RIDGWAY, PA., MAY 9, 1878. General Jail Delircrj. George Smith, the Wilcox burglar j Charles Coffee, the Centrevllle rioter; and Dave Donaley, the man who was sent to Jail for stealing a blanket from Jacob Butterflies, and whose term ex pired week ago Monday, all took a trip oyer the Jail wall, on the west side, and are now as free as birds of the air. Saturday evening last, at eight o'clock, the three aforementioned wor thies were supposed to be safe and sound in our securely arranged county jail. At a later hour they were gone. They made a grapling hook of stove pokers and rungs from their Iron bed stead; these Irons were bont in the form of a hook at one end, and the bundle secured at the other end with wire. The bed clothes were torn Into ehreds, and made into a rope. This rope was fastened into the wire end of the grapling hook, or anchor, and at the right time was thrown over the Jail yard wall, when the anchor caught on the coping, and by this means the fj. . . . 1 ! . .1. .,,1 U'Knn 4nr the wall the hook was secured on the ' Inside, the rope lowered on the outside, i t i rr. l .. on a goou-oy jomi. i u uuy i m en cape was the first time Smith had been allowed to leave his cell since his at tempted escape on March th, and was only out at this time on account of the jail being whitewashed, and it was therefore, necessary that his cell door should beopen. The door that opens Into the jail yard had not been un locked for a week, and was secured, besides the regular lock, with a patent pad-lock, whicli is considered to be burglar proof. The keys were all found in tneir accustomed place, by the jailor, H. H. Wensel, on his return from down town at about 9 o'clock. How the door came to be unlocked is a mystery that will probably not be solved until one of the prisoners is caught. In the meantime would it not be a good Idea to give the jail wall a coat of white wash, for that might help to keep the boys in. Election of County Superintendent The Elk County School Directors assembled according to law, on Tues day last, to elect a County Superin tendendent for the ensuing three years and.to fix his salary. Forty-one. of the sixty-six directors, in the county. were present. The meeting was organized by the election of Thos. Irwin, of Spring Creek. Chairman, and E. J. Miller, of Ilidgway, Secretary. Geo. 11. Dixon, present incumbent, was the only candidate before the con vention, and was unanimously re elected. On the question of salary, J. L Brown, Esq., of Wilcox, read the new law in relation to the salary of County Superintendents, and which gives the Elk County Superintendent only $800 from the State fund. He also stated that any greater amount the directors might allow would be paid from the school fund of the county. He then moved that the salary be fixed at$1200, Agreed to: Yeas Messrs. Smith, Booth, Roth rock, Johnson, (Benezette), Barr, Ba bel, Wclgel, Sehoeberl, Meyer, Geitner. Stnessley, Collins, Koch, Hovencamp, Ellithorp. Wonderly, Johnson (High land) Madigan, Miller (Jay), Gardner, Brown, Meyers, Bonnert, Aldrich, Ir win, Mohney, Krelluer, Wittman, Forster, Bayer. Craft 31. Nays Selle, Hewitt, Kyler, Taylor, Dodge, Gray, Weed, Murphy, Wheeler, Miller (Ilidgway .) 10. On motion of J. L. Brown the con vention adjourued sine die. Sheriff Oyster has erected a bulle tin board, near the Maiu street en trance to the courtyard, for the posting of sales bills. A ten barrel oil well has been . struck six miles south of Tylersburg, Clarion county. Ladies call and see Mrs. Malone's new styles of corsets. Her prices are very low and quality of goods the very best. William Emmett, Jr., of Fox town ship was committed to jail, on Satur day, for an assault and battery on the person of Eben Huntington. The prisoner refused bail. A special dispatch from W. S. Ser yIc, delegate from Elk county to the - National Convention, at Philadelphia, announces the following nominations: 8. R. Mason, of Mercer, Governor; Shearer, Lieut-Governor; Bentley, of Williamsport, Supreme Judge. Thomas Welsh's troubles, arrests, escapes, swimming across the Clarion river, knocking down Deputy-Con stable Kline, breaking the glass in Louis Bren die's show case, &c, would make half a column, and we are too crowded for utterance. Look out for breakers in our next issue. On Thursday evening last an eighteen-month-old-child of Herman Weiss, one of the German emigrants, from Rockville, Conn., was fatally scalded. The child was creeping on the floor where the coffee-pot had been placed, and which it succeeded in up setting, scalding Itself so badly that death ensued on Friday morning. Church Directory, GRACE CHURCH. Rev. Wm. Jas. Miller, next Sunday, morning and evening at the usual hours. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rev. I. Breneman. German In the morning and English in the evening. METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. Talbut, next Sunday, morn ing and evening, at the usual hours. Elk County Sabbath School Association. The Second Annual Session of the Elk County Sabbath School Associa tion will be held In the M. E. Church, at Rldgway, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, May 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, 1878. Commencing Wednesday, at 2.80 P. M., and closing on Friday at noon. This association perfected its organi zation at Wilcox, in May, 1877, when there was a fair representation of Elk County Sabbath Schools, excepting those in the southeastern portion of the county. We hope to have every school in the county represented this year by good efficient delegates. "In Union there Is strength," and the object of this association Is to unito all of our Sabbath Schools In this society, that each may be strengthened by the union. We cordially Invito every Sunday School worker In the county to be present during the whole session, If possible, no matter whether in the capacity of a regularly elected dele gate, or In your own individual ca pacity, we say come t Entertainment will be provided free, for all, from abroad, who will favor us with their presence and assistance, providing they notify the President that such entertainment Is desired. Good music will be furnished for the occasion, and our sessions will be en livened by the presence and assistance of Rev. Crittenden, of Bellefonte, and several other good speakers and work ers, from various parts of our county, who have promised to be present. By some mistake of the Secretary, this convention was announced, in one of our county papers, to take place in April last, but this was simply a mistake, and we hope that no harm has been done by it. W. H. OSTERHOUT, Pres't Wilcox Notes. Wilcox, Pa., May 7lh, 1878. Warm showers. Fine time for grangers. Fruit trees in full bloom. Dick Ernlmut laid an egg last week, and is now Betting. Will give result of his labors in future. Say, Parsons, when you boast of RiJg way' having the best conducted graded sohool in the State, you should say except ing Wilcox. Nothing new of importance at the wells. Still fishing at Ernhout & Taylor's No. 1. No. 2 is down about eighteen hun. dred feet; expect to strike the juglar this week. The Berier well is down about thir. teen hundred feet. Silver Ureek eight or nine hundred. Wilcox, Schultz, & Brown, near town, have the derrick up and waiting for the drillers Barbour, of the M'Eean County Miner, locates Ernhout & Taylor's well No. 1 in M'Kean County. , Now, Barbour, it is hardly fair to appropriate other people's oil wells when you have a five barrel bailer in your own town By the wy, how does that oil tank do now? It's large enough is'nt it? During the past week examinations have been held at our schools, under the charge of Prof.W. H. Prideaux. We have attended most of them and must say we were highly gratified. The examina tions were thorough and exhaustive, and certainly reflect credit upon our corps of teachers, and prove to us that they have been earnest and energetio in their work. Out of about a thousand questions, in the different brandies taught, but six failures were recorded. Nor was it, as is so often the case, a prepared examination, as all the questions were written on slips and handed promiscuously to the pupils after coming to the olses. We might enumerate a number of pupil and classes who excelled, but do not think it would be judicious, and would simply say that the affair was throughout a complete success. The order and system which characterized the meeting was good, and deserving of mention. At the close the Professor made a.few appropriate remarks urging upon patrons their duty in regard to visiting the schools, by way of encourage aieuf to teachers and pupils, and to satisfy themselves that their children were en trusted to faithful teachers. lie rather cen sured us for being derelict in that respect, The reply of a member of the board was. we employ teachers in whom we have confi denoe, and expect them to do do their work in their own way, which really seemed be as eystematio ana thorough as any one could expect or wish. In conclusion w would say, and feel confident we express the sentiment or the community, that our teachers are giving perfect satisfaction in every respect. The Rev. Mr. Wilson commenced his pastorate of the Dutch Reformed Church on Sunday last. He starts off well and gave us an excellent sermon both morning and evening. PETE. A Card. Mr. Editor: It might seem to the closer reader that I had falsely assured Dr. Strsessley (Elk Democrat thi week), that the salary bill of Co. Sup'ts had been defeated, and hence, as here' tofore, the salary was paid out of State funds. The bill in question was de feated on final passage, March 28th and 8ooi after this, or in fact before the bill was reconsidered (and who knew or even thought it would be re considered), I told him it had been defeated. If any man wili show me where I have in this election concealed the truth, told a falsehood, or acted unfair, I will refuse the office. GEO. R. DIXON. M. E. Sunday School annual elec tion of officers took place last Sabbath resulting as follows: C. E. Holaday Superintendent; W. H. Osterhout