I G. A. RATllliUN, AUnrnnv.at-liM r v niagwy, r. 2 2 if. y r V. RUFUS LUC ORE, ',9 Attorucy-al-Lan Ridgwr.y, LVi Co., Ta. OITioo in Hall's new Brick Building. . Claims fur 1 Collodion promptly attended to. onlly. HALL M'V ALLEY, Aitornpy3-nt-Liw. 1 , Offics 111 New Brick Uuildicg, Main Si I Ridewny, KIk Co., Pa. v3n2tf. J. 0. IP, BA1LKY, ATTORNEY-A.T-LAW. i ' - vlnioyl. Ridgway, F.Ik County, Pa. . Agent for tho Traveler's Life aud Acoi dent Insurance Co., of Hartford. Conu. . JAMES 1). FULL Eli TON, . Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated iu Rigwny, offers h's professional ser vices to the citizaus flf Kidj'way tna fnir .rounding country. AH work warranted. Oflice iu Service & Wheeler's Building, up otairs, first door lo the left, Tu-n-iiJ ly G. G. MESSES GEE, , Drnpgist and rai"iric.emi.'t. N. W. romei of Main ai d ;i'.l street;', l'id;;way, Pa. .full assortment i !' eai cl'.i'.ly s .'cie.l l" or al D-jincs'ic In in.'. Prescript urns db:pi'i:--c! .it I'll liu;:r:;, d:;y or aigi v 1 Hoy T. S. UAUTLLY M l., Physician uriii Suicon. ,. : Office i:i Li u :iip, rmr ju' and J.Iain M?. l;idv!icc cm-iier t.u.ad M. pppositi t iie u!'..-.."i. . ftfiije !:r.'" lu.ni 3 to V) A. M. r.ud fro-: 7 tu " !'. M. vlir'vl. J. S. liOKI'VL'J.L, M. J)., Eclectic Physician mid Surgeon, lms remov ed his ofiice Irani Centre meet, to Mail si. Ridgwoy, Pi'.,, in '.he second story of the Sew brick building of Jo'iu 0. Hall, oppo sit Hyde's store, Oiueo hours: ! to 2 P M 7 to P P M HYDE UUlZjE, Riduway, Elk Co., Pa W. II. SOIIllA.V, Proprietor. Ti'tukful for the pntronpgo heretofore bo liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, ty paying strict at tention lo the comfort mil convenience o' guest", to merit a cotiiiniu.iice oi th name. Ott 80 let'f. KERSEY HOUSE, OuNTUUVtLLS, '-S Co., Pa. John CoLiist, t'loprieU'.r. . Thankful lor t tic patronage lievsiolort to liber Uly bestowed upon him, i Ji e new proprietor, hopca, by paying ttrict at eution to the comfort pud cuuve'jucuct Cf guests, t 'merit a couiiiiu':'.a of liic oamc. I'. IV. HA Yd, Dry Gco3.es, Kolions, Grccsrics. ci Genx'-l Variety, POX ELK CO., PA. Kartell vliHTtf. wmm Si'- 0 iia...r. !;y.3J C'lIAULES HOLES, . Wa'.cluiir.her, Engrnvcr r.aJ .'evfcler Wnia Btreot, Kidjnrny, Pa. Aent fcrlhc ilowe jffcwiug Ma.chine, and Tdortou Gold jfen. llepairing Watches, cto, douewith he tnrao accuracy as heretofore. ISutis- factiaa guaranteed. vlnly Ri&gvay Cemetery. it,is arc now olucied lvir Fate i.y tue Rid idgway Ccuictary Association ia the new Cemetery The pvescat low rnce f.;r lots - 2 . f 4 fnay eoou be advanced. W. S. HAMliLEN, Secretary liidgway, Sept. 7 1S75. n-29 YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO JAMES II- II AO HUT Y Main Street, F.idjwny, Pa. jRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CATS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constont'ly on hand, oud sold as chesp as tbo CHEAPEST. JAMES If. 1IAGEUTY. Fresh family Grooerirs, and Canned roods at 1 & K's- The cbtapest and RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Krie 11. R. Division WINTER TIME TABLE. ON omlafter MONDAY, M AV 21, 187"), (he . trains on the Philadoiphia & Erie Railroad will run as followBi WESTWARD. KANE ACCOM leaves Hinovo 4 33 p m " " ' ?)rift(vood.. 5 C3 p m " " " En'poriuta 0 P3 p m " " " St Marys... .7 iV'i p m " " " Ki.lgway... 8 23 p m ' " " Wilcoa- !t 03 p m rr at Kaue.. ! Jill p m EI'.JE MAIL leaves Philadoiphia 11 33 p m " ' " llenovo .1103 a m " " " Lniporiuui 1 III p in 2 W p m 2 93 p m 2 38 p m 7 30 p m 8 00 a m 8 80 a m 0 23 a m " St. Mary's " liiilgwny Wilcox " arrive at Krie J AST WARD. KKNOVO ACCOM leaves Kane ' " Wilcox llidgway., 8i Marys JO 0) a m Lmporiuin 11 Ou a in " ' Driftwood. " ' Rcnovo .... L'ltlU MAIL le-.ves lirie 12 lop m t 40 p m .11.20 a m , 8 -i" p m . 4 OS p in " " " Kaue i' " " Hilcox " " " Wiugway -'..-Jo p m " " " St. Mary's 5.10 p in " " ' Emporium 0.05 p m ' " ' lienovo 8.23 p m " " arr. at Philadcphia... G.30 a m Rcnovo Aceoin and Kane Accom connect cast and xev-t at Kaft with Low Grade Di vision and 15 H Y & P It R. WM. A. BALDWIN. Hcn'l Sup't. NEW XjIVKIIY STABLE DAN SOiUBNElt WISHES TO IN (ortn tlio Ciltzctis of Riclrway, e':d the public generally, that lie litis sinrted a Liv ery Stable and will Ucp GOOD STOCK, GOOD C.-' RRIAGES Uu ;iirs, to let upoa U:e most rMsona ble I cr.is geUe w'U also do jab Ur.n.ii:g. Sialic ou Drond street, above Main All ciders left cl ill Pott O.T:ct will acel prompt attention Aug 20 lbTO. tf. Private Tnj.ticn, Pupils wanlisg to receive instiuction in lircck or Latin, or desiring to prepare for College on have opportunity of doing so by applying to the Rector of Orara Church, lie liaviug male the nec-Ji-ary r.rrange mcnts rill be gl.