tY Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1S77 PliTKKSOX'S MAOAZINK for Julie t)j)oiif with tin exquisite xtwl fiiprnv lug "Sybil's Kwnns." In ittlilition it Iiiih a doiililo-fcl.e eolored fnsliion lnto, nbout twenty other fnsliion illuxtin tions, utiil dozens of imtterns for em broidery, lulling ic, ii it Iims also n pattern for tiily In .lava emivns, large Hlze, wliieh is alone woiili Hie price of the mimlier. "Peterson," II iiiimt be renienibereil, Is only two ilol lars a ycttr; and in clubs can be had as low us fl.W. How so elegant a magazine can he published so cheaply, is only to be explained' by its enor mous edition, which the proprietor claims is the largest of any lady's book in the world. "Peterson" has lmig been celebrated for the superior ity of its stories, and the present num ber fully sustains this reputation. Mis Ann S. Stephens, Frank Lee l'.enediet, the author of Josiali Allen's wife," fee., being ninong the con tributors. A new volume begins with tho next number, so that now Is just the time to suscribe. Undoubtedly "Peterson' is the brut ami ricoprnf of its kind. Specimens are sent, gratis, to those wishing to get up clubs. Ad dress Cii as. J. Pktkiisox, oWi Chest nut Street, Philadelphia. I'L'JtSOyAL. That magnificent piece of architec ture, the new brick M. K. church, of Kredonia, erected ut a cost of :0,niiO, was presided over for two years by that able and eloquent young divine. Rev. A. N. Craft. He was transferred to Titusville In the autumn of 187, and there, as in Fredonia, his eloquent and fearless sermons are listened to by multitudes. All who have visted the camp ground on Chautauqua Lake have been Impressed with the power of his logic and the beauty of his ppeech. From over work and anxiety connected with his mission Mr. Craft is occasionally subject to billions at tacks. Sensible in this as in nil other matters, he does not hesitate to use W his relief, what his judgment and experience dictate. Neither is he wil ling to "hide his light under a bushel," but ppeaks out in this as in other mat ters, on the side of truth, in tones that cannot be misunderstood though brief, yet to the point. Here is what he says : I'reilonla, N. Y., July 1 1, 1S72. Dr. Feniipr Dear Hir I linve used your lilood nntl I.lvcr Hemeily niut Xerve Tonic, mid find It the best remedy for a deranged slate of the liver and bowels of any that I have ever used. A. N. CRAFT. I'aslor ol' tin? J. i:. C'lmieh, I-'rcdnnin, X. Y. For Kale hy dealers In medicine. War Slaps. Sehedler's Topographical Map of the Dobrudsha (Eastern Bulgaria,) Central Roumania, and Bessarabia, the valley of the Lower D.inube from the Transylvania Mountains in the North to the great Balkan Mountains in the South, and from Sistova in the West to the Mouths of the Danube in the East. Colored Scale, ljliUO.CKW. Size, 2-"-x24 inches. Price, folded and in cover, $0,40. This is the best and most complete Map of this important section of country, yet issued. It lias been pre pared with great care and with a view to minute accuracy, giving the loca tion not only of all the cities and towns, but aUo of almost all the vil lages , railroads and highways are distinctly shown, .vhile many, even, of the less important roads are also in dicated. The lakes, lagoons, swamps, and marshes of this region which will prove of great importance in the mili tary movements, are given, und t lie Map is also very accurate and reliable in regard to nil water-courses, as well as to mountains, hills, etc. This Map is in fact, so faithful as to detail that it might be safely used by ofileers in the Held. It will, therefore be of great value to all who desire to trace the movements of the opposing forces understandnigly and minutely. These remarks apply, also, to the following Map, viz : Sehedler's Topographical Map of "Western Bulgaria, Western Koumaniu and Eastern Servia. Colored, Scale. 