Henry A. Parions, Jr., ' - Editor THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1877 The Governor on the Field. Governor Hartranft made ft careful examination of the situation through out the State and country on Wednes day evening and yesterday morning, and the result was the decision to di rect the most active efforts to concen trate the entire available military force of the State where it is likely to be needed, as promptly as possible, and employ all the moral and physi cal power of the government to restore the highways of the country to their proper public uses and protect the property of citizens and corporations from the control of all lawless men. After perfecting his plans, the Gov ernor started out on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad with Major General Hancock, to make the neces sary preparations for the early move ment and protection of freights. Be fore leaving his headquarters in this city, Governor Hartranft issued the following order to the State militia, and all who read it will understand what a soldier, like our Chief Magls trate, means by instructing the troops that when the military can maintain peace only by tne bullet, "every soldier will be expected to fire with effect," and that "the firing will con. tinue until the mob disappears." The following Is the text of Governor Har tranft's order : Headquarters op National Guard op Penna., Adjutant Uenkral's Office. Philadelphia, July 26, 18"7. General Order No. 2 First. During the existing emer gency iu all cases troops.-are to" be movad in compact bodies and .under no circumstances is firing; to be per mltted'except by order of .the oflicer In immediate command.' Second. All other means of quelling riot and restoring order having first been exhausted, the officer command ing the troops shall notify the rioters that they will be fired upon unless they promptly disperse. The order to fire will then be deliberately elven. and every soldier will be expected to nre witn ettect. Tiie firing will con tinue until tnemoD disappears. Third. Officers in command of trooDs will renort to these hoartnunrt ere the names of all citizens who hava attempted or may attempt to dissuade members or tneJNatlonal tiuard from the discharge of their duties. All such persons should be arrested if pos slble. , o'clock P. M. to-day, will be in special car on Pennsylvania Railroad. All communications will be addressed ac cordingly. Fifth General officers will publish these orders, not only to their troop, out to me puDiic generally. J. F. Hartranft, Commander-in-Chief N. G. Pa, This is a bad year for life insurance companies. A suit for $4,600,000 has been begun in New York against the Universal life insurance company, This has given rise to the expectation that there are to be additional and more startling developments relative to the management of the Universal, and especially concerning the manner in which the Universal absorbed the Guardian Mutual. The 'suit is to re cover from the Universal the assets of the Guardian Mutual, estimated, it is understood, at $4,600,000, the charges of the most serious character are made against the persons resposible for the absorption of the Guardian Mutual by the Universal. Concerning the Char ter Oak, which is also involved in serious difficulty, it appears that the certificate of authority to issne new policies in Connecticut was revoked by Superintendent Smith on Tuesday. Many insurance men incline to the opinion, however, that the company will come out all rigth, and no one is advised to sacrifice his policy. Many persons in Williamsport and Lycom ing county hold policies in the Char ter Oak, and there is a feeling of un easiness among them, but it is hoped that the company will be able ultima tely to make good all its obligations. Williamnport Q&B. The Indian department has received information concerning Sitting Bull and his bands of hostile Sioux, num bering about 1,000, fighting men, who have been in British territory ever since the unfortunate Custar campaign. They have apparently been behaving themselves, and are well equipped with horses and guns, but are short of ammunition, which the Canadian traders are not allowed to sell to Indians, except under such restrictions as will prevent their ob taining suyplies for a campaign. The Canadian officer, from whom the in formation is derived Baid that the force of mounted police, only 800 men would be insufficient to drive them out of the country, in case the United States demanded them. It is believed that they intend returning sonth of the Yellowstone this summer The Philadelphia Press thus enu merates some of the people who are injured by the lawless interruption of the eotwuerce of the country : "There is not merchant, mechanic, manu facturer, or producer : there is not a farmer, nor a widow looking for her interest from her railroad stock ; not an insurance company; not a build kvg association ; not a saving institu tion ; not a shipper or a ship building company, that does not feel this bane ful, blind, and utterly illogical terror ism ; and there is nothing left bat the law law violated and trampled under foot nothing, indeed, but a manly and indignant protest Jfrom the great mass of our American workingmen. It ia they who should apeak. Let them repudiate the horrors enacted In their name by a comparatively few reckless disturbers of the public pcaca." INTERESTING PERSONAL IN TELLIGENCE. The subject of this sketch now re sides in Irving, N. Y. She formerly lived in Fredonla, and in the West. Her case is worth the attention of physicians, as well as the people, as it is probably the worst one ever cured by medicine. Here is her own simple and truthful statement : Fredonla, N. T., June T. 172. I certify thttt I bad been nick abont eight years with an affection my physicians, onlled scrofula. The ravage of the disease hud been terrible, My whole throat ki a raw macer ating sore. My palate had been eaten out. my none, fkee and forehead bad discharging norei, and my left eyelid wai partly eaten off, my body and Hmbt had deep eating nicer extending nearly to tbe bone, that had ex isted for years. I was reduced In flesh to a mere Skeleton, and my strength wag well nlgb exhausted. I wm In this dreadfhl condition mere wreck of my former self In November, 1SW. I had been treated by a number of doctors of great reputation, both In this country and In the West without apparent benefit. I had become discouraged and my case seemed hopeless as It Was dreadful. At this time Dr. Kenner of Fredonla, commenced treating me. and I began taking his Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic. Almost Imme diately I bognn to Improve. My uloers ceased to eat and pain me and began to henl ; my nerves strengthened dally, and I soon began to gain In flesh. Within three months I be came ns it were a new being. I continued to take his remedy for about a year, although to all appearances I was nearly well In six months after beginning It.. But I knew thnt a medicine that hud such healing powers, and hod given me so much strength and flesh could not hurt me, and I continued so long to be sure that there was none of the disease left In my blood or system. Now three yenrs have elapsed since I have taken any of the Remedy, but I remain entirely well ofthe disease, no trace except some scars remain ing to tell how terrible Its ravages had been I feel as well and strong as I ever did before IU MRS-. ANNA ADAMS. If any suffering from Impure blood will not believe after such evidence as this It would probably be Impossible to convince them of anything. For sale by dealers In medicine. Oet a circular entitled "People's Remedies," describing all of Dr. rentier's popular rente, dies. .. j., . , , New Advertisements - i. :: .-. ,' FOR :" - -" - Health. Cofcfort and Economy. Cork 8bavings are unsurpassed as an article for Beds, Mattresses fro. They are ten times as durable as Husks er Straw. Only 6 cents per lb. Forty pounds will fill the largest bed. Fsr sale by Armstrong, Brother a Co., 41 and 46 First Avenue Fittsburgh, Pa. n23mlinl SPECIAL NOTICES. DR TAN DYKE'S SULPHUR SOAP. DR. VAN DYKE, whose life long B7KCIAIITY, and world wide repotation for CUKINU SKIN DISEASES, has endeav ered for veers to com bub an ixtibkal treatment. He has accomplished this de. sirable beri'lt in the preparation of his compound "SULPHUR SOAP." the merits of which are spoken of by thousands ; it is highly recommended to all our readers Price, 25cls. by mail, 35cts a box ; 8 cakes 60ot8. by mail Tocts. Office, 50 N. 5th St. Wholesale Depot, 400 N. 3d St.. Philadel phia, ra. Sold by DRUGGIST. n21y leow. AT POWELL 4 KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, and get more than the werth of your ensh. Go to POWELL & KIME for your flour, feed and pork, and everything else in the provision line. Administrators' Notice. Estate of John McLaughlin late of St. Mary's Boro. Elk Co., Pa., de ceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to ALICE M'LAUGHLIN I ijm,i. PATRICK M'LAUGHLIN f AaaiT 8 nl9t6. N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOI? lng, also choice syrup always on hand at : POWELL A KIME'S. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S are high to be sure; but still are a little cheaper than at any other store in town. A NICE LOT OF NEW PRINTS at POWELL & KIME'S, only. eight cents per. yard. FLOUR, PORK, FEED, CORN Meal, Oats, always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri ces. Notice. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written" order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 18"7.-ly MILLINECT A1 DRESSMAKING. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., takes this method of an nouncing, to the citizens of Elk county, that she has on hand an as sortment of fashionable . millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all Its branches. Agent for Dr. J Bail ft Go's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitoe Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. nl7yl. SEW TIME TABLE P. k E. K. R. Commencing Thursday, June 28, 1877, WILCOX. Mail Eutt............. - 4:18 p m est 247 j) ill Day Express East 6:22 a m Niagara Express West 8:22 p m B.1DOWAT. Mail East -.. .. Day Express East... Niagara Express West... t. mast's. 4:49 p m 2:11 p in &56 a m 7:45 p m Mail East- 6:18 p m 1:46 p m 7:20 u m Mail West- Day Express East Niagara Express W est. . ........ 7:i p m PATENTS! Fu Rotfucod, Entire Coat$59, Patent Offioe Fee $35 ia aJ-vsnce, bal ance $20 withim 6 month after patent al lowed. Advice a ad examination free Patents Fold. J. VANCE LEWIS ft CO., nl2ml Washington, D. C. BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS a new stock Just arriving, at POWELL & KIMB'B- O H X o O o o o QUOTATIONS WMte, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, July 24th. 1877. .... ain. ' asKan U. 8. 1881. e ...........1121 1121 do do .'65 J and J.. ........ Hi! i 107 do do , '65 do' 109 lonj do do '65 ' do ::.....;....lll 111! 10-40. doiipon..i.i..rtJ...112J 113j no raemo ' cy . . .... 1 2ft 125 110 111 108 105 106, 100 Now 6'e Reg. 1881...... 1091 4), Reg. 1801 ....... J...7.... a. 108 " o. 1891 ......irt...10fil uoid... ..........., ..M.... .M..I....1U5 oii.vr.......,k....... ..................100 . (...jiimu,,,,,,,,, , 271 27' Heading.., ......,.5,U...... nil Philadelphia ft Erie j.tt,u.M..:- 7 til . . ? : fcebigh Navigation- . 17 174 "u auey , gi yj Onlled R R of N J ......... i'drm 11 Pittsburgh T. Buffalo R. R ...... 0 '.' :7 northern Central .11 ia Id Central Transportation o ''hi Nesquehoning ' 45 4'' North Pennsylvania flfll 4(1 U A Mori una ft'a '811 lflTl HIS! Administrator's Sale ! MY virtue of an order of. the Or phans' Court ot Elk County the tin cu'rniKiiei uiuiiiniMinitor will expose to public Hale, on THE PREMISES, ttl lll.' O'l'IOCK f. fil., Ml SATURDAY, AUUUST 11, 1877. All that certain or purcel.of luiui Hiuuiiu in me Kiwiisiup or j ox, iu the county ol'Eikaiid State of Penn sylvania, adjoining Ifti)iln of Francis O'Neill (formerly .Smith Mead's,) and clexeri utU as follow : . Hounded on the cast by Inn ds of Kurlw and Her- Hhcy : on the south bylaiuls of, Francis w ieiu; on ine west ny lands Da- 1. .A I. .. T..1... if .1' i i and on the north by lands of J Scifred ana otuers, coin lining' alwiut one hundred acres, unon which is. erected one frame dwelling houer one barnr lime kiiii ana iiuie hIumI, ami other out-biiildiiigs. Haid f rai-t," known ns the M'Creudy farm, is well fenced, in good order, and has anumberof bear- tug truit trees growing Hiereun. TEHMS ok. saij-:. One-hnlf of the burchuse mon'ov in cnfih on tliecontirinationot'thesall'ln' the court, nmj the other half with In. tereta uiereon m one year, secured bv uoiiiiuiKi inorrgage on tne premises. HENUY'M'CREADY. AdminlHtrutordrtfld EKtjateof Hugh M'Cready, deceased . ,,.,., . ,, July 12th, 1877.- ...'.,'' ; C'1T'TTUi not ensile' ' enrnei) in these J) I times hut. i- wiq be.jnade iu three months by, any one oJ'.eiilHir bex. in any part of the county who' Is 'willing to work steadily at the' employment that we furnish. $bu per week la ywur own town You need not be awrfy -. frojii home over night. You can live Vnilr' whole time to the work, or only your ppnre moments, li costs nothing to try the. imnioess Terms and $5 Om tit free. Audrey at once. H II.ALLETT ft CO., l'oiilaud Maine, oney. GARDEN SEELS. New Varieties of Flower mul Vegetable. Don't write to your member of congress, who is flooded wHh applicnti.ms for cet do hut (il.lnin the ("nine Ynrieiici, and nil the uew ones, by ordering from the undersigned Hfsnle my own speemllict 1 uni iiiruiirod in turnish any kind of seed from any cum log iic nt n discount of ten per ceul frmu lint prices. For the convenience of I hone who wnii I an Rsxnrtinent 1 