The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 03, 1877, Image 4

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llniiKfliiilil Note.
Sponoe Cake. Four eggs, beaten for
iuf an hour: one cupful sugar, oue
cupful flour.
Lady Cake. One cupful butter, two
upfuls sugar, four cupfuls flour, one
cupful milk, three egge, one-half tea
spoonful soda, flavor to taste.
Flannel Cakes. To ono piut of flour
cld one-half pint of corn meal, four
e8gs, one tablespoonful yeast, with milk
enough to make a stiff batter ; set to
rise over night. Thin with warm milk
and water before baking next morning.
Jumbles. Take four eggs, three cup
fuls sugnr, a very little nutmeg, one
teaspoonful baking florin, one cupful
butter ; Btir in the flour until it will
roll ; cut in rounds with a hole in the
t'ontor. Will keep good two or three
To Make Milk Sour. If persons
wishing to make milk sour will tuke an
ordinary beau pot aud put iu a warm
placo near the stove, ami from time to
time add a little milk, keeping covered
nil the time, they will always havo good
sour milk ; wheu the pot ia empty wash
it well.
Oyster Catsup. Chop one quart of
oysters and boil iu their own liquor
with teacupful viuognr ; skim scum as it
rises ; boil three miuntes, and strain
through a hair cloth ; return the liquor
to fire, and add one tenspoonful cayenne
pepper, one tablespoonful mace, one
tablespoonful salt ; boil fifteen minutes,
nnd wheu cold, bottle.
Crazt Biscuit. Three pints of milk,
five tenspoonfuls of yeast, one toaspoon
ful of salt ; boil the milk, aud then cool,
Btir in flour, making it a little thicker
than pancake batter ; add the salt, and
when lukohirm put in the yeast. In
the morning, add one egg, half a cupful
sugar, one teaspoonful saleratus, mix,
and hit stand to rise ; when light, make
into biscuits ; let raise again, and bake
in a medium oven.
-To Preserve Eggs. When the eggB
are taken from the nest, if they are
brushed entirely over with a solution of
gum nrabic aud laid in a cool place they
will keep perfect two years, and chick
ens have been hatched from eggs so
treated at the end of that time. If farm
ers as soon as they gather the eggs
would cover each one with fresh melted
mutton suet just enough to cover the
pores of tho shell they would confer a
boon upon thousands.
Pressed Corn Beep. Choose a plate
piece, fat and lean ; put in a pot little
larger than itself, and cover with cold
water ; pepper well ; let it boil moder
ately till the bones will come out ; turn
it several times while boiling : when
cooked place iu good shape in a towel.
and fold up firmly ; let it be thick anu
short in shape : place a plate over, and
three or four irons or bricks to press it ;
let it stand till perfectly cold, or four or
five hours ; cut thin for the table, and
garmsii witii sprigs oi parsley.
Foea to Ibe Farmer.
As the spriug advances and the insect
foes of the farmer, gardener aud orchur.
ist begin to emerge from their winter
hilling places, a few general observations
in reference to preventive and remedial
measures may not be amiss.
Tiie horticulturist should carefnllv ex'
amino his trees, in order to ascertain how
many, and which, are infested with bark
lice, so as to bo ready to attack them as
soon as the young are hatched and
emerge from beneath the mother scales.
us then i3 the only real vulnerable pe
riod of their existence. As the young
are very minute, it would be well for
him t ) carry with him a small pocket
magnifier, so that, wheu passing through
his orchard or nursery, he can always be
prepared to ascertain whether the eggs
are hatched or not. If no young are
seen, a few scales can be raised with the
lKiiiit of a knife blade and the condition
of tho eggs observed. As soon as the
young appear then let him attack them
at once with his brush aud acrid solu
tion of lime, soap, or diluted kerosene.
If the bunches of eggs, cocoons and
particles of crumpled leaves, so often
seen glued to the twigs, have not been
removed during the winter, this ought to
be attended to at once. They should be
removed aud burned, or carefully de
stroyed lv crushing, or otherwise. Each
egg, nest or cocoon destroyed now, will
be equivalent to the destruction of hun
dreds of caterpillers during the summer.
The collar of the trunk just below the
surface of the mulch or soil, should be
carefully examined, and if there are any
signs of tho woolly aphis it should be
treated with strong soapsuds, aud after
ward some leached ashes should be
placed around it. If on the contrary,
nothing or only black ground beetles or
lady bags aro found, leave it undis
turbed, these friends will look after it.
If the cankerworm has made a lodging
in the orchard, the tin bauds ought to
be at once fastened on the trees; even
lfow it is probably too late in some orch
ards. Remember first tack a piece of
rope around, and on this the tin strip,
three or four inches wide, leaving a wide
projection below and also a projection
above. If the inner side of the rope
which is to go next the tree is first tarred
bo much the better; the rope should be
of sufficient thickness to cause the rope
to stand out well from the trunk.
Kissing the Fluor at Her Feet.
Shula Garvaile, a sailor from the Rus
sian war vessel Svetlana, was fined five
dollars iu a New York police court for
drunkenness. Before he had been taken
to the city prison to spend five days in
lieu of paying the fine, a handsomely
dressed woman entered the court and
besought the justice to remit the fine.
She spoke English with a Russian ac
cent. The justice said with a smile that
there was no use trying to resist a woman
who appeared to be pleading for a fellow
countryman from entirely disinterested
motives, and, in consideration of the
fact that the prisoner was a sailor in a
strange country, ho would remit the
fine and allow him to go free. The
woman was given the discharge paper,
and she went joyfully to the door of the
prison apartment. To the prisoner, a
jnanly looking tar in full Russian uni
form, she explained whut she hail done,
and immediately began a vigorous lee.
turo iu Russian on his evil conduct. He
asked who she was, and she replied:
" The widow of a Russian general." He
expressed astonishment, and she pointed
to a silver Maltcso cross, the center of
which had been wrought into a shield.
The Origin of the Wnr In Europe.
The nominal causes of an Eastern war
does not deserve much attention, neither
are they likely to receive it outside of a
Eublication so conscientious and cum
rons as Kinglake's "Invasion of the
Crimea," in which about three hundred
pages are given to one battle, and which
is Btill unfinished, nearly a quarter of a
century after it was begnu. The brief
est of recitals must, tneretore, cover tne
introduction to the drama on which the
curtain is expected so soon to rise.
