G. A. RATHJWA, Atlorncy-at-law, Ridgway, Pa. '22 If. RUFVS l'uCOREy AUorney-at-Law Ridgwsy, Elk Co., T. pflioe in Hall's new Crick building. .Claims for Oolleclion promptly attended to. v3nlly. HALL & M'CAELEY, Attorneys-at-Lw. . Office in New Brick Building, tai'n St hidwny, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf. J, 0. IP. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Vln-ioyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acci dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLERTON, Surgeon Denst. imving perttianentiy io ented in Rigway, offers hia professional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway and sur I on ruling country. All work warranted. Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up stairs, 6rst door to the left. 3 h-82- ly CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and iewoler Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent tor the Howe Sewing Slachine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing; Watches, etc, dorewith be same accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Parmaceutist, N. W. cornel bf Main and Mill streets, Ridgwny, Pa. full Assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. . Prescriptions snrfifullv dispense at ill Hours, u iy oi night. 'InSy T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Plivatnlnn ntia Surgeon. Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Sts. Residence corner Broad St. opposite the College. Office hour Irom 8 to 10 A. M. nud from 7 to 8 P. M. vln2vl. J. S. LOR DWELL, M. D., Eclectio riiysiciun and Surgeon, has remov al his office from Ciuue street, to. Mail si. Ridffwny, Pa,, in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, Olliee hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 9 P M HYDE JW USE, Pino'wAT, Eift'o., Pa W IT. SflliEA'M. I'roDfietor. thankful for the patronage heretofore to liberally luistoweu upon mm, hb new .r,fiprni. linnes. bv utivinff strict at tention to the comfort and convenience ol friiBsts. to merit a continuance oi tb. O , same. Oct SO 1SC0. KERSEY II 0 USE, Centbsvilik, Elk Co., Ta. . .To un Collins. Proprietor, .. Thankful for the patronage heretotoM n I heri.1 v aestoweu upon mm, me. new rrft r riptnr. hones, bv caving strict tit teution to the comfort add convenience of gujsts. tinierft a coutinuuuee of tht same. P. IP. HAYS, DEALS IN Bry Goods, Notions, GfrcVAes. and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. . Earletj JP. O. VVn47tf. railroads. PENNSYLVANIA KAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division WINTER TDIE TABLE. DNandaftcr MONDAY, MAt 24', 1875, the trains on the. Philadelphia & aril Railroad will run a" follows t WESTWARD. . f 4ANE ACCOM' leaves Ke'novV..... 4 3a'p ai ' Driftwoods C 65 p m " Emporium 0 55 p m " " St Marys... 7 55pm " Ridgway... 925 pm " Wilcoz...;.. U,05 p m arr at Kane., 0 30 p m jjRIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m " Keuovo... 11 OJ,a ui . Emporium...... 1 10 p m " St. Mary's 2 00 p m Ridgway 2 25 p in Wilcox 2 68 p oi arrive at Erie 7 50 pm EASTWARD. afiXbVO ACCOM leaves Kane.;! 8 .00 a m Wilcox'..'.......:! 8 33 a m Ridgway 9 25 a m B; Marys., 10 01 a ' Emporium 11 05 a m" Driftwood 12 15 p ni . " Reuovo 1 40 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a ni ' Kane., 3 45 p ui ! " Wilcox...'. 4 08 p ui " ' Ridgway.,......" 4.45 p m 8t. Mary's...... 6.1 pin " " Emporium ..... 6.0j p ui Reuovo........... 