FIRM, HARDEN ANI HOUSEHOLD. Corn. Wheal nod Rye. . It is gleansd from the current report of the United States department of agri culture that the products, acreage and value of the corn crop in the ten lead ing corn-producing States for 1877 was as follows: Statu, Illinois.... Iowa Missouri, Kansas,.., JlM.A.f.. .16,000,(00 ,103,000,0Cfl ,. 91,900,000 Afrm. ,65,517 4.P0 ,Ot0 8,6(51,724 a,,(i,6H9 8,0-i9,8 8,(,0,0ll0 l,98,fl9 3.041.807 Value. ,75.40 000 89,0 0,000 27,810,000 M,7H9,(I00 8,8O0,000 82,640,000 10.040.000 Ohio Indian.. .... Kentucky Tennessee.... 97,000,000 R6,000,0l)0 BV.ItflO.OOJ 60,boo,oo 20,200,000 21,070,000 20,971,000 Texan fy,UIIU,('U0 Pennsylvania. sl,iao,OCO 1,2.5,060 In the average yields of corn tier acre. only one corn-producing State (Nebras ka) reports a larger average than Kan sas. The yield per aore in Kansas is given at 86.5 bushels; Nebraska, 38; Illinois, 29; Ica, 82 5; Missouri, 29; Ohio, 81.5; Indiana, 80; Kentucky, 80.3; Tennessee, 25; Texas, 24; Pennsylva nia, 83; Michigan, 81; Wisconsin, 28; Minnesota, 29; California, 80, Oregon, 26; Arkansas, 24. The rank of the eleven wheat-produo-ing States for 1877 is plaoed as follows, with the product, acreage and value of the crop: State. BuaheU. Acre, raise. Iowa 87,810,000 2,607,5-4 (32,894,700 Minnesota.... 8, 824, 346 1,'01,3H 80,326.164 Illinois. 33,000,0(4) 2,000.000 34,320,000 Ohio 26.000.CO0 1,733,333 32,240,000 Indiana...!.., 24,6 0,000 1,695,652 27,78,000 Wisconsin .... 22,000, 09 1,466,667 20,468,000 California .... 42,000, 00 2,815,789 28,610,000 Michigan 21,860.000 1,260,857 26,70 ,800 Missouri 20,000,000 1,428.571 20,000,000 Pennsylvania. l-,200,noo 1,400,000 24,762,000 Kansas i 4, 400,000 1,06(1,667 . Il,e04,000 The product, acreage and value of the rye crop in the ten leading rye-producing States is ns follows: State. Bnnhele. Pennsylvania 3,400.000 New York . . .3,300,000 llliuoiB 2,844,01 0 Wisconsin.... 2,700000 Kansas 2.410,000 Kentucky .1,1 25.000 Missouri ., 720.000 Virginia 6 5,000 Indiana 640,000 New Jersey 25 OGO Acre. Value 242.000 12,340,000 220,0110 2,376,000 168,000 1,422,000 174,000 1,404,000 120,000 867,600 86,638 607.600 46,461 38 ,600 63,610 386,660 86,000 362,400 86,872 367,600 In the average yield of rye per acre Oregon ranks first, producing 22 bush els; and Kmsas ranks second, produc ing 20 bushels. Then follow Illinois, Vermont, Wisconsin and Michigan, in the order named. Work la (be Garden. The garden demands attention in vines, haulm, leaves and other refuse waiting to be cleared away, and in the growth of weeds almost ctrtain to appear in abundance at this season. These last by many farmers are carted off to the compost heap, where, after sufficient heating and decomposition, the vitality of their seed is destroyed ; but it ought to be borne in mind arid acted upon that slight fermentation does not always suffice to accomplish this, and there is danger of returning to the soil in vegetable manures the very seed it is desired to keep it free from. Unless, therefore, troublesome growths are not to be thoroughly in corporated in a compost heap which is to undergo complete decomposition, the safer plan is to burn them on the ground. Such portions of the garden as have been visited by cut-worms and other pests, or the entire plot if it be of stiff clay soil, may be fall plowed with ad vantage ; throwing the earth up in ridges exposes insects in their transfor mation state to the weather and affords the soil an opportunity of becoming ameliorated by the action of the frost. This is also a good time for laying garaen wants, especia.iv ii tnese are to be finished with coal ashes. Tender plants should now be protected or re moved, as the latitude calls for. Small- fruit bushes and vines should be mulohed, and all plants that are gross- ieeaers liberally supplied with manure. Indeed, the entire surface of the garden will take kindly to a top-dre6Bing after it has been cleared on and raked over, Not a few cultivators contend that manure spread at this season is produc tive of greater benefits than when ap plied at any other. uaraeners ambitious tor a succession of early vegetables in the spring will soon begin the sowing of seeds in some protected spot, which is to be continued at intervals for a succession of trans- plantings. New York World. Mperia Beat Hown In the Autumn. Most people have observed, no doubt. that self-sown seeds, that is, seeds that nave dropped from the growing plants of tne previous season, sometimes pro duoe the strongest and most healthy plants, that bloom the most freely. This is true of several kinds, and par ticularly of those that suffer under ex posure to our midsummer suns. The reason is that self-sown seeds get a very healthy growth in the spring, vegetating as soon as frost is gone, and are good sized plants at the time we usually put seeds in the ground, even if they do not start in the fall. They thus mature and flower during the cool'weather of spring. The clarkias and nemophilas and annual arkspurs are noted examples. There are also several varieties of hardy an nuals that do well with spring sowing that will bear autumn sowing in the open ground, and reward us with early spri"g flowers. Sweet alyssum und white candytuft will give us on abund ance of white for early cutting, if sown in the autumn. In a sandy soil the portnlacca may be sown in autumn with good success. Seeds of biennials and Serennials, if sown early enough to pro uce strong little plants, will flower the next summer ; and pausies and Chinese pinks, though they. bloom