The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 01, 1877, Image 2

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    Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor
THURSDAY. NOV. 1, 1377.
for "sl'PRem r .mmi
of Allegheny County.
cif Montgomery County.
of Luzurno County.
of Ridgwny.
"Consistency Thou Art a Jewel."
As this is the last issue of the Advo
cate before election, we desire to nny a
few words in regard to the slierifl
question in addition to what has al
ready been said. The Democrat, last
week, cl ves what it calls "Ovstcr's Po
litical Record.'' Among other things
it says:
"Last year, owing to the absence
by a detention of the innil, of severa
delegates who were opposed to niak'
ing a nomination, he wns falsely de
dared the choice of his party, for An-
senibly. Hut his happiness was of
chort duration. A large number of
his party repudiated his candidacy,
yet he clung to the ticket with a per
Htatency born of desperation until the
eleventh hour, when he was literally
forced oil" by his party friends, ani.1
then, instead of remaining nt home
and exerting his influence for Eearley,
he quietly crept away to Pittsburgh,
or some other point, and did not re
turn until after election. Yet in the
face of this ungallant act in the chap
ter of last year's blunders, he has the
audacity to solicit Democratic votes on
the plea that ho withdrew last vcar
and elected Earley. Yes he did with
draw, but it was such a withdrawal as
a man makes when he is kicked into
the street."
Now look on theotherside of the pic
ture as given by the Veinocrat in its
Issue of November 2nd 1870. S e ik
ing of circulars issued by Mr. Wim
iner it says :
"The third and last circular refers
refers to the withdrawal of Mr. Oyster,
and is addressed more particularly to
Republican voters.
The "honorable" gentleman then in
timates that Oyster and a few of his
Ridgway Republican friends sold
themselves to Earley. This intima
tion is highly unjust. Mr. Oyster
withdrew at the earnest solicitation of
Lis friends, they feeling satistied that,
while his election was impossible, his
presence in the field jeopardized the
chances of Earley whom they pre
ferred to "Wimmer."
Where is the little joker? As the
late John Belgian used to say. "One
waySit was, and one way it wasn't."
Last fall Oyster withdrew to help
Enrlcy, now that withdrawal was be
cause he was "kicked" out and after
being so used he crept away and didn't
come up to the help of Earley against
the mighty.
"Lord, lord, how this world is given
to lying."
It makes a large and constantly in
creasing difference with Eugene
whether its his bull or our ox that is
gored. When Oyster "at the solicita
tion of his friends" withdrew from the
Assembly canvass in 1870, he was a
"bully boy" nono better, now that
"at the solicitation of his friends" he
is a candidate for SherilF, his with
drawal was not of his own motion but
he was "kicked" out.
Rluffand brag go a long way some
times, but the bluster of the few com
posing the ring who are trying to
elect Kime will be of no avail this fall.
Oyster is not forced to go to ihe other
end of the State for newspaper creden .
tials as to his character (every printer
knows how they are manufactured,)
but stands before a peoples who have
known him from infancy and amongst
whom he has obtained a prominent
and substantial position. The ways
of the politician are known to all, and
if one word could have been said
against the character of Daniel C.
Oyster, or one dishonest or disreputa
ble act shown it would have been
hawked around the county in every
form and the changes rung unyn it
until people sickened at the sight of a
frieud of Kime. They are reduced
entirely to lying and, so far, have been
unable to invent more than-cue that
is likely to be of use. "Oyster is not
a candidate." Do not believe it!
When any one tells you that, he lies,
and wilfully. Oyster is and will be a
candidate until he is, on the night of
the sixth of November next, shown to
. be Sheriff elect. When Kimc's friends
say ho is sure to be elected, ask them
the reason for the faith that is in tht.m?
Ask them where he is to get his votes?
They will meet you with assertions
only, or with figures that your own
knowlege will tell you are false.
The struggle of Kime's friends is
the desperate effort of a clique fight
ing to retaiu a power that is menaced
and tottering upon the verge of de
struction. LTnder such circumstances
lies are to be expected from them and
only the most simple will be misled.