Assistant Superintendent ; Mies Jennie Gresh, Secretary; James E. Pugh Treasurer ; James Pen field, Librarian Miss Ida Luther, Assistant Librarian J. O. W. Bailey, Musical Director and Blackboard Artist. Mathews peddles fish at the tan neries on Thursdays and Fridays. He also keeps strawberries and ice cream Jettuce. radishes, aBnarav"' ' ""V $10 REWARD. LOST OR STOLEN from, the premises of the subscriber at Arroyo, 1.M1 f'miiiv ln umntlmfl ntinnt. f.hA Sthof April last, a two year old red. llneback heifer with a wtute tace, ana with calf, time of Incoming not known. The above reward will be paid for in formation that will procure the re covery of the heifer, and conviction of tiiettner. itius. juwij. Arroyo, Pa., May 4th, 1878. n!2tJ. SHERIFF'S SALE BY VIRTUE OF SUNDRY writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, vendi tioni exponas, levari facias, and testa tum fieri facias. Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, l l). V. UYtsiuii. High Sheriff of said county, do hereby give notice that I will expose to pub lic sale or outcry at the Court House, in Ilidgway, at one o'clock I. M. on MONDAY, MAY 27TH, 1878. ALL that certain piece or parcel of iin an.i hin., in th iWnoMn land lying and being in the Township of Benezette, County of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a white oak which is the northeast corner of war rant 6280 owned by George O. Brastow; thence south 150 rods to a white wood: thence south 72 east twenty rods to a yellow pine thence south 74" east twenty rods to a yellow pine, nineteen rods; thence south 79J0 east thirteen .1 . ) fnna.tntitliB .nil. l 1 .ml In.M llltlfl thence north 84 east seventeen and two-tenths rods to a yellow pine thence north 76 east five and nine tentbs rods to a yellow pine ; thence north 08 and one-half decrees east 7.6 roads to a chestnut oak thence north 2 east sixteen and live-tenths rods to yellow pine; tnence norm 7 and one- half degrees east nine and three- tenths rods to a yellow pine; thence north sevetity-six and one-half de grees east seveuteen and six-tenths rods to a yeuow pine; ttience nortn 2 and one-half degrees east five and: six-tenths, rods to a yellow pine thence north 78 and one-half degrees east eighteen rods to a yellow pine: thence north 04 east seventeen rods to a white pine; thence north 30 east twelve e.Jd two-tenths roads to a chest nut oak: thence north twentv-flve and one-half degrees east sixtv-three roas to a cnestnut; tuence nortn i east twenty-two rods to a hemlock ; thence north 541 east twenty and two tenths rods to a yellow pine; thence north 69 degrees east fifteen rods to a post and stones; thence north twelve degrees east 65 rods to a post and stones: thence north 63 and one-half degrees east nineteen and seven. tenths rods to a chestnut now fallen; thence north 24 west 160 rods to a white oak; thence south 67 degrees west 44 rods to a white oak; thence north 02 rods to a post and stones; thence nort h 63' west fourteen rods to a post; thence south 212 rods to a post and stones; thence north seventy-four and one- fourth degrees west nine rods to a post and stones; tnence soutn four degrees west nine and turee-tenths rods to a one-naif degrees west seventeen and one-tenth rods to a post; thence south one-hnlf degree west nineteen and four-tenths rods to a post: thence south sixty-four and one hulr degrees east nine and nve-tentns pennies to a post thence south seventeen degrees west six and nine-tenths rods to a post: thence south fifty-four and one-half degrees east seveuteen rods to a post: tnence soutn eight and nve-tentus rods to a post and stones; thence south 71 and one-half degrees west fifteen and eight-tenths rods to a post; thence south eighty-seven and one-half de grees west twenty.eight rods to a post tuence nortn tnirteen degrees west two rods to a post thence south 68" west five and nine-tenths rods to a post; thence south eighty-seven and one half degrees west seventy-nine and six- tenths rods to tne place of beginning. Bounded on the south by vacant lands. on the east by lands of John Barr, on the west and north by Ketland lot No, 5482 and the beforemcntioned Geo. A. Brawstow lot No. 6280, and contain Ing two hundred and seventy-one acres and eighty-five perches (271 86- lfiui and allowance. JJeing tne same land which Ellis Lewis and wife by deed dated the 25th day of December, A. 1). i3, conveyed to did ward Fletcher and William Fletcher, which deed is recorded in Elk county in deed book "Q,' page zoi &c. Upon wnich is erected one dwelling house 20x24 feet three stories high, with wing lGx 20 feet one and one-half stories nigh. Oue shop 20x30 feet one and one-half stories high, and one barn 87x47 feet. Also upon wnicii mere is a nre clay mine in operation with tram road. plane and other improvements to fa cilitate the mining and transportation. Also a miners house 16x24 feet two stories high one blacksmith shop 12x16 and one drum house 12x16. About eighty acres of the above de scribed land is cleared and under fence and cultivation, on which there is 100 fruit trees more or less, ALSO One other tract of land sit uate in the Township of Benezette, County of Elk and State of Pennsyl- vauia, described as follows to wit: Be ginning at a post, said post being the northwest corner of land owned by Geo. English: thence south along the west line of said English's farm ninety nix and seven-tenths rods to a post, said post being the southwest corner of English's land; thence twenty-three and three.tenths rods to a post on English's south line; thence south one and oue-third degrees east thirteen nd six tenths rods to a post: thence south eighty-four and three-fourths degrees west twenty-three and eight tenths rods to a post; thence south sixteen and two-tenths rods to a post on the north side oi tne Kidge Road; thence north sixty-eight and one-half degrees west twelve and six-tenths rods, thence north sixty -eight and one . . A. A t J - -j w.euw u..v west twelve and six- liair degrees tenths rods: thence north 67 west six rrolH! thence north 47" west seventeen and six-tenths rods to a post; thence north 108 rods to the north line of the Kwtlimd lot: thence along said north line east twenty-nine and six-tenths rods to the place of beginning, contain ing twenty-four acres and sixty-five anrl six-tenths perches more or less, nnl h.imr nart of tract known as the Ketland lot. Being the same piece of land which Julius Jones anu wire, Dy 1 I 1.1 .... .1... Af l.1 ll.l!Jl1t ueeu uaiea tuo ibi uuy i x JialJ, A. T. 1873. conveyed to Edward lriwrnh. and William Fletcher, which deed is recorded in Elk county in deed book "P" page 606 &c. About nine teen acres of which is cleared and uu ripr fcnna and cultivation. Upon which is erected one frame shed 80x20 feet. Also oue grafted orcuara mere on. ALSO All that certain lot of irmiinl In the village of Benezette. County of Elk, and State of Pennsyl vania, described as follows: Begin ning at. a noint on Front street 240 feet from a sand Btone corner deep! at nr. th lunntlon of the road leai imrfrnm Trout Run to H. R. Wilson's; thence north twenty-three degrees west alnnor said street sixty feet to a corner; thence west sixty-seven de grees vast 150 feet to an alley, theuce along said alley south twenty-three de grees east slxtv feet to a corner of lot occupied by Henry D. Deer; thence south sixty-seven degrees west 150 feet to place of beginning containing 9000 square feet. Being marRed on plan of said village as lot io. on corner or Water and Pine streets. Being the same lot which Reuben Winslow and wife, by deed dated the 25th day of August, A. V. wiiveyea to Ed ward Fletcher which deed is recorded In Elk County in deed book "K" page 212 &c, subject, however, to the same condition contained in said deed in reference to the sale of intoxicating liquors. There is erected on said lot one two story trame dwelling and store house 18x32 feet with cellar, and wing 16x32 feet. Also one frame barn 25x0 feet, and a good well of water thereon. ALSO All that certain piece or par- col of ground situate In the village of Benezette, townsmp 01 iienezelte, County of Elk and State of Pennsyl vania, described as follows, to wit; IJelng lot IN o. on necunu street, on the lilot, of said village, and hnvlnc "y. "J " " oW i hundred a.id fifty feet deep to slxtv feet front on said street and one . m si . r- A. J A a an atiey. Hounded on the southeast by lot No. 6. on the southwest by Second street, on the northwest by lot JNo. 10, and on the north by said alley, containing 9000 sciuare feet. Helng the same land which Margaret T. Milner and Joseph Milner, by deed dated the 16th dayorjuiy, a. u. ioo, conveyed to Edward Fletcher, whicli is recorded In Elk County in deed book page 145 &c. There Is a hay shed erected on above lot about 25x60 feet. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Edward Fletcher and William Fletcher doing business as E. Fletcher & Bro., and to be sold at the suit of Ellis Lewis. ALL the Interest of defendant In and to the following described real estate to wit. ALL that certain piece or parcel of land in Sterley's addition toSt. Mary's, in licnzinger lownsnip, jik county, Pennsylvania, described as follows: Beginning at a post on the northerly Hue of Washington street, about 440 feet easterly from me southeast corner of the billion rresuytenan church property, and at the southeast corner of a lot soia by saiu roster to Josepn Aich: thence by said Aich's land northerly at rigut angles to Washing ton street, one nunureu and forty (iw) feet to said Aich's northeast corner: thence easterly parallel witu Washing ton street about one hundred and sixth-three (163) feet to a post; thence southerly at rignt angles to Washing ton street one hundred and fortv (140i feet to the northerly line or Washing ton street, one hundred and sixty three (163) feet more or less to the place of beginning, containingtwenty' two thousund eight hundred and twentv (22820) sou are feet. Being nart of the same land that George Schmidt and wife, by deed dated 6th day or April, A. D. 1875, conveyed to the said Joseph Foster. There is erected on above lot one new frame house 24x86 feet, two stories high with porch on each side of house and stone basement, also a well of water and about one dozen fruit trees on premises. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph Foster at the suit of W eidenooerner and n lttmauu .J" . - . .... . . ALL that certain part or tract of land being and lying in the Township of Fox, Elk County, State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as fol lows: on me nortn by warrant iiw, on the soutn by warrant 'J)i, on tne east by lauds unknown,, and on the west by supposed vacant lanus, and containing ninety acre and one hun dred perches, with allowance of six percent, for roads, te.,in district No. 4 as granted to John Tudor by warrant dated 30th day of January, A. D. 1800, and recorded in the Surveyor General's office at Harrisburg, the 5th day of July, 1867, by J. M. Campbell, Sur veyor uenerai, and it being tne same piece of land conveyed from William Shoemaker to John Tudor by a con tract dated 10th October, A. D. 1854, and from John Tudor to Peter Holla baugh by deed dated May 31st, 1875. About thirty acres of the above is cleared and under fence and cultivation. On above piece of land there is erected one frame house 16x22 feet, with kitchen attached 16x16 feet, and an old log stable and a young orchard and spring of water. Seized and taken in execution as tne roperty of Peter Holobaugh at the suit of Joseph Pantzer, Sr. ALL the following piece, parcel, or tract; or lana, situate ana Deing in Benezette Township, County of Elk, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: Be ginning at a brick corner, near Ben nett's Branch of the Sinnemahoning Creek, about two miles below Wins- low's: thence south three hundred and twenty perches (320) thence east Ave hundred and eighty-three (583) perches: thence north three hundred and twenty (320) perches; thence west five hundred ana eignty-tnree (o3) percnes to the place of beginning, containing eleven hundred acres more or less and being warrant No. 2341. Seized ana taken in execution as tne property of John Wainwright, de bo nis non, of the estate of Cornelius Wainwright dee'd. at the suit of Charles St. John. ALL the interest of defendant in the following described real estate: First All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land lying and being in the Borough of St. Mary's. County of Elk, and State of Pennsylvania, situate on the Brussels road, and described as follows to wit: beginning at a post on said Brussels road, being the south east corner of bebastian Hann s lot; thence north thirty-two and one-halt degrees west one hundred and seventy f, . . n "CMlv nsnulri aj-kiifVi atrvVitit. jfi, ifj Jl CH1.I tilCllbC OVUIU CllllJ- three and one-half degrees east seventy- three feet to corner; being northwest corner of F. J- Sheel's lot; thence north thirty-two and one-half degrees west one hundred and thirty feet to Brussel's road ; thence along said road to the place of beginning, containing seven thousand three hundred and fiftv f7350i sciuare feet, said lot being No. 4 according to the plan of George wamslev. Esq. upon woicn is erectea one frame dwelling house 18x28 feet two stories high. One frame stable 12x12 feet. Alwell of water, and lot under fence. Second-rAU that certain town lot situate in the Borough of St. Mary's bounded and desenbea as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Leonard Wittman's lot. Bald corner be ing likewise the northwest corner of tue lot liereby conveyea; tnence aiong Wittman's easterly line south 63 east 275 feet to a post on the north line of lauas or jjeonara mttmau's; tnence along said Wittman's line eighty-one and one-half degrees east 7a feet to post, said post being the southwest corner of F- X. E rick's lot; thence along said Erick's westerly line north o- west one jiunarea ana twenty ueven feet to a post; thence along said Erick's line north sixty-three degrees west thirtv-flve feet to a Dost: thence north thirty and three-fourths degrees 1 west eighty feet to a post on new Brus-1 south eighty-one and one-half degrees west one hundred and thirty-three feet to the place of beginning, contain ing nineteen thousand one hundred and twenty-three (19123) square feet be the same more or less, on which is erected one frame blacksmith shop 25x42 feet two stories high. Seized and taken in execution as the property or f rame uerg ana r . a. Erick at the suit of Allois Schauer. ALL the following described piece or parcel of ground situate, lying, and being in the Borough of St. Mary's, County of Elk, and State of Pendsyl vaula. Beginning at a corner post on Washington and Madison streets; tnence north one hundred feet along Madison street: thence west fifty feet; thence south along line of Geo. Im hoff 's lot one hundred feet to post on Washington street; thence east fifty feet to place of beginning, containing Hve thousand touuui square ieei, on which is erected a two story frame house about 20x30 feet, and a well of good water on t he premises Heizea and taken in