'$to JUkof ate, Henry A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor THURSDAY, RCH 22, JS77 Elizabeth X, J., Mnrcli 18. I'nthar ineNeti, nfjetl eighty-three conimHtcd suicide this morning by throwlng'her eelf licaJ first into a cistern. No cause for her suicide is known. H U now Kiunected that the flreat lvarns City was the workof incendiar ies who first murdered Mr. Brown.one of the guests of the hotel and then Bet fire to the building to conceal the crime. New York, March 10,-John McKeon, counsel for Peter B. Sveciiey,siiid this evening he had not seen him. Rum ors are current that negotiations are in progress to compromise all the ring suits and it is believed that Tweed will before many days walk out of Ludlow Street Jail a free man. There is said to be about $1,000,000 now lying in the vaults of the Chester County bank, and about $750,000 in the First National bank. At no time since the organization of cither of these monied institutions have the deposits been so heavy. It bespeaks a very comfortable first of April to those who require financial assistance. Stanley Matthews was elected United States senator by the legisla ture of Ohio Tuesday. He received twenty votes in the senate, the thirteen democratic senators voting blank, and sixty-four votes in the house against six for Gather undone for Hurd, thirty.four democrats cast ing blank votes. The Bank ftf Lausingburgh, N. Y has suspended on account of the depre, elation of the assets. A. D. Power was appointed receiver on Saturday last. The liabilities of ihe bank are $873,000, and the nominal assets $1,150, 000. The suspension is though to have been caused by speculation in New Jersey Central and other railroad s'ocks. Washington, March 19. In the case of Mary K. Oliver against ex-Senator Simon Cameron, action for breach of promise, in which $o0,000 damages are claimed, the defendant has filed his plea as follows: "And now comes the defendant, and forpleato the declara tion filed against him in the above en titled cuuse says that he never promised as alleged'." Cincinnati, March 19. A shocking nflair occurred in the outskirts of this city this afternoon. The little six-year-old daughter of Daniel Boote, liv ing ou Walnut Hill, was feeding a monstrous English bull-dog, as she was often in the habit of doing, when the vicious animal attacked her and began literally to tear her to pieces. The screams of her mother brought the neighbors to the spot, but the beast could not be torn from his prey till a bullet had been sent through his head. The wounded brute then sprang at the officer who shot him and nearly threw hi in to the ground; he alsQ bit Mrs. Boote severely during the struggle. The child was alive when rescued, but she is so mangled and torn thnt her recovery is impossi ble. The dog seems to have been in tent upon devouring her alive. Omaha, Neb., March 16 The Mis souri river is just now full of floating ice, the result of the recent cold snap( and an immense ice-gorge lias formed in the Big Bend, in a northeasterly di rection from the smelting works caus ing the stream to rise at that point and overflow the bottom on the Iowa side for over a quarter of a mile. Opposite the smelting works the water pours down over the Iowa bank into the main channel forming a series of falls from four to six feet high and over two hundred in number. At one place the southern point the full is from forty to fifty feet wide and about six feet high This cut-off is what has been expected for several years and it was thought when it did occur it would form a now channel where this body of watea is now rushing over the bottom. It may be that the gorge will a permanent cut and thus allow the water its old course. John D. Lee to be Shot on Friday. Salt, Lake, March 21. The friends John D. Lec,. who is condemned to be shot on Friday next, have sent numerous petitions signed by promt nent Mormons and Gentiles asking for commutation of sentence, or par don, to Governor Emory, but the evi dence of guilt being so clear, and the ofl'ense so heinous, the Governor has to-dny, in answer to telegrams from the United States marshal at Beaver, inquiring if he had anything further to communicate relative to Lee, to Lee, replied "nothing what ever." This indicates that Lee's doom is sealed. 4 The Starving Poor of Scranton. Scranton, March 16. The committee appointed at the mass meeting of the unemployed mechanics and laborers for the purpose of obtaining relief for the starving poor waited on the mayor yesterday to ask his co-operaion. The mayor pledged himself to use his best efforts in their behalf, and assured them that assistance wotld be granted without delay. A meeting of business man will be held this evening to form relief committees and take such other action as may be necessary to give im ediate assistance to the suffering poor. The chairman of the workingmen's meeting says the men were growing impatient, and that nothing but prompt relief would retain them from riot and plunder. Even now it is a difficult matter to paeify the most desperarte of their number who have been drivea almost to madness by the wails of their wires and children cry. Inzforhrcfld- Ex-President Grant lias been sued for $190,000 damages by a lunat ic whom he caused to be Imprisoned. John Scott, of Rockdnle, took his last smoke yesterday. He set fire to his tobacco, his bed lirid his clothing nnd gently smoked himself to death. New Haven, March 21. John W. Barnes, an employee of E. Malley, ab sconded this afternoon with $1,300 cash, and checks to amount to several tlKHiwtud dollars intrusted to him to deposit. He is supposed to have gone to cw ork. Governor Hubbard, of Connecticut, has vetoed a bill giving members of the Legislature twenty-five cents mileage each woy and n registry law, on the ground that the requirement that an elector shall be made an elec tor anew when he removes to another town is an unconstitutional interfer ence with the franchise. BLANKET SHAWLS, AT POWELL KIME'S DRIED APPLES AT rOWELL fc KIMK'S. N'ew Advertisements. Mercantile Appralsment. X 1ST of Retailers of Merchandise I J Liquors, &o., in lhj County of Elk, bmie ot rcnnsylvania, Aiarcli HUtli, 18i7 MERCHANDISE. BKKtlKTTK. Class. Name. Tax, 11 William E. Johnson, store. 11 S. Leroy Winsltw, more. 14 Miles Dent, si ore. 14 Milea Dent, miller. 14 R. V. Tetriken, miller. rox. 12 Joseph Koch & Son, store. 13 J.J. Taylor & Co., store. 14 Kocb & Enx, store. 14 John M'Mahon, store. 14 Herman Stne9sley, store. 14 Adolph Timm, store. 14 Mrs. John KelU, store. 14 Michael Mohan, store. JAY 14 E. H. Dixon, store. 14 Charles Webb, miller JONES. 6 Wilcox Tnn. & Lum. Co. storo 15 A. T. Aldrich, store. 14 James C. Malnne, store. 14 Martin Sowers, store 14 Q. A Jacobson, store. 14 M. M. Soli nil i, meat market HOKTOM. 14 Joseph S. Hyde, store. 14 A. Short, store. 14 J. Cuueo, store. BIUOWAY. 9 W. II. Osterhoul, store. 10 J. S. tt- W.H. Hyde, store 11 Hyde & Curtiss, store 11 Powell & Kime, store 12 Grunt & Horlon, store 13 Cliailes R. Earley, store 14 M'Gloin & M'Geehaii, store 14 James II. Hagerty, store 14 T. 8. Hartley, stoie 14 G. G. Messenger, store 14 Charles Holes store 11 James Woodward, Mure 11 L. A. Ilrendel, store 14 L. K. Gresh, store J Robert I. Canipjiell, store 14 W. Ii. Smith, eiore 14 Jacob Butterfuss, store 14 J. S. Powell, store 14 Mrs. A. Ruhlman, store 14 H. M. Rolfe store 14 Wliifctletown Lumber Co. store 14 J. S. fc W. H. Hyde. millers ST. MAKY'S BoROUUH. 10 Gifford, Hall & Kaul, store 10 Coryell & Russ. store 10 Joseph Wilhelm, store 11 Joliu U alkei & Son, store 12 W. C. Spafl'ord & Co., store 13 W eis Brothers, store 13 John . Weidenboeruer, store 13 Char. Luhr & Brother, store 13 Sosenheimer & Tegler, store 14 Weideubcerner & Witman, store 14 L. Blakely, store 14 George H. Garner, storo 14 Charles M'Vean, store 14 John 1''. Wachtel, store 14 lid ward M'liride, store 14 Charles Miller, store n 14 Adolph Fochtman, store 14 Joseph Wilhelm, store 14 C. L. Bayer, store 14 Alois Lefller, store 14 Mrs. M. K. M'Nall, store 14 Agnes B. Killeian, store 14 Wiihem & Dornivh, store 11 John Krug, meat market 14 Joseph Eckel, meat market 14 Charles Kufen, meat market 14 R. 0. M'Gill, miller 14 Mrs. C. Neimiller, miller HOTELS AND EATING HOUSES. BKNEZETTI. 5 Henry Blush, hotel 0 L. Wiuslow, hotel 7 John Daley, eating house bemikqkb. S Frank X. Sorg, hotel rox. 5 John Collins, hotel 5 Joseph Koch, hotel 7 Andrew Hau. eating house HOUTOX. 5 Joseph S. Hyde, hotel JAY. 5 A. J. Rummer, hotel o Arrael Turley, hotel JOXKS. 6 F. B. Patterson, hotel 0 Martin Sowers, hotel BIUGWAT. 5 W. II. Scbram, hotel 5 M'FarlandJii Murphy, hotel 5 Frank Pallman, hotel ? James 8. Maginnis, eatiug bouse ST. MABT 8 BOBOUOI. 5 John Wachtel & Son, hotel 5 Jured M. Mcctim, hotel 6 Anthony Fochtman, hotel 6 James Rogau, hotel 5 Mathifts Wellendorf, hotel 5 Lawrence Vogel, hotel 6 J. F. WinJfelder, hotel 5 Henry Luhr, hotel a John Vaughan, hotel 7 George Schaut, eating house 7 William Gies, eating house 7 Mrs. A. Klau.sman, eat. house 7 Jacob Kraus, eating house 7 Anthony richauer, eat. house 8 Fred. Kenote. eating house 8 Martin Iluber, eating house BREWERIES. BKKZ1NGKS. 8org tSs Westnitzer rox. Andrew Hau sr. mart' bobo'jgb Chas. Luhr & Co. William Giet Lawrence Vogcl BILLIARDS. Jon Kg. A. C. Allen, 2 tablet KIDOWAT, 3. W. Rhine. 8 table J. 8. Maginnis, 3 table ST. miiy'i BOHOCGR. J, F. Wiudtelder, 2 tables A. C. Allen, 2 table $25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 40 00 60 00 60 00 40 00 40 00 IHOo. J. BURKE, J2-3t Mercantile Appraiser, NOTICE. F. S. INTERNAL REVENUE SPECIAL T AXES May 1, 1877, to April 80, 1878, The Revised Statutes of the IT. S.. Sections 8232, 3237, 8238, and 8239, re quire every person enguged in any business, avocation, or employment which renders him liable to a SPKCIALTAX, to PROCURE AND PLACE COSPICUOUSLY IN HIH ESTABLISHMENT OU PLACE OF BUSINESS A STAMP denoting the payment of said SPECIAL TAX for the Special-Tax Year beginning May 1, 1877, before commencing or con tinuing business after April 80, 1877. return, as prescribed on orm n, is also required by law of every person liable to tpecii lax as anove. THE TAXES EMBRACED WITH IN THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW ABOVE QUOTED ARE THE FOLLOWING, VIZ : Rectitters S200 00 Dealers, retail liauor 2't 00 Dealers, wholesale liquor 100 00 Dealers in malt liquors, Wholesale oi tut Dealers iu malt liquors, retail... 20 00 Dealers in leaf tobacco 25 00 Retail dealers In leaf tobacco... 600 00 And on sales of over $1,000, fifty cents for every dollar in excess of $1,000. Dealers in manufactured tobacco ! 00 Manufacturers of stills 60 00 And for each Btill manu factured 20 00 And for each worm manu factured 20 00 Manufacturers of tobacco 10 00 Manufacturers of cigars 10 00 Peddlers of tobacco, lirst class more than two horses or other animals 50 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class two horses or other ani mals 25 00 Peddlers of tobacco, third class one horse or other animal 15 00 Teddlers of tobacco, fourth class on foot or public con veyance 10 00 Rrewers of less than 500 barrels 50 00 Brewers of 500 barrels or more.. 100 00 ANY PERSON. SO LIABLE WHO SHALL FAIL TO COM PLY WITH THE FOREGOING REQUIREMENTS WILL BE SUBJECT TO SEVERE PENAL TIES. Persons or Firms liable to pay any of the Special Taxes named above must apply to E. Cowan, Deputy Col lector of Internal Revenue at Aarren Pa., and pay for and procure the Special-Tax Stamp or Stamps they need, prior to May 1, 1877, and WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. Special-tax Stumps will be transmitteu by mail only on receipt, froin the person or firm ordering the same, of specific directions so to do, together with the necessary postage stumps, or the amount required to pay the postage. The postage on one eta'mp is three cents and on two stumps six cents. If it is desired that they be transmitted by registered mail ten cents additional should ac company the application. GREEN B. RAUM, Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Office of Internal Revenue, Washington, D. C. Jan. 23d, 1877 1.HW Relating to Newspaper Subsirip Hons and Arrearages. 1. Subscribers who d'i not givo express notice lolhe contrary, are considered witdi ingto continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers order the dtscontmn. utiou of their periodicals, the publishers may coutinue to send Ihein until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers Deglcot or reftiso to lake their periodicals from the office where they are direcud, they are held responsi ble until they have staled their bills, and ordered them discontinued. 1. If subscribers move to other places without informing the publishers, nnd Ihe papers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided I hat "refus ing to take periodicals from the office, or re moving and leaving them uncalled fjr is prima facie evidence of intentional frHud." fi. Any person wlio receives a newspaper and makes use of it. whether he hns ordered it or not, is held in law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to Ihe publisher at the end of their time, if they do not wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers ore authorized to send it on, and Ihe sub scribers will be held responsible nujil an express notice with payment of all arrears, sent to the publisher. Bates of Advertising. ' One column, one year $75 00 " " 40 00 " ' 25 00 " " 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions, $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. QUOTATIONS White, Powell & Co. HANKERS AND flttOKERd. No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, March 13th, 1877. BID. ASKKD U. S. 1881. e 112J 112J do 5 20,o '5. M and N 107 1081 do do '65 J and J- 1()8 108 do do '05 do llli lllf do do '65 do liai US 10-40, do coupon liof llljj do Paoirio 6' cy Int. off ....12ai"123j New6'iKcg. 1881 109J 110 C. 1881 lO'.tJ 1101 Gold .....1044 14I Silver 100 100 Pennsylvania ex ive 42 J 42J Reading 12j 12 Philadelphia & Erie 11 111 Lebigh Navigation- 21 21 j do Valley 40 j 41 United It U of NJ. ........ ex. div..l3(ii 137 J Oil Creek I'i 7 Northern Central...... ...... ex. div 21 21$ Central Transportation 89 ill) Nesquehoning 48 60 North Pennsylvania, . . J48 47 C & A Mortgage 6's '............lOliJ 110 SEW TIME TABLE P. A; E. It. tt. Commencing Sunday, Nov. 26th, 1870 WILCOX. Mail East 4:13 p ni ' West 2:47 p m Day Express Eatst , 0:22 a m N iagara Express West 8:55 p m B1UOWAY. Mail East - 4:49 p m Mail West - 2:11 p m Day Express East 0:56 a in Niagara Expres West 8J4 p in ir. maky'. Mail East 6.-15 p m Mail West . 1:46 p m Day Express East. 7:20 a m Niagara Express Went 7:46 p m REMOVAL OF WHOLESALE JEWELRY HOUSE. Onr large snd Increasing hnaines demands mnmrnnm. n1 will 'nflnr Anril 'lit. 1877, occupy 2d and 8d floori of "M'Callum opposite our present location,) and will otter to the trade one of the largest and best stocks of good in the United Slates, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, Bronxes, Jewelry Silver t l'lated Ware fro., &. riose Cash Buyer Invited. C. B. BARRETT A CO.. 77 F1 n2tI3 ST, CLOUD Arch Street, Between 7th and 8th Streets, 1)kab Sift: Since the close of the Exhibition the 'St. Cloud has been renainted and frescoed, parlors re-furnished, new carrels. 4c. surpassed for comfort: the culifthrv department beine excelled bv none. Durincrihe Cenieunial Ihe fet. Cloud adhered to its regular comiortiioiispatrons as it bad previously; in this particular it stood alone. Mr. O. W. Mullin has associated with him his son, Geo K. Mullin, and Edward L. Bean, of Ft. Wayne, Ind., under the firm name of G. W. Mullin & Co. Thanking you for past patjonage and hoping to extend the hospitalities of the St. Cloud with the same encouragement as in the past. We are, respectfully, f 3.00 PER DAY. Q. W. MULLIN & CO. JOSA D. BAKER, Room Clerk. J. T. LKILEB, Cashier. Exccntors' Notice. Estate of John Tavlor late of Env Township Elk Co , deceased. Letters jcMamciuary upon the nbove estate have been granted to theunderstirnpd. all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the sniue rt iiiniui ueiay lo UfcU. B. TAYLOR, T, , n2t6 JAMES R. TAYLOR. ( Iox rs- T IVINO WILD ANIMALS JLJ "ANTED. 50,00 each for PANTHERS. 8,00 each for BLACK FOXES. 4,00 each for CROSS FOXES. w,w -.each for LYNX 10,00 ench for OLD OTTER. 6,00 each for YOUNG OTTER. 5.00 each for YOUNG WOLVES. 5,00 each for WILD CATS. 6,00 each for FAWNS. 1,00 each for YOUNG BLACK tt- CKOSS FOXES. The above price I will pay, the Animals to be in good and thriving condition. Animals can be shipped to me by way of Punsutawney Pa. For further information write to JOHN A. STEWART, Marion, Indiana, County, Pa. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To nil wha desire it, he will send a copy of the Prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, winch tliey will nnd a Sube Cubr for CoKSUMPnoN, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c., Parties wishing the prescription will please address, Kev. E. A. WILSON, 194 I con., Wilbamsburgh, N. T. seedwheat7" I have a limited qunntitj of fine seed from a new nnd unequaled variety of Kaucu wheat, put up in 1 j lb. sacks which will be sent prepaid on receipt of SI. The wheat is superior to the favorite Clawson variety, has a strong straw, aud Blui.ds up well when growing. This seed in the product of experiments last year, from which the yield was at Ihe rate of 8 bu.-liels of wheat to one buslcl of seed. Only o'K) sacks are oJered for sale. II . I. SMITH, 731 14th, STREET, Washington D. C. nt!3. . trrr"i not easily earned in thefe (!p times but it cun be made in mi-efe months by any one of either sex, in any Part of the county who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we . . . . . .. . . furnish. !?t)b per week in your own town You need nol be away from home over nik'ht. You enn give vonr whole lime to the work, or only your fpare moments. It coals nothing to try the business Terms and $5 Outfit free. Address ut once, II HALLETT 4 CO., Portland Maine, oney. GARDEN SEEDS."- New Varieties of Flower and Vegetable. Don't write to your number of congress, who is flooded with applications for seeds but obtain the same Vmicties, and nil the new ones, by ordering from the undersigned Beside ray own specialties I am prepared lo furnish nny kind of seed from any cata logue at a discount of ten per cent from list prices. For the convenience of those who want an assortment 1 have prepared two collections. Ko 1 consists ot 13 vane ties of choicest Flower seeds a complete flower garden, price $1. No. 2 comprises a complete collection of Vegetable Bceds tor a small family garden, price M.ou. Packages of Ihe two sets combined for $2.00 Sent postpaid to nny address on receipt of price. The seeds in these collections would cost double the aiouey, made up in separate orders or purchased or any dealer. H. V, 6.M1IH, 734 13th STREET, Washington, D. C ces. trado-raarks. deoigns, and compounds Labels registered. Infringements, re issues and interferences will received proK atlenliou. IH I r.ll! U J Jsend us a model or sketch of their invention, and we will eive our opinion as to its patcnta bility Lfrce of charge. Fees moderate, and NO CHARGE UNTIL PATENT IS SE CURED.. We will, upon contingent fee, prosecute ca sea that nave been bejkctku ty tn Patent Office. We have client in every State iu the Union, and invite inquiry through your congressman a to our standing, nelore tue Putent Office. Send for circular for further infomation, terms and references. Established in 18bt, EDSON'BROS, Solicit! ot U. S. and foreign PATENTS. 711 G btreet, N. W., Washington, I. C. n2tl3 CRISTADORO'S 14 A 1 d n V Cristadoro's Hair Dye id the SAFEST and BEST; it acts instanta neously, producing the most natural shades of Black or Brown; does NOT STAIN the SKIN, and is easily ap plied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well ap pointed Toilet for Lady or Gentleman Sold by Druggists. J. CEISTADORO, P. O. Box, 15,13, New York. Nt-41 Bulldlna" 77 Fifth Avanua (nearlv WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY AvAnun. Pmahurnh. Pa. " ' MOT PHILADELPHIA, PA. The house in all its anrjoinloipnls Is un. rates, and endeavored lo extend the same n5ml. TRUSTEES SALE. BY virtue of the powers vested in us by the provisions of a certain mortgage execulea nnu delivered ty the Kersey (Joal Company to the undersigned, dated Ihe 1st day of June, A- D. 1808, and duly re corded in tbo recorder s office for . Elk county, State of Pennsylvania, in mortgage boon "is. page l'Jd, &c, as well as by virtue of the authority of the decree of the Court or (Jomuion l'lens cl blk county, State of Pennsylvania, tilting in equity, foreclosing the mortgage aforesaid, we will expoto to public salo, at the court house, in Ktdgway, in Ihe said oounty of iMk, on FRIDAY, THE 27TH DAY OF;APHlL, A. D. 1877, nt one o'clocx P. M., all the rights, franchises and property of the Kersey Coal Company, including real es tate particularly deseribed as follows : All those two certain tracts or pieces of land situate in Fox township; Elk county, state of Pennsylvania, one being bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a post nt the northeast corner of Eli P. Kyler land : thence east, pnrlly by laud of Nalh- and D. D. Hyatt, one hundred and eighty-seven rods (187) to a beech; thence south, by land ot Horace Little, one nun. dred and sixty rods lo a post and stones; thence west, by lands of Joseph Cook and Jesse Kyler, one hundred and eighty-seven rods to a post ; thence north by lauds of Jesse Kyler nnd Eli P. Kyler, one hundred and sixty rods to the place of beginning, continuing one hundred and eighty-seven acres, more or less, being prt of the tracts aos. 407c and 407'.'