have prepared two collections. No 1 contdms cf 18 vmie ties of choice! Mower feels n complete flower garden, price $. ' No. 2 comprises a complete collection of Vecclnhle rueii lor a Kinall family garden, price $1.60. I'acknges of (he two seis combined for $2:00 Sent postpaid to any aiUliess on teceipt ol price. Tlie tteeds in, -these eollcciion.t would cost double the money, made up in separate orders or purchased of any dealer. . H. D. SMITH, 784 13th STREET, Waifhingion, D. C. PATENTSrca,,urd: oes. tiade-marks, designs, and compounds. Labels registered., . Iiifringeun uis,. re issues and inierferepces .will received proR attention. ' (: INVENTORS-" a model or eketoh'ol their invention, and we will give our opinion as to'iin paientn bilitylfree' of charge. , Fees 'moderate, and NO CI1AKUK UiNTip LATENT IS SE CURED. - We will, upon contingent fee, prosecute ca ses that have: been tutJicTsn by the Patent Office. I We have clients 'in every State lathe Union, and invite ' inquiry llirotigli your congressman as to' our standing beloie the Patent Office. Send for circular for fiiVfh'e'r infbmatioh, terms and references, listahlished in 18titi. EDSON BROS, Solicitors of U. S. and foreign . ,. , PATENTS. 711 G street, N. W., Svnhingion, D. C. n2il3 Goto POWELL & KIME of the Grand Centrul Store, Main Street, for your groceries. CEI8TAD0R08 u a i d n V CriBtadoron. Hair pye. is the SAFEST and BEST: It'acU iuHUnta- neously, producing the nxoef natural snaaes or JiiacK or iirown; aoesixu t STAIJJ the SKIN, end. is easily ap plied. . It is a standard preparation', and a favorite upon every welr ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman Soldhy Dimggtsili. ;: ' J. CRISTADORO, P. O. Box, 1533, Xcvr York. Nt-44 " ' ' T IVING WILD f ANIMALS 1 j WANTED. ' 5d,00........;...each for PANTHERS 8,00.... .each for BLACK FOXES. 4.00......each for. CROSS FOXES. 10.00 ....J.each for LYNX 10,00.,.,... each for OLD OTTEH. 8,00 each for YOUNG OTTEK. e.oo each for -YOUNG WOLVES, 5,00..m each for WILD CATS 6.00 --each for FAWNS. 1,00 each for YOUNG BLACK fc tltuss FOXES. - . The above price ! vlll pay, the Animals to be in good and thriving condition. Animals can be shipped to me by way of Puhsutawney Pa. For further information write to : JOHN A. BTEWART, ' Marion, Indiana County, Pa. BLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS.- a nice little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia ft Erie R. R. Division . SUMMER TIME TABLE. OK ' and after THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 1877, the trains onlhe Philadelphia k Brio Railroad will run as follows t WESTWARD. . NIAGARA EX leaves Renpvo..... 4J!5pm Drift wood.. 6 42 p m " Emporium 0 25 p m " ' 81 Marys.., 7 18 p m . . Ridgway... 7 45 p m . arr at Kane 8 45 n m ERIE MAIL learos Philadelphia 11 65 p tn emporium A 65 p m St. Mary's.......... ........ 1 46 p m Ridgway 2 11pm Kano...... 8U p m arrive at Erie...., 7 85- p m ' EASTWARD, DAY EX leaves Kane 0.00 a m ' " ' ltidgwuy ....6.56am ." . " ; Si Marys 20 a m " . V Kniporium 8 10am ' Driftwood 8 58 pm " Kenovo ...JO lO p m ERIE MAIL leaves Eri. 11.00 a m ' " ' Kane M 3 60 p ni ' " i' Kiilgwny ....... 4 4!) p n St. Mart's 6 18 p m ' " ' " Eniporium 0 15 p m llcnovo 8.35 p ni " arr. nt I'hilailephin... 7 00am Dny Express and NingHra Express con nect enst with Low GmUe Division and D N. Y! & P. It. 1!. ' .. WM. IA. BALDWIN. Geu'l Sup't I N S U R A N C E r. The undersigned believes that he htm the prineipal ngenev in this dis trict from the tact that he has written nearly one thousand policies, in the past three years. He, therefore; In vites those having Insurance tn effect to compare rates, and companies, be- tore maKing application elsewhere Partial list of companies. AF.TNA IlAKTKi 1U T.OOO.OOO N(H'i'H HH1TISH 4 Jl. 10N(I,AXI..ln,niNi K1HK A8SlMIATION PHI1..V 4.nm.(Klii GKK.MAN AMKU1CAN, N. Y a,umi.il NIAGARA, N.Y a.ntm.noo TKAVtXKltH' LIKK ItAUTKOltH t.iUKi.iKKi T. B. WAtH J KL, St. Mnrys, Hh. 1 'HE SOCIETY STOKE. A new store started in itiduWHy tin der the ntisplcen of the ladies of 11 race (. hureh, with ; iass . e. m'eee. as Agent and Saleswoman, A line assortment of goods on hand and selected with great care. EMBKOlDKltlr.S. . . . LACK EDGE i FU1XGES 1 1 A N DK E KC II I E FS. LAITIES TIE . TUILKT SETS. 1.1 N EN PUITS. CIIILDUEN' SUITS SAMPLE SILKS Machine silk, thread and needles, Also a line lot of Dreiw (ioods. Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes t-c. c. All clieap as the cheapest and uoods warranted first class, ( all and examine our stock. MISS A. K. M KF.K, Aifent for the Society EVERY SOLDIER who s 'wounded or commoted pernui nenl diiensu in service can Ret a pensini by writing to John Kirkpntrick, Ciinibi idpn. Ohio. N-lllml DR. BANNING i pcrnianinily loCiileil at the St. tllilfles Hotel, riitsburgii, I'm. Diceniscs m.d lie formiiies of the tpine. Ulterine Displace menis Dyspepiiia. lleri.isi and Pi'es sue ces.fully treated by the p NNINU SYS TEM ol Mechanical Eupports. (VII or send for descriptive psniplet, "The House lou Live lu. .mh.IcU nee. N-lOml. TO. CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, huying been permanently cured of that dreud disease. Consumption, by ' it simple remedy, is anxious to make known to h:s fel'ow Mitlererg the means of oure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of. the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions-for preparing and using Hie same, winch they will nnu a 8i:BIt ClIBK for COKSVMl'TION, AtSTUMA, Dhonciiitis, 4c, , , . Parlies wishing the prescription will please ad Jres8i Ke. E. A. WILSON, li)4 fenn., n illiamgburgh, V. , Laws Relating to Newspaper Sub-scrip . Hons aud Arrearages. 1. FuhfcribcrB who d not give express notice loilie contrary, are connidercd wish ing to. coqliuue their subfcriptioh. 2. If subscribers order the discontinu ation ot'tbeir periodicals,! he publishers may contimie to send them until ail arrearages are paid. 8. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office where they are directed, tuey are held responsi ble until they have svltled their bills, aud ordered them discontinued. . 4. If subscribers move toother places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direction. they are held responsible. o. The courts have deoided that "refus ing to lake periodicals from the office, or re moving and leaving them uncalled for is prima facie evidence ol iulentionul fraud." A. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes usa of il. whether be has ordered it or not, is held im law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to I he publisher at the end of their time, if they do not wish to eontinue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorised lo send it our and the sub scribers will be held-responsible until au express notice with payment ot all arrears, sent to the publisher. PATENTS! Fee Reduced, ... Entire Cost $55. Patent Offioe fee $25 in advance, bol ance (20 within 6 months after patent al lowed' . Advice and examination free, Patents Sold. " J. VANE LEWIS & CO. Washington, D. C Dl6inlm3. ERR0HS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years XX. ro" Nervous Uebility, frcmaiure we eav. and all the effects of youthful iudiacre tion wilL for the take of Buffering hu. inanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direol ion for making the simple remedv hv which he was cured. (Sufferers wbshino- to nrofit bv the advertiser's ex perienoe can do so by addressing in perfect conndenue. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Bt., New York. Geo. Woods & Co.'S PARLOR ORGrA-lSTB 2 .:; A Ml 91- ltWiaTiW. Thene rrmnrkaUe intrtiment pm.:sit capicitie Adanted for Amateur and rr.fc-ional. and an ornament ' GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgeport, matt. Wtr.KROOMSt 60S Wililnton St.. Bntnnj 170 State St., Caleagoj 88 ImtfU PU,I - - . ... . .... . . . I -r -i ( HH.l AMtjMlu&hll THE VOX H U M A W A.:,S;re$? o7V . - i- main from Sric i- wm-': fihe fi. i selected muic. - I . 0 . THE ADVOCATE. Olllce, over Powell it KimeV Stoic, Mnin Htioct. 2.00 A YEAK$lo0 IA" Al) VAJ'CE SPECIAL Dcmoress If t to ' , with 3.50 Head lie Prcmiinn Lis Peterson's Magazine, and JOB PRINTING. JS USINESS CARDS, ViSITlJVG CARDS, BOOKS Cheaply and Neatly Printed Estimates X urnish ORDERS BY MAIL WLL Address ' HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., RIDQWAY.ELK COJ PATENTS. F. A. Lehmann, Solioitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, D. C. All business connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courts, promptly attended to. fo charges made unless a patent is secured. Bend for a cir cular, nl-tf : f s a 1 H - . nTl. for musical effecU ion MTtr miow in any parlor. MutHulNewStyH" GEO, WOODS & CO, Publuhen, CimtirlOgnr ' TERMS J. pjcmium, and Advccae for The A 1)1 'OCATE or 3.00 VDDIXG CARDS. BOOKS, RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTOJ PIMPLES, I will mail Free she recti ing a simple Vegktauli Ba move Tab, FKECKLE3, Blotch Kg, leaving the sV beautilul j also iustruetj a 'luxuriant growth of I or smooth face. Addi Co. Box 6121, No 6 Wo mm if. & -am NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS.