i RECEtPTS AND EXPENDI tures of Elk county lor the year ending January 7, 1878: RECEIPTS. To tax roo J frm umcatol lands, $ 142 10 "tax " ' collectors," seated, 7,721 82 " ' " " lands re- dot mod from county. ' 1,489 20 " mi t ree'd on judgnVt, In nud costs county vs. Jos. Windfeldcr, 5,788 90 " nm't ree'd In full of note Co. vs. Win. Zclt, lasw " from Benzingcr tp., supp't of C. Wist and Mary Kricg nt Dixm't, 503 19 " ' I'm Fox tp. sup port of Kate Wil liams & George 191 19 " " Jones tp. supp't of A. Parsons & JuliusStellingut Dixniont, 800 00 " " St. Marys boro. suppt of Martin Gregor, ""437 08 " " " O.B.Grant, costs Com wealth vs. Hodman, 102 20 " " " sale of co. map to J.M.Sehram, 3 00 $10,928 90 EXPENDITURES. Byam't p'd M.Weidcrt, serv ices as co. com. 210 00 ' " W.H. Osterhout, serv's as co. com. 177 CO i .i GeorgeReuseher, serv's us co. com. 203 00 i. vy, sj(. Horton, coinniiss's clerk, 500 00 " " " HalltvMeCaulcy, com. counsel, 300 (10 " " Dan. Scull, sh'ff, 020 10 constables, offi cers' fees. 401 82 " " " Justices officers' fees, 20 10 " court crier, 77 50 " " "tip stall", WlHi " " " protlionotarv, 178 02 " " count3T auditors and clerk, 149 50 " " "janitor, 80 00 " " " constables, com mon w'lth costs, 203 20 .i it justices, coni'on- w ith costs, 1'3 73 " " " witnesses, com mon w'lth costs, C54 03 " " " assessors, assess ments, 483 84 ' " " assessors, regist'y 19190 ii grand jurors, 920 2'i " " " traverse jurors, 2,044 50 " ' jail expenses, 734 58 " " district att'y for 18-0-77, 352 50 l" " " Dixm't hospital supp't of A. far sons, 137 30 " ' supp'tCon.'Wist. 187 85 " " ' Mart. Gregor 143 00 " " " Marv King, 117 80 ' " " ' Kt. Williams 129 45 ' " Jul. Stelling, 49 50 int. on hill, not paid when due. 21 85 i ii bieriir. common wealth costs, 1 00 " ' " west n pen! I en 'y 188 40 ti pen n 'u reform school, 101 14 ' " publishing audi tor's sett lenient. 300 00 " ' " publishing trien nial statement. 75 00 " ' " publishing elect ion proclamation 315 00 " ti i jU1i,,isii'g appeal notice, 43 00 " " ' printing and ad vertising. 187 24 " election expenses 572 10 " '' road views and damages, 5S-- 09 By nnitpaid for stationery, postage, hooks Arc. 107 31 " unit paid for bounties on wolves &c. 2 )95 " unit pd tor fuel and lights 294 02 " unit paid for repairs to public buildings 148 52 " unit paid for advetising laws stricken oil- by comrs. 28 50 " antt paid Geo A llathbim auditing Prothy accts. 9 00 " amt p.iid institute expen ses 1870 155 33 " amt pd for appeal cxpescs 99 79 " amt paid Treas. for lands sold to county 58 94 " nm't paid reward for Cas per i I helm 100 00 " amt paid establishing lino bet. Elk & Ca me rem Co's. 21 GO unit establishing merid ian line 81 00 " amt paid reward and ex. pemcs for capture of Mc Col urn 100 00 ' unit paid jury commis sioners and clerk 85 00 " am't paid inquests 49 55 " am't paid W. 1$. "eed offl- cial stenographer 90 00 " am't paid miscellaneous ex penses 101 47 41 am't paid to township for balances due them lrom Jos. Windfelder treus 1875 1.5S9S3 " am't treas. com. for am't received and disbursed- 033 74 15.87 9i 1,555 99 $16,928 90 Excess of receipts Assets and Liabilities of Tli January 7, County, 19,401 C2 7,03 30 724 87 ASSETS To tax due from unseated lands, subject to commis sions and exonerations " tax due from coll. subject to com and exonerations ' ain't due from Benzinger tp: for support of C. Nist and Mary Krieg at Dix niont "amt due from Jones tp. for support of A. Parsons and Juiius Stelling ut Dix niont " unit due from Fox tp. for support of Kate Williams and George Ausinger ut Dixniont 14 amt due from St. Mary s Boro. for sup. of Martin Gregor at Dixniont " am't due from Lock Haven Boro. for sup. of John Con don at Dixniont " amt of judgment against Cameron Co. "amt of ju gment against Patrick Lamb etal. " am't of judgment against Ridgway township " am't of judgment against Michael HaulaU ' am t note against Anthony " nm't of note against Geo. Krieg am't of judgment note against Martin Herbstritt 579 02 51 10 305 00 276 50 49 27 214 73 07 20 20 78 20 78 26 78 11 58 41 58 am t Ol juilgmeni. ijuid JnDt IV. r.ir.1 Cain against Daniel Cain 41 am't judgment note against J.L.