i I I, 1 t. i i r 1 I GEO. A. JiATUBVN, Attorney-at-Law, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pn. HALL fc Jl'VAVLEY, Attorneys-at-Lw. Dfr.A. in Kmm Ttrl.k Bulldinff. Main 81 Ridcway, Elk Co., fa. 3n2tf. L UCOEE & 1IAMBLEN, Attorneys-at-Law, Ridgway. Elk County Pa. Office across the hull from the Dkmochat establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '70. VIlAJiLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the dowe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold ?n. Repairing Watches, eto, dorewith i tame aocuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly J. 0. K BAILEY, ATTORNE1T-AT.LAW. vlnz.yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi Jent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. JAMES I). FULL Ell TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his professions) ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted Office in Service & Wheeler's Duildiug, up stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-82-ly G. G. ilfiSSEfl (i Ell, Druggist and Parmaoeutisl, N. W. cornel of Main aud Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. full assortuieut of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at .ill hours, day or . night. vln3y T. S. HARTLEY. M I), Physioinn ana Surgeou. Office in Drug Store, corner lirond aud Main Ht.. Itetidc.nce enrner Broad SI. opposite the College. Office hours irom 8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vln'2yl. J. S. EOIWWELL, M. D., Ecleolio Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, to Mail St. Ridgway. I'd,, iu the second story of the near brick building of Johu G. Hull, oppo site Hyde's store. Offiec hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M HYDE IIOLSE, RinawAY, Elk Co., P W. H. SCJIKAM, Proprietor. Thnakful for the patronage heretofore 0 .liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience oi quests, to merit a continuance oi th same. Oct 30 18til). E. G. FA Y. LUMBER AND INSURANCE COM MISSION BROKER, xn GENERAL COLLECTION AGENT No 210 Walnut Pluce, (31tl Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. n 4i-ly '. ir. AYS, DKALK IS Dry Goods, Notions, Grrcories. and General Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. En r icy I. . vlu47if. V E. K. (jki:sii. Dealer in all kinds of cabinet ware. Woid and cane scat chair, kitchen . and extniilion table, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, whatnots, looking glasses, wood and marble top chamber bitits, , mattresses, spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs. Lafcrty'a metal lined wood pumps, ce., &c. Cane seals re placetl with perforated wood Keats. Weed He win j? machine reduced from $05 to $45, the best machine in the market, and picture frames made to order. Also a Iarjte assorted stock of ready made coffins constantly on hand and trimmed at shortest notice. All -the above good are sold at panic prices. Waro Kooius iu masonic building, Hidjrway Pa. v'nolt. EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that ho has tarted a Ljvery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD.CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. 6SHe will also do job teaming. ( Stable on Broad street, above Main 'All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tf JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO . JAMES II HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND -WILLOW-WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap M the CHEAPEST y JAMES H HAGERTY County Officers. President Judge-Hon. L. D. Wetmore Associate Judges Hons. Geo. Ed. Wcis, and Julius Jones. Pherift Daniel Scull. Treasurer Jacob Mct'auley. District Attorney C. II. M'Cauley. Co. Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon. Prothonotary. &c Fred. Schoenlng. Deputy Prothonotary W. S. Horton. Commissioners Michael Wedert, W. H. Osterhout. George Reuscher. Commissioners' Clerk W. S. Horton. Auditors W. II. Hyde. R. I. Soanir- ler, George Rothroek. Call at this office for writing paper find envelopes. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE of Jolirt ETusker. late of Fox township, Elk: county, Vs., decenced. LET TERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted to the underslKueu upon the mild es tate nil persons indebted to snld estatcr nre requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for set tlement. JACOB M'CAULEY, Admr. n.lltt). REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby p-lven that the following accounts will be presented on the first day of the next term of the Orphans Court for con firmation, being the ltd Monday of November next, to-wlt : 1. Klnnl account, of Lawrence Mohnn exe cutorof the hist will nnd testament of Patrick Umith. late ofKox township, l'n., docessed. FRED. SUI-ItKNINQ, Register. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to moke known to his fellow sufferers the means ot cure. To all who destre it. lie will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a Suhe Cube for Consumption, Asthma, BKONCI11TI8, &c, l'arlies wishing the prescription will please address, Kev. E. A. WILSON, 194 i'enn., Williamsburg)), N. Y. A pulcton's American Cyclopedia. Vol. 8 of this admirable work is just out, making it half complete, as there are to be It) in all, of 800 pages each, one being issued in two months. It mnlf p n nmnvtlnrn 111, rarv antl nr. nna can afford to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $6,00 a vol ume in leather, or 7,00 in elegant half Turkey. C. K. Judson. Fredonia, N. Y., controls the sale in Elk county. Address him for particulars. sepl7-tf KEROSENE OIL 110 Fire Test at 20c per Gallon. Diamond Head Light Oil, at only 25c per Gallon at the West End Srja. SPECIAL NOTICES. DK VAX DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE,' whose life long BTKCiAtiTT, and world wide reputation for CURING SKIN DISKASES, I.ub endeav ored for jetrs to combi nr an external thkatmest. He has accomplished this de. sirublo urat.tT iu I lie preparation of his compound ''bULI'HUK SOAP." the merits of which are spoken of by thousands ; it is highly recommended to all our readers. 1'rice 25 Cents a Cake; a Box (tnvee Cakes) COCcnls. Skkt by M.wt., (pre paid) on kfccii't or rmcR. OIHce, 50 N. 5th St. Wiiolksale DkioT, 400 N. 3d St. I hiladel phia, Pa. Sold by DUU0G1ST. u21yleow. Go to POWELL & KIME for your flour, feed and pork, and everything else in the provision lino. n767 mol asses- Voir T6ok ing, also choice syrup always on hand at POWELL KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'Sare high to be sure; but still are a li' tie cheaper than at any other s ore in town. A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS at POWELL & KIME'S, only eight cents per. yard. FLOUR, PORK, FEED, CORN Meal, Oats, alwnvs on hand at POWELL fc KIME'S at bottom pri ces. Notice. AH persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trustingany person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1877.-ly MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., takes this method of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county, that she lias on hand an as sortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches. Agent for Dr. J Rail & Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitie Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. lilTyl. CANNED GOODS Peaches, To matoes. Cherries, and Plums at the store of Powell & Kime. List of Causes. QET down for trial at November O'i'erni of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County: 1. John Wainwright, adm'r. ac. vs. W. H. Johnson et al. No 14, Sep tember Term, 1875. 2. Jacob H. Walters et al. vs. Thos. L. Kane et al. No. 83 Septem ber Term, 1876. 3. Chas. Webb v.j. Simon Romig. No. 112 September Term. 1876. 4. W. 11. Konkle vs. C. R. Earley. No. 211, September Term, 1870. 5. Barbara Eckl. Widow &c. vs. Edward Babel. No. 223. September Term, 1876. 6. Stout, Mills, and Temple vs. Ralph Johnson, adm'r, &c. No. 67, November Term, 1876. 7. MiehaelShe ehan vs. Joseph B. Powers. No 60 January Term, 1877. 8. N. M. Brockway vs J. S. Hyde etui.' No. 63, May Term, 1877. 0. Jas. H. Hacertv vs. Walter Rrv- am. ci in. mu. oo jsiay ierm, loij, 11 T.. r , ' - n et ai. io. oo, May Term, 1877. 10. John W. Briggs, now for use, . R. I. Campbell, adm'r. No. 01 ay Term, 1877. VS, Ma 11. George Dickinson et al. vs Fred Wilmarth etal. No. 103, May Term. 1877. J ' 12. Rachael Gross et al. vs. C. R. Earley. No. 115, May Term, 1877. 13. The Township of Ridirwav vs. V. S. Wheeler et al. No. 17S. Mav Term, 1877. 14. C. H. M'CauIev vs. Patrick Lamb etal. No. 71, September Term. 1877. ' 15- Solomon S. Johnson vs. Janetin C. Houk, executrix, d-c. No. 11 Sep tember Term, 1877. l -16. John Tudor et al. vs. Peter labaugh. No. 145, September Term, 1877. FRED. SCHCENING, Clerk. INSURANCE AGENCY. OF P. B. WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Pa. The largest agency in either Elk or Its adjoining eouDties, representing through his General Agents about 80 responsible and prompt loss paying companies, among the principal ones are the following: NOIITH BRITISH 4 MERCANTILE, Gross assets $32,538,612,' ETNA, OF HARTFORD, CONN.. Asset over $7,000,000, FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA Assets 14,000,000 NIAGARA, OF NEW YORK. Assets $1,000,000. SHAWMUT, ROSTON, MASS., Capital-500,000. GERMAN AMERICAN, NEW YORK, Assets $2,500,000. TRAVELERS, (Life and Accident) CONN., Assets 1,205,000. n30yl. NEW TI3II2 TABLE OF THE P & E R.K. commencing Mondny, Sept. 21, 1877. wucox. Mail East 4:13 p m 2:50 p m 6:22 a m 8:22 p m 4:49 p m 2:19 p m 6:56 a in 7:45 p m 5:18 p m 1:57 p m 7:20 a m 7:18 p m " West Day Express East Niagara Express West... It! DO WAT. Mail East Mail West Day Express East Niagara Express West... sr. makv's. Mail East Mail West Day Express East Niagara Express West.... Township Officers. Judge of Election G. R. Dixon. Inspectors M. E. Lesser, H. H. Wensel. Justices of the Peace Charles Mead, Jas. D. FuUcrton. School Directors O. B. Grant, Jas. Gardner. G. T. Wheeler. N. T. Cum tilings, W. 8. Service. Eug. J. Miller. Supervisors John Oulnack, Daniel M'Govern. Treasurer W. H. Hyde. Assessor M. S. Kline. Auditors Will Dickinson, James Penfleld, J. S. Powell. Clerk M. S. Kline. Constable Geo. 1). Messenger, Jr. J. C. Selden vh. In Elk County Jnne Sheldrake et al.. Administrators and the Common Pleas. Widow and Heirs of Charles Hheldrnke, No. 50, Muy T., '77 derpiised. ELK COl NTY,(SS: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sherlll'of said County, Oicetins: Wiiukkas, J. ('. Meldun, on theKthdnyof December, in the year of our Lord one thous and eight hundred nml seventy-four, obtained Judgment in our county Court of Common Pleas of Elk County aforesaid, before our Judges at Ridgway, against Jane Sheldrake and E. II, Dixon, vdmiuistrutors of the estate of Charles .sheldrake, decreased, late of your county, yeoman, us well for a certain debt of two hundred thirty-one and eight one-hund-redths dollars, lawful money of the I' nt led States, and interest thereon from November 17th, 1S7-I, as also twenty-nine and Itveone hundredtliH dollars like money, which to the said plaintift'ln our said court were awarded and adjudged for his damages, which be sus tained by occasion of the detention of the delft whereof the said defendants convict, hs appears to iih of record, iScc. Vet the execution of the said Judgment will remain to be made, as we have been given to understand by the said plaintiff, who huth besought us to pro vide for htm a proper remedy Iu that behalf, and we being willing that v hut is right in that behalf should be done. Therefore we command you, sicut plurius prect'pimus that by honest and lawful men of your oaliwiek you make known unto Charles sheldrake that he be and appear before our Judges at Ridgway at our County Court of Common Pieas. there to be held for said county, on the third Monday of November next, to show if anything for himself has or knows to say why the said plainti II should not have the above staled Judgment revived to continue the lieu, and ulso why the said fihiintiirshould not have execution against liin for the said debt nml dumnges, according to the force, form and eit'ect to the recovery ami Judgment aforesaid, if to him it sliail be expedient. And further to do and receive what our said court shall in that behalf con sider, i.nd have youthen and there the names ol those by whom you shall make it known unto him and this writ. Witness the honorable L. D. Wotinore, president of our suld court, at Ridgwav, the llflh day of October, in the year of our Lord one tnousauu eigut nuuureu anu seventy seven. FRED. SCINJKNINU, LL.S. Prothonotary. Sept. It, 1877. Sheldrake Order of publication on Chns. DANIEL SCCLL, Sheriff. QUOTATIONS White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AM) BKOKERd, " No. 42 r-euth Third Street. Stocks aud Bouds Bought aud -Sold on Commission. Philadelphia, Nov., 6, 1S77. BID. A8KKD 1881. C 11(U 110? U. S. uo do 'G5 J and J 105I do do '07 do lOfej 108 do do '08 . do 10'J' 110 10-40, do coupon. J 08f 108g 12H liil 10G lOGi 10u 100? 105j 105 105 lOO ion 1012S do Pacific) 6'g cy New 5' Keg. 1881... " C. 1881 " 4J, Keg. 1891 ... ' " c. 18!U ... New 4's Reg. l!)07. 0. l'M7.. 