O. A. RATIIBUN, Altorney-at-lair,, Ridgifiy, Fa. 2 2 If. ttVFVS LUC on E, Altornoy-at-Lair Ridgway, EPa Co., Pa. Office in tVUU'i new Brick Building. .. Cluims for Oollecllon promptly attended to. T3nlly. HALL A M' CA ULEY, Attorneys-r.t-Law. I Office In New Brick Building, Main St Ridcwuy, Elk Co., Pa. 3n2tf. Jr, 6. ft, SAlL.EY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ?ln2ol. Kidgway, Elk County, Pa. , Agent.for. the Traveler's Life and Acoi dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, . Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his professions! ser vices to the citizens of Itidgway ana but rounding. country. All work warranted. .Office in Service & Wheeler's 15uildin.tr, up. stairs, first door lo the left, 73-n-iJ2-ly G. G. MUSSES GER, , Druggist and Pariraccutiat, If. V. cornn of Main and Mill etrect:', Kidg".-ay, Pa. .full assortment of cavefully tlreted I'or ,eign and DcniCEtic Din;;-". I'lrfi-riplinns carefully dispensed at all l.ii-.rs, day or flight. vl:'y t. i!Aiii'L::y ., Physician utiu !r!;v;e"V. Office in i'i i:;f Store, cnri.sr I'i "ia I mid Main Co-. I'asi U nee corner l'.n :ii .St. opposite the College. '.'Hies lionn I rum 8 to 10 A. M. and irum " '. M. vln'-'y 1. .7. S. BuR DWELL, M. V., Eclectic Physician nud burgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, to Mair st. Jidgway. Pu,, in tlio tecoiid story of the new brick building of John 0. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, Offieo hours: 1 tc 2 P M 7 io 9 P M HYDE 110 VISE, . P.iikiway, Ev.tCo., Pa W. II. 53 (J Fill AM, I'roj-.vietor. . Thankful for iho patro-.M-.go heretofore qo liberally bestowed upon hir-i, the new proprietor, hole?, ly paying tirict ai tention to the comfort and convenience ot guests, to merit a coiuiuuutioe ci the same. Oct 80 1S:C W KERSEY HOUSE, Cr.: tketillr, 12i.it i.'o., PA. Jons Col' -txs, I'loprietii?. . . . Thankful lor tlio pntreuajio hemofon oo libcrilly bestowed upon 1"., the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention lo the comfort r.t-d ccnviuiom, ?t gii.-sts. t 'merit a continuance of tht Same. j: w: hays, DEA'-tf. !M firj Goods," Notions, arcwrlss. and Csaeral Variety, FO ELK CO., PA. vln4"tf. , . CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, i'.njrrarcr and Jeweler Main street, Itidgffay, Pa. Agent icr the fclowo Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Wn'.ches, et3, doccwith he tame accuracy a3 heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly Ridgway Cemstsry. Lois are now oflicred for tale by the Itidgway Cemctary Association in tho new Cemetery. The present low price for lots may soon be advanced. Apply at lie cKce cf W. S. II A..MELEX, Secretary 3'tdgway, Sept. 7 1875. n-29 JF YOU WANT TO 15UY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO JAMES II- IIAGEIITY Main Street, Ridgway, Pft. illY GOODS, NOTIONS', LOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEERS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAKE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Previsions.' The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR CcDstaotly od hand, end eoll as cbe.ji os tho CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. Freth farai'v Grycerirs, aod CunneJ ip.id ai 1' fi'YJ ' Tlit cliaptstuDd Co?'' KAILHOADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Dirisioa SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after SUNDAY.APHIL 10, 187G the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WRSTWABD. NIAGARA EX leaves. Rmovo 4 20 p rn " " ' Driftwood.. 5 14 p m " " " Emporium 6 00 p m " " " 6t Marys... 7 05 p m " " " , Kidgwny... 