About July 20, 1875, broke out a rebel
lion in the Herzegoviua, the alleged
causo being the expressed determina
tion of the Turkish officials to .enforce
payment of taxes and arrears by the
Slavic Christians. The revolt speedily
spread to Bosnia, anil was so formidable
by tho twenty-second of August that the
Russian, l'Toneh, Austrian and iMiglisli
governments invited the porte by a
collective note to examine into and re
dress the wrongs complained of by itB
subjects. The Herviaus immediately
afterward placed 90,000 men m the Held,
menace promptly followed by the
sultan's raising of large forces and call
ing to the viziership of Mahmoud Pnsho,
recognized champion ot absolutism.
The sultan declined any mediation by
foreign powers till his rebellious sub
jects had yielded, though ho guaran
teed reforms which they were not will
ing to accept as a sufficient pretext for
disarmament. The foreign powers then
presented .the AndraBsy memorandum,
prepared in the name of tho three em
perors, and submitted to and approved
by England, Franco aud Italy asking
religious liberty, customs reform, and a
mixed commission to carry out relorms
m the discontented provinces. I he
sultan accepted it February 12, 1870,
nit tho Turkish population had become
excited, and their rage found vent in the
massacre of .foreign consuls at Salonica,
May 6, and in the Bulgarian atrocities.
On the eleventh of May the three em
perors dictated tho famous memorandum
f Berlin, which presented the same
facts and conclusions that were con
tained in lite Audrassy note, but ended
with a menace of intervention if at
the end of the armistice peace had not
been brought about. England had not
been consulted in the negotiations and
declined to approve it, and the memo
randum never was presented to the
Meanwhile the revolution of May 30
followed, Abdul Aziz being dethroned
aud Murad V. installed by the softas;
and the assassination of Rachid Pasha
and Hussein Avni Pasha June 15 left two
of the revolutionary party at the head of
Turkish atlairs, JUehemet Ruehei Pasha i
serving as the hyphen between the abso- j
lutism of Abdul Aziz and the liberalism :
of Midhat Pasha. July 1 Prince 1
Milan, of Servia, long pressed by the
war party, declared war against Turkey, ;
having formed an nllimiqo with Monte
negro and being materially assisted by
Russia. The Turks thrashed him Bound- !
ly, and September 1 administered the ;
decisive defeat before Alexinatz, after j
which Prince Milan begged an armistice.
(Abdul Humid II. had just replaced the ,
weak minded Murad V. on the throne.) '
Turkey, disheartened by the aiiti-Ot- ,
toman Gladstone excitement in Eugland,
offered an armistice which Servia, from
the same reason, declined. The powers i
managed to have it proclaimed, though
TchernnyefT opposed it and made his ,
army proclaim Milan king. Russia, her I
proposition for a joint occupation having
been refused, demanded a mouth's '
armistice. The porte offered one of six
months. llostilities were rebegun, and
despite Tcheruayeff s skill and the gal- '
lantry of the Russian officers and volun
teers who did all the fighting for Servia,
the Turks took Djunis and Alexinatz.
After this an armistice of six weeks had
been practically arranged between Tur
key and the other powers, when Russia
interjected (probably lit the appeal of
Mihi'i) her ultimatum, and the discus
sions ending in the abortive conference
of Constantinople was precipitated.
There was a diplomatic duel between .
England and Russia in which Gortscha
koll' decidedly remained a victor. Eng
land's position was that the treaties of
1830 and 1871 (that after tho Crimean
war and that alter tho Franco-Prussian
war amending it) continued to bo the
basis of her policy, and that, if it were
necessary, she would see them respect
ed ; the czar maintained that he had no
sinister intentions toward Constanti
nople, but wldi"d guarantees for the
E isturu Chii-iians, being prepared to act
uloue, even iu arms, to secure these.
Austria's position was one of neutrality
so long as her interests should not ,b j
menaced by the creation of new autouo
mous states. Italy and France took no
direct interest in the dispute. Germany
declare I her viUiugness to let Russia
act within the bounds of non-interfcr-enc
i with Prussian or German interests.
Wo recapitulate the positions of the
great powere at the conference of Con
stantinople as of interest now. The con
ference ended iu the powers agreeing
upon recommendations which the sultan
rejected as wholly incompatible with his
dignity or even existence. He, however,
ordered analogous reforms, prepared a
constitution and called a 2'iirliament.
After this it became only a question of
time wheu war would break out, Russia
complaining that Turkey either could
not or would not carry out her reforms
for tho benefit of her Christian subjects;
Turkey that Russia was fomenting in
surrection in her provinces and making
pretexts for inimical interference. Both
complaints were probably well . founded.
The moral difference in the value of the
complaints of the two powers, however,
is considerable and obvious. Russia
complains of what she does not believe
that Turkey will do. Turkey of what
she believes that Russia has done. Rus
sia goes to war to compel the Turks to
behave toward their Christian subjects
as Russia thinks Turkey ought to behave.
promising to furnish him with oysters or
anything else he might wish.
The stranger was astounded. He told
the landlord that he couldn't pay his
board. The landlord replied ho did
not want any board, and finally extorted
from the stranger the promise to return
to tho hotel.
. After a few days, the stranger took the
landlord aside, tianked him with tears
in his eyes, and asked him why he was
so nnxious for him to eat at that hotel
free of charge.
" I'll tell you," was the reply ; "I
don't care a cuss for you personally, but
since yon have been eating here I have
had forty more gucs's to dinner than I
ever had before. They come here for
no other purpose than to look at yon eat
you eat so hearty. But the trouble is,
I had $2,000 bet you would choke to
death at the dinner table within a speci
fied time. To day is tho last day, and I
have lost. Oit 1" And he kicked him
nineteen feet ten inches into tho street.
Mr. IHnar-nrs.
This siiiRuliir man lived in Ureeco. Ho was
diKtiuguihod for liin eccentricities, bad man
ners, and bad disposition. It was his chief
business to find fault. For example, he took a
lantern ono day when the sun was shining
brightly and went out to search for an honest
man, thereby insinuating that such persons
were exceedingly scaice. When Alexander, a
distinguished military gentleman, paid him a
visit, and inquired what ho could do for him,
ho had the inipndeneo to tell him to "get out
of his sunshine." To cap tho climax of his
oddities, he dressed liko a beggar mi l lived in
a tub ! Ho was a sour, crabbed, crusty old
bachelor. Wo infer that he had no wife, first,
becauso history does not mention her; second,
because no woman would take kindly to one of
his habits, dress or manners, or aspire to be
come mistress of his mansion. ''Tlicro wa an
old woman who lived in a shoe," it is truo, but
tho woman who would live in a ', and
especially with such a companion, has not
been heard from. Tho misanthropic spirit
which possessed this man was doubtless duo to
disordered digestion and a biliousness, one of
the prominent symptoms of which is a morose,
fault-finding disposition. Tho tongue is heavily
coated, giving rise to a bad taste, the appetite
is not good, nnd the patient feels dull. Bleepy
or dizzy, and is apt to be fretful. Unfortunately,
Mr. Diogenes lived several centuries before Dr.
Tierce's Fleasnnt Turgativo Pellets were in
ventedv a few doses of which would have re
lieved him of his "bile," and enabled him to
find scores of "honest men without the aid of
his lantern. Under then- magic influence, com
bined with that of tho flolden Medical Discovery,
to cleanse his blood, he might have been led to
take a more cheerful view of life, to exchange
his tub for a decent habitation, to "spruce m"
in personal appoarance, and at last have taken
a wile TO mena nis clonics ana ins maimers,
both of which were in evident need of repairs,
and become the lmnpv sire of little Diogeneses
who would have handed down to posterity the
name, not of a cyme philosopher, bnt or a
cheerful, healthy, happy, virtuous man !
Burnett's Cologne is prepared from
the purest and best materials and ia unrivaled in
richness and delicacy of perfume.
We have heard recently of several
severe cases of spinal disease cured by John
son's Anodyne Liniment: one enso of a man
fortv-fivo rears old, who had not done a day's
work for four years. The back should first be
w ashed, then rubbed with a coarse towel. Ap
ply the liniment mhl, and rub in well with the
This mouth the readum public is to be de
lighted with the authentic biography of the
foremost statesman in the world, disclosing
curious researches into his ancestry and lively
incidents of his youth nnd student life, coupled
with a close analysis of his remarkable public
career down to tho present time a translation
fivui the German, with nn introduction by
Unyard Taylor. A spirited, absorbing and in
structive narrative, replete with anecdote, wit
and wisdom, its pages gather luster here and
there from characteristic speeches and private
letters of Iiismarck himself. The story of his
life is rendered doubly vivid by upwards of one
hundred illustrative home scenes, battles, por
traits, etc.
It will be sold by canvassers, whose time for
real VJjz-markH the hour of its publication.
Persons desiring to arrange for its sn Lb can write
to "Von Bismarck," P. O. Pox 562U,'7ew York
city, and secure advance sheets.
Disease Spread by Tailors.
The other day a delegation from the
Amalgamated Society of Tailors waited
upon the British government in the per
son of Under Secretary Cross. Their
object was to lay before him some facts
in connection with what was called the
" sweating system." One of the delega
tion said he had seen instances in which
garments were lying on a bed in which
fever patients weresuffering. There were
a great many instances in which
such things had taken place. They con
sidered that if an employer got people
to take work home, lie should be Dound
to get the place to which it was taken
registered, nnd hoped Mr. Cross could
see his way clear to make it imperative
that every'house used as a tailor s work
shop should be so registered by the em
ployer. A delegate from Manchester
gave the results of visits to 1,000 homes
whero this work was carried on, and
stated that the condition of things was
something deplorable. In some cases
four or five persons were at work in a
room nine feet by twelre feet. Some
times people were making hesc garments
iu the midst of their domestic arrange
ments. From the facts that had come
under his knowledge, he had no hesita
tion in saying thnt the state of things
required alteration, and that the people
engaged were in a most unhealthy condi
tion. They louud somewhere near
1,300 people engaged in this way, and
all the surroundings of tho placo were
such as would foster and spread disease.
Another delegate said iu some instances
in London a man nnd woman would bo
at work in a small room at th top of a
house, in which they lived and slept.
The people occupied in this work were
so crowded together that the places could
not fail to foster aud spread disease.
While people went to large shops with
showy fronts, they did not know that the
clothes they purchased were made in
close and unhealthy rooms. He knew a
case in which while the body of a child
who had died from small-pox lay dead on
the table, and two other children were
sick with the disease, the man aud wife
were nt work iu the same room, and
twelve fashionable coats were in tho
Bamo room, which would be sent nil
over the town. Mr. Cross said he would
introduce a bill after Easter to cover the
A New I'rrnrh lCrvolutinn.
According to linunoline Kayinond, the Taris
fashion correspondent of Harper's Ilazm; we
aro on tho eve of a revolution; but it will, in all
probability, be bloodloss, and one that American
ladies will hail with joy. We refer to the de
scription of a new costume (seo llaztirot March
31), which renders crinoline indispensable.
Not the discarded styles of former days, but
sensible, smell-sized," elegant skirts ; tint in
front and close nt the side, with a graceful
train at tho back; admirably adapted to sustain
the liewl'rincessennd Gtibrii lle robes. We learn
from various sources that this new Paris fashion
is superseding all others. Laity's Journal,
A Tribute In Merit.
The New Yoili ', in a recent article cm
hclel mi'tters, speaks very fuvnrnblv of the
steady and increased patronage to the Grand
Central Hotel since its uopnlar reduction of
rates from i 4.11(1 to 2.50 and 8.00 per day. j
1 his is nothing .new. however, for the Grand ;
Central has alwava been the first among the !
lendint: New York hotels to reduce, and now it
has made the last reduction the lowest of I
them all. 1
Facts for those who have been dosed, !
drugged and quacked. Self-help for weak and ;
nervous sufferers. InfiirniatioiiVnrth thousands ,
to those out of health. 'J'ho new Health Jour- I
nal that teaches all, sent free. Address, Eire-
trie Quarterly, Cincinnati, O. !
Vegetable Tulmonary Balsam, the great New 1
England cure for coughs, colds and oousump
tiou. Cutler Bros. Co.'fl, Boston, only genuine-
A-towolivtoly Xvxr-o.
ff Will o one-third furttinr than adulterated ot hnrt-welht ahrla. Oon.ninors may nhlatn this mwiiMlnd
powder of (o-oenre; or send HO eta. for 1 1h On to ROYAL BAKINd POWDER l)) . N. Y., Roi 070, and
roeive it, pontage paid, by rpttirn mull, with rpcipaa for making the Cflohratad Vienna Rulla, Biaoult, Gakee. Uoro
Bread, Mnlflna, etc. Bold only in Tin Cans; In writing, atate where you saw this notice. t
Catarrh j&b&V$S$
Waltham .T?TAV&h$
$280 tVVrM&l
well furnished with Machinery. Loc
Mill, Rash and Door
( h0( Watarnnwpr.
hfnarv. Location Villaire with
tine sohool and church privilpfros and surrounded bj a
5ood and ex ton si v f firm in district. luinlnr oneap.
i mechanic who undertnnd tho bnmneM enn com
mand a good salnrv. Will hp 11 IJnortor In thrust and
Residence cheap, llanflnn for change, ill heiilth.
AddruM, W.1JOBHAN, Bloomrr, Chippewa Co.,Wii .
Western Lands I
Kverj thing desirable, location, climate, market, schools,
chnrchea, etc. One Million Acre, in quantities to suit
purchasers. Ten years credit; Hi per cent interest; no
payment ofprincipal for four years. Rebates on improve
ments, R. R. fares and freight. For information and
circulars apply to IM.I N V il OH K K, 1-nnri Afiriit,
Burlington k Missouri River R. H,,
317 Brondwny, New York.
Every Year You Lose
-Otrr always right No pay till
i pay ireignt ne your own
-Four Ton liny SphIpk
Mnta flinn one nontji-
tested and suited No risk, wa pay freight Be
A rent and Havo, Four Ton IIiiv
omptet (none bMtr) 1$.iO ir'ivrrrrt. Send for free
Price List all sire Scalot and jndge for yoursolf,
niMill A.HTON, N. Y.
Maize Flour Toilet Soap I
Maize Flour Toilet Soap I
Maize Flour Toilet Soap !
A great discovery J n now soap compound ! It soothes,
aottenft, and whitens the nkin, has wonderful healing and
superior wnshing properties, nnd is equally suited for the
bath, nursery nnd general toilet. It is delightfully per
fumed, nnd sold everywhere nt a moderate price. Regis
tered in Patent Ollice, lK7t, by the manufacturers,
McKttONK. VAN HA AC. KN A CO., Philadelphia.
' ' WS lonnC
Collins &Co.
212 Wate H St NEW-YORK City.
We will dttriiiK
Hirst' llnrri Tiiitrn
liiu.i- 1(1(1 IMAMIS iV IMJAS, licv ...'(
(((omt-linml ' lirnl'i'liieH limUl-rj nirluriinu
W ATI-: IIS' ill Iowit lirii'i'M lor mull or IiinIiiII
imHilNor loli l until l n i ! 1 "o r 1 1 ti r l f I ; i r
olh-ldl. WATHIts lil(AM) M lAlinnnil
I'l'IIKillT 1MANOS iV OUi tS MtirhMlnm
. L.vl ll lir .( Illll llllllli nrr
A(i-:TS WANTKI). IlliislriiU'd ( ntiiloKiic
.thiilnl. A lilirrnl (liMMiuiif '" ''""!.'"
fl,.,,;hr. Srlwilr. I ...;, rlr. IMllTl mil.l('
' nt luil
iiriri-. IKIKAl i .vi i.icw iv .-: r' :""-liiriiiri-rM
mill Hi'iiIcim, 40 KiimI Hill rui-i-l,
I'liion SiimirCf N. 1
With Pklrt Supporter and
Brir-Adjiiating Fads. -
BccureR Health and romponTOf
Hotly, wit li Gbacs and Beauty of
Form. Three Garments in one.
Approved by all physicians.
aiiekts wanted,
rSara pies liy mail, in Coutil, $2:
Palteen, II 75. To Ajfenlg at
25 oentsless. Order size two
lncheB smaller than waist mea
sure orer the dress.
Warner Bros. 351 BroailwaT.N.Y.
I H m H
Kansas display of products nt (Viitomiliil snr
passed ell other "States, li ASSAM PACIFIC
K.W. CO. offers largest liody of good liinds ill
HASH AN at lowest prices and best terms,
l'leiityof Oov't lands I'KF.F. for Ilomesteiids.
NTF.AlV address, I. unit CumuiisHiuiier,
ii. , Jtu;, Salina, li-tintttH,
Dnra ig's Elieumatio Eomwly never
fails to e ir rheumatism. Sold by all dniggii-ts.
" Horsemen," nud others who pretend I
to know, say tliat tlie following directions had
better be observed in using SluTulan's Cavalry j
Condition Pointers: Give a liorso a tablespoon- 1
i'ul every night for a week; the same every ether !
night fur four or six nights; the same for a niileh '
cow, and twice as much for an ox. The addi
tion of a little fine, salt will be an advantage.
A Card Tor lntional ICenderN.
Irrational people always reject good advice,
aud in nothing is their folly more frequently j
conspicuous than in ignoring precautions neces- '
sary for the retention of health. Forecast, on j
tho other hand, in a notable characteristic of
the rational, and it is the exercise of this quality ,
which we would suggest to them. Protect the
system against diseases which fasten upon the j
debilitated, the nervous and the dyspeptic, by
bracing the physique, regulating the stomach,
; bowels aud liver, and banishing despondency,
with tlie purest and most efficient of botanic
invigorants, Ilostetter's Stomach Iiitters. That
I these effects follow its use, and that it prevents
: as well as annihilates intermittent and remit
tent fevers, are facts established by indispn
! table evidence. To enjoy the twin blessings of
, " a sound mind nud a sound body" in all their
; plentitude, try a course of this sterling modi
j cine.
Close observers of lramnuitnriun ten
dencies must have noticed that nothing is so
I common among the working classes, male and
female, as old ulcers, which resist au ordinary
applications for their removal. Glenn's 8ul
riim Soap will heal them. Sold everywhere.
Depot, C'rittenton's, No. 7 Mxth avenue. N. Y.
Hill's Hah' & Whisker iyo. Hack or brown, 50o
-' A ' ..
Hair Dressing,
A Promoter
of the
Growth of the Hair.
Five Thousnnd IIimiUh 4ivtii Away lor tlie
While Dr. H. James was attached to the
British medical staff iu the East Indies, his high
position enabled him to call abou him the biest
chemists, physicians aud scientists of the day,
and while experimenting with aud among the
natives, he accidentally made the discovery that
consumption can be positively and perma
nently cured. During the many years of his
sojourn there, he devoted his time to the treat
ment of lung diseases, and upon his retirement
lie left with us bookB aud papers containing full
particulars, showing thr.t every one can lie his
own physician and prepare his own medicine,
and Buch information as we havo received we
now offer to the public without price, only ask
ing that each remit a three cent stamp for post
age. Address CliADDOCK &, CO., 1032 ltace
St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Hiuolie9 Moot aud Coal Haft,
And all worry with lires that will not burn, and
where it is UnpoBsiblo to cook properly, can all
be remedied and a saving in fuel obtained.
Bend stamp for circular. Henry Colford & Co.,
126 Kansom St., Philadelphia.
Oonghs, Colda, InBnenia, Hoarseness, Difflonlt
Breathing, and all Affections of the Throat,
Bronchial Tubes, an'l Lungs, leading
to Consumption.
This infallible remedy "is composed of the
HoNEV of the plant Horehound, in chemical
union with Tar-Balm, extracted from the
LtFE Principle of the forest tree Abkis
Baiaamea, or Balm of Gilead.
The Honey of Horehound SOOTHES AND
scatters all irritations and inflammations, and
the Tar-balm cleanses and heals tlie throat
and air passages leading to the lungs. Five
additional ingredients keep the organs cool,
moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre
judice keep you from trying this great medi
cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou
sands of lives by it in his large private practice.
N.B. The Tar-Balm has no bad tastf or
Great .iving to buy large size.
"Pike's Tiiothiu-lie Drops" Cure
iu 1 Minute.
Sold by all Druggists.
0. N. 0EITTENT0N, Prop., N.Y.
,7 A Preparation
Free from irritating matter.
For p reaerrlnp nnd beautifying th
Ilair, and rendering it dark aud
The Coroainr. holds In R liquid form,
large proportion of deodorized
Cocoa-nut Oil,
prepared exprcnly for thii purpono.
'Iso other compound poiseBies the
peculinr properties which o exactly
suit the various conditions of the hu
man hair.
It softens the hair when hanl and dry.
It snathe tlie irritst. d scalp ikin.
It afford tlie richest lug ire.
It remains longest iu effect.
It 11 the Best ami Cheapent
Apply with the linnd, or a soft brush,
everv other day. or ns uiton ns th- rno
may require, rubbing it thoroughly '
To remove ZfinilriijT, Srurf,
wash the hcud with Hi'hnett's Kai.
i.iston, rub dry with a towel, and ap
ply the Vvcoaine as directed,
FBIPaREU only by
yew 1 .".T. ly J !
riise f li o District CckUof tlie In
Oimulne Itnlliin Violin Strlnin!, al for Bunjo ot flnl
txr, I S and 8O0. eiwh, or J .50 nrl 2 a doi. Bonl
by niml on receipt of nricn. Drnlnrfll Hprnl card for ot
nortnr of MllftinAI ITimn.
sinunft .1. HAKMiKIC. imporwr 01
merits nnd Stringii, KMI t'nmnbers Ht
CIHKAI'KHT Artirlen eior offored to th nubile. On
I receipt of 15 ct. we will nnd !y rani', po' Pid,
one tadieR' nld rtlnted omnmentiil Shawl Fin, also one
of the newest Btvle Hntomftinente. Tliee Roods are of
the newest and lnte neIR-na ; are worm jen urneii ine
money. Try in. von will aend ncain. NKW YORK
MAWUFAIJTUKIHU UU., 8l unnrcn oireev, n. I.
rPl A C The ohnieeat In the world Importer.'
JL Jjil p. prices Ivirieat Company In Auierioa
ataple article pleaaea everybody Trade continually in
orefisinir Agent wanted everywhere lBt inducement
d-tn't waste time Bend for Circular to HOHK.RT
WKI.I H. 43 Vesey Ht.. Hew York. P, O. Bol lltSt.
1 K B
Cancer, Catarrh. Rupture, Opium H.tbit, te., NFV
FRKK on rixifiivit of utimp. Addrnwi Ir. Butt' Disimn
aary, No. 13 North mil Street. Ht. Imum. Mn.
Htrrnm h Combined nith l.ltKlilncxts.
Upon receipt of a Poet-offlcs money order, we will
deliver to tho sprBfi or ruilrnnd
4H 3i-inoh oqtiaro teth, lujtf inchen 1onr, for $4 .50
40 ?a-inoh square tnth, 1 inches long, for 3-21
nicki.y noXED.
1 0 ota. B. B. HArr, 1 14 Centre Mrert, W. x
Medical Advice Free 1 sal&Mfrf
ee a week In yottr own town. Terms and Sfl out.
3 DP free. H. UALLICTT A CO., Portland. Maine.
AKR OGWr A Week to Accents. 810 Outfit JPVa
S00 H S77 P. O. VK'KKKY. Augiwta, Maine.
ate? i Ann nor iIhv at home.
93 TO tU free. fiTINSONACO..
Maniples worth
rtmnn, ptaina.
O-atll fbijTon a oo.
Catalogue and Simple FRFK.
Q- n a (lay at home.
I'JLM terms tree.
Affenta wanted. Outfit and
TRUK i CO., Auuusta, Maine.
i copy I
address F.
WASTED to collect small pictures to
copy and enlnrR-e. Mnney in it. For partirnlara
Dr. Brown's Herbal Ointment Suppositories are ffuar
anteed to cure any case of Piles that can bo found in th
United Stiites. A sample box of these Suppositories
will be sent froe by mail to any sufferer on receipt of
20 ctntn, to prepay postaRe and pnckinn. Rnftular pi-ioe
, Address Or. O. I'HKM'H IMtOAYN,
2! .rnnd St., Jernry 'ltyN. J.
Mothers Who Have Daughters That
Have Weak Lungs,
Should arrest the disease when It is in the incipient
stages. It is indicated by a backing cough, pains in the
chest, difficulty of breathing, or oppression of the lungs.
If this be permitted to run on, tuberoles will form, and
Consumption will bo the result. A most valuable reme
dy will be found in AI,I,KN'H M X- ItAt,MAAI
to cure and check this disfmse in ite first stage.
For wnlo by nil Medicine Poulers.
Church's Musical
$20 m"r. Visitor.
Every number has 32 prge of Music and Musical
Storios, ISkptohe. Editorials, Letters. Lessons, etc, etc.
Choice of l-our Elegant Premium Volumes Fre to every
subscriber at i ,oO a Year, hend stamp for J'ull par
ticulnrs, or l. cents for sample, with lat iong of
I. f. IIUHV. Amlress, .
nil i!( II iV r. f innnnniit
IHasaPkt alfferlDafromall
Icop'ifa.p. with Btlf AdjHtlnf Ball
Id mdmt. adanu M all Mat
ti.a. r tb. body, wan. tb. bail la
ib. op preaaea back tb. In
testines lust aa at varaon
would with the flnvar. with
Usbl Ih. B.rala la btld
and a radical aar. .trtala. It la aasy,
dartble aodebc.p. Pant by nail. Clraalar. frM.
EOGLE8TON TRUSS CO.. Maranall, Mion.
AKNTl-f hpnprat Clirnnma In (hp World.
88 aaanrted, post-paid, I or 3 for !f5 cents.
CoNTlNKNTaL CHnoMO Co.. 39 Kaasan St.. New York.
AriAAJ TTT 1 1 can he made in one day with
IrOOa Weil om-4-foot WELL AmEn. Send
for onr anger book. U. R. AroF.R Co., Cincinnati. O.
DKMOnEST QPABTitm.T JormwAL of Fashion".
Single copies, 5 cts. ; Yearly. lO cts., post-free.
o-. w. .iFNNinna pkmohbst. 17 K. nth wt..w. v.
TJ KKt'T Cure for premature debility. Send for circu
lar or oall on Dn. H. KAHH.S32 Broadway. New York.
fI.II Ifnlthrr Trpp, Stamps A Rubber Ooodal
F.ND FOR CATAI,Ot;TK, or ask your Stationer.
ontethina-New. H.S. iNQF.nsoi.L g05 BVay. N. Y.
17 A T? "irC ,n " Psrt of Maryland, at panlo
i IVifK M prices. For oatalopue, with map and
price list, addreps MAWCHA A GlttsoN, Centreyille. Md.
WATCHES. A Great Sensation. Sample
Wntuh and Oirtflt free t gnts. Hcttfr than
Oold. A il Hrn,.M A. ('QUI 'I'l l' I- !!.""
Made bv 17 A (rents In. Tun. 77 with
my l.T nrwurtlcli's. Sjunplcs free.
. Addrw s V.-M. Lining"", Chicago
a year to Aprnt. Ovftf nnt n
S-j Sf..,t fhm ". l-'or terms iwl
df ess. U-ir'fi ( f '., .7. ., .Wo,
A Month- Agents wnntrd. 3H best soll
ina: articles in the worhl. ()!. umiiiiiIh frno.
AdiircM.I 1iil()Mv. l-'tr-..i Mieh
. tit
ICvoi'u i tiiiul hltottltl have a liei ta
lons Aetvujftipet't
Are YOU n B'lbsrribfr to any? If not, lho discharge
that Ul 1Y kuw ny niitricrioiii(( to utai gouu
old reliable Fuiuily Journal,
Xotk. Iu (.'lubfi of Five or more subscriberB, the pric
m iK.ioa l ear ouch.
Kv-ery family should have
The VASIIINiT4 i'l'iiltMiiilttl Mrmorfn
(Religion and FittnotiMu), on iittntrtive nnd instnictit
Pinlnr OnumiHiit. Priuo, p t-paiil, tl eta. (in Colors
SUM), or with Tlie I'rvMliyler.nii, one Year, onl.
y'J.O. Addre3S by money urili.r or check.
Sent rmat-pnid for SJ, cents.
H. li. ,
JKNN'INGS, Deep RivefComi.
Any rel'.tion of tlie.lpnitlnfra Fn nil Mrs- in America. or
interested in .IninitiirM IKtntPH in Kneland.ntny hear
of something advnr-tniTHoiis, l,v sendinsr 3c. ptnilttt to
SIS A MrOMKKH, Post-office Boi 53t. (icnrirctown.D.C.
'P'I7"XrCTar"l"XrC Procured orNoPav. for every
J J'jll pj ll n wounded, ruptured, accident.,
nlly iniured or diseased Soldier. Address. Col. N. W.
FITZtiBRAI.n, IT. S. Claim Att'y. Washington, D. C.
1 ItTIFH'IAI. l.FfJM and tran-tmrtatlon to IT. S.
ji Soldiers from every part of I. S. KKFI'' on Gov't
orner. Ann t
ill. KVANS, f Jnv't .llnmtPr,
A YKAIt. An eight-pnpe IStory Paper
(chromo IfixM "Our Hoys!11) Six months
("Floral Cross" chromol. i0 ets. No free
Hwrtipln. AUU'M. Box I AU(. Boston, Mass.
Men to travel nnd tuke orders of
Merchants. Sf lary S 1 2(0 a yer
ann nil traveiinfi exppnBes pan.
Address (iK Man'f'a; Co., Kt. Jxiuis, Me,
?Wf m nil prove it or forfeit fsHX). Newarticlei
AO ENTS' PROFIT per wpek. Will
prove it or forfeit StfM. New articles,
just patented. Samples sent free to
Address W. H. OniPFRTrn. 2 1 H Fulton St., N. Y.
No publicity. Time short . Terms mod.
cratis. 1,000 T"tinnnial. p
OH tJ V M A ifH. ' Tif'H
$10 to $1,000
Invested in Wall St. Stocks mnks
fortunes every niunlh. Jt'Kik e!it
true Mi:ti:-.inK overythinrf.
V s VTI'TI ,V CO RnV.-rs. 1 T Vajt S'T . V
1 o I i Cunstuut Street, Plula.
1875- l87Bto&'tC7a
, DUII Ana. : PSClUPtrST i
-137 KHE-APtS
W. L. IIattien, TpbcIiot of Ouftar, Flute, Comet
j.A) 1 limn rnt.viuuar.tnr' tfHn use.
"Dealer In Mn-ii-nt Imtrmnpiiti. Music
Htrinpn. t'atalfKinn frt'f. Kll Trcuunit .St. jtoCon.
AiFNTS-Tn sell the Best Paten
Itaubt'-Uiifi Melnl Snfrtv I nn-1'.
Mad' for fturini f'nl Oil. Write for mrticuhtrs
iiirimiitl i. O.
VtliilMl AitciiIh in fV.-iy l ounly
M.lj uur I
I now HuuMMictM Artic'lp. Heiifl ;or circulars.
I., r. . Hwtiwh a To., 21t) Kim St., Cn'cinntiM. O.
Ami Not
Wear Out
Sold by Wntehinnkers. Bvuiail, iU)r. Circulars free,
J. S. BfRCH it CO., 38 IVy Wrwt. New York.
10 Per Cent. Iowa Farm Mortgages,
Bought and Sold and CnlfrctioHr- ni;iHp in nil narta of
Iowa. Any information ds;irp(j ntvpn frp on iipiilicft
tion. Addreaa J. A. FIT" JIIPATHK 'K. Neyadn, lown.
The newi-ht and boat
ervlKiilv lmvft nru. RpIIm
unit. " 1 cinnut u-n u in. I ittirrv niv m Miitriirt."
Send lO.'ta. fur amiiple. ;j tor tfA cte.. to 11. S. H Ar F,
50.000 ttiinar nut. Fv
ni sitrrii
I I -I Centre St., N. Y.
Agents make SjElOailn
Try it.
Hheumatism cured at once by Du-
' . HI t) 1 CnnA f niwuilnf
Turkey goes to war to confute tho right I Helphenstiue 4 BeiUley Washington I). C.
ister her governmont for her within her
own dominiouR. New York World,
AVlmt a Hearty Appetite Did.
Nut to very long ngo there arrived nt
Shu Autouio, Tex., a gentleman from a
Jurge t6wn on tlie railroad between there
and Galveston. He put up at one of
tlie hotels, and displayed a tremendous
appetite. At the end of tlie week ho ex
pected to ho presented with his bill, but
no bill was presented, although he had
110 lucgage at all. Time went on and
When vou visit or leave New York stop at the
Grand l)nion Hotel, opposite Grand Central
depot. 850 elegantly f uruished rooms. Best res
taurant in the city i prices moderate. Baggage
taken to and from said depot, free. Cars and
stages pass the hotel for all parts of the city.
A positive cure for rheumatism Du
rang'g Itheumatio Remedy. Hend for circular
to Helphenstine it Bentley, Washington, D. 0.
Fl.i: lor 83.
KhurDe'a nattorn.
uaea Cartridge, 135
ota. per boil, or reloadable ahells SO eta. per box ; Iouk
raiiKe, uioveable michta, finely rilled, STKKL barrel.
' A ltetuarkable BarKain." A. J'. .'u. Kent by expreaa
Iforljl.'i. Circular fur atamp. O. W. TITKNKR A UOSS.
U Central Street. Boaton. Maaa. Cut thia out.
Dll. t'.W. BENSON'S CKI.F.KV and C HAM
O.tlll.K 111. 1. K are iiri'iiHri-il exiirent.lT 10
. lire SK'K lli:l( JlK, M UVOI S Itl'AO
NLSS, nud uill eiire nuv ruae. Olllre, I4M1
N. 1-Jiltaw Kt., Iliiltimore, Mt. l'rire. 50r.,
pimliiwe free. Sold by nil driiuatlHta nnd ronu.
trv Mitrea. K i;n:itli.M'K llowurd Hunk,
null mnirf, .fin
The latest most populnr style
We will mall ibis 1'ulii i n anJ
l..ili tloil. l fi el-.for
3 atainpai, tu pay mail expenaea.
We will aend the Pattc-ru win
iAtk ninilpl of ttila Kivi
"PrinceH" Polonaise, Tree, tot
Ten Ceut(or 3 atauip.;.
"Prtncea Poionait." To pay mailing expenaea,
Sinitli's Iustmcttott-Boolc & Catalogue.
uit. it riv
llolta Pattern and Hook for 43 ct (orSBtamps).
P. 0. Box 6055. 18 Eiti 14th St., N. Y. City,
From IMer Cannon, Esq., General Agent of j
the Hiwkcx liailroad at Newton. N. J. i
" Having used Du. Wis tau h ISaijiam ok Wo.n
CuEiiuT in my family, with great advantages,
for niHiiv veais in oases of severe colds, I most
The landlord treated nim : cueeriunygiye my tesumoiiy oi jib Buuwujr,
a i"W-aisaaiaiftffli1Ja
The CntAT Btcop Pumnttjr . j
of ill nr. I.ill
with loftlv courtesy, as did the waiters, i recommend it to ""S0,
embossed with the Iiussian eagle, and : One night, however, he did not return to iOUB ata,ltiine as beinu a safe and roliahle
. i x "l T. i xi.- .1 x : .. xl. 1.... l & . e , o , ... ,
mo iiutei, niiu licit luuruirg mo xiuxiiikkx j remedy, 6u cents aim Tl a uoiue. doiu uy
hired a detective, who hunted and found ! all dru;gints.
him. The stranger thought the land- j Tu 1Utory r t,lviBa,loll
lord was going to have him put in jaU might be written in the gradual processes of
crossed with two swords. It was worn
as a brooch. On seeing this evidence of
her rank, the sailor prostrated himself
before her, and kissed the floor at her
feet. She hastily raised him up and ac
companied him out of court. To ques
tions as to who she was, she politely re
plied thathe was the prisoner's friend.
The only knowledge concerning her was
obtained from her conversation with the
prisoner, which was only partly under
stood by the court interpreter.
for swindling, or something else, ond he improvement wrought out iu articles of food.
felt very much alarmed about it. JJut
no. The landlord was as pleasant as
ever. He asked the stranger what he
had done that he should desert his hotel
that way, inquired whether the waiters
had offended him, and finally begged
him to return to his hotel once more,
Vvnrv nrncrrniisive stcn is a nubho blessmg.
To no one article Is more due than to Doolev a
Yeaht Powbeb. This with proper care insures
the most delicious and digestible bread, bis
cuits, pastry, etc.
A Miserable Being
is one that is bilious. Get from your druggist
a package of Quirk's Irish Tea. Price 25 cts.
Recommend It Heartily.
Mr. STKVRNH: South BosroH.
Drar Sir I have taken several bottle! o your VKGK
UNK, and am oonvinoed it ia a valuable remedy for
Dyapepaia, Kidney Complaint, and general debility of
tlie ayatein.
I oan heartily reoommend it to all an Soring from the
above ooiuplainta. Youre respectfully,
Mas. MUNaoit PARKER.
88d Athena Street. .
t. j . i nl Hiatory of the World before Adam.
It dateleaa origin, thrilling and myaterioua ehangea in
becoming a nt abode for man. The beautiea. wonden
and reabtiea of i'liin aa ihown by Science. So plain,
clear and easily underatood that all read it with delight.
Btroreet commendation. Send for Oiroular, Terms
and bample Illuatrationa. Addreaa
J. t. Met LHUV it I'O., Philadelphia.
Young; Men and Boysl
BUrtinif otit in life'and wanting the bout utsiaiUnoe to
pr mote their buoomi in euruing a good living, making
monyand in striving fur the world's prizes; IHiiluif
nifeil Mvn desiring to change their coursa of life, or
eeking places and burliness more satisfactory and re
munerative; Futliem and (uai'Uiiii wanting their
bovt. to b nteful. nrnfiiMrauM citiKena: Academic mi
I'dllcuc 4tfidii:ilrN deniring to put a practictil and
pn. fit 11 hie tinihh to Huir thtMiretical and unprofitable
euiicat.itii, and All wim iieueve tn nirtuting ana siiiuu'
lntitiff vitnntf niAn ami Ituva U " Kiirn thnir own Bread,"
and to "net nn in thp world ' will Hnd TliP Nl'W. short.
uruetioal course of tttudy at KHHtmnii Hur.iiiHi
I 'ollf Prti-i7hkenDsi. N bent aid ever devised.
It is the only Institution in the United States devoted to
this ftiXT.Hlty, and thnt assists graduates to business
situations. It is the large t and most popular private
school in the Union, having an attendance to-day from
evnry State. Refera to patrons and graduates in nearly
every city ana town. Terms are low. Appi.eam eii
avn Hav nn a avstAm hnti nn A 1-m.m inritlOQ at OOI11' Pa rt ifiilnro In C'4)fkO .TnurnilL mailed free.
F't ChU-1okm of Three Thousand Graduates, in bus i
nt- sni vainiMe infonnistion. Inolnse threa letter
bUmps. H. i. EASTMAN, LLD., President.
I Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
a 1 I-: If .trONTll. Ouii-
S.'ilea. Ijarre Protits. Siena S
centa fir aampiea. Uutllt cilti
ECI.llfrK M'V'li CO.. (im hinnti, O.
$100. REWARD. $100.
TwMi.MOtTSTACHK iroftiiorrl on a mKth Tro
llV thO USB Of DVKK'K fiKAUD Clixir witls. -ul
lojurv, or will forltiit JlOO. 'sr'w t y moil in
sealed pack nee 'if '.Tit-, t r Hir.-c 5i rn.tM.
A. fj. gl: JTU :., Aft. I:.l-.flnp. I!'.
J"rnf. llall'A Magk oinpo;-f. I
ib .lie uniy prt pdruilou, une pac'Kite til wlilLll -will
tori'B tin- tit unl tu jrrow thick uinl heuvv
on the ini)lln-.t Uvu ( v. iilio ul injury ) in 'Jl
l.vs in very f asc, or mmipy chcernillv re-v
t'tin1'1. 3tA Cfiit per nnrkiic, imntnnirl j 'y for V
MtLenU- t- W. JONKrf. Afhland, .Main.
aris, Vienna. Santiago,
I867J I873 hP 18751
tt,'H iirnVu u( tluti at nPi u-ac miiU fca natinuiai tt,
ttork"turk txctllr n i witAuut unttjuaUdatiittitt for man uaeturi.
Five octave double reed organ. (Dl aa
with tremulant, 3AUU
Five octave organ, nine stops, ffil 1 A
with vol celeste, -P-- Xatr
Sold alio for monthly or quarterly payment, or rented until
tnt Vttyt, A iv per tot t on n may now be ourthnitit bit they tat u
yiymtnl u 7.J0 per qwtrttr for ten mua ter$, Calaloouee frtt
164lrmnni St. lb I nin Sq. iMi Wabaih Av.
FIUST PltK.tlM'.II U. K. Centennial Kaliiiiitinn.
AllKN'l S WA.N THDI Medals and Iliiilnniaa nwnnlert
(or HOI. WAN'S TJ:-4.J1 TJTTJT 17 C
1.R(Mt lllllMtlllllflllM. AdHreva for nnw ftiriMiliir..
A.J. H(ll..tlA & I'll.. 3 AKCH Ktn'rt. Plnla.
The best fumil.v newspaper published ; einht pages ; fifty.
ni uMiuuiiin ruJUiniK.
Terms Jjjig per annum; clubs of eleven, SI 3 por
nnnum, in ndvnnrp.
(XanbyH Paper),
Kv.irts. Sherman. Key. Kchurs, Morton. Blaine. Foitr.
Winiom, und others of oquuI note, contribute an article
during th year.
I (t- iiku r.erier are written exclusively for the
Tlie lintit aim .;napesi mper in the world.
SiMM'itiM'ii C'ltiticit Ht'iit Free tu anv address.
Svnd PoBtal. Address.
1AK,TUm!u, flla-
PTTT? I Are made in nil NtylcN and of vwvj
A-iAJ-4 I dencritIon, from the IIkIuomI,
fliii'Mt, and moHt elewaut in use to the lieavlt'ftt
and MtronKVHt required fur any kind of work; are
c o n o o r d i r,p.
NtreiiKth and ilurabilif y They received the bluh
est Mrillvn award at the Centennial Exposition.
TT A T?XTT?QC1 " I None icviiuine unless
with our nnme and Trade Mark. A
T TTTT A "T wiI De Kiven for information
JXJlk W ilAVU that will rnnvlrl anv one
who nt1 1 Ik linrnenB as tbe Concord IIarnenn
that are not made by us. Kitra inducements
offered. Send fur circulars and price lints.
J. R. HILL & CO.,
Cnncnnl. TV. If.
for the money lender.
Interest mild semi-
anmiiilly first your in advance. Se
curity -I to 10 times the Irsn in
liind nl'tne, exvliihive of the build
inps ( Freattnt each viilui by sworn
niipruisers.) IV o invotttinent sofeiu
No pitymentR more promptly met!
Host of referrm-eti ifiven. Snl
sttiup for particulars. I. K. It. .MMfST(V.
neKutit.tur oi Aiort(rtitie ouiis, hT. fAVi., .".iinnkhota.
SlllltTf-only ono qimlily-Tiie Rest.
Keen' Patunt I'lirtlv-in.-irln I)res Slnrlti
Can be tininhed as tfthy ii Fienmutig a lliiinikorchief.
Tho very twist, nix for 7.(H.
Keep'i CiiHUtni iSbii tn mile to meupure,
The verj ljrHt. hj for !i.O.f.
An eleiiant set of genuine li(ild-nlnte f!illi'r nnd
Sleeve Buttons given with ennh naif dn.. KeepV Shirts.
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