-ul to receive r. limited mimhrr of young ladies and gentlemen for instructio'i. Fur informal ion as to terms &o apply to KEV WM. J AS. MILLL'F. A. It. Ridgway, Pa. 171 STATE r.f Thos. C.-.n:pv,i;! fr.: lr.le of 2Iiighlar.d township, l.lic ecuuty df, cmim1!!. All persons iudibltd to said es tate arc requested to :uu':o irntnediate pay ment, and those having U-jul Claims n rr.i in t the Mine will present t'lcm without O'lny in prop'.'i' ti'.b r, for se'tlctiunt. lo ROIU'. 1. CAMFRLLL, Administrator. A'idrjv.ny, Pa., Maich 13, IbTd i;t (it AWJ I I S i A TOE'! OTI CE, Kst A'vr. or Ii't-mi Mcrni'AiJv l):x'r. XjKTTKKS TiT.MF.;-: TAl'Y IIJI'.UI tlio AlioVf estate huve i j - ii fvv.nitf' I totl'.C lliHlrliJR"', I'll )i .tv'ili: itldi'Mcil to ;:,'ii;l e.-toU' tire .''(U'js(eil to diiJu- pi'.y uti'iit. mill th'-s'' iiuviim' cl'iini;'! to i!'f Miit the sttitic wiiiiout il.-'iiv, tu liKXHV MvCHKADV Aaministrator, Ki-i'mv, T-'lk, t.'ottiny, I'a. or lo liis At-toriicv.-i Hall .u M'Vai i.kv, KMcwtiv, I'll ' lU'.t.' Can licit. All ).'i;''.'!is lire lu.-ivLy viinieil not to purclitu'O nr ii'CiltHo wit'i oneMoMlt r A litiliinuti lire proof tifu puri-lmsc'il Ly thu itiiiii'ivitio;! at Shorill'V Sale, tui'd tf 1 1 in the etise of A. J. Avery ot Wceil vilie, until t- enllit to ivni''t' the came, tis. ih" said A. J. A'-erv has no int .'i'.'.-t ia s-uM safo. i: r. Avritv. Wee.lvtilo, Aiiftl 1st , l.s7t iiirtf. ftflsi c;.''s I'tit'v'- Ioiii.-e is horeliy fiivi ti that the f 1 l"s in,n' neeo'Uif Jiavo been tik-.l in ):ty .'t!iti',ii ml v ill he ire.--)il'l on the lir.-rt day of the next term ol' the tir-jili!in'.-.''nut for e'liithiitiiuoii, bein;r the 4lh Moniiity in Miiy, li. Fin til ticeoiuit of li'orae'1 Liul" 'iml liir.iru Kloston, Adiniiiistrntowoftho es-tateof C L auk Eglk.s J'oX, (U'ceand. Final uceount t-f V.'alhtnva Tivwli Adjiiinistt'iitrlx of the estate of Ma tj 1 1 as .Tr i:?cir, dct-eiised. tti)iU'iu"iitul Recount of Jtronie Fowed Adniinistvator of the c.-'tate of J. C. t'jf i'i v, decetipeil. h' HKD. .SeiHENI.NG, Koglfter. Caul km. Weod"illo, Aj.i'il 4th, 187G. Ail pei' ssonsare hereby warned not toiiiirehuse any of the following named articles now in the possession of Mr A J Avery, of lleedville, Klk county, Pa , its said articles were purchased hy the under siKiied ut Sheriff's Snle, mul are only left in possession of the uti.l Avety until convenient for rue to remove them: One worrol more, one hlaek and white cow, three yearling ntcew, one two yenr old hull, one two year old lieill'er, one white liofj, one hitfigy, one lumber wagon, one pair lojr bJeds, one pair fancy sleds, one oil stile, one pair plnH'ovm scales, one heating stove and pipe, one heutin.tr htove, one Jot of po tatoes, one lot of corn and straw fod der. . O. L. AVERY. n8tf. A complete stock ot ladies misses pad cliildrens slices, liht, medium aud heavy at P, & K's. Now is the time to Alpacas cheaper tbaa ever -Lefo known at P. k K's TOB TORK. We are now prepared 1 W to doull kindsof J015 WOK1C, Eiivelepe8. Tags. Bill-leads, Letter heads tioniltf mil ilipuTilv Axenuted. ' f)theA in Thayer & Hagerty'j; new building, Main LIST OF YEXDF.RfS OF MER CHANDISE IN ELK CO., FA. The following Is the report of the Mercantile Appraiser of Flk county for 1870. Verniers of Wcrclif inllso, FT, MAttY'S IIOKOIOM. Claxn. Name. S-ilr. Tit.r. 12 Wels P.ro. 10,000 12 f.O 11 (iillord JTall A Co. ' 13,000 13 00 14 Mrs. M. M'Knnllv . , 4,000 7 00 12 Whitman V. Weldtn- bu-rner .''.OO 10 00 4,000 7 00 10.000 12 30 20,000 20 00 '1,000 7 00 4,000 7 00 4.000 7 00 4,000 7 00 '-',000 10 00 4,000 7 00 10 t .'OO 12 30 4,000 7 00 4.0CO 7 00 13,000 15 00 1,000 7 00 23.000 20 00 4,000 7 00 8.000 10 00 14 .lames Ulnkely 12 ('has. Luhr 10 t'oryell (-'lhtss 14 (.ie'.'rf.re II. tiarner 14 Charles M'Vean 14 Clmrlrs Holes 4 F. L. HncerinRur 13 John Weidcnbi.'rner 14 Kd. M'J'.ridc 12 W. C. Si!ifi:.rdr-t'6 14 Charles Miller . , 14 Adam Foehtmni 11 Walker f- Son . 14 Joseph Wilhelm 10 " 14 I,. C. Uaeyer 12 .Sosenheiiuer !' T lev FOX TU.W NS1IM 14 J W. llnvs 4.01-0 7 00 14 M M'ih;n 12 Koch A- ion Li J. J. Tavlor 14 Koch d-Son 14 John M'Maln n 14 II. Hriesslv 41 C R Farley llOICI'U.N 14 J. S. Hyde 14 J. Cimoo ,0J0 7 00 12,000 12 30 0,000 10 00 4,0'K) 4,000 J.IIOO 4,000 11". 4,000 4,000 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 TiV 11 J V. Wilcox Adnijiii.-'tix 4, 0(!0 7 00 l : r i.h iv A Y To v s i m . 14 K K. Givsh 4,000 7 00 10 .1 S .t-W. II. ll vde 23,001) 20 oo 12 Hyde Curt lss ?.0!K) 12 3d 14 T."s. IbP'tlcv 1,000 7 (Mi 14 .billies 'Voouwanl 4.0o0 7 no 14 Chnrl'M Holes -t.t:; 7 00 11 I'owel! L- i.'ime l-O:0 13 oo 14 (i (',. .N'efwenjrer l.ooo 7 oo 14 A lluhliiKin -!,i;0) 7 on 14 .binies Hajrorly 4 ooo 70,1 Li M'(.iji.iin t-M'Uceba". 0,000 lo 00 14 Ji A lircndel 4,000 7 00 0 W !!. Osterhoilt :;3,000 23 00 14 ItobcH Ctunpbell 4.000 7 00 12 O P. Ovant 12,000 12 30 14 Little 4.000 7 no 14 11 M llolfe Wiliimi-tli i'ko 7 00 14 0 U Farley, Wliistieiov.