the first sum mer, if sown in the spring, will make much stronger plants and flower more freely and earlier if young plants are grown in the autumn. Vick's Floral Guide. Cirape Cnttinss. A correspondent asks for the best way to make grape cuttings. It is very sim ple. Seleot wood of the current year's growth, cut to three eyes each, from straight-jointed wood; tie in small bun dles: set them on the larger ends on a drv soil, or where no water may stand Cover all with a mound and they will winter nicely. Plant as early in the spring as the soil is in condition, six inches apart in the row, at an angle of about forty-five degrees. Back the earth firmly about the bottoms of the cuttings and leave the upper eye of each cutting just above the surface of th ground. Prairie Farmer, The whole of the capital and reserve lund, ana inuy nve millions sterling . besides, are. " on a moderate and favor- abje estimate," what, according to the London Times, the bank of Glasgow has lost, aitogetnervdi,uuu,uuu. Whales are becoming so numerous in the Pacific ocean that they are crowding ashore on the California coast, and the newspapers there have a chance to lie about their length and size. TVOJIEU WHO USE THE RAZOR. tnraa Cnrleaa ReTelnilnne Abent Feminine Beard and Blnntarhee. Except where it is in sufficient volume to have a commercial value in a side show, a beard is far from being a desir able thing to have growing on a woman's face. Whiskers, mustaches and hairy moles have always been, and probably always will be, classed as disfigurements for women, and not even fashion's reaks have ever made them popular. even for a time. Tet they have existed, in all lands and in all ages, upon femi nine oheeks of every class, from queen to slave. Depilatory nostrums have been among the adjuncts of the toilet since the memory of woman runneth not to the contrary, and, startling as the revela tion may be to many, myriads of fair hands are deft in the use of the razor, their cunning gained by stress of per sonal necessity in strife with nature. As a rule women depilate or shave in secret, reiving upon their own skill ; but of late years, professional practitioners have come among us, introducing European customs, treating superfluous hair with soientiflo gravity, and gradually they are building up a large practice, especially among the wealthy. A Sun reporter interviewed one of these practioners, a bright vivacious little woman with a strong foreign ac cent, who carries on her business in a great brown-stone front house on West Thirty-eighth street. She said: "I have been engaged in the removal of superfluous hair some twenty-two years, eight or ten here in flew xotk, and De fore that in London and Vienna. In Europe I did have a very great sucoesF. I attended tne empress or Austria, and have from her a certificate to the good results of my skill. I also attended, with like success, many ladies of the Austri an court. In Europe it is not as here. There reliance is placed upon the skill of a soientiflo practitioner. Here, ladies generally are prone to treat themselves, often with terrible results. The drug stores are full of nostrums which women use as depilatories, quack stuffs in which are poisonous acids and corrosive sub stances, arsenic, aurum, sulphate of lime, and other dangerous things. Often the nostrums destroy the beauty of the skin, sometimes producing fright ful disfigurements by the irritation they cause, and seldom, if ever, do they aohieve the end for which they are em ployed. They even cause the hair to grow quicker and more stubby than it otherwise would. Many women shave, but that too, is productive of bad re sults, as you can readily understand. Who are my patrons ? Oh I people ofjall classes and conditions of life, but generally from among tne best ; society ladies who wish to adorn the social cir cle in which they move, and know that a visible mustache would be an insur mountable obstacle to their doing so. Numbers of those who come to me are young girls about to be married, who desire to present themselves at the altar as perfect as possible. 1 have had a lady here undergo an operation at eleven o'clock in the morning, and at four iu the afternoon of the same day she has stood before the altar in the church. No one seeing her face as smooth as an infant's at the latter hour, would imagine that at the former I took from her a very decided beard and mustache. Un, yes ; a beard, i assure you. ion may imagine that tney only nave must taches, because those are most common; but I tell you a well-developed beard is not an unfrequent thing. To a great extent, they bring it on themselves. If they would let the fuzz alone they would not have hair ; but they are frightened at seeing it, and tamper with it. Often they catch up the razor at once and go at it. Well, you know what shaving does to help the growth of a young man's mustache ; .it helps the young lady's, also, in the same way. Not many actresses come to me now and then one ; but, as a general thing, I imagine that they fancy some little novelty in hair, if not too conspicuous, gives them piquancy and makes them attractive. " No particular race or nationality, so far as I know, is more liable than any other to have its women thus disfigured, though in a general way the people of hot climates are most apt to show it strongly. It is most natural for bru nettes to have hair on their lips, but then they are easiest to get rid of it as a rule. Bionics are not so apt to be so afflicted, but when they are, their super dons hair