Henrr A. Persons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY. JAN. 17, 1373. Rates ef ASvsrtisinf!. Tine column, one yrar. $75 00 40 00 !" " ' 25 00 " " " 15 0!) Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, ono Insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, llirce insertions $2 Business curds, Jen lines or ler,s, per year $5 Advertisements payable quarterly List of ('wises. Pet down fur trial nt January term, com menclni! Monday Jnnunrv 2S, fTS. 1. John Vnughan vs. Philadelphia & Erie I!. H. Co. No. II. NovomborTorm, l7t. 2. Charles Wohh vs. Simon P. Eomliz. Ko. 112, September Term, 1M70. 1). ltldgwny Township vs. V. H.. Whecloret 111. No 17)1 Mny Term, I.N77. i. C. 11. M Vmiley vs. Patrick Lamb. Ko. Tl. Slepteiiiber Term. S77. r. Prank Uersr, for use, vs. Andrew Knul. Ko. 81. September Term, JS77. . W. 11. Htiyes vs. June HheldrnUe et r.l. j.o. 1 "1. September Term. 177. 7. Tohn Tudor vs. lvter Uollobnngh. Ko 1 1-, repiemuer icrm, !, HEGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is Iicrpby given that the followlnct accounts linve been filed In my otlico nnil w ill be presented nt the next term ot the Orphan's Court lor confirmation: 1. Klnal account of Charles I.ubr nnd c liarles Itlttor, executors of the lust w ill anil lostnnient of Andreas Iliemnl, late of LonziiiRcrtownshlp, K.Ik county, deceased. 2. Klnal account of Charles l.nlir, executor m ine last, win nnci testament or i tun ics Krrrkl, late of St. Mary's Uoruugh, Klk Co., deceased. .1. Klnal neeonnt of Ilcnrv M'Crondv, nd inlnistrator of the estate of ITmrh M ( ready, late of J'ox township, Klk county, deceased. FEED. .SClllKNlNil, llegister. White, Powell & Co. BAN KEES AND BROKERS, No. 42 t-cutli 'J'hird t-'trert. filocks nr.d Bonds Rotiitht and oU on Ctiiiihi-sior.. Philadelphia, Jan., 1', IfTS. r. s. is.si.g c do do '05 J nipt J. ASKUP ,.10t Mi'.I, in:;i looi 1(18 108j 105 wq 101 104 ,10:i' ..K).-i ..MS .108 do do 'C7 lift do do '08 do 10-40, do coupon do Pacific G's cy , . , New 6's Reg. 1S81 . " " C. 1881 ...10ii ...10o; " -V.. Kcir. 1 s'.U " c. lS'-'l , New 4'a Reg. 100 " c. 1P07-. Cold .ion lmj lO-'i 102J .101; 102 . ;;2.1 s-Ji ! !)'. .. IH IS; Pennsylvania Rending , Philadelphia ,fc Eric Lehigh Navigation do Vnliey Tinted R K of N J ex. div.. Pittsburgh, T. Buffalo H. R Northern Central tx. div Central Transportation Nesquchoning North Pennsylvania, 122 12-! KiJ 17 47 -2 4 s 7i License Petitions. The following petitions for licenses nt Jan. term have been filed In my ollicc: EATING HOUSE. mzNZINCEK. 1. F. X. Sorg. lilMTAY. 2. James Maginnls, .1. Geo. W. Kliines, I. John arcready A V. A. Derby. ST. MAliY'S liolio. .r. AVm. Gels, S. Anthony Sclmueis, 7. Joseph Kraus. STOItE. KT. MAliV'S BOKO. P. Joseph Wllhclni. TAVERX. JlENr.ZKTTE. 0. Tlenry Dlesb, 1. Ci. I.. AVluslow. CENTUE VILI.K. 11. John Collins, 12. Daniel ficull. RIDOWAV. in. AVm. IT. Schram, 11. James McFnrlnnd. et. makVs noun. 1.1. Joseph 1. Wlndfeldcr, JU. Henry I.uhr, 17. Janu s ltoL-an, IS. I.i.ientz VokcI, Hi. lilley Uros. FRET). SCHfEKIKG. Pro. I1TSURA1TCE AGE1TCY. or P. B. WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Fa. The largest agency in either Elk or Its adjoining counties, representing through his General Agents about 30 responsible and prompt loss paying companies, among the principal ones are the, following: NORTH RRITISII & MERCANTILE, GrOiS sset. $32,533,6:2, JET'S A, OF HARTFORD, CONN'.. A:set over $7,030,030, FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPXIIA Assets 4,ooo,ooo NIAGARA, OF NEW YORK. Assets $1,500,000. BHAWMUT, BOSTON, MASP., Capital-ioo.ooo. GERMAN AMERICAN. NEW YORK, Assets f-', 000, 000. TRAVELERS, (Life and Accident) CONN., Atsets $ 1,200,000. u80yl. In the Court of Common Tleas of Klk County, September Term, 1877 Xo. 03 DIVORCE. FatimaCaden vs. Owen Caden To the Defendant above named: Bubpoena and alias subpoena having issued in the above entitled ease and returned "not found iu the County," you are hereby notified to appear be fore said court on the fourth Monday of January, A. JJ. 1878, to answer said complaint. DANIEL RCULL, Sheriff, per. W. S. Horton, Deputy. Sheriffs Ollieo, Kidgway, l'a. 1 Dec. 22d, 1677, f Xotice. Notice is hereby given that the members of Kersey Grange No. U2S. P. of II. of Centreville, Elk county, Pa., intend to apply at the nest term of court, January 28th, 1878, for a charter for a Building Association, for the purpose of erecting a building or buildings for the use of said Grange. V. H. MEREDITH, 1 WILLIAM McCAULEY, Com. HAYS KYLER, J SHERIFF'S SALE. BY Virtue of sundry irrlts of fieri faoins