The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 17, 1876, Image 3

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    t7. A. RA TUB Ui,
Ridgway, Pa.
2 3tf.
fc M' CAULE1
Office in New Brick Building, Main SI
Ridgway, Elk Co., Fa. 3n2if.
Attorneys-at-Law, Ridgway, Elk
County Pa. Office across the hall from
the Democrat establishment. Claims
for collection promptly attended to
Jne. 16 '76.
J, 0. W, BAIL EY,
TlnZu1. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent, for the TraTeler's Life and Aooi
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Ridgway ana stir
rounding country. All work warranted.
Office in Sorvioe & Wheeler's Building, up.
stairs, first door to the left. 73-n-82-ly
Druggist and Parmaceutist, N. W. cornci
of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa.
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign anil Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, day or
Bight. vln3y
T. 8. HARTLEY. M. D.,
riiysician ana Surgeon.
Office in Drug Store, corner broad and
Main St, Residence corner Drond St.
opposite the College. UHice hour from
8 to 10 A. M. and Horn 7 to 8 P. M.
J. S. B OR DWELL, M. D.,
Eclectic riiysician and Surgeon, haB remov
ed his office lrom Centre sireet, toMnit st.
Ridgway. l'u,, iu the second story of the
new brick building of John 0. Hall, oppo
site Hyde's store,
Offiec hours: 1 to 1 V M 7 to 0 P M
Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
W. II. SCH11AM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience ol
guests, to merit a continuauce oi tht
Oct 30 186H.
Ckntusville, El,k Co., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberilly bestowed upon mm, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict ai
tcntion to the oomfort and couveniene
of guests, t merit a continuance of thi
1J. Y. HAYS,
Ery Goods, Notions, Grrceries.
and General Variety,
Cavity I O.
Dealer in nil kinds of cabinet ware,
woodand cane seat chairs, kitchen and
extention tallies, wood and mar'-le top
stands, wood and marble t'ii bureaus,
What nols, looking glasses, wood and
marble top chamber suits, mattresses,
spring bed bottoms, bod steads, cribs,
Jjaferty's metal lined wood pumps,
tc, &c. Cane seats replaced with
perforated wood seals, Weed sewing
iiiachi no reduced from $!5 to $4o, the
best machine in the market, nnd pic
ture frames made to order. Also a
large assorted stock of ready made
coffins constantly on hand and trim
med at shortest notice. All the nbove
goods are sold at panic prices. Ware
Rooms in masonic building-, Ridgway
Pa. v5ii4!)tpdapr;!7,77.
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold
Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, docewith
be tame accuracy as heretofore. Satis
faction guaranteed. vlnly
White, Powell & Co.
No. 42 South Third Street.
Philadelphia, Aug. 15st, 1876
U. S. 1881. o 120V 120i
do 5 20, c '65. M and N Hoi 115
do do '05 J and J 117 117
do do '65 do 119 110
do do '05 do 121 121
10-40, do coupon 1 11' J 111),
do Pacifio ti's cy Int. off 120 12C
New 5'eReg. 1881 117J 117J
" C. 1881 117i 117
Gold ..1114, 111
Silver 100 101
Pennsylvania ex ive 4'J 4'JJ
Reading 44 J 44
Philadelphia & Erie luf It!
Lebigh Navigation 88 88
do Valley 5Gi Got
United R R of N J ex. div13HJ 140
Oil Creek 9 9J
Northern Central ex. div 84 84 J
Central Transportation 44 45
Nesquehoning C4 65
C & A Mortgage 6's 'b'J 107 107J
A Startling Cause of Debility and Sick
ness fully explained in Urge octavo Trea
tise by Dr. O. PHELPS BROWN, 21
Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J EVERY
MAN AND WOMAN who is ailing in any
way should send and get a copy at once, as
it is sent free, prepaid by mail. Address
the author as above. vUnl240t
Rates of Advertising.
One column, one year $75 00
i 40 00
1" " 25 00
15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eigni lines, one insertion $1, two inser
tions, $1.60, three insertions. $2.
Business cards, ten lines or leBS, per
year $u.
Advertisements payable quarterly.
Arrival and Departure of Malls.
Eastern Daily except Sundays; ar
rives at 2:22 p. m., leaves at 6:lo'p. m.;
Western Daily except Sundays;
leaves at 2:22, arrives at 6:16 p. m.
Brookville Daily except Sundays
arrives at 12 m., leaves at 2:30 p. m.
Spring Creek Arrives Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 11a. m.; leaves Wednes
days and. Fridays a't 9 a. m.
Lodge Meetings.
Elk Lodge, No. 379, A. Y. M., meets
the second and fourth Tuesdays of
eucn moiuu in .Masonic nan.
Elk Chanter, No. 230, R. A. M.,
meets the third Tuesdayof each month
in Masonic Hall.
Knapp Commandery, No. 40, K. T.
meets the fourth Thursday of each
month in Masonic Hall.
County Officers.
President Judgc-IIon. L. D. Wet more
Associate Judges Hons. J. K. Whit
more, C'has. Luhr.
Hieriff Daniel Scull.
Treasurer Jacob McCauley.
District Attorney J. K. P. Hall.
Co. Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon.
Prothonotary, &c Fred. Schoening.
Deputy Prothonotary W. S. Horton.
Commissioners Michael Wcdcrt, W.
II. Osterhout, George Reuscher.
Commissioners' Clerk W. S. Horton.
Auditors W. H. Hyde, R. I. Spang
ler, George Rothrock.
Township Ofllcers.
Judge of Election Will Dickinson.
Inspectors James Penfleld, P. R.
Justices of the Peace Charles Mead,
Jas. D. Fullcrton.
School Directors O. B. Grant, Jas.
Gardner. G. T. Wheeler. N. T. Cum
mings, W. 8. Service, Eng. J. Miller.
Supervisors 0. 13. Fitch, Jas. Riley.
Treasurer W. H. Hyde.
Assessor M. S. Kline.
Assistant Assessors Geo. Dickinson,
John Wulinsley.
Auditors J. II. Hagerty, James Pen
field, J. S. Powell.
Clerk-M. S. Kline.
Constable I. W. Morgestcr.
Lutheran Rev. I.IJrenneinan, pas
tor. Services every alternate Sunday,
in both English and German, at 11 a.
m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Geo. Walker, Superintendent;
J. O. W. Bailey, assistant.
Grace Episcopal Rev. Win. James
Miller, rector. Services every Sunday
at the usual hours, 11 a. m. and 7 p. ni.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. All are
cordially invited to attend. Seats free
Methodist Rev. Win. -Martin,
pastor. Services every Sunday at 11
a. m. ami 7 p. in. Sunday school ut
''SO a. m. C. E. Holladay, superin
tendent; Geo. Dixon, asi.-tant.
Young Folks' Dible Class nt 3 p. m.
Roman Catholic-Ucv. Father Maher
pastor. Services every other Sunday
at 10 a. m.
A E. R. It.
Commencing Sunday, J
uly 2nd, 1-S70:
Mail East
" West
Phila. Express East
Eric Express West
Day Express East
Niagara Express West....
mix; way.
Mail East
Mail West
Phila Express East
Eric Express West
Day Express East
Niagara Express West....
Mail East
Mail West
Phila. Express East
Erie Express W est
Day Express W est
Niagara Express West
.. 4:37 p m
. 2:47 p in
.. H:o8 p m
.. 5:30 a m
.. 0:27 a m
. 8;8:j p m
.. 5:12 p m
. 2:11 p m
..10:28 p m
. 5:uo a in
.. 7:hi a in
. 7:01 p m
.. 6:37 p m
.. 1:4J p ni
..10:48 p m
... 4:'jti a m
. 7:23 a in
.. 7:21 p in
Philadelphia & E"e R. R Division
ON andafter SUNDAY, JULY 2,1870.
the trains on the Philadelphia &
Erie Railroad will run as follows:
NIAGARA EX leaves Renovo 4 20 p ai
" ' Unttwood.. o 21 p ni
" " " Emporium 0 20 p ni
' St Marys... 7 21 p m
" ' ' Ridgway... 7 3d p m
arr at Kane.. 0 00 p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m
Kenovo ll 00 a m
" " " Emporium..,,.. 12 55 p m
" St. Mary's 1 40 p in
" Ridgway 2 11 p in
" ' ' Kane .....3.30 p m
" arrive at Erie 7 35 pm
ERIE EX leaves Renovo 2.15 a m
' Drifiwood 3.07 am
" " Emporium ,.8 40 am
' " " St. Marys 4.36 a m
" " " Ridgway 6.00 a m
" " " Kane ..0.20 am
" " an. at Erie.. ,10.30 a in
DAY EX leaves Kane ..6.05 a m
" " " Ridgway .,.7.00 a m
" " 8'. Marys 7 23 a in
" " Emporium 8 10 a m
' Driftwood 8 68 pm
Renovo 10 10 pm
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m
" " Kane 4 15 p m
' " " Ridgway 5.12 pm
' " 8t. Mary's 6.37 p m
" " " Emporium...... 6.30 pm
" Renovo 8.45 p m
" " arr. at Philadephia... 6.50 a m
PHI LAD' A EX leaves Rrie 6 10 p m
" " " Kane........ 9.40 a m
" " Ridgway ...10 28a m
" ! St M.uys-10. a m
" " ' Kmpor'm Ju, 11.30 a ei
' " " Driftwood..l2.07a m
" " Renovo... ..1.10 am
Day Express and Niagara Express con
nect east with Low Grade Division and B
N. Yl & P. R. R.
Gen'l Sup't.
JOBTTT'ORK. We are now prepared
W to doall kinds of JOB WORK,
Envelepes, Tags. Bill-heads, Letter heads
neatly and eheaply executed. Office in
Thayer & Hageriy'g new building, Main
street Ridgway, Pa.