-n l,ooo 7 00 loNit.S 'i'OVNSIUf. 14 .1. C. Malum; -Loot) 7 00 14 M sower-' 4. not) 7 00 12 A T Alilricb. !-,t,o.i lo 00 (i Tanning A1 Lumber C'. o3,ooo 30 00 1 ; 1 : m ktt i : ti w r s j 1 1 . 14 W F Johnston 4. 000 7 Oo 14 Miles Dent -l.i'oo 7 0.1 14 L t- L. Winslov 4, 000 7 (.0 jay tow n.-; 11 ii', 14 F. II. Dixon -1,000 7 00 lliliir.rils. ST. ."WAJiV's. Joseh F. WlndfcUler 40 00 hi. lid v Ay. Q W Itbines 3 tables 30 00 G W l?hines, b.-ivliiitr alley now Jinnes Jl'Uiiinis, 3 tables " 30 00 .toxks. A C Allen, 2 tables 40 00 r.mvers. HT. JIAltY'K. 9 Josenh Wimlfeldcv 1.000 8 00 10 Lot-en;: Vofc'el U.H'M 3 Vj 9 Vilj;.j;l t..i;s t;,''i:o 8 (M S Sovjj if- iVcsnifer 3,ytJ0 8 uO K.'V. 10 .A.udrev- n-o. 2.0' 0 3 t'O .An iilOic;-.! will be h''l. i;t the court house, lii.lirv.xy, on Sittaa'.ay. May 2-., l.'ii, where you feeliiie iig.vTieve' I l,y said iiioi.'ai.-eiiient, (an lui e sf.e'u re- tirc-sj the law provides. L. ii. (lAiCNFlt, nl.t-'.'1 Meveant lie Appid:-ir. LIST VF CAUS2.4. f-'j-' f down fji-riii.l .it thj May Term nl the t'l.T.-t of Coinumn pleave i-l L;i Coiiiiiy coi'.iinc ut itrg Monday, M-;y 23(ii, 1870: 1. L. S. "Dodd vs. John Murtti, No. 41, Noven. her urm, ". 2. V.'nliam AC. Jlvaas vs. A. J. Avery, lio. 1 April term, '71. J. J. 11. V, himian vs. .Io!m M'l'-aTic, .o. 33, August 1 e nu, ",'! 4. l.i.z.nus Moy.;r vs. Patrick Limb, No. 4, Aug'.iit leru, '74. 3. ii. W. .;oiet!.-",id et nl , tidn.iiiisiratiirs if i. V,'. M'Cluie. tirccascd, vs. lliruin CaviniL', No. 2S, September icriu, '7-1. 0 John Andrews vs. (I. T. Wheeler ft Co., No. ti:l, f-t)touiber term, '7l. 7. ii. C. MUbllvs. The 1',-uua. ailroad Co.. No. 0, January term, '73. 5. Frank X. Sorg vs. U. C. Oyster, No. 3, .hi:.", uy tu i'i, '73. 0. Miles .'JL-nt vs. M. C. V.'yckoiF and Wibian yckof'f, jo. 3. May lerm, '73. 10. Sarah K. Wilcox, wiuow &c., v. Jesse and Joltn l'lu t, Xo. 21, May term. '73. 11. V.'m, J!. Voung; ct cl. v. The Allc dietiy N'alley Railroad Co., Io. 28, May term, '73. 12. l.i'iana E. Lucoro vs. Jiiraui Wcod wriid, No. lis, May term, '"3. 13. J. E Hates vs. .Martin Knz, Xo. 174, May term, '73. 1!. John J. F.idgway, vs. Isac Stephen Fon et at., No. 173, May term, '75. 15. John. I. RidgiVoy vs. Smaa H. Luiu.i ct ul., Ko. 170, May term, '73. 10. .1. K. P. Hall vs. t. Kuties and Mary Euues, Xo. l'J't, May term, '75. 17.' James lJlack vs. Oiriu S. Sanders, No. 1't, September term. '75. IS. A. Wolf & Soi, vs. Mania Ecz, No. 23, Hsptcmber term, '71. 10. J. V. . .Brown vs. 1'. 13. pulen, No. Cl, September lei ni, '73. 20. JI. C. Moore etal., vs. The Township of Millstone, No. 70, September term, '75. 21. lico. Weis, survivor, ke., vv. The he. Mary's Coal Company, No. 100, September term, '75. 22. D. C. Oyster, late sheriff, for use, vs. Martin Surg, ct al., No. 107, September term, '75 8. A. C. Alien vs. H. W. May, No. l'J.1, September term, '73 21. Ceo. Drown vs. William K. Winslow, No 231, September term' '75. FJIFD. .SCJKE.NING, Clerk. Ridgway, J'a., April 25, '70 nil. Hatica b Cn-parlnerahij;. Notice is hereby riven that tho 1111. dersiyned have this day associated themselves in the butchering business under the linn name of Mercer liros. W. F. j'JEKCLR. : U. P. MEUCER. . All persons in indebted to W. F. M vr cer are requested to come forward at once and settle up. W. F. MERCER. Ridgway, Ta. May 1st lb7ii-n lit 3 A GOOD KOrSK. ' A Slartlin? Cause of Debility aud Sick ness fully exulained in a laige octavo Trea tise by Dr. "o. l'HFLPS LHOrtX, 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J 10 VERY MAN AND WUMAN who is ailing in any way should send aud get a copy ai once, as it is eent free, prepaid by mail. Address the author as above. vGiil240t SHERIFF'.') SALF.S P.Y v-lrtuo of sundry writs of fieri facias alins furl fr.icis, alias levari fuoing, nnd testatum fieri facias, issued out of thb Court of Coirunon Pleas of Elk Counly, nnd ti ino directed, I, Dauiel Scull, II igli Sheriff of raid cfiunty, do hereby givo notice that I will rjpi'i-o to public salo or outcry, at the Court 31ouso, iu Ridgway, at ono o'clock P. JI , oil Hlomlay, 31ay 22l, 170. all of defendant's interest, claim and de mand of, in and the following real estate, "iluato in tho township of Spring Creek, Elk County Pennsylvania, bounded arfcdos cribed as follows, to-wit: Commencing at a hemlock o'i the bnnk of the Clarion river, corner of land formerly belonging to A. St. Uiiiner; thenco north seventy uine degrees east ore hundred and nineteen perches to a post; thence uoith thirty-nine degrees east eighty-nine perches to a post; theneo north seven degrcs east sixty porches to a post; thence uorfh four degrees west thirty-eight percliti lo n post; thenco north twenty-six1 degiers cast eighteen perclies to a post; thence north fifty degrees erst thirty two porch'.;, to a post; thenco north sixty degrees cast c ;;hleen perclies lo ti post; t hence south three hundred and twenty two perches to a beech (0. cl; thenoo west nlong laud formerly of A. S. It li inns tv o hundred and two perches to a hemlock- thence north fifteen degrees west, along lands formerly of A. S. Ruines, ninety perches to place of beginning, containing two liundrol and tm h' j acres moro or less. Sic'.ed and taken in execution an the properly of St. J. Armagtist, at the suit of Hall i. M'Cauley and others. ALSO. All that certain piece or parcel of land Bitualcin tho borough of St. Marys JOlk county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Perinning nt a post Baid post being the southern corner ol'St. Marys street and a road runuieg to the land? of O. Sclueniug; thence sooth along St. Marys street Hires hundred feet,to a post; thence east three hundred nnd live tenms feet to a post at tlio line of U Selio'ii ing's land; thenco north forty degrees ca.-jt throe hundred aud ten feet along Cl. Scluen itig's land to a post on road leading to said sioho nii.g's laud; thence uorlh f ixty-eight and one fourth degrrecs west to a post along id road one hundred and rixty cight and e!x tents fen: thence west along Miid roid three hondied nnd foriy-threc feet '.o the place of bein-iins, containing two :'oros, three roods and Mvc and eight tenihs perches, being part of a couveyance from Appi'lonia Jiasselberger's evenutors to diaries Luhi , and the si'.me land conveyed by Charles J,uhr and wife lo Noah J. i,r,id ford, by deed dated October 22.1, A.I. lt::jS aud recorded in Ell; county in Dead Hook page 553, Cc-, Said lot, is under board fcui'.c, mid has a Jraaie b:1 rn ?rectcd tiiercon, 12x20 fee!. s?ei.'d Ritd taken in esccutii-n as 'the property of Noah J. Bradford, at suit of - ALSt). All that certain piece of land situa'.o in J'ox township, 1.1k county, I'enu Kylvauia, bounded and described as follows, t j-w;".: Regaining al a poet ou the north line of divisiou loui tli of v. arrrr.r.t. No. H " '; thenco er.st our. hundred rod yfift rod-:, lm.vc or lei-s, to a po-t p.;id :;to!ye b the toad; therea by the road in a ncrtl'ycrl dirc-ciou one hundred reds, mere cries, lo a iiij;;li: thence west by land conveyed to Joseph !S, Hyde one hundred audHcvcnly-uiuc- rods, moro or less, to a posi: thenco south, ninety-six rods, more cr l?s, to the p!aco of beginning, 'oiitainii'.g one I iiu'lrid acre s, be tlio i-anio more or less, being part of division iir;t of warrant No. 40'.'", and .art of the i.;iid conveyed lo Daniel J. Ki!'.;. Hbui y by David R. Griggs and others, ti usi.'jes of the Veiled States Land Company by d?od dated Novcmbei 2.td, A. V. LS-VJ, recorded iu tho recorder's otHoc of J'k o uiniy in Deed R 10'.; 'C." jinrco 217, &i. A:so. a iraiuc dvvciiiiig house or. said real c.-. i:ttc. :-:.'.'.'. aim ir.. eii ;n cxtculicn n: .i:o 1 proj'titj oi' J oiin ".'i Ciibker, at suit of John lvnc'i i Son. Al.iO, Al; thai certain VA or pic;c of gro'iau iiimtciii IJidg-.vay tovrishin, j-'lk ci'.uit'y, Potio'-y Ivauia, boiinslel and d-;s. cribtd 11s f.-Jiows: Jl'.gi'iuiiis nt tile south eul coriici" of ihe cue ai,J pie-hdlf acre lot rt.-iorv-.-d by las.ic itniton, Jr., in his deed tu Cil::eii. 'l. Wheder. dated, the Ylh, day of Vcl;i uary, A i. 1 '7'-, aud recorded in Kb. couuty, 11 Due-i ilool:, "t," page o-ll, 11;,; tiioi eo .'.uiberiy i.h.iig tlio lire of the i'lii'.a-iedpi.iii tV J 'i'ie i"--;!'.vad ten rods to a pes1; tiu-:ioo wt?te::y by a line at right angles i!h the ranro.'.d line sixteen rods to apesi; thence northerly by a line followed by til'.-, railroad ten rods to 1 be coc'.h line of paid llortnn lot; tln-nc easterly a';oiig said J tot ton's souih line sixteen rods to t lie place cl beijiuniu', containing one acre morn or lcs. Also, a tno-story ii.i'.i'ic, 1 0x22 foot, 0:1 taid real vsiaie. . Keized nnd lak':n in fr.cculiyn as (no j-.rot'oity of lO'.i i-'Uer, i.t s.iii of Martin Corg ALSl). All that certain lot or piece of .-0111! 1 situaic in the village of Ridgway, in county, Pennsylvania, lyin;( 011 the north side of Main strcot, cud bounded and described as follows: Resinning nt a beeeh corner on Main, strecL 01:0 hundred and fifty feet, mere or less below, tho brick southwe.t corner of Jacob A. Honk's rtore lot; thence north tv.eiity thrM degrees and liwiily-hve minutes one hundred and ninety tv.'o I'eet; ihence in aboutherty direction to the northeast corner ci'lc'.s of J. jr. Pill; thenco squill twenty-tiireo degrees and tweuiy-fivo miii'ites on liiimlrei'. and thirty-five feet along said 1j!s of Jt F. Dill to Main Si-eel; thence north sixiy six dc. grees and thirty.fivc niinuics east sixty feet 10 the place of beginning, being lot No. 32 on the map of plan of Uidgmy. Also a two story flame hou:e 20x30 feet, Seized and taken in execution as the pro. peny of George I). Messenger, at suit of t he First National Ran': of 'A arrou. ALSO. All of del'endaut'a interest in the following describe d real e-tatc, being in JOlk county Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: lloginuiugat tho lino of 1,1k and Clearfield counties three hundred aud liiiicly-eeven rods easterly from west line cf warrant No. 4271; thence north one hundred and seventeen and foitr-'cntln rods to a post; thenco cast ninety-nine and two-tenths reds to a post; thenc south out hundred and t-teiity-tive ro ll to couuty line north eighty-live and one half dcrrces west ninety-nine and five-tenths rods to the place ol begiuiiincr, containing seventy-five acres, being north part of warrant No. 4271. There is a two-story frame dwelling house and log barn on said property. Seized aud taken iu execution as the prop erty of Alexander Darkey, at suit of Fred. Schceuiug and others, ALSO all that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in Jay township, Llk county, Pennsylvania, known aud de scribed as lullotrs, to wit: Commencing at the southeast coiner of Mesibah It. Lucai' farm where the new read starts and runs through the orchard on tka old farm former, ly owned by L'enjniiiu Leygett, now de. ceased, and being a pi'ii of warrant No 4844 lucuce along the south line of said old farm or warrant No. 444 east sixty. two rods to a stake; thenco uoith io Ihe north lino of said old farm, thence west along said nonh line about fifty rjls to the northeast cornor of Rebecca C Morey's farm (which is a part of siod old farm); thenco south along tiic east line of R. C. Morey's farm toa stake on the road: thenee along the road through the orchard 10 the place of begiuing, con taining iifiy.one and cue-fourth acres, more or less, ALSO. One othe-; tract of laud situated in town county and state aforesaid, and Do ing part cf said warrant No. 4814 bounded aud described as follows to wit; commenc ing at the northwest corner of George A. Uullcr's farm at a stake iu the read: thence easterly along the road between R. 10. Leg gut's uud G, A. Huller's; thence eaiterlv e- longi-aid llullnr's line to the east line of sail oid 'arm (about forty-eight rods more or less); thenco north aide; s.nid east line ta (lie nortcat:t corn or of said old farm thenco west nlons tho n.irlh line of said old farm to the northeast, of r.bovo 01 ncres of land; thence south along tho east line of said fifty one acres of land to the place of beginniug containing unity. six acres moro or loss, together with the appurtenances thoreto bo longing. Seized and in execution as the property of H, F. Moery, nt suitof Oct ell A' Russ. ALSO. All the interest of the defend untspf, in nnd to nil (hnt town lot or l'leoeofuTooml shuttle, lyltifrand being in the villain of Wilcox, Jones town, ship. Elk county, known tine designat ed as town lot 'number one hundred and ninety-three, situated on the west side of Marvin Street, in said villtisro' bounded on the north by lot number ono hundred nnd ninety .two; ou Ihe east by Marvin Street; on Ihe south by lot number one hundred an 1 ninety. four, and on tho wenst by lands of the Wilcox Land and .Min ing company, being sixty feet in front on Marvin street by one hundred and twenty five feet deep, upon which is erected a two story frame house, eighteen feet by twenty-six feet, with lcanto, sixteen by eighteen feet, in the rear, and a baker's oven attached. Also, asmall stableabout fourteen by sixteen feet, and other out buildings. Seized and taken in execution ns (he property of Joseph White nnd Charles Hckert, at the suit ofthe Wilcox Lum ber Company. ALSO idl those certs In two town lolssitttute on the oust side of Walnut el reel, St. Mary's borough, F.Ik county Pennsylvania, described as follows, td wit. lieginning nt a post nt the south east co' ner of Walnut and Mill streets; Ihence along said Walnut street south one hundred nnd f ixty feet to n post tt'.ene east one hundred and fifty-five feet to a post; thence north one hun dre'tand sixty feet to ui'ostoi' 'liesoulh side of Mill street; thence along said Mi list reel in n v estcrly defection one hundred and fifty-live feet (o the place of beginning The said lols contain twelve thousand square feet each, they being !"ls number fourand six on Wai ntit street, each lot being eighty feet front by one hundred and fifty-live feel deep, bcingthe same lots which Chas. Luhr and wife conveved to John Roth, by deed dated March 20th, 1870, nnd by said John Roth and wife to Andrew Kauland vile, theprcsent grantors, by deed beariny (luted September 201 h, 1874, and together and singular the buildings. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of Mary Rlack, at the suit of Geo. II Lvcrett.. A1.S ). ill "f U-c Defendants right, title and hit' rest in that certain mes suage, tract, piece, or parsel of laud sit uate, lyingnnd being in the township of Jay. county of l-.lk and state of Penn syhania. beginning tit a post on he west line of land of Edward I inton, thence vet 4o perches to a '! re! 1 tree, thence south forty perches to ti post, thence eat forty pen i'es to a post on line ef 1-ii'd of s od, 10. J'inton, thence north t'long said line forty perches to the place of beginning", containing ten ti'-ren moro or less being a portion of warrant No. 485, on which is erected a tvo story frame dvell;ng house. Seized and t.iKen in execution as the property of Morris Flanders, at 1 he suit of J. li Kline, for rr.. Ti:h.m.s ok SALK: The following must be strectly com plied villi when the property is struck oM: 1. All l ids ip list be paid, in fi ll, ex cept where the pluiuiitf or o'.her Pen creditor becomes the ("purchaser, in which case the costs on t bo writs must be paid, tv.-i well n.iu'J liens prior to that oft iK' puivhaser, and a duly certified list of liens sbt M be furnished, includ ing tii'n tg.ige starches on the proper ty ;-oll. leget tier with such lien cred itor's reeeips for the amount of thesale, orsueh portion thereof as lie sh;fl ap pear to be entitled to, 2. Al! .-ides not sen led imme liately will be continued unril six o'clock P. .''I. at which limeail propety not settel ed fi'i' will again be put up and sold at the expeiico nnd risj; of the person to whom it v as lii'st strin-k oU'ctnl who in ca-e of delicicney ,- i ;.ueh re-sale; sit a 11 make goed 1 he Mime ami in no in stance wiil the' deed bo presented iu coin t fur conlU'inalion unless the'dd is .icuiaity sealed for with the herilt'as DANiEb SCULL; Siieriil'. .S!ieri(i"s Cilice R'dgvay Pa. April 25, 1 87'i, "See Pn rdr.n's Digest !ith edition; page l i''.; Smith'.-', forms pc.go l.t-4: LUST OF LI (L"ES. Tiill fillowing license petitions have been tiled In my ofiteiand will lie vreseni ed to too court of Quarter Sessions of Elk County on Wednesday, May 2Uh, p.t two o'olocl! p. M. TAVEKX. J. Joseph Koch, Fox Township. 2. Aniiei 'iui'ley, Jay Township. 3. frank Polimau, liidgway Township. 4. Jared Mecum, St. hiary's llorough. 5. John Vaughn, St. Mary's Dorou gh. K.VTIXO "oi'f-K. 1. An h'i w Ilau, Fox Township. 2. Angola lihi'Jsaian, St. Mary's Ror'o. o. Geoi'u'c Schaut, St. Mary's Rurotitdi- "FRED. sCIlUONiNU. Clerk. Ridgway, Pa., April 25,-'70--ull. NViV Tiiiie Tiible, jL&stwarih CAY EXPRESS 6:3C A. K3. ERSE E3Afl. S:1S P. M. F '!L22E.LHJA r X 1; G7A. M. Vr'estwovtl. 3EAAA CKratss 7;S3 p. sa. E?SSE K5.il. Z:Z2 P. U. EK2 EitiPBECS. 3:S1 A. M- Tho Niagara 10xpre.-.s makes the fastest time of any train on the road. Leaving Kane nt ti A. M., it arrives in Philadelphia at ! 1. Af.; returning it leaves Philadelphia at 7:20 A. M.j'und arrives at Kane at 8:15 P. M. V0ES F0?w THE UNEMPLOYED. Tho Thistle Edition is the only fully Illustrated Edition of Sir Walter Scott's WAVETILEY HOVELS of American make, and is "the best edition 01' tho best English novelist.'' The books are standard, and will sell for all lime. The mechanical execution is of the best. The price is of the low est. Afoi:Js wanted evcy where, to whom liberal terms and exclusive ter ritory are oll'eivd. Forty-eight volumes, averaging 400 pages each,- nnd containing nearly 2,000 illustrations will complete the scries Subscribers supplied with two volumes (a complete work) monthly, Eluvkn Months.' Dllivekies (21 vol umes) are now ready.--Price-in cloth ght extra per volume $1.50; Half Tur key gilt top $2.26. For terms etc. ad dress E. J. HALE it- SON Publishers 17 Murray Street J ew York. LIFE, Growth, BEAUT 2". LOrSSCM HAIR C3LGR RESTORER LGKQQN KAin COLOR RESTORER Not o Dye; makes harsh heir soft nnd silky; cleanses the scalp from all impurities, causing tho hair f o grow where It lias fallca off or become thin. ' ' : Can be applied by the hand as it docs not stain the skin orisoil the finest linen. As a Hair Dressing It is tho most perfect the world has over produced. The hair is re novated nnd strengthened, and' natural co'or restored without the application of miucrvl substances. Since the introduction of Ibis truly valu able preparation into this country, it has been the wonder nnd admiration cf nil clas ses, as it has proved to be the only article that will absolutely without deception, 10 storo gray hair to its original color, health softness, lustre and beauty, nnd produce hair on bald heads of it 3 original growth and color. This beautiful nnd fragrantly perfumed nrticlo is complete within itself, no washing or preparation before or after its use, or accompany incut of any kind being required to obtain these desirable results. Hero Is the Proof of its SUPERIOR Vi'ead this Home Certificate, testified lo by Edward 11. Garrigues onu of the most competent. Druggists and CliemisUi of Phila delphia, a man whoso voraci'y none can doubt.. -; I tur. happy to a;'.d r'.y terlimcny to the great value ofthe London Pah- Color Re storer which restored my hair to its origi. mil Color, and the huo appears to be per manent. 1 n tu Hatisfcd that this prepara tion not a dye but operates upon tho se cretions, it is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottle from Edward R. Garrigues, druggisl, Tenth aud Coates street, who can also testify my hair was quite gray when 1 commenced its use. MliS. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth street, Phihi. Dr. Swayne & Ho Respected, friends: I have the p'ensure to inform you that a hidyofmy acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the success of your London Hair Color Restorer." Her hair was fast falling and quite fray. The color has been restored, thu falling oft? entirely stopped, an! a new growth of hair is the result. E. 1!. GARIU'JVES, tr'jrgislj.cor Tenth and Coates, Phila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 221, 1871 Dr. Swayne & Son: Last winter while iu Trenton, N. J., I pro cured six bottles Lo"do!i Heir Color Re stoier, whi'jlr .' like very much; in fact bet ter than any thing I have rsed in the last nine years, if you please, send mo one dozen bottles C 0 1) care W S Fogler & Sou Druggists, No 723 Tremont street, Doston. Respectfully yours, ADA RARE 11 No 50 Rutland Square. Lor.Jrn Jlr.lr Color ltrstersr at.'.1. Dressing Hat: 'completely restored my hair to iis original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. MliS. ANNIE MUKR1S, No 010 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Dalton of Philadelphia, says of it. The London Hair Color Restorer is used very extensively among my patients and frieiijs, ns well as by n'yself. I therefore .-peak from experience. 75 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. SWAYNE SON 330 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa., fiolc Proprietors, , , . Alt?,!. HEiVGGISTS T II E L IF a G S C01TSUHPTI01TI This distressing and dangerous complaint and lis premonitory fymptoms, neglected coi.frh, nilit sweats, hoarseness, wasting f'csli lever permanently cured by DO-JOB SWAYFE'S COJ'iPCuj &YP.rj? Oi' miu RlltJNCUITIS A premoiiitor or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized, by catarrh, or intlamation ofthe mucum mem brane of the air passages, with cough and expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, pains in the chst. For al! bronchial atl'ec liors, tcrc ihror.t, loss of voice, coughs, DR. SarAYKS'S Compound Eyrup cf Wild Cherry IS A SOVtltKK'N ULMEDY Hemorrhage;, or Spitfire of Pliod. may proceed from the larynx, trnohia, bronchia or lungs and arises iroin various causes, cs undue physical e.rertior', plethora, or full ness of ihe vessels, wr ik Icuirs, overstraiu ng of the voice, suppressed evacu.ition, ob fciiuui'ionof the sp'.oan or liver, &c. . Dr. SwRync'u 'tuiqioimil Syrup of Wild (licrry. striken at tho root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring tho liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating the nervous system. Tho only standard remedy for heinor rhano, bronchial and al! pulmonary com. plaints. Consumptives or those predis posed to weak lungs should not fail to use this gicat vcgetab.e remedy. lis n'arveious power, not only over con. ciiuipt-ou, but over every chronii disease where a gradual alterative action is needed Vuder its use tho cough is loosened, tho night sweats dimisiched, the pain subsides, ihe pvlso returns to its natural standard, the stomach is improved in its power to di gest and assimilate the food, aud every organ has a purer and belter quality of blood supplied to it, cut of which new re creative and plastic material is made. Prepared only by ; un. swaynz & nou, 880 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Sold uy all Pbominent Druooists. Itching Piles! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, rosmvuLY cvrlu by tho U3e of SWAYNES OINTMENT HOME TESTIMONY, I was sorely afflicted with one of the most dist resting of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known as Itching Piles. The itching nt timts was almost in tolerable, increased bv scratchinj, and not nufrcqucntly become quite snre. 1 bought a box of Sivnyne's Ointment; its uso gave quick relief, nnd in a short time made a perfect cure- lean now sleep undisturbed, and I would advise all who are suffering with this distressing complaint to procure Swayue's Ointment ut once. I had tried prescriptions almost innumerable, without findiug and perms ncnt relief. JOSEPH '.V. CHRIST, (Firm of Roedel & Christ,) Root and Shoe House 341 North Second btreet, Philadelphia. SKI1T .DISEASES. Swayue's All-healing Ointment is also a specific for Tttter. Itch, Salt Rheum, Sjald Head, Lrysipelrs, Rarber'a Itch Rlotches, ull Scaly, en-sty, cutaneous Er ruptioua. Perfectly safo and harmless even ou ilia most tender iufari. Price 50 cents. Stnt by mail to auy address ou re ceipt of price. SWAYUE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over the world tor its relia ble cures ot Scrofula, Mercural and Syphil itic couipluiuts. Describe symptoms iu all ccuiniicauutio address nsletters to Dtt SWAYNE and SON, Philadelphia. n7yl. 1 i; . I I i 1 II 11 1 !,'.' 