OEO. A. llATllBUN, Attorncy-at-Lnw, Main Street, Ridgway, Klk Co., Ta. II ALL & M'UAULEV, Attorneys-at-Ltw. Office iu New Hrick Building, Minn St Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v:Jn2tf. ' L UVO H E & II A MIIL EN. Attorncys-at-Lnw, Ridgway. Klk County Pit. Office across the hall from the Democrat establishment. Claims for collection proiupt.lv attended to Jne. 15 '7U. VUAULES HOLES, Walohmakcr, Engraver and Jeweler Main street, Hidgway, Pa. Agent for Ilia .Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold ?n. Repairing Watches,' eto, (lore with le tame aocurncy as heretofore. Satin ."act I do guaranteed. tlnly I. 0. IV. II AIL HI', ATTORNEV-A.T.LAW. fliu.l. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acci ient Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn. JAMES I). FULL Ell TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Kigwoy, odors his professional ser vices to the citizens of Uidgwuy ana sur rounding countryr All work warranted. Ollice In Servico . St Wheeler's Building, up stairs, first door to the left. 73-11-82 ly a. a. messenger, Druggist and Painiiictmlis-i, N. W. corm-t of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, l'a. full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed ul all hours, diiy or night. vlnSv T. S. IIMITLET M O., Physician uni Surgeon. Office in Drug St ore, corner l'.i ond and Main Si. tiesidciiue curlier l;innd St. opposite I hi; (.'oil -go. tltiice hours lroni 8 to 1) A. M. an 1 from 7 to 8 I. .1. vlu'Jyl. J S. II OR It W'LLL, JI. JJ., Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, lino remov ed his office from Cell' re street, to Mail st . Hidgway. Pa,, in the second story of the new brick building of John (I. Ifafl, oppo site Hyde's store. Ollioo hours: 1 to i P M 7 to !) P M II ME 110 USE, Rmuw.'T, Elk Co., Pa V. 11. SCU HAM, Proprietor Thankful for the pulronije hcictot'uri io liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict n. teuiion to the comfort mi l con vciiicncu nl guests, to merit a oouiinuiiuce oi i Im sauie. Oct 30 1801). E. O. FA V. lumber a x i ). i x s i; n x c k com MISSION UltOKKR, A N I) GH.VEUAL COLLECTION AGENT Xo :!(.( Walnut Place, (OKi Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. M ll-ly II'. II A Y.S, uoocls, notions, urrccrics. Tin and Csnsral Variety, FOX EL.K CO., PA. vh. ITtf. IN RIDGWAY. SILVERMANN & Co's BAZAAR of NVILLfAMSl'ORT.PA have opened it large stock of Millinery and rancy Goods, Notions, Gents Fttniisliin''- Geo-Is, Picture and Mullo Frames, Hair Switcher", &:, which they will sell at prices within t!i reach of ail. Diitt'l fail to call and examine their full and complete stock In-fore piiivhas nig eiseunire. jienieiiiner llie place next door to (lie Post-ofilcc. n I."iin3. JEW 1A VERY STABLE i IX liiDG WAY. DAX RClMliXKlt W1SJIK.S TO tnforiii llie citizens of Kidjiwa.V. and I ho public generally, that lie has i-tarted u livery Stable and will keep CiOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES nnil lUnrnie to let unoii the most reasonable terms. KGy-IIe will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Aug2U1871tf JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES H 1IAOEIITY Main Street, Itidgway, Pa D15Y GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND tjUEEXS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Largo Stock of Groceries and Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, uiul sold as cheap ns the CHEAPEST JAMES JIIIAGERTY County Officers. President Jndge-IIon. L. D. Wet more Associate Judges lions. Geo. Ed. Weis, and Julius Jones. - fhcrill Daniel Scull. Treasurer Jacob McCnuley. District Attorney C. II. M'Cauley. Co. Superintendent Geo. It. Dixon. Prothonotary. &c Fred. Sehrpning. Deputy Prothonotary W. S. Horton. Commissioners Michael Wedert, W. If. Osterhout, George Reuschcr. Commissioners' Clerk W. S. Hortott. Auditors W. II. Hyde, It. I. Spang ler, George Both rock. ' - Township Officers. Judge of Klection Will Dickinson. Inspectors Jamea Pciiilcld, P. It. Smith. Justice of the Peace Charles Mead, Jus. D. Fullerton. School Directors 0. B. Grant, Jas. Gardner. G. T. Wheeler. N. T. t'um lnings, W. I?. Service, Kug. J. Miller. Supervisors) John Ouliiack, Daniel M'Govern. Treasurer W. II. Hyde. Assessor M. S. Kline. Assistant Assessors Geo. Dickinson, John Walmsley. Auditors Vill Dickinson, James Penfield, J. S. Powell. Clerk M. S. Kline. Constable Geo. D. Messenger, Jr. THE LOW PRICES Silvermann & Co's BAZAAR EVERVTIIIN'a MARKED DO.VN FROM TJiB ALHEADY LOW FIGURES. Anyone iu need of Millinery, Fancy Goods, Notions, . Dresstrimmings, &c &c. WILL DO WELL TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK P.KEORK lThlMlAsflXQ ELSEWHERE. Front this date AX EXTRA DtS COUNTof o per cent will Le allowed OX ALL PURCHASES exceeding 1.'J0 SILVEUMANN it'O. next door to