FIRM, HARDEN AXD HOUSEHOLD, Stack Gron lnaThe Fntnrr f Fnrwil.a. There are very few farme's vho are not roitdy to acknowledge that the min ing of wheat is of doubtful propriety, that it almost never bfings a profit, bnt, on the other hand, loss ia generally eu tailfd by growing Una very uncertain and land destroying crop. The EugliMh, Irish aud Scotch farmers aim to sell as little off the farm an pos nible in form of grain or fornge, having long since learned that this could not be done, maintaining the fertility of the land at the Bamo timo. Feeding grain, roots and hay upon your own lnnd in the isoorot of RurceH, because if yon hanl your hay and grain to market for ton years your laud, like an old coat, bo coined reduced iu value in proportion as it is worn. Even when no profit ia made at farming, if yon auppoit your family, pay yonr taxes aud maintain the fertility of your laud, thoro are nt leant no backward hteps being takeu. The man who prows wheat not ouly fails to profit himself, but his laud, liko the coat on his back, is wearing out, and ln-a Btsps are backward coLtiuually. It hardly needs an illustration or argument to prore these loug eatuMiHhcd fact", and those farmers who improve their facilities for keeping, breeding nud feed ing the more profitable descriptions o! cattle, sheep and Rwine, giving good care to these, will, with this beginning, lay the foundation for au easier systom of farming, having tho fertility saving, with chances for incro soil pro life to commend it. Theso thoughts aro not advanced to pave tlio way for commendation of nny particular class of stock, nor of any branch of either class. The taste of men, and of their sons, taken in connec tion with the capabilities of their farms, govern the selections to bo kept, wheth er of one kind, cattle or swiuo, or of both, with uheop added A farm adapt ed to swiue, having running water, tim ber and posture in the hands of a man who can appreciate improved swiue, with a practiced eye to distinguish the good from the iudiffaretifc nt nil timet. with judgment to prevent overcrowding nuu exposure Dy luaacqnato shelter in bad weather, and care in avoiding infec tion and the introduction of diseases of the bowels aud lungs generally in the power of the owner to prevent may b made profitable as the home of swine alone, the farm bp-ino- ilamteil rvminlv to co n and gratis, with a few acres of poiaioes ior icening in tuo cooKert state, let, while some men have made this branch of stock growing exceedingly profitable, through h series of years, nover turning to the light nor 'to tho left, Etill but few men, and not every farm, are alapted to this one class of stock; besidos, as a rule, a diversity plan of husbandry is tho safest. Then if one denendeueft fails, or ii nultr nnvfinllu successful, the other sources of income may compensate by being in tho highest Oattlo raising for beef does not in volve an extraordinary amount of labor, whilo the dairy entails work upon the household early nud lute, upon the female nortion nsnnllv. A little wheat should be grown to fur- nisn oreau tor the lamilj', the offal being brought back from the mill and fed upon the farm, tho straw furnishing bedding, and a taste of rough feed for idle stock, for even in niasticatingstrawtheactionof the, niassoter muscles kt eps up the circula tion, and thereby wards off the cold, increasing the flow of the saliva to the stomach at the same time. Wo invito n careful cansidraHon nt tlan mira tions, because while our lands in" tho west ore yet luii of substance, it be hooves us to add to rather than to con tinue to t.ikn from ht 1 J "aiu .Himuf; for shipment, as heretofore. Farm journal. Domestic Pint. Plum Pudding. One pound of raisins, one of currants, one pound of beef suet chopped very fine, one pound of grated stale bread or flour, eight eggs, ono pound of sugar, a pint of milk, two nutmegs, a tablespoonful of mixed spice, cinnamon and mace, a salt spoon ful of salt ; boil six hours. To mix the pudding beat tho eggs very light, then put thi.m to biilf the milk, and stir both together ; stir in the. Rruted bread or flour, next add the sugar, then tho suet and fruit by turns, sfir very hard, then adil the spioe, then tho remaiuder oi milk ; stir all very well. Suet 1'uddino. One cupfnl of finely chopped mat, ue tt-ncupfulof molasses, a lablospooul'ol of sweet milk, three cupful of sifted fl ur, one-half pound of cm raits, one-half pound of rainins, one b-atpoouful of baking powder dis solved in milk, tablespoonful of cinna mon, ttwpoonfnl of mace. Boil and mix steadily for three hours. Washington Pie. Two oupfula of sugar, one h ilf cu,ml of butter, three oupfnls of sifted flour, four eggs, one half teaspoouful of soda, one tcaspoon f ul of cream tartar. For the filling : One tablespoonful of corn starch boiled in one-half pint of milk ; beat the yolk of one egg very light, and stir into the milk, flavor with vanill, and when cold add the other half of the milk and the white of the egg beaten to a stiff froth and stirred iu quickly ; spread this be tween the cakes and ice it with the white of one egg aud eight tablespoonfuls of fine silted uugar flavored with lemon. Tapioca Cbeam. Soak two table spoonfuls of tapioca for one hour, boil a quart of milk and pour it over the tapioca, add the yolk of three eggs well beaten and a cup of fluo white sugar ; let this mixture boil np once, flavor with vanilla, and when perfectly cold beat the whites of tho eggs to a stiff froth and stir them in. Wedding Cake. One pound flour, one pound sugar, one pound butter, twelva eggs, eight pounds raisins, stoned, two pounds currants, one and three-fourths pounds citron, two table spoonfuls (mixed) maoe and cinnamon, one nutmeg, one aud a half wineglasses of rose water. To Restore Rush Ssiace. Dip the lace in coffee, cold or warm, squeeze it out tight, nud place it between very thin brown paper laid on an ironing blanket (not sheet), and iron with a medium hot iron. If laco is not too rusty, it will come out like new. Some persons use lager beer instead of coffee. United. The Lawronoe American announces the election of Massachusetts' most irre pressible child to Congress in the follow ing style : Butler House In this District, November 8, by the Rev. Mr. Majority, the "Widow " Benjamin F. Butler, late of Gloucester, in the Sixth Congres sional District, to Mr. National House of Representatives, formerly of the Republican party. The vote of Cincinnati in the late election was 47,030; of St. Louis. 43, 326; of Chicago, 62,000. ROBBING A T0O. The Attempt ( Wien.1 the Remain f Ei P real dent l.lnroln. una the Part the I)), motive Had la the Affair. The attempt to rob the tomb of the late ex-President Lincoln of its remains it now seems was a job put np by a de tective rfllcer of Chicago named Sw'gle. Tho detective was intimate with thieves, and when tho matter was broached Swigle approved it, bnt asked for tima to seo a lawyer nud find out what the penalty would bo iu I Ilium's for such au offense, fie wauted a little time, he told 'thorn, to consider whether he had better go into so hazardous an under taking at all. With that he left them. It was Iwlicvod lylho thieves that if tin y could get pos-icstdon of the remains aud secrete them tho relatives would pay a large sum for their recovery. . Uwiglo, after leaving the paily, will at once to the detective hoadqunrtor and unfolded the plot. Officers rapidly 0 insulted, alid Kg teed that it would be best to communicate with Robert Lin coln. They did so, nud Mr. Lincoln at once called iu Leonard Swett. The matter was thoroughly canvassed b uoso gentlemen, who advised Haiglo to go on, to continue in the confidence ol t!v confederates, learn and enter into their plum and them to Operative Tyre'l in nnton to prevent their consummation. Mr. Lincoln was at first for breaking up tho design alto gether, but tho question arose, how CJiiM it be broken up ? and he could not auswer it. bince tho outrage was to be emayed ho fell iu with the detectives. but insisted that tho th'cvos should not bi a'lowed to handle the casket contain ing his father's rrna'us. Swiglo returned to his friends, the tlneves Hughes and Mullcu, and re ported that ho believed tho plan foasi ble, if not easy, nud well conceived : that his lawyer hail assured him that the penalty at tuo utmost would bo ouly a year u jail and a slight fiue ; but thai ho had no idea thev would bo caneht. flushes nud Mullcu, pleased to hear I'ns Riiui ot talk I'om so cautious a man ai "tho prmco of ropers," determined to carry tho plan into operation at as eatiy a date as possible. They took into their confidence and advised witu a certain contractor in good and regular standing, both pociullv and in business. aud ho made a trip to Springfield and examined the tomb aud its surround ings and repo.ted its condition. This was the state of affairs when at n council held it was determined that tho business should bo done on tho night of ine seventn of JNovembor. Tins niclit was selected because they belioVed that public interest would be so absorbed in the election that whoever or whatever they might meet would bo less likely to bo curious a3 to tbeir busiuesa or whither they were going than upon al moat any other night of tho year. It was pioposod that a toam should be held in readinoss iu the vicinity of tho Springfield cemetery, and that when tho ruonery nad been accomplished the party should get into the wagon with tho coffin and drive to tha Sangamon river, where it was crossed by the high way a little diKtauee north of the ctmc- tcry. Here tbey proposed tobuvy the casket m me sana unaer tho bridge, or sink it in the water. The plan was a cunning one, ior nothing short ot n miracle could have led to tho discovery ot tho remains in that place. The party went to tho cemetery oi the night in question and entered the tomb. Swigle, the detective, was left outside to watch, and tho detectivo's party, who had been kept fully posted, were also near at hand. Swigle' whisper ed to Tyrell that the thieves weie saw ing the lock off the door. Ono cf tho detectives, who had worked his way in between tho brick walls above alluded to until ho had leached t'io wall senarat ing the crypto from tho interior cf the monument base, distinctly heard the blows of the burglars in tneir efforts to force open the sarcophagus. In a mc ment the noise ceased, and Swigle mado ns appearance ut tho reception-room door aud paid they were all ready to move the casket, aud sent him to the road, whore they supposed ho had the team in waiting, to tell tho tmsfcv driver to corufl np and help thorn carry it to tuo wagon, lie nai iirit them a few miuutos boforo standing nt the door of tuo vault, and had worked his wav around as rapidly possible, 'ine de- tictives immt:iia(ely left the reception ro.iin to pass around the east side of tin. monument. As they were leavintr t In door bang 1 a bharp report of a pistol rang out on me input, and was doul-li d an 1 trebled a hnn Ired times among the trues and lulls of the eomttf-ry. One of tho detectives hud accidentally exploded a cap on his revolver. Caution was dropped now for hat-te. The robbers must have heard tho noise, and theonlv hope of cutching them lay in precipitate aouon. ine party arrived at the north door before tho echo of the pistol shot naa aiea away, and found it open and the place deserted. Not a man was to be teen except those of the detectives' own party. Ihere was no moon. The sky was thick with clouds. It was f.o dart that a person could scarce be dis tmguished ten feet away. Tho officers immediately scattered in all directions. bnt nothing could be seen or heard of the thieves. tfwigJe was amazed, and could not conceive what had become of Mullen and Hughes. The lid of the sarcophagus is a slab of marble about two feet broad and eight long and two inches thick. It can bo handled easily by two men. The thieves had laid it upon edge against the doors of tho crypts, and bad takon tho end piece off. The ends and sides are set in plaster of paris, and bound in place by copper hooks aoross ihe corner?. To lift these hooks and remove tho lit tle slab at the foot of the casket was easy. Nothing had been damaged or scratched. Tho slab? and the hooks wero fonnd nnhnrt and close at hand. They had then taken hold of the caskot itself and drawn the end of it out of the open end of the saroophagus about two feet, so that when the driver and Swigle came np they would merely have ti lift it out. There was no disorder in the proceedings, nor any sign of intentions to break or destroy anything. The cost of tho look, which was necessarily spoiled in sawing, will be the tota'l amount of the damage in money. The thieves escaped in the darkness, but were afterward arrested. The penalty for the crime is three years in the State prison. The Fourth of March. Following two precedents, the Presi dent elect of the United States will take the oath and enter upon his duties at noon on Monday, the fifth of March next. The precedents are in the case of President Monroe, who was rein angurated Monday, March 5, 1821, and Zachary Taylor, who was inaugurated on the same day of the week and month in 1819. The record in the case of Mon roe is incomplete, but in the case of Taylor the journal of the Senate shows that on Friday, the second of March, 1849, Mr. Polk,' the President, sent in a communication to the Senate request ing that body to meet in special session on Monday, the fifth of March, at ten o'clock A. m , as there would, on that day, be matters of interest to engage its attention. The record also shows that the Senate extended its session of S ttnr day, March 8d, by recesses until aix o'clock on Sunday morning, March 4th, when toe presiding otlicer declared that body adjourned sine die The term of United States senators expires by law on the thirty-first of Match, bnt this has been construed to mean until noon on tho fourth of the same month. A inrcedent was established in 1851 which iias Ix-en followed ever since. McDon ald's manual for the u e of senators says : "On the third of March. 1851, on which day tho Thirty-first C mgress ex pired, and on which the terms cf one third of the members of the body would also expire, the Senate being in session nt twelve o clock midnight, a senator (Mr. Mason, of Virginia) expressed a tionht whether Ihe term for which he had been elected did not expire at that hour, and desired to be qualified as xenator under tho oiodentials of re-eleo-tiou. The Senate thereupon passed by a vote of twonty-soven yeas to eleven nnys the following resolution (oflered by Stephen A. Douglas) ; ", That inasmuch as the second session of the Thirty first Con press does not expire under tho Con stitution nntil twolve o'clock on tho fourth of March inst., the Honorable James M. Mason, a senator-elect from the State of Virgiuia, is not entitled to take tho oath of office at that time, to. wit, ou tho fourth of March, at one o'clock, A. M.' " " Under this resolution tho retiring senators at that time were Uuited States sonators whether the Senate was in ses sion or not uulil noon of Sunday and no longer. On Monday, tho fifth of March, when the Senate was convened in session thoy conld tako no part iu tho proceedings, their terms having ex pirod at noon on the preceding day. That there is au actual iuterregnum of twenty-four hours from Sunday, March 4th, at noon. Until Monday, March Cth, at noon,-when tho-oountry is without a legal President, there is no doubt. In the two cases referred to in onr national history this iuterregnum has been uusupplied. Neither tho pre siding officer of the Sonata nor any one dsn has ever attempted to exercise the functions of President for the space mentioned, and it is safe to say that no ono ever will. The pay of tho outgoing President ceases at noon on the fourth of March, nud that of tho incoming one begins at that time. To enpposo that any trouble will grow out of this hiatus is putting too fine a point on it. as Mr, Snagsby would say. President Grant will doubtless follow tho precedent of Mr, .folk and convene the Senate in special session on Monday. March 5th, when the new senators will take oath of office. Washington Papers. Adani'x First Wife's Revenge. The old Hebrew cabalistic legend of Jjilith, the first wife of Adam, is told by M. D. Conway, iu his lecture on the dovil, in language which is as beautiful as a nnished poem. Bho was a cold, passionless, splendid beauty, with won drous golden hair. She was created Adam's equal in every respect, and therefore properly enough refused to obey lum. J; or this she was driven from the garden of Eden, and Evo was oieated, made to order, so to speak, of one of Adam's ribs. Then the golden haired Lilith, jealous, enraged, pining for her first home in Paradise, entered in the form of a serpent, crept into tho garden ot iden and tempted Adam and Eve to their destruction. And from that day to this Lilith, a cold, passion less beauty, with golden hair, has roamed up and down tho earth, snaring the sons of Adam and destroying them. You may always know her dead victims. for whenever a man has been destroyed by the hands of Lilith you will always find a single golden hair wrapped tight uround nis lifeless heart. To this day many and many a son of Adam is still lured to death and ruin from having the golden hair of a woman wrapped too tight around his ueart. inis is the moral. Has not Jjiuth been revenged ? - A Large Salary. . The somewhat remarkable diacoverv has been made that the Presidential electors of tho State of New York under the la iv are entitled to SI, 500 each for pay, exclusive of mileage, a coinpensa tion considering the usual time they are occupied of $70( a day. The law is the old one of 1812. which says that tho pay and mileage of an elector shall be the same as that allowed at the time to members of the Assembly. The pay of the latter at that time was 83 a day, for not more than one hundred days, but it has since been changed by a (Jouslitu tional provision to $1,600 a year, without regard to the number of days they may sit. The State authorities say: It is hardly probable that the gentlemen composing so high a body as the electoral college would consent to receive such a sum through the evident inadvertence of the Legislature; bnt to follow ont the letter of the law it is probable the comptroller will nave to pay thorn that sum and have the residue, after deducting the nauul pay, covered back into the trea sury. The total amount due under the law to tho electors, exolusive of mileage, will be 852,500. The Turkish Reserves. Tho Vienna Political Corretpondence reports that besides 150,000 men of the first and second class of the Turkish reserves, who still remain to be called out, 200,000 of the third class are to be called out to replace the regular troops now in garrisons. It is said that a wire netting spread on the roof of a building is a better pro tection against lightning than upright rods. Merchant's Gargling Oil. This standard liniment has been bo fore the people for over forty years, it having been first manufactured in 1833, and it is safe to assert that no prepara tion in tho market has so fully stood the test ot time, and been received with such universal favor as the Gargling Oil. It is found in nearly every house hold in this country, and is also sold ex tensively in Europe. From very small beginning the Gargling Oil Com pany has been obliged to steadily in- oread 3 its facilities for manufacturing, and now employs an army of men, and occupies magnificent buildings of ita own. Muoh of tho success of the com pany ia due to the careful and efficient management of Mr. John Hodge, who for some time has held the responsible position of secretary, and who is also the proprietor of the Hodge Opera House, one of the finest buildings in Lock port, N. Y. The Gargling Oil is for sale at oil the drng stores. Quincy (111.) miff. Great Karnes. Twelve years aeo a family .moved from Illinois to Denver. , Soon after arriving a daughter was born to the fe male head of the household, and being favorably impressed with the country and hopeful for the outlook, they named the youngster Great 1'rospocts. Not long since another daughter was born, and a name was found in a singu lar manner. The names of Illinois and Colorado were reversed, and the little one is now doomed to go through the world as Stomlii Odaroloo. In the meantime Great Pr isnects has grown np t be of considerable tize, and in this regard the family are probably realizing the faith implied by the naming. As yet, at least, there has appeared no cause for the reversal of the name, and she has ouly suffer d y a d minution of b'-r cognomen to the common woid Specks. Pimrles oii ttio fce. rouch skin. orisppod haiidw, nl'rticnra and all ontHiieouf ttreouonn enrnd. tlia kkiii tnarm sort and smooth, by the ne of J cmpnii Tab Hoap. i'tiat made by Ouwell, Hazard A Co., Mew York, if the only kind that can b relied on, as there re many imitations, mute from common tir, wuion are wortbleu. Com. - A Mississinnf vnmnn lnft thn inv that fahrt TP nft milltinor. anil wnnt. riorht. intnfr.YiA house, just because a bear rubbed against her. A Large Family. H. L. Powers, of the Qrand Central Hotel, Broadway, Mew York, often provides for about 1,200 people more than the entire population of many of the towns in this State. It is a beautiful eight to see them in the gorgeoua dining kail, regaling ou the cboioeet the mar ket affords. We were at a lone to acoount for bo large ' patronage theee dall times. Thin was fully explained by the Information that prices bad been reduced U 12 . 50 and $3 per day Centennial Awards. Prom the New York TWbim, Norember.18. The newspapers have beeu lately teeming wiih ingeniously worded advertisements re gardiui; die awards. These publications have bcciu Bkillfully prepared, bo as to c )nvey the imprrasiun that t'jis or tkat exhibitor lia- real ly received the higheeit ard bout award., lustead of informiui; tha public as to tbe true Htate of affaire, thoy have simply confused the reader. Visitors at the Oontonnial find theru solvea bewildered by tlio adveree claims to distinction which they placarded on evi ry hand, and they do not know which way to turn to discover tlie truth, n no department has this eveteni of lmereprerentatioti been carried to so tjreflt an exteDt as that devoted to piano fortes. There has been "a war" betweon piano exhibitors since the Exhibition opened, and a regular skirmish line of placards Bince the awards were officially announced. They have vied with each other in the use of ex travagant language to prove their respective claims to distinction. Tbe most ingenious methods have been devised ; disinterested correspondents, whote sole object was to in struct the ignorant public have volunteered their services (for a consideration); ex-Judges of awards, iu the intirest of certain piano manufacturers, have mado protended revela tions of the secrete of the jury-room, for the sake of supporting the claims of their particu lar favorites, and lightning calculators have bocu appealed to and have fouud convenient mathematical rules by which to eBtablisi. absolutely the supremacy of their clients, en tlio preteuee of the fo muoh abused maxim that figures canuot li. Al! these efforts, while lidicnlons to those acquainted with the subject, have i uen aUearpled to influence the uninitiated in fact, tie nitno meu have left nothing uudouo to mislead the pub!ic,and b; their efforts have eausrd everything retath.g to pianoa to be lookert npnn with ditstrust, antt have mado themselves tbe laughing stock ot the pnbliii. Cv these menus injustice is uoi only done to the pu'jlio, but to thost who ar not only tutitlod to the lea-ling position, bui who were awarded it by the judges. Yuur correspondent has takea the trouble to subnih all tbe various reports, which are the ba-is of tbe awards, to a cirotul sorutiny and compari son, and tbe result is that the pianos of Wiu. Knahe & Co. are found to head the list This house, from the commencement of tLu Exhibitiou, relied solely upon the merits of their instruments to secure them a just award ; and since the official announcement, although tbey were decreed the highest honors ia the Piano department, tbey liave modestly re mained in tbe background. It is fortunate that tho judges, iu preparing the Kuabe re port, so framed it a to liave no doubt abou! their pre cmiuenco. Tbey especially com mended all tbeir four styles of pianos (concert grand, parlor grand, eqaare and uprights), and accorded them tho praiee of uuequaied excellence iu all the details of perfect instru mente. The report is plain, straightforward aud comprehensive, specifying all the ele ments of merit which it is possible for the best piauoforte to possess power, richness and singing quality of tone ; ease and elasticiry of touch ; effectiveness of action ; solidity anii originality of construction, and excellence of workmanship. By comparing it with the other reports in the same department, even the most tkept eal will acknowledge that no stronger language could have beeu UB'xl to ex press i ho una'iiiuoiis approval of the judges. Philadelphia, N:iv. 11, 1S7C. Consumption. Fbankfokt, N. Y . Nov. 1, 18CS. In the fall of 1847 I took a severe cold, which settled upou my lungs, whero it re mained without relaxation, I tried several kinds of medicine, aud consulted several pby Bioians, but received no bene tic. The fall of 1848 found me completely prostrated con fin d to my bed ith the same severe oougb, accompanied by seveie pain in my side, pro fuse en eats and restless nights. My family aud friends, es will as myself, supposed my time to die bad come. At this oilnis I sent for a bottle of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and, wcndoiful to relate, before I lud nse'd tbe first bottle my oongh greatly subsided, my night sweats left mi. my appetite returned, and my puke becamx r eg iiar. I slept soundly, and was soon able t ba out and attend to business. I thou cuntuhed au able physician iu relation to the course I had pursued aud the medioiue I had tat en Be advised me to continue the use of the Balsam, which I did, and fouud myself a we.l man ; and now, at an age exoeeding fifty years, eojy as good health as ever before. Whenever, during the last (en yoara, I have found au iudividut.1 suffering front cough, I have always recommended tho Balsam, aud iu numerous oases have sent it gratuitously to the Buffvriug poor. In conclusion 1 would Bay, what I have said a great many times be fore, that the Balsam, with God's blessing, saved ny life. Horace Cooudoe. 611 o'.s. and (1 a bottle. Bold by all drup gist. The Rev. Matthew Bonner. M. D.. late medical missionary to China, is ouring thousands of dyspepsia, ladies' "momiuir sick ness," foul breath, and all disorders of the stomach and liver, by the use of "Cbing." It is the Chinese sovereign remedv for those dis. older. Bend (1 for a box, or a stamp for a mrcuiar, 10 post-omoe dox in, xroy, a. X. Butter and oheese are almost indis pensable article! of food. Properly used, they are nutritious aud healthy j but an inordinate use of either caUBea indigestion and dyspepsia. J"araom' Purgative Pillt, Judioiously used, will remove both of these troubles. A. Youth's Publication. For half a century the Yotths Companion, of Boston, has been published. It was started hi 1827, and ia to-day one of the brightest and most vigorous papers with which we are acquainted. Have you ague iu the face : and is it badly swollen ? Have yon severe pain in the breast, back or side? Have you cramps or pains in the stomach or bowels ? Have you bilious oolio or severe griping pains ' It so, use Johnton't Anodyne Liniment internally. A few years since it wan not consid ered the "correct thing" to ohf w plug tobaeoo, but it ia again coming into great favor, and gentlemen can be now seen daily with a plug of the genuine "Matchless" brand, and It is considered the choice morsel of the day. Every plug has the words " Matchless P. T. Co." printed thereon. Bavb Youb Hair. Jf you wish to save your bair and keep it strong and healthy use Bornett's Ooooaine. A Tolunie In Six Lines. v This very hour, If yon nave a eougb, a oold, or ary difficulty in tha throat or lungs, seid for Hale's Honey of Horehonnd and Tar. Take it faithfully and yon are safe. The cure is certain and swift, the preparation pleasant Don't disregard these lines. Hold by all druggists. Pike s Tootbaohe Drips cure in one minute. J. & P. Goats were awarded a medal and diploma at tha Centennial Exposition, anr1 oommonded for the "superior strength aim exobhent quality of their spool cotton." The Markets. . sew tOI.1, BfOattle-PrimstoKttraBallookaS IB IS Oomraon to Good ieuui ()1 K' ( Much Oowa M on 75 0- Hogs Llv rV 0 V Dmrnod 07 A Id Sheep .... l8Ji 0 Lamb (it 0 tie Oottoti -MlddhnR 11 S lvtt rionr Eitra Vmtarn t ( f 8u State Kxtra It T If Wht Med Wwrtorn 1 80 (rt 1 10 No. 1 Spring 1 in t to Rye Htato M Barley tnt ,. 