102 J 103 Gold 1001 iolI i cuuayivuuia ai go n 1 . UffUUIUjt H,..., Philadelphia & Erie Lehigh Navigation- do Volley United IV K of N J e: 154 15 0 9J 17 17 381 aj div120 1204 Pittsburgh, T. Buffalo It. R DJ Northern Central ex, diy 16 Of ioi Central Iraaeportalion Nesquehoning , 2'J 30 4oi 46 . Piortn Pennsylvania, m 37 39 THE SUN. 1878. SEW YORK. 1878. As the time approaches for the renewal of subscriptions, THE SUN would remind Its friends and well wishers everywhere, that it is again a candidate tor their consideration and support. Upon Its record for the post ten yeurs it relics for a continuance of the hearty symputhy and generous co-operation which have hitherto been extended to it from every quarter of the Union. The Dully iuu Is a four page-sheet of 28 columns, price by mull, post paid. Go cents a month, or i.ou per year. The Sunday edition of The Run is au eight page sheet ot 6ti columns. While giving the news of the day, it also contains a large amount of literary and miscellaneous muttvr especially prepared for It. Tjiehumday isum has met w fill great success. Post paid Sl.Uu a year. The Wetklr Suu. Who does not know Tim Weekly Run T It circulates throughout the l ulled Btutes the Canudus. and beyond. Ninety thousand fumllies greet its welcome pages weekly and regard it in the light of guide, counsellor, aud friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, aud literary departments make it essentially a Journal ior the family aud the fireside. Terms: One Dollar a year, post paid. This price, quality considered, ui kites it the cheap est newspaper published, t or clubs of leu, with tlucush, we will send au extra copy tree. Address PUULUSHKK OK THE HUN, . New ork City, u36-8t.. Slate Kutcs. . . Eight Attempts were made in Pittsburgh on baturday night to enter business houses. Judge Ficher of York, announces his In tention of fining cfery person $2 who may be fcund intoxioated on the streets of that place. For the five weeks ending November 8 there were 874 deaths in Pittsburgh. Of these 122 were from diphtheria. The Philadelphia and Reading coal and iron company has purchased two large col lieries in the Shamoking region. One firm over seven in Montgomery county shipped hundred bushels of sbellbarka this season. Alexander Fulton, city editor of the Allegheny Mall, was assnulted the other day by a person named H. K. Tyler, who thought he eould wipe out some grievance with a cowhide. last July Gotleib Weltel, aged eighty, one years, strayed from his home in Uutler oouuty. A few days ago the body was found in the woods oetween two logs in Allegheny county. It is ill pposed the old man had lost himself. . Eight of the persons who tarred, feath ered and rode on a rail, Mrs. Estis, a dis reputable woman, at Waterford, Erie oounly, have been arrested. Their virtu ous indignation will probably cost them dear. Between 2.000,000 and 8,000,000 feet of lumber were burned in the lumber yard of Weisler cfc Bender, 2 miles from Phillips butg, Centre county, on Sunday morning last. Loss about $40,000. Insurauce $25,000. The recent rafting freshet In the Dela ware ended the liter part of last week, and was ono of the best on the river in several years. The number of rafts that passed down was 320, each averaging 50, 000 feet of lumber, which would give the total of over 16,000,000 feet. The Keystone hotel company, ef Phila delphia, has brought suit for $35,000 dam ages against Allegheny county for loses sustained in the destruction of the Union depot hotel last July during the riots. The Pennsylvania railroad company, which owned the building, will bring a separate suit on their losses. - - Francis M. Dowlin, of East Brandy wire, Chester county, while working in his cirn field, cooked his gun aud leaned it up against a shock, fchortly uftuward, for getting his gun, he went to strike the shock with his corn knife, when he hit the trigger of the gun and the contents en tered ins breast, killing him almost, in stantly. Before Judge Boss, at Norrislown, on Saturday argument was made and testi mony beard on the motion for a new trial for licinrich Wahlen, csnvicted of the mur der of Max lloehue at Elm station. Ad ditional testimony is to be received until the 23d inst., at which time Judgo Ross will commence the preparation of his deoision, auicu win De giveu on uecomber 3. The Pittsburgh Dispatch speaks of law vers in that city who visit the penitentiary. wiiu, uiier luis.ug iiopes 01 pui'lou in the tninas ot convicts, get money from them to prosecute cases and tbeu abundon them The board of oflioials who manage the in stitution have iu consequcuce decided to retusu ibe admission of attorneys on er. rands referring lo attempts lor the getting Ul pUIUUUB. Levi Swartz, who was shot by mistake wnue uuniing in perry county, some days ago, died the following day. Judize Juu- kiu, iu charging the grand jury at. New uionnineni, ou Aluuuny, took occasion to advert to the frequency of careless shoot ing iu the woods, aud said the ''negligent aimug ui pirsou 1 u inisiaae ior game wus a crime.' it was manslaughter, and if the guiliy party were couvioted would be fol lowed by Bevere punishment. Darius Prutkman and Kate Mory, of Buyettown, were marriei at Kead.ug Sat urday hiieruoon, at the lesidence of the bride s parents. Piutzuian, who was an engineer at the Warwick Iron Company's wills, sprained his buck quite severely a tew days siuce, and in the evening, at the wedding reception, he was lakeu suddeuly ill. lie graduully grew worse and ttied at mree o clock buuday moraiug, leaving Mrs. Prutzuian a widow within twelve hours ot her marriage ceremony At Titusville, last Friday evening engi neer A B. Vau Dressier, while: filling his lantern on the rear end of his looomotive in the Pitisburgb, Titusville d; Buffalo Bailioad yard, was startled by the backing of liia locomotive, and the.simultaneous cry of the fireman, who, in crawling under the locomotive to clean the ash pan, had aoci- ueuittiiy touciieu a throttle which started tne tram. Dressier, with liahlniiiir ranii ity jumped for the lever and turned off the steam, inus saving ihe hremanw life. The engineer applied suou force, however, that uis au-eaay injureu snoulder was severely Djiaiucu uuu uiuviuie uisiocatcu ineocrsuton Republican says: ''Philip "is sou, 01 louyniinua, eneaged tor some time past in cuttiug wood lor leaao Case, some distance from the'village. had erected a shanty or cabin to live in when not at work. Un Thursday morning some parties caseins through tlm wAn.1 found the cabiu iu ashes, aud appearances indicated that it had been burned the niirln before. Upon exuiuing the place more closely, the charred bodies of father aud son were found among the debris, the for mer near the partition which divided the cabiu into two rooms, the latter near where the bed stood. The stove and door were both at the opposite end of the cabin from where the bed was, and it is thought the elder iVisner awoke, lound the cabiu on fire, tried 10 reach the door, but fell exhausted before he could do so. The son was doubtless Bmotbered by the smoke and never awoke. Mr. Wiener leaves a wife and two children living at Tobyhanna. It is supposed that the cabin took fire from the stove, though in what manner will of course never be known. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS. a nice little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S. Titusville, Pa , May 15, 1874. E. K. Thompson It la now ten years since I was taken .with the gavel. At one time I was forty-eight hours without passing urine. I got along very well Dy using the catheter till last October when I had a full which affected my kidney and liver very much, causing me to pass blood and urine with much pain. The sedi ment was like brick dust. The Satur day after Christmas my heart began to pass brick dust and corrupted mat ter very freely, and by the time I had used three bottles the paju.'and scald ing had left my back, side aud abdo men, and now I am comparatively well, and think I owe my life to thV Barosma, or Buchu Backache, Liver and Kidney Cure. My Postofflce ad dress is Titusville, Pa , Spring Creek road, near the Newton Gas Well. Silas C Whitfobd Prepared by E. K. Thompson, TitusvilJe, Pa. Price $1.00 For sale by Dr. T. S. Hartley. THURSDAY, NOV. 15, 1877. Botes. Frosty mornings now. Indian summer has come. Front gates will now take a rest. The sling-shot business Is dull among the small boys. J. Powell's house near the Thayer House is now vacant. Green hard wood sells here at $1,50 a cord. A new sidewalk has been laid on the Osterhout road. Beautiful Cape Cod Cranberries at the West End Store. Next week we have the Regular term of court here. -Miss B. E. Wilcox's house Is nearly finished. Chestnut are very plenty in this section this fall. And now they talk of running Olebillalleu for TJ. S. Senator from Ohio. J. K. Whltmore raised some ex cellent celery this season on his lot on East street. "Another good man gone wrong" is a stand lug head line in the Phila delphia Times. Sheriff Scull has hoisted Col. Noycs' picture over the stars and stripes on the jail. The top piece of the liberty-pole in the court yard will come down on some-one's head one of these days. A teachers' examination will be held at Keystone on Saturday the 24th inst. commencing at 9 A- M. New Goods at the West End Store. Oranges, Lemous, Figs, Currants, Cut Loaf fcusar, The politiciau who left a quart bottle, filled with "ecstacy" at Spring Creek, wus not an Oyster man. Samuel Beers, of Spring Creek township, has lost three children with diphtheria in the past throe weeks. There ore several Republicans in Elk county who do not take the Ad voc ate and yet are able to do so. Powell & Kime contiuue to re- ceive new goods daily, and keep on hand a full stock of dry goods, grocer its, notions, flour, feed, etc, etc. Lost. On Monday, Nov. 5th 1877, on Main Street, a small gold pin, with a green set. A liberal reward will be Iaid for its return to O. M. Rbines. G. G. Messenger lost a valuable cow this week. She got into the granary and ate a large quantity of chop, and then drank a lot of water the result being her death. Tame pigeons are increasing rap idly in Ridgway. If you are sharp you can have a pigeon pot pie, but first catch your pigeon, a little salt on his tail and you have him. People intending to get pictures should take advantage of the fine weuthcr we are having. ' Remember our low prices and good work at the West End. The Presbyterian sociulde will be held next Wednesday evening at the residence of O. B. Grant. A general invitation is extended to all. The poor old turkey now roosts high aud refuses to be comforted with the most tempting food for well knows he that Thanksgiving day is at hand, Cochran, Democrat, was elected treasurer of Cameron county by a nia jority of 522 in a vote of 900. The other fellow didn't make much of a run. Ex-Mayor Oakey Hall dropped down on the New Yorkers rather un ex pectedly the other day, after his trip to Europe. And now Tweed fears bis day lias come. The Holidays are coming and peo ple wishing Albums, Pictures Frames &c, should attend to the mat ter In time before the rush comes, call at the West End. J. W. Morgester and Salyer Jack son have leased the Red Lion hotel, near the depot, and are giving the house a complete over-hauling, be sides they will build a large addition and be iu shape to accomodate all who mny favor them with their patronage ine bouse is to be known as the Ridgway House. "The dollar of our daddies," or auy other body's daddy's dollar will do to bring along next week to pay your subscription to this paper. If you owe us anything for subscription or Job work, or advertising send us the money at once, not that we need the money so much, but to tell the truth we have a mind to start a bank, aud all we want now is deposits. Religious Services in the sev eral churches next Sunday; rresbyterian. Itev. Gillet, morn ing and evening at the usual hours, in the Lutheran church. Methodist Rev. W. H. Swartz, morning and evening at the usual hours Sunday School at 9$ o'clock. Episcopal. Services morning and evening by Rev. Win. Jas. Miller. Chicken thieves abound in this section, aud we hereby warn them that if detected in the act they will re ceive no mercy. A chap in Erie county was sentenced to a flue of $25 and three months imprisonment on three separate counts of robbing hen roosts, making an aggregate fine of $onduine mouths imprisonment. The Judge-remarked when imposing the sentence u t of all the mean con temptible crimes the stealing of chick ens was the meanest. " . AT POWELL A KIME'S.VYOU pay cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. Communication. Nov. 9th, 1867 Heny A. Pahsons, Jh : Edito Advocate. I have Just finished reading an arti cle In the Democrat headed "The In humanity of Mau." I do not know who the writer is, nor do I care, but be he priest, layman, or devil, he de serves the execration of every one having the least seuso of common christian decency. Nothing that lives upon the face of the earth, that walks, or swims, or creeps, cr flies, is so low, vile and de graded, but it would lowered by being compared with the author of that arti cle. The only thing I can think of In any way approaching him in disgust ing vileness, is a vulture gorged with carrion and dropping rottenness from his beak. De mortuis nil nisi bonun. If of the dead we speak nothing unless good, when really called upon to speak of the living let us be certain that we say only the truth. The cowardly assassin approaching his victim in the dark aud stabbing him in the back risks his own life upon the failure 'of his blow, but the anonymous scribbler of slander ns saults the reputations or feelings of his victims with but little chance of detection. A deeper depth of hell awaits such an one. JUSTICE. Oyster, Kime and Burke men buy their Stoves and Tin Ware at 42 Main Street. To Our Customers : Count, Weigh, Measure, Everything You Buy. West End Stobe. Miller is facetious on the little arithmetical question we had last week and goes sloshing around gener ally. He gigged on the ambrosial locks, is he prepared to do the same in regard to the big bellies? He certainly is mistaken as to the occupation of the parties in the court yard; they were not looking for the north star, but for the bear that pulled clown the Kime stork and the dipper that scooped the Kime majorities. The result shows how.well they compassed their object. Cheese it "Skippy!" OUR. MOTTO : The Best Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices at the West End Store. At the millinery establishment of Mrs. N. T. Cummings, the ladles of Ridgway and vicinity will find a large assortment of fashionable hats feathers, etc. Hats pressed over at reasonable rates and at short notice Rooms over R. I. Campbell's Store Main Street. Give her a call. All kinds ofjob work cheaply and neatly done at this office. THE BEST CRACKERS of all kinds and GINGER SNAPS at the West End Store. Winter is upon us, which Is a re minder that you need an overcoat. M'Affee will make you one cheap. Hides, Sheep Pelts, aud Calf Skins wanted at 42 Main Street. FRANK SETTELLE. The entire Democratic State ticket was elected in this State by majorities ranging from e.OCOj to 10,003. The smallest majority was ou Supreme Judge, and the highest for Noyes, State Treasurer. The greenback vote will reach about 60,000 as against 7204 last year. Counterfeit 'otes. The list of counterfeit notes compiled by the Lankers' Association at New York, has attracted the attention of a prominent official connected with the Bank Redemption Agency of the Treasury Department, who has given considerable attention to the subject of detecting counterfeit notes. This gentleman declares that the list con tains 24 errors. He avers that 13 of the bonds named have never been counterfeited, and It is further stated that but three counterfeit notes have appeared since the issue of 18G9. Theso are the $50 and $500 issues of the series of 1869, and the recently discov ered $1,000 issue of 1803 with the vig nette of Robert Morris. The energies of the counterfeiters during the last three years have been directed to national bank notes, no less than 1 counterfeits 12 on fives, three on tens, and two on fifties having been Issued. The Secret Service force have captured all the plates of coun terfeit bank notes, with exception of those that have oppeared within the lust two months. The following plates have not been captured. Fives, on the First National Bank of Tamn qua, and fiftlesn the Third National Bank of Butlalo, N. Y., and the Cen tral National Bank of New York City. The following description of these notes is given by B. G. Underwood. Receiving Teller of the National Re demption Agency: all counterfeit fives on the First National Bank of Tamaqua, Pa , that have been seen at the Redemption Agency have had let ter "It" in the upper left and lower right hand corners of the note. Koue of these have had the corrects charter number, which is 1,210 and is printed in large red figures across the face of the note, and all notes on this bank with another charter number are counterfeit. On the back of the coun terfeit, to the right of the words "na tional currency," the word .'owing" is printed "ownig." All $50 notes on the Third National Bank of Buffalo, N. Y., bearing the signuturo of L. E. Chittenden as Reg ister are counterfeit All genuine notes bear the name of either Colby or Allison as Registers.- The correct charter number is 850. All $50 notes on the Central Na tional Bank of New York City having both the signature of L. E. Chitten den as Register and the words "printed at the Bureau of Engraving, United States Treasury Department,'' In the upper left hand corner of the note are counterfeit, as Mr. Chitten den ceased to be Register long before the notes were printed in the Treas ury. . , The Rio Grande Difficulty. A ILOT TO OVSltTHOW DIA1 AMD fHlOIVI TATS A WA& W1TU TBS CMITSD STAT8. St. Louis, November 11. Late advloci from El Taso say it is now believed there wore a number of emissaries of Ledro in the band of Mexicans which crossed the Rio Grande about two weeks ago and bad a fight with Indians on Teias soil while osten sibly following Indians' There seems to be no doubt that the real objeot of these Ler dolsts is to stir up a new revolution and if possible overthrow Dial This band of Mexicans have not left yet, and are intrig uing and doing everything in their powt' to precipitate a war'Tietween the United Stales and the Dlas government In hope of overthrowing the latter and again obtaining power for themselves. It is said Lerdo's agents are very aotive all along the Jlio Orande and are also plotting within the army of Dias. General Ilibbard, of Texas, re turned to Austin yesterday to consult with General Ord and General Steele, the latter of the Slate forces, regarding the present state of affairs on the frontier. Major Jones, of the Texas battalion at El Paso, has telegraphed the Governor that imme diate trouble is apprehended, and the Gov. ernor has been solicited by a number of persons, especially military officers, to pre cipitate a conflict if the Federal Govern ment