Do not be deceived, The result, as
the canvass now Is, lies between Burke
and Oyster, with the chances in favor
of the latter, but those chances should
be made certainties, and it can only
be by those citizens who desire good
and responsible men to fill offices re
fraining from throwing their votes
away upon men who, however good
they may be, have no chance of an
election, and concentrating upon the
best one remaining. That is Daniel C.
Make no mistake in the matter
Oyster or Burke will be the next
Sheriff. Whom will ye have? s
Election Proclamation.
WHEREAS, In nml by the 13th boo
lion of the Act of General A"em-
bly of Pennsylvania, pnt!il July 2, 18G!)
entitled An net relating to the elootion ol
the Commonwealth," It is enjoined on Ihe
Sherift of every county to give notice ot
men elections to be held, and to enumerate
in sucli notice what officers nre to be eko
led. 1 n Ipiirsnance (hereof, I, DANIKI,
fiUUt.L. High Sheriff of the comity of Klk,
do lliccl'oro make known and give this
1'iiblio notice lo the electors of ihe said
co.nily ol' Klk, that a general electiou will
ho held in sniil, county (in
(it. 1cing Ihe first Tuesday of the month)
tor Ihe ) of electing the following of
norm to-wil i
One person for Supreme Judgo.
One person for Suite Treasurer.
One pcison for Auditor General,
One person for Sheriff of Elk counly.
And the qualiticd rleolon of the counly
of klk will hold their elections in the sev
eral districts, as follows:
Bone.etle township, nt Ihe house of
Jiluntiith Winslow.
Oenzinger township, nt Ihe school house
on Michael stree, narthe Elk creek bridge.
Fox township, at the Ccntrevi'.le Bchool
Highland towiK-hip, nt the house of Levi
llorton township, at the school house
near U 0. Oyster s hotel.
Jay township, at the house of Alfred
Jones township, nt the Wileox Tunning
and Lumber Go's, office.
Millstone township, nt the house of
Kenry Dorr, at Jlnrr s Dam.
Kidevmy towushin, nt the Court House,
fpring Creek township, nt Ihe house of
Stockdale. Dowuer fc Lo.
St. Mary's borough nt the town hall.
1 aWo make known the following :
An Act regulating the modo ol voting nt
elections n. i lie several counties ot this
Commonwealth ; approved March 80th,
Skctios 1. Be it enacted by the Sen
ate and House of Jlepresodatires of
tim Commonwealth oj 1 ennxytvatuu
in ' General Assembly met, and, it in
hereby enacted by the authority of the
same: that the qunlmeu vo'ers ol tue
several couutics of the Commonwealth, nt
all general, township, borough and specinl
elections, nre hcrchy hereafter authorized
and required to vole by liclte's printed or
written, or partly printed and parily writ
ten, severally classified ns follows : One
ticket shall embrace the names of nil judges
of courts voted for, and to be labeled out
side "Judiciary," on9 ticket Bhnll embrace
the names of all Stale officers to be voted
for, and be labeled "State;" one ticket
shall embrace the names of ail county olli
cers voted for, including theoilice of Sena
tor and members of Assembly, if voted i'jr
and, members of Congress, if voted for and
shall be labeled "County," etc., and each
clns3 shall bo deposited iu eepnrale ballot
I nlso make known and give notitc as in
nnd by the 15th section of aforesaid act
'Every person except justices of the
peace who shull hold nny ohice of appoint
ment of profit or trust under the govern
ment of Ihe United St .les, or of nny city or
incorporated district whether n commis
sioned oliicer or otherwise, a subordinate
otlicer or ngentwho is or shall bo employed
under the legislntive, executive or judicial
departments of the State, or the Un.ted
States, or of nny city or incorporated dis
trict, nnd nlso any member of Congress or
of the Slate Legislature,; and of the select
and common councils of nny city or com
missioner of nny incorporated district, is by
law incapable of holding or exorcising ut
tiie eanie time the office or appointment of
judge, inspector or clerk of uny election of
Ihe Common wealth, nnd no inspector,
judge or nny other officer of such election
shnll be eligible lo be voted for.
