i : Henry A. Tarsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1878. Colonel J. T. Ciiit)1?pter, of Arkansas, has been awarded the contract for carrying the malls troni Fort Worth, Texas, l.y the way of El Pnno, to Fort Yuma, Arozoim. The distance Is 1,300 miles, the route being from the present terminus of the Texas raciflc Railroad to the Colorado river. The ecrvico is to be performed dally in coaches. This is the longest route in the United States. The con tractor is to receive $1 37,000 per an num. A dispatch dated Cheyenne, W.Y., March 10th, says: The Union Pacific railroad is still blockaded by snow. The western division is opened be yond Laramie, but nothing has passed that point eastward. The eastern division is open to Sidney. Nothing lias passed Antelope westward. No. 3 passenger, due here on Friday, still remains awaiting relief. Several hundred men with shovels, together with a number of plows, have been rngoged to-day between Sidney and Laramie In an endeavor to lift the blockade. The heaviest plow on the road left Laramie this morning but stuck at Tic siding. The snow in the cuts is packed very hard and plows which left here eastward at seven A. M. have not made much progress, re turning here at seven P. M. The Colorado Central train is at Taylor's station, 18 miles south with a plow in the ditch while the Pacific train is 10 miles south in the same' predicament. Relief lias started from' the south for both these trains. No. news from the north yet. Reports from Colorado say the Kansas Pacific is" badly blocked. A wrecking train is in the ditch at Roxelder. AVilcox Notes. Wilcox, Pa., March 12, 1S78. Red hot weather for the past week. Boys are busy killing snakes. Who ever saw snakes, running around, the first of March before ? Blue birds and robbins arc plenty, and no end to pigeons. Every body that can borrow a gun is out shooting. It would do a man's soul good to see Prof. Prideaux and Will Longren come in every day with a back load of pigeons. Heavy thunder shower last night ; look out for colder weather and another sap run with buckwheat cakes and molasses. Ernhout A Taylor's well, No. 1, i3 down fourteen hundred feet, with a hundred and fifty feet of first rate sand strongly impregnated with oil. Tools fast in the well since Friday; may take several days to remove them The pipe is driven in No. 2, and they are down about one hundred feet. Pipe is being driven this week in Bevier's well near Bridgetown. Two more rigs are up and prepar ing to drilL Two more will be started in a few days, one near the live-mile well, and the other a short distance above town. Two more of Mr. Payne's children have died. Frank, about two weeks ago, and now Alice, the eldest girl, who has seen four of her brothers and sisters carried to the grave within a few weeks, lias herself yielded to the cruel monster, and been consigned to the cold earth on the hillside. This family seem to have had their full share of sorrow ; out of a family of eight children only one rcmaims. The rest are all sleeping, side by side, in the little burying-ground on the hill. What a change to come over a family in so short a time, only a few weeks ago the house was filled with happiness anil the gleeful sports of half a dozen children. To-day solici tude and gloom reigns supreme within its walls. Only one child left, that a babe, and the parents cling to it with a desperation bordering on despair, fearful every moment lest it too will bo stricken .down with the terrible malady. Who can tell the sull'ering of those parents. ' TETE. Why Is It So. The editor of the Lewisburg Chronicle tells why country newspapers have to charge more than city newspapers, as follows: "We are often asked by well meaning persons, why they have to pay higher prices for country newspapers than for those printed in the cities ? 