Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, MAV 2ST1I, 1870. Tiik entire representation at the Clneinnntl Convention will le 750, double the. number of votes in the Electoral College, Including two dcle ffntes from each of the eight territories iiiul the District of Columbia In Minnesota n lady ii pacing put her jaw out of joint, and two days filnpHcd before the doctor could get it in place Again, in which time tire de lighted husband avers he had such a vacation ns never before since he was a married man Cahinet Changes. The president on Monday last sent to the Senate three nominations that have attracted deserved attention. Judge Pierpoint, Attorney General, is made Minister to England; Judge Taft, who has been Secretary of War for a time, succeeds Mr. I'ierpointi J. D. Cameron, son of Senator Cameron of this State, is named for the vacant Secretaryship A: N. Tax Lon died at his residence in Smcthport May 15. It will be re membered that Mr. Taylor fell from the bac k door of his house on the 25th of September last, breaking his back. It was thought at that time that he could live but a few days, but, htein domnitable pluck, together with care ful nursing kept him alive until last Monday evening. Sorttern Tier lie-poricr- It is said thttt "a person who looks downward while walking is meditat. ing on the pnst; one who looks straight forward is thinking of the present; one who gazes upward is contemplat ing the future, whilst one who looks every way is thinking of nothing in particular." If the foregoing is correct a great many persons are thinking of "nothing in particular'' tiearly all the time, as they gape in nil directions, especially when in church, Tjie 2s ew Game Laws. As there are numerous inquiries by sportsmen in regard to the new game and lish laws, we condense the following from the somewhat lengthy report: Deer may be killed from the 1st of October to January 1st; gray, black and fox squirrels from August 1st to January 1st; woodcock from July 4th io Janu ary 1st; partridge or quail and rabbit front October loth to December 15th; pheasant from October 1st to January 1st; trout and salmon from April 1st to August loth; black bisa from July 1st to March 1st; and only with rod, hooUr.nd line. The bill imposes a pen alty of $25 for killing, catching or dis charging any li-r.arnis at any wild pigeon while on its nesting ground, or in any manner disturbing such nest ing ground; a fm of $5 for kilting any inseetirerous bird, and a fine of $25 for liuntingand fishing on Sundays. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS. TWTOTK'E h hf-reby given that, J.1 agreeably to an Act of Assembly passed the loth day of Mareii, A. 1). 1815, entitled "An act to nnrend an act directing the mode of selling un seated lands for taxes and for otiier purposes," ami the several supple ments thereto, the following tracts of unseated lands, situate in Elk county, Penna. will be exposed to sale by pub lic vendue or outcry, at tin; 'Court House, in Ridgway, in said: county, on the second Monday of June next, being the 12TI1 DAY Of JUNE. A. D. 170, for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1874-75, unless said taxes are paid jirior to said date: IENEZETTE TOAVXSfiTP. War Acres AVarM or Owners. Taxes 6332 U2S James Stokes $114 22 6333 1IM17 James .Stokes 196 20 6335 1007 James Stokes 106 26 633S 1007 James Stokes 01 34 5344 1007 James Stokes- 2nl 34 6-345 1007 James Stokes 391 53 5340 1007 James Stokes- 3i'l 53 5347 1007 James Stokes 301 53 5345 1007 James Stokea 301 53 5371) 459 James Stokes 225 00 530 1100 James Stokes 537 80 6GS3 1100 James Stokes 470 70 6384 1000 James Stokes 471 00 6387 Hot) J nines Stokes 470 70 684'.) 1008 J ames Stokes 300 02 6342 1100 James Stokes 470 70 GOO'i ti90 James Stokes 182 17 6353 143 Myron -Merrill 53 33 6334 1100 Myrori Merrill 200 40 6337 1100 Myron Merrill lol 05 6350 1108 Myron Merrill 30!) 02 6351 1100 Myron Merrill- 470 70 5352 300 Myron Merrill 120 10 6390 HoO Jones, Hammond A Co. S33 50 6836 1100 Amos li. Merrill 202 30 6287 275 Amos 11. Merrill 84 05 628 UT.3 Amos J). Merrill 43-70 6280 223 Amos 11. Merrill 3.j 16 633!) 1100 Jonathan Brown 130 20 4'M1 345 Nathan W. Ellis 85 18 4905 isS Addison, Swartwood & Co. 140 67 6341 900 Cornelius Wainwright 83 35 5012 000 Miles Dent 484 12 5470 500 Miles Dent 92 50 6479 100 Miles Dent 19 30 4990 495 John Brooks ifel 98 6481 450 John Brooks 83 35 5000 990 Johu Brooks 182 17 4997 481 A. C. Spaulding 118 30 6981 550 A. C. Spaulding 10165 5479 200 Kobert Ewing 37 60 6023 288J Johu JolHison 88 84 6388 1100 Hezekiah Mix 403 60 6023 60 Andrew Dent 10 15 6479 2S5 Hamilton Dwn- 53 10 4994 150 William Shannon 28 45 5286 200 George O. Bristow 37 00 6022 110 David S. Johnson 24 18 6340 550 Henry Blush 68 10 6001 990 Finney & Barrows 182 17 4996 105 Finney & Barrows 36 68 6002 990 Ileading.Fisher & Co 523 73 6013 990 ltcading,Fisher& Co 242 56 5014 890 Ileading.Fisher & Co 218 16 6009 990 Reading.Fisher & Co 423 73 6010 090 Trullinger,Croft& Co 302 95 6024 134 John & D. 8. Johnson 25 01 6025 302 John te D N.Jolin.sou 111 54 6022 110 E. Johnson- and A. Apker 7 84 64P1 275 Martin Enz" 24 65 5024 23 Martin Enz 7 84 6003 990 fchaeiter& Johnson 244 54 5482 505 Julius Jones 124 22 29 Julius Jones 7 84 5340 650 Smith, M'Corniio A Mann . PM 30 6343 HOO Cook & Pardee 403 60 6470 60 James Relllcy 7 10 6025 603 Ralph Johnson 112 35 547.8 1100 St. John fe Rothrock 76 40 6011 990 St. John & Kothrock 9164 i477 1100 St. John & Both rock 101 65 511 3on H. Merriman 11080 5482 344 Harbison A, Reed 65 94 200 Finlcv, Young & Co 49 80 296 K. Wlnslow Estate 46 14 B 1 : X Z I N ( 4 K K T( ) W S H f l 25 John Carroll fi 73 25 Peter Gnritv 1! 73 4106 :;5 George Wei . 17 '")t 75 Hedor Jacket 22 97 4115 75 John Milne 1117 147 Nelson J- Wimmer 24 54 146 Xelson J. Wimmer 40 61 4115 7S Cezar A. Jackot 22 07 4883 611 Lawrence & Casset 117 12 4882 823 " " 236 89 4859 999 " " 2K5 04 4!'60 200 " 28 30 80 " " 23 92 220 ' 04 03 4958 300 Lnmont Gas Coal Co 80 95 4958 600 " " 144 25 4901 () " (J7( 4901 900 " " 268 85 4103 857 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co. 168 05 4104 1125 " ' 219 26 4105 1598 " ' 282 78 4106 1412 " " 276 42 4 1 07 ej3 ' " 19159 4108 990 " " lid 24 4H5 70.1 " " 140 70 4102 0!)'J " ' 191 23 4110 10491-10 " " 201 55 44o4 546 " " 110 10 4403 980 " " !M 77 4410 1073 " " 206 33 4411 1025 " " 190 78 60 " " 15 33 200 " 68 30 4978 00 " " 68 30 30 " " 12 40 20 " " 6 73 4961 100 F. L. Left-ton 28 65 2337 990 West Creek Man. A Min. Co, SSI C4 4878 G90 " " 284 64 4.H79 I48' ' " 878 23 4944 990 ' " 2?4 04 4945 990 " ' 284 64 48.H0 1483 Charles Ileebner 378 32 2374 952 George Dickinson 182 03 4975 600 Bona Cartuvvals 144 25 4905 990 M'Kean A Elk Land Almp'tCo 284 C4 4877 999 ' " 2S4 64 4809 142 William C. Black 41 65 4101 18 " " 6 15 4407 107 " " 81 66 4407 "29 " 8 45 125 Wilcox Tanning Co 84 94 50 Buper Wackvr 0 10 26 W. A. Mitchell 8 17 690 Sidonia Von Eresel 141 25 25 James Cox 817 lot No 55 011 Cross st. 1 27 48S1 60 John Krichner 15 83 Lot l"es. Kidgwa7 Strast. 91 Rev. Jerniiah U'JIani 119 S2 Hev Jeremiah O'Hara 1 19 79 James Doyle 1 19 68 William Kennedy 1 19 89 William Kennedy 1 19 i0 William Kennedy 119 68 Thomas M'Cormick 1 19 69 " " 1 9 85 John O'Connor 1 19 86 " " 1 19 102 David Wplllane I 19 iitibot Street 17 Thomas Collins 1 19 18 " " 1 19 86 William Shine 1 19 B'J Thomas Collins 1 10 C9 " " 1 19 EaSlrcai Street- 67 Sarah Haley 1 19 fil John O'Connor 1 19 62 " " 1 19 G3 " " 1 19 Jms Coyle 10 lots bet. Kersey A Jalbot sts 2 61 Acr:s 340 Kev Louis Cartuvval 139 10 (Koselay, Thresia A Jolin sla 4115 60 Edward Delehunt 15 S3 (Vine f-treet, Xos. 11 A 12) Vice street. 4107 T5 William tehauahan 5 77 25 M. ShanahaiV 817 4958 100 tieorge Weis 2s) 65 60 E. G. Williams 23 92 fO Uenzinger A Co. 17 45 00 Palmer A Co 68 30 25 William Cork ey 3 17 1M5 25 Patrick Dwyer 8 17 4103 40 William J. Kowui 12 40 4110 31 Wm. J. Flint 9 60 4104 02 James Hall 19 60 4101 72 John Ford 22 05 4883 887 Beninger A Eseh- bach 268 40 4087 K'f'O " " 287 50 60 " '' 15 33 James Donnelly . 8 17 DanT Eraser. 'No 7 4116 4110 4195 23 Cherry road 6 02 60 Dan'l Fraser. ''8 6 Maple road David C. Geizer John Kleixner Tliomas Tozier Johnson A Shaffer 9 9 6 142 28-t 234 50 15 495 990 090 990 4977 40?3 4993 4993 N. A C. Kronenwet ter I'hila. A Erie R R Co 284 7 89 ti 22 275 4900 Augustus olle John (ioetz George 'Weis Sheldon, fctebigh A 110 25 4404 522 7 Bates 149 4404 4406 4406 4107 4408 4070 4105 4105 4091' 4092 4093 4095 4244 4245 4097 4176 4178 4093 4901 4077 4078 4081 4088 4097 4098 4374 4087 4901 4890 4902 4177 4190' 4900 4270 4273 4274 4274 4274 4176 418 4079 4186 4081 4097 4097 4097 622 149 149 149 121 172 294 14 7 622 622 420 600 25 Mary Hrnan -Mary M'Gahan FOX TOWNSHIP.- 2786 . 8. Hyd 1,067 00 207 C. R. Farley, Town-' send Fall Iht 27 94 225 Enoch Clajty 72 08 90 Jit. Sheean 18 55 32 John Albert.north half 7 25 495 J. G. Kidder 65 84 296 Bidgway Farm A Coal Co. 59 05 246 " 41 49 12 6V '" " 12 70 67 "' 1205 768 " 15130 439 " 86')6 206 " 4130 144 " " 29 05 816 E. B. England 107-05 105 " "' 19 86 900 Hannah Barnard 176 50 500 Richard Gardner 60 00 293 Richard Gardner 77 35 990 William Tarns 49 75 989 William Tains 40 74 750 II. A; Stephens 98 60 200 George C. Whits 27 00 40 Robert J. Ruhl 8 1)5 226 Thomas Martin ,8. E. - corner 44 87 50 William Wensell- 10 60 25 Malaehia O'Rouke' 3 7T 980 J. C Chapin Estate 194 05 45 C. R. Early 10 65 22 Franklin Kuhn 8 42 24 Franklin Kuhn 3 77 37 EJiu U'Lougblin 8 (4 4098 12 Rose Kelly . 102 409i 64 James Wrinkle 6 97 4087 25 John K. Jones 8 77 4087 26 Thomas Collins 6 01 4087 -60 Felix Gamghuish 6 65 1 '60 James Worton 12 68 4-m .'5 f lc)rge Wamsley 13 72 4176 640 England A Brown 7120 4178 lot) ' T. Wiviislair (lYom J. I "owe 111 27 00 320 T. H. Wa!rsfl'(from W. J"arkvrl .. 68 82 61 Henry C. Wilt CCalv- 4181 4093 tloniu road) 7 61 50 Pat M'Civady (from seated list) 11 00 4o7 100 William Apple 20 50 65 Armel Turley 13 67 00 Jos. Wilheha (fiom Mat Hays t !d 77 40!i6 l.'W Joseph" Wilht'lm 27 49 4184 600 Joseph Wilhelm 4000 f2 Nolilo Coal A Oil Cb. 24 42 424f 249 " u 8192 4247 6,;0 " " 18300 4241 650 " '' 183 00 4087 25 Richard Edwards 6 87 14 Richard Edwards from A. Green 3 69 80 T. J. Keller, from M-. Kln 7 60 160 Owiier Unknown, J. Barth lot 12 10 60 Jacob Hartman. from Faberly 8 25 171 J. 1). Wetmnu, M'- Quone lot 84 33 C. W. Rigby, 2 lot fh M. J. Eariey 8 60 W. A M. Cloak 21ots from M J. Eariey 3 CO H. Larga-r, 1 lot frohi M, J. Eariey S 80 4134 100 (eorge Weis 20 50 4082 803 Sheldon. A'tebigh A Bates from E Hurler 71 70 4077 TOO Sheldon, Stebigh 4 Bates from E. Huffer 200 89 HlGllLAND TOWNSHIP. 3660 2T1 A. M. Wcldler 25 64 3781 lboO Thomas St ruthers 137 00 8763 1000 Thomas Struthers 137 00 2O20 1099 Thomas Strulhers 160 45 566'! 831 C. B. Wright & Duhr- ing 97 38 3664 631 " " 07 38 3663 831 " , '' ti 38 2019 896 tthlfer Bryant 82 25 1778 1031 Walter Bryant 133 15 2025 106 A. Wolf 10 84 2025 100 J. & M. Mack, N. E. corner 11 60 2025 330 Frenian Ellis 45 88 1465 670 Fox & Robert CI 71 1464 603 '' " ' 82 92 3752 600 John N. Lane 124 14 3785 1000 John N. Lane and, f 09 69 1331 1005 Allegheny Bank Pitts. burtrh 92 12 2032 1052 William Robinson 191 73 1803 902 John F. James 88 27 3761 10P5 Martin Hart 149 94 1783 9C2 Abner Cnssellj from C Corbet t; .. S8 23 1858 88S John V. Brown 121 7.5 3706 1000 J. 0. Chapin Estate 91 70 2463 315 J. C. Chapin Estate 43 84 2430 289 J-C. Chapin Estate 40 30 3054 1029 Wray A Graham 140 93 3057 1000 Owner Unknown 13700 2034 64 Owner Unknown, snb. div. 0: 5 90 3770 906 S. Jones & Co. 83 13 3771 800 Nathaniel F. Jones 72 95 1799 800 Chns. B. Gillis Sub div. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 10980 1779 500 Clras. B. GillisSub (liv. 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, C9 00 1776 100 Jonathan Jones, sub lllv.l HID 2034 118 John Heunkle, sub . . div. 3 16 83 2034 finj E. E. Kennedy sub 6. C 4 8776 100 S. P. Johnson, N. E. corner 10 10 3776 160 S P. Johnson, S H W corner IS 68 3780 216 S. P. Johnson N. &N W. corner 25 48 3786 162 S. P. Johnson, N. E. .. , . corner 20 i4 3656 01)0 Bank of Pittsburgh 32 50 8778 looo Henry M. Deckert 91 70 3055 1019 Alfred Avery 137 57 2033 1043 Jonah Bryan and Others 142 82 3R60 496 I. Wflmatth Est. mid dle part 68 43 HOKTON TOWNSHIP' 4371 53 Joseph S..IIvde 11!08 4230 1057 J. S Hyde, Vineyard Bun lot 267 05 4396 Kl- J- E11 190 37 4279 9;12 J. L. Ellis 177 12 4283 1077 Hyde, Bradley k Co 270 20 4370 50 Wingartner & Rubel, sub div. 10 8 50 4370 50 C, and M. Albert, sub div. 20 8 50 52 Jacob Didlot.sub div 23 850 100 T. Echman, sub div i!3 . 