Also, in the 4th section of the act of as
sembly, entitled "An net relating to clec
(ions and for oilier purposes," approved
Apiil Kjili, 1800, it is enacted that the Htu
section shall he so constructed ns lo pre
vent nny militia or borough otlicer from
serving as judge inspector or clerk ut nuy
general or special election in this Common,
1 also make known the following.
Wiieee.s, The fifteenth amendment of
the Constitution of tho United States is as
follows :
Suction!. The right of citizens of the
United States lo vote shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States or by nny
State on account of race, color or previous
condition of servitude.
Section 2. The Congress shall have
power to enforce this article by appropri
ate legislation.
And Whkkeas, The Congress of the
United States, on the ,'Ust day of March,
1870, passed an act entitled "Au act to en
force the rights of citizens of the United
States to vole in the several States of this
Union, nnd for other purposes." the first
and second sections of which are as follows:
Section 1. Jic it enacted by the Sen
ate and Jouse of Jiepresentativcs of
the United States' of America, in Cony
reus Assembled, 'tnul all citizens of Hie
United Males who are or shall be other
wise qualified by law lo vote nt nny elec
tion by the people in nuy Sta'e, Territory,
district, county, city, parish, township,
school district, municipality, er other tcr.
ritoral subdivision, shall be entitled nnd
allowed to vole tit. all such elections, with
out distinction of race, color or previous
condition of servitude, any constitution,
law, custom, usage or regulation of nny
State or Tenitoiy, or by or under its nu.
Ihority, to the coutrnry notwithstanding.
Section . And be it further en
acted. That if by law oi under the au
thority of the constitution or laws of nny
State, or of the law s of any Territory, any
no. is or shall be required lo be done as a
prerequisite or qualification for Voting,
mill by such constitution or law persons or
othcern are or mull be charged wiih the
performance of duties in fuinishin citizens
with an opportunity to perform such pro
requisite aud la become qualified lo vote
without distinction of race, color or pre
vious condition of servitude, and if any
mcli person or oliicer shall refuse or know
ingly omit to give full effect to this section,
he shall for every such offense forfeit unci
pay the sum of fivo hundred dollars to tho
pel son aggrieved thereby, lo be recovered
by an action in the case, wiih full costs
and such allowance for counsel fees as the
court may deem just, and shall, also, for
every such offence be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction
thereof, be fined not less ihau five hundred
dollars, nr.d be imprisoned not less than
one mouth and not more than one year, or
both, at Ihe direction of the court.
And Whereas. It is declared by the
2d eection of the VI at tide of the constitu
tion and the laws of the United States
which shall be the supreme law of the land
anything in the con
stitution or laws of any Mate to the con
trary notwithstanding.
And Whereas, The Legislature of
this Commonwealth, on the 0th day ot
April, A. I. 1870, passed an act entitled
"A further supplement to the act relating
lo the elections of this Commonwealth,''
the teLth section of which provides as lol
lows :
Section 10. That so much of every act
of assembly thai provides that only white
freemen shall be eutitlod to vole or be reg
istered as voters, or as olaiming to vote ut
any general election of this Commonwealth,
be and the same is hereby repealed, ana
that hereafter all freemen, without distinc
tion of color, shall be enrolled and regis
tered aooordlng to the provisions of the
first section of the sot approved I7tn or
April, 18B0. entitled, "An act further sup
plemental to an ant relating to elections in
this Commonwealth," and when otherwise
qualified under existing Iaw9, he entitled to
vote at all general and special elections In
this Commonwealth.
I als? make known the following:
Whereas, Hy ths act of Congress of
the Uuited Slate, entitled "An not to
amend the several acts heretofore passed
lo provide fur the enrolling and calling out
the national forces and for other purposes,''
nnd approved March 3, 1W", all persons
who liave deserted the military or naval
service ol I ho United SUtcs; ami who
have not been discharged or relieved
from the pennlty or disability lliorcin pro
vided, nre deemed nnd taken to have volun
tarily relinquished an 1 forfeited their
right of citizenship, ami their right to be
come citizens, nnd nre deprived of exercis
ing nny rights of citizens thereof.