execution as tne property of John Seel at the suit of Joseph Schade, now for use of J. B. Steriey. TERMS OF SALE, The following must be strictly com plied with when the property Is struck offi 1. All bids must be paid in full, ex cept where the plaintiff or other lien creditors becomes the purchaser, in which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as all liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duly cer tified list of liens shall be furnished. including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such portion thereof as he shall appear to be en titled to. 2. All sales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock P. M. at which time all property not set tled for win again be put up, and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom it was first struck off, and who. In case of deficiency at such re sale, shall make good the same, and in no instance will the deed be presented for confirmation unless theuid is ac tually settled for with the Sherltt as above stated. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Ridgway, Pa. May 9th, 1878. See Purdon's Digest, 0th edition, page 446; smith's ornis, 88. Register's Sotlce. Take notice that the account of J. O. W. Bailey. Guardian of Charles Lockwood. minor heir of Livingston L. Lockwood, has been filed In my office, and will be presented at the next term of Orphans' Court for con firmation. FRED. SCHOZNING, Register. License Petitions. The following petitions for licenses at May term have been filed in my office: TAVERN. FOX. 1. Joseph Koch. JAY. 2. E. H. Dixon. JONES. 3. Martin Sowers. RIDOWAY. 4. Morgester & Jackson. st. mary's boro. 5. Jared M. Mecum. EATING HOUSE. benezette. 6. John Daly. rox. 7. James Donovan. ST. MARY'S BORO. 8. John Groll. FRED. SCHQ2NING, Pro. Trial List. MAY TERM, 1878. Commencing Monday. May 27th. 1. John Vaughan vs. The Peun'a R, R. Co. No. 6, November Term, '74. 2. Barbara Eckl, Widow &c. vs Edward Babel. No. 223, September Term. 18(8. 3. Tbo Townsmn or Kiagway vs. V. 8. Wheeler et al. No. 179, May Term. 1877. 4. v. t. w'uauiey vs. ratricK ijamo et al. No. 71. September Term. '77. 5. w. a. Hays & co. vs. Jane uei- drake et al. No. 133, September Term, 1B77. 6. Caspar Emmert vs. Carl Schnei der. No 187. September Term, '77. 7. John Tudor et al. vs. Peter Hollo- baugh. No. 145, September Term, '77 8. ciearneiu county cuuk vs. . i Earley. No. 1, November Term, 'a. 9. The Clearfield County HatiK vs C. R. Earley. No. 18, November Term. '77. 10. Li. t . rowers vs. uaniei crabiree, No. 67. November Term. '77. li. Samuel lieicuer vs. ueorge rsenny- der. No. bi. November Term, '77. 12. The Township of Benzinger vs, Johu G. Krieg. No. 63. November Term. '77. 13. Johnston & Brevellier vs. Sarah Taylor et al. No. 64, November Term, 1877. 14. A. J. Thompson vs. Alfred Short, No. 9, January Term, '78. Court Proclamation. WHEREAS, the Hon. L. D. Wet more. President. Geo. Ed. Weis and Julius Jones Associate Judges of the Court of Common Fleas, and J ustices of the Common Pleas, and J ustices of the Court of the Court or Quarter -sessions, and Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer and Terminer aud General Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and other offenses in the County of Elk by their precepts to me tiirectea, Pleas, a Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, and Court of Oyer & Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Ridirway. in and for the County of Elk on the FoartU Monday In Kay, 1878, being the 27th day of the month, to continue one week. Notice is hereby eiven to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and the Constables of Elk county, that they are by these presents commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their rolls, re cords aftd inquisitions, and other re memberances to do those things which their offices anuertaln to be done, and that all Justices of said county make returns of all recognizances entered into before them, to the Clerk of the Court as per Act of Assembly passed May 8th, 1834. And those who are bound by their recognizances to prose cute the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of the said county of Elk and then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. May 2, 1878. T) ECEIPTS, EXPENDITURES, rV Ac, OF JONES TOWNSHIP FOR THE YEAR 1877: Whole amount Of tax levied $3133 49 Dr. To taxes collected $2173 40 Cr. By work on roadsand bills paid 8173 40 ASSETS. Due fr. uns't'd taxes '76 $3r0 00 '77 475 00 V. Miller 63 01 11 t. D. Attlebarger Isaac Reefer R. A. Manette Win. Weldert 116 27 29 97 168 47 17 60(1210 22 About, LIABILITIES. Supervisors' orders outstanding 726 81 Assets over liabilities 600 41 Jones Poor District. Whole amount of tax levied $1564 64 Dr. To taxes collected $439 16 " funds on hand at last settlement 19 78 $468 04 Cr. Bypd. for sup't of poor $431 14 " Funds in Treasury 27 80 $458 94 ASSETS. Due fr. un'st'd taxes 76$8O0 00 " " " 77 900 00 " R. A. Manette 302 90 V. Miller 92 96 ' Pnnrla nn Thnnil- 27 802123 66 About. LIABILBTIES. Due Elk county for keep ing insane vn . Orders outstrndlng 27 75 $611 83 Assets over liabilities $1611 83 By order of Township Auditors, A. T. ALDRICH, Town Clerk. nllt3. Glad Tidings for the Weak, Nervous and Debilitated. Our Latest Improved Belf-Actine Galvanic AppllKtici's are a speedy and Permanent cure for Hheumutlsm, Neuralgia, Kidney, Liver and Female Complalntn, Nervous Prostra tion. Weuk Lungs. Back and Sninal Iirlta Hon, and Kidney Diseases. Prices, Waist Kelt' S5.U): Kplnal Belt, for Paralysis and Sninal Atlmenn. 