1 I I FARM, OAKDEX AM) HOUSEHOLD. Vnlne of t'ovrrrd ftlnnnre. At various times we have pointoel out to our readers the profits resulting from covoring mnnnro, instead of allowing it to get soaked by the rains or dried by the sun, as is genorally done. We have given this mlvieo from what we have actually peeu. When rough sheds have been built to cover the manure-heap, the crops fertilized by this pilo have been increased in productiveness sufficient to pay for the shed-covoriug the first year. We have never soon any exact figures of the proportionate value of covorod ma nures thnt wo remember, until the fol lowing, which we find by Lord Kincaid, a Scotch land-owner and farmer. They present the best statement possiblo, we think, of the advantages of this plan: Four acres of good soil wore measured, two of them wero manured with ordi nary barnyard manure aud two with an equal quantity of manuro from the cov ered Blied. Tho wholo were planted witn potatoes. The products of each acre were as follows: Potatoes treated with barnyard ma nure: One aero produced 272 bushels. One acre produced 292 bushels. Potatoes manured from tho covered sheds: Ono ncro produced 442 bushels. Ouo acre produced 471 bushels. Tho next year tho land was sowu with wheat, when tho crop was as follows: Wheat ou land treated with barnyard manure : One acre produced forty-one bushels, Eighteen pounds, (of sixty-one pounds per bushel). Ouo aero produced forty-two bushels, thirty-eight pounds, (of sixty-one pounds per bushel). Wheat on land manured from covered sheds: Ono aero produced fifty-five bushels, five pounds, (of sixty-one pounds per bushel). Ouo acre produced fifty-eight bushels, forty-Beveu pounds, (of sixty -one pounds per bushel). Tho straw also yielded one-third more upon the laud fertilized with the manure from the covered stalls than upon that to which the ordinary manure was ap plied. Sural Xcw Yorker. mouth disease have anker, the privy council of England, for an order to prevent the holding of markets, galea, or fain throughout War wickshire. .The disease also prevails con siderably in the County of Norfolk, the last re turn showing that throethousand cases have been recorded there during the week.. Cattle, sheep and pigs are all affected A fire broke out in the Middlebury Paper Company's mill, at Middlebury, Vt, reoently, destroying the paper mill, the buildings of the Middle bury Manufacturing Company, the Middlebury Woolen Company, and the stores of twenty nine business firms, two balls, six dwellings, and part Of a highway bridge. The total lost IS estimated at J 160,000 ; insurance, $101,000. , The single scull race between Evan Mor ris and Henry Coulter, a distance of five miles, for f 500 and the ohampionehip of America, was won by Morris in thirty-five minutes. . He came in ahead by about fifteen lengths. There were seventeen thousand people prcsont. . France was visitor, with storms which again iloodod part of the country and caused great damage. A water spout destroyed fifty houses at 8t. Chhiian. Nino corpses have been re covered, but sixty persons are still missing. . . . The Maine Republicans carried tho election in that State by about five thousand majority, against ten thousand last year.-. ... Eleven persons perished in the Donnington Wood colliery, Shropshire, England, from poisonous gas The Servian government has issued a circular ordering the chiefs to prevent volun teers Joining the insurgents, aud also the ex portation of arms and ammunition. The Ser vians have twenty-four thousand men on the frontier There are six thousand cases of cattle disease in Devonshire, England Harrison Andrews, of Venice, N. Y., struck his sleeping eon two heavy blows on the head with a hatchet, and then calling up his two daughters shot one of then seriously in the abdumou. The girls escaped from the house and aroused the neighbors, who visited the house to find that Andrews had committed suicide by shooting, after saturating the car pets with oil and firing them. The eon will not recover. No motive for the deed iB known. SUMMARY OF NEWS. liens f Interest Iran Hon ad Abroad. The Argonaut orew of Bergen Point, N. J., beat the Atalanta orew of Btaten Island In a four-oared race over a two-mile course. The time was fifteen minutes and thirty-seven and one-quarter seconds ...... The Chinese government has appointed two officials as joint ambassadors to Great Britain... The settlors about Portage La Prairie and West bourne, Manitoba, Canada, are clamoring for the removal of the Sioux Indians to the re serve. Since the murder of one of their number the band has moved f urtbor west, and now hang abont Westbourne, eiftoring the houses of settlers and terrifying women and children into giving them everything they demand Advices from Deer Island, Charlotte oonntv, N. B., are that this season is the dullost in the fishery business for twenty years The business of the Celluloid com pany of Newark. N. J., was destroyed by an explosion and fire, and one man killed and a dozen wounded. The fire extended to an ad joining building and property to the value of (175,000 was destroyed Professional