1:000,000. Size 23x24 inches. Price, folded and in cover, $0.40. Both these Maps are drawn in the same style and on the same scale; they lit into each other so closely that, united, they form one large Map of Roumania, Bulgaria, etc., that is, the valley of the Lower Danube from Milanovatz and the "Iron Gate" to the Black Bea. Size, 23x44 inches. This combined Map presents, at one view, the principal scene of the con test between the Russian and the Turkish armies. Published by E Steigeb, 22 & 24 Frankfort Street, New York, by whom copies will be promptly mailed upon receipt of price. The same publisher will keep the market fully supplied with all other War Maps that may be needed, and which we expeet to men tion in these columns. County Ollicers. President Jmlge-Ilon. L. D. lVctmore Associate Judges Hons. Geo. Ed. Weis, and Julius Jones. Sheriii Daniel Scull. Treasurer Jacob McCauley. District Attorney C. 11. M'Cauley. Co. Superintendent Geo. R. t'ixon. Prothonotary, &c Fred. Schcening. Deputy Prothonotary W. S. llorton. Commissioners Michael Wedert, W. H. Ostcrhout, George Reuscher. Commissioners' Clerk W. 8. llorton. Auditors W. II. Hyde, It. I. Spang ler, George Bothrock. SUGARS AT POWELL AND KIME'Sare high to bo sure; but still are a little cheaper than at any other fc'-ore iu town. i 1 1 it nr 11 tip Jifw Advertisements. Katoi of Airartislcff. One column, one year. f 7ft 00 40 0l 'JftOO Id 00 TrBnxiftil mlvf i-llneim-iiis tier munio of eight lines, one inxrrtion $1. Iwo inai-r-lioiiB, $1.60, llirce insertion $2. llnmne.-n cards, ten lines or 1cm, per jrcixr $". Adrerlifpini'nlx payable quarterly. PATEN T S ! Foo Rorfucar), Entire Coal Ol, I'lilent Odiee lo In ntvntten, hub mice $L'0 williln tl innmtiK nller liMit rI lowed. Advice and txiinili.nilim lice, I'm emu Sold. J. VANl'K U'.WIS ft CO., til 2ml WAxhinglnn, l. I A NX I' All NTATKMKNT HI' .IliNlH v TOWNSHIP. .lone Township In Account with fhmln of Kiilil Township, IIK( I llTS. To amount overdue from county com mlssloucrs ' ;hi Oil to amount m-iiIiiI lax levied ,l., ti- To amount cash IVniii county Iiviin (il'J v. lo amount casli tn-tn t ol lector Thro. t'oolt 131 wl loaniounl cash Hum I'ollector Valen tine .Miller K1 ai St.lKIt ,V. rxrwxni relics. Ily amount ofouistandlm; Kl.lris rc- (lecmeil Sii ii'.i ny ii i ii i x ii t pal, i Supervisor Miller and lalviriTK under him 1,,"iTI 'J7 Ily amount paid Supervisor Homier! and lithorcrs under him sj(i 1.V iiy amoiint paid lor liiiiilier, etc.. used hy Miller 170 PS r.y amount paid lor luinlu r ele.. used ly r.onnerl .(o 00 liy iiinmiiil paid lor ollleers and print- Inn ! Ofl r.y iiiiiotiiit paid lor i own treasurer s commission M !: Ily amount taxes in hands of Collec tor 1!. A. Maunett, sulieet to eom- misslon and exonerations 370 Rs Ily amount in hands of treasurer 2 57 suss ra ASSETS AXIl LIABILITIES. ASSKTS. Amount due from Collector Miller for 1.1 03 01 Amount due liom Collector Theodore Cook. Ih7l-.") 212 84 Amount due Ironi Collector Attlehar- Iter, 1S70-1 HO 27 Amount due ironi 'lreasurer ind- I'eldi.'r 207 2i! A moil ii I duo from Treasurer M 'Cauley i.M0 00 Atnount due from Collector Mannett. ls77 ,778 88 81,17(1 2-J ,. 70S 30 1.1 AHII.ITIKS. Amount road orders outstanding., L.xcess of assets over liahllitles .. 377 VI S1.17C roon account. KKCKITTS . To aninunt from Collector Manett.. To amount from Collector Miller.... (Vri 00 32 00 S117 00 F.xprxniTrnES. By amount imlil Wilcox House for board in oo liy amount paid indiirent and blind... 