A A BUSI1IESS CARDS. G. A. RATHBUN, Attornty-at-1aw,f Ridgway, T. 2 2tf. RVFUS LUCORE, Attorney-at-Law Ridiway. Elk Co.. Pa. Offioe in fall's new Iirick Building. Claims for oueotion promptly attended to. v8nlly. HALL & M'CAULE', Attorneys-at-Lw. Office in New Brick Buildin. Main SI Rid;way, Elk Co., fa. v8n2tf. J. O. W, BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT'LAW. vlo2yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler' Life and Acoi dent Insuranoe Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers bin professional ser vices to tue citizens or ludgwuy ana sur rounding country. AH work warranted kunin in sorvice ti n ueeier s ituuaing, up. Jkiri, first door to the left. T3-n-82-ly CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker. Eneraver and Jeweler. Main street, Rideway. Pa. Agent tor lb Iowa Sewing Machine, and Morton QoM en. Repairing Watches, etc, dose wilk same accuracy as heretofore. Satis el in guaranteed. vlnlj G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paunaceuti. t X. W. eorow Wit Mftiu and Mill streets, ltidgway, l'a. ult assortment ot carefully Delected f or iga and Domestic Drugs. Prescription arefully dispensed at all hours, day 01 igut. vlu3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon. Office iu Drug Store, corner liroad and lain 8li, Residence earner liroad St. pporite the College. OBice hours Irom lo 10 A. M. mad from 7 to 8 P. M. vlnllyl. J. S. B OR DWELL, M. )., otectie Physician and Surgeon, hiisremov- J hit office from Outre street, to Mais si. kiidgway, l'a., in the second story of the Us brick building of John U. Hall, oppo- U4 Uyue a store. U.&9E hours: 1 to 2 V II 7 to r M HYDE HOUSE, Riuuwat, Elk Co., Pa. W. li. SCHltAM, Proprietor. Thaukful for the patronage heretofore o iilmally bestowed upon hini, the new icwrietui-, hopes, fcy paying strict a.- eution to the comfort and convenience ol jjuosts, to merit a continuance oi tht ana. Wit SQ 16SA. AC ERSE Y HOUSE, 4,'slTs.avu.LK, Elk Co., Pa. Johk Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hereiotori liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at- enliou to tiie coiutorl am couveuieucs f guosit. t merit a coutiuuuuce of the ame. r. if. hays, bKALI 111 EDry Goods, Notions, Groceries- and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. v Earley i. O. vlu47tf. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. , WINTER TIME TABLE. and after MONDAY, MAV 24, 1875, 1 V tliA li-oinfl All tliA Pit i Inrlul nlii a Jb WESTWARD. ANb AIJCtl.M leaves KAnovo 4 x.i n m " Drift wood.. 6 55 p w ' " Emporium ti 55 p ni " " St Marys... 7 55 p ni " " Ridgway... 8 25 p m " " Wilooz 9 05 p in arr at Kane.. 9 80 p in IIDIE Itlir. lonvoa lhilil..lnl,ia 11 r.r. jtenovo ll (uaoi Emporium 1 10 p in St. Mary's 2 00 p m Ridgway 2 25pm Wilcoi. 2 58 p m arrive at Erie 7 50 p m EASTWARD. RENOYO ACCO.tf leaves Kane... 8 00am " Wilcoi 8 83 a m " Ridgway.. 9 25 a m " 8. Mary 10 01am " Emporium 1105 am 1 Driftwood 12 15 pm ' Benovo HOpu ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m Kane.., 8 45 p m Wilcox , Ridgway... St. Mary's., Emporium. Renovo ... 4 08 p m 4.45 p m ... 5.10 p m ti.Oo p ni 8.25 p m " arr. at l'uiiauepiiia... e.ou a m Uenovo Acoom and Kane Acoom connect ast and west at East with Low tirade Di vision and B X Y & V R R WM. A. BALDWIN. Oen'l Sup't. Fresh family Groceries, and Canoed goods at P & K's. The ebrapest tod Vest. TUB ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE ONLY REPUBLICAN PAPER IN ELK COUNTY. Office in Thayer & Hagerty'i Block, RIDGWAY", PA. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE. TERMS TWO DOLLARS A YEAR GIVE US A CALL FOR JOB WORK ! CARDS, TAGS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HKAS, BILL HEADS, MONTHLY STATEMENTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, &C. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Addr!f, THE ADVOCATE, Ridgway, Ji!k Co , IV QUOTATIONS White, Powell & Co BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 42 South Tbird Street. Philadelphia, Oct. 12th 1875. ID. ASKID U. 8. 1881. e do 6 20. '62. Mand N.... 23 28 18 18 do do '64 do ............ 18 do do '65 do 19 19 do do '66 J and J 18 181 do do '67 do do do '68 do ...... 10-40, do coupon do Pacifio 6's ey Int. off . New 5's Reg. 1881 , ' C. 1881 191 9M 20 16 23 16; zoi 17 231 16 17J Oold 16 16 Silver 107 109 Pennsylvania... - 50 50 Reading 55 55 Philadelphia & Erie 20 20 Lehigh Navigation Div. off. 601 60 do Valley 61 J 62 United R R of N J Ex. Div 13 H 1:12 Oil Creek ...r. 10 10 Northern Central 28 f 28 Central Transportation 46 40 j Neequeboning 64 54 1 A & A Mortgage C's '89 106 106 ANNOUNCEMENT. We are authorized to announce the name of MIJHAEL WEIDERT, of Jonestown, ship, as an independent candidate for the office of County Commissioner. FURS! FURS! FURS! FURS! Extra inducements offerd in ladies & childrens furs, small sets at $100 ladies sets from $2 00 and upwards extra bar gtins iu Mink sets first quality as, MAY & blLYERMANN'S. Ridgway Cemetery. Lots are now offered for Rale by tbe Ridgway Cemetery Association io the new Cemetery. The present low price lor lots may soon be advanced. Apply at the office of W. S. HAMBLEN, Secretary Ridgway Sept. 7, 1875. n-29t-f. PRIVATE TUITION. Pupils wishing to receive Instruction in Greek or Latin, or disiring to prepare for College can have opportuniiy of doing so by applying to the Rector of Grace Church. He having made the neeesrary arrange ments will be glad to receive a limited number of young ladies and gentlemen for instruction. For information as to terms &e apply to REV. WM. JAS. MILLER A. M. Ridgway, Pa, Augl9.3m Hair switches 75 cents $'. 00 2 00 3 00 A 4 60 worth double the money and Mucliea for 25 ceuts hats from 25 cent upwar ds Ttimed hats from $1 00 upwards, great re duction in all kinds of goods at MAY & SILVEKMA.WN'S, W Uliamsport, Pa. Notice. To uhum it may concern: E. F. & R C. Morey Lave in their posses sion the following uroperty which belongs to the undersigned, aud all persons are hereby warnei against purchasing the same: One grey horse, one set of double harness; Zsnovels, 1 water pan, i beds and bedding S eok, and 1 coal atcve and furniture, 3 pieces of potatoes, and 1 piece of corn in Held, 1 bobsled, 1 grind stone, i neck yokes, 1 set spreaders, 1 set tackle pulues, 1 whif- flctree 1 set diehes, 1 log rule, 1 lot of vegetables in gardeu, 3 tables, 1 set of chairs 4 wood chairs, 2 looking glasses,! lot of chairs Ld goods. 1 basket, crock. Lags, ac. 2 work stands, 1 lot of tinware, 1 carpenters square,! set old harness, 1 ;au bobsleds, l St. Mary's. 15. F. EL I. n32:3 Frict, rteer.li-tine Centt. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING MXETV-EWHTH EDITION. Containing a eomplet list of all the towns in tbe i. Diced states, the Territories and the Dominion of Canada, having a ponula lion gi eater than 6,000 according to the last census, together with the names of the newspapers having the largest local circu lation in each of the places named. Also, a catalogue of newspapers which are re eomtneuded to advertisers as giving great, est value iu proportion to prices charged Also, all newspapers in the Uuited Elates and Canada printing over 5,000 copies each isfue. Also, all the Religious, Agri cultural, cientinc and Mechanical, Medi cal, Masjnic; Juvenile, Educational, Com mercial, Insurance, Real Estate. Law, Sporting, Musical, Fashion, and other special class journal,- very complete lists. Together with a coniplote list ol over 300 German papers primed in the United States. Also, an essay upon advertising; many tables of rates, showing the cost of advertising in various newspapers, and everything which a beginner in advertis ing would like to know. Address GEO- P. ROWELL & CO., 41 Park Row, iiew York. A choice lot of Pastry Flour at POWELL & KIME'S Try it. Those Hamilton Corsets at P & K's are the most durable, and the cheapest io market. If you want any bl'ched or browo muslins, from to 10-4 wide any quality, go to head quarters, Powell & Kime's and select to your taste. Wedding and Mourning outfits for la. dies at MAY & SILVERMAN'S, opposite the court house, Williamsport, Pa CHEAP! CHEAP! CHBAP! Goods marked down to astonish tbe world. Call and see us. MAY & SILVER. MANN, Williamsport, Pa. Millinery goods, hair switches, jewelry, fancy foods, notions, ladies St childrens oloaks, diesses & undergarments. Whole sale & Retail at MAY & SILVERMANN'S opposite the court house, Williamsport, P. MADAM DEMOREST PATTERN8. We are agents for madam demorest pat terns, eatalouges free, send for one, pat terns sent by mail MAY & SILVER MANN'S Williamsport Pa. PAY AS YOU GO. If you pay for goods nheo you buy tbem, you will never be troubled with the oigt-mare of debt, your sleep will be sweet your dreams pleasant, and your wife and children will greet you with a smile iu the morning. Go to Powell & Kime's model ftore with your cash, get more than iU value and go home satisfied. They have adopted the cash system, and ny it is working charm-ii)gly. Trial List. List of Causes et down for trial at November term, 1875: 1. The Clarion Kiver Navigation Co. vs. Hiram Carman. No 69, Au gust Term, 1873. I. Miles Dent vs. Charles St. John and Rob't Rothrock. No. 4, January Term, 1874. 3. David M'Donald vs- L. F. & II. M. Powers. No. 12 April Term, 1874 4. William 11. liivans vs. A. J. Aery. No. 19, April Term, 1874. 0. Patrick Welsh vs. Joseph Jvoch. No. 74, AuguBt Term, 1874 6. Lazarus Moyer vs. Patrick Lamb No. 84, August term, 1874. 7. I nomas dollnnd vs. J. Y. Houk & Co. No. 107, August Terra, 1874. 8. Caleb Shortwell vs. George Scull et al. No. 13, September Term, 1874. 9 C. A. Kelloeg vs. C. Wainwright. No 23, September Term. 1874. 10 R. W. Moorhead et al., Adm'rs of N. W. M'Clure, deceased, vs. Hiram Carman, No 23 September Term, 1874 11 Inskeep, Poor & M'Gaffick . J. B. Whitman No 49, September Term, 1874 12 John Farrer vs. C R Earley No 4, November Term 1874 13 William Johnson vs Edward Walters No 15, November Term 1874 14 R C M'Gill vs. The Pennsylva nia R. R. Co, No 9, January Term, 1875 15 Gibbs, Burke & Co. vs Gifford, Hall & Co. No 24, January Term, 1875 16 John Bauer vs John Debt No 26, January Term 1875 17 Miles Dent vs M. C. Wyeauff and William Wyckoff. No 5 May Term, 1875 18 William R Youn et al. vs. The A V II R Co. No 35, May Term, 1875 19 John J Ridgway vs. Isaao Mcp henson et al. No 175 May Term, 1875 20 John J. Ridway vs- Sarah 8. Burns et al. No 176, May Terra 1875 21 II C Moore et al. vs. The Town ship of Millstone. No 79 September Term 1875 Over Coats? Irom 65 to 825 a large and splendid stock. Step in and get cue at P. & K's. Iluutiug Rubbers! with and without heels, a large lot at P. & K's. All other kinds of rubber boots and shoes. OCT CHEAPEST AND JJESTln PETERSOFSMAGAZIHE rCSTAGE FEE-PAID CI? ALL STCSSSI?. 7I0HS. (7 Every tubscriber fur 1876 voUlbe qruented with a $uperb, larye-sizeil steel etlyraving of lrumtiuUt celebrated pic ture of " The Signing of the Declara tion of Independence." This will bt ' Peterson's" Centennial Gift jgf "Petersons Magazine contains, every year, 1000 pages, 14 steel plates, I'Z colored lierliu patterns, VI mam moth colored fashion plates, 24 pages ol music, and i)W wood cuts. Great improvements will be made in 1876. Among them will be a series of illustrated articles on the Great Eihibi tion at Philadelphia, which will alone be worth the subs-criptiou price. Ihey will upprooriutely called. THE CENTENNIAL IN PEN AND PENCIL! 1 he uiiuieuse circulation ol "Peter son" enables its proprietor to opend mure money on establishments, stories, ic, &c , than any other. It gives move Jor Vie money than any m the world. Its. THRILLING TALES AND NOVEL ETTEd Are the best published anywhere. All the most popular writers are employed to write originally for "I eterson. In 1876, in addition to the usual quantity of short stories, FIVE ORIGINAL COPYHIGHT NOVELETTES will be given, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Frank Lee Benedict, Mrs. F. II. Burnett, and others. llammoth Colore! Fashion Plates Ahead of all others. These plates are eugtaved on steel, twice tub UbUAL size, and are unequalcd lor beauty. They will be superbly colored. Also, Household and other receipts; in short everything interesting to ladies. JV. B.As the publiJiers now pre pays the postage to ail mail subscribers, 'reterson is CHEAPER THAN EVER; in fact is TBE CHEAPEST IN TUB WORLD. TERMS (Always In AdVancei$2.00 A YEAR. 2 Copies lor$3,60 3 Copies 4,80 With a copy of the premium mezzotiut (21x26) "Christmas Morning," a five dollar engraving, to the person get ting up the Club. 4 Copies for $6,80 7 Copies for 11,00. Willi au extra copy of tbe Maga line for 1876, as a premium, to the person getting up the Club. 5 Copies for $8,60 8 Copies for 12.50 12 Copies for 18.00. Witu both an extra copy of tlie Magazine fur 1876, and the premium mezzotint, a five dollar engraving, to the person getting up tfaa Club- Addrets, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphio, Pa. a&riSpeeinjeua eeut gratia if written for. Rotted coffee a genuine article, at P. & K's. If you want t bag of leed, or a u.sflhel o( potatoes or a barrel or sack ot bour or even a small sack of Graham flour, it will pay you to step into P & K's ior it TOB'TTT OKK We are now prepared Y Y to doall kiudsof J01J WORK LuTelepes, Tags, liill-beuds, Letter beads, neatly and cheaply executed. Offiee in Thayer & Hageny's new building, Maix street Bidgway, Pa. ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. Tbe stated meetings of Elk Lo jge, No. 879, are beld at tbeir ball, corner of Main and Depot streets, on tbe seoond and fourth Tuesdays of each month- W. C. J1EALY, Sec'y. A general stock ot winter clothing, at very low prioes at P. k K's. New goods, every day in the year eicept Sundays and legal holidays at the great mammoth Grand Central Store of P. & K's. No bragging around. Call for whalyou want. Green Rio coffee a P. & K's Knit undershirts aud drawers, al P & K's. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of fieri facias, alias fieri faoias, vendi tioni exponas, and alias venditioni ex ponas, levari faoias, and alias levari fnoias, and testatum fieri facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, and to me directed, I, DANIEL SCULL, High Sheriff of said county, do hereby give notice that I will expose to public sale or ouiery, at tbe Court House, in Ridgway, at one o'clock P. M., MONDAY NOVEMBER 15 1875 at 1 o'clock P. M. the following described real estate to wit: All the rielit title interes claim and de mand whatsoever of defendants iu to or out of all the following tract piece or parcel of land to wit as follow: Using In tbe town ship of Spring Creek county of Elk and Stite of Pennsylvania bounded and de scribed as follows being wart of warrant number 2775 warrnlcd in the name of Wilhelin Willink and others; Beginning at a saddle back rock, on the Kit hand of Spring Creek tbeaoe north thirty-one SI degrees west nineteen 10) rods, thence north five 5 degrees west seven teen f 17 rods to a hemlock tree on said left bank of Spring Creek thence north 6U degrees east forty 40) rods to a' pest, thence south thirty (HO) degrees east sixty seven and five-tenths ti7-o rods thence south nine and one-fourth degrees west five and five, tenths (5 5) rods to I lie place of beginning contuing fifteen (lo) actea more or leia on which is erected the following buildings, to wit: One large water saw mill, one frame school house four frame dwelling houses about 16x18 with additions, one log house about 20x30; also one frame barn about 80x40 feet. The above houses are used as tenant houses in and about said mill property. Also an undivided three-fourth interest in to or out of the following tiacl, piece or parcel of land situate and being iu Spring Creek township, Elk Couuiy and State of Peesylvania, bounded and described as fel lows to wit: On the north and east by lands of Nelson Strang ou the south by war rant line of wurrant number 2780 on the west by Millstone towshtp hue containg four hundred and fifty (454) acres mote or less and being part of warrant number 2775. Seized and taken iuto execution as the properly of L. F t H M Powers at the suit of Jerome Powell-et al. and to bo sold by ALSO-AU the right, title interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the defendants in, to or out ot the following mentioned and described real estate, situate iu the Borough of St. Marys Elk County, l'a, Iroutiug on North Saint Marys road, bounded as follows: Beginning at a post on the aforesaid road said post being at the distauce of thirly-eight und eigln-lenllis leet north erly by the course of North St. Slrrys road, lroni Juhu Antes northeast cor ucr of bis lot fronting on said road, thence by said road norm teveu aud one fourth degrees west, (N 71 A.) forty feet aud two-tenths of a fcol (40-2ft. ) to a post ut the south eust cornei- of John Hoffman's lot, thnuce by line of said lloftnau lot south eighty-one and three fourth degrees west (a. 81 J W) one hun dred aud thirteen feet (113 ft) to a post on the binds of Michuel lluuiz, thence along the Hue of said lands south sixty-two and one-fourth degrees west S G2 W one huudred and six feet (100ft to a post al tbe northeast corner ot Stubig's town lot fronting on St. Michael street thence along the rear line of suid town lot south forty. four degrees east (S 44 E twenty five and five-tenths feet (24 5ft) lo a post at the north west corner of Ferdiuand t'aigla's lot, thence along tbe line of said lot north seventy. seven und one fourth de grees cast N 77J E one hundred and ninety -seveu and four -tenths feet ',197 4ft) to the place of beginning, continuing eight thousand three hundred and ninety-three square feet 8303 sq. ft. be the same more or lesM upon which is erected a frame house, 18x30 feet one story high. Seized, taken in execution und to be sold as the property of Muthias and Juliana Sinbeck at the suit of Louis Vollmt-r et ul ALSO All t he mineral rights or exclu sive privilege to dig, mine, explore and carry away all the coal, iron limestone petroleum and the other minerals in and upon all and sundry thoe certain tracts of land in Jones township, Elk County, Pennsylvania, known as sections 61-63-64-ti5-0U-C7-and 08, under the division of lands made by the tacKeun and Elk Land aud Improvement Company in 1808, in cluding warrants and portions of warrants 3041; 8111; 3117; 8145; 3227; 8220 322'. 4287 and 3242 containing eight thousand six huudred and nine 8000 acres be the same more or less of which mineral rights there is now no actual exercise or enjoy ment, and therefore no rental or income whatever therefrom; and the said Elk and McEean Land and Improvement Com pany Defeudant bus no office nor officer iu Elk County, and has no real or personal properly iu said county, other than the mineral rights above meutioued. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Tbe Elk and Mc- Keon Laud and Improvement company at the suit of Robert Patterson and William Hacker ALSO All defendant's interest of, in and to the following real estate, situate at Caledonia in said County of Elk bounded and described as follows, to wit: Begin ning at a post that stands three hundred ana sixty -six perches east from the west line of warrant No 02b; ana eleven ana b 10 perches south of the middle division line of said warrant, tbe said post being N 60 W 25 7 10 feet from a Hickory tree that is in IheN. E. line of this lot, thence south fifty degrees east three hundred and twenty-seven feet to a post thence south forty degrees west one hundred and sixty five teet to a post thenoe north fifty de grees, west three hundred and forty-five leet to a post in the southern line of public highway thence north forty-six and a half degrees east one hundred aud sixty-six feet to the plaoe of beginning containing two acres more or less, and being part of warrac.t No 6285 excepling and Reserving uuto John O Beading & wife and Charles Bartles and wife the grantors for Ihemsel ves or the Bennetts Branch Improvement Co. or their successors the right to float timber logs or lumber along Bennetts Branch wiihout olaim for damages to this lot. Upon the above described lot of land there is erected one frame dwelling house two and one-half stories high and 20 feet long by 18 feet wide Seized taken in exeoution and to be sole as tbe property of James M. Bateman at the suit of James K. Orr. ALSO AU that certain lot or parcel of ground bituate in the village of Bidgway. Elk county Pennsylvania being part of lot numbered thirty-seven (47) aoeording to i be plan of said village the said part eon taimng four thousand (4000) square feet being forty 40 feet in front on Main street b ona hundred f 1001 feet in depth along Mill street upon whiob is erected a two-story frame drug si ore, 2b feet f rout by 00 feet deep. Sniied taken in execution and to be sold as tbe properly of 0 O. Messenger at the suit of Powell ft Kinie. ALSO All the right title interest and estate of Ueo. 1) Messenger in the above described property at the suit of Powell & Kime. TE2MS CF SALS. The following must be strictly oompltcd with when property is struck otT: 1. All bids must be paid In full except where the plaintiff or oilier lien creditor becomes ths purchaser, in which case the cost on the writs must be paid as well as all liens prior to that of tbe purchaser and a duly certified list, of hens slinll be fur nished including mortgaged searches on the property sold together with such lien credi tor's reco pt for the amount of the pro ceeds of the rale or,- such portion thereof as he shall appear to be entitled to. See Purdon's Digest 9th edition page 440; Smith form page 883. 2. Allsalen not settled immediatly will be continued until G o'clock P. M. at which time all property not settled for will again be put up aud sol 1 at the erpense and risk of the person to whom il was first struck off and who iu case of deficiency at such re sules shall make good l he same and in no instance will the deed bo presented in court for confirmation unless the bid is actually settled fof with the Sheriff as above stated. DANIEL SCULL, Bidgway Pa. Ang. 81 1875. Sheriff. THURSDAY", OCTOBER 28. 1875. Vote for W. II. Ostcrhout. Oh! those beautiful prints at P. & K's. Vote for W. II. Osterhout, no honeit and oompetent man for Commissioner. Alpacas ebeapcr than ever before known at P. & K's. Wc had pleasant weather for a few days past. If you want County orders at par vote for Chas McVean. See that tbe namo of W. II. Oster bout is, on your ticket for Commissioner. Vote early on tbe morning of Novcm ber 2d. Hats and Caps a complete assortment ut P. & K's. Paper collars the nobbiest! with turn duwn corners also the good old Byron style at P. & K's. The Lutheran Sunday School is io- crca.xinir io number aud interest. An invitation is extended to all to attend- Vof for Chas. McVean for treasurer, h e i.c not a nu mber ol any l ing and ig ihc people's candidate. "mntam says tnat "i'arsons is smarting under our harmless little pleusuuiries," but he don't say a word about "the gal I lei t behind me." You need never be ashamed to vote for Chas. McVean and V. II. Oster hout, both good men. A complete stock of ladies misses and childrens shces, light, medium and heavy at P. & K's Now is the time to buy. "Harmless little pleasantries" Elk Democrat I thank thee Jtw for teaching me that word. "Soul an-1 Science." The subject of the Evening Sermon at Cruce Church Sunday next will bo "Soul and Science." Servico at 7 o'clock. Tho Lutheran congregation of this place have pujebased of V. 11. Oster hout the house lately owned by J. L. Cummiog!., next the Lutheran Church, for $840 to be used as a Lutheran Parsonage. And now a writer in the Democrat calling herself '-PuelV adops our ad vice to ".vencx (hat lie should move, his lares and penutcs to Highland. The little one goes lor Seoez and nuts a bead (with rooms to let) on him iu capital style. Simmer down and go west, old man. At the semi-annual meeting of the Presbytery, of Clarion, lately beld at Sligo, Revs. A. 13. Fields W. II. F il sou and Elder James McCurdy were appointed to visit Ridgway and organize a Presbyterian Church if deemed best. The above named gentilciuan will hold a meeting for that purpose at the Luth eran church on Tuesday November 9, at 7 P. M. at which all are iuvited to attend- "Bantam" Miller of tho Democrat in his last issue sends out a doleful whine and says we have gone and done and pinched him, boo-hoo-hoo. So you don't like your own medicine Miller, for a long time we bave put up with your ridicule and abuse, hoping you would get tired of it, but uo, you return to it 'like a dog to bis vomit,"your "harmless pleasantries" consisting simply of abuse let us quote a f'ew,"Beast" "swill barrel" "fuzzy patted arbitrator" "hie haggard look and unkempt hair" "feeding his chickens and freeing them from lice," eto, etc. We might go on a column; your idea of "harmless pleasantries" is very comical and you don't seem to relish ours. Your statement that we "have hired someone to. "write you down" is simply false, we paddle our own canoe , and if you keep up your abuse we bhall seize bold of any material that we can get against you, besides, only let you alone and you will "write yourself down." Now if you want these "harm less pleasantries" stopped, stop them first yourself. The Last Sites. Tbe stranger in Smethport on Sun day last would have known that au bouored citizen of the place had passnd away. The largest concourse of people that we have ever seen together on a similar occasion filled the Couvt House to overflowing to pay a fitting tribute of respect to the memory ot a good man and respected citizen, onerin im. Powell. The funeral services were ad vertised to take plnco at 101 A. M., but were necessarily delayed to await the coming of Mr. Jerome Powell sr., of Ridgway, who bad been unable to reach here before because of the sad necessity of attending tho funeral of another brother in White Plains, N. Y., who died in Dearly the same way that did the Sheriff. A large delegation ot citizens of Kane, the former residence of the deceased, were present, as well as neitly every citizen of Smethport and minv other sympathising friends, and at half past eleven the entire seating ca pacity of the Court llouso was filled the crowd being to large to be accom modated in any one of the churches, A more solemn and impressive service we never attended. Itev. S. D. Morris, preached the funeral discourse, and it was one of his most 'eloquent efloits. He chose his text from the seventh chapter of Ecclesiastics the 1st and 2ud verses. The text was very appropriate to the death of a good man, and so im pressively and effectively was the lesson brought out that there was scarcely a dry eye in the house during the entire service. Beautilul and appropriate music was furnished by a select choir of the following person?.- Soprano Mrs. Henry Hamlin, Mrs. J. C. Hamlin, and Miss Mollie Ilamliu; Alto, Mrs. Geo. Thetge; Tenor, Dr. II. L. McCoy: Bass L. Rogers, Chas. Walters, and Mr. Wheeler. After the servico an oppor tunity was given to take a last look at the deceased, which was gladly accep ted by the entire audience. The ser vices at the grave were brief and affect iug consisting of a solemnaand impres sive chant by the choir and closing with au earnest prayer. Thus were con signed to tbe grave tho remains of one whose memory will be held honorable by all who knew him. McKean Miner. Resolutions of Respect. ADOPThD AT A J1EETING OF I HE CITI ZENS OF BRADPOIID TOWNSHIP AMI BOKO. CONVESKD BY TUE BURCESs ON THE OCCASION OF TIIE DEATH OF MORDECAI N. PC WELL, LATE IIIOU SHERIFF OF MCKEAN CO. TA, OCT. 14th 1875. Resolved That,with sincere feelings of unfeigned sorrow we learn of the, death oi Sheriff Powell who enjoyed the highest measure of respect and esteem for his official integrity and industry as well as for his personal woth, and tho enobliug influence of his kind, manly, honest everyday life. Resolved Tbat,bis death deprives tho county of one who honored tho official position which he occupied to the beue- fit ol every citizen, aud the work of such u man as the poet had iu his mind wheu he said: Man is his own star; and the soul that can Kenuer an honest anu a perfect nian, Commands all light, all influence all fate; Nothing to him falls earley or too lute. Resolved. That, while we recoguize tbe band of Him who doeth all things well, we know and leel the loss of those who mourn a kind and loviug husband, father, brother, son.and do moat heartily offer to the bereaved relations the hom age of our sympathy and condolence iu thi time of their deep distress. Resolved. That, these resolutions be inserted in tbe newspapers of McKean, Elk and Wancn Counties and that the secretary be directed to transmit a copy to the family of the deceased J. 13 110 1.1 E It, Chairman Com. on Resolutions. "Bantam" in (ho last issue of the Democrat in a long article under the caption of "A Contemptible Warel'are" igmattzea the editor of this sheet a liar and, with an effort which nearly killed the diminutive cuss he rises to ex plain; ho proves that it is a virtuous act to go into bankruptcy and pay forty, three cents on a dollar instead of four teen as the aforesaid lyintr editor inti mated. We are happy to make tho corection and unite with the multitude in proclaiming "Bantam" an oruauieut to any poultry show. Says the Chester Pa., Evening News: "Ooe of the curses of the country id the game of policy. Were a person to come iuto possession of tbe uumber of peoph who pour their earnings into such places and the amount of money thus, spent, he could not refrain from experiencing the deepest surprise. Then it he could witness tbe uutold uiissery and degradatiou of the poor blind su perstitious follows, his soul would sicken within him. It is a urimo that 's kept io the dark, Its uuoagers know too well that in the light-" it will not flourish One of the latliugs of "Bantam" is his utter incapacity to deoide between a "harmless personality" and a downright insult. When tbe shoe is put on the other foot he at once sees the insult. We hope the lesson be has learned will be of lusting beuefit to the quarrel iouie youth.