The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 24, 1877, Image 3

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Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Attorney at-Lw.
Office in New Brltk Building, Main St
Ridway, Elk Co., pn. ?3n2tf.
Attorneys-at-Law, Ridgway. Elk
County Pa. Office across the hall from
the Democrat establishment. Claims
for collection promptly attended to
Jne. 15 '70.
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the
rlowe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold
in. Repairing Watches, etc, doeewith
is same accuracy as heretofore. Satis
factl3ti guaranteed. vlnly
J. O. W, BAILEY, ,
tlnza1. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acol
Jent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Corfn.
Burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigway, offers liis professions.! ser
vices to the citizens of Ridgway ami sur
rounding countrv. All work warranted.
Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up
stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-32-ly
Druggist and Parmaccutist, N. W. cornel
of Maiu and Mill streets, Uidgway, Va.
full assort nicnt of carefully selected For
eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at. ill hours, day ni
night. vlnSv
riiysician ana Surgeon.
Office in Drug Store, corner Broad ami
Main Sts. Residence corner Broad St.
opposite the College. Office hours from
8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 1 M.
Eclectio Physician and Surgeon, has remov
ed his office from Centre street, to Mail st.
Ridgway. Pa,, in the second story oi me
now brick building of John 0. Hall, oppo
site Hyde's store.
OlHeo hours:! to 2 P M 7 to 0PM
RmowAY, Elk Co., Pa
II. SCIIHAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience oi
guests, to merit a coiuinunuce oi the
Oct 30 18UH.
No !!(' Walnut Place,
(31 ( Walnut Street,)
I'll I LA I) K LI' H I A . PA.
n 41 -ly
Goods, Notions, Groceries.
and General Variety,
I tir Icy I, a.
N. J- KAIU.KY. M. I). W. B. II HI M AS, M, 11,
Or. W. B. Ilartmun, formerly of St.
Mary's, has associated himself with M.
J. Eurley, M. I), in tin; practice of
medicine at Ridgway. By at
tention to business they hope to re
ceive a liberal share of the patronage
of the public. Or. W. B. llartman
can be found at all hours, either at his
rooms, over the post-office, or at Or.
M. J. Earlcy Drug Store. Or. M. J.
Earlcy can be found at the residence
of Or. C. R. Earlcy, or at his Drug
Store. Surgery, and diseases of
women and children a speciality.
E. K. (.'UKSH,
Dealer in all kinds of cabinet ware,
woodand cane scut chairs, kitchen and
cxtentioii tables, wood and marble top
tandx, wood and marble top bureaus,
what nots, looking glasses, wood and
marble top chamber suits, mattresses,
pring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs,
Laferty's metal lined wood pumps,
c, tec. Cane scats replaced with
iserforated wood scats, Weed sewing
machine reduced from $(5 to $45, the
oest machine in the market, and pic
ture frames made to order. Also a
large assorted stock of ready made
coffins constantly on hand and trim
med at shortest notice. All the above
goods are sold at panic prices. Ware
Rooms in masonic building, Ridgway
Pa. von49tpilupr27'77.
inform the citizens of Ridgway, and
the public generally, that he has
started a Lrvery Stable and will keep
and Buggies to let upon the most
reasonable terms.
JSTHe will also do job teaming.
Stable on Broad street, above Main.
All orders left at the Post Office will
receive prompt attention.
A GENTLEMAN who Buffered for years
from Nervous Debility, Premature De
cay, and all the effects of youthful indiscre
tion will, for the sake of suffering hu.
inanity, send free to all who need it, the
recipe and direction for making the simple
remedy by which be was cured. (Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex
perience can do bo by addressing in perfect
42 Cedar St., New York.
at POWELL & KIME'S, only eight
enU per. yard.
T)Y virtue of sundry writs of fieri faoias,
I alias fieri faoias, venditioni exponas,
levari facias, alias levari faoias, and testa
tum fieri facias, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me
directed, I Daniel Bcull, High Sheriff of
said county, do hereby give notioe that I
will expose to public sale or outcry at the
Court lloiiBe, in Ridgway, at one o'clock
P. M. on
MONDAY. MAY 28TH, 1877.
All the following described lot of land
situated in the township of Fox, county of
Elk and State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows, to witt Com
mencing at a post at the northwest oorner
of John Moyer's land thence west by
lands of Isaao Hays forty-two and three
fourths (42 j) rods more or less to a post,
thence south by other lan is of said Enos
Hays one hundred and seven (107) rods
moro or less to a beech tree; thence east
partly by lands of A. Lindner seventy-two
(72) rods more or less to a hemlock tree ;
thenc north five (5) rods more or le'stoa
pest; thence west by lands of Thomas A.
Gross twenty-nine and one-foarth (29J)
rods more or less to a Hemlock tree ; thence
north by lands of T. A. Gross and John
Moyer ono hundred and two (102) rods
more or less to the place of beginning, con.
taining thirty (30) acres more or less, be
ing part of warrants No. 4083 and 4091 ,
excepting, however, to the parties of the
first part all the mineral rights also, one
half (J) acre of land in Fox township, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and des
cribed as follows to wit: Beginning at a
post on Jacob "M'Cauley's line, seven and
three-tenths (7 8-10) rods south of the
northwest corner of a certain saw mill lot,
sold by Jacob M'Cauley to J. W. Hays ;
thence north (71) east eleven
(11) rods to a post on tin line of P. W.
Hays' mill lot; thence north seven and
three-tenths (7 3-10) rods to Jacob MXau
ley's liue ; thence north seventy-one (71)
degrees west eleven (11) rods to a post,
the above mentioned northwest corner of
aforesaid mill lot sold to J. W. Hays by
said Jacob M'Cauley ; thence north seven
and three-tenths (7 il-10) rods lo the place
of beginning, containing one half (J) acre.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Esther Arncr and John Arncr,
at suit of Matthew Smith.
ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel
of land situated in Jones township. Elk
county, Pennsylvania, bounled and deS'
cribed as follows: Beginning at a birch
tree corner ; thence north fifty-six and one-
half (5(1 J) rods to a post, corner; thence
west fifty-six and onc-lialf ("(! ) rods to a
post corner; thence south fifty-six and one
half (3CJ) rods to a pont corner; thence
east fifty-six and one-hvlf (5(J ) rods to the
place ot beginning, containing twenty acres
of lnnd nnd being part of warrant No. 8293,
upon which is erected a two-story frame
dwelling house, 20 feet front by 20 feet
deep, with wing or shed, 11x20 feet, one
story high.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of John A. Anderson, at suit of
Wilcox Tanning Company.
ALO. All the right, title, interest,
claims and demanu of defendant in and to
the following described land: All that
certain piece or parcel of laud situate in
the villago of Hidgwny. Elk county I'enn
sylvrnia, being the west purl of lot No. 141,
beginning at the southwest corner of lot
No. 142, occupied by Chas. Mead, a post in
ihe north hue of South street; thence
westerly along the north line of Suiilh
street thirty (30) feet; thence northerly
piirullel with the east line of lot No. 141
one hundred and sixty (100) feet to the
alley thenco easterly along t lie south line
of said alley to a post, tho northeast corner
oflotNo. 141 and the north-west corner of
lot No. 142: themie southerly along the
wart line of said lot No. 142 one hundred
and sixty (Kit)) feet to the place of begin
ning, coniiiinitig forty-eight hundred (4S0')
sijuuro feet, of land more or les, on which
is erected ono one-i lory ari l a half frame
dwelling houe, 2(1 feet by 24 feet.
Ssized and taken in execution as the
properly of V. S. Service, at Euit id Carrie
D. Willis, Administratrix,
ALSO. All that, certain piece of land
situated in Ihe village of lienzette, Klk
county, Pennsylvania, and numbered on
the plot ot said village ns No. U on Second
street, henijj sixty (ti(l) feet front on
Second street nnd extending one hundred
and fifty (1 3(1) feel in depth lo an alley,
bounded on die north west by Second street
and on the northeast by lot No. 7, being
Ihe same premises oonveved to said parties
of the first part by Hcuhen Winslow, Sr..
nnd wife, bjr de.-d dated July l!8ih, 1SC6,
recorded m Deed Hook "L," page 0(H), &c,
upon which is erected one two-story frame
house, 10x24 feet, with cellar and wing at
tached, 14x20, one and one-half stories
fccized and taken in executbn ns the
property of Dennis Taylor, at suit of E.
Fletcher ahd Bro , for use of Johuston &
ALSO. All that certain tract or pa reel of
land siiuaie'i in the town of Caledonia, in the
township of Jny, county of Elk and State of
Pennsylvania, known as the Caledonia Hotel
property, bounded and described as fol
lows: Peginuing at a post set for the cer
tain point of lot No. 6, sold to Benjamin
Urownlee from Heading and Hurtles ;
thence west nlong the middle division of
warrant No. 528o fifteeu aud nine-tenths
(15 9-10) perche to a post ; thence south
forty-three aud one-lialf (43 j) degrees east
ten and seven-tenths (10 7-10) perches to
the northwest side of township road ; thence
north forty-six and one-halt (46 ) degrees
eapt along said township road eleven and
eight-tenths (11 8-10) perches to the place
of beginning, containing about sixty-ibree
perches, upon which is erected one two-
story frame house, 1830 feet and basement,
with wing 18x30 feet, two stories high, with
cellar and kitchen attached, 10x20 feet and
barn, 24x24 feet.
Seized and taken in execution as the
droperty of Luther Lucore, at suit of B. E.
Morey, for use of Erasmus Morey.
ALSO. All that certain tract of land
situate in Bonezelte township, Elk county,
State of Pennsylvania, known and num
bered as number five thousand and one
(500) and bounded as follows, viz; On
the north by warrant forty-nine hundred
and ninety-six (4'J'jlj;) on the east by war
rant five thousand (5000 ;) on the south by
warrant fiva thousand and ten (5010,) and
on the west by warrant five thousand and
two (5002.)
ALSO. The one undivided half part of a
certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate
in Jay towuship. in the county of Elk and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des
cribed as follows, to wit; Beginning at a
beech corner; thence north seventy degrocs
east ninety perches to a small hemlock ;
thence south about nineteen degrees east
one hundred, Beventy four and a half
perches more or less to a maple ; thence
south about seventy degrees west eighty
eight perches more or less to a post, and
thence north twenty degrees west about
one hundred seventy four and a half
perches to the place of beginning, contain
ing ninety-eight acres more or less, and
being the purport number four (4) of the
Morris Webb estate.
ALSO. The undivided half part of a
certain other tract or piece of land Bituate
in Jay township, in the county of Elk and
State of Pennsylvania, and in great lot
4803, bounded and described as follows, to
wit; Beginning at the northeast oorner
of said great lot 4893 ; thenoe west on the
line of said lot 4893 so far that a due south
line to the north line of the Jot or piece of
land belonging to Charles Gardiner, whiou
is part of the aforesaid great lot 4893, and
from thenoe east on the north line of the
aforesaid Gardiner lot to the east line of
theaforsaid great lot 4803, so that a line to
the place of beginning will make and con
tain ninety-three acres and three-fourths
of an acre, striot measure.
ALSO. All that certain tract of land
situate in Jay township, Elk county, part
of warrant No. 4893, containing two hand'
red and seventeen acres more or less, being
the same assessed in the name of Wood
ward a Finney.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Hiram Woodward, A. C. Fin
ney and 8. D. Barrows, at suit of John
Tudor, now for use of Isano Breneman.
ALSO. All that oertain pieoe or parcel
of land oontaining two hundred and seventy
five (275) acres, situated in Benezette town
ship, oounty of Elk, State of Pennsylvania,
being part of warrant No. 5481, whioh wag
old to John Brooks, of first part, by the
treasurer of Elk oounty, by deed dated June
9th, 1850, and was located by Edward Vos
burg, by lines marked on the grounds, be
ginning at the oorner on the narth line of
warrant 6481, about one hundred and
ninety-eight (108) perches from the north
west oorner of said warrant; thenoe east
about one hundred and forty-five (145)
perobes to a corner; thence south three
hundred and twenty (820) perches to a cor
ner on the south line of said warrant;
thence along the said line one hundred and
forty five (145) perehes to a oorner ; thence
north to the place of beginning.
ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel
of land situate, lying and being in Benezette
township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, de
scribed as follows: Beginning at a post,
said post being the northeast corner of R.
Johnson's lands ; thence south along the
said 11. Johnson's eist line one hundred
and two (102) rods to a post; thence north
fifty-four (54) degrees west ninety-one (91)
rods to a post on the line of the railroad;
thence north forty-five (45) degrees east
seven (7) rods; thenoe north thirty-eight
(38) degrees east twenty-one (21) rods;
thence thirty-four and one-half (84) de
grees east fourteen and three-tenths
(14 8-10) rods; thence north thirty-two
(32) degrees east seventeen and two-tenths
(17 2-10) rods to a post; thence east thirty,
ssven (87) rods to the place of beginning,
containing twenty (20) acres and ten (10)
perches, being more or less. They reserve
one-half the coal and mineral rights to
Ralph Johnson, Jr.
ALSO. AH that tract or parcel of land
situate in the town of Benezette, county of
Eire and State of Pennsylvania, known as
part of warrant fifty-four hundred and
eighty (54.S0,) bounded as follows: Be
ginning at a stake and stones in Stephen
hollow in the south liuoof said lot; thence
north twenty (20) degrees west sixty (00)
roils to the Sinnemaliouing creek ; thence
west fifty (50) rods ; thence north sixty
nine (09) degrees west fifty. eight (58 tods
thence north sevenlv-eight 78 degrees
west thirty-two 32 rods1 thenco west
forty 40 rods; thence south seventy-five
75 degrees west eighteen 18 rods to a
post, on the west lino of said lot; thence
south ninety-seven and forty one-hun l
redths 97 40-100 rods to a hemlock in the
southwest corner of said lot; thence east
two hundred twenty-three and fifty-eight
one-liunJreilllis 223 58-100 rods in ihe
south line of said lot to the place of begin
ning,, upon which is erected one two-story
dwelling house 20x30 feet, with addition
10x18 feet, frame barn, 40x50 feet, and
we'l of water.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Martin Enz, at suit of D. J.
M'Donald & Co.
AL.SO. All that certain traet of
land in the town or settlement of St.
Mary's in tho county of Elk and State
ot Pennsylvania, situate on J'.nzauetii
road ; thence west one hundred aud
thirty-three (133) perches and one
third I J I of a perch to a post; thence
sou tli tinny (10) perees to a post;
thence cast one hundred and thirty-
tnree too J perenes ana onc-tnira 11
of a perch to a post ; thence north
thirty 01 perches to the place of lie
ginning, containing twenty-live (25)
acres and being number two on
Elizabeth road in the map or plan of
the town or settlement of St. Mary's,
upon which is erected one one-story
log house, is..24 teet, and lianie barn,
18x3.0 teet.
Seized and taken In execution as the
property of Car. Schneider, at suit of
Casper Etuniert.
AliSO. All that certain niece or
parcel of land situated and being in
the township of Jay, In tho county of
jiiiK ana state or I'etinsyivania,
known and described as follows, to
wit: Commencing at the southeast
corner of Meribah B. Lucore farm
where the new road starts and runs
through the orchard, on the old farm
formerly owned by iienjamln lieffget,
now deceased, and being part of war
rant number tour thousand eignt
hundred and forty.four (4844; thence
alonir the south line of said old farm
or warrant No. fortv-eiirht hundred
and forty-four 4844 east sixty-four
rods to a stake ; thence north to the
north line of said old farm; thenoe
west along said north line about lifty
rods to the northeast corner or Ke
becca C. Morey 's farm which is a
part of said old farm, aud from
thence south along the east line of K
C. Morey's farm to a stake on the
road ; thence along the road, thjough
tho orchard, to the place of beginning,
containing fifty-one and one-fourth
oil I acres more or less, upon which is
erected a two-storv frame dwelling
house, 0x2U, and one log barn, suxrfo,
AESO. One other tract of land,
situated in town, county and State
aforesaid, and being part of said war
rant number four thourand eight
hundred and forty-four 148,
bounded and described as follows, to
wit : Commencing at the northwest
corner of George w. Huller's farm at
a stake in the road, running thence
easterly along the road between H. Z
Leggett's and (4. A. Huller's farm
thence easterly along said Huller's
line to the east Jiue ot said old farm
about forty-eight 48 rods more or
less ; thence north along said east line
to the notheast corner of said old farm;
thence west along the north line of
said old farm to the northeast corner
of the above fifty-one acres of land ;
thence south along the east line of
said fifty-one acres of land to the
place of beginning, containing thirty
six 3(i acres more or less.
Seized and taken in execution aa tho
property of E. F. Morey, at suit of J.
15. Coryell.
ALSO All that certain tract piece or
parcel of land in Benzinger township, Elk
Co., Pa. on St. Michael' Road.
Beginning at a post on said St. Michaels
Road ; thence south 54 east following the
line of St. Michael's Road, thirty perobes j
thence south 40 west seventy perches to a
post ; thence north 64 west thirty perches
to a post; thence north 40s east seventy
perches to the place of beginning, con
taining thirteen acres and being so much
of the northerly part of number two 2 on
St. Michael's Road in the mp or plan of
the town or settlement of St. Mary'.
Upon which is ereoted a log dwelling house
18x20 feet 1 stories high and a frame barn
80x40 feet. Said land is all iin proved, and
is under fence : has an orchard thereon,
and a good living spring of water and is
about J ot a mile from Bt. Mary' Borough.
Beiied and taken in Exeoution as the
property of Tost Wehler at the suit of
Joseph Wllhelm-
This last above described property to be
sold at the Court House in Ridgway on
Friday, June 1st, 1877, at one o'clock P.
The following must be strictly com
plied with when the property is struck
1. All bids must be paid in full,
except where the plaintiff or others
lien creditor becomes the purchaser,
in which cases the costs on the writs
must by paid, as well as all liens prior
to that of the purchaser, and a duly
certified list of Hens shall be furn
ished, including mortgage searches on
the property sold, together with such
lien creditor's receipt for the amount
of the proceeds or the uale, or such
portion thereof as he shall appear to be
entitled to.
2. All sales not settled Immediately
will be continued until six o'clock P.
M., at which time all property not
settled for will again be put up, and
sold at the expense and risk of the
person to whom it was first stuck olF,
and who, in case of deficiency at such
re-sale, shall make good the same, and
In no Instance will the deed be pre
sented in court for confirmation un
less the bid Is actually settled for with
the Sheriff as above stated.
Sheriff's Office, Kidgwayl
Pa., May 1, 1877.
See Purdon's Digest, 9th, edition,
page 440.
r .
THURSDAY, MAY 24, )877.
O. II. Fitch and .Tamos Hilov. SunervlKors
and ex-orllclo overseers of the poor ofHUli;-
wny township, In recount with the several
To amount tax levied on unseated1
nrowrtT 13S2 Bl
To amount tux levied on seated prop
erly Ifjiu 13
3U7 (17
II7H 61
Excess of expenditure,
S.T7.-J1 2S
By nmonnt expended building nnd re-
pairinii ruiiu kc -Avm vs
By supervisors service lSTtl .Tjtj so
roou Fusn.
To amount tax levied on unseated
ni onert v ta fu
To amount tux levied on seated prop
erty KB 15
To amount received for rent for house
on south street is mi
To uinouut received iVoni Itorton Tp.. 51 so
$115 8.5
By amount pnlil for keeping and sup-
jjij ui jjiuih'i
By amount paid tor keopliiK and ti'iins
0S5 84
48 04
nortinir triimim
By amount paid O. It. Klteli's bill for
21 00
"l0.3 83
"i-J-Ii 85
. SU 30
Excess of levy of tax
side Walk
To amount of tax levied..,
811 3fl
By amount expended building nnd rc-
poiring Kido walk
By supervisor 0. 11. Fitch's services
291 IB
Si II 4:1
12 m
Excess of levy of tax
S114 m
We. tho undersigned, auditors of Rlduwnv
township, for 1877, having met on tho second
Mommy n April 1x77, lor the purpose l set
tling tho accounts nf the several township of
ficers, do herehy certify, Unit in the presence
of O. li. Fitch nnd Jul lies Hllcy, supervisors
mid ex-olHcIo overseers of the poor of said
township for 187H, we settled their accounts
with the several funds thereof for ls7(i, and
Unit the above statement is tho result, of said
sottlenien t.
Witness our hands this 15th day of May,
.A. I f. 1'. I.
.1. s. POWELL. 1
Attest, M.S. KLINE. Clerk.
APItlL -'Nil, 1877.
By amount due from Henry Lnrgay,
( iillcctor IRS 31
l y iiiniiont due triiin P. W . Hays Col. HU 74
Ity amount duo from county Trens. 00 70
liy amount due from P. M'Cready.
Collector II 44
By amount due from Elk Co., on ac
count, .insepn v lnui&iucr i7
By Cash in Treasury 3 0.1
By Excass of Liabilities 11M IM
To outstanding orders and Judgments
By amount due from J. IlcwittC.'ol....
liy amount due from Denis Toomy,
By amount due from Elk Co., ac
count Joseph Windfelder
By ain't due from unseated taxes '70.
By amount cash in Treasury
1748 75
403 81
49 03
ll!2 11
235 00
30 30
S1I1S 31
To amount due Elk Co.. for support
of Kate Williams SOB 2r,
To outstanding orders 577 OU
To excess of assets 03 06
8l 31
Amount of taxable property in Fox
townsliii $210,511) (W
We. the undersigned. Auditors of Fox
Township, having settled and adjusted the ac
counts, of said township And the assets und
iiaiiiutics oi tnc lunos as tioovo set Iol'lll.
1. A. JORDAN. Auditors
.1. It. MEKED1TH. j
Attest. J. J. TAYLOH, Clerk.
Fox, April 80th, 1877.
War Maps.
Sehedler's Map of Turkey, Greece,
Iloumania, and the North western
part of Asia Minor, together with
special maps of the Black 8ea, Con
stantinople and the Bosphorus. Size
17x22 inches. Colored. Price, folded
and in cover, $0.25. Published by E,
Steigeb, 22 & 24 Frankford Street,
New York, by whom copies will be
promptly mailed upon receipt of price.
The same publisher is issuing a num
ber or other ar Maps, wnicn we
shall mention hereafter.
Behedler'a Map of the Black Sea,
Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Southern
Russia, Iloumania, aud Eastern Tur
key. Engraved on stone, carefully
printed and colored. Scale 1 : 3,000,
000. Size, 22x28 inches. Price, folded
and in uover, $0.40.
This Map is very accurately com
piled from the latest and most com
plete material. It prescihs at one
glance, the scene of the war, both in
Europe and in Asia-
Published by E. Steiger, 22 & 24
Fraukfort Street, New York, by
whom copies will be promptly mailed
upon receipt of price. This publisher
has made preparations for bringing
out additional War Maps, as soon as
such may become necessary.
St. Joseph, March 17- At Oregon
Holt cnunty, Missouri, Miss Kings
bury, teacher in a select school, at
tempted to punish a pupil named Wil
liam Payne, aged 13. He resisted ami
struck her several blows with his fist
in the breast, when she immediately
fell over and expired. A post-mortem
examination revealed the fact that
her lungs were diseased and her heart
so badly involved that death might
have been caused any time by over
excitement. .The Coroner's jury Is
now investigating the. case.
Lilacs are in bloom.
Rainy weather first of the week.
Next week court convenes here.
Potato bugs are as thick as spatter.
The signs are good for plenty of
fruit this season.
C. B. Kline has moved Into the
house fitted up for him on Mill street.
O. T. Wheeler has commenced
re-building the Laurel mill.
Dickinson Bros', wheat field looks
Our Wilcox correspondent 'Tete''
sends us an Interesting letter this
Where Is our Benezette correspon
dent? He has been silent for a long
Isaac Avery had the misfortune to
have one of his horses die the other
The Printer will have a birthday
next Saturday, 20 Inst., a quarter of a
century is the mark.
In the northern districts of Berks
county laborers are payed on the aver
age fifty cents a day.
A villain in Scranton who ruined
a girl aged twelve years. Settled the
case by paying the girls mother fifty
BYiAckstone says, "A Bankrupt Is
trader who secrets himself or does
certain other acts tending to defraud
his creditors."
The Novelty Photograph Gallery
will be closed after June 20th until
September 1st. Parties wishing work
done will do well to call soon.
D. W. BALDWIN, Operator.
Supervisor M'Govern and Gul.
nack have decided not to overwork
the road tax the present season. This
is a move in the right direction and
all lax payers hope the resolution wil
be carried out to the letter. A few
hundred dollars saved each year
would enable the township to pay oil
the judiiments that are now bearing
The spring fires in the northeast
have been unusually destructive this
year, and a great deal of loss and suf
fering have been entailed. These fires
are still raging in many localities and
will continue until they exhaust
themselves, or copious showers ensue,
In the meantime thousands of people
have been left destitute.
TEPvRiBLE accident occurred at
Roach's ship yard, Chester Pa.,
last Tuesday morning. The Saratoga,
a large Iron steamship, was launched
at eight o'clock. About forty men
were under the vessel at the time of
the launch, and not hearing the order
to come out seven men were killed and
several wounded. The scene after the
accident is described as heart rending,
About lo00 men are employed at the
yard, and the friends of nearly all of
them rushed to inquire for them.
Sad Accident.
Last Thursday afternoon, Elbrldg
F. Tcrwilliger aged thirteen years ami
three months, met with a sudden and
fearful death at A. Kaul's mill a few
miles west of St. Mary's. He and his
father, J. W. Tervilliger,were engaged
making lath in a triple-saw lath mill
and as the father turned to bind an
other bunch of lath the boy discovered
a piece of wood between the saws, and
reached to get it when the loose sleeves
of his flannel shirt were caught by the
saws, anil he was at once seized and
hurled, in the twinkling of an eye, to
an irresistible doom. He called to his
father to stop the machine, who did so
only in time to catch the lacerated
form of his son, and carry him a few-
steps to the engine room, where the
boy looked up In his father's face, and
smiled, as though to say, "am I to
blame," and expired. Tho boy was
nearly cut in two, one arm was en
tirely severed, producing, as we have
said, almost instant death.
To the (School Directors of Elk County.
Gentlemen : the time for making
your annual report is nearly at hand
and I deem it highly proper that I
should call your attention to the fact
and urge you to attend well to the
matter. It is not my prescribed duty
to bring this matter before you but I
am very anxious that our school dis
tricts may all receive the State appro
priations which are apportioned them.
A considerable sum of money has
nearly every year, for a long time, been
withheld from this county by the
State Superintendent because of the
negligence of directors. Highland
which had not reported for many
years was urged into it last year and
an appropriation obtained. Look on
page 82-3 In the report of 1874 and you
will find that $337,90, were withheld
for want of reports. In the report for
1873 on page 33'J It Is stated that $132,01
were withheld and in 1872 page 3G9 of
report it is given that $92,38, were with
held. The names of the districts are
there given on the pages mentioned
and their respective lostes opposite,
If I can- save such moneys to the
county for the benefit of our schools
by "hanging on the tracks" of the di
rectors I am going to do it, Last year
not a cent was lost and tho reports
were In early and was it not because
the matter was urged again and again?
It is, hoped aud earnestly desired, that
the directors may have a pride In re
gard to the reports, make them out
correctly, which is seldom done, and
forward them to me the first Monday
in June. See that the accounts are
balanced and all the questions
answered aud the blanks all filled
Nearly every report was last year in
correct and had to be returned for cor
rection. Send your report in all right
on the first Monday in June and no
doubt bv the next Monday you will
have your money.
Resnectfullv. &c.
GEO. It. DIXON, Co., Suptf
Wilcox otes.
Mrs. Aldrich is better.
Mrs. Wilcox is Improving.
Eddie Bevler is getting well.
Miss Mitta Wescott Is very sick.
More growing weather. Even the
boys in the streets are being sprouted.
Some of our young men are having
their hair pulled.
