Henry A. Tarsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1877 Extra Session of Congress. postponed to octobem 13. Washington, May 4. The deter mination to postpone the full for the extra (session of Congress until Mon day, October loth, Is a matter of great surprise here, for the reason that It had been virtually settled In the minds of Interested parties that the session would be called to meet In June probably on the 4th, but certainly not later than the 15th. Now there 1s free sneculation about the matter. The questions are asked : How can the military machine bo run? Will the Administration attempt to run the army on credit for four or five months? Will tbo service bo efficiently per formed ? General Hulburt, of Illinois, of the House Military Committee, who Is familiar with the subject of army ap propriations, said this afternoon that the Administration would bridge over the trouble by putting off payments to the army. For Instance, the payment which ought, ordinarily, to be made July 1st, and, as the custom is to pay off every two months, the next pay ment will not fall due until the first of October, when "the authorities" will find some way to put off further payment of salaries until provision therefor shall have been made by Congress. Proclamation by the President. Washington, May 5. The objec tions to postponing the extra session have all been waived, and the follow ing was issued this afternoon : By the President of the United States of America A Proclama tion : Whereas, the final adjourn ment of the Forty-fourth eongrcssi without making the usual appropria tions for the support of the army for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877, presents an extraordinary occasion re quiring the President, to exercise the power vested In him by the constitu tion to convene the house of congress in anticipation of the day fixed by law for their next meeting: Now, therefore, I Rutherford B. Hayes, President of the United States, do by virtue of the power to this end in me vested by the constitution, con vene both houses of congress to as semble at their respective chambers at twelve o'clock, noon, on Monday, the 16th day of October next, then and there to consider and determine audi measures in their wisdom, their duty and the welfare of the people may seem to demand. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 6th day of May, in the year of our Lord 1877, and the independence of the United States of America the 101 st. By the President William M. Evarts, secretary of state. R. B. HAYES. '.vo t deiulitatjxo, as the MERCURIAL REMEDIES ARE, JiUT STUEXGT1IEX1SG AY STEAD. This is the testimony of the veteran editor of the Fredonia Censor, after a satisfactory trial of Dr Fenner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic. It is no uncommon thing to meet a man with a cadaverous face, thin, gaunt, complaining; having no ap petite, breath too ollensive to endure, heavily furred tongue, unable to rest well nights, barely keeping around, nd hardly able to keep soul and body together. He is always a skeptic in medicine, and generally everything else except one. There is one thing he believes in and that is, that it is in teresting to all who come within his reach to be bored with a lengthy and particular recital of all his ailments, which recital usually concludes with an emphatic statement of his disbe lief iu all remedies that are recom mended for his relief, none of which be has tried, at least, not in any thorough, busiuess way. Is it not a relief to turn from such u spectacle to at consistent, sensible man, who does not affect so much "smartness" but is willing to acknowledge the truth. Here is what he says : From Hon. Willard M'Kinstry, the veteran, editor of the Fredonia Cen sor. Ur. M. M. Feuner, Fredonia, Jf. Y. Dear Sir I bava been uslug your Blood und Liver Remedy and Nervo Tonic during the past few woeks, and desire to say that I like it. I find it admirably adapted to the purposes for which you recommend it. It Is an excellent remedy for the biliousness usually Incident to 4he change from winter to spring, sufficiently physlciog and yet not debilitating as the mercurial remedies are, but strengthening, Instead. Truly yours, W. M'KINSTRY. For sale by dealer. In medicine. The King of Fiji is too enlightened to hang a man for murder. He aboN ihed the gallows two thousand years go. When a man offends the King, the offender has his brains knocked out with a club, without being given the benefit of a trial by jury. No t'me is fooled away empanelling a lot of idiots who never have an opinion and never read a newspaper. Appleton'8 American Cyclopedia. Vol. 8 of this admirable work is just out, making it half complete, as there uretobelO in till, of 800 pages each, one being issued in two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without it who would keep well in formed. Price 3,00 a vol ume in leather, or $7,00 iu elegant half Turkey. C. K. Judson, Fredonia, N. Y., controls the sale in Elk couniy. Address blm for particulars. wpl7-tf. Now Advertisements. Batss of Advertising. On column, od year $75 00 ! 40 00 , " 5 00 " " " 15 00 Traniitent. advertisement per inar. of eight lines, one Insertion $1. two inner lions, $1.50, three insertions, $2. Iiuinc! cards, tea lines or less, per year $5. Advertisement payable quarterly. PATENT S! Fee reduced, Entire Cost $65, Pnlent O'lice Fee $3-3 In aJvonoe, bal ance $20 wiih n 0 months nficr patent al lowed, Advice aud txamli.alion free. Talents Sold. J. VANCE LEWIS CO., nlCml Washington, D. C. ANNUAL STATKMENT OF JOXKS TOWNSHIP. Jones Township in Account with funds of sum lowusmp. RECEIPTS. To amount overdue from county com mlsslcniers 1,200 00 To amount koiiIimI tux levied l,l.r, 92 To ninount cush from county tri'iis U12 2f To amount cash trom Collector Thro. l.'ook To amount cash frum Collector S'nlen tine Miller 131 06 8S 20 ?:i,183 ui KXriEKTIITCTlIK. By amount of outstanding orders re deemed 50 80 liy amount nnld Supervisor sillier and lalmrers under him 1,571 27 liy amount paid Supervisor Hcinncrt and laborers minor him 8M20 ity amount paid for lumber, etc.. used by .Ml Her 170 9S Hy amount paid for lumber etc., used by ltonm-rt 40 00 By amount paid lir olllecrs and print ing 00 00 Hy amount puld tor town treasurer s commission 61 03 By amount taxes In hands of Collec tor II. A. Mnnnptt, subject to com mission and exonerations 370 s By amount In hands ot treasurer 2 R),1KJ 52 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. ASRFTf,. Amount due from Collector Miller for 1S73 B.1 01 Amount due rrom Collector Theodore Cook, l.sT-t-i 212 84 Amount, due from Collector Attlubnr- tter. 1S7U-1 HO 27 Amount duo from Treasurer Wind- felder J07 22 Amount due from Treasurer M'Ciiuloy 200 00 Amount due from Collector Mannett, 1877 S70 SN 51.170 22 i.iaiiti.itikm. Amount road orders outstanding Excess of assets over liabilities 70S "0 377 02 61,170 22 rooit ACCOUNT. kkceipts . To amount from Collector Manctt., To amount from Collector Miller.... ft 00 52 00 $117 00 EXPr.NniTI'lIES. By amount paid Wilcox House for board 10 00 By amount paid Imllsent and blind... 12 2i By amount cash In hands f treasurer 10 7s By amount commission paid treas 2 37 By amount outstanding orders re deemed 72 Go $117 00 By order Board of Auditors. nl2-tll J AH. II. WELLS. Clerk. Not ice. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, ortrustingany person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1877. nllt4 V ATEN T S. F. A. Lelnnann, Solicitor of American and Foreign Patents, 'Vusliingion, D. C. All busimss connected with Patents, whether before the Patent Office or the Courls, promptly attended to. No charges made unless a patent is secured. Semi fur a cir cular, nlllf EVERY SOLDIER who was wounded or contrncied perma nent disease in service can (ret a pension by writing lo John Kirkpatrielt, L'auibi idge. Ohio. N-10il DR. BANNING is permanently located at the St. Charles Hotel, l'ittsbuigli, l'a. Diseases at. d Lie to i miiies of the fpine, Ulterine Displace ments Dyspepsia, Hernia and Piles suc cessfully treuied by the IliNNISG 8 VS TEM of Mechanical Supports. Call or send for descriptive pamplet, "The House You Live In. ' Mailed Free. N-lOnil. List of Jurors for May Court. GRAND Jl'HORS. lienxinger. .1. J. Volmcr, school teacher; Joseph Haines, farmer. Fox. ll-iys Kyler. farmer: John Mt. lone, farmer; Dan Corby I arpeuter : Jno.' Kunzb-niiin, Carpi titer; Thomas (Sullivan, laborer; t buries ii. llyuli, laborer. lii lion. J no. C. M'.Allisier. farmer; Harvey Parsons, fanner; Jehu Drowu, far mer ; IViu. Madegjn, laborer. Jj. Hubert Burke, Lihurer. Junes. John Kramer, farmer. Kidgwuy. Dutiiel ricrihner. livery ; N. T. Cummiiigs. lumberman; J, 11 Connor lumliermiir. ; H. 8. Thayer, coal dealer; Michael tiailey, laborer. 8t. Mary's Joseph Pehauer, laborer; Ceo. Leber, laborer; Henry loclitmnn. blacksmi.h ; An'licny Bieberger, carpen ter ; Anthouy t-cliaucr, saloon keeper. Tn.vmsE Jennys. Benezetle. Simon P. Homing, painter ; Hubert Milligan, gentleman. linizincr. F X. E-ig, laborer John Heiudle. bar lender : Michael Neibert. car pen. er; Michael Market, carpenter j Wil liam Gross, furuicr ; Joseph 1 nnzel, farmer; Charles Schneider, farmer; Philip Young, inimer; John Viiimnn, farmer; Joseph .cliaucr, faimer; Gei. Nisscll, farmer; Jacob e'ehueider, Jr., farmer; Michael (iiati, farmer. Fox. Henry Lnrgey, farmer Hiram Hewitt, faimer, L. W. Mohan, Jr.. faimer (J, A lirowu, farmer; Thomas Malone, fur mer. Hortnn. Hezekiali Ilorlon, farmer! Jacob Fields, cabinet maker. Jay. las M t.ntemaii, laborer. Jones Hoberi M melt, Clerk; J. L. I'-rown, merchant; U OGuilick, bboemaker Michael Ddl. fi'ituer. Millstone G.dlicy Tarrot, farmer; B. W. Pniuler, laborer. iiidgwuy Duvid lille, laborer; J. I), lice, laborer; Geo. It, Dixon, Co. Snperiu tcnilaiil ; J, 8. I'owe.l. sad'er; diaries Hoi.., jeweler; .1, K. VVhitmore. fnivyer ; li. li. Milliard. siw;er; F. J.'. Sctiger, lin n er ; II. V, K'Uie, im reliant ; Jo'liu Kent mi 1 1 r, lnim'ur; (iiimuel Gardner, f inuer, riprirg Creek Tliomas J. fferson. laborer Hi. Mary's John Frunk, laborer ; Louis Geis, labor. r ; Louis Hauhuuscr, laborer ; Anthony Annum, stone innson ; Charles Kuffen, buicher; Frank Yuunbaum, shoe maker ; K. Lint, Co., Surveyor. - N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK ing, also c hoice syrup always on hand at POWELL 4 KIME'S. ONIONS, A NICE LOT AT P. & K'S. AdmlulMrnilor'g Noitce. Estate of John Kettner lato of .Tones Township Elk Co., deceased. Letters Testamentary upon tno above estate have been granted to the undersigned, nil persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to M. 8. KLTNE, nlltO Administrator. List of causes set down for trial a the May term of Court of Common pleas of Elk county commencing Monday May 28, 187. 1. Jeremiah Elliott vs. Isaac How man. No. 24, January Term 1809. 2. John Vaughan vs. Philadelphia A Erie K. H. Co. No. fl, November Term 1874. 3. Sarah V. Wilcox, Widow tc, vs. Jesse and Jno. Piatt. No. 21, May Term 1875. 4. John Koch vs. Henry M'Cready, Administrator He. No. 1 Hi, Septem ber Term, 1875. 6. Heirs of R. Winslow, deceased vs. Dennetts Brunch Imp. Co. No. 100 Mnv Term 1876. 0. D. 1$. Winslow vs. the Dennetts Branch Imp. Co. No 120 May Term, 1B70. 7. Jacob Walter, Trustee et al. vs Thomas D Kane et al. No. Hi, Sep tember Term i.o. 8. Ceo. A. Bathburn vs. C. R Earlcv No. 137 Keiiteinlicr Term. 1870 ). Barbara Eckl, Widow etc., vs. Edward Babel. No. 223, September Term, 1870. 10 Stout. Mills ami Temple, vs. Balpli Johnson administrators &c. No 57, November Term 1 870. 11. The Commonwealth of Pa- at Bug. of F. X. Koller vs. D. Scull et al. No. 45 January Term, 187. 12. The Meridan Cutlery Co., vs W. S. Service Co. No. 05, January lenu 1S( i . FBED. SCIICENING. Clerk. License Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing persons nave nletl tueir 1'etl tions for License, and that the same will bo presented to the Court of'Quar ter Sessions of Elk County on Wed nesday, the SUtli day of May, 1S77, at 2 o'clock v. M. of said day. Eating House. BEKKZKTTK. 1 John Dailey. ST. maiiy's boko. George Schaut, John Oroll. Taveru, FOX.' Joseph Koch, JAY. A. J. Rummer, KIDOWAY. Frank Follman, ST. jmary's bobo. J. M. Mecum. FRED. SCHCENINO, Clerk 6 QUOTATIONS White, Powell & BANKERS AND liliOKEKd. No 4i .vcuth Third Street. Co. Philadelphia, May 8ih. 17 B1U. ASK KD U. S. 1881. c do 5 '20. c '(15. M and N. .1143 115 do do '05 J aud J 1 10 110J do do bo do 113 11:1 do do '05 do Ho 1151 10-40, doeoupon 113 ll'H do Pacific 0's cy Int. off 1-4 j K'5 New 5's Reg. 1881.... lllj 111J C. 1881 HU HI Gold KHjJ H'7 Silver 100 100 I'ennsylvauia ex ive 35 -J 351 Reading 12J l'J.l Philndelphift & Erie 10 11 Lehigh Navigation 20 "20 do Valley lib' Sbjj United U R of N J ex. div.. 132 132J Pittsburgh, T. t Butfulo It. R 51 5:J. Northern Central ex. div 18 10 Central Transportation 84J 35 Neiquehouing 45 47 North Pennsylvania 43.J 44 0 ii A Mortgage 0'a '89 105 105$ SEW TIME TABLE P. & E. It. It. Commencing Sunday, Nov. 2(Jth, 187(5 WILCOX. Mail East 4:13 p 111 " West 2:47 p 111 Day Express East 0:22 a 111 Niagara Express West 8:55 p m 1UUCWAT. Mail East 4:49 p m Mail West 2:11 p m Day Express East 6:50 a 111 Niagara Express West 8:14 p m sr. mauy's. Mail East 5:15 p m Mail West 1:40 p m Day Express East 7:20 a m Niagara Express West 7:45 p m BUCKWHEAT Graham Flour at FLOUR. AND POWELL & KIME'S. BOOTS, SHOES AND ItUBBEltS a new stock just arriving, at POWELL & KIME'S AT POWELL & KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, aud get more than the worth of your cash. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHIPS. a nice littje assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S. FLOUIt, PORK, FEED, CORN Meal, Oats, always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri ces. Administratrix's Notice. Estate of Geo. Walmsley late of St. Mary's Borough, Elk Co , deceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to ESTHER ANNE WALMSLEY, u4t0 Administratrix. Executors' Notiee. Estate of John Taylor late of Fox Township Elk Co , deceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to Ot.O. U. TAYLOR, 1 ,?lr, U2t6 JAMES R. TAYLOR. 'IS. BLANKET SHAWLS, AT POWELL ifc KIME'S A FEW MORE OYER COATS and BuflUlo Robes at POWELL & KIME'S. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL IIOAD Philadelphi k Eric R. It. Division . . WINTER TIME TADLE. ON and after SUNDAY, NOV. 28. 1876, the trains on the Philadelphia S Erie Railroad will run as follows! WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX leaves Benovo 4 -l.'ip at " . ' Driftwood- 6 6H p tn " " " Emporium 6 fit) p m " " " St Marys... 7 45 p iu " " " Ridgway... 8 14 p m arr at Kane.. !l '20 n m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m Benovo... 11 00 a m " " " Emporium i'2 65 p m " 6t. Mory's...j. 1 4(1 p m " Ridgway 211pm " '' Kane 8 30 p m " arrive at Erie 7 35 p m EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Kane G.00 a m " " " Ridgway 0.5(1 am " " 8: Marys 7 2(1 a in " " Kmporium 10 a u ' Driftwood 8 68 p nt ' " Benovo WlO.pID ERIE MAIL leaves Erio.. 11.00 a m " " Kane 3 0(1 p m " " Ridgway 4 4i p ui " " St. Mai v s 615 p m " " " Kinporiuin 0 10 p m ' " " llcimvo 8.!!5 p to " ' srr. at I'liiladephiii... 7 00 a 111 liny Expromt and Niagara Express con nect east with Low Guide Division and It N. V! & P. K. It. WM. A. BALDWIN. Oeu'l Sup't INSURANCE. The undersigned believes that he has the principal aircncv in this dis trict from the fact that lie has written nearly one thousand policies, in the past three years. He, therefore, In vites those having Insurance to ell'eet to compare rates, nml companies, be fore making application elsewhere Partial list of companies. A KTN A 1 1 A HT Kl 1 U 1 1 7,onn,m;n NORTH III'.ITISII fc.M. K.N(iI,AND..l'i,(KJ(l,n(Ni KIHK ASSOCIATION 1'lllLA 4,Mi,llllu (4KI1M AN AJIKKIL'AN, N. Y 2,umi,non NIAUAHA, N.Y..: 2.SHO.1H10 TKA VKLEllS' LH'K HAHlT'liKIi I.uuri.uwi I'. 11. WAClIl'i:!., St. Marys, Tn. I HE SOCIETY STORE, A new store started in Ridgway un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, willi HISS A. E. M'EEE. as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods on hand and selected with great care. EMBKOIDEKII. LACE EDGE FRINGES. HANDKKltCHIUFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SKT.. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a line lot of Dress Goods, Fancy work of all kinds. ; Framed mottoes Cr., ic. All cheap as the cheapest and goods warranted first class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Agent for the Society. PIMPLES. I will mail Free nhe recipe for prepar ing a simple VkiiKTAni.r. lUi m llnit n ill re move Tan, FKECKLLS, PIl'PLES aid lii-oieiiKs, leaving t lie ekin bolt, clear and beautiful ; alto instructions for pre diicing a luxuriant growih of hair on a bald livii'l or tniooih luce. Address Bun. Varnlaif & Co.. liox 5121, No 5 Woottcr St., N.Y. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, liaviug been pvrcium utly curfd of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxioui 10 make knov.n to li: fellow tullVreia the menus of cure. To all who desire il, he will i-einl a copy of the prescription used, (free pf charge) with 1 lie directions for preparing and using the tame, which they will liud a St:nK Cine for CoMitVPTiox, Asthma, hKOtiClUTIS, &c, Parties wishing the prescription will please address, Kev. E. A. WlLSU.N, 101 I cnn., illiauishurgh, N. V. SEED WHEAT. . I huvc a limited quantity of fine seed from a new and uiieijuultd variety of Hunch wheal, put up in 1 j lb. tucks w hich will be fctot prepaid on receipt of 1. The wheat is superior 10 the favorite Clawsoo variety, has a strong straw, and siai.ds up well when growing. This seed is the product of experiments last, year, from which the yield was at the late of 87 bushels of wheat to one bushel of seed. Only tOO tacks are ofered for sale. 11. 1. feMI'lll, 734 Hth, 6TKKET, Washingtou D. ntl3. C. $7' "ia net easily earned in these I limes but ii uun be made in tare nonius by any one of cither sex, iu uny part of the county who is willing to work steadily at the employment l but we fiiraisU. flti per week iu your own town. You need not be awny from home over uight. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. It oosls nothing to try the business Terms aud $5 Outfit free. Address at oHce, ri ll A LLETT & CO., Portland Maine, oney. Laws Relating to Newspaper Subscrip tions aud Arrearages. 1. i? ubBcribcrs who dn not give express notice to the coutrary, are cousidcred wish ing to continue their suhscriptiou. 2. If subscribers order the discontinu ation of their periodicals, the publishers may continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. 8. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office where they are directed, they are held responsi ble until they have s. tiled their bills, and ordered them discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other places without inforni-ng the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible, 6. The courls buve decided that "refus ing lo take periodicals from the office, or re moving aud leaving them uncalled f.ir is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud." 8. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether he has ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advanoe, they are bound to give notice to the publisher al the end of their lime, if they do not wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorized to send it on, and the sub scribers will be held responsible until au express notice with payment of all arrears, scut to the publisher. Executor's Notice. Estate of John Kaul, late of Benzin ger Township Elk Co., deceased. Letters Testaiientary upon the abov estate have hem grunted to the uh derslgned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present I lie suiiio Without delay to ANDREW KAUL, Exr. n7t0. Executor's Notice. Estate of Michael Schitiebeek late ofSt. Mary's Boro. Letters Testa mentary upon the above estate have been granted to tlie undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to JOHN SCHWA RTZFISCIIER, Exr. Il7t(j. Register's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts will be presented at the next term of the Orphans ( 'ourt of Elk County (commencing on Monday May 28, 1877) for confirmation : Final account of Jerome Powell Olive W. Egleston now Olivo Fount, Administrators ol Estateof Dennis Eg leston, late of llorton, township de ceased. Final account of George T. Roth rock and William Murray, Executors, of the last will and testament of Anne Overturf, late of Benczettc, township, deceased. Final account of Charles I, uhr and C. L. Buyer, Executors, of the last will and testament of Frederick Dippold, late of Beu.inger township, deceased. Final account of Jacob Vollmer and Ignatius Kaiser, Executors of the last will and testament of P. F. X. Buck licit, late of St. Mary's Borough, de ceased. FRED. SCHOENING, Register. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES H II AG ERTY Main Ftreet, Ridgway, Pa DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, I GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Lnrgc Htoek of firoeeriiH itinl I'rovifionii The 15KST liHANDS of l'LOUK CoiiHtiintlv on htuiil, anil sold n eheap u.s tlie CllKAPEST JAMES II 1IAGEHTY "GARDEN SEEt)S: Sew Varfelies of l'lower nnd Yeyetable. Don't wiile to your member of congress, woo is Hooded with appliciitijns for perils but obtain the sumo Varieties, and ail the new one, by oulerini! from the undersigned Beside my own si ecialiiiM I nni piepured tn liirnish tiny kii.il of seed from any cat a logue at a discount tf tea per cent from list prices. For the convenience of those who v.i lit an assort ment 1 have prepared two coilectimis. No 1 couis..s cf 13varie ties of choicest r'n.wir setls a complete Ikwer garden, piice No. - couiprises a complete i.illet'tbn of Vegcial.le see h for a binnll luinily garden, price $1.30 I'ackiiges of ihe two sets conibined for f.MHJ Sent pattjiaid to uny address on icccipt of price. The seeds in these collections would cost double the money, liuule up in separate oid.-rs or puiohascd of tiny dealer. H. D. SMITH, 734 lUth b'i'liEET, Washington, !. 0. PA'l ENTSxr.:,''-: ces. Iriidu-marks, designs, aud cwiipcutids. L a b c 1 s legistcred. lnfrinseuients, re issues ami iuterfereiicts will received prolt ut t out ion. INVENTORS'"'" a nioilel or sketcli of their invention, und we will givo our opinion as to its patent.-!- j bilitylfree of charge, r'ees modernte, and ; NO CHAIIGE L'Mll, 1' A TENT IS BE-I CUHED. i We will, upon continent tec, jiio'-eeute cases t ii it t have been BKJBeTKD by tho l'aient Oltice. Wo have clients iu every Slaie in the Union, and invito inquiry through your congressiunn as to our standing bciore the I'litent Oflice. Send lor circular for further iiifotnaiion, terms and references. Established in lSilO. EDSON BROS, Solicitors of U. 8. and Foreign PATENTS. 711 0 street, N. W., WisLiiigton, D. 0. n'Jtl." C K I S T A I) O K O S Crintailoro'a Hair . Dye is SAFEST and 15KST; it acts instanta neously, iJiodueiug the most natural shades of Jilaek orJJrown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and is easily up j)lied. It Is a standard t (reparation, und a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman. Sold hy Druggists. . J. CIUSTADORO, P. O. Box, 1533, New York. Nt-44 I1V1NO "WILD ANIMALS j WANTED. ioif.OO each for PANTHERS. 8,I0... ..each for BLACK FOXES. 4,00 each tor CROSS FOXES. 10 00 each for LYNX. 10 00 each for OLD OTTER. 5 00 each for YOUNG OTTER. b,00 each for YOUNG WOLVES. 5,00 each for WILD CATS. 5 00 eaeli for FAWNS. 1,00 each for YOUNG BLACK et- CROSS FOXES. The above prieo I will pay, the Animals to be iu good and thriving condition. Animals can be shipped to me by way of Puneu'awncy Pa. For further Information write to JOHN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana Couniy, Pa. BMU IJfE, the -.ibJ-EO. WOODS PARLOR These i-cin:rl:iL. A!.-iptet fi r An.t- m ;trii-i-r -.p.. I l-i I. anil an r.r: - ...: GEO- vVOGL'3 &, CO., W.tnKROOSK i t-K ti'.ii'ilt'Kt i Ru. lu.Rtwn? i TITTT3 TJAV fTTr,' i'M t A l.a.iir.j M XlXXi V VV, ilUJiCUUi! r.if:f.T. 1-y 0(j V,-. 1. V i(.jpf,w.jBi"wns',a' i '.ia' J t l;Kf If 3 ? .,.:5r:w't,i,wi,i'!isn!''!T' C SS Ik ' k' ' , ' ",-V-J-fci-'i; "3 ' ! k mmMmm Sit REMOVAL Of WHOLESALE JEWELRY HOUSE. Our lurpe mid incrensing bustn"- ilemnnrN more i-onm, nn I wp will lifter April 1st, 1877. occupy 2d anil 3d floors of "M'CaSlum Building" 77 Fifh Avfinuo (nearly opposite our present loca'ion,) ami will oiler to the trade one of the largest and best st.icl.8 of p. od.i in tbc Cuitcd States, WATL'HKS, DIAMONDS, ('LOCKS, Dromes, Jewelry SiUcr C- 1'lated Ware it'O., &. rics-e Cat-h nuver? Invited. WIIOLESA I.K EXCLUSIVELY C. B. BARRETT & CO., 77 Fl Avanuc, Fiffsburgh, If a. -.iT:i THE ADVOCATE. Oltli'P, over I'uvs ell $2.00 A YEJll$l.oO IX Al) VAXCK. SPECIAL DcmorcsUs Monthlti. with $3.50. Head the Premium J.isf. Peterson's Magazine, and lite- A. 1)1 'OCA IE or $' JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS. bill mhm3 ENVELOPES. BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed, Estimates jrurntshecl ORDERS BY MAIL WLL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTON Address HENRY A. PARSONS, JR ., RIDGWAY, ELK CO., PA. Co OUG-AJNTS for :.ir:-.-:-i ui.'tota id expresnon never Ixton auaima. - .u - .ni i i any uu.-l;t. t Sciutifal New Styles, now rtioy. Cambridgeport, Mass. 0 Mate St.. ( hlcuo? 23 Lwdgate Dill, Iboob. - i,:::.! oi;riul of selected mulc and valuable rMnt mr.il h t ;. :.il f' r vi .'.r v.-.-r, or l'-n cent- ft number, liach. numtw GEO. Vi'OODS &. -iJ-i Publishers, uamDriagepon, His Kiuie'n Mure, Main Wtrl. HA: premium .ntd Acirocuie. o? W EDDING CARDS. STATEMENTS. BOOKS, MOTE 1'EftDSj