will not. United States troops on the Rio Grande are distributed as follows: Fort Brown, 700; Binggold, 5 companios; Fort Mclulosh, 1 company; Fort Duncan, 4 companies; Fort Clark, near Eagle Pass, 5 companios. Two thousand Texas militii, under Brigadier General James, are organ ized and ready to march across the Rio Grande. They only want the word. Simple Revenue Tariff. TUB BILl IUA1 IS EXPECTED TO SAVE 000,000 rxa ANNUM. It is announced from Washington that lion. Benjamin Willis, of New York, of fered a bill in the house on Monday "to simplify existing laws imposing and eol. lecting duties upon imports, and to remove all ambiguities therefrom; also, to reduoe the rates on imported merchandise, restore the duty upon tea and coffee and to enlarge the free list." The bill comprises two hub died and six seotious and is comprehensive in its character. It was prepared at the suggestion and uudcr the supervision of Mr. Willis by an expert. The title clearly indicates the scope of the bill. The distin guishing features are a reduotion of twenty six per cent, upon all imported articles with the exception of raw materials which enter manufactures; on these the duties are re duced in a still greater degree; the restora tion of the duty on tea and coffee; the en largement of the free list; substituting for the free list a provision that all articles not rpecified in the act shall be exempt from duly. The author of the bill claims to have removed all ambiguities. The "similitude law" is abolished and eimplication aimed at wherever practicable. Compound duties are entirely done away with. The collec tion laws have been reduced to simpler lan guage. All fees have been discontinued aud salaries substituted. The naval office, in all ports of entry where appraiser's de partments are established, are abolished and the liquidating clerks transferred to llio department of appraisers to be in fu ture under the direction of the chief thereof. Bonds are to dispensed with, except, in cases of transportation from the port of original entry. The United States are made responsible for all cases of thefts of merchandise while in official possession. Purchasers of cargoes afloat are allowed tipay the duties thereon. Facilities are provided for the payment of duties by al lowing deposits of gild with sub-treasurers, and the owners of the same to check thereon "for duties only." All materials which enter into the construction of vessels are to be free of duty. It is claimed for the bill that ''it provides for a simple reve nue tariff." and that "it will save the gov ernment $20,000,000 per annum in the cost of collecting duties, while vastly increasing the receipts from imports." A printed key will accompany the bill for use of the com mittee on ways and means. Ladies' Shoes, Gaiters and Rub bers, a large variety at P. & K's. The Titusville Herald, in a resume of the petroleum development, says that after the striking of the Drake well, At.gust 28, 1856, Oil creek, from Titusville to its mouth, comprising forty-five producing farms, was rap. idly seized upon by speculators, and in the space of three years the valley became a forest of derricks. In 1863 the derricks on the creek numbered upwards of two thousand, and the average cost of each well was a little over $4000, making a total expendi ture for machinery and labor of from $8,000,000 to $10,000,000 exclusive of the prices paid for farms or the royalty. In 1865 five of the farms produced 16,000 barrels daily, but now yield only 140 barrels, while the en tire production of Oil Creek at present does not exceed 2,300 barrels per day. The average price of oil was reduced from f0 per barrel, in 1859. to $9.60 in I860, and in 1861, owing to increased production, it declined to ten cents a barrel, continuing at that figure until February, 1802, when it rose to twenty two cents. From this time on better prices prevailed, and in July, 1864, it reached $13 00 per barrel, but in the following year the average price was $6 13, and at no time since then has it " reached that figure. The only place in town that you can get "Babbits Best Soap" is at the West End Store. Hymenial On Monday, Novem ber 5th, John F. Wachtel led to the alter Miss Mary Donohue, both of St. Mary's. They were married in the stone church, Rev. Father Celestine officiating. After a sumptous dinner at the residence of the bride's parent the happy couple departed on mail east upon their wedding trip. May their path through life be Btrewed with flowers is the prayer of their many friends St. Mary's Gazette. Remember we continue to furnish The Cheapest & Best Picture Frames at the West Eju Store. 1 1