'Why do you charge two dollars a year for the Cttroniclc, when I can get the New York Sockdologer a bigger pa perfor a dollar and a half?' We will try to clear up this mystery. Suppose the Chronicle hit a cash sub scription list of one thousand at f 2 00 that makes 2,000. Well now sup pose the New York Sockdologer, or whatever paper you may choose for a comparison, has a paying list of 100, 000, at 1 60 that is $150,000. Now suppose this city paper has a profit on each subscriber of but ten cents that clears the publisher $10,000 dollars. Now suppose the Cltronicle realizes that percentage and no niore that would make the sum of $100. This latter amount would compel a country printer to live very 'thin" himself, and squander nothing on his family ; while his city colemporary could wax as fat as Jeshuruin. You see the neces sity of a country printer charging more than a city printer, now don't you? A paper the size of the Chroni cle, with its circulation and price, couldn't live over night in a city." Winter Is upon us, which is a r. minder that you need an overcoat M'Affee will make you one cheap. The Long Bond. REPORTED rtY MR. WALLACE FEjlRTJ- ARY 6, AND PASSED TUB U. B. BEN ATE MARCH 6. A bill to authorize a long bond for the investment of savings. lie it enacted, etc., That lu lieu of that amount of four per centum bonds of the United States authorized to bo issued by the act of July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, the secretary of the treasury is hereby authorized and directed to issue a sum not exceeding one hundred millions of dollars of coupon bonds of the United States, of the denominations of twenty-five, fifty and one hundred dollars, nnd of ccji al sums of each of said denominations, redcomablo in coin fifty years from the date of their issue, and bearing interest, payable semi-annually, at the rate of four per centum per annum; nnd the said bonds shall be exempt from taxation in like manner as those in place of which they arc to be issued. Pec. 2. That the said coupon bonds shall be made payable to the order of the person who shall pay the money therefor, and the name of such person, or his or her assignee, or of any subse quent nssignee, and his or her resi dence, shall be registered as the owner of such bond, in like manner as if the same was a registered bond ; and such coupon bonds shall bo transferable only by assignment duly acknowl edged before and certified under the seal of a stato court of record or federal court or United States commissioner, which assignment shall also be exe cuted in the presence of two subscrib ing witnesses ; and such assignment may also be made leaving the name of the assignee blank, and when so made in blank and executed as hereinbefore provided, the said coupon bond shall bo transferable by delivery in like manner as if payable to bearer. Sec. 3. That the coupons attached to said bonds shall be payable either in United States legal tender notes or in coin, at the option of the United States; and the same shall ha paid at any of the sub-treasuries or money de positories of the States, or at any na tional bank ; and it is hereby made the duty of each of the said national banks to pay the said coupons upon presentation, without charge, and re mit the same to the treasury for re demption ; but thesaid national banks snail only ue required to do so upon the production of the proper bond to which the coupon presented shall have been attached. Si:c. !. That the secretary of the treasury shall keep said bonds for sale at the different sub-treasuries, national banks and money depositories of the United States, and shall dispose of the sams at par and accurcd interest, for coin or for United States legal tender notes, at their nominal value; and such legal tender notes shall be re issued and their proceeds, aud the coin received for such bonds, shall be ap' plied to the redemption of outstanding bonds of the United States which are redeemable and bear the highest rate of interest of such bonds, Sec. 5. That the provisions of sections 3,704 and 3,705 of the revised statutes of the United States, authoriz ing the issue of another bond in the room of auy registered bond lost or de stroyed, are hereby made applicable to the bonds to bo issued under this statute, but only in case of loss or de struction thereof before the execution of an assignment in blank form. The secretary of the treasury is authorized to make such rules and orders as may be necessary to carry out the provis ions of this act Xoticc. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con traded after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, !S77.