7 35 p m . . P.rr at Kane.. 8 45 p m ERIE MAIL leayes Philadelphia 11 65 p ni " " Renovo 11 05 a m " " V Emporium 1 05 p m St. Mary's 1 55 p m Bidgway 2 21 p m ' " " Kano 3.40 pm " arrive at Erie 7 50pm ERIE EX leaves Renovo 12.00mid t ' ' Driftwood J. 18 a m ' Emporium 2 20am " " St. Marys 8.21 a m " " Ridgway 3.51 a m " Kane 5.30 a m ' " art. at Erie 10.05 a m EAST tVAUD. DAY EX leaves Kano (5.00 am " ' " Rvijrway O.f.O a m " S'- Marys 7 05 a m " " Emporium 8 10 a m " Driftwood 8 68 pm " ' Renovo 10 10 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m " " " Kano 4 05 p 21 " " Ridgway 5.16 pm " " St. Mary's 6.48 p m " Emporium G.ftopni ' " . " Renovo 8.55 p in " " orr. at Philadcphia... 6.50 a m PlIILAD'A EX leaves Dric 7.00 pm " " Kane 12.00mid't " " " Pii.'gway ... 1.07 a m " " ! St Marys... 1. PI a m ' " " F.mporium..2.30 a m " " " Dril'twood..3.2'J a m " " ' Renovo 5.15 a m Renovo Accom and Kauo Accoui connect eart and west nt East with Low Grade Di vision and B N V & P It 11 VM. A. BALDWIN. . Geu'l Sup't. NEW t.IVEllY STABLE IN mm DAN SCIMBNER WISHES TO I" forin tlie Cittrens of I'idgwr.y, Eud the public generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES ii tjics, to let upon ihe nest vo.'sona b!elcr.M3 ttIIo w'.ll elr.o do job tcmcing. Stable rn Proud ctreel, abort) Main All orders left at iho Pobt OPjo? will treel prompt attinlios Aug 20 U7'. tf. E. K. GHESli; jjenlw' la all klnd of cabinet ware, woodiiiiil aaue fat cliairs, lcitclifri nnrl i-Atciilloji uibius, tv in nt him Htiirljle top ttm',i, wo'i'l nnd nmvljle tOi bureuus. ttiiut iio:h, 1 jokJws fcl'isses, n-ood unl marble top iditmibiT'i-uit, mattres, sprint? bed botto'tift, VipiI steiuis, cribs, Ijufoi'ty's im t'il lin-il voofl . uuiuji?, &o'., &x: Cane sstts rjilace'l vnh jierloruted wnnil seats, W'eeil sevijig ui'ichiue riufeil ftwn 805 lo J'V, tbe best iiiHcliino ill the market, Bntl pic ture frames lurr.'e to o''iler. Also a lartro ass:rtetl ,fc!oek of rcmly jnailo Collins constantly on li'tml anil trim nied at filiortist notii'c. All the above ?ooiis are 'jM at pitnii; prices. Wure tooiiist in masonic building, Ridgway, Pa. v5n4l)tpdti.pr27'7". All persons are hereby wai'ned not to pitreliuKe or n;eldlt' v. iih ono Mosler A- liuhniaii lire jirool" sale. iun bitoed by the iiiidi'isigned at fc:ii?riii".s JSiil, yn'il ieft in tli" case of A. J. Avery of W' rd- ille, until convenient to remove the same, as the said A. J. Avery lias no lute-rest in said safe. , . .' . E. F. AVERY. Weedvillo, Ajirll 1st , 1S70 uf. Otntion, Wcedvili?, April 4th, 1S7;. All per sons i1 re hereby warned not to purchase any of the following named articles now in tiie possession of Mr A J Avery, of Heedville, Elk county, Pa , as said articl"s were purchased by ihe inider si.irnod at sheriff's Sil", and are only left in possession of the isakl Avery until .converient for mo to remove them: .One soto1 ninve, one black and white cow, three yearling steers, one two year oM buU, one two year old hcillVr, one wliitelioi;, one buggy, one luiuber wagon, one pair log sleds, one pair fancy sleds, one oil safe, ona pair platfony scales, one heating stove and pipe, one heating stove one lot of po tatoes, one lot of corn and ftraw fod der. O. L. AVERY. nStf. A complete stock of ladies misses aud cliililretis hIicps, litiht, medium and heavy at P,'& K'b Now is the time to buy. Alpacu ciiecper thai ever bafo known at P. Iz K's. FOU TIIE UNEJIPLOYED. The Thistle Edition is the only fully Illustrated Edition of Pir Walter Scott's WAVERLEY HOVELS of American make, and is "the best edition of the best English novelist.'' The books are standard, and will sell for all time. The mechanical execution is of the best. Tlio pricj in of tho low est. Agents wanted cveywhere, to whom liberal terms and exclusive ter ritory are oll'ered. . . : Forty-eight volumes, averaging 400 pages each, and containing nearly 2,uuo illustrations will complete the series . Subscribers supplied with two volumes (a comp'ete .work) monthly, Elsvkn .tloNTjis1 Dei.ivkiuks (21 vol umes) me now ready. Price-in cloth gilt extra per volume $1.50; Half Tur key gilt top Por terms etc. ad dress E.J.HALE d- 80N Publishers 17 Kurray tstrcet r'ew York, A GOOD WORK. :. .. ' A Startling" Tauso of Pehility toil Sick" iihks fully explained in a large octavo TreiiT lite by Dr. O. PHELPS BROWN, 'I Ornnrt Street, Jersey Ciiy4 N.- J EVERY MAN AMJ WOMAN who is ailing iu any way should send and get a copy at once, as Jt aeut free, prepaid by mail. Address the author i ibovo, v6nl240t LIST OF VENDERS OF MER CHANDISE IN ELK CO. , rA. TheM following Is the report of the Mercantile Appraiser of Elk county for 1870. , Vendors of jtercltandl.se. ST. JTARY'S IIOROUOII. Clasi. , Name. Sate. 12 We'sRro. . 10,000 11 Giflbrrlllillf&Co. 15,000 14 Mrs. M. M'Enall'y . 4,oOO 12 Whitman A Wcliten- i bierner 8,000 14 James Blakely 4,000 12 Clias. Luhr 10,000 10 tJoryell A Russ , 20,000 14 George H. Oarner 4,000 14 Charlie M'Vean 4,000 14 Charles Holes . 4,000 14 F. L. Sneeringer 4,000 13 John Weidenboerner 0,000 14 Ed. M'Brido 4,000 12 W. C. Epaflbrd A Co 10.000 14 Charles Millar 4,000 14 Adam FOchtmiui 4.000 11 Walker fc. Son 15,000 14 Joseph Wilhclm 4,000 10 " 25,000 14 L. C .Baever 4,000 12 Sosenheimerifc Tyler 8,000 rox township. . 11 P. W. Hays 4,000 14 M Mohan . 4,000 12 Koch Eon 12,000 13 J. J. Taylor 0,000 14 Koch t- Hon 4,000 14 John M'Mahon 4,000 14 II. IStnessly 4.0(H) 41 C H Earley 4(i'(0 iroujox townsjii 14 J. S. Hydo 4,000 14 J. ( uii' o . 4,i'i0 14 J V.V'ilcox Adni'iiis'tri 4,lHK. ItUXiWAY TOWNSiriP...-' 14 E, K. Gresb 4.(inn 10 J H A W. 11. Hyde 25,0i'0 12 H vile it-Curt iss 10,000 U T.'S. Hartley. 4.000 14 Janus 7"(iwurd d.onij 14 Charles Holes ,Oin 11 Powell it- Pimo 15,000 14 () 0. Messenger 4,000 14 A Ruh!":m 4,"(i 14 James llagertv 4,000 13 M'oloin iVM'Goehnn .,00( 14 I, A PrcniUl 4,o(io 9 W H flsterhout 3",t.H0 14 Robert Campbell 4,000 12 () H Grant 12,000 14 Little 4,000 14 H M Ilolle Wilmivth 4 (ion 14 U R Earley, Whist let own 4,000 joyrs townshii'. 14 J. C. Malono 4.000 11 M lowers 4,000 12 A. T Aldrich K.Ol'O 0 Tanning A LumberCo. (!5,00O Mf.yy ei "rr townsiiii'. 14 W V. Jnhnsto'l 4.000 14 Miles D"iit . 4,00" 14 L A Ij. Winslow 4,000 Tax. 12 f0 15 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 12 CO 20 00 7 oo 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 12 50 7 00 7 00 K 00 7 00 20 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 12 50 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 .7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 20 00 12 oO 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 25 00 .7 00 12 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 50 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 JAY TOWNS 1111', 14 E. II. Dixon 4.C00 Billiards. ST. MARY'S. Joseph F. Windfeldcr kidov. Ay. 0 W Ilhires 3 tables G W lihines, bowling alley James M'Uinnis, 3 tables JONKS. A V Allen, 2 tables 40 00 50 00 KO t'O 50 00 10 00 Brewers. ST. MAKY'8. T.. .ci'li 11' i., If.. 1.1 r o.ooo o oo 10 Lorenz Vogel 2,000 6 00 0 William Gies .. . 3,t!00 8 00 U fc'org A Wesl'lter, 3,000 8 00 FllV. 10 Anilrew Hvu . 2.00'J 5 00 An ajppeal will be hohl at tho court liouse, Ridgway, on Saturday. May 20, lhTH, where you feeling aggrieved by said tippraisement, win have such re dress us he law provides. L. il. GARNER, nll-Ot. Mercantile Appraiser. Hstlfic of Co-partnership, Ts'ot ire is hereby given that the un dersigned have this day associated themselves in the butchering business under the firm name of Merer Bros. W. l' MERGER. .15. P. MUUOEIi. Ali persons in indebted toV. F, Mer cer are requested to come forward at once and settle up. W. F. MEPCER. Ridgway, Pa. May 1st 1S7G-H lit 3 vr Time Table. fast Hard. DAY CkPRESS 6:5? A. M. ERIE 5:1P P. M. PK:2.AOELPi:iA EX 1:07 A. M. lVest ward. NIAGARA EXPRESS Temp. M. ERIE MAIL 2:22 P. M. EHIE EXPRESS 3:51 A. Kl. Tlio Xingura Express makes the fastest time of any train on the. road. Leaving Kane at A. M., it arrives in Philadelphia at O P. M ; n-t.iirring it leaves Philad''lp"riia at 7:20 A, M.; and arrives ot Kane at 8:45 P. M. , , .JELK. COUNTY, NORMAL' SCHOOL. Wilcox, Elk (otiuty, Penn'a. IF. S MTJIERRAN, Principal. Term c.imrr.ences June 13th, and continues eight weeks- . Tuition for the entire term..... i... 3d 00 For less than the term per weik,.. 