The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 13, 1877, Image 3

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    GEO. A. RATIIBUtf,
Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., To..
Office in New Brick Building, Main St
Ridiway, Elk Co., Pa. vSnlilf.
L UCORE & II A MB LEX. -Attorneys-nt-Law,
KMgway, Elk
County I'ft. Office ncross the hall from
the Dkmochat establishment. Claims
for collection promptly attended to
J no. 15 '70.
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler
Main street, Ridgway, Ta. Agent for the
flowe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold
?n. Repairing Watches, etc, dooewilb,
ie name accuracy as heretofore. Satis
, faction guaranteed. 1 vlnly
J. 0. )V. BAILEY,
vlnol. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aool
4ent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conu.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigway, ofl'ers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of liidgwny ana sur
rounding country. All work warranted.
Office in Set vice & Wheeler's liuilding, up
stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-32-ly
Druggist and rarmaeeiillst, N. W. cornel
of Main and Mill streets, Uidgway, Ta.
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign and Domestic Drugs, Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at All hours, day oi
night. vlu3y
riiysiciau nn-i Surgeon.
Office in Drug Hloro, corner Urond and
Main ritd. Residence corner Proad St.
opposite the College. Office hours Iroui
8 to 10 A. SI. and from 7 to 8 V. M.
J. tf. BOND WELL, M. D.,
Eclectio Physiciiin and Surgeon, has remov
ed his oilice from Centre street, toMaic Bt.
Ridgway, IX, ' the second story of the
no if brick building of Johu G. Hall, oppo
site Hyde's store.
Offieo hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9 V M
RinnwAY, Ei.kCo., Pa.
W. H. SClIllAM, proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict u
totition to the comfort and convenience oi
guests, to merit a continuance oi the
Oct 30 1809.
a. fa r.
No -'Ui Walnut Place,
(10 Walnut Street,)
ti 41-ly
N . W. HAYS,
ods, Notions, Grrcerios.
General Variety,
Karlty '. O.
vfn !7tf.
have opened k large stock of Millinery
and Fancy Goods, Notions, Gents
Furnishing Goods, Picture and Motto
Frames, Hair Switches, ic, which
they will sell at prices within the
reach of all.
Don't fail to call und examine their
full andcoiiipletc ptock before purchas
ing elsewhere. Jtcmenihcr the place
next door to the Post-ollice. lil5m3.
Inform the citizens of Itidgwuy, and
the public generally, tlrat he has
started a Livery Stable and will keep
and Busies to let upon the- most
reasonable terms.
cerllo will also do job teaming.
Stable on Broad street, above Main.
All orders left at tho Post Office will
receive prompt attention.
Main Street, Ridgway, Pa
A Large Stock of
Groceries and Provisions
Constantly on hand, and sold as cheap
County Officers.
President Judge-Hun. L. D. Wctmoro
Associate Judges Hons. Geo. Ed.
Weis, and Julius Jones.
Sheriff Daniel Scull.
Treasurer Jacob McOartley.
District Attorney C. H. M'Caulcy.
Co. Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon.
Prothonotary, &c Fred. Schrening.
Deputy Prothonotary W. 8. Horton.
Commissioners Michael Wedcrt, W.
H. Osterhout, George Reuscher.
Comniissloners' Clerk w. 8. Horton.
Auditors W. H. Hyde, R. I. Spang
ler, George Rothrock.
Township Officers.
Judge of Election Will Dickinson.
Inspectors James Penfield, P. R.
Justices of the Peace Charles Mead,
Jas. D. Fullerton.
School Directors O. B. Grant, Jas.
Gardner, G. T. Wheeler. N. T. Cum
mlngs, W. 8. Service, Eug. J. Miller. '
Supervisors John Guluack, Daniel
Treasurer W. H. Hyde.
Assessor M. S. Kline.
Assistant Assessors Geo. Dickinson,
John Wnlmsley.
Auditors Will Dickinson, James
Pen field, J. 8. Powell.
Clerk M. S. Kline.
Constable Geo. D. Messenger, Jr.
Silvermann & Co's
Anyone in need of
Fancy Goods,
Dresstrimmings, &c &c.
From this date AN EXTRA DIS
COUNT.ofSper cent witf be allowed
ON ALL PURCHASES . exceeding
next door to Post Office Ridgway.
1121 tf
Call at this office t writing paper
and envelopes.
The advertiser, having been permanently
cured of that dread disease, Consumption,
by a simple remedy, is anxious to make
knowD to his fellow sufferers the means ot
cure. To all who desire it, he will send a
copy of the prescription used, (free of
charge) with the directions for preparing
and using the same, which they will find a
Siirm CiuiE for Consumption, Asthma,
UnoNCHiTin, Sc.,
Parties wishing the proscription will
please address, Rev. E. A. WILSON, 104
Tenii., Williamsburgh, N. V.