nlia fieri fncins, venditioni exponns, levri facias, alius levari fitcins, and tests lum fieri fnclnB, Issued out of the Court cf Common I'elag of Klk County, and to me directed, I D C. OYSTEtl. High ShcnfTef fa'd county, do hereby pive notice I lint 1 will expose (o jnblic sale or outcry ot the Court lionie, in Kidgway, at one o'olock V M on MONDAY, JANUARY 2.S. 1378. ALh Hie r:glit, title, and interest of de fendant in the following described roil es stale to wit : Cmuniencinjr at n pot on west side of Theresa road (now IJctuinger Road;) Thence North 51 West fur 111 rods to the Ucniingcr Coal and Iron Co., rntl road line Thence South 53 lit)' west -130. tods; Thenco nlong F. Millers and Charles Pciiissels lni,d south. 64 east 110 4 10 rods; Thence along Chnrles Sohiseli land south 13 S!.V ep.st ' 0 rodj to a post on the west eido of Theresa Road ; Tlienee noith 4'2 cast o5. 8-10rods more or less to the place of beginning, containing 21. 75100icrcs more or Ices. Being part of land which Beimnger & Keclibucli con. veycdloJohn Eothcr.hofi'er by Deed recor ded in Deed Dook I rtigeSlfSOwhodevissrt the lands to Defendant. All under fence and about the half of it under cultivation. L'pon which is trected one butcher shop lax 18 feet. ALSO all that certain town lot in the Borough of St. Mary's, Elk Co l'a situated on ft. Mary's elreet. Containing in front on Ft Mary's street one hundred feel by two hundred feet deep nt right angles and being Number 45 ou St. Mary's Sireet ac cording to the map or plan of the 1'orough of St. Mary's, l'pon which is erected a frame Iiouec one find a half etorics high 14-0 feet, said lot is under fence and hai a well of water thereon Seized and taken in execution as the property of Tlirtsa lUithenhoflVr at the suit of Joseph Wilhelni. ALSO The defendants interest in the following described tracts of bind: 1st Pitnate in Fox Township, Elk County, l'a., lounded nnd described us follows: llegin. ning at t ullivan's torthoast corner; I hence nertli 80 rods to a post- thence west lull reds to a post ; thence south 80 rods to a post ; nnd llicnce east 100 roils to the place el' beginning, containing (50) filly acres more or less, being the same land conveyed by Joseph Vi'i'.hehn to Mary MTre vJy. feccond All the interest of Mary Mc Crcady as one of the heirs nt law of Win, riinlrn in the following tracts cf land situ ate in the township of Horton Elk county, l'chnsylvfiiiia, beginning nt a hemlock, the southwest corner of land of Win. Rrouiley ; thence north 140 lods to a beech: thence west 43 rods to a post ; thence south 140 nili to a post; thence east 43 rods tolhe place of beginning, containing 40 acres being parts ef warrants N'os. 4J4S 4; 4o7- Third beginning nt a post the southeast corner of t lie lieuuinger lot ; thence west 110 rods to a post ; thence north 8S rods to a hemlock ; thence ca?t i 10 rods to a stone pile,- tlier.ee south hS rods to beginning, containing bul acres more or less, being part of warrant 424Supon which is erected one leg house 1. stoiies high l(itl!i feet and one log barn iilx20 feet. Seized nnd taken in execution as the pnoperty of 1'f.iru.k Mct'ready and Mary McCready, ntthe suit of I'hurits Luhr. ALSO. All that lot or piece of rcrour.d on Drusfe's road. t1!. Mary's Borough, Elk Co., Pa., described ns follows to-wit : Com mencing at a post on Hrusecls rond eai 1 post being the southeast corner ot lot " o. 2, and the southwest corner of the lot being described; thence north ,!!'2J west 204 feet to Elk Creek ; thence south 701 east 71 feet to lot No. 4 ; thence south" i!21 cast 170 feet to Brussels rea 1 ; thence south 77 west 62 fect to the pbico of begim.ing, con laining 0103 eqtinre feot nnd being lot No. 3 on Wcis fc Bruncrs map of their addition to ft. Mary's. L'pon which is erected one frame dwelling house jOs'.'S feet two stories high, with kitchen buck nnd one stable 12x10 feet with shed attached. Lot undor fence. ALSO All that certain tract, piece, or pnrcel of land lying nnd being in St. Mary's Borough, County of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, siiuate on Brussels road described as follows, to-vit : Begin ning at a post on said Brussels road being I lie souiheast corner of Sabastiun llabn's lot ; thence North 32J west one hundred and seventy fect to Elk Creek; thence south 8:1J east seventy-three fect to corner, being northwest corner of F. J. Seel's lot ; thence north 32J west one hundred and thirty feet to Brussels road; thence along said road to the place of beginning ; Con taining seven thousand three hundred nnd fifty (7350) square feet said lot being num