8.25 p m " " arr. at I'biladepbia... U.50 a m t Renovo Accom and Kane Accom connect east and west at East with Low tirade Di vision and 11 N V Si P tt K WM. A. BALDWIN. Geu'l Sup't. Fresh family Grooerica, and Canned goods at P & K'i. Tbe cheapest and Geo. Woods & CO.'s fl! &s?r?m, pi J I'll 5 til . f Hf fur Alatcd fur Amjtttir unc I tui:iunal, and an omamiiu in any parlor. . Btlutiful NW 8tJ(ia, now ra, GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgepp'rt, Mat; TTAUtltOOaSi C?18 Whlitoa fit., Bontinl 170 State 8l. thkarot f S tidgU HUI, U4a. TTTI? "7nV TTTTHf rVMA -T A, JitHUaUjouHIJ.of ltd mmie anjl -faliiaWe red!iic X llrj V UA II U ill Jill W. fiyrVailffiM.ytar,ortcncntnilm)N KaoKnuinbtr nnin. r-om $j to , wnrtl, rf h, fixrit "lecir.l mure GtO. WOODS 4 CO., Publisher, Cambrldgtport, Haa. " ' n I 1 i i Mi, ., NEW LIVERY STABLE IN !MWy ff11 it DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO l$i form tbe Cittzeoa of Ridgway, tui the public gcLerally, that bt has started a Liv ery Stable and will lieep GOOD STfJcit.GObi) CJtRillAtlES Buijits, to let 'jp'on' tht no'st reason ble terns. tHe will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, abova Main All orders left at tba Post Om'ce will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. it. F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRV GOODS, NOTIONS, S?bVT8 SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS A'ND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND W1LLOW-WARE, TOUACCO AND CIGAR".. A Large Sfock cf Griceriea and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Ccustantly' on hubd, and sail as cheap aa the CHEAPEST. JAMES fl. HAQ'ERTY. Ridgway Cemetery. Lots are now offered for rale by the liidgwav Cemetary Aseociation in the new Cemetery The present low price for lots may soon be advanced. Apply at ths ocs oi1 tf. S. II AM BLE N,' Secretary Ridgway, Sept. 7 1875. n-29 Frivate Ttiitidir: Pupils wantisg to receive instruction in Greek or Latin, or desiring to prepare for College can have opportunity of doing so by app ying to the Rector of Grace Church. lie having made the neeessary arrange' ments will ba glad to receive a limited number of young ladies and gentlemen for instruction. For information as to terms A'o apply lo REV WM. JAS. MILLER, A. M. Ridgway, Pa. eW'IT J. EVANS' k CO. NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN Yokk, Pexn'a. SEEDS. Garden and Flower Seeds, GruHS Seeds, Heed Corn, Seed Potatoes, Seed Wheat, Tree and Jlfdge Heeds, &c. ftrLiis, of all' Kind, for Sjifiiig and' Full plant inif.' ttUtBS: TRECS.' 8tandur'4' and Dwarf Fruit Trees, Grapes and (.Sriifl'lt , Fruits. Evergreens, Or'hamoivftil Trees anL Shrubs, Roses, Hedge Plawts, &c. Eli close Stamp for price list, 25o for Full Descriptive Catalogue.' Executrix's Xotlce. Notice is hereby gjven that letters testamentary on the estate of J. V. Houk.ltite of Illdgway township, deceased,' have been' granted , U the undersigned! AH', persons kfiw-, ing themselves Indebted, to saiestate are requested to make imnediate pay nient, aud alt . persons having claims will preseitf tliem properly authenti cated foV settlement JEA5sTNEl'TE CAROLINE H0UK, nol-tit Executrix. Executors' Notice.' Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Francis Tegeler, late of St-, MiiryV borough,, deceased, have been granted to the un df'fslgned. All , persons knowing themselves fndeIted to said estate are re(Utjste to make iriiiiidiute' payment and all persons having claims will pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement. . ; , ADOLPII FOCHTMAN -,r- nCl-Gt CHASLUHlt rOB TTTORK We are now prepared V todoallki do all kiqds pf JOB WORK,. EnveleDeg. Tacfg. Bill-heads. Letter heads neatly nd enetply execute. Offiee ia. Thayer & .Ha'gerty'a new btnlaVng, Mi Hrttt KWg way , P- ORG-ANS - mn la musical eOccU nhi inmuiori evttlJor1Atftd. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 11 STATE, cf Tbos. Campbell,' late of JjHighlana , .township, Elk Qcunty de ceased. 11 persons ndcbte'l, ,to said es tate are requested to, niaVj Immediate pay. merit, andt iiose lioving legal claims against the same will present them without delay in proper order, for settlement, toj ROBT. I. CAMPBELL,.. , Adminiitrtor. JJidgway, Pa., March 15, 18 G nt 6t notice: tt. s. internal revenue Special taes; May 1, 1876, to April 30, 1877. THE REVISED STATUTES OF TMR United State, Sections 82, 3237, 8238 and S23Q,' require every person engaged ia any bupiness, avocation, or employment, which (Tenders hiih liable to SPECIAL TAX, .TO PROp'JRE AND PLACE CON SPlCUOUSLf IN HIS ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSINESS A STAMP de noting the payment of said SPECIAL TAX, for the Special Tax Year beginning May 1, 1876, bp) ore commencing or continuing business after April 80, 187,6... ,. ,. ,, The Taxes embraced ,wilhi the provis ions,, the. law above quoted are tht fol lowing, yi: BecMfiers.,'.'..' .V.V..i'.'..V.'.;...'....'.. .'...'.'$200 00 Dealers, retail .liquor ,25 00 Dealers, wholesale licj'u'of ......... .....100 00 Dealers, in malt liquors, wholesale. .'.60 00 Dealers in ma'l liore, retail...... ...20 00 Dealers ,in leaf tobacco. .t'.' .25 00 Retail dealers in leaf tobacco....... 600 00 And on aaes of over $.1,000, J5fty cents for,every dollar in excess of. 1 1,000,,,, , Dealers la manufactured to'bacco 5 00 Manufacturers of stills..,.,...., 60) CO And for each still manufactured ?0 00 Aud for each worm manufactured ...20 00 Manufacturers of tobacco 10 CO Manufacturer of cigars 10 00 Peddlers bf tobacco, first clahs(more than IWo horses or other animals. ..50 00 Peddlers of tobacco, second class (two horses or other animals 25 00 Peddlers of tobhaccq, third class (one horse or otht'r,,.ani3!'aly ........ ....r'. 15 CO Peddler if lobacco,'fourth clas (on foot or public cou7e.ivyce), '.'.' .'.10 00 Brewers of (ess than 600. barrels v....60 00 Biewewers of COO barrejs or more. ..100 00 , Acy person so liable, who shall fail to couifdy with the foregoing requirements will be subject to severe penalties. .. Persons qr firms liable to pay any of tht Special Taxes, named above apply to E. COWAN, Deputy Collector pf lift final Rev. enue at WARREN, PA.', and pay for and procure the Special Tax .Stamp or. Si amps they need prior to Ma'y 1, 1S76, and WIlHuCT FURTrlER' NOTICE, D. D.'PRATT., ,,. CDmmieiion?r of Internal ievenue. Orrici or laTkHNAL Kkvkvie. . i -WAiHinoTtii, D. C, Feb. 1, 1876 '"Bl EXECUTOR SOTlCl.' SsVate of Patrick Smftli," dee'd. LETTER'S TESTA MENTARY" upon rti above estate have been granted ,f'o the undersigned, all per sons fjiid'ebtfd to said estate are reques ted to make pafme, and those hav Mig'cliiims to present the same with out delay, to LAWRENCE MOHAN, BR.'Exr. of to hj's Attorneys STALL A' M'Otiulr, n2-6t Ridgway Pa. A complete stock of ladies misses and chiidrens shces, , lipht, medium and heavj at P; & K's Now is the time to buy. Alpacis eK'eapeV tVa"o ever befor known at' P. Si K's. In the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, No 153 May Term 1875. R. I. Robinson & Co. ") Fenner It Co. , . .V DOrESi'lC ATTACHMENT. Notice' i a hereby' given that the Trus tees appointed in the above entitled caose have filed their report in mv office, and unless exceptions are hereto nieaf toe saia report win oej connrmea aw iiv u v a v ivnu ui vuio vuutii FRED SCHOENINr' ( v5-t4 Pro'thonotary. T.1.K rOTNTV RS: jthe Commonwealth bf Pennsylvania to the Afterin or saia Lounty ureetina: VYe commaud jou'tbat .you attach Jolin A. Anderjon late, of .your County by singular the (roods and chattels, lands and tenements of the said. John Anderson in whose hands or possession soever tht same may bt found, so that they be and appear before our Courts of Common Pleas lo bt balden ut Ridgway in and for sa.d