Applelou's American Cyclopedia.
Vol. S of this admirable work is just
out, making it half complete, as there
are to be 10 In all, of Hot) pages each,
one being issued in two months. It
makes a complete library, and no one
can uflbrd to do without it who would
keep well informed. Price $u,00 a vol
ume in leather, or $7,00 in elegant
half Turkey. C. K. Judson. Fredonia,
N. Y., controls the sale in Elk county.
Address him for particulars.
Health. Comfort
and Economy.
Cork Shavings are unsurpassed as un
article for Ileds, Mattresses etc Tbey are
ren times as duvnblo as Husks or Straw.
Only 6 cents per lb. Forty pounds will fill
the largest bed. Fsr sale by Armstrong,
flrother & Co., 44 and 46 First Avenue
Pittsburgh, Ta. D2tfmlinl.
DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long
STEOtAMTY, and world wide reputation for
ored for jeers to co.mdi.nk an external
treatment. He has -accomplished this de.
sirable besult in the preparation of his
compound ''SULPHUR SOAP." the merits
of which are spoken of by thousands ; it is
highly recommended to all our readers.
Price 25 Cents a Cake ; ajRox (three Cakes)
CO Cents. Sent ,by Mail, (pre-paid) on
receipt of price. Oilice, 50 N. 5th St,
Wholesale Depot, 400 N. 3d St. Philadel
phia, Pa. Sold by DRUGGIST.
Go to POWELL & KIMK for your
flour, feed and pork, and everything
else In the provision line.
Administrators' Notice.
Estnto of John McLaughlin late of
St. Mary's Boro. l'Ak (Jo., Pa., de
ceased. Letters Testamentary upon
the above estate have been granted to
tho undersigned, all persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claims to
present the same without delay to
ing, also choice syrup always on hand
KIME'S are high to be sure; but still
are a little cheaper than at any other
store In town.
at POWELL & KIME'S, only eight
cents per. yard.
Meal, Oats, always on hand at
POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri
ces. Notice.
All persons are hereby forbidden
selling goods to, or trusting any person
on my account, without my written
order, .as I will pay no debts thus con
traded after this date.
Ridgway May 2, 1877.-ly
TJY virtue of sundry writs of fieri faoias,
I J alias fieri faoias, venditioni exponas,
levari faoias, alias levari facias, and testa
tum fieri facias, Issued out of tho Court of
Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me
directed, I Daniel Scull, High Sheriff of
said county, do hereby give notioe that I
will expose to publlo sale or outcry at the
Court House, in Ridgway, at one o'clock
P. M. on
All that certain piece or parcel
of land situate in the village of Weedville,
Jay township, Klk county, Pennsylvania,
described as follows: Beginning at a post
on the north side of the publio highway
and about twenty feet east of Kersey run;
thence north forty-one and one half degrees
east thirteen and five-tenths (13.6) perches
to a pine sapling on the bank of Kersey
run; thence north twenty-nine and one
half degrees east (29J9 E) ten perohes;
thence south 61 J east 15 perohes to north
side of said highway; thence south 80
weBt 12 6-10 perohes to the place of begin
ning, containing one acre and being the
same land conveyed to the said A, J.
Avery by B. A. Weed's administrators, by
deed dated the 7th day of February, A. D.
1873, and reoorded In Elk county, in deed
book "P," page 472, &c, upon which is
erected a two-story frame dwelling and
store 24x40 feet, with wiug attached 12x40
feet, a barn or stable 18x24 feet. Also a
good well of water thereon. The whole
piece of laud is uuder cultivation and all
Also. One other piece or parcel of land
situate in the township of Jay, county of
Elk and State of Pennsylvania, described
as follow?: Beginning at a post on the
publio road known as the Gurduer road;
thence north (14 2-9 perches to a poBt;
thence east 90 perches to a stone corner;
thence south 94 2-9 perches to a post;
thence west HO perches to the place of be
giuning, containing fifty-three acres, upon
which is erected a frame barn 30x40 feet,
about thirty acres improved and a good
well of wuter thereon. Reserving, how
ever, all the coal in and upon the sid land
as fully as the same is reserved in the deed
of Joseph Wilheliu and wife to L. N. Briggs,
which deed is dated May Cth, 1870, and re
corded iti Elk county deed book "N," page
517, &c, being the same lund which Daniel
Scull, High Sheritf of Elk county, conveyed
to the said A. J. Avery, by deed dated the
20th day of September, 1875, and reoorded
in Elk county in deed book "3," page 170,
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of A. J. Avery at the suit of S.