16 00 50 Joseph Hertzel, sub 4371 4371 4370 div 8 10 45 50 Mathias Kline, sub div. 10 10 45 4371 62 Mathias Kline, sub div. 27 10 81 4369 573 Penna. Cannel Coal Co. 181 04 4341 99 " 300 88 4453 900 ''' ' 284 60 4342 677 Shawniut Cnnnel Cbal Co. 182 61 4343 569 "' '' 180 23 4450 000 " " ; 284 60 4281 1060 Johu O; Hall and jl Hyde 26(J 63 4282 1071 John G. Hall and J; 8. Hyde 270 89 4248 41 Noble Coal & Oil Cd 1133 4249 60 " " lfl 1" 4370 25 Joseph Wilhelm, of No. lo. 5 90 4340 200' Short 4 Wilcoi 20 20 4241 533 ' " 08 19 4342 675 Hyde Brock wajf 213 62 m " (R. Giles lot) 8 87 75' " (M'Cull'gh lot) 12 34 4400 2-30 8 89 4242 107 (Fairman lot) 14 48 4278 106 " " 07 14 83 "' 100 4272 375 Short, Wilcox' & M Clellan 83fi9 4343- 21 James 3Vilsort: 5 ,58 4242 347 N. B-Lane and"Othrs 44 71 4200 660 Henry Lorain Carlisle 42 58 4183- 990 " 0337 4200 350 James M'Clellan, W 42 54 418 140 jmrt 18 04 4188 2.50' i N.k" 32 40 4181 24.3 , West " 10 43 4188 200 Nathan Bailey, E half 26 20 4188 350 John Hulme, middle 34 07 4271 610 John C.Frenelt W purt 39 33 4370 25 J 0 Law. of No 19 5 72 4100 200 William Mack 33 80 4370 60 George W'eis,6ub div1. No 17 1046 4370 60 George Weis,sub div No 10 1045 4370 ' 25 George Weis, sub div. . No. 19. 5 72 4379 50 George Weis, sub div. No. 23 10 45 JAY TOWNSHIP 5283 1100' Amos'B. MerriH 182 50 5288 825 Amos B. Merrill 268 30 6287 325 Amos B Merrill 223 76 5289 646 Amos B. Merrill' 177 90 6290 . 612 112-160 Amos B. Merrill 185 13 4U 4 400 William Parker 6180 4195 676 James Lynde 94 17 4196 9S9 D. K. Jones 161 21 419 204 JtmM BtkM - 84 16 4107 220 Jhiiics Htokes 36 74 6003 000 Jnmes Stokes 161 38 4194 207 Sebastian H'eis 34 61 19.7 t45 Sebastian Weis 40 68 97 100 Ell Kennedy 8 20 '197 60 Mrs. Mary M'Carmey V 10 4197 60 Charles B. Miller 9 10 4198 8,50 James Donnehauer 92 70 4895 134 Reading, Fisher 4 Co 37 18 4899 333 ''' " 74 03 4897 50 ''' 010 5010 090 rhllip M. Price 113 66 5019 900 Philip M. Price 11306 5000 900 Philip M. Price 113 0(1 4896 212 E England . 03 47 5007 090 E.B.England 113 86 5004 090 EB England 113 86 4892 200 Dubois and Lowe 33 4o 4185 690 John O. Reading 282 4195 )() Richard Gardner 08 30 4185 iw0 llezekiah llorton 49 00 4848 100 Hezekiah llorton 22 00 4891 400 B. A. Weed Estate 100 30 4894 ?51 Reading and Bartles , From Robt. Rot brock 68 73 4893 410" Reading and Bartles 01 47 4284 1100 Rendi 111? and Bartles 212 00 489 25 Dnvid Tyler 6 40 6029 60 Fin ley , Young Co4 1180 4802 320 I). W. Moore 62 84 4898 990 Henry h'rain 428 00 5017 090 Henry Loraino 428 00 5030 94 0. R. Price . 16 21 4893 04 Tyler A Finney, N E comer 16 21 4895 93 ' u 10 80 4895 08 16 86 4893 217 Woodward 4 Finney 36 11 419 T2 Horace Littlo 12 05 5032 75 Hammond, Jont?o A Co, 17 20 489!) 293 H. Henrv & Co. 04 29 5030 26T A; E. Goit'fr. A Pearsall 1240 4906 300 A. K. GofT from Lewis Sleight 39 61 4906 100 W. S. Hmbleh N: W. corner P: Sleight lot 17 20 5013 990 Finley, Young & Co, B. & W. lot 116 83 4180 090 Perkij & Bowman 161 38 5032 100 J. R. Morey, from J. .8; Fisher 14 05 5032 180 George O. Brastow 39 99 6280 65 GeorgeO. Brastow 141 77 4845 lot) David Carskaddon 22 00 262 Joseph Wilhelm Va cant land from T Tozier 57 56 502-8 &9o Spring Run Cbnl Co., from stated 208 30 5031 T2T " ' 197 27 4i!)l 100 John F Combs 17 20 4841 195 Joseph Wilhelm 16 27 4892 490 J. E. Putman 4 Co:, from J. R. Cox 107 84 4899 350 " C.Brown 77 03 J0NE3 T0WN81IIP 2331 625 Rob'tRalsev. from J. ' H. Cnnrnd 125 25 21 29 193 0S 08 13 05 CS 40 70 2504 2731 S073 2073 2073 2592 2025 2505 2610 4840 3443 2310 23l0 2323 2326 2329 2332 2333 2301 2363 2377 24:5 -Mar 2489 2527 2551 2.554 2504 2587 2591 2593 2598 2599 2001 2008 2011 2012 2014 2000 2080 2791 3180: 231.5 32)7 3218 3220 3226 3228 3229 3230 3231 8232 3233 3237 3243 3242 3251 3252 3253 8290 395 4903 4904 2504 2504 2527 2553 2534 2564 2010 2791 3214 52LT 193 090 393 486 200 330 090 990 50 200 :oi K0 090 .1 Chaies Heebner John Scott, . tfeorge Dickinson Owner Unknown, middle part 06 80 Wm. Wernwng Estate 14153 " " 14153 R. W. Brown Owner Unknown1 8 10 50 20 47 81 9 20 M-K'n 4 Elk Land Itn't Co. 193 06 193 06 193 0(1 193 06 193 08 193 t8 103 08 193 00 193 06 193 06 990 990 090 090" 090 990 990 990 090 9'tO i;io 090 802 090 740 757i 990 000 090 0'10 090 990 990 990 090 090 090 990 