is, strange to say, coarser and more stiff than that of the brunettes, and infinitely more difficult of eradica tion. When I commence the work of depilation on a brunette, her hair, where I treat it, grows light and soft ; while that of the blonde, on the other hand, beoomes darker and more stubborn. " Not in all cases is it possible to ef fect entire removal of the superfluous hair that is, permanent removal for there are instances in which the ten dency of nature toward musoulinity, as evidenced by tnese external manifesta tions, is stronger than any art that can be brought to bear against it safely, 1 know such people when I see them, al most, thanks to my long experienae, and tell them frankly that nothing that I can do for tnem will anoru tnem any thing but temporary relief. Such a case I have had recently. Indeed, here is a letter from the young lady dated less than a week ago, as you see, in wnicn she says the doctors are taking a very deep interest in her case, which they pronounce the strangest on record. When she came to me she said she was a nurse in a hospital, in a female ward, and the patients used to take alarm at her and imagine that she was a young man, because her beard and mustache were so strong. She shaved, and that made the trouble worse. Not long after ward she informed me that she had been forced to give up her place in the hos pital, because her voice was beooming so deep and masculine that, with the visible beard, patients made sure she was a voung man in woman s domes. Then she went ont on the street one day and the police arrested her on suspicion that she was a man m disguise as a woman. When her innocence on that charge was demonstrated, Superintend dent Walling gave her a paper to pro teot her from the shame of similar ar rests in the future. But ehe felt so bad' ly about it that she determined to adopt the habiliments of the sex which she most resembled. She gave up dresses and petticoats and took to wearing coats and pantaloons. That is the way in which she dresses now. Dr. W was made acquainted with her strange case, and took a deep interest in her, very kindly exerting himself to procure her employment as a private nurse, for which she is admirably fitted. " Masculinity of brain, or muscle, is vew ant to produce a trrowtn of super fluous hair on the face, neck, arms and body. And that seems to be affected by changed habits of life. A woman who has never had any beard or mous tache before entering upon duties or an occupation requiring masculine energy, strength of purpose, and application of effort, need not be surprised if after that she beoomes hirsute. And the like change often comes to women by mar' riage. "In female lunatio asylums the pa tients are very prone to have beards. So you see exactly opposite causes seem to produce like results. The women who have unusually good brains and those who have none at all are each more liable to have superfluous hair than the average female. " When I undertake the eradication of a crop of superfluous hair, I must know the age, condition of health and habits of mv patient : also whether she has been employing any of the depilatory nostrums on ner sum. xueao mum uo- termine the strength of my application. Then she must not have interfered with the growth of her obnoxious hair for at least eight days before coming to me. When I take her in hand I spread over the snrraoe to be cleared a soft, warm paste which opens the pores of the skin and permits certain fluids to reach the roots of the hair and Kill tnem. in a few minutes the paste beoomes hard and peels off bringing the hair with it. In obstinate cases there must be a num ber of applications to eradicate all the new hairs as they spring up. That is all there is about it, and it looks quite simple, does it not ? But let anybody try it, and see if they can do as I do." New rore asun. A Meteor! Story. The Galveston (Texas) News says the remarkable specimen of meteoric iron, resembling steel, picked up in the Mo han desert and carried to Fort Yuma, a short time ago, is thus described: " It weighs about a pound, and carries free gold, of which nearly a dollar ap pears on the surface. It is not mag netic, and has successfully resisted sim ple and compound baths of acid. In this respect it resembles specular iron, but in no other. One of its surfaces shows a fracture that reveals a crystal line structure, the color of which is a steel gray, tinged with yellow. It has defied the best cold chisels in the black smith shop, and has not broken or chip ped under heavy blows. If its composi tion can be imitated, it will produce the hardest and toughest alloy known." A Novel Way of Destroying Sharks, Best of all modes of shark chase, be- oanse most scientific, and consequently most amusing, is that recently adopted in ner majesty s navy, of combining tor pedo drill with shark fishery. A minia ture torpedo is inclosed in a bait of junk or pork, and lowered with proper care. The battery is duly charged, and at the moment when the huge fish seizes and as a pike usher would say, " pouches "the tempting morsel, the circuit is oompleted. The effect is in stantaneous. The head and jaws of the monster are blown into fragments, and a bubbling circle in the water marks the spot where a few seconds before his dorsal fin was showing above the sur face. London News. An African Fire. In his last book the traveler Stanley tells about the grass tires in Africa, which must put the American prairie fires to shame. The grass, with stalks as thick as enne, crows to a height