burglars entered the banking house of F. B. Hancock & Co., at Granville, Ky., and carried off 931,400, consisting of $25,000 in United States bonds, $6,000 in legal tenders, $2,000 in fractional currency and $1,400 in gold coin . . Capt. John C. Jones, of New York, while gazing at Niagara Falls with some frionds at Trospect Park, said " good-bye," and jumped over, in sight of hundreds of people. The Pennsylvania Democratic convention at Erie nominated Cyrus L. Pershing for gov ernor. The platform adopted begins with Jef ferson's familiar address of " equal and exact justice," etc.; recites that the ignorance, iu efllcieucy and wickedness of the loaders of the party that has ruled the State and nation for a period of years calls for their immediate aud permanent removal from theplaceB which they have so long dishonored aud disgraced ; favors an economical adminittration of the govern ment, in order to reduce taxation ; demands a thorongh and searching investigation of the State treasury ; that the nominees of the I Thirteen persons went down with the Ponltrv-Ileli. Our different varieties of domestic poultry, says the New York Times, un less allowed unlimited range, are often subject to a variety of diseases or disor ders, some of them proving fatal, while others, not generally considered so, give the fowl a very bad appearance, beside impairing the general health very mate rially. In the latter case the poultry itch may be included, for it is one of the most unpleasant and unsightly diseases with which tho poulterer has to contend in the varied management of his flocks. Tho cause of this disease is, generally, uneieauiiness, although healthy fowls, which havo had the best and cleanest of quarters, are liable to take the disease from a fowl which lias contracted it boing put iii among them. The disease itsolf is nieroly a surface or skin disease, caused by tho constant workings or bur rowings of a minute insect, or lather a host of them, who burrow under the scales of the legs, just above the knee joint all the way down to the toe nail. They produce their young in these se cure hiding-places and produce a con stant irritation. Soon the scales aro raised from their proper places, and underneath will bo found a mealy sub stauee, resembling caKed yellow corn meal. This soon covers the whole leg, which becomes rough aud repulsive in appearance, making a young chick look like ail old bird. Well knowing the remedial value of common coal oil, we thought of it as being desirable. We then gave tho fowls, one and all, a good doso of it. We held tho legs upward and applied the oil with a feather. Two applications like this, a few davs apart. did tho business for tho insects, for the scales commenced to come off, and the legs to assume a bright and natural op pearauco. We also gavo the roosting benches a good smearing of the oil. If two applications of coal oil do not suf fice, three can bo made without fear of injury to the fowls. It should be applied at intervals of two or three days. This remody is cheap and effectual. Value or Straw. The timo is past for farmers to ignore tho valuo of straw. It mav do on virgin soils wliero manure is little prized and whore land is over cheap to be careless about what becomes of the straw, but in old agricultural districts, with high priced lands and expensive labor, we must learn economy ; we must put a stop to the needless farm wastes which aro costing our farmers millious of dol lars annually. We must learn some thing from the rigid economy practiced iu the farming districts of Europe the old farming districts of the world. If grain is thrashed with the machine stow the straw in the bam or stack it with care. If grain is cut before it is over ripe and gathered without damage from storm, tne straw is valuable as forage, When hay is worth more than $10 per ton, ana grain is reasonably cheap, will pay to winter store stock on straw or grain. We have done this with good success, bringing stock through in fine condition. The straw stack is often left to waste, and encumbers valuable land in the field there to foster weeds and to remain dur ing tho process of decay an unsightly nuisance. Better use it freely as beti ding for stock or as an absorbent in the barnyard, when it cannot be made profit- awe to leecl it. Prices and Quallly. I have an idea, says "Walks and Talks on the Farm," that we shall see higher prices for wheat, and lower prices for barley for the next few years, Last year barley paid better than wheat. Next year it would not be surprising if wheat paid better than barley. I think the prospects for farmers are quite en couraging. The present and prospec tive good prices for pork will add largely to the aggregate profits of farmers, and do much to enhance our general pros perity. Many financiers are looking to political action to set the wheels of trade and commerce in motion. I am looking to the pork barrel and the corn crop, The pig is master of the situation. He is the most potent agent for keeping down railroad freights and for increas ing agricultural profits. We can, by his aid, pock a dozen bushels of corn in barrel, and transport it around the world. What we have to do now is look to the quality of our pork, bacon. hams and lard. convention are pledged to apply all moneys to the reduction of the public debt, and not employ pnblio moneys in any way to their ow benefit; that the contraction of the money currency and circulating medium heretofore made by the Republican party, and the further contraction proposed by it with a view to forced resumption to specio payments, has already brought disaster to the business of the couu try, and threatens general bankruptcy, aud de mands that this policy be abandoned, and that the volume of money be made and kept equal to the wants of trade, leaving the restoration of logal tenders to par in gold to be brough about by promotiug tho industries of the peo ple, 'and not by destroying them ; demands that all tho national bank circulation be promptly aud permanently retired, and full legal tenders issued in their place ; that the government should make the legal tenders re ceivable for all publio dues, except where re spect for the obligation of contracts requires ayment in coin ; calls for tho extinction of the national banks, aud the establishment of a system of free banks of discount and doposit, with no paper money except as may bo issued upon the faith of the Federal government ; cordially invites the Liberal Republicans and othors to co-operate with them. The crops of Denmark are above the average in quantity and quality, aud there will be a large surplus of wheat for exportation York fire department were drilling with an Tho Nashville American publishes a special from Alabama stating that the United States secret service force have arrested a gang of counterfeiters, whoso operations extended from St. Louis to southern Alabama. Among the prisoners are many wealthy and heretofore respectable men, ono of whom is a candidate for mayor of Tuscaloosa, Ala The negroes held for complicity in the Oeorgia riots have been discharged, notbiug being proved against them A severe rain storm in the southern part of Wisconsin did groat damage. Several trains of the Chicago aud Northwestern and Western Union railroads were ditched, and it By a Whole Company. A conductor on the Chicago and Northwestern rail road reoently kissed one of his lady passengers, a Miss McUracken. bhe re sented his action, and instituted a suit against the railroad for damages on the ground that she was kissed by the whole company through the conductor as aseut. An Illinois jury awarded her 81.000. which is $83.33 from each direo tor. or ten cents from each stockholder. steam barge Mendota, in Lake Michigan, dur ing the late gale. Seven of the twenty on board succeeded in escaping in a life-boat Nichol, teller of the Canadian Bank of Com merce of Montreal, absconded with over $20,- 000 of the bank's funds Premier Jovel- lar, of Spain, will turn all his efforts toward tho internal peace of the country Five more of the southwestern baud of counter feiters have been arrested The boiler of Chatham Bros.' steam sawmill hi Skaueatelcs, N. Y., exploded, killing A. F. Chatham aud his son, aud a son of John Prince, and fatally injuring a person whose name is unknown. The Brooklyn (N. Y.) school board having refused to admit a colored pupil to a publio school set apart for whites, on the ground that there were schools for colored scholars, the child's father brought suit, and Judge Gilbert rendered a decision in favor of the board. The committee on finance has reported to the Alabama constitutional convention that the indebtedness of tho State is $29,000,000 and the total value of taxablo proporty about SI 59, 000, 000 District-Attorney Britton, of Brooklyn, N. Y., with the consent of Henry Ward Bcecher, wishes to enter a nolle prosequi in the case against Frauk Moultou, but Mr. Moulton refuses to accopt it, and demands a speedy trial While a party of the New . A Colored Camp.Mee1Ing. ' ' Describing a eamp-meoting of colored people, a Washington correspondent of the Chicago Inter-Oocan writes : In the heat of Angust the colored armies of the Lord move out of the towus and cities, come from the plantation; the " timber " and swamps, and camp in the woods, to wage with increased and united vigor the old battle against sin. They come by hundreds, old men and youths, matrons and maidens, children and babes in arms, with tents and camp equipage, cooking utensils, beds and provisions, and the weapons of faith. Iuvigorated by the pure fresh air of the forest, and inspired by thepowcrf ul mag netism of many minds gathered together for tt 'singlo and; thnt a holy purpose, they find new moaning in the old truths, they sing the old song with new enthu siasm, and pray the old prayers with new forvor. , It is no idle holiday that these people expoct to enjoy at camp-meeting. The children mav roinp in the woods, and dusky young lovors may steal iiwny ! to green and shady nooks to tell' each other the same old sweet story that the birds are warbling overhead, but the older aud more serious know that there is earnest work in hand. From day break until midnight the preaching, praying, - exhorting, and tanging con tinues, with bnt short intermissions. Before the morning mists have lifted the bell rings for rising, and at six o'clock the morning prayer-meeting begins and lasts until breakfast. Then the routine commences and continues until the ex perience meeting, which is the last ser vice at night. The interest in the day's proceedings culminates in the night service. The scene is there highly dramatic The flickering light of pine knots burn ing upon the tops of stumps covered witn sana deepens the uarKness oi ine surrounding foreBt, and as the blaze mounts up or dies away the rapt, earnest iaces oi ine uironjr or worsuiueru now are plainly distinguishable in feature and emotion, now are lost in semi-obscurity. The more steady lamps about the pulpit show the long row of black-faced preach ers sitting in solemn state under their roueh board canopv. The gleaming white walls of the encompassing lines oi tents bound the view on all sides. The voice of the preacher mineles strangely with the dronine monotone of the " katvdids " in t he tree-tops and the soughing of the wind among the leaves. Whether tho looker-on be saint or skep; tie. he feels a mvsterious awe in the air. Tho mourners on their knees in front of the pulpit and the dense group that crowds around them make a great mag net or e'.ectric battery, radiating its strong influences to the very edges of the vast crowd. The night wears on. The pine torches give but a feeble, un certain light. ' The crowd begins to ravel out around the edges. But there is no cessation oi worK at tne tutor, where the strange, weird medley of groans, shouts, sobs, shrieks, wails, prayers for mercy, and songs of triumph arise. The crawd dissolves under a benediction of peace, the lights go out, and there is darkness and silence, save that the katvdids, who have it all to themselves now. keep tip their quor- ulous questioning iu the tree-tops, ask in 2 each other the meaning of the strange sounds that have disturbed the ancient quiet of tho woods. t-r- ' OnO trial of Dobbins' Electrio Soap (made by Cragin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.,) will satisfy the most doubting of its great merit. iPure and white as snow. Try it. Make your grocer get it. Contagions diseases, suoh as horse ail, glander, etc, may be prevented by the rise of Sheridan' Cavalry Condition Powdert. Per sons traveling with horses should take note of this. Com. Missionaries and others sojourning in foreign lands should not fail to take with them a good supply of Johntori Anodyne Liniment. It is the most reliable medicine for all purposes there is in the world. Com. Important to Travelers. Persons visiting New York or leaving by the cars from Grand Central Depot, will save an noyance and expense of carriage hire and bag sane exnressaee hv stonnins at Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. Over 350 elegautlv furaisbed rooms and fitted up at a cost of !HM),irflO. European plan. Guests can live more luxuriously for less money at the ui'unrt union mat at any otner nrsi-ciass nouse in New York. Stages aud street cars pass the doors for all Darts of the citv. See that the hotel you enter is the urand union uotei."- fom. From Maine to California mil Uorjs of children arc wearing s-ll.VKIt TII'I'Kli Shoes. Why not tbey are ths oheapest and never wear through at 1 he toe. Alto try Wire Quilted Boles. To eonrlnce you of the great pnpnlailty of the tAHI.K Ht-KEW WIHE -on need only ape the bade tmlt-.. tone and vain attenmts to act no sorrmthlng simitar. Also try wire yarned galea. fS . . .A lrnAl Unln.. Mala m Female. Olran- OOU far free. Add rem Oryatel Uo.,lndlanapolts.lnd. ,m niifuo uttt ut rnuTIV wnlTKhRn OR IN- p JURK.n, can ohtjiln Pensions by applying to K. Olrcnlara free by maU. . miMMk GRAND PRIZE CTATr OK. CUNT FOR EVANS' nrliJU ) Alvorll-lnir llnnd Hook, the moat praotloal treatise on advertising, and oonlaln ing the heat ll-ts of papera ever published Address T. O. KVANS, Advertising Agent, 12 ASS Washington Street, Boston. "There's million In It. ' AGENTS WANTED 'V- selling book ever published. Send for circulars and our extra terms to Agent. ...... NATIONAL PUBLISHING OO..T'htldelph1a.Pa. . TVEAN COI.I.Kt Jl r every respect H. Itlnclinmlon, N. V. In i firatf.laaa Unnriline- School for S;tO per Ooll g- Year, Including good MEDAL VfVYA, WARRANTED FIVE YEARS I It twins u iMtructloM to run It It -eta ft mt el ul. It will do evorr class anl Jslai of vors. .4v . v 11 afroa Tissue Paper to naraes Leather. It is as far la of other Seylnj- SiStSSrSi its superior improvements, as a Steam Car excells in acaievemenw tao oil fashioael Btaes Coach, Prices made to suit the Timcsj Either for Cash or Credit. Seal for mustratel Catalogue of ) AQENTS WANTED. STYLES anl PRICES. 5 ,MMr Addresst WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO, CSICACrO, ILL., NEJ TORS, . T, NE-W ORLEANS, LA., ST. LOUIS, UO. Young Ladles. ;1W per uollcg- oar, including goou Hoard. Tuition In Kngltsh, Latin. French, (ierman, Piano, Organ. Guitar. Vocal Mmlo. Drawing, Tainting. Flnelv Printed Ilrl-itol Vinjltlnir 4'nrl sent post-paid for SJ. