The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 21, 1875, Image 2

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    T II l
Mrnht A. Parsons, Jr. Editor
WM. P. FINLKY, Clarion County.
fob oovernor.
CIIAS. MoVEAN, St. Mary's.
for commissioner.
B.W. PETRI KIN, Benetette.
GEO. ROT I ROCK, Bcnezette.
Tbe election in Ohio resulted in a
victory (or Hayes, Republican candidate
for governor, having a majority of more
thun 4000 and it may reach and possibly
exceed 5,000. The Democrats ex
pected a victory in Qhio, aud now that
Ihe "tidal wave," basset in the other
v.ay they are very much disheartened,
and it will be useless so far as they are
concerned to hold an election in Penn
eyl 'aniu.
The Dumber of votes polled was
larger, by 100,000, than ever before
enst in Ohio for the office of Governor;
the excitement was intense, 6,000
speeches were delivered by the orators,
representing both sidea, not counting
the efforts of county orators at school
Louses and cross roads, torchlight pro
eersions, and mass meetings were had
n'most every city, town, and village in
the ttate. Although the majority is a
small one it is still a ruaj jrityjand a Re
publican gain, over the vote of last year
or about 24,000.
There is an axiom that nothing is so
successful as success, and this always
holds good in politics, and that was one
of the '.hings that made Ohio the great
political buttle Cold of the year; success
in Ohio meat success in Pennsylvania,
and so both parties did their best to win.
Tim result is highly satisfactory to the
Republicans, although the Democrats
look blue and talk of frauds and a free
use of money. The Ilarrisburg Pa
triot came out the morning after the
election with a very sorrowful article at
tributing the success of the Republicans
to a fret use of money and glaring
frauds in the great cities. The Elk
Democrat took up tbe refrain and echoed
Jrctud, and the little bump of self con
ceit that edits the Democrat really be
lievee. that frauds were perpetrated in
Ohio just because the Patriot aid so
The fact, however, remains that tbe
election on the part of the Republicans
was carried on without the free use of
money and without the ''glaring frauds"
the Democrats so much delight to tell of
Now for the Keystone Siate, on the
2d of November. Let every Republi
can do his duty and the victory is ours
Let us give Ilartranft 30,000 majority
1. Ralph Johnson. ..Bcnezette Farmer,
2. De.'iitur Hen ;tt " ....Laborer,
8. 1. W. Dcllaas "
1 John Goelz Benjinger, Lumberman,
5. Ambrose kreckel ' .....Laborer,
0. John Gtthn "
7. Joseph Young "
8. Jacob Nist Farmer,
(I. George Connor Fox Miller,
10 Joel fc. Taylor Farmer,
11. Reesman Meredith... " "
12. John W. Moyer " ... Laborer,
13. linvid .Meredith " Farmer,
I t. Peter Tompson " '
15. Thos. Campbell, Sr.. .Highland
16. F. liaywinkle Morton.. "
17. Henry Reedy Laborer.
18. Jacob Hartman ' Farmer.
10. N. M Brockway " Lumberman.
20. John 8. Thomas , Jay Farmer'.
21. Armel Turlcy ' Hotel Keeper.
22. T. L. M'Kean Jones. ..Carpenter.
-o. liieouore Cooa " Clerk
24. Casper Roper Farmer
25, Martin Sowers ...Merchant.
20. R. I. Campbell Ridgway ...Grocer.
27 Horace Liltle Ridgway... Ageut.
Ueo. Dickinson Hidgway ..raroie ,
29. Andrew Cuniminps..Ridgway.. Grocer,
RO. James Riley ...Ridgwav Hotel Keeper.
81. Louis Brendel Ridgway Raker,
82. Henry Luhr St. Marys Clerk.
83. John ilcindel t Marys Saloon Keeper.
84. Michael Bauer... " Carpenter.
85. Anthony Auman " ...Stone Mason.
86 Joseph Ke'tger... ......Carpenter.
87. Join Busch Laborer.
88. Jerry Meecum " Hotel Keeper.
89. Albert, Weis " Merchant.
40. John foster Carpenter.
1 Cornelius Haney ...Benzinger Laborer.
2 Chas. Kroncnwetter... Lumberman.
0 John Myers Fox Farmer.
4 Mathins Spooler Jr... ...Laborer.
6 Oscar Allen Farmer-
H. Join Collins Hotel Keeper.
7. E. II. Dixon Jay
8. It. E. Morey Merchant.
j). Geo. 11. Scull Laborer.
10. Edward Fenton
H Josiali V. Mead... Farmer.
12 John Cramer Jones
13 Daniel AttleLerger Laborer.
. 11, R. M. Fainter ..Millstone Lumberman.
15 Sumuel W. Curiies Ridgway Clerk.
16 C. R. Earley M. D.
17. Phineas Ernhout... Tanner.
18 J. F. Dill blacksmith.
19. James Colter St. Marys, ..Laborer.
20. Matbias Welleudorf Hotel Keeper.
61. John Frank Laborer,
22- Chris. Freindel
U3. Henry Fochtman Blacksmith.
24. Thomas Irwin Spring C'lt Lumberman
Salt, cheaper than dirt at I & K'b
Ladies dresi goods newest styles a
Elk County Republican Commltto
Chairman .Jas. 11. Hagerty, Aidgwny.
Deneiette- T. B Winslow, C. H. Win
Deniinger Jaoob Hants, John Farrer.
Foi U. W. Rogers J. J. Taylor.
Jay Oliver Dodge, J. M. Brookins.
Jones Jos. Ttnblne, J. C. Matone.
Millstone Myran Raught John Moore.
Ridgway It. M. Powers, J. O. W.
Spring Creek Thos. Irwin, Hirnian
"King Bee" and many others kinds
of chewing tobacco. Also smoking of
all the popular brands at l k K'b.
Good fish boneless and bkinless. Also
some of the old fashioned in full dress,
at P. & K.
A full stock of fresh Family groceries,
such as Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Rice,
Syrups, Spices, R. B- Powder, Baking,
and Sweet Chocolate, and every thing
else in that line, at P, & K's.
In pursuance of an Act of Assembly
passed the 13 day of March A. D. 1315 en
titled "An act to amend an act directing
the node of selling Unseated Lands for
axes and for other purposes," and the sev
eral supplements thereto, Ihe County Com
missioners of tbe County of Elk, will ex
pose to sale by publio vendue or outcry, at
the Court House in Ridgway, Pa., on
At 8 oclock P. M. the following tracts of
land situated and described as follows:
Warrant ocrea Warratec or owners
6020 63 John Johnson et al.
60 John Henfling
4883, 612, Wm. Bell.
CO, Geo. Ed. Weis,
Town lots on Ridgway street.
Nob. 107, 72, 68, 75, 82, 7.1. 106, 71, 80
81, 74,16, 25, 19, 22 87. 35, 87, H9, 93.
105,96, 10. 70, 09, 101, 118, 103, 94, 110,
83. 76, 77, 64, 65, 67, C6.
Town lots on Talbot Street Nos. 31, 82.
Butler Street No. 3.
Bishop Street Nos. 117, 118, 109, 110,
119, 120, 115, 116, 123, 113, 112, 111,
125, 126, 124.
Railroad Street Nos. 63, 58, 46, 47, 48,
44, 45, 49, 54, 66, 69. 62, 50, 61, 40, 41,
42, 43, 20, 21.
iox township.
4272 49. Owner Unknown.
4184' 330, Wm. Parker.
4889, CO, Owner Unknown
4890, 1187. " "
4271, 880, " "
4079, 60, Joseph Koch
4184, 100, Moses Hyneman
37C2 1000, John Smith
4370 5 i Pub. Div: 15
4371 i of 107 J. S. Hyde
43 D. Kingsbury
4371 62 Sub. Div. No. 23
4893 93, John Pachin
GO D. Hutchinson
125 J L. Crown.
8247 841 McKean & Elk Land & Inpt.
145 vVm. B. Kcnnedny
4863 101.
2789 347.
4551 100 Chas Porterfield
48 N. E. Cor. Nelson Strong Wt.
00 Crow & Wcnsfill
60 A.I. Wed.lock Estate
4044 242 Corbett & Newcomb
200 Keth. Clover
2092 200 Thomas Struthers
4551 76 Pnor & Reed
105 W. C. Edwards
4369 25 fjeth. Clover
ST. MA&V8 nono.
Town Lots
Erin St. No. 40
Shamrock St. No. 40
Wnlburger St. Nos. 7, 67
Benedict St. Nos. 10, 13, 15. 64.
John St No. 68.
Maurice St. Nos 1, 3- 7, 8, 188 of 44
Rupert St, Nos. 49, 58, 97, 107,
Patrick St. No. 63
Louis St. Nos 8, 12, 14, 15,
1 Lot assessed to James Oass.
All est.
C. H. M'CAULEY, Clerk.
Commissioners Office.
Ridgway Pa.
October 1, 1875,
Whereas, in and by the 13th section of
the Act of General Assembly of Pei.nsyl
vania, passed July 2nd 1869 entitled, "An
act relating to the Elections of the Com
monwealth." It is injoined on the Sheriff
of every county to give notice of such elect
ions to be held, and to enumerate in such
notice what officers are to be elected in pur
suance, thereof. I, DANIEL SCULL high
Sheriff of the Coun'y of Elk, do therefore
make known and give this public notice to
the electors of said county of Elk, that a
general election will be held in said county,
tit being the first Tuesday of the month,)
for the purpose of electing the following of
ficers to wit:
One person for Governor.
One person for State Treasurer.
One person for State Senator to reprei
ent the Counties of Cameron,' Clarion, Elk
and Forest.
One person for Treasurer of Elk County.
One person for Prothonolary. &c, of Elk
One person fof Surveyor of lElk County.
Three persons for Commissioners of Elk
County, each elector to vote lor but two.
Threo persons for Auditors of Elk
County, each elector to vote for but two.
And the qualified electors of the county
of Elk will hold their elections in tbesev
et al districts, as follows.
