7 ill 5 t)itiiffwi Ucnrv A-. Farsmis, Jr., Editor. T1IU1WD.VY, OCT. 1-JTlt.. S7. RSPTOLICAK tfiTI01JAL TICKST. l-on rni:sirEsr. RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, HI" OHIO. l ull viriiMii:siin:NT, WILLIAM A. WHEiLER, !' NKW YORK. l:i.K( TflKS ATl.Aitcr;. rtfiiliimln II. lirowstiT. of I'lillmlt! John W. I'hiilftuit, of All nhoiiy. uiHTKirr Ei.w-roiit. lm;i. 1. .Mm Welsh. J llonry Ul-l')!i, 3 Clirli. .1. lloirumn, 4 Clint. T. .Tour, .i KiU 111 A. Kitl.-y, (I lriinmln Smith .1. ". lliTtltllll, .IhcoI K mihli, .(ohn It. Wurnvl. 10 Joo-ph ThomtiM, 11 Arto liinoi, L'l l.lWiS l'llL'll", ;'l F.1. K. Silllminii ;i Wllllnm liililcr, I'i Mil.' f,. Tm.w. Hi H.W. stiirkwriithiT 17 I'nulol .(. Mnri-Pll, IS ,lirrti.'ili I. a ons, HI William liny, "il Win, ( niiii'i'tiM, '.'1 J. H. Tiniiiiflly, !'' Tvinl.l O Nrlll, Wllllnm Xi'lih, 21 A. IS. llciiriii-r, :.'." Sum. M. Jiiclcnn, '-S .1:1. Wt'fi'l'limll, 17 W. W. WIUht. The EU'etlmi Up to the time of oing to prceis, to dny, wo lire unable to give thn rtttult of the clrctions in Ohio nnd Indiana, on .be 10th, Hint., with any hope of being correct- It ia almost a certainty, how ever,, that the Rcpublii.-nng have carried Ohio by from 8,000 to C,f00 ma jority. Indiana i- uneertaln, both partieK claiming the glMv, and it may take the ottifinl vole to decide which jiarty is liie winner. "Wo lmvo faith Indiana will take her place in the Re luiblican column. The Democrat had a lavuu proce don in Cincinnati Saturday evening, and this is the way they slrunf. it out, according to the Commercial'. It is painful lo observe that the boyh were not sntihlled with their big pro cenrdon they wanted it bigger fo they doulde'i) lip a little ro to srnk. Yea, they did it even under the very eyert of the newspaper concern on the northeast corner of Race and Fourth .street, and on Fifth and Vine street that N to cay having piisned a given ooint on the "line of march, portions una lull ;n neiow Artenms Sard's "in fact two would droit out again to realize little expression, episodes." Nils!)) oil lngcrsdll. The new of (.'ill. 1 ngersoll's shock ing infidelity has penetrated the "Cor ners," and Nashy givw an account in the Toledo J'udr of a meeting of the faithful which was hold to protest against it. 11c was chosen ti preside, ami thus di s-"rinei the pi'uceediugn- "I remarkt that it wiu no ordinary oeea.-ion that hed called us together. Our liberties wu. in danger from the Rrpitblikin party, and our religion from theshoekin infidelity uv one uv its chief advycalw- We may lose our liberties, but unci we lose our religion? 'Not by u d d site!' ejaekilated the awjenec ez one man. I then pre sented a series of ivsolooshens ez fol ows: YVareas, The RojuiltJikiu party liev, on (he stump, advocatiu its heresies, lioli Ir.gersoll uv Illinoy; and YVareas, Hel lngersoll is an hi fnldcl uv the most radical atamii, a man wich denlit liie trooths of holy -rit "Wnt is lloly Writ'.'" asked a dozen- I hed to .-top and explain to em that Ingersoll wanted to destroy the liible, which inlboriated em, Ain't we to be allowed to hev our rcg ler township Bible? Wut'll wo hev to sware witnlsses on in hos cases?" they indlgantly demnndeel "Go on! go on! down with theinflddel? ' Tlordcntown, October 10. This morning tho body of o young man, apparently 20 years of age, was found llouting in tho Dclewaro river, op posite Mcifhon's wharf. Tho skull wiw crushed in, onearni uud both legs were broken and there was a stab in the left lung and other knife marks on thcthiuh. There was no clotliinuron the deceased, and consequently noth ing by which he could oe jueiittneii Thepliysieiaim say the body haa been in tho water two weeks. "If there is ono thing that t-hocks tho Democratic mind more than another, it is the news that tho fall trade is ooening briskly The testi- ruonv is overwhelming uh to the fact. Manufactories are starting up. The stores are tilling larger orders than usuah Country merchants me in bet ter pplrlts than they have been since theuauio. This Is ull good news, but it does not jilease the Democrat ic partv, which assumes that there ss no tiossiblo salvation for us save in the ruleof the Southern Confederate noli ticlans, who, when they dragged their constituenw into war, maniiestea daz 7.1iniz incapacitj'." Cincinnati Com mcrtsial.. Halt Lake. October 10. At Beaver. Utah to-day. Judge liorman passed ccntenee upon Jolm it. Jeo tor par ticipating in the Mounttiin Moudows massacre, nineteen ycant ago. In do ing so he called attention to the atrocity of tho crime, the inability, heretofore of the authorities to pro cure evidenoe, that the conspiracy to murder was widespread, that Lee was linnllv offered up as a sacrilies to tiopular. indignation, but