70 85 tar!y Valt ej nf 1 ja Ctt MIt-v Wmtarn.... tSS al Corn Mlxml Wsatorti , tt t 81 BJ, Pr cwt. 10 90 Straw, per kt 45 0 7. Hop 8s S3 )M ...,76'i 10 11 Pork Men If (0 17 00 trl 11J lrfc FHh Mackerel, No. 1, new IS 0 f 11 Ki " No. 1, naw 0' - 0 Pry Cod, pnrowt 91 00 Werrltip. raied, per bos.... 8 9 90 Petroleum Crude ltJfaVt.V ftidrud, Wool Oalttorula tlmoe 11 A 81 Tex ' 18 88 Auitrallaa " 87 0 nutter State M vt ft Western Hairy (it II Western Yellow.. U 0 S9 Western Ordinary.... 16 11 Obsess State Factory 08 jt It State Skimmed...... ('6 a) 17 Western...... 08 a is '-gl State It BCFVALO, r.yir W leat ho. 1 Spring . . . O irn Mixed........... OU Bfe 3riej ..... . 6 3 A 71 1 MI 1 f 8 nam ix If k7 8' M 70 75 to rmi.ADixrBrtt. Beef Oattls Kxtra Hheep. Uorii UiHSaed..... Flour l'enn?yiTni Krtra Wbt Bed Wea'.ern hjfi Corn Ve'low Mixed Oats Mixed Petrolsnm -Ormis IB'ii 8 WATERTOWN, MASS. IV-of Cattlo l'oor to Choice fihfi-p T.anibs...... 0BV 04V OS. Cv Oi-X B 00 1 15 l e ru ' .1 ii an 0 o a 70 s u es n i KB I I 4 rn 7 75 1 60 (4 4 5) 1 .VI a 4 en GLENN'S Sulphur Soap eradicates All Local Skin Diseases ; fr.manently beautifies tub Complexion, Prevents and Hemu dies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Injuries op the Cuticle, and is a Reliable Disinfectant. TlHSpopular and inexpensive reme dy accomplishes the same results as costly Sulphur Baths, Bince it permanently removes Eruptions and Irritations of the Bkin. COMPLEXIONAL BLEMISHES are 111- ways obviated by its uso, and it ren ders the cuticle wondrously fair and smooth. Sores, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds, urns and Cuts are speedily hxaled by it, and it prevents aud remedies Uout and Rheumatism. It removes Dandruff, strengthens the roots of the Hair, and prv ,erves its youthful color. As a Disinfectant of Clothing and Linen used in the sick room, and as a Protection against Contagious Diseases it is unequuled. Physicians emphatically endorse it. 1'itiCES, 25 and 60 Cents per Cake, 1'er Box, (3 Cakes,) 00c and f 1 20 N. D. Thertli economy Id buying the large cakei. Sold by all Druggists. "Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye," Cluck or Brown, oOc, lU CEITTESTOS. Propr, 7 Siith A.N.!. NEW WIIXCOX St GIBBS mm La wat Invention, and producing most Marvelous Results. Only machine tn the tvorttt with Antomatto Tension aud Stitch Indicator. Tr.d. Hark In ban yi fc it ot sTtry m.ctilin. SILENT SEWING MACHINE. Send Postal Card for IHniirated Price List, Ac "Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Co., tCor. Bond Bt.) 658 Broadway, New York. "The 'Hnmi'finjr JurtiHl 1 now the Lending; 1, I'r.pi-r." Xiamintr, TUE XEW YORK Saturday Journal : A I tO. Mi: WEEKLY .t" A Mndrl of LltB-ary KioelKnce, Bniy. Uwfttl nbaa an4 kulMrtalriiiienr., for Humw, Fireside, the tiuclal 1'liuUi avtt. tte General Reader. Choke ia Ai'lwrr, Vnrlei la Mattsr, THOROUGH LY GO' tD (n all tta Khaturna. forOM unit V Anno .lilt Brilliant aSerial jtom Not-d write""; iSpliitad Short Taka a-id Sketches: Ariveuture and T thI; Romance of Hiaiory aid iilo.ahv: Foetrr; Punteut Ritany bv HThb PaiMu'i DQKtitr" aud Kve Liwlm; tm Wit and Hii'uor ot tuo lumt;aie Wathlr.e'on Wt ltehorn and Jojiii,)r.; KnygHhilTeana iustruo le ' Auswerg UJL;Jr'OJHDt,,, Top c of the Time, etc., eto. Tu furt-.-jer It work nt Rreadta waat is iirst nfore Its rdud-ra and pal ran", there will be vuksrnifd to wr; hjl iur fir pouu montbu, tbe ExquUlto Look at Me. Mamma," (Virr panlon piece tn t he " Christian Uukta'a beantlfal lhioms "Fv-t Ableep" aud " W:na Awake." iy the iuine artlet (tlra, And-raoo), but even tun e beautiful lancur lhan t(isjr. A a work of irae art ouaot tbe cao: cicar oil ouuumob- ever p'.oed wliuin reach of Four iuatfca rb?e Iption: ONLY ONE I'Or,MR which -cut tUiKATUiilAY JOURNAL v paid, for ihit i tin-' aa l ne deilrexed iree, oi Luia Obarmlna ud vain ble plotGre. &aberluui.aio htuiuwHb the GRAND HOLIDAY MJMUtiU (No. 866), to iu Uo. Mm, in which rm meore three maa-niticeot aerials: "TUB RED OHOSS:" H raM4tu ot ihe Aconited Ooln an Eiqui '(; i HouieNurel; aPeriVotl bpleadid boye Biory, . 8eud la eurksortpttonfl at one. Firtt oome first mitwL BKAOLK ADAMS, Poblikhem, . OS WiiUiin Street, Kw York. Get a Thlas of Heuuty nsd hav a Jy for ever ! MTO At mil at CATARRH Sneezing Catarrh, Chronio Ca tarrh, Ulcerative Catarrh, permanently cured by SAN FORD'S RADICAL CURE. ftaWTOim lUm-OAt. Ctrnw ron Catahhb 1 a safe, eprtnln.and permanf nt care for Catarrh of every form, and I tl.e most ncrfert romedy ever devised. It Ii min-iy a vegetable distillation, and Is applied locally l.y liimiflUilon.and constitutionally by luternal ad liilnlPtrrittnn. Locallv applied relief t intnntaneou. It soothes, heals and cleanses the nssat passage of ovrry ineiinir oi neavineps, onsirncnua. aumeBB, or dt f tineas. (Constitutionally Kdmlnlstcred It renovates the Mood, purines It of the acid poison with which It :nni disease. The remnrknblo curative powers. When all other remedies utterly fall, of 8aitpord'b Radical etna, are attested by thoueAntln who urate fully rec ommend it to fcllow-euffprers. No statement is made rcirsrdlnff It that cannot be substantiated by the most ren-ctrtl)e and reliable references. It Is a greet and (rood medicine, and worthy all confidence. Eft oh fiacknge contains a Treatise on Catarrh and Dr. Ban ord's improved liiualiugTube.afld full direction for lis use In all cases. , a Hanporp's K apical Crue Is sold by all wholesMe and retail dniKKl'" throuvhont tha United States, f rice t Depot, WEKS 4s l'OTTKU, Boston. EVERYBODY fTTTTD CHEERFULLY RECOMMENDS COLLINS' VOLTAIC BLASTERS. fpUET contain the grand curative element, Kleo thioitt, combined with the finest compound of medicinal jrumi ever united tOKether. It therefore eemi Impoailble for them to fall la affording prompt relief for all paint and achet. "THE BESFPLASTER," JtVmts. Wtfkn Jitter, Ofitlemen, Please send me six ilOLhinn Voltaic Plastirs. Bend by return mall. I think they are the best Plaster 1 SVr usd Please And money inclosed, , IIABEELL LIWIS. Miltobd, DL., July 14, 187S. 11 AN EXCELLENT PLASTER," Jfiusrs. Week dt Potter, Gentlemen, Please send me another Collins' Voi.taio Plastki. I find them to bo an excellent Plaster, the ht nt that I have ever used. I am sorry that the druk'tflsts here do not keep them. F. M. ftKLDJtit. UaoADWAT, O., July, 1876. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price, 2rcnts. Pent by mall, carefully wrapped, on receipt of as rents for one. 91.35 for six, or $2.25 for involve, by WEEKS & POT TEH, Proprietors, iloston, iasa. PTE AL JLTISOy a" nrrrngoment with trie rublKhr we will simI ore ryrea fit I inn f.( T'.'i-v nn hiir'itj' e:lDrii. brautl i 1 1 1 1! oi1. A"' iiti v. it uteri, v i- . lea Villiiim St., N-w Yo'1 KMT!t MONTH- on Tral Utr 2,j t:;Th Wawlil seDdhaOrat "Hard Times" Papnr, the Cricket on the Hearth, .'Vur months on tlal for only cprfs. A mimmot 6 piitre ll!asf!Hii.i p-v;-er ( t?.f o Hmper'a Wkhj) fv.o't'd to 1,1' -nt' i re, Komane , Vs- tut Kco'vlr 'kr V.m.ifn.ramt, et.- , tto. : bn bs, cl nrept and mo i. in 1 1. r pi,"r published. duilar ver yar, wltl boioe or t1 r .Tt nitum , or T.i wais vtthoai, nlu'n Siciio'''0 2 tor ' tauiu. fii-nd ! ohuI f' 'oar tPo.Ahri' t lAl to K. M I LIT ION A JO.. Pub ichers, 31 P 'ib Hr.w, Nhw Yoik. TI1KF.K OKNTFNKIAI, MP. DAL- AND Til It EI HO.NOUABI.B MKNTIONS ARK OIVKN TO Boynton's Furnaces (0t or PUte Iron). Ksneelillv adapten torhBtttlm; UWKLLlSlid.CtiUhl.UKS, Sr'flOOI.S. ETO. MOST POWKRFITL AND DURABLK KUllNAOl SOLD. OVKH ti'.t.OOO IN ITRK. HOYNTM " 1S7 HAI.TI MOKE FIRE. I I.A( F. IIFATKU. Kit remety powerful In teattng. Altri.otlT.. brilliant durah'e, eco-iomloaK HIITXTOVK "THe" Open.nntr Htove. Tb itici.1.! attrnotlTe lib a y nlove evnr mnde. Send for olrotilaiv. Kiilmaie. nlvu for htatlD(, Cor re'.DOiidnnce solloltel. HlOtlAKDSON BOYNTON A CO., Mannfaoturera Ni). Waters e Nw Ymk. NEW MUSIC BOOKS! A BRILLIANT LIST 1 THE ENCOKE! - 7 " crnia. By L. O, Emrbson. Fjr Stnglpg School' UbOTe-jltons, eto. THE WHIPP00RWILL! 50 rent". By W. o. Pfrkins. Capital collection ci So ok 4 for Couimou Schools THE SHINING RIVER! 35 rerun. By H. 8. aud W. O. Pkbkins. Very beau tiful bahbatb bohoo St uk Book. THE SALUTATION! 1.38, By h. O. Kmkrson. Mrst o ass collection foi Uholrs, tSlcKUiff St h .mis, eto. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES Or 100 Eminent itlu.Ical C-mno.era. tf i.LO. Bj L. B. Ubbino. Very Dictionary of Musical Terms. S5.0O. Ktainkii 4 KAiaiEi-i'. A magnltioent book, fl natratad. i'inelj brmn'l. THE WORLD 0F SONG 1 1 TUB VOOAL OKM OF TUR BKAHON 1 Bonnd Volume of Popular Buno-i. In Borda, 82 O.otb, fti.l.O.). lillt, 94.UO. Kllbtr bo jk mailed, post-free, for Retail Prloo. OLIVER DITilON & CO, Bostoa ('. II. DITwO M A' O . 111 Hrondwo.', New York. J'E. DiTHO.N & CO., ... Baeoi tzm to Lee k- wulkn, Phllit. ?3.CO for $1.00. TII3E1 HICAGO EDGER 411 lh frsnt weekly wntmpera ef the 1e and ctnrrrter t,1 1'IIK" HIiA.(l I.KDUKIf lft.o ncr year, wfatli THE Khl(;l-I coMlMit 1. The Ijdoeb is the HFRT KsmMy Psper In the Unite BLatHS, abiy e1ttd. handsarnelr v. rlnte-i ; conUlnlot every wrak ohooe comnleted n lories, an Installment oi an lntereotlnsr Ulustratwl anrial.ard peer-tl rendtoc fui old and young, tor t a farmnr for tbe housewife and for all clttses. Hnaoll osrti ts'ald-ntn nikkait, rn,i. anltortu y ertafte and moral, hand lvand 15 cnt THE LEDGER, rlllfAliO, U.I.INOI- J. & P. GOATS bare beea .warded u .llejnl and MilomH at the Cenieunlnl Kxpoalilon una remmend. ed by the Judge, for "SUPERIOR STRENGTH AND EXCELLENT QUALITY or - - SPOOL 10TT0N." A. T. G0SH0ES, EirtctofSeneral rBAL. : J. R. HAWI EY. Pim. .........; Au. R. Uotn, BeoreUrj pro tern. Send itinp for Paine. Bandar Prm, Jerwy OIy, . J. W. H. PATH, Etamp t Ptnell Wfr, Burlington, Vt. f n PwraAirta. Sample free. H. Albert, BoWnn.M.. nni ITNFW HelleTrd-rJoMedlelne. Book I t V free. O. J. WOOD, Madlaon. Ind. f W a Week "alary anaranted to mal. A female. Pend 'H pp for elronlara. F M. BODI NK, fllnctnn tl, O, H1VFRV I.AfY W4IW TT. ("end Btamn for i rlrrnlar. Mna. JKNMFS, Boi 4804. N. Y. Olty. 25 A lA Y to Arenta. Ram pie free. Rtpua Oatalmme. h. FLFTOHKR. 1 1 Per 8t. nTy, AfllTVTQ F1 R f lO.OO Ohromne FlfFK. U.m A O J, M. mtTnYOW A CO.. Pbllada.. Pa! I WHTItnKOtm'Wriliia.Ohloairo.IlL fnr K Arent.' Mammoth Oataloirne free. F i J ior a wabow a o.. 1 1 1 ni. st , n. y. $10 a fov Fmnlopnf for lOl. nhmmn A Norelry C'atatoirne free, fol'nn (lo.,llNmiiianrt.,W.V e t" i,n..MM a. ! m . Wry ct... rhITa . Fa UKR ? lit week to Arei. Bamnho KPKF, SruSaSPErrnfi. Bthttwwii lrll nvmn t. roruAM a ii ia. ftb.. pii..p. ! 2 jy.n J.I' etTWewe and RIniren. all IO eta. t O f omle Photo'a. al Fnn,tn ntjleewltb redln. 10 e' , poat-pald. Jraeai Ht-rtft). pTmiean, Hene.Oo.,W.Y. Tea. Im. Aaent. fl H. FonrTh 2C. Mo1""' A Meath. Amenta .um. an kui .n t5JSrt,0.lyJ?iflSlKr.w- " "ample frfe' 3 WATCnFM. A Ont Beneatlon. hot'i Watr nnrf Outfit fr B Attmu. Bettw thV Oold. Addreea A. OOULTFP A OO.. Phi.,", $80 A y ONTII, hotel and trarelln, nnenaee paid for No peddlln. Addnrn. Monitor WAWnyp pp., oinelnna!, Ohio. wanted ? " m pene paid. ( Men to ell to Merebanta. enn - M ... . . miuiiiu W ns. oenpaliMaem " fJlTi til e 'orPnmpn,andWnnnh-e T I Ml U Maohlnery. Addrena TORNADO W a W WINDVIT.f, IO.. Flwa. N. Y. HftOlM',',e h'on' A?ontlnS7days. 13 now h Ae'ttS,'""''' !-nniilcs Iri'c. A.MroM, fl;OC"ly-,"m,,y Aewta ! Mnff rm Chroma DlU iBhU fay,m. Hlrtnr. and Chramn C.r.l.. 1H5 tlx p'"..'v"rlh ,n. n HpiM I, .r II .i, nou.of ItiTested in Wall M. 8tooks raskns fortones mwmrr month. Book sent free explalnlns; eTsrrthlnR. dess BAXTKR A HQ., Bankers, 1 T Wall St., N. Y. Tf f TT t T"M Rnf1 Material lower t J" I Rnd lOe.forT'lnstratedC rthan ever. nstrated Oatalnontv DAI 1J aiJ I T rft Ull., 4ft So. 3rd St, Phlla., Pa. AW.yT. Twent Mnnnted nhrotnos fnr 1 9 samples, post-paid, 20r. Stretched OhfO moa.sU "'re, at low prices. Oatalorne free. OowTIa WFWTai. fmnOMOOo.. 