Post Office Ridgway. li'-'ltf Call at this office and envelopes. for writing paper Administrator's Not ice. Esfafe of John Adam Slibeck late o St: Mary's ISorough Elk Co., Pa., de ceased Ei tiers itf Ailutinintru(hm upon thenLove estate having been granted to the nn.leiviglied, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to maue payment, anil those having claims to present them without delay to JOSEPH ST115LC1I Adiu'is. ' n:21t(i. Appldc.u's .'ijii.t wan C:hiK!i;i. Vol. H of this admirable work is just out, milking it half complete, u there are to be 10 in all, of sou ages each, one being issued In two iiwinths. It nn-.Ucs a complete library, and no one can alliifd 'o do witlioiil it who would keep well informed. Price t'i,ii;i a vol ume in leather, or 87,(o in elegant half Turkey. C. K. .lud-on. Fredouia, X. Y., controls thc-ale in Elk county. Address hini for parlietdars. ""l'JIlJ Health. Ccmfbrt and Sccnomy. Cork F!;avii!j;s ma iinsnrf nei us un nrtiulc for 15..ds. Mailres.-ts it-o. They nre ten liiuei us durable us Husks tr Straw. Oiil.y ! cents per II). Forty pounds will fiil Hie largest lied. J-sr tale by Atiuwroug. Riotlier t Co., -Jl uud -IU First Aveim'o Pittsbiirli, Piv. nfuilinl. SPF.tlAL NOTICES. l)!l VAX DYKE'S MLPUUK SOAP. DT.. VAX LYKE, whose life long fsi:ciAT itv. ninl workl wide reputation for CL'ltlNa SKIN UISKASE.S, has endeav ored for yctrs to cojiiiim: nn kx-kbnal tp e atm knt. He has accnuipliclied this do. tirable BUji'l.T iu the preparation of iiis compound ''el'LPIIUK SOAP." the merits of whieli are spoken of by thousands j it is highly rcooniuieuded to nil our readers. Price, 25ct8. by mail, :L'uls a hox ; 3 cakes tiOcls. by mail Vocis. Ollice, 5U X. 5ili St. Wuolks-alb Ul.lMT, -100 N. 8d St. 1 liiluilcl phin. Pa. Sold by DKUUGlST. u21y letw. AT POWELL & KIME'S, YOU jiay cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. Go to l'O WELL &, K1ME for your flour, feed aiid pork, and everything else in the provision line. Administrators' Notice. Estate of John McLaughlin iato of St. .Mary's lioro. LIU Co., Pa., de ceased. Lcttcm TttttumcHtani unon tho above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make pnymeut, and those havinsr claims to present the same without delay to ALICE M'LAUGIILIN A I , PATRICK M'LAUGIILIN ( At,mr 8 lll'.itG. N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK- Ing, also choice svrun alwavs ou hand at . : POWELL & KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are high to be Bure; but Btill are a little eheaner than at uuv other store in town. A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS at POWELL & KIME'S, only tight cents per. yard. FLOUR, PORK, FEED, CORN- Meal, Oats, always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri- Notlcc. , All persona nro hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my uccouut, without my written order, aa I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2. lS77.-lv SHERIFF'S SALE. BY Tirtue of inndry writs of fieri facias, alias fieri facias, venditioni exponas, levari facias, alias levari facias, and testa tum fieri facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed, I Daniel Scull, Hih Sheriff of said county, do hereby give notice that I will expose to publio saie or outcry at the Court House, in Hidgway, at one o'clock P. M. on MONDAY', SEPTEMBER 17TII, 1877. All that oerlain piece or paroel of land situnte in the village of Weodville, Jay township. Elk county, Pennsylvania, described as follows: Beginning at a post on the north side of tho publio highway and about twenty feet east of Kersey run; tlienco north forty-one and one half degrees cast thirteen and five-tenths (13.6) perches to a pine sapling on the bank of Kersey run; thence north twenty-nine and one half degrees east (20J ) ten perches; thence south C1J east 13 perches to north side of said highway; Ihence "south 30 west 12 6-10 perches to the placo of begin ning, containing ono acre and being the same land conveyed to the said A. J. Avery by 11. A. Weed's administrators, by deed dated the 7th day of February, A. D. 187u, and recorded iu Elk county, in deed book "P," pago 472, &., upon which is erected a two-story frame dwelling and store 21x10 feet, with win); attached 12x40 feel, a barn or stable 18x21 feet. Also a good well ' of water thereon. The whole piece of laud is under cultivation uud all feuced. t Also. One other piece or parcel of land si' mile in the township of Jay, county of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, described us follow;: beginning at a post ou llie public road known as the Gardner road; theuco north 1)1 2-9 perches to a post; thence east fJO perches to a stone corner; thencu south Vi 1 .'J-'J perches to a post; thence west HO perches to the place of be ginning, containing fifty-three acres, upon which is erected a frame barn 