County on lha fourth londay of May next, there to. answer Jackson IS. Bchultz. Maurice M fc'cliulti, Judson fichultz, John Eruhout and J..L, Brown at Tanning and Lumber Company., And Also.. That you summon tbe person or persons, ln whose, bands or pobbession the same Diy b,e found, so that tbey be and appear betore our sail) Court on the fourth Monday of .Mt next, to answer what shall be objected agaippt them and abide the judgement of the. Court therein. -And have you then and tbert this, wrif , . Witness the IJonorable L. V,Yl stmort, President Judge of our said Court at Ridg . 1 - .1.1 J J T ' a t 1Q.U way, ima, iliu uay ui juuuurjr, p,. jf iai FREU, ECHOKN'O, Prptbonolary. Per Vf, 8, JIORTON, DcjlV Sheriffs Office, . A J'tbrr. l Ridwf" ?, &U&;Vi?Jl, DASlKL rot V'rbtri. TUa4 EEE COUNTY AdVo8A?E ONLY REPUfcLtCAl!. PAPR In elk county: Office !n Thayer X Her!y's filooC, iLU.., .... WAT, PA. SUBSCRIBE?,' SUBSClilBi UBStTlIBif, SUBSCItlBE. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAlv 6'IVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK ! CARDS, TACTS' iNVEL0PE3 LETTER HEADS M6NTHLY STAt'eMENTS, R6d li Al Mais, liSTliR'S, ic. 6rdeiIs BT JIAlll' P,R,6mI!TLY' AlTtHti&ti T"6' ' v,, , 1, rE advocate; 1 LIFE!, Grovth,.,BiSAUTf, LOHDON HAM COtOR RE9TOREB LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Dye; makeaJiarsh hair soft and silky; cleanses the scalp. from all impurities, causing the hair lo grow whert it Las fallen off or become thin. Can be atplied by the hand as it does not stain the skin orisoil the finest linen. As a Hair dressing it it tht most perfeot the worm has ever produced, rue liatr is re novated and strengthened, and ,nnLu,ral co'or restored Without tbe application of mineral substances. Since the introduction of this truly valu able preparation into this country, it hat been .the wonder and admiration of all clas ses, as It lias proved to be the only article thaf will absolutely without deception, re store gray hair to its original jolor,t .health softness, lustre and beauty, and prouuoe bair on bald beads of ill original growth and color. Thisbeautiful and fragrantly perfumed article ia complex within itself, no washing or preparation before or after its use, or accompany ment of any kind being required to obtain those desirable results. . Her la thai Proof of Hi SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. i?ead this Home Certificate, testified1 to by Edward B. Garrigues one of the most ioropeteiit Dragsists and Chemists of l'hila- delphia, a man whose veracity none can doubt- I are happy to add my testimony to tbe great value of the London Hair Color Re storer which restored my hair to its origi. nal Color, and tbe hue appears to (be. per manent. 1 am satisfied that this prepara tion not a dye but operates upon tbe se cretions. It is also a beautiful hair dress ing and promotes the growth. I purchased the first bottle from Edward D. Gamines, druggist, Tenth and Coates street, who can also testify my hair was quite, gray, when 1 commenced its use. MRS. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth street, Ehila. Dr. Pwarne & Son, Respected friends: I have the pleasure to inform you that a lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, ie delighted with the success of your London Hair Color Restorer. Her hair was fast falling; and quite gray. 