bered four (4) according to a plan of Geo. Wulmsloy, Esq. Upon which is erected oue frame dwelling house 18x28 feet two stories high ; one fianio stable 1 2x12 mid well of water. Lot under fence ALSO, All that certain town lot situate in the Borough of St. Marys, bounded and described as follows: Beginning ot the north cast corner of Leonard Wlttmau's lot said corner being likewise- the north west corner of the lot hereby conveyed: thence along said Wittman's easterly line south 53 east 275feet toa post on the north line of lunds of Leonard Wittman's; thenco along Faid 'Wittman's line north 81j east 75 feet to a post, s.iid post being the south west corner of F. X. Erick'B lot ; thence along said Brick's westerly line north 45 west 127 feet to a post ; thence along said Brick's lino north 03 west 35 eel to a pos'. ; thenco north 30j west 80 cot to a post on New Brussels Bond ; thenco nlong said road south ftl. srest 1H3 fect to tho place of beginning. Containing 10123 square feet, be the same more or less, l'pon which is erected one frame blacksmith chop 25x42 feet two stories high. Seized taken in execution and to be sold ns the properry of Frank Oerg at tho suit of Allois Schauer. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly complied with when the properly is struck ofi : 1. All bids roust be paid in full, except where the plaintiff or other Ban creditor;) becomes the purchaser, in which case the costs on the writs must be paid, ns well as all liens prior to that of the purchaser, aud a duty certified list of liens shall be furn ished, including mortgage searches on the properly eold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such portion thereof as he shall appear to bo entitled to. 2 Ail sales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock l M-. nt which lime all property not settled for will again vi put up, and sold at the expense aud ,'isk of the person to whom it was first struck oil, and who, in case of deficiency at such re-sale, shall make good the same, and in no instance will the deed be pre sented iu court lor confirmation unlets the bid is actually settled for with the Sheriff as above stated. " D. C. OYSTER Sheriff. Sheriff's oliice, Ridgway l'a. 1 January 2, 1878. J See Bunion's Digest, 0th edition- page 44G ; Smith's Forms, page 381. Xotlce. Any person wishing to adopt or Apprentice a boy or girl child will please corpespond with V. J. King, P. O. Box 143 Peufleld, Clearfield Co. Pa. n41w3eow. Our 16tb bill-heads are just the hingyon want. Towiislilp Officers. Judge of Election G. R. Dixon. Inppectors M. E. Lesser, II. II. WrnBel. Justices of the Teace Charles Mead, Jus. I). FuHerton. School Directors O. B. Grant, Jas. Gardner. G. T. Wheeler, N. T. dim ming, W. 8. Service. Eng. 3. Miller. Biipervlsors John Gulnnck, Daniel M'Govern. TrcsKimT W. II. Hyde. Asscfxor M. H. Kline. AuditorsWill Dickinson, James retinoid, J. S. Powell. Clerk-M. K. Kline. Constable Geo. D. Messenger, Jr. Call at this olHco for writing paper aud envelopes. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE of John MTnsker, late of Fox township, Elk county, l'a., deceased. LET TERS IF A Li.MiN IH 1'RATIt )N bavins been grunted to tho midri'Ktuncd upon tho said es tate all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those ImvliiK claims to present them for set tlement. JACOU M'CACLEY, Admr. IltHtO. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a pimple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means nt cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charp.j) with the directions for preparing nnd using the same, which they will find a Sums Cu:ik fur Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis, Ac, l'ar:ies wishing the prescription will please address, Hcv. E. A. WILSON, 104 I'enn., Williainsburgh, N. Y. A:pktou's American Cjclepetlia. Vol. 8 of tliis admirable work is just otit, making it half complete, as there arc to be 1G in all, of 80 pages each, one being issued in two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can allbi'd to do without it who would keep well informed. Price 0,00 a vol ume in leather, or $7,00 in elegant hall' Turkey. C. K. Jtnlson. Fredonia, N. Y., controls thesale in Elk county. Address him for particulars. ppl7-tf Winter is upon ns. which is a re. minder that you need an overcoat. M'Alfee will make you oue cheap SPECIAL NOTICES. 