The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 13, 1876, Image 2

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    llF.mir A. Pakso.ns, Jit. - Editor
THURSDAY, JAN UAH Y 13. 187(5.
Atlanta, Ga, January, 8. Hon A.
H. Stephens' health Is much improved.
Secretary Uristow hits ordered a new
itispction u f distilleries throughout tho
Count Von Moltko denies having
Vfcr tittered, as is alleged, anything de
rojrntory of West Point.
. ... Mrs. Speaker Kerr could not receive
JSpw Years callers in consctpucnco ol
ber husband's illness.
'All efforts looking to the cstnblisli-
ihent of a Democratic organ ia Wash
ington havo boon ubandoned.
On suspicion of playing a foul part
li the Chicago express mystery, Dr. E.
1'. Wilder has been arrested.
-.'!.- The Bhip Mount Royal, bound from
--Greeuock lor New York was wrecked
roff the Hebrides. No livcj lost.
It is EQt J Mi.-sis.,ippi will seud a dch-
gntion to tho Republican convention in
i favor of Morton for President,
iw Tl.o new lurgitive slave circular
issued by the British admirnlty causes
uluiost as uiuuh diiisatisfaciiuu as the
'first one.
)j. A fire in St. Louis, yesterday, des
troyed the Covington block aod several
adjaceci buildings. Loss about 835,--E.00.
"Y' Jimmy Blanchard, tho bogus Ver
"poat ''Charley Koss," arrived nt his
'homo yesterday, and was recognized by
is lricnds.
I' The sale of tho Philadolphia navy
"Vard bus been ratified, and the doed
Lu!litt, Esq.
,,; Governor Tildoti, has appointed Hon.
.Gcorgo Vr Schuyler auditor of the
ieaal department, vice Francis B.
"hayer, suspended.
' Machinery hall and the Horticul
tural building are both ready for tho re
ception of exhibits, and the uuuin build
ing will be ready within a mouth,
i,; .. . t ....
.-r.nnmr i.nnon hints tnn n,.
., u luiu.i, nig ui ill V
ht not to bo reduced, but he iavois
o consolidation ol the ordinance,
(juartcrmaster aud commissary depart
ments. Tho Senate in executive session Sat
urday cohfirmed the notuiuations of
(jeorge II. Seward, Minister to Chim,
(VfidAyers P, Merrill, Minister to Iel-
tfiuni. t
" LieuenDt General Sheridan, wish a
nnnibcr of other gentlemen, has started
from Chicago for Indian Territory lo in
Fjicct several of the posts, including
3ort Sill and Cheyenne.
F" Congress will bo urged to construct
fhe water lines recommended by the
Senate's committee on transportation
utcs. The object is to revive ecm
inerce and relieve distressed people.
. Internal Reveuue Supervisor Tutton
litis been instructed by Secretary IJris
iotr to proceed at once to Chicago to
superintend the trials arising from the
tyizuro there of distilleries, etc.
p. Rev. Henry Ward JJuccbcr, Kcv.
Uldward Beecher 21. W. Raymond and
Thomas G. Shearman have been appoin
ted a committee to represent Plymouth
Church at the coming council.
Ctti Hat latteries are stationed at inter
vals all along the Spanish coast east ot
Bilbao and fire at anything t'iat approa
ches. Misters of British vessels have
been notiied to keep clear of the dungr
The Ross boy discovered at Xasbau.
New Hampshire, turns out to be a
juvenile liar ct the most phenomenal
kind. He had run away from his par
euts, residing at Milford, New IlamD
inre. A dispatch from Madrid stales that
the Spanish government intcDua scud
ipg a communication of importance to
the various European powers at an early
day, on the subject of tho Cuban ques
tion. It is reported that Dockray, sen
tenced in Cnba and seat to Spain, where
he was to suffer a long imprisonment,
jias got away, and that he managed to
borrow money of Mr. Gushing before
Uoing so.
' The pension appropriation bill has
teen finished and will be reported to the
House by Mr. Atkins, of Tennessee,
o reduction has been made from
the department estimates of the bill,
-ho amount beiDg ?2y.500,0C0.
Chicago, January 8. J. Junker, en
.i.udicted distiller, has confessed the ex
istence of the Chicago whisky "tiog,"
but implicates no high officials, and says
the ring had no agents in Washiujtou.
n Providence! U. I. January 8. The
abilities of tho Easton Mills a;'gr.-gate
fcbout 83,000,000, ot which 1750,000
belonged to private parties, to Pall
River mills, and the balance on notes,
c. The assets are not know.
- Wahiogton.. D, C , January 8 The
'House Postal Committee has agreed to
'ote on Tuesday on the question of re
pealing the law increasing tho rates on
jpewspaper postage aud third-class mat
jtor. ?' Milwaukee, Jauuary ?,-Miss Zasher
Jjand, daughter of Herman Zacherlaud,
A wealthy citizen, who is betrothed to
V!bcrt Rathsom, who is en the stall of
fthe newspaper Gerniam'a, on learning a
few days ago, that her lover had a wife
fa Germany, committed Euicido by
ineans of poison.
Washington, January 7. The gen
eral comment hero in Republican cir
cles regarding Blaine's proposed sub
stitute for Randall's amnesty bill is to
tho effect that by excepting Jeff Davis
Jhut gcDtleiran will be given too much
prominence, and bs brought before the
country in the guise of a martyr. It is
Jield that he is harmless now and of no
earthly importance, aud if he is ever
.again brought into consequence it will
bo by just such action us Mr. Blaine
Thcro was one case of conscience
during the past year, tho sum of $100
being returned to tho Stato Treasury.
It is thought probablo thattho House
ntivnl committee will recommend tho
abolition of tho Marine Corps.
Tho rewlv appointed Notarys Publio
of tho Stato'forked over 10,1200 during
the past yeur for commissions, at S25 a
head, showing that 408 wero issued.
During tho noisy demonstrations at
Butler, ushering in tho Centennial year,
a man named Byers was nccidcnttilly
shot through the lung with n pistol in
tho hands of Mr. Borner Bycrs is not
expected to live.
Liberal opinion in Europe is said to
bo decidely opposed to the continuance
of Spain's rulo in Cuba, and ij in favor
of that island's annexation to America,
tho common impression being that Am
erica wants it
Thomas Hillnrd, tho efficient Super
visor of tho Oil Creek Railroad, has so
far recovered from the injuries ho re
ceived in tho collision at Shaffer, De
cember 10th, ns to be nut again. It
will bo remembered he had three ribs
The Oil Creek and Ridgway road,
which has, until lately been known as
tho Cranberry, is seven miles long, from
Oil City southward to Cranberry coal
mines. Tho narrow gauge of -the road
bus hecn changed to the standard, 4
feet 8 1-2 inches. It is intended to ex
tend tho road oostward through tho oil
rugiou and to Ridgway
Those Hamilt'in Corsets at P & K's
are the mcst durable, and tho cheapest
in market.
Over Coats? from $5 to 525 a largo
and splendid stock. Step iu and get
one at P. & K's.
P.ostcd coffee a genuine article, ut P.
& K's.
Summer Clothing, for those Boys
and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum
mer Cusbmer at P & K's
Oive ihc Adnocate office n call for bill
heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags,
and if you are going to get married leave
us an order for your cards
New (jood., every day in the year
except Sundays and l:;;al holidays at
the great mammoth Grand Ceutral
3f IV
K's. No bra-:
Call for whatyou want.
Ladies and childrens coat3 all styles and
qualities, $2 60 3 dO 8 75 4 DO 0 00 Olid 7 00
8 73 10,00 and upwards also shawls and
dresses it MAV & J?IVH.MANN'S oppo
site the court hou:c, Williamsport, Ha.
A complete stock of ladies mioses arid
childicrs slices, light, medium and
heavy ut P, & K's. New is the time to
Ground coffee at P. & K's.
Alpacas eheapar lhau ever befor
known ut P. k K's.
Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia R'y
Oa and after November 28th. 1875, ar.d
until further notice, trains will leave Hutl'alu
frorj the Buffalo, New Yolk & rhiliidelj hia
Railroad Depot, corner Krchanpre and
Louisiana streets. (Huflalo time) as folio t:
7:30 A. M., T.MAIL, (duily except fun
days) sloping ul Lbenejer 7:o- Spring
brook h:i5 Lima t: 1 1 Jamison's 8:17
Aurora 8:-M Wales MM, Holland H:-14 Vi-o.
tection t:51 Arcade '.':0-j Yorkshire 'J:1'2
MachiasO:l'J Frankiinville 9:37 lschua 'J:5a
Ilinudale 10:10 Hrie llaiiway 10:lM Ulean
10;30 West .n's 10:13 Porlville 10:60 State
Line 10:A8 L'.drcd 11:11 Larabet's ll:'JO
Sartwell 11:25 Turtle Piir.t 11:30 Tcrt Al
iegeny 11:42 Libeity 12:02 1'. M. Keating
-JAj'J Shippen 12:25 Emporium 12:40 1. M
Connecting at Uloan with l'.rie Hy. for local
points west, and for the Oil Territory, arriv
ing at Limestone at 1:03 and lirad'ord ut
1:2 j r. M-; at Larabee's with the McKcan
& Buffalo H. It., and at Kinporiuta with
the 1. i E. U. It. for local points weot to
8:05 A. M., ACCOMMODATION, (daily
except Sundays) stopping at Lbenezer at
8:50, Pprius Brook '.':15. Klina Wi'j, Jami
son's 0:47, Aurora 10:05 M'a!ea 10:10 Hoi.
land 11:10 l'rote:tion 11-35 Arcade 12:10
P. M., Yorksh'.re 12:30 J'nchias 12:ol
Franklinvillo 1:35 Ischua 2:25 Hinsdale
3:02 Erie P.ailway 4:05Oleau 4:15 P. M.
4:00 1. M., EXl'KEbS, (daily earcept
Sundays) stopping at beneier 4:23,
Spring Brook 4:33 Klma -1:38 Jamison's
4:43 Aurora 4:48 Wales 5:00 Holland 5:10
Protection 5:20 Arcado C:33 Yorkshire 5; 10
Machias fi:50, franklinvillo 0:0(i Ischua
(1:1:5 Hiusdaie C:3'.i Krie KHilway 0:55Olean
7:10, Weston's 7:18, l'oitvilie 7:25, Stale
Line 7:32, Bldred i:lo, Larabee's 7:52
Sartwcll 7-57, Turtle l'oiul 8:02, Port Al
legany 8:14, Liberty 8;32. Keating 8:10
Shippen J:00, Luiporium U:1j P. M. Cou-
necung at Larabce s witu .McKcan H Buf
falo It. H.
4;0O A. M., LXPBES., (daily except
Sundays) slopping; at shippen 4:15, ileal
ing4;31, Liberty 4:42, Port Alhginy 5:01,
Turtla Point 6:13 Sanwell 6:18, Larabee's
5:21, Kldred 5:32, t!tat Line 5:4", Port
ville 5:52. Weston's U.OO, Oleun f.:21, trie
Unit way 0:23, Hinsdale 0:37, Ischua 6:52,
I'raitkliuville 7.0'J Machias 7:25, Yorkthire
7:33, Arcade, 7:40, Protection 7:53, Hol
land 8:03, Wales 8.11, Aurora 8:23, Jami
son's 8:20 Ebna 8:31, Spring Brook 8:40,
Ebenezer 8:50, Buil'alo 9.15 A. M. Connect
ing at Laiabce's with the McKcan & Buffalo
It. B.
1:40 P. M., MAIL, (daily ejeept un
davs) stopping at bhippeu 1:55 Keating
2:15 Liberty 2:23, Port Allegany 2:43
Turtle Point 2:55 Sartwel' 3:00, Larabee's
3:07, Eldred S:lo, .State Lino 3:30, Port
villo 3:38, Weston's 3;45, Oloan 4:03,Erie
RwlwRy 4 05, Hinsdale 4 21. Ischua 4 38,
Franklinville 4 58, Machias 5 15 Yorkshire
5 25 Arcade 5 33 Protcctiou 5 47 Holland
5 63 M a'.ej ti 08 Aurora 0 20 Jamison's
0 27 Eluia 0 31 Spring Brook 0 30 Ebenezer
0 15 Buffa'o 7 10 P. M. Connecting at
Oleau with Erio Bailway front Limestone
aud Bradford.
iug ut Erie Bailway 6 60 Hinsdale 7 20
Ischua 7. 60, Franklinvillo 8 40 Machias
J 27 Yorkshire 9 50 Arcado 10 10 Protection
10 4'JHollund 11 10 Wales 11 35 Aurora
12 07 P. M. Jamison's 12 24 Elma 12 35
Spring Book 12 50 .Ebenezer 1 15 Buil'alo
2001. M.
0 00 A. M., stopping at Ebenezer 9 22
Spring Brook 9 31 Lima 9 37 Jamison's
9 48 Aurora 9 47 A M.
5 42 P M.. stopping at Jamison's 5 48, Elma
5 63 Spring Brook 5 68 Ebenezer 0 Uti
Buffalo 0 30 P. M.
(Ji.h'l. S'lo'i. 6'ihV J'uti'r A'jl.
mi m i ami mn iiiaiinismimi i i
t'ir Time at Mtidgtray.
Mail Kant 4:l-r ': M.
do West 2 "" 1'. M.
ffonovo Accom East Si:'-" A. M
Knuo do West P. M.
Uotti rn-t ' r-: -io r. m
pn.ln WoK. H:'JI) A. M
Tlie Miil Through Loc-il carry
Bscngoi-s, li.o locnl docs Lot.
White, Powell & Co'
Nd. 42 t-cuili Third Str.-et.
Philadelphia, Ioo. Mth, 1H7".
liu. ahki;i
U. S. 1881. c Wi 11MJ
Jo 5 V!0,c 'U. M and N J..U-'sj
do do 'l4 do 1
do do '(i.r) do 115 115.1
do do '(I'. J and J ll'.'S -'
do do '(17 do Vh l'S
do do '118 do l-i'-'l l'i
10-1O. do coupon 117$ HV
do Pacific li s cy Int. off I'-i-'a 1"S
New 6'b Hog. 1HS1 1 1 1! J 1 hij!
0. 1881 1 1 f-g 117
Q old l'i 13
Silver 17 1(W
Pennsylvania 1- 5'JJ
Keadiuff 5" 6&
Philadelphia & trio 20J
Lehigh Navigation ! -' S --S If
do Valley 01 j -2
Unite 1 H K of N J P'-U 1-3
Oil Creek 11 11
Northern Cenlrul o4iJ 31
Cculrul Transportation J,"j
Neaiiuchoning 55
C & AMoiigago G's 'fci'J 104 105J
Containing a complet list of all the towns
in tlio United States, the Territories and
the Dominion of Canada, having a popula
tion giealcr than 5.U0U according to I lie
last census, together with the names of the
newspapers having tho largest local circu
lation in each of tlio places named. Also,
a catalogue o." nowepapers which are re
commended to advertisers uh giving great
est value in proportion to prices charged.
Alto, u 11 newspapers in the United flatus
and Canada printing over 5,000 copies
each issue. Alt-o, all the Keligious, Agri
cultural, Scientific and Mechanical, Medi
cal, Ma3jnic; Juvenile, Kducntional, Com
mercial, Insurance, Real Estate. Law,
Sporting, Musical, Fashion, and other
special class journals; very complete lists.
Together with a complete list of over BOO
German papers printed in the United
States. Also, an essay upon advertising;
many tables of rales, shoring the cost of
advertising in various newspapers, and
everything which a beginner iu advents,
ing would like to know.
Address Ul.O- 1'. HOWELL & CO.,
11 Park How, New York.
Flower & Vegetable seeds.
are the best the world produces. They arc
planted by a million people in America,
and the result is, beautiful Flowers and
splendid Vegetables. A Triced Catalogue
sent free to all who enclose (ha postage a
'2 cent stamp.
Flower & Vegetable Garden
is tho most beautiful work of the kind ia
the world. It. contains nearly ISO padres,
hundreds, of fine illustrations, and four
Chroma 1'luUa of Flomrs, beautifully dr awn
and colored from nature- Prion .' oont
in paper cuers; 03 cjuta bouai ia eie.iu
Vic k's Floral Guide
This is a beautiful Quarterly Journal,
finely illustrated, and containing an elegant
colored Frontispiece with the first number,
Piice only c-vata for the yeai. The first
number for 1H7 just issued. Address
JAMES ViCK, Rochester, 11. V.
A G O 0 3 W C SI X .
A Startling Cause of E-ebility a:i 1 Sick
ue!.s fully cxplaint-d in a large octavo Trea
tise by lr. O. PiiiLl'd iSr.uWN, :!1 Grand
Street, Jersey City, N. J. EVEKY MAi
AND Vi'U.ilAN who is u.ling in any way
should ( asd et a copy ut, once, as it is
.ficl flee, prtr.uid lj mail. Address the
author, as abuve. vouoeyl
OB"VTTORK. We are now prepared
3 V 10 uoall Ktnus otJUU Ulti'.,
l.r.Tclepes. Tags, Bill-jieads, Letter heads
neatly nnd ehcaply executed. Ollioe in
Thayer & Ilagcity'u new building, Muiu
street P.idgway, Pa.
Ei(;hteen hundred and Beventy uiz is the
Centennial year. It is also tho ysar in
which an Opposition Hotiso of Representa
tives, the lirst since tho war, will bo in
pewet at Washington; kihI tho year of the
twenty-third election of a President of the
United States. All of thoso evenln are sure
lo bu of great interest and importance,
especially tho two latter, nnd all efthem
and everything connected with them will be
fully nnd freely reported and expounded
Tho Opposition House of Representatives
taking up tho line of inquiry opened years
aso hy THE SUN will sternly nnd dilli
pently investigate tho corruptions and mis
deeds of Chant's administration, and will
it is to ho hoped, lay Iho foundation for a
new and betlor period in our national his
tory Of all this THE SUN will contain
coinpleto and accural o acoounts furnishing
ils readers with early nnd trustworthy iu.
lormation upon iiicho nnsorlnng topics
J no tweiily-lhird 1 rcsideutiul election.
with the l reparations for it. will bo mom-
orablo as deciding upon Qramt'b an pint.
lions tor a third term ot power nnd plun
der, and still u.ore as deciding who Bht.ll be
tho candidate of tho party of Reform, aud
as elected that candidate Concerning all
theso subjects, thoso who read THE STN
will havo the constant moans of being
thoroughly well informed.
i lie Wkuklt Sin, which has attained a cir.
culatton of over eighty thousand copies al
read lias its readors iu every Stato and Ter
ritory, and we trust that tho year 1870 will
see their numbers doubled. It will con
tinue to be a thjrout'h newspaper. All
tho ge lcral news of tho day will bo found
in it, condensed when unimportant at full
length when of .nioment, and always, vec
trust treated in a clear interesting aud in
structive manner
It is our aim to make the Weekly Sun
the best family newspaper in the world,
and we shall continue to give iu ils col
umns a large amount of miscellaneous read
ing Buch as stories tales, poems, seicntili
iiitclligcnce and agricultural information
for which Vie are not able to make room in
our daily columns. The agricultural de
partment especially is ouo of the promi
nent features The fashions are ulso regu
larly reported in its columns; and to arc
the markets of every kind.
The Wkkkly Sun, eight pages with fifty
sij: broad columns is only $1,20 a year,pos
tage prepaid. As the price barely repays
the cost of the paper, no discouut can tie
mode from this rate to o'.ubs, agents, Post
masters, ov anyone.
'Iho Daily Sun, a largo four pngo news
paper of twenty-eight columns givesall the
news lor two cents a copy, (subscription,
postage prepaid C5o a month or tt,oO a
year. Si-nhay edition eztra fcJ.OO per
year We have no traveling agents Address
THE SUN, Iiew York City
It pt
pnys every Manufacturer, iWercl.aut
chaic, Inventor, iarnier or 1'
luual man, to keep informed on till tho im
provements and discoveries el tlie n6-c.
If PAYS tlie head of every family to in
troduce into his household a uericiiaper
that is instructive, one that fosters u taste
for investigation, tvuU promotes unJ cn
courages di-scusuou among the member:;.
Tho Scientific American
which baa bsea published weekly for I hi
last thirty years; dots this lo an extent be
yond that ol any ether publication, in f,-.ct
it is the only weekly paper published iu
the United Slates, devoted to M.iuutaclurcs,
Mechanics, Inventions aud New Discover
its in the Arts nnd Sciences.
Every Lumber is profusely illu.jtr.i:v.i
tied us contents the hi. est aii.i
most interesting inl'oi niatiuu pciluiiiirig lo
the Industrial, Mechanical aud Sciunfiic
Progress of tho World: Descriptions, Willi
Beautiful Eng:av:ugs, of New Inventions,
N.:w luiplemanls, New Processes and im
proved industries of all ki.ids; Utieiu!
Notes, Recipes Suggestions and advice, by
Piactical Yriteis, fur Workmen und Em
ployers, iu all tho various f.rts, forming a
complete repertory cf New Inventions and
Discoveries; containing a (teekly record
not only of the progress of tho Industrial
Arts in our owu country, but also of all
New Discoveries uii I Inventions iu every
branch of Engineering Mechanics, and
Science abroad.
tho foremost of all industrial publications
for the past Thirty Years, It is the oldett,
largest, cheapest, and the best weekly Ill
ustrated paper devoted to Engineering,
Mechanics Chemistry, New Inventions,
Science nnd Industrial Progiess, publbhc.1
iu the World.
Tho practical receipts are well worth teu
times the subscription price. And tor the
shop and house will cavu many times the
cost of (subscription.
Merchants, Farmers. Mechanics. En
gineers, Inventors, Manufacturers, Chem
ists, Lovers of Science, tiud People of all
Professions, will tiud the ScmsTinu Aiieu
iua.n useful to them. It should havo u place
in every Family, Library, Etudy, Oiiico
and Counting Room; iu every Reading
Room, College uu4 School. A new volume
commences January 1st 1870.
A year's number contains 832 pages aud
Si.vtKAL Hi'KUiiKU E.NGitAVi.Noa. Thous
ands of volumes lire preserved for binding
aud rcfeieuce. Terms $3,20 a year by
mail, including postage. Discount lo
Clubs. Special circulars giving Club rated
sent. free. Single copies mailed uu lecbipl
of 10 cents. May be had of ull News
PATENTS .loaves
ciuuLiiu American, uxesars. Muuu & Co.
are Solicitors of American uud Foreign
Patents uud have the lpigest establishment
ia the woild. More than fifty thousand
application have been niuJu lor patents
through their aseuey.
PuieLts are obtained on the Lest terms,
Models of New Iuvcntious and Sketches
examined aud advice free. A tpccit.1
notice is made iu the Scientific American
of all Inventions Patented, through the
Agency with tho name aud residence of the
Patentee. Patents are often sold in part
or whole, to persons attracted to the in
vention by such notice. Send for Pamph
let, containing full directions for obtaining
Puteuts. A bound volume coutaiuing the
Patent Laws, Census of the U. S., and 142
Eugrevings of mechanical movements.
Price 25 cents.
Address for tho Paper, or concerning
Patents MUNN & CO. B7 Park Row, New
Vork. Branch Oltice, Cor- F. & 7th Sts.,
Washington, D. C.
Advkkt:siso: Cheap. Good, Systema
tic. All persons who contemplate
waking contracts with newspapers for the
inscrtiou of advertisements, should send
25 cents to tJeo I. Rowell 5- Co.. 41 Park
Row, Kew York, for their PAMPHLET
BOOK uinety-seveutn edition,) containing
uaia oi over ouu newspapers ana estima
tes, showing the cost Advertisements
taken for leading papers in many Slates at
a icrnienuous rtmiciion lroui publishers
rat os. Ui i inn iHou. v no 43 if
Office ia Thayer & Ilagerty's Rlock,
"4 VT?
Ij Every tul.rcriber for 1876 will be
tented with a sujierl), large-sized steel
e.mjravinij of Trumbull' celebrated pic
ture of "The Hiinintf of the' Declara
tion of Independence." This will be
''1'cterr.on'i" Centennial Gift.?j
"Peterson's Magazine" contains,
every year, 1000 paj;cs, 14 steel ilatcs,
12 colorod Rcrlia patterns, 12 mam
moth colored fashion plates, 21 pages ol
music, and 900 wood cuts.
Great improvement a will be wudc in
1870. Among thctn will bo a scries ol
illustruted articles on tho Great Eshibi.
tiuu at I'hiludelphia, which will alone
bo worth the subscription price, 'i hey
will appropriately ouiled,
Tho immcQsc circulation of "Peter
son" enables its proprietor to spend
inoro money on establish nicnta, storie.i,
iL-c., &o., than dDy other. yivvt mure
for the money than avy in the world.
ETTES Aro the best published anywhere. All
the viost popular icritrrs are employed
tt write vri'jinally for "Peterson " In
1870, in addition to tho usual quantity
of short stories, FIVE ORIGINAL
;iven, by Mrs. Auu S. Stephens, Prank
Leo Ecuediot, Mrs. F. II. Burnett, aud
Hamnsti Colored Fashion P'iatss
Ahead ot all others. These plates aie
euiaved on steel, twice the usual
;si,c, and aro uncrjualcd fur beauty.
They will bo superbly colored. Also,
Household aud other receipts; in short
everything interesting to ladies.
X. JJ. As the pullUheis now pre-pa-ja
the postevje to all mail subscribers,
Peterson" is CHEAPER THAN EVER; in
T.KZi ( Aiwaya In fi.8lVcncoi52.CO
2 GojiScs for$2se0 3 Gopies -",SO
With a copy of tho premium mczzjtiut
(21x20) "Christmas Mornino," a
J'.vv dollar cnyruciny, tu the person get
tins; up the Club.
4 Cspies far 5U,2'J 7 -3;-ias far
'.'.KHi. With an extra copy of the Maga
zine for 1670, as a premium, to tho person
getting; up the Club
SCapSssfsr 58, SO O Caf63 far
id.&o 12 co;iii;s tor is.'a. with
buth an extra copy of the Mai i-.ue for
lo7(j, and the premium inozzolin:. a five
'..r tnjraviny, lo the person getting up
tho Club
Address, post-paid,
SCJ3 Chestr.ji St., firi'.aCclpi-Js, Pa.
fiySpeciuiens seat gratis if written for.
iu 1
rir.' 1
or Z'c2ki4 f(iUr
vaa U us iltJWH ;
20. 15. Xf'OOTE, ?f!.TM
AiKbr ot l'&in Homo 'iV.1V, MkHc1 Common Spn,
Bji.a.o In Surv, el., 1-W Lexington Avenue (cor.
La UVq 6'-ac), New Yik, oa I.jih.pkhklnt
Fkk'UciAV, trv-iU furmo of Ltnytt ttia or Chronic
lli.tua, wn.l rcuiiv:i K"Aexi hoax all i-artu of tho
Ci iWAf.Fi WO ALU.
iiy ariff'-'Uit vwy of ci;3uclTijr ft Mrdical Ttno
th 1 is ijitawievfuliT trf-rvtint ntuncrons iwtlt-ntfl in
i-!ur!t, th Weiit Pud it', fomlnlou ot
Cnuill&i ttad Ui wcry imrt of the United Slates.
Or ddctortotu drutfs nnvJ. lie lias, during the part
teLy tun-e year, tateJ isut;cwfr.lly ncnrly or quita
ii,i.i(iO oAt. AH fwt oonncctrl with cacti twa are
urcfully ncorJed, whether they bo oc-ininimiotte! by
Ifttter or Iu rtro. or C'b.-ierve(l by the Doctor or his
i.njjoUu. 'lbo latter aro all scienLifio
Am triitol. All Invalid r.l a dinnoo sro rrqulr-d
Ui AHMWdr Ht ut plain vacutiofiA. wtiU-h eltcitn evuiy
e:,auitu un-lor wliich tli invaltd i-utTi-ra. com
.unL:a!tutii treatut nrrictly vim.1lJentnti. A oompleta
nv-itw n of ti(itrinK j-revemt lut.tAkcd or contuhiou.
,nt irf qocrttioiiH mill iree, on avrnouuun. w uu I-
i tan aorul. 14ixty-i&rr jTuinphiot of Isvipbnc-m o
k.wii, tuao K-itt fro. All thee t(-ttiiii-niHl.i an
j,n v'jo- vbo tiiivc bien trcAtod by mail and vxntj.
Oull uu or fuldruea
o DR. E. Dt POOTE,
Ko. 120 leitingtcn Ave.,H.T.
Vliirted lo tttt XTooies Tlctia J3mt ThUc
totd MeiiU'id Cenunen. Sense: Also
Jfr looks $cicnce in Story.
Pcritnikulars additsa
Dr. Sei-gsr's Tonic Bowel and Pile Pills.
Thaiw Dill aro an inf allibta rcmodr tor oonatipaUcai
and piles oauMa uy wmibuom or snppreHiun ci tno
trjriat.lUo raotioa of tho bowels. Theytvory eeittly
l.ioixia-w tlia fcOlivity of lha inU-atlnal canal, produce
aoft stoolii aul rella7a pilaa at on. Tbousaudl hara
been carui by tnia. l'rico 60 cwuta, sent by mail on
ri-.x-iiit of prtca. Pivparud only by F. ALFRED
KtlL'H.VIil) 1', 1'DABUAClin, VJ3 iOCB.CU AVi-Uli,
New Youu C'irr.
?r. U3rg3r'a Compound Fluid Lxtraot ol
Khub&rb ani Dandelion,
TUo heat combination ot purely vtvetablo mcdlotnea
to endrely replace Cutomol or Ulue TiU. It Btimulatea
taa Uvar. increuan the How ot bile, and thua ruuiuvea
at uaoe tonidity of the livnr. bilioudneca and babituil
oonillpatija. and the diseased arising from auch ma
iljip.'.a, sick heaiacbo, flatuknea, cuj. ThocTeo
tivcueai ot taia Extract will be proved, vlatbly, at ouca
to Vbo patient, as una or two bottled are eumctent to
ci.-ar tbe complexion beautifully, and remove pimplcfl
and stains c-iuawd t-y livor troubles. Trioo St perbottla.
tt bxtlas, 9-3 ; will be sent on rect-ipt of the prioe
to any addraAn. froa of cbare. JVupared ouly by
.vjeacm, jiw auaut oui.
Rakers Sweet Chocolate
Young man if you want to' add
greatly to your appearance go at once
to POWELL & KIME'S Urand Cen
tral Store, and get youself a new white
linen Lose in tl:iit. You can get a good
fitting white clean shirt for $1,25 and
lroiu that op.
Bates of Advertising.
One column, one year $75 00
i n " 40 00
i ,... 25 00
I 15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser
lions, $1.50, three insertions, $2.
Business cards, ten hues or less, per
year $5.
Advertisomeals payable quarterly.
ill n
form tho Cittzcna of Kidgway, and the
publio generally, that he has started a Liv
ery Stable and will kocp
Buggies, to let upon Vho most resBona
ble terms.
UIIe will also do job teaming.
Stable on Broad street, above Main
All orileru left at tho Post Office will meet
prompt attention
Au's 20 1870. If.
Tho Weekly Sun.
A large eight-page independent, honest
and fearless newspaper of 50 broad columns;
especially designed for the farmer, tho me.
chanic, ihe merchant and tho Professional
man, and their wives and children. We"
aim to make iho Weekly Sun tho best
family newspaper in the world. It is full
of entertaining and instructive reading of
every port, butpiiuts nothing to ofl'ond the'
most, scrupulous and delicate taste. Pried
SI, 20 per year, postage prepaid. The
cheapest paper published. Try it- Addregj
Tun St'N, Iew Vork City.
Elk County Directory.
President Judge L. D. Wetmore.
Additional Law Judge Hon. Jao- P
Associate Judges ChaS. Luhr, J V.
District Attorney--J. K. P, Hall.
Sheriff 1). Scull.
Protli'inotury S-e., Fred. Schoening.
Treasurer Joseph Windfelder.
County Superintendent Geo. R. Dixon.-
Commissioners Michael Wcidert, Juliu.i
Jenc3, Geo. Rd. Weis.
Auditors Thomas Irwin N. 0. Runily,-
County Surveyor Geo Wiluinlcy.
Jury Commissi mors. Phillip K.ieighl
Ransom T. Kyler.
Toll SALE BY U.K. (JRE31I,
JIasonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa.
i''AD REST tempered steel spring
win;, these springs can be laid on the
tlut.s of auy common bed uud are
Also a-ent for
Tv'eed Sewing Machine,
Rubiest Running, Mot Durable, and BtST
MACHINE in tho market. Call and before purchasing else a hr.
00 TO
Main Strsct, P.idgway, Pa.
A Large Stock of
Groceries and rrcvisioac.
Cctistautlv on linnd, nnd bold as cheap
as tl-e CHEAPEST.
tSEiEBfli aVI B'&si.tlTS.
0, C. Tlie True Cape Cod Cranberry,
0. bt-Bt sort lor Uoljud, Lowland, or
Garden, by mnil prepaid, !fl per lUO, it?
per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw
berries and Pcncho3. A priced Cata
logue of these and all Fruits, Ornamen
tal Trees Evergreens; Shrubs, Buibs,
Ro.-es, J'lauta, &c., and FRESH
effoieest collection in tho country, with
all novelties', will be sent gtntia to auy
plain address. 25 sorts of either Flower,
Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or
Herb teedi, lor SI, 00, eeut by mail,
H. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur
series and Seed Warehouso, Plymouth,
Mass. Established 1842.
VANIA. Your attention is specially
invited to tho fact that the National Banks
ore now prcpar?d to receive subscriptions
to the Capital Stock ot the Centennial
hoard of Finance. The funds realized from
this eource are to be employed in the erec
tion of the building for the Internationa
Exhibition, and the expenses connected
with the same. It i.-i confidently believed
that the Keystone Stato will be represented
by the name of every citizen alive to patri
otic commemoration of the one hundredth
birth-day of the nation. The Bhares o
stock are offered for $10 each, and eub
scribers will receive a handsome engraved
(acrtiheate of btpek, suitable for framing
aud preservation as a national memorial.
Interest at the rate of six per cent, per
annum will be paid on all payments of Cen
tennial .Stock from date of payment to
January 1, lb76.
Subscribers who are not neat a Nation
Hank cun remit a check or post ollioe order
to the undersi gued,
FFvED'li FRALEY, Treasurer,
001 Walnut St., Philadelphia
that the revised, und elegantly illua
trated edition of this work, now being
published, a volume of 800 pages onc
in two mouths, is the best Cycloped 5"
America, is certain. No library is com'
plete without it. It is a complete one
in itself. It ouly eosts $3 a month t
get it in leather biudiug. The best nd
cheapest library iuHhe world. Address,
C. K. Judson, Frjdonia, N. Y.