. and the same con veyed to Joseph 8. Hyde by Edw.ird Mc Quone and Ellen, his wife, by their deed, dated 9th nny of November, A. D. 18oo, duly recorded in the office for the record ing ofd?eds in Elk county, in deod book t , page 4.1'J, c Also Another tract ndjnining the one above described, nnd is hounded and dcs. cribed as follows ; Beginning at a chest nut tree standing in the west line of war rant No. 4078 ; thence east, by lands of Eli P. Kyler and 3. S Hyde, one hundred rods, more or less, to an elkwood ; thence north one hundred and sixty-nine and six tenths (16ft 6-10) rods, more or less, to a maple tree ; thence west, one hundred rods, more or less, to a beech ; thence south, by warrant No. 4374, one hundred and sixty nine aud six-tenths (lttt 0-10) reds, more or less to Ihe place of beginning, contain ing one hundred and six acres, more or less, being part of tract No. 4078, nnd the same land conveyed to Joseph 8. llyto by bitliold P. Little and Lydin A. M.. his wife, by Iheirdeed dated Ultli diy of July, A. D. 185'.l, duly recorded in Ihe office for the recording of deeds in Elk county in deed book "H," pftge7o7, o Also All the following described tracts of land situate in the township of Fox nfyesaid, bounded nnd described as fol lows: One tract beginning at a postal the south side of the Milcsburg and Smcth port road, on the western line of Daniel Hyatt s land, foity-eix (Hi) perches, more or less, to a hemlock; thence west forty- three (43) perches more or less, lo an elk- wood tree on Libel's line; thence north along said Libel's line, seventy-four (74) perches more or les, to the Jlilesbnrg and fciincthport rond ; thence easterly along said Milesbnrg and Sineilipcrt road to the place of beginning, containing sixteen (16) acres more or less. Also One tract beginning at a post on the mill road ; thence west, eighty one (81) rods to John Semcling's southeast cor ner ; thence uorth ninety-two (02) rods to a stone comer; thence east ninety-six (!j(i) rods to mill road ; thence south twenty six degrees east twer.ty (2(1) rods thence south ten degrees west twenty (20) rods, thence south thirty degrees west twenty (20;) rods; thence south fiftecu degrees west thirty-two (32) rods to place of beginning, containing fifty (50) acres more or less. Also One tract begiuuing at a post ; thence east, by laud of George Weis, seventy-eight (78) rods to a post , thence south sixty-one ana iwo-nirus ioijj roas by land of J. Seifred; thence west seveu'y- eight (78) rods, by land of D. D. Hynit ; thence norm stxty-ont ana two-tniras (Oijj rods, by landB of Uenzinger & Escubacb, to the place of begiuuing, containing thirty (30) acres, being part ot warrant U(t5. Also une traoi Degiuning at a post , I hence east twenty (20) rods, by lands of ISenziuger oi tiscbbacli ; ihenoe south torty (40) rods by lauds of D. D. Hyatt . thence west twenty (20) rods, by lands of Patrick Murphy, deceased ; thouce north forty (40) rods by lands of Benzinger & Escbbach, to the place of beginning, containing five (d) acres, also part of No. 4078. Also All the coal, iron, ores, and other minerals of whatever kind, lying and being in or upoi. all that cetlain tract situated in Fox township aforesaid, beginning at a hemlock; thence east, by lands of Joseph 8. Hyde, one hundred and two (102) rods to a water beech ; thence north by laud of Horace Lit tie, eighty-five (85) rods to a post; thence west, by laud of George Wcis, one hundred and two (102) rods to a post ; thence south eighty-five (85) rods to the place of beginning containing ntiy-lour (611 acres and thirty (30) perches, together with the right of ingress and egress, and to enter upon and into said land for the pur pose ot examining and searching foraua or mining, manufacturing and preparing the said coal, iron and ores, and other minerals, for market, and transporting the same, and for these purposes to build roads anl drains upon or uuder the surface of said lands, as may be necessary and proper lor the convenient use and working of the mines or works, with a right to deposit the dirt or waste of the said mines or works upon the urface convenient thereto to gether with all the rights, property, im provements, franchises and estates of said company acquired or which may be here after acquired. I KED. 8CH WKDliEK. 1 FRED. W. BILLINGS. 1,U8leM' Ridgway, Pa, Feb. 15, 1870-01. No We will start you rn- a business vnu cun make 860 a week without "Money capital; eay aud respectable lor either sex. M. A. Youug, ail Bow ery, N. Y. uhl. Administratrix's Kotiee. Estate of Geo. Walmslev late of St. Marv'a Boroutrh. Ellc Co . deceased. Letters Testamentary upon the above estate have been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said es tate are reuuested to make payment, aud those having .claims to present tne same wit bout delay to ESTHER ANNE WALMRLEY. u4W Adimnifctrutm. il3 &eo. Woods & Coa PARLOR GBGAS Vi rv.l ' !i'W?jn!lV. "WZZ. f;. lei .113 s r ..' I A.l.ir'l r .'irr.atcur .T,d l'mfcs- iou.-l. r.ftd an , vnj.ii.-, GUO. VVOODG CO... WAItKnCOJIK) i.i Wahlnetn St.. llo1or.t 1 ? Stains from $, 1.1 w--.-', n )- s.U. ! wu.ic. o a tk J: 5 ' jfciW,i)MW. ( Efif i lit a & g.s mmmimi II tit !! m mmmmmmmi A' ""yj r'sCSe.ji'Hsf!? Ik !5 2 , an of r. E" 3 .3 ! f& rsr g- ? 3 ? : s ! B B " t: : c : t : t : Ev" c r n ? 1 n 1 1 1 ; ; ! . a gg- it ;i:itrM.;? H 9 l .S-SS-j-8-S'. bi s yr l. I . 5 p H . cgn3c i.t s 5 s M$ trc js 1 1 1 s (f ii! MSSScSSi MowonmAls ! Z W pg. siiAt- 1 zt :y -i WIVW i M &g g s-.ssrs; v x. g.g y c r- rcf ic it c w' c o -1-! 1 c z f ga i-a-SL'- ! ; z Mi i dr,s-s.,s.-sM'j - i.onmioA I I 2 1 0 Ml 1 s . 3c sso . ts s. .. . .1 I, &S JS- I i i ? li B 1 1 a I - "Hi I ft- ,T , ..t,i?..v; .-r'r'' , .. Is a -5" u !& si J. '" i ' 'i t . a. illjlllf.llill.' I f 5" ! i i ) 13 in ,-s o w uv.t-ti ! . a oeiii.ii-ciii:Si I it o' J! li "j "F i ss a alcseiKj.;;-! ....... eo i M.y sikms ij 5 Z fm S? r- V rt - ! .hi3a -ox! sl 01 ?3rs- -' - 2 - t: f ? riU-'itj-j n 4-ti---.v-H-lAS -i-tA-vj oa 1 1 .iojo -' :x FJ "XS- a -. . - -. ... - J p M2ra r, i l: ,; Zl mw ,i -ux; , . . S SSsg- d 0 m - 7l ''FVAV 11" i 1! eS W 232 ZC' f'l i i I I' $ S ? til 110 XB J 'unouiw 0 8'u njv j ; 1 s s. y K & lit S'iSi jMioiui s KajuoK -i y P J-? a. g, ?LsLs : - A. s tsr,r" i i""""!! J (0 S R ikmiuhiua! ;i I" M g. 5? Ci c cr , 5 : c T : rt '" i in ii I'kJ Pi . . l nirt.i ..ill nmi in viii . 7 -. C rT li t t- ai j 3 i cSlCSiJstaSSSiSp S 2IXjuho; joi aiqiisr.) 'A4.iodo.ir.l ?:l S 5 f. 5 -' y. t. " wioinw oinjiiay a s j , - : 1 p- - li DC -4 -1 C IC C CC CC i ,r! S.riif s,a,r-1,: P w . I 1 1 iu a jo a ju-t ot t ru ssoiu tin !x!Sin'itStSSttrSaiis om"xl A"i.i-Hlo.id ISI I- S) I-" IO 1U05 ii -x c OS C". to i S5 c-i gt "t"tra ' THE ADVOCATE, Office, over Powell Se $2.00 A YEAR-$1.50'IN ADVANCE. ORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTON Address HENRY A. PARSON in y r:,rlor. Beautiful New Styles, now reaoy. Cr.mbriclgeport, Mass. ?A-s Ht.. ( Blcano; t I-nflfate Hill. . GC0. VV000S t CO., Publishers, Cambrldgeport, Was - - - i . " t Klme's Store, Main Stret; 8, J., RIDGVVAY.ELK CO., PA. "ill1" , 55 it " 1 CTc I II ft r