of from eight to fifteen feet. Jn June it is as dry as tinder, and the smallest spark sets it afire, when it makes the mopt terrible crackling and explosions. Stan ley says the noise of two brigades of in fantry, fighting, would hardly exceed it. Of course it burns everything be fore it, roasting the surface of the earth and leaving it black and parched. There is a lawyer out West so exces sively honest that he puts all his flower pots out over night, so determined is ke that everything shall nave its dew. The Prlinnrv ftanse of a. dlHtnnt HvmnlAin. Nervoiunebs is rarely a disease iu itself iuhereDt, bnt is tbe lineal offspring of dyspep sia, in a majority of cases. Tbe nervons dis turbance is at first trifling, but ultimately its parent so undermines the general bealtb, as to produce consequences very threatening to tbat great nervous center, the brain. Hostetter s Stomach Bitters is tbe most powerful medicinal opponent of the ravages of indigestion, and protects the nervous system from them. The tremors, the unnatural anxietv, the beadaches. tbe sleeplessness and loss of appetite which characterizes digestive irregularity and weak ness, and which are almost invariably accom panied by an uncertain condition of the bowels and inactivity of the liver, are all eradicated by tins matcoless corrective, and wnen nervous- neps does not)proceed from tbe oansedesignated, it an or as mott graterui reiier. Carefully avoid the nse of rasping cathartics. They weaken the bowels and leave tbem worse off than Before, uee instead, tnat salutary. non-irritating apetient and anti-bilious medi cine, Dr. Alott s vegetable Silver fills, wnioh will not only achieve the desired object, relax ation of the bowels, without oausiug pain or weaaening tnem. nut promote aigestion ana assimilation and depurate the blood. Tbe pills are sold by all druggists. Now in the time to prepare for winter which everv .householder suould do by carefully ex amining roofs, gutters, sky-lights, water-pipes, etc, and wherever a leak is found, repairing it with Vandervocrt g f lexible Cement. Hold by hardware and paint-supply stores at fifty ana sevemy-nve cents per can. oena stamp to vanaervoort, uiun bt., new iors, lor circular. A .linn nf a. Thnusnnri1. When death was Lourly etpeoted, and Dr H. JameBwas experimenting with Indian Iltmp 14 accidentally cureJ nis only emu or conhump tion, and now gives this recipe free. Bend two stamps to pay expenses. Addrees Craddock & Co., 1032 Ilace St., 1'hua., naming this paper. CHEW The Celebrated "Matchxesb" Wood Tag Flng Tobaooo. Tbi Fiomeeb Tobaooo Company, New York. Boston, and Chicago. For upwards of thirty veara Mrs. WENSLOWS SOOTHING 6YBUP has been used for children with never failing snooees. It oorrect acidity of the stomach, relieves wind oolio, recrnlatet tne Dowels, cures dysentery ana uiarrnoja, whether arising from teething or other causes. An old and well-tried remedy. 25 eta. a bottle. Whs Wrote It f The Question is. who wrote " Tbe little Belle of Bloomingdale," the realistic) story of New York Revolutionary life now running in the Chbibtiah Union, of New York? We are told it is by one of tbe most eminent of American writ ers, and that we have six months to guess it in. Fsmilisrity with the writings of the great poets is n utniHui w any wis oo wuoei 10 sppear well in company. For lOo. we will rend s bookof 160 selections from the beautiful mel- odies of Moore, tbe grand poems of Byron, and the nneqnaled songs of Burns, and 60 popular songs. Aiesmena a uo., via naoe st,, rnua. It costs bnt one cent to send a postal card to the Mason A Hamlin Organ Co., Boston, Mew York or Chicago, who will return, pos tage paid, their catalogues and ciroulars, with much information about organs. No one should buy an organ without seeing these. The exposure of the ntter worthlessness of the large packs of horse and cattle powders has saved our people a vast sum. There is only one kind now known that are striotly pure and these are Sheridan's. Don't throw away your money. Brown's Bronchial Troches for pulmonary and asthmatio disorders, hare proved their sfflnuie hw a st nf man woera and have re. emoaoy vj a wsi or many years, ana cava re- ceived testimonials from eminent men who bare used them. An Eastern paper says : " Every man who f oes into tbe lumber woods this winter should ake with him a supply of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment and Parsons' Purgative Pills. This little precaution may save month of labor and mnca fusenng. A TO l In t.1 , ir Inanrnnrn Pallev. We take ulessnre in commending to mr readers a thoroughly safe and reliable life inMiraDce agency whose funds or assets are lnexnauHUOie. it 18 a noes company operat ing under the Joint title Health, Life policies are Issued in tbe form of Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery and l'leasant Fnrgative reliefs (which if taken as directed, Insure the syaUm against disease) upon payment of a very email fee. All tne principal druggist! are constituted agents. To cleanse and whiten the teeth, to sweeten oeous Dentifrice. Twenty-Bve cents a bottle Eon. O. R. Parsons, mayor of Rochester, was radically cured of Bright s Disease by Craig's Kidney Cure. Depot 42 University PI., N. V. Chew Jackson's Best Bweet Navy Tobacco IMPORTANT NOTICE. Farm era, FnwiL tea and Others ean pnrohase no Remedy aqnal to Dr TOBIAS' VKNFTIAW MNIMKNT for the anre of Cholera, Diarrheas, Drsenterr, Oronp, ('olio and Sea sickness, taken internally (it is perfeotlr harmless; sea earn accompany in eson Dotnei ano eiternauy ror Cbroalo Kbeamatlsm, Headache, Toothache, Sore Thioau Oats, Barns, Swellings. Braises, Mosquito Bites, Old Sores, Psins in Limbs, Back and Ghent. The VKNKTIAN LINIMKNTwaa Introdaoed In 1H47, and iwhohaaaBed it bat oominaes to do so. many if it T.H nnlli.r a Rottle the. wonM nnt be without it. Thousands of Oertifloatea ean be seen at tha Depot, spoekin of its wonderful onretire proper lies. Bold by the DnursisM at 40 eta. Depot 43 Murray St., New York. The Markets. tun. BeefOattla Ratty.