- - : : 8 -n 4994 6280 6022 6340 5001 4990 6002 5013 5014 5009 5010 5024. 6025 5022 5481 5024 5003 5340 6.143 647!) 5025 6478 6011 Ilenrjr A. Parsons, Jr., Pallor. THURSDAY, MY HTlt, 17(1. Jl'KY L1S1S. Following is the list of Juror drawn Of May term, conimenelni? Monday May 22d, 1870. OltAXO Jl'HoilH. Renezette.--M. V. Rooming, laborer Ralph Johnson, Jr. farmer. Ren.intfcr. Charles Hchncldcr, fanner; R. Wcsnitzer, Jlrowcr; tleorro Pecker, farmer; Joseph N'crner; far mer. Fox. H. H. Parker, fanner; Low In Iddinirs, farmer. llorton. James MeClcllan, 1 11111 hornum. Jay. David Klines, laborer; Joseph Dill.'lumberman. Jones. Panlus .Schneider, farmer; Mieliael Dili Sr., farmer; Isaac Keefer lubnrer. RldRwny. 0. T. Wheeler, lumber man; Saylor Jackson, Carpenter; W. F. Mercer, Rutcher; 11. A. Tar-on.-, printer. Ht. Marys. M. Stibich, laborer. L, Wittman, merebant; 1 Icnry Frcder innn, farmer; J. M. Mccuiii, hotel; keeper; Henry Uansman, earpenter; Anton Rashnrt, laborer. TUAVElvSK .H'liOKht Renezotto.-Lcroy Whitlow, farmer; Edward Fletcher,' mereliant; Dennis Taylor, laborer; Henry Rlcsh, hotel keeper; Ueonre Wlnslow, farmer; John Rarr, farmer. Renziiurer. Lorenzo (!ahr-, firmer; C'lcinenHalberbcr;rer, farmer; .Step hen Henry, farmer; Frank Weis, car penter: Uco. Ivisscll, farmer; Jacob lvreeklc, farmer. Fox. Charles Mohan, laborer; Frank Armstrong, laborer; William Gibson, carpenter; David Meredith, 6477 5hl 5482 410)1 4105 110(1 4116 4107 41i: 4SS.1 4 MM J 4sr.ii 4000 40.-.S 4958 4001 4001 4103 4104 4103 4l()0 4107 410s 4 U5 4102 4110 4104 410.1 4410 4111 4070 4001 2357 4R73 4S79 4044 4045 4SS0 l'.!74 larnior. Horton. Fred. Hay winkle, farmer; B. A. Rogers, laborer; Hezikinh Hor ton, farmer. Jay, Oieo, 13. Dill, laborer; L. .S. Dodd, farmer. Jones. John Allen, Mechanic. Millstone. It. .1. Clyde, laborer. Ridgway. J- W, Taylor, laborer; Hugh McGcehin, Merchant; James Riley, hotel keeper; Edson T. Grant, farn Tor; Harry Wilson, Carpenter; J. H. Powell, narne.-s maker; A. H. Head, laborer; E. K. Gresh, mer chant. Spring Creek, Reuben Mohney, laborer. St. Marys. Anthony Fochlman, hotel keeper; John Ahlis, millwright; John Enimelt, stone mason; Anthony Auman, stone mason; Henry Fey, carpenter; William Branifl', carpenter; George Imholf laylor; Frank Keller, butcher. E. K. GUESH, Dealer in all kinds of cabinet ware, tvoodand cane seat chairs, kitchen and extention tables, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, what nots, looking glasses, wood and marble top chamber suits, mattresses, spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs, Laferty's metal lined wood pumps, fcc, &'c. Cane seats replaced with perforated wood seats, Weed vewinsr 4075 4005 4877 4800 4101 4407 4407 4SS1 machine reduced from 805 to ?15, the best machine in the market, and pic ture frames made to order. Also a lare assorted stock of ready made collins constantly on hand and trim med at shortest notice. All the above poods are sold at panic prices. Wa;e Rooms in masonic biiildinjr, Ridgway, Ha. voiH'.)tpaapri 7. TREASURER'S SALE CF VSSE VIEW LAM):. VfOTICK is hereby ;riven that, agreeably to an Act of Assembly passed the 13lh day of March, A. D. 1815, entitled "An act to amend an act directing the mode, of selling un seated lands for taxes and for other purposes," and the sovend supple ments thereto, the following tracts of unseated lands, situate in Elk county, Penna. will be exposed to sale by pub lic vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway, in said county, on the second Monday of June next, being the 12TH DAY OF JUXE. A. 1. JS78, for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1874-75, unless said taxes are 2aid prior to said date: BEXEZETTE TOWNSHIP. War Acres War'ts or Owners. Taxes 4107 4938 4105 41(G 4105 4100 4103 41(13 4110 4104 4104 4S88 4387 5332 028 5.133 1007 C335 1007 5338 1067 6.141 1007 5345 1007 5340 1007 6347 1007 6348 1007 5379 459 5380 11O0 5383 1100 5384 1000 5387 1100 5349 1008 5312 1100 50U8 090 5353 143 5334 1100 5337 1100 5350 1108 5351 1100 5352 300 f.390 1100 5SS0 1100 5287 275 5288 275 5289 223 5339 1100 4004 345 4995 433 5341 000 6012 990 5479 500 5479 100 4990 405 6481 450 5000 990 4997 481 5981 550 5479 200 6023 288 J 5388 1100 6023 50 6479 285 James