6ZD THUKSI1AY, MAY 18X11,-1870. Euot.i are plenty Lkt us have petw Nkxt week we have court. . Scnsc ninn for the Advocate Mokk reading matter after next weejs SfULi.'s goat still makes fun for the hoys. ' 1 -Have you planted your Centennial tree? ; Tun weather is too cold for garden making.: . .. The Ridgway public schools clbso to-morrow - . -.- - Cam. and see us and leave your order for job work Tn err w as a heavy frost here a few nights ago. Lixkx dusters and straw hats are coming into use. . PriTEU I Torn 11 tailing has cleaned up the court yard. It is'surpttfing how much noise a small boy can make , TitEKK afe several enses of scarlet fever at Whistlctown Ot'R Centennial letter wns crowded out this week by advei tising. The Seventeenth Kogiinent V. 0. P. will be inspected at Cony next Wed neilay. W. S. Hamlin ajipoared on the strccfj last w eek for the first time in severtl months. You will find the Advocate ofllee "at home" over Towell fc Kime's store, Main Street. . The Pliotograph Gallery will he ojien during court week and tho first week of each month. .. . . Company H. will have a dance at their armory to-morrow evening. All are invited to fit lend. ; The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of the Wilcox Nor mal School in another column . '; Seu vices at the. Lutheran Church on Sunday May 21st, Oernlan in the morning, and English at five P. M. The fellow that brought eggs to town in his pocket the other day says he wilt buy a basket to carry eggs in hereafter.- Theme should be e law prohibiting cows from running, nt large in the streets. Stock fanning is a very impor tant industry but the public streets are hardly tho jilacc to carry it on Retu.hx.ed. Mr. ;W, C. Healy aud fami'.y, and S. A. Rota returned from Jacksonville, Florida, last Tuesday evening. They intend staying iu Ridgway during the summer. Sentenced. James King and Sam uel Rathbun, arrested for counterfeit ing five cent nickels,.' find taken to Pittsburgh for trial in the United States Court, were each sentenced last week to or cj cars imrrisoument in the Elk County jail nnd 8100 tine. MARRIED. UALDWIX PAUL-LEY At the residence of the bride's mother, on Sat urday. May 13th, 1870, by Rev. Wm -Martin, Mr. D. W. Baldwin, to Miss Lcloi L. Paullcy, Loth of Ridgway, Pa. Peter ir'ughtn!liig' in Lut'k. . Last iS'i'iidny was a lucky day for Peter. In H19 morning b3 found a three-dollar gold piece, in Pat. Malone's yard, bisirirg dato 1S54, and which had probably lain there all these many years waiting for Undo Sam to resume specie payments; by ciint of much "scouring the piece was made to shine' as when new. In the afternoon Peter went out walking and found a horso shoe sticking in the mud, which lie considered another piece of good luck but to cap the climax he saw a piece of paper in the road, which upon being examined contained a pint bottle full ofthe essence of rye. It is needless to add that Peter danced a hornpipe, never ones thinking it was Sunday. ATTENTION, GRAND JUROBS'l- The Grand Jurors summoned for tho May term of Court 1870 are hereby no tified not to appear. By order of the 'Court. Attest Fiied. ScircENiNG Clerk. Ridgway Pa. May 10 1870. VfOTICE Is hereby given that one J.1 Span of Rlack Horses, and Doublo Harness and one Utica make Team Wagon now in the possession of JOHN h. MARSHALL, are the property of the Wilcox Lumber Company, of Wilcox, Elk Oo. Pa. All persons are forbidden purchasing or intermeddling with the same. A. B. PRESTOS, Agent. A CARD- To rU who are suffering from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of. manhood, dc., I wlllsenda rosipothat will cure you, FREB OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by amis sionary in 8011th America. Send a self adtlressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Ikman, Station D. Bible House New York City. ELK COUNTY IT 0 R'lf A'L' SCHOOL. Wilcox, Elk Couuty, Penu'a. IF. S. M'PHERRAN, Principal. Term commences June 13th and continues eight weeks: ' Tuition for the entire term.........$6 00' b or less than the term per week... l CO The principal is a graduate of. and ' haa been an instructor in, one of the leading Mate Normal Schools in the United States, with nine yeai4 ex penenceiu teaching. . yea-j Prof. G R. Dixon will conduct the examination at the end of the to and grant licenses to teach. . m , Number of pupils limited, therefor apply early. Board Reasonable i