mi 5 Hoary A. Parsons, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, MARCH 16TH, 1870. Belknap's Political Record. From (he Cfiicago Tribune, Ind. The Chicago Timet myn: "Of course the Tribune dosen't ex pect Its readers to believe this KtulR 'Belknap always was a Democrat, went into the war one, and came out one was promoted when one, and was one when he fell, lint we feel as bit terly over the disgraceful cause of that fall as if he had been born and lived a Republican." The Tribune expects its readers to believe just precisely this 'stuff," be cause it is the truth. In characteriz ing Belknap's bribery as a national disgrace, the Tribune but gave expres sion to the profound public sense of the shame it brought upon the whole country. Thereat up start the journ alistic spokesmen and defenders of the Democratic party; and in their chop logic fashion, assuming that Belknap was a bribe-taker because he was a Republican, deduce that the great Re publican party is a sharer in his guilt, and that it is season for Republicans to hide their facts for very shame sake, The Tribune has not been in the habit of assuming that because a man was a Democrut he was necessarily a thief and blackmailer; and notwithstuiul ing the record of the Tweeds, Sween eys, Conollys, Ingersolls. Cardozas, Barnards, Schumnkers, Floyds, and Thompsons, the honest and decent men of that party can hardly be con sidered as sharers in their infuniy. Since, however, that style cf argu ment is being applied by the Deinc cratic press in the Belknap case, it is perhaps well that the Democracy should enjoy the full benefit of all that can be made out of it. That they can only do, when it is kept in mind, as is the fact, that Belknap entered public life a Democrat, and continued a Democrat up to and during the time he was filling his pockets with official bribes. About twenty years ago he made his advent in Iowa, as his fel lowtonsmcn at Keokuk bear witness, as an active local Democratic poilti cian, and as such was elected to the Legislature. During his term of of fice as a Democratic member of the Iowa Legislature wus it that the first insight into true inwardness of the man was afforded by his embezzle ment of the funds of clients, Intrusted to him as a lawyer, and which his law partner in practice had to make good. Shortly after the close of his legislative term the Democratic rebel lion broke cut, and he entered the army, where distinguished himself by his gallantry and bravery, which se cured his rupid promotion and enlis ted the friendship and esteem of Gen eral Grant, Ilis brilliant personal daring, one of the most notable illus- trations of which was his jumping Into the trenches held by the Confed erate during the fight at Atlanta, collaring a rebel officer, and under tire drugging him back iuto the Union lines a prisoner, gave him additional prestige. After the war he remained a Demo erat, and as such, by Andy Johnson was appointed Revenue Collector for the Keokuk district, in which office, out of consideration for his military services, he was continued by Fresi aent cuunt. Ji-ven then rumors, whether well or ill founded, were rife as to his connection witli whisky rings, but none of these reached Washington. When, by the death of the lamented 'Secretary Rawlins, the President lost one the most sugacious of his Cabinet advisers and the nation the services of one of the ablest and purest of men, Gen. Belknap was" ap pointed nis successor, without any consultation with leading Republi cans of Iowa or elsewhere. The selee tion of General Belknap, a Democrat, eaused a good deal of Ill-feeling in Re publican circles at the time, and was met with no friendly comment. But the anger of the Republicans were oil iivtime, ntt they became reconciled to this eccentric appointment by the report of the brilliant record he hod made in the war and the t-onsideable ability he was said to possess Up to thut time Belknap had continued a Democrat, though a War-Democrat, and there is no evidence that at any time since he has voied the Republi can ticket or changed his political principles. As it now appears, he began by be traying the coniidence of the Republi can President, and was active chiefly as a bribe-taker, continuing as such until exposure followed and he re signed in disgrace, and through sup pression of the real fact?, procured ac ceptance of his resignation. Such, in brief, is his political record: A Demo crat and embezzler before the war; then, the one redeeming feature of it all, a War-Democrat and a brave soldier, next, a Johnson Democrat and office-holder vaguely suspected of being a member of the Whisky Ring; and from thence twnsf erred to the Cabinet, through a freak of Executive admiration of his galantry, t become a bribe-taker. Scientists are not agreed as to - whether It was a shower of butchered cows or frogs they were favored with in Kentucky last week. A facetious journalist suggests that the flesh-fall was from a flock cf spirits who got foiling so much with materializing that the couldn't get all of themselves back Into the spirit state before their toes and fingers fell of. Or might there have bean, be asks a prise fight In the moon and some fellow got knocked clean over the side of the luminary and come down - like sau sage meat? News Items. A dispatoli to the 8tnto Deoarlmcnl from Coienhg-n, mention (hat the Danish Itigtilaa linn recently passed a Uw prohib iting the importation of potatoes from uhls enmity. In the New YctV municipal election Tuesday the Republicans curled Roehu tir, Cohoes, Ithaca, tinJ Aub-irn, ft ml the Democrats Nvwburgh, t'awejji, Elinira, end Ultca. Report of de.iru live snow slides eume from along the line ol the I'Kcine Railroad in California. At noma point: the tin ployea have refused to endanger their lives by working in the sheds. In the New Jersey Senate Tuediy the bill to make an appropriation of $2ol),000 to the Mnrrislnwn Asylum was passed. in the Home tho eeueral bill regulating elections wna ordered to a third reading, with but slight amendments. By (be latest mail from Iceland comes the report that the fire hundred inhabitants of tho West Mnnit Islands nre probably .lying of starvation. The dangers of the sea during the winter months render relief Iroin other quarters tlmoul impossible. la its address to the Kin tho. Spanish Congress, among other things expresses the boue that the difficult. ei with tho Uuited States will be settled to the iatisfac. tion tif the two countries, which "should march united in the path of progress and liberty. Contain Orate and Q. W. Bryant, of Missouri, hare been arrested on a charge 1 of conspiracy to dtfnunl the Govcrnmett or $20,000 on alleged loss ol a train wit transporting Government freight between Leivenwortb and rorllutn. Sii thousand models from the Patent Of fice will be displayed at the Centennial (ex hibition In the OoTernment Building. The collection will contain mode's of nil mechan ical inventions mads in this country dur ing the past century. Two members of the firm of Burchard & Mills, of Florida, in Port Jervis county, N. Y., 'have absconded, leaving liabilities amounting to $3o.w0 three-fourths of which will be s total loss. Doth men oc copied good positions in society. Burchard was the village postmaster, and wna also treasure! of the Presbyterian church. The Director of the Mint, Dr. Linderman Tuesday, received a telegram from Virginia City, IeuJa, stating that the bullion yield of the Consolidated Virginia Mine during February wus $2,832,000. About 45 per cent, in value of this bullion is gold. 11 is expected that the yield from the same mine this month will exceed $3 ow.000. The narrow passage on the Harper's Ferry and the Valley Branch of the Balti more and Ohio Railroad, sixty-three miles from Harper's Ferry ha been the scene of a disastrous accident. The middle span of the bridge gave way, wrecking an entire freight train, with an attached passenger car, and killing eleven or those on board. Official reports show that during the past month the operations in south Carolina by the mounted force under direction of Major Jacob nagner, revenue agent, have re suited in the breaking up of thirty-three illicit distilleries and the capture of twenty eight copper stills, caps, and worms, 48, UO0 gallons mash and beer, and toe rre? and binding over for trial of forty -illicit distillers. The two little girls who were reported to have been kidnapped from Brooklyn have returned to their homes. They say they were taken to a hotel by the man who coaxed them away, and there left alone by hira all night. They fled in the morning, and were found at one of the ferries Mon day evening. Howard r. Curtis, a mariner, aged 87, has been arrested and indent ified by the girls as their abductor. The Court of Appeals of Maryland in the case of the State against the rloribem Cen tral Railway Company, involving the ques tion of the exemption of tlia oapital (took of the company from taxation under the laws of that State, rendered a decision in fuvor of the Slate that under the present laws, the capital stock is liable to valuation and assessment as other property. Mr. Robertson is the author of a bill in troduced in the Uuited States Senate to re store the franking privelege . He simply asks for the repeal of the act of January 81 1872, which abolishes it, and for its re new u I in the form in which it exited at (he time of the passage of said act. Another measure of iuterest is the one handed in by Mr. Hamlin "fixing rates of postage OH third-class mail muter and for other pur poses." QUOTATIONS White, Powell L BANKERS AND BKOKKKrf, No. 42 ifeutn Third Street. Philadelphia, March 7th, 1876. Co B1P. U. 8. 1881. C , do 5 'JO, e '62. M and N A8KKD 12S V2S Called do do 't'4 do do do t'6 do ... do do '65 3 and J do do '67 do .... do ds '63 do ... 10-40. do coupon. 118 119 l-il 123 118 lli 121 1-!J, 1 1W 127 J 181 118 12UJ 118 do Pucifio C's cy Int. off New 5'8 Keg. 1881 ' 0. 1881 .118 118 Gold,.., HI lUi Silver ..................107 10J Pennsylvania 66 67 Beading 60j Philadelphia & Erie 21 f 21J Lehigh Navigation 60 i 60J do Vulley 624 63 Uui.ed R U of N J .143 14SJ Oil Creek 14 14 Northern Central S'Ji 40 J Cculral Ty&aepoTtaiion 48- 48 Nesquehoniug..,. 63 1 64 C & A .Mortgage &a '89 105 106 NEW AHVEKTISEJIEMS. EXECUTOIt'S SOTICE, Estate of Patrick Smith, dee'd, LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon tiie above estate have been granted to the undersigned,- all per ilous indebted to said estate are reques ted to make payment, and those hav ing claims to present the saute with out delay, to- LAWRENCE MOHAN, SR,Exr. or to his Attorneys HALL & M'Cauley, n-'-tit Ridgway fav Choice Flower snd Garden Seeds STRAWBERRIES ASD PEACHES, NEW SORTS BY MAIL. Plants of lbs newest and finest improved sorts, carefully packed snd prepaid by mail.- My collection of Strawberries took the first premium for the best Collection, st the great show of lbs Mass Horticul tural booiety, in Boston, last season. 1 grow nearly 100 varieties, the most com plete Collect ron In the country, including all the new, large American and imported kinds. Priced descriptive Catalogue, gratis, by mail; Alstr, Bulbs, I'ruit Trees, riotes, fcvergreeus packets lower or Garden bet da, $1,00 by marl. C. C- The True Caps Ceo4 Cranberry, 8. bes sort for Upland, Lewlsnd. or Oarden, ty mail, prepaid. $1 per 100, $5 per 1,000. wholes! Cstalojue to the Trad-, agents Wauled. 8. M. WATSON". Old Colony Nurseries snd Seed Warehous. Plymouth. Mass. UbUhd 1842. Over Cotitr? Inmi $'j to 825 h Imp c a n J splendid Muck. Strp in and pet one at 1'. & K's. Routed coffee genuine nrticl,t P. & K's. Summer Clothing, fur tlrneo Hoy nod childrrn, Linen, Alnpaca and Mini inrr Cssliuicr at 1 & K's A full stock ol freuli Faniilj groci-rii'M, such as Tens, Coff-on. Sur, Kic-r, Syrups. Spices, H. 1J- Powder, Making, Nti'i Sweet Cliocoliilc, snd every tiling in that lion, at P. & K's. E. K. (iRKSH, Dealer In all kinds of enhinet ware, woodand cane seat chairs, kitchen uti.l extention tables, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top Iiuiviuih. what not, looking ghwHes, wood ittnl marble top chamber suits, inuttresses, spring bed bottoms, bod steads, cribs, Lafcrty's metal lined wood pumps, &e., Ac Cane seats replaced with perforated wood seats, Weed nowing machine redured from tiV, to $4.5, the neat machine in the market, nnd pic ture frames made to order. AIho a larjje amorted stock of ready made comns constantly on hand and trim nteu at snortest notice. All the above goods are sold at panic price. Ware Rooms innuiHonic bulldiiiir. Kidjrwav. I'a. v5n4S)tpdapr-7'77. Give the Advocati office a call for bill heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping lags, and if you are going to gel married leave us an order for ) our cards Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia U'y On and after November 28th. 1875. nnd until fir.her notice, trains will leave Buffalo from the Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia naitroau uepot, corner Exchange and Louisiana streets. (Unlink time) ss follows: i:ov a. i.iiaiu tuaiiy except sun days) sloping at Ebeneier 7:55 Spring brook :Uo Elma 8:11 Jamison's 8:17 Aurora 8:23 Wales 8:34, Holland 8:44 Tro tection 8:64 Arcade 9:05 Yorkshire 0:1 Machins9:19 Pranklinville 0:37 Ischd.t 9:56 Hinsdale 10:10 Krie Railwny 10:24 Oleim 10;3; Weston's 10:43 Portville 10:50 State Line 10:o8 Etdred 11:11 Larabee's 11:20 Sarlwell 11:25 Turtle Point 11:30 Port At iegeny 11:42 Libeity 12:02 P. M. Keating iz.u pnippcn IZ.to Emporium 12:40 1'. M Connecting at Olenn with Erie Ry. for local points west, snd for the Oil Territory, arnv ing at Limestone at 1:03 and Bradford st l:2o P. M.; at Larabee's with the MoKean a, Buffalo R. It., nnd at Emporium with the P. E. R. R. for local points west to Erie. 8:05 A. M., ACCOMMODATION, (doily except Sundays) stopping at Ebeneier at 8:50, Spring Drook 9:15. Elma 9:35, Jumi son's 9:47, Aurora 10:05 Wales 10:40 Hoi land 11:10 Protection 11:35 Arcade 12:10 P. M., Yorkshire 12:30 Maouias 12:51 Franklinville 1:35 Ischua 2:25 llinsdul 3:02 Erie Railway 4:05)eau 4:15 P. M. 4:00 1'. M EArliESS, (daily ezcept BunufiyS) stopping at Ebenezer 4:2.i Spring Brook 4:33 Elma 4:38 Jamison' 4:43 Aurora 4:48 Wales 6:00 Holland 6:10 Protection 6:20 Arcade 6:33 Yorkshire 6;40 Macluas o:0O, franklinville 0:06 Ischua 6:25 Hinsdale 6-.3U Erie Railway 6:55 Oleo 7:10, Weston's 7:18, Portville 725, Stat Line 7:32, Eldred 7:45. Larabee's 7:52 Sartwell 7-67, Turtle Point 8:02, Port Al logiiny 8:14, Liberty 8;32. Keating 8:40 onippen u:uu, Emporium :io r. M. Cou necting at Larabee's with McKean & Buf falo K. R. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 4;uu a. M , EAl'KKbK, (daily ezcep Sundays) stopping st Shippen 4:15. Kent. Ing 4;tf4, Liberty 4:42, Port Allcginy 6:01 Turtle foinl o: id snriwell o:lo, Larabee i 5:24, Eldred 6:32, State Lies 5:45, Port ville 5)62. Weston's G.uO. (Mean 6.21, Erie Railway 6:23, Hinsdale 6:87, Ischua 6:52, Franklinville 7.09 V.nchias 7:25, Yorkshire 7:33, Arcade, :40, Protection 7:53, Hoi nd 8:03, Wales 8.11, Aurora 8:23, Jam son's 8:29 Elma 8:34, Spring Brook 8:40, EDeoeiere:oo, uunaio v.ia A. M. Connect ing at Larabee's with the McKean & Buffalo K. B. 1:40 P. M., MAIL, (daily except r-un dayti) slopping at. hhippen 1:55 Keating S:lo Liberty 2:Z3, l'ort Allegany 2:43 Turtle Point 2:oj Sanwel1 8U0, Larabee' 8:07. Eldred 3:1 o, Mute Line 3:30, Port ville 3:38, Weston's 8;45, Olean 4;03.ri Railway 4 05. Hiodrite 4 21. Ischua 4 38, Franklinville 4 68, Maehias615 Yorkshire 5 25 Arcade 6 33 Protectiod b 47 Holland 6 68 Males 6 08 Au.om 6 20 Jainisou 6 27 Elma 6 81 t-pring Brook 6 36 Ebeneier 6 45 Buffalo 7 10 P. M. Connecting at Oleau witk Erie Uailway from Limestone snd Bradford. 1RAIN LEAVE OtfiAN 6 40 A. M., ACCOMMODATION, stopp ing at Erie Railway 6 60 Hinsdale 7 20 Ischua 7 60, Franklinville 8 40 Muchias 9 27 Yorkshire 9 60 Arcade 10 10 Prolcct.on 10 49 Holland 11 10 Wales 11 35 Airrora 12 07 P. M. Jamison's 12 24 Elma 12 85 SpKng Book 12 60 Ebenezer 1 15 Buflalo 2 00 P. M. SUNDAY TRAIN LEAVES BUFFALO 9 00 A. M., stopping at EhtrjeifT 9 22 Spring Brook 9 81 Elma 9 87 Jamison's 9 48 Aurora 9 47 A M. b UN DAY TRAIS LEAVES AURORA 5 42P M . stopping st Jamison's 6 48, Elm 6 6 Spring Brook 6 68 Ebeneier 6 06 Buffalo6 30P. M. J. 1). YE0MAN3, H. L. LtMAS, Oen'L Se(. Gen'l Pan'r Agt. io the Court of Coninioo Pleas ol hik Couoty. No 153 May Term 1875. lay 1 11. 1. KobiDson & Co. vs. Fenoer & Co. DOMESTIC ATTACHMENT Notice is hereby given that theTrus tecs sppoioted iu the sbove entitled cause have filed their report in toy office, sod udIcss exceptions are hereto filed, the ssid Report will be confirmed at the next term ot this Court. FRED SCHOENIN 5, v5-t4 Frothonotsry. ELK COUNTY BS.- ' The Commonwealth of Pennxylvttnia to the Sheriff of said County Greeting: Wecotuuiuiid you that you attach John A. Andjrjoa late of yoar Count; by all singular tb goods' and chattels, lands and tenements of the SHtd Job A Anderses, iu whose bunds or possession soever the same may be found, so that they be snd appear before our Courts of Common Pleas to be bolden at Ridgway in sad for sa.d County on the fourth Monday of May next, there to answer Jaekson 8. Sckults. Maurice M. t-cbulti. Judsoir flchults, John Einbout and J.- L. Brown as Tanning and Lumber Company. And Also: That you summon lb person or persons- in wbottw bands or possession tb same may be found, so flat tbey be snd appear before our said Court on the fourth Monday of May next to auswer what shall be objeatsd against them and abide the judgement sf th Court therein. And save you I ban ad there this writ Witness tl HevorablsL. D. Wet more, President Judgs of oarid Csurt st Rulg. wsy, this 27tb day or January A. 0.1(76. FRED. BCHOENIKQ, ProthonoWy. Per W. 8. HORIOK. Loiy. Ebsriff OAos, idsy Fabry. I 17". DANIIL BCULL, Cbrir Oeo.Woods&Co.'s PAELQE Adapttd tot Aautrar and Profcuional, and aa enwiaent GEO. WOODS A CO., wibuCBOOSIi SOS woeaiafiea sv, sesieni IPTyD TTrtV TTTTVr 1 VI A Icadinf A Jtlla . V UA 11 U JxLA.il A matter. By NEW I.IVK11Y BTA11L.E I Ifj I Hi 99 W W IF3 m s? DAN SCR1BNER WISUES TO IN form the Ciltzeos of Ridgway, sod the publio gccerally, that he lias started s Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD 8TOCK.GOOD CARRIAGES Bugjles, to let -jpoa the most reasona ble terms CH will also do job leaning. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO JAMES II- HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND ' WILLUW.WAKK, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Slock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, utid sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. Ridgway Cemetery. Lots are now ofBcred for sale by the Ridgway Cemelary Association in the new Cemetery The present lotf price for lots may soon be advanced. Apply at the office of W. S. HAMBLEN, Secretary Ridgway, Sept, 7 1875. n-29 Private Tuition. Pupils wanting to receive instruction in Greek or Latin, or desiring to prepare for College can bavo opportunity f deir.g. so by appying to the Rector of 0 race Church. He. having made the neeessary arrange' ments will be glad tor receive s limited number of young ladies and gentlemen for instruction. For information as to terms io apply to . REV WM. JAS. MILLER, A. M. Ridgway, Pa. " EDT'D J- SLAVS' k CO. NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN Yokk, Tenn'a. SEEDS. Garden and Flow er Seeds, Uru.su Heeds, Heed Corn, Heeil 1'otutoen, Seed Wheut, Tree and Hedge Heeda, &C Iii'LHS, of all kiridn, for Spring and Fall planting. BULBS. TREES. Ktandurd and Dwarf Fruit Trees, Grapes and gniall Fruits. Evergreens, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, Hoses, Hedge Plants, Ac. En close Htuinp for price list, 25e for Full Descriptive Catalogue. Executrix's 'otke Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estute of J. V. Houk late of Ridgway township, deceased,- have beeu granted to the undersigned. All persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all persons having claims will present them properly authenti cated for settlement. JEANNKTTE CAKOlINE HOTJK, n51-0t Executrix. Executors' Notice.- Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Francis Tegeier, late of Kt, Mary's borough, deceased, have boen granted to the un dersigned All ' persons knowing tlrefuaelves indebted to suid estate are requested tamaake immediate payment and all persons having claims will pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement,. Als-)I.PHFOCHTMAr'T , n61-6t t'HAHLUHR rs Tl rem TTTOBK Ws are now prepared ei to do all kinds of JOB WORK, Cnvelepeo. Tags. Bill-beads, Letter beads neatly and : cheaply executed. Offiee in Tbajer Hagerty's new building, Mais srt aVidgwa, Pa. Is ':f I li. tit. ) - If ill J "S t! p ' i Jliwiu.il, ill alf -Sis III 3S ORGANS in any parlor. 3 BMntlful NSW 6tjfli ROW rMy Cambridsreport, man. itv bum st., vaicaye is Muticmt Journal of telectad nunc and vmluible readlnr mail for i per year, or lea centt a number. Each number r'atM of Advertislnr. Ons column, one year ,,,,(75 00 SU Mil 26 00 ' " 16 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one Insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions 92. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year 6. Advertisements payable quarterly. W A ftnr adrrnuor bu not niada hi adtrttk Bant alUnrrthn iltatinet, w. wiU tnurpret aad at rata u aa follows I K. It. POOTE, I.X. lathar at Plain Hntne Talk, aladieal Coaimon Sana. Bot.no. in Story, ate., IS Lexington A'enna (oar. Rut 2.1th Itnct), New York, aa iKDartunan raraioiaar, traata all forma of UngUng or Ckronla DUoaaaa, ami reoaiTM lettara traa ail parts ot t&a Ctviuaae WoaLO. Br hi. original tutu ot eondnetlnf a lladlml Pra tic ha is attoowfiilly traattnn nnmarona patieata h Kurono, tha Went ludlea, Domlnloa t Cauala, and lo avery part of the Uniuxl SUtaa. NO MEHCUK1AL Or deletatvini dru uwil. He has, during tla past twenty three yettr, treated succeafuUy nearly or qnttai 4U.UU0 cum. All facu oonnoeted with each case re carefully recorded, whether they be ooromneieatad by letter or tn person, or otwerred by tha Doctor or hi aaaoolate phyaieiaiia. Tha latter are all sdentiflaT aasdloal man. HOTV IHVALID8 AT A SISTASCB Ara treated. All invalids at a dlrtanoa are reejnlraal tn answer a list of plain qnestions, which alktte every yinptnm under wliich the invalid rmtfera. All real' munlorUtoiu Iroaui ttrtetlp conflUntat. A aomptete system of refi.terine; revnts mistakes or confusioa. List of questione aent free, on application, to any pari f tha world. Sizty-nage pamphlet of BviDBMcaa o Suocass. also aent free. All these testimonials are (torn those who have been treated by mail and erpraaai Advice i orrica. oa as Kill, nxa ow ciuwa Call oa or address SR. E. B rOOTEV ' go. 180 Lexington AveM . T. flhiHed to ftZl DTooiet flam Komt Talk mud ykdical Common. Sense: Aha Jjrjbefe Science' in Story. JerPUtttculars addnss IXurrfiliruWishini&inpany 129Qs2SSt Sr. Berger's Tonio Bowel and file fill. These pllla are an lufalliltle remedy for eonstlpatioa sad pila eauaait by weakness or enpnreesio& of the aariatsltto motion of the bowela. They very caatly bioreaw tha activity ol tha Intrstlnal oanal, produce1 soft stools and reiiere piles at one. Thonaanda have bean eurad by them. Price 60 cents, sent by mail oa reoeipt of price, prepared only by F. ALFRKri RK1CHARDT. FaaaMAClBT, 4Ui foCBTa AVMGa. Maw Tons Cm. Sr. Bsrjor's Cempenad Iloid Hz tract ef Khttbarb and Bantelioa. The best combination of purely vefetabta medtelnas ta aatlraly replace Calomel or Blue Pill. It stimulates the brer, hnreaaea the now of bila, and thus removes St enoe Sorwldity of tka liver,- bMioneaess and habitual SonatlpactiM. and tha diasaaea ariaing from auch a dyepepeiai etch headache, flatnltaaa,- ate. Taeeffeo tireneaa at Shis Bttraet win ha proved, visibly, al one aa the patieat, as oaa a two bottles are ntteteat ta tear tha eoatp'erton baantifully, and remove plntplas aad statu eanaed by liver troubles. Price f 1 par botUa. SotUaa, S; will be aent oat receipt of the prlaar aa aay addreas. free of eharsa. Prapared only by F. ALSSD KllCHaRDT. raaJUtacur, tMIeeSXal Avaaea, slaw ton Cm. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For the relief aad cure of all derange taenia In in atotav ach, liver am bow. la. They are a mild aperiena, and on excellent purgative. Being purely vege table, they contain no mercury or mine ral whatever, llucbi serious sickness and suffering is prevent. et tv thffi. tim.l ase; and every famfly sHotild have them en hani for their protection and relief, whenr required. Long experience has proved them to be the saf. eat, surest, and beat of all the JPtlie with which aha market abounds. By their occasional use, the blood is purified, the eorrttptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed,- and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Ayr' fflU, and stimulated Into action. Thus incipient disease) at changed into health, the value of which change, When reckoned on the vast multitudes who enjoy It, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or ecu nation. Full directions are r'vjn on the wrapper to tech box, trtjw to use them as a Family rhysic, and for the following complaints, Which tone till rapidly cure: or mty ess)saiet or xaniajeeiiaB, aiaii- JmWm J!; was, utBsser ana a.tsa ar ayniiie, tney should be taken moderately to stiimifatc the itoas icn, and restore its healthy loue and action. for A.lver Conap-Iasltet and its various aymp. loms, awlliawa (laaetiaaha, atlcls HaataV. acha, Jaaaalica or drera atlckaaaa. Mil la a a Colic and SSIllaaa fovara. they should Se judiciously taken for each case, to correct tha diseased action or remove the obstructions whictt Causa it. For Kyaeajtary ol DlatrrbaSaV but on anild nse is genernlly required. For naawmatlaws, tlset, Gravel, Pal. Klamtioa af tha Hears, (ala la tha la, Hack and K.alaa, titer should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For llransy and Drepalral walllagv, they should be taken in large and frequent dotea lo produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Hapisraaalaa. a large close should be taken, as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. As a TJfnnet" nil, take one Or two FUU to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the System. Hence it fs oltcn advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these i'lllm makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleanau g and ranovajiug effect oa the digestive apparatus. raiTAUD BT Jtr f.C.A TES at CO., Fraetleml CtmmUV, IOWXLI, MAIS., V. . at. rw iiu bt iu UMvaoa3$trw ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTV. Office in Tliayer k Hagerty's Bluck, KIDGWAY, PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRlBri, SUBSCRIBE. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAK. GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK. ! CARDS?, TAGSf ENVEL0PEJ, LETTER HEADS, NOTE" HEA8V BILL ll&Atti, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, f ROGRAMJlES, POSTERS, AC. ORDERS Bt MAI! PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO' Aiifm, THE ADVOCAt PETERSOlTSlAaAZINE ?G37A32 IE2-PAI0 ON ALL ST7SCHIP XiOi.S. HyAWjf sttfctifi-rtrr ft ir 170 will It ijrtxaiterf with u $vpri (. htrfft-nized tied rnyravity vf Trtimtiuir-ctk-t)rated tare vf " The ii-tnint of fte Declara.' lion of Independence." Thi will bt ' Velemon's" Llntinnial (jtift tgSR 'Teterson's Jluyvtine" contains, every jesr, 1000 pages,. 1-4 steel plntci 12 colored Betlia pattern", 12' ruaai' moth colored fashion plitte.", lil pages of uumc, and POO wood cuts. GVrvif! improvement trill he wade in 1873. Among thetn will be a series of illustrated unifies on the Great Eihibi. tion at I'hilndelplua, which will nlond be worth the sitWriptioo price. Ihty will appropriately culled. ., TH3 CE'rTTIKUIAli IU JEW AND PEWCILl 'l ho immense circulation ol "Peter son" enables its proprietor to spend more ruoney on establishments,' storiep, iCc, &e , than any other. It gives more for the vwvry than any in the tcvrldt Its. THRILLING TALES AND NOVEL KITES Are the be't published orjyr,hcre. All the n oft popular tcriltrg are rmplotcd tn write oriyinuljf for "J 'elerson." Ia 187l, in adnition to the usual quantity ot idiort stories, FIVE URIOINAIi COPYltlOHT NOVELETTES will bo given, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Frauls Lee Benedict, Mrs. F. 11. Burnett, and others. Ka&msth Colore! FasMfla Ilato Ahead ot all others. Ihesc plates ate enslaved on steel, twice the uta'Aii size, and are unrqualed Itr beauty. They will be superbly coloied. Aiso, Household and oilier receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. A. B. ls the nblitirrt note pre paijt the posh'QC to all mail tubtcribcm, l etersoit" is CHEAPER THAN EVER; tn net it XUE CHEAPEST IN TllaS WOULD. TERMS (Always in Ad Vance. S2.0O A YEAR. 2 Capias foi$3,GO 3 Cepies 4,80 With u copy ot the premium tui'zzotint (21l2(jJ 'CjlRJijlMAS Wor'nin.o," tt five dollar tiiyruviny, to the pcraon get- iins up the f.;iuri. 4 Copies far $6,80 7 Copies for' 11,00. Witu mi cxtiii copy or i lie Alaga. sine for 187U, us a preuiium, to the person getting up the Club C Copies fr $8,50 8 Copies for 12.&0 -12 Copies for 18.CO. VSittt l')tli mi extra copy of the .Mttguzine for 1S76, utid tlie pivniium nicziotint, a five ifalla fvgrntwg, to the person get'.ing up the lino- Addrces, post-paiJ, CHARLES J. PETERSON. 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa aW&pecinieus sent gratis it written tor. '0 ' 1 v; TIIU CITIZENS OF PESNSYL AN1A. Yotir atiention is nueciallv iuvilei ta tVie fnct ttmt the National b.-inkif are dtw prepni-id to rtceive aubricriptioDS to the Capital Stock ot the Centcuuial lioanl of Finance. The funds realizetl from this source are to bu etoployeil iu tlie erec tion of the builuinc. for the Internatioua Exhibition, and the expenses connected it."l the sum. It is coutidcntly believed1 that the Keystone State will be' ropresnuteii the name of erery eitizen alive to patri otic commemoration of the ono hundredth birth-day erf the nalioti. Tire shares o slock are offered for $10 each, ami sub scribers will receive u handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suiinble for framing and preservmion as a tinitonttl memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will ho paid on all payments of Cen tennial Sleek from date of payment tor JuDiiary 1, 187r.- Subscribers who are not neat a National liauk can remit a check or post otlice order to the undersigned.- FREU'K r'KALEY, Treasurer. WH Waluut St., Philadelphia PAY AS YOU GO. If you poy for goods when you bvy hem, yotr will never bo troubled wiplt the nigt-mtife or debt, your sleep will bo sweet yoar dreams pleasant, and your wife and children will greet you .with m untile in ths moru'iDg. Go to Powell & Kirne'a modsl rtors with your cash get more than its ralae and go home satisfied. They have adopted the cash system, and cay it is working charru ingly. ArptETONs Amekican Cyclopedia that the revised, trod elegantly illus tiated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 pages odco in two months, is the best Cyclopedia in America, fs certain. No library is com--plete without it. It is a complete oner in itself. It only costs S3 a month tr get it in leather binding. The best and cheapest '.ibrary in the world. Addreae, C. K. Judson, Fradonia, N. Y. Hats and Caps a complete assortment at P. & K's. Iluutidg Rubbers!- with and without heels, a large lot at P. & K's. AW other kinds of rubber boots and shoes. Coodfish boneless and bkinless. Also1 some of the old fashioned in full dressy at P. & K's. Those Hamilton Corsets at P & K's are the most durable, and the cheapest in market. New goods', every day in the year ezoept Sundays and legal holidays at the great mammoth Grand Centra) Store of P. & K'ft. No bragging around. Call for whatyou want. A complete stock of ladies misses and childrens shces, light, medium and) heavy at P, & K's. Now is the time to buy. Alpacjs eheajet than eter befor known at P. & K's. "King Dee" trod many othera . kindf of chewing tobacco. Also smoking of all the popdlar brands at P. & K's. Those newtyle prints, at P & JL' are the general talk of the town. G tod sw theuu