And Whereas. Persons not citizens
of Ihe United S ntes nre not., under the
constitution and Law of Pennsylvania,
qualified electors of this Commonwealth.
Section 1. Be it anacted b.ii the Sen
ate and House of Jlejircsentativcs of
the Vovimonwealtli of I'ennsylvania
in General Assembly met, and it is
hereby enacted by the authority of the
same, That in all elections hereilVir to be
held in this Commonwealth, it. shall be un
lawful for the judge or inspectors of any
such election tj receive any ballot or bal
lots from any person or persons embraced
in the provisions and subject lo the disabil
ity imposed by said not of Congress, np.
proved March id, 191)0 and it ahull be un
lawful for any suoh person to.'offor lo Vote
nny ballot or ballots.
Section 2. Tliat if nny judge or inspec
tor of election, or any ono of them shall re
ceive or consent to receive, nny such unlaw,
ful ballot or ballots, roni any such disqual
ified person, he or they so olfending shall
b. guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con
vicnon thereof in any court of quarter ses
sions of Ibis Commonwealth, lie shall for
each offense, be sentenced lo pay a fine of
not less than ono hundred dollars, and to
undergo an imprisonment in the jail of the
proper county, for not les3 than sixty days.
Section i, That if nny person deprived
of citizenship nnd disqualified as aforesaid,
shall al nny election hereafter to be held in
this Commonwealth, vote, or tender to the
officers nnd offer to vote a ballot or hullois,
any person to offending shall be deemed
guilty of n misdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof in nny court of quarter sessions of
this Commonwealth, shall, for each offense,
be punished in a like manner as is provided
in the preceding section of this net, in the
case of officers receiving such unlawful bal
lot or ballots.
Section 4. That if nny person shall
herenfter pei-suvlo or advise nny person or
persons deprived of citizenship and dis
qualified as nforesaid, to offer my ballot or
ballots to Ihe otlicer of any electiou here
after to bo held in this Commonwealth, or
sha'l persuade or ndvise any such oliicer of
nny election hcrentter lo be held iu this
Commonwealth, to receivo nuy ballit or
ballots from any person or persons deprived
of citizinship atii disqualified as aforesaid,
such person so offending shall bo deeiuel
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon oonvio
lion thereof in any court of quarter ses
sions of this Comman wealth shall be pun
ished in a like manner us is provided in the
second Bection of this net, iu the case of of
ficers of such election receiving sucli un
lawful ballot or ballots.
I also make known the following section
of nn act approved the 30th day of Juuuary,
A. D. 1874, entitled "A further supplement
to ihe act regulating elections of this Com
monwealth." Sec. 5. At all elections herenfter held
under the laws of this Commonwealth, the
polls shall be opened at 7 o'clock A. Al.
nnd closed at 7 o'clock P. M.
Sec. 9. All elections by tho citizens
shall be by ballot; every ballot thall be
numbered in tho order in which it shall bo
received, aud tho number recorded by the
clerks on the list of voters opposite tho
name of the elector Irom whom i eue:ved.
Aud nny voter voting two oi more tickets,
the several tickets so vole I shall bo num
bered with the number corrcspomliug svith
the number to the ini'iio of tho voter.
Any elector may write his name upo:i his
ticket or cause the sntne to be written
thereon, and miesled by citizens of the dis
trict. Sec. 10. On Ihe day of election any
person whoso name shall not appear on tho
registry of voters, and who claini3 the
right to vole at said election shull produce
at least one qualified voter of ihe district
ns witucas to the residence of the claimant
in the district iu which he claims to be a
voter fur the period of nt least two mouths
initnediate'y preceding said election, which
witness shall be sworn or affirmed, nud sub
scribed a written, or partly written and
partly printed affidavit to tho facts stated
by bim, which affidavit shall dctiue clearly
where the residence is of tho persoti so
claiming lo be a voter ; and the person so
claiming t be right to vole shall ulso take
and subscribe lo a writtca or partly written
nud partly printed affidavit stating to tho
best of his Uuowlcdge nnd belief wuen aud
where ho was born ; that he had been r.