that others equally guilty might hereafter expect punisuiuw Tho prisoner having the right, under tho laws of the Ter ritory, to choose hisdeath by hanging, shoot in? or beheading, uud having chosen to bo shot was sentenced to be hhoto death January i;o, ibn. . Election Proclamation. . WHEREAS, In tov hy the 13th sec tion of the Act of General Afaembly. of Per.nmylvnnia, nntsed July 2, 1800, en titled "An act relating to tho eleel ions or (he Commonwealth," it ia enjoined on the Sherifif of every county to giv nohoe of such elecllont to he held, nnd to emimcr Ate in mich notice whiit ollicera ore to he elected. In pursuance thereof. I DVNtlCL 8CUIX, High Sheriff of the county of EU. Jo therefore mnke known and eive thin public notlre to the elector of Rfiid county of Elk, tli nl n general election Will be held in Saiil county on TCKfDAY, NO V EM II Ed 7, 1870. (it being tho first Tuesday of the month" for the purpose uf eleeiing the full t;ng ii: ficers to wil: Twenty-tiini' Pr-'S'ilonllal B'oct.n's. One person for Congi-emao, '" c sent the Counties uf Uncin CIlnMti. '':'. field. Elk. Miflliii' "till i-ntp One person for Smie Seiinmv turpp'ii sent I lie ooumies of Clarion, Kik, Cnnieiou nnd Forest. One person for Assemhlymnn to ropre. gent tho County of Elk, Tiro persons for Associate Judges. Ono person for District Attorney. One person for County Surveyor. One person for Jury Commissioner. And the qualified electors of the county of hlk wi'l hold tlioir elections in the icv eral districts, ns follows: IScnezettc township, at the house of Elizabeth Winslow. Eonaingor township, at tho school house on Michael street, near the Elk creek bridge. Pox township, nl the Ccntrcville school house. Highland township, at the house of Levi liimnorp. Horton townphip, nt the school hou ncarD. 0. Oyster's hotel. Jay township, nt the house of Alfred rcnrsnll. Jones township, at the Wilcox Tanning Bii'l I.un.ber Co s office. Millstonetownship. at the house of Henry Derr, at liarr's Dam. Kidgway townnhip, at the Court House Spring Creek township, at the house of stoekunle. Downer & Co. St. Marys borough at the town 1) all. I also make known the following: An Ac? regulating the mode of voting at clectious in the several counties of this Commonwealth; approved March 30th 1GG. Section I. Jic it enacted bu the. Sen atr. and Home of Rcpreeniativcsof the Commomvculth of I'cnnmlvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the. authority of the same: That the qualified voters ot the feveral counties of the Commonwealth, at all gen oral, township, borouith and special elec tions, are hereby hereafter authorized nnd required to vote bv tickets printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as foliow One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges of courts voted for, and to be labeled outside "Judiciary;' one ticket shall em brace the names of all tnte officers to be voted for, and be labeled "Slate:" on ticket shall embrace the names of all county officers voted fjr, including the ofhee Senator and members of Assembly, If voted tor ana, andmambers ot u on gross, n vote for and shall be labeled "County. ' etc and each class shall be deposited in separate ballot boxes. I also make known and give notice as in and by the 15th section of aforesaid act that Every person except justices of the pence who phall hold any oflicc of appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United Mates, or of any eiy or incor porated district, whether a.comm'Bsinned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or shal' be employed under the legislative, executive or judicial depart meats of the State, or the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also any member of Congress or of the State Legislature: nnd of the select and common councils of uny city, or commis siner of any incorporntcddistricl. is by law incapable of holding or exercising nt the same time the ollice or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of the Commonwealth, and no inspector, judge or any other officer of such election shall be eligible to be voted for. Also, in the 4th sccdoii of the act of as sembly, entitled ''An act relaiing to elec tions and for other purposes,'' approved April 10th, I81JO, it is enacted that the Utb section shall be so constructed ns to pre vent any militia or borough officers from Serving as judge, inspector or clerk, at any general or special election in this tomnon- wcultn. I also make known tho following: WnEREAS, Tho fifteenth amendment of the Constitution of the Uuited 8tites is as follows: Section 1. The riihtof citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by tho United States or by any State on account of race color or previous condition of servitude. Section 2. The Congress khall h.ive power to enforce this article by appropri ate legiB.ation, And Mhkukas, me i-onuress or the United States, on the 31st day of March 1S70. passed an net entitled "An act t-j en force the rights of citizens of i lie United States to vote iu the several States of this Union, nnd for other purposes," the first and seoond scctionsof which are as follow: Section 1. lie it enacted by the Sen ate and House of lieprcsentatives of the United Mates oj America, in Cong ress assembled. That all citizens of the United Slates who are or shall be otherwise qualified by law to vote nt ony election by the people in any state, .territory, district, county, city, parish, townsuip, school dis trict, municipality, or other territorial sub division. shall be entitled and allowed to vote at an eucn eieciious, vunoui uisuuouon or raoe, color or previous conuiuon oi servi tude, any constitution, law, custom, usage or regulation of any State or Teiritory, or by or undor its authority, to the coutrary notwithstanding. Section 2. And be it further enacted. That if by law or under the authority of the constitution or laws of any State, or of the laws of any Territory, any act is or shall be required to be done as a ire requisite or qualification for voting, and by such constitution or law persons orcmcers are or shall be ohirgeu with Hie perfor mnnce of dunes in luinishmg citizens witn an opportunity to perform such prerequisite and to become qualified to vole witbou distinction of race, color or previous con dition of servitude, and if any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give full effeot to this section, he shall for every such onense torleit and pay the sum of bve hundred aouarg to the person aa grieved thereby, to be recovered by an ao tion on the case, with full costs and such allowanoe for counsel fees as the court may deem lust, and shall, also, lor every such of fence be deemed guilty of d misdemeanor. and Bhall, on conviction thereof, be fined not less than nve nuuareu dollars, and be im prisoned pot less than one month aud not more than one year, or Dotn, at the direo tion of the court. And Whereas, It is deolared by the 2d section ot the VI artiole or the constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be the supreme law of the land anything in the constitution or laws of any bmte io the contrary not withstanding. And Whereas, The Legislature of this Commonwealth, on the bth day of April, A. V. loiO, passed an act entitled "A further supplement' to the act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," the (entb seotton of whiob provides as follows: Fection 10. Tbut to much of every act f assembly that provide! that only white freemen shall he entitled to vote or be registered as voters, or as claiming to vote at any general election of this Common, wealth, bo and tho same Is hereby repealed, and that hereafter all freemen, without dis tinction of color, shall be enrolled and reg- stered according to the provisions of the first section of the act approved 1 7t h of April. IMiiO, entitled. "An act further sup plement! to an ant relating to elections in his Commonwealth.' and when otherwise qualficd under existing laws, be entitled to vote nt all general and special elections in his Commonwealth. I atsn make known the following: Whereas. By the act of Congress of Im United Stales, entitled "An aot to itnond the several ads heretofore passel to - -ov do f r the enrolling n I calling nit lie iiiitinniil f -live." nnd for oilier purpose!!." oid approved Mi.rtli ft, irtpio. all person I n have 'Mmr:i"l 1 1 ; mint'irv or naval i vvic f 'lie i'i it'll t 'io?: an-l w:io hrve oi b ''"i 'i!"t!irg"'l -r relieved from the irr-r ij or d 'Fiilnl iy i herein provided, are i'mi"l aud taken to have voluntarily re- iinquiHhed and forfeited their right, of citizenship, nnd their right to become citizens, nnd are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof. And Whereas, l'crsons not. citizens oi the United States are not, under the consti tution and Laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this Commonwealth. sectiok 1, Be it enacted by the. Sen ate and liouse, of Representatives of the Commonwealth, oj Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hcrctiy enacted by the authority of the same, That in all elections hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for the judge or inspectors of auy such election to receive any ballot or ballots from tiny person or persons embraced in the provisions and subjeoi to the disability imposed by said act oi t.'nngress, approved March 3d. 1805 nnd it Bhall be unlawful for any such piTSon to offer to vote any bal lot nr ballots. Section 2. That if any judge or inspec tor of election, or any one of them shall re ceive or consent to receive, any such unlaw ful ballot or ballots, from any such disqual ified person, be or I hey so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con viction thereof in any oourt of quarterses- sioni of this Commonwealth, he shall for each offense, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment in the jail of the proper county, lor not less than sixty days Section 3, That if any person deprived of citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid shall in any election lie-eafier to be held in th.s Commonwealth, vote, or tender to the officers and offer to vote a ballot or ballots, any person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of ilns Commonwealth, shall, tor each ofturse, be punished in a like manner as is provided in the preceding section of ihis net, in the case of officers recoiving such unlawful btl lot or ballots. Section 4. That if any person shall hereafter persuade or advise any person or persons deprived ot citizenship ana dig qual fitd as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or ballots to the omcer ot any election nere after to be held in this Commonwealth, or shall persuade or advise any such officer of any election hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, to receive any bnllot or ballots from any person or persons deprived P a. I iunnulii .nil iliunmililuiJ an n fni'nlia i ll Ul lilllul.Ualll Jl l -J u o.l. .. ...... such person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic tion thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth shall be punished in alike manner as is provided in tho second section of this net, in the caso of officers of fucli election receiviug such unlawful bal lot nr ballots. I also make known the following vectlon of an act approved the 30th day of January. A. 1). 1874. entitled "A further supplement to the act regulating elections of this Commonwealth." Sec 5. At all elections hereafter helu under the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall be opetied at 7 o'clock A. M.. and closed at 7 o'clock P. M. Sec. 9. All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot; every ballot shall be numbered in the order in which it shall be received, and the number recorded by the cleiks on the list of voters opposite the name of the elector from whoja received Aud uny voter voting two or more tickets. the several tickets so voted shall be num- liered with the number coriespon ling with the number lo the name of the voter. Any elector may write his name upon his ticiiet or cause the same to ne wriueu thereon, and aiiest.-J by citizens of the dis trior Sko. 10 On the day of elect ion any pt-i'son whose uunie shall uot appear on the registry of voters, and who claims the right to voie nt said election snail prouuee ai least one qualified voter ot the district as witness lo the residence of the claimant in the district in which be claims to be a voter for the period of at least two months immediate v preceding said election, which witueps shall be sworn or nthrmed, an I sub scribed a written, or partly written and paitly printed affidavit totbe facts stated by him, which Affidavit shall define clearly where the residence is ot the pcrsou so claiming to be a voter; aud the person so claiming the right to vote snail also taKe aud subscribe to a written or partly written and partly printed affidavit stating tn the best of Ins Knowledge anu oeuei wuen ana where ho was bom; that he has been a citizen of the United States for one month and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; that he has resided in the Commonwealth one year, or, if formerly a qualified elector or a native boru citizen thereof, and has remove therefrom and returned, that he re sided therein six months next precediug said election that he ha.i resided in tbedis trict in which he claims to be a voter for the period of at least two months im mediately precediug said election thai he has not moved into the district tor the pur nose of voting therein; that he has if twenty-two years uf age or upwards, paid a State or county tax within two years, which was assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election. The said affidavit shall also state when aud where the tax claimed to be paid by the affiant was assessed, and when and where and to whom paid; and the tax receipt therefor shall be produced for examination, unless the afficnt shall state in his affidavit that it has been lost or destroyed, or that be never received any; and if a naturalized citizen, shall also-state when wheiesndby what court he was naturalized and shall alsoproduee his certificate of naturalization tor examination, out ir tne person so claiming the right to vote shall take and subscribe an affidavit that he is a native born citizen of t lie United States, or, if born el ewhere, shall state the fact in his affidavit nd shall produce evidence that he has been naturalized or that he is entitled to citizenship by reason of his' father's naturalization, and shall further slate in his affidavit that he is, at the time of making the affidavit of the age of twenty-one and under twenty-two yeuis: that he has been a citizen of the United states one month, and has resided in the state one year; or, if a native born citizen of the State and re. move therefore and returned, that he has resided thereiu six months next preceding said election, and in the eleet ion district two months immediately preceding suo.t eleo tion be shall be entiled to vote, although he shall not have paid taxes. The said affidavit of all persons making such claims and Ihe affidavit of the witnesses to their residence; shall be preserved by the elec tion board and at the close of the election they shall be enclosed with the list of voters, tally lists and other papers required by law to be fiilcd by tbo return judge with the nrothonotary, and shall re main on flic therewith Intheprothono tary's office, subject to examination iw other election papers ore. If the election officers find that the applicant possesses all the legal qualifications of a voter he shall be permitted to vote and his name shall -be added to tho list of taxable, bythe election officers and the word "tax." being added where the claimant clnin9 to vote on tax, and the word "age" where he claims to vote on age, tho same words being added by the clerks In each case, respectively,, on t lie list of persons vot ing at such elections. Sec. 11. It shall be lawful for any qualified citizen of the district, not withstanding the name of the pro posed voter is contained on the list of residents taxables, to challenge the vote of such person whereupon the same proof of the right of suffrage as Is now. required by law shall be pub licly made and acted on by the elec tion board, and the vote admitted or rejected, according to the evidence. Every person clriming to be s naturalized citizen shall be required to produce hiH naturalization certifi cate at tho election! before voting, ex cept wht're he has been for five years consecutively a voter in tne uistrict in which he ofl'ers his vote; and on the vote of such person being received, it shall be the duty of the election officers to write or stamp on mien, ccrtincate the word "voted" with tho day, month or vear, and If any election of ficer or officers shall receive a second vote on the same tiny by virtue of the same certificate. -except loir where sons are entitled to vote because of the naturalization of their fathers, they and the person who shall oiler such second vote shall be guilty of u misde meauor, ami on conviction thereof shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the court; but the fine shall not exceed five hundred dol lars in each case, nor the imprison men t more than one year. The like punishment shall be Inflicted, on con viction of the officers of the election who shall neglect or refuse to make, or cause to be made, the endorsement re- , l . I 1 1 quireo hh Hitiresaiu on bimu hiuuhui.h tion certificate, Hec!. 17. The respective assessors, inspectors and judges of election shall each have the power to administer oaths to any person claiming the right to be assessed or the right ot stilirage. or in regard to any other matter or thing required to dc done or inquired into by any of said officers under this act; and wilful, false swearing by any person in relation to any matter or thing concerning which'tney shall be lawfully interrogated by any of said officers or overseers, shall tie perjury. ,Skc. 21. Any person who. on oath or affirmation, in or before any court in this State, or officer authorized to administer oaths; shall, to procure a ccrtincate ot naturalization tor him self or any other person, willfully de pose, declare or affirm any matter to be fact, knowing the same to be false, or shall in like manner deny any matte to be fact, knowing the sumo to be true shall bedcemed guilty of perjury, IFE, Growth, BEAUTY. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Dye; makes harsh balr soft and ilky ; cleanses Ihe scalp from all impurities, causing the hair logrow where It has fallen ff or become thin. Can be applied by the hand as it does not stain the skin orisoil the finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most per foot the world has ever produced. Ihe hair Is re novated and strengthened, anil natural co'nr restored without Ihe application of mineral substances. Since the introduction of this truly valu able preparation into this country, it has been the wonder and admiration of all dos ses, ns it has proved to be the only artiole hat will absolutely without deception, re store gray hair toils original color, health softness, lustre and beauty, and produce hair on bald heads of its original growth nnd color. This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed article is complete within itself, no washing or preparation before or aft or its uso, or accompany nient of any kind being required lo obtain these desirable results. Her is the Proof of its SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. Acad this Home Certificate, testified lo by Edward 11. Gurrigues one of the most competent Druggists and Chemists of Phila delphia, a man whose veracity none cati doubt. 1 am happy to add my testimony to the great value of the London Hair Dolor He storer which restored my hair to Us origi. nal Color, and the hue appears to bo per manent. I am satisfied that this prepara tion not a dye but operates upon the se cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. I purchased Ihe first, bottle from Edward D. Qarricues, drnggisl, Tenth and Contes street, who can also testify my hair was quite rray when commenced its use. MKS. MILLER, No 7Ut North Ninth Btreet. I'hila. Dr. Swayne & 8on, ltespected friends: I have the pleasure to inform you that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the success of your Londou Hair Color Restoter." Her hair was fast falling and quite gray. The color has been restored, the falling off entirely stopped, anJ a new growth of hair is the result. JJ. IS. UAKIUOUES, Druggist, cor Tenth and Coatcs, I'hila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 2i!d, 1871. Dr. 8wayne h Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., I pro cured six bottles London Hair Color Ke stoier, which I like very much, in fact bet ter than any thing I have used in the last nine years. If you please, send me one dozen bottles COD care W 8 Fogler & Son DruggiBts, No 7UI Tremont street, Boston. "Respectfully yours, ADA DAKEli No 59 Rutland Square. London Hair Color Restorer aud Dressing Has couipleicly restored my hair to its original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid aud luxuriant growth. MRS. ANN IK MORRIS, No 610 North Ueo. Woods &Cos PARLOEORGANS is ' BrS' & mmsnmml ( I 11 e . ijf ' ' ts,""'' l,vWr ' I tv ii SflftNK ifhv III hi sM )wm lie if I 'vUlLEpgi fcSrea l S ThM remarkable initniment? pwMH c ww.ik lr nuurai nra y '" V.u. ... Ailapitd few AiMtwir sn4 Prnfcion i, and an ornamom n any utot. W Bceutlftil New Styles, now nmmj, GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgeport, rVlass. WARKROOS. 008 WshUrt Bo.ten; 170 Wat. St.. h catfOJ " lnda H".!";i(B, . mTTTI TTAV TrmffAMA A h-oriini; Mmo1 JottjiM of wlected mosic andvaliiabl Md" t"nTfrc,m iTto " oH of . fir.r.. ..! iu.k. GEO. Co0DS i CO, Publish., Cambrklgeport, Ha tlltl ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER and any certificate of naturalization gCVcnth Street, Philadelphia. indued in pursuance of any such desposition, declaration or uflinuation shall be null and void; and it shall bo the duty of tho court icstuuR tho same upon proof being made before it that it. was itauuuientiy otuainoti, to nine immediate measures for recalling the same for cancellation, and any person who shall vote or attempt to vote on any paper so obtained or who shall in any way aid in, connive at, or have any agency whatever, in the issue cir culation or use of any fraudulent naturalization certificate, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd upon conviction thereof, shall un dergo an imprisonment in tlie peniten tiary for not more than two years, and pav a hneol not more than one thous and dollars for every such oft'onsc or either or both, at tho uiscretion ot the court. Also, to part of section nineteen of said act, ns follows: "Any person who shall, on the clay of any election, visit a polling place m nnv election district at which lie is not entitled to vote and shall use any intimidation or violence for the pur nose of preventing any officer of elec tion from nerformluir the duties of him required tiy law, or lor the pur pose of preventing any qualified voter of such district exercising his right to vote, or from exercising his right to challenire anv person offering to vote, such persons shall be deemed guilty of a misuemtruiioi, uiiu upuu i;uiiih:uuii thereof shall be punished by amie not exceeding one thousand uo.iars or oy imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, at