa.Tso iioi
down nv.r tli. hln-. Prlr. Tl w
ii soit t.11,1 flKibis i)d cuutalus au
bones, frire bymsll.lLM. .
For . 1 tj All laaulln m m.rekantS ' BROS., til Broadway. M. T.
PT A wno fin
hisbeat honora Mathoanaa's
I If a la a Atltl-factor! on
ham i
TLTr 'ior aqnarea Suest aprishu la
America- U,ouu la nae recularly Inoorporatad
Ml s Uo. Pianos aant on trial U-pase oataiosne free.
MKNDELseoait PumoCo ,tl K. fo'hrit., W.wYork.
R A T. A P V PI I O. Stamp for oiroular. Prt Jeha.'
""""I X eon, B 4 5 LatayrtU Ar..Brooklyn.ll.Y
8 THiAjBlfHlV'S&VT,U