-.... 19 lt Taiea ann Cherokee. . tea A 0,3. MllehOowa....,,,..,...,.. 15 00 fl60 00 Ho git Live OS (9 Of Dressed...,. OKS 04? ?&ep M. OB 04 rsmha...... (is i I4W Oo'.ton I Middling OtH 19J, Floor 1 Western: Goou to Ouoic. 4 0) tiaSCO State f 1P1, Inflhnla. S as 10 1(8 Wheat I Bf dNiS White State 1 11 1 II ajmt uiaie... Barley i State, i... .. ci (9 J S3 125 ,1 m m m mm Barley writ Oats I KUedWeatern Oornl Mixed Weetern Ungraded... flay, per cwt. 44 6t PS ns ( 7 46 ) 18 m 1 1" n'.rew, per cm.,, Hops., Pork I 7na .bis. ..ivt Family M.s .. 8 80 Lard! Ultytrtuani -6.M)a .07.10 Flab I Mackerel, Po. 1. new.. . . 16 -A3 n on " ho. 1 Prince Edw'd 0 00 uj30 (0 Dry Ood, per owt 4 So t P9 Herring. Sealed, ner bo.... 31 da 21 Petroleum! Crude .077i!S Beflned, Woo) California Fleece..... 92 & SS S6 4J n 27 27 19 It 00 OR 22 ioxaa Fleece s 0 9 (4 m AoslrsliiuFleeoe.. 3R State XX 82 Datir State Creamery............ S Dairy 15 Creamery, 17 Factors ... n ITxe.aa i State Factory IS State summed........... VI Wosterii..... OS fges: State and Pennsylvania... anAZ,o. 21 Floar I7S 87 0 4i5 (4 7 o il ia so r ( 9! 120 Wheat No, 1 MUwauEts. ........... (lorn Mixed Data , 40 29 60 Rye. Barley DO barley Malt.... 110 t BrxaoBLraia. Floor Pennsylvania Lztra 4 so. A 4 75 1 03 1 elit es 4 11 i'X 48 l I? 3 H4 i Refined, C9 9'j 9 28 18 DO , 20 28 Ci A 04 ot & 05), 6 78 1 28 82 (ft 83 86 u 8? M t 87 UK 18 M fl C7 , 044 04X , C (4 Wi . OeJtl 04 Rye Oarn Veliow ............. ....... Sail Klxed t Mixed....... Petrokom Cruce. Wool Colorado. Texas ... Ciliiornla...... sostoh. Sheep... KflKS, , ., Floor Wisoonain and Minnesota. . Oorn Ulzed. Data Wool Ohio and Pencnvlvanla XX. California Spring.......... BBIOHTOH, Hal. Beat Cattle. Baeep.MM... ................. Limns...... ..... EUga..... V..Dlnhln Prrnnrmlon, Invented In the 17tn century oy Dr. wnu. wntnrv hv nr. Wlllium lirace. Sunreoii In Kinir James' army. Through 1.8 agency he cured tbous nml. nf t)iA most sirl(iiis soros and wounds that battled tho skill of the most eminent fchyslc lans of his (lur, and was rcguracu uy an u Knew mm as a puuuc Dunexacior. CURES FIXSH WOrKDS, FROZKX LIMBS, RAJ.I RHETJM, Cnir.BT.AlN9,- SOBE BRKAHT, SOKE UrW, KRIBirj.M, HIMinUKU, CALLUSES, SCALD HEAD, CUATi'ED HANDS. BURNS, CANCEna, . FELONS, SCALDS, SORES, ILTERS, WOUNDS, STINGS, SHINGLES, FESTERS, WENS, BTIES, FILES, ABCESR, FRECKLES, BUNIONS, SPRAINS, B011.1, BITES, CUTS, WHITLOWS, WARTS. BLISTERS, TAN, riHPI.ES, CORNS, SCURVT, ITCH, INQUOW1NO NAILS, NETTLK . H, HOSUlTO AND FLEA BUbS, annua, And all cutaneous diseases and eruptions generally. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. BY HAIL 85 CENTS. Threei dozen Boxes (1-4 Broesl, will be nent TO PEDDLERS, STOKEK.KEPEHS, DRUGGISTS, (cxprcssago paid), on receipt ot 4. 00 about eleven cents a box. PREPARED ST SETH W. FOWLE &. SONS, 86 HARRISON AVENUE, BOSTON, MASS. $2 Seven Shot Full Nlrkel Pin ird.'lfrl llnr r. A" f 'vlinilpr. ItilliMl llurr. I .V Pint.; ( vIIimIit l(I V(II.Vl:i i Thf lii('A:(M.i:ix;i H SIX .IIONTIIN for TWO UOIXAKM. W warrant thisoeauuiul itvolir to o tha leat nror ottered lor tbe mnnev. 4a la no ctieao cast. ben pistol, bat manufactured of tha best Knallull steel, and nniabed equal to the highest-priced Revolver in the market. We have sold b.ulOof tbem ainoe the 11 ret of June, and havs just contracted with tbe manufartu.ei lor 10.UUU more. Our suarantee accompanies each Re volver. (Jartrldsea to lit tbem can be obtained at ani Seneral store. TUK CHICAGO I.KDOER lathe Largest, Best and Cheapest l'amilv Paper In tbe United htaUia. It Is printed upon large, plain type, and can be easily read by old or roans, ana should be in ever household. Remember, every purchaser of one of these Revol. era seta TUK CHICAGO I.KIMiKR fur U months, post ace paid. AdrireeaTHB I.KHG Klf. lii.-imo. III. asiiasa B n sens ee. a as aa Vllll V ill NTS A pARll IIU Iff Mil lJ M I sHIllil WERE TARM6 FAYS THE BEST ? FOR SALE. OUOiOOO ftlfweu'o5tedr?,'m?oh5i', at from 8 in s per acre, on easy 200,000 ft VI aaenjauvur sraisHSe Acres of Choice Pine A u, m oeet a.iauiber lllelrlcta "Sad (or liliuUAUdP-vmphlet, (all of (act. Jt r lYIIrthlsvnn. O. BAKNEN, Kfcad Cminln,n.luper, IshpmIbh. ifllcb NEWSPAPERS and MAGAZINES at clnb rates. Time, trouble and expanse saved by sua. ash the Rockl Mountain Subscription l fuminhes any paper (eaoept looal) puk- TnilAll Hl.tAM Mll.ioAl Ram ins Machines ot all kinds, Obromoa, frames, biwin, U.Akln. Ik 11 1 ...... . - - . ... 1 ... I c,hu. lei and Attachments at reduoed pricee. i Wui aiao furuah Book, of aU kinda at lowest vtum. ROCky Mountain StereOSCOpiO Views I a specialty. Don't fail to write at onoe for our droolers. Agent ean make bi nnn. Addresa AMEa TORBKN8, Evans, Oolo. IOC Mnurn Mnelcnl Inatrnrllon ufT New Knf lend Oonserrauiry. Huaie nejVe HaU, Boston. K. Touriea, Director. $15. GKNTN WANTED.