The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 03, 1877, Image 3

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    GEO. A. It A TUB UN,
Main Street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Office in New Brick Building, Main 8t
Ridiwsy, Klk Co., Pa. ?8n2if.
Attorneys-nt-Law, Rldgway. Elk
County Pa. Office across the hull from
the Democrat establishment. Claims
for collection promptly attended to
Jne. 16 '78.
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the
Howe Sewing Maohine, and Morton Gold
?n. Repairing Watches, cto, dorewilh
le tame accuracy aa heretofore. Sstis
.'act? oo guaranteed. tlnly
TTbTHyTiiAiL sr,
rlnio1. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for tho Traveler'! Life and Acci
Jem Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, baying permanently lo
cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Ridgwny ano sur
rounding country. All work warranted
Office in Sorvice & Wheeler's Building, up.
stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-82-ly
Druggixt and PaiuinceutiHt, X. W. coi nei
of Main mid Mill Htreuts, Hidgwny, Pa.
full iiH.'oriuifiit uf carefully selected For
eign nn J Domestic Ding?'. Prescriptions
are In lly dispensed hi all hour. diy ot
uiglit. vln3y
''. s. II Ml TEE r. M A,
Physician nnu Surgeon.
Cilice in i'riiR Store, corner lirosd and
Main Sf, hurideiicti corner Broad St.
opposite tliu foil he. Oltioe hours Irom
tS to 10 A. M. n I from 7 to 8 P. .M.
,. S. JiOiil'WELL, M. 1.,
t'rtectic Physieinu and burgeon, has remov
ed Ids ollice from Centre street, to Mail si.
liidgwsy. Pa,, i" 'he second story of the
uew tn-iuk building of John G. Hull, t-j'po-sit"
Hyle's store.
OilUu hours: -1 t 2 P M 7 to 0 P M .
ttmnwAT. Klk Co., Pa
V. H. SCHKAM, Proprietor '
Thankful for the patronvge heretofore-
o liberally bestowed upon him, ilio new
proprietor, hopes, by puyiug strict a.
lemiou to the comfort and convenience ol
guests, to merit a colli itiuauce oi lli,
tn m l.
im ;to lsiin.
E. a. "r.i r. '
L t: M li H It AND. IN UK A X C K COM
No -Hi Walnut Place,
llti Walnut Street,)
philadfxphia. pa.
) 4 l-l v
'. . HAYS,
UKA1.K li
Dry Goods, Notions, Grcceriec
and General Variety,
tUulnj f. tl.
Jl. J. IWKLKV. M. II. W. B HtlilMAK. SI. l.
.RS. EARLEY -fc 1! A HTM AX.
in. W. P.. llaitmun, formerly of St.
Mary . has associated himself with M.
.1. Va -rlry, M. J), in the practice of
medicine ut Kidgwuy. By close at
t.Mition in business I hey hope to re
ceive a liberal share of "the patronage
of tin; public. Or. S 1!. Ilartmau
nn he found at nil hours, either fit his
rooms, over tha post-ofiice, r at Dr.
M. J. Farley's Drug Store. Dr. M. J.
Karlcv can be found at the residence
of Dr." (,'. 11. Eiirky, or . at his Drug
titorc. Surgery, and diseases of
women and children a speciality.
?;. K. uklsh,
Dealer in all kinds of cnhiitel ware,
woudand fiiiie m1 chairs, kitchen and
t'Xte'itioii tables, wood and marble top
tun. Is, o.iil and limrble toi bureaus,
what nols, looking glasses, wood and
marble top chamber suits, mattresses,
pl'itiif bei bottoms, bed steads, cribs,
Luferiy'i metal lined wood pumps,
to., tVc. Cane n-nts replaced with
perforated wood i-eats. Weed sewing
machine reduced from .ii") to 15, the
(est machine in the market, and pic
lure frames made to older. Also a
huge assorted stock of ready made
eoffms constantly on hand and trim
med at shortest notice. All the uhove
fioods are wild at panic prices. Ware
itoom in masonic building, Ridgway
l'a. v5nl9tpdair7'77.
inform the citizens of Hidgwuy, and
the public generally, that lie Una
started u Ljvery Stable and will keep
nd Buggies to let upon tlie mobt
reasonable terms.
fTlIe will also do job teaming.
Stable on Ilroad street, above Main
All orders left at tho Post Oilico will
receive prompt attention.
""ekrobsop youth.
A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years
from Nervous Debility, Premature De
cay, and all the effects of youthful iudiscre
tiou will, for the sake of suffering hu.
inanity, send free to all who need it, the
recipe and direction for making the simple
remedy by which he was cured. tSutierers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex
perleuce can do so by addressing in perfect
42 Cedar St., New York.
at POWELL & KIME'8, only eight
t-nt pr. yard.
Not a Dye; make harsh hair toft and
silky cleanses the scalp from all Impurities,
causing (ha hair lo grow where it has fallen
offorbeoome tbin.
Can be applied by the hand as it does not
stain the skin oroioil the finest linen. As
a llair Dressing it is the most, perfeot the
world has ever produced. The hair is re
novated and strengthened, and natural
co'or restored Without the application of
mineral substances.
Since the introduction of this truly valu
able preparation into tnls country, it has
been the wonder and admiration cf all clas
ses, as it has proved lo be the only article
that will absolutely without deception, re
store gray bair to its original jolor, health
softness, lustre and beauty, and produce
bair on bald heads of its original growth
and color.
This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed
article is complete within itself, no washing
or preparation before or after its use, or
accompany menl of any kind being required
to obiuin these desirable result.
Here is the Proof of Us SUPERIOR
Heni this Home Certificate, testified to
by Edward B Onrrigues one of the most
sompeteut Druggists and Chemists of Phila
delphia, a man whose veracity none can
1 am happy to odd my testimony to the
great value of the London Hair Color Ke
storer which restored my hair to its origi
nal Color, and the hue appears to be per
manent. I am satisfied that this prepara
tion not a dye but operates upon the se
cretion. It is also a beautiful hair dress
ing and promotes the growth. I purchased
the first bottle from Edward B. Uurrigucs,
druggisl. Tenth and Coates street, who can
also testify my hair whs quite gray when 1
commenced its use. MRS. MILLER, No.
"'in North Ninth street, Phila.
Dr. (wiiyne A Son, Respected friends:
I have the pleasure to inform you that a
lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller., is
delighted with the success of your London
Hair Color Restorer." Her hair was fast
tailing and quite gray. The color has been
restored, the falling off entirely stopped,
nnj a new growth of buir is the result,
i;. li. UARItlGUKS.
Druggist, cor Temh anil Coates, Phila.
July L'-.M, 1H71. Dr. Swayne & Son:
Last v. inter while iu Treutou, N. J., I pro
cured s.x linltles London Hair Color Re
stoier, which I like very much, in fact bel
ter than any thing 1 have used in tut last
nine yeurs. If you please, send me one
dozen bottles C O D care VV 8 Fogler &
Sou Druggists, No 72il Trcmont street,
Boston. Keupectfully yours, AJA BAKER
No M Rutland Square.
London Hair Color Restorer at.d Dressing
Ibis completely restore I my hair lo its
original color and yomhlul beauty, and
catered a rapid ami luxuriant growth.
Severn h Street, Philadelphia.
Dr. Dultou of I'iiihiiiutpli hi. ys of it.
The London Hair Color Kejtirer is used
very extensively union,? my patients and
friends, as veil as by myself. I therefore
.ipe.ik fro'n experii-iii'i'.
Address orders to Dr. SWAVNH SON
3M0 Ni llh fei.Mli btreel, Philadelphia, Pu...
sole Proprie'ors.
S O I. It it ' -I i. I. It II L G V IH TS
I 11 10 LUNGS
This liistrc'siiiguud dangerous complaint
audits premonitory symptoms, nglevled
cough, night i-wonts, li.mrsencss, wajling
Hesh lever permanently cured by DOvTOE
swayns's coi:pou:u'sys'jp oi' wild
JJKONCHITIS A premoniior or Pul
monary Consumption, is characterized by
catarrh, or inllnmatiou if the m no inn nieiu
bruiie of t lie ir passages, with coiikIi ami
expectoration, short bri'iitli, houiiness,
pains in ihe chest. For all liionuhial nti'ec
tijiis sore lliiout, loss of voice, coughs,
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
lU'iuorihii e, or Spilling of Ulwd, may
procoed from lue iaryux, liiiuliis, bronchin
or lungs and arises fro in various caaacs, as
undue physical exertion, plethora, or full
ness of ihe vessels, weak lungs, overs! raili
ng ol I lie voice, suppressed evacuation, ob
struction of (he spleen or liver, &c.
Dr. S wayne's t'ouipound Syrup of Wild
striken at the root of disease by purifying
the blood, restoring Ihe liver and kidneys
lo healthy action, invigorating the nervous
The only standard remedy for hemor
rhaue, bronchial and all pulmonary com
plaints. Consumptives or J hose predis
posed to weak lungs should uot fuil lo use
this great vegetable remedy.
Its miirveious power, not only over con-cumpt-un,
but over every chronic disease
where u gradual alterative aciion is needed
Under its use the cough is loosened, the
night sweats diminished, the pain subsides,
ihe pulse returns lo ils nil mini standard
ihe stomach is improved iu its power to di
gest and assimilate the food, and every
organ has a purer and better quality of
blood supplied lo it, cut of which new re
creative uud plastic material is made.
Prepared only by
3!l North Sixth Stmt, Philadelphia.
SoLB BV ALL l'llO.MlNK.VT DlllliGISlS.
Itching Fies !
rosnivELv cubed by the use of
I was sorely afflicted with one of the most
distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru
rigo, or more commonly known as Itching
Plies. The itching at times was almost in
tolerable, increased bv scratching, and not
unfrequently become n;iiesote. I bought
a bolt ot Snayue's Oiuiuient; its use gave
quick relief, and in a short time made
perfect cure, lean now sleep undisturbed,
and 1 would advise all who are Buttering
with this distressing complaint to procure
Swayne's Ointment at once. I had tried
prescriptions almost innuinerabe, without
finding uud permanent relief
(Firm of Roedel & Christ,)
Boot and Shoe House 844 North Second
Street, Philadelphia.
Swayne's All-healing Ointment is also
a speciflo for Tetter, Itch, (Salt Rheum.
Sjald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch
Blotches, all Scaly, erusty, cutaneous Er
ruptions. Perfectly safe and harmless
even on the most tender infant. Price 50
cent. 6eut by niail to any address on re
ceipt of price.
Celebrated all over the world for its remar
kukle cures ot Scrofula, Mercuraland rJyphi
litio complaints. Describe symptoine in all
communications, address letter to !&
XVP 4- fcON, FhilsdJrbio --n7!-
T)Y virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias,
I J alias fieri faoias, venditioni eiponas,
levari faciaf, alia levari faoias, and testa
turn fieri facias, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Elk County, and lo me
directed, I Daniel Scull, High Sheriff of
aid eounty, do hereby glvo notice that I
will etpose to publio stle or outcry at the
Court House, in Kidgwny, at one o'oloak
P. M. on
All the following desoribed lot of land
situated in the township of Fox, county of
Elk and Slato ef Pennsylvania, bounded
and desoribed as follows, to wit: Com
mencing at a post at the northwest corner
of John Moyer's land) thence west by
lands of lsaao Hays for'y lwo and three
fourths roas more or less to a post,
thence south by other Ian is of said Koos
Hays one hundred and seven (107) rods
moro or less to a beech tree ; thence east
partly by lands of A. Lindner seventy-two
(72) rods more or less lo a hemlock tree ;
thence nonh five (5) rods more or lcstoa
pest; thence west by lands of Thomas A.
Gross twenty-nine and one-fourth (20 J)
rods more or less to a hemlock tree ; thence
north by lands of T, A. Gross and John
Moycr one hundred and two (102) rods
more or less lo the place of beginniug, coo.
taining thirty (30) acres more or less, be
ing part of warrants No, 4083 and 40'.)1 ,
excepliog, however, lo the parties of the
first part all the mineral rights also, one
half (J) acre of land in Fox township, Elk
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and des
cribed as follows to wilt Beginning at a
posi on Jacob M'Cauley's Hue, seveu and
ihree-teuths (7 3-10) rods south of the
uorthwest corner of a certain saw mill lot,
sold by Jacob M'Cauley to J. W. Hays;
thence nonh seventy. one (71) east eleven
(11) rods lo a post on tin line of P. W.
Hays' mill lot ; thence north seven and
iluee tenths (7 3-10) rods to Jacob M'Cau
ley's Hue ; (hence north seventy-one (71)
degrres wet eleven (11) rods lo a post,
the above mentioned northwest corner of
aforesaid mill lot sold to J. W. Hays by
said Jacob M'Cauley ; thence north seven
mid three-tenths (7 3-10) rods lo he place
of beginning, containing one half (J) acre.
iSencl aud taken iu execution as the
property of Esther Arner and John Arner,
at suit of Matthew Smith.
ALSO. Alt that certain piece or parcel
of land situated iu Joues township, Elk
couuty, Pennsylvania, bounded and des
cribed ns follows: Beginning nt a birch
tree corner ; thence uurlli hliy-six and oue
hulf (.jfj.l) rods to a post corner; thence
west fifty-six and one-half (50 j ) rod to a
post cotner ; thence south fifty-six and one
half (oli.i) rods to a post comer; thence
east titty-six aud one-liilf (oil1) rods lo Ihe
place of beginning, containing twenty acres
of lsnd and beiug part of warrant No. 32')3,
upou which is erected a iwo-story frame
dwelling house, 20 feet front by 2(i feel
deep, with wing or shed, 14x20 ftet, one
story high.
Seized and taken in execution as the
properly of Johu A. Anderson, at suit of
Wilcox ianuing Company,
ALSO. All the right, title. Interest,
claims and demanu of defendant in and lo
the following described laud: All thai
certain piece or parcel of land situate iu
the village of Kidgway. Elk county Penn
sylvruia, being Ihe west p:iri of lot No. 141,
beginning at the southwest corner of lot
No. 142, occupied by Oh as. Mead, a post in
ihe north line of South street; thence
westerly alftng Ihe uonh line of tSomh
Btieet thirty (30) feet; thence northerly
parallel with the east line of lot No. 141
one hundred and sixty (100) feet to Ihe
alley thence easterly along the south Hue
of said alley to a post, ihe northeast corner
of lot No. 141 and Ihe nortii-wesi corner of
lot No. 142; I hence somberly along the
msl line of said lot No. 142 one hundred
and amy (100) feet lo the place of begin
ning, continuing forty-eight hundred (4HO)
squure feet of land more or less, on which
is erected u-e one.: lory and it half frame
dwelling house, 20 feel by 24 feet.
Ssizud m.d I ii ken in execution as the
properly of W. ti. ferviee, at suit of Carrie
U. Will;, Administratrix,
ALSO, All thiii. cor lain piece of land
shunted in the village of benzene. Klk
county, Pennsylvania and numbered on
Ihe plot ol said village as No. 0 on Second
street, belli sixty (UO) feet front on
fecoud street and extending one hundred
and fitly (loll) feel iu depth to an alley,
bounded on lie norihwest by Second street
and on the uorthcaat by lol No. 7. being
lue siiiue preuuees onveyed in said panics
of the first part by Keulien Wiuslow. Sr..
aud wife, by dc;d dated July 2Nth, ISoC,
recorded iu Deed Book "L," page 000, etc.,
upou which is erected oue two story fruiuu
house, 10x24 feet, with cellar aud wing at
tached. 14x20, one and one-half stories
seized and taken in execution as the
property of Dennis Taylor, at suit of E.
Fletcher ahd Bio , for use of Johuston Si
ALSO. All i hut certain tract or parcel
of land situated iu the towu of Caledonia,
in the township of Juy and Stale of Penn
sylvania, known as ihe Caledouia Hoiel
properly, bounded and described ns fol
lows: Beginning tit a post set for tho cer
tain point of lo. No. 0, sold to Benjamin
Browulee from Heading uud Barlles ;
thence west along Ihe middle divisiou of
warrant No. 5280 fifteen aud niue-teulhs
(10 H-lOj p relies to a post ; thence south
forty-three aud oue-half (43') degrees cast
ten aud seven-tenths (10 7-10) perches lo
ihe uorthwest side of towuship roud ; thence
north forty-six aud one-halt (40 ) deg ees
east tlong said township road eleven aud
eighl-leulhs (11 8-10) perches to the place
of beginning, containing ubuut sixty-three
perches, upou which is erected one two-
story frame house, lfi'30 feel end basement,
with wing 18x30 test, two stories high, with
cellar uud kitchen attached, 10x20 feet and
barn, 24x24 feel.
Seized aud taken in execution as the
dropeny of Luther Lucore, at suit of B. E.
Morey, for use of Erasmus Morey.
ALSO. All that certain tract of land
situate in B ueiette township, Elk county.
State of Pennsylvania, known and num
bered as number five thousaud and one
(oOO) and bounded us follows, vix : On
the north by wanant forly-uiue hundred
and niuety-six (40;) on the east by war
rant five thousaud (5000 ;) on the south by
warraut five thousand and ten (5010,) and
on the west by warraut five thousand and
two (5002.)
ALSO. The ono undivided half part of a
certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate
in Jay towuship iu the county of Elk and
Slate of Pennsylvania, bounded aud des
cribed ae follows, to wit: Beginniug at a
beech corner ; thence uorth seventy degrees
eat ninety peiohes to a small hemlock ;
iheoce south about nineteen degrees east
oue hundred, seventy four aud a half
perches more or less to a maple; thence
south about seventy degrees west eighty
eight perches more or less to a post, and
thence north twenty degree west about
one hundred seventy four and a half
perches lo the place of beginuing, contain
ing ninety-eight acres more or less, and
beiug the purport uuuber four (4) of the
Morris Webb estate.
ALSO. The undivided hat part of a
certain other tract or piece of laud situate
in Jay township, in the county of Elk aud
State of Pennsylvania, and iu great lot
4803, louuded and described as follows, to
wit: Beginning at the northeast corner
ofsaidg'eat lol 4803; thence west on the
line of said lot 4893 so far that a due south
Hue lo the north liue of the lot or piece of
laud belonging to Charles Gardiner, which
I part vf the aforesaid great lot 4803. and
from ihence east on the north line of the
aforesaid Gardiaer lot to Ihe east line of
Ihe aforsaid great lot 4893, eo that a line to
the place of beginning will make and oon
taln ninety.three acres and three-fourth
of an aore, strict measure.
ALSO. All that certain tract of land
situate in Jay township, Elk onunty, part
of warrant No. 4893, containing two hund
red and seventeen acres more or less, being
tbe same assessed in the name of Wood
ward A Finney.
Belied and taken in elocution as the
property of Hiram Woodward, A. C Fin
ney and 8. D. Barrows, at suit of John
Tudor, now for use of Isano Breneman.
ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel
of land containing two hundred and seventy
five (275) acres, situated in Benexoite town
ship, county of Elk, Stale of Pennsylvania,
being part of warrant No. 6481, which was
sold to John Brooks, of first part, by the
treasurer of Elk county, by deed dated June
9th. 1850, and was located by Edward Vos.
burg, by lines marked on the grounds, be
ginning at the corner' on the narth liue of
warraut 6481. abuut one hundred aud
ninety-eight (108) perches from ihe norih
west corner of Buid warrant ; thence east
about- one hundred and forty-five (145)
p. to a corner; thence south three
hundred and twenty (320) perches lo a cor
ner on the south line of said warrant;
Ihence along the said line one hundred and
forty five (145) perehes to a corner ; thence
north to (lie place of beginning.
ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel
ofWand situate, ly i ug and being in Beuezetto
township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, de
scribed as follows: Beginning at a post,
said post being tbe norineasl corner uf K.
Johnson's lands ; thence south along the
said H. Johnson's eist line one bundled
and two (102) rods to a post; ihence north
fiiiy-four (64) degrees west ninety-one (91)
rods to a post on the line of Iho railroad;
thence north forty-five (45) degrees east
seven (7) rods; thence norlh thirty-eight
(38) degree east twenty-one (21) rods;
ihence thirty-four and oue-half (34J; de
grees east lourteeu aud three-tenths
(14 3-10) rods; thence uorth thirty-two
(32) degrees east seveutcen and two-tenths
(17 2-10) rods to a post ; theuce east thirty
seven (37) rods to ihe place of beginning,
conlainiug twenty (20) acres and teu (10)
perches, being more or less. They reserve
one-half the coal and mineral rights to
Ralph Johnson, Jr.
ALSO. All that tract or parcel of land
situate in the town of Benezetle, county of
ElK and Slate of Pennsylvania, knowu as
part of warrant fifty-four hundred and
eighty (5480,) bounded as follows: Be
ginniug nl a slake and stones iu Stephen
hollow in ihe south line of said lol; Ihence
north twenty (20) degrees west sixty (00)
rods to Ihe Siuueciahouing creek ; thence
west fil'tjr (50) rods ; ihence uonb sixty
uinu (09) degrees west fifty. eight (58 tods
thence uorth scveuly-eighl 78 degrees
west thirty-two 32 rt,ds- thence west
torty 10 rods; thence south seventy-five
75dcgiees west eighteen 18 rods lo u
post on ihe west line uf Bind lol ; thence
south ninety seveu aud forty oue-huu I
redths 97 40-100 rods lo a hemlock in the
southwest corner of said lot ; thence east
two buudred twen'y-three aud fifty-eight
oue-huudredths 223 58-100 rods in ihe
south liuo of said lot to ihe place of begin
ning,, upon which is erected oue two-story
dwelling house 20x30 feet, with addition
10x18 feel, frame barn, 40x50 feel, uud
wo't of water.
Seized aud taken iu execution as the
property uf .Mirtiu Enz, at suit of D. J.
M'Diiunld & Co.
AL.SU. All that ftrtiliii tnu-t of
laud in tin- tuwii or Ki'ttk'ineiit of .St.
Mary s in the county of Klk aiul State
of Pennsylvania, situate on Elizabeth
roail ; thence wort one hundred aud
thirty-three (13Bj perches and one
third J) of a jierch to a)Kst; thence
south thirty perces to a post;
thence east one hundred and thirty
three 133 perches und oue-third j
of a perch to a post; thence north
thirty L:!0 perche to the place of be
ginning, containing twenty-live (25)
acres and being number two on
Elizabeth road in the map or plan of
the town or settlement of St. Mary's,
uM)ti which is erected one one-story
log bouse, 18x24 feet, and frame barn,
18x30 feet.
Sei.ed and taken in execution as the
property of far. Schneider, ut suit of
Casper Eiuniert.
AL.SO. All that certain piece or
parcel of land situated aud being in
the township of Jay, in the county of
Elk and State of Pennsylvania,
known aud described as follows, to
wit : Commencing at the southeast
corner of Meribuh U. Lucore farm,
where the new road starts and runs
through the orchard, on the old farm
formerly owned by Benjamin Legget,
now deceased, and being part of war
rant number four thousand eight
hundred aud forty.four (4844 ; thence
along the south line of said old fnnn
or warrant 'o. forty-eight hundred
and forty-four 4844 east sixty-four
rods to a stake ; thence north to the
north line of said old farm; thence
west along said north line ubout fifty
rods to the northeast corner of Re
becca C. Morey 's farm which is a
part of said old farm, and from
thence south along the east line of K
C. Morey's farm to a' stake on the
road; thence ulong the road, tluough
the orchard, to the place of beginning,
containing tifty-one and one-fourth
511 J acres more or less, upon which is
erected a two-storv frame dwelling
house, 20x20, aud one log burn, 24x30.
ALSO. Oue other tract of land,
situated in town, county ami State
aforesaid, and beiug part of said war
rant number lour thourand eight
hundred and forty-four r4844.1
bounded aud described as follows, to
wit : Commencing at tlie northwest
corner of George W. Huller's farm at
a stake iu the road, running thence
easterly ulong the roud between 11. Z.
Leiruett's and U. A. Huller's farm ;
theuee easterly along suid Huller's
line to tlie east line of said old farm
about forty-eight 48 rods more or
less ; thence north along said east line
to the uot beast corner of said old farm:
thence west along tlie north line of
said old farm to the nortlieost corner
of the above fiftv-oue acres of land :
thence south along the east line of
said fifty one acres of land to the
place of beginning, containing thirty
six 1301 acres more or less.
Seized and taken iu execution as the
property of 13. F. Morey, at suit of J
li. Coryell.
The following must he strictly com
piled with when the property Is struck
1. All bids must be paid iu full.
except where the plaintiff or others
lien creditor becomes the purchaser,
iu which cases the costs on the writs
must by paid, us well as all liens prior
to tnat ot the purcnaser, auu a uuiy
cert i tied list of Ileus shull be turn
ished, including mortgage searches on
the property sold, together with such
lien creditor's receipt" for the amount
of the nroceeds of the sale, or such
portion thereof as he shall appear to be
entitled to-
2. All sales not settled immediately
will be continued until six o'clock P.
M., at which time all property uot
settled for will agaiu be put up, and
sold at the expense and risk of the
nerson to whom It was first stuck off.
and who, in case of deficiency ut such
re-sale, shull make good the same, uud
in do Instance win me deed be pre-
kented in court , tor cnunrmutinn uu-
leas the bid Is actually settled for with
the Slier ill' as above slated.
Sheriff's Ofllee, Ridgway 1
Pa., May 1, 1877.
See Purdon's Digest, 0th, edition,
page 44M.
THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1877.
Rldyway Public Schools
Principals report for month ending
April 24ht, 1877,
S3 & yi yA
3ft 5? 3
g-VS 91 P a. 5
so ss-3r,
ij iR 1a
8 80 fill 70 10
2 40 34 85 17
J 77 J" J5 18
lit'? 150 82 45
Missli. E Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. J. li
man school department.
At-! Do. I Av.l (Jen
lend p ort clii's crnl
mice m't. stn'd ntr
lng. iig-e.
A. friuli .'
Iilit Luther.
25 1
08 1
Carrie V Luther
Helen M Little
May M Little
Jennie M Shecley
Julia Flynn
Alton R Chnnin
88; loo
Jennie Uresh
1 !'0
Katie Uresli
Lizzie J M'Cauley
li Grade.
Hattic E Hinds
Tillie Cunningham
Ida Al unlisted
Dnrie Irwin
Minnie M Service
Rhoda Wilcox
53 1
01 i 07
Orin Head
Oscar Gardner
Thos J Malone
Willie Messenger
Otis G Kelt.
C Grade
Katie O'Connor
Emma E Ross
fl'.li. 100
77! 8(1
85 ! 03
Aggie Barrett
Nellie E Sch ram
Joseph Jackson
Lewis Lesser
E J Luther
Ira C Sherman
Daniel Irwin
Chas Johnson
23 lOOl
Jack E Harrett
70! 5
to! 05
4(l 100j
43' 100i
981 100
loo' loo
Michael O'Connor
Fred Ely
Clyde Kime alker
Willard M'Vean
Florence Stafford
75 i
80 !
Chas Median
03 02
1) (irade
Maggie Siieehan
Maggie Flynn
87 1
Adilie lion I well
Viola Neill
Henrv A Paine
Dan Cunningham
John Shack
Elmer Gardner
Michael May
82 1
co !
G C Kime
Patrick Holland
Willie Median
Willie T Neill
D Sub-Grade
Ella Luby
Jua Kline
Sepliu Myers
Mack Kime
Eddie Powell .
88 93
80 8!)
71 8!)
04 08
04 08
85 83
80 02
8-51 03
67! 81
87 01
So 85
93 07
John Henley
Mtunie Kline
Annie Kline
Jennie Hall
Amanda Lindgren
Willie Sch rum
Chauncv Wilcox
Kittle Whitmore
Edward Iiailey
Josie Messenger
Willie Luther
John G Whitmore
85 j 100;
75 05
Rollan Cook
John Luby
Marina alker
Russel Hartman
Neither lute nor absent: Clarice
Rordwe'.l, Nellie Jackson, Ella Wil
liams, Flora Irwin, Sadie Scull, Ada
Malone, Alice Neill. Jennie Holes,
Lizzie Flynn, Gussle Woodward,
Wallie Dill, Glenni Johnson. Josie
Weaver. James May, George M'Far
land, Eddie Holaday, and Warren
Names of ttunc who exctuca in
scholarship '.
Ada Malone, Flora Irwin, Gussie
Woodward, Eddie Hortou, John
Leonard, Alice Neill.
Katie Meeuan, Glenni Johnson,
liessie ScVibuer, Jennie Holes, Mary
Leonard, James May, Minnie Miles,
Coryell Ross, Lizzie Flynn, Nellie
Jackson. Ella Williams, Charlie
Louis Egler, Wallie Dill. Sadie
Scull, Robbie Johnson, George M'Far
laud, Warren Irwin, Josie Weaver.
Present every day : Johnnie Egler,
Joseph May, Eugene Willard, Mary
Schoeniug, Clara Willard, Albert
Gorton, Johnnie Daily, Belle Hartley,
Nellie Holaday, Beuuie P. Little.
Mrs. W. H. Schraui, Mrs. N. T
Cuiumiugs : Misses Sadie Craven, A.
P. Taylor, Bruce Zacharlas : Messrs,
C. E. Holaday, Calvin Luther, James
M'Cauley, A. T Cuthbert.
J. li! JOHNSON, Prin,
J. S. Powell's Harness aud Shoe
Shops one door west of Powell $
Klines store, is t lie place to buy your
Loots and shoes' cheap. Ladies' shoes,
made to order, und, right here, we will
say, that we have seen some flue
specimens of work iu this line, and we
advise ladies wishing u first-class,
fashionable shoe, to.give Mr. Powell u
cull. Gentlemen can be suited in the
boot uud shoe line, as he makes all
grades from a heavy working boot to
a French calf, sewed, blacked shanks
and heels, with fancy toppings, und
straps. First-class workmen, best
stock, und reasonable prices, ure tho
churacteristics of this shop. Harness
light and heavy, also whips, brushes,
currycombs, Mnnki'ts, and ny nets.
Go to J. S. Powell's for your summer
Potatoes are selling hero at $1,50 a
Peter hiw cleared tip the court yard
ready for court week.
Orin M. Rmixes has moved his
family above Whistletown.
Ed. Paine has moved his family to
his farm, down the creek.
M. E. Lesser has moved Into the
house next east of llealy's hotel barn.
The festive fly now leaves his card
on the picture frames aud window
) inner,.
Frank M'Gujin's house looks neat
and tasty since receiving a new coat of
The Lutherans have cleared their
church lot of rubbish, thus making a
decided improvement.
Doctor Hartley and Johu Kime
are putting up a neat fence. Mr. J.
Taylor has also made a new fence.
Presuyterian services next Sun
day at the usual hours by Rev. A. M.
Gillette in the Lutheran Church.
You are invited to call at the
Advocate ofiiee, and have some bill
heads, note-heads, envelopes, or circu
lars, printed cheap.
Governor Hartranft will please
accept our thanks for a copy of the
general laws passed at tlie late session
of the Legislature.
The St. Mary's Oazrttc will take
notice that the May Term of court
commences Monday, May 28, 1.H77, and
iumge the trial list to suit.
Flower sells ut f 11,50 to $12,00 a
barrel. And laboring men receive
$1,00 to 1,50 a day. Speaking 0 re
form, we suggest t lint it begin here.
Mrs. Jackson's Irish hen produced
an egg the other day measuring 7x8.
As this is the first lay of spring we in
vite further sealed proposals.
Be on your guard for counlerleif
silver half dollars. It is said that bad
onesarein circulation, although we are
not sulllcicntly acquainted with such
large coin to be much alarmed.
We are willing to beg the pardon of
our Wilcox correspondents if they feel
offended, because we said they were
dumb, as the Vcium-rut correspondent
suggests. Silent would have been the
better word.
OCR Wilcox package, last week,
broke open, uud was returned by tin
route agent en Saturday to the Ridg
wav ofl'icm We will endeavor to pre
vent u like occurence in tho future.
Personal. Mrs. J C. Houk is in
town. W. C. Heuly und J. F. Dil.
have returned from Jacksonville.
Florida. Mrs. G. L. M'Cracken lias
returned. Mrs. Wm. Crawford has
gone west.
Sam Clark, the foreman of J. S.
Powell's shoe shop is an excellent
workman, and will make you a pair o.
abocs big enough to give your coriii-
room, at least since he made us a paii
we scarce realize we ever had a corn.
Scpervisor M'Govern has put
down new side walk from GeoTgi
Rhine's residence to tho east side of
the Ridgway Bank. Also on South
street from John Kime's property to
Mrs. Hortoti's. These improvements
were much ncedeu,.
The Central State Normal
School will open tor a summer term
of 12 weeks beginning May 10th, with
a full corps of competent professors
Students desiring lo attend should
apply at once to the Principal, Prof.
A. N. Raub, Lock Haven, Pa.
CAi'.iiAGE Worms. An exchange
gives the following method of killing
off the green cabbage worm : Dissolve
one teaspoon ful of saltpetre in a com
mon pailful of warm (not hot) water,
and sprinkle the cabbages therewith
on the appearance of tho worms.
Two or three applications will sullice
for the season. Tlie water, besides,
acts like a charm in promoting the.
growth of the plant.
Nov Tailor Shop.
Jas. McAfee, of Lock Haven, Mer
chant Taiior, has opened u shop over
Powell uud Kime's store, Main street
The above named gentleman has had
long experience iu his business und
guarantees to do work as well as can
be done elsewhere. There has been
no tuilor here for several months, dur.
ing which time a good many oi our
young men have sent to Warren uud
other places for their clothing. There
is no need for Bending away for your
clothing now us Mr. M'Afeo has 011
baud u line lot of samples, und will
muke clothing us cheap us the cheap
est, uud good us the best, uud in the
lutesl style. Give him an order.
Evacuation uf Fort Scull.
Last Thursday afternoon Cusper
Wilheim, Michael M'Collum, uud
Dennis Sullivan, walked out of the
jail at this place, uud took to the
woods. Collum und Sullivan were
cupturedund returned in a tliort lime.
Iu the evening the last named again
walked out, Sullivan beiug pursued
und captured by C- II. M'Cauley, Esq.
The Commissioners ut once issued
bills offering $100 rewurd for AVilhclm
and 50 reward for M'Collum. The
home of Wilheim was watched and lie
was captured there on Thursday
night, by Albert Weis und 'Gco. Ed.
Weis, Hud ugaiu landed in Fort Scull.
M'Collum, ut lust uccouuts, wus still
at large.
Tho manner of escapo will un
doubtedly be fully brought out nt the
May term of court.
Ladies' shoes a speciality ut J. S.
Light uud Heavy harness ut J. S.
Mate iNotes-
The Western Pennsylvania sports
man's association will liavo a shooting
match on May 10.
A. D. Hull, of Luzerne county,
hanged himself in a barn on Wednes
day. His wlfo first discovered him
dangling from a rope.
Jacob Snyder, of Montour county,
wus killed by a lot of earth falling on
him while ho was working In a stone
Joseph Cunningham, of Fayetto
county, aged seventy-seven years,
died recently oh the farm on which
he was born und from which ho had
never removed.
A few days ngo John W. Riddle, of
Chester, Delaware county, fell down
the steps ofashlpln process of con
struction and was fatally injured, de
scending headforemost.
John Barmettler, of Pittsburg, com
mitted suicide on Thursday by shoot
ing himself in the head. Despon
dency, caused by having no employ
ment, induced him to kill himself. '
Pittsburgh has forty-three daily,
weekly and monthly newspapers.
Tlie lust one started is named Na
tional Whcrninn, and will be devoted
to the interests of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians.
The Western reform school is pen
niless, so far us public money Is con
cerned, and the managers will be com
pelled to borrow from 553,000 lo $00,
0,10 to meet the expenses of the year.
The Kaiiffiiiuii will case, involving
the distribution of ubout 8,000, when
tried iu the court of Perry county was
decided against the executors. Tho
venue was changed to Snyder county,
and a retrial of the case has resulted In
a verdict for the executors, und the
will of the deceased will be carried out
to the letter.
Mr. Editor. Permit me to call
the attention of your readers to tho
SaMi'itlt Srliool Convention to be held
at Wilcox on May 8th, und Olh.
It is now conceded by the large ma
jority in all Christian lands that Sab
bath Schools open the most effective
field for the efforts of the wise und
good iu training children uud youth
for usefulness iu this world und hap
piness in the world to come, und that
such efforts ure worthy of Patriots
Philanthropists and Christians. If
our uitus reach no farther than the
present life, the history of Bible in
structions sliows that that the young
imbued with its truths become more
useful citizens, ure worth more to
themselves, their friends, and tho
community, than those who neglect
such knowledge. If, however, we look
beyond this, and would have our
children copy the example, imitate
the high, pure, benevolence, live tlie
truthful, earnest, conscientious, life of
Christ the Saviour, und thus prepure
for the enjoyments to which Chris
tians look in the future world, then
the Sabbath School opens before us
the Appian Way to reach these results.
As iu the schools for ordinary edu
cational purposes, and Institutes for
learning the most approved methods
of teaching and progress, found to
be of the highest value, so Conven
tions uud Institutes, to awaken inter
est, give information, teach teachers,
inaugurate measures of progress, con
dense efforts, and extend the influence
of Bible truth, have been found of in
estimable importance in Sabbath
School work. Let the citizens of Elk
county conic together ut Wilcox and
give those two days to this important
work. The people of Wilcox ay to
their friends, the "Latch Siring" of
our doors shall be found outside.
Come one, Come all.
Wilcox May 1st 1877.
Speculators have taken advantago
of war rumors to force breudstuffs up
to u high figure. On Saturday wheat
jumped up to 2,05 per bushel ut
Toledo. At Erie the relative price is
ubout v'2,13, und the Dispatch says the
indications ure that it may go still
higher. On Saturday the price of
Hour in Williumsport was advanced to
if 11 per barrel, und dealers expect a
still further advance. While bread-
slull's and provisions are tending up
ward, efforts are made in all direc
tions to reduce the price of labor.
With such a condition of things tho
prospects for.the poor Is anything but
encouraging. With Hour ut 911 per
barrel and labor reduced to $1 per day
the struggle for existence becomes a
serious one.
Salt Lake City, April 27. A decis-
ioti iu iho famous Ann Eliza auuinst
Bi'ighaiu Young was rendered to-day
by J udge hchtelll-r. The decision says
that iirigham Young was lawfully
married at Kirlluud, Ohio, to Mary
Ann Angeliu in 184, who wus still
living ut tlie time ol his marriage with
Auu Eliza. The decision concludes
thut the plaintiff is not entitled to a
decree of divorce; thut tlie alleged
marriage wus und is polygamous and
therefore null and void ; thut during
the time plaintiff wus with defendant
us his polygamous wife she wus serv
ing us a menial servant und would bo
entitled to reasonable compensation
Is the title of a new and beautiful
song and chorus, by Will L. Thomp
son. Author of the famous "Gather
ing Shells from the Sea Shore." Deal
ers ure orderiug it by the thousand.
The whole couutry will soon be sing
ing "The Poor Old Tramp." Price,
with handsome picture title, 40 cents,'
Pittsburgh Dispatch.
Published by W. L. THOMPSON
&, Co., Eust Liverpool, Ohio.
See ad of J. s. Powell's shops io.
another column.