S. Smith and others,
ALSO. All those certain tracts, pieces
or parcels of land situate, lying and being
in the township of Juy, county of Elk and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed as follows: The first containing
seventy acres more or less and being a part
of a tract of three hundred and seveuiecn
acies of land conveyed by Edward Bird,
Esq., late of Philadelphia, deceuscd, to
Jonachsin Nichols, by deed bearing date the
Uilh day of August, A. D. 1822, beginning
at a post standing in the north line of the
317 acie lot and forty -six perches from the
northeast corner' of said traot; thence scuth
twenty degrees east about one hundred and
ibitty-seven perches to A post standing in
the north line of the Disk lot No. 4897;
thence west foijr perches and six feet to a
post; iheuce Bouih about one hundred and
sixty petches to the centre. of Benuett's
Biui'Ch of the Sinneinahouing; thence
westerly along the centre of said creek, be
ing thirty and a half perches, at riht
angles to the east line of John Macuuiber,
Jr., lot; thence, north about one hundred
and eixty perches to the north line of said
lot number 48'J7; thence west thirteen
perches to a post; thence north 20 west
about one hundred und twenty perches to a
post in the north line of said tract of i!'7
acres; thence- north 70 east forty-five
percnei to iih piaue in P4lulwlg- ItC
scrviny, nevertheless, a pioce of Und four
.perches square on the ninthly part of the
improvements for the use of a burying
ground, the above described land being the
suuie conveyed to the said Peter F. Weed
by Itano Olewuii and wife by deed dted
the 23d day of August, A. I). 1850, re
corded in Dlk oounty in deed book "B,"
page 4'5, ifco., wherein the title U more
luily reciicii.
Tun second: Beginning one hundred
ond ninety-four rod? north of a white pine,
in i he southwest corner of Great Lot num
ber 481)4; thenco north (48J) forty-eight
and one-Lull reds to a post; thence east
one hundred and seventy-live (175) rods;
thence south forty-eight and one-half (4fJ)
rods to a white oak; thence west one hun
dred and seventy-five (175) rods to the
post, the place of beginning, containing
fifty acres and allowance, said land being
the same conveyed to the said Peter t'.
Weed Ly Abtjuh B. Weed and wife by deed
dated the fifteenth day of December, A. D.
18U4, recorded in Elk county in deed book
"K."page 145, &e., wherein the title will
be found fully and tit largo recited.
Tub tuiku: All that certain tract of
land situate in Jay township, Elk county,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows: Begiuuing at a post ninety
perches west of the northeast corner of
warrant number four thousand eight hun
dred and ninety. seven (4897); thence
south twenty-two (22) perohes to a post;
thence north thirty. nine and three-fourth
degrees (N 39) west eleven and one. half
perches to a post ; thonoe northwesterly to
a post in the north line of 428d
warrant number four thousaut eight hun
dred and ninety-seven (48U7) fourteen
perches; thence east along said warrant
line thirteen perches to the place of begin
ning, and containing three-fourths () of an
acre, more or less, being the suuie intended
to be conveyed to the said Peter V. Weed by
Charles Webb and wife by deed dated 23th
of April, 1859, and recorded iu Elk county
in deed book "11," page 104, &o.
Seized and tuken in execution as the
property of Boxa J. Tyler and M. V.
Tyler at the suit of A. R. M' Donald.
ALSO. All that certain tract or parcel
of laud, or town lot, situate iu the Borough
of St Mary's, I'a described as follows,
to wit: Beginning at a post at the south
east corner of Jositih Burdou'i laud and
Bouthwest corner of Gerg'a lot; thence
along said Gerg's line north thirty-four
and a hulf degrees west one hundred and
forty-three feet to a post, said post being
the koutheast eorner of Mrs. Stcinberger's
lot; thence along the line of said Steinberg-
er's lot south 490 west 88 feet to a post;
thence south o0 20' east 121 feet to a post
on the north side of few Brussel g roud;
thence along said road north 77 east 60
feet to the place of beginning, containing
5,585 square f od, be the same more or lees.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of C. 11. Demott at the suit of
Josiah Burdon.
ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel
of ground in the Borough ot Bt. Alary s,
county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania,
beginning at a post on the northern side of
l, .nn.l Tl7 fun aou fintn kl..
Ul UDOVIP VMl .v uv. -
Michael road line, said post being also the
southeasterly corner of Jesse Burden's
let; thence north 77 degrees eist by the
line of Brussels roaa bV. leet; mence norm
82 degrees 30 minutes westt!04 feet to a
post; thence south 83 degrees west b2 feet
more or less to a post on Jesse Burden's
lot; thenoe south 82 degrees 80 minutes east
215 feet more or less to the place or negiu
ning, containing about 10,913 square feet
being marked No. 2 on Bruner & Weis map
upon which Is ereoted a two-story frame
dwelling house 20x28 feet and a stable
12x16 feet 11 stories hieh.
