I nt 1 Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Kdltor THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1877 Mcciiig of tlie llcpiibllrnn Stnto ('(in vention. 1 IeADQU AHTHH3 llKPUHMl'AN Btatk C'OMMITTKH, llnnilnirg, May U'Jth, 1877. In pursuance of n resolu lion of the Republican State Commit tee, adopted at a meeting held in liar rlsburg, this day, a Republican State Convention, to lie composed of dele gates from each .Senatorial and Repre sentative district, to the number to which such district in entitled in the Legislature, is hereby culled to meet In the city of Harrinbiirgh, at twelve o'clock, noon, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 120, 18; for the purpose of nominating candi dates for Supremo Judgo, State Tresis urer and Auditor General, to be voted for at the ensuing general election on the sixth day of November next. By order of Committee. HENRY M. HOYT, Chairmnn A. WirsoN Norris, Secretary. Ida Greeley nnd her husband, Mr, Nicholas Smith, have just added anollicr monument lo Horace Greeley's memory. It is a boy weight thirteen pounds. Washington, June 22. The secretary of state said this morning that the scheme for the acquisition of the northern stales of I Mexico was purely a private and possibly a speculative enterprise that whatever action might be deemed necessary in the future to maintain permanent peace nnd security of the border the executive had no other power than to defend (he present line of boundary. Any movement in the direction of territorial acquisition would have to originate in congress, as therein is invested the incipient authority in such cases. Shocking accident in Olkan. Ambrose Hicks, a resident ot Olean, was run over and killed on the Erie Bond, m that place, on Saturday night the tith Inst. Two months ago Hicks, who had been a hard drinker, signed the Murphy pledge and kept it strictly for five weeks making bis homo happy and himself respected. In nn evil moment poor Hicks yielded to the solicitations of some of his old chums nnd fell. On the fatal night he had been drink' ing to excess and went homo with some liquor in a pail. The poor heart broken wito got possession of the liquor and threw it out doors, which enraged the husband and he started away threatening his wife. The poor woman waited for her husband until 2 o'clock the next morning, when she started out to find him ai.d proceeded but a a short distance down the track, when she discovered his body, cut and mangled in a shocking manner. It is stated that pro. cecdings will be instituted against the saloon keeper who sold him (he liquor the lnw in New York, as here, making the seller responsible for damages. Cameron Press, Murdebf.d and Bodiied. Mcadville, a small village in Salisbury township, this county, near tho Welsh Mountain, was in tensely excited on Sunday and Monday on account of the mysterious death of Mrs. Nancy Wallace, the wife of Isaao Wallace. The latter, it appears, left homo on Satur day evening and returned after midnight, and after feeding his horse went to the house and knocked at the door, but no one answered. He then passed to another side of the house and discovered a ladder reach. ing to an upper window, and also a nun running through the yard and out into the rood. He entered by way of the basement, ascended to the room occupied by his wife and found her lyine on tho floor, dead. He truck a light nnd went out and alarmed the neighbors, who came and laid the body en the bed. The bed was found to bo in disorder, and the night clothing of the de ceased was torn, clearly indicating a strug gle, although no marks of violence were foand on the body, except slight mark of finger or finger uail on (he throat. Mr. Wallace says his wife had about $75 in her possession, which it missing. Yesterday a Coronet's jury made some inquiry and rendered a verdiot that deceased "came to her death by being frightened and violently used by a person, who entered the house with the design of murder and robbery, unknown to them. Mr. Wallace, in a statement made to a reporter of the New Era, says his wife always kept his money, but did not know whore she kept it ; that she may have had it secreted somewhere. Also, that for a number of years sho had sot been well, being subject to spells of Heart diseaso. The general belief in the neighborhood is that it is a clear case of murder, and that a more thorough investi gation should be made. Tho notorious Welsh Mountain gang of criminals reside within a few miles of Mr. Wallace's resi dence. Columbia Courant. ' Sot ice. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person an my account, without my written order, as I will pay uo debt thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Stidgway May 2, lS77.-ly i'otice. The firm of W. II. Rearce &Co.ris this dav dissolved by mutual consent The business will be carried on at the old stand by W. H. Bearce, who hereby solicits a continuance of the patronage Desiowea on me out nrm. V- H. REARCE, E. W. ROLF. "Wilmarth, Pa.r June 1st, 1877-nl7t3 MILLISERY AD DRESSMAKINGS MRS. J. U. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co., Fa., takes this method of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk eounty, that she has on hand an as sortment of fashionable millinery goods which will bo sold cheap. Also dressmaking In all its branches. Agent for Dr. J Bail & Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitas Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. J17yl. More- Mollio Mngiilre Mnnlcrs. TWO MRN KILLKD MTSTEMOUS DISArHtAR- AXCE OF OTIICBS. Munch Chunk, Pa., June 2-1 As was feared would bo the case, tho infuriated Mollis Maguircs have not only murdered William O'Oonuer, whose body has been found near While Harm, just above liere, but havebruiaily assassinated John Grady, a miner employed in one of tho Lehigh col lieries. While (here hns bceu no open dis turbance, so far, of any kind, It is not lm probable that serious troublo may yol occur. The coal and iron police, and Cap- lain Linden, of tho I'inkcrlon detective agency, are still pnlroling the region. There seems to bo nn unusual commotion anions tho Mollies infesting tho Butler valley, Quito a number of persons have re ectved "coffin notices." Jainos M'Permolt and Michael O'Brien, who wcro witnesses at I ririls of several of the executed Mot lies, have mysteriously disappeared, iud it is (cared they liuvo been decoyed into some of the isolated mountain haunts of the lnw less members of tho tcrriblo organization and murdered. The Mollies who have their headquarters just oulsido of llnzleton, at a point above the Butler valley, held a meet ing on Thursday night, and as a largo body of disguised men left the valley last night, it is believed some scrct mission, to be at. tended with terrible results, is to be carried out by these Mollio Maguircs in soino un protected portion of (He coal regions. number of disguised and armed men passed over the mountains from QmiUtikc towards the Columbia region, at an early hour this morning. Tho houses of Patrick Burns and Timothy Branigan, near Delano, in the Mahanoy district, have been placarded with "enfiin nolices" warning them to leave the region within twenty-four hours under penally of death. Elsewhere in the middle and northern coal fields (here seem lo be unusual movements among the miners and (he lawless characters. The feclinj that something important, as well ns startling. is about to occur, is generally prevailing among all classes of citizens while no little uneasiness exists in places where the Mollie Mnmiire elements is a controlling ami vindictive power. In soino dislruts. o - where the authorities are almost powerless to cope with (be law breakers, the oppre hension of a general uprising have become so great that, families are removing to points where there is more protection for lifo and property. This is particularly tho case with those who took any part against tho Mollio Maguires at their trials in Schuylkill, Carbon, Columbia, Northum berland nnd Luzerne counties. Moonshiners Caught. srccEssrrt haid on the illicit msTiLLuiis Or SOUTHWESTERN rF.N3SYLVA.MA Special Dispatch to Phila. Times. Pittsburgh, June 21. Collector Davis And his men are meeting with great success in their raid on illicit distillers in the mountains. The manner in which ho dis covered that illicit distilling was being done as from finding a keg of whisky which was not stamped. In the early pnrt of Inst week Agent Grimeson, Government Store keeper Hnddon and Deputy Colfcctor Houseman started out to hunt up (ho stills. Through tho statements of a buy they learned of the exact location of a still kept by a family named Dean, about sixteen miles from Uniontown and near (he Wei-t Virginia line. Messrs Grimeson nnd Houseman went up to the door of the still house. Mr. Haddon being left wi(h the wagon, when they were confronted, as they state, by three men armed with rides, and presently another baud of armed men ap peared. The officers therefore considered it judicious to retreat. They came to the city and explained the case to Collector Davis, who immediately laid (he facts be fore the department at Washington nud asked for means to proseculo the investiga tion further and break up the gang, lie received in reply instructions to stop the illicit distilling at any cost. He proceeded to erganiic a baud of fifteen men of known courage and reliability, armed them with Spencer rifles, aed on Friday afternoon they started for the sceue- At Uniontown (he force (00k wagons and drove to the plnce where Grimeson and Houseman had been repulsed. rneiTs or the haib. The result of their investigation was the capture of four stills and seven men. The latter were brought to tho city Saturday night and confined in the Central police station over Sunday. Their names ore Edward Dean, Andrew J. Dean, Thomas B. Dean, James M. Sullivan, Hirnm Savage, t i'.as Savage and Elishn Dean. They are all rather hard-looking and dressed in homespun clothing, very much tho worse for wear and dirt. They maintain thai they are innocent and insist that they know nothing of the attack on Messrs. Gimerson and Houseman, nnd think there was none, In that region nearly every male inhabitant who is old enough is the owner of a squirrel rifle, which he carry s with him almost invariably when trudging about, as (ho inhabitants of that district are compelled to depend in a measure on game for food. The ofliccrs, the prisoners think, saw two or three men with these rifles and became frightened. The Deans further say that the still owned by them is an old and valueless one. Their story is that some three or four years ago a New Yorker set up the still and operated it in distilling winter green. He went away owing the Deans for board and rent, and they have kept the still since as security. Two or three years ago the shed over Hie still was burned, Ilia still warped, the worm broken and other damage done to it which has never been repaired. The offi cers say, though, that they found one of the stills warm and a quantity of mash ready to be used, Thomas Dean acknowl edges there are a good many stills in his neighborhood, but he claims ihey are only uted in the distillation of winter green. The officers are still investigating, and with success, as the fallowing telegram, received by Collector Davis (his evening shows : Uniontown, June 24, We captured a distillery in fulliperution yielding about furty-five gallons a day. The distiller, Patrick Gleason, attempted to make his escape, but was caught. We seized two additional stills' and arrested two more prisoners. THOMAS J. GRIMESON. This makes seven stills and twelve or thirteen men captured so far. Oibrj will likely be taken. ARSKTS AND T.T AttltJTJl'X OK FOX TOWNSHIP KOll XII K YKAR UNMNU Al'KlL 3X1), IM77. KOAI FITlvn. ASSFTS. fly amount ilno from Homy Linniiy, i:olHMMor jiu ni llv amount luo from 1. W. Iliiys 'ol. JW7I lly amount duo from county I this. iu TO ly amount tuo from 1'. M'l'roiidy. Collwlor 11 II lly nnioiint ilun from Klk Co., on nc- eouni. .insi-pn miunacr w tlv t'liMh liiTri"Hiirv II Irt lly Msmi of l.liililillii'N M J171H 7i 1.1 A III MTI KM. To oiilntnndlim onliM'o nnd Jinlcmciits 17 W 75 I'OOIl VI' Nil, AKSFTS. llv nmounl ihiKtrom.l. Ili'wIlM'nl..,. 4IVI HI lly nnioiint ilun from IH'tils 'looiny, Overseer ; 111(11 lly Hinount dun from Klk Co., no- roiint .Iohi-iiIi wiiiim-idcr n u lly nm't due from iinxcnloil tnxrs '7(1. it no lly nmoiinl cusli III Tri-nsury ill! 3(1 l.tAniMTIBM. To amount duo Klh Co., for support of Kiite WllllHiim .11 Ml To oiiIkIiiikIIiik orders h" no (hi (HI To CXCCSH ol IWSl'lS (Mill III Amount of (jixnlilii iirnnerlv in Vox I.OWIlKlllp WH1.H1II "i V"c. tin1 unitcrsli'iH'il. Alumni's ol f nx Township, lmvlnif "I'll li'd ami ml lusted I lie n- rolling, ol Ham lownHuip nun nssris mm ImlillltU'H ol mi' minis us nnovr nci ninii. .IlllI.N IIKIISIIKY,! 1. A. .Kilt I IAN. J- Auditors. .1. It. .MKIiKlUTir. I Attest. .1. .1. TA Yl.Ull, Clerk. Fox, April Sotli, 177. HTATKMKNT TOWNHIll'. OK J INKS Jones Township 111 Account with funds of said Township. HKCKII'TN. To nmoiint. overdno from eountv eoni- In ssloners i.f " To nnioiint senleil tux levied 1,1. it v' To mnotint eiish from eounty Irens i.la ii To nmoiinl ensli Iroin collector 1 neo. Cook l:ll Wl To ninniinl eusli from Colleelor niell- (ino Miller KS SIi 1,11 .VJ KXPKNIHTCnKM. By nmoiint of outstanding orders re deemed lly nmoiinl. pnld Supervisor Miller nni Inlmrers under litm By nmoiint paid Supervisor llonnert mid laborer under liim lly nmount paid for lumber, etc., used by Miller lly nmount pnld for lumber etc., used by llonnert By amount paid fur ollieers mid print, imr By nmount paid lor town treasurer's eommissioii lly amount taxes In hands of Collee lor li. A. Mnitiii'tt. subjeet to eom missioii nnd exonernl ions By amount in bunds of treasurer oil (in 1..-.71 831 'JO 170 IM 40 00 no 00 .1711 SS 2 s.i.is.1 5: ASSETS AM) LIABILITIES. ASSKTS, Amount due from Collector Miller for IS7 1 13 01 Amount due from Cullcctor 1 beodore Cook. 1S7I-S 212 SI Amount due from Collector Attlelmr- lier. lJ-70-1 110 Amount due from Treasurer Wind- fcl.lor ; 207 22 Amount due from Treasurer M'C'nuley 200.00 Amount due from Co lector Munnctt. 1S77 378 tw 81,17(1 22 T.TAlllT.lTIKS. Amount road orders outstanding.. Kxeess of assets over liabilities .. :i77 0: Si, 171! 22 POOH ACCOUNT. IIKCKII'TS . To amount from Collector Manett... To amount from Collector Miller ft 52 Oil SU7 00 KXPKSmTI'llKH. By nmount paid Wilcox House for hoard By iiniiiunt pnld Indigent nnd blind... By amount easli in builds of treasurer By amount commission paid treas By nmount outstanding orders re deemed 10 00 12 20 10 7 2 37 72 fi.1 fll Bv order Board of A udltors. U12-V1 JAS. II. WELLS, Clerk. ERRORS OF YOUTH. VGF.NTt.EMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Do cay, and all the eli'ec(s of youthful indiscre tion will, for the sake of sillier inn Int. manity, send free to all who need it, (he recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sutl'ercrs wishing to profit by (ho advertiser's ex. perience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence. JOHN P.. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., New York. srUAUS AT POWKLIi AX I) KIME'Snre high to be mire; but still are a little cheiipcr than at any other store in town. A NICK LOT OF NEW PKIXTS nt POWELL & KIME'S, only eight cents per. yard. I'LOUH, POItK, FEED, CO KN Men!,. Oats, iihvnvH on hand nt POWELL & KIM E'iS at bottom pri ces. XEW TIME TABLE P. k E. It. 1 Commencing Sunday, Nov. 20th, 1.S7C WILCOX. Mail East 4:1:1 p in " West 2:47 n m Day Express East 0:22 a in Niagara Express West.. ... b;.")"! y in . 4:49 p m ... 2:11 p m ... (i:"(S u in ... 8:14 p ni ... o;l."i p in ... l.-ltt p m . . 7:20 u in ... 7:43 i in K1UUWAY. Mail East Mail West Day Express East Niagara Express West.... Br. mahy's. Mail East Mail West Day Express Esst Ningara Express West ADVERTISE BY MAIL gBCtNta 4GEO.RnOVElft3CO 1 41. PARK HOWt ?WEWYOBK N. O. MOLASSES FOH COOK ing, also choice gyrup always on hand at - POWELL & KIME'S. PATENT ST Fas' Reduced, Entire Cost $55, Patent Office Fee $3,3 in advance, bal. ance $l!0 within 6 months ofter patent al, lowed. Advice and examination free' Patents Hold. J. VANCE LEWIS & CO., nl2ml Washington, D. C. LOOTS, SHOES AND ItUBBEItS a new stock just arriving, at POWELL & KIME'S 4tmc QUOTATIONS n White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, June 20th. 1877. mn. ARK KD V. 8. 1881. e lit 1141 do do do '!. J and J Nl'.U ltl'.lj do fin 112J 112g 115 nr.i do do '05 do iu-911, uo coupon, do l'noillo li'n cv 112 112 12'JJ IT.i 1 New 5's Keg. 1881.. t....i IHH 111 0. 1881 lldi 11 1 i 4J, licg. 18111 108i 1(188 e. 181 lOHl 108J Oold losl lOHil Silver lof.i 10.V2 'cnnsylvania. 2!M 201 Kcndinit 11 111 Philadelphia & Erio 71 I) Lehigh Navigation lHj 18 do Vallcv :io ".li United It R of N J ex. div-.lti 1'JiiJ Pittsburgh, T. llullalo R. U f- li j Northern Central ex. div 1!! M Central Transportation Si" 2 resiiicnnniiig 4-w 40 North Pennsylvania, 40 j at a lUortgage u s 8.1 107? 108 CTTTi not easily cnrneil in llicsc TIL) til I i tnrs but it. vim Jie mndo in Hi rce muntlis by any one of cither Hex, in any rnri ot me county who is willing lo work Ptcnitny nt (lie employment (lint we fiirnisli. 5-iili per week in your own town lou need not no iiwny lrom lionio over night. You ciiu five your wholo lime to the work, or only vmiv snare nicuu-iits. It cos"ls nothing lo try the business Terms and Uuttll. free. Address nt once, II II ALLETT & CO., Portland Mnino. oncj. GARDEN SEEDS. Sow Varieties of Flower nml Vegetable, Don't write to your member of congress wlio is flooded wiih applications for reeds but oblniu tho Fume Vnriciics, nml nil the new ones oy ordering lrom the undcrsigncu Reside my own specialties I am prepared to luriush tiny kind of seed from nuy cuta logue nt a discount of ten pfr cent from list prices. For the convenience of those who want an assortment I have prepared two collection. .o 1 consists ol l.ivanc tics of choicest Flower t ceils a complete flower garden, price $1. No. 2 comprises a complete collection of Vegetable Keeda lor a email lamily garden, price fcl.oU, Packages of the two sets combined lor $2.00 bent postpaid to tiny address on icceipt of price. The seeds in these collections would cost double (he money, made up in scparato orders or purchased ot anv dealer. 11. D, SMITH, 73 1 1.1t!i STREET, Washington, D. C. PATENTS secured for me chanical devi ces, (rude-marks, designs, nnd compounds. Labels registered. Infringements, re issues nud interferences will received proll attention. INVENTORS: s h mild send us a model or sketch of their invention, nml we will give our opinion as to its patenta bility Ifree of chnigc. Fees moderate, and NO CHARGE UNTIL PATENT IS BE CUliEl). Wo will, upon conlh.gcnt fee, prosecute cases limt have been kkjectku by the Patent Ofhco. We have clituts in every State in the Union, and invite 'inquiry through your congressman as lo our standing belurc the Patent Otiicc. tend lor circular for further infoinaiion, terms and references. Established in 1800. EDSONI3HOS, Solicitors of I'. S. nnd Forcigu PATENTS. 711 G street, N. W., Wibbingion, D. C n'-iill! tlo to l'OWl'XI &KIME of the (irand Central ttore, Main .Street, lor your groceries. CRISTADOKO'S HAJR DYE. Cristiuloro's Hair I)yo is the SAFKST tuul UEST; it acts instanta neously, producing tho most natural shaiku of Ulack or Jlrown; does NOT STAIN the SKIX, tuul is easily ap plied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold l.y brsists. J. t'lUSTAPOno, P. O. 15ox, lo.i:J, New York. Xt-44 T 1VING WILD ANIMALS I i WANTED. SoO.OO each for l'ANTl I F.liS. 8,00. 4,(KI., 10,01)'. each for 11LACK FOXES. ...each for CHO.-S FOXES. each for LYNX. 10,00 each for OLD OTTEIt. fi.OO.... 5.00.... 