Henry A. Parson, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, FEb7Hv876. Al'MTORS' SETTLEMENT. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF ELK COUNTY FOR THE YEAR ENDING JANUARY 1ST, 1S70. nECEIPTS. January 1, 1876. To tax received from un seated lands 109 21 " " " collectors 12,J7 49 "ain't rec'd from lauds sold by county comr's 120 65 "am't rec'd from lands retu'd to county com'rs 12 72 "amount rec'd for redemp tion of lands from county " jury and Indictment fees " commonwealth costs col lected " fines collected " amount rec'd on not of county vs. Willam Zolt " amount rec'd of H. A. Par sons for rent 2,396 38 65 34 84 11 73 00 110 45 30 50 $16,013 85 EXPENDITURES. January 1. 1876. By am't paid Geo. Ed. Weis forservieesascounty com'r 225 00 am't paid Julius Jones for services as county com'r 255 00 nni't paid Michael Weldert for servicesas county com'r 231 00 am't paid C. II. M'Cauley, co'mrs clerk 800 00 am't paid Jno. G. Hall co'mrs counsel 10O 00 am't paid Sh'ff D. C Ovster 1,381 54 " " Daniel Scull 471 40 " constables 501 95 justices 22 23 " Dist. Att'r. J. K P Hall 254 00 " Court Crier M. L. Ross 87 56 " tipstaves 50 00 " prothonotarv, Ac. 183 65 " county auditors 206 25 ' sheriff, com'th costs 15 23 " constables, 210 63 " justices, 125 06 " witnesses, 499 21 " assess' rs for assessing 239 45 " " register's 182 00 " grand Jurors 694 30 " traverse jurors 2,07.0 04 " prison expenses (Jail) 1,138 90 " Dixmont Hospital: Support of Martin Gregor 116 20 " Conrad Nist 132 05 " " A Parsons 129 75 exchange on payment of above bills 1 25 am't pd western penitentiary 124 95 " for printing & adver tising 732 65 " election expenses 961 21 " road views & damages 110 30 " stationary and postage 203 85 " bounties on wolves, &c 77 18 " fuel and lights 260 74 " repairs to pub. build'gs 690 43 " court house expenses 171 73 " miscellaneous 495 83 " jurv commissioners 81 85 " inquests 106 39 $ 14.234 96 1,71 89 Excess of receipt 16,018 85 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF ELK COUNTY. ASSETS. Jaimry 1, ni70. To tux due from unseated lands subject to com' 19,360 25 tax due from collectors, sub ject to com' and exonera tion 6,552 27 am't due from Jones Tp. for support of A. Parsons 312 50 am't due from Benzinger Tp for support of Con rad Nist 330 8-5 mii't due from Benzinger Tp for fnpport of Mary Krieg 301 10 ain't due from St. Marys boro' for support of Martin Gicgor 431 85 am't due from Fox Tp for support of Kate Williams 281 70 am't due from Lock Haven boro for support of John Condon 428 24 am't due from Cameron county for expenses In trial of suit of Alderfer A Preston vs Buffalo, New York & Philad'a Railway Company 373 68 ain't due from Joseph Wlnd- felder, county treasurer 970 59 (20,348 93 LIABILITIES. January 1. 1876. By county orders outstanding 6,113 30 " bonds 11,144 85 interest on same to Jan 1, '76 658 11 am't due Dixmodt Hospital 661 50 " Daniel Scull, Sheriff 482 54 " W. F. Murphy's Sons 14 00 $ 19,074 30 10,274 63 Excess of assets $29,348 96 We, the undersigned, commission ers oi juk county, do nereby certify that the above and foregoing is a cor rect statement of the receipts and ex penditures, &c, of Elk connty, for the year 1875, and the assets and liabilities of the same. Witness our hands this 25th day of January, a. jj. i7U. MICHAEL WEIDERT 1 W. 11. OSTERHOUT, I Co. Com'rs GEORGE REUSCHER i Attest W. 8. HoHTWf, Clerk. AMOUNTS RECEIVED" FROM THE SEV ERAL COLLECTORS OF ELK COUNTY DURING 1875. County, State. Win. Muauiey, co. Fox tp, 1806 Jno Gleixner, col Benz tp '69 D. Attleberger, col. Jones tj '71 G. A. Winslow col, Benezette tp, '73 F. X Sorg, col Fox tp, 1873 CStubbs, col Highland tp, '73 J Vinklebleck colHor- ton tp, '73 W G 1 homas, col Jay tp, 1873 H. Warner, col. Jones tp, 1873 J. Gardner col. Ridg- way tp, '73 H. R. Moore, col. Sp. Creek tp, '73 E. Morey, col. Bene zette tn, '74 G. Reuscher, col. Ben zinger tp 1874 Jacob Moyer. col. Fox tn, 1874, T.Campbell, col. High land tp, 1874 Geo. Faust, col Horton township, 1874 A. J. Avery, col. Jay township 1874 M. Weldert, col. Jones tovnship 1374 91 45 30 04 373 75 44 25 28 45 97 390 06- 43 97 149 02! 16 32 2 00 57 08 13 25 140 61 40 55 425 87 26 11 414 91 3 44 201 55 21 81 380 73 041 61 46 13 588 81 40 26 22 15 G-4 SO 22 07 492 08 G 11 173 82 6 41 Millstone township '74 111 44 1 74 W. C. Healy col Ridg way township '74 T. Irwin col. Spring Creek township '74 B Weidenboerner, col. St. Marys borough 1874 i C H Winslow, col. Benezette tp, 1875 N. Dcwalt, col. Ben zinger tp, 1875 Jno. Koch, col, Fox township 1875 L. Elithorpe, col Highland tp, 1875 N. Hippie, col Hor ton township 1875, M Miller, col. Jay tp, 1875 X. Cook, col, Jones tp, 1875 Jas Champion, col. Millstone tp, 1875 J W Morgester, col. Rldgway, tp, '76 E. Moody, col. Spring Creek township '75 B. Weidendoerner, col St. Marys boro. 1876 630 201 90 52 28 11 $12,673 AMOUNTS DUE BY THE PKVEKAL COL LECTORS OF ELK COUNTY JAN. 1, 187 J. V. Houk, col. Rldg- wav tp, 1865 87 95 H. F. Overholtzer, col. Ridgway tp, 1868 610 87 Levl Elithorpe, col. Highland tp, 18. 1 6 31 J R Morey, col. Jay tp '71 408 83 Dnn'l Attleberger, col. Jones tp, 1871 11 38 H. H. Wensel, col. Ridg way township 1872 434 45 Win. Clyde, col. Millstone township, 1873 63 64 Jas. Gardener, col. Rldg way tp, 1873 87 65 E. Morey, col Benezette township 1874 70 95 Jacob Moyer, col. Fox tp. 1874 221 29 Thos. Campbell, col. Highland tp, 1874 81 96 Geo. Faust, col. Horton township 1874 175 76 A. J Avery, col. Jay tp '74 841 95 W. C. Healv, col. Ridgway township 1874 132 44 Thos. Irwin, col. Spring Creek tp, 1874 149 15 n H Winslow. col. Bene zette tn. 1875 481 42 N Dewalt, col. Benzinger township 1875. 441 97 John Koch. col. Fox tp '75 709 79 T. TCltthrnnp. col. Highland townshin 1875 46 07 N Hippie, col. Horton townshin 1875 616 43 M Miller, col Jay to." '75 26S 43 Theodore Cook, col Jones townshin 1875 184 56 J. H Phamnion. col. Mill stone towshin 1875 15 66 J W MorireRtor. col. Ride- wav townshin 1875 341 12 V. Mnnriv. col. Snrinir Cr'k townshin 1875 165 23 B Weidenltoerner, col. St. Marys borough, 1875 661 21 $6,449 77 BOUNTY TAX. Benezet Dill, col. Ridg wav township 1865 102 CO $102 60 Those marked with a have paid since settlement Joseph Windelder, Esq., Treasurer of Elk counti, in account with said county for the year ending, January l, ieti. To am't tax received from collectors 12,967 49 re'ed from unseated lands 156 21 from lands sold by co. com'rs 120 65 returned to " 12 for redemption of lands from county 2,396 38 rec d on note of Co. vs. V Zelt 110 45 from H. A. Parsons, for rent 30 50 $15,794 40 By bal. due Treas at for mer settlemet am't paid onjrefundlng or ders co. com'rs rec'pt for co. orders redeem'd am't exoneration orders (county) (military) Treas. commission on amount rec'd dUb'd 4,396 91 60 74 8,612 01 893 42 264 50 315 88 284 35 14,817 81 976 69 Balance due fund $15,794 49 STATE TAX ACCOUNT. To am't of tax rec'd from collectors 596 44 $596 44 86 89 80 30 By bal. due Treas. at for mer settlement exoneration orders 167 19 429 25 Balance due fund $596 44 ROAD FUNDS. BENEZETT ROAD FUND. To bal, due fund at former settlement. 140 89 $140 89 98 00 2 81 1 96 By road or. redeemed Treas. com. on ain't rec'd disbursed 102 77 38 12 Balance due fund $149 89 BENZINGER ROAD FUND. To bal due fund at former settlement 845 64 tax rec'd from unseated lands 23 14 368 68 85 67 Balance due treasurer $404 35 254 00 16 00 60 00 By road orders redeemed refunding orders re deemed township treas. receii amount transferred to Jones tp road fund, as per notice of co. coin's Jan 29, 1875 Treas. com. on am't rec'd disbursed 69 20 7 37 7 78 404 35 SMziioaa aw itiobai boas tikd To balance due treasurer 335 31 835 81 294 14 By bal due Treas at former settlement am't transferred to Jones tp, road fund, as per no tice of co. commissioners January. 29. 1875 84 60 6 67 Treas. com. on am't disb'd 1,295 65 18 92 160 34 35 66 600 00 643 47 62 26 37 18 231 20 86 610 00 23 97 Ki 62 135 17 U 20 1,305 43 89 29 179 23 6 81 691 45 18f-96 44 335 31 FOX ROAD FUD To bal due fund at former settlement 202 44 13 25 215 69 67 00 4 31 1 84 Ux received from unseated lands By road orders redeemed Treas. com. on am't rec'd disbursed 72 65 148 04 213 69 Balance duo fund tOX ADPITIOBAl SO AO rent To balance due at former settlement 1,122 98 1,122 98 900 00 22 4 5 18 00 By township treasurer's receipts Trean. com. on am't rec'd disbursed 040 45 182 63 Balance due fund 1,122 98 72 41 KIRLAID ROAD ICND. To bal, due fund at former settlement tax rec'd from unseated lands 148 94 221 85 0 25 By refunding orders re deemed road orders redeemed tp. treasurer's receipts Treas. com. on am't rec'd disbursed 25 00 40 5: 4 42 1 67 89 86 131 49 Balance due fund 221 35 MOBTOft BOAD FCKP. To balance due at former settlement 12123 By road orders redm'd Treas. com. on am't rec'd disbursed 27 92 Balance due fund 93 31 121 23 OBTO ADDITIONAL BOAD fCKD To bal due fund at former settlement 2 97 2 97 By Treas com. on am't received Balance due fund 05 2 92 2 97 JAY BAD CHD To bal due fund at former settlement am't rec'd from unseated lands 478 82 87 75 Balance due Treas. 660 57 By road orders redm'd refunding orders redm'd tp. treas. receipts Treas. com on am't rec'd disbursed 7 6 00 25 65 445 43 9 57 10 92 600 67 JOBS! SOAD rCKD To bal due fund at former ' - settlement am't transferred from Ben sinrar tp 4s per notice of the co. commission ers, January 29th, '75 477 18 103 80 680 98 By rond orders redeemed township treasurer's receipts Treasurer's com. on am't re ceived " " disbursed 31 00 324 05 11 61 7 10 373 76 Balance duo fund 207 22 $580 96 MILLSTONE ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund at former settlement 331 95 tax rec'd from unseated lands 6 75 $338 70 By road orders redeemed 15 00 township treasurer's receipts 310 33 Treas. com. on amount rec'd 6 76 " " " disbursed 6 50 338 60 By balance due fund $338 70 RIDOWAY ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund at former settlement 273 39 $273 39 By road orders redeemed 5 00 township treasurer's receipts 13U 18 Treas. commission on amt' received 6 40 " " disdursed 2 7o $143 34 Balance due fund 130 05 $273 39 RIDGWAY ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND To bul. due treasurer 128 46 $128 46 By bal. due Tress, at former settlement 128 46 $128 46 SPRING CREEK ROAD FUND. To bal. due. fund at former settlement 85 91 85 91 By road orders redeemed Treas. commission an am't received " disbursed 15 00 1 71 30 17 01 68 90 Balance due fund $85 91 ST. MARYS ROAD AND CORPORATION FUND. To bal. due fund at former settlement 130 93 tax rec'd from unst'd lands road 24 " " corp. 12 $131 29 2 98 Balance due treasurer $134 27 By refunding orders re deemed 75 town treasurer's receipts 128 82 Treas. commission on am't received 2 62 " disbursed 2 68 $134 27 SCHOOL FUNDS. BENEZETTE SC HOOL FUND. To balance due treasurer 269 24 $269 24 By bal. due Treas, at former settlement 269 24 $269 24 BENJSTNfirn mriviL rimn. To bal. due fund at former settlement 2,172 60 tax rec'd from unseated lands 18 62 $2 101 12 By school treasurer's receipts 1,075 00 refunding orders redeemed 18 66 am't transferred to Jones township school fund as per notice of Co. com'rs January 29th. IBM 115 32 41 82 24 17 treas com on am't received , disbursed $1,276 97 914 15 Bulance due fund $2,101 12 FOX SCHOOL FUND To bal. due fund at former settlement 1.725 03 tax rec'd from unseated lands 10 47 $1,735 60 By school treasurer's receipts 1.603 77 treas. com. on amount rec'd 84 71 disbursed 30 07 $1,668 65 166 46 Balance due fund $1,735 60 HIGHLAND SCHOOL FUND. To tax rec'd from unseated lands 85 11 $85 11 61 47 Balance due treasurer $140 68 By bal. due Treas. at former settlement refunding orders redeemed Treas. com. on am't rec'd disbursed 139 73 2 81 1 70 2 84 $146 68 93 43 HORTON. To bal. due at former set. 96 43 96 43 $96 43 170 72 By balance due fund AT. To bal. due fund at fr. set. " tax reed, from unseated lands, school " tax reed, from unseated lands, building 1 80 173 42 By refunding ""orders re deemed, school'' :. " refunding orders redeem ed, building " school treas. receipts " Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer'sJ'commisslon on amount disbursed 13 30 13 30 100 00 3 46 253 132 59 40 83 Bulnuce due fund 173 4: jo sis. To balance due fund at for mer settlement am't transfd from Ben zinger tp. as per notice of county com'rs, Jan uary 29tn, 1875 2918 115 3: 144 50 67 50 By school trens. receipts "'Treasurer's commission on. amount received n Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 2 89 115 6164 Balance due fund 82 96 144 50 MILLITINB. To balance due fund at for mer settlement " tax received from un seated lands, school " tax received from un seated lands, building 47183 200 135 474 68 Balance due treasurer k By school treas. receipts " Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 5 95 480 63 461 91 944 923 480 63 10 RtDOWAT. To balance due fund at for mer settlement 289 89 289 89 5 67 Balance due treas. 29,5 47 By school treas. receipts " Treasurer's commission on umount received " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 284 00 6 79 668 295 47 riao ctiss. To balance due fund at for mer settlement 1,159 07 1,159 07 765 00 23 18 15 30 By school treas. receipts " Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 803 48 355 69 Balance due fund 1,159 07 ir. Haiti Bomouoa. To balance due fund at for mer settlement " tax received from un seated land 85 93 16 85 93 2 70 Bal. due treasurer 83 63 84 06 By school treas. receipts " refunding order redeem ed, school " refunding order redeem ed, building it Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer's commission ou amount disbursed 172 1 70 83 63 POOR FUNDS. EH7.1IOI. To tax received from un seated lands " amount received from Benzinger twp. treas. 13 88 408 45 422 83 1187 Balance due treas. 433 70 By balance due treasurerat former settlement refunding order red'm'd Treasurer's commission on amount received Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 414 92 2 00 844 8 84 433 70 167 97 2 64 rot. To balance due fund at for mer settlement tax received from un seated lands 170 61 600 340 10 By poor orders redeemed f Traii.tiMrf. pntnnttMHlon on amount received Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 8 50 16211 Balance due fund 170 01 iOBIK. By balance due fund at for mer settlement 287 82 287 82 219 31 Balance due treasurer 607 13 401 65 6 75 9 83 By township treasurers re ceipts " Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 60713 MflMTONS. To am't tax received from unseated lands 103 2 03 04 By Treasurer's commission on amount received 04 1 99 Balance due fund 203 24 89 irtllO CBBIK. To balance due fund at for mer settlement 24 89 24 89 By balance due fund 24 89 90 IT. HAITI BOIOCOU. To amount received from boro. treas. account of poor fund 200 00 200 00 By Treasurers commission on amount received .400 400 Balance due fund 190 00 200 00 STATE ROADS. WILCOX ARD SAHLIS IT ATI BOAD. To balance due fund at for mer settlement 25 06 25 06 25 06 By balance due fund 25 06 AMI, BIDOWAT AHD IT .MARTI STATS BOAS. To balance due fund at for mer settlement 1,499 63 " tax received from un seated lands Benzing er township 22 54 " amount transferred to Jones tp. from Ben zinger tp. as per notice of county comm. Jan. 29, 1S75. 69 20 1,591 87 1,302 43 800 By treasurer's receipts " refnd'g orders redeemed " am't transfd to Jones tp. as per notice of Co. comrs. Jan. 29, 1875. " Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 69 20 81 82 29 39 Balance due fund wu 1,591 37 M'Kf AS SIX rORIIt ITATB BOAD. To balance due fund at for mer settlement 1,034 81 " tax received from un seated lands 228 41 1,258 22 663 25 16 13 By refunding order High land township " Treasurer's commission on amount received " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 81 92 1,026 30 Balance due fund 1,258 22 BIDOWAT BROOSTILLBITA1B BOAD. To balance due fund at for mer settlement 394 98 894 98 387 09 7 74 By treasurer's receipt " Treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 894 83 15 Balance due fond 394 98 Joseph Windf elder, Esq., Treasurer of Elk county in account with the Com. monwealth of Pennsylvania for the year ending January 1st, 1876 To bal due Com at former settlement 1,305 00 tavern licenses for 1875 605 00 eating house licenses 320 00 circus licenses 60 00 tore 100 00 retailers licenses for '75, as per merchantile ap praiser's list 737 00 billiards licenses for '75 as per mercantile ap praiser's list 170 00 brewers licenses for '75, as per mercantile ap praiser's list 62 50 60 15 six copies of pamphlet laws for 1875 600 8,355 60 413 10 5 00 889 50 69 88 95 00 875 00 1,426 98 1,92862 By State Treas reo'pts for tavern licenses liquor licenses eating house licenses brewers licenses billiards licenses reatailers licenses Bal. due Com'th .8,355 Joirph Wlndf elder, Eq., Treasurer of E'k county, in account with the Jlcdcmption lmd of said county for the year ending January tt, 1870. i&Vk HI! S5 ft Lv? tliSSl c3 2 1 ' f 11 61 65 is Ma- c i h If II ! j3B I t t 3 5 3 s o s - ? rr 2 9 r Sfl o s si L, M 3 4t W ti 5 rr n ! o tt i n o o t s. s e rr rr r rr . X A A a ct -q....-; 7rJ 7, rr I B. frs . 3 7 5 53 a m- f) (h- Sr. c. I 9 m - r " r r r n r "Xr: I S I'e C We, the undersigned, Auditors of Elk county, having met at the com missioners' office in Ridgway, in said county, on the first Monday of Jan. AD i870, being the third day of the month, for the purpose of auditing, settling and adjusting the accounts of the severul county ofilces of said county, we proceeded to audit, settle and udjust their ncounts, and found them correct, as stated in the annexed report. Joseph Windfclder Es ., Treasurer of said county, having been duly noti fied, was represented by Jos. It'. Wind felder. After having, carefully examined, adjusted, settled and audited the ac counts of the said Joseph Windi'elder. treasurer, we found due by him. the said treasurer, to the several funds, us is fully set forth in the foregoing re port, the sum of six thousand eight hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty six cents, and due to him from funds set forth in said report, the sum of one thousand one Iiundrcu and sixty-live dollars and eighty-eight cents, leaving a net balance of live thousand six hundred and fifty dollars and seventy- eignt cents, and also due to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania the sum of one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight dollars and lifty-two cents. In witness whereof, we have here unto set our hands the 24th day of January, A. D. 1S70. W. 11. HYDK, 1 OT BOTH ROCK Co. Aud'rs It. I. HPANOLER j Attest M. S. Klihe, Clerk. The CominUntioner of Elk county, account with the said county for year ending January 1st, 1870. Geo Ed. Weis. To county orders 22-5 00 225 00 25 00 22500 2.55 00 25-5 00 255 00 225 00 231 00 $231 00 23100 231 00 of Elk county, Ut, 1876 8411 50 00 25 00 1 34 4 00 400 400 400 400 4 00 400 400 400 4 00 400 400 400 4 (XI 400 4 00 639 50 471 40 15 28 '''lBy scventy-flve days ser- w I VlfM ir X.-f IHI Julius Jones. To county orders By elghtv-flve days servi ces at $3 00 Michael Weldert. To oounty orders By seventy-seven days ser vices at $3 00 Daniel Scull, High Sheriff county, in account with said for the year ending January To Com costs collected flne-com vs Robert Warner remittance recognizance Com'th vs Charles Service I indict fee Com vs Wm Steel jury fee com vs An'd vr Distler lu mppie J Van Brabant vs Vutsel et al jury fee A Wise vs J A Haak Ilarman ACoonvs H W May S A Olmstead vs Horton tp D Scribner vs Ridgway tp Alderfer & Preston vs Buf falo N Y A P R R Co. jury fee O Opdyke vs F A Lassch J K Orr vs Rathbun et al M Feiley vs Andrew Kaul Alderfer & Preston vs Buttklo N Y & P R R Co jury fee P Welch vs Joseph Koch C Shortwcll vs G Scull et ftl W Johns vs Ed Walters John Bauer vs Jno O Decht county orders jail expenses " sheriffs fees " Com costs $1,250 482 Balance due Sheriff 1,733 17 125 00 125 00 11100 120 00 111 00 111 00 By conveying Mary King to Dixmont Kate Williams to Dixmont serving jurors, May term '75 conveying Charles Meenan to penitentiary serving jurors September term 1875 servinc iurors Nov. 1875 conveying T Fox to W P 120 L Hafcht and J Clark to pen'y. one-half of $240 for extra man 120 00 serving jurors Jan term '76 11100 cost in search for J Johnson 6 On " for Deloss Butler 20 00 drawing four juries In 1875 4 00 50 pair shackles taken by D Butler three pnir hand-cufis ez'g attachm't ug'st A Wild- ii re x 'M serving petition of John Krelg to inquire into tne lunacy of Mary Kins, his wife 2 00 serving decree in the matter of the lunancy of K. Williams 8 00 serving subpoenas in Com. cases on part of Commonwealth 15 29 turnkey fees 22 00 Jail eipenses, Including board ing. Ac, to Jan. 1st, 1876 669 90 fees in commonweaitn cases la m $1,733 17 We, the undersigned, Auditors of Elk county, having met at the com missioners' office, in Ridgway, in said county, on the 1st Monday of Janu ary, A. D. 1876, being the third day of the month, for the purpose of auditing, settling and adjusting the accounts of the several county officers, and at which time we proceeded to audit, settle and adjust the accounts of the several county officers, and found them correct, as set forth In the foregoing re port. Daniel Scull, Esq., High Sheriff of said county was present in person. We found due to him by the said county of Elk thesum of four hundred and eighty-two and fifty-four one hundredths dollars, which sum wo hereby certify to be correct, as set forth in the foregoing statement. In witness whereof, we have here unto set our hands the 24th day of Januory, A. I). 1876. W. II. HYDE, . (J. T. ROrHROCK, aJ!? R I. SPANULER.J Aud n-Attest-M. S. Kmse, Clerk. DANIEL SCULL, ESQ., High Sher iff f Mk county, in account with the several .School lUttricts. To fine Com. vs. George Funk, for use or Horton school district 50 00 60 00 50 00 By balance duo Horton school district 50 00 EI DO WA Y A- ST. MARYS STA TE Road in account with the fund of said Road for the year ending Jan nary 1st, 1870. To bal. m hands of State Road trens. at last settlement 1,144 00 "am't rec'd from Co. treas. Benzingnr township 461 74 " am't rec'd from Co treas. Jones township 407 47 " am't rec'd from Co. treas. Ridgway township 623 22 " proceeds of bonds Xos. 17 and 18 920 00 3,158 82 By ain't p'd J. K. P. Hall bal due him at lostset'm't for work in Benzinger tp. " am't puld on bond So. 15, Benzinger township " am't paid Wilcox Tanning Co. for work in Jones tp. " amount, paid J. L. Brown for services, " am't paid C. H. M'Cauley for services " am't paid J K. P. Hall for services Benzinger twp. " amount bond No. 6, Ridg way township 838 09 829 00 228 J81 1 00 600 26 75 664 67 2,593 32 665 6t 3,158 82 Balance due fund The Cummitoi iiiei t of the Rulgway and Drookvilte State Road in account ivith the funds of said Road for the year ending January lit, 1876. To bal. due fund at lastset'm't 2,146 10 unseaicu lanu oruers rec'd County commissioners 2,175 00 " cash rec'd from Co. treas, 387 09 $4,708 19 489 80 BalaiK'edue comm'rs in the 5, 197 95 By work done under G. D. Messenger 1,424 75 " " under H. Carman 2,181 25 " " repairs, tools. &c 197 59 sen-ices of G. D Messenger 446 25 ' Hiram Carman 256 95 ord'rs giv'n as col. for int. on bonds 250 00 H. Carman for tenm work nn r'H rui as, discount on orders negotiated ior money borrowed 26 94 lumber and material fof bridge over Tobv. Iru ri am't paid C. II. JM'Cauley for sevices as secretary 20 00 6.197 99 We the undersigned. Auditors of Elk county, having met in the com missioners' office, in Ridgway, in said coulity.on the first Monday of Jan. A I) 1876. being the third day of the month, do hereby certify that we have carefully examined, audited, adjusted and settled the accounts of the com missioners of the Kane, Ridgway and St Marys State Road and the commis sioners of the Ridgway and Brookville Stute Road, and find them correct, as set forth in the foregoing report. In witness whereof, we have here unto set our hands the 24 day of Jan. A. D. 1870- W. H. HYDE, G. T. ROTH ROCK Co. Aud'rs R. I. SPANGLER J Attest M. 8. Klise, Clerk. Financial Statement of MUUtone School DMrict from June 1875, until Jan. 15, 1876. VALUATION OF TAXABLE PROPERTY. Unseated Lands $66,027 00 Seated and Personal 19,546 00 Total Amount of Mills Levied the vear 187A $85,573 00 for Resources as Per Last Report $3,183 Tax levied on unseated lands for the year 1875, Seated Lands and Personal Property State appropriation for 1875, Tuition from adjoining District Interest on judgment against, Wm. Clyde $3,741 94 EXPEDITTOEa Teachers' Salaries Fuel and Repairs, 5374 35 The Board of School Directors of Millstone School District met and ex amined the accounts of the Treasurer and find them as above set forth this 16, day of January 1876. G. D. DONAHEY, President. Attest. Adam Zimmebmnan, Sec'y. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES J. 8. BOBDWILL is Local lKDt for all kinds of fruit sod Ornamental Trees Skrubs, Kosss, Flowers 4o-, from Lb bsst Kurisry la lb fUl of Sew Tork. Buy at homo sad lays money. 6nJ7S - 63 64 00 198 09 96 09 63 94 40 50 169 94