Seized and taken in exeoution aa the
property of Michael Gerg and Anthony
ALSO. All those two certain town Int. 1
number ninoty-three (93) and ninety-two
(92) situated In the village of Ridgway
County of Elk and State of Pennsylvania,
agreeably to the Ridgway plot, or draft nf
said town, upon which is erected one frame
dwelling bouse 1 stoiics high 24JilUJ feet,
witn audition lunu ieev one aiory nigh.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Charles Mathews at suit of W.
C, Healy.
Also, a certain 101 oi iana situated in
the town of Ridgway Elk County Pa.
bounding and measuring as follows: Be
ginning at a post in the line of Main Street
at the southeast cornor of the loj sold to
Charles Holes by J. 8. Hyde the party of
the first part hereto, thence by said Holes
lot N. 23 25' West one hundred and sixty
feet to a post at the north east corner of
the same thenoe north CO" 85' east thirty
(30) feet to a post in the line of Broad
Street thence south 23 25' east one hund
red and sixty feet to a post at the corner of
Main and Broad Streets; thenoe by the
line of Main Street south CU 45' west thirty
feet to the place of beginning, containing
five thousand and six hundred square feet ;
and being the south cast corner of lot No.
44. Upon which ia erected one two story
frame bulletin 82x40 feet and addition one
story high 13x10 feet.
Seized and taken tn execution ad the
property of Geo. Walker at the suit of
Ferdinand Osmer and to.
ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel
of land, situate lying and being in. the
township of Jay, County of Elk and 8tate
of Pennsylvania bounded and describe! as
follows, to wit : Beginning' at the south
west corner, it being the southeast corner
of the Parkhtirat farm (a post ;) thence
east eighty-six perohes to the new road;
thence east thirty-four degrees, north ten
perches to a post; thence west to a post
standing on a north line, just fifty perches
east of the southwest corner of the land
hereby conveyed, and standing about ten
perches north of the south line of said land;
thence north along the west line of R. C.
Morey's land to the north west corner of
said it. C. Morey's land : thence wcstalong
the north line fifty perches to the north
west corner, being the northeast onrner of
the Parkhurst land; thencesouth about one
hundred and sixty perches to the phice of
beginning, containing litty-two and one
fourlh acres more or less, upon which is
erected one frame dwelling 1 j stories
high 10x24 one frame barn 20x24, 20 acres
cleared, well of water and under fence.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Lewis S. Dsdd at suit of John
The following muxtbe strictly com
plied wiui wncu me property isistrucK
1. All bids must be paid lu full,
except where the plaintiff or other
lien creditors becomes the imrchaser.
in which cuses the costs on the writs
must be paid, an well as all liens prior
to that of tho purchaser, and a duly
certified list of liens shall be furnished
including mortgage searches on the
property sold, together with such lien
creditor's receipt for the amount of
the proceeds ot the sale, or such
portion thereof as he Bhall appear to
be entitled to.
2. All sales not settled Immediately
will be continued until six o'clock 1.
M., at which time nil property not
settled for will again be put up, and
sold at the expense and risk of the
person to whom it was first struck oil",
and who, iu case of deficiency at such
re-sale, shall make good the same, and
In no instance will the deed be pre
sented in court for confirmation un
less the bid is actually settled for with
rue .snertn as uoove Hinted.
V. ti. IIoutox, Deputy.
Sheriff's Oilice, Ridgway 1
Pa., Aug. 23, 177,
page 448. Smith's forms page 383.
Administrator's Xoticc.
Estate of liengt Anderson late of
St. Mary's Borough Elk Co.. I'a., de
ceased Letters of Admiiiixtratiun upon
the nbove estate haying been granted
to the uiHlcrsiirned, nil persons in
debted to said estate are requested to
make payment, and those haying
claims to present tnem without delay
to (J. O. BRANDON, Admr.
Notico is hereby given that on and
after the 1st day of January 1878, the
county commissioners will not pay the
customary lee to the hhenit tor con
veying prisoners to the penitentiary,
or lunatics to Dixtnont Hospital, and
will only pay the lawful fee as shown
in bherilt's lee bill.
By order of the board,
W. 8. HOliTON, Clerk,
List of Causes.
OET down for trial at September
Term of the Court of Common
Pleas of Elk couuty :
1. C. Wainwiiirht vs. W. II
Johnston et al. No. 14 September
Term, loo.