1 CO The principal is a graduate of, and litis been an instructor in, one of the leading State. Jormal Schools in the United .Stntes, with nine years ex peri'.nre in teaching. Prof. .0. K. Dixon will conduct .the examination at the end of the term aud grant licenses to teach. Number of pupils limited, therefore apply early. Board Reasonable. "VTOTICE is -hereby given that one Span of Black .Horse, and Doubts Harness and one Uticamake Team Wagon now in the possession of JOHN 1). MARSHALL, are the property of .he Wilcox Lumber Company, of wiicox, i.iK (Jo. i'a. ah persons are forbidden purchasing or intermeddling with the same. - . ." A. 3. PRESTON', Agent. Jl CARD- . To all who lire suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay. -loss of manhood, Ac, I v. ill send a recipe that will cure you, FSE OF CHARGE, This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America, Send a self addressed envelope tq the Rr. Joseph T. Inmax, Station D, Bible liouse New York City. Tllii ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPtjBLICAtT PAPER, IX ELK COUNTY. Ofllca ia Tli?.vcr & Hap.erty'a Block, RIDGWAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCHIBE, SUBSCR1DI SUBSCRIBE. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR give us a call tor CAIiD., TAGS,- ENVELOPES LETTER HEAjS, NOTE IIEAS, BILL HEADS, I". : MONTHLY STATEMBTS, , i PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, .0. ORDERS BY I-IAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Address, THE ADVOCATE, vIU4i6y; lk Co , P, LIFE, Growth, BEAUTY". LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Dye; makes hareh lair soft and silky; cleanses the scalp from all Impurities, causing the hair to grow where it has fallen off or become thin. Can be applied by tho hand as it docs not stain the skin orgsoil the finest linen. As a Hair Dressing it is the most, perfect the world has eTer produced. The hair is re novated and strengthened, and natural co'or restored without tho application of mineral substances. Since the introduction of thi3 truly valu able preparation into this country, it has been the wonder and admiration cf all clas ses, as it has proved to be the only article that will absolutely without deception, re store gray hair toils original oolor, health softness, lustre and beauty, and produce hair on bald heads cf its criginal growth and color. : This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed article is complete within itself, no washing or preparation before or after its use, or accompany ment of any kind being required to obtain these desirable results. Here is tho Proof of Us FUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. F.pp.& this Home Certificate, testified to by Edward B. Carrigues one of tho most competent Druggists and Chemists of Phila delphia, a mun whoso veracity nono enn doubt. I am happy to ndd my testimony to tho great vnluo of the London Hair Color Re storer which restored my hair to its oi igi. nul Color, and the hue appears to bo j-r-maneut. I am satisfied that this prepara tion net a dye but operates upon tho ec cretioun. It is also a beautiful hair dress ing aud promotes the growth. I purchased Ihe first bottle from lvlwaril P. (jurriguei, druggisl, Tenth and Coatcs ctrcet, who can also testify my hair was quito gray when I commenced its use. M118. 5HLLER, No. 7yt) North Ninth street, riiilp. Dr. Swnyne At Sou, Kespeclcd frienJs: I have the pleasuro to iuforni you that a ittiiy ul" iy uciiiiuiiluii:c, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the buc?cs of yenr London Hair. Color Restorer." Her hair was fast falling and quite gray. The color has been restored, the falling of? entirely stopped, and a new growth of hair is the result. E. 1). 