I ' Jl .. THURSDAY, NOV. 7. 1878. Eggs are aearce. --Cow loose in the court yard. gonie snow In this section now. W. J. Colegrov was in town this wwk. D. 8.' Luther is putting up anew barn. . Potatoes eighty cents to one dollar a bushel. James McFarland has built a new chicken coop. See Mrs. Malone's new advertise ment in another column. We give the official vote of Elk county In another column. How much different figures appear ftei election than they do before. Election day was pleasant through out, although the air was rather chilly. Jeremiah Elliott received one vote in Spring Creek township for Con gress. Martin Clover came over from Jay township afoot and brought the re turns. -. Presbyterian sociable at Q. G. Messenger's Friday evening. All are invited. . Seth H. Yocum, Greenback candi date for Congress in this district, is elected. Rev. J. V. Martin, of Brockway ville, called on its this week. Hope he will call again. David Thayer voted at the recent election. He was taken in a carriage to the polls. - What relation do bricks in the hat sustain to dead mice in a long man's pocket? John G. Hall is elected to the State Senate from this district by about 1600 plurality. Brandon was down with his arm in a sling. Better have his arm in a sling than his nose in a whisky sling. Rev. H. V. Talbot will deliver the last of his series of lectures on te'iiper auce at the M- E. church next Sunday evening. Our mother-in-law is with us, and the "election in the county has gone wrong, and potatoes threaten lo be a dollar and a half a bushel. Now, as election time is over, we propose to give our chickens and agri cultural affairs more time. We will also have time to give the boys an oc casional shot. Superiutendant Dixon and fam ily have been away from town for some time. Mrs. Dixon's father is dead and her mother lies in a very dangerous condition, and not expected to livfc. iron City College. Tin- utteiititm of nur rpiuleix Is ciilk'il to the advertisement in another col umn of this popular and successful business college. It is an institution which lias stood the test of time, and is everywhere recognized as unsur passed in the advantages it affords young men for acquiring a thorough practical business education. Election Notes. "Whisky was just strong cneugh to capture four votes in Spring Creek fo' Earley. Earloy's majority in Fox. his ok! home, was just three o'.cr Horton. Hortou, for Assembly, received all but nine votes in Horton township. Andy Curtin's major! ly in Elk is just -07 Alas! how have the mighty fullen. Twentieth Congressional District. The official majorities in this district for Congress, by counties, will be found below : CURTIN, V. , YOCUM, tl. Centre Clearfield . . ... 49 Union. ion .772 693 Clinton 301 Elk 207 Mifflin 16 Curtin 693; Yoeuni's maj. 79 Mk. Editor: Having a little leisure while visiting some friends in your town, I, in company with a friend, visited Miss Atherton's department of your public schools, and was much pleased with the condition of the school, both as to deportment and proficiency in the studies. The teacher held the school well in hand and had every thing in first rate order. She certainly deserves credit for efficiency in her profession. J. W. Martin. Brookwayville, Pa., Nov. 7, 1878. Elk County s Vote. In another column will be found an accurate and full vote of the county by districts. The total vote polled on Governor is 1,904; the total vote on Assembly reaches 1,015. The whole Democratic ticket is elected, and the Republicans secure W, H. Osterhout for Commissioner and J. J. Taylor for Auditor. The principal fight in the county was on the Assembly question, which results in Earley having 844, Horton 648, Aires 423 votes, a plurality for Earley of 19d over Horton. Fred. 8choening, for Prothonotary, having no opposition, received 1,580 votes. Jared Mecuin, for Auditor, received the highest vote where there was op position, his vote reaching 1,086. The Republican and Greenback Supreme Judge each received 401 votes. The names of the new county officers are : C. R. Earley, of