the discretion of the court- Pursuant to the provisions con tained in the thirteenth section of the act last aforesaid, the return judges of the aloresuid districts living within twelve miles of the prothonotary's ol lice, or within twenty-four miles, if their residence bo in a town, village or citv UDon the line of a railroad leading to the county sent, shad be fore two o'clock, past meridian, oi rne dav after tho election and all other iudges shall, before twelve o'clock meridian, on mo second uay auer election, delivere said return together with return sheet, to the prothonotarv of tho court of com mon pleas of Elk county, at Ridg way. Given under mv hand at Kidgway the 4th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hun dred and seventy-six, and ot the In dependence of tho United Htates tho one hundred and nrst. I. HCULL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offick, 1 Kidgway, Pa., Oct. 1, '76 TAGiS, g&UAXoim mm soaps U uid lv IIHH) I'U!dlihift fttmiliM. It iehemi- r cully puro tniUt uttp: niakuf th lm w.rt. Miiooth. nflur tmra whit Kit J llrilllll : tiflUlrl IIUI llMf 0Hr UafitnHT. fwl 1) lrnutiun ot Wie hum. J M Int.) U) ft!), H !. Dr.Vnn Uykf, VMl iirvuu Kt. l'liila. A bOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C TEAMIXO. Tho undersigned having provided himself with a team of horses, wagon, etc., is prepared to do job teaming; of ..II .1 A ...I. . ,.r... uu ueHcripiiou. t. migcmur. tn ocu. soncd hardwood on hand, and for sale at reasonable figures. Your patronage is solicited. Y A. DERBY. Sept. 21s lS76-8in, 50TICE. i All persona are hereby notified not to meddle with the following property how in the profession of Hariet Oal breuth in Spring Creek township, Elk Co.. Pa. Three sets of chairs: two rock ing chairs: ono clock; one table, set chests: one parlor and cook stove; six beds and bedding; one desk and book case; one cupboard; one loosing giass; tin ware: three lamps; one lot carpet, Tho same belongs to me and is left in her possession at my option. S. DAVI. Dr. Dultuii of riitluuul.ibin, sajs ol it. ! The London Hair Color Restorer is useI cry extcnpively union; my patients anil iendo, as rell as liy my sou. I tnereiore peak from experience. 75 CENTS PES BOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. 8WAYNK SON oO Nurth Sixth Utreel, Philadelphia, In., note I'ropiieturs. A O L It It V iLI. ii si vtt a IS TS T II K L U N li S CONSUMPTION! This distressing and dangerous complaint and Us premonitory symptoms, neglected conzh, night sweats, hoarseness, wasting flesh fever permanently cured by DOvTOB SWAVNE'S COMPOUilA. OF 77IL- CHEiUY. . . JiUO.SCUlTIs A premonitor or rui- monary Consumption, is characterized by atarrb, or innainntion oi tne tnucum mem brane of the air parages, wild cough aud xpectoranon, short breath, hoarasneHS, painH in the chest. For all biouchinl aftec tijua, sore throat, loss of voice, sough., DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A BOVfcRKICN REM LDY HemorihiiK-.i, or Spitting of 1!1 "1. may proceed from the larynx, trauhia, brouuhiu or lungs and arises from various causes, ns undue physical eicrtioD, plethora, or full ness of ihe vessels, weak iungs, overstruiu- ii g ol the voice, gnppressed evueu nion, oh si ruction of the spleen or liver, &c. Dr. Swayue's Compound Sj nip of Wild Cherry. striken at the root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidney i to healthy action, invigorating the nervous system. in a nn v Htnndnrii ronieuv ior nemor- rhane, bronchial and all pulmonary com. OAlil.'B. plaints. Consumptives or those predis posed to wphK lungs .tiouiu not iauio use this great vegetub.e remedy. lis marvelous power, not only over cou. cuuipt-on, but over every chrouie disease where a gradual alterative action is neede l Under its use the cough is loosenod, the uight sweats diminished, the pain subsides, the pulse returns to its natural standard the stomach is improved iu it j power to di gest and assimilate the food, and every organ has a purer and better (juality of blood supplied to it, out of which new re creative and plaetio material is made, prepared ouly by DR. SWAYNE & SOU, 839 Xortli Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Solo By all Prominent Drcooibts. Itching Piles! FILES, TILES, ITCHING PILES, I'ositivelt cubko by the use of SWAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or siore commonly known as Itching Piles. The itching at times was almost in tolerable, increased bv soratching, and not unfrequently become quite soie. I bought a box ot S miyne's Ointment; its nee gave quick relief, and in a short time uiaue a perfect cure. lean now sleep undisturbed, aud I would advise all who are