'The color has been reitored, tht falling off entirely stopped, and a new growth of hair is the result. E. 15. UAKlUUUrJS, Druggist, cer Tenth amlCoate, Fhila. BOiTdN TESTIMONY.' July 22d, 1871. Dr. Swayne & Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., I pro cured six bottles London Hair Color Re stoier, which I like very much, in fact bet ter than any thing I have used in the last nine years. If you please, send me one dozen bottles COD care W 8 Fogler & Son Druggists, No 723 Tremont street, Boston. ..Respectfully yours, ADA BAKER No 59 Rutland. Square. London Hair Color Restorer ai.d Dressing Has completely restored my hair to 1U original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. , J1US. AJVME MUIUUS, No 016 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia;, j- Dr. Dalton of Fhilndelplna, says of it. The London Hair Color Restorer is used very extensively among my patients and friends, as rill as by myself. I therefore peak trom experience. r - - 75 CENTS PSR BOTTLE,' Address orders to Dr. SWAYNE a SON 330 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, l'a., tole Proprietors. ... , . . SOLO JBf LL UiiVGCiSTS T,41 E.L .U N G S CONSUMPTION! This distressing and dangerous complaint aud its premonitory symptoms, nvglecteu cotgb, night sweats, hoarseness, wasting fleh fever-"-permancnty eared by B0wT03 STATE'S C0M?0UNl SiAVe;. CHeEuY. BUONCHITIS A premonitor or l'ul- monnry Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, or iuflauialion of the mucuin mem brane of the air passages, with cough ,ud expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, pains in the chest, tor all bronchial e Sec tions, sore throat, lossjof vqioo, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A SOVKUtlGN REMKDY Hemorrhage, Or Spitting of Blood, may proceed from the larynx, Iravhia, brouohia or lungs and arises Irom various causes, as undue physical exertion, plethora, or full ness of the vessels, weak luugsk qversrauir og 01 tie voice, suppressed evacuatioc. ob struction of the spleen or liver, &o. Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. striken at tb.e.root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring tut liver and kidney to healthy action, invigorating" the nervous system. Tbe only wapuar.Oi remedy Tor bemor- rnane, oroucmiii ana. an pulmonary .com plaints. Consumptives or .those predis poses to wean lungs suomiu not Ialllo use this great vegetable remedy. ,., . , Its marvelous power, not only over eon- cumpl-on, but over every cbronio disease where a gradual alterative action is needed Under its use the cough is loosened, the night sweats diminished, tht pain subsides, the, pulso returns lo its natural standard, tbe stomach is improved in its power to di gest and assimilate, the ood, and every organ has a purer and better quality ot blood supplied to it, out fit which rw re creative and plastio material is made. rrepare.4 only by , dr.'swaVne'& SON, 339 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. bOLD BT ALL t aOMlKEKT DaUGOISTS. Ucbine Piles ! 1'ILES, PILES, ITCtflXG PILES, rosiTivxLT cubed bv the use of SWAES 6INTMENT HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly Known as Itching Plies. Tbt itching at timed was almost, in tolerable, increase.! bv scratching, and not untrequently become quite sore, 1 bo u 11 lit a iox 01 swayne t ointment; its,. .use, govt quick reuei, auu in a snori. lira 3 maat perfect cure. lean now sleep undisturbed, and I would advise all who are suffering with this distressing complaint to procure Swaynt'l Ointment at once. I had tried prescriptions almost innumerable, without findiDg and permanent relief. JOSEPH W. CHRIST, (Firm.ftf Hoedel & Christ, l.oo t and Shoe Iloust 844 North Seoond Street, Philadelphia . , '.SEW DI-SE AS;ESV Swayne s All-healing Ointment is also a speoifao for Tetter. Itch, Salt llheum Bsald Head, .-trysipelas, Barber's Itch blotches, all Scaly, eruBty, cutaneous Er ruptions. Ptrfeotly. safe. ..and harmless even on the most tender infant, Priot 60 ctuts cent by mail to any address on re itipt tf prict. , SWAYWE'S' PAACEAT ueieoraiea an over lue world lor lit rtuia bit cures ot Scrofula, Mercural.aad Syphil itic complaints., Describe symptoms in all communications, . address letters to UK 6WAYMS and SOS, Philadelphia. n7yl ie L ' : THURSDAY, APRIL 13TII, 1470. Arrival and Dopni lure of Mails. .,. Batters, Daily except Sundays, arrives at 2:80 p m., leaves at 4:45 p m, . . , Western. Daily excepts Sundoys; leaves at 2:30, arrives at, 4:40 p m. BrookvLlle. Daily except Sundays; ar rives at 12 ni., leaves at 2.80 p m, Spring Creek ., Arrives Tuefd.ya and Thursdays at 11 a m,, leaves Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 a m. , CnnUon. All persona are hereby warned hot to purchase or meddle with one.Mosler A Bahman Are proof fmfe purchased by the undersigned at SherilF's Sale, and left in the case of A. J- Avery of Weod ville, until convenient to remove the same, as the said A. J. Avery has no interest in said safe. E. F. AVERY. Weedville, April 1st , 1878 nHtf. Caution. Weedville, April 4th, 1870. All per sons tfre hereby warned not to burchase any of the following ,,nn;neu articles now In the possession sf Mr A J Avery, of ll'eedviile, Elk county Pit ,cas stud articles were purchased by the under signed at Sheriff's fc'ale..and are only left in possession bf the said Avery until convenient for me,. to remove them: One sorrel mare. -one black and white cow, three yearling steers, -one two year old bull, one two year old heiffer, one white hog, one buggy, one lumber wagon, one pair log sleds, one pair fancy sleds, one oil safe, one pair platform scales. 0110 heating stove and pipe, one heating stove, one lot of po tatoes, one lot of corn and straw fod der. 0. L. AVERY. n8tf. FINANCIAL ACCO VNT OF MILL STONE TO WNSIIIP Road Fund fvr the year ending April 3d, 187j. , -DR., To unseated tax returned to . Co.Comm'rs for the year 1874 $ CGO 27 To unseated tax returned touo Comm'rs for the year 1875 To unseated tax returned to co commissioners, special cash levy for the, year 875 To seated duplicate for 1875 '.' ;. , ," . special cash '75 To error in statement for 1S74 in favor bf township . ... To cash from C H Hoffman former treasurer 660 27 600 27 195 70 195 95 195 95 6 91 $2383 43 CR. By exonerations . .' ;'-8 23 By seated duplicate worked out 192 61 By iA.. Zimmerman's time as ' supervisor , , 7 00 By Klias Ishmari's time as su pervisor ; 67 G8 By powder.fuse. plank and tools 34 01 J. -1 . . . ! .1 . ! 4 pur cunt, lur uisuuisiug $529 21 ,. i . .. 10 53 To balance in favor of township 1983 40 S23S8 43 RKSOL'RCES OF HO AD FUNDS. Unseated tax returned to co. commissioners for 1874 '75 19S0 81 Seated tax returned to connty commissioners lor js , id cated tax returned to county commmissioncrs on the Grunt Mill lot for the year 1874 11 17 eated duplicate, cash levy, for tne year iST- l'Jo uo Balance duo township by YVm. Ciyde late township treas- 11 91 Llaoilitiesiu cicessof resources 408 83 . .- .. . 1. S2P98 87 LlAIill-iriES OP KOAD FUNDS. Outstandini? orders , 93 37 Unseated orders of 3874 by C II llollnuin former twp troas-i 400 00 Unseated orders of l87i) by Wax Clyde late twp. treas. 00 00 udgment of Harrison Cats 1475 00 12698 37 HESOURCES OF POOR FUNDS. Seated duplicate pf 1-875 ., 58 64 , '5 .. adiiitional 1875 134 79 Unseated tax returned to co. commissioners for 1871 ., . . 1P8 08 Unseated to, returned to co. coinniossioners ftr lo7o. . 6C6 41 Cash from 0 H Hoffman former treasurer .. 21 87 Balance . d'ts.. township from Wm Clyde late twp. treas. 80 (J4 it:, .SlltiO 43 LIABILITIES OF POOR Fl'XDj. Outstanding orders r ; . 321 G5 2 per cent, for disbursing $115 87 2 32 Judgment of Margarnt TJiatclier 0 00 resources in excess ot liabilities uw 4 .. - : . . ..sitoo 43 We, the undereigned, auditors of Millstone township, having examined the above statement do certify that it is correct to the best of our knowledge and belief, April 3d, 1S7U. j. i. aiuuK-H, 1 G.- C. T. 1IOFF. I Auditors. OODFREY PAKBOTT. J Attest: G. C. 'f . Hoff, Twp. Clerk. ii8t3. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES. "THE TIMES" IS A i'iKSf-CLASS INDEPENDENT MORNING NEWSPAPER, And has closed Us first year with an es tablished bona riOB circulation' larger than tuat or: any. otner daily in Pennsylvania, with a sii glrt exception. .It bus now the most perfect machinery and. appliances for printing 11s large edition, Jiuviuj; two new Hoe 1 eilecting .Presses., each capable 01 printing 80,000. complete ,CQwes of Thk TiMics iu an hour, so thai, it jean ., give the very latest news and make the earlest de livery to us leaders. , It. .contains w. y ALL THE LATEST, NEWS, including l,hfl. Associated, Press .Telegrams, Special lelagrauis ,and - Oorrespoudence Irom all points f inteist, Full, and- Ac curate Local Reports, and rear.ess Ldi- torial Discussion cn all Curreot.Topics, making it the most complete aud cheapest neatpuper in Pennsylvania. t'TllA TIlllAu" luTlinrfkllfl-rilv Tnilitiiaiiilatil- . " .... V ..v. A.... ..... ... in everything, . and will, in all politcal struggles, te lojtutul to truth and 11s own conviaitous. . it, makes 110 ho. ow pretence of neutrality on the leading questions of the duy, or in political contests as they pass, but will ever discard the blind, par tissa that . would subordiuite the right to parly success, no matter for what organi. zation, or in whnsa iuterest mch claim is made, and will fearlessly criticise political errors and tha want of, publio iaiegrity wherever found. It demands economy od udeuty in erery department or autuoruy. City, State aud ,3aiiou'al, aud boldly ar raigns those offTisry party who abuse pub lio trust. I( dipqusses public isauua, pub no events aud publio men, vitb inat nieas- tre of freedom that is dictated by truth but. -with that dignity aud courtey wiiich should eves, characterize the press of the most enlightened nation of the world. Price two cents per copy; mail subscribers, pos tage pre, paid, six dollars a year, or til'ty counts a montq. . Addre8 THE TIMES 713 Chestnuts '.ret t, pbiladslpliis. GMii i.ttr 1 .1 .i- .ii:ii' ITC I, Tug old Dnrrclt house, or tint por tion left slanding, fell a prey to tho Wind last week. - ; I , Give the Advocate office a call for letter heads,, bill heads, note heads, cards, envelopes. 6ee our new cen tennial note paper, , the. best out and which we will print cheap. Sunday School Convention. A Sunday School Convention for Elk county will .bo hold In the M. E Church, 1'idgway, on Tuesday and Weu ncsday, April 18th and 19th. Minis ters, Sunday School workers and others interested are cordially invited to at tend and.partlcipate. ,Hy order of ofli cers.of Penn'a State S. S. Association. E. M. Bice Becretnry. This Military at tlie.tir.tcnuiaL - The military bill, appropriating $55, 003 for the transportation of troops to the Centennial and the purchase of tho necessary canvass, has become a law. Thirty-five thousaivl dollars will be devoted to transportation purposes. Ah it passed tho House, the bill provided for the. purchase of. $25, 000, worth of canvass, .which the Senate reduced $5,000. Adjutant General Latta will now actively commence preparations for a creditable display of our State militia, . ., Services iu Uraco Church. . .... On Good Friday,; April 14th, there will be service and sermon;, subject. -The Unparrallod Sufferings of Christ'! at 10:30 A. M., and also at 7:30 P. M. - EASTER DAY,. April ICtll, ,, ; . Service and sermorl; subject, "Resur rection Joy," at 11 A. M. children's Service, with address, and enlivened with Easter carols, at 3 P. M. Even ing Service aud sermon; . subject, 'Christ's Appearing," at 7:80 P.. . M. As last year all are cordially invited to attend. . The seats are free and all aro welcome. , Wm. Jas. Miller, Rector. Oil Meeting. .. The citizens of . Ridgway held a meeting in ,tb3 (burt. House, last Saturday evening, to take action in the matter of putting down an oil well in this immediate vicinity. E. J. Mil ler was elected chairman and Will Dickinson, Secretary. After consider able discussion on motion Geo. 1). Mes senger, r. the following committee was elected to look the matter up and ascertain how much money will bo subscribed .for the purpose, find to re port at a meeting to be held in Rhine's. Hall on Saturday, April 15th, 1870.' J. II. Ilageity, D. C. Clyder, V. H. Osterhout, Jerome Powell, C. R. L'arley and Will Dickinson. The Spelling Heo , THAT WAfj IS TO UK. ,. Wc are infonretl that tbe spelling bie on Friday evening lust , at the school house, was very satisfactory indeed. Our boy had to go und get tick or wo would have been in attendance, but 'tli'jre's many a slip twix't the cup and the lip" and " instead of our treading around the. school room in search of a seat, al'ter failing on some simple word, we were treading around in our own house all night iu short skirts, like.aDiogones. lantern in hand. and looking for .Mother bailey's titiiet iug syrup. Wo learned t'ic scholars and teachers wore victorious in both the oral and the written contests. It was impossible to cet twenty spolllsU in town to take up the battle against theschool, and hence the school had a decided advantage in the oral contest. Let us all go up next Friday evening, aud from the Doctors, Lawyers,. Edi tors, Preachers, Merchants, &c, io ougljt.to be possible to select twenty who can come out victorious over Young America." Oeo. It. Dixon will select Jlhe worda for tho occasion and pronounce them to the contestants. Tho words selected will be those in common use and such as are met with by the average reader. E. J. Miller, O. 11. Grant and Horace Little, are asked to serve as Judges. It is hoped, that each Judge will be equipped with Web ster's Pictorial Uiiubriuired aud wi I not be backward about using it. Tho liidgwav Glee Clubmuv be uresent and discourse harmonious strains. The admission ffe will be reduced to live cents. Now do not be afraid to stand upand ppt'll for it is possible you will not be obliged to stand long. Registers Notice. Notice is hcrebv iriveit .that tho fol lowing, accounts have been tiled iu my oince.aud will be presented on tho riri-Lday ut the next term of .the Or phan's Court, for continuation, being the -1th .Monday in Way, lbTii. Final account of Horace Little and Hiram Egleston, Administrators of tho estate of Clark Eglkstox, deceased. JJinal account of Walburira, Trosch Administratrix of the estate of Ma Tin as Trksch, deceased.. Supplemental account of Jerome Povved Administrator of tho estate of J. C.CiiAPiN,,deceased. FISL. sUSitEMNG, Register. Township Oilicers. Juilj'e cf E1ectkn . II. S. Thayer.' luspeciors A Ouinaiiugi, P A Mead. . Justices of the Peace Charles Mead. J D. Fullerton. .School Directors Jerome Powell, .n R Grant, G f Wheeler, W 11 Ojterlwut, W S Service, Eug J Miller . , , Supervisor W II Oalorhout, O B F'loa . . , Treasaier W JII Hyde , -. Auditors C V Gillis, J K Whitmoro Clerk W D Dickinson. C'oL-itable J W Morgester Couiity OMcer. President Judgo HonLDW'etmore Associate Judges Hon J V Uouk, C'Uas Luhr Bheriff Dauiel Scull . , Treasurer .Jacob M'CUuloy DisUiot Attorney J K P Hall Couuty Snperintendent Guor It Dixon 0 Prothonolary', &o Fred Sohceaing l)eputy Prothonolary y ilol l0 Coaiaiiiisiouers Michaol Weideit W H Osteihout George lteuscher ' Cbjmissigners' Clerk W 6'Horon' A T. v i.Oiiartu dio-i three.