-For tha bast and (aateat- ' MMuriAu ouuaa ua oiuies. rrioes raduoed m AddrflM MAT. FUfi. OO., ffeUa., fi9 CELKBUATED-. Gentle Women Who mint flossy, luxuriant mid wavy trrssrs of abundant, beautiful Hair must use LION S EATUAIR0N. This elegant, rhoap nrliclo nlways mnkes Iho Hair prow freely and last, keeps it from falling out, arrests nud cures gray ness, removes dandruff and Itching, makes the Hair strong, giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in nny desired position. Beau tiful, healthy Hair is tho sure result of using Kathairon. PRICE Your Wife'! REDUCED. Wants It. Better than KTer. full of main, PracUcal, IlelluUe, 'PAYING INFORMATION for West. Esst. Sonth. North. For everv Owner fm of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine, or a Fash, fc ll.Htan n Vlllna. Int, fnp..r.Uni,U,VMn.r lor all Boys and tilrla ; OVER 700 FINE ENGRAVINGS, both Plenstng nnii Instructive. All the (above. And more. In the AmericanAgriculturisti Vol. 89. From Abt tip to 1BS0, pntlfret, Only $1 Each, to Clubs of ten or more. copies, t.2oench i 4 copies, Sl.58eneh. Single Buoscnnuonft. sineic nnmners id cis. Oue specimen, post-free, 10c. SPLENDID PnELMIUMS GIVEN to those sending Clnbs of Subscribers. i Issued in English & German at same Price. Try M-Yon'U Like It-It Will PAY. ORANGE JUDD "Children I company. Everybody. Want It. p...,i..,.'v v Wants It. THE ICHT RUNNING NEW HOME the Bent, KiiteM Improved) end tnoit Tbor Sewing Machine ever Invented. Itia NOIMEI.KSS, and has more POINTS of EX' CKl.L bCK than all other Macbinea oombined. nr ARENTH WANTED in localities whan wa are not repreaentea. JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., 30 Union Square, New York, Orange, Maim., Plttabursi, Pa., (Jhlcaao, III.. Mt. I.OIIIs, Mo. NEW PUBLICATION!! Eare Chance for Ladies & Gents!! 10.000 Wanted to Canvass for HENRY L0VELL: A temperance story. (5 Illustrations: Full-Page Frontispiece.) HIrIiIt Commended by HERALD. WATCHMAN, POST, CHRISTIAN REGISTER, BOSTON ; and Various Other First-Class P:iiera throughout the country. "Mr Arnold i well known as a writer of good books books of sterling worth."- BOSTON POST FREE FROM All SECTARIANISM. Muslin-bound, gilt back, 100; Paper, SOets. ALEX. S. ARNOLD. PUBUSHER.VAllEVTAUS.R.l. A GREAT MISTAKE is made by ladlea who bur cheap stockings to avoid dam ins them, when one dollar will bur an attachment to Bowleg machines which osn darn a hule in half a minute. Try it. bnd for circular, cr call and e Rose's Darneb and KTrTcHKB, in Room 4, bun Bii.lriu ff. corner Xsau and Krankfnit Htreeta, New Toik, or any Agent. Jf..r Upnuiirnr lnlih. Savins Ltthnr. 7lpnn tini'sM, Duinhiliiy iV- Cboitpni'HM. I nequnled. !UUU!Mi mius,i rroti xi, tmnuu, ninau. The Great Famltu Weekly. THE CHRISTIAN UNION. IIGNRV VI?I III.Et llKIt,) v.iilor, LV.11AN AllllOT't'. 1'""or' An Unsectarian.Independent Jonrnal, uevulT-U W iVfitKiiii iiiorois, ivaiunui nons. uivvis- ture, unusniioia .ifctcTH. ARriciumre, xo. nor Htiniim. uiieluitn Iir4unld. A lartfe otiKh comnustion paid to anents. tieud it-cent stamp for Pdinnle cony. Andrets TUB OHR1S I lAW UNIOaS, Ml Park Plaoe. W. Y. iwivjd lt- Hletii-t M : r-i i w a w w tr-i TnvllAOITlilnT .r ll Anirrlriiti t-nii-ftitiTn. I li.-.r FI.BX11H.K II I P WKl-tT (ISO ' flf utlli rwrfpi-t lint. Rlltl 'r EaNTEP not to i.ii-k ilnwn ovi i 'tp TUelr HKALTH t'OKSKT wl -h itn iL nrnvail H list. 1 H 11(1 W It. Crtr.lir Ii Ml.'.' tlisntjvrr, niirpiiJnPinw.nni,i tli (luliKtit ot every motln-r. v., I,. I.ernll 1 aniti sr tnrrrlintittt. EARNER BUDS., S5I Broadway, K.i IV YOU Altlu- Going mm Kansas Hsand tnr Trm fluid. avivlnnT fnll and rHabl informa- tioo in reRtrd to tbe OheaoMt, Most ProductiTs and Boa t-ljOca tea r armint LiiLOd in tue cum. AaarMi J. E. L0CKW00D, General Imroitrtion Af't la cartifully out no in tin rant. Hold at 86c.. 85., 1.35. fi.ou. i uke no oiar. in aeo lor 40 yvarsi. nuuir iviii a kj on every isuei. TIAS'd lbs. Best Bamole Tea, 11.60; I lbs. Van Km f 'r. Te fviveu or black), fcl. Sent in lackaKea of 6 .bn. and npeard to ai1. addrenti te tvcmnlor prioe. uircuisr. ma'tw iree. 'i'lire fiA'rn4 twa rri. lmnnrtn,.. Us Chamber, Silent. New York. PoatoBice hi 1 878. A enta w&nNd. j VOUMG tvlEN I month, (small saiur, wnilol 1 ..... .e'.eeruubj i eam l to ll'(li ernlt tf. I, tur Siahed. Address R. Valentine, Msnaaer, Jmw.vrlf.Wir, IVINH Patent Ilnlr-C'rlmpers B.rnp'e Boa 60 ota. Re nilers supplied bj ao. Wholesale Notion House in the United states. Se jd lor oiroulam. Manu laotnred only by E. Itins,9U3 N. Fifth 8t.,Fhlla.,P. SHI In dmnn invested in Wall Bt. Stocks make. ill II III .Tl II I III I fortunes even montn. ooos aeoi ' (re ejplainini arerylhing. Address BAXTER A CO., Bankers. 17 WallSt.,B. (JrlUI.1 11 ..t.i ... ml i. m.a,'M. Thur andsuured. Ioet Prioei Donot iVU towriU. Ot.V E.Marsh.Wuinor.Mloo. A AN A A MONTH-Aarenta Wanied-attDe 4KI1 selling artioles in the world ; one sample r $UUU Addri-a JAY BRONSON. Detroit. Mioh, frss. mmm A DAT to Ajrenta oannatug tor tha Klrvata falT v.kiiai. Tanni and Oatttt Vnm. Addresa pg p. Q. V 10 KB BY, AngosU, Maine II A PA YWitn Btenoil OntBU. What costs 4 II I IS cu iefia rapidly or 50 ola. Oatalosoe yrei D I U 8 .iLHmoBBh I Waah'n 8t..Bo.u.n,laa. , .. .. .r e wnnnrmT?ilC! HAW Hi Bled with LA.ltrX.JW 1X.1i a5 our New .Machine will ont smooth and tine. "":;! lu.trated circular iree. a,, n-uiu " -. - AGENTS KftVaii Home DUtionerrluppJrleJId naaian Pt-.n.s SUPERFLUOUS gfrggl SS3005 a VSAR. HawlaMaUf It- K.KIM, 4aT IVIIVCI -em NBW and Be.utitul-Pnotosrapb Oards with Name. sample. so. Sendctur. u, s w-i DEEOBESn MONTHLY -THK- WORLD'S MODEL MAGAZINE A stand combination of tha entertaining, the useful, and the beautifnl, with fine art ansratlnaa and oil pictures In each No. PUICE 25c. YEA 111. Y S3, with an nneqnaled prtroiora, two splendid oil pictures. n..u r Aaea and The I.lnn's Bride, IftaUl lnh.s. mounted on canras) traneportatfrn ( extra. Bend postal eard for foil partienlara. Address W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, IT East 141k Street, New York. GeoPKowell. 