G ive us a call for Job work.
Keep your cows off the railroad
Blackberries sell here at Ave
cents a quart-
Tom Noon is putting down a well
on his lot on South street.
D. W. Baldwin has moved into
the Lutheran parsonage.
Presbyterian services next Sun
day In the Lutheran church by Rev,
A. J. Montgomery.
J. 8. Hyde's plaining mill.on Centre
street was fired up this week for the
first time since Fenner & Co. left it.
Teams Wanted For Bark hauling
at Brookston Tannery.
Q. Brooks & Co.
A good supply of water was found in
the well for the priest's house on the
sido hill, at a depth of twenty-three
Gene borrowed our well rooster,
last week, to crow over Democratic
victories. After the November elec
tion we will lend him our sick one.
A cow belonging to Dave Mul-
queen, accidentally fell down an em
bankment a distance of eight or ten
feet on the state road the other day
and was seriously Injured.
Excellent counterfeits of the new
silver dimes have been well circulated
throughout the country, and they
may easily be detected by their tin
like appearance and sharp jingle.
We publish the "Grant of Water
Privilege" from John J. Ridgway to
the Commissioners of Elk County.
We believe this to bo a correct copy of
the original without the acknowledge
ment, which we did not consider neces
sary to publish.
Last Friday morning, the Brock
wayville stage horses became fright
ened at the cars, while standing at the
depot, and running away upset, and
completely deniolished,the hack. The
horses escaped with a few slight
scratches. The driver was in the do
pot when the horses started.
Last Monday the baggage room of
the Hyde House was entered ia broad
daylight, and about $20 worth of cigars
taken. A couple of boys were on the
street trying to sell cigars, and it is sup
posed they were the thieves; no arrests
were made, although we think arrest
ing the young culprits would be a wise
course to pursue.
The water supply on Main street
failed a few days ago, owing to a leak in
the old logs somewhere. Henry Wen
sel and Will Derby have been doing
considerable digging in the court
square to find the leaking place, but
up to present writing the pen.-tock at
Derby's remains dry. Later The
leaks have been found and the supply
of water is larger than before.
We arc asked by Geo. R. Dixon the
County Superintendent to say that on
Saturday the 10th hist a teachers' ex
amination will be held at Wilcox, and
on Saturday 2th, one will be held at
Ridgway. These examinations will
be held iu the school buildings of the
respective places and will begin
promptly at 9 A. M. Let there be a
general attendance of pupils, teachers,
directors and others.
An Imposition' tfox Tkavei-eks
Keeping the Depot locked at the lime
for the early train thus compelling
passengers waiting for the train to
stand out in the fog for an hour or
two, if the train happens to bo that
much Jate as it often is. A company
having any regard to the coin fort of
its patrons would reform such abuses,
instead of driving to some other road
all who have the opportunity of
Dr. C. R Earley, will have a
four-inch iron pipe laid from a spring,
on Gallagher's run, above Rough and
Ready, to his property at the corner of
Main and Depot streets. The length
of the iron pipe is more than three
thousand feet We suggested the idea
of supplying Ridgway with waterfrom
this source sonic time ago in the Ad
vocate, and we hope the citizens will
yet take hold of the njatter, before it is
too late, or before the lire fiend has
laid the business portion of our town
in ashes.
Facts for Voters.
Thursday, September 7th, is the last
day for being assessed.
Saturday, October 7th is the last day
for securing naturalization papers.
Saturday, October 7th, is the last
day on which taxes can be paid in
legal time to vote
We are in receipt of a copy of the
Toledo (O.) Blade's premium engrav
ing of R. B. Hayes, which is by far
the finest engraving yet published of
our future President. It deserves a
place iu every parlor, library and of
fice in the land,
Any person can get one free, by
mailing 50 cents for three months'
subscription to the Toledo Blade.
Dry Saw Mill Aug. 7 1878.
Irt looking over your paper I saw
where you stated you wished some
one would send some items from any
part of the county. I enclose you one.
Mr. C. WainWright died at hfs resi
dence, In Dry Saw Mill, on July 81st
1876, aged 67 years and 14 days. He
was a well known lumberman of
Bennett's Branch, in which business
he has been engaged extensively for
many years. His funeral service was
conducted by'Rev. E. M. Chillcoat, at
the residence of his son-in-law, Ralph
Johnson, His remains were followed
to their last resting place by a large
concourse of friends. He leaves two
sons and two daughters, and a loving
wife to mourn his loss.
Cameron County papen please copy.
Grant of Water Privilege.
John J. Ridgway
Commissioners of F.Ik Co.
To take water from the
lnriie spring south of the
ln.n nr ttlilirwnv fur the
This Idfntchk
miule this fifth
dny of November,
in the your of our
I,orl on n 11, rill..
anrt eluht hun-
useofthouublic'buildlnR-sJdrcd atul ti)H.
three, between John J. RklgWay.of tho city of
Philadelphia, oftheflrst.partandTlnioty Ives'
Jr., of Potter county, James W. Guthory, of
Clnrlon county, and Zncharlnh II. Eddy, of
Warren county, In the State of Pennsylvnnlai
Commissioners of the county of Elk, of the
second part. Witnbsskth, That In consid
eration of one dollar, lawful money of
Pennsylvania, paid to thesekl party of the first
part, by tho said party of the second, part the
receipt whereof Is acknowledged by these
presents, the said party of the first part for
himself his heirs and assigns, covenants and
grants with and to tho said party of the
second part, and their successors in ofTice,
that it shall bo lawful for the said pnrty of tho
second part, nnd their successors in office,
and their agents nnd servants to freely use
and enjoy from time to time and at all times,
hereafter without limit so much of the water
of a certain large spring, situate on the bind
of the said party of tho first part, back or
south of the town of Ridgway, In the county
of Elk into Jefferson ns may bo necessary
or convenient to supply the public buildings,
about to bo erected for the said town of
Ridgway, for the uc of tho said county of
Klk and for the use of tho said pnbllc build
ings, nnd for no other use or purpose what
soever, and the said party of tho first part
further covenants and grants with nnd to the
said party of the second pnrt and their suc
cessors in office, that it shall be lawful for
the suld party of the second part and their
successors in office, and their agents and ser
vants, to convey and conduct by means of
pipes laid through or upon the Innd of the
said party of the first part in a straight or
winding course or direction as they may
think fit, the sulci waterfrom the said spring to
the public squuro of tho said towa, or where
the sold public buildings shall bo erected.
All the surplus water of tho said spring, over
and ubove what M ill be needed for the supply
of the public buildings as aforesaid, is hereby
granted by the suld party of tho first
part to the said party of the secmd part,
and thfclr successors in office. In trust,, never
theless, for the uso and benefit of tbe Inhabi
tants of Ridgway, who shall be er.litled to
uso and enjoy the same free of all charge and
expense, and shall also have the privilege of
conducting the same by mcuns of pipes along
the streets and alleys of tho said town of
Ridgway, to their respective bouses, to be
used for their own prlvutc advantage, the said
pipes not to communleute with tho said
spring, but with the fountain to be trected at
tho said public square, or place where the
water shall bo conducted for the isc of the
public buildings aforesaid. In witness
whereof the said party of tho first pirt lmth
hereunto set his hand undseal the lay and
year first ubvoe written.
Acknowledged Jan. lllth, l.Vrt.
Recorded Feb. 11th, 133S. in the Recorder's
office of Elk county in Miscellaneous Rook
"A" pp. 130.
Milton Chase Hotel Keeper,..Benpzette.
11 it Wilson Farmer
Henry D, Derr llliieksniith '
John aielxner Farmer Bciusingcr,
l'liilln Vnmiir
! armor,.
John ciroll, Jr...
Put. JoiMon
N. h . Apker,
ehuol 'leaeli'. r.F)':
John iiersiiey ,
Wilus Moycr
John Cuneo ,
Win. H. Hewitt,
John Nest
C'apt. Jas. Woodward,
U. 1). Messenger
H. 11. Weasel
Minor Wilcox
John it. Kline
Merchant Horton.
.Farmer Jay.
..Laborer, I ones.
..(;iueer, Itidr way.
..Lumberman, "
("Ink, '
.Jobber Sitrlni. fVont.-
1). 1). liavison
J.F.Wiinll'elder.Walooa Keelei:-,t..lMrv lu.r.i
( biis. Wets Ouiif-mitli,...
Louis. Oarner Founder
John Dollenger, Wugoninuker "
O. C. Uraudun, Editor "
TKAVj;r.sii J dibits.
John Mohan, ...,.,. ........Butcher Reriezcttc.
Julius Jones
Miehael Ncibert
Paul bush,
Carpenter, ..Benzinger.
Fanner, "
Laborer.. .... "
.losepil IfKO!
Christ Krccltle
Joseph Keruer
..Helioo Teacher "
Carpenter,.. "
.....ljiborer, , "
itlentinc Nelbert
William Kneiebt..
F. Seblutti nholler
Andrew IIu.s.-xi!etur.
Joel M. Taylor
W'illlan Frautz
.. Farmer,.-...
'.'"Miner.. .'.'.'.'.
P. W. Hays
John Taylor
James Cuneo,
James Bixby,
rcvi i-,imuurpe
A. W. (Jrev
William Weidert
W. 11. Horton...
....Laborer Horton.
H. H. Thayer
Merchant Ilidgway.
Farmer "
Carpenter,... "
Banker, "
lientist "
(ieo. Iiiukinson,...
C. L). C. Bowers,...
1. C. oyster
.1. D. Fullerton...,,
John Vum irsdall
James Feulltld,...
.. Druggist
Neil Kogers Lumberman .Spring Creek.
John lierber
Laborer, Marys Boro.
Joseph Hunliiiuser...
....Lu borer,...
.. Laborer,...
(ieorire (iaruer
Jos. tJoriiish
John Frank,
Matt. FHendle
Charles Garner
At last the Pardon Hoard lias taken
action in George Hayues case; At
their meeting last week the Board re
commended that the sentence of death
be commuted to imprisionnieiit for life.
The recommendation has been ap
proved by the Governor, and the
necessary documents received by
Sheriff Wells, llayiies will probably
be taken to the Penitentiary at Pitts
burg next week. He was lodged in
our jail in June, 1874, and the Decem
ber following was found guilty of
murder in the first degree and sen
tenced to be hanged. He is not well
pleased with the commutation of his
sentence as he expected a full patdon,
some persons whose sympathies ex
ceeded their judgment or good sense,
having assured him that a full pardon
would be granted in response to a
petition to that effect, recently for
warded to Governor Hartranft.
Potter Enterprise!
AuKiita. Ausrust 11. The uartics
accuse of complicity in the Hamburg
not were tielore Jtiuge- iuaner, at
Aiken, on Thursday, and gave bail in
$1,UUU each.
Greenbrier. White Sulphur Springs,
West Virginia, August 11. The net
proceeds of the ball given here lust
night in aid of the Custer monument
fund amounted to $250,00. A similar
ball will take place on Friday night
foi-the benefit of the Lee monument
Pittsburg, August 11. During the
prevalence of a thunder-storm at
Irwin's Station this evening the
lightning struck and instantly killed
James Twigger, who, with two ..other
boys, were out at play. His compan
ions were severely stunned by the
shock, but it is thought they will re
cover. Newburgh, N. V., August) 11. A
special from Cattskill, to the Register
says: Last night John Bogardus, liv
ing near Cairo, Green county, on re
turning home found Charles Dcmaugh
with his mistress. He drew a knife
and stabbed Deinaugh seven times
ubout the head and body, fatally
wounding him. Bogardus was arrested.
Chester county paid $52,250 State tax
last Monday.
Hay is selling in the Punxsutawney
and Indiana market at $5 per ton.
Mrs. Rachel Cook, of Summit town
ship, Crawford county, celebrated her
one hundredth birthday on the 18th
The executive committee of the
Chester county agricultural society
has decided not to hold a fall cxhibi
ion this year.
The total lumber shipments from
Lock Haven for the weekending July
81, 1875, were 2n,lK)0 feet. Tho total
shipments for the season were 15, 111,
8U0 feet.
According to a report complied by
the Oil City Derrick, the total nuni
berofiron tanks in the oil regions is
4h4, witli a total capacity of 0,a77,7at
It is now said tiiat leading railway,
companies propose to build a short
fiipe line from the oilregioiisto',the sea
loard, and thus get ahead of the
Pennsylvania transportation com
pany's project.
The wheat crop in Crawford county
has been harvested In excellent con
dition, and the yield is generally re
ported as above the average. Hay is
also a heavy crop, and the oats at this
time promise finely.
Of the Philadelphia banks in the
clearing house association, three de
clare dividends ol no per cent.; one, 14
percent.: six, 12 per cent.; eight, 111
per cent.; two, 9 percent.; two, 8 2)er
cent., ana six are private concerns.
The editor of the Mansfield Adver-
(terr has been shown a centennial bed
quilt containing 5,51.") pieces, the
work of Mrs. Mary Nelson, aged (12
years, of Clinton county, mother of
Mrs. L. R. Decker, of Muusllcld.
The Oxford Rixm says that Leon
Garrett, a seven-yea r-nld son of Clin
ton H. Garrett, of Little Britain town
ship, with a pair of gentle mules and a
good reaper, cut his father's crop of
wneat, iiitcen acres, and did it exceed
ingly well.
A marc valued at $VKl, belontrinir to
Clias. Holt, of Grcciisburg, died sud
denly a week ago, and a post mortem
examination revealed a quantity of
poison in the stomach. A reward of
$i) is offered for the arrest of the per
son who administered the poison.
The descendants of John McFarland
and Sarah Heald, George Stern and
Sarali West, numbering in all over
1,701) persons, nearly hall' of whom are
now living, purpose holding a grand
family reunion in basket picnic style,
nt Longwood, Chester county, on
Thursday, August 10.
Scranton, August 10. The Republi
can Senatorial Convention for the
Twentieth district met in this city to
day, and nominated Dr. George B.
Seanians, of Pleasant Valley, near
J'iltston. S. S. Jones, of Carbondalc.
was nominated for Assembly by the
Republicans of the Eightli district.
Five children and wife of Jacob B.
Mauk, of Perrysville, died within the
past two weeks, of diphtheria, two
children being buried in one grave on
Sunday and one other on Tuesday.
The great grief of the mother U sup
posed to have in part caused her death.
Mr. Mauk has the sympathies of his
many friends and acequaiiitaiiccs.