&J. , BouUam LIABILITIES. By county order outstanding 1.150 81 ' county bonds outstanding C,2 10 ' Int. on bonds to January 7. 1878 699 24 " om't due Dixniont hospital 1,20140 " am't due Daniel Scull, sheriff 009 H1 ' nm't due townships. Windfeldcrs bal. 1.948 20 am't due Fred. Sehcening, prothy. 859 22 $12,212 50 ' Excess of Assi ta 18,003 83 $30,218 89 We the nnderslirned f!nmmlRloncrof Elk County ilo hereby .ertlfy Hint the above and roreK-ntnir Is n pcinwt stntcim-nt of c he receipt Hint expenditures, etc., nf Elk County for the year i7, unit Hi assets ami liabilities i,f the same, V Itncss our hind thin Mist, il i.v or.hiiiuiiry, A. D. 1S78. MKHAKI, WKlliKllT, i W. 11. liHTKHHiil'T. y Co. Comnilatloncrii. OlXiltOK KKt HL1IKU, j Attest ! W. . Hobtox, Clerk. AMOUNTS 11ECEIVEI) FKOM THE SEVEHAI. COM.ECTO OF ELK COUNTY PUKING 1877: Count, State, l iins.utimpueii, con uigiiru tp.. tp.,1874, $ 30 iJ7 $ A .T.Avery, do Jay do do C. ll.Wlnslow, do Benczct. do 1875, N. DeWitlt, do Benz'gr do do John Koch, do Fox do do Levi Kllithorpe, do Highl'd do do Nat. Hippie, do Hon mi do do K. Moody, doSp'gCr'kdo do D. B. Winslow, do Beliezet do 1870, M. Glaf, do Benz'gr do do 1'5 29 2t35 435 75 4 90 151 96 150 97 250 00 780 99 5155 08 140 34 300 00 220 02 09 03 480 22 71 09 920 19 109 21 201 8(1 109 (10 8(1 43 324 33 97 02 049 04 120 07 538 97 1J0 51 Jacob Moyer, do Fox do Dan'l Phalcn, do Horton do Oliver Dodge, do Jay do Theo. Cook, do Jones do Jtis. Champion, do Millstone do J. W. Morgester, do Kidgway do Hi. Eiseliuiiu, do Sp gCr'kdo Albert Weis, do Si. Marys do do do do do do 7 85 18 48 do do Henry Blesh, do Beneel. do 1877, M.Glatt, do Benzing'edo do no. McMackln,do Fox do Levi Kllithorpe, do Highland do Geo Clinton, do Horton do Eph Hewitt, do Jay do ltob't Miinett, do .bines do Lawrence Fee, do Millstone do G D. Messenger, do Kidgway do Mich Slibich, do St. Marys, do do do do do do do do 6 01 42 26 17 3 31 57,721 82 02 92 AMOUNTS DUE FROM THE SEVEHAL colli: CTOllS OF ELK COUNTY. JANUARY 7. Wm Clyde, collector Millstone twp., 1878. 1873, 1S73. 1875, tlo 1870, do tlo do do do 1877. do do do do do do do do do do 5 03 29 15 tiH 43 08 190 01 222 I'd 132 4 73 80 189 81 309 1911 01 54 J 41 504 00 1.228 07 9 98 377 35 Olti 37 323 8 i 50 87 1,052 52 285 83 1,148 90 Geo Foust, do Horton do John Koch. do Nut. Hippie, do D. B. Winslow, tlo Jacol) Moyer, do Thos. Campbell, do Dan'l l'halen, do Fox Horton do do Benezet to Fox Highland Horton lay do do do do do Oliver Dodge, H. Eiselman, Henrv B csli Mich'lO aht, do do do do Spr'g Cr'k do Beliezette do Benzinger do Fox do Jno.McMackin do Levi Eilithofpe. do Geo.W.C.inton. do Eph. Hewitt, do Manet t Hubert, do Lawrence Fee, do G.D.Messensicr do Wm A- ) rwin, do Mich. Htribich, do Highland do Horton Jay .tones do do do do do do Millstone, Hidgway .sprg Cr't St. Marys boro, $7,040-33 Those marked with n " have paid tlnee settlement. J A Co I M'CAULEY, ESQ. TREASURER. OF ELK COUNTY IN ACCOUNT WITH SAII1 COUNTY FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 7, 1878. To bal. due lund at last settlement 1,791 8ii " unit Co. tax