Stokes fill 22 James Stokes 190 2(1 James Stokes loij 20 James Stokes 201 34 James Stokes 201 34 James Stoke 391 53 James Stokes 301 53 James Stokes 391 53 James Stokes 391 53 James Stokes 245 00 James Stokes 637 80 James Stokes 470 70 James Stokes 471 00 James Stokes 470 70 James Stokes 309 92 James Stokes 470 70 James Stokes 182 17 Myron Merrill 53 33 Myron Merrill 209 40 Myron Merrill lol 05 Myron Merrill 309 92 Myron Merrill 470 70 Myron Merrill 120 10 Jones, Hammond A Co. 33G 50 AmosU. Merrill 202 30 Amos H. Merrill 34 05 Amos H. Merrill 43 70 Amos 11. Merrill 85 16 Jonathan llrowu 130 20 Nathan W. Ellis 85 18 Addison, Swartwood A Co.- 140 07 Cornelius Wainwright 83 35 Miles Dent 484 12 4115 4110 4195 4977 409,1 4993 4992 4S60 4404 4404 4400 4106 4407 4408 4105 4105 4091 , 4092 4093 4095 4244 4245 4097 4170 4178 4008 4901 4077 4078 4081 4088 4097 4098 4374 4087 Miles Dent 02 50 Miles Dent 19 30 John Brooks 351 98 John Brooks 83 35 John Brooks 182 17 A. C. Spaulding 118 30 A. C. Spaulding 101 (15 Hobcit Ewing 37 00 Jolin Johnson 88 84 llezekiah Mix 403 GO Andrew Dent 10 13 Hamilton Dawn 53 16 William Shannon 28 45 150 200 110 550 900 195 1)90 990 Kit) 990 090 134 302 110 275 28 090 505 28 George O. Bristow 37 GO David S. Johnson 24 18 Henry Blush 08 10 Finney A Barrows 182 17 Finney A Barrows 36 G8 Heading.Fisher A Co 523 73 Ktadmg,Fi8her& co- JA'i " Hending.Fisher A Co 218 10 Heading, lsuer Si Co 42J 16 Trullinger.CroftA Co 302 95 John & J J. n. jonniion zo 01 John A D S.Johnson 111 64 v.. Johnson- and A Apker 27 84 Martin Enz 84 53 Martin liliz 1 84 Shaefl'er A Johnson" 244 54 Julius Jones 124 2: Julius Jones 7 81 God Smith, M'Cormic A Mann- SMI 30 1100 Cook A Pardee 40.1 (10 60 James Rcilley 7 10 (103 Kainh Johnson 112.1") 4008 4008 i(187 40H7 40S7 lloo nt. John A. Kothrock 70 40 (190 St. John A Kothrock Hi 64 407 in 1 1 1 40 1100 ;ioo H 14 2 Kt sum St. John A Hot li rock lol 06 H. Merriman 110 80 4374 4170 1 larbisou A Weed Finlev, Young A Co U. Wmslow Instate 65 (14 40 .so 40 14 0 7.1 (1 7.1 H 17 2-2 07 11 17 24 54 ::o til H'J i7 17 P.' 'J30 80 L'sr, 04 ,10 'Jli 02 04 03 SO 05 144 25 20 70 1178 4184 4008 RKNZINGKR TOWSIIII' 25 John Carroll 25 Peter (inrilv 25 George Wols 75 Hector Jacket 75 Jolin Milne 147 Nelson J- Wlnurtet 140 Kelson J. Wi miner 76 Cczar A. Jackot fill Lawrence A Cause. 823 " " 000 " " 200 " " - no " " .IIV II It 4087 4000 4184 4217 4373 4217 42 ur. 4247 El 4087 ,100 Lamont (las Coal Co 500 no 100 867 S 85 Hidgway Co.nl Co. Farm A 103 05 2l0 20 2S2 78 1125 lr.ofj" 144 J 898 000 70.1 270 42 101 101 140 101 !)0f. 10401-10 51(1 nso 1073J 101'j 60 Jill J).! Ill) 10 2S1 200 33 100 7S 4184 4082 15 00 Hi 10 80 6S .10 68 30 12 40 (1 7.1 1077 20 100 000 F. L LeW toii 28 (iJ West Creek Man. A 30C0 Min. Co. yS4 04 3781 3753 2020 300 1 000 I4S.1 !i00 000 14S8 '.,52 284 04 .178 23 24 1 284 04 378 32 1 82 S13 14-123 Charles j eebnpr ( teorge Dickinson Dona Cartuvvals M'Kcan A Elk Laud 3004 3003 2019 1778 2025 2025 2025 1405 1404 600 A Imp't Co .. ii William C. Black 284 04 281 04 41 05 6 15 81 60 8 45 84 01 20 10 8 17 1 11 25 817 900 112 18 107 2!) 123 60 Wilcox Tanning Co Huper Wacker 3752 3788 or . a. utcneii 1831 600 Sidonia Von Eresel 25 James Cox " lot No 65 on Cross ht. 60 John Krichncr 2032 1 27 16 S3 lot 01 I'S? 70 88 8!l 0 r8 60 85 88 102 17 18 BO ;;8 so C7 r,l -03. .Key, P.i3gwav Street. Jermiah O'Hara 1 19 1 19 1 10 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 Hey Jeremiah O'Hara James Doyle William Kennedy Wiiiiam Kennedy William Kenupdy Thomas M'Cormick it 11 John O'Connor .1 vll David Spillane Talbot Sr.wst Thomas Collins 11 11 William Shine Thomas Collins ti 11 Railroad Stroat Sarah Haley John O'Connor 2(j: 1776 1770 2034 2034 3776 3770 3780 37S0 3(156 778 3055 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 1 19 03 " " J.imC.i Covlo 10 lots bet.- Kersey A Talbot sts 2 81 Acres 310 Kev Louis Cartuvval 139 10 (Koselav, Thresia A Jolin sts 4115 60 Edward Delehunt 13 23 (Vine street, Nos. 11 A 12) vina street. 