citizen of the United States for tiue month
and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ;
that he has resided iu the Commonwealth
one year, or if formerly a qualified elector
or. a native born citizen thereof, and has
removed t herefrom nud returned, that hj
resided therein sit months next preceding
suid election that he has resided iu the dis
trict in which ho claims to be a voter for
the period of ut least two months imme
diately preceding said election that he has
not, moved into the district for the purpose
of voting therein; that he has if twenty
two years of nge or upwards paid a State or
county tax within two years, which was as
sessed at least two mouths and paid nt least
one month before the electiou. The said
affidavit shnll nl&o siato when and where
the tax claimed to be paid by the affiant was
assessed and when and where and lo whom
paid ; nnd the tax receipt therefor shall be
produced for exumiutwi'in, unless Ihe alli
nut flmll state iu his affidavit lhat it has
been lot c-r destroyed, tr that he never re
ceived any; und if a naturalized citizeu,
shall also state when, where und by what
court he was naturalized and shall ulso
produce hw certificate of naturalization for
examination. LI ut if the person so claiming
Ihe right to vote shall take aud subscribe
an nil 1 davit that he 13 a native born citizen
of the United Slates, or, if bom elsewhere,
shall stale the fact in his alllduvit aud
shull produce evidence that he has been
naturalized or that he is entitled to citizen
ship by reason of his father's naturaliza
tion and shull further state iu his affidavit
that he is, at the time of making ihe nfli da
vit of the age of twenty-one and under
twenty-two years; that he has been a citi
zeu of Ihe United Slates one mouth, and
has resided iu the state one year; or, if a
native born citizen of Ihe Slate and re
move therefrom und returned, lhat he has
resided therein six months next preceding
eaid election, and iu the election uistrict
two months immediately preceding such
election he ahull be entitled to vote, al
though he shall not have paid taxes. The
said attiduvit of all persons making guth
claims aud the affidavits of the witnesses
to their residence, shall be preserved by
the electiou board and at the close of the
electiou they shall be enclosed with the list
of voters, tally lists and other papers re
quired by law to be filled by the return
judge with tho prothonotary, and shall re
main on filo therewith in tlieprotbouotary's
office, subject to examination, as other eleo
tion papers are. If the election off ioers
find that ihe applicant possesses all the
legal qualifications of a voter he shall be
permitted to vote and his name shall be
added to the list of taxableg by the election
officers and Ihe word ''tax," being added
where the claimant claim J to vote on tax,
and the word age" where he claims to
vole on age, the same words being added
by the clerks in eaoh case, respeoti rely, on
the list of persons voting at suoh elections.
Seo. II. It shall be lawful for any
qualified citizen of Ihe district, notwith
standing tho name of Ihe proposed voter is
contained on the list of resideut taxable,
lo challenge the vote of such person where
upon the same proof of Ihe right of suffrage
as Is now required by law shall be uh
lioly made anil a-jled on by the election
board, nnd the vote aJinilled or rejeoted,
according to the evidence. Every person
claiming to be n na'urulizod citizen shnll
be required to produco his nntu: nlizalion
certificate at the election before voting ex
cept where he has beon for five years con
secutively a voter in Ihe district, iu which
he offers hii vote ; mil on the vote of euch
person bekg received, it shall bo the duty
of the eleotion officers lo wrile or stamp on
such certificate the word "voled," with the
day, month or year, and if any election of
ficer or officers shall reoeive a scconl vote
on the same day by virtue of the Bnmo
certificate, excepting where Bona nre en
titled to vote because of Ihe naturalization
of their fathers, they and Ihe person who
snail otter bucIi second vote shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, nndon conviction thereof
shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, av Ihe
discretion of the court, but Ihe line shall
not exceed five hundred dollars in each
case, nor the imprisonment more thnn one
year. The like punishtneut phall be in
flio.ed, on euuviction of the officers of the
eleotion who shall neglect or refuse to
make, or cause lobe made the endorsement
required as aforesaid on said naturalization
Sec. 17. The respective nssessors, in
spectors nnd j utigca of election shall
each have the power to administer
oaths to any person claiming the right
to be assessed or the right of sutliage,
or in regard to any other matter or
thing required to be done or inquired
into by any of said oit'icers under this
act; and wilful, false swearing by
any person in relation to any matter
or thing concerning which they shall
be lawfully interrogated by tiny of
said officers or overseers shull be per
jury. Ht:c"l. -Vny person who on oath or
affirmation, m or before nny court if
this State, or officer authorized to ad
minister oaths shall, to procure a cer
tificate of naturalization for himself
or any other person, wilfully depose,
declare or ntl'i nn any matter to be fact
knuwing the suiuu to he false, or sliuil
in Hke manner deny any matter to be
fact, knowing the" saiiie to lie true
shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and
any certificate ot naturalization issued
in piiiMiiiinee of any such disposition,
declaration oraii'irfnation shail be null
and void; and it shall be the ditty of
the court issuing tlie same upon' proof
being mudo before it that it was fraud
ulently obtained, to take immediate
measures for recalling the same for
cancelation, and any person who shall
vote or attempt to vote on any paper
so obtained or who ehall in any way
aid in, connive at, or have any agency1
whatever, in the issue, circulation or
use ol any fraudulent liatui'ulizauoii
certificate, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction
therrof shull undergo an imprison
ment in the penitentiary for not more
I linn two years, and pay a line of not
more than tttie thousand dobars for
every such offense or either or both, at
the discretion of the court.
Also, to part of section nineteen of
said act, as follow :
'Any person who shall, oil the day
of any eleciioii, visit a polling place
nny election district at which he is not
eniillcd to vote und shall use any in
timidation or violence for tho purpose
of preventing any olt'icer of election
from performing the duties of him re
quired by Jaw ; or for the purpotiu of
preventing any qunlilied voter of such
district exercising his right to vole, or
from exercising his right to challenge
any person oli'ering to vo'e, such per
sons shall be deemed guilty oi' a niir--demeanor,
and upon conviclion
thereof shall be published by a line
not exceeding one thousand dollars or
by imprisonment not exceeding two
years, or both, at tho discretion of the
i'ursuunt to the provisions con
tained in the thirteenth section of the
act last aforesaid, the return judges of
the aforesaid districts living within
twelve miles of the pr othoiiotary 's of
fice, or within twenty-four miles, if
their residence be in a town, village
or city upon the line of a railroad lead
ing to the county seat, shall before
two o'clock, past meridian, of the day
after the election and ail other judges
shall, before twelve o'clock, meridian
on the second day alter election, de
liver said return, together with return
sheet, to the prothonotary of the court
of common pleas of 101k county, at
(.liven under my hand at llidgway,
the loth day of October, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-seven, and of the Inde
pendence of the United Stales the one
hundred und first.
D. SCULL, Sheriir.
Siikkifk's Oi-i-'ifi:, 1
Ridgway, la., Oct. 10, 1877.
Short settlements make long
friends, and in order to settle in good
shape you need some of those cheap
and neat bill heads printed at the Ai
vocatk office, over Powell & Kime's
WE WILL mail one aud one-half dozen
of the most beauliiul new Clironics, iu
French oil color ever seen for $1 00.
They are mounted in 8x10 black enamel
and gold mats, oval opening und outsell
anything now before tho public. Hnlihf'ac
lion guaranteed. Two samples for 2o cents
or six for 60 cents, leud 10 cents for
grand illustrated catalogue with chromo of
Moonlight on the Rhine, or IU ccuts for
two Landscapes nud Calln Lillie on black
grouud, J. LATHAM & CO., 41!) Washing
ton St. lioston Mass , Headquarters for
Chromos. Engravings and Art Works. A
Go to POWELL & KIME of the
Grand Central Store, Main Street, for
your groceries.
Tie oldest and best appointed Instltutlop for
obtaining a Business Education.