BrookviHc Rrpublicttn-
The MilhciiH Journal says that on
Monday, the 24th ult., while J. W.
Gardner, a vender if medicines from
Columbia county, was crosMng the
mountains from ''1 ylcrsville to Kebcrs
bui'ir. he was attacked by three men
who (iinc out of t he woods, and
robbed him ofl", They presented pis
tols and demanded "your money or
your life." They trot his inoney'and
let him go without personal injury.
Saturday morning's market was the
largest of the season in fact, tho larg
er t ever seen here; there being three
hud red and ten wagons present. But
ter sold at 2-j to ;10 cents per pound
eggs, 15 to 18 cents per; new
potatoes. 20 cents per peek; green corn
io to iz cents per dozen; oats, 40 to -Jo
cents; hay, S'.i to 12 per ton; huckle
berries and blackberries, 5 to 8 cents
per quart; blackberries (cultivated,) 10
cents. Meats were very line, also
vegetables, and in abundance. J('(7
liuiiiMjtort O. & B.
Pottsville, August 10.-9,20 P. M.
This afternoon a scaffold at tlc new
prison extension, overloaded with
stone, fH, anil seven men were in
jured. One named Otterbein, who
wascrusiiod hv the tailing stone, died
to-night. John Mock was badly
wounded. The noise created great ex
citement in the court, where a Mollie
Maguiro trial was in progress, and the
doors were ordered to be secured, after
which quiet was restored,
We are infornu'd thattwo citizens of
Katiiaus township, tills county, while
woi'Kingina Held recently, attacked
and killed forty snakes, between 8 end
uo'ciocK in the morning,a!id it wasn't
a very good morning for snakes either.
o have read some pretty till snake
stones this season, but in point of
numbers put Clearfield county nt the
head of the list. Our informant would
like to hear of a district in this county
that can sec this number and go one
octtcr. isicariciu lCcpublieaii.
Pottsville, Pa., August 12. John
Thomjison Was arrested at his home
near Colorado, this county, this morn
ing, charged with arson 'and murder.
The crimes were committed four years
ago, 1 iiompson set hie to the house
of Michael Can Held, burning it down.
Cantield's two children, aired seven
and eight years, were in the bouse and
were burned to death. One witness
testified before the magistrate this
morning to being at Thompson's
house and seeing him about midnight,
saturate the things with coal oil, stuff
them under Caufleld's House, light
them and wait until he saw the flames
were beyond control" Thompson was
committed to prison.
Charles Cyhers, Of South F.aston
had an aching tooth drawn by a den
tist. By a slip the lauce used by the
dentist severed an artery which was
unobserved. The blood flowed very
freely, but it wa checked by the appli
cation of the proper remedies. Mr.
Cyphers returned to his occupation,
and iu the afternoon the artery again
began to bleed. Remedies were again
applied aiid the flow of the blood
checkedi Some time during Friday
night it commenced bleeding again,
while lie was asleep, and continued
bleeding until he wus found on
Saturday morning, his clothing and
coverlids being saturated with blood,
lying fast asleep in a pool of blood,
pule and apparently lifeless. A phy
sician was summoned, and every pos
sible remedy applied to etop the now
of blood. So great was the quantity of
niood lost, the attending puysician
says that had he been unobserved an
hour longer he would have bled to
death. As it is, he is so weak that he
cannot be removed from his bed, and
it is only with the irreatest care that
his strength will increase Coal Ga
Wilcox. Pa., Aug. 14, 1878.
Blackberries are selling hero at
three cents a quart
New potatoes arc a dolinr a bushel.
Doctor Straight has ripe tomatoes in
his garden. Tho Doctor beats them
all for a garden.
The derrick at the new well Is up,
and the engine and boiler in position.
They will lay the gas pipe from the
Schultz well to their boiler this week
Martin Sowers runs a daily express
to the well taking provisions to the
boys, as they keep bachelor's hall.
The saw mill will shut down next
Saturday forgood. Their stock is used
up and they have no more to put in
this winter. Quite a number of men
will be thrown out of employment.
A tramp has been shantlng out, on
the side hill above the school house,
for two or three days. When asked
why he staid there he said he was out
of money and out of work and might
as well starve there as any where, as
he wouldn't beg. Supervisor Miller
has given him work on the road. J.
The young man that goes about
with his eye iu a sling says he fell on a
Croquett is all the rage with young
and old. In fact it is almost an epi
demic. I notice "Occasional" and
"King" are getting to be experts at the
game, carrying off the honors in most
all hard contested battles.
Five mile well No. 3 has found sand.
That is found men with sand enough
to commence putting down the third
hole. X.
Our friend X's letter came last week,
while we were away and could not be
printed last week. Several of the
items were the same as sent us by "J"
and of course it is not necessary to
print the same items twice. We hope
"X" will not get discouraged but will
let us hear from him frequently. We
will always lie glad to put the items in
shape. Again, we had much rather
have an over supply of correspondence
thau a dearth. Ed. Advocate.