37 Nassan Street, New York. TA We wilt start yon In a hn-fness too esn A u make 50 a week withorit eapltal. esrjr lrtWTTV nd eespeotalde for either sex. AottNTS VJXN P. X HnFPT.T nn VH I Bowery, N. Y. W: NTEP Aet. hrh om. In evinr town and new. fndlsren-able. and slls on slyht. JTO per rt inis'aneed. Cllmex Mfar Co.. Clnelnnatl. O. fenntV Btislress easv and rHnrtVt, Artin' o-bVard1 Omni B'.k of end TMr not Ions to the Worklnir '-nraro' ireai tifoit or i Secrets,! Olssses how to start a mony in akin fr Business, with or with" "nt ranltal. Price. Aft enn ts Add's OfwharpAOo. 21 ft flllnton 8t., DetmH, Mich BUTTKR and OHFKRF Colortna'. Fxtrsot of Obeese Bonnet, nsed by tbe TArrest Dairies In Fnroie and America. Send for Pr1n and t'lrenlar Free. Mole A pent fi r th U.S., Mrs. B. SMITH. 32T Arph St,,Phila .Pa. ''rted and awarded Highest Centennial Prir.a Medal. rl"Ij A Q The eboloest In the? world Importers I ITj prioee Iarrest Company In Amerloa staple article pleases every bod t Trade oontlnnally in craioir Acenta wanted everrwhere beetlDdaoemeats dont waste time send forOlronlarto HQR'T WKLLB. 4 .1 Vessy Bfc..-y. P. O. Bo 128 T. OH. S. N, FITni'i FAIfinY JH VfIC;iA w. Nntnple CnpT, Pnper rovsr, IO centn, lloiinii tn I'lnth with lllnetrnf tonn. 1 32 pnjree, 35 rentit by mall. Address ts 714 BronnwRy, New Ynrk. FARMERS or their loni'wanirdtMifkiiAari. wmttT. ( 1 or hivach Co. to sell a ti'v itaplt. artich fo real merit r own cumin!' llntiiiosi p1iaDiit, r-ro-fr . J.,.. nr. i;, ,, ' AGERTS.i Inyestfffate tbe mart's of Tbe II ins t-ated Weekly before determining nnnn vonr work thla fji.ll nrl win. ter. The combination fcr this season surpasses anythlns; heretofore attemnted. Terms sent free. Adriras. OHAH. CLUUAS k CO., 1 4 Werren Rt., New York. ( Jleetrlclty In I,lf( i PhoHb licit, heBt tn tho won i uri-B 1infHse wnennii other remedies fall. Testlmonitaj find rlreiilars spntfrii mi an. pM atlon. to p. j. WI11TK Ihtrid Struct, Kuw YoiU. mnCTA KBfTA MD for mt fneurslts Ummm cPwtJJf Da. J. P. Fitlsb, being sworn, says: I grad ut4 ! 1S3S, Applnte4 to Profemr'. bJr lt; h 4attod 40 rri iMiuilvtlv, i Rhtumi'lm, Nultk, 0ul, XldM ud Utw Mmmm IrimntMDR FiT!.K RUIUMA1I0 RSU BDY, lldh.y C4tL urf lit Piln v'rwafleftt t( rwlllNfukd ;. PftttjikUt, Bfa bm ud r.iti t'ilM hy mt, .Am aXinm UK IITLSA, 4S BohU- rin atrMt. fkl lUtlphlt. MID1UMSS Al P&UIM1ISTB. AB00K for the MILLION MEDICAL ADVICE LWrCaS .urrli, Hiipinn-. ijiuii. Uub.t. HicStMT FUKE on r ctiiii lit. B.KW'ill'nm.arv No IS N !h -t. St. I.OU.I. Mo AGENTS WANTED FOR HISTORY EHTEil'L EXHIBITION It aelle faater than any other bo. k One A Bent eold li OOD0B In one riav. Hnri fnr nnr a,.n. y. Agentt. National PmiLmniNn ilo.Pblndluhla. Pa. $10. $25. $50. $100. $200. ir vviiii- Luiirriiivnui ti n mh "irrti. crtvi uriii nsnaers sna i'rokert. Invest in i-tocki of a lairttlraatechftriir. The Runiinm. ber emoDi its patrons rhrmfraods who 1 t honn: rioh throngh Frothlneham A Co 's to'tnnate 'nve?tmenta. Stocks purortseed and carried 'onp as desired on margin from three to five pr cnf. teTMnt tor Clrriilnr $15 SHOT double-barrel (run, bar or front aetlnn locks, warrsutej Gfuuine twist barrvls, suj a ituuj shudu-r, vn No kai.k: ith 1'lask. Puui'h, nrni ait-i'iitu-r. iri5. C'iiu lm m nt '. O. I), with jirivih if; to eMimiiitt i t-fyiv luvinn ill. .Send t .ui fur cin n''urt; IV iOH i-ii.L, & s.i :n. .ti O. zrttJ&'j i1,11 K"1 Trim withoot fCfrS? AS TiVv Mftt?' Sm1uicse.r.WHmxl. E.VJtiirjr 9- A No humhun cUlm of a tm- cure, aun saiinTAt;irtry sppu. am e. W uill lak back and Half fllll tl( fnr nil thnt An aiI Price, tingle, like out, ; for b' th sid BB S by mall, poritvpaid, on nojpt of price. N. B.Thi 7Vu4 ititl rure m r Kuptnrt than anu of thou f -r i- Aa mi. travKT'int elaimt ar mtvf. Olrcnlers fre. PMKUOY PIiKANT AMI FROMT4HI K KiStlT.O YMTC NT!! Beautiful 1 Ctiarnil .,! Ob.towMil What are th j wir fc f eti!. tuioli are tbe exolamauo-m r.t iace wbo aee the large, elegant new ObronuM pnduced ha the Kuropean and Arn-nan hr nrn PuT.H-hiaa Co. Kvery one will want them. It require, no taiktn, to aell th. plotnre.: thy speak fo- lbeti.fcHlvea. Canaraeia, avenla. and ladlea and gentlemen ont ot en.plo-ropiit, will ttnd tb.a the beat opening ever cflered to make money. For full partloulare sen.- atamp tr.r oonnieotlal olroniara. Addiew F. IILK.VjON & i.O . W;ithlnuloii Sirwrt. Koaten. Potter's American Monthly, 50,000 Subscribers for ML ll.LreTBATFn ; (tH.t TT.mll. M.c .It.a In the (Jounti v, at $3 lur 1877. 6or.pleactn. yuar fur $13; 10 ooplea for $26; Uloolilt lor t)H: Hodaoopy of Potler'. Ilibln Kiirvrl.iiii il ii, quarto, a.UM lllualra tlou,vrlcn,)s5.Rlreu to the send Ing tbfa ulub. For .ale at all t.wa xtauda. nt lid ot.nta a nnmber. Kpoolal Terma Ul Ageula. .1. B. I'oxteu A Oo . t falla.. Pa-. UB) WARNER'S DEALTII CORSET. With Pltlrt Hupporter and 8elf.AclJu.tlng I'nila. Secures Health ami ( owfohtoi liody.wim Ubaci and r.EAt'iTuf Form. Three flarmrni in uuo. Approvoil hy ,11 i Iivhiciri AtlKHTH WANT' T . 8am pie hv m .1 In Coutil. 5.' ; Rmiecn, II T5. To Ag, wt at M Ofn la It. Order hu two mcnoa aipailer than waitl mca aut e over the rtref. I. Wijnar Broa. 763 BroAa-ay." ,T. TheWifle Awake Masazine. Tbe Golden Time for Agents 1 Liberal oaab coininlfcslona puld Uoys end glxls are kii ai wors ior me uins AwHke Doh's Fen, and tubfo ibe eagerly, tiped'ceo pumhis, lo cent a if L ill's fair f r bhs, posters, eto, free- Lntle i Is wh Will ao'. aa aniits rtoelve la . au1rlittf.n ia full au.t cl I.ll K , rati eras open se mtrtg Wit f. U. adiiieaf . Oat. and Not. ViUr Avukfa coniain rules in lull conojniiQfi the DvlV Fair. Write to U. I,OTMUO A I'll , Eatabllahed 1846.) T.ESTBY&GO. DrnttloTaoro, "XTt. . tarSend for Ulastrated Catalogna alKU WHEN WUITINU TO -lUTkHH,,! aaeal La I tale (taper. mm n