Ridgway, Represen tative ; Michael Bruner, of St. Marys, Treasurer; Fred. Schoening, of Ridg way, Prothonotary ; Michael Weidert. of Jones, George Reucher.of St. Marys, and W. H. Osterhout, of Ridgway, Commissioners ; Jared Mecum, of St Marys, Charles Miller aud J. j. Taylor, -of .Fox, Auditors. Tliankstrlrlng Proclamation, The President has issued the follow ing: . By the President op the United States a Proclamation: The recur, reuce of that season at which it Is the habit of our people to make a devout and publie confession of their constant, dependence upon Divine favor for all good gifts of life and hap piness and of public peace and pros perity, exhibits in the record of the abundant icasons for our gratitude and thanksgiving. Exuberant . harvests, productive mines, ample crops and staples of trade and manufacture have enriched the country. The resources thus furnished to reviving Industry and expanding comierce are hasten ing the day when discords nnd dis tresses through the length and breadth of the land will, under the continued favor of Providence, have given way to confidence and energy and as sured prosperity. Peace with all nations has remained unbroken ( do mestic tranquility has prevailed, and the institutions of liberty and Justice which the wisdom and virtue of our fathers established remain the glory and defense of their children. The general prevalence of the blessings of health through our wide land has made more conspicuous the sufferings and sorrows which the dark shadow of pestilence has cast upon a portion of our people. This heavy affliction even the Divine RuhT has tempered to the suffering communities in the universal aid and succor which have flowed to their relief, and the whole nation may rejo ce in the unity of spirit in our people by which they cheerfully share one another's burdens. Now therefore I, Rutherford B. Hayes, President of the United State, do appoint Thursday, the 28th of No vember next, as a day of National thanksgiving and prayer, and I ear nestly recommend that, withdrawing themselves from secular cares and la bors, the people of the United States do meet together on that day in their respective places of worship, there to give thanks and praise to Almighty God for his mercies and to devoutly beseech their continuance. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hniid and caused the seal of the United Statts to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 30th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and third. R. B. Hayes. By the President. Wm. M. Eva uts, Secretary of State. Ttie P. & E. Road. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Record bus recently traveled over the P. & E. joad, and from Reno'-o sends that journal a most flattering exhibit of its present freight traffic. He says it is greater than at arytime in the history of the r ad. A large part of this freight consists of wheat ami corn from the elevators at Erie, soft coal from St. Marys and lumber and mer chandise. Hard coal going west is also a large Item. At Renovo from 1,200 to l,ao0 cars are handled per day, and yet the business superintendent finds il almost impussiblo to keep up with the demand. The writer adds : "Trains are found all along the road at intervals of only a mile or two, and many of them are of great length. A few days a ;o a train of 110 cars, in cluding the engine and two cabooses, was moved from Emporium to llenovo, a distance of forty-six miles, in three hours and forty minutes. The weight of the train was over 2,500 tons, and railroad men claim that a greater feat was never accomplished by a D engine before. A train of tills number of cars is about a mile in length. Of the enormous number of cars handled daily at least two-thirds are loaded. During the month of August 29,088 cars were moved on the di vision. The returns for September are not compiled yet, but they will gre tly exceed thuse of the previous month, and October promises to be greater still. The great yard at Renovo is often so blocked with arriving and departing freight trains that there is scarcely room to handle them. All crews and engines arc changed here, which adds to the life and activity of the town. It is expected that the same number of men employed in the shops will be kept at work all winter, as there promises to be an abundance of work." The M. E. sub district Sunday school institute, held at Brockway ville the last three days of October, was on quite a success, although at the begin ning it looked somewhat likeas though it would be a failure, owing to the ab sence of several persons who were ex pected to be present and take part iu the exercises. Prof. Excel, the singer, was among the missing. Revs. Talbot, Burns, Taylor, Fillson, Hunt and Keeley were present, also a large num ber of workers representing the laity. The sessions of the institute were all well attended by the people of Brock wayville and vicinity, aud In theeven ings the church was crowded. The questions discussed were mostly of a practical character and elicited con siderable discussion without much controversy. The musical exercises were conducted by our home talent and were remarkably good, cousidering the circumstances, for Professor Excel was expected until within a few hours of the opening of the Institute. Rev. C. C. Hunt led the choir with his cor net, while Mrs. McLaughlin presided at the organ, and so well were they assisted by the ladies and gentlemen composing the choir that we soon forgot our disappointment. While we did not have Excel we had Excel-lent music and an Excel-lent institute all through. j. w. m. Ex-Supervisor Gulnack has returned from the West. Di 7; ri a - v. r 1 Cu S p i r : fi h ! ! 3 5 i i ! i j I I j 1 : I : : t . 1 1 i If 5 I i 5 i : : I i ! I f-i ! ! i i 5? -Vs:. I tstseo M -t . e 0090 -I W - M I CO tO C l5 9 t$ C9 09 .OM hi uo gj wo gy C -1 U t w to 0 '-P ;o tc c c- c: to floCft to "to W WI5( co-sex 4- ce a. i hi i cp tsuMCn C t -4 tii T. C Cn -1 tShrffd MifeCO CO 10 u x x u i a 3 -i c e tM-D mom cotocn CI OC SO C5 -1 22 tc SC 00 CD IC W Cn-J CO Ci M K5 - - cc cc i-l -i i ti to - to m ij i iso: to -i jo w CO o---l -1 O a. C-' li C C. in wC" - t o o iOM-c-t M . BS-utJUi. CO pi X to -I t'OtttilCC1! IO 1-1 w . C:C-MCacMtitt-J ' CO -1 CC CCwCCCllXw. MX ICr I i CJCM-OMO-ttiX-l to 1 i t C-i i' - 1 W . W CO 1 -i s i; m r. c - - s x 5 ttM lO oit3SMweccc;a : loc:- ft-)H-i K--M-e!Mi-'itKCl tc OC tC O O ---- - M OW in tO - -25- to ro -- oc to- co 'icm-jxcincx m-i i-. O tb. CD CO -i I c: o li -4 ci o c; e I -Sjicgw-r'J-. a'irKw j j i a u -i it tc c c -I c j I I -'II II 5? oc 2 H G 11 N MH"UO S i 5 1 , g cv $ 'j S g - 1 '"JH tS''IW'; 1 i List of Jurors October Oil Hoport. drawn for November Term of Court, commencing Monday, November IS, 1878: QltAND Jl'UOKS. Benezette Edward Lewis, J. W. Winslow, B. E. Morey, It. F. Smith. Benzinger Charles Kronncwetter, Paulus Schneider, George Belle, Philip Young. Fox John W. Moyer, J. B.Conner, F. X. Enz. Horton Edwin Aldin. Jay Charles Webb. Jones R. A. Wescott, James H. Wells, John Nist. Ridgway W. F. Mercer, George R. Dixon, Jeremiah B. Stewart, John Kemmerer. St. Mary's Wolfgang Auman, Geo. Rettger, Charles Lulir. Spring Creek Reuben Mohney. TRAVEHHK Jf KOR8. Benzinger Conrad Hotfman, Wil liam Knecht, Fred. Bauerwald, Albert lirehm, Adam Jesberger, Michael Uhl, Anton Bauer, George Bauer, John Kriegle, John Kaul. Horton Fred. Ray winkle, Harvey Parsons. Jay Armel Turley. Jones John Nagle, Jr., George Powell. Millstone William C. Sliafer. Ridgway George Gulnack, J. N. Brown, Charles Holes, A. A. Malin, G. D. Messenger,Jr., G. D. Messenger, Sr., Horace Little, Bayler Jackson, C. E. Holliday, P. R. Smith, J. B. Pow ell. Boring Creek Jeremiah Elliott, D. D. Davidson. St. Marys Jerry Mecum, Peter Btrubel, Albert Weis, Joseph Meyer, John Busch, Leonard Wittmann. Millstone William Clyde. A few vears aeo Maine was the great est lumbering State in the Union, but now she is the sixth on the list, and tne business is rapidly falling off by reason of the wasting away of the fort-sts and the competition of Western men. Ship builders at Portland say they can gei pine masts and spars from the Pacitic coast cheaper than they can cui mem In their own woods. Maine is fast learning that her farming lands possess a greater permanent value than her timber lands. A woman in Clifton Park. N. Y., was in one day separated by divorce from two husbands, on of the suits being decided against her there and the other In California. - a. D. Messenger has been ap pointed Senatorial return judge, and Micnael Weidert Congressional return jndge. 00 (I 'ssoii J jfiH t . ; W ' SS M U. G - - 8 W W r o o c z H r o M Z M r w r n o H o z a 'ma h awjphv Q 'nosuK "a -g q 'xis a 'a "CL 'uoi-HV uosduiig H 'oinnnci "il uojv "O 'VlfHAV 'T. T q 'mnjo "H tlS 8, q 'un-mo -0 Msjpuv 01 ' H K 3) . B 6 X a 'iih o "ii'r O'JoiXnx AVX H 'jiimo AV P-P?I a 'An-"'a h o ' s it a q 'uojjoh H tiojatt4V I: 1 Q 'JOUiUji pnqotpi I I a 'i a ! a w oj.(a a '.o -si -v a 'Sujuaqog -poj OM.T d 'jaqosndx nfJoaQ u 'teioii "av -g o 'utjj.i.x wiwre O 'sswjpKI "AV a A synopsis of the Derrick's October oil report shows that ?j'flf. wells wre completed during the month, yielding in the aggregate 2,800 btprehi. . Twenty four dry holes were found.' in. all the districts. A number of. important wildcat ventures were finished with unsatisfactory results. - Developments were increasing to a considerable ex tent in the Bradford field,, where 222 wells were drilling on the first of November, and 203 rigs up and build ing, ngainst 182 wells drilling and 223 rigs up and building on the first day of October. In Venango, Crawford and Warren district 14 rigs are up and building and 15 wells drilling ; in Clarion 18 rigs are up aud building and 12 wells drilling ; in Butler 14 rigs are up and building and 33 wells drilling. This makes a total in all the districts of 308 rigs up aud building aud 282 wells drilling. In the lower districts, Armstrong, Butler and Clarion coun ties, the production has decreased slightly, while in the Bradford field it has increased - somewhat. Total shipments for the month were 1,738, 957 barrels. Whilst the Adventlsts are -considering the probabilities of great events on earth, from a prophetic standpoint, a prognostication of wai, pestilence and famine comes . from another quarter. The science oj jieaitn, a medical journal, says that these woes to mankind are 1 kely to occur during the ensuing seven years, caused by the approuching perihelion of the four largest planets of our solar system, Juf.iter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, Between the theologians and the scientists, nervous people may pei haps get disturbed. The example in a story told of a legislative body in the early times of New Englandvwlll.be a good one to follow. The' end f the world had been predicted to take place on a specified day, and at the appoint ed time a great darkness began to pre vail, causing general terror. A motion to adjoin was made. "No, Mr. Speak er," said a sturdy-souled Puritan, "send for candles, aud let us go on with busi ness ; if the end of the world is coming I want to be found doing my duty, His view prevailed; the session was continued, and the darkness soon passed away. State Not or. Ducks are very plenty on Lake Frie. Diphtheria prevails in Monroe county. Moody, the Evangelist, is in Pitts burgh. Mercer county shlpsbeef cattle to Europe. A Norrfstowtt merchant sells coal by the quart. . A Franklin county pumpkin weighs 108 pounds. Black bears are very numerous In Monroe county. Eight lives . were lost in Philadel phia by the storm. A horse bit a boy's car off the other day at Oil City. - They call chestnuts "prickly perl carps" In Lancaster. Median icsburg has a co-operative carriage manufactory. Crawford county ships large quan tity of cheese to Canada, A violin 302 years old, was exhib ited at the Centre county fair. Huntingdon has been chosen as the site of the new Middle Peniten tiary. An nvernge of ten tramps per day sre set to work on the streets of Erie, $200,000 is given as the receipts of the various fairs in the State this year. The burnt district of the town of Edenburg covers about twenty-five acres. William Cooper, said to have been 110 years old, died recently near Sun bury. The Reading railroad has made an advance on the price of coal for No vember. Walter Kinzer, of Lancaster, had his nose broken by the discharge of a cane gun. It is said that Allen C Laros, the escaped murderer, has been seen in Philadelphia. Tin for roofing purposes went up $2 per box in Philadelphia, immedi ately after the storm. The State has brought suit against the city of Altoona to recover $4,000 for money loaned. Hundreds of dead cattle are to be seen on the Inundated meadows below Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania railroad author ities are reducing the force of repair men on their road. Thieves of a most contemptible kind arc stealing Bibles, hymnbooks, etc , from country churches. The Baldwin locomotive works have shipped three large locomotives to new South Wales. Jacob Beerbower, of Chester coun ty, raised 540 bushels of corn on three and one-fourth acres of land this sea son. A child of George McGonegal, of Rockdale, Delaware county, died from swallowing broken glass. A man and two women have been arros-lcd in Philadelphia for passing countercit trade dollars. The Permanent Exhibition build ing in Philadelphia was damaged to the extent of $1,000 by the storm. Miss Mary Marshall, of Chicago, recently walked fifty miles in eleven hours and thirty-one' minutes at Oil City. Circus men have made money this season by taking the trade dollar at 1)0 cents and paying it out for 100. William Minnich, of Freystown, York county, d ed from lockjaw, caused by running a splinter in his finger. During the winter a steamer laden with fruit from Mediterranean ports will arrive in Philadelphia every ten days. Daniel Mayhcw, who killed Henry Downs in Pittsburgh, In 1807, has been sent to the Penitentiary for 6ix years. Gon. James A. Beaver has assumed command of the Fourth Brigade, Na tional Guard,, with headquarters at Pittsbuigh. The farmers of Northampton coun ty, wish the Legislature to pass a law imposing $10 fine on tresspassers on their lands. Christian Good and wife, of Bain bridge, Lancaster county, have been held in $5,000 bail for opening the let ters of their hired girl. Alexander Summerfleld was dis charged from the House of correction iu Philadelphia, and killed the same day by a railroad train. . The Bible publishing houses of Philadelphia have sent some 60,000 Bibles during the past year to Austra lia aud New South Wales. Twenty-two farmers in West Han over township, Montgomery county, have warned gunners not to trespass on their properties. The Pennsylvania railroad com pany does not permit passengers to stand on the platforms of the cars when the train approaches a station. Alex. McGill, of Allegheny, died recently, and iu his will left his prop erty, in the event of the death of re latives, to the National Democratic party, Frederick Stilling, a workman in the sugar refinery at the foot of South Second street, North Williamsburg, was engaged in stirring up boiling sugar in an immense tank, when losing his balance he fell into . the seething liquid, which bubbled up about his neck. The agonizing screams of the wreched man for help brought men to his assistance and he was taken out He was removed to the hospital, but can ecacely survive his fearful in Jurist. Ai;n'iirtatrtx's No'iop. ESTATE or Themas M.-.Tlenc, Into of l-'.ithrwav township, Elk ''., Fa., dcee-eil. J.r.TTK.lU T FATA UEW YAHY having been grunted to the un dersigned upon the s.-iid estate all per sons indebted to snid estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for set tlement. Mary McTicive, n35t0 Admr'x. Ifi 0flftAGENTS WANTED. Onlythote IVjVVVwIio menu buxinrgs, mid lilre ti, iiniko from fi to SIS ittr tiny ueed Hi'ply. Henil 1 cent MiHinp ftir particulars. HKV. s.t. iiixnt, Milton, Northumberland Co., Bh. nBimllnH. The oldnit nnd bmt appointed lnatltntlop tar btAlning a Bualnva Education. tot circulars adtlrwa, f F. DPFF A 80VS, Pittuburg'j, Pa. nJ'jmllril. Fancy hole paper and envelopes n boxes at this office. Job Work EXECUTED PROMPTLY, L'se Dr. Tan Dyke's Sulphur Sor.p. The I.EAniNo Extehnai. Spwirrc for Dis eases of the 8K1N nnd hciuitlfler or the COMPLEXION; for the Until, Toilet nml Nur sery; Is reeommondeil by Physlclnns. SOLD by DRUUOIST8. Price !M Cents; box. S cuke. BO cents. K. S. WEHSTEH. Trop., July n,'78,6m 60 N Fifth KU, Phlln. Job Printing. CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, BILL AND LETTER-HEADS, AT THIS OFFICE. ASK YOUR GKOCEK EOK 3 i I PASTE r - 1 f PA Cl HCcll POLISH. FOIt STOVES, RANGES, Etc. Always READY for Use ! JvmIXTNG TV all. ODOR DUST, BRUSH. Circulars Free. W. II. RTF.WaRT, M Courtlund St.. New York. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRAY'S SPECIFIC REMEDY. Is es?e ninlly TRADE WMMC. TRADE MARK- re commended as un untniling cure for Sem inal Weakness fperirmtorrliea Iuipuiency and all discuses Before Taking dint follow ns a Mter Taking sequence on Self Abuse; as Loss t Memory. Universal Lassitude. I'nin in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature oM Age. ftii'l many oilier dieeases I tint lead to Iiisnnity. Consumption and a Premature Grave; all of which ns a rule are first caused by deviating from the path of nature and over indulgence. Tbe ttpccifio Medi cine is tlie result of u life study and mmy years of experience in treating these spec ial diseases. Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. Tbe Specific Medicine iseold by all Drug gists at $1 per package, or six packages for So, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. No. 10 Mechanics' Block, Detioit Mich. HSf-Sold in Ridgway by all Druggists, and by Druggists everywhere. Harris & Ewlng, Wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh. - u29yl. fir. Karsnsr's CATSRHH Cures all tonus ol CilUirrh. IiXwJi CATARRH fcr Curta DcafacsM. lih'i CATARRH My Restores the sense of Smell and Taste. WANTKO To our a ne of CATARRH In emli WMKliluirhwxi, villi Ik. Karshku's f.KMfcbi.iu introduce it. Sftinpl'- fr-e. i. C. TlL'l'uN, I'itlsburgh, Pa. Dr. fastii CATARRH 7 Removes Tulvpus. Br, far's CATARRH 7 Strengthens the Drain. Dr. bracr'i CAT&RHH fiamady Cures in a Short Time, I tutliorlce all dealers s)linif Dr. Kxrneb'i Cataukh Ukiikl'Y, to vntftr Into a positive aree meol with ec h pun liusr, at the lime the purchnta is n i title, to refund the money putti, should it tiLI W rendur uuuiauiiuu. Aik your Druggist tor it. N EW LIVERY STABLE In RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he lias tarted a Lvery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. tajrlle will also do job teaming. Htable on liroad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug'i01871tf Register's Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the fol lowing accounts nave been tiled in my office, and will be presented at the next Term of Orphans' Court for con- nrinaiion : The tinal account of G. C. Brandon, Administrator of the estate of Benirt. Anderson, late of St. Mary's borough, Elk county , deceased. The' first' partial account of Jacob McCauley, Administrator of the estate of John McCosker, late of Fox town- snip, JUk county, deceased. Fred. Schcenino, Register. Shipping tags with or without etringH, printed or blank, for sale at this oftW. JSC -Business Carvf?. rat n ?; f ATT0P.N I'l'-AT- IjAVV, Mat Street, ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. HALL & M'CAULEY. . ATTOIINEYS-AT-I.AW. omeel Now nrlck Building, Main Slroet, Ridgway, Klk Co., , Pa. V!12tf. LUaORE & HAMBLEN ATTOnXEYrt AT-T.AW. Rldeway, Elk County r. Office acroaa the hall from the Hkmocpat feslnbllslmient. riiilmB furcolhectlou promptly attched to Jne.t.VlttA E. Q. FAY LUMIiF.lt AN 1) INSURANCE COMMIS RION tirtOKF.B. . And Gcnornl t; llloull A'tint. No. 20(1 -Walnut Plnco, (111 Walnut Ptrcet.) Phltndol plila, Pa. rul-ly G. Q.; MESSENGER. nnuooisT and pakmaceutist. N. W. corner of Moln nint Mill streets,' Pvldcwny, Th., full BUKortmeiit of carefully selected i'-i-jln at 0 in n,le Drim. Pre Mcrlptlnna carefull y dlspcimcd at all houra, day or night. vlnSy T.rS. HARTLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SCncJEOX. Oflice In Drug Stoixv corner Tlroad and Main Streets. ResliUnco corner Broad Ktrcet, opposite the College. Ofl'.ce hours from 8 to 10 A. Jf. nnd Troiii 7 to 8 P. M. vlnvyl. J. S. FID WELL, tn7v. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND HL'KQEON. Hns removeil his office from Centre Street, to Main Street. Hhlgwny, Pp., In the m.-cond story of the'new brick building of John O. Hull, wft-it of the Ilde House. Office hours : 1 to 2 P. SI. 7 to 0 P. Jf . fHRS. N. T. CUWB51NG3' A LARUK ASSUHTMEXT OF NEW STYLES KI'HING HATS Jl'HT RECEIVED at Mrs. N. T. Ciimniltigs, nlno ties, coll urn cuffs, lvilser, gloves, aud a general assort mcntof Ladies' funcy goods. Remember the place In JI. ti. Thayer's llulldlug, Mai n street Cull and examine before purchasing else where. HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proirt-letor, Rlgwa, Elk Co., Pa. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor. liopeH, by paying strict attention to the comfort nnd convenience lot Quests, to merit n continuance of tho same, octno'n MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co., Til., takes this method of announcing to the cltl .ens of Elk couut, that she has on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all Its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Itnll A Co's Patent Ivory nnd Lignum Vitiu Eye Cups. Send for des criptive circular. nlTyl. APPLETOM'S AMERICAM CYCLO PEDIA. Vol. a of this admirable work Is Just out making it half complete, as there are to be 16 In all, of 800 pages each, one being Issued 1 two mouths. It makes a completo..llbrary, and no one can nll'ord to do without it who would keep well informed. Prlco ?(l,00 a vol ume In leather, or S7,0rt In elr-gnnt hulf Tur key. C. K. Judson, Fredonlu, N. Y.. controls tho sale In Klk county. Address him for pnticulars. sop 17-tf. nw" BOOT & SHOE SHOP. BUTTERFUSS & BECflTOLD, Have associated tliciuselves in the' boot nml shoe business In the Ma sonic building. Prices reasonable, stock first-class, and work guaranteed. Repairing neatly and cheaply done. Give them a call and be convinced. 1125113. Health and Happiness.- Health and Happiness are pricclc"" Wealth lo t'ltcir possessors, and yet they arcwithin the reach of e very one who will uao" WRIGHT'S LIVElt HLLS The only sure Ct'ltE tor Torpid LiYer, Dyspepsia, Headache, Sour Moinac'.ie, Constipation, Debility. Nausea, and all Bil iious complaint and Hlond disorders. Vne petiuine unless signed, "'Win. Wright, Phila-'1 If your Druggist will not supply send 2.5 cents fur nne box to Uarrick, Hol ier & Co., ,0 IV. 4iu Bt. Phil u'voOyl. One hundred new Fall Samples' nd the new Fall styles Fushioli Plato' lust received from Wanamaker's at the' est End btore. Suits cheaper than ever. A new feature introduced this season is the prepayment by W. & B. of the express charges upon all suits costing $20 and upwards, where tho money accompanies the order, thus giving our citizens goods at Philudel,' phia prices. Among the rules of this house- One Price. I Cash Payment. . Full Guarantee. Money Returned.' Howe Sewing Machines. Among the greut variety of roods of every description for sale at Powell & Kime's Will be found air assortment of the" celebrated Elias Howe,-Jr., Improved Sewing Machines the best machine now manufactured they having been' appointed sole agents for Elk county. They will keep on hand Tuckers, Corders, Ilemmers, Braiders and Ruf flers, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil, Thread, &c, &c. Will also furnish at anytime detached parts for said nm-' chine. All at creatlv reduced nrlces. - ( 1 and will be sold on accommodating terms with approved security. Ridgway, Aug 20, '78. tf. Billheads, letterheads, noteheada, tags, cards and envelopes neatly and cheaply printed at this office. Hides, Sheep Pelts, and Calf Skins wanted at 42 Main street. FRANK SETTELLE. Rate of Advertising. One column, one year ;s " " '. y. )1 " TrflllKlnnt n.l '""V" 75 00 . to oo i 2 U. . !') 00 Jl'.'te,0"0 ?-rtiou l,two luVer Bunluesa cards, ten ine or less, per yja" I Adv-i-tloinhtpUy4,lj qt,ar,rrVi ;.,