30x40 feet, about thirty acres improved and a good well of water thereon. Jivscrvhlff, how ever, all the coal iu and upon the said land as fully as the same is reserved in the deed of Joseph Wilhelm and wifct L. N. liriggs, which deed is dated May 5th, 1870, and re corded iu E!k county deed book "N,' page 617, &c., being the same laud which Daniel iSo ml, iligh iSberilf of Elk county, conveyed to llie said A.J. Avery, by deed dated the 20lli day of September, 1875, andrecoided iu Elk county in deed book "S," page 170, &a Seized uud taken in execution as the properly of A. J. Avery at t lie suit of S. S. SisHtu ami others, ALSO. All those certain tracts, pieces or parcels id land situate, lying and beui in i lit township of J-iy, county of Elk and State of l't'iinsylvauia. bounded mid do scribed as follows: The first containing sevi uty s.crc4 m jve or less and being a pari of a tract of tinea hundred mid seventeen uoies of laud conveyed by Edward liird, Esq., luie of l'hiladc'pliia, deceased, to Juuailim rwcliols, by deed bearing date the atltli 'lay of August, A. D. beginning at .1 pi st standing in the norm line of the HIT aeie Int aiid lorty-bix percaes from the uortiitabl coruer of said tract; thence south twenty degrees cas; about one hundred uud thirty-seven perches to a posi standing in ihe iiorili line of the Disli lot Mo. 4-'i7; I hence west tour pci ubcd and six feel to a po.-t; lliei ce tout h about one hundred uud smy perches to the centre uf Dennett's lir.ii oil of Ihe Siuncuialioaiug; thence westerly along the centre of said creek, be ing tinny .uud a half perches, ut riht angles to the cast lino of John Macumber, Jr., Km; thence north about one hundred nnd-sixty perches to t lie north line of said lot nuuiber 4S'J7; thence west thiitceu peicl.es io u post; tlienco north 20a west ttuuut one hundred and twenty perches I) n pest in liit nui in line of said tract of i)7 i.cie.-; thence north 70 ' cast forty five peic'-cs to the place of beginning. .Itc-i-u'l:)r, nevertheless, a p;eee of laud four peiciies Fijuare ou.ihe uorthly part uf the ini i"uvcnieiiis lor the use of a burviug ground, ihe ubovu described land being the Millie tonvojed to the said Peter F. Weed Ly l.-.v.c l oleuiaii unit wilo by deed d it. d i lit day of August, A. U. It.'y) ie- otpied .ii i-.i vuuniy iu d-sed boon !," pa,;.; t'cc., nhcieiu the title is luu.e Hlij lltlli'i, 'iur: ilojh Deginuiug ono hundred end niniij -four rod; uorih uf a white piiu, iu ike southwest Ctirner of Great Lot uuiu tit' i' -i.' t; ihence north (48) forty eight and ui.i-.. ..it tods to a post; thence fail inc iiiu.aicd uud eeveuly tive (176) r.d-; .hu.ee s..utii loiiy-eihl uud ont-iiult (IJb) loiisio ii while ouk; thence west ouo hu.i Jred uud sevenly-livo (175) rods to the 141, ii.e p. iice cl bi giuuiog, containing titiy acies ui.d uilo.uucf, said laud being the tiuiii! conveved to ihe said Peter F. Heel ly Ab'j.ih D. Weed and wife by deed timed u.e fiiiceiitj duy of Ducuuibor, A. D. 1.SG1, lceui de I iu Ell; county iu dted book "K " page 146, io., iilieieiu llio title will Le totiiiJ fully uud ul large reciicd. '1 ilk 'in iu n: All that certain tract of land situate in Jay township, Elk county, l'eiim- huniii, buUuded uuu described us loilowe: livgiubibg ut u post ninety perches west of the i.orihcasi comer of wuiraul number four thousand fight hun dred uud nineiy-seveu (48'J7); thence south tweuty-iwo (22) pcrclies io u post; iheutc not tn thiriy niue ami tUiee-fouribb degrees yyij0) west eleven and one-half pciohes to u pool ; thence northwesterly to a posi in I no north hue of said warruul uumber four thousuul eight iiuu died and ninety-seven (18'J7) fourteen ierches; tbcice east uloug said warrant line tliir.een perches to the place of begin ning, and containing throe fourths (J) of uu acre, more or less, being the same intended io be conveyed to Ihe said Peter F. Weed by Cli.nles Welib uud wife by deed dated 2 jth of April, lo'J, and recorded iu Elk couuty iu dceU book "ll," page 04, &o. Seized uud taken iu execution us the property of I'.oxa J. Tyler uud M. V, Tylur ul the sun of A. It. M'Donald. ALSO. All that certain tract or parcel of land, or town lot, described as follows, to wit:, beginning at a post at the south east corner of Josiuh, Luiduu's land and southwest corner of Oerg's lot; thence uloug said (J erg's line north thirty-four una u half degrees vest one hundred and forty-three feet to a post, said post being the couiLeatt comer tt Mrs. SteiubergerV lot; ihence along the line of said Steinberg em lot south 4'JO west 3s feet to a post; ih'uice south 30" 20' east 121 feet to a post ou the north side of Jew Drussel'g loud; thence along said road north 77 east 60 feet to the pluoe of beginning, containing 5,585 square led, be the i-ame more or less. SeizeU and taken iu execution as the property of 0. 