ree'd from unseated lands 142 10 11 amt C ). t.ix ree'd r'ro.u c lie:coi's 7,721 32 am t ree'd on judgment of Co. vs. Wind felder, et al. 5,002 -8 " amt ree'd lor redem. of lands from Co. 1,489 20 "amtreVd from Bj.uiiijoi' tp on am't due Dixniont 508 19 " unit ree'd St. M irv's on am't due D'mn't 4K7 08 " do do fr. Jones tp on am't due Dixm't 800 00 " do do fr. Fox tp. on am't due Dixm't 191 19 " do do in Benz'gr tp rdoil Win Zelt note 135 00 " do dofr. O. B. Grant costs eomwealth vs. Hoffman 102 20 " do do for coun'y map sold 300 J18.S34 IS 12,204 03 003 40 82 88 1,689 83 334 80 217 03 15,514 34 3,019 84 By Co. Com'rs rec't for Co. ords. redeemed " do do rect for redem. or'tls redeemed " do do rect for refii'g or ds redeemed do do rect for redemption of orders to township for Windi'ehler's balance ' treas. coin, on amount received " treas. com. on amount disbursed " Balance due fund $18,534 18 STATE TAX ACCOUNT. To bi.lanee due at last settlement, " amount received from collectors, $ 142 81 02 92 $205 78 By State Treasurer's receipts, " balance due account, less commission, l'.HI II 15 tii $205 Ti SCHOOL FUNDS. RENE.ETTE SCHOOL I'UNP. To balance due fund at last sett lenient, " amount received from unseated land, $1,276 32 11 40 f 1,289 72 By county commissioners' receipt forrefund. ing orders redeemed, $ 1110 school treasurers' i eeeipts, 1,250 80 treasurer 8 comniissicn on am t rec a, do do do paym'ts, 25 50 $1,287 92 " balance due fund, 1 80 $1,289 riENEZETTK SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last eel t lenient, $280 " do do titaeury, 0 04 $292 41 By county commissioners' receipts for refund in ur orders redeemed, $ 5 92 " school treasurer's receipts, 280 05 " treasurer'. commission on paynicntR, 6 84 $292 41 BENZINGER SCHOOL FUND. To am't tax ree'd from unseated lands. $ 11 50 " do ree'd lor redemption of lands from county, 141 70 $153 2C " balance due treasury, 189 94 $343 20 $340 14 3 00 By bal. due treasurerat lust settlement, " treasurer's commission on am't ree'd, $343 20 BENZINGER SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, $'584 15 " am't tux ree'd from unseated lands, 103 "'do do lor redemption of lauds from the county. 40 99 $426 17 By school treasurer, receipts, " treasurer's commission on am t ree'd, " do do do payments, 370 47 84 7 G8 $384 99 41 18 " balance due fund, FOX C'HOOL FUND. $420 1 22 2 To am't tax ree'd from unseated lands, " do rec d for redeptioii of lands from co.," By bal. due treasurerat last se'tlement. " treasurer's commission on am t ree'd, " balance due fund, 49 09 $71 80 10 45 1 42 $11 87 61M9 FOX rtCIHHiL BUILDING FUND. To bal. due fund at last settlement ' am't tax received from unseated lands " am't rec,d for redem. of lands from Co By school trens receipt " treas com. on amount received " trcus. com. on amount disbursed ' ballance due fund HIGHLAND SCHOOL FUND. To bnl. due fund at last settlement " amt tax ree'd from unseated lands By school trens. receipts " treas. commission on amount received treas commission on amount disbursed " Ballance due fund HORTON SCHOOL FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement . $154 By school treas. receipts treas. commission on amount disbursed ' Ballance due fund HORTON SCHOOL RUILDING FIINli. To ballance due Treasurer By ballance due treasurer at last settlement JAY SCHOOL FUND To ballance due treasurer By ballance due treasurer at last settlement JAY SCHOOL BUILI'ING FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement By school treasurer receipt treasurers commission on am t disb'd " ballance due fund JONES SCHOOL FUND. To ballance d' fund at last settlement unit tax re 'ved lrom unseated lands " amt recci-. . for redem. of lands from Co. By school tr Hirers receipt " treasurers commission on am't received " treasurers commission on payments " ballance due fund JONES SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, " amt tax rec d lrom unseated lands, " do reed for redeptn of Ian ds from co., By school treasurers receipts, " treasurer's commission on amt ree'd, " do do do paid, " balance due fund, MILLSTONE SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, By school treasure rs receipts, "' treasurer's commission on payment, MILLSTONE SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, By school treasurer's receipts, ' treasurer's commission on payment, RIDGWAY SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, By school treasurer's receipts, " treasurer's commWn on ain't disb'd, " balance due fund, KIDGWAY SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement By school treasurer's receipt "'treasurer's commission on payment SPRING CREEK SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement By school treasurer's receipt "treasurer's commission on judgment ST. MARY'S SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement " am't tax received from unseated lands By Co. Commissioners recipt for refunding orders redeemed " treasurer's commission on ain't received " treasurer's commission on am't disbursed ' balance due fund, HOAD FUNDS. I1ENEZETTE ROAD FUNDS. To balance due fund at lust settlement, " tax received from unseated lauds, ' balance due treasurer, By co comm. rec'ts for refd'gord's red'm'd ' twp. treasurer's receipts. " treasurer's commission on ain't ree'd, " do do tlo payments, BENZINGER ROAD FUNr. To balance due fund at last settlement, " tax ree'd from unseated lands, " am't ree'd for redempt'n of l'ds from co., " balance due treasurer, By township treasurer's receipts, " co com rec'ts for road oi dors redeemed, " treasurer's commission oil am't ree'd, " do uo do disbursed, BENZINGER ADDITIONAL ROAD TtTND. To balance due fund at last settlement, " tax received from unseated lands, " am't ree'd redempt m of lands from co. By treasurer's commission on am't ree'd, .f ' - " balance due fund, , . co iiiiaii kHMi. 15 65 18 54 n oi $52 10 7 80 73 14 8 07 43 43 "$52 10 097 64 84 83 $781 74 450 00 t 108 9 00 821 19 400 fi8 $781 87 To balance due fund at lust settlement tax received from unseated lands anil reed redemption of lands from.Co. By Co. Corns receipt for road orders redeemed " treasuer'scommieslon on amount received treas. commission on amount disbursed " ballance due fund FOX ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To nm't fax received from unseated lands " amt ree'd redemption of hinds from Co. By treasurer's commission on am't received " ballance due fund HIGHLAND ROAD FUND To ballance due fund tit last settlement " tax received from unseated lands 10 By township treasurer's receipt " Co. eoni rs receipt tor orders reoeemeu " treas. commission on amount received " treas. commission on payments 154 10 83 40 1 07 85 13 08 97 " balace due fund HORTON ROAD FUND. $154 10 67 60 To balance due treasurer, By balance due treasurer at last settlement, 67 50 07 50 JAY ROAD FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, balance ilue treasurer, $07 60 00 22 By township treasurer's receipts, ' co. coins, rec ts for road orders redeemed, " treasurer's commission on amt disbursed, f i 22 00 22 $00 22 $333 04 333 04 204 10 5 20 205 30 07 08 JAY CASH FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, By balance due fund, JONES ROAD FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, " tax received from unseated lands, " amt ree'd for redempt n of lands from co , $533 04 54 15 2 72 199 82 $2-50 in 63 07 4 04 1 OS 58 19 By township treasurer's receipts, "' treasurer's commission on am't rec d " do do do tlisbursed, " balance due lund4 MILLSTONE ROAD FUND. To balance due treasurer, By balance due treasurer at last settlement. "' co. com m's rec Is for road orders vedcemM, " treasurer's commission on ain't disbursed, MILLSTONE CASH FUND. To balance dttcTund at last settlement, By township treasurer's receipt, ' treasurer s commission on am't disbursed, " balance due fund, RIDGWAY ROAD FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, " do do due treasurer, 198 00 $250 19 $ 1 40 ? 30 97 5 $103 31 4 82 1 9 08 $ 03 90 94 $103 31 $72 05 $72 05 71 20 1 45 By township treasurer's receipt, ' co com m s rec t for road orders redeemed, " treasurer s commission on am't disbursed, $72 05 $70 30 RIDGWAY CASH FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, By ba ance due fund, SPRING CREEK ROAD FUND. To"ballnnce due fund at lust settlement " ballance due tieasurer $70 8li 08 5(0 1 40 $70 30 $1G7 10 By township treasurers receipts "' Co. coin's receipt for rd. orders redeemed " treas. commission am t of payments $407 10 457 00 9 15 $100 81 SPRING CREEK CASH FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement By township treas. receipt " treus. commission on payments 29 $-107 10 220 14 ST. MARY'S ROAD FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement ' tax received from uuseated lands $220 14 215 74 4 40 $220 14 170 36 $170 80 100 90 3 40 $170 30 85 95 141 37 30 4 00 03 08 $ 4 17 83 19 $37 30 By boro. treasurer's receipt " Co corn's receipt for refunding orders I deemed " treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed ' ballance due fund ST. MARYS CORPORATION FUND. To balance due fund at last sottlenient, tax rece'd from unseated lands. ' baladce due treasurer, borough treasurer's receipt, co cumin's rec t for rel'und'g ord's red m d. treasurers commission on am't recti, do do do disbursed, POOR FUNDS.. BENZINGER POOR FUNhS. To balance duo fund at last settlement. " tax receive-d from unseated lands '' am t ree'd for redempt' n of lands from $100 58 0 70 $407 28 8 52 By ain't p'dco. com.'sas per order of tp. treas , " treasurer's commission on am't ree'd. jo do do disbursed. $175 80 14 80 451 87 13 9 50 ' balance due fund, $475 80 508 41 11 60 138 18 FOX POOR FUN". To balance due fund at last set (lenient, tax ree'd from unseated lands am t re d for redempt'n of lands from co., Bv am't p'd co coins, asperorderof ovevse's, " township treasurer s receipts, " treasurer s commission on am t rec d. . do do do payments, $058 09 36 81 694 90 4'.;35 216 00 2 99 13 66 " balance due fund, 094 90 HORTON POOR FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement By ballance due fund JONES POOR FUND. To tax received from unseated lands " am't received for redem. of lauds from Co. By treas. commisson on amount received " ballance due fund 470 6 22 58 59 69 57 1 29 1 29 - 68 28 9 T5 MILLS roNU POOR FUND. 60 07 27 80 52 10 To bal. due fund at last sctl'm't 882 11 By township treas receipt 874 47 " tieus. com. on pay mem. 7 01 382 1 1 $1.1(1 5:1 8 oo 1 69 10 RIDGWAY POOR FUND To bal. due fund at last settle t ' do do trea.urer, By orders redeemed, treas com. on ain't dlsbs'd. 60 29 143 71 200 00 4(0 204 tX io i; 1 19 1731 10 45 n 1 9 75 129 78 $189 63 2 75 24 6H 27 81 64 ST MARYS POOR FUND To bal. due fund at last set lut, ' tax ree'd frm unseated I ds, By twp. trens. receipt, ' treas. com. on am t ree'd. do do do disbursed 54 20 77 33 16 80 61 1731 27 31 52 0.8 120 47 bal. due fund, 173 15 61 3 85 00 2 41 1 75 STATE HOAD FUNDS. KANE, RIHGWAY ANu ST. MARYS STATE ROAH FUND. To bal. due f d at last settlem t 228 60 ' tax ree'd fm unseated I'ds 14 12 " amt ree'd for redemption of lands from county 829 90 90 79 82 30 173 15 70 70 572 58 0 1-8 505 7 672 58 STATE By trcif. com. on anit rec d. " bnl. due fund 70 70 m'kean, elk and forest ROAD. To bal due fd at last set rut 3 " unit ree'd for redempt n of lands from county 124 80 1 oo 212 14 173 08 125 80 112 40 II no 2 40 3 4l-' 2i 3 4' 3 411 7. By treas. com. on amt reu'd bah due lund 125 80 5 80 6 80 3,416 22 STATE 20 41 RIDGWAY AND BROOK VILLli ROAD FUND. To bal. due f dat last sett lemt By bal. due fund" rO 4.1 127 39 2 72 199 32 WILCOX AND HAMLIN STATE HOAD FUND. To unit ree'd for redemption of land from county 30 72 829 43 108 10 4 04 2 10 By coni.'s. .1. L. Brown's rect ' treas. com. on am't rec tl " do tlo elo jaid 35 o; 70 114 80 215 19 80 5.1 " bal. due fund 829 43 30 ' 14 40 Jacob McCaulcy, Esq., Treasurer ol Elk county, "in account with the Common wealth of Pennsylvania lor the year ending Jan 7, 178: To bal. due Com' that last settle ment, 234 73 " unit of retailers license as per mercantile appraisers return for 1877 747 50 " unit brewers' license as per mercantile appraisers ret. '77 125 00 "unit blliiard license as per mercantile appraisers return for 1877 220 0'i " amt eatinsr house license as 15 42 2 (Ml 04 17 00 89 82 72 01 1 45 74 00 15 70 89 82 tiO 48 32 64 per retofcierk of ouarterses. 750 00 " ami store or liquor license granted in 1870 and lilted in 1877. as tier return of clerk of outirter sessions 50 00 93 l i ,V.l 28 32 00 1 84 93 12 285 31 285 31 813 08 155 04 408 07 800 77 152 00 9 80 "ain t store or liquor license as per return of cierk of uuarter sessions 50 00 'amt circus license lis per treasurers report of same 00 00 ' 10 coiiies of pamph. laws as per treas. return of same 1000 2,132 50 $2,367 8 Bv state treas. receipts retail ers license i io a " do do rec. brewers lie. 80 6o " do tlo rec. billiard do 109 00 " tlo tlo recent, ionise lie. 114 00 " tlo tlo rec. tavern lie. 004 94 " tlo do rec. liquor lie. 95 00 " tlo tlti rec. ci reus license 67 0 " tlo do rec. pauipli. laws 19 50 404 OV 197 47 083 58 13 49 097 47 9 85 2 30 " exonerations on amount of 1870 allowed by conilh. 30 00 " amount paid lor printing in 1870 ullowed by conith. 48 00 " treas. com. on am't charged with in lS70allowed bv com monwealth 88 80 " amount paid for printing in 1877 72 00 ' exonerations of 1877 72 00 " I reus. com. on am't charged 12 19 9 05 1 80 04 22 48 with 100 0i 2,339 13 28 10 bal. due commonwealth $2,807 28 We. the undersluned Auditors: of IClk comity fur the year W, IiuvIiil' met at the I 'oinnii. shiners' olliee, in llidaw iiy, in said coiiiiiy.oii the liiht .Miiiiiliiy nl Jiiiuiiuy, A. D. iS7n, bu Inn the Kevei.th diiy ul the month, l'ur the purpose o ' iiuitlttnt!, xetlliiiK mid iicljusting HieareuuntK ul' the. Keveml eminty otlicers, we adjourned to '1 uesdny, Janiliiry s, ls;.s, nt which Mine we proeoode-i lo taidil settle Hiid iidjiiKt the account of the kcvciuI county olliccl 8, and fonnu them correct us Ktuled in $12 19 11 13 1 19 12 3: tins our renorl. Jacob Moi auley, Esq., Ire-usurer "f fald eounly, IiiivIiik been duly notiiied, was pre- 12 54 10 91 1 88 02 23 Keuieu to peisoii. Alter Inivli g e.irefnlly examined, audited settled and adlusled thcaccou..tK of thchiiitl In cob .Met an cy, we louuU due front lilm the m hi Treasurer tothe xcverul I'uiidn, u in fuliy Ket forth in the foreuoliiu rciiorl. the sum ol eluht thouKend nine hundred and ucveuty- four dollar and Keventy-one cent, and due 12 54 lo liini, the said ireiiNiuer, lrom eertuiu co., luntlK. 