810.00. and upwards: Arm lets, Anklets, Head Bands, Knee Caps, S2.00 each; Huspensorles, sto.uo. musiraiea l'nampmei r ree. Auuress. UALlVAiU'MhlJlUAJj AnBUUlAllU'M 27 East Ninth .Street, New lork. Paper Rags taken in exchange for goods 42 Main Street. List of Jurors. drawn for May term of court, com' meucing Monday May 27, 1878. GRAND. St. Marys. Gerhard Fochtman. Benezette. H. R. Wilson, Dennis Taylor. lienzinger . jtsernara w esniizer, George Wendle, Simon Breindle, rienry Jf letternuin. Fox. W. A. jM'ivay, rnomas uni- van, Jeremiali Sullivan. Horton. Iienry itecuy. Highland. Robert Wonderly. Jones. Johu Weidert, J. C. John son, Jr. Jay. joiin uoraon. Millstone. William Dunn. Ridgway. Melvin Gardner, L. A. Breudle, W. C. Healy, Michael Bailey. Spring UreeK. JNatnan Liaugnner. St. Marys. Edward M'Bride, Louis Gies, Joseph Hanhauser. TRAVERSE. Benezette. Coleman T. Johnson, John Barr, W. H. Johnson. iieimnger . Micnaei JNeiuert, Joseph Cheatle, Peter Wilhelm, Jacob Schneider, Jacob Nist, John N. Geitner.George Nlssell, John Heindle, Joseph Schuuer, Joseph Werner, Lieonara liitter. Fox. Peter Thompson, Talbot Thompson, Adolph Timm, Lawrence 4UJUail. Via) tfUUU XISVIJe ilUOtlll 4.U singer John Hershey, Henry H. Saw yer, Reesman Meredith, Marshall Keefer. Horton. Willis Taylor. A. 8. Hor- ton, Jacob Fields. Jones. John Bonnert, J. 8. Weltolt, J. C. MefTert. Jay. Wm. P. Luce. William Rob inson, Ephraim Hewitt. Jay. jouu Turley, unaries tr unase. Ridgway. William Fannin, E. J. Miller, Minor Wilcox, G. G. Messen. ger, James P. Garrett, James Rickard, George Dickinson, Andrew Jackson. St. Marys. bred Lieoltler. Ueorge Young, Frank Aves, Frank B. Hall, Anthony BiBiiningcr. The articles appearing in the Elk Democrat and Elk Advocate signed by Rev. J. M. Gillette, and "A Catho lic." also Rev. J. M. Gillette's 'Thanksgiving Sermon," are pub lished in a neat pamphlet, and for sale at this office for 25 cents. Seud in your orders. A new line of dress goods at J. H. Hagerty's. Call aud seethe elegant new stock. OUR COMBINED CATALOGUE for 1878 OF iEVERYTHINCr for the GARDEN Numbering 175 pages, with Colored Plate, SENT FREE To our customers of past years, and to all purcnasers oiour DoiKB,eiiner uAiiur-.i-ING FUR PROFIT. PRACTICAL FLORI CULTURE, or GARDENING FOR 1'LEASUttE (price 1. 60 each, prepaid, bv mall). To others, on receipt of 'iirc. Plain iMunt or Heed Catalogues, without Piute, ree 10 an. PETER HENDERSON & CO., Seedsmen, Market Gardners and Florists, 35 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK. A GREENHOUSE AT YOUR DOOR. h'or 81.00 we will send free by mall cither oi ine Deiow-naiueu collections, an uis- tinct varieties. 8 Abutiliuns. or 4 Azaleas. 8 ltegonlas, or 3 Cornelius. aCaladiums (fancy), or 8 Carnations (monthly.) 12 Chrysanthemums, or 12 Coleus. SCenluureas or 8 other white-leaved plants. 8Duhlius, or anthus (new Japan.) 8 Ferns, 8 Mosses, or 8 Fuchsias. 8 Geraniums, Fancy, 8 Variegated, or 8 Ivy-leaved. 1 Gloxinias, 8 Gladiolus, or 8 Tuberoses (Pearl) 1 Grape vines, 4 Honeysuckles, 1 Hardy Shrubs. 8 Heliotropes, 8 Lantanos, or 8 Petunias. 8 Pansies (new Gerniun), or 8 Salvias. 8 Roses. Monthly, 8 Hardy Hybrid, or 4 Climbing. 8 Violet (scented), or 8 Daises. Enellsh. 12 Scarcer Redding, or 12 Scarcer Green- uouse 1'iunui. 6 Verbenas, distinct and SDlendld sorts J3 Varieties of Flower, or 20 varieties Mf ' Vegetable Heeds. br by EXPRESS, buyer to pay charges. a collections lor oiora: v lores; l fr.. Alt. (jr...,. lu ff..l,U am f..1l i, u w, . . .... , .... ,4V. ua vaa ai. uiiecuon oi sou varieties oi I'lauts anu eeds sufllclent to stock a greenhouse r Garden for fin. to our book "Garden lug for Pleasure" aud Catalogue offered above (value l,7o) will be added. PETER HENDERSON & CO 85 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK Rata of Advcrtialng. On6 column, one year........... .75 09 40 00 X " !T...... 15 00 aHifart.laenielils tier muars vi. eight lines, one insortlou 1, two inner tl.fiO, three Insertions Vi. Business cards, teu Hues or less, per year . .u...t.U nnnfiorlv Business Cards. GEO. A. RATHBUM ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, Main Street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa. HALL & M'CAULEY. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Office In New Brick Building, Main Street) Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2"'. 