2. Jacob It. Walters et al. vs.
Thomas L. Kane et al. No 83 Sep.
tember Term, IS0.
8, Chas. Webb vs. Simon Romig.
No. 112, September Term, 1B70.
4. Stout, Mills fc Temple vs. C. I
Wainwright, Adm'r. No. 57, No
vember Term, 1876.
5. Com. ex. rel F. X. Holler vs. D.
Scull et al. No. 45 January Term,
6. Meriden Cutlery Co. vs. W. S.
Service $s Co. No. o5, January Term,
1877. r
7. Jas. II. Hagerty vs. Walter
Bryant et al. No Go, May Term, 1877.
8. Hood, Bonbrlght fc Co. vs Miles
Dent. No. 04, May Term, 1877.
9. Rachel Gross et al vs C. R.
Earley. No. 115, May Term, 1877.
10. Van Camp Bush vs. J. P. Felt
& Co. No. 133, May Term, 1887.
11. Win. Richardson Co. vs. C.
R. Earley. No. 157, May Term, 1877.
The Barosrna la perfectly harmless
in Its effects, working a cure by gently
stimulating the liver to .excrete from
the blood all particles of matter thut
are poisonous to it, the stomach, heart,
kidneys and other organs of the body.
When the liver Is torpid or inactive,
the whole system must suffer, under
going a process of slow poisoning ; the
stomach is filled with carbonic and gas
inflamhig the mucous membrane, or
coating of the stomach. The Burosma
neutralizes the acid, taking it up and
carrying it eft? without further injury
to the system. It is pleasant to the
taste. Most people UTJf it full
strength from the bottle ; a few mix it
with a little water, which may he
done if thought best.
Prepared by E. K. Thompson,
Tltusville, Pa. Price $1.00 per bottle.
pay cash for gools, and get more than
the worth of your cash.
TOWELL & KIME have a fine lo
of dress goods, also all other kind ot
dry goods at low rates.
mk Mwmk,
THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 1877.
Ttrlghnra Young wns born in Whlllnghnm,
Vermont, Juno 1, 1801.
J. O. W. Bailey has boon appointed a mem
ber of tho Hcpubllcan State Central Com
mittee. Read the Republican platform in another
Column, ,
Tho election will bo held on Tuesday, No
vember 6th, 1S77.
Tho Grangers havo nominated Clinton
Bundy for Sheriff.
Court woek commences Sept. 17. Como pre
pared to pay "the printer" his dues.
Tho "dollar of the daddies" Is less thought
of In some families than Daddy's dollars.
A girl in tho pastern part of tho Stnto was
struck by lightning and married tho same
Wo print envelopes and noto-hends chenp,
c.xll and sco samples. Prices furnished by
3. M. Sohrom In in town on a visit to his
boy. Mert don't look any oluer by reason of
his now degroo.
flood fits guaranteed by SIcAfoo, Sforchnnt
Tailor, room over Towell & Kline's Btore,
Main street. Suits made cheap.
Thos. .T. Burke nnd Goo. Evarts are an
nounced In tho Gazette ns Independent can
didates for Sheriff. But, by tho way, who Is
Geo. Evarts?
Tho cold winter will soon bo hero, but wo
will not heed Its storms, when wo have on
one of McAfee's warm and elegant overcoats.
Call and sco samples of overcoating.
Saturday, Sept. l.jth, Is the dny for holding
the Republican primary meetings. Let every
township and borough bo fully represented
bv good men In the County Convention.
Thirty years ago, says tho Kcnovo Itocord,
Gen. D. R. Jackson went to Lock Haven a
poor man. Roeontly he died In New Hamp
shire worth $1,000,000. His Ufo was Insured
for J50.000.
Away to Bctiooi,. Misses Elln Grant nnd
Florence Osterhout, and Alton Chtipln nnd
Wllllo Geary, at LewlKburg; Miss May Mttle
at rnlnesvllle Ohio, Arthur JJB. Little, at
A girl who can put a square patch on a pnlr
of pantaloons may not bo so accomplished
as one who can work a green woreted dog on
a yellow ground, but she Is of moro real valuo
In tho community .Ex.
Some bad boysbroko Into Doctor Earloy's
deer park nnd cudgoled one of tho deer so
badly that It died from the Injuries received
Boys who would bo guilty of so mean an net
will one day repent of It in tho penitentiary.
ParsoiiRSiiys that flour Is Rolling In Rldgwny
fir &S and SS.50 per bushel? let's soo-that's
about $28 to $S0 per barrel. Gazette.
Let's seo, how many bushels In a barrel
Mr, Gazette? We glvo you ono more trlnl.
Georgia nnd South Carolina nlone raise
400,"00,0(K) bushels of peanuts, but this year the
crop Is a failure, and "the nlco fnt peanut a
square meal In every ono" so much spoken
ofbytlie circus huxster must give way for
baser fruit,
There Is snld to be virtue In whistling, and
we almost believe the Btory, but to have a
chnp whistlo "Fisher's Hornpipe" or the
"Irish WnKherwomon," under your bedroom
window Is not calculated to awaken ehrls"
tlan sympathy in tho heart of the audience.
John Mann has been very successful In
digging wellR In Irtshtown. Ho dug ono for
Mrs. Cunningham about twenty feet deep
and found five feet of wator, and ono for John
Flynii, eighteen feet doop and found eight
(Vint ......, .l.w tuvJ. ur iUO nCIl UC1U 111
solid rock.
Theconvontlrm of tho Worklngmon's party
hold at Baltimore on the 8th Inst., nominated
Joseph Thompson, as their candidate for
Mayor, by acclnmatlon. Mr. Thompson Is a
successful blacksmith, plying his trade,
There was a full attendance of delegates from
each ward of tho city.
In nnother column we puhllsh the adver
tisement of 1'. B. Wnchtol Insurance ARnt.
Mr. wnehtel represents, as will be seen,
s.ime of tho very best companies In tho
country, and as he Is an energetic and accom
modating man, nnd gives as low rates as pos
slble consistent with absolute safety our
citizens will find It to tholr Interest to call on
hlni if they think of eflocting Insurance on
their property.
"Bible Wines," a long-winded -discussion
has been running in tho AVarron papers for
several weeks, nnd is-now about closed. The
only thing gained was, according to the
Ledger, "each of tho contestants having
high regard for tho talents and purposes Of
ine omer. "remaps readers of the Ledger
nnd Mail have a different opinion of the con
testants which tho word "bosh" would fitly
. J. S. Hyde will bring water, in a three-Inch
iron pipo, from the big spring on his Rough
and Ready farm, for the use of his now store
and boarding house, nnd we believe the In
tention Is to supply all thoso, on the line of
tho pipe, who desire It. The spring will fur
nish nil the wnter necessary for a town much
larger than Ridgway. Tho distance from th e
spring to tho store Is something over three
thousand feet, ond the cost of the pipe about
"Better put your trust in an old stocking
than In a snvings' bank" Is a motto that will
Boon be regarded as one of the essontlnl
things to teach our children. This will be
made clear, as, day after day, we read of the
fulluro of these institutions where poor
pooplo have placed their hard-earned pennies
and how a rascally president has swindled
the depositors and left for Europe. The
latest case is that of the State Savings Insti
tution of Chicago.
Payment of State Tuoors. A meeting
was held recently, nt which the Adjutant
General, Auditor General and State Treas
urer were in consultation In reference to the
payment of the State troops called out to sup.
press the late riots. There was a doubt exJ
pressed as to whether the State Treasurer had
authority to pay tho troops without a special
appropriation by tho Legislature, but the At
torney General Is under the Impression that
tho act of 1864 confers the necessary authority.
A dcolslon will be given to that effect in a
few days.
Thomas Campbell. Jr., was seriously In
jured last Fridny night by the upsetting of
his wagon on tho roud from the depot to
Osterhout's store. After durk he started, In
company with his driver, for Osterhout's
storo, Intending to got some goods and drive
to his home in Highland the same night On
his return to town tho horses made a misstep
in a steep part of the road, the horses, wagon,
and all going over the embankment with
Mr. Campbell under the wugon and load, and
he only escaped being killed outright by
falling close to a big rock which prevented
the load from crushing him. The driver at
once secured help from Osterhout's men,
when the wugon was righted and the injured
man taken to the Hyde House where he now
lies in a critical condition. The driver,
horbea, and wagoq rocoived no particular in
juries or damage.
Inventors of agricultural renpers
hereafter must Invent a machine
which will not only gather all the
grain but pick up all the reptiles,
stumps and stones. In a small oat-
field, in Indiana, the other day, a self
raking reaper gathered twenty-three
rattle snakes, nineteen garter snakes
and one blue racer.
Heath of Ktitviii 1'uitiCt
Edwin Paihk first saw tho light of day In
tho State of Maine, on tho HOth dny of June
1832, being at tho time of his death a few
months moro than forty-flvo years of nge.
When about six years of ago his pnrents
moved to Now Hampshire, whore ho lived
until the lull of 1R00 when ho came to this
county and engaged in tho lumbering busi
ness, a business ho followed successfully tho
rest of his llfu, leaving at his death a fortune
of from J20.000to (23.000, a good pnrtof. it in
cash. He was married to Miss Kathcrlne
M'Crendy on the 2TtU of November, lsoo, by
Rev. J. A. Boylo, and leaves a family of six,
children, four boys nnd two girls, tho
youngest a girl, but a little over a year old.