(From our Special Correspondent.)
Phila., Aug., 14th, 187G.
Deak Sir. Since my last writing,
has occurred the great event of the
Centennial year iu this city, I refer to
the grand parade of National Guard of
Pa., which paraded ten thousand
strong on 'the loth inst. Orders were
issued for every command tobe in readi
ness at one o'clock P. M. of Thursday
but the increasing heat caused many
commanders to question the propriety
of bringing the men out for a march' on
the hot pavements of the city. Gov
Hartranft ever watchful and careful of
his command, ordered a meeting of the
Surgeons of the various commands
and it was for them to decide Whether
or not the people should witness the
promised disp'ay. After a long con
sultation a majority of the medivine
men voted the weather favorable, and
the troops prepared accordingly. The
Philade phhl & Reading R R. trans
ferred the various divisions to the city
where at the appointed time the line
commenced to form on Broad St. the
left resting iu front of themasonic tem
ple near Market St. and tho right on
Columbia Avenue, forming a double
line two and one-fourth miles in length.
sthe line formed the sun seemed to
put on its brightest face, and the heat
was fearful. Regiments would form in
the line, stack arms and retreat to the
west side of the street which was
shaded, and mounted ofticers were soon
ready to dismount and seek shelter from
old Sol. The citizens defied the heat
and thousands lined the streets where
the line formed and along the expected
line of march, and windows, balconies,
and every available point from which
a view of the street could be obtained
held a full quota of faces. About five
o'clock the line was complete, and the
order to fall in was heard and the
stacked arms were soon in position,
and the forward movement common
eed, a company Jof police at the front.
The movement began at the extreme
right of the column, each Regl.,
wheeling to the left by company and
moving down Broad St. along the
front of the line, each regiment wheel
ing into its position as soon as the one
on its right had passed its front. It
was nearly two hours from tho time
the move began, before tho extreme
left was in motion. Gov. Hartranft
and staff reviewed the troops. As the
left flank moved into column a friendly
cloud passed between the poor soldiers
and the sun and, bravely maintained
its position during the entire march,
greatly diminishing the distress of
those in full dress uniforms. The lines
moved down Broad St. to Chestnut,
down Chestnut to Third, up Third to
Market and up Market to Broad,
where the line was broken and the
tired miitia dispersed. The streets
along the line of march were in full
holiday costume, and the people were
everywhere waiting and watching for
some extra display of military disci
pline. Applause commenced when
the first company moved and con
tinued along the entire line of march.
If the Philadelphians did'nt blister
their hands that day, they must have
hardened them. The display was
grand, and Pennsylvania may well be
proud of its N, G P. few men fell out
of the ranks overcome by the heat, but
there was not one serious case of sun
stroke. The parade was a grand suc
cess in point of numbers and appear
ruce. It is still hot but not quite up to the
old point of July.
Will give you more Centennial and
less military in my next-
Yours &c,
S. R. B
The National Ihilanco Sheet.
Our WHsliinj,!....! iMiTcspotnlcnt m is m
a statement of t lie rei-.tnpis nl expendi
tures of the Covcinment lor the fiicil year
which closed .lune 80ih lust, takeu train (he
official returns of tbe Treasury. The ex--hibit
is a gratifying one. fur, in spile of 10
reduceiJ luxes anJ dull times when ouni
pareJ with the previous year, the nutiO'inl
income fell elf barely a half million dollars;
and at the same linio the expcndiiurc
were I educed by the bum! some sum of over
sixteon millions. In aeiu.-il flimes the
year's reoeipts were $2K7.482,03'J, and llitf
expenditures $2d8.4'i0 8117, showing a sur
plus revenue of '2)M2'2,'2ii. This is quiitf
u large sum to devulo to the reduction of
tbe debt, lor it provided for an overage
monthly reduction of nearly Iwj and a liulf
millions. Iu comparing ihe detuils of iu.
come, it is found that the customs fell )tf
niue millions and the laud sales about a
quarler of a million, whilst the internal re
venue increased nearly ecveu millions. In
ike expend. lures a saving wus elfectcd iu
every department of the Government.
t our millions weie saved in the civil und
diplomatic borvice, three millions in the
War Department, tvoand one half millions
in the .Vivy, as much inure in Indian ex
penses, over 11 ui.lliuii in the pension lint,
through the reduction lu ihe public debt
and 1 ne funding process, nearly three mil
lions in the aim. ml interest charge.
'Ihe great reductions mude iu impropria
tions by the pieseul session of Congress
will n l-o secure still fur her savings in
every depurtiiieiit of the Government for
the tuiieni fiscal year. There is soma
room tor national seltesleeui to be fouud iu
the fuel that since Aiarch 1, 18GU, there has
been paid iff over 44J7.U00 0'M of tbe pub
lie debt that is hi bcvcii years and four
mom lis there has beea paid r a im equal t o
more il.aii one -1)1:11 of ihe present piinci.
pal. The debt is being less rapidly re
duced now l bun in former years, but ttio
reduction, nevertheless, make' steady
progress, qniie ns fast indeed as any ouo
need Wish coiin-idering the condition of
private truds and business. Philadelphia
Per Democrat, of Davenport, the only
German daily paper published in Ijwa,
has come out squarely im opposition to
lildoti and Hendricks, and will support
lluyes and Wheeler.