If "Egypt'' don't quit fooling
around that skunk he will have to
bury ills clothes.
Nothing new at well No 3, they are
In the third sand which Is a line, close,
hard sand, saturated with oil, but not
porous enough to yield any great
Trout fishing is in season and Ira
Wescott is the champion. He came
In one day last week with a splendid
string, five of which measured five feet
in length an average of a foot each.
nd this is no fish story either.
Tuesday May 22rd.
A. C. Aliens Billiard Hall burned
at four o'clock, this morning j cause of
fire unknown. It was a two-story
building; first floor used for billiards,
and second floor for a dancing hall
and shooting gallery. Fire was first
discovered in the attic or near the
roof. Loss about one thousand dol
lars. Insured for eight hundred.
A prominent citizen of this place
feeling himself aggrieved by the way
"Old Proh." was running the weather
department, went all the way to New
York and bought a barometer that he
might regulate the weather to suit
himself. He brought the thing home.
regulated the running gears, wound it
up and as we were having a long dry
spcH4 he set it for rain ; twenty-four
hours passed and no ram. He then
overhauled the "critter;" regulated its
digestive organs; gave it a few shakes
and set it again, but, no rain. The
third day he gave it another twist,
stimulated it with camphor gum, and
alcohol, gave it a thorough shaking
aim succeeded in getting up a young
"Jnnmyeane ;" finally all of a sud
den the thing got on its "car" and
fairly howled with rage, threatening
to deluge the whole country with rain,
hail, and snow, and an hour after
wards it had settled down as calm and
serene as a maiden in her first love,
and in the most flattering manner
showing you that it will not rain for
three days. You take off your coat,
and go forth to your daily avocation,
and, ten to one, your jacket is.wct in
an hour- That butter-milk barometer
is a fraud ; a nuisance, an unmitigated
humbug, and that fellow has got to
take it out of the country or get a first
class engineer to run it, for we will
not be imposed upon much longer
with a new fangled weather machine
in the hands of a green-horn. PETE
Gen. Harrison Allen's Troubles,
The Erie Dixnatch says : General
Allen has abandoned his fine resi
deuce near Warren, to his wife, and
has announced that he will stop at no
sacrifice to break the bonds between
himself and his faithless partner. It
was supposed that the case would be
settled in the courts but on Wednes
day afternoon the general heard that
his wife was entertaining a stranger at
his house and, securing the aid of sev
eral policemen, lie proceeded to arrest
the disturber of his domestic peace.
Mrs. Allen held the fort in front with
a pistol while her companion escaped
from the rear and drove offliotly pur
sued by the general and the police,
who were fired upon by the fugitive,
and who returned the shots with great
liberality. No harm was clone by tho
bombardment and the man escaped to
the woods. The following particulars
are given in a special to the Titusvillc
Herald :
Warren, Pa., May 17. Between
four aud five o'clock yesterday after
noon the chief of police of this place
with General Harrison Allen, at'
tempted to arrest George Watson, of
Titusville, for indecent conduct with
tne general's wile. Mrs. Allen re
sisted any entrance to General Allen's
house, and when the door was forced
she discharged a revolver without any
damage, but so close as to blow the
powder into the face of the policeman
Watson, who had been surprised in
the house, about this time made his
escape through a window and jumped
into a buggy standing in a convenient
location. The general and the officer
jumped into another carriage andgave
pursuit.- Watson red two shots from
his buggy, when the officers returned
tho fire, kecidng up a regular fusilade
for nearly two miles. The horses were
forced to their utmost speed, and
rather than be captured Watson
jumped from his buggy and ran into
the woods. Watson returned to Gen
eral Allen's house at night and sent
word to tho officers that he did not in
tend to run away ; would bo down
town ; wanted no nonsence ; the first
man to interfere w'ould get hurt,
We have just received from the
Publisher, a copy of a new Temper
ance Song and Chorus by tho popular
and favorite author Jas. G. Clark, en
titled "Nowhere to go."
Mms is the latest as it is ono or tne
best of Mr. Clark's popular songs and
comes most opportune just now when
tAere is such an interest in the tem
perance cause. Mr. Clark's produc
tions including "When tho mists
have rolled away," aud the "Two Vil
lages" are known and sung through
out tho. land, their beautiful melodies,
choice poetry, and rare adaptation of
musio to the words rendering them
universal favorites. We append the
opening stanza of "Nowhere to go :"
Homeless to-night aud with no one to pity,
Weary of living and dying with woe j
Homeless to-night in the heart of the city
Frcrzing and sturving yet nowhere to go,
Stale Notes.
Mrs. Charles Wleand. wife of an Al-
letown truckman, attempted suiciue
on Thursday, by cutting her throat.
George Blue, son of an ex-Bherlll or
Northumberland county in a fit of in
sanity, hung himself the other day.
The officers of the Ashland Savings
Bank are on trial at Pottsvllte, charged
with conspiracy to defraud the deposi
tors. John Berry, an old fanner of North
ampton county committed suicide on
Tuesday, hanging himself to abeam in
the cellar,
P. T. Barnum and the father o.
Charlie Ross Issued a card ottering
'$10,000 for the return of the child and
pledging not to attempt to discover the
Identity of the persons so returning
Thus far tho quantity of lumber
shipped from Willlamsport does not
come up to the anticipations of tho
manufacturers. During the month of
April 23,20t),OOO feet were forwarded
y lail au,, canal, showing an Increase
of 9,473,023 feet over the business of
March. Compared with April, 18G,
there was a decrease of 3,533,859 feet.
Alexander Booth, of Pittsburgh
shattered a pane of glass in a room
window last week and attempted to
cut his throat with a piece of it. He
cut himself severely, but the arrival of
a friend prevented him from accom
plishing his design. About a year ago
Booth also attempted to cut his throat.
He was laboring under a fitof delirium
tremens when he made the last enort
to kill himself.
Mrs Multon, of Kittanning, mother
of Judge Multon, is 104 years of age.
Vn extraordinary circumstance has
occurred to the lady within the last
two years, her hair, which for a long
time had been pure white, has dark
ened gradually until it has nearly re
covered its original color, and not only
that, but all her mental faculties ap
pear to have received new impulse
and she can read without the aid of
The Clarion Republican says:
The building of a narrow guage rail
road from Franklin to the Bullion oil
district has been determined on. A
company has been formed with a capi.
tal of $115,000, of which $04,000 has al
ready been subscribed. Engineers are
making tho preliminary surveys. F.
W. Mitchell is the President of the
company, and otuer capitalists oi
Franklin constitute the Board of Di
rectors. iV Scranton lamplighter named Hill
whose clothes were saturated with
kerosene and whose pockets contained
matches, set the latter afire while get
ting out of a wagon the other day. In
a moment he was the centre of flames,
and in his efforts to put himself out
set the wagon on fire. The flames
were finally quenched, but Hill was
worseinjured than the wagon.
The Bowen &Cone block in this vil
lage had a pretty close call last Sun
day morning. A burning cigar stump
was thrown into a spittoon filled with
damp sawdust, probably Saturday
night, in the drug store and early
Sunday morning the box of sawdust
was found to be slowly smouldering
towards a conllagation. It is safe to
say there will be no more sawdust
spittoons in that store or that block.
They are dangerous articles of furni
ture anywhere. WelUtboro Agitator-
Chap. Sayro has a dog of the terrier
breed and a horse that are fast friends.
When tho horse, attached to a car
riage, stands hitched to a post, if the
dog happens to be along, his favorite
place to take a nap is upon the horse's
back ; or if he is chased by another
and larger dog, he makes quick time to
tho carriage and out upon the horse's
back and sits there looking down
upon his pursuer with as much
gravity as an owl. Montrose Rcjmbli
can. James Sweeny escaped from the
Suiethport, M'Kean county jail, and
the Sheriff ottered a reward of $50,
dead or alive," for him. Sweeny
subsequently, while attempting to
steal a ride on a freight train, fell un
der the wheels and was cut in two.
A thrifty farmer, who had read the
description on the Sheriff's bill, re
cognized the man and quietly gather
ing him up tumbled the corpse into
his wagon, before the Coroner got
round, and hauled it to Smethport.
Meeting the Sheriff he accosted him
thus; "Sheriff, I'm sorry I couldn't
bring the critter alive, but 'ere's
wat's left of him, and I want that re
ward." He got it.
An election for state senator to nil a va
cancy was held in Chester county, . U.,
on Tuesday, when General W. A. Walker,
democrat, was chosen by 1.000 majority, a
gain of over 700on Governor Ilampton's
majority in that county in November last.
On Sunday night last a party of dis
guised men went to the jail at Bland
ville, Kentucky, and with drawn pis
tols demanded the keys. They en
tered the jai! and seized a negro named
Levi Pile, who attempted to assault
aud murder Mrs Pile, the wife of his
employer, last week. They put a rope
around his neck and tied him to a
mule and dragged him away to the
woods Nothing further is known ex.
eept that his dead body was found
hanging to a tree with several holes in
it aud the clothing burned.
31 A It 11 I E I).
M'VEY MEAD. At Corry, Pa.,
Monday evening, May 14, 1877, by
Rev. D. V. Mays, Mr. Wm. S. M'Vey
to Miss Loviua L. Mead, both of Ridg
way. J ONES L A YMAN. In Warren,
May 1, 1877, at the Revere House, by
Rev. It. M. Warren, Mr. Allen Jonea
to Miss Louisa Layman , botli of Ridgway.