8'.?fl 090 090 990' 090 090' 818" 090 490 990 090 090 990 495 990 495 990 990 990 ICO 70 990 990 23i 193 96 1 uu 00 193 06 156 21 193 06 144 56 1-16 50 193 06 193 00 193 06 193 06 193 06 193 06 19S00 198 06 193 00 193 06 193 00 103 00 64 26 103 00 193 06 193 00 193 06 193 00 159 82 193 00 06 00 193 07 193 06 103 00 193 00 ICS 81 393 06 108 81 193 06 193 06 193 00 20 40 34 58 193 00 193 00 iien 1 nomas ij lvane 00 Gen. Thomas L Kane 40 00 Gen. Thomas L Kane 32 21 1013 859J Gen. Thomas L Kane 167 84 627 Gen. Thomas L Kane 102 85 490 ll 397 797 Gen Thomas L Kane 90 06 Gen. Thomu6 L Kane 30 10 Gen. Thomas L Kane 78 11 Gen. Thomas JvKane 165 08 7V4 10 Gen. Thos. L Kane 155 23 3"J2 1053 Gen. Thomas L Kane 204 70 3224- 453 Gerr. Thomas L Kane 68 30 3290 3294 3293 3295 3296 3290 2610 2588 3293 3296 2588 2610 2588 2610 534 Gen. Thomas L Kane 104 68 206 Gen. Thomas L Kane 42 69 1S3 Gen. Thomas L Kane 36 61 292 Gen. Thomas L Kane 67 64 12'v CI eli. Thomas L Kane 20 22 200 Gen. Thdrilaa L Kane 39 80 96- Gen. Thomas L Kane 19 43 05 Gen. 'Thomas Ii Kane 19 43 i03 Gen. Thomas L Kane 18 94 837 Gen Thomas L.Kune 173 07 205 (en. Thomas L Kane 52 41 947 Gen. Thomas L Kane 184 71 C21 Geu. Tlionlas L Kane 121 47 3291 3293 3290' 320(7' 3143- S03 88 121 Gen. Thomas I Kane 59 79 Geli. Thomas L' Kane 179 01 Gen. Thomas L Kane 36 20 80 31 497 627' 450 450 44.5- 918 865 118 289 230 90'J (Ten. Thomas L Kane Wilcor Tanning Co. 16 52 45 65 71 67 82 88 59 30 64 30 64 19 33130 121 08 1.1 69 42 01 33 66 128 60 158 53 128 43 108 14 69 57 174 62 21 01 3224 3227 2223 3229 3237 3242 3044 3111 3140 3143 3214 3225- 3255 1108 3256:' 096 3257 611' 3253 483 3:6 t 1222 4846 141 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2543 900 Darrah & Moore' 221 50 900 ' 221 60 900 ' 111 25 675 William Dilworth ' 100 30 850-- Rumbach 35 0 375 William Armstrong , Estate 87 75 900 James A'Hara 18190 900 Jaia A'Hira 181 90 2548 2542 2590 2518 2518 2645 844 2517 900 Jnmes A'llara James A'Hara James A'llara Owner Unknown Owner Unknown 181 90 181 90 181 00 2523 900 2790 900 2067 673 2565 900 164 85 181 90 t 2789 693 Spring, Creek & Clar- ion Riv erou to.. lor tax ot 181. 387 24 2773 093 Owner Unknown Owner Unknown Owner Unknown Owner Unknown Owner Unknown Henry R-n light Estato Meo. & Jessie Mays J F. Wynkoop & Co Owner Unknown li. V. Wynkoop William Crispin " . " 141 10 135 00 151 75 151 75 151 75 26 71 9 04 181 91 21 10 001 14 40 14 40 7 70 181 90 181 90 181 90 61 25 131 65 650 4134 900 4135 900 4129 900 192 2518 60 2524 900 57(H) 100 2.518 25 2318 100 :oo 30 2539. 900 2362 boh 263!) OtK) Daniel II. Tabor, S V corner township (J. H. Wright 4 Duhr Jng . 2792 250 2581 650 " " BIDGWAY TOWNSHIP 4393 171 Constant Van Hershoir 3660 1112 J. K" Si'hnllz' 8261' 1142 J. S. Scbultz 3284 004 J. ,S'. Behuitz 3285 437 J. f. Schultz 4819 467 J. S. irchultz 4S50 762 J. 8. Kchultz 4853 879 J. S. Sehultz 4854 735 J. 3. 8chult. 800 J. S. fehultz Dust 62 03 400 29 417 24 241 78 160 29 171 19 From J J Ridg- 278 73 way 321 37 268 01 292 60 ,From A.I. Wilcox & others 32S3 '40 J. S. Schiillz FromO. V; Gillis 15 53 S259 222 J. S fclmltz From ()terhout 81 89 3264 1016 J. 8. Schltltz 354 03 3205 1018 J. S. 8ehultz 354 75 3278 1O03 J. S. PchllltZ 371 10 3283 520 J. S. Scbultz 1KI 70 4206 700 H vile, Bradley & Co. 61130 4207 894 do do 052 71 4208 900 do do 657 10 4209 900 do do 647 75 1284 1081 do d'i 057 70 4373 973 Bidgway Farm 4 Coal Co. 352 41 4376 1020 do do 372 70 4380 075 do do 245 S3 4377 1020 do do 872 79 4390 117 do do 43 05 .33 1-2 Melvin Gardner 13 15 4869 910 Bryant & Euwer 61o 4" 4870 916 do do Oil 00 4276 1000 do do ' 607 09 4283 918 do do 028 ".