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK. (Printins House Squaro, opp. the Tribune Buildins.) Newspaper Advertising Bureau. Nkw Touk Aor.TfTi tob .all Newspaper in the United Statt-s ann Canada. Advkiitirkmrnts forwabpf.d datly (as reoeired), to every ectit.n,from Newfoundland to Texas, and from Florida to Britixh Columu.a. Altto to all New York City dailies and weeklies. Eight Thousand Newspapers kept regularly on file for Inspection by advertise-s, including all the (treat dailies from Boston to San Franoiaoo, from Montreal to Gal veston. Ptjbb. OF AMERICAN NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY THE SMITH ORGAN CO. Flrat Established I Moat Succeaafuli THEIR INSTRUMENTS have a atandard ralue in all the LEADING MARKETS OP THE WORLD! Everywhere recognized ns tlio FINEST IN TONE OVER 30,000 Made and In ns. New Designs constantly. Best work nnd lowest prices. s)s) Bend for n Catalogue. tout St,, epp, Walthm St., Boston, Maa CHEAP AND GOOD Hoium for all. near R. R.. town, and station (ill 96 per acre). Country desirable in every war. Product! I Tiried. Freights to best market very low. RKUUi' IsAlMwR. All who wish a farm of their own and desire to better their oondition should snnd the It- till I adnrfns for maps, views and full information. H T em as aw. ; v I'nru nf A lav. rm aa msv nru . ' ' ALLEN'S' THE LUNG BALSAM GREAT REMEDY l ?nnliM. lnlilH. 7ntlHUinDtlon. A si Inn ii, Bronclilile. and nil Tliront nnd I, una Aflrrtlona liiuuraeii iiyiue Yrv.nn nnd IMi)irluua. Tnken by thou nnila. rtHOLD BVERTWHRRR.Jsl FOR CURING STANLEY IN AFRICA PFOPI.K'H EDITION. Rtanlev's own story in one superb volume of over 600 Pages, w KdlIv-paok Knohavinhs Phick only 3$'idU No monopoly; no fctlr-edffed, high-toi ed prices. Popular Books at Popular Prices, is our Motto. A rT?WrT1Q don't mistake, Aend for ciroularsniv cXJXill X O ins our unusual terms. Addresa Oolcmbuw Book Co., Hartford, Conn.; Chicago, III. The Antidote to Alcohol Found at Lat The Father Mathew Remedy Is a oertain and a Deed aura lor in tern iterance. ltd. stroya all appetite for atoobolio liquors-and builda u iua uarTuui 07 loin. AIICT O. afODUrDf II r HD 7 Intemperate lnlulenret a nln(le teaMpotwn ful will remove all utentnl and phtalral de. preMHlon. It also onrva every kind of t EVKB, Dyi pkpsia and Tobfiditt of the Liver. Bold br all druftfriets. 91 per Bottle. Pamphlet on "Alcohol, its rnecta on the human body, and Intemperance aa a Disearus1 ent fr-e. Fatbib Mathew TrmpfRancs amu Manutactdbiwo Co., ao Bond St., New Yo.k. A nnsitive ronicdr llrnmi' t ill 1 disrcsri of Bins tkinneyi, nisnanr .'1 Vriiinry igaoi. fliiut'fi JCcmctly h purv.y M-j-'etablc and !ireparvu eiuremy i t ium auuve uncan'i. 11 nas cured thutinamU. i-fry hott'e M-arrant d. tend to W E. Clarke, rrovidenco. ft I., tlluitrteil painpii'.'t. If your dru;Ttrist don't have it, he will ord truer u Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion Soar Stomac1". Rick Headache. OOUI p AGENTS WANTED FOR THE" A HISTORYwraWORLD ItoonUin AT2 Una taiatoraal AnmrlnsTU avnri I V.lrt lree double-oolamn naarMa. anrl i thm mnt ivim r laf H'tvtory of tha World mwr bubimhfd. It baIIm avt stiht (Send for apaoimen paeff nd eit- terms to A Kent. Philadelphia. Pa. TO PHYSICIAN8 AND MOTHERS. Best Fowl for Infant ana Invaiwt. 14 That havs nr.iftUl nuul f bavw exet kooD." V. H A.M. X I). XtwYork. other fod I h r e tr und. Bold bv Druer-friera and urocers every wiif re, Manufactured L td Ly THE CEKEAI.S M'F'O CO., 18 COLLEOK I LAVE, NEW YOKE. Tiir. utii others eneaired In the forma. lion ot hands or orchestra should seud lur sii.iiint vBa ,a, as - or Hit iuiebw uuu moRi opprovcu siyio - WKtiti now Hi uso. awiuui'U nee. Auure&a T XI KALY. State. tni Monroe Bta..rh.pfOi WANTED" -An Agent in every town In the unite States to introduce into oar best homes the elegantls Illustrated Monthly, 1Mb mina'a NunHhtni for I ljltile Children.'' Kxautatla and valuable Premi ums given to Oanvassers, which enable them to olear from 9 1 v to per wee it. Bena stamp lor ciroulars and terms, to lit v. J. Hknuy Ahythb, ore of BEAL8 fUaTKH. No. IP Hpruoe Street, New York. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. It-wtnsfrattd ht bu HIOHKST HONORS AT A Lb WOKLIVS KXPOUlTIONU XQR TWELVE YEAKS, I'-. a.t a snis, IWI, T (BiFiiea, iOlo; DAH1IAUU, ICI PuiiJi.DeLPi.ia, Ihth ; Paris, 1878 ; and Grand Hwxdib Gulu Medal. 1878. Only Amerioan Organs ave awarded hi a heat honors at an iuoh. ReAA far oaah oi Inatailments. I LLC STB ATI D OataLOODKS snd ('iron. larawith new styles and prioes, sent free. MAMJN 4 UAMf.lN ORGAN OO , Boston, New York nrOhinngo . X-tSHX J VJ1"." Vlia ai,T7w!4.T ai SiV.Tw J f ,) irjXMt."ZjZ??. ,'5 TRI'TII IS UlUHTYt ;jl af t, . the tiiue and Tihexe fenj l.H, s.bJ I., dale at Sbhrriaa. tij. HABTINI.2,4 r-eemnaj . Mao. IU. u M Ueie. I its. In.u.Usf i emnMBIinkfaj gl PIAllUb f H5 te SiOO-faotory prioeaw highest honors Mathoaek'a aoals for aonaj Mneat nDfwhta in America over 13,000 in use regularly Inoorporated Ml c ua--rianos sent on trial 40-uage eata.ogo ann. Mendelssohn Piano Oo., 1 K. lfeth Btreet. N . Y. Rare relief i c irmr I KIPPER S PASTILLES..; sniwnWsngagaBTsnnnnwr-:" I'rloe etcu.aiJ 1 Uina. malL SlowcUetCo. I mnm -nnnanr Something New for Agents :hariestown, ataaa. b lot o K, mm m m mi v mm tm mm i a j r i iTiITT a rT fT -"i- ri i lliflini IV clusivetyto T "ff vS,SipJ5 iufurniutioii concern-1 eA fijjUA V-Plt J I injr Baud and Orehes-VTfejP ItlvTiJ-E tr:il retiulB'tLaudcoit- X--..y. LL9Dmfkr7J nnsic Teachers Will Do Wen TO TTISII3 , Seholara. MaSOD'S PlfflM I Wjlg vanr thonsands, if W II B Maathewa. br Wm. Mason, assisted bt W. B. Bar. rem od fas lorf Muscat Bord 1 5 eta. eaah. fcSSi5S M mll aa pterins. Br W. - rorThoronsh BM.S..... JOllIlSOD . iMA W TflSSlSES S o'h'or'dVte.inV.Tn rMita& rZ& . to. th. Kkw Method. a . i For Rlnflnc Olsssea. OINWARO! Slnsins rjenooi i? an. itleinod for Hlnstns Jlaeae. result id diverse wara. Kiamine botni At t Nriet Standsor Muiical JMeer I Anr book mailed poat-free, for retail price. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. o. a. DiTSON CO., , v . 843 BreawT Hew Tern. J. B. DITSON CV CO., w8 raief nut It.. Phllr-. tSteKFRANK LESLIE'S SUNDAY MAGAZINE. CONDUCTED BT CHARLES FORCE DEEMS, D. Faster of the Chnreh of she Stransere. to rtnder it sortbl ot tne coroiai sppriU...- - eronB support woicn iL uw w-- . . . . Tbe Number for J.naars, whion i 1 ? "T.1! in De. ember, commence; ,h" ''i'.? 1 Volume of the Hunday M'" mentTf new fTir.,ble opponuDiir tor ihe .commencement .i : new Subror.ptioi,si and tbe Fublisber espeoiallr dtsirssth J former subscribers will renew 'her rlubscriptiona ...i.mnilv. ao tnat ne ma he enabled to have the namea dnl? registered. TEHM8 1 Three Dollars per Annum, or Twenty-five Centf per Single Number. The M an line mar be ordered through any Bookseller When seotdirectl, from tha Office, the Postage will be prepaid bt the Fuuluuur. Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 63, 65 and 67 Park Place, NEW YORK. s Established 1838. Ivi BROIiA.NTS Gargling Oil Liniment pner for Animal and White for Human Flesh. IS GOOD FOR I T ....... ..J GnMiS .-.A 1,!c I Chilblains. Frost feiteS.StrinL'halt. Windfalls, u scratches or Ureaaa, root k in anerp. n. I napped liands, I'.' Wounds, I ) Kxtems.l Poisons, :Antl Cracks, ;jii.i!iJ of all kinds, i, Ringbone, 3 I'oli K.'il, A Swellings, Tumors, Foundered Feet, Kup in Poultry, Cracked Heels, Episootic, Lame Back, Hemorrhoids er Pilee, Toothache, Kheumatiam, v tt-irret in vows, Spavins, Sweer7, i Cracked 1 eats, V istula. Mania . Callous, AMnenceB, Caked Breast, Horn Distemper, Crownaoab, Quittor, Koul Ulcers, Farcy, Abcess of the Udder, Swelled 1ci Thrush, Sore Nipple Curb, Old So-es, Corns, Whitl-iws, Cramps, Boiis, Weakness of the Joints Contraction of Muscles. Merchant's 6arflln Oil U the aundard Liniment of the United States. Larue size. i; medium, 50c; amaJL sc Small siae for i tamlly use. a$c. manuiacturva n , N. V., by Merchsnt's Gareiing Oil Company. JOfaN noDGK. ieCr. CAPONIFIER aJssa-Mewsw.11. m.M iB Ii t 014 teliablo OonMntraU4 Lj FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Directions aeeomnanruif eaek ean let aaaklna Kas4 4att and TeUet bosr einleklr. IT IS WVLL WM10MT AtT MTMWMTM. Tke market Is Ceoded with (ao-eallsd) OoaeeBKtac4 le, nklah la adalurated nitk aall and main, tmd IAYM MONET, A MB BOT TBB OAPONIFIEI SUlDI bt thb rsnasjlTMii Salt Manuf f Co., PHIL A DELPHI A. '0 1ANU FACTORY. 1 "' BOSTON TRANSCRIPT, Daily and Weekly. Quarto. BOSTON, MASS. The Largeet, Cheapest and Beet Famll, Newspaper ha New Knaiend. Kdited with SDeeieJ nfMu t. m raried taste and reotiiremeute or the home oirole. A- U the loreisn and local uewa pabliahed promptlr. 15" ,fjlO per ann tun in adranoe. (6 eopiea to one addreea.) S7.50 per Weel U.W, IU HITUIM. 8END FOB SAMPLE COPY. WANTED t AO K NTH FOR TH R H uhfull dmcliona and form for alt Transactions, in svery Stats of th Union. By THROPIIIlaliM PAKM'N, I. A Book foh Kvemyhodv. sSzutainina tha riant. dutif, and oblujatiw of all the relation a of life, aa wall as every kind of ot ntract and legal iblipation, A correct, sconomiieal, and tafs Counselor und adviser, Oivina; direct lona for every proceeding, and abutting how to draw and execute evfry kind of legal inatiu ment. The only reliable Book ot ita kind, Send for decri at ive circulara and terma. H. S. WI RANTON A CO. llunlord. Com CURED FREE! An Infallible and nnexoelled remedr fat? Kile, Kptlepey or Valllnai Klrknr.s wn rrm, I e4 to efleot a .peedy and ?EU. wnrrnii led i ITS lllKT cure. "A free holll)'. nf . renowned apeoifio and a aU uable Treatise aent to any aufferer aendine me hie frmt-olBoe and Kxpreaa Da. H. O. ROOT, IW:t Pearl'atreet. Wew Tork.-t N YNU 4T i-i ell Drilling, Boring, Mineral Prospecting a Qaairyinjj Tools. icnes award at Oentennial Bihibition. fcnnlen Sieurial eatalosne and prioe list, tree. A rente wansaZ igO net day snaranteed. Ssnrt, bonl.iera, and roeta eeailr nandled. Addreae, PIUKOK WKli RXol TATOB OO., 4gQtJ Kun Ave., Philadelphia, Pag. AGENTS, READ THIS I . We will par a Salary o( loo per month and SS Dense., or .1 iuW a laree ntun mi.... ... 1,. i nd wonderful inventiuna. H. hum hl,i JT - Nuuplefree. Addreea, IEH.1IA! ro fllarahall, ftllch.' . EMBOSSED PICTURES nSi-aSKj Fianree. Ao.1 sheala lor 1.10 il...Ji "SrJrSi .,n?J0' adoa. iTorr nandlTfabl. KnX Xff. 19. l.nrromi'i"'j 900u boed ' DiKnasePnee yst tree. Bunefurel. (Joooer In.riim- n r?J.: ' mu. Q C P R CT " 1 " Til '"r Secret Detective BerTtca. Otbntl -W liUrral. AdilreaTwUhKanu! VrrrweA AM.. E,W. "erviceCot'cUi"iu,!gg' ITT wlu.wlshloUk.uplT.8. UM.wortbllaMracie, M 1 1 '.aauM.suileclUltluil pru.-.. N n tl.M for Urcw 1 lar., Sc. , Uttiro, bailtk, virv.rer, Belt Uk., Cull Tr.