1 TAN DYKE'S Sl'LPHL'tt SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long STFrtALiTT, and world wide reputation for CLUING SKIN DISKASES, has endeav ored for yctrs to combine nn kxthpnal treatment. He has accomplished this dc. sirable jii sn.T in the preparation of his compound 'riULl'llUK SOA1'.'' the merits of which are spoken of by thousands; it is highly recommended to oil our readers, l'rice 25 Cents a Cake; a Box (three Cakes) C0Cen:s. Sunt by Mam,, (pre-paid) ox rrcriPT or ruler,. Office, 5(1 N. odi i-t. Wholesale Drp.iT, 400 N. 3d St. I hiladci phia, l'a. Sold by DRUGGIST. n21y leow. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trustiugany person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1877.-1 y MimSERT AND IiKESSXAKING. 1 TRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk ItL Co., Pa., takes this method' of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county, that she lias on hand an as sortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches. Agent for Dr. J Bail & Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitfo Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. " nl7yl. Laws Relating to Newspaper Sabscrip lions and Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary, ore considered wish ing to continue their subscription. 2 If subscribers order the discontinu ation of their periodicals.the publishers may continue to send them until all arrearages ore paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to (nke their periodicals from the ofiica where they are directed, tboy are held responsi ble until they liBve settled their bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that "refus ing to take periodicals from the olliee, or rc moving and leaving them uncalled fjr is jii'imn J'acie evidence of intentional Iraud." f!. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether he lias ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay iu advance, they are bound to givonotk'e to the publisher at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it otherwise the publisher are authorized to send it on, and the sub scribers v.-ill be held responsible nutil an express notice with payment of all arrears, sent to the publisher. IZTa v nA to euro a ease of CATARRH In VV till UO U each neighborhood, with Dr. Kariii-cr'is ilemcdy, to introduce it. ftsumpte lite. J. C. 'J'ilton. ntlsburfe', l'a. UOVll.jlllolU. Our Motto: The Best Goods and Lowest Prices at the West End Store. n42tf. Hides, heep Pelts, and Calf Skins wanted at 42 Main Street. FRANK SETTELLE. THE SUN. 1S78. NEW YORK. 1878. As the time approaches for the renewal of sub.sciipUoiiii, l niu hL. woo id remind IU friends und wcllwlshcrs every w here, that It Is aaln it candidate lor their consideration unit support, l'pon Its record lor the pu&l ten years itrelics lor u continuance of the hearty sympathy and generous co-operation which have hitherto been extended to iu'roiu uvery quarter of the Union. The Daily Sun is a four pnge-shect of 23 columns, price by muil, post paid, 53 cents u month, or tii.50 per year. Tho Sunday edition of The Sun Is on eight page sheet ul 60 columns. While giving the news of the day, it ulso contuius a huge itmount of literary and miscellaneous matter especially prepared lor it. Til e Ho da y Sun has met with greut success, i'ost puid Sl.JU a yel"' The Weekly Sun. Who does uot know The Weekly Kch t It circulates throughout tho Culled Suites the Canadas. und beyond. Ninety thousund families greet its welcome pages weekly and regard 11 in me ngui oi guiue, counsellor, uuu liiend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, and lilerury departments make it essentially a Journal lor the turn it y und the Preside. Terms : One Dollar u year, post paid. This price, quality considered, nikkes it the cheap est newspaper published. For clubs of ten, with MUciioli. wo will sendan extra copy free. Address J'UUUbtfi.tt Ur THE Sl'N. New York City. THE scientific American. THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. THE MOST POPULAR SCIENTIFIC TA l'K IN THE WORLD. Only $320 a Year, including Postage. , u4 i-umoeri a I ear ,uuu book pages. Tit Fciektifio Amkricah is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, prin'ed in the most beautiful stylo, profusely illustrated with splendid engrav ings, representing the newest Inventions and the most recent Advances iu the Arts ond Bcienucs ; including Mechanics and Engineering, fiienm Engineering, Bnilway, Mining. Civil Gas and Hydraulic Engineer ing, Mill Work, Iron, Steel and Metal Work ! Chemistry and Chemical Processes : Elcctrioily, Light, Rent Sound: Tech nology, Photography, Printing, New Ma chinery, New Processes, New Recipes, Im provemenis pertaining to Textile Industry, Weaving, Dyeing, Coloring, New Industrial Products. Animal, Vegel'iblo. aud Mineral: New nnd Interesting Facts in Agriculture, Horticulture, the Homo, Health, Medici Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy, eto. The most volunblo practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments oi Science, will be fouLd in the Scientific American ; the whole presented in popular language, free from technical tonus, illus trated wiih rr.grnvings nnd so nrr.inged as to interest nnd inform nil classes of renders, old nnd yrung The Scientific American is promotive ot knowledge nnd progress in every eommnuity where it circulates. It hould have a pl ieeTu every Family, Bead ing Boom Library, College or School. Terms $3.20 per year, $1.01 hnlf year, which includes pre-) avmcnt. of posing?. Discount to Clubs and Agents. Single copies ten cents. SjM by nil Newsdealers. Remit by pnsml order to MUNN & CO., Publishers. 37 Park Row, New York. J- A 1,T?lVrii 1,1 connection XJL J JtjJ LN 1 kwOh the Scien tific American, Messrs. Mess & Co. ore Solicitors of American ami Foreign Patents and have the largest establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. Models of New Inventions and Sketches examine. nnd advice fro. A special notice is made to the Scientific American of ail Inventions Patented through this Agency, wiih the name und residence of thv Patentee. Public atten tion is thus directed to the merits cf the uew palei.t, und sales or introduction often effected. Any -erstin who has made a new dis covery or inventinn. A in nKOrl'iin. frpi. .if charge, whether o pat eat cm probably be ooiaoien, oy wriiing to the undersigned. Address fur the Paper, or concerning Pat ents. MCNN & CO.. 37 Park Row, New York. Brat. ch Office, Cor. F & 7 h St.. Wasbinp ton. D. C. - ATTENTION. FARMERS fend for a Specimen Copy of the PRACTICAL FAHMEE. L'stubl'iKhcd 1855. T II B OI.DtST LARGEST, MOST K ' TERI'Hlfc'INU, INS "IIU0T1VE AND V A LU A BI.H : 1. G RIO U L'l V It A L, LIVE STOCK AND FAMILY JOUIINAL KJ AMURIOA. It a is Gl-Column Weekly Pnppr. Acknowledged authority o. all agricultural topicsand leads the van of Aaif.ric.iu Agri cultural Journalism. Has ih largest and ablest corps of Regular Contributors ever employe on nn agricultural piper, under an able and experTOnceu hditorul Manage ment, who spare no expense or labor to add everything possible to its value- Subscription Terms Reduce for 1S7S. rAYABi.r. in auv.'.scb Single subscriptions (52 issue?) 2.00 In clubs or two do 1 , ; In ciubs of three do enly , 1.50 Making it the cheapest lirat.class weekly. in the country. Liberal Premiums ef Cash Commissions to Club Agents. Stecimi-.k Conrs Sknt Fuer. Address PRACTICAL FA ft MCll, 13 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. Note paper and envelopes at th's office. A sheet of paper and an en velop for a cent. IheapestahestI THE IIAURISBURQ Daily and Weekly Patriot FOR 1878. To all new subscribers and to nil prfsent subscribers renewing their subscriptions THE DAILY PATRIROT 'Vill be sent at the following rates : " 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid i;i7 00 2 copies (in club,) " " .... 12 00 5 " " " .... 27 00 10 " ' " " .... 50 00 1 copy during the sessiot. of the legislature 2 00 THE WEEKLY PATRIOT VV ill be sent nt the following rates : 1 copy, 1 year, postage prepaid $2 00 1 copies, " " ' .... 6 tK) 10 " " " 10 00 15 " ' " and one copy to getter-up of club 15 00 25 copies, 1 year, postage prepaid, and a copy to getter-up of club. ... 22 50 All orders must be uccninpnuied by the cash, either ly check or ost office order. $0.00 WORTH FOR S3 CO. Any person remitting us $3.00 will re ceive one copy of tho Wf"?t,r Patriot for one year, ono copy of tho American Agriculturist (the leading agricultural journal iu tho United Stales) for ono year, both postage paid, and in additiou a Micro scope, such as has heretofore been sold for $2.50. THE PATRIOT BOOK OFFICE. Having executed the State Printing and Binding for three years, we are prepared to print aud bind Books, .Magazines, Pam phlets, Directories, eto. iu best style aud at lowest prices BLANK BOOKS, such us Dockets, Daybooks Ledgers, and Hotel Registers a specialty. Old Books rebound Especially low rates for rebiuding Sunday School Libnries. Address PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO.. Harrisburg, Pn. Elizabeth A. Mc-1 In the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, Hept. Term 177, No. 02 Euerney. vs. JohnM'Enernty iMVORCE. To the Defendant above named. Subpoena and alias subpoena having issued in the above entitled case and returned "not found in the County " you are hereby notified to appear be fore said court on the fourth Monday of January, A. D. 1S78, to answer said , S DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff, per. W. S. Horton, Deputy. Sheriff's Ofllce, Ridgway, Pa. T-w .1.1 , . n - V RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA KAIL 110AD Philadelphia & Erie R. It. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. OtT and after THURSDAY, JULY, 2H, 1S77, the trains onthe Philadelphia 6 Erij KrMroadwillrunas follows! WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 pm " Benovo H 00 a m " " " Emporium 12 55 p m St. Mary's 1 40 p m Ridgway 2 HI p m " " Kane 3 30 p m " arrive at Erie 7 35 p in EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11. 00 am " " " Kane 8 60 p m " " " Ridgway 4 49 p m " " " St. Mary's 5 18 p m " " " Emporium fi5pm ' Renovo 8.35 p m " " nrr. nt Philadephia... 7 00 a m Pay Express and Niagara Express con nect eist wit li Low Grsde Division and l N. Y! & P. 11. R. WM. A. BALDWIN. Ueu'l Sup't Y?yi PIRE TRANSPORTATION l"j t o. Ot'EICE OE THE PRESIDENT. 1127 (illtARD STREES, Philadelphia, October lS.t, 1877. Notice U hereby given that tho Em. pire Transportation Company lias ceased to transact business, and lias entered on a liquidation of its affairs preparatory to its dissolution as a Cor poration. JO. D. POTTS, President. The Empire Line, formerly owned and operated by the Empire Trans portation Company, will continue to be operated as heretofore, but fur ac count of its new owners. F. J. FIRTH, Otn. .Uanojcr, Empire Line. 1143ml. ITsw York Weekly Herald. 01T3 DOLLAR A YEAR. The circulaii jii of this popular newspaper has mire than trebled duringthc past year, it contains oil tho leading tews contained in te Duly Heiiai.u, aud is arranged in haudy departments. The FOREIGN XEV;3 rmbrcces sp.-chil dispatches from all quarters cf the gio'oe, together with un biassed, faithful und graphic pictures of thi great Y nr in i urn e. Under tho head i t AMERICAN. NEWd arc given the Telegraphic Dispatcher cf tiie w.-ek trem all parts of the L'uiou. This feature alone mal.e-i Till: WEEKLY HERALD the nr.'st valuable newspaper in tho woild. a? it is tiie e.iieapest. Evsiy week i-i given a faithful report of 10i.ITI;:AL N KWii, cm'irncirg comph-le and eomprelicnsive il.. "patches from Wasiunutos, iiieludiug full reports of the speeches of einineut poli ticians on the questions of Hie iiniir. THE FARM DKPAUT.M F.I1T of tho AVeekly lltBAi.t) gives the latest as well ns tiie most practical suggestions and discoveries relating In tiie duties of the (ar mer, hints tor raising Cattle, Pouliry, Grains, 'J'rees, Vegelnbles, e.c , fee , with suggt stions fur keeping buiidiiigs and iiilin D;' utensils iu re; air. 'litis is supple inented by n ivr.il edited i!e; .n'u tiil, widely copied, under the bend cf TiiE JiOMH giving recipes for pi-.icicil d'.-.hes, hints mr making clothing and for kep:uir up with the latest fashions nt the lowest price. Letters from our Pari and London cor respondents on (lie very la'e-it fashions The Ihiinrt Department of the Wbkki.y iliiHAi.li will s ive the houe.rito more than one hundred times liie price of the paper, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. There is a page devoted to all the late4t plnases of the business markets, Crops, Merchandize, yc, o;o. A valuable feature is found iu liie specially leportod prices and conditions of THE PRODUCE MARKET. While all the news from tho lust fire to the Discovery ef Stanley are to be found in the Weekly Hkuald, due attcntiou is given to sporting ::e.s ut home and abroad, together with a fiiery every week, a Sermon by soma eminent di vine. Literary, Mimical, Pi'umatie, und Sea Notes. There is no paper in the world which contains so much news matter every week as the Weekly Kkkalp, which is cent, postage free, for One ioliur. You muy subscribe ut any time. THE NEW YORS I.EUALD in a weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Papers publit hing this prospectus with, out being authorized wiil not necessarily receive an exchange. Address, Hew York Herald, Broadway &, Ann St-, New York WE WILL mail ono and one-half dozen of the most beuutilul new Chromes, in French oil color ever seen for $1.00. They are inouuted in SxlO black enamel and gold touts, oval opening and outsell anything now before the public. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Two samples for 25 cents or six for 0 cents. Send 10 cents for grand illustrated catalogue with chroino of Moonlight ou the Rhine, or 20 cents for two Landscapes and Culla Lillie on black ground, J. LATHAM k CO., 410 Washing ton St. Boston Mass., Headquarters for Chromos. Engravings and Art Works.- A FORTUNE. u32i.S. The oldest and best appointed Institution for obiaiuing a Eusine. Euucaliou. V. DUFF RONS, ' PitubursU, Pa. T TuTTD C BOOK of KNOWLEDGE, i-iKJ V HiXvO or Keerets of Love, Court ship and Marriage showing how to get mar ried, live happily obtain health, wealth und distinction, uud appear to advantage iu so ciety aKioaL'cs Sou.oou sold. Mailed forlocts.. In Postage Stamps or Currency. Address, THE UNION PUBLISHING COMPANY. isewurk, N. J, novui3in;i. THE 1878. U1TRIVALLED. THE CHEAPEST, THE ABLEST AjTD THE BEST S-TajG Weekly FAMILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. READ IT AND YOU WILL NOT DO WITHOUT' IT. THE PITTSBURGH WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. An S-rage Paper, Only $h DEVOTED TO: 1. Literature nnd Art. II. Choice Misce'.Iany. III. Scientific Discussion. IV. Social Topics V. Wit nnd Wisdom VI. Home and Forcitrn News ViL Agricultural Interests VI'I. Household Economy IX. Live Stock Markets X. Grain and Produce Markets XI. Congressional Reports Nil. Telegraphic News XIII. Edilori.i's ou all live Topics In short it is the most complete Werkly journal in every detail now published, nnd will be under the personal ediioral super vision or Mr. YV. A. Taylor, the well, known editor mid nuthnr, ami a lame corps of oblft assistants. BEING STRICTLY INDEPENDENT in nil things, nnd untrntunicRcd by cliques and combinations, it. will have no other end to serve than to benefit, interest and in struct its readors. A GRAND SPECIAL FEATURE which will coiiiMcnd it to Farmers in partie ulnr, and all others in goiiornl, will l e its complete chihmatp and strictly reliable Live Stock end other Markets. Look at cur unequalled. TERMS, rO-STAG E PAID: Single Copy 1 "5 Clubs of 5 aud les than 10 1 j Clubs of 10 nn 1 over 1 till Iho price nt. whiLii we furui.-u THE .VVI.KLV TFLI'XiR-APU is but a tnilu mure than tho cj.-t of the white paper, but we depend upon a generous ptibiie lor a sutiicieiil iy large paii'oinge to reward us lor our efforts in supplying them with a huusclioM tn-wt paper that has und cau have no rival hi cr.celitucc and vhc.ipusM. Tiie Daily Telegraph Published eve-y evening except t-.tinday, ll.'ts liee'sisest, beiv;'iite-il mo-d enterpi-isiiig daily published in i uisbiirh, iviiiiaiiiinir ad toe news of tiie day, by .-'ecii!e'i i less nnd .-peci.'.l lu.-paluhes, C.;niret siunal reports, jMarkels, etc., i.iijeinel wiih tho higheci ability, will be sent to any ad J reus, pottage paid for per ye-ir. Viherever we may have farriers ot oeenis THE DAILY TELEGRAPH v. id be deliv ered at 15 eenis per iveuit. now is Tin; tim;: to- t-ui'-icuip.!:, and begin with the beginnii) of winter, when to j. less nn. a companion will be welcjinid io every liresid.'. .Money may be sent by draft, Vieti.iiice ord-r, or in registered letters. Aedress nil communica tions to XI! il TKLEGUAPH, 12 und 124 Fifih avenue, Pittsburgh. lJS"Seiid lor a ; pceimon copy. RALPH BAG A LEV, 1 inpi'icior. 'WW SOCIETY STORK. A new Btoivstai'led in Ritlwty un der the ttllspici'K of tiie ladies o. ( ' rv.ev I liiircli, with dtlhiii Ji. t, ik-o-i. as Agent and Salcsvornan, A line assortment of goods on Land and selected with ,i-:at care. EMHilUlWlHIi.N. JjACE EDO!' l'l!I 'TG I'o HAN D K K RC 1 1 1 ! . FS. LAM us Tr;v. TOlLhT-KliTs-. LlIsEN fjUITS. CHILDREN PUiTS SAMPLE KluKS. jracliiuc cilk, tliread and needles. Also a line lot of Dies:? Goods, Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes ivc, Ac. All cheap as the cheapest und goods warranted first claw. Cull and examine our .stock. .MiSS A. :. M'KEE, Agent for the Society. KANSAS. All about its Coil. Climate. Besonrces, Products, Laws, and its People ore given iu tho KANSAS FARMER, a 10-page weekly, in its 15th y'r. Post paid, 3 mo., 50o. Address J. K. HUDSON, 'J'upeka, Kunsas. Has quickly taken n high place r.mong agricultural journals. Ar. Tribune.... Wehuve considered it among tho best of our exchanges, aud n worthy representa tive of the West Prartic.al Parmer, Philadelphia Our Kansas friends should feel much pride in the high charac ter ond sterling worth of their Slate agri cultural paper National Lice-Mock Journal.,.,, We cheerfully credit it with being one of the best edited of our W estern agricultural exchanges. Kiiirit of tic Timet jY. Y. u4H4. Aduiiuhit rators Notice. ESTATE of Jacob Oval. Into of Jnv twp Elk count v.l'a., deceased. LETTERS OK AD MtNISTUAKJoN, having been grunted to t undersigned upon the tuld estate ull porsi.'.s indebted to said estate are requested to li nk, payment, und those huvliigeluims to pre.-.eni them lor kculcmeiit. J. M. nrtOOKINS.) . , ELIJAH L. BUOOlilN.s.; Admr s. nSStd. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Philip Meyer,' late of Bt, Mary's Rorough, Elk county, Pa. de. ceased. Letters of Admiuintrafion having been granted to the under sigued. upon tho said estato all per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for set tlement. MARY MEYER, Adair's. GIVEN AWAYSS per A PHEMIU.M STEEL EN(JUA l.N(i, Entitled "The Eluding of the Kavlour In tho Temple" with the WUUKINU CHUltCH, A 14 Page Keliglous Family Newspaper, de voted to Household theSuuday School, Music dud Ciencrul Church Work. Ou S month's trial for Sets. AOT8. WANTED. Address, J. B. BREWER, Till Warren St., New York UOVam3iu?., 1877. BUSINESS CARDS. GEO. A. 11 AT II D UN, Attorncy-at-Law, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. HALL & AfCAULET, Attorneys-at-Lw. Office in New Brick Building, Main St Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. T3lt2lf- TuCOItE & HA MBLEN. Attornevs-at-Law, Ridgway, Elft County Pa. Office across the hall from the Democrat establishment. Claims tor collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '70. VUAULES HOLE IS, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent forth Howe Sewing Machine, nnd Morton Gold an. Bcpnirin? Wotches, ete, doirewUhi le saino accuracy as heretofore. Sntis ,'actr.on iriiarnnteed. tlnly J, 0. U. BULKY, ATTORNKf-AT-LAW. . vlnz-j1. Ridgway, F.Ik County, P. Agent for fb Traveler's Life and Acoi Jut insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. JAMKU J. FULLEUTijX, ... Surgeon Dentist, h:ivhi:? permanently lo cated in Rigway, o.Tevs his professional ser vices to the cilucus of Ridgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted. Oilice in Service & Whoolur's Building, up st.iirs, first door to tho left, 73-n-32-ly G. G. MUSSES G Ell, Pntpgist and rarmaccutiet, N. TT. cornc of fnin ond Mill afreets, Ridgway, Pa. full assortment of carefully t-olccted For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions jnrefully dispensed at all hours, day nr oijht. Tlu8y 7. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician nnd Surgeon. OfSee in i-'rug Store, corner Broad and Mdiu Si. Residence corner Broad St. 0'iim-iie tli College. Office hours from it! to 1-J A. M. an! from 7 to 3 P. M. vln'Jyl. . S. IWil DWELL, M. D., Pobciic Physician and Surgeon, hns remov ed Jos ofiice from Centre street, to Mail- Hi . Ridgway. l'a,, in the second story of ther tinff brick building of John G. Baal, oppo ;to Hyde's stove. O.Viea hours: 1 to 2 P II 7 to 0 P M HYDE HOUSE, Bin.iwAT, Ei, it Co., Pa, Vv II. flClIHAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore S) liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, louts, ty paying strict ni coniion to the comfort and convenience of Juests, to Merit a continuance oi tin amite. UA .') ISii'.t. e. a. pa r. L'JMLtilR AND INSURANCE COII MINION UUOKEK, AND S2S1TERAL COLLECTION AGENT No 2C6 Walnut Place, (313 Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. n 41-ly W. HAl'S, DEALS., IN Cry Ccocu7, ITctisr.s, Crrcerics. and Ganaral Variety, -FOX, ELK CO., PA. y;i'.f. Dealer in all kin.ds of cabinet war?, .vood niidcuiie teat chairs, kitchen and ctKiition tallies, wood and marble !cj biu'.id.s, wood end iriarlile top li:;re:ius, wimt'.iols, looking glasses, woo,- and iinn'ok- lop chamber suits, matire-j-so, npring Lied Iottoms, bed Uad, i libs. I .a forty's metal lined wood pumps, tC-c., &c. (,'ano seats re jil.'itc l wit:i perforated wood seats. Veod sewing iiachine reduced from i'::') to :-!", the best machine in tho inarkit, and picture frames made to order. Also a I.irxe assorted stock of ready made coh'ins constantly on hand and trimmed at shortest notice. All the above good are sold at pnnic prices Waro Rooms in masonic building. Aiiugwsy in. vTn'.lt. TtTIiW LIVERY t-TAULE IN III DG WAY. DAN SCRIP.NER V,' I SUES TO Inform tlio citi.ens of Ridgway, and IliO public geticrally, that lie iian taitod a Livery fchible and will keep. OOOD STOCK, tiOOD.CARRIAGES and Cuggiea to k-t upon the most raM.iOuaUlu terms. SJiHe wlU'nlso do job teaming. Stable on Drond street, above Main. All orders left at tho Post Ofllco will receive prompt attention. Aug201S71tf F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES II 1IAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ROOTS SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS - WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WARK, TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap us the CHEAPEST JAMES HIT. AGERTY