0-AKK1GUES, Druggist, cor Tenth and Coates, Phila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 1871. Dr. Swayne & Son: Last winter while in Treuton, N. J., I pro cured Si." bottles lionuon JIair Color Ile stuter, whilh lihe very rmnh, in fact bet ter than p.ny thirj I .have used iu tho last nine yea'.E. If you please, gc-nd mo one do?en bdltlerj COD ciro V S Fogler Sou Druggists, No ','!'' Trtcient street, lioston. l!espcctt'ul!y yot'is, ADA i'AlvLK No o9 Kuiland Siiuiire. London Hair Color Hcslci":i' nt.d Drcfshif; Has coin p'cicly rcstorcl n-y hair to in origii:al color, and youthful benuty. and caused a raj. id nrd li'.xuriatit growth. MK3. ANNIE VOliRiri, No 0 J 0North Seventh Street, I'lu'.ai'eli-I'ip. Dr. Daltou cf Philadelphia, says of it. The London Hair Color iU-storer is used very ertetisivelv unsung iny patients and friends, ct well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 CENTS P3R BOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. SWAVXK 4 SON "GO North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa solf Proprieic-rs. T II E L U N G S CONSUHPTIOH! This disire.-singr.iid dangerous complaint and its premonitory PY.'iatonis, neglected cough, liiPht sweats, huuraei'.ess, w;isling tlesh fever pern:a::ei:tly cined bv DDCTOS swavnk'3 courciTi: s'Rt'pcr v;:lu CiIERii.7. DUONCaiTIS A pvemonitcr or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, cr infatuation of the inucum niein brane of tho air pp.tiiif'es, with cough and expectoration, ;!uirt breath, hoarseness, pains in the chca. For n',1 bionehial aii'ec tijus, sore t!u-oe..t, loss of voice, coughs, DR. JAYfi::S Compound Syrup cf Wild Chsrry IS A SOVEUiilON IlIiMEDV Ilemorrhags, cr Spitting of L'bod. may proceed from the larynx, trachia, bronchia or lungs and arises liom various causes, r, i ':udu; physic:.! e tltiuu, plelhora, or f'uil- ness o' il!0 vess'-is, wi.ak lungs, overs! raili ng of the voice, supprecsed t-vaciiiUion, ob slruciion of the !!ten or liver, kr. Dr. Stvejuc's Coii'iioiiml iSynipof Miltl tlicrry. strike-i at Iho root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to neaiiny action, lnvin-or.aiar; I he iitvcs system. Tho only s'.p.tub.r remedy for hemor rhane, brohchial nn.l all pulinouary com plaints. Consumptives or those predis posed to weak lungs should not fail to use this great vegetable remedy. Its marvelous power, not only over con. cumpt-on, b'.'t over every chronic diseise where a gradi-al alterative aeticu is needed Under its uso the cough is loosened, the night sweats diuiitiishad, the pain subsides, the pul-;e returns to in mituiiil standard, the stoniacli i3 improved in its power to di gest and as:iuiilatc the food, aud every organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, tot of which neiv re creative and ids&tio material is made. Prepared only by 889 N'crtU Sislii Mwt, Piiilaili-JpJtia. Cold bt all Puowisbst Dufcoism. Itching Pilea! PILE?, PILES, ITUni.VG PILES, pc-MTivr.LT ctnii.o by the o-e of SWAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afdicted wi'ii c-ne of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known as Itching Plies. The itching in times was almost in tolerable, increased bv.Bcratching, aud not unfrcquently become quite eoio. I bought a box ol SiVi'yne's uiutmeut; its. uso gave quick relief, and in a thoi t, time mado a perfect cure- lean now tleep undisturbed, and I would advise nil who nro suffering with this distressing complaint lo procure Swayne'3 Ointment at once. I had tried picscriptions almost innumerable, without finding aud pcrmnneat reliof. JOSEPH W. CHIUST, (Firm of Koed-jl & Christ,) Boot nnd fchoe liouse 3-11 North Second Street, Philadelphia. SKI IT DISEASES. Swovne's A'.l-healiug Ointment is also a specilio for Titter, iltch, Salt Phcum, Ssiild Head, Erysipelas, Barber's Itch Blotches, all SciUy, erusty, cutaneous Er- ruptiotis, rerlectly sale ana liarmless Wen on Ihe most tender infant. Price 50 jeuts. Sent by mail to any address ou re teipt of price. SWAYliFE'S PAITA'CEA. Celebrated ullover the world tur us ruiua- ble cures of Scrofula, Meroural and Syphil- ino complaints. Describe symptoms iu all bomuiicauulio addres ns'.eiteis t Dlt- 6A"''nd SON, Pbilado,lphia.-n7yl. . THUUSDA Y, M A Y " ?5TK,ls7oT7 Now lruike garden. Jon work nt tliis oflleo. . Clean up your .back ynrd.s. Head our Centennial letter. St'FstniDE for the Advocate. The npiile trees nro in blossom, Tins is a very backward spring G. L. McCbackeh ia again in town. Two severe firsts hero during the past week. The tree are arrayed in their gor geous robes- TiiERinrea good many strangers in town this week. Meut SciirAm has returned from the Rocky Mountains. ; .The merry jingle of silver change is now he. rd in the land. J. S. Hyde's new faini house at Boot Jitc-k is nearly completed. The dance at Company IPs, armory was a very pleasant little alTuiv. W. C. II eat A" nas moved into J. F. Dill's new houweon Centre Street. , Monr. I. CAjtriiEJ.r. bus had a nrw platform, put in front of his new store building. riiEBTKKix Eii.;vifi-:s next Sun day! morning and evening by Jlev. Montgomery. Wi: understand that M. J. P'.arley will start a drug store soon in tlio west r jom of Campbell's building. Rev. M. II. Moyek, will preach morning uifll ecinng in the M. P. Church Sunday, May -Si'n, All are invited. The total shipment of oil fi-m the Pennsylvania oil regions fur the week ending Saturday, May 0Ui, was 100,000 barrels. Tjte young man that 'S'liistlcd for the benefit of the Mcthodi.-t Church on last Sahbatli evening is deserving of n leather medal, if not a penny con tribution, for th-j smile be ctmscd to steal ai-ro-s the fuees of the pious and devout people there a-scmbled. Vh' thi'ow in tiie i!r-t bit; whoso next-.' I'ntu at K ixi;. 'iVe learn i!i:it James Bros., lumbermen, of Kane, met with a heavy lo- by lire but .Saturday night all their lumber having been burned. Their mill was saved by hard work. It is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. The loss iscstimated at $50,000. 2S"o insurauce. ro:K'i:er?.s ExniiiiiiMtion. Teacher's examinations next week will be held as follows. At JJenewtte on June 1st, Caledonia June -nd, Ceu treville Juneiird. at 10 a, m., each day. .j. in-.mis in pie-ase pre -cut Cel'tiii cates of good moral clmrai-ter. Educational meetings n ill be held as follows: Beiiemte on evening of J-ute l-, Caledoniaon evening of June -ltd, and at Centreville on the after noi.n of June 3rd. Let I hero be a full attendance of teachers, K-hool direct ors and patrons Crdcindt-l Letter. ri:ocu:i:ss of the fiiu , home of THE l'KI.l.OWS WHO Altr SH'Iv COf.VTIXU CIIHKKXS JiEiOKK Tt'.I V AltE HATCHED I Xt'I.E SAil's I'AlllI Fl.T.l. ACCl-LXr OK THE ACIKU'lL Tl ISA I, DISI'EAV. i-'roMi our ltculiir l.'(iiTe.- j)oii(li.'nt. Philadelphia, May 2-ith, iS70. If tho success of tho Centennial Show c:iuld be fairly lne.isurcd by the attendaucc during the first wock after the opening i: would be a good lime now to take back some of the glowing and extravagant things that have heretofore been eaiil. It has really been au exceedingly dull week, with considerably less than 20,0110 average daily attendance. But this statu of facts is simply i'i the natural order of things and ;:ot ia the least diseouiM'ng- The cold, wet and disngrecabb weather has of itself been enough to keep everybody at home: and then the iaipre;.?ion has got abroad aud il is correct loo that the Ex. hibitien lacks a good deal of being ready. The unfinished conditiin of the walks aud numerous buildings, together wilh the mud and rubbish and the work of unp icking one ha still to encounter about the grounds, are no means features calculated to at. tract. Vi'hen it is kuowii th-jt tons of ex hibits are arriving dib, people naturally feel there is no hurry. Hut Ihis is no Ju dication that they wont come by ind by. The iuccesj of the exhibition is assured both by