-ly Gold. Mines and Lauds. Coal. GOLD. MINES AND LANDS COAL 8ILVKR NULl), OIL LEAD COMPANIES OK AGNIZED, TO?,'rJ IKON MINING AUKNl'Y, t 'UPPER MAHBLE 200 B. SEVENTH STREET, LIME ROAL Pnn.AlKi,piiIA. MICA MAUL A, H. WYMAN & CO. GYPTUM m$kv TO BUY A FARM WHERE Send for our Catalogue. A. H. Wyman & Co. Ho. 206 South Seventh St, PHILADELPHIA. ii52-21n.lin SPECIAL NOTICES. DR VAX DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life Ion stf.ciai.ity, and world wide reputation for CURING SKIN DISEASES, lias endcav ored for yeers to combine bo extebnai. treatment. He has accomplished this de sirable besiit in the preparation of his compound ''SULPHUR SOAP," the merits of which are spoken of by thousands ; it is highly recommended to all our readers Price 25 Cents a Cuke : a'Box (three Cakes) CO Cents. jJent jby Mail, (pre-paid) o receipt or fhicb. umee, ou jn. 5th ot Wholesale Depot, 400 N. 8d St. Philadel phia, Pa. Bold by DRUGGIST. u31yleow. VICE'S ILLUSTRATED PRICED CATALOCtUE, Seventy-five pages S00 illuftrations with Descriptions of thousands of the best Flowers and Vegetables in the world, and the way to grow them all for a Two Cent postage stamp. Printed iu German and English, Vick's Flower Jand Vegetable Garden, 60 ots. in paper cover ; in elegant cloth cover Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine 82 paces, fine illustrations, and Colored Plato in every number. Price 1.25 year. Five copies $5.00. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. A new Line of dress goods at J. II Hagerty's. Call and see the elegant new stock. QUOTATIONS White, Powell L Co. ur BANKEH8 AND BROKERS, No. 42 South Third Street. Stocks and Ilnnd Ronirht and Sold on Commission. Philadelphia, March 12, 1878. DID. AKRRn 1881. o .. 1001 IOCS U. S. do do S-'JO '05 3 and J- 1031 l()4i do '07 do 100& 1001 do lo 'tSS do 108 108 104 J 119 104 104 1021 1021 10-40, do eoupon 101 do Paoifio C's ov t.-.l IS New 5s Reg. 1881 103 " U. 1881 10!! 4J, Keg. 18H1 102 o. 18'.U .. .102 New 4's Reg. 1907 .101 10H ...ioo 30H Gold Pennsylvania, . , Rending , , Philadelphia & Erie Lehigh Navigation.. ,...101 101 .... 27i .... m is I J o 17 17 do Valley 88J- 88 United R R of N J.., ,ex. div..H4j 114! Pittsburgh, T. A Buffalo R. R (ij Gj Northern Central ex. div 131 11 Central Transportation 85 85 Ncsquehonitig 44 45 North Pennsylvania 86 83 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I rVTX COMBINED CATALOGUE for 1R7S v OF EVERYTHING for the GARDEN Numbering 175pngas, with Colored Plate, BENT FREE To our customers of pnst years, nnd to nil furennsers 01 our nooKH.eiinor tt A K l'i' in -NO I'OH PUUKIT, PRACTICAL KLORI (TLTritK, or OAItDEXINO FOR PLKAsrHE (price $1."0 each. prepaid. Iv mail). To others, on reeelpt oI :Ak l'liiin Plntit nr Hi'pil I 'n t nlrvrnna i' Itli.m t. Tln,i. ! freo to nil. ' PETER HENDERSON & CO., Seedsmen, Market Gardners nnd Florists, & Cortlnndt St., NEW YORK. A GREENHOUSE AIJR For 91. 00 we will send free by mall either of the below-named collections, nil dis tinct varieties. 8 AbutllimiH. or! Azaleas. 8 1!. nonius, or 3 Cnmelins. 2Cnladiuins (fuuey), or 8 Carnations (monthly.) 12 Chrysanthemums, or 12 Colons. 8 Ceiitnureas or 8 other whlte-lcaved plants. 8 Dahlias, or nnthns (new Japan.) 8 Ferns, X Mosses, or 8 Ftichsins. 8 Geraniums, Fancy. 8 Vuriegated, or 8 Ivy-leaved. 4 Gloxinias, 8 Gladiolus, or 8 Tuberoses (I'enrl) 4 Grape vines, 4 Honeysuckles, 4 Hardy Shrubs. 8 Heliotropes, 8 Lnntanas, or 8 Petunias. 8 Pansies (new German), or S Salvias. 8 Hoses, Monthly, 8 Hardy Hybrid, or 4 mnoLUK. 8 Violet (scented), or 8 Daises, English. 12 Scarcer Itedding, or 12 Scarcer Green house Plants, in Verbenas, distinct nnd splendid sorts &5 Varieties of Flower, or 20 varieties of Vegetable Seeds, or by KXI'RESS, buyer to pay charges. 3 collections for i2; 5 for S3; B for So; 12forfti; HforS7; 18forJ10; or the full collection of JViO varieties of rinnts and Seeds sullielcnt to htock a greenhouse or Garden for S2-r. to our book "Garden ing for Pleasure" nnd Catalogue oflcred above (vulue 81,75) will be added. PETER HENDERSON & CO., 35 Cortlnndt St., NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF Tob accoi E s Tho great celebrity of our TIN TAO TO- B.VCCO lias caused many imitations thereof to bo placed on the market, we thereforec caution all Chewers against purchasingr tiiich imitations. a All dealers buying or selling other plugs tobacco bearing a hard or lnetnlic label. q render themselves liable to the penalty of 5 tni' j.aw, una mi persons violating our trade marks are punishable by lino and lm-3 prlsonment. i SHE ACT OF CONGRESS, AUG. U. ISTfl. m The genuine I.OR1LLIARDTIN TAG TO-5 HA CCO can be distinguished by a TIN TAGj on each lump with tho word LOHILLARD stamp then: jn. Over 7,iSH . -ns tobiceo gold 111 1S77. nnd-f nearly 3,0"0 r : s-ms employed In factories, s Taxes ilaid (.; verniiient In 1S77 about 3,-3! 