FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. The Hoamhold. Breakfasts. Breakfast is a menl about which there is great diversity of opinion. Some will have it that the Freuoh plan of breakfasting at twelve or one o'clock is the proper one, taking only a cup of coffee on rising; other's that a gonil menl before beginning the day's work is absolutely indispensable. We are inclined to favor the last opinion, at least as far as our busy people are oonoernod. It would be rather hard for the father of the family to have nothing but a cup of coffee and a roll to work upon from eight o'clock until one. We are inclined to think that those who favor the Into breakfast system have nothing to call them up early, and so can easily wait to partake of a sort of half break fast half luncheon. Breakfast parties have become quite fashionable of late years. They are of course given at the same hour as lunch, and are only dis tinguishable from that meal by a differ ence in the menu. We propose to give a few good breakfast recipes not for fashionable late breakfasts, but for a hearty meal to commence the day at, say eight or nine o'clock. Ham Toast. Mix with one tablespoon ful of finely chopped or grated ham, the beaten-up yolk of an egg, and a little cream and pepper; heat over the fire, and then spread the mixture either on hot buttered toast, or on slices of bread fried quite crisp in butter; servo very hot. Grilled Slices op Mutton. Cut some rather thick slices of underdone cold mutton, score them well, and rub in plentifully some common mustard, salt and cnyoune pepper; then broil them over a clear fire, and serve with the fol lowing sauce : NATIONAL GAMBLING. DEATH OF AN OLD WARRIOR. Qmr.ii Sauce. Take one gill of good gravy, mix with it one tablospoonful of mushroom catsup, one of French mus tard, a few chopped capers, a little grated lemon-peel; add a thickening of butter and flour and a few drops of lemon juios; simmer till quite hot; pour over the grill and serve. Kidneys with Macaroni. Cook two ounces of macaroni, broken into con venient pieces, in boiling water; skin two or three mutton kidneys, remove the f it, and cut them into thin slices; sea son with salt, cayenne, and finely minced herbs; fry them on both sides in butter; t en stew them in half a pint of gravy, well flavored with fresh or canned to matoes; dish with a layer of the maca roni over them, the gravy poured over; add pepper, salt and some grated cheese; brown with salamander. Hominy Muffins. Take two cups of fine hominy boiled and cold ; beat it smooth; stir in three cups of sour milk, half a cup of melted butter, two tea- spoonfuls of salt end two tablespoonfuls of white sugar; then add three eggs well boatsn, one teaspoouf ul of soda dissolved in hot water, and one large cup of flour; base quickly. JSew lork Times, Farm Illntn. There is enough out-door work to keep farmers busy everywhere. Gath ering materials for manure, making composts of coarse materials, with cotton seed and superphosphates for corn and cotton, top-dressing grass fields and for encouraging the growth of native pas tures, plowing, fencing, nnd cleaning out water courses, will employ Southern farmers. At the North, there is. firewood ti cut and haul, rails to split, fence posts to hew and bore, ioo to cut and put away, the smokehouse to look to, manure to turn over, and many other things to bo done, that will make a quiet evening's rest over au instructive book or paper, very acceptable. Every farm has its special needs that require pro viding for. There i3 as much need to keep roads in good repair during the snowy season, ns iu snmmer. Bare spots that are swept by tuo wind, should be packed over with snow when the sun is warm and the snow soft. It may then bo beat en down, so that it will not drift away. ' Cradle-holes," the " thunk'ec-mai-ms " of Now England, may bo repaired by laying Lrush across the hollow, and cov ering it with snow, which should be well trampled down. Whore the roads are mn Idy, the bent way is to temporarily repair them by filling the holes with bru'ih, or by laying bruisli across the soi't spots. It is useless to repair roads wuh earth or stone while they are wet. Oxen should bo well fed, and well c ilod c vfu'y day, to bring them into good condition for spring work. A weak animal will soon give out under the first hot snni ot spring. A hull may be made t' ut least earn his feed. Ho will be more tractable and moro trustworthy for it. A bull had better do much of the ha'iling and odd jobs of the farm, than to bo tiocl up to fret and beoome savage, The small things which need attention now, brtnoine numerous and pressing. The first thing that should be done, if it has not already been done, is to pro cure an account book, nnd begin to keep accounts with the crops and stock. The wagons and cartu need painting or re. pairing; tho plows to be overhauled harrow tt-eth pointed; seed to be select ed or procured; harness t bo repaired and cleaned; tho thrashing machine and horse-power to bo cleaned nnd oiled, and many other small but reslly import ant matters, will now need Rttention. Thcso should be looked for with a sharp eye, and vlin found, make a note of, or let them bo attended to at once. Agrx cutturtst. The Daehy el Alonnce and Hew It la Hop. ported. E. D. Holton, writing to the Evening Wisconsin, Rays : The independent kingdom or duchy of Monaco has a ter ritory of three square miles. It seems very absurd on the face of it, and in deed I think it an absurdity in fact. But here is this monarchy perched upon a bold, rocky prominence right out in the sea, with walls and palace and city, with two or three thousand inhabitants, ruled over by a prince whoso title ij Charley Monroe, III., having supreme authority. It would be naturally sup posed that a monarch would need some arable land, that ho might have sheep, cattle, horses, swine, poultry, t to., and that he might have the vegetable pro ductions of the earth for his own use, and that of his people. But this prince has nothing of tho kind. The major part of his kingdom is covered with buildings and occupied by streets and beautiful gardens. His houses are handsome or rather those of his sub jects his streets, and bridges, and walls, and parks, and gardens, are in exquisite condition. His city is lighted with gas, and snppliod with water, and all is clean, handsome and nice. But you will inquire, from whence does a monarch with such a realm de rive a revenue by which to sustain these conditions, and also to have revenues to maintain the dignities of royalty (for I need to add that Monaco, not to be out done by the majestic nations by which it is surrouuded, maintains its standing ar my) ? Does ho build ships and carry on profitable commercial relations with the rest of mankind i 1 think not. 1 observed a small craft, perhaps of a hundred tons, anchored behind tho moat which makes tho harbor. Has he mines in his rock-bound king dom from whence he and his subjects may derive the precious metals ? No. From whence then come the revenues for the maintenance of this kingdom? for he has plenty of money. By virtue of his high powers as a monarch he sells out, or grants a con cession, to a single party to carry on "gambling" in his dominions, and monte carlo belonging to his realm has become, since the gambling houses were shut up in Germany, quite celebrated, and thither come persons wishing to gamble from every quarter. I was told that M. Le Blanc pays the prince nine million francs per annum for the conces sion, and then has three millions left for his own pocket. Of course we must visit the splendid Cassiuo illuminated in the post bril liant manner. Numerous roulette and rouge-et-noir tables were in full blast, and the seats at each table all occupied, and numerous spectators standing around. All is order, decorum, splen dor aud maguiiicenco. A roulette table, beside the four persons nho conduct its business, seats eighteen persons. The table is oblong, aud leaves nine per sons t-taking their money at either end. It was very interesting to stand ami watch the game. It proceeded with great rapidity aud dispatch. Thousands of francs were won and lo;t at every turn of the wheel. No lets sum than five francs was put up by any player, while there were those who dealt only in gold, and who staked ut each turn of the wheel no less than a thousand franco. Three persous particularly took our attention. First vs the veritable grandfather of little Nell. Evidently he had nothing to put up, and as he stood aud leered upon tho game, with his eyes starting from their sockets, ho showed the intensity of bewitchment with which the vice had possessed his soul. Then there was another old man who had heaps of gold borore him. His head was clean-cut aud very intel lectual. Ho staked large 8ums with great resolution. But tho scowl cf his face when the loss came, nnd the gloam of Kitisuction when the gain came, was very observable. There was anot her, and she wns a very handsome young lady. I should judge her not to be above twenty-three. She had two heaps of gold, and her heap grew larger all the time. She was mod est, and very pleasant-faced, She took her successes and her losses with equal grace aud sweetness. But uono among tiiem all placed larger stakes upon the table, or did it with more nerve, punctu ality and precision than this young lady. I ihould have liked to tnow lir:r hi-tory. cuo is full of lilo ana beauty now. But tho road she travels, and all they which travel with her, leads to death. He Fenht the Algerlne Plrntea and Nearly Brought e a War with Hpnln. Catt. Victor M. Randolph died near Blount Springs, Ala. He was born in Culpeppor county, Virginia, July 24, 1797, was commissioned from that State a midshipman in the United States navy in the year 1814, and sailed under Capt. Stephon Decatur. He served with great credit in the fieroe oonfliots with the Algerine pirates, that ended in their ex termination. He was with the late Capt. Josiah Tattnall at tho bombard ment of Vera Cruz, and caught the latter iu his arms when he fell dangerously wounded by a Mexican missile. During President Taylor's administration he wns giveu the command of the United States ship Albany, aud in obedience to orders from Washington, he disbanded several hundred adventurers who had collected on Bound island for tho unlaw ful purpose of invading Cuba. Soon thereafter, by the merest accident, war between the United States and Spain was averted, as follows : The United States sloops-of-war Albany and Gorman town, each carrying twenty-two guns, under the command of Capt. Randolph, happened to cist auchor in tho harbor of Havaua at the time when a reign of terror prevailed, just following the exe cutions of Lopez and Crittenden. A Spanish frigate and brig had captured the crew of an American merchnutmau, under pretouso that they were fili busters. Capt. Randolph visited Cap-taiu-Ucueral Ccueha, demanded their release, and was refused. After a stormy interview the former left, in forming the latter that he would set freo the American crew before sundown. The Albany aud Germantown were im mediately put under way, and sailed out under the bristling guns of Moro Castle. Iu Bight were tho Spanish frigate aud brig, conveying the captured Amorican merchantman toward tho mouth of the harbor. Thousands of the citizens of Havaua thronged the shore to witness the expected naval battlo. The guns of the United States vessels were shotted, aud all hands ordered on decks to pre pnro for action, and then the two bore down upon the Spaniards. When the distance between them was less than a league, the United States steam frigate Sarauao, commanded by Capt. Tattnall, appeared, aud made signals to the Al bany to heave to. As Capt. Tattnall ranked Capt. Randolph, the latter was compelled to obey, much to the chagrin of the now excited and expectant crews of the two vessels that had been pre pared for action. The Saranac, whose commander had gotten wiud of tho situation that morning, had beeu put under full headway of steam, in order to prevent hostilities that would have re sulted in a final declaration of war be tween the two countries. He had his orders from Washington to keep peace at all hazards. A delay of lss than twenty minutes and the Saranac would have 'reached the scene too lato to pre vent a fight that would have been speed ily followed 1 y the invasion and capture of the i.