41 set forth In saidto euoliu.' rerun t.thf tiuiii of einht hundred and one dollars and ninctv-luo cents, leuvlnu a net balance of eight thousand one bundled and seventy-two 408 6n 0 .2 7 95 nonius anu seventy-nine vents uue lo me Kiiitl county ot l-.ik by the abl treasurer. AImi du.- from the said Treasurer to the Commonwealth of pennsylvunhi the sum ot twenty-elsbt dollars and tun cents, an fully ket forth in the foreeoiiiK renorl. 480 77 400 On 1 50 8 00 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our Hands this Hist, day of January, A. u. ISTd, UIMI. 1. K M 11 nocii, I W. 11. HYHK. VCo. Aud's, R. I. sil'ANOLKR. j Attest: M. W. KJ.1NK, Clerk. 409 56 77 21 The Commissioners of Elk county ii account with saitl county for the 480 77 221 02 7 50 10 68 year enoiug January , a. U 1S7S Michael Weidert. To county order received $210 01) By 80 days services at $3 V. H. Osterhout. To county orders received By 59J days services at $3 George Renscher Tocoutity order received $240 00 177 00 $177 60 239 70 191 19 20'0 30 4 43 233 00 221 98 17 72 By 77 days services at $3 ' $'-!33 0 Daniel Scull, Esq., High Sheriff of Elk county in account with said county for the year ending January 7, 1878. To flnesandcostsinCom. casesS 218 18 do jury fees rec d in civil cases 20 00 do cash rec d from U. 8 Mar 230 70 44 50 44 56 . 1 81 39 84 shal for niediciiiefurnished n by co. to Kathburn King do am't proceeds sheriff's sale Jan 22, 1877, ot Wiudfolder's property do reward and costs for recap 15 65 188 08 40 65 ture of Michael McCollum 100 00 40 65 81 89 84 bal. due 158 10 463 60 at last sctticmciii do counly orders lor fees and boarding priswnein tl.B'l 51 . 009 CO do bal. due sherlfF U,8S0 61 By bal. due him at lastMt'm't 168 10 498 60 444 00 240 CO 225 00 120 00 50 OO S9 91 do lail acc t lor ih-bhuuh " washing lor prisoner, up to Jimy 7. 173 servlngjury no fees, Mnj. t-ep. and Nov. T ins. lb7 and an Term 1878 conveying Casp.W llhelm, Mich. MeColliimanu Den nis Suliiviin to penitent y, two naif $120.00 and one fu:l fare $120.00 eon v g Greeiiawnlt, Mart man and Mutoneto Penn a ref 'm school special agree ment wit co coin s conv'g W. Brown to pen itentiary , . conv'g Henry llornlcck to penitent y paid accord ing to lee bill t u n i key a 1 1 d o ff 1 cers f ecs I n do do do do do do Commi nwealtn cases drawing lour jut its du lo lo 4 00 i on ring 187i ivi iiisiiiLr ircn'l election do i-ivviiid lor en Mure of Mi chael JJtCoiluin CO 00 1,830 CI D.miel Scull Esq., High wmn Eik county, in account wiui xauito" fci'lwxil iliftrlt't. To ain't due tlis t at last set ni't $50 00 By school treas. receipt f 27 60 22 50 lo bal. tlue district $50 00 We, the nmlerslirned, Auditors of Elk unity for the year l.sTs. hiiyintf Hie I. B ' J" t: mniii-stoiier s t.iuce in hiuf-ivi " i county, on the first Monday of J an uurj.. A. H. l-,Js for tli.- puipose of audltititf, cettline and adJuMluji the accounts of the several I'onntv otlicers, we unjoin m-u ... .j.. I. niiii i v s. I. 7i. at hlch time we proceeded to audit, settle and adjust, tb.-KeepiintR tl the several county ollieeis, as sev lonu ri'!'"