11. Deuiott ul the suit of Josiah iiurdou. ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel of grouud in -the borough of St. Mary's, county of Elk uud State of Pennsylvania, beginning at post oil the northern side of Brussels road 1.07 feet east from St. Michael road line, said post being also the southeasterly coruer of Je-ise Durden's lot; iheuoe north 77 degrees eist by tie line uf Drussels road 62 feet; thence north 32 degrees 30 minutes west 204 feel to a post; thence south S3 degrees west l2 feet uioie or less to a post ou Jesse Burden's lot; thence south 82 degrees 30 minutes east 215 feet more or less to the place of begin ning, containing about 10,913 square feet being marked No. 2 on Druner & Weis' map u'pou which is erected a. two-story frame d .veiling house 20x28 feet and a stable 12x10 feet 1 stories high. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Michael Oerg and Anthony (icrg. ALSO. All those two certain town lots number ninoty-three (08) and ninety. two (!2) situated in the Village of Ridgway County of Elk and State of Pennmrlvni Agreeably to the Ridgway plot or draft of said town, upon wmcn is erected one frame dwelling house 1J stories high SMJxlHJ feet, with addition 10x10 feot one story high. Seized and taken in execution as tho properly of Charles Mathews at suit of W. C, llealy. Also, a certain lot of land situated In the town of Ridgway Elk County Pa, bounding and measuring as follows) be ginning at a post in the liue of Main Strool at the southeast corner of the lot sold to Charles Holes by J. 8? Hyde the tarty of the first part, hereto, thence by said Holes lot N. 2:1 25' West ono hundred and sixty feet to a post at tin north east corner of the same thuce north 00 36' east thirty (30) feet to a post In the line of Droad Street ; thenoe south t:i 25' east one hund red and sixty feet to a post at the corner of Main and Droad Sireels: thence by llie line of Main S'reet south Cti tf.y west thirty feet to the place of beginning, containing five thousand and six hundred square feet ; and being the south east oomer of lot No. 41. Upon which is erected one two story frame buildin 82x40 feet ana addition oue story high 13x16 feel. Seized and taken In execution as Ihe property of Oco. Walker at the suit of Ferdinnnd Osnier and Co. ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate lying and being in the township of Jay, County of Eik and State of Pennsylvania bounded and describe 1 as follows, to wit: beginning' at the smlh west corner, it being tho southeast corner of the Parkhufst farm (n post ;) thnnco east eighty-six perches to tho new road; Ihence east thirty-four degrees, ncrth ten perches to a poet ; thence west to a post standing on a north liue, just fifty perches east of the southwest corner of the land hereby conveyed, and staudir-g ubout ten perches north of the south line of said land; ihence north along tho west line of It. C. Morey's laud to the north west corner of said R. C. Morey's lanl ; thence west along the north line fifty perches to the north west corner, being tho noitheast corner of the Parkhurst land; thencesotith about one hundred and sixty perches to the place of beginning, containing fifty-two and one fourth acres more or less, npon which is erected one frame dwelling liouic 1.1 stories high 1024 ono frame barn 20x24, 20 acres cleared, well of water and under fence. Seized and taken in execution ns the property of Lewis S. Ddd at suit of John Muuu. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be slrietly com piled with when Ui property id struck oil': 1. -All bids must be paid iu full, except where the phiintill' or other lien creditors) becon.ty the purchaser, in which eases the co.-t;i on the writs iiiusi be paid, as well us all liena prior to that of the purchaser, and a duly eertifietl list of liens ehall be furnishe'd including mortgage searches on the property sold, toetlier with such Hen creditor's receipt t!r the amount of tlw. I irtM'f 1.1 111' til wnli. f.i uiir.l, portion thereof an las sfiall appear to tie entitled to 2. All sales not seitled immediately will lie continued until six o'clock 1. M., tic which time all property not settled for will aifniii be put, up, and sold at tjie expense and risk of the person to whom it was First struck oil", mid who, in ease of deficiency at such re-sale, .shall make good the same, and in no instance will the deed be presented-iu court for coil Urination un less the bid is actually settled for with the Sherift'as above stated. DA.MEL SC'CI-Li, ShcriiF. V. M. IIoutox, Deputy. .SLcriTs Office, -Ridgway Pa., Alia-. 2!!f 1877. j tfeo Purdou's Digest, t'th, edition, page 440. Smith's forms page 33. ' A;!:tiiu Ld m tor's 'yf ice. Et-tule of Ilenpt Anderson Iato of St. Mary's iiorough Elk Co., Pa., de ceased Jjcttcrs of Ad ininisi ration upon the above estate hitviug been granted to the uiidtiidgiied, all persons in debted to Mtid e.