Estate of Cornelius Wainwriglt,
Letters Testamentary upon the above
estate have been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make payment,
and those having claims to present
the same without delay to
Trial List.
1. W. C. Hcaly vs.
Isaac and
A brain Bowman, 2so.
Term 1S7.
34, August
2 The Spring Run Coal Company
vs. Tomas Tozicr .No. 10, January
Term, lbOU.
y John Tudor vs- II.-Woodward c-t
al. 2so. 6, August Term, 1S7U.
4 M. V. Tyier vs The Bennett's
Branch Improvement Co. et ai. "o.
3, August Term. 1S74
o J. V. liouk vs- Salyer Jackson
No- 13 January Term, lSVo.
6 A. Wolf 4: Son vs Martin Enz.
Xo 2.i, Sept. Term, 173.
7. J. W. Brown vs. 1). B. Polen
Xo. CI, Sept Term, 187o.
8 George II. Page vs. U. S. Tyler.
Xo. '.)'., September Term, 187o.
0. The Columbia Insurance Co. vs
Jacob Kiaus "o 2-PJ, September Term
10 The Columbia Insurance Co vs
George Schaut IS'o 214 September
Term, lS7o
11 The Columbia Insurance Co. vs
Anthony Schauer Is'o 24.3, September
Term, 1875.
12 The Columbia. Insurance Co. vs
Angelica Klausman, Ex'r, &c.
2"4, September Term, 1870
l'i 1J J M'Donald vs Martin Enz.
Xo 82, November Term, 187.3.
14 M E Lesser vsJ C llouk, Exe
cutrix of J V llouk, Dee'd. No 141,,
January Term. 1870.
I notice that ihere will be sold, at pub
liu veiiduo or outcry, upon tho premises, ou
SATURDAY, August 2, 1S7G,
at 2 r. 51., all that ccrtaiu tract, pieco or
parcel of laud eituntcd in tho township and
villHcc of KidirwiiT, Elk counly, I'ennfylva-
niu, bounded as follows, to-wit: beginning-
at the touth-east corner of a two-ncre lot,
deeded by Keuben A. Aylworth to Jacob
obbin, by deed bearing date -Otli July,
1835 (tho said corner is hereby considered
as commencing at the post, foi a corner, of
the board fence iu Irorrt ot said lot, ana
which post is the south-.vest corner of tho
piece ot inud hereby conveyed); thence east
along Ihe highway eight rods; thence north
liverodsjthence west eight rods; thence south
along Ihe line ot the betoreuieulioueu two-
acre lot live rods lo Ihe place ot beginning,
couiaining one-half acre of land (reserving
twelve feel on the cast end of said tract of
laud far the purpose of ingress and egrets
10 the public buryiug ground), upon which
is erected a two-fctoiy frame tchool house,
30x40 fee'.
6-ale positive, lftiu or shine. Terms one-
third casu; balance in oue and two yeais,
with interest.
liy order of the Board of School Directors.
LUG. J. MILLER, Beo'y.
Hidgwny. Pa., Aug. 8,'7G u25-3i.
The Kulioiinl l'urk IBank,
In the Court of
Common fleas
of Klk Counly,
No. Ids, tsvptcmbur
Turin. 1b7I.
ol ew lurk,
Uobertllnlsiy and Henry
Elk Counti, si,
The Commonwealth of Pcnn-
,(iii. syivaiuit 10 lue nueiiii ui siuu
CYVCounty, greeting: We com
mand you that you attach ltobcrt
llalsey and Henry llalscy. late of
your County, by all and singular tho
goods and chatties, lands and tcne-;
meats, moneys", rights and credits Ot'
thesaid Defendants, or cither of them,
in whose hands or possession or cus
tody of any person or persons whatso
ever, and summon each person or per
sons as garnishees, in plea of debt, so
that they be and appear before our
Court of Common Pleas, to be holden
at Hidgway, in and for said County on
TEMHEli NEXT, there to answer
The National Park Bunk, of Xew
And, also that you summon the
said Garnishees (the person or persons
in whose hands and property of tho
said Kobert llalsey or Henry Halscy
may be found,) so that they be and
appear before your said Court on the
DEH NEXT, to answer what shall bo
objected against them, and abide by
tho judgement of the Court therein.
And have you then and there this
Witness the Honorable L. D. Wet
more, President Judge of our said
Court, at Ridgway, this 11th day of
July, A. D. 1876.
FKED. SCHCENING, Prothonotary,
A true copy.
Attest Daniel Scull., Sheriff,
Sheriffs Ottice, Kidgvuv, la., July