its immensity mil the interest and enthusiasm manifested everywhere, especi ally on the opening day. It is stated that considerable disappoiutuictit is felt by tho Centennial direction nud in business circles generally f.t the limited liumbjr, aad what they are pleated lo let'iu thoso.ero econo my, of visitors, fc'o far a3 tiio exhibition ij concerned there is no occasion for misgiv. ing. When the pressure ot spring business shall bo over, and t'te Lx'uibition complete for inspection, the people will coiuo from every Section, not to parado the streets and gaze ill tho shop windjws, but tD cluster about the great fairy. laud in tho Park and study its beauties d iy after day, until they are content, aud then most of them will ga uway to return for. a farewell visit in tho autumn to whut ibis generation can never see again. It may bo that tho estimates early mado of tho inilliuns of visitors will provo a little Jules Vcruey, but the poaple are certainly coming. But for the thousands of speculative schemes organized solely to pluck tho un suspecliug people who nra to come hero no body Tiillhuvo sympathy. They went upou the theory that a fool aud his money e.re soon parted, aud that the city would bo overrun with people anxious to spend their accumulated wealth; or that they would be naked nud hungry and they would takj them in; aud there was to be a famine of provision ,and .a harvest of greeubacks. But ihey oounted their chickens before tho eggs were laid, and witii no rooster' IS sight. The cafes ami refreshment pieced inside of the grounds, which charge treble or quadruple prices for ordinary meals and drinks, will fail disastrously, as they most justly deserve to fail. I liav9 Keen bills rendered for ordinary dinnors amounting to from tli'-ee to four dollars, which a' any of the best restaurants in Philadelphia would not havo cost more (ban a dollar, and if any one is so stone-blind as not to see by this time that fifteen ccr.ts for a glass of soda-water and fifty cents for n. sandwich will mako visitors absolutely withhold their patronage, they will learn il finally to their sorrow The boarding-houses and extemporized hoteU promise to be not tho least of rhese sufferers, nnd I nni glad of it. There ure many hundreds of Them nil de manding $2 to 3 per day for the most or dinary accommodations, each as cajv-be ob taincd in auy other city, Chicr.pc, New York or evca Washington, for from $7 fo 10 per week, and they insist upon putting two in a room as Ilia. I s iw a statement in one -correspondent's letter that good board could bo had hero for $ per week, and I know spveral persons who havo been industriously hunting tho author of lhat fiction for the past we :k. liut theso things will all be forgotten one hundred years hence. To in e Ihe United States building is one of the most interesting within the inclos lire. Tho war nnd navy department dis play, with nil H"- munitions and engine? of war arrayed in view, is ijuit-) intimidat ing. Pitt the neatest ai;d ii'ort perfect and curious of all is the little engine and en velope machine turning out a "Ccntenniaj Envelope" till complete and stamped at each evolution. The agriculturul display is malo mainly in largo j-lasb ;!iov cases, nud comprises in nil iivo divisions, uamuly, chemical, eiomological, botanical, niiscro seppic and the general museum. Hanging on 'he wall nc::r which tho show-case3 stand nro four largo maps of tiio United States, all bing divided into spaces f different, sizes and colors, upon which arc numbers corresponding wii'a a reference schedule in cue corner. These maps show respectively the cci.ipara.iu' value of firm 1-ni'l in this country, iho respective rates cf wages paid for farm labor, tho prupor. tion of woodli.ud to i.trni av?"., rnd the dis Iribution of the pvoduc'ion of textile fibre. IJy means of charts tho average prodactien per 3 ere of tho country's stavlcs is show.