5im.niio, and duii.ig the past 12 years, over jf i20,il,(k. ii These goods sold by all Jobbers at mnnu- a factures rates. r" Hides, Sheep Telts, and Calf Skina wanted at 42 Main Street. FRANK SETTELLE. KANSAS. All about its Soil, Climate, Resources, Products, Laws, and its People are given in the KANSAS FARMER, a 10-page weekly, in its 15th y'r. Post paid, 3 mo., G0c. Address J. K. HUDSON, Topeka, Kansas. Has quickly taken a higli place among agricultural journals. N. Y. Tribune.... We hare considered it among t lie best of our exchnnges, and a worthy representa tive of the West. Practical Farmer, Philadelphia Our Kansas friends should feel much pride in the high charac ter and sterling worth of their Stato agri cultural paper National Live-Stock Journal..... We cheorfully credit it with being one of the best edited of our Western apricultural exchanges. Spirit of the Times, N. Y. ATTENTION. FAEMERS Bend for a Specimen Copy of the PRACTICAL FARMER. Established 1855. THE OLDEST LARGEST, MOST ENT TERPR1SINO, INSTltUOTIVE AND VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL, LIVE STOCK AND FAMILY JOURNAL IN AMERICA. It a is C4-Column Weekly Paper. Acknowledged authority on all agricultural topics and leads the van of American Agri cultural Journalism, lias the largest and ablest corps of Regular Contributors ever employe! on an agricultural paper, under an able ana experienced Kaitoral Manage meut, who spare no expense or labor to add everything possible to its value. Subscription Terms Reduced for 1878. FATADLI 111 ADVANOI. Single subscriptions (62 issues) $2.00 In clubs of two do 1.75 In olubs of threo do only 1,50 Making it the cheapest first-class weekly in the country, . Liberal Premiums of Cash Commissions to Club Agents. Spkoimsn Copiis Sint Fbi. Address PRACTICAL FARMER, 518 Walnut St, Philadelphia, Fa. I 35 CorUandt St., YJj Mercantile Appralsment. LIST OF RETAILERS OF MER Chandise. Linm, Ao... in tho mI,f7 ?f V'k' ytate of Pennsylvania, MERCHANDISE. . BENEZBTTE. CLASS. NAME. TAX. $12 60 10 00 12 Miles Rent, store 1.1 YVm. E. Johnson, store . u. viuuvi, store 14 Miles Dent, miller U R. W. Petriken, miller BENZINGEB. 14 Rev. F. Cellestine, miller FOX. 12 Jos. Koch A Son, store 12 J. J. Taylor & Co., store 18 Michael Mohan, store 14 Koch A Enz, store 14 Jno. M'Mahnn, store 14 Herman StrnwsHley, store 14 A. Timm, store 14 Mrs. 8. Keltz, store JAY. 14 E. II. Dixon, store 14 Abel Orcsh, store 14 John Smith, store 7 00 12 60 12 CO 10 00 JONES- inn. csijum. CO., Store w uu 1 A TP 4 1. 1-1.1. ' nr. I ? mt,i m , - . . I 13 A. T. Aldrich, store 10 00 14 James C. Mnlone, store 7 00 14 Martin Sowers, store 7 00 14 O. A. Jaeobson, store 7 00 14 M. M. Schultz, meat market 7 00 IIORTON. 13 Short & Horton, store 10 00 14 Jos. S. Hyde, storo 7 00 14 John Cuneo, store 7 00 K1DOWAY, 9 W. H. Osterhout, store 25 00 10 J. H. & W. H. Hyde, storo 20 00 11 Powell & Klme, store 15 00 11 Grant & Horton, store 15 00 13 M'Uloin & M'Uevhan, store 10 00 1.1 James H. Hagerty, storo 10 00 14 T. H. Hartley, store 7 00 14 O. G. Messenger, store 7 00 14 Charles Holes, store ' 7 00 14 James Woodward, store 7 00 14 L. A. Hrendet, store 7 00 14 E. K. Oresii, store 7 00 14 Robert I. Cumpbi'U, storo 7 00 14 Jiuob Butterfuss, storo 7 00 14 J. 8. Powell, store 7 00 14 H. M. Rolfe, store 7 00 14 Frank Settelle, storo 7 00 14 D. B. Day, Btore 7 00 14 S. A. Rote, store 7 00 14 R. Lamorcaux, store 7 00 14 A. C. Mathews, store s 7 00 14 N. T. Cumtninirg, store 7 00 14 Mrs. E. Crnyston, store 7 00 14 N. T. Cummings, store 7 00 14 P. Malone, meat market 7 00 14 Wilbert Mercer, meat market 7 00 14 J. S. cfc W. H. Hyde, millers 7 00 ST. MARY'S llOHOUOH. 10 Giflbrd, Hall & Kaul, store 10 Coryell & Ross, store 11 Joseph Wilhelm, store 11 John Walker & Son, storo 12 Spa fiord & Tierney, store 13 Weia Bros., storo 13 Jno. Weidenboerner, storo 13 Charles Luhr, store 14 Sosenlieiiuer & Tegler, store 14 Geo. Weidenboerner, store 14 J. L. Blakely, store 14 Charles M'Vean. store 20 00 20 00 15 00 15 00 12 50 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 00 00 00 14 Edward M'Bride, store 14 Charles Miller, store 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 Joseph Wilhelm, storo 14 FredKenoto, store 14 C. Li. Baver, store 14 Mrs. M. E. M'Nally, storo 14 Agnes B. Killean, store 14 John Krug, meat market 14 John Forwter, meat market 14 Clias. Ktifen. meat market 14 Wilhelm & Dornish, millers HOTELS AND EATING HOUSES. IJENEZETTE. 6 Henry Blcsh, hotel. 6 G. L. Winslow, hotel. 7 John Daley, eating houso. ' HENZINOEB. 7 F. X. Sorg, hotel. FOX. 5 John Collins, hotel. 5 Joseph Koch, hotel. 5 Daniel Scull, hotel. JOXF.S. 5 F. B. Patterson, hotel. 