12 20 liy amount cash In hands of treasurer H 7S liy amount commission paidtieas 2 U7 isy amount outstanding orders re deemed 72 ft- S117 on ny oruer iioard or Auditors. nl2-t;t .IAS. II, WELLS. Clerk. Notice. All persons are herehy forbidden selling goods to, ortrustingany person on my account, xvithout my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tract ed after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 177. nlltt P A T E N T S. F. A. Lclnaann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, Washington, D. C. All business connected willi Patents, whether before the Patent Oflice or the Conns, promptly nHended to. No charges made unless a patent is secured. Send for a cir cular. nllif EVERY SOLDIER who was wounded or contracted perma nent disease in service can get a pension by writing to John Kirkpatrick, Cambridge, Ohio. N-luail DR. BANNING is permanently located at the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Diseases anl De formities of the Spine, Ulterino Displace ments Dyspepsia, Hernia and Piles suc cessfully treated by the BANNING S YS TEM of Mechanical Supports. Call or send for descriptive pamplet, "The House Vou Live In." Mailed Free. N-lOnil. List of Jurors for May Court. GRAND JIB0H8. P.enzinger. J. J. Volmcr, school teacher j Joseph Haines, farmer. l'ox. Hays Kylcr, farmer; John Ma lone, farmer; Dan Cot by. Carpenter : Juo. Kunileman, Carpenter; Thomas Sullivan, laborer; Charles II. Ilyutt, laborer. llorton. Jno. C. M'Allisler, farmer; Harvey Parsons, farmer; John lirown, far mer ; Win. Madeg.ui, laborer. Jay. Robert llurke, laborer. Jones. John Kramer, farmer. llidgway. Daniel Scribuer, livery; N. T. Cummiugs, lumberman ; J. B. Connor, lumberman; II. S. Tliuyer, coal dealer; Michael Bailey, laborer. St. Mary's Joseph Scunner, laborer . Geo. Leber, laborer; Henry Fochtman, blacksmith; Anthony Bieberger, carpen ter ; Anthony Schaner, taloou keeper, TBAVtBSK JIB0B8. Benezctte. Simon P. l'.omiug, painter ; Hubert Milligan, gentleman. Benzinger. F. X. Erig, laborer John Heiudle, bar tender; Michael Ncibert, car. peuter; Michael Market, carpenter ; Wil liam Gross, farmer ; JoBeph Lanzel, fuinier; Charles Schneider, farmer; Philip Young, farmer; John Wittnian, farmer ; Joseph Schaner, farmer; Geo. Nissell, farmer; Jacob Schneider, Jr., farmer; Michael Glatt, farmer. Fox. Henry Largey, farmer; Hiram Hewitt, farmer, L. W. Mohan, Jr., farmer C. A Brown, farmer ; Thomas Malone, far. mer. Horlon. Hezekiuh llorton, farmer! Jacob Fields, cabinet maker. Jay. J as M Baleman, laborer. Jones Itobert Manett, Clerk; J. L. Brown, merchant; G UGavlick, shoemaker Michael Dill, farmer. Millstone Godfrey Parrot, farmer; It. W. Painter, laborer. Kidgway David Ittle, laborer ; J. B. Rice, laborer; Geo. B. Dixon, Co. Superin teudant ; J. 8. Powell, sad'er; Charles Holes, jeweler; J. K. Whilmore, lawyer ; G. H. Statf'ord, sawyer; F. V. Seager, tin ner; 11. V. Kiuie, merchant; John Kem uierer, farmer; Samuel Gardner, farmer. Spring Creek Thomas Jttferson, laborer St. Mary's John Frank, laborer; Louis Geis, laborer ; Louis Hanbauser, laborer; Anthony Auman, stone mason; Charles Kutfen, butcher; Frank Yaunbaum, shoe maker ; E. Lenz, Co., Surveyor. X. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK ing, also choice syrup always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S. ONIONS, A NICE LOT AT T. & K'S. Administrator's Soilcr. Kstntc nf John Kotlnrr lnlo of Tonoa Townslilp Elk Co., detTascd. fatten Tcfitamvntarjt nm the above estate have boon m-milcd to t bo niiiloi-uliriwxl nil person Indebted to said estate are (-linemen i iiuvkc in.viiieiii, and nose having claims (o present the same v it until ueiay to Jl. W. K , N K. ul MO Administrator. I. Isl of causes set down for trial a the May term of Court of Common pleas of Kill county commencing Monday May "H, 1m7. 1. Jcicmliih Klliott vs. Isaac ItoW- limn, VI, .1 ii n tin c v Term isil'.i. v). .loli n Vnimbiin j. riilludelphla .V i;ib It. II. Co. No. ii, Novcnilxr I'ei m isil, :t. HiiiiiIi V. Wilcox, Widow (Cc, s, Ji'mkc mid .1 no. I'lntt. No. l!l, May Term lN"o, 4. Jiibu Koch vs. Ileiiry M'Cready, Ailnilnlsl nilor . No. I 111, Kcplcm- tier 'I'cl lll, IS7A. n. Ilclrs of It. Wlnslow, deceased vs. Itcuiielts Itninch Imp. Co. No. llHl Mnv 'I'cllll l7ll. II. f. It. Wlnslow vs. the Hi lilietts Hiiineh Imp, Co. No I 'JO May Term, leTII. 7. Jacob Waller, Trustee ct nl. vs Tlinnins I). Kane ct al. No. n:l, Sep tember Term lr. s. (leu. A. Katlibiirn vs. C. U. lOai lcy No. 1.17 September Term, lHTii. !. 'ibirbnrii EeUI, Widow d-e., vs. lMwnrd llabel. No. VSi, Sciitemiicr lerni, IS7II. 10. Stout, Mills and Temple, vs. Ralph Johnson administrators Ac. io o7, November Term 1S7H. 11. The Commonwealth of 1'tv. at sug. of F. X. Roller vs. 1). Scull ct al. No. !" January Term, 1S77. The Meridan Cutlery Co., vs. W. S. Service Co. No. b.j, January lerm li (. FRKD. SCHQiNING. Clerk. License Jiotice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing persons have tiled their 1'etl tions for License, and that the same will he presented to the Court of Quar ter Sessions of Elk County on Wed nesday, the 30th day of May, 1S77, at '2 o'clock 1". Al. ot said day. Ealing House. UHXEZKTTK. 1 John Dailey. t-T. M AMY'S BOKO. 2 George Sehaut, 3 John tiroll. Tavern. I'OX. 4 Joseph Koch, JAY. ft A. J. Rummer, I IK) WAY. G Frank Pollman, ST. MARY'S IIOKO. 7 J. M. Mecum. FRED. SCHCENING, Clerk. QUOTATIONS OF White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND liUOKKUS, No. 42 t-'cuth Third Street. Philadelphia, May 15ih, 1877. BID. AHKHI U. S. c ll.-3 115 do 5 20, c '(Jo. M and N Called do do "(w J and J Ill 3 111 J do do 'lio do 111 114,) do do '05 do 110 lluj 10-40, do coupon 11: llaj do l'acifio li's cy Int. off l-oi New o's Keg. 1881 11 1J " ' C. 1881 Ill; lll'i Gold 107 lU7j Silver loo 100 Pennsylvania cx ive ')'''. i!.'! lieadinp 11 f 11J Philadelphia & Lrie '.' i'l Lehigh Navigation 18 Lsj do Valley 84 34 J Cnited It 11 of N J cx. div.. 130 131 Pittsburgh, T. t Buffalo It. R 6 Northern Central ex. div 1 7 J 18j Ceuiral TraaHportaiiuu 34.) ii5 Nesiuehouiiig 45 47 North Pennsylvania, 44 45 C & A Mortgage 0's '8'J 105 105J NEW TI3IE TA1ILE P. k E. R. It. Commencing Sunday, Nov. 2Gth, 187G W1I.C0X Mail East 4:13 p m 5J:47 p m 0:2'J a in " West Day Express East-. Niagara Express West 8:55 p iii 4:40 p m 2:11 p m . 0:50 a m 8:14 p m 5:15 p m 1:40 p in 7:20 a m 7:45 p m HI LiU WAY. Mail East Mail West Day Express Eat Niagara Express West... sr. mart'ii. Mail East... Day Express East Niagara Express West.. RL'CKWIIEAT FLOUR. Graham Flour at AND POWELL & KIME'S. ROOTS, SHOES AND. RUBBERS a new stock just arriving, at POWELL & KIME'S AT POWELL & KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, and get more than the worth of your cash. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS. a nice little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S. FLOUR, PORK, FEED, CORN Mcal, Oats, always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri- Administratrix's Notice. Estate of Geo. Walmsley late of St. Mary's Borough, Elk Co., deceased. Letters 2'entunieHtary upon tho above estate have been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to ESTHER ANNE WALMSLEY. n4t0 Administratrix. Executors' Notice. Estate of John Taylor lute of Fox Township. Elk Co., deceased. Letters Tcitumcntary upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to GEO. B. TAYLOR, 1 Il2t0 JAMES R. TAYLOR. 18, BLANKET SHAWLS,' AT POWELL & KIME'S A FEW MORE OVER COATS and Buffalo Robes at POWELL fc KIME'S. RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA HAIL 110 AD Philadelphia & Erie U. R. Division WINTER TIME TABLE.' ON and after SUNDAY, NOV. 2(1.170, tho trains on the Philadelphia Erie Railroad will run ns follows) WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX leaves Ronovo 4 45 p m Prill it oml.. ft 58 p in Emporium (1 50 p m SI Marys... 7 45 p in Ridgwny,.. K 14 p m arr at Kane.. '.I 20 n m ERIK MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m Kenovo 1 1 00 a ni Emporium 12 55 p m St. Mary's, 1 4ii p m 2 11 n in lUUgwiiy " Kano. arrive at Erie ;:o p m ... 7 35 p tn EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Kane ..(1.00 a m ...II. '(1 a in ...7 20 a m ...8 10 a tn " " Ridgway... B: Marys.... " Emporium.. Drill wood.., f p ni ' Benovo 10 Krp m MAIL leaves Erie 1 1.00 a ni ERIK ' " " Kane " " " Ridgwny ... 3 50 p in .... 4 4!) p m ... 515 p in ... 0 10 p m " " " Ft. Mary s " " " Eiiipurium .... ' " " Rennvo 8.;i' p. m " arr. at l'hiladephia... 7 00 a tn Day Express and Niagara Express con ned e.ist with Low (jit.de DiviKion and D N. Y! & 1. P.. It. YM. A. BALDWIN. Ueu'l Sup't INSURANCE. The undersigned believes thiit he has the principal agency in this dis trict from the tact that he has written nearly one thousand policies, in the past, inrec years, jic, therefore, in vites those having Insurance to ell'ect lo compare rates, and companies, be fore making application elsewhere Partial list of companies. A KT.N A HAKTKOKl 7,000,000 NtlKTII llltl i'lsll M. KN(iIJA.'l)..10,iHHi,iKKI KIRK ASSIH IATIOX IIIII,A 4.oiHi.iii!ii OHltMAN AMERICAN, N. Y 2, wio.hini NIAliAUA, X. Y tMum TltAVEI.KItS' I.IKK ll AHTKOUl) t.iUKi.onU 1'. 15. WACHTKL, St. Maiys.l'a. liTinl. 'JMIE SOCIE' l'Y STORE. A new store started in Ridgway un der tho auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with MISS A. E. M'nZS, as Agent' and Saleswoman, A tine assortment of goods on hand and selected with great care. EMBliOIIiKKlKS. LACE EHGK FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SliTS. LINEN PI! ITS. CHILDREN'S SUITS SAMPLK SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a line lot of Dress Goods, Fa i fey work of all kinds. Framed mottoes Vc, ac. All cheap as the cheapest ami goods warranted lirst cl:;ss. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KKE, Agent for t lie Society. PIMPLES, I will mail Free she recipe for prepar ing a simple VttiKi Ain.r. Eai.m thiit will re move Tan, FRECKLES, Mi'l'LES nr.d liLoiuius, leaving the ekin soli, clear and heuuliful ; also iiisti uclioiis for prcducing a luxurinut growth of hair on a bald head or tninoili laee. Address Den. Vandelf A' Co.. Box 6121, No 5 Wootter St., N. Y'. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been percinuently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make kuowD to his fellow euil'erers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will tend a copy of the prescription used, (fiee of charge) with "the directions for preparing aud using the same, wiiich they will find a Stain Cube for Coscst-MrnoN, Asthma, liHONCHlTIS, &C, Parties wishing the prescription will please address, Rev. E. A. WILSON, l'J4 I'enn., Williamsburgli, N. V. SEED WHEAT. I have a limited quantity of fino seed from a new and uneiiualcd variety of iiauch wheat, put up iu 1 j lb. sacks which will lie Bent prepaid on receipt of jil. The wheat is superior lo the favorite Clawson variety, has a strong straw, and siat.ds up well when growing. This seed is the product of experiments lust year, from which the yield was at the rate of 87 buehels of w heat to one bushel of seed. Only 500 sacks are ofered for pale. II. V. SMITH, 734 141th, STREET, Washington 1). C. nlpi. OTT""iB not easily earned in these ill times but it can be made in three mouths by any one of either sex, in any l""1 of the counly who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. ?li6 per week in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or ouly your spare moments. It costs nothing to try the business Terms and $5 OutUt free. Address at once, II IIALLETT & CO., Portland Maine, oncy. Laws Relating to Newspaper Snbscrip tions and Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who do not givo express notice to the contrary, are considered wish ing to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers order the discontinu ation of their periodicals, the publishers may continue lo send them until all arrearages are paid. 8. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the oflice where they aro directed, they are held responsi ble until they have settled their bills, and ordered them discontinued, 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, aud the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 6. The courts have decided that "refus ing to tak? periodicals from the othce, or re moving and leaving them uncalled fjr is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud." (I. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it. wbeihor he lias ordered it or not, is beld in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorized to send it on, and the sub scribers will be held responsible uutil an express notice with payment of all arrears, sent to the publisher. Executor's Xolice. Estate of .Tnlin ICtiiil 1n(o nf ltonvlii. per Township VAk Co., decensed. fatten 1 Htamvntorff upon the above rstato have been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present i ne sumo wit hout delay to AADKKW KAIL. I'XT. Il7t(l. Executor's Notice. Instate of Michael Schlnebeek late ofSt. Mary's Jloro. Lcttm Truta niciitiiri upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate are re quested to mnko payment, and those having claims to present tho same without, delay to JOHN SClfWARTZFISCHER, Exr. Ii7t(t. Register's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that tho fol lowing accounts will lie presented at the next, term of the Orphans 'ourt of Elk County (commencing on Monday .May 2S, 177) for conlirmatioii : Final account of Jerome Powell Olive W. Eglcston now Olive Koust, Administrators of Estate of Dennis Eg leslon, late of llorton, township de ceased. Final account of George T. llotli rock and William Murray, Executors, of the last will and testament of Anne Overturf, late of lienezette, township, deceased. Final account of Charles Imhr and C. Ii. I'.oyer, Executors, of the last will and testament of Frederick Dippold, late of Ueii.ingcr township, decensed. Final account of Jacob Vollnicr and Ignatius Kaiser, Executors of the last will and testament of 1. F. X. lluek heit, late of St. Mary's Dorough, de ceased. Fit ED. SCIIOENIXG, Itcgistcr. TF YOU AY A NT TO 111 Y GOODSCHEAr GO TO JAMES II HAOEItTY Main Street, llidgway, I'a DHY GOODS, NOTION'S, HOOTS SHOES, II ATS AND CADS, GLASS AND QUEENS' ' AY A It E, AYOOD AND YVlEI.OYVYVAltK. TOI5ACCO AND C1GA11S A I.arse Stock of Groceries and Provisions The 15 EST J'.UANDS of FLOUR Constantly on band, and sold as cheap as the CH'EADEST JAMES II llAGERTY GAHDE1T SEEDS. New Varieties of Flower mid Vegetable. Don't write to your member of congress, who is flooded with applications fort-cede but obtain I lie simie Variolic?, and all the uew ones, by oulering from ihe undersigned Uesidu my own s oeialiicj I am prepared lo luriiish any ltird ef seed from any cata logue at a ili.-couut of tea per cent from list prices. For the convenience of those who want nn assrriment 1 have prepared two collections. No 1 consists of 1 ; viti-ie tits uf choicest Flower seeds a complete flower garden, price $1. No. 2 comprise) a complete collection of Yegeiable seeds for a small family garden, price 1."0 1'ucknges of (he iwo sets combined for $2.01) Sent postpaid to uny address on lcct-ipt ot price. The seeds in these collections would cost double t lie money, uinde up in separate orders or purchased of any dealer. 11. U. SMITH, 734 liiih STKKKT, Washington, D. C. PAI ENTSad ces. ttndc-marks, designs, and compounds. Labels registered, liil'iingeineiiis, re issues and init-il'eriuces wiil received pro 11 attention. INVENTORS s h ou'.d send us a model or sketch ot t heir invention, and we will givo our opinion us to its patenta bility free of charge. Fees moderate, and NO L'HAKGE UNTIL PATENT IS 8E CUliED. We will, upon contingent fee, prosecute cases that have tuen ukjkctku by the Paient Olliee. We have clients in every Stale in the Union, and invite inquiry through your congressman as to our standing belore the Patent Otlicc. Send for circular for further iufomation, terms and references. Established in ISM. EDSON BROS, Solicitors of U. S. and Foreign PATENTS. 711 G street, K. W., Washington, I). C. nliipi C It I S T A 1) 0 R 0 S M1B Cristadoro's Hair Dye is the SAFEST and BEST; it acts instanta neously, producing tho most natural shades of lilack or Drown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and is easily ap plied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggists. J. CTUSTADOIiO, P. O. Box, 1533, New York. Nt-44 T" IYING WILD ANIMALS I j WANTED. each for PANTHERS. 8,00 each for BLACK FOXKS. 4,00 each for CROSS FOXES. looo each for LYNX. 10 0O.. each for OLD OTTER. 6 00.....each lor YOUNG OTTER. 6,00 each for YOUNG WOLVES. 5,00 each for WILD CATS. 6,00 each for FAWNS. 1,00 each for YOUNG BLACK & CROSS FOXES. Tho above price I will pay, the Animals to bo in trood and thriving condition. Animals can be shipped to me by way of Punsutawney Pa. For further information write to JOHN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana County, Pa. PARLOR V. 1 - ; i .irti" v.iti'i )-..:ci -.jtti.i A'intueri It.,- A-..!-1 Sirs: l is cs (Cd. &. CO.. C.-.r.-.bridgeport, Mass. W tKKiioC.lls. t r.S WnirKiua i'-L. l:.i.:ii; Slate St.. Chicago? 28 Lairt Hill, lonaoB. p-iTTfl -tTrr ViTTf ' I." v.i; -. M J -in aal of ftlcctcd music and valuable readinff Xllll V. J.lVult.VijA., mi.-, llv mail f.-r it j-er vcar, or tea cent number. J.ch number Ciii-in- f- ul i u-ic. GEO. WOODS Ai CO., Publishers, Cambnogeport, Brass. REMOVAL. OF WHOLESALE JEHELEtY HOUSE. Our Inrjrc nnil innrensinft liusine U-innin1s morp room, mil we will iiftcr April 1st, 1877. occupy tM mid ii'l fln'ors of "M'CaJlum Buiibing" 77 Fifth Avenue (nearly opposite our present loen'ion,) nml will oiler lo llie Ii mle one of I lie Inrgest nnd best Ktncl.8 of pooil.-" in the United State?, WATCHKS. DIAMONliS, CLOCKS, Bvoniep, Joweli-y Silver ct riate-l Ware etc., cV;. Clofe Cnxli r.nverp Invite.!. WFIOI.KSAI.B EXCLUSIVELY C. B. BAnRETT & CO., 77 Fl Avenue, Pittsburgh, Po. THE ADVOCATE, (f!iw, over Powell ct &2.V0 A YFJll-SLoO SPECIAL TEHMS : Demorcsb's Monthly, with jwemium, and Advocate, orf $3.o0. Head the J'rem htm List. Peter son's Magazine, and The A.I) T 'OCA IE or $8.00 JOB PRINTING. B USINESS CAIiDS, VISITING CARDS, ;ads, VEL0PES, BOOKS, Cheaply and Neat I ij Printed, Estimates burnished, ORDERS BY MAIL AVLL RF.CE1VK PROMPT ATTENTOX Ailvlrcss HENRY A. PARSONS, JR., RlPCiWA VA.VL CO., PA. tCS 'Mr TA 'SI ORGANS 03 W 7 60 3 !., r..;ii-:al cf-cu and expression never before attained. iriir. rsr Beautiful New Styles, now ready. Kinie's f-'toie, Main Street. 1J ADVANCE. II 'ED DING CARDS. mi STOIillNTS. BOOKS, J.l r .?.... ii?u..-r ar..iism. tttWlW t fflX&tt Etvf a S I si E ADS,