suffering with this distressing complaint to procure Swayne's Ointment at cnee. I bad tried prescriptions almost innumerable, without finding and perms neut retiei. JOSKPH W CHRIST, (Firm of Roedei & Christ.) Boot and 81ioe House 844 North Seoond btreet, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Swayne's All-nettling Ointment is also a specibo lor Tetter. Ilea, bait Kheutn Ssald Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itoh Blotches, all Scaly, erusty, cutaneous Er ruptioos. Perfectly safe and harmless even on the most tender infant. Prioe 50 cents Sent by mail to any address on re ceipt of price. SWAYNE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over the world for its renta ble cures ot Scrofnla, Mercural and Syphil itio eomplaints. Describe symptoms in all ocmmicanutio address nsietters to UK JWAYNK and ISON, Philade.lphia. n7y 1 . IN ELK COUNTY. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAh f S 1 f f 1 To Tus Wobkiso Class. We ean furnish you employment at which you can make very largo pay in your own locumies, without being away from home over night. Agents wanted In every town and county to take subscribers for tho Centennial Ito' cord, the largest publication in the United States 16 pages, 64 column; Elegantly Illustrated; Terms only SI per jrear. The Record is devoted to whatever is of interest connected with tho C'cntennU! year. Tho g'eat Exhibition at Philadel phia is fully illustrated in detail. Every- body wants it. Tho whole people feel groat interest iu their country's Centennial Birthday, an i want to kuow nil about it. An elcgaut patriotic crayon drawing pre mium picture is presumed froe to each subscriber. It is entitled. "In rcmenu branee of the Ono Hundredth Anniversary of tho Independence of the United States, Siro iM by 30 inches. Any one can become a successful agent, for but show the paper and picture nod hundreds of subscribers are obtained everywhere, ilicro is no business that will pay hko this ut present. ! We have agents who arc uiaViiifr as high as ' 20 per day and upwards. Now ia tbo ' time: don't dlay. Ilcmcin'icr it cost nothing to (?ivo the business a trial . fiend ! for our circular, u-uri", and sainp'o copy of' paper, which are sen' free to all ho apply; , lo it to-1 iy. f.'oniplelo otitf't free to tbos who dt.";iii to jj-iijre. t in tiiors find m- L-UHHU--1 ati'i tucir sons aim n.iugiivnj make the very best of agents. Address. THE CENTENNIAL RECORJi, Portland, Main.. GlYJb US A v t L I-01.1 ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, ulphur Soap I Cloauiiag, Dccdoririoff Ditiofedifig, MHiDg, fltaliHg and Purifjiag. It rrn1rt) the coanmt ukin ronmrkoMy A nnd healthful. It iuiparto a betiutiful unionthnoff lo the Kktn, mid form an elntttlu wliltcnoM. It curt burns, sciilds, chaOng, excoriations, rouirhnef. tan. suribnrn, frwk- Im, liver spots, chapped hands, sorcti, til cow, iiu'idniii, oiwters on tho ntinat. ana ieei.itcn, j.Munnd itch, itching between tho toes, itching f tho body, piles, corns. Also relieve the itching and irritation of biting and stinging insucttt. As it in especially adapted to the Tnti.RT, Nviwekt, and llATii-ROoaf, you cu take a Sulphur Bath ai pleasure. For bath iriK Children, it is unequalled. Ladies who use it in their Toilet would never do without it. It neutralizes the odor of perspiration, and, us an external remedy, can scarcely be used amiss. Full directions accompany each package, lit. it. Price 25 Cti. pu Clio. 3 Calces for 60 Cti. mail & C'tSr By mail 75 a. Main Pf.pot at Ir. Van Dyke'a OHloef No. 1321 Green St., PhiladelpbU. Raid t7 U DrulnU. USE NO OTHER. NOTE I1EAS, BILL HEAD3, 3IONTI1LY STATEMENTS, PIIOGKAMMES, P03TERS, &0. iY YOU WANT TO HUY GOODS CHEAP CO TO JAMES II- HAOEltTY Main Strett, Rhlgwsy, l'a. KV liDODS, NOTIONS, JJOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW. WARE. TOBACCO ANJ) CIGAR. A I.arK clock of Groceries and rro visions. Tbo BEST BRANDS ol FLOUR Constantly on hand, aud sold as ebcap 83 the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAUGHTY. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE. Kidgway, Elk Co., Y.. LOUIS HAAS, MANUFACTURER OF BILLIARD, CROQUETTE AND TEN PIN BALLS, Turner In Horn, Hard and Soft Wood All kinds of Tool Handles, &c. Rear of 'J20 North Second St.. (Second Floor,) Philuddr.hia, Pa. . nlC-lt. WANTED! General Agents lo evory town in the t'oitod Bute, for tbe Adjustable Pick, with a combiuauon of eight tool, oomplela in one vir pick, mattock, adze, lamping iron, sledge, axe and polo bead, or any otiier too) that ean be iueerted in BooWots at about one fourth cost of ordinary tools. J. V. LA.FBK.r, Adjustable Pick Co., . South 2d St., I'hila., Chamber of Cm-Dinice,