He died from a spinal complaint, after an Ill
ness of several weeks, a great portion ot tho
time being confined to his bed and suffering
intense agony, on Thursday, Sept. 6th 1877,
and was hurled In tho Catholic cemetery nt
Centrovilloon tho following Saturday, Mr.
raino was an industrious man, and good clt.l
r,on, and his early demise is sincerely re
gretted by his numerous frionds and ac
While standing on a swing nnd
propelling It William Itinger, of
Huntingdon county was seriously in
jured. Tho Huntington Local pays :
"The swing rose higher and higher,
and when at its greatest height, Din
ger's hold from some cause let go, and
he was precipitated over the tops of
some of the trees intojthe middleof the
creek, a distance of about one hundred
feet. The water in the stream was
low, and the fall broko his thigh and
thigh joint, and caused some less seri
ous Injury. He may recover but will
be a cripple for life "
A Grist and Kaw Mill I'.ijknkd.
The destruction by fire of two line,
large mills, a grist mill and saw mill
standing close together, on (Soldier
run, in Prescoltvlllc (rant end of
Heynoldsville,) Jefferson county, on
Saturday, tbeSJ-ltb uit., is n heavy loss
to the McCrcight brothers, owners,
and to Heynoldsville and the sur
rounding country, for, according to
the Heynoldsville Herald there Is now
no flouring mill within twelve miles
of that place. Over 2,000 bushels of
wheat and nearly 1,000 bushels of
other grain was burned with the mill.
It Is supposed the fire was caused by
sparks from the smoke-stack alighting
on the roof of the saw mill, where tbe
Arc started. Some lumber was also
burned. There was no Insurance on
any of the property. The loss of
Thomas and Hmith McCreight must
bo at least $10,000, besides that in
curred by other parties who had grain
in the mill. Clearfield Republican.
An Old Man's Defense.
Cincinnati, September 0.
Richard Howling the old man who
killed a burglar in hla house, near
Rushville, Ind., early on Saturday
morning, has has become something
of a hero in that community. The
thief effected an entrance by breaking
into a kitchen window with an nxe
The noise awoke the old lady, who
came down stairs, and was met by the
robber with a cocked revolver in one
hand and dn nxe in the other. He
ordered her back up stairs, following
closely and demanding allthp money
there was in the house. By way of
emphasizing his demands, he knocked
her down with the butt end of the pis
tol. To pave her life she ylelcd and
gave up her money, but the old man
stoutly refused. The thief then pro
ceeded to search the house, still keep-
ingtheaxeand revolver and firing an
occasional shot. After rummaging
the rooms up stairs he ordered the old
gentleman and lady down stairs, keep
ing them in front and threatening
tneir lives. In the parlor was a
bureau, the drawers of which were
hardtoopeu. He dropped the axe to
take hold of the drawer with both
hands, when quicker than a flash, the
old man seized tho weapon and dealt
him an unerring blow, nearly severing
the head from the body. The thief
fell over dead, and the old man and
woman went quietly back to bed and
slept until morning. They then gave
the alarm and sent for the Coroner, at
Rushville, some miles distant. When
ttat officer arrived, late in the day, he
found the thief lying where the old
man had loft him, with one foot under
the bureau, cold and stiff. His Smith
& Wesson revolver, etill cocked, was
grasped in his hand. The body was
brought to Rushville, where it has
been lying in state to-day In the court
house, and, was viewed by hundreds
of people. There was nothing about
the robber by which he could be iden
tified. Bowling is 78 years of age.
The twenty-fourth annual ex
hibition of the Pennsylvania State
Agricultural Society will be held at
Erie commencing Sept. 24th, and
continuing five days.
mis oia society Has been in ex
istence for twenty-six years. The
officers are selected from each of the
Congressional districts in the State,
and are gentlemen of the highest
character, energetic, enterprising and
I he exhibitors are assured that
every attention will be paid to their
wants and convenience. Visitors
will find such an exhibition as will
fully justify them In spending a few
days at the Fair. Tho exhibition will
prove both instructive and pleasant.
The buildings erected on the splen
did site along the lake shore In 1872
have all been refitted and repaired
Machinery Hall been rebuilt and the
increased fully one-third.
trom the indications thus early
shown this exhibition promises to
more than equal tht of 1873, when
every available inch of space was coy
ered by machinery, stock, to.
We advise all to visit the. State Fair
at Erie, and spend at leasttwo days.
Go to POWELL & KIME of the
Grand Central Store, Main Street, for
your groceries.