-i for each State. .Specimens of soils are nr ranged in t' order of their geological for mation, comprising marls, calcareous earths green s a nil aud phosphatio lntu-ls. Then come pliOGphatic r.viltj, iv. iiual aad vegeta ble fertilizers and a coinhinalian of the three iu a manufactured state. The next feature, tho utilization of vegetable pro ducts, is illustrated by weans of spccimjiis bcg'mjir.g with the product in its natural state, and proceeding through the variotn stf'C'i cf manufacture to the iiuished article t c iiiipi-ises the tho manufacture of flour, meal and starch fVom cereals) of sugar from cane, best-tool., tanple and corghuin, and exhibits models cf t'.ifl machinery uced in the i.i.iiiufaete.re of these. Tho fer mentation ii shown c. triarchy substances from which beer, ah: and porter nrc made, and r.i jo '.lie distillation of whiskey. A model :l.ii and !-.ns of colable American distilleries are exhibited. Tl.en are seen tlio i'ermentatioa and dirt'lluion of sugar, molasses and fruits, resulting in a coui pleto set of samples of American wires, these, iu tf rn, being dis'illed and converted into brandy. The display of tho wood growth of tho country is inexhaustivo. At the fost of the cases stand many hundred sections of lugs, overbuild iu thoc.tsa being specimens of tho loliago of their respective tret-3. Next to Horticultural II ill and ground:) this spot affords- the botanist the greatest inlight which the Centennial can give him. I'rom tho sub-tropical growth of the Gulf and Southwestern i'latcs ir lo the hardy coniferio of Maine and the North west (hero is net a tree of importance w'.ioh is not here represented. The patienco of tlio curious is sorely taxed iu counting the rings of old stagers that had reached the hey-day of their growth two hundred years before Columbus first saw Guanahani, nud of noma that had doubtless sheltered weary aborigines while Louis of France was battling for tho cross of l'ulpstiue. Most of thesa iiiferostitg specimens were obtained from the .Sierra. Nevada- Moun tains iu California. Tho priucipal of those which accurate fit-.tistics can be gives are as follows: . One cf a sugar piuo, 173 foot high aud 27 feet in circuinfeienco at the base, and ycarj old, tuo section hiving been made at a diameter of 7 foot 2 inches one of a Bui't. whito pine, I'M feet high, 2i feet in circumfercnco at tho base, nn 1 OlO years old, tho section having been mado at a diameter of G feet 0 inches, and oil) of a red silver fir, l'JJ feet high, 03 feet in di ameter at the, base, tapering forouehuadie I feet bef iro the first !:riuch was roasted, and 3'J2 yeai'3 old. All these grew on the.. Sierra Kcvad.1. There is u.'ao one of a twisted pine from the Rooky Mjuataitis, 123 feet high, 22 feet ia d ameter at tho base auj "37 years old. A curious sxhioit for most fAi. iu tho Middle Statej is that of the many varielics of native oak au l tho remarkab'.o want of resemblance aaiong thei.i iu icjarJ to foliage, the tau-bark oak of California, fer ins.auce, having velvety, willow-shapcl leaves, while those of tho blackjack oak of tho Southern Atlanlio .States are boil-shaped. In tho grain of the wood, also, the same wide divergency exists. Whila the canon live oak of the Southwest has a smooth bark end fine grain, the post, oak of this region is rugged both in bark and grain. , The annual meeting of the Board of Com missioners occurred on Thursday when tlemrrillawley, President, and Mr.'camp bell, Secretary, were unanimously re-elected. Soma little differences on questions of policy had causoJ a division, and gomj cauoussin- concerning the executive com- . initio and the caucus ticket was elected. It makes some chango in tho -committee, aud. it is said, settles the much-agituled ques tion of opotiing tho grounds on Sunday. There has be:a a strong movement in this . direction, headed by some eminent men and i o!ergymen, and tho opinion has .heretofore prevailed that it would ultimately be decided to b open.