25 William Shanahan 25 M. Shanahan loo George Weis 80 E. y. Williams 8 77 817 29 05 23 '.12 47 45 68 SO 8 17 8 17 60 Beiizingor A Co. 200 Palmer A Co 25 William Corkey 25 Patrick Dwyer 40 William J. Itowim SI Win. J. Flint 02 James Hall 72 John Ford 687 Benzinger A Each- 12 40 9 00 19 50 22 05 203 40 baeli 1000 60 287 60 15 33 a 17 1 6 02 5 9 03 9 03 6 30 142 82 284 C4 284 G4 2S4 C4 James Donnelly Dan'l Eraser, "No ' Cherry road Dan'l Eraser, "3 I Maple road David C. Geizer Jolin Kleixner Thomas Tozier Johnson A Shaffer ii 11 60 60 15 495 990 900 990 22 275 110 25 522 N. A C. Kronenwet ter Phila. A Erie R R Co Augustus Wollo John Goetz George Weis 7 30 89 79 82 52 7 79 119 93 149 98 149 98 149 98 121 03 172 90 294 07 14 68 7 79 Sheldon, Steblgll & Bates 622 522 J 622J 420 C00 il 4070 1023 60 Mary Heenan' 25 Mary M'Gahari" FOX TOWNSHIP. 2736 J. 8. Hydo 1,067 00 207 C. R. Earley, Town send Fall lot 27 94 225 Enoch Ciapp 72 08 00 M. Shcean 18 55 John Albert.north half 7 25 41)5 296 J. G. Kidder 65 34 59 05 Hidgway Farm A Coal Co. 240- 49 12 (10 67 7C8 439 2O0J 144 12 70 12 05 151 30 80'90 41 30 29 05 107 05 19 86 176 60 66 00 77 35 49 75 40 74 4901 1 81Q 4890 810 E. B. England ' 4902 105 " " 4177 900 Hannah Barnard 4190 600 Richard Gardner 4900 29S Richard Gardner 4270 990 William Tarns 4273 989 William Tarns 4274 : 750 H. A. Stephens 4274 200 George C. White 4274 40 Robert J. Ruhl 4170 225 Thomas Martin.S. E. corner 4173 60 William Wensell 4070 26 Malachia O'Rouke 98 50 27 00 3 95 44 87 10 80 8 77 194 05 10 55 4180 080 J. O. Chopin Estato 4081 . 45 C. It. Early 4097 22 Franklin Kuhn 4097 24 FranklinKuhn 4O07. 27 Eliza M'Loughlin 8 42 8 77 8 (4 4107 5005 H5J Jolin K. Jones 3 77 4104 201 Tlionum Collins 0 01 4107 4107 4107 4107 410H 4805 60 Felix GainghulHti 00 PI) r.5 James Worton 12 GO ' George Wainsley 13 72 Enirland A Hrowrt 71 20 61(1 100 T. II. Wimstall" (f'-om 4 8! 10 4807 J. Powell) 27 00 T. M. W nest air (from 5(110 W. Parker) 0.1 32 6010 6000 61 60 100 05 1)0 Henry C. Wilt (Cale donia road) Pal M'Ctendy (from seated list ) William Apple 7 ci 4800 6007 14 00 '20 50 r,oo4 4802 Armel I urloy Jos. Wilhelni 13 07 4185 (fibth 4105 -Mat Hays) 11' Joseph Wilbolm 10 11 1185 484S 4801 27 40 000 Joseih Wilhclm Noble Coal A Oil 40 00 Co. 21 42 Mi) r.oo 8ln: 4s0-i 4-.N4 18-1 00 4.S07 25 602!) 181 (K) 4802 4808 Hlohard Edwards 6 87 14 Kichnnl Edwards from 6017 5030 A.Gri-n 3 CO SO T. J. Jvellcr. from M. 4803 Klim 7 50 150 Owner iTnknown.J. 4805 4805 4,803 Hart h lot 12 10 60 Jacob Hartman. from Faberly 8 171 J. 1). Wet man , M'- 4104 410, Ouonolot 3133 5032 4800 6030 4'.IO0 C. W. Higbv. 2 Kits fr, M. J. Eailev 3 00 W. A M. Cloak 2 lots from M J. E.irlov 3 CO H. Laruav. 1 lot from M. J. Earley 5! 30 loO Georire Weis 20 50 303 Sheldon. Mebisrh & l;ites from K Ihill'er 7170 700 Sheldon. Hlohlglt & Hates from E. Hufl'er 200 89 HIGHLAND TOWN SHI P. 271 A. M. Weidler .25 54 1000 100O 1099 831 Thomas Struthers 137 00 Thoma-s Struthers 137 00 Thomas Struthers 150 43 C. H. Writ-lit & Duhr- lug 07 38 12j Hose Kelly 102 64 James Wrinkle 1H7 5031 831 SI7 38 !)7 38 82 25 13S 15 4104 4S44 4802 831 800 1031 10(1 100 830 070 (103 000 Walter Bryant Walter Kryant A. Wolf J. & M. Mack, N. corner Frcnian Ellis Fox & Hobcrts 10 84 E. 14 CO 45 88 01 71 82 02 2504 John N. Lane 124 14 2731 1000 John N. Lane and, f 09 09 20i3 1005 Allechenv Bank Pitts. 20,j blll-irl) 02 12 1052 William Robinson 191 7.1 20,3 1803 902 John F. James 88 (11 1095 Martin Hart 119 04 2)02 17S3 VG2 Abner Cassell, from C 2(.2o Corbett. 88 23 2.0 - j 1858 SS8 John P. Brown 121 75 2010 (10 1000 J. C. Chapill Estate 01 70 484() 2103 315 J. C.-Chapln Estato 43 81 2450 2S9 J - C. Chimin Estate 40 30 311., 2310 3054 1029 Wray A Graham 1 10 9.! 1057 1000 Owner Unknown 13700 54. Owner Unknown, sub. div. 9. 5 90 "3 F71 r9o 90G 800 800 Jones & Co. 83 13 Nathaniel F. Jones 72 05 Chaa. B. Gillis Sub div. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7, 8. 9, 10 109 SO 500 Cha-s. B. Gillis Sub div. 13, 14. 13, 16, 17, 09 00 100 Jonathan Jones, sub div. 12 14 10 118 John Ileunkle, sub div. 3 16 83 80 E. E. Kennedy 8ub div. 0. 6 01 100 S. P. Johnson, N. E. corner 10 10 160 S P. Johnson, S S W corner 18 S 21(1 S. P. Johnson N. &N W. corner 25 48 1G2J S. P. Johnson. N. E corner 20 14 1KI0 Bank of Pittsburgh 32.50 lfioo Henry M. Deckert 0170 1019 Alfred Avery 137 57 203S 1043 Jonah Brvan and Others 142 S; (ICO 401 L. Wilinarth Est. mid dle part ''8 4: HORTON TOWNSHIP 4371 53 Joseph S. Hyde 11 03 42S0 1057 J. S Hyde. Vineyard Run lol 2G7 05 4.io 1002 J. L. Ellis 190 37 J. J j. Ellis 177 12 Hyde, Bradley 4 Co 270 '!0 4370 50 Wingartner & Rubel, sub div. 10 8 50 4370 50 C, and M. Albert, sub div. 20 8 50 4371 52 Jacob Didlot.sub '5iv 23 8 50 4371 100 T. Eclnnan, sub div 28 16 00 4370 60 Joseph Hcrtzel, (sub div 8 10 45 60 Mathias Kline, sub div. 10 10 45 4371 62 Mathns Kline, sub div. 27 10 61 4309 573 Henna. Cannel Coal Co. .1-81 64 4344 4453 4342 4343 44-50 BS2 900 677 300 88 284 60 Shawmut Cannel Coal Co. 1R2 61 509 900 1000 180 23 284 GO 4281 John G. Hall and J. S Hyde 4282 1071 John G, S. Hyde 209 G3 Hall and J. 270 89 424S 4249 4370 4340 4241 41 60 25 200 Noble Coal & Oil Co 11 33 16 12 Joseph W'ilhehn, J of No. 15. Short & Wilcox 5 90 20 20 08 19 533 43431 a-u-) t 675 Nydb J Broekway 213.02 SO " (R. Giles lot) 8 8 TS' 250' 107 100J ". (M'Cull'ghlot) 12 34 8 89 14 4,8 27 14 21 90 4400 4242 4278 (Fairman lot) 83 4272- 375 Short, Wilcox & M Clellun 83 69 4343 4242 4200 4182 42()0 4188 4188 4181 4188 4188 4271 4370 4400 4370 4370 4370 4370 21 347 000 000 350 140 250 215 200 350 G10 25 200 60 J nines Wilson 5 58 N. B- Lane and Others 44 71 Henry Lorain Carlisle 42 OS 6.1 3 James M'Clellan, w i 42 54 " part 18 64 '.' N. E. " 32 40 West " 16 43 Nathan Bailey, E half 20 20 John Hulme, middle 34 07 John C.French W part 39 33 if. ..... 1 . r . ... William Mack 38 80 George eis, sub div No 17 10 40 50 George Weis.sub div No 10 10 45 2oJ George Weis, sub div. Jo. l'j. 5 72 60 George Weis. sub div. No. 23 10 45 JAY TOWNSHIP. 5283 5288 5287 5289 5290 4114 4105 4196 4196 1100 825 325 640 Amos B. Merrill' 1S2 50 AmoH H. Merrill 268 30 Amos B Merrill 223 76 Amos B. Merrill ' 177 90 612 112-100 Amos B. Merrill 135 13 400 William Parker 61 80 576 James Lyude 94 17 989 D. K. Jones 161 21 200 Jamoe Stokes .14 80 .10 74 101 .18 34 51 40 08 8 20 0 10 1) 10 02 70 2517 52,1 207 Sebastian Hols 245 Sebastian Weis loo Ell Kennedy 50 Mrs. Mary M'Onrmey 50J ClinrUu R Miller 850 James DoniuOiauor 134 Heading, Fiyhor .V Co 3.18 " 2700 2007 2505 2780 2775 37 18 71 0.1 0 10 113 Oil 1 1300 11.1 00 113 47 113 80 113 80 33 III 27 82 208 30 40 00 22 00 100 30 4134 60 (100 1100 two 212 1)00 110(1 200 000 000 301) 100 4(!() 2-51 4135 4129 Philip M. Price Philip M. Price . Philip. X'. Price E H England E. R England E n England liubois and Lowe John G. Heading Kichnnl Gardner llezeklali llorloit Ilozoklah Ilorlon It. A. Weed Estate 6-00 2532 ,01 Heading and Hart lex From Unlit. Kothrock (IS 7.1 Heading and P.ai'llos 0147 2302 2030 2792 2581 410 11(10 Heading and Dai lies 212 00 David Tyler (140 Finley, Young J- Co. 11 80 25 no .120 000 !I00 01 1)4 0. W. Moore 62 81 llctirv Loraiiio 428 00 Henry Loralne 428 00 O. U, Prior 10 21 Tylof 4 Finney, N E corner 1(1 21 P8 08 217 1(1 80 1(1 8(1 Woodward A Finney Horace Little 30 11 ! 12 05 75 Hammond, Jones & Co, 17 20 203 II. Hen rv & Co. 0120 207 A,-E. Golf fr. A Pearsall 42 40 100 A. K. Goll iroiu Lewis Sh'iuht 10 81 4900 100 W.S. Hamblen N. W corner P. Sleight lot 17 20 220J James Stokes lloo Jnmca Stokes 3205 3278 32S3 4200 4207 4208 4200 12S1 4375 601.8 5)00 Finley, Young It Co, S. ftW.lot 110 8.1 41S0 900 Perks Howman 101 38 5032 100 J. H. Worry, from J. S.Fisher 1105 5032 JSOi O'eorire O. Hrastow 30 00 180 054 George O. Hrastow Ml 77 4845 loo David Carskaddon 22 00 202 Joseph Wilbolm Va cant land from T Tozicr 57 Cfl 5028 090 Spring Hun Coal Co., from seated 208 30 4377 4390 727 11 1, John F Combs Josenh Willielm 107 27 17 20 100 105 400 16 27 J. E. Put man & Co., from J. It. Cox " C. Drown 107 84 4899 350 77 03 J0XES TOWNSHIP 2331 825 Kob'tRalsey, from 11. Conrad 125 25 2P20 103 00 08 13 03 08 40 70 103 900 393 480 200 350 000 090 50 200 :oi 100 990 Charles Hcebiirr John Scott, George Dickinson Owner Unknown, middle part GO 80 Win. W ernwag Instate 141 68 " " Ml 58 R. W. Brown 8 lu Owner Unknown 50 20 " " 47 81 " " 0 20 M'K'n & Elt; Land k Im't Co. H'.l 03 42 2319 900 " " 193 t'O !3 000 ' " 193 06 i6 000 i' " 193 00 000 000 090 900 000 0'JO 000 000 900 090 090 802 GOO 740 757J 990 000 990 900 000 900 900 990 990 000 090 990 323 990 090 090 000 990 818 900 400 000 090 900 990 495 1190 495 900 900 990 100 70 900 990 23 232" 2329 1)90 " " " 193 00 193 16 10.1 00 193 00 193 06 193 06 19.1 06 193 00 193 06 150 21 19.1 06 144 50 110 50 2333 301 2:103 2377 2125 MS7 2489 2551 14 2504 2587 2501 2503 " " 103 00 " " 193 06 ' " 193 06 " " 193 06 " " 193 06 " " lid 06 " " 193 00 " " 193 03 " " 193 00 " " 193 00 " " 103 00 " ' 193 00 " " CI 20 " " 191 00 " " 195 06 " 103 00 '' 103 0(1 '.98 .99 2001 2008 2011 2012 2014 2000 2080 2701 1180 2315 3217 218 220 " 103 00 3226 " " 159 82 " ' 193 0(1 ' " '.): 00 ici'iy 1229 1230 " 193 07 " " 193 00 3231 3232 , ." " 103 0(1 " " 193 0(1 3233 3237 324.5 " ' 108 81 " " 103 OO 3242 " " 108 81 3251 3252 3253 3290 3295 4903 " " 193 00 " " 193 06 " " . 193 00 ' " 20 40 " " 14 58 193 06 " 1V3 06 Gen Thomas L Kane 5 65 Gen. Thomas L Kane 40 00 4904 2504 2504 2527 '25M 1013 Gen. Thomas L Kane 32 21 839J Gen. Thomas L Kane 107 84 2554 2504 627 lien. '1 nomas Ji Kane i"2 8-.i 490 Gen Thomas L Kane 96 00 2010 181 Gen. ThotnaO L Kane 30 10 2791 3974 Gen. Thomas L Kane 78 11 3214 797 Gen. Thomas L Kane 155 08 3221 794-7-10 Gen. Thos. L Kane 155 2.1 3222 1053 Gen. Thomas L Kane 204 To 8224 453 Gen. Thomas Ii Kane' 88 30 3290 3294' 534 Gen. Thomas L Kane 104 58 2G6 Gen. Thomas L Kane 42 89 8293 183 Gen. Thomas L Kane 30 51 8295 8290 3290 2010 292 Gen. Thomas L Kane 67 (11 1291 Gen. Thomas L Kane 20 22 200 Gen. Thomas L Kane 39 80 2588 3293 290 9C1 Gen. Thomas L Kane 19 43 2588 2610 05 Gen. Thomas L Kane 19 4 193 Gen. Thomas L Kane 18 94 588 837 Gen Thomas L Kane 173 07 2610 3291 205 Gen. Thomas L Kane 6241 947 Gen. Thomas L Kane 184 71 8293 8296 621 Gen. Thomas L Kane 121 47 303 Gen. Thomas.L Kane 69 3290 88 Gen. Thomas L Kane 179 01 1143 121 Gen. Thomas L Kane 30 20 80 Gen. Thomas L Kane 10 52 45 05 71 57 82 88 59 50 61 30 04 19 131 36 121 08 1,1 89 42 01 S3 66 128 60 158 53 128 43 108 14 69 57 174 62 8224 Wilcox Tunning Co. 3227 2223 3229 3237 3212 3044 3111 8140 3143 3214 3225 497 627 460 450 415 918 805 118 289 230 900 3255 1108 " 3250 990 " " 3257 fell " " 3258 483 " 3161 1222 " " 4810 141 . ' " MILLSTONE TOWNSUIP 21 01 2543 2548 2542 2596 2518 2518 900 900 9()0 675 000 900 Darrah Moore 221 50 221 60 " " 11125 William Dilworth 100 30 Rumbach 83 CO William Armstrong Estate 87 75 James A'lTara 181 90 Jme A'Harn 18190 2545 2646 000 000 000 075 000 093 James A'liam 18100 James A'llara 18100 Jnmes A'llara 18100 Owner Unknown 104 35 Owner Unknown 181 90 Spring, Creek St Clar r Gil Co.. for tax of 1875 87 2 1 Owner Unknown 141 10 Owner Unknown 135 00 Owner Unknown 15175 Owner Unknown 151 75 Owner Unknown 151 75 Henry Kaught Estate 20 71 Goo.Vfc Jessie Mays 0 04 J V. AVynkooii ti Co 181 01 ion Hiv (103 050 000 00(1 0110 102 (id 0011 I'm 25 mo 100 60 18 21 Owner Unknown L. C Wyiikoop William Cvtspin 21 10 0 01 14 40 14 40 1,8 18 Daniel II. Tabor, S W corner township 7 70 900 C. 1!. Wright Duhr ing is! 00 i'OO " 000 " 2."-0 " 150 8l 90 1M 00 51 25 131 05 HlDtiWAY TOWNSHIP 430! 171 Constant Van Dosto llershod' . 62 0 3000 1112 J. S- Sohullzl 3201 1112 .1. S. Schtiltz 3281 004 J. ,V. Sehuliz I 3285 437 J. H. 8cbultZ 1 484!) 407 J. 8. 8i iii1(z 4(129 417 24 211 78 From J J Hidg way 1(10 29 171 19 4850 702 J. S. Sehuliz I 4Vi3 870 J. S. .Schullz I 4854 735 J. R. NohultJ 278 321 208 91 800 J. S. Pehuitz From A.T. Wilcox A otheia 32S.1' 40 J. o. Pchuitz From C. V. Gillis 2259 222 J. S t'ohultz From Ostorhout 32(14 1010 J. .8. Schullz 292 60 15 58 81 89 85 1 0". 854 75 871 10 1S1 70 611 80 (152 71 057 10 647 75 057 70 "C52 41 C72 70 2 15 372 79 48 05 13 15 010.49 (ill 00 007 00 028 8(1 852 05 J49 IS 280 28 805 60 65 (18 7117 1018 1O05 520 700 894 9flo 900 lost J. B. Schultz J. 8. Schultz J. ,S. Echultz Jlyde, Hradley ft Co. do do do do (io do Ridirway Coal Co. d' do do do do Farm do do do - do. 4370 1020 4380 (175 1020 117 do 33 1-2 Melvin Gardner 4;;o9 4870 4270 4283 4195 4395 '..10 910 1000 918 628 40(1 02'.i 101 10 150 108 348 Hryant it Euwer do do do do do do do do Edward Hutlcr A. Hoxhfiuser II. M. Hollo II. M. Rolfe H. M. lb.lfo 4392 ma George Dickinson For tax '71 East Wilmartli 54 94 120 D. U. Tucker 80 OS 100 45 19 .Andrew M'Kibbon 87 45 Asa Cuinmings 17 16 V. C. Mealy." from C. Dill Estate 14 06 75 'as. Hi ley, fr V T llobdeil ?3 04 20J James Riley fr. Jacob " Waters tax for 17." 4 61 PI 60 Dr. .1. 8eott 80 51 T. li. Vobb, fc'am. Lev. is lot 19 23 109 ll't 61 '.:-3 40 2-1 J. Powell lot 87 1 1 C Mead lot 20 Ely lot ":: i" '1 1 -aver lot 47 0-". Dickinson lot 15 68 Dickinson lot 10 70 O T Miller, from 0 M'Xiilty, 56 4s48 100 , Wilcox Tunning Co -8-. 1 r ion. j i-o'.voii 10 r vx -to i& w 4818 1 2o0Hih-ox TauningCo '.2s3 f ! ro.11 T Jnekson-ior tax '75 0 . 0 4390 40 0eor.ee Walmslcy 15 68 13 15 42 70 13 10 P? II 134 20 69 50 19 32 1 diaries M'Nuity 4869 E3 O. W. Hhnn.-H, irom J C l liapin 6(1 Oeoi-o W Rhinrs From U Worn?!' tax '74 49 V, A DiU, from C Dill F-t-ite. 400 1! V I'.'.v, from Souther &. Willis 176 11 K Ely, from J V Honk 50 JA :r.y,F. Butter worth lot 50 Geo. Stephenson, from T Step.ieia.on 19 8 03 C V Oillis, from J. V. Ilouk ."0 71 Casper Rrewter From Grant a Horton 10 1055 1! F Ely, from J. J. Hidcwav 352 80 15. F "Ely, from J J Rid'iway 2V 633 uo-lt.J ben Feth GK.ver 240 4 Si 121 4803 I 4868 1537 120 Dicker and 8 harp From W II Osterhout 41 2 J V Honk From Dickinson east of I tideway 3 09 48-1(1 nt3 OwneiH'nknowii 219 90 103 Sheldon, Sire hi ah Hutesol 57 438') 4390 4394 4394 43H2 4391 9 601 do lo 18201 490 do do 1)0 80 420 do do 15ii 07 620 do do 221 99 906 do do 52 00 20 0. T. .Vheeler from a. W. Rhines 6 95 ei'RlN'C. CHEEK TOWNSHIP. 1 1147 Hyde, Hradley and Co 299 68 6802 (1371 do do 133 2-1 5793 100 6790 199 5794 1073 1-2 58110 687 5801 433 1-2 do do do liO do do do do do no r, no 42 39 51 10 00 2s0 21 224 1(1 5797 1560 5793 5790 5799 4044 6-13. Neil Rogers andlllaUel 70 6 oOlj ito lo 1 to do do do do do 152 14 532J 1035 310 344 do il.) YCHt part caot part do 111 70 323 '.12 99 59 120 23 64 04 1 57 63 102 92 2- 1557 602 .'.5S 619 1550 519 1503 601 1604 6('l 1507 600 1570 510 1600 610 1572 600 1573 600 1571 500 1574 500 1575 600 1505 601 Wm Hinjrham Ewtato' Wni Hinuham Kstat'i Wm Hiuuhani Kstate 162 92 Wm liingham Estate 167 31 Wnt liiniiliam Estate 157 31 Wm P.ingham Estiito 157 00 Wm H'nmham Estate 102 92 Wm Ring-ham Estato 102 92 Wm lliiighani Kstate 167 00 Wm liinham Estate 157 00 Wm Ijinjjham ICstato 157 00 Wm Hinghan Estato 157 00 Win Hingham Eslafe 157 00 Wm HiiiLdiam Estate 156 28 2136 1:158 Rryant and Euwt r 405 09 1502 2718 29-12 2971 2980 501 do do 174 68 654 Henry R Moore 110 21 850 Henry Raught 122 36 900 Mercliants' Manufic- turers' Rank of Pittsburg 900 Merchants' Manufae 409 00 46 900 t 2915 2948 Hirers' Rank of Pittsburuh 900 D Cariier and Others 562 60 900 O Rlaiie und Others From J S Hydo 937 00 112J O Rlake and Others 30 64 lu55 Allegheny Hank of 2775 2037 PiUsbuifjsh 220 44 4550 182 George li Messenger 32 20 4552 300 Samuel Crawford 21 80 4569 150 Hehaven & l'locitia 32 20 2775 329J L F Powers From J B. Hyde 85 24 2792 200 C R Wright Duhr-' ing 42 60 1561 185 Richard Raurer & Jno Gllall ' 8120 BT. MARYB ROROUGH. Lot Nos! ' 111 Geo. F. Bchaefer, Amandaa btreet 1 28 43 44 45 58 C2 Hidgway Farm Coal Co Center strii?t 6 0j 31 82 33 34 35 80 37 38 39 40 41 and 1-2 of 30 Hidgway Farm Coal Maurice street . 31 33 36 87 80 41 44 45 47 48 49 67 63 54 and 55, Hidgway Farm & Coal Co John street 13 33 30 61 05 01 (17 Kidurwnv Farm A Coal Co Micliaol street 0 60 1-3 acre Hidgway Farm A Coal Co Mill stl-eet rear of Geo. Ed. Weis . 2 31 55 Owner Unknown, Rupert St. 1 28 4 1,88 and 8 Owner Unknown Ru pert street 1 88 9 James Boyle, Patrick street . 1 28 102 and 103 John Sheridan Pat rick street 1 65 82, 88,84 01 02 95 100 and lol Owner Unknown Patrick St. 3 20 89, 90 A. M. Dommitt Patrick street 1 80 68 Pat Flaherty Wal burger SI. 1 2 09 Owner Unknown do 127 5 ('has. Overholtzor do 1 28 60 Jobn Corneskv John street 1 28 69 61 02 63 61 65 and 66 Owner Un known John streets 2 01 58 John Mallon. tax ol 1.875 Jno St 1 15 'iiniil 10 Mnrv Wrinkle. Louis St. 180 1 2 8 11 15 niiil 17 Owner Unknown Louis si root 2 65 85 80 and 41 James Ho.vlt? Erin St. 1 82 50 Owners Unknown l .ri'i street 1 2i 90 1 1 w 1 Unknown Shamrock tit 1 28 24 and 26 Owner Unknown Sham rock !-t I o-i I'll Geo. I'M Weis, St Patrick st. 1 28 41 Pat Lawler Michael st. tax of '7 4150 120 acres Ed. M'llimh & Co from C Lulu- 43 00 1 23 4 5 6 9 and It George Weis Mini rice street 8 48 70ai'd71 Gcorgo Weis Wulburger street 1 3 Gcorue Weis. Erin street 1 28 1(1 nnil 17 Goorire Weis Louis street 1 59 50 75 77 78 52 53 51 and 60 George Weis R 11 prt street 3 20 109 110 Geo. A m:"id'l street 155 9 1 1 18 20 19 24 and 25 ( leorge 1! Vis Bcndict street 2 92 20 23 28 42 and 45 GcMVge HVis Shamrock street - 3 ncre, (.teorgo 'iretrory, from Rev Louis Cartuvvals 5 13 8 Nicholas Ilcnl'ling, iralbuvger st210 J lot, George Krellner Centre st 6 50 SEATED LANDS. returned by collectors upon which suf ficient personal property could not be found to pay the several taxes assessed thereon: DENZINOER TO lUNSHIP. War Aere-j Owners. Year Tax 26 Mathias Koch 1805-0 4 40 25 Micliaol Feldham 1805-0 4 1 1 1 10 IUD Luckenbach 1850 1 91 49J8 600 Martin h'emmerer 1859 5 12 0 Martin Nathan J859 1 11 28 Charles Hunt 1805 3 00 800 Kemniorer - Knurr 18(-3 19 75 CO Sebastian Eiwnhauer 1872 0:: 60 25 kichael Hennery 1872 0 18 T I teres i a Rot hen hofer lt72 6 18 ;'OX TOTVNSH1P. 100 01 ;jj O') 60 63 CO Christ llenninger A. 8. hib-H Jerome Farario Patri. k M'Cready Henry Heedy J. F. J.'ioberison Wiiiiam SUerwin, r-64 5 01 104 2 01 1864 1 91 1804 3 27 W,4 2 0,! 1864 1 93 Jr. lcO.1 2 30 25 milium Sberwin, 8r. 1801 1 05 12 1-2 C. A. Wih-OT n-il 1 t;5 10 Jno Amer, fr. E Hays'72 1 1-2 .') s. mill. '72 ! " 171 Jame D. Weiham 1872 3 0 37 fo John l-'al.'-i-lv i-73 2 50 11 Ui II LAN I) TOWNSHIP. 150 Samuel Ellithorpe I860 28 0 lt,2 1-2 Jobn F. Nicholson 1 1- "2-.1 65 6 6 103 Beekwithi Hann'ster do 3 00 HORTON TOWKSHIP. 64 Patrick tt alch 1873-1-j 12 57 -8 I , ,.i li.'-'l.l ' O !ll 125 100 S V(l Isaac liort on do 23 "yj. 1AV TOWNSHIP. Jobn Fisher 1864 3 60 1 Earley i- St. John 7 j . Js.iil-7 92 80 . i-amnel Pell Iiat: lb75 1 21 JONES TO .VNSII I p. 4 Marv E. Hiiriiii'-'ame 1; l.-'O lM'2 lS-i. 1873 do do i 4 09 : 2 50 13 02 2 25 3 00 1 92 3 32 1"H loj 07 94 o7 60 J'.-hn Dawson Henry Luce Anthony ttu.Ier W. M. liundak-t Jobn Hi echi r J')la Spiinii.-tcad fO Kcei'er 1 4, Gen. T L Kane Kl Stol.e lot. ) ' to heeler lot Lot No. L-9, Wilcox, .50 0) 18 ,2 44 Wm. Col lins '7.1-5 1 50 do 19V ,l Hall Lowe 174 1 1(1 do 204 do Mrs. Finney do 1 32 M1LL3TONE TOWNSHIP, 2 P. Oi-iHin lc71 I 05 2518 Mo AS'illiam Crisiiin 1872 4 00 4012 030 Staibtv-Co. 1871111" 581 H'illia-nJ. Dilworth '75 (il 89 20 (iconic Craft 1875 5 45 RIIKi ll'AY XOWSSH1P. 400 C V. (Mont. furn( 187-1 45 80 5 3-4 Albert Willis KM ale 1874 1 80 SPUING CHICK h TUWNSHU'. (i Blake & Others 1802-5 28 10 60 Crow Vclisel 180. 2 20 2902 K00 fownian liros 1873-1-5 10000 40 Thomas 8)vho!f 1874-5 2 44 ST. MAKVd l'l)i.(JUCilI Lot No 74 1H Marys t 1869 1 32 20 ac', Henzingcr & twehbach, Mill i;t 1W5 7 40 1 70 1:0 uo do Centre bt do 1-2 of lot No 20 J 1-2 of lot I No 20 ,i I lots Nos. 1 40 do Crows at do 1 64 U 43 47 j and 40. Lot Ko. 40 Capper Helka, Center et Lot No. 49, L'usper Belka Centre Ht reet 1805 2 lots on Michael .t Alloys Hleoi' uen i860 1 40 1 40 1 93 Lot No OH do Anton Jes'nerger do 1 40 i!o35 ' do F X Miller do 0 10 do 41 St. Marys st. PM'l'hilor-; ney do 1 60 2 lots on Theresia st. W Oarbauvr 1859 1 14 2 lots on Centre st., Johnlleiiling "111 Lot No 33 John Kalhiuaii ilo 1 09 2 lots Michael Lawler do I 22 Lots Nos 19 20 21 I 25 and 26, Cross ht AntrmMaierdo 155 1-2 01 lot No 12CentrestMTier.li do 138 1 lot on Johiibt Michael Zhnmctt do 1 04 Lots Nos 12 14 1 N J Bradford & 16 St Marys st J 1873-1 4 30 Lots No 25 Maurice and 33 & 40 IShuin rock street Joseph Chen tie 1873-4 3 01 Lots 3 and 4 John Geltner Lot Ko 5 Walburuer st. C Over 1873 1 00 holUer 1S73 1 10 2 lots do do J Ilerhotzer '74 2 25 Lots Nos 13 & 15 C'en-l tie street and 12 & 14 i M Hemies- Maurice street J sey 1873 8 60 1 lot Francis Kroncnwetter 1873 295 1-2 lot and house 1 Kroneler it liilo Centre stiver J 1873 2 52 lotSol Walburircr st S. Eisen- hauer . ili74160 Andrew Rouan 1 lot from Jim Shea 1S7417 25 John M'dill lot on Mill et fr f JACOB M'CAULEY, Treabiuer Treasurer's Ollico RidKway, Pa., March 11 '76 The following belong wilh tlieTreasurw't Sa'.o of unsentcd lnnilc. HORTON 4372 884 Win. Mack 71 11 4371 224. do 22 60 4484 870 d" 85 09 4.109 807 do 84 22 4451. 1080 do i' 88 4452 709 do - 74 88 4212 23 do 8 6 FOX 4373 139 Win. Mack 16 ii UKN'ZINGER 60 Jacob D. Dcleker 8 82 BEATHD. , 1 lot and house near RallroadSt. '74 8 41 rtU THU CIXIZKNS OF PLNNSYt Ji VAN I A. Your nttontion is upcoially invito! to tho fact that the National Bank nro now prcporsd to rcceWo subscriptions to Hie Capital Stock Ot . the Centennial Board of l inanco. The funds realized from this sourco are to be employed in the ereo tion of tho buildings for the Internation Exhibition, rind tho expenses connected with tho S'.mo. It U conlldontly believeoV that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citiicn alive to patri. otic commcmovatiou of tho one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The Bkares stock ore offered for S10 each, and sub scribcrs will receive a handsome engraved, Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing au l preservation as a national memorial. imprest at tho rate of six per cent, per annum will bo paid on all poyinonts of Cen tennial KtccU ti-oiu dato of payment to January 1, 1876. 1 Subscribers who are not neai a jfationn I3unk can remit a check or post office order to the undersigned, D UEU'li j- KALLY, Treasurer, 901 W alnut St., Philadelphia PAY A3 YOU GO. fyou fay fur floods when you buy; hctu, you will Dover bo troubled witli the uigt-maro ol debt, your sleep will be sweet your dreams pleasant, aud jour wil'o and cliildi-cu wiil greet you with e, Binilc in tho nioruiug. Go to Powell & Kinie's mode! sture with your cash j get more than its value aud go home fcatir-fied. 'J hey liavo adopted the cash system, and fcay it is working chartu inglj. Ai'i'LETosa American Cyclopedia that t'.ie revised, rod clamantly illus trahfd ediiiou of this work, now being published, a volume of $00 pages once in two uioaths, is tho bit'tyslopodia in Arucriefl, ii! certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete one in itealf. It only costs 83 a month to get it in leather biudiug. Thcs bent and clictipesi, library in the world. Address C. K. Judson, Fredonia, N. Y. jf v . Hats aud Caps a complete assortment at I', k K's. Ilurtt'ui ilu'ohers! with and without heels, a large lot at P. & K's. Al! other kiu-Ja of rubber boots and uhoed. CoodSJi boneless and f-kiulew. Alec some of the oil 'aahioncJ in full dress, at J.'. vr: K'n. Over Coat.--? from ?o lo S-.r) a lnrgc und fj.louuid ntock. Step in and get enn at P. & K's. Hosted coffee a genuino artiele, at P.' Si K's. Muia'.air Clothing, for those Doy and children, Linen, Alapnca and buui t.ier C.'a:diu!er tit 1' & K's A full j'.ock. of fre.-li Fauiilj groceriei, fuch ns Tea?, Coffees, Su.-jar, Ilice, i-'jrups, fipi'ccs, It. ! 1'owdcr, Rakiug, auii fjwect Luoo'jlato, anU every tinog in t!i:t iine, at i!'c K's. - . Eatcs of Advertising. One column, cue year i 4 ' T ransiT.t advert iocnisr.ts .$75 00. ,. 40 00 .. 25 00. ,. 15 oe per square of eight lines, nae insertion 1. two inser tions, 41-50, three insertions, $2. Business cards, leu lines or less, per year i'5. AilveriUtmeats payoMo quarterly. A general f-toot of at very low prieesatP, winter clothing) & K's. Il you want any bl'ehed or browc muslius, irom I to 10-4 wide any-- (juitlity, go to head quarters, l'owoil & Kime's and select tt your tatfe. Young man if you want to add greatly to your appearance go at once to POWELL & KIME'S Oraud Cen tral Store, and ct youself a new white linen bo6oui (shirt. You can get a good fitting whuo clean shirt for &l.2o aul Irom that up. Give il-.c Adtooate oilica a call for1 heads, Is'.lcr-hcads, CM'da, shipping and if you Bra going to get married leave ua an older for your cards Those Hamilton Corsets at P & K'e aro the most durable, and Ike cheapest iu market. New goods, every day in the year except Sundays aud hgal holidays at the great mammoth Grand Centra! Store of P. & K's. No bragging around. Call for wbatyou want. . QUOTATIONS White, Powell & UA1.KEKS AND BROKE1W, . Ko. 42 South Third Street Philadelphia, April ISah, 1876 BID. ABKKD U. S. 18S1. c 121 J 122 do5-20,o'C5, M and N ICalled do do '65 do f do do 05 do .118J 118 do do '65 J and J 1174 118 do do 'C7 do 118J 118 110 U0 09 UO 120 10-40. do coupon 122 do l'aoitio 6's cy Int. off 117 New 5'slteg. 1881 12b " " C. 1881 nc HCi Gold H7i 118 Silver . Pennsylvania ,M 2 Reading 55 Philadelphia .4 Erie , 44 do Valley......... 4g? United It B of N J......... ex. div137 un tn-eeu 135 1371 Kl n . 1 . .. .. ? ? iiuiiuciu vjouiiui, , ex, CUV Central Transportation 47 esqlueaoulng 54 0 it A Mortgage 6's '89. ..l05J"106J' Co; 1201 1225 1181 126 113 664 45 194 49 61J 133t 35 48