7 Martin Sowers, hotel. B1DOWAV. 4 W. H. Schram. hotel. 5 Jas. M'Farland, hotel. 6 Morgester & Jackson, hotel. 7 Jas. Maginnis, eating house. ST. MARY'S ROHOUCIH. 4 Reily Bros., hotel. 0 Jared M. Mecum, hotel. 0 Anthony Fochtmnn, hotel. 6 James Rogan, hotel. 0 Lawrence Vogel, hotel. 0 Jos. F. Windtelder, hotel. 7 Henry Luhr, hotel. 7 Cieorge Scliaut, eating house. 7 William Gies, eating house. 7 Mrs. A. Klausman, eating house. 7 Jacob Kraus, eating house. 7 Anthony Schauer, eating house. BREWERIES. BEXZIXGER. Westnitzcr & Straub. FOX. Peter Conner ST. MARY'S BOROUOir. Charles Luhr & Co. William Gies Laurence Vogel BILLIARDS. RIDGWAY. $25 00 $25 00 $25 00 $25 00 $25 00 G. W. Rhines, 3 tables $30 00 James M'Ginnis, 3 tables $50 00 ST. MAMY'S liOROUGH. Jos. F. Windtelder, 2 tables $40 00 JOS. A. HANHAUSER, Mercantile Appraiser. Health and Happiness. Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth to their possessors, and yet they are within the reach of ovory one wno will use WRIGHT'S LIVER PILLS The only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, DrsneDsia. Headache. Sour Stomache, Constipation, Debility, Nausea, and all Bu llous complaints ana iioou uinuruero. None genuine unless signed 'Wm. Wright, Phila-'' lfvour Drueeistwm noi supply, send 25 cents for one box to Barrick, Rol ler & Co., 70 N. 4th St. Phila. v7n50yl. BOOK 83 newest and most popular songs, wllh writ ings of Instruc tion and amusement! also, a list of all the battles, when aud where fouwht. during the war. for So stamp. Address, Desmond it Co., Dl.i Race Kt., Philadelphia. nlvSlnlni. Groceries, fresh and good, and the best crackers at Hagerty's. Shipping tags are printed cheap at this office. Call on us. Neat note-heads printed cheaply at the Advocate oillce. Paper Rags taken in exchange for goods 42 Main Street. ea Call at this office for writing paper and envelopes. Count, Weigh. Measure Everything you Buy at the West End Store. - n42tf. For all kinds of Job work call at this office. THE Scientific American. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. THE MOST POPULAR SCIENTIFIC PA- PHI! IN THE WORLD. Only $3.20 (i Year, including Postage. Weekly, 62 Number a Year. 4,000 book pages. Tits SoiKNTiria Amrricah is a large first UIuss Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splendid engrav ings, representing too newest Inventions and the most recent Advances in the Arts and Sciences ! including Mechanics and Engineering, Steam Engineering, Railway, Mining, Civil Gas and Hydraulio Engineer ing, Mill Work, Iron, Steel and Metal Work i Chemistry and (Jhemical Processes i Eleotrioity, Light, Heat Sound: Tech nology, Photography, Printing, New Ma chinery, New Processes, New Recipes, Im provements pertaining to Textile Industry, Weaving, Dyeing, Coloring. New Industrial Products, Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral: TCrtvxr ni1 Tnlnrnal in rm L'nnia In A rrvi milt n a Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medioal Prnorreftft. Hncinl flnlpnne. Natural HiRt.nrv. r ' . ' ueology, Astronomy, eto . " . . The most valuable praotical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Soienlifio American : the whole presented in popular language, free from technical terms, illus trated with engravings and so arranged as to interest anil inlorm all classes ot readers, old and young. The Scientific American is promotive of knowledgo and progress in every community where it circulates. It should have a place in every Family, Read ing Room, Library. College or School. Terms $3.20 per year, $1.01 half year, wbicn includes pre-pay meut of postage. Discount to Clubs and Agents. Single copies ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 Park Row. New York. I J A T,T7AT'I',C? In connection XX. X JjilN X with the Scien- una Aniericau, Messrs. .uukn & jo. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents aud have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. Models of New Inventions and Sketches examined and advice ' free. A special notice is made to the Scientific American of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Publio atten tion is thus directed to the merits of the now patent, and sSles or introduction often ellected. Any person who has made a new dis covery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. Address for the Paper, or concerning Pat ents. MUNN & CO.. 87 Park Row, New York. Urancli Uthce, Cor. F & 7th Sts., Washing ton, D. C. CHEAPEST AND BEST! THE HARRISBURG Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1878. To all new subscribers and to all present subscribers renewing their subscriptions THE DAILY PATRIROT Will be sent at the following rates : 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid 57 00 2 copies (in club,) " ' .... 