(1 628 do do 852 65 4395 406 Edward Ilufler 149 18 4395 629 A. Ilexhauser 230 28 100" H. M. Itoli'e 805 60 150 II. M. R-dfo CO 68 198 11. M. liolfe 7317 4392 348 George Dickinson For tax '74 East Wilmarth 54 94 6860 120 D. U. Tucker 30 08 100 Andrew M'Kibbou 87 45 4866 45 ARuCummingg 17 16 49 W. C. Healy, from C. Dill Estate 14 06 4575 75 Jits. Riley, fr W T Hobdell 26 04 29 Jnmes Riley fr. Jacob W titers tax for 175 4 61 42S8 81 Dr. J. a. Scott 80 64 60 T.B. Cobb, 8ni. Lewis lot 19 23 100 J. Powell lot 7 45 716 C. Mead lot 43 26 61 Elv lot 3 a 123 Thayer lot 47 66 40 Dickinson lot 15 63 26 Dickinson lot 18 70 5 G T 31 i Her, from C M'Nultv, 48 56 43481 4oo Wilcox 'fanning Co 3283 I From J Powell fui uii'70 Ti. 40 4848 200 Wilcox Tanning Co 32S3 From T Jnckson-for tax '75 SO 70 4390 4: Georjn? Wubnsley 13 53 1 Charles M'Nultv 18 16 46S S3 G. W, Rhinos, from . J C Chanin 42 78 66 Geoivo W Rhine. From II Warn or tax '71 13 10 49 B A Dill, from C Dill Estate 13 II 400 B F Ely, from Souther & Wiilis ' 134 20 170 B F Ely, from J V Honk 69 5;) 60 J A May, F. Butter worth lot 1 Si 60 lieo. Stcphcnaon, from I Stepnenson 19 23 63 C V Gil! is, from J. V. llouli 20 v, 71 Casper Bivgger From Gra.H lloi ti.u 10 59 1055- H F Elv, from J. J. Bidgway 852 M eo It. F Elv, from J J 4313 4802 4803 f 4808 Riduwav 27 58 1537 653 00-160 Gen Feth Glover 240 26 120 Decker and Sharp From W II Usterliout 44 74 2 J V Houk From Dickinson f-nst of Bidgway 8 09 4?4o 013 Owner Unknown"" 219 90 43fc! 103 Sheldon, ttrebigb Bates51 67 4390 601 do do 182 01 4304 40 do do 140 80 4394 426 do do 156 07 4302 020 d- do 220 99 4391 900 do do 852 00 ?0 G. T. V heeler fromG. W. Ehines SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP. G S3 5705 CS02 5793 5790 579 1 5800 5801 1147 Hyde, Bradley and Co 290 68 )37 do d(f 28 100 199 . 07i 1-2 637 433 1-2 do do 1V do do do da do do do 27 00 4-J 39 560 00 280 24 24 '16 5797 543$ Neilliogevs andBlakel 70 03 1.560 504 j do do 452 11 5798 do do 1H76 iH do 323 9-J 57911 1035 5709 316 do' west part 99 59 4044 844 do east part 120 23 255 do do 54 04 1557 602 wm ihngham Ehtato 157 63 1558 619 Win Binuham Estate 102 92 1559 5)9 Wm Bingham Estate 162 92 1563 6ol Vi'm Bingham Estate 167 31 1504 6ol Wm Bingham Estate 157 31 1507 690 Wm Bingham Estate 157 00 3570 519 Wm Bingham Estate 162 92 1509 619 Wm Bingham Estnto 102.J2 1572 600 Win Bingham Instate 157 00 1573 600 Wm Bingham Estate 157 00 1571' 50O1 Wm Bingham Estato 157 00 1374 500 Wm Binglian Estate 157 00 1575 600 Win Bingham Estate 157 00 1505 501 Win-Bingham Estate 150 28 2436 1358 Bryant and Euwer 465 69 1.502 601 do do 174 08 2748 634 Henry R Moore 116 21 2942 350 Henry Raught 122 80 2971 900 Merchants' Manufac turers' Bank of Pittsburg 409 00 2086 000 Merchants' Manufac turers' Bank of Pittsburgh 46 900 2915 900 D Carrier and Others 502 60 2943 900 G Blalo and Others From J S IJyd.j 937 CO 2775 113 0 Blake and Others 30 64 2037 1055 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburgh 220 44 yV" George l Messenger 32 20 iooj duu tamuel Crawford 4509 150 Dehaven & Procius 2775 329J L F. Powers From J 8 Hyde 2792 200 0 B Wright E Duhr itiK 21 80 32 20 85 24 42 60 1501 485 Richard Baurer 4 Jno G Hall BT. MARYS BOROUGH. 84 20 LotNofc. , ... Ill Geo. F. Schaefer,' Ainandas street 1 28 43 44 4 3 58 62 Bidgway Farm Coal Co Ceu'tor uttM 68 9 81 82 83 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 and 1-2 of 80 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co.. Maurice street H 1 31 83 85 87 39 41 44 45 47 48 49 57 63 54 and 65, Ridgway Farm & Coal Co John street 33 39 30 54 63 64 67 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co Michael street 0 50 1-3 acre Ridgway Farm & Coal Co Mill street rear of Geo. Ed. Weis 2 31 55 Owner Unknown, Rupert St. 1 28 41, 88 and 8 Owner Unknown Ru pert street 1 83 0 James Boyle, Patrick Ktreet 1 28 102 and 103 joirn snerman Pat rick street 82, 83, 84 91 02 05 100 and 101 Owner Unknown Patrick St. 1 65 3 20 1 30 1 23 1 27 1 28 1 28 89, 00 A. M. DemmUt Patrick street 68 Pat Flaherty Walburger St. 69 Owner Unknown . do 5 C'has. Overholter do 60 John Cornesky Joljrt street 69 61 62 03 64 65 and 66 Owner Un known John streets 2 03 58 John Million, tax of 1875 Jno St 1 15 0 and 10 Mary Wrinkle, Louis St. 1 80 12 3 11 13 and 17 Owner Unknown Louis street 2 65 85 30 and 44 James Boyle Erin St. 1 82 50 Owners Unknown Erin street 1 27 20 Owner Unknown Shamrock fct 1 23 24 and 26 Owner Unknown Sham rock st 1 55 lfl! Geo. Ed WcU. St Patrick st. 1 2s 41 Pat Lawlcv M icbael st. tax of '7 41 60 120 acres Ed. M'llugh & Co from C Lubr 45 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 ami 11 George Weis Maurice street " 8 43 70 and 7t George. Weis Walburger street 1 65 3 George Wei?, Erin street 1 -'i 16 ami 17 George Weis Louis street 1 59 50 75 77 73 52 53 54 uud 06 Geor Weis Ruiiert street 11 20 109 110 Geo. He's Amanda street 1 55 9 11 18 20 19 24 unit 25 George Hei Bcndlct street 2 92 20 23 28 42 and 45 Geovgo Tills Shamrock street 2 43 3 acres, George Gregory, from Rev Louis Ciirliiyvals 5 13 8 Nicholas lleniiing, llalburgcr st 2 10 J lot, George Krellner Centre st 6 50 HLATKB LANDS. returned by collectors upon which suf ficient personal property could not be found to pay the several taxes assessed thereon: 13ENZINGER TO II'NSHIP. liar Acres Owners. Yir Tax 20 Mnlhin Keen 1863-0 4 40 25 M'chucl Fcldbam 1865-6 4 1 1 110 600 6 23 II'D Luckcnbnch 3859 I 91 Martin Kennuerer 1859 5 )2 4958 Martin Nathan 1839 111 Charles Hunt 1863 3 00 800 Kennuerer & Knurr 1805 19 75 tO Sebastian Eisenhauer 1872 037 60 Hit-bad Hennery 172 0 It 25 Thercsia Rot hen holer lb72 0 IS FOX TO II NSIII V. 100 Christ r.enning'.r 64 A. S. Hiss 82 Jerome Farario 3 SC I 5 01 3 804 2 0 1 164 1 01 1S64 3 27 3 V64 2 ti.'i 1V01 1 0,; 60 60 60 60 Patrick M'Cready Henry Reedy J . F. Rol lertson W illiam Sh'-rwin, Jr. 1804 2 39 25 iriMamSherwh:, Sr. 1864 1 05 32 1-2 C. A. Wilco H-64 1 05 CO Jno. Arner, lr. E Hays 72 1 i do in 11. '72 ( 171 Jatne D. Vi'etluun U-72 60 John Euborlv 387; HIGHLAND TOW NSH J P. 6 ; 50 150 Painiifl Eilit borne I860 2 23 M 162 1-2 John E. Nicholson 1872-3 65 6 3770 100 Ueckwilh & !Bamii.-;U-r do 3 CO HOHTON TOWNSHIP. 64 Patrick rtiileh 1873-4-5 12 57 ,1? C. P., Eariey 1S73-4 10 20 125 Isaac llorton ti i 23 52 JAY TOWNSHIP. 100 John Fisher 1S64 3 0O into "1 Eurley & St. John 727 I )Wiil-7t)2S0 3 Annuel Bell Estate 1!75 1 24 JONES TOiYNMU P. 04 Mary E. Hurlinuiinio ltCj.lO;i 1C3 100 67 M 67 60 John Dawson' lw2 2 5'J Henry Liiee 1Si;-'-o 3 62 Anthony f inder lsi;3 2 25 W. M. liaiulalea li-7:1 3 1 0 John lk-cclier tlo 1 c. John t'lu-iiiiKiead do 3 82 80 Kt efer lot, 'I Gen. T L Kano lUStolze lot, J '71.5 356 40 Koef'erlot do 1675 2 44 Lot No. 1M, Wllc-OT, Wm. Col- Him '7D-5 1 66 dol'JT do Hull Lowe lr74 1 16 do 204 do Mih. i'ium y do 1 32 M1LLSTOXE TOWNSHIP. 2 P. Gi iilin 171 I 05 2518 100 William Crinnin li72 4 00 4042 6.'.'6 Kttiilt&Co. 3 871 11 17 CS4 H'illiairi J. nilworth'75 61 80 20 Georii-e t'ralt tb75 6 45 It IDG 11 AY TOWNSHIP. 400 C V. (Mont. farm( 1874 45 (V 6 3-4 Albert Villis Estate 1674 1 80 SrillNG CHEEK TOWNSHIP. 3723 15 I 49 J G Blake A Others 1H-2-5 23 10 60 Crow V7ens"! 1665 2 20 2902 moo lo-nmnHi-oslS73-4-5 10000 4') Thomas Slyhoi)' 1S74-5 2 41 ST. MAUY3 tOAOUGH Lot Ko 74 St Marys wt 1SG0 1 32 20 ne'e, i'enzinger & tV'hbiieh, Mill st l.w65 22 do d-i do 7 40 1 76 1 40 1 G4 1 40 1 40 1-2 of lot No 20 I do Centre st do 1-2 of lot "I No 20 & I lotti Nos. do Crbssbt'do II 43 47 I and 40. Lot No. 40 Capper Eelka, Center &t. Lot No. 4'.), Cusper Ilelka Centre street 1865 2 lots on Michael st., Alloys Bleof- Ken 186a 1 03 Lot No 66 tlo Anton Jcjiberger tlo 1 4o do 35 tlo F X Miller tlo 6 10 do 41 St. Marys st. PM'l'hilor-; Hey tlo 1 60 2 lots on Thercsia st. W Garbaner 1850 1 14 2 lots on Centre st, JohnHeifliutf "111 Lot No 33 John Kalhman ti j 1 00 2 lots Michael Lawler do 122 Lots Nos ID 20 21 1 25 and 26, Cross at J AntonMaierdo I if rest M Tresh tio 1 s 1-2 ol'lot No 12 Gentlest 1 lot 011 John lit Michael Zimniett .1.. 1 ( Lots Nos 12 14' "j N J Bradford & iu m aiary a Kt J Eots No 25 Maurice" and 33 & 40 Sham rock street " " A Joseph Clicatic 1S76-4 ; Lots 6 and 4 John Geitner 1873 Lot 'nnHiilKtii....i. ..f r 1, It?:'1" 21ots do do J Ilerhotzer Lots Nos 13 fc 10 Ccll-1 tie htreetantl 12 t 14 tMIIennes Maurice Btreet I Key 1 lot Fruueis Kronenwettt-r 4 0J 1-2 lot and house 1 Kroncler fc T lot No 4 Walburger st S. Eiaen-, . gQ huuer Andrew ltogan 1 lot froni Jin., v 7 . rheu. 417 2o John M'Gill lot on Mill at fr 7, . ,r Luhr iiiiio JACOB H'CAULEY, Truivl Treasurer's Ortice Ridgway, P., March 14 '7 Tbo following belong wilh tlie Treasurer'! Sale of unseated lanJe. NORTON 4372 8$i Wm. Mack 71 7? 4371 224 tlo 22 60 4431 876 do 85 0V 4 Oil) 807 do 84 22 4451 1030 do 00 88 4152 ,-0'J do 74 83 4212 23 do . 3 69 . . FOX 4373 139 Wm. Mack 16 42 liE.NZINGER 60 Jncob Dolektr 8 82 PKATKI). John Buyer , Hot and house near Railroad St. '74 8 41 'po 'lilU CITIZENS Of 1'liXXSYL JL VAMA. Your attention i9 specially invited lo the fnct t hat the National Hunk! are now jirejinr?'