Benezetle township, at the house of Eliza-
beth Winslow.
Benzineer township, at the school bouse
on Michael St., near Elk creek bridge.
Fox township at the Centreville school
Highland township, at the bouse of Levi
Horton township, at the school bouse
near D. C. Oyster's Hotel.
Jay township, at the House or A'ireii
Jones township, at tbe Wilcox Tanning
and Lumber Co's office in Wilcox.
Millstone township, at tbe house of
Henry Herr, at Barr's Dam-
Ridgway township, at the Uourt Hoose.
St. .Jary's Borough, at the Town Hall.
Spring Creex township, at the bouse of
Stockdale. Downer & Co.
1 also make known tbe following act en
titled "An act regulating the mode of vot
ing atall ejections in tbe severnl oountiea of
the Commonwealth," approved March 80,
Suction 1. Bt it tnaetttt by (he Senate
and the Jlouei of llepretcntativ't, &s., That
the qualified voters of the several oounties
of this Commonwealth, at all general town,
ship borough and special elections are
hereby hereafter authorized aud required to
vote by ticket, printed or written, or partly
written and partly printed, severally classi
fied as follows: One ticket shall embrace
the uaines of all the Judges of the Courts
to be voted for and to be labelled on the
outside, "Judioiary," one ticket ehall em
brace the names of all State officers to be
voted for and labelled "State," one ticket
shall embraoe the names of all county offi
cers to bo voted for, including the office of
henator, member or members of Assembly,
if voted for, members of Congress, if voted
for and labelled "County;" one ticket ehall
embrace the names of all the township offi
cers voted for and be labelled "Borough,"
or "1'ownship;" and each Bhull be deposited
in separate ballot boxes.
I also make known Bud give notice, as in
and by the 15th section of aforesaid act, I
am directed that every person except
Justices ot'tho Peace, who shall hold any
office appointment of trust or profit, under
the Government of the United States, or
this State, or any city or incorporied dis
trict whether a commissioned officer or
otherwise a subordinate officer or agent
who is or shall bo employed under the leg
islative or judiciary or executive depart
ment of this Stute or of the United Slates,
or a uy city or incoipurated district and
aIbo every member of Congress and State
Legislature, and the select and common
council of any oity, Commissioner of incor
porated district, is by law incapable of
holding or exercising at the same time the
office or appointment of Judge, lnxpectoi
or Clerk, of any election of t li is Common
weulth, and that no Inspector or Judge
shall be eligible to any ollioe then to be
voted for.
Also in the 4th section of the Act of As
rerubly, entitled ' An act relating to elect
ions and for other purposes," approved
April Vila I860, it is enacted that the 14th
section shall be so constructed as to pre.
vent any militia or borough officer lioin
serving as Judge, Inspector, or Clerk, al
any general or special election in this Com
monwealth. I also make known tho following:
Whereas. The Filteeiuh Amendment
of the Constitution of the United States is
as follows:
Suction 1. The right of citizens of the
United States to vote stiull not be denied or
abridged by the United Stales or by any
Stute on account of race, color, or previous
condition of servitude,
Section 2. That Congress shall have
power to enforce this article by appro
priate legislation,
And whereat, Tbe Congress of the
United Slates, on the thiuy-first day ot
March 1870, passed an act eulilleu, "An
act to enforce the right of cimeiis of the
United States to vote in the several States
of the Union, ind for other," the
first and second sections of which are as
lie U enacted, &c, That all citizens of
the Uuited States who are or shall bo
otherwise qualified to vote at any election
by the people of any Stute, Territory, dis
trict, city county, parish, township, school
district, municipality, or other territorial
subdivision shall be entitled and allowed to
vote at all such elect ious, without distinct
ion of coloi race, or previous condition of
servitude; any constitution, law, custom,
usnge, or regulation of any Slate or Terri
tory, or by or under its authority, to the
contrary, notwithstanding.
Skction 2. And be it further en'ded,
That if by or under the authority of the
constitution or laws of nuv Mate or the laws
any Territory, any act is or shall be re
quired to be done as a prerequisite or quali
fication for voiiug, and by such constitu
tion or laws persons or officers are or shall
hec barged with the performance of duties
iu furnishig to eilizsns an opportunity to
preform such prerequisites, jor to become
qualified to vote it shall be the duty of every
suh person and officers to give all citizens
ofthc United Suites the same and equal op
portunity to perform such prerequisite and
to become quutified to vote without distinct
ion of race, color or previous condition of
servitude; and if any such persons or offi
cers shall refuge or knowingly omit to give
full effect to this Bcction, ho shall for every
such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of five
hundred dollars; to the person aggrieved
thereby, to be recovered by au action on
the case, wilh full costs and such allow
ance for council fees as the court shall
deem just, und shall also for every such
offence be deemedguilty of a misdemeanor
and shall on coi.viction thereof be fined
not less than five hundred dollars or to bo
imprisoned not less than one month and
njt more than one year, or both, at the
discretion of the court.
And whereas. It is declared by the
second section of the VI article of tue Con
stitution ami of the U.S. tnaf'This Consti
tution of the Uni ed States which shall be
made in pursuance thereof shall be the
supieme laws of the lund anything in
the Conetitulion or laws of any Stite, to ihe
contrary notwithstanding.
And whereat, The Legislature of this
Commonwealth, on the Oih of April 1870,
passed an act entitled "A further supple
ment to the act relating to elections in this
Cominonwoalth," the tenth section provides
as follows-
Section 10. That to much of every no I
of Assembly that provides that ouly white
freemen shall be entitled to vote, or to bo
registered as voters, or as claiming to vote
hi any geueral er special election of this
Commonwealth, be and the same is hereby
repealed, and that hereafter nH freemeu
without distinction of color, shall be en
rolled aud registered according to ihe pro
visions of the first section of the act ap
proved the 17 of April 1869, entitled "An
act further supplemental to an act relating
to tue elections ot this Commonwealth,
and shall when otherwise qualified under
existing lrws, be entitled to vote at all geu
eral and special elections in this Common
wealth. I also make known Ihe following:
Whereas, By the act of the Congress of
the United States entitled "An Act to
amendjthe several acts heretofore passed,
to provide for the enrolling and calling out
ihe national forces, and for other pur
poses." aud approved March third, one
thousand eight hundred and Biuty-five all
persons who have deserted the military or
naval service of the United States, and who
have not been discharged, or relieved from
the penally, or disability therein provided
are deemed and taken to have voluntarily
relinquished, and forfeited, their rights of
citizenship, aud their rights to become citi
zens, and are deprived of exercising any
rights of citizens thereof:
And whereat. Persons, not citizens of the
United ,Sintes, are not under the constitu
tion and laws of Pennsylvania, qualified
electors of this commonwealth:
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Repretentattvet of the Common
wealth of J'eiinsytvania in General Assembly
met, and tt it hereby enacted by the authority
oi the tame. That in all elections bereafler
to be beld In this commonwealth, it shall
be unlawful for the judge or inspectors of
any such elections to receive any ballot, or
ballots, from any person, or persons, em
braced in tbe provisions, and. subject to the
disability imposed by said act of Congress,
approved March third one thousaud eight
hundred and sixty -five, and it shall be un.
lawful for any such person to offer to vote
any ballot, or ballots.
Section 2. That if any tucb judge and
inspector of election, or any oue of ibeia
shall receive or consent to receive, any such
unlawful ballot, or ballots, from any such
disqualified person, be or the so offend
ing, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon eonviotion thereof, in any court of
quarter sessions of thiscommonwealth, he
shall, for each offence, fie sentenced to pay
a fine of not less than one hundred dollars,
and to undergo an Imprisonment, in the
jail of the proper county, for not less than
sixty days.
Section 8. That if any person deprived
of oitizbnsliip, and disqualified as aforesaid,
shall at any election hereafter to be held in
this commonwealth, vote or tender to the
officer there, and Offer to vole, a ballot or
ballots, any person so offending, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof, in any court of quarter
sessions of this commonwealth, ahull, for
each offence, be punished in a like manner
as is provided in the preceeding section of
this act, In the cate of efficers of election
receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots.
Section 4. That if any person shall
hereafter persuade, or advise, any person
or persons deprived of citizenship, nnd dis
qualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot,
or ballots, to the officers of any election
hereafter to be held in this common wealth,
or shall persuade, or advise, any such offi
cer tn receive any ballot, or bollots, from
any person deprived of citizenship, and dis
qualified as aforesaid, such person, bo of
fending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof, in any court
of quarter sossions of this commonwealth
shall be punished in a like manner as is
provided in the second section of this act,
in the case of officers of such election re
ceiving such unlawful ballot or nallots.
I also make known the following sections
of an act approved the 80tli day tf Jun
uary, A. D. 1874. entitled "A further sup
plement to the act regulating elections iu
ihis Commonwealth:"
Section 5. At all elections hereafter
held under the laws of this commonwealth,
the polls shall be opened at seven o'clock
A. M. and closed at seven o'clock P. M.
Section b. In "all election districts
where a vacancy exists by reason of the
disqualification of the officer or otherwise
in an election bonrd heretofore appointed,
or where any new district shall be formed,
the judge or judges of the court of common
pleas of the proper, county Shall, tcu d iys
before any general or special election, ap
point competent persons to fill said vacau
cies nnd to conduct the election in mi id new
districts; and in the appointment of in
Bpectors in any eleotion dis rict both shall
not be of Ihe same political party, and the
judge of elections shall, in all cases, he of
ihe political party having I lie majority of
votes in said district, as nearly as the said
judge or judges can ascertain the fact; and
in case of the disagreement of the judges
ns to tbe selection of inspectors, the politi
cal majority of the judges shall select one
of such inspectors, and the majority judge
or judges shall select the other.
Suction 7 Whenever there shall bo a
vacancy in an election board on the morn
ing of an election, said vacancy shall be
filled in conformity , with existing laws.
Section 8 At the opening of the polls at
all elections it shall be the duty of tho
judges ot election for their respective dis
tricts to designate one of the inspectors,
whose duly it shall be to have in custody
the registry of voters, and to make the en
t'ics therein required by law; audit shall
be the duly of the other of said inspectors
lo receive nnd number the ballots presented
at said election.
Skction 0 All elections by the cilizens
shall be by ballot; every ballot voted shall
I e numbered in tho order in which it shall
be received, nnd ihe number recorded by
ihe clerks on the list of voters opposite the
uhme of the elector from whom received.
And any voter voting two or more tickets,
the several tickets so voted shall each he
numbered wilh the 'number corresponding
with the number to the name of the voter.
Any elector may write his name upon his
ticket, or cause the same to be written
thereon, and attested by a citizen of the
district .
Suction 10 On the day of election any
person whose name shall not nppenr on the
legislry of voters, and who damn the l ight
to vote at said election, shall produce at
least one qualified voter ot'tho district, us n
witness to the residence of the claimant, in
the district iu which he claims lo be a voter,
for the period of at 1-nsi two months im
mediately preceeding said election, which
wiluess shall bcswui n or affirmed ami sub
scribe a written or partly written and partly
printed affidavit to the facts staled by him,
which affidavit shall define clearly where
the residence is of the person so claim,
ing to be a voter; and the person so claim
ing the ri;lit to vote shall also take ami
subscrihe a written or partly writL.n and
purtly Jjrintcd affidavit, fliititi"; to the
best of his knowledge and ljel,ol, when
dud where ho was horn; that lit has
been a citizen ot the Uuited States for
one month, aud ol the commonwealth ot
Pennsylvania; that he has resided io tho
coinnionweultli one year, or, il formerly
u qualified elector or a native horu citi
zen thereof, and has removed therolrom
and returned, that he Has resided therein
six months next jirecccding said ciee
tiou; that he lias resided io the district
iu which he claims to bo u voter for the
period oi uc least two mouths immedi
ately preceding said election; that he
Iiuh not moved into the district tor the
purpose ot voting therein; that he has,
if twenty-two years of age or upwuids;
puid a state or county tax withto two
years, which was assessed at least two
mouths aud paid at'Jeust one mouth be
fore the eleotion. The said affidavit
Hliuil also state when and where the
tux claimed to be puid by the affiant
was assessed, and when ana where and
to whom piid; and the -tax receipt
therefor shall be produced for examina
tion, unless the affiant bhull state iu his
affidavit that it has beeu lost or de
stroyed, or that he never received any;
aud if a naturalized .citizeu, ahull also
state when, where und by what court he
was naturalized, and shall also produce
his certificate of naturalization lor ex
amination. But if the person so claim
ii: the right to vote shall take a-ud
subscribe au affidavit that-he is a. na
tive boru citizen of tho Uuited States,
it born elsewhere, shall state tho tact in
his affidavit, and shall produce evideuce
that he bus been naturalized or that he
is entitled to citizenship by reason ol
his father's naturalization, and shall
further state in his affidavit, that lie is,
at the time of making the affidavit of
the age of twenty-one and uuder twenty
two years; that ho has been, a citizen ot
tho Uuited States one mouth, and has
resided iu the state one year; or; if a
native boru citizen of the state aud re
moved therefrom and returned, that he
has resided thcreiu six months Dcxt
preceding said election and iu the elec
tion district immediately two months
preceeding such election, he shall be en
titled to vote, although lie shall not
have paid taxes. The said affidavits oi
all persons making such claims, and the
affidavits of tbe witnesses to their resi
dence shall be preserved by the election
board, and at the close of tbe election
they shall be enclosed with the list of
voters, tally list and other papers re
quired by law to be filed by the re
turn judge wi;h the prothontary, and
(hall remain ou file therewith iu the
prothiiuuiary's office, subject to examina
tion as other eleotion papers are. Il the
election efficers shall find that thrt ap
plicant possesses all the leal qualifica
tions ol a voter he shall bo permitted to
vote, nnd his name shall be added to
the list of taxahles by .the election offi
cers the . word "tax," beinj added
where the claimant claims to vote., on
tax, and the word "age," where he
claims to vote ou age; the eauio words
being added by the clerks iu each eise,
respectively, on the lists of persons vot.
ing at such eleotion.
Suction 11. It shall be lawful for
any qualified citizen of the district not
withstanding the name of the proposed
voter is contnined on the list ol resident
taxables, to challengo the vote of such
person, whereupou the same prool of the
right of suffrage as is now required by
xn shall bo publicly mnelo nnd acted on
by the election board, and the vote ad
mitted or rejected, according to the evi
dence. Every person claiming to bo a
naturalized citizen shall be required to
produce his naturalization certificate at
the cleciion before voting, except where
he has beeu for five years consecutively
a voter in the district in which he offers
his vote; and on the vote of such person
being received, it shall bo tho duty of
tho election officers to write or stamp
on such certificate the word "voted,"
with the day, month and ye;ir; and if
any election officer or officers shall re
ceive a second vote on the same day, by
virture of the same certificate, excepting
where sons are entitled to vote, because
of the naturalization ot their fathers,
they and the person who shall ofier
such second vote, shall be guilty ol a
misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof
shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, at
the discretion of the eourt; but the fine
shall not exceed five hundred dollars in
each case, nor tho imprisonment one
year. Tho like punishment shall be
iuflieted, on conviction on the officers of
election who shall m-uleet or roluse to
make, or cause to be mude the endorse
ment required as aloresaid ou said
naturalization certificate.
Section 17. The respective asses
sors, inspecters and judges of election
shall each have the puwer to adrrinister
oaths to any person claiming the right to
be assessed, or the rii;ht ol suffrage, r r
in regard to any other mutter or thing
required to be done or inquired into by
any of said officers under this ac; and
willul false swearing by any person in
relation to any mutter or thin, concern
ing which they shall be lawfully inter
rogated by nuy of said officers or over
seers, shall be perjury.
I'aut of Section 10. Any person
who shall, on the day of any election,
visit a polling place iu any election dis
tiictut which be is not entitled to vote,
aad shall ue any intimidation or viol
ence for the purposj of preventing any
officer of election from performing the
duties required of him by law, or lot
the purpose of preventing any ttuulified
voter of sush district lrnm exercising his
rturli t to vote, or from exercising hi
,rigbt to challeuge any person ottering
to vote, such person shall be deemed
guilty of ti misdemeanor, and upon con
viction thereof shall be punished by a
fine not t seceding oue thousaud dollars,
or by' imprisonment not exceeding' two
years, or both, ut the discretion ot the
StCTl-.-.N 2T ;ny person who, on
oath or nlfirm-ttiun, in or before any
court in this state, or officer authorized
to ail minister oat lis, shall, to procure a
certifkutc of tiuturalizalioii It r himsell
or iiny other petvou wilfully depose, de
clare or iiffiiin any mniur to be fact,
knowing the same to be false, or shall
in like manner deny any matter to be
fact, knowing the same to be true, shall
he deemed guilty of f eijmy; and any
certilieite ol naturalization issued in
pursuance of any such deposition, de
claration or atririuiitiot., shall be tiuil
and void, and it shall he ths duly of the
court issuing the same, upon proof be
ing made before it that it was fraudu
lently obtained, to take immediate meas
ures lot recalling the same for canella
lion; and any person who shall vote or
attempt to vote on any paper so obtained,
or who shall in any way aid in, connive
at, or have any agency whatever in the
issue, circulation or use of any fraudu
lent naturalization certificate, shall be
deemed guilty of a mis.dcmci.uor, and
upon conviction thereof shall undergo
an imprisonment in the penitentiary tor
not more thau two years and pay a fine
of not more than one thousand dollars, for
every sUv h offense, or either or both, at
the discretion of the court.
Pursuant to the provisions contained
in the thirteeth section of the act last
aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid
disticts living within twelve miles of
the prothouotary's office, or withiu
twenty-four miles, if their residence be
in a town, village or city upon the line
ofarailroi'd leading to the county sen
shall, before two o'clock pust meridian
of the day alter the election, and all
other judges shall, before twelve o'clock
meridian of the sccoud day after eleo
tiou, deliver said return, together with
return sheet, to the prothouotary of the
court of common pleas of Elk county at
Given under my hand at llidgway,
the 4th day of October, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-five, and of the indepen
dence of the Uuited States the ninety
ninth. DANTATi SCULL, Sheriff.
Sheuiff's Ot i'fcK, )
Ridgway, Pa. Oct., 7, 1874. J S2t4.
Summer Clothing, for those Boys
and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum
mer Cashmer at P ec K'e
Give the Adnocath office a cull for bill
heads, letter-heads, cards, shipping tags,
and if you are going to gel married leave
us an order for your cards.
Those uew style prints, at P & K's
are the general talk of the town. Go
and see tbem.
Ladies and childrens eoats all styles and
qualities, $2 00 8 00 3 75 4 50 6 00 6 25 7 00
8 75 10,00 and upwards also shawls and
dresses at MAY & 81 VERMANN'B oppo
site Ihe oourl huuee, VVilliamsport, Pa.
AUKN'1'8 AAiVl'cD lUbULL
The Poliiioiil, Personal, and Property
, Rights a Citizen,
Of the . I'niieS States -How to 'exercise and
how'to per serve them. By Thcophtlut Par
tons, JjI,. 1).
Containing a commentary on' the Fed
eral and State Constitution, giving their
history nnd origin, and a full explanation
of their principles, purposes and provis.
ions; the pow rs and duties of l'ublic Offi
cers; tho rights of the people, and the
obligations incurred in every relation of
life; also, parliamentary ruW-tw-deliber-live
bodies; nnd full directions, and legal
forms for all business Irnsnctions. as mak
ing Wills, Deeds, Mortgages Leases,
Notes, , Drafts, Contrncls, etc A law
Library in a single volume. It meets the
wants of all classes and sells to everybody.
JONES itROl'HKUS & Co., Fhila. Pa.
VANIA." Including Kairmount Park, the .Wissri-
hick on, nml the prominent romantic iocalt
ties and landscapes of Pennsylvania; pre
senting in a series of superb engravings,
the scenery, life, manners, character, nnd
arctiiteoture of the cities of the State
The most faultless piutur.-il work yet of
fered lo the American public.
Each part will contain a lumber of en
graving, produced under the supervisions
of J. W. Laiulefbaeli; lifter designs by
Draley, Thomas, Moran, Woodwind, Ben
sell, and other prominent. Amcrioin artists.
Edited by Edward Strahan.
To be published in Kh' Semi
monthly Parts at Fii ty Crnu kacii, prin
ted on superior toned paper, t-ize 10x12
Parties residing in .Idealities where
agents have not been appunitcd can obtain
the work by addressing
DER BACH, Publishers,
2133 South Fifth Street Philadelphia.
A our mtveruiier has not u.acle liis advert!.
mit ainiiwt.her distinct, we will interpret and elabo
rate it a folkiw :
ic. it. Fotvrn. nr.r.,
Aathw of Plain Homo Tnlk, Mi-dlc-nl Common 8mm,
Sirli-u.M in Btnrr. et. 11 I.rxins'ti.n Avenue (nit.
Ext isth BtrmU New York, an IxtirprsnrsT
PnrairiAM. trm alt formn of Lingering nr Clironia
Jlis.i.iw. n1 rrueivcil letters from all ports of tho
Citiuzed Wnrj. .-
By hunirlp-inal vtty of conducting Mcdiral T-rao.
tine, he i-i mcwa-fiillv trmtitii! liuim-roii" imiicntu la
i: 11 rope, t'.ie Wet Indli-N, ltomlniou of
Canada, aad tu every part of the United biau.
Or rtlct?rion drugs ne1. He has. during the past
twenty tlinw year, treated nuccew-fiilly ne-irty or quits
iiUHU oaten. AU fafti"
carnfully recorded, whether they ho communicated by
letter or 'in person, or orwerved hy Ihe Doctor or his
as-ioctata physicians. The latter are all aclentioa
medical men.
Are treated. All tnralldi at a di-tnuce are required
to amwer a lint of plain questtoni, which elicit every
i-in:itom tinder 'which' the" irtvalid buffers. Alicom.
nmniaaioni treated strictly confidential. A complete
iiystfm of reirUterinn prevents inUtnkeH or confusion. of questions Kent free, on application, to any part
of the world. Sixty pose pamphlet of Evipenc-er or aleo wnt free. All these tratimonialu are
from those who have been treated hy mail and express,
Armi'K is opricE, on bt Ktu. niKE of chahok.
Cull on or addreai
Ho. 120 Leiington Ave., H. ?.
lttr:te 1o JtU Wlboks Flam Jdme TuUc
and Medical Comtncn. Sense: Also
2rl'ooles Sciencein Story.
FvrPavtladars addnss ,...
Hurray J OilMVisliinS Company l&T$lit.
Dr. Borgar's Tonis Bowel and Pile Pills.
These pills are an iufullihle remedy for constipation
and piles, cuutie.1 by weakness or mippreaaion of the
peristiitlo motion of the bowels. They very Rcntly
lncreaw the ainivityof the intestinal canal, produce
soft st-i-j'.s and relieve piles at one. Thousand hava
been cured bv thein. Price 60 cents, sent by mH on
receipt of price. Prepared only by P. ALFRKD
IIBICKA.UI)T, PuAiiM.vcusr, -lUi Foimm Avmub,
Nf,w Yuhk IIitt. " "
Sr. Lorgor's Compound Fluid Ertract of
Bhubarb and Dandelion.
The best oomblnation of purely vegetable medicine
to entirely replace Calomel or Blue ii!l. It stimul;.cea
the liver.'increuses the How of bile, and thus removes)
at once torpidity of the liver, biliousness and habitual
oouitipatlon. un-1 the diseases arising from auch aa
dypapsia, sick head vche, flatulence, eto. Tho effec
tiveness of thia Extract will be proved, visibly, at once
to the pntient, as one or two bottles are sufficient to
clear tho complexion beautifully, and remove pimples
and staina caused hy If vcr troubles. Prico $1 per bottle.
6 bottloa,'(5; will be sent on receipt of tbe prioe
to anv address, free of charge. Prepared only by
Avxsck, h xw York City.
linkers Sweet Chocolate - ut
Younjr man if you want to add
greatly to you appearance go at "once
to PO'.VKLL k KIM K'S Orand (Jen
tral Store, and get youself a new white
linen bostun shirt. You can get a good
fitting white e'ean shirt Cor 1.2") and
from that u.
tyeyer'j Poultry Powder.'
Warranted, If used In time,
to euro chicken cholera and
gapes. With asupply of this
. rowaer ana aoestowaioi
s ordiuary attention to clean.
nuesa ami proper reeding,
Willi A needful nimnlw .if
-.-., Krivniiueicitaite.i-iuriujiig niaiuriii l.uny Oliemay
keep Poultry ( even In confinement) for any length of
time, with both profit and pleasure. Package 25 cut.,
Bvefor 11.00. Ank your dealer, bent free upon re
oelpt of price. Addi-ess,
A. U. METER )t CO., Maltlmore,
T.ates of Advertising.
One column, one year ; $75 00
4 " " " 40 00
I " ' 25 00
i " " 15 OU
Transient advertisements per Buare of
eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser
tions, $1.00, three insertions, $2.
business cards, ten lines or less, per
year $5.
Advertisements payable quarterly,
Advertising: Cheap. Goon, Svsiema
iio. All persons vtho contemplate
making eontracts with newspajers for the
insertion of advertisements, ahould send
25 cents to Geo P. Rowell Co., 41 Park
How, Kew York, for their PAMPULLT
BOOK ninety-Beveuth edition,) containing
lists of over 2000 newspapers and estimates,-
showing the cost Advertisements
taken for leading papers in many States at
a teruendous reduction from rubliahers
rates. Oav th booh. t no 48 tf
form the Cittzcns of Ridgway, and the
public generally, that he has started a Liv
ery Stable and will keep
Bujgiei, to let upon the most reason .
ble terms
EdteJIe will also do job leaning.
Stable on Broad street, above Main.
All orders left at the Post Office will meet
prompt attention
Aug 20 1870. tf.
The Veekly Sun.
A large eight-page independent, honest
anil fearless ncwspa er c-ffiG broad columus,
especially designed lor the farmer, thn we,
chanic, the merchant and the Professional
iiinn, and their wives nnd children. We
aim to make the iVbkkLv Son the best
family newspnper in the world. It in full
of entertaining and instructive reaaing of
every pun, uui piiius noi inng to onenu me
most scrupulous and delicate taste. Prioe
$l.i!0 per year, postage prepaid. The
chuuprst paper published, l'ry it- Addrese
Tat Sirs, f.ew York City.
Elk County Directory.
I'residenl Judge L. 1). Wetmore.
Additional Law Judge Hon. Jne- P
Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V
District Attorncy--J. K. P, Hall.
Sheriff D. Ccull.
Pi oth-motury ijc, Fred. Schceniug.
Treasurer Joseph Windfelder.
County .Superintendent Gen. It. Dixon.
Commissioners Michael Wcidcrt, Julius
Jones, tico. lid. Weis.
Auditory Thomas Irwin N. O. Buudy,
County Surveyor Ceo Wtlmsley.
Jury Commissi mers. Phillip Kreiglile
Hansom T. Kyler.
I'ult SALli 1SY K.K. ORES IT,
Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa.
liKU BL.ST tempered fteel spring
wire, the.-e springs eau he laid on the
sint.s uf'aiiy common bed and are
Also iitzeut tor
rW eecl Sewing Machine,
I'.uiest Kuniiiiig, Musi Durable, and BEST
MACHINE in Ihe market. Call and
txu.uine bt-fure purchasing else .There,
(iO TO
Msiu Slrett, llidgway. Pa.
A Large Stock of
Grccerhs and Provisions.
Constantly nn hand, und euld as cheap
as theCilF.Al'J'.ST.
C. C. The True Cape Cod (Jrauberrjr,
C. best sort lor Upland, Lowland, or
Garden, hy uiuil prepaid, SI per 100, 5
per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw
berries and l'eitchcs. A prieed Cata
logue of these and all Fruits, Ornamen
tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs,, Munis, &o., and FUESH
FLOVVKll & GAlilEN SJ5EDS, tho
ehoiccst collection iu tho country, with
nil novelties, will be sent gratis to any
plain address. 25 sorts of either I' lower,
Garden; Tiee, Fruit, Evergreen, or
Uerb Seeds, fur 1,00, sent by mail,
LOGUE TO '111 E TilA.DE. Agents
B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur
series and Seed Warehouse, Plymouth,
Mass. Established 1842.
J VANIA. Vour nttention is specially
invited to the fact that the National Bunks
are now prepared to receive subscriptions
io the Capital Stock ot the Centennial
Loard of finance. The funds realized from
this Bource are to be employed in the ereo
iion of tho builuiugu for the Internationa
Exhibition, aud the expenses couuected
with the same. It is confidently believed
that the Keystoue Stute will be represented
by the nuuie of every citizen alive to patri
otic comiuemoratiou of the one hundredth
birth-day of tho nation. The shares o
stock are olfered for $10 each, and sub
scribers will receive a handsome engraved
Certificate of block, suitable for framing
and preservation as a uutioual memorial.
Interest at the rate of six per cent, per
annum will be p-iid on all payments otCen
teunial Stock from date of payment to
January 1, 1676.
Subscribers who are not neat a Nation
Bank caa remit a check or post ollice order
to the undursi gued,
FUJSIK r'UALEV, Treasurer,
904 Walnut St., Philadelphia
Ai'I'letons American Cyclopedia
that the revised, and elegantly illus
tiated edition of this work, now bciDg
published, a volume of 600 pages once
ia two months, is the best Cycloped 5'
America, is certain. No library is com
plete without it. It is a complete one
iu itself. It only costs 83 a uiouth t
get it iu leather binding. The best and
cheapest library iu the world. Address,
C. K. Judsou, Fridouia, N. Y.