12 00 5 " ' " " .... 27 00 10 " " " ' .... 50 00 1 copy during the session of the legislature 2 00 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT Will be sent at the following rates : 1 copy, 1 yenr, postage prepaid $Z UO 4 copies, ' ' .... 6 00 10 " " ' 10 00 15 " " " and one copy to getter-up of club 15 00 25 copies, 1 year, postage prepaid, and a copy to getter-up of club. . 22 50 All orders must be accompanied by the cash, either by check or jiost ollice order. $0.00 WORTH FOR $3.00. Any' person remitting us $3.00 will re ceive one copy or tho meekly Fatbiot for one year, one copy of the American Agriculturist (tho leading agricultural journal in the Unucd istates) tor one year. both postage paid, and in addition a Micro scope, such as has heretofore been sold for $2.60. TUB PATRIOT BOOK OFFICE. Having executed the State Printing and uinuing zor inree years, we are prepared to print and bind BookB, Magazines, Pam phlets, Directories, etc, in best style and at lowest prices. BLANK BOOKS, such as Dockets, Daybooks Ledgers, and Hotel Registers a speoialty. Old Books rebound Especially low rates for rebinding Sunday school Libarics. Address PATKlUr PUULlSIilKU CO.. Harrisburg, Pa ROSES. Eight beautiful Every- blooming KoKep. ready tor immediate ilowertnir und "The Garden." for one year, sent pustpuid by mull on receipt of one uonar. O'gC'j-jO 2, varieties of Choicest Garden." Bent postpaid, by mail, on receipt of ono noiiar. TV-io rioy-H on The Garden Is an llltj VJctlUtJIl el.-L'iint oiiarlerlv Mnirazlnc. devoted to tho culture of Flowers and Vegetables. It Is printed on flue book paper, profusely illustrated, and contains u splendid Colored Plate of Flowers. Price 25 cents a yea r. and 25 cents worth ol Seeds free. Mpicnuiuiy lllusiruieu caiaiotiueoi r lowers and Vegetable Seeds und Plants for a three com tump. Kneelal Price 1,1st to Blarket Gardners fee. Wholesale Catalogue to dealers on applica tion. Auurcts : BEN J. ELLIOTT 4 CO. 114 Market St.. Pittsburgh, Pu. ulv8-. T HE SOCIETY STORE. A new store started in Ridgway un der the auspices of tho ladies of Grace Uliurch, with MISS A, E. II'IIEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods on hand and selected with great care. EMUliOlDEKlES. LACE EDGE. FRINGES, HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN8 SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a fine lot of Dress Goods, Fancy work of nil kinds. U ramea mottoes &c, &c. All cheap as the cheapest and coods warranted nrst ciass. i;au and examine our siock. MISS A. E. M'KEli:. Agent for the Society. Glad Tidingss for tho Weak, Nervous aud ueuiinaieu. Our Latest Improved Belf-Actlng Oolvanio Appliance are u speedy and Permanent cure f..r Mi.uiimuMHin. Kouraluia. Kidney. Liver ...... L'...n.il. I v.mtilti 1 nl.H. r.'!.'1S.',,.',l?' tIumumSIl1 Prices! ncrvuu, J 1 un Li .v- i tiuu. nuu - - . , , Kelt- 85.00: bplnal Belt, tor paralysis auu Spinal Ailmenjs, JlO.oO, and upwards; Arm leu. Anklets, Head Bands, Knee t aps, 2.iw n, Kusnensorles. fc.OO. Illustrated l'ttJ?r,'?t.e,A1,rriRi3: ASSOCIATION. ' " ut iith "Btwot, New York. For NINETY DAYS FROM DATE Elecraiit Table Silverware Cmi be wnrert hy1l n AmpMiw with the fot1wloim4UIiH! Th.tlMt m.,i.. 1it m.ii..ik.i. man n foaMI r Of ) Tin Pmndmrd Silver-Plmted Wire, will iMH W ? one who iwItw tfcl- oil. Double Kmrn-Pitted 8li?r Bporu, and engrave on each spoon nr Initial. Von are required to etitont the following Silverware Omwo eon i tho nhovt Cnmpiny, with ynr name nnd itririrent, "d " endow wtt ti In pn all char?. Including ctwt of eagmvlng tnttlali, paeklng, busing. ehurgfi. The Soni will be f nt be exmt frr mail. If ton ba tipr and dclirered In Tour bitnda wlihent further own. Thee Hpoo rn of the teM material, and ennal to the beat Btltor-Plawd Wara loade.ai IM letter from tho Conii-aiiT will lefilf t Orrirn nf Ntt.'wi, PiLan PLATtw Co., TO To whom it ma Couoern. The Bpootm eni tin hiiw"" Wfl guarantee are or beit qttnlltr, flml heft'ltr plnted with Mr ' nkke white mutal known), and a dnuhle-eatra plate of pure Coln-Siandara all .n .1 thtia ranilrln thsm Ih F hRt H ller-Plated Wt Inrel. We will honor no order which diea not not honor the Uoupoa aiur mnMr it" rrm iyiuedj NATIONAL SILVER PLAI