! to receive subscriptions 10 the Capital Sleek ot the Centennial Uoavd of Finnnco. The Itinds realized from tins sourco nro to be employed in the erec tion of the builuinps for the Internationa -Exhibition, and tlio expends connected with the t-umo. It is confidently believed that i!io Keystone Stale will be represented uy the nawo el rvcry citizen alive to patri otic commemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. Tlio Bhares slocli are offered for $10 each, and sub scribecs will receive a handsome engraved Ccrt'fic-Ue of Stock, suitable tor framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at ihi rate of bix per cont. per annum will bo paid on nil payments of Cen tennial iStcck ivoni di-.to of payment to January 1, 1870. Subscribers who are not near a Nation Hank can remit a check or post officii order to the undersigned, FKEL-IC i-' HA LEY, Treasurer, '.Ml WV.nut tit., I'Uiladeiphia PAY A3 YOU GO. If you pay for goods when you buy hem, yau will never be troubled with, the uigt-ujnrc of debt, your sleep will bo sweat yc.'.r dreams pleasant, and your wile, and clnldrou will greet you with a smile in the morning. Uo to l'owel! & Kiiuc's I'lo'.kl store with your cash,' t get inure than its value and go liouio hatiCod. 'J'hcy havo adopted the cash system, and Eay it i3 wurking charm- iu;i!y. Al'I'LKlOXS Ameuican Cyc LOTEDIA that the revised, t-.Dd elegantly illus tiatad etiitiou of tl:!3 woi!;, now beiug tib'itliet!, a volume of 800 pages onoa in two months, is the best Cyclopedia in America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete ono in itself. It ouly costi 3 a month to get it iu bather binding. The best and clienpc-nt library in the world. Addresj, C. K. Jud.on, Fradonia, N. Y. Hats and Caps a complete assortment at l. & It's. Hunting Rubbers! with and without heels, a large lot ct P. & K's. All otber kinds cf rubber boots and shoes. CooriOsh l;oneles3 and tkiolcsu. Also' soma of tlio ull .'.tshi-jaed :a full dress,' at P. !, K'n. Over Coats? hou $.r) to 5 a lnrge and get I'.nd splendid ntock. 1:1 cue at 1'. & K's. Rested co.Tte a gejuiae nriiele, at P.' & K's. Fuuimer Clolhiag, for t'ness IJoy and ciiildrcn, Linen, Alapae and sum mer C&shmcr at .V K's A full stock el frnsh Family groceries,' such as Teas, CoSFeu, -Stigaw, Rice,' tiyrnps, Siic-jit, R. 15- Powder, Bakiog,' and t!'.7er.t Chocolab, and every thing in that line, at ?, Si IC'a Hats: cf AIveit:-JB. Duo col'.iuin, on ycai $75 0Q' i " " " 40 00' i " " 26 00, 4 15 00 Transient ndvei-tisJaieuts per squnr of eight liiu-d, one in trtm'j SI, two instr t'ious, &1.50, three i.Eertioi)3: $2. r.uMness car 's, in lines or Ices, pr' year !j-5. . Adveriisesieala p jablo quarlorly. A rjoucru! Bloc, of winter clothing,' at very hi price at 1. & K's. II cu H.iDt iy bl'chcd or browo 'niuslius, from I to 10-4 wide any quality, go to lui quarters, I'owell &' Khne'3 and Ec-lt to your taste. Youn;; man if you want to add' greatly to your appearance go at once iu ruii j'iijijttiuixjo urana Oen trnl -.1 rrt ni) 'flt .-rtupfLtP t . uclii', KUJiuii-f ouiii it;r tn lro'.u that up. j fiivftte AurlAis oEoe t call for bill liofidc. btter-1: ls, eardg, eliirping tsgi,' and i you are loing to get married leT' us anJrdcr 'ergour cards Tlic ilamiitou Corsets at P & K'i' aro I'A uicst durable, arid'tbe cheapest in cirket. 1-f goods, every day' in tha yea es Sundays and legal holidaya at" lh great raammoth Grand Central1 pre of p. & K's. No bratrsm- jund. Call for whatyou want... QUOTATION'S fThite, Co.- x3 Dn,f ROKEM, , ;?; fcouth Third Street ...Tuia, ld3U, 1375 BID. ,8- "81. 0 askiv do 5.20 n t.s Ar '"rv; "ff h .1" ' 7..- , w luaued -J u-j utj j uu uo do 1UI 1191' 121( 123 . 1181" 127j 1174 117f 1I2 52'' 44f ' 18 t. 135 10 84 47J: 63 u uo -un j ana J Ji4 uu uo -L7 Uo 118 do do '08 do "121 10-40, do coupon ,.!!!!! 122 do l'aoitio 0'u ; Im. off ."!!'llg Hew 6'ihcg. 1881.. ii? " " C. 1881 1T7 Gold.........: it. Silver V.V".'".'.'.!1"'.'.. x cuueyivailia 1191 "r"'Bu navigation I7i - ' LuitedR Uof NJ ex. div.. 67 wreen J34 wuru.crn central..- ex. diT 0, :;"""' J-raasporiaiion 47 .enqueiioning 621 0 k Morijag 'f '89 103 104