The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 17, 1876, Image 3

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    O. A. RATHBUA,
RiJgway, Pa. 2 2 tf .
Ttidgray, Elk Co., Ta. Office in
Hall's new Brick Uuildini;. Cluims for
Gollfction promptly attended to.
Office in New ISrick Building, Mntn 81
KidKwny, Elk Co., I'a. 3n2tf.
vlnio1. Eidgwuy, Elk County, Pa.
Agent, for (he Traveler's Life and Acoi
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Cotin.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cated in Rigwny, offers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Ridgwsy ana sur
rounding country. All work warranted
Oliice in Service & Wheeler's Buildinr, up
atairs, first door to the left, ?3-n-82-ly
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler
Main street, Ilidgway, I'a. Agent for the
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold
Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, docewilh
he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis
lactioa guaranteed. vlnly
Druggist and Parinnceutist, N. W. cornel
of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Ta.
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, duy or
night. vln3y
Physician ana Surgeon.
Office in Drug Store, corner llroad and
Main Sis, Residence corner Broad St.
opposite the College. (Mice hours from
t to l(f A. M. and lrom T to 8 P. M.
J. S. J) OR DWELL, M. D.,'ctic Physician and Surgeon, hag remov
ed his ullice from Centre street, to Mail st.
Uidgway, !'., in the second story of the
lies brick huilding of Johu 0. Hall, oppo
site Hyde's store,
OTuu hours: ! to 2 P .I 7 to 0 P M
UtixiWAY, Ei.kCo., Pa
W. II. SCI111AM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the pntronige heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon Into, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict a.
lentiou to the comfort auJ couvenieuoe o;
guests, to merit a ooutiuuance oi tht
Oct 30 18ui
John Collins, l'toprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretolort
to liber illy bestowed upon him, the ncn
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the ootutorl ar.d convenience
of gujsts. timciit a continuance of th
Dry Goods, Notions, Crcceries
and General Variety,
Philadelphia & Erie It. R. Division
ON' and after MOMMY, MAI 24, 1875,
tho trains on the Philadelphia &
Erie Xtailroad will run as follows:
KANE ACCOM leaves Henovo..
Di ill ood.
4 35 p ai
5 05 p in
0 f) p m
7 63 p m
8 25 p ui
It 05 p in
' " " Emporium
" " St Marys.,.
" Kiilgway...
a,r at Kane.,
30 p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia, 11 55 p iu
" lienovo.t 1105 am
' " " Emporium 1 10 p in
" St. Mary's .. 2 00 p ni
Kidgwuy 2 25 p ni
" Wiloox 2 68 p m
" arrive at Erie. 7 50 pm
RENOYO leaves Kmc... S 00 a ro
" Wilcox- 8 33 a m
" " Kidgwuy 0 25 a m
" " 8; Marys ..10 01 a m
" " Emporium 1105 am
' Drutwood.,... 12 15 p m
" " Renovo ......... 1 40 p di
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m
3 45 p ui
4 08 p in
, 4.45 p to
" " " St. Mary's...,
6.10 p m
" " Emporium. 0.05 pm
" ' Renovo 8.25 p m
" " arr. at Philadepuia... 6.50 a m
Renovo Accom and Kaue Accom eunnect
ast and west at East with i-ow trade Di
vision and 1) N V Hi 1' K It
Uen'l Sup't.
Fresh family Groceries, and Canned
oda at P & K's. Tba cheapest and
Hats slid (Japs a complete assortment
at P. & K's.
Hunting Rubbersl with and without
heels, a large lot at P. & K's. All
other kinds of rubber boots and shoes.
Coodfish boneless and skinless. Also
some of the old fashioned in (ull dress,
at P. & K's.
Thooe Uamiltin Corsets at P k K's
are the most durable, and the cheapest
iu market.
Over Coats? from. $5 lo 825 a large
and splendid stock. Step in and get
one at P. & K's.
Rosted coffee a genuine article, at P.
& K's.
Sifmnier Clothing, for those Hoys
and children, Linen, Alapacn and sum
mer Cushnicr at P & K'e
Give the Anoctb ofhee a call for bill
heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping lags,
and if you are going to gel married leave
us nn order for y our cards
New poods, every day in the year
except Suodays and hgal holidays at
(he great mammoth Grand Central
Store of P. & K's. No bragging
around. Call for whatyou want.
A complete stock of ladies misses and
childrcns shoos, light, medium and
heavy at P, & K's. Now is the time to
Alpacis cheaper than ever befor
known ut P. & K's
"King Bee" and many others kinds
of chewing tobacco. Also smoking uf
ull the popular brands at l & K's.
Those new stylo prints, at P & K's
nri the general talk of (he town. Go
and see them.
Pape r collars the nobbiest! with turn
down corners also the good old Byron
s vie at P. & K's.
A (ull stock ot fresh Family groceries,
such as Teas, Coffees, Sugurs, Rice,
Syrups, Spices, R. II- Powder, Rakiug,
and Sweet Chocolate, and every thing
in thut lino, at P, & K's.
A general stock of winter clothing,
at very low prices at P. & K's.
If you waut'nuy bl'ched or brown
muslius, from i to 10-4 wide any
quality, go to head il'iarters, Powell &
Kiine's aud select ti your taste.
Young man if you want to add
greatly to vour appearauce goat once
to I'O'.VKLL&KIMK'S traud Cen
tral Store, and get you.'elf a new white
linen bosom skirt. You can pet a good
fitting white clean shirt for $1,25 and
lrom that tip.
Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R'y
On and after November 28tli. 1875, and
until farther notice, trains will leave Buffalo
lrom the UliHitlo, New York & Philadelphia
Kailroad Depot, corner Eicliunge and
Louisiana streets, (liulfulo time) as follow.":
"ItJO A.M., 'MAIL, (daily except Sun
days) sloping nt Kbetieicr 7:55 Spring
bmoK Kititf Elma b:ll Jamison's 8:17
Aurora 8:2:1 Hales 8:84, Holland 144 Pro.
lection 8:54 Arcade 9:05 Yorkshire 9:12
Machias9:19 Fi mikliiivillo 9:37 Ischua9:55
llin-dale 10: 111 Erie lUilwty 1D:24 Ulean
10:8'J West'in's 10:4:1 Portviile )():50 State
Line 10:"8 Eldied 11:11 Larabee's 11:20
Siutwcll 11:25 Turtle p .int U::)0 Pert Al
iegeny 11:42 Libeity 12:U2 P. M. Keating
12.09 Miippeu 12:25 Emporium 12t40 P. M
Connecting at Olean With Erie Hy. for local
poiuts west, a'ld for the Oil Territory, arriv
ing at Limestone at liOil ami Bradford at
1:25 1. M.; at Larnhce's with the McKean
& Duffalo R. It., and nl Emporium with
the P. A E. H. H. for local points West to
8:00 A. !., ACCOMMODATION, (daily
except Sundays; stopping at Ebenczcr at
8:50, Spring Brook 9:15, ElMitt Hi!i5, Janii
sou's 9:47, Aurora 10:05 Vales 10l40 Uol.
laud 11:10 Prutes'ion 11:85 Arcade 12:10
P. M., Yorkshire 12:90 Vachiaa 12:51
Franklinville l:o5 lsehua 2:25 Hinsdale
a:02Erie Kailwny 4:05Oleau 4:15 P. 1.
4:00 P. M., KXl'KESS, (daily except
Sundays) slopping nt Ebenetcr 4:23,
Spriug Brook 4!:i Elma 4:S8 Jamison's
4:43 Aurora 4:48 Wales 5:00 llollutid 5:10
Protection 520 Arcade 5::i3 Yorkshire 5;40
Machius 5:50, Frnuklinville . 0:00 Iachua
0:25 Hinsdale OUiO Erie Railway 0:55 Olean
7;10, Weston's 7:18, Portviile 7:25, State
line 7::2. Eldred 7:45, Larabee's 7:52
Sari well 7 57, Turtle Point 8i02, Port Al
legiiny 8:14. Liberty 8;32. Keating 8:40
Shippcu 9:00. Emporium 9:15 P. M. Con
necting at Larubee's with McKean & Buf
falo K. U.
4:00 A. M , EXPRESS, (daily except
Sundays) stopping at Shippen 4:15, Keat
ing 4;34, Liberty 4:42, Port Allcginy 6i01,
Turtle Point 5:111 Sartwtll 6i 18, Larabee's
5:21, Eldred 5:82, Stale Line 5:45, Port
viile 5:52, Weston's 0.00, Olean 0:21, Eric
Railway 0t23, Hinsdale 6:87, Ischua 6:62,
Franklinville 7.09 Machias 7:25, Yorkshire
7:33, Arcade, 7:40, Protection 7:53, Uol
;avd 8:03, Wales 8.11, Aurora 8:23, Jami
son's 8i29 Elma 834, Spring Brook 8:40,
Ebeneter 8:50, Buffalo 0.15 A. M. Connect
ing at Larabee's with the MoKean it Buffalo
K. R.
It40 P. M., MAIL, (daily eicept bun
days) stopping at. Shippen 1:55 Keating
2:15 Liberty 2:28, Port Allegany 2:43
Turtle Point 2:55 SartweH 3i0O, Larabee's
3:07. Eldred 3:lo, Slate Line 3:30. Port
ville 3:38, Weston's 3;45, Olean 4.03. Erie
Railway 4 05. Hinsdale 4 21, Ischua 4 38,
Franklinville 4 58, Machias5 15 Yorkshire
5 25 Arcade 5 33 Protection 5 47 Holland
5 58 ale 6 08 Aurora 0 20 Jamison's
0 27 Elma 0 31 frpring Brook 6 80 Ebeueier
0 45 Buffalo 7 JO P. M. Connecting at
Oleau with Erie Ha.lwny from Limestone
aud Bradford.
0 40 A. M., ACCOMMODATION, stopp.
Ing at Erie Railway 6 50 Hinsdale 7 20
Ischua 7 50, Franklinville 8 40 Muchias
9 27 Yorkshire 9 50 Arcade 10 10 Protection
10 49 Holland 11 10 Wales 11 85 Aurora
12 07 P. M. Jamison's 12 24 Elma 12 85
Spring Rook 12 50 Ebeneter 1 15 Buffalo
2 Ml-. M.
9 00 A. M., stopping at ' Ebeneter 9 22
Spring Brook 9 81 Elma 9 87 Jamison's
9 48 Aurora 9 47 A M.
542PM. slopping at Jamison's 5 48, Elm
6 63 Spring Brook 6 58 Ebeneter 6 06
Buffalo 0 30 P. M.
O'en'l. Suo't. Om'l J'au'r Agt,
T0BTT70RK Wear now prepared
fj YV to doall kinds of JOB WORK,
Envelepes. Tags. Bill-beads, Letterheads
neatly and cheaply executed. OSee in
Thayer & Hagerty'a new building, Mais
street Ridgway, I'a.
l -T J
i IS j 1
1 M
Republican State 1'onvfutlon.
Headquarters Repuiilicar
Btate Committee.
Harrisiiuru, February 1, 1870. J
In pursunnce of a resolution of the
R('ublicun Btntc Coininittee, adopted
at a meeting held In 1 Itirrlsburg this
(lay, a Republican State Convention,
to be composed of delegates from each
Senatorial and Representative district,
to the number to which such district
is entitled in the Legislature, Is
hereby called to meet in the city of
Harrfsburg, nt twelve o'clock, noon,
on Wednesday, March 29, 1870, for the
purpose of nominating an Electoral
ticket and of electing Senatorial and
Representative delegates to represent
the Stnte In the Republican National
Convention, to he held nt Cincinnati,
Ohio, on the 14th duy of June, 1870.
Ry Order of the Committee,
HENRY M. HOYT, Chairman,
A. Wilsom Xobhis, Secretary.
Ciraud Centennial Preparations.
It is impossible to read the descrip
tions of the daily progress of prepara
tions for the Centennial Exposition,
without being deeply impressed with
their magnitude, and the Vigor of the
rflbrts now being made in this and
other countries, to bring here for ex
hibition the most wonderful array of
curiosities ever collected in any part of
the world. Of the nrtintic ond indus
trial completeness of the Exposition,
the most gratifying proofs are afforded
by the applications for immense
amounts of space, and the cure taken
in vurlous counties to exclude objects
which full below a high standard of
merit or intrinsic interest The dul,
Hess of the times, instead of injuring
the Exposition, may lead to its im
provement, partly because it affords
to many important workers more
leisure for perfecting collections than
they would have at ordinary periods,
and partly because It increases the in
centive to seek new markets for all
valuable articles. If deficiencies occur
in any department of the Exposition,
they will probably be only such us
may arise from the neglect of some of
the individual States to make adetj uate
provision for the representation of
their industries and resources; and
such defects, however much they may
be regretted, will injure the communi
ties directly interested rather than
diminish the attractiveness of the Ex
position itself. It is very desirable,
however, on mnny nccoulits, that all
portions of this country should lo
well represented, so that the nation ns
a whole, as well as each portion, may
receive due notice and credit .Meek'
JVna. R. 7? Oniric.
Chicago, February II. The railroad
companies which were recently in the pool
that has now ceased Ls operations have
ngreed to lhe following rates on fourth class
freight; From Chicago to Boston, 53; to
New York. 50; to Philadelphia, 45; to Bal
timore, 44; grains, three to five cents
cheaper. Kales tromSt. Louis to Boston,
C;5; to New Totk, 58; to Philadelphia, 63;
to Baliimore, 50; grains are six cents
cheaper. From Iudiaoaolos to Boston, 50
to New Y'ork, 45; to Philadelphia 50; to
Baltimore 37; grains ate three to four cents
cheaper, From Cincinnati to Boston, 48; to
New York, 42; to Philadelphia, 87; to Bal
timore, 82; grains, four and one half cents
cheaper. From Louisville to Boston, 50;
to New York, 49; to Philadelphia, 44; to
Baltimore, 39; from Peoria and Perkin to
Boston, CO; to New Vorlt 65; to Philadel
phia, 50; to Baltimore, 49; grains 6 cents
cheaper. From Burlington and Keokuk to
Boston, G3; to New York, CO, to Philadel.
phia, 65: to Baltimore, 63; grains, 6 ccriti
cheaper From Quincy and Hannibal to
Boston, 65; to New York, 62; to Philadel.
phia, 57; to Baltimore, 66; grain 6 cents
cheaper. From Rock Island add Daven
port to Boston, Co; to New York, 60; to
Philadelphia, 55; to Baltimore, 58; grains
5 and 6 cents cheaper From St. Joseph,
Atchison, Leaveuworth and Kansas City to
Boston, 78; to New York, 73; to Phildclphia
68; to Baltimore, 65; grain 8 oents cheaper
This schedule was reported by the com
mittee which was appointed at the meeting
recently held here by all tne freight agents
of railroads doing business directly with
the points interested in the change, or by
means ol other roads. It is based on ao
lual mileage.
Washington, February 11. At last the
Centennial bill, appropriating $1,500,000
is safely through both houses of Congress,
and only awaits the signature of the Presi
dent, wbice it will doubtless receive to
morrow. The debate in the Senate has
been intolerable monotonous, and was ut
terly without excuse in view of the fact
that they all knew that nothing would
have the slightest effect upon the final re
sult. There is necessity fo an amendment
to the Constitution making a man ineligible
for the Senate until he shall have served
two years on the editorial staff of a morning
paper 22x28, and has acquired the art of
getting all the news within that space. If
the sixteen absentees had been present
the vote en the bill to-day would have
stood 49 to 23. The Democrats present
divided equally, eleven on each side.
Cincinnati Februarr 14. The Coroner's
jury in the case of the persons killed at
Robinson's Opera House February 6, re
turned a verdict to-day that the people
came to their death from shook I and in
juries, the result of a stampede caused by
a cry or nre raised during the perfor
mance by a person unknown to (be jury,
and from the over-crowded condition of
the bouse. We find it was almost an lm-
possibility to gain an exit, and under these
circumstances these persons were unable to
escape. The jury express the opinion.thal
bad management was displayed Id placing
so many tickets on sale.
Rldgw ay Townsilp Election.
Held Tuesday Feb. 15, 1878.
Justice of the Teace.
J. D. Fullerton, D. I 147
J. O. W, Bailey, R. 05
School Directors,
O. B. Grant, D. 8 years 137
N. T. Cummlngs, D. t yeurs 134
James Gardner, D. 1 year . 130
D. C. Oyster, II. 8 years 81
B. F. Ely, R. 8 years 70
H. M. Powers, R. 1 year . 75
James Riley, D.' 143
O. B. Fitch, D. 119
John Casserly, R. 01
P. A. Mead, R. , 07
J. W. Morgcster, R. 124
M. E. Lesser, D. 64
C. W. Barrett, Ind. 83
John R. Kime, D. 121
Henry A. Parsons, Jr. K. , 80
Assistant Assessors.
John "Waurasley, D. 143
Geo. Dickinson, D. I'M
Charles Mead, R. 81
R. V. Kime, R. 64
Judge of Election.
Will Dickinson, D. 137
Cnpt. James Woodward, R. 75
P. R. Smith, D. Hi
James Pen field, R. , 72
Town Clerk
M. 8. Kline, D. 138
J. M. Sell nun, R. 74
Town Treasurer.
W. H. Hyde, D. 1 13
Horace Little, R. 71
J. S. Powell, D. 140
T. S. Hartley, R. 00
There was 213 votes polled at this
election, a larger vote by 75 than is
Usually cast at the spring election.
The Republican caucus nominees
were all defeated eicepting J W.
Morgester, Constable, who received 37
majority over Lesser and Barrett to
gether. The Republicans elected
their Inspector of election, because
there was no opposition.
A Sad Story.
Mr. Thomas Campbell, an old resi
dent of Highland, this county, died ut
his residence of typhoid pneumonia,
last Tuesday evening, aged.about sixty
years. Mr. Campbell is well known
to most of our readers and although
he had his faults, like other men, he
was one of the kindest, and most gener
ous hearted men we have ever Known,
and his death Is a loss to the com
munity. Although he had always been
a hard working men, he was in
comfortable circumstances at the time
of his death. Mrs. Thomas Campbell,
died about a week ago, and it has been
but a short time since Johu Campbell,
the youngest soli of the family died.
Thus within ten days three members
of this family have passed front the
prcsen t to t he unknown hprwiflcr
Send in your orders for job work.
The weather is colder than blazes.
There is some prospect for sleigh
ing. Last Tuesday was a bad day for Re
publicans. Potatoes are selling in Eric county
at fifteen cents a bushles.
Several rafts were run on the flood
this week.
Remember we do job work ehettply
and neatly.
"Old Prob." is pretty good authority
on the weather.
Gene says February has Ave Sun
days, and the almtittac only calls for
four. How is this Gene?
We will give a list of all tho town
ship officer's elected, at the reefnt elec
tion, next Week.
Go to Company H's Hard Times
Party next Tuesday evening. Tickets
70 cents.
This Is the last number of Volume
5, and a good time to pay your sul -scription.
Febiu'ahy. Tliis month, which Is
chieily noted for its chilly, disagreea
ble, hybrid sort of weather, was gotten
up by A'unut Pompilious, the same old
heathen who truhiped up January. It
is noted for its rain and snow and gen
eral disagreeable characteristics. Its
air is harsh and penetrating. Its
gloom is notorious. We lievef .eipcct
much from Fcbruuy) and We are sel
dom disappointed. ' In fact, so seldom
is it fair that bad Omen are attached to
plcasunt weather in Febiuary. Says
a Scotch completi
"A' the month o' the year
Curse a fair Februeer."
NEWSTarH Legislature. An en
tire new Legislature will be chosen in
this state next year, according to the
provision of the new constitution.
The Senators chosen in 1873 Were elec
ted to serve three years, and those in
1875 one year. With the next session
of the Senate, therefore, the terms of
all Senutors will expire, and the elec
tion of 1S76 will be lor 201 members Of
the House to serve two years and 50
members of the Senate- The Senatorial
districts are numbered from 1 to 50 in
clusive. Those chosen in 1876, from
the even numbered districts, will serve
two yeurs, and those from the odd
numbered districts, four. At all elec
tions, subsequent to 1876, Senators
will be chosen fof four veal's.
We shall make the most imposing
display of precious metals at the Jen
teuuial exhibition Which has ever
been made by any nation.
New York, February 14. Aa impor
tant ruling was made in thj United States
Uircuit Court to-day by Judge. Wallace in
the suit of Berri vs. Adams Express Com
pany, before jury' The case involved
the legal oonstrueiion of the clause in tha
eipress company s receipt iimitinc its lia
bility tofifiy doliasj, Unless the value of
be package shall be stated by the shipper
. L - . i , . .
at mi nui ui smpmeut. iiie court ruled
that the receipt was a nindinf eonirret.
and that as the plaintiff did not state the
value of bit shipment at the Ulna' of deli
ery to the eipress company, responsibility
ui m iBner was limited 10 niiy Dollars,
ana plaintiff eonld only reeever that
amount, even though the actual lost had
oeen occasioned ty negligence of aefend
Stat Notes. - '
The next State Sunday School Con
vention will be held at Reading, June
13, 11 and 15,
Scranton has Art Underground
slaughter house to Which stolen cowa
are taken and butchered.
Oil bears a better price how than It
has for two years. It brings about $2
per barrel on tne cars against forty
cents a year ngo.
The Meadvllle Gas Company has re
cently reduced the price of Its gas:
This does not prevent the use of re-
tinea on in Unit city.
A family named Cornelius In Hunt
ingdon county htm triplets who are
seven years old nnd in good health.
Their names nre U. H- Grant, W. T,
Sherman and J. W. Geary,
A doKen Pennsylvanlatramns broke
into a church and held service, but a
jury decided that their religion had
too mucti wnisKy in it ami tney were
sent to do service for the State.
The scene on the Centennial grounds
Is said to be suggestive of a human
bee-hive. It Is one Of the most grati
fying spectacles of activity ever wit
nessed. The people ofThlladolphltt are be
ginning to become alarmed on the
subject of an Ice supply for the Cen
tennial. If this weather continues
much longer their solicitude wiflgrow
into a panic.
The flower beds nt the Centcnnlul
grounds will be a magnificent feature.
More than $2,000 hyacinths and tulip
bulbs have already beon plan tod,
which with thousands of other beauti
ful plants will be in full bloom on the
opening duy of the exhibition.
The collectors of Corry, for 1S75,
have returned seventy-rive houses
and lots to be sold by tho County
Treasurer for non-payment Of taxes,
besides a couple of hundred vacant
Recent oil "strikes" in Bradford
county promise to extend the oil area
northward. Some thirty new wells
are now going down, and it is estima
ted that seventy-five thousand dollars
month Is now expendeu in oil de
velopments in that region.
One day recently Mr. Charles Ben-
ner. wnolilves a snort instance nortn
of siegertown, Went to his bcrnyard to
shoot a chicken. He fired and killed
the bird; but the ball striking a stone,
glanced otf and killed a valuable cow
which was standing near.
A girl who was married in Parker
city last Tuesday evening did not
Know want townsnip sue was norn
in, although her purents reside in
Clurion county. But so long as her
husband didn't marry her for the pur-
nose or producing mans, pcrnaps it
doesn't make any material difterenee
about the township. He got the girl.
The Philadelphia Express wants
somebody to invent a good abbrevia
tion for tne long name ot mat city so
that correspondents and others may
not be unnecessarily wearied iu writ
ing it. It thinks Pa. too paternal, and
that Phil, belongs exclusively to
Sheridan. What's the matter With
Phila-? Is It too suggestive of one
horse to be Used during the Centennial
Sews Items.
Eight thousand Friends is Iowa propose
the restoration of 'he gallows.
Traulcin Hulcfn and Mrs. Marshal, of
Chicago, have got up a walkidg-match.
The emigration returns of Liverpool for
last year show a decrease of 33,902 per
sons. Rrookl) n iS to be 1igltJ with oil Wnnne
or tho exorbitant charges of the gas com
pany. A Nebraska paper says that there is a
great scarcity of marriageable females out
Miehigan owns a million acres of public
land appropriated fur school purposes, and
yet unsola
lue rew lork tneatricat agencies
are said to .e absolutely overrun with ap
plications for employment.
The British government expects' to have
six 81-ton cannon ready for service before
the end of the year.
The habit of secret drunkenhCsa, it is
said, is becoming very common amobg'
bngusn public-scnool boys.
Beats in the New York Cotton Eichaneo
having a nominal value of $5,000, can now
be brought tor $1,000.
Thirty.two sales of short-horns took
place in Kentucky last year, in which 1,
558 animals were sold for $065,036.
"Cold tea" is what they grnundlessly call
whisky in the restaurant of the United
Slates House of Representatives.
A large number of European Jews are
ging to purchase the Holy Land of Turkey
wun a view or going there in a body.
A recent iospectiob of the Chicago pub
lio school buildings has brought to light the
fact that the ventilation in many of them
is bad and the exit defective.
Yellowstone'-Park tourists are seriously
damaging the enrious calcareous forma
tions which abound there by breaking di!
portions as specimens and mementoes.
A citizen of Somerville, Mass.. was stir
prised by the delivery of a coffin at his
bouse, and later a hearse ani eight carria
gescame. It was the jok() of a lunatic.
Prof. Henrichs, of Dc Moines, says that
seventy-five years hence IoWa summers
will be like those of Louisiana, and the
witters like those at Daluth, Minn.
a i tne time or toe Revolution there were
25,000 Baptists itt this country. There are
now 1,750,000. Then they had but one
college; now they have thirty.
A "free-school guard" organization has
recently oeen started, with headquarters
in Washington, which has alrftwy a mem
berehip of fifteen thousand.
A young man of East Jaffray, N. II-,
who went to Vineland a few vears aeo to
make his lortuce by raising grapes, has
gone home a sadder and wiser man. He
lost $2,000 in 1874 and $3,000 in 1875.
During the last sit months the number
or gallons of spirits produced in the United
States was 28,100.893, against 28,260,212
for the corresponding period the year be
fore a falling off Of 2,159,820 gallons.
It is proposed to abolish the State F'ish
Commission of Maine whioh has oost the
State $21,000 during the past seven vears,
on account of the positive injury done to
lhe fish through the efforts of the members.
It Is feared in California that the law
which allows women lo hold educational
offices is only the enteYing-wedge for
womsn suffrage, and a bill has been intro
duced in tha Legislature to repeal tba act.
Three women are now holding the office ot
eouhty superintendent in different sections
of tba State.
The bill dividing cities of thia Bute
into nve Classes makes lhe following elassi
fication; Three hundred thousand, first
elass; less than 800,000 and eaoeed
100,000, aecond elass; less than 100,
and eiAMdinv ftft.fifln- third ! 1
than 80.000 and more than 11,000, fourth
lias- than 13 IWVt Kflh 1... PI,iU-1ul.
phia is in the first elassf Pittsburg, second
elassi Allegheny, Soratiton and Reading,
third claBB) Harrlsburg, Irie, Lancaster
and four others, fourth class; York Easton,
Altooua, TUnrville, New Castle, Oil City
iweiva oinera. nita eiaaa.
White, Powell & Co4
No. 42 couth Third Street.
Philadelphia, Feby.. 8th. 1376.
bid Aswan
, 8. 1881. c 122 122
do 6 20,e '02. M and N 114
do do '64 do 114
do do '65 do .117
do do '65 J and J I 111
do da '67 do lf-l
i in
do do '08 do 12.(4.1 23
10-40. do Coupon 1191 120
do Pacific O's cy Int. off 1251 U5!
New 6 s Reg. 1881 117 117
C. 1881 117 117J
Gold........ ...i HV!f 113
Silver 107
i'ennsylvaoia 54
21 j
Reading . 51
Philadelphia A Erie 21 1
Lehigh Navigation.i 50
do Valley b
United R R of N J 138J
Oil Creek 14i
Northern Central 38
Central Transportation 47
iNesqiieiiomng Wij
C & A Mortgage O's '89 .!(;&- 106
7Vic Commonwealth of Pcnnmitvania
to this Sheriff of mid County Greeting:
we command you mat. you attneh John
. Andjrjon late of your County by all
singular the goods and chattels, lands and
encments of the said John A Anderson in
whose hands ot possession soever the same
may be found, so that, they be and appear
before our Courts of Common Pleas lo be
holden at Ridgway In and foe sa.d County
on lhe fourth Monday of May next, there
to answer Jackson S. Schults, Maurice M.
Schuliz, Judsdtl fichultz, John Emhout
and J. L. Brown as Tanning and Lumber
Company. And Also. That you summon
he person or persons in whose Hands or
possession the same may he found, so that
hey be and appear betore our said Court
on the fourth Mommy or May next, lo
answer What shall be objected against them
and abide the judgement of the Court
herein. And have you then and there
this writ'
Witness the Honorable L. D. Wetmorc.
President Jndiie of cur said Court nt Ridg
way, this 27th day of January A. D. 1870.
Fllttl). SCHUKniNUi I'rothonolary.
Per W. 8. MORTON, Uepty.
Sheriffs Office,
Ridgwrty Pa. Fcbry. 10 1876.
iMMEL SCULL, Sheriff.
Notice is hereby given that letters
testamentary on the estate of J. V.
Houk late of Hidgway township,
leceased, have been granted to
the undersigned. All persons know-
ng themselves indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate poy-
ncnt, and an .persons Having claims
will present them properly uuthenti-
ateu for settlement.
n-il-ot Lxecutrix.
Executors' Notlcei
Notice Is hereby given that letters
testamentury on the estate of Francis
Tegclcr, late of St Mary's borough,
deceased, have been granted to the un
dersigned. All persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment
and all persons having claims Will pre
sent them properly authenticated for
Is hereby given that the Commis-
missioners of Eik County, will hold a
court of appeals at their Office in Ridg
way on the 24th and 25th days of
February, 1870 for the purpose of hear
ing and determining uppeuls from the
assessments, and reviewing the mili
tary enrollment of 1870, at which time
aud place all persons feeling them
selves aggrieved by said assessment
may attend if they see proper.
By order of tlfe Board:
W. Horton, Comftlr's Clerk.
'orm tha Cittrcns of llidgway, and th
publis generally, that he has started a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
Buggies, to let'ipdnlhe most reason
ble terms.
IQIIe will Also do job teatring.
Stable on Broad street, above Main
All orders left at the Post Office will mee
prompt attention
Aug 20 1870. tf.
James h hagsrty
Main Street) Ridgway, Pa.
A Large Stock of
Groceries and Provisions.
Ccostantly on hand, and sold aa cheap
aa tbeullfcAPliST.
ftidgway Cemetery,
Lots are now offiured for sale by tb
Ridgway Cemetary Astoaiatiori la the sew
Cemetery Tha present low price folots
may soon o advanced.
Apply at tba office of
W. S. IUMBL, Etoratary
Bidgwa, Sept. 7 Mi. n-23
All persons are hereby cautioned against
buying removing or in any way meddling
uh a lot of household goods In the post
sesion ol u. McUaniey. of Spring Lreen, as
have purchased the above named property
at Sheriff's Sale
Spring Creek, Jan. 26, 1870. n49lJ.
HCW'S S VfAVi too.
York, Penn'a.
SEEDS, Garden nnd Flower Reeds,
. I , 1 f I I. , T, - . . . . -
vtruss nei-iis, reeu torn, cni-u i uiaiuvs
Seed Wheat, Tree and Hedge Seeds,
Ut'ijiis, or all Kinds, lor Spring
and Full planting. BULBS.
HbvsvSi (standard and 1) wart fruit
recs, CJrupes and Small Fruits,
..verirreens. Ornamental Trees and
Shrubs, Hoses, Hedge Plants, Ac. En
lose tstamu for nricc list. 2oc for
'"till Descriptive Catalogue.
K, K. miKKH,
Dealer In all kinds of cabinet ware.
wootlund cane sent chairs, kitchen and
exteiition tables, wood and marble top
stands, wood nnd marble top burcuus.
what nots, looking glasses, Wood ana
marble top chamber stilts, mattresses,
spring lied bottoms, bed steads, cribs,
Laferty's metal lined wood runups,
dice,, Ac. Cune seats replaced with
perforated wood seats, Weed sewing
machine rod wed from $(o to $45, the
best machine in the market, and pic
tu re frames made to order. Also a
large ussorted stock of ready made
olilns constantly- on hand nnd trim-1
mod at shortest notice. All the above
goods ore sold ut panic prices. Ware
liooms in masonic building, Kidgwuy,
Pa. v5n4!itpdiipr27'77.
'inttnnhtl Matement nf MilMonr, Town-'
ship for the year ending January, 3rf
nseated Lands
f 00,027 00
li),540 CO
Seated and Personal
Total 85.57.1 Oil
Mills Levied for Road 10
Additional cash for " 10
Mills Levied lor Poor 3
Additional for Poor 7
Elk county Dr. to Towhship
lor unseated Tax Returned
for 1874 & 75, S 1.980 81
upcrvisors, Ur. to Township
to Seated Tux for 1875 391 71
2,372 52
525 00
1,847 52
2,372 52
1,475 00
Cr Py unseuted Road orders
to Township Treasurer
Balance due Township
from 101k County and Su
pervisors, Dt to judgment against
Township by Harrison Cats
Interest and cost,
pook nil
Elk County Dr. to unseated
Tax returned for the vcar
?SC4 49
Overseers, Dr. to
Seated Toor
Tax lor 187o
103 43
Si rtS7 A.'t
'r. by ordoiVlssUed by overseers
or i-oor isai 43
To bulanee Due Townshiu
from Kk county and over
seers . 82,6 50
1,057 92
Vc, the undersigned1 auditors of
Millstone Township, Klk county, met
ucoruiug to iuw anu cenity tnat we
have carefully examined the above ftc
-wuuis unu nun mem correct io tne
cst of our knowledge nnd belief.
Jam 8th 1S7U.
. (J. T. HUFF.
C. H. HoffmaSt, Clerk. n49-t3
UT" Every subscriber for 187(3 teillle
qrtsented tbith a superb, large-sized steel
engraving of Trumbull's celebrated pic
tare or l He biuniva ot the JJeclara.
tion of Independence." This will h&
Peterson's" Centennial Gift
"Peterson's Magazine" contains.
every year, 1000 pages, 14 steel plates,
i- colored jjeriia patterns, 12 mam
moth colored la-shion plates, 24 pages of
uiusic, ana vvv wood cuts.
Great improvements Kill be made in
1876. Anient; them will be a series of
illustrated articles on the Great Exhibi.
lion at Philadelphia, which will alone
be Worth the subscription price. Ibey
will appropriately called.
The immense circulation of "Peter
son enables its proDrietor to enend
more money on establishments, stories.
tto., &e . thao ant other". It qives more
for the money than any in the world,
Are the best published anywhere. Alt
the o ot populur tcriters are employed
to write orininallu for "Peterson." Tb
1876, in addition to the usual nuantitv
ol short stories, FIVE ORIGINAL
given, by Mrs. Add S. Stephens. Frank
iee neueaict, jurs. f . u. Uurnett, and
Kamf&Oth Colarai FasMim Plata
Ahead ot all others. These plates ai
enptaved on steel, twice the usual
size, and are unequalcd for beauty.
They will be superbly colored. AlsOj
Household add other recelDts in short
everything ioterestiDg to ladies.
Jv. U. At the publishers nous nre.
pays the postage to all mail subscribers,
' Peterson is cheaper THAN ever: trt
A YE A ft
2 Copies for3,60 3 Ctiples 4,80
ltb a cony of the premium mennfint
21x26) "Chbistmas Morning." a
ve dollar engraving, to tha nerinn
lino l.n ,kA
ii ooCPw?H.,0r M Copl..loi
sine lor 1876. as a premium, to tiie persoa
getting up ibe Club "person
Kn,h? 12,CPM r 18.00. With
?H7 nS1.? CUP' ?' ,b Wagaaln. fof
1870, and tha premium maisoiiiit. fiti
Address, poat-pald,
nartpaoimsiia out gratia it tiau tor,