A BATTLE IN A JAIL. o Endln of nn Old Fend In Oe Main, HI IKK. Several VAArn n.nna in To Kalb, liV. ,iJeu- Rus,1 a native white Bopub "can, flre(1 at John w Gu1 ft DemQm "at missing him, but killing Lin broth r,lSam Gully. John thereupon fired, "esperately wounding Rush, who finally recovered, since which, and previously, said, a deadly feud existed between la T1' Ltwt; Deceln,'er Gully was way Hia, shot and seriously wounded by awl 1 80 Gu,lv B11- Kush disappeared ?u ",a not been seen since. The nssas snintiou of Mr. Gully recently is be "evJ to be his work. The tragic death ?l Mr. Gully, who was personally Known to everybody, having once been sheriff, brought together many persons peeking information and to attend the luneral, which occurred several miles from De Kalb. At the funeral much excitement prevailed and it was with dif ficulty an orderly sepulture was had. On the same clay, upon aflidavita by divers parties, warrants were issued for the ar rest of W. W. Chisolm, J. I Gilmer, D. Kosenbaum and Hopper. The reported threats by Chisolm and Gilmer grew as they flew and iuflivmed the white people, who regarded them as almost public enemies. Oilman had just returned from jail in St. Lonia, where ho had been taken by requisition on several charges of fraud. Chisolm Bided in making his bond there. Chisolm was arrested, and placed under guard at his residence in De Kalb. A crowd demand ed that lie should go to jail where he was accordingly taken, his wife, daughter and young sou accompanying him in side. He retained a brace of revolvers. At his (Chisolin's) request guards were stationed outside, and also in the hall upstairs where he was placed, the per sons composing the guard being desig- ni.l 1 1 1I CI- . . . .1 w-Prn iZ-1 ' 1 -f 1 1 f , 1 , 1 IZ m ' eJ wltldouble YlVele, Ef, . ,Hl'V,el 8. i-res ed and 1 Thi r 1 P"rt "f the I?11, , t &tllmer- 'Pearing on the street, was arrested and soon surrounded by a the, -nil ,.,,.1 ,i.,i,Vi.. f..u fo-fi 1.0 mn.r o J,. 11 (v Vri th,M, i 1 ' ThlUB ,n Z" , - crw flmlun"ing but 08 llC Was IMHRIIlfr netwppn twn liniiMoa nntrio wersonsiu , nr.1 flrn.l um,, lustautlv. Rosenbaum. who was taken with Gilmer, was lodced iu iail. At about three o'clock p.m severa o the ivmiMn n.n.iu i, : i .... .... utiiua, ucvumiu ntritiiisu, against the wall. DirectlY several per sous came up tho stiiirwav. as relief mio,,i. f.i',, -i. VI -r. Vs guaicls. or whom, it is thouuht. Dr. Dave l?roa.. , l ivosser, who wns foremost, was one. Before the door could be secured behind them a crowd rushed in. Chisolm seized all the guns left by the guards, retired rosseWl t .hil1!, "ul fired, killing lvubser. While m the act of bring a second shot, his young son John ran questetl tlie shenir to relievo them. He ti.o Rnpnlf,f wn tho anm-im i.n.i i . y('ar "m,,v i(,n"'S physicians acknowl told each tj bring the particular person I une KtotL rinnS S hi ! efnt t1.10 -&7 MarshalCs Uterine named to relieve him Four or five re- ? , ? cl'"uh .u th? of the ; CaMoicon is the only known certain remedy t ir ,1 1 rr,,,tlfn lc i I tr'Keil.v to ring the "Angelus," and had , fr diseases to which women are subject. The tirea together, leaving their cuns leanmar ' i,... i n... i uravtnh.m w,.,it,i i J.. 1" ., ' m-LVKKi m ironi or nun, receiving tlie ccunmetrcM lniin tlie nest hive there was charge, which killed him instantly. ; a middle t.izcd toad, which every now Firing now became general and pro- and again rose on his fore logs anil inado miscuous. Chisolin's wife and daughter ' a dart with surprising quickness toward clung to him, the latter receiving a blades of grass. He wns found to be wound in the wrist. Chisolm himself i devouring bees, w hich rested on the fell desperately, and it is supposed j grass blades awaiting their chance to en mortallv, wounded, but he still survives, j tor the hive. M. Brunet watched until One McClellan, an adherent of Chisolm, j twelve victims had been devoured; he mi who ui me lu.iHiu guams, wno re- mained, somehow eseaped from the imikiing, but, was killed immediately afterward. TT.-..-.M -...i,. iigu v.tuiiy, a nepnew ol John, the deceased, rece'ived a ball in tho jaw ami spat it out cf his mouth. several others were grazed with balls or had tl icir clothes perforated. Hopper nnd Rosenbaum were not harmed. jiiiojiii, vjiimer ami .ucuiellan were white Republicans, R'is.ser and Virgil Gully Democrats. e i . . A CurioiiH Storm of Lightning. At a recent meetiusr of the French Aca.lemy of Sciences, a paper, giving the following curious description of a storm obs3rveu by M. Edward Blanc, on March 21 at Vence, in the Vnr, was read: " The weather had been variable during the day; at seven a. m. a hail-storm, ae- compauied with thunder, had swept over plates were very early iu use, and a bill the whole northern seabourd of the of feoffment on copper was some years Mediterranean from west to east; Trejus, ; since discovered iu India, bearing 'date Antibes, Cannes, Nice and Monaco had one hundred years B. C. Leather was been visited, but the center of the tor- also used, as well as wooden tablets, nado was several leagues away on the Then the papyrus came into vogue, and sea, where tha clouds had a characteristic ' about the eighth century the papyrus copper tint. Vence had been but slightly was superseded bv parchment. 1'iiper, touched, had had some intermittent rain however, is of great antiquity, especially mingled with hailstones, aud occasional among tlie Chinese; but the' first paper fquulls. During the rest of the day the mill in England was b lilt in 1588 bv a jam shone out, and at intervals a big German, at Dartfor.l, in Kent. Never black cloud would travel from west to , theless, it was nearly a century and a east, letting full a shower of rain lasting half uamely, n 1713 before Thomas but a few minutes. The sun was warm, ! Wat kins, a stationer, brought paper and set in a cloudless horizon. About making to anything like perfection, midnight, M. Blanc was surprised to see The first approach to a pen was the numerous flushes of lightning to the stylus, a kind of iron bodkin, but the east, the sky overhead being clear. ; Romans forbade its use on account of its There was no thunder, although the ; frequent and even fatal use in quarrels, phenomenon could not be at any great and then it was made of bone. Subse distauce. M. Blanc proceeded to a spot I queutly, reeds, pointed and split, like where nothing could obstruct the ob- ; pens in the present day, were used. Berver.and saw the whole eastern horizon . m covered by a layer of black clouds, over .. , , ... .. " w hich a number of light and fleecy cirri Ho" a (lli"1,mn ""M Olc Court, were skimming in various directions; the , There is a Joss house on the alley in general appearance was that of a dense the rear of a building on Kearney street, mass in ebulition, on the surface of which ' between Pine and California, Sun Fran light scoriw were dancing about. To cisco, iu which is the room of the nine t ho northeast of Vence, and at a distance teenth district court. In order to pre of eighteen kilometres or thereabouts, a vent annoyance to the court by the noises large black cloud seemed to be exceeding- in the Joss' temple, an arrangement existed j ly disturbed: it was constantlv risinc nnil ' bv wliieh on n rnrtimi uimi iritl. r'l,i,,uA .....i .11..' :: z :z uicuwo iiwuiuiiuij luwavi irouuiK iium a uuuquei oi lire- works seemed to start from an invisible center, flew about in every direction, and after passing over a space of from six to eight degrees, would burst silently, leaving a dazzling train behind. The apparent diameter of these balls was about one degree; they moved slowly, and the phenomenon was repeated three or four times in two minutes. From time to time the cloud was torn by a flash of lightning, uccompauied by a rumbling sound. ' The Laud of Revolutions. Political prosecutions continue in Mexico. Senor F. Mejia, Lerdo's secretary of the treasury, has been im prisoned for alleged malpractices during tne past, iwo years, umz declares the Congress an illegal body, and has sum- rnoned i the Senate to meet in- September, whsnthe wo odies will choose a new Con- giess Conspiracies Multiply rapidly. A formidable t ne has been discovered in San Luis Potosi, and a number of arrests h we been lnaJe. The original Tuxtepeo Sarty are dissatisfied with Diaz and i ireaten to oppose lnui, and the Church j party are ofl ended because Diaz disavows i any alliance w;ith them. TheCourrier De La burope has suspended and Two Jt publics will follow suit. Both Pre Lerdo journals. Governor Jiminez, who arrested Mr. Sutter, the American consul at Acapulco, without cause, and kept liiin in confinement three weeks, has released him by order of President Diaz, but without redress. Diaz has paroled Cortina the condemned bandit. - i'ioivii v v ClUll JL x.V'3 A Mnrderons Mnnlnc. In Spalato, a village of Dal matin, a wealthy "propriotaire," named Giovanni Tomic, occupied a house on the Borgo Grande, , opposite the parish church of Santa Croce. On the 20th of March, hi a furious fit of rage, he fell upon his wife, with a knife, inflicting such frightful wounds that the poor woman succumbed. Her father, who interfered on her behalf, likewise fell a victim to the madman's murderous blade. When the police arrived at the scene of the tragedy to arrest the murderer, they found all the issues of the house barri caded. Tomio had intrenched himself against all comers, and, armed with a gun and abundant ammunition,fired on every one who attempted to approach the house. The police retired before this fusillade to consult. A young man, crossing the square at the time, then at tracted the madman's attention, and he fired at him, bringiug him down. The next victim was a woman who was com ing from the church. She received a severe wound, but managed to tret off. The gendarmes surrounded the house .. .1 " , np 1. ... ,, ""iwuum to me accompusumeut or every on three sides, effectually cutting off all , purpose! while sickness thwarts the best intdn meaus of escape for the man inside. The tions and loftiest aims. Into na are committed front of the house, which commanded important health trusts, which we hold not tlie plaza 111 front of the church and the '"?,B,y " ,r ixmaii utu ior me uene.it or atrppfo rmpnincr nn it n-no i, i 'ers. In onlor that we may be able to din- streets opening on it, closely watch- : Pilarg0 tho obligation of our trusteeship and ed. lor fear of the man inside. 1 thus Drove worthy rf m,r ,,,.., ,.i..,,;.. no one dared attempt to rescue the corpse of the young man who had been I "'K health and prolonging life. It is of para shot,and which lay putrifyiug in the sun. m"nt importance to every person not only to Finally the enr of Santa. ?W who , P"d.!T",?$ 1 ,e ?" for the prervati.m of had considerable influence with the , , . " T V , murderer, proposed to parley with him. As the brave priest advanced toward the house, Tomic ceased popping away at every head that showed itself, and greeted him respectfully. The priest asKeu mm to senrt out ins little daughter, a child of two years, whom he had bar- oue W one. The poor little one had tually been cut to pieces. Tomic then ; rommh his Ctt,inOT1ide, and for twenty- j fr h"M8 kept trio entire armed j force of s lnto nt 4 Tbe authoritieg j refu9cd permi8sion f. the rcn(Varmcs "IO u" lllm nPg'"g mat ne was 1 TI .. . . 1 crazy, ami not responsible for his acts. ! AU th'lt Wfts them was to blockade I the house and starve him out. During .1 . . . . .. . "'"'"s ' e''"aue one comic ii.cuient occurred, In the night, in the midst of the death- I ;t... " ?i . i .1 . ..JrV" r"- ' 1'. ..V r'11111;, 1,Vttltcl1- a mi tuuiu ins ui-ciisioinuiy iienra irom As tho only exit from the sacred edilice " uiuipr ure irom ioniu; s Darricaiie, 1 ..... i i . . . ,. .. ' "lc lnnn scxiou iiaruti not venture lorui. Ho Toads Eat Hoes. j M. Bruuet states in La Xaturc, that that on going one A,y into his garden, just betore a storm, he found tho bees ; crowding into their hives. About fifty expected the toad's voracity would be re warded with a sting, but m vain. Ob- : lectincr to further iWtrmrfi I . w, , .... . . t tne I toad bv Ollrt of lii L.o-a n.l (.nviin.l I him to a b'ed of cabbages" thirty metres ! oil, where he did do real service among the caterpillars, etc. Three davs after fl.iu ,.A 4... I.. 1 1 n n, l 7 1 1 "1e!,!1"e 111 the same toad (which was easily distin- j guishable) at its old work. M. Bruuet let him swallow only three or four bees, then curried him fifty metres in another direction. Two days later the " wretch " was again found at his post, greedily de vouring. The Ten. The earliest mode of writing was on : bricks, tiles, oyster shells, bark, and leaves of trees; t 1 latter the term "leaves c , stones, ivory, and from flip nrobablv derived. f!nn.f nn.i limn. v...-"T n: . 'y tiiuiw;nriii iwuig uuug um oi a window j hi me alley, an gong business in the temple w suspended until the sign is iiumiTii au, .t. imiuumuu who speUKS a modicum of English, and had heard the pompous declaration by which the sheriff opens court, to wit: "Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye 1 The honorable, the district court of the nineteenth judicial district is now open pursuant to adjournment ' tried his talent at interpreting the sign above mentioned with the following result; "Hi-yah, hi-yah, hi-yah ! Him d'ssiok court nine, ten times, allee same open pretty soon in a jug." Governess at the White House. The Staunton (Va.) Vindicator says We have quite an interesting item through a letter received by a friend from Washington. When Mrs. Hayes arrived in Washington from Ohio, Miss Virginia Peyton, a highly educated young lady of tweuty, and a granddaughter of the late Bishop Johns, of Virginia, living near Washington, determined, being a teacher by profession, to apply for that position to the President's children. She had no influential friends, and so determined without letters or recommendations to nrmlv in nerson. So nn mnrnfn ul.o went to the White House and inquired 1 v . vutm u v D t? uo received her very kindly, and healing lier business promised, after a long con versation, to make inquiries and com municate with her forthwith. -The result of her inquiries was so favorable that the intrepid young lady was engaged as gov erness for her children at a handsome salary. lUf JW m. ri V I HA 1 TOUl. imi t wa unfa ricaued in the house along w 1 1 himself. S BZH "c,t" 01 t ii 1 r 11 . 1,16 Rno- "rt or preserving health, nioro scien- For answer the inhuman father tossed . tifleally discussed or mote plainly taught than the limbs of the child into the street, in "The People's Common Hnnso Mi-dinnl A.l. IC" i t he c hiiri'h liitpniialir lio.rriiiir fr.i. Uvon.l 1 "TER an expirienco of over twelitv- A little girl, named Brans, eight years um, was Kuiea Dy ine cars at uinciunati while trying to save her two sisters. TOnnffet thnn iiprsin'f- frnm a similar 1 fate. The two were Dlavnnr on the rail. road track and did not notice the ap proaching train, when the little girl, see ing their peril, rushed out of the house, dragged them one after the other from the track, but had not time to save her self and was almost instantly killed. An exchange remarks: "The only jokes women like to read are those which reflect ridicule on men." "Yes," adds another exchange, "on taking up a paper a woman invariably turns to the marriage column." Knowledge la Power. a nation of enliBhtanerl fnwmAn Thin in Education is the corner-atone and foundation of our government. The people are free to think and act for themselves, and that they may act wisely it ia necessary that thev he well informed. Every individual gain increases fmblic gain. Upon the health of the people 8 based the prosperity of a nation, by it every value is increased, everv lov enhanced. Health I it is necessary that we studv the art of preserv- . ueauii, out also ilso to know what ri'mp(lins sliniilrl be employed for the alleviation of the common ailments of life. Not that we would advise every man under all circumstances to attempt to be his own physician, but we entreat him to accpiire sufficient knowledge of his system and the laws that govern it, that he may bo pre- 'vi w m&D mm ui uiuiseii properly, aim hereby prevent sickness and prolong life. In n? fxt book wi" the people nml the subjects viser," by 1!. V. l'icrco, M.D., of Uuffalo, N. V. 1 It is a volume of over nine hundred large ! pnges, illustrated by over two hundred and eighty-two engravings and colored plates, is elegantly bound iu cloth and gilt, and is sent, post-paid, to any address by tho author at the low price of one dollar and f'iftv cents a copy. ; Xearly one hundred thousand copies have , already been sold, and tho present edition, I which is revised and enlarged and more especially adapted to the wants of the family, is selling very rapidly. It treats of all tho ; common diseases and their remedies, as well as 01 anaiomy, pnvsioiogy, nygiene, human tem- peramcnts. and many other topics of ercat in. 'nto'll.P?! indli tmly wbit lfi Mh, 8t-vIpsit- "Medicine simplitied:" . . remedy of the Hhv fur l,ili.,i,u,,..ou l...o.i..i, liver complaint aiiddiseases of digestion. Rolci by all druguists. Send for almanacs. Cirnofcn berg Co., New York. KrmNo Dkihmtv. languor, lassitude, and thnt low state of the systom peculiar to the springtime of the year, nre immediately relioved "'"'li 'm,eof ' 'ul,rnro immediately relioved MS&l 1 iron-infusing strength, vigor, and new life ! into nil parts of the system. Being free from alcohol, its energizing effects are not followed m oorrespoiKimg reaction, but are permanent. Sold by all druggists. Pamphlets free. Setu W. Fowle & Soxa, proprietors, Boston. We should not hesitato to recommend to any friend of ours, 1'araons' Purgative Pills: they are scientifically prepared, and are adapted to all the purposes of a good purgative medicine. Premature loss of tho hair, which is so com mon nowadays, may bo entirely prevented by the use of Bi'iinett's Cocoaink. We are satisfied that Hatch's Universal rnnuh Syrup is one of the most valuable cough reme dies that we sell. If any one in need of such a remedy will call on us, wo will refer them to those who have used and will fully corroborate all we can say about it. Wo have sold it some fow years, and it has become the leading medi cine of its kind. J. T. A H. F. Wood. Dexter, Jeff. Co., N. Y. A jiositive cure for rheumatism Dnrang'g RUeumatic Remedy. Send for circular to Hol phenstine A Bentloy, Washington, D. C. Decidedly the best rcmedv that has ever been discovered for rheumatism, swollen or stiff joints, flush wounds, sprains, bruisos, cuts 1 and burns, is Johnson' a Anori;e Liniment. ' Wo ui-e it, and always recommend it to our friends. t Rheumatism cured at once byDurang'sRheu- I niatic Remedy. Send for circular to Helphen- j stiue & Rentlcy, Washington D. C. 1 Facts for those wlie have been dosed, I drugged and quacked. Self-help for weak and nervous sufferers. Infornintiou'worth thousands to those out of health. The new Health Jour- nnl that teaches all, sent free. Address, Elec tric Quarterly, Cincinnati, O. I Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, tho great New j England cure for coughs, colds and couBump- , tiun. Cutler Bros. 4 Co.'s, Boston, only genuine. It is said by tlmre who know, that Doolkv A Bieothek, the manufacturers of the justly cele brated and well known Yeast Powder which bears their name, have the Inrgest and most complete establishment of the kind in the world. Th capacity of their mammoth factory is simply marvelous, reaching the immense quantity of five millions of pounds annually. The Markets. NEW IOUK. Beef Guttle Native 100 10V Texas and Cherokee. 10 (4 aiucauows ou w tgtio uu Hogs Live, 06 id OfiV Dressed Sheep Lambs 07! 70H 06 u) 06 09 (4 11 11HC4 11? 8 M (410 70 Colton Middling Flour Wcetern Good to Choice. . . Htate tiood to Choice Wheat Kcd Western No. 2 Milwaukee........... live Slate Hurley State , ISarley Mult Oats Mixed WfUrli Coru Mixed Western Hay, per cwt Straw, perewt.... 8 20 1 60 1 H 1 IS 62 1 an ftft 75 CA (.6 (4 S ! 1 6.1 (4 1 H (4 1 20 14 (4 1 30 (4 57 (4 7J (4 70 (4 7A (4 10 imps to a it) (417 ... 7B' 01 POrk-M i 10 (416 11) Lard liiy Menu 11(4 11 "u luacserei, o. i, new is uo (rt'ju uo wt.V;;:;;; , ft 2 J HerrinR. Scaled, ner box 15 (4 10 is P stroleum Crude 01a ( 9 Itottm-d, Wool California Fleece 25 (4 Texas " 21 (4 Australian " ntt (4 Butter State so (4 Western Choice 1I (4 W stern Good to I'ritue. . ii 4 Western Firkins l'l (4 Cheese State Factory 11 (4 State Skimmed 06 A Western 12 (4 Eggs Stato and Pennsylvania. .... 12X'st 27 25 l 22 7 ' 11 18 08 1 13 BUFFALO. Flour 8 0 011 00 Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee 1 73 (4 1 tl Coru Mixed 67t4 67 Oat 61 (A 61 Kye m (4 85 Barley (a (4 g) liarley Malt 1 00 14 1 10 raiusiuau. Boef Cattle Extra 06)fS C6',' Sheep (5 a oil Iloga Dressed 08Jf(4 01) Flour Pennsylvania Extra T 00 (4 00 Wheat-Bed Western 2 10 (4 i. in Ky 1)1 SI I Cora Yellow , , 72 (4 78 Mixed 71 (4 72 Oats Mixed '8 (4 61 Petroleum Oru It, 12 gl2 Re&ued, IS Wool-Colorado 18 (4 . 20 Texas 1 (.4 20 California, 19 26 BOSTON. Beef Cattle 05V4 09Jtf Kheep Cfl(o 06 Hogs. 1'6 (4 0i Flour Wiscousiu aud Miuuesota.. 8(0 I 10 Coru Mixed 76 (4 76 Out ' 63 (4 68 7 21X Wool Ohio aud Pennsylvania XX. 42 CaUloruia Fall IS BBIOHTOH, Kill, Beef Cattle ttX C6X Hbeep 04 (4 07 Lamba 07 (4 08 Hog 07 $ C7X WiTKBTOWII, UU, Beef Cattle Poor to Oholo I 60 gM Sheep fit (4 ( 76 Lambs fit 76 Two IrriTnnrllnhle C'nndltlons. Debility and health are Irreconcilable enndt tions. Weakly people, that is to ay people who lack the vitality requisite for a vigorous discharge of each and all of the bodily func tions, are mvanamy amicieci wun some, though it may be a trifling, disorder of the systom. Atony, or a want of nervous and muscular vigor, ia accompanied by poverty of the blood and leanness. A certain way to overcome it and prevent the aggravated maladies to which it must ultimately lead, ia to use Hostotter'a Htomaoh Hitters, wmcn promote digestion and assimilation of the food, and thus are the means of furnishing the body with a simply of blood of a quality essential to its proper nour- lsnmont. invigorauon uirongn the instrumen tality of the matchless tonio protects the feeble from a host of bodily ills which lurk in ambush for tho debilitated. The Bitters are an article which it is most dosirable to keep constantly on baud. , Are Yon Costive If so, be careful of disease. Avoid it ty taking Quirk'i Irish Tea. Price 25 cent Durang'a Hhcnmatic Remedy never fails to cure rheumatism. Bold by all druggists. lltuvna Y... trfnuvts.a n.mDW 1 (lRINbKK8,HTFork...n(lFnii Bell.. fMi bj islera. OrrWnrt Frtr. H. F1HHKR. CiHTOW, O. $5937 Made tiy 17 A rents In .Tan. 77 with mK '? J"'w sr"clc. Snmples free. AdUress C. M. Lininyttm, Chicago Co South ! ?if "! ,Tv, ., j . 7' 7 ' able information an to best lncitlnn. Bono Klc. fnr Sntithrrn Hrrntit AilH. (MINUS ylN(iU.N(I.Wo. A.tr Home. Wbw Vork HOWARD IRON WORKS, Mnnnfacttirera of Hnnd and Pnwr PAPER CUTTERS AND BOOKBINDERS' MACHINERY, Of the Mcwt Improved Pnttnrnn. Pnrti intenriing to puri'lint wi'l ,lo well to addreiui a above, or lilCO. II. SANHOKN. S.1 Ih-ekmnn Street, New York. GAS-LIGHT FOR EVERYBODY ! SI Per IOOO Feet! Cheiiper thnn Conl (ia Safer than Kerosene A mere brilh int light Innn either. Imlrrae1 by IciilinK Insiirnnee Compnntes An Ant. mmtic Mnchine K,i,ly hnnriled Adapted to Dwellinp!", rncone, ('iMirclia, Stnrett, R R llepntft jincl (IHice 1-.iiii a Hilmln Knmer upwiirria Notliina like it in the Country Send for lllimtrnted (Jntnloirue THF SUA LICK MANUKAC I'UUIKO ("o " P. O. Bo i7ll)t No, 4 Murray St., New York. 100, 000 Facts for the People ! For the Farmer, the Merchant, the Horaeraan, the Moek-raisnr, the Pnnltry.kecpnr. the Bee keeper, the Laborer, the r ruit-raiaer, the l.arclener, the Doctor, the Iluiryinan, the IlnnaehoMfor every family who wnnta to save money. The Hook nl (be Ithli l entiiry, I'AI'Tf i--n a;knt!. Male an1 lemale Aarenta coininK money on it. Send to na at once for extra tenna. IN(;RAM. SMITH A BI.AUK. 731 Walnut Street. Philadelphia) Pa. Mattresses and Bedding - FOR - Hotels, Institutions and the Trade. Frnllieri", Hnir, Mom, Hunk, Kxerleliir t o 111. loner-., Illnnketf, lied Linen, I'iiin, i:te. Send for Price List. WM. S. FOGG & SON, I 7J iV 1 Tit linlliiuii wtreci. NHH'Tdlt", "The Best Polish in the World." yi nam Ik, Every Family nhoutd have a MSeliy. iottH Aro VOIT n mibwrriJier to nny? If not, then ditrharae that DUTY NOW by ftuhnrrihinK t that good old reliable Family dournnl, THE PRESBYTERIAN PCBMiSlIKD WKKKLY. I'rlpp. S'.Oj n Vrnr, rnnlnse iitrliulpd. Note. In Clubs of Five or morn nubscribers, the price in b) a Yortr e.irli. Vn ttnft1-thnnk'litM fur fiundfiy-nchoolB. " Nbw of Churcht'f," anrl th " Work of ur Chnrrli," at Home and Abrunrt: its Correspond vn ce from nil pitrts uf the world: its nblr contribtitiont from ntninont nifn. and its oditorialR. miik it oiih of tho Uhoniwst and Moat Vulu-abl.- Kiiintly Ninvsp ipcrH in the Country. It will cnntiiin (tit freitiont intHrvolo) Sernmns by Rpt, Dr. Wndsworth and otiit-r eloiiupnt diviner, any one of which will amply pay for th subscription. Send the amount by 1'unt-cirfU'e ninny ordt-r. clun k, or reeiatered lnttur to Till-: rKKSIIYTKKIAN, Chestnut Street, PhiU. W ABHINHTON f'FNTKNNIAL MKMiUUAL, GO ctS. Ilddi- tinn-il, pl.-iin ; or I AH) in colors. Specimen Copies of The lrffbTtrrliin snt free. Note. Tor ! I. AO we will iiive The Piifbhytkhian one year, and ono copy of the IUUI.K DICTIONARY bound in cloth. over Urno pngew. which retails for 4.50 Burnett's Cocoaine r re vents tho Hair from Falling. Burnett's Cocoaine Promotes Us Healthy Gro vth. Burnett's Cocoaine Is not Greasy nor Sticky. Burnett's Cocoaine Leaves no iJisagroeublo Odor, Burnett's Cocoaine Bubdues Refractory Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine goothts the Irritated Scalp-Skin. Burnett's Cocoaine Affords tho KIchcst Lustre. Burnett's Cocoaine Is not an Alcoholic AVas'.i. Burnett's Cocoaine Kills Dandruff. Burnett's Cocoaine Gives M ew Life to tbe Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Remains Longest In Effect. $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The choicest household ornaments. Price Ono Dollar each. Send for catalogue, JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO. $1.00 BOSTOW' MASS- $1.00 DON'T START UNTIL YOU HAVK TROCURKD A Policy of Insurance AO A INST Accidents ! A prudent man will always carry A Yearly General Accident Policy IM THE TRAVELERS Lite ai Accident line COMI'ANV, Of Hartford, Conn., w Whether Traveling or Not! THE TRAVELERS bu paid, for Death or DUabling Injur by Aocident, S2, 600,000 I Eight of tha viotima of th Ashtabula Disaster Saved 933,000 to their Fatnillet by Insuring in TEE TRAVELERS. ' AGENTS EVEnVWHEItE. a. m si. ni,n. KITCIIOI.INK, KITf'IIOI,IF. R7h1 . 1"?"'; V Ta don't nt It. n. n,n(n. Aemt (W lmtli'l? S MANUFACTURING PP., M ORKKNWICH HTRKKT. NKW YORK. Th Tin Tntt PfkaM 1 ;.ln.H., f'nnrll, P.nhiilfler. Golden Pon, 271?1 iff' PeorB "l.mond I'm . Amhv Rton. Kin. ixl.M K !ii M.?'n -t "f'S ."" R'"rr Hm. d.nil pltl tviwdli.il finHiS n L"n? ' 'n unci llrnp., Onld.plmM C'ollur J. BRIDE k CO., TT O It Clinton Placa, New Torfc U WU 3 NEW BOOKS O. P. BURNHAM. (W77.) J. " niKpnnra of Pnulirr. how to cnr them." ! S.'.'"''!'!" ,n nvr irefllnB, name .trie. J1!' "'" owl-for the PH, or the Spit." (With elegant full-page frontispiece in rnlora.) t-Illnstreted Clroiilun of the Book., and of my choice Urn hmna 1 and I'nrhlna (labokst and bft f owl, in the world), mailed for 3 cent .tamp. Kither Book aent, poet-paid, for AO eentu, hj uko. p. iiriiNiiA.tr - jMrlroup, Jlnnn. 1 1 lillniilllllL A pniitive remedy tor ftropy ami nil diirun of the Kidney. Ill mirier mil Urinary Or ffann. Hunt's Kemndy l purely vt-gftable and I in-pared exprcitly for the above dueaaei. It Iim cured thouRaiitifl, Kvery bottle warrantt d. 8end to W. . Clarke, I'rovidfnpe, K.I. , fir llluntrated pamphlet If ynur druggirt dnn't have It. he will order it for you. Foot-Power Scroll Saws Centennial MEDAL awarded BROS., WilllllllKtoil, I'd., MAnnfnctnrers of the Dexter Saw (New Patent.) Price, SlI.OO. ASassr: !.000 Sold )t m' JBI3 in Sf A. DEXTER Emery Grinder and Polisher. SB. TIiohi' .Iiirbinpfi wnrrnnitM. In rvrry rpNprrt. """" "ik'uiw Hiiu iiiiihiniitHi jjisl ui ijettifins oi Hrnckntn, rrames. and Knnry ArticlPH. Pleasant as Wine ! Harmless as Water! VAN BUSKIRK'S TONIC INVIGORANT ! Muny jieraous have olitnlucd the best beallh of their Uvea liy the imp of this cxcclti nt and popular remedy. Nearly every form of debility and disease has been cured by II, aud without any of the nsnal a-lvnrt'aiiiK it has become so favorably knowu that I belim aent for from all narts of the country. and the faciliiics for making it have hid to bo iu- 'reiised fo tlie capacity of hundreds of thousiinils f bottles to meet the constantly increasing demand. T .0 success of this remedy has no puraliel, and wherever kuown it has uequired a reputation never qiuilcd by nny otiier medicine. Its wunderlnl uiugic-likc ett'ect surprises sll, it does every one '(oocl, aud iusures good health aud stronnth'to all who take It. It is a certain cure for dyspepsia, constipation, blliousuess, headache, neuralgia, nud all affections "I tne siomact), liver, kidneys mid nervous system, mil for every form of debility it Is without'dimbt the cheapest, ple isnutest and beat medicine In the world. I'rirr only SO renin for Hulf-pint bottles. VAN III SKI It Iv & CO., i'roprictors, 18 Vcsey Sireet, Xov York. $7.20 PER QUARTER FOR TEH QUARTERS. ASON & HAMLI !N 1 CABINET ORGANS HIGHEST AWARDS AT FOUR GREAT WORLDS EXPOSITIONS Paris, TTienna, Santiago, I867J T 873 W 1875; PHILADELPHIA, 1876. OSLV OSO.M. AISieStD FlHST R.SK .T CsKTIMKlll.. 6r..lniriMy of y(i .1 priru mil it imiuiU worktf titek wtlhnct w,lkt unttvtliJ fartiuw Jr mannaetuM. EXAHI'I.F.S UF AST VASH I'RICF.S: Five octave double reed organ, cfcl ff vvltfi tremulant, t)lUU Five octave organ, nine stops, 1 1 A with vol celeste, if) J.J.' Sold alit far monthly or m sur, ry jm,ms., .r rtaf.rf saf il re nt pat. A mptrvtr organ man maw he purthateii 6 ttte eaey ififA uf $7.20 per quarter Jar tea quartere. falaloouei free. WIASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. lMTremnnt St. v6 llolun S. 2M Wabath Ave. BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. Burnett's LiAcracts Burnett's Extracts -rll!.r. IIllltrT, HiMon. Burnett's Extracts .FMOtl, VANILt-A. POSE, AUriOND, NECTARINE, CELERY, ORANOE, PEACH, NUTMEQ, CINNAMON, CLOVES, GINGER, Burnett's Extracts 7'Ak heat is tie warhl." -I ilth Av. Hotel, N. Y. Burnett's Extracts " cjcciMsiretfi for iear." Coiumt iiul Hotel, rhlla. Burnett's Extracts 77i tupetiority of these Extracts amsists in their pt tj'cet purity and great strength. TUey aro wuTiinteil free from tlie poisonous oils and i cila which enter into the composition of many oi tho fictitious fruit flavors now in tho market. 1 hey are not only true to their names, but are prepared frnm frnitaof the best quality, and aro so highly concentrated that a compara tively small quantity only need be uacd. JOSEPH BURNETT & CO., BOSTON. PROPRIETORS. POND'S EXTRACT CATABRH.-Fond'a Kxtract ia nearly a Hpe cilic lor luia disease. It can hardly be ex celled, even in old and obstinate cases -ha re!iet ia ao prompt that no one who , haa ever tried it will be without it. CHAFPEII HANDS AND FAl E.-Pond'e r struct should be in every family this -oukU weather. It removes the soreness and roiujhueaa, aud aolleua aud heal mi c rm. V" Bk,n l"t"uptly. KHtUMATISM. buriinf severe and chanreabla weather, no oua aubject to Kheuiuutic Julus should ba one day without Peuil'a ennn .'xtractt which alwnva relieven. SORE LI ;Nfi H. l ONSL JI Pt1oN tM?fcll. i"''D.-lUl c-.ild weather tries the JLunge sorely. Have Poud'e Extract ?Sre.1ih.Tay"- "rveatUepakiani miLBLA IN8 wiU be promptly relieved and FE08TEDI IMka"u 'M'"'' a- auai lU Li M jB.-Pond'a Ext root 1 nvaria- "i'nOAT, OI'IVMV IVIM,irn x J. I LS AND A i ts 'S I Zfi'l-VZ .llv i - ' ' v r a . " aW UeththomaA mW TRDMP re nroim riir.n fi . "I "e use oi roud i HISTORY aTX'VaeJ VVmllf- - POND'S fexTH ACT Cfl . ii',n "a o . .. New V.rli Void by!?" OJIF to Familia. HmnH for Oirnnlar mnuftniun irauu., 14 9 Uhamrwra m.,Jfw Ynrk. OrMl Ohanr to Mult Money. Good Airnt wantd. tt rue at oBCj to liTWH MTQ. tJO., Buffalo, il. i, Drum vD'hotsno'w9,',, SOLID STEEL HARROff TEETH Klromtlh ( ninhlnr-d' nllh l.lahlnrm. ITprm receipt of a PiMt-offlce money order, we will u-Mt.r ... vBprttH. or rnnmna 40 ,V-lnoh eqnere teeth, I0l inohes lone, for 04. SO 40 h inch square teeth, hi inchea lone, for 3.83 NH'KLI BOXKD. BWKBT'8 M'FG CO., Btbaootb, K. T. Every Year You Lose More then one eoiits Obtr alwero rlaht-No per till tinted and .nited If o ri.k. we My freiaht Be rmir own Aaent end Have OommlflBi.-me Four Too liny Hrit Ira. r..mrlf (none better) IflHh 'Urtr4. Send for frer Pnoe List all site Soalos and ade for yourself. JONES OF BINGHAMT0N, BI4UIA.MTONt N. Y. Maize Flour Toilet Soap ! Maize Flour Toilet Soap ! Maize Flour Toilet Soap ! - A great discovery! a new sonp compound ! It soothe, softens, and whitens the -kin.hnu wonderful hosting so sniMirinr sashing properties. snri iseqiislly snited forth' listh, nursery snd genersl tiilet. It is .'elightfully pel liunerf. snd sold everywhere at a tnoderste price. Regit torod in Patent Office. IH7B, by the manufacturers. M 1 K hp X K . V A M H A A ( K , a DO.. Phil.delphl WAflKNTM WANTEI I'll It THK ORK DAYS OF GOD! Ily PHor. HKHIiRRT W. MORRIS. A.M., D.D. ,.T11" .(",", I.l'"t'"-r of the World hefnre Adnni. Its dsteless origin. thrill:iig snd mysterious changes in beooming a lit alir.de for man. Tlie beauties, wondert and realities of I'lnli as sliown by hM-lclice. So plain elear and easily nnderitood thnt all read it with delight Strongest commendations. Hond for Circular, Terror and .Sample Illustrations. Address, .1. V. itlrtTltlty .V ('() I'hllndillililn. Fruit and Press ! One-third more juice than by Ifae old procpna. A hou Behold neceattity. Kvmrj fntnily will buy one. Quart and gallon fir.8. LilMraI discount to the trade. For circular and terms address, with stamp, American Fruit and Jelly Press Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. AffPiitM Wnntrd In -Yi'ry Town nnd County, P cur Kansas display of products nt Centennial snr rmvii'il all ntlier States. HAINAN lA'IFIV K.W. '0. offers largest Ixidy of pood lands ill lAStS at lowest prices and best lerma. l'leiityof (iov't lands IKFF, for Homestends. For copy of "KAVSAN I-ACIFI4J IIO.HI 'l'i:l," niiilri'ss, Land Cummissionmr, 7i. i. JtW; Satinet, littnttets, FIFTY-TWO OF TUB MOST PROMINENT STATESMEN of tlie COUNTRY WILL WR1TK FOR THE TOLEDO BLADE (Xabu'H i'apvrt. ..."'J'1''' Pherman. Key, Sohnri. Morton. Mlmne, Fostsr yi indoni, and otliers of uquul nolfl, ooDtribute an articli dnnna the venr. NiibIij l.rttrrsi arc written exclusively for thi The Best snd ' Ihenpest Paper in the World. Specimen Cniilra ncui Free to an, address. 8nd Postal. Addrens, 1IU.AIHV Toledo, Ohio. " THE I AreI,lndein all styles and of ever description, from tha liKlilest, Onrsl, and moat elrnnnt in use to tha hcnvieal and NtrmiRfHt required for any kind of work; are CONCORDI "nequnled in Myl, v w ""-' I wo r km nnahlp, strenutli and dliruliillly. They raoeived tha IiIrIi. ent ritlen nwnrd at the Contennial Kiposition. 1TAT?'N"rl,.RR "INone aenulne unles. XJKJKJ. ,hBJr Ke ,tRmpe with our nn in e and Trnile lilnrli. A lilwra1 T? h A A T? Tl ""lb ai for information JXJU VV JXSXU that rolIvlct ,f OM wlio eells hnrness na tlie Cimeord llnrness Hint nre not niiulc by na. Kitra indueemenu offored. Send for oiroulars and price lists. t Address J. R. HILL & CO., Concord, N. II. VEGETINE Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the Whole System.. ITS MEDICAL PS0PEBTIES ABE Alterative, Tonic, Sol vent and Diuretic'. Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Veget;ne Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Reliable Evidence. Mh. H. R. Stkvtns: Itrar .Sir I will most cheerfully add niy testimony to the great number you nave alrusdy received in favor of your Brest snd k.hkI medioine, VHGtCTINK, fori do not think enough oan besnid in its lirsise, for I wun troubled over tlnrty years with thnt dreadful disesse LiatuTh.aud had sueh bad couirliina spells that it would seem as though I vMillli. tre,"le P m"', " i i .A ... a? eured me; snd I do feel to thank (Jod all the time thnt there issogiKida medicine as VKUKTI.NK and I also think it one of the best yiedicines for coughs and weak, sinking feelings st the stomach, sncf sdvise everjhody to take the VKOKTINK for I can sssure thera it is one of the best medicines that ever was. w Mb. L. ;ORR. Mnaune and Walnut Streets, Cambridge, Mass. OIVES Health, Strength and Appetite. M i- H . 1. I. ..y u-u..v, m rvceiven great liene M from the use .of VKGKTlNK. Her declining health was a source of grout Hf'v t5.'Si lJ'Sr Wenda. A few bottle. ?.iXJNK r??ta her health, strength and appetite. i . N H.TILDRN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. No. 48 Sears' Building, Boston, Mom. CANNOT BE EXCELLED. H.R.SHxAK"vOW,'M"IhWIM,, )ar A'r This Is to certify that I have used your " Blood Preparation " ""y family for several rears, and think that, for Scrofula or Cankerous Humors or Rheumatie .Medians, it oann.it be excelled; and as a blood Kurifter or spring medicine, it is the est thing I have ever used, and I have used almost everything. I can eheer. fully rooommend it to any one in need of such a medicine. Yours respectfully. Mua. A. A. PIN8MORK, No. 19 Russell Street Recommend It Heartily. w South Boston, Feb. 7, 1870. Mr. Btkvicnb: Dear Mr I hsra tnken Mraral bnttlt of rourVK(JKTlNE,andm ooDvinced it u a valimbla rttmedy for DyBpep.it., Kidney OompUint and general debiiilj of the iyBtera. I oan heartily recommend it to all Suffering from tne alove com p lain Ul. Youth rmpectfully, MHI. ilUNKOK PARKER, fetf Atheoa blreeL PREPARED BT H. E. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vetietlna la Hold by AU DrawlnM. Medical Advice Free 1 cash once Dsid by OlLMOIit CU-WashingtenJ CCC a week in rnnr own free. H. HAM.KT! . r,.. -A M nntflf CTT VO., Pi.rllnnd. Mnine tbKK.0 Tr A "Week to Agents. I I O "i.'f $50 H $77 P. O. VniKRRV, Augusta. Mslne. K In 19n per day St home. Bamples worth l"ft 90 10 rfTIWHONOO..P' r'land.jtalno. 840 A WBEK. Catalogue and Sample FRKR FELTON A CO., I l Wssssn St.. New ."-fr. $12 n Hb at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and terms fro. TRUB OO., Augusta, Maine. . AfJENTS WANTED to eolleet amsll plotnres tn eopy snd enlarge. Miner In it. For psrticiilsra address R. P. GKROCI.D t'O.. COWCQBD. N. H. AHFTSTia-rhrnpe-af f'hroiaas In the Wnrlyl. 9li sssorted, post-paid, J I , or 3 for 85 rents. lioWTrNUKTAL Chbomo On., aft Wasssn St., New Yor. EI.FfTRH) BEI.TS.-A NKW, CHKAP, PKF FFf T Onre for premature debility. Send for ciren. taroresllon Da H.KARR.882 Brosdwsy, Mew Tort. k01,1l Rnbher Tvpe, Stamps Rubber Ooodsl FND FOR OATALOOUR, or ask yoor SUtioner, 'omethlng New. H. 8. IwoFBSQt.1.. ZQ5 B'way, N. Y. S3 WATCIIKH. A Oreat Sensation. Sample Wateh and Outfit free to Agents. Better than Oold. Address A. l!lirl,TP.H rl l-hir-eo $2500 A vpur to A (refits Outfit trnrf a f25 .S7if t;n fn. Wot trrnis iul AAHA A nrnnrh. AvntitA wantAil. Hit hunt wlt- niS!l &rtulnfl in tho world. )n pnmpta free. Add ilrtre..lV IlitllVW.lK- O OH! AOF.NTH. Olf! KVKRYBODV. Thp M i;sT A ' II V. 1'rnH'i-nir only 2!i cnts. rirrulnrs fre ss sir. n. H. BARROWS, Willimsntie, CA. o $1 A YKAK. An ninlit-pnpo Story Pnper (rhivirno lix59 "Otir Horn!") Six mortn ("Flornl Cm" chromo. Ml ct. ISo fre ampin. AIJUTM, Ho 1 ii2tit Btwtnn.MiiPP. WAN Mfn to trnTl nrr! tJtko order of Morchtnto. Hflnry 12Hyor nnd nil l1 ravelin punensf-n pnid. A nn re $57.60 Addrnu (iFM IMnnTfr Co., (St. Louiw, Mo. AGKNTS' PROFIT per wppk. Will pmv it or fnrrcit rj. New Article, jnut pritfiit4d. Humpies Rent free to til. Addrew W. H. CmnRaTRn. 2IS Fnltnn St., N. Y. III telnet t Fi'.tra Cilr teiih' ral I Calendar. Journal, and 8 Sample Plants, a.l el Floral ttt Frrr. .1. O'iEtVES. Bee., li.ix K:rr. tv.teii. IVanled Aireini. in ,vri v citinnv i u.-ii I new iioiisenoi.i Articles, rvml .or clicnlsrs. I ' r.- HRnwx.in.. gis Kim HI., riii. innn' j. And Not Wrnr Otil. Rold hy WdtchmHkHrn. Hvnmtl, JIOo. CiriMilnr fro. f. H. BfRCH A CO., US Dry Ktreet, New Ywfc. MONEY 3? 150 im-:k month. t)u-k fin leu. Lnrefl Prnfitn. Seno lt oentfl for HHinples. Outfit com plete. J'1.IPNK M FUi ).. j Inriiniiitl, O. T1! A Q The choicest in tha world Importer' - J-Jip prices Inrfiest f'ompnny in Airiun staple article pi esies everhid.v Trade continnnlly in oronsingc Arents wsnied ererywhero best indweements don't wast time fond for C'irculnr to HOI.KKT WKMJB. 4: Vesey St.. New York. P. O. Box I2S7. A BOOK for the MILLION. MEDICAL ADVICE A f'-reup Fnmphlet on Sp r. . tln' e,,u 'iininio iisnMO. 5"SS?T' Catarrh, Rupture, Uuiiiln Ilnliit. ete.. SI'K I rKKH on receipt of stamp. Address Dr. Hutts' Ilim-n. ary,No. 18 North 8th Street, St. Louis, M i. i,F''nr; """'a Music Compound is llieoiily irt-,sriitl..h,oiir purkaol which will lliree tlie 0. nr.l lo Ir,.- tluck awl li.avr 'ii the in.,il,,..t licr ('iilu.iit injury) in 41 d .vs in every ra.r, or minify elicrrtnili re limit' d. li conr. in.r pnrkni', pimtniii,! i '3 ior Slliciit.. U. W. Ju:!l:s. Ahln.i!.MM. r'JS.X. C'lRJ""'1' Centennial Kihil.ition. ...v. AN l l'.II ! Mednls nml Diplomas nwnrded for iioivfa.n' Pictorial BIBLES I.N(M) llliiNtrntlnnn. Addreis fur new circulars, A.ri'JMi.Lf'ldll r" !M ARCH Street, I'hiln. The Big Horn Gold Region. r 111 ".nvernniem route to the " fiff fft'h W " lenves KswIins.M yoming Territ ir.v.froni the 1 Otll to the Il lnr (if Mua- If ....ll.. : - al. IT : ii a i niad. lat miles frmn the Bin- Horn Mountain.: gend mnrln. plenty f fuel nnd water, nnd e-ry furilitv for n?nit:nK. K educed railwiiy fros. F.very in f Tin n linn urnmhed on Mppiicntinn to K.XFrfrivK ('cm miti ff, Inwlms, fin-lwm ;n., Wyoming. Incline ntrmt fr rrply. LADIES Beware of Mm Imitations. l sTiwn a nn .i"" th. th .f Mrh. ISJl. I h... 'cWvrf from PER CENT. NET MM Ml II III fnr the money lender. H w miereKt piiia fini. snmiHiiy tirst your in ndvunce. ht- curtty 4 to lO times the lonn in M Und alone, exclusive of the build H m iniffl i Present cash viilue hy sworn V V njiprnisers.) No investment sit fur, B o payments more prnnptly met. v Best of references given. Send Hump for particulars. It. S. H. JOHNSTON, L0' 1 ,ht tM ort u Ke Loans, 1ST. Pxt'L, M i nnerota. KKRP'N Hill HTH only one quality-The Best. Keep's Patent Partly-made Drens Klnrts (an be rinished as easy rh hemming a Handkeruhief. The very best, six for 17 .K. Kep'tt Custom Ktiirts made to niemuire, Tbe very best, six for )lMHh An elegant set of genuine t.ild-pl:iti- f!illar nnd Sleeve Buttons given with each h.ilf duz. Kemp's Shirts, Koep'a Shirts are delivered b'H KK on receipt nt price In any part of the Union no express charges to pay. Samples with full directions for self-measurement nt tree to any nd'trews. No stamp required. Oeal directly with tlie Miinufauturer and get Bottom Pnces.Keop Manufanturing Co., tJ Mercer St.,N.Y. COKAAA YKAR. AC.KNTS WANTED tQZni Jl J ? "r rnnil C iiiiihiiintluii tw w riOKiMTIiii., representing 1 50 DISTINCT BOOKS wanted everywhere. TlirbiggcM llilnir evrr tried. .Salett made from this when all single KiMiks fnil. Also Agenta wuntod on our ilAINiri('l'NT FA.1IILY Bl Itl.KS. hoiHrriortonllnthers. With Invnlunhle 1 1 Ins. tmted Aids and Superb Bindings. Tht'Mf IEoiiUm lit'iit tltr World. Full Particulars free. Adilrenn .JOHN K. POTTKK A CO., Publishers, PH H.A U KJjHH I A. BILLIARD TABLES. Best in Use. Balls, CMh, Cues, ml everyihinti ttp Ttnining to HillinrdH, nt luvMKt Prices. Uny. ing the lurcect sNwk and finest facilities for miiniifHcturing, orders can be promptly jillei', G'od second-hand Tables cheat , Tick Bii.i.iAti Cif, un itlut trnted newspaper aent free un application. H. W. COLLEUDEE, 788 Broatiwav. H. f. " QUI ' Ann 'm T.owr?x nnreee Beat for Pamphlet of tht Reliabli Borliagton Road. Aoaras, iita cemmiicerer.B. t E. E S IN The united staTEo Mothers Who Have Daughters That Have Weak Lungs, Should arrest the disease when it is in the inoipient ttacea. It ia indiouted by a hacking couth, psins in tha ehest, difficulty of breathing, or oppression of tne lunts. If this be permitted to run on, tnbereles will ferin, and Consumption will be the result. A most Tiilnsble rume. dy will be found in AI.I.KN'N I.I Nfi ISAI.KA.X to cn re sud eheek this disn"se in its tirst stua. For sale hy sll Mediein.. Healers. Church's Musical $20 Dnrlna lbs Yenr Visitor. Rtery number has 3a pages of Musie and Musiml Stories, bketehes. Kd.lorinls, letters, lessons, etc.. eti . L.hnice of rour Klegnnt Premium Volumes trra Ui inn subscriber st If ..-,! a Year, l-end stamp tor fll pi r. tirnUrii or J., c.-nls for sample, with lu.('u,v l r. r. Unas. Afmrei.i. J. ( I I HCII A- CO., il.rtnnnlKjlk TU p ueiu ELASTIC TRUSS Husr.4 ttr.rtiifr.mll.ttir..u auu-.tase.. with M.ir a.....i ... u.s..( lb. SiJ,, au. u,, r.uuBit i Praoa II . n L nr.mr. 11 1 . .. tOOLfTON TRU COar.hafl. Mloh. COLLINS & C0'.S GbTsthe t, fii.'sar A nJ AAli-VTr. - stae'tiEL PLOWS 'i"lAWl tNO JOUR AOORCSS TO .C. 8U Watcr 8t NEW-YORK CItv W Y W U Mo. 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