For circulars address, v - C
I'ltUsbureli, Pa.
POWELL & KIME have a fine lot
of dress goods, also all other kind of
dry goods at low rates.
ESTATE of Edwin Paine, late of
Ridgway township, Elk county, Pa ,
deceased- Letter of administration
having been granted to the under
signed upon the said estate all persons
indebted to said estate are requested
to make payment, aniKIibse having
claims to jnesent them for settlement.
3?t8 Executrix
Philadelphia & I!e R. II. Division
ON nnd nfter T1IUP.SDAV, JULY, 28,
1877. the trains on the l'hilndciphin &
Ivria Kr '-lrond will run us follows t
NIAGARA EX leaves Hotiovo 4 ?,? p m
" " Driftwood.. 6 42 p m
' " " Emporium 0 2" p m
" " . " Kl Marys... 7 18 p m
" " " Ki'lgwny... 7 4" p ni
nrr nt. Knr.e.. 8 4"i p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Vhilndelphia 1 1 55 p m
" " " Henovo 11 00 n m
' " ' Emporium 12 05 p m
" St. Mary's 1 46 p ni
Ridgway 2 11pm
" ' ' Enne 3 80 p m
" -arrive nt Erie 7 i!5 p tn
DAY EX, leaves Kane. 0.00 am
'' " '' llidgway 11.50 n in
" " R'. Marys 7 2(1 a m
" " Emporium 8 10 a m
' ' Driftwood 8 58 p m
" ' F.cnovo 10 10 pm
ERIE MAIL b-nven Erie.
" " " Kane...
11.00 a tn
8 60 p ni
4 49 p n,
5 18 p in
(i 15 p 111
8.85 p ni
" " " Ridgwny...,
" " " Ft. Mary's...
" ' " " Emporium .
" " lieimvo
" " nrr. nt l'hiladephi;
i 00 a m
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nccl e isi wiin Low (irtide Division and D
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Ueu'l Sup't
A new store still ted iu Ridgway un
der the auspices of the ladies of Grace
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aud unabridged i for 10 and 20 cents.
1. EAST LYNN E, By Mrs.
Jleurv Wood ( Double No) HOc.
X JOHN HALIFAX, Gent., 15y
Miss Mulock. 2Uc.
M. JAMO FY HE, V,y Charlotte
Bronte. I Double No,) iOe.
t. A WOMAN HATER, Charles
Kcade's new novel. t'Oc.
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7. ADAM REDE, Iiy George
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MONEY. By Murv C llav 10c,
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OF ICE. In one book. By
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Cecil Hav. 10c
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TION. Bv Chits Reade. 10c
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Reade 10c.
22. MAN AND WIFE. By Wii
kic Collins. 20c,
By Mary Cecil Hay. 20c.
24. Never too Late to Mend, Uy C.
Kendo. l!0c
2). Lady Adelaide's b, lty .Mrs.
II Wood 10c.
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don i;oc,
27 Victor and Vanquished, By M C
11 ay 10c
28 A Daiuhter of Iloth, By Willi un
black 10
2'- Nora's Love Test, Fy Mary Cecil
Hay 10c
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der i;0c
ill Love Me Little, Love Me Long, By
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oo Handy Audy, By (Samuel Lover 20c
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fib" The Wooing O'T, By Mrs. Alex
ander . 20u
37 The Mystery, By Mrs. IleDry
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Alexander lOo
39 Antouinn, By Wilkie Collii,
(Double No.) 20o
40 The Heir to Ashley, By Mrs.
Henry Wood 10c
For sale, by all Booksellers and
Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid,
on receipt of price by
GEORGE MUNRO, Publisher,
21, 2a and 2o Vaudewater St., N. Y.
J. O. Box 5007.
Administrator's 'otice.
ESTATE of Adolph Straubinger,
late of St. Mary's borough, Elk
county, Pa., deceased. Letters of ad
ministration having been granted to
the undersigned upon the suid estate
all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make payment, and those
having claims to present them for set
tlement. A. C. SCHAUT,
n31t6. Administrator.
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