!.1;.... f. Tti.,1. m.prtfr of unid I'jllllCI (-CUM, I.I.VJ., xtif" ' " . , county, was present in person and presented ins iiccouiu. Alter caretullv exnmliilnit, nuditlnif, set iii ...ttwi in.r bis account., is revised and set tled by the iomity t omnilssioiierH, we ound due to linn, by the mm couniy n ti, the sum of six hundred and sixty-nine Hol lars, wblelisuni we hereby certlly to be true and correct, us set forth ill the- loicgouiB stniemcnt. . , . In ilucs: whereof wo linve liereunro set our bands the :11st day of January, A. I. 1iS. Ul-.U. 1 . Ktll UUUtlL,! . .. W, II. HYPE, SCO. Audi, li. I. sl'ANUl.F.R. ) Attest: M. S. Ki.ink, Clerk. The Commissioners of the Kane lUdgway and tt. Mary s State Koad. In liccount with the funds ot said rout I lor the year ending January 7, To bal- tlue fund at lest set m't 1,005 SC do unit reed from treasurer of McKcan Co. 1.9S0 25 tlo proceeds of bond Jfo. 30, i.. .. nrnMCY liitlway lownsiiip i,ooa jjo do iiiut itiil V. 1-1. Osterliout, money advanced 600 0O tlo unit .recti W. II. Osterhout paid by merchandise to Mes senger on coiiuuct 013 18 $0,563 67 Bv amt paid O. D. Messenger on coniract, nittgway ip. tlo amt paid bond iSo. 8 ser- geant township 1,385 60 do amt paid V. Ii Abbott Jones township 22 88 tlo unit paid lor copy of assess- ' nient oi ist rtteanl townsntp t w tlo amt pnid lor copy of assess ment ot Kidgway anil iieli- Kinirer towusliii) do Mnt paid J. j. Brown sec retary services tlo anil paiil Hall & McCaulcy prolessional services do amt paid Ureas, for expenses do bal. due fund $0,563 07 Amount due for work done in Joue uiid Kidgway townships tvtid not pay lor, us beiow stated amt tlue Wilcox running Co. Jones township 1,583 87 unit tlue John .Nagle.lonps tp. 79 12 amt due John Dohmnil Junes township 60 02 amt due W H Osterhout, Uitlgwuy township 1,118 18- The CommiHsioners of the Ridgway uml Brookvilio State ltoad in tic count with ihe fiinils of said road for the year ending Jmiuuiy 7, 1878. Touni t ree'd of co. treas. in lt-70 775 54 do tlo do of 8. P. Johnson, -being part of orders heldas collateral for int. on bonds 48 29 $823 83 By bal. due commissioners at settlement of 1.870 do work tlone tiniltT comm's, Messenger, 1870 do wor.i.l one under comm's, Messenger, 1877 . do work iloiie under comm's, II. Carman, do am t paid Horace Little in full for services as conim'r tlo am't pa hi C H. McCaulcy in I'm I lor services as sec'y 489 80 9 00 5 00 150 73 25 00 20 00 $705 53 118 30 do bal. due fund $823 83 We, the nndersltrneil. Auditor of F.Ik county for the year is7S, having met at the t oiumlssiouei s' oilice In Hi Ijtway, in said counly, on the first Monday of January, A. D. I7 bc-iim Hie seventh day ol the moulh, uud adjourned to Tuesday, Juiiuary S. IstS. ut which lime we proceeded with the settle ment, and do hereby certify that we have carefully examined, audited, settled and ud justed the accounts of the Commissioners of the Kane, Kidgway anil St. Marys SUile road, and of the I'oiiiinissiuiiers of the Uiilnwny and lirook villu Mute Mad, and tlnd tliem sev erally eorrect.as set foitli in the foregoing pa. port. In witness whereof we have hereunto "Ml ..WlV.ni. HE '.lb Ull,, V .,t.,,.t...J,. J . til-.l). T. UOi'llllOCK.. I Co. Au . 1 K. I. SPANULKK, Attl.Q. l U l.',.KIL- -.lT Xlie balance inn i ked with a have leen pnid blncescttleinent. J HE SOCIETY STOKE. A new store started in Ridgway un der the auspices of the ladles of (Jrace Church, with MISS A.. E. H'ZEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, , A fine assortment of goods on band and selected with great cure. KMBltUlbElUlvS. LACE EDGE. FHINGES, IIANDKEItOnTEF. LAMES TIES. TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN FUITS 8 M!l,li SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a fine lot of Dress Goods. Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes &-e., 4c. AU cheap as the cheapest and goods warranted first class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE. Acent for the Society. do couiiy orders mr 3 00- 10 00- 10 00 5 18 .ir.i. to. 3,1W 11 130,21ft 89