-tate are ittpicsted to make payment, uud those having claims to present them wit bout delay to Ci. C. RRASIXLX, Admr. n27l9. , Notice. Notice is hereby given that on and after tho 1st day of January VilS, the county cnnimissionci'4 will not pay the customary fee to the Shclifl' for con veying prisoners to the penitentiary, or lunatics to Dixinout Hospital, and will only pay the lawful fee as shown in hlienll b lee tuff Ry order of (he board, S. HORTON, Clerk. n27-t2 Li-t of Causes. SET down for trial at September Term of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county : 1. C. Wuiiiwr'ight vs. W. 11. Johnston ft al. No. 14 September Term. Ib75. 2. Jacob H. Walters ft nl. vs. Thomas L. Kane et ul. No t-3 Sep. tember Term, LS'ti. , 8, Chas. Webb vs. Simon Romig. No. 112, September Ti'rm,'lh70. 4. Stout, Mills & Temple vs. C. Wainwright, Adui'r. No. 57, No vember Term, 1870. H. Com. ex. rel E. X. Holler vs. 1). Scull et al. No. 45 January Term, 177. 6. Meriden Cutlery Co. vs. W. S. Service & Co. No. 05, January Tern, 1S77. f 7. Jas. H. Ilngerty vs. Walter Iiryant et al. No 05, May Term, 1877. 8. Hood, Roiibright tt Co. vs Miles Dent. No. 04, May Term., 1877. 0. Rachel dross et al vs ( R. Earley. No. 115, May Term, 1877. lo.. Van Camp Rush vs J. P. Felt & Co. No. 133, May Term, 1887. 11. Wm. Richardson & Co. vh. C. R. Earley. No. 157, May Term, 1877. ERED. SClUENlNO. Clerk. ALL GOODS DELIVERED, free of charge from the West End Store. Voters should see to It that thrv are registered on or before next IVcd. nesday, September btb, as that Is the last day for registration. The Pittsburgh Dispatch yesterday said that the strike among tho miners in that section is spreading, but there is no apparent cause of alarm. Some of tho men in Westmoreland county have quit work, but they have gone peaceably to their homes. Walter Hooker, a young niun of nineteen, is in tho Montrose jail awaiting trial for tho murder of his brother Addison, a fireman on the Erie Railway. Tho trouble arose from a game of base ball. The mur dered man was the sole support of an aged father and mother, aud also sup ported the brother who killed him, he being a worthless vagabond, having been already twice in jail. A prisoner in the jail asked, him when he was put iu what Le was there for. "OnW fr killing a fellow," he replied. in 43 THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1877. Notes. Schoot commences Mondny. Ed. Pnlno Is mlllnir slowly dny by day. There will bean usually lnrgo number of peonle "on tho town" this winter. AVntormclons, and mush melons are in tho market. Horses still run the streets to tlio annoy ance of all persons excepting the owners. CHOICE HONEY DRIPS SYRUP unexcelled nt tho West End Store. Playing croquet scorns to bo nil some of onr citizens have to occupy their minds. Work on J. 8. A W. II. Hyde's new fire proof ware room is going along quite rapidly. Services next Hundny In the Lutheran Church morning and evening by Ilev. I. ltrcneman. A new lino fonno Is being built, between T). P. Cook's and Ed. Payne's out-lot on .South street. Remember that September the 5th, is the last dny on which you can bo registered. Dr. C. It. Earloy, lias given, free of chnrgo tlio basement under lilsstore building to Co! II. for un armory. The irront question now Is "wlmt shall wo do with tlio laboring man?" Vi'o cnu'thill him, and wo can't let him starve. There will bo "music In the air" this mil In Elk County, In the contest for KlierllP "Mnny will be called but few chosen." Xenrly all tho Indies in town get their vis iting cards printed nt the Advocate office, became that new script is so elegant. The times nro linrd, nnd cvery-bo.ly hopes nextyonr will bring better times, mid thus "hope springs eternal in tlio liumnn breast." Tho Ridgway Graded School building has been calsomlned nnd papered throughout, thus adding much to the appearance of the interior. "Its nn HI wind thnt blows no ono good," the Immense potato crop will bo a benefit to those who are compelled to buy, even though the producers suffer through the low price. In tho woods noar Wlilstlolown lust Thursday, John Heuly, a young unmarried man about U years of ago, had bis skull so badly fractured by u falling tree that his re covery Is dlspaired of. Flour Is selling in rtid jwny nt from ?-no to S3.50 ii bushel. This is very ciicuunigliig cspeclully to men working nt low wages and having large families to support. Potatoes are selling at ."0 cents a bushel. There is no reason why .folks can't live cheap with cheap potatoes, and i-hetip flour, and salt only a fowcentsa pound. Horace I.lttlo is having tlio under-brush and logs taken out or tlio woods on bis pro mises on .South street, and intends having n grove as tlio trees were placed by nature. Andy Eby, formerly u shoemaker at this place, and who Is now at li il'twixitl, will IiiDVO his family back this full. It Is iinpossl nftcr onecgetting your feet wet in Elk creek to leave Itidgway and stay nwny. Where nro tho party Unit went pike-fishing? Will some member of tlio parly sends us a communication on what ho knows about capturing pike by tho aid of gun powder ? dipt. James .Woodward lias moved from Al.Mnlhorn's house, on Zlon's hill, toll. H' ("oates' bouse on South street. James Mc Afee, will move Ills family from Lock Haven, and occupy the house vacated by Captain Woodward. The O.sterhout road will be a pleasant placo fur n walk when the sidewalk Is laid, uud tho bridge across Elk creek Is completed. There Is a foot bridge now where those wishing to cross can do so. Mr. Osterhout has agreed to put down the sidewalk nt his own expense. Blackberries nro selling for five cents u quart, 'l lie crop Is said to bo good, although tho pickers have to go six or seven miles be fore they find the berries, nil the bushes on Ely's hill, and in other places near town, having been destroyed by lire. The places burnt over will produce n big crop another year. A chap iu ilradfiird was annoyed by the whlttlors whittling his fence, he drovo the tup rail full of nulls, and those were broken oif, almost at his wit's end he ordered a bar rel of coal tar, and gave the fence a heavy touting. The wlilttlers congregrato there no more, and the lneenso Unit arises from the tar, under the sun's scorching rays, is said to be truly refreshing. The lawyers nnd Journalists of Pittsburgh arc trying hard to make tho point that while Allegheny county is responsible for indi vidual losses, caused by tho late riot, the state of Pennsylvania is liable for losses oc. curing to tho corporations. As tlieistatc can. not bo sued, und us the legislature will hardly give any a id In tho matter, the project will probably full through as it should.. There n-e thousands of acres of land in the west, fertile, and uncultivated, where thousunds of our oppressed, poorly-pnid and over-worked luboriug men, might make a good living and In time secure a competence. This fact all admit, but now we wait for the man to come forward and advance tho money to get these laborers there, and sustain them until they can plant seed, cultivate tho crops, and reap tlio harvest, and have u fair start. tiulte a number of subserlbers to the Advo cate are lu ui rears for subscription. And, whereas, it is indispensable to have money In a printing otiiee, this Item is to give nil such u hint. When you come to attend court on the 17th of September, ult., bring the amount you owe us, uud do us the kindness to bring the money due es by any of your neighbors. It is not often wo nre obliged to put u dun in the paper, us our subA-ribers, usu general rule, pay up quite well, but there are a few, you know, who have neglected, through oversight, to send in wlmt they owe, und thus this urticle. We will ulso say bring along another subscriber when you pay up the old score. THE FIRST SWEET I'OTATOES in this market ut the West End Store. Coroner Patrick Mahon, of Scranton, has been arrested for em bezzlement whiie serving as City treasurer some years ago. The amount in question is $1,000. Major General Rolton, of the Second Division of militia, has mustered into the Sixteenth Regiment a company of forty-eight men in Doylestown. The captain is Edward S. Mcintosh, A gang of eighteen tramps escaped from the Lancaster workhouse tm Wednesday night. The party in cludes six belonging to tho gamr of murderers who Hied on Mr. Rowers and tho police olliceis a few nights since. The Pottsville Miner Journal yes terday said i "A strike in the Schuyl kill -region is talked about in New York- We know nothing of it iu this region, and are disposed to believe that it is entirely unfounded." Two members of Battery C, Fifth United States Artillery, (stationed at Reading, changed clothes with a couple of disreputable women of that city ou Wednesday, and all paraded the streets. The four were arrested. fill ii 11VV V -i- i 1 1 ii r i i i i i :i' FRESH FRUITS, constantly arriv ing at tho West End Store. Charlie Cody limped around a few days with a sprained ankle. ' Now Is tho time to cut down weeds, lfyou wish p lessen the crop another year. The blackberries on the Shawmut railroad switches are said to be larger and sweeter than in any other place. Bokn. To Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Schrani, a son, on Monday, August U5, 1877. Joseph Ilolsebrook Is authority for the statement- that a party of about 2U0 persons were out black-berrying near Clarlngton last week. Beautiful inoorllght evenings now, like the ones wo used to enjoy before the silver threads wcro among the gold. REMEMBER KEEP'S SHIRTS, are the Very Evst for the money you can get anywhere. Examine them at the West End Store. Tho Central Sfato Normal School nt Lock Haven, Pa., will open its Fall term, September 17th. For clrculnrs or particulars address, A. N. It.UU Principal. Geo.'R. Dixon, Co.Supt., iscr. officio a member of a committee to inspect the Normal School Buildings at Lock Haven. The Committee meets for the performance of its duties on Sept. 14. How many votes, in a convention of twenty-three, makes a motion unani mous ? Referred to the Democratic Convention, .where the motion to make the nomination of Mr. Rime unanimous received twelve votes. The eclipse last Thursday evening seems to have been wholly forgotten by our citizens. Ouryoung folks have more to do with moonshine than eclipses, and our old folks are too busy talking polities to pay any attention to such foolishness. Democratic County Convention. The grand sachems of the Elk County Democracy met in solemn conclave, at 12 M. on the 28th Inst-, to place a candidate in nomination for the ofiiee of sheriff. J. C. M'Ciillister of Horton was chosen chairman, and (). C. Brandon and E. J. Miller secretaries. On the call of townships, a full rep resentation was reported present, and no seats contested, all of which be tokened harmony, and when the con vention adjourned fordinner.it seemed as though the lion and the lamb had taken the same bed, and that a united Democracy was once more to "hold the fort" in Elk county. Alas, how vain are human expecta tions as the sequel will show. At 2 o'clock the meeting was resumed, and the nomination for Sheriff proceeded with. First, a resolution was offered and carried by a vote of 9 to II com pelling all candidates to sign an agree ment to support the nominee of the convention. John Kime, of Ridgwiiy; T. J. Burke, of St. Mary's, and James Phalcn, of Fox were then placed iu nomination, and the lfotninations de clared closed. Upon tho request of the chairman for tho candidates to sign tile agreement Mr. Kime re minded with aluvrity, and Mr- Burke, after the second or third invitation also put down his "fist," Mr. Phuleu however, in a telling speech, declined to sign any paper in order to be a can didate before any convention, which speech was applauded to the echo. Tho balloting proceeded, resulting on tho first ballot in Kime receiving ten votes, Burke ten votes, and Phalcn two. The chair voted for Mr. Kime, and at once declared Mr. Kime the nominee. A good deal of "cliin music" was indulged in when it was decided that eleven is not a majority of twenty-three, and that throwing cut a candidate, does not of necessity throw out his delegates. Tho ballot ing proceeded, resulting, with ono or two exceptions, in Kimo ten, Burke ten, and Phalcn three, until the fifth ballot when FLakm withdrew his namo (which was in reality not before the convention, all votes for him being considered as blanks) and his delegates from Horton, being instructed for Kime, second choice, one of them voted for Kime on the sixth ballot and one refused to vote, tho other Phalcn delegate from Fox voted for Burke, making the ballot stand Kime eleven; Burke eleven ; blaukrone. On the seventh ballot the vote stood, Kimo eleven, Burke eleven, when the chairman voted for Kimo, giving Mr. Kline the nomination by ono ma jority. When the nomination of Mr. Kime was announced by tho chai , Will Dickinson, delegate from Ridg way, moved to make the nomination unanimous, whereupon motion after motion was hurled ut the chair, in total disregard to parliamentary, and all other rules, until confusion reigned supreme, threatening to break up the meeting in disorder; tho main bone of contention lying in the fact that Mr. Madigan, delegate from Horton declined to vote on one ballot, and the Burke mcu endeavored to get a motion passed disqualifying Mr. Madigan from voting, and all this after the chair had decided tho result of the bal lot The only real ground we could seo for tho commotion being that Kime received twelve, and Burke only eleven votes, had the result been re versed no doubt peace would have spread her pinions over a united brotherhood or words to that effect. As it is it is not our funeral, but it looks now as though tho mourners might be many. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. Save money by purchasing your supplies at the West Eud Store. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS a new stock just arriving, at . POWELL & KIME'S. Wilcox Notes. : Hvicox, ? a., Aig fitSii. Warm and Very dry. llu.e ha I only one rain to amount to anything sinco tho first of July. Michael Weldcrt's little boy had his arm brokeu'fcy falling out of a wagon. Dade Parsons shot himself through the leg wldle carelessly handling a revolver. He is not dangerously hurl . Experience Is ft dear school but some people will learn lu no other. Thad Sturdivant was kicked sensi ble by a mule one day last week, Unit is he was scrfslble the mule klckid him, for it knocked him' against tho side of the barn and lamed his arm bo he cannot use it. If there is anything I would hato more to be than a inulo it is the man that drives him. Dick Brcnnan, of trout pond fame Is the happiest man lu town. It's tho first one and it is a boy, and Dick Is about forty years old. Bully for Dick. George Garliek and James Anderson have ( penid a meat market in town. Now we have two first class markets. But where is tho money coming from to buy the meat. Tho burning water well is the great curiosity of the fte,-wnjyonMoaVl after wagon-load come to see It from Smeth port. Bunker Hill, St. Mary's, Ridg way, and other places, besides a great many people from a K ng distance by rail. Nicholas Schumakcr lost his only child a few days ago. It will be re membered I mentioned a while ago the death of one by scalding. There is a party of first class medi ums here that are giving practical de monstrations of tho workings of spiritualism which is no doubt inter esting and instructive to those who attend the seances. Tho Tanning Company have struck a Bonanza in the way of a well of pure cold water for use at their Tannery which produces all the water they can force through a three-inch pipe with a steam pump PETE War Correspondence. Ridgway, 28th Aug. 1S77. Fkikxd Pahsoxs: Early this morning I received the following: "X. Y. 27lh (i rate.) Attend the IomocraUc convention ut Itidg way 2Sth. (Send copy to Tribune, Boston .Sunday Times, and I''orest Press. Sis- K." I therefore selected an extra fine steamboat pencil, two for a cent, sharpened it and prepared for business. Just before the hour for meeting I re ceived another message ns follows: "Tionesta, iiSth. Don't send political copy; am running on religious intelligence entirely. Pete." With elation somewhat subdued I collected at the Court House and hid myself in the crowd, resolved to do my duty or die in the attempt. The temporary organization was effected without loss of time. 'Squire M'Allister receiving tho gavel of au thority as President, and 'Stiuiro Brandon and Esquiro Miller (Eng. J. of tho E. D.), responding to tho unanimous call upon them for their services as Secretaries. A call of the list showed a wonder ful unanimity of sentiment, everv delegato being in his seat and nary a contest, llie temporary organization was then made nermancnt! and tho assembled wisdom adjourned for hash aud consultation. Coming down tho steps I was met by a boy not in the uniform of the W. U. Tel. who handed mo a yellow en velope. Its contents were something like this: "St. Louis, 2Sth. Wo must have six copies report by wire don't delay. (ilobe-Demokrat." Highly encouraged I sat down to writo out the proceedings before ad journment, when the confounded boy came nowiing up tbe stairs with, "Seo here, Mister, the Sup't says you must thin out, wo have some other business." The result this tinio was two yellow envelopes. Hero you have 'cm: "Detroit, awh. No room for conv cation lcpoits; are full of police news for to-morrow. Press." "Boston, 2Sth. I'.'xpcct Jloodv in October; must get tho types in order for moral teachings; no room for polities or religion. Times." Convention reassembled at 2 P. M. 'Squire Painter offered a resolution; it was in writing and read by Miller. I didn't get it verbatim but it was some thing like this: "ItEsoLVKD, by the Democracy In conven tion assembled, that wo won't allow any fel low to be ncandldato for any ollice, in thin world or the next, unless he signs a report lu writing signifying his belief in tho Immacu lacy of the Democratic party In general, and this convention in particular, und that bo will, and his helm, executors, administrators aud assigns slutll vote for tho nominees of this convention and no other. Carried U to 0. Kimo and Burke tumbled, Phalcn kicked in a pointed speech which was cheerfully cheered. On the 7th ballot, after divers and sundry errors on the part of the Chair, Kime was declared the nominee of tho convention, and bound by written pledge to support himself. Then arose confusion besido which tho great day at Babel paled, and tho cousplcious inexperience of tho chairman became more conspicuous. Even a motion to adjourn did not throw oil on the troubled waters, and a motion to make the nomination unanimous was car ried ncm con. (12 to 11.) At this moment I received another dispatch from N. Y.: "Why do we not hear from you. The water of Hell Uute ore troubled and there are moaning,, . and groaulngs. ominous Bounds In the lower bay. Chief Sigual OiUcer says them is an area "of disturbance lu Western, Pa. Answer quick." I answer, "Air now Berene; no further danger; Gambrlnus is defeated' How are the mighty fallen? La-er i down! Twelve to eleven! Sonear anu yet so far! Full reports later." This is all now. Hakuis. NEW SAMPLES for Genu Wear at the Vett Hud Store.