-flaud of Cuba by the United States forces. A Frozen Man Restored, A farmer named John Ilammell, says tho Seneca Falls Reveille, v as found near the house of Mr. Morehouse frozen. Everybody said he was dead, having lain oil night and frozen to death. A coroner was sent for to prove that he was dead, and see that he was properly buried. A phyt-iciau happened to come in and, on examining the man, said he was not dead. Here was a question of veracity be tween the doctor and the coroner. But the doctor was allowed to go ahead with his restoratives and see if he could raise the dead. Sure enough, John Hammell did eventually open and close his eyes, and now now he is a live and well man. It was lucky for John, bnt unfortunate for the coroner. The Keely Motor. The bursting of one of the Keely mo tor machines is the first really practical result we have had of the experiments with the famour motor. The pressure at the time of the bursting of the copper ephcre is said to have been 9,000 pounds hydranlio pressure to the square inch. The Keely motor company, however, declare that they are not discouraged. They seem to be very sanguine men, as they need to be, iu their effort to over come mechanical laws. The day when that train of cars is to be drawn from Philadelphia to New York by a teacup of water must now be put still further iu the distance. New York Sun, Bullion Products of the United States. The following are estimat ;s midu by different writers of the production of gold aud silver in the world since 1818: By E. B. Elliott All sources, gold, 3,206,100,000 ; all source?, hilvcr, 81,990,600,000; total g.'.ld aud silver, twenty years, $1,902,700,000. By Dr. Soothur Gold and silver, nineteou years, 83,518,200,000. By Professor Blake Gold and silver, nineteen year!?, 83,751,000,000. By Joseph S. Wilson Gold and silver, nineteen years, 83,490,100,000. Estimate of tho pro duction of precious metals during the same period, nineteen years from 1849 to 1867 : By Professor Blake Gold aud silver of the United States, nineteen years, 81,073,000,000. By J. S. Wilson Gold and silver, ninteen years, 81,115, 000,000. By J. R. Brown Gold and silver, nineteen years, $1,255,000,000- thus showing that tho product ot bullion of the United States has been about one third of the total product of the whole world for the last twenty years. From 1870 to 1876 it is safe to estimate it at one half of the product of the world, and it is steadily increasing. How he Used It, A minister recently attended a fu neral, and the day after he was informed that a subscription was being taken to defray the expenses, as the bereaved husband was very poor. To his surprise the said husband, accompanied by a lady, called a day or two since to be united in matrimony. The permit was regular, the ceremony Fas performed, atd the minister received a fee of five dollars. After some reflection and wish ing to put the money "where it would do the most good," he sent it as a con tribution to the burial fund of the la mented wife. A Barroom Incident in Arkansas. A party of men came down from Llano county, says the Austin (Texas) Star, and were drinking in the saloou next door above the Capitol store. One of them, whose name was Hanner, taidthat he could whip any man in Austin who had on a "stovepipe" hat. They got very excited, aud drawing their pistols laid them on tho bar counter. Fiually. lt-aving the saloon, they went down the avenue and were gone about thirty-five miuntcs. As soon as they left tho saloon s:'me one met Bon Thompson and told him about the threats tho men had made. Mr. Thompson went into his room, and putting on a silk hat, return ed to the saloon. When the parties from Llano returned, Thompson was talking in a jovial sort of way about being a Northern man on a tour for his health, but that he believed that he could whip any man iu Texas. Hanner said: " You do? Well, you are the man for me" (or something to that effect), at the same time drawing a six-shooter. But before ho could cock it Thompson fired at him, the ball cutetinrr npar his ear and com ing out at the back of his neck. Hanner then started across the street, still try incr to cock his iif,tol. when Thompson fir-'d a second time, tho ball taking effect iu Hanner s back. Officers coming up, arrested the parties, who gavo bond for their appearance ut tho moyor s court, Mormon Courtship. A Mormon bv the name of Fulmer, savs the Salt Lake Tribune, who had been chosen among tho faithful to go on a mission to Arizona, called upon Brig ham Young. " Married?" queried the prophet. "Not any," said Fulmer, o'er whoso brow forty odd years had left their im- nrint. "Must marry, Brother Fulmer, before you go to Arizona to build up the kingdom." " Don't know anybody who will have me. was the reply. "I'll find some one. Do you know Brother Bio ra I Well, ho has several daughters; you go to Brother Brown's and tell him I want yon to marrr one of his daughters." Fulmer loft and obeyed counsel to tho letter. Kuocking at the door, ho was admitted bv Brother Brown, who, upon learning what was wautod, called in his several daughters to be selected from Fulmer taking his choice, Browu told the girl to get ready in fifteen minutes, " I'll do as you say, dad," was her meek reply, as i-he walked out. " That's the way I raise my daughters if they disobey, there s war in camp The wedding festivities took place iin mediately. A LAND OF DELIGHTS. Yean Alan, Urn te North Carolina Nntnre'e Richest Treasures. The Raleigh (N. C.) Sentinel has the following hit: No greener pastures, no more fertile Holds, ever feasted the frolio soine mule-colt, or gladdened the heart and pocket of the snn-brownedhusband-man with hundred-fold harvests. No bluer skies bend their crystal arch above the far-famed, beggar-hemmed and flea girt bay of Naplos; or the lake of Como, on whose euehanted shores lny the bogus raneho of Clan do Melnotto. No softer moonlight bathes iu floods of sil very sheen the orange groves of Anda lusia, or lures tho gushing gosling to nmatory-squash-swappiiig strolls with his adored and adorable Nancy Jane. No balmier breezos sigh over Araby the blest or the gardens of Gul in her bloom, than tho sweetness-surfeited zephyrs that lingor in loving dalliance amid our rose beds and pig pons, japonica thick ets, honeysuckle arbors and guano de positaries. No nobler, longer-legged, bigger-booted, straightor tobacco-spitting, more public spirited and princoly men than our agricultural nnd mechani cal fair directors, for instance, ever loft their No. 19 stoga hoof-prints on the sands of timo. And no brighter, dear er, lovolier creatures ever flitted through oriental poet's raptest dream of Para- uise, tunn our utile dimity uncKiiugs our homemade calico seraphs our pat ent inflatable guninn-rnbbcr-bustled darlings our sweethearts, wives, mothers-in-law, grannios, nnd cousin Polly-Anns. Oh, it's a splendid, mag nificent, hunkidorious domain. It's a land of orchards and fruit trees, of cot ton nnd goldou grain ; under the feet a carpet of flowers, and tho brightest of heavens bending above and resting its dome on tho walls of tho forest. And what is there desirable under tho sun that it can't, or doeBii't, or wou't pro duce? Of nil man's varied wants, wish es, lusts or whimsies, is thero one that mny not, or cannot be supplied, grati fied, satisfiod by home production f Nay, verily none. Hero aro timber, stone, clay, nnd lime for his dwelling. Cattle, yellow-legged chickens, com, oil, wine, buttermilk nnd honey, pump kin pies growing wild on tho pawpaw bushos, Vinegar bitters, nnd limburger choeso for his food; nnd tobacco for his solaco aud delight, by enabling him to render every parlor and church pew just as nasty as his elevated Christian tastos require. Sheep nnd broad acres of snowy cotton, to yield him needful tog gery material, rare nnd flagrant flowers for votive offerings to his radiant youug goddess. What more could be asked or desired ? The maddest, gre. diest grumbler could suggest but one thing moro to render our bliss complete, nnd that is the discovery of a perfumed hair oil well, a whisky spring, a velvet bon net tree, and a paper collar mine. Seek ei for a home, shivering in a chill north ern climo, here is the place for you here is elysium regained here is every thing you can possibly waut for a cen tennial to come a grand multtim in parvo of all that heart can wish, and cheap as dirt. Come and bo happy. Come from every nation, come from every way. The Old Nortu State offers you welcome, fortune and ease. CONSUMPTIVES, TAKB NOTICE. ' Krmrj moment of delay make four cut mora hop, tern, and moon depends on tho jndlolotu oboloe of a remedy. Tbo amount of teetlmonf In furor of Dr. Sohanok'a Pulmonic Syr jp, M enre for Oonaumptton, far aioeeda all that oan be bronnht to support tbe pre tensions of any other medlotne. See Dr. Sobenok's Almanao, containing the oertlfloates of many persons of tbe bWrhaat mapectabllltjr, who bare been restored to health, after belnc prononnoed Inonrabte by physicians of acknowledged abUHy. Schonck's Pulraonlo Syrup alone has cured many, as these nvldenoes will show ; but the euro Is oftan protnnUtd by the employment of two other remedies which Ir. Sobnnck prolda for the pur pose. These additional remedies aro Bohanok'a Sea Weed Tonlo and Mandrake rills. By the timely nee of these Medicines, according to directions, Dr. Sohenck eoiilflns that most any ease of Consumption may be eured. Dr. Sohenck ts professionally at his prlnolpal offioe, Corner Slith and Arch Hlroets, rhlladelphla,eTery Mon day, whore all loiters for arttioa must be addressed. nntinnw a.... mi 11ns ..J RnnKRRN. J Qnaknr Snwlni. Union Arm, OH Puritan and Old Point Uomfort fWkers. Unpnuftled for style, oomfott, flnl.h and durability. Also School Desks and Settee made to order. Send for Illustrated Price Mat to r. A. HlWOLalR. MottTllle. Onondaga UO..W. T. FRANK LESLIE'S MONTHLY'. Asenta make 2H paces, NO Ulus chronto. Rend tffl conla for cny and torms to FflAWa Leblib, New York. IIHIWHvkly hv can viutal nir lor it: tratlons. 12. fit) yearly, Ith elegant chromo. Tonr Kama Elegantly Print, Sd On 19 TnA SFAKRNT VIR1TI1 CARna. forSa Crnli. csrd contain. which Is not .Libia until held towards the lichL Rothin;tltethemeT.rh.ftroered!n America. Blflndues menu to Aarnta. Notsltt rniMTlso Co., Aahland. Mass. Uf AMTm-' few Intelligent Ladles and If Hit I CU Itentieman to solicit orders for !apt. Olarlar s new work. HittleM fur IA Union." uat the honk for Ofntanmal tlma. All eipenaea at!. ranciid Ilrenrea required. 1MIHTIN, OILMAN CO., Hartford, (Jonn. ; Ohloago, III, ; Cincinnati, Ohli. The Markcto. HRW TOIl Decf (latll.wl'r Minlor.ilrallullorks OH fa) Oonimon to Ot i'cxaiis.t,.,, (4 Milch (lows , CO OH MHJ no 0HV4 iioks itvo... DrOHHOil HIhhij , L'inilwl Cotton Miilflhiifs eYlour Kitra V(mtrrn... Htnte F.xtra.... Wheat Hod wiwlrn...,sa No. 9 Spring. .. nye Htatn...., Harloy Hlato...... .. Il itloy iiiii'i., Cits Ml.-.rrt W'rHtitrn Corn Mixt-d Wontcm Il.iy, por cwi.., Straw, per cwi . ....,..... II"l'i....75,H-lX('tlH oMs- r-nrk M'.ea .... l.aril , Kisii keril. No. 1. Dt w No. 2. new liry uo.l, pdr cvvt Horrltif!, Koiilod, pi-r l.oi troloum Oindp OH i08 Wool California l''lnoco...,a Texas " .. A '.no nit tan " Dnttor HI ate Wenti rn lialry Wflatfi n Vi'llow...... Wpat in Ordinary Prnn lvnma Fine Ohoeee Slate i'uotory...... State likiruruod Went rn... ...... EKK9 State ALBANY. VhOt ltye Utile Corn Mixr-d Hurler Htato i Oata State gg BUFFALO. Klonr Wheat No. 1 Spring Corn Mixed Oats ltye 7-1 if'-iy 75 BALTIMOBB. Ontton Low MliMliiiKB Flour Extra , Wheat Kt-il Wostern live Corn Yoltow... Oats Mtsed 00 1 Petroleum 03Va) PHILADELPHIA. Mfff Cattle Extra oi (a 07is tieen OSJif (M! UUKB Jjrt-BHUU li (& 1J lour Pi'inif jrlvania Extra 6(0 it I 8'k; wucat uea western l ill id 1 n live 81 (4 84 Corn Yellow 66 (4 8) Mixed is 4 III Oata Mixed 41 (4 4; Paying a Dclif. Here is another new wny4o pay old debts. A moil m Heekmondwike uu fortunately fttiled in business. He called a meeting of his creditors and showed that, a3 thero wera no a-.sets, there would be 110 dlvideud. Whereupon one of the company, knowing that tho bank rupt was a good singer, asked him if ho would not soothe the wounded feelings himself and fellow creditors aud cheer their drooping hearts by warbling somo melodious ditty. The bankrupt expressed his willingness to oblige, aud foituwitli commenced, iu tremulous tones, to sing "Then you'll remember me. Ho sang so well, and the selection was so appropriate, ihat the creditors unanimously agreed to release him from his obligations. Wanted the Money, The American consul at Amsterdam says that countless letters are sent from this, country to Holland asking informa tion in regard to vast estates and for tunes supposed by writers to be theirs, having been the property of their Dutch ancestors. Borne time ago the consul reoeived a letter from a Pennsylvania lady, saying that her clairvoyant giand mother had seen $30,000,000 in the Bank of Holland, all of which belonged to her, and which be was at onoo to draw and forward in a draft on Philadel phia, as New York was too far off. Post-Office Circumlocution, Note tho practical working of the thing: A in Oakland, Gul., writes to B in Bon Francisco, to attend his grand mother's funeral, to take place next day, In the hurry and confusion A negl cts to stamp the letter. Twenty days later li receives a circular from tne third as sistant postmaster-general at Washing ton, notifying him that an unstamped letter is lying in the custody of the dead letter office, which will be forwarded to him upon receipt of a stamp and the circular sent, tie writes at once, in closing stamp, and thus at the end of forty days receives the bid to his proud- mother's funeral. It has cost him six cents nnd au envelope, and tho trouble of writing a dii-iction. Wha has it cost the department ? A letter has been re-enveiopea ana sent eastward over uf ty-hve degrees of longitude; when it arrived another letter was written and sent westward over the same route; a third letter is written and mailed east ward the same distance, and a fourth returned westward, so that before A's note inviting B to his grandmother's fu neral stopped its wandering, it had in volved a circuit of three-fifths the whole circumference of the globe, 220 degrees of longitude, 11,000 miles. Facts are Stubborn Things. ThouunridH of human beiuss are yearly borne on tlio swift current of diiteaso down to the gruvc. j net bec&uue they dinotpotwont) a buIU ciout Kuowicnye or uioiu.-oivo.-i. a iuau nioci bin neighbor, and tho firht salutation U How are you ? or " Hoty u vour health r i ho reply frequently i i: " OIi, I am well, with tho ii'-ojjtkm of a tmld." M-rst persons lightly rccard a colli. Header, r.o vou know that cold in one of tiie moat dangerous of maladies? V l'OiJ not only ciPiixupthe pore-or tliu entire r.VHtem am! retards aii-culallon, nut it is P'odnc- tivn of cauiru, winch is quite apt to lead to cotipumptiou. "Oh," you say, ''it iu nothing but a cold iu mv head. l ine ; but that cold is really a nnld form ut catarrh, and if not ar l cited iu Us coulee will uccoine curomc, CaUrrh is one of the rao?t disagreeable, offen sive affections iu the catalogue of diseases, The iaoH;t(.'e to the nose is obstructed, the seubo of smell impaired, aud there is a dm i.gietiLle sentatiou of prcs-mre iu the hoad, In the more advanced stages, there is a dis ohare ha iug an co'unsivo odor. If the dis oaso ho allowed to continue in its conn thick, hard incrustations will form iu the head tho bones of whioh somelimos become soft ened aud break away iu nieces. W by h ill pt sons contiuno to suffer from such au annoy ing, disgusting disease, when they can just a: well te cured or it? lr. mures iatarr Ittmedy will cure the worst forms of catarrh ; in fact, it is the only suro and eafe remedy which has yet beeu "offend to the public. Many linr.:)i, irritating preparations may, for a time, relieve the urgency of the symptom-!, but thoy do not euro the disease. Dr. Hage"s Catarrh Kemedy is soot . big and healing in its t ffocts, and when iiKed with Dr. 1'ieroe's Nasal Douche, according to directions, does not fail to t-ff oct cure. Bold by all druggists. Oam. 14 n 40 B an l is 1 w 1 ;m 41) mi 70 m if) Oi) ... II ...M IK) ...10 IH) . . . 4 71 JH 30 411 a ai 51) 111 1X II 711 6 7H 04 I (III 1 as ( IX) (4 I (),) i 1 48 tit r.A rt I in ( l w I ct M M22 (XI y.a Hit () Ml 8 DO 6 75 21 Kr-flnr-d It 20 (4 81 (4 (4 14 (4 (4 07X4 01 (4 (4 C4 IIS 17 83 fO 87 21 21 17 14 Ot 12 19 1 37 VI CO 1 El) (4 8 CO (4 1 80 (4 (2 M 4 7i 14 I 0i) 12V4 0 70 (4 8 76 14) (4 1 4,i 75 (4 71 CO (4 45 (4 69 45 Petroleum Orude. . ...11 (All Beflned 18 WATFRTOWK. MASS. He!f Cattlo-Poor to Choice B 00 9 80 Wiwp S 00 6 60 I.umba a oil 2 0) m A pair of shoes will coet you miy uto cents more with a Ml, VI It TIP m than without, and it will add 'wlce the coat ot the shoe to their wearing value. ! Alao try Wire Quilted Sni For sorvice and comfort wear Cable Screw Wire Hoot and biioB the best an easiest. Alo try Wire Quilted Soles. TTonneki,per rejoice. AGKNTSmakemoney with jlm. our o new ar'icics. UAPEWKLLa:iJj.1vJfiH8aire, TOIjIjY. The Live Yank. tj to Yankee Puumsuinq Uo Send stamp for sampl Allen's Planet Jr. Silver Medal ijir., i ry -- fpif H a tnmrm," ana boo rttttrt wanvr. ma rim nmn ratter tnB trie nana nra. n. i. aijI.rn on,, Hfn 1 19 H.Uh flt., Phil., P. Clranlsri rM A Lira Aesirr W awt id in vry (own, POPri,AR ivrm 50 IT i t O) U J U statlfiiMry findtlHwnlry rohKi,the lrimMit, mont comploro mi'i tinst Hfinnif racKus innn wona. Cttrfln ftttot poAt-ptld for 25 ctR. Knnd n'ainp for samploa of Jn 4'nrdt lnrbln, HnowRiiltrn, MrrolU ln- UIIIHIft I'tr. WQhATOYr IOOtvlt. dqvntt Wanted, A. If. I UMJtB A Co., Brockton, Masai AUKNTM WANTKP t H iWOrionUl Nntnplo wHIl C'lrmtlntn NkTH uf (HLI pint fid sIwoto lull ton, shirt studs and collar button. Hy mail 25 im. f Intrilfifctiod of l JhroTiviB ani novniuna seni irwt. OKIKiNTAI. NOVKI.TY (JO., Ill Chambira Ht..N.y. -MA I IIH.-JO whMsj or tinted Mrlstol, 20 cta.t flO KnowU-itcH, Mitrblii, Kop, or IlarnaKV, ;SQ) eta.; oJ 01m, 40 ul. with your name httautlfallr printed on f nnm. ana m Sanmina or typo, aiiMnur ppco-usi, nnt iiw ndnin mull nn rttuAnt nf 0H00. IXsoonnt t(i J .1 s. IlMtuf work. W. IJ. 1 Hnefliand Htroflt, liofiton. M n. M. I BTTFWCIII.L UO. PRINTERS' ROLLERS MnHo from the Patent KxrHtilor" ('OOtDonltlnn til rnuai .nr't Ht!.;ii-a f? tne weauier ; pnoe. ju ceuis per pound. Is um"l In prinHnjr ( 'lis itaper. MTTUawtrBtr-fl Flornl Catnf ovtiA for 180 n n'jvr rv.-(ly. i'rloi JOOnU, Ua than half tho cobU AfiKNTS WASTM) FOR THK IJF.hT BlOdRAPHtFS OF Ainftnv 1 foi' in tllWUI KliITIOM I" AKD AVn 1 f.M'HTH ATF!. CfNTH. OnMPMETfc. QAM'TY I'M in thM ;hfipft fnd host thin out. oaufu 1 m't H,. any uttmr till you site Ihla. darK" d ;-11 M to Ajrni. AfHrrns MuriiAii riJiiijiNHiMi iinrtrnrd.uonn. THICKS t IIOW T TAKK A .! A N'M VEST OVh IV n I KM T Kl- TMtVIMJ III I AT. This Sftmiilriirlv ridiculans and nnrpuji.-inahla Trick la tm prfurmnd without cutting, tearing, fir In any way inrofurlna rho Tost, or without V'tnuvina eithor arm from th nlevin nf the coat. This is no " ('ate 1." 1 w mid Wond'Tliil Trlrltn with t nrd, it unit, post-pain, on rucoipT 01 pnoe, 1 ij ots. WANTED AGENTS ! tor tiie L.KI.AT CENTENNIAL TTTPmnTiv UNIVERSAL, niO X VlX X To tho of thr first I (M) years of our National Inde 'pnnttm:, itK-iiininR an account ot tne coming irana untinnial r ihilnUrm. 7111 nnirnR. nne emzravlnffB. low priuf, nuiok rialps. Kxtra tnns. (Snd for7Jtrcular, v . x,v, it a J j., f 1 m Arcn M.,t'nuaaeipuia,f a, THE H'JijH nieaded by .iiri.-it i,t-4.iu. Jiuwuaiie recoin- jeuuiu (i une, -nut's 1 i wii uul Special Notice to Our Readers ! SPECIAL CAIJil AGENTS WANTED To cll the Nbw Patent Improved EYE CITS. Onarantetd to fc the bril paying Iioiiim nTcred to AQVM v' nny limine. tin t-itay ui. pleamnt employment, n. ...I,, nt tha cnlplir.ilrrt npvi ratcnt Improved Eve Cn for the restoration of pIkM tirealcn out aud l.ia7.os in the evidoncee of over 6,000 genuine tea timoninla of cuma, and recominemu-d hy more than 1 OOO of our bent phy-lcians in their practice. Th 1'ntent Eye Cups area aci,ntiflc and physio loidcnl difovery, nnd a Alex. it. Wiktii, M. D., and Wm. 1IKAT--T, Ar. D., write, they lire i-ertiiiuly the urontcist Invention ot tiie ne. lleaa tne IOIIOWIUI? ceruBi-nu-F ; Febousoh Statioh, IRan Co., Ky.,1 June 0th, ltlTJ. f n. 1. Bali, k Co., Oculit: Urntlrmrn Your yotcni uu, are, m m, JudRineut, tho most aj.londtd tiiuniDh which optical acience haa evtr achieved, but, like nil Ki-i at and Important trntlia, In this or in any o'her branch of acience aud philosophy, have much to contend with irom me muor.ince ana prcjuuico oi n iw ri.-i,.. pnblio ; but truth is mighty, and it will prevail, and It ia only a qiieeiinn of timo as regards their general acceptance ami iudoraeraent by all. I have In my hands certificates of pereona testifying in unequiv ocal terms to their merits. The mopt prominent physicians of niy county recomuici'd your Eye Cups. 1 am, reHpcctl'nlly, ,T. A. L. liOVF.H. Wit. mam Ukatlky, M. L)., R.ilvisa, Ky., writes: "Tnmiks to you for tho Rrcatctstof ull inventions. My sir;lit is fully rentored i,y un use of your Patent I'.ye (hips, after being almost entirely blind for twenly-six years." Ai.f.x. it. Wvktii, M. I)., Atchinon, Pa., writer-: 'Alter total blindnef-s of my l-ft eye for four yeaiM, by paralysis t' tiie optic nerve, to my utter lieton lidimcnt your Patent Lye Oups restored my eyesight IFTmnnently iu three minute'." Huv. H. II, l'At.HiNsnt no, Minister of M. E. Church, writes: " Your I'at'-tit Eye (.'tips lnve re. etored mysiihi, for which 1 am inot tlianUiul to the Father of Mercies. Hy your wlv, -ilwncut I aw at a (lance that your invaluable t C i j. per formed tneir work perfectly in aw o :,l:-.:n e with I,:iy:el.ii;ic..l law; that they literally fid the eyes that were eturvinif for nu r.tiou. Mi.y f'ud Kieally ideas you, and may your name be enshrined in tho affectionate) meiooiies of multipliid tiioubuuda as one of the benefactors el your kind." HoiiAi-E 11. Ul'rant, M. K., buys : " I sold, and effected future Bales liberally. The latent Eye t;uii, they will make money, and ma!;-.- it last, too ; no small, catch-penny aua:r, but a superb, nmnlier one, tiltop businins, promises, as I: r a I lau see, to be llle-loiw." ... Mayor E. C. Etui wrote us, uvemK-r ICS, 18")S: "I hav i tested tho Patent Ivory I'.ye Cupa, and I am satisfi.-d they are cood. 1 a:n plcnsed with them. T hey are certainly the urratcsl inven tion of the aste " Hon. Hoiiack Omxi.F.T, lato editor of the New York Tribune, wrote: "I n. J., of our i-iiy, ia a conscientious and r- i ousibi.1, who is iu cupable of intentional b w tion or jnpositinu.:' lTof. W. MEiinitK wi'i es: "Truly, Iii'iiRrate ful to your noble invention. Myi .:t.t isi-.-stored by your Patent I'.yo Cups. May Heaven bless and preserve vou. I have beeu using B'-i-etuce s twenty years. l"am seventy-ouo years oil. 1 do ull my writing without glasses, nnd I blo-s t-.e iuvutor of the Patent Eye Cups every time I t ike up my old ateel pen." Auolpii DioHNnrno, M. D., j,hya'.-iaa to I'.uipror NajKjleon, wroie, after havin' his sit lit n stored by our Patent Eyo Cups: " ivith gratitude to Ood, and thankfulness to tho Invcutor-, lm. .T. li.u.i. fc Co., I hereby recommend the triul of the Eyo Cups (in full faith) to all and every one that has any im paired eyesight, believing as I do, th..t since the ex periment with this wonderful discovery has proved successful on me, at my advanced p'-riod of i'f- ninety vears of age I believe they will restore t'.ie ra will, on receipt oi auoscnpuua pnee, a. 7"m-rfiia, aim urnver rntt, A - aunt war. 'REWIUM COX of '.!l worth brrt Orocerie. N. Y. Weekly son, J nil. l'i, 1S7U, eayai if is one oi the. timl choncrt Jar ngrntt evtr ferrd." As we allow A LARGE CASH COMMISSION t ia a rare, cltance to ntalit muncvriivUily ana er.iren Mmfi uent fito,'li-!,J. f 7. K. Wl nsratfl Co. (Uiinti),tin Uuane bU.2.x. fimfUej n, DmY rty Bending sj!4.7. for any 14 Magazine and THF WKKKLY TRIBUNE (rejralar price 0, or 8..73 tor the Magazine aud THE SKMI-WKEKLY TRI BUNE (regular price 5Hl. Address TflK THItll'NK. New Vork. CENTS AonW writ for Ag.ncy for new book by Jinnlliliza IS Young lUr.(( At ihv rite ul ,(JUJ a ween, run expoie oi uio nj-n-Ll.i cvli:n uf PjIv.-siuv. IMuitnttcil Circul-tri, wllh compl.ta li fi-mnnn fri-o to' all. Ailln-n nmri-it otlice of pU8t!r)f Oilman A CO.rtf-jM,fL.'hlcagt IH..Cin.-:nnm. O. npITMMorpmMt 11 ill II lfltei VANTKSI AliLN'fM. S,imj,'M and Ot!;:i t 1 he-er (J. id. A. OOl'LTCK ACO..O':! -:r. CI 5 n day at hotue. Airents wanted. Onttit a&d tenn, fc free. Adr-):l 1'KUK CO., Augusta, Ma'.ua. $n tn a day at noma. Samples worth r I sect V IU tU ki-insON A (JO.. Portland. Me. k I'AM'Y t'AKIIN, 7 Ktyles, withNrme, lle. Ur Address J. 11. HrSTED, Nassau, HeafS Co , N. Y. X4fscCOC:rd. Pend for Chroma Citiurte II. lit-rroan'sstoNS, Boston. NJuce KIU I'AH HS KOIt ri,V n Il . Md., Vo , aud Pa. heud tor cataloguo. J. POLK. WiiniinRton, Del. MenWantd to cccupy positions at the C'enton 1WF nial I'shiiiltlon. liood salary, lnclnsn -."ic. for renisteriiiK. Ameriuan Ageiioy Oo.. P.O.Boz 11.17. N.Y. DIYIMCI'KH legally and quietly obtained for luc m uMiblhtr. te. : KesMeuoe unnecessjry; Eee after . A. fiODUltlClljJ. O. BoiJUI:l7, il ll AI.'KNTS nre mnkina from iS'o ec V &2kJ per Civ. Parlicalara and Utitut Mil tree. Address K1.M1IAI.I. iiltll j. Auburn. Maine. fldlUPY Na ,r rnyill; with BteooU and Key Check l"ul,LI Huttits. CataloRiin anil full particulars VUV.K. B. M. Sl'KSrrn, lill Washington St., Boston. Speedily cured bv D. rlEt'k"S onlv known and sure Kinudy. ' XO 'IIAUK for treatment until cured. Call on or address Dr. J. C. EZCS. 112 John St., Cincinnati, 0. C AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ENTEIMIUIAL HISTORY ofthe U.S. Tbe preat lntfrt in the tbrllltnff hWory of oar oonn I.t niRfi this the fatft-t bp Hi r it hook evir published It coDtaini a lull accouut uf the approach tag grand lpctpnni.'il xhilif ion. CAUTION. Did. Inomplete and UnrpUable worka r.rp being cirrulated ; the botk you huy contains 14 4 H'tt Ki ir:iviiui and l). Hne. Seed Iir clivul r and extra 'era; to Afc-MtitB. Adttieea nation i, im 1 UMllvii t:o., FMia'ie'pbia, I'a. PORTABLE GRINDING frllLLS. 3 VJ!-:NTS U'ANTKIK-Twenty ('lir-Mitua for Ml. KarKt Ksaortmeut tn th V r!d. Cos riNKNTAL J ii KOMo (Jo.. 3 iNaBau St., New'ork A !on(h. AjrenM Wanted. 24 l t lt luff artlcit In t!ie w"rld. One sample fre-. Addreaa JAV HKONMON, Uetwlt, VUb. HOOK Ii(IlAN(ii: .1IONTIII.V. 2" Otmtji a your. New, obi, rare, curious, valuable and elmfio Ito ks aiiiiDtied and wnnt-d. A MKK 1CAN IIOOU tiX(!aAN.;K. lOtl t uhoa Street, Now Vork. Pir cent. IMtOTIT to At fit. Por traits, etc., drawn by Machinery. Tor full pnrtlctilnra addnai SMITH (iKA I'll M'K'ii UO., frit. Ijuti, Mo. 300 CANCER C'uroa Fxtr.urdinary! No KnKe or KU-k-ntft. Phjiflat)R am) trtliotetl cn or eud fr ifi.reiurt nnd pnrtii'tibin to IH(. Ki im:, Arch ht .PhiladV.pH. Pimples on the faoo, rough skin, chapped bancU, aaltrheam and all cuUueoue aflwtionu cured, the Hkm made soft aud smooth, by tho line of Jumped Tab Soap. That made by Car well, Hazard & Co., New York, in the only kind that can be rblied on. aa thoro are many iutitatiuu, made from common tar, which aie woxllilean. Com, -ilhilnlnrc OM I'lilntlriK ou Uanva which will a. bo your own I ,ilinfsrt, with T(i llnmt WreUty, sent ; Mnntha ou trial f i eta. Mu-iey to ARcnta. L.T. MJTI1KU, Mill Vilbiat, Krio ('o , i'. Orcitlromiinir Obmnioe, Ntel ifnaravbi. t'!vi:o ffruplia. Scrup-book Picture, Mot toe, tj. rlei-an' wimploM ud cataloinie sont post-paid for lOots. Airvnts VVa:itod. J. L. Pattm A Oo,,Mi2 UllHmht.,.Ne Voifc. All Want It thoupauds nf Urns and millions of property saved by It -fortunes made with It particulars free. U. M. IjININOTOH at BHO.,NewVorkik (Miioano. AGENTS AS,Ia 4e Heat French BurrstitfsDlnA tile uuder-runuerM, rock bead upper-runners, for Farm or PlercIiHiit Work. .Supe rior .Mill Monrs or nil tlxe. 4-enniue lutvh An hir lUkllliiff tf'lolli. Mill l'icli, Cora hhcllers and t'lt-iiiiers, tieariug, tbaftine, Pnlliea. II angers, etc.. all kiml ofMill Mucliinerv ana Millern' rtupplien. Hfud for Pamphlet Mi-i tub Mill 4'onipHnv, liox 1430, 4 inclnuil u. any individual if tliry nro properly vitdon to applied. CommonwfuUh rrf Ma(whuett, Ecr, bb. jnna nth i R73 nerHnnallv anneared Auolph Blorn- berg, made oata to the following certificate, and by him subscribed and aworn bef ore me. Lawbknck Citt, Mana., JuueUtb, 1873. We. the underpinned, having personally known Dr. Adolph Biornberg for yearn, believe him to be an honest, moral man, trustworthy, and iu truth and veracity uuapoiiea. nn tuamticr mmwu reproach. M. BONNE Ex-Mayor, B. 13. . 1 . ' " "J GEORGE S. MERKILL, P. M KOUEUT H. TEWKHUURY, City Trsaa. TlHr. thMB ara a low ccrtiftcatea out of thou. Bauds we receive, and to the aged we will guarantee your old aud diaeased eyca can bo inarto new ; your impaired birM, dimnesa of vision, aud overworked eyea can be restored; weak, watery aud aore eyea cured ; the bliud may Beo ; apectaclea be discarded ; eight reatoreu sua visiuu jicot-i u. aud aurgicul operations useless. l'lease aeua your adurrwn iu nu,, -j m. you our book, A GEM WORTH HEADING ! A. DIAMOND WORTH SEEIiSU! Sate your Uvea and Renture ywtr HviM! Throw Array your Spcctaelca! n reartinu our Illustrated Pliysiology and Anato my of the Eyesight, of UiO pages, tells how to restore impaired vision aud overworked eyes ; how to cure weak, watery, iufl lined and near-sighted eyes, and til other diseusca of the eyes. Waste no moie money by adjusting huge glasses on your uose aud dislig uring your lace. Book inailod free to any person. Hend ou your address. AGENTS WANTED To tell tbe Patent Eye Cups to tho huudreda of people with diseased eyea uud impaired sight ui your county. Any persou can act as our Agent. To gentlemen or ladies, 85 to $20 day guar onteed. Full particulars scut free. Write immedi ntel) to DR.J.BALL&C0.,91 Liberty St., Xew York Vlty, I. O. llox 037. Do not miss the opportuni ty of being first in the field. Do not delay. Writo by first mail. Great iudiieeuionta aud large pronta oU'ered to farmers during thewiuier mouth, and to any person who wants a flrHt-cl:is.i piyiug business. fa? Til It LUlliKsf COUM1SKII1S ALLOWKD TO AOEST8 BV ANY IkU SK Itf TIIK UNITED STATES. I WHAT ARE PILES? READ I ''PLAIN BUST Facts," a Treatise on tho Causes, History, Cure and Prevenlionoi I'l'Ll S. I'ul. Ulsheil bv r. M-.'l STAKi). ITKK CO., 4li WnlkerSlrcel, ,.ew jora. rent i- kim loan narta ofthe I'nited Hint? ju r receipt of a letter sump. IUJU DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES. I ineral Terms of I- rhan gefor Second-hand Machines oi every description. "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. Th lleat Pattema made. Si-nd Jcta. for Catalogue. Address DOMESTIC SEWK 0 MACHINE CO. Aiianrt Waktco. - NEW VOHK. lOIIK AU KIMTS Hell "Delmlt Free Hrea Mau a oiM.lMte book. Outlita frHe; pay beat ooiitmitt4ion, aud all frflatit chare. K. D. Pi. TVl.l.K X UO., Pub's., Uutiuit, Jllch. Arrnla Wimlril. UraaieM In- ever ouerea. lurm, Col. O. W. Alexander, publwher of The Wanhington Uaeette, haa been offered If 1,000 for the origiu'U copy ot the letter writ ten by Mr. Jefferaon Davis to tbe Hon. James Lyons, which appeared in The Gazette ot the nxth inst. Com. Chromos. The Contiueutal Chromo Co., No. S7 Nafsau St., New York, have an im tuenae asHortment of chromon, whioh are well worthy the attention of dealers or others who are in waut of pictures for home adornment, at the lowest rates. Write t them. Coin. . American Bonk Exchange, The opportunity of exchanging books one has and no longer seeds, for others, new and old, is a convenience an l a measure of econo my that will be appreciated hy thousands. Tho American Book Exchange, 10!) Fulton street, New York, has been established to meet this waut. The liook Exchange Monthly, 25 cents a year, explains method and terms, and gives list of books. Com. Important to Persons Visiting New York or th" Center: Mnl. Tbe Gband Union Hotel, New York, oppo site the Gland Central depot, has over 850 ele gantly furnished rooms. Elevator, Btoam, and all modern improvements. European plan. Carriage hire is saved, as baggage is taken to and from the depot, free of expense. Tbe restaurants supplied with the best. Guests can live better for less money at thi Grand Union, than at any other fi rat-class hotel. Stages and cars pass the hotel constantly to all pans of the city, and to Philadelphia depot. Com. 900,000. aihuIm 'nnd Outfit frea. K! ageand pitokliiit. C U. tSANHOKtf, Bristol, N. U REVOLVERS ! ! $3.00 oUX. CsiUK, UL tMukaxtw I'm. $7? PK8W KKK tlUAKANTKKD to Ajten'n, Mala aud Kemale, la their own lucidity, Teruii and OU i UT FRK1C. Aildiesa P. ). ViOKlUiY Ol.. Annut'J. MH. OPIUM I And irlorplilne Hnlill abtolnioly ud lMtdUjr oarea. fcir.mts; no pofietty. nr. tJAiiL. Hnnd Ht&tnn for DAri'oal&rs. TOM. I hi WnaLlnKtoa ht Oh $250 A MONTH Ajronu wanted nr? wbera. BasineM honorable auJ rim oius. Partloulara aaut froo. Addrs WOUTH A JQ.. St. Loala. Mo. llublt Cured nt Iloine. Nonub- Uciiy. Time abort. Term moderat. l.tMNJ tastimoniaia. am Fenr oi uu Daraileled duooHsa. Deacrlbe cane. AddrBM Ur. F. K. JUKsH. Qii.nry, lrh. OPIUM " Mind Itendlnir Pnvrhomanry Krulnnilon, 8oal Ctaanulug, MesmHrlsm, and Lovers' Guldt howtnff bow either sex may faacinitte and gain tbe love and affeotlon of anp person they oUooite Instantly. 400 pagea. BymalloOc. Uunt A Co., I AH S. 7th St,,Pulla. iIOOI)Y and NAMiE V. The only orltrlnal, authentic, and complete record of these men and their works. Bevart of imi(utim, bend fr oiroular to AMRKIOAN PUBLISHING CO., Hartford. Ot. BOOK AGENT. MAU It TVVAIN'H New Book onU hIIs everythtnff. Dont worry about hard times, beu tuis book and aea haw amkv thriv are. Send for clroulars to AMKRI0AN PUBLISHING CO., Hartford, Ot. rrCOK. AGKXTS WAXTKUto v. 87 Mrs. Stcnhouw, for 86 years wife of a Mormon U'.gn Priest It exposes Mormon mysteries, secret doings, etc. a Wouium ei iUvmS and mchulet the txaiMoryof ELIZA ANN, WIFE No. If, ti In full by aernelf Introduction by Mrs. Hen let ilecehcr Mnwe. 60.000 copies have been sold, or over Su.tXO mors (ham any other similar btwk. It is tne most complete and beat, and outsells all others 3 to 1, MinUtera ssy (iott tid ti:" Eminent Women endorse It. Thou ssndt ere waiting for it, and Agents sell from 10 to 1W a dsy. A couimisMon of fiftii j-ercrnt. given, sod Outjitfrte, ddrvat A. 1. WOHTUIKGXOH 4 CO., UarUurd, Cottfl. Four Pages Colored Plates. thirtFthdusawb IVpl.-aof WI'.ll.THIt'S I NAHltllXiHK liar. ncnn pncpil ta a, ma iy I'nu iti .iMiao:. la tiie Uulted DiatHa, iy bialu euarlinenia or aoiuhi umcere. 1 1 IILIHHFI) iiy N"IC I f. r I, .11 a-IN. SMITH ORGAN GO. Boston. i& These Standard Instrument Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. ieeut Wanted in Every Towr. Sold throne bout ttaa Uoltsd BUtsa en tii. INSTALLMENT PLAN I That Is, 00 a Bjstam of Moothlj Parmant mrouaaera anoaia aas tor tne hmitb ahxricah i o vn uwniuitqeB ana i't Tiamcuiaron anpacatlnn. A FARM OP YOUR OWN The Best Remefylbr Hard Times Free Homesteads HD TBI iitST and CHEAPEST Railroad LANDS Are on tiie Lina of lbs Union Pacific Railroad In NEBRASKA. Secure A. Some 3Jovr Full Information tent FREE to all part of th World, Addraaa, O. F. DAVIS, Land Oom'c, U. P. E. E., Omaha, Hob. PURE COD LIVES ATT ft UT T TTlTf V ft 'V 1" ft WHborN t iid l.lvrr Oil niirf l inn'. 1 prt? Dopu'auty ot this fnf aud efacucloud i r. puratlun Ih alone attributable t-Mts intiinsiu wu.tli. Inth-c;iTo nf r-ouiitis, Co-il. Asttuna. Hr-moUHts, v no pi- e uounn, Scrofulous Humors, urd bll Uoi sumptWe Miirtums. It has no superior, if Let no one n-KUH-t th ary smptoi: of ilie-is. when an nRiit i thus ut hand whicn will alleviate all ot mplaints of tho Cbtbt. Lungs or fdroat. MauulHetuted uly iy A. is. U-buu, unenmi, nobxun. bo d by all druggists. mmm HALE'S Honey or Horeiiound and Tar yon THE CUBE OF pouons. Colds, Influenza, IIoarsk Kebs, Difficult Breathinq, and all Affections of tub Tuuoat, JJbonchial Tubes, and Lunqs, leadino to cosbumptioh. Tills Infallible remedy is composed ot tho IIonet of the plant llorchound, in phemical union with TAR-BALM,extrnct-cd from the Life Principle of tho forest tree Abies Balbamea. or Bulm of Gilead. , The Jloney of Ilorehound boothes and scatters all Irritations and inflam mations, and the Tar-Balm cleanses and hbals the throat and blr-passages leading to the lungs. Five additional Ingredients keep the organs cool, moiat, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you from trying this great medicine of a famous doctor, who has saved thousands of lives by it ia his large private practice, f N. B. The Tar Balm has no bad iTabtb or smell. I PBICEa, 50 CENTS AND $1 PER BOTTLE j Great saving to bay large au. Bold by all Druggists. "Pike's Toothache Drops' pTrwin t minute. h. V. N. U- No. 7. WUKN WRITING TO AIIVEHTIKKI .'.. ,fci Fan aaw tha advartii anaal la Ik la pava.r.