Slnto Notes.
The daily production of the Warren oil
district is about 800 barrels.
It Is reported that a vein of iron and co;.l
ore has been discovered near Mt. Allna,
Berks county.
Allen C. Laros, in the Easton jail, under-
ook to commit suicide again (lie other dav,
nnging himself with a strip from the sheet
on his bed.
A four-year-old son of Mrs. Edward
Murray, of Scranton, was burned f o death
on Wednesday, bis clothes taking fire while
at play near a bonfire.
The minors at Penn, Irwin and Larimer
mines and Spring Hill Slation, Westmore
land oounty, are again at work, a com
promise having been cfTeoted.
The tramps are getting distributed again,
and if they can't have bread or blood they
are willing to take tho white meat of a ,
Farmers in the vicinity of Scranton com
plain that their ivit, potatoes and corn
are stolen, whole orops being carried awar
n a singlo night.
The Norristown Herald fears that some
ountry debating society will seize hold of
the labor problem and settle it before Con
gress gets a chance at it.
A Corning sportsman set out to shoot a
woodcock. After spending the whole dny
a a fruitless search while reluming homo
he found one in a lager boer barrel. Hor
rors Mr. A. T Scofield, son of Hon. O. W.
Ecofield, of Warren, a student of Lafayette
College, will join the sotenlifio expedition
liicli slarls in October on a two years' '
voyage around tho world.
Victor n. Piollet, of Bradford county.
master of the J'atrons of Husbandry of
Pennsylvania, says that there are in this
State some 800 subordinate Granges, with
a membership of 20,000 men and woman.
The Pennsylvania Itailroad Company
have put. an additional watchman on each
section of the road at. night, and also at
every bridge. This is deemed necessary
by the railroad officials on account of the
late labor troubles.
While the Van Storch mines were being'
filled up with water recently during the
stoppage of the pump, droves of largo rata
came out of the mine in search of dry land.
It was estimated that at least fen thousand
were thus drowned out. Scranton Repub
Two hundred farmers in the neighbor
hood of Milwaukee, Luzerne county, havo
organized themselves into a home guard
for the protection of their crops, whioh of
late have been despoiled by the raids of
la less men that Infest the rural districla
in that region.
A woman in Northampton oounty ob
served her husband in company with
another female, and in orlor to get even
with him she made an effort to drown her
self by jumping into a creek. While sho
was being rescued her husband admonished
her rescuers to "let her go."
The Wayne county farmers are begin
ning to pay considerable attention to rais
ing of sheep, and largo numbers f them
nre weekly sent to the New York market
from that county. The money brought
into the county on account thereof runs
way up among the thousands.
On Wednesday last there was a sad scene
at tho Schulykill county prison. Robert
Helms, of Schuylkill Haven, who is under
confinement for robbery, was shown tho
corpse of his child. It was impossible for
him to go to the funeral, and it was brought
to him. Tho sight of the father weeping
over the dead body in prison was affecting
in the extreme, and highly moved those
who were compelled to witness it.
Out of one hundred and eighty prisoners
sent to the Eastern Penitentiary last year
one hundred and seventy-three never
served an apprenticeship at any trade.
Only seven of the whole number were ap
prentices. There is food for thought in
this fact. The inability of young men to
obtain chanoes to learn trades has helped
to push thousands into crime. The destruo.
tion of the apprentice system was one of the
greatest misfortunes that ever belell this
In consequence of a misplaced switch,
which was spiked, a train on the Delaware
and Hudson gravity railroad suddenly
jumped the track three miles from Hones-
dale throwing the parlor car Fassaio twenty
feet down an embankment injuring, al
though not seriously, engineer W, Muir.
It is supposed that this switch wag spiked
for the purpose of doing harm to Gen. Mor
row, commanding the regulars at Scranton,
and a party of officers conneoted with the
Third National Guard infantry and Nine
teenth National Guard of Pennsylvania,
who were on board, all of whom escaped
Bates of Advertising.
One column, one year $75 00
!" " " 40 00
" " 26 00
" " " 15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser
tions, $1.50, three insertions, $2
Business cards, ten lines or Icbs, per
year $5
Advertisements payable quarterly
"insurance agency.
St. Mary's, Pa.
The largest agency in either Elk or
its adjoining counties, representing
through his General Agents about 80
responsible and prompt loss paying
companies, among the principal onea.
are the following:
Gross assets $32,533,512,
Asset ever $7,000,000,
Assets $1,000,000
Assets $1,600,000.
Capital i50O.lKXl. '
Aneafa f.lia mill '
TRAVELERS, (Life aud Accident) CONN
Assets $l,2o6,ouu. "