5, (KI.... 6, H).... ' 1,00.... C1JOSS ....each for YOl'NG OTTEH. ...each for YOl'NG WOLVES. , each for W I LI) GATS. each for FAWNS. .each for YOl'NG BLACK it FOXES. The uhove price I will pay, the Animals to be in good and thriving condition. Animalscau he shipped to nie by way of l'unsu'awney l'a. For further information write to JOHN A. STEWAKT, Marion, Indiana County, l'a. SLEIGH DELLS AND WIIUVS. a nice little assortment, at DOW-ELL & KIME'S. Administrator's Xolice. Esttita of Lalph Johnson late of Dene.ette Township Ells Co., l'a., deceased. Letters 'J'csUtiiuntarji uikiii the above estate have been granted to the understirned. all persons indebted to said estute are requested to make payment, and thoso having claims to present the saino without delay to JOHN G. HALL, nlTUl Administrator. Administrator's Notice. Estate of Cornelius AVuinwright late oi isenezeite township, i;uc Co., l'u., deceased. Letters Tcntamcntam unoti the above estate have been gaanted to the undersigned, all persona indebted to said estase are reiiuested to make payment, and those having claims to present the fame without delay to. JOHN YV AINWltlGHT, unto Admr. Executors' Notice. Estate of Joseph II. Dornisch, late of ci. .Biury's isorougu, i.ik Co., l'a., deceased. Letters 2'estumcntary upon the above estate have been .i-ni,t..,i to the uudersigned.all persons indebted to tsaid estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to JOHANNA DOKNJSCH.l rf C. L. BAYEK. ' Ex'rs. nlTlO. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA HAIIj ROAD Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Division WINTER TIME TABLE. f& andafier SUNDAY, NOV. 20, 1S70, the trains on the Philadelphia Erie Knilrond will run as follows WESTWARD. MAUAKA P. A. leaves llenovo 4 4 p m ! Dull (tnoil.. 0 OH p in Emporium (I do p ni 8t Marys... 7 4; p m Ridgwny... 8 14pm nrr at Knne.. !l 20 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 53 p ni " " Hcnovo 11 UO a ni " " Emporium 12 63 p m 81. Mnry's 1 40 p m Ridgwny .... zllpm 3 HO p m .... 7 35 p m " ' Kane... arrive nt. Erie EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Knne ....0.00 a m " " Kidpwny. fi.AO a m Miirvs. 7 20 a in " " Emporium 8 10 a m " Driftwood 8 CH p m " Kcnovo 10 Itrp m ERIE MAIL leaven Erio 11.00 a m " " " Kane i! 60 p in " " " Ridgway 4 4'.) p m " ' " St. Mary's 613 p m " ' " Emporium (i 10 p m ' " " llenovo R.!!3 p tit " " arr. nt Philudephin... 7 00am Day Express and Niagara Express con nect cist with Low Urvde Division and 1! N. V! & P. K. I!. Wil. A. BALDWIN. Ocu'l Sup't INSURANCE. The iniili-rsiiriioil ludievcs tlitit lie liiiM tlie iirincii;il !irt'iicy in lliis dirf- tru-t lrom tiu; uwt tlitit lie litis written uciirly one tliotisiinil iiolicioH, in the piiMt tlirce yenrs. lie, tlierolbre, in- viU'H those liuvinr Insurunce to fH'cct lo compare rates, nml eotn)iinies, Le- loro liitiKin niiiiiieiaion eisewnere. I'tirtittl list of coiiiiiiinies. AKTX.V HAltTKOllli T'OOiiOO N iliTH llltlTlSIl ,t M. l-.NiI.AXl)..lo,(i'i,i'i 1-IltK ASSOCIATION I'll 1 1. A 4,((i,tKi ii;l(.MAN AM KKIC'AN, X. Y NIAOAIiA. N.Y ii,."iOo,iNni THAYEI.KItW I.TKK llAIiTI-'Olti) I.ikki.ijou i-. 11. WACJITKIj, hi. iMlll'yH, I'll, nTiuM. T 1110 SOCIKTY .STOUK. A new store started in Ritljrwiy un der the auspices ol the ladies ol Grace I Ituicli, Willi MISS A. S. Il'KEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assort incut of fronds on hand and selected with f;reat care. KMUllOlLtlSKlKci. LACE EDGE. FK1XGKS. HANDKERCHIEF?. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN'S fUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles Also a line lot of Dress Goods, Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes iVC .sc. All cheap as the cheapest and iroods warranted first eiass. fall and examine our stock. Ml MS A. K. M'KEK, Aueiit fin' the Society. ELYERY SOLDIER who ns wounded or contracted pcrnni- ncnt (Iisluso in Hcrvioo cun get n pension by writins to John Kirkpnirick, (Jiuiiln idgo, Oliio. N-Itlail D R . B A N N I N G ia pcrmiintntly locnlcd nt tlie St. CJnirlos Hotel, l'lttsburcli. Pa. Piscascs and Pc forniiiies of tlie t'pinc, Ultcrino Displiieu- nients Uvsnersia, lieinia nnd 1 ikh siio- eesffully treiiiod bv lh UANNIS'J S Y.S- l'EMv of Mcchnniciil Piivpuils. Ci.U send for descriptive pniiiiilet, "'llie House loll Lire In. .MuJ.ed r ree. N-lOiul. TO CC1TSUMPTIVES. Tlie ndvertiser, linvinp; been permnnciilly cured of tli.it dread diseiise, Consumption, by a simple remedy, if utixiotis to make known to his fellow tufferers I lie liieims o cure. To nil who desire it, l o will Fend copy of ilio prescription used, (free ol cliargc) with llie uirections lor prcpuiing nnd using tlie fume, winch they will lind u Sire Ci:bb for t?o: simctios, Asthma, IjI'oxciiitis, do., Part iva wisiiinR Iho prescription will please nddrcss, Itev. li. A. WlbSOX, l'.'l H Peiin., Willinnisburgli, N. . WE WILL mail one nnd one-hulf dozen or the most beautiful new Ctiroiuos in French oil color ever Been for $1.00. Tbcy nre mounted in KxlO bliick cnnmel nud gold mala oval opening nnd outsell nny lliing now befire the public. Sailvt'ici ion gunnintccd. 1 wo ennipifs Mr -i cenis or sex lor SO cents. Sent 10 cents lor grand illustrntec cnlalcgiie with cliioi.io of .Moon liL'hi on the lthuic, or -U cenlu lor two Landscapes ami Cnlla Lilies on black ground. J. LATHAM & CO. ilil Wrhiiig- Ion St., r.oatc.u Mass. Lngravuigs and Art Works. A FOKTUNIL.. nlo June, Sept., ikUct. Laws it elating to Newspaper Siiliscrip lions and Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who do not givo express notice to the contrary, uro considered wish ing lo continue their suhscnption. 2. If subscribers order the discontinu ation of their pcriodicals.lhe publisliersoiay cominue (o send (hem until all arrearages arc paid. 3. If subscribers neelect or refuse to take their periodicals from the oHice where they nru Uirectbd, they are held responsi ble until they have settled their bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without inforiuini; the publishers, and the pnters are sent to the former direction. (hey are held responsible. 6. The courls have decided that "rcfus in c- to (ake periodicals from (he office, or re. moving ami leaving them uncalled f-r is ui'imu tacic eviucnee oi luicuuonai fraud." 8. Any person who receives ti newspaper and makes use of it. whether he has ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. 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On'tee, over I 'o well 2.00 A YEJll-$l.oO JjV A1VAJCE SPECIAL Dcmorcsl's Monlhhj, wilh l.oO Jt'cudlho J'lrin'.iuih Lhil Peterson's Magazine, and JOB PRINTING. 7);riri','tlC '')V Jj tOJV J-00 KsJ.J.k,J.Jt3, VISITING CARDS, BILL HEADS, INVEIOPES, BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed. Estimates furnished ORDERS 15 Y MAIL AVLL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTON Address HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., IUDGWAY.ELK CO., PA. PATENTS. - I F. A. Lebmann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, I). C. All I business connected with Patents, whether netore the Patent uthoe or the uourts, promptly auenaea 10. jo charges mauo C. unless a patent is aecured, Fend tor a cir. calar. nl'.if OKG-ANS T - -li-. .--iti.-s I'.-r .1 eff.-cu nnd expression never bf of attained, -.ad L'onlWiit ir y irlor. 647" Beautiful New Stylet, now ready, Cam bridge port, Mass. Mv-i .-il J.-.irn.-.l of selected munc ana vamnoie tc..".k ;i r-r ,.. r .nr. or len cems a numocr. -- 6E0. WOODS II CO., Publishers, Cambrldgeport, Hass. Kime's Store, Main Street. TEH. MS : prcmucm, and Ailcocale for 'lite AD 'OVA EE or J. 00 li . I I I I I ii M : n i I I HOIE HEADS. STATEMENTS, BOOKS, PIMPLES. I will mail Free she recipe for prepar ing a simple Vegetable Balm that will re move Tan, FHECKLES, PIPPLES end Blotchkh, leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful; also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald bead or smooth face. Address Ben. Yandelf ct Co. Box 0121, Ko 5 Wooster St., N. V.