4. O. W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. " Rldgway, Elk Connty, Pa. Agent for ths Traveler'! Life and Accident Insurance Co., of Hartford, Connetlcut. vln25yl. LUCORE & HAMBLEN. ' ATTORNEYS AT-LAW. Rldgway, Elk County Pa. Office aero the ball from the Democrat establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to jne.16-1876 E. Q. FAY. LUMBER AND INSURANCE COMMIS- BION BROKER. And General Collection Agent, No. 204 Walnut Place, (310 Walnut Street.) Philadel phia, Pa. n4l-ly O. Q. MESSENQER. DRUOGI8T AND PAKM ACEUTIST. N. W. corner of Main aud Mill streets, Rldgway, Pa., full assortment of carefully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Pre scriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vlnSy T. S. HARTLEY, M. D., . PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Streets. Residence corner Broad Street, opposite the College. Office boura from to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vln2yl. JJ. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEOW. Has removed his ofllce from Centre Street, to Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., In the second story of the new brick building of John U. Hall, west of the Hyde House. Office hours : 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P. M. MRS. N. T. CUMMINGS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW STYLES SPRING HATS JUST RECEIVED at Mrs. N. T. Cuinniings, also tics, collars cud'H, holsery, gloves, and a general assort ment of Ladles' fancy goods. Remember the place in II. S. Thayer's Building, Main street Cull and examine before purchasing else where. HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCIIRAM, Proprietor, Itidgway.Klk Co., Pa. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same, oct30'09 Ridgway Oyster, Fish and Produce Market. The undersigned having loosed the build ing formerly used by Mercer Bros., as a Meat Market will occupy tho same us a General Market House, and will constantly have on hand, Shell, Tub, and Canned Oysters, a variety of Fresh and Suit Fish, Foreign and Domestic Fruits and Nuts, and all kinds of Produce. Canned fruits and Jclllls. Fresh invoices of Ovsters and Fish Dally. A. C. MATHEWS dk CO. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKINO. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co., Pa,, takes this method of announcing to the cltl sens of Elk county, that she has on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking , in all Its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Ball A Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vita) Eye Cups. Send for des criptive circular. nl7yl. APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. Vol. 8 of tills admirable work is Just out making it half complete, ns there are to be 18 in all, of 800 pages each, one being issued In two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price 80,00 a vol urao in leather, or 87,00 In elegant half Tur key. C. K. Judsou, Fredonla, N. Y controls the sale In Elk county. Address him for putlculars. sep 17-tf. E. K. QRESH. DEALER In all kinds of cabinet war, wood and cane seat chairs, kitchen and ex tention tables, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, whatnots, looking glasses, wood and marble top cham ber suits, muttresses, spring bed bottoms bed steads, cribs. Luferty's metal lined" wood pumps, tc., do. Cane seats replaced with perforated wood seats. Weed sewing machine reduced from 805 la (15, the best ma chine in the market, and picture frames made to order. Alsoa large assorted stock of ready made coffins constantly on hand and trimmed at shortest notice. All the above goods are sold at panic prices. Ware Rooms lu masonic building, Rldgway Pa, v7u51t. GREENBACKS FUR BOND HOLDERS I GREENBACKS FOR GOLD GAMBLERS I GREENBACKS FOR NATIONAL BANKKIISI GREENBACKS FOR THE PF.OPI.R GREENBACKS FUR ALL PURPOSES For which money Is used lnterchunvable at par with Gold and (Sliver, in a sulticient quantity as to promote industry, invite iml gration, and develope the resources of the county, is what the CINCINNATI ENQUIRER claims Is the only remedy tor the His brought upon the country by Legislation and laws, enacted for the benelit of a .M on led Class, ana me oppression oi moor ana inuuslry. Government Credit sustains our Bonds fop the beuedtof the wealthy, let the same Credit Sustain Greenbacks . For the benefit of the People who sustain the uuveriunet. Dully Enquirer per year,- 812.00 Weekly Enquirer ' i.15 Free ol postage, Agents wan tea. Send for specimen copiet FARAN A M'LEAN. Publishers. CINCINNATI, OHIO. SPECIAL NOTICES. BR VAN DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE. wUose life In btecialitt, and world wide reputation for CURING 6KIN DI8KA8ES, hag endeav ored for yeer to oohbimi an iinimi. treatment. He has accomplished this de. irable beult in the preparation of lue compound "SULPHUR BOAP." the merits of whicli are spoken of by thousands ; it ie highly recommended to all our reader. Prioe 25 Cents a Cake : a.Boi (tuiee Cakes) 60 Cents, dint by Mail, (pre-paid) on Bcnrr or raici. Otfioe, 69 N. 5th St Wholisali Dcpot, 400 N. 8d 8u Philadel phia, Pa. gold br DKUOQIST, rflyleow. L. j. .