NO CC - 704 Chestnut UtH PhlUde) KlI-VKIlWAilE On receipt of tbta Ooupon, together with 7B centt to torer ! earrt, Ing ftxiresi or nailing, engrat tng and boding, we hereby agrt M oana M dreM a aet of our pur Coin -Standard double-extra plated SILVER SPOONS. an on h Hpnon Migrate an denlred Initial. All chargr t to h the 75 ecnts aeut uf, and the Bpoon will ba dollrered ai damnation, i Good fur nlnet? fronvdnte of thla paper, and told. IHisnvd 704 Should It be desired, any one of the .v.. a ... mitni nf tha knlvea, bUdcand handle one aoUd piece, ov , .i rm-b rinnU nlrkfl and gooda are dVaired, enctnae the total charges, ti for knlve. and 5 eta. for fork total, at..Tw tnua aeeuring ior what would cont ton much more in auy other way. Remembor ench article, except knives, will be desired without extra eosU IMPORTANT Thlt liberal offer hold too fnr onle It I to the Inter t of all who enn "eenre Ita bnfltt to eee to it that arrj ootilvharred hr ronton of thr expiration of the time apecUkd A lert ordcriug Silverware abould be add rested direct to the NATION AT, 8ILVEH PLATING CO., 2fo. 704 Chestnnt Street. PHILADBLPHIA, New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEABgfl J TliA r.triilnlinn nf fliln TnT1lftnpwn1ll 1... ... . i I...H.J .1 : . . A. una uiuro mm, irvuiuu uunugi-uv j;usrfni. It contains all the leadiDg news contained in the Dailt IIebald, and is arranged in handy departments. The ill lOKEIGN NEWS W embraces special dispatches from all quarters of the globe, together with un biassed, faithful and graphic pictures of the great War in Europe. Under the head of are given the Telegraphio Dispatches of the week from all parts of the Union. This feature alone makes THE VfcjiEKLr I1ERALD the most valuable newspaper in the world, as it is the cheapest. Every week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS. embracing complete and comprehensive dippatches from Washington, including full reports of the speeohes of eminent poli ticians on tbe questions or the hour. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of the Weekly Herald gives the latest as well as the most praotioal suggestions and discoveries relating to the duties of the far mer, hints for raising Cattle, Poultry, Grains, Trees, Vegetables, &o., &c, with suggestions for keeping buildings and farming utensils in repair. This is supple mented by a well edited department, widely copied, under the head of THE HOME giving recipes for practical disehes, hints lor making clothing and for keeping up with the latest fashions at the lowest price. Letters from our Paris and London cor respondents on the very latest fashions The Home Department of the Weekly Herald will save the housewife more than one hundred times the price of the paper, ONJ DOLLAR A YEAR. There is a page devoted to all the latest phrases of the business markets, Crops, Merchandize, &o., so, A valuable feature is found in the specially reported prices and conditions of THE PRODUCE MARKET. While all the news from the last fire to the Discovery ofStanley are to be found in the Weekly JIkuald, due attention is given to SPORTIXQ NEWS at home and abroad, together with a Story every week, a Sermon by some eminent di vine, Literary, MuMical, Dramatio, and Sea Notes. There is no paper In the world which contains so much news matter every week as the Weekly Hehald, which is sent, postage free, for One Dollar. You may subscribe at any timo. THE NEW YORK HERALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publishing this prospectus with out being authorized will not necessarily receive an exchange. Address, New York Herald, Droadwoy & Ann St-t New York. EW LIVERY STABLE IN BLDGWAY . DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Rulitway, anil tho public generally, that he has tarted a Ljvcry Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD.C ARRI AG ES and BiiKsries to let virion the most reasonable terms. JBQyHe will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Olllco will receive prompt attention. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. E. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. O", and after THURSDAY. JULY. 28. 1877, the trains onthe Philadelphia & 1 - : I .1 ;i, ii Ei-is lUUroadwillrunas follows: WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL loaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m nenovo. t ou a ui " " " Emporium 12 65 p m " St. Mary's 1 4G p m " Ridgway 2 10 p m " " ' Kane 8 80 p m " arrive at Erie 7 85 p m EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erie... ......11.00 a m Kane.. 8 60 p m " " " Ridgway ........ 4 49 p in " " Bt. Mary's 6 18 p m " " Emporium 615pm " " Renovo- 8.85 p m " arr. at Philadephia... 7 00 a m Day Express and Niagara Express con- neot east with Low Grade Division and B. N. Y! &P. R. R. WM. A BALDWIN. Gcn'l Sup't 8n fl O Agents Wanted to subscribe v v for the Agents' Journal, a handsomely bound, 24 page Journal, brim full of interest to Agents. Specimen copy sent free. Aukktis' Jouhnal, N. Y. nuiiulin. T5fr ar1 to cure a case of CATARRH In W all bCU each UHighljorhood, with Dr. Kuruser's Kemedy, to introduce it, Sample free. J. C. THuju. Pittsburg-, Pa. uov22ilu3in. 7.4iS lid iff' . . ... Chertnnt Hi.. PhlladelpWa, contain the 8llrt ware Ceopos, me onie oi ""("Jr. COUPON. ftr which tbUfn" Chestnut St., Phllad. following rtle1e will b fnllnwlnii oharcfa ! nix ol beat ateel.douhle nickel and illver olated. 9b eta. If all which will be 75 ota. for engraved wltn any NOTICE. nlnetT dava from date. 1877. THE 1878. UNRIVALLED. fTIIE CHEAPEST, TEE ABLEST AND THE BEST - v - J! 8-Bage Weekly FAMILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. BEAD IT AND YOU WILL NOT DO WITHOUT IT. THE PITTSBURGH WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. An 8-Page Paper, Only $1. DEVOTED TO : 1. Literature and Art. II. Choice Miscellany. II I. Scientific Discussion. IV. Social Topies V. Wit and Wisdom VI. Home and Foreign News VII. Agricultural Interests VIII. Household Economy IX. Live Stock Markets X. Grain and Produce Markets XI. Congressional Reports XII. Telegraphio News XIII. Editorials on all live Topics In short it is tbe most complete Weekly journal In every detail now published, and will be under tbe personal editoral super' vision or Mr. W. A. Taylor, the well known editor and author, ana large corps of able assistants. BEING STRICTLY INDEPENDENT V in all things, and untrammelled by cliques and combinations, it will hats a other end to serve than to benefit, iaMte rt and in struct its readers. A GRAND SPECIAL Ft ATURE which will commend it to Farmers in partic ular, and all others in general, will be its complete elaboiate and strictly reliable Live stock and other markets. Look at our unequalled. TERMS, rOSTAGE PAID: Single Copy $1 25 Clubs of 5 and less than 10 115 Clubs of 10 and over 1 00 The price at whiob we furnish THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH is but a trifle more than the cost of the white paper, but we depend upon a generous publio for a suHicieutly large patronage to reward us for our efforts in supplying them with a household newspaper that has and ean have no rival in excellence and cheapness. 4 II J m m h mtitf. f ? r ti sri u Id el Ze .r.n., itr- j :;v ,-, Mil The Daily Telegraph Published every evening except Sunday, the newsisest, brightest most enterprising daily published in Pittsburgh, containing; all the news of the day, by Associated Press and Special Dispatches, Congres sional reports, Markets, etc, and edited with the highest ability, will be sent to any adlress, postage paid, for $8 per year. Wherever wo may have carriers or agents THE DAILY TELEGRAPH will be deliv ered at 15 cents per week. NOW 13 THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE, . and begin with the beginning of winter, when so pleasant a companion will be weloomcd to every tfireside. Money may . be sent by draft, Postoffice order, or in registered loiters. Aedress all communica tions to THE TELEGRAPH, 122 and 124 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh. JgejSend for a speoimen copy. RALPH BAUALEY, Proprietor. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrations, and six Chromo Plates of FlowerB, beautifully drawn and oolored from nature. Price 60 cents in paper covers; in elegant cloth. Printed in German and English. Viok's Illustrated Monthly Magazine 82 pages, fine illustrations, and Colored Plates in every number. Vick's Catalogue 300 illustrations, only 2 oents. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. VICE'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS are planted by a million people In America. See. Vick's Catalogue 300 illustrations, only 2 cents. Viok's Illustrated Monthly Magazine, 82 pages, fine illustrations, ana Colored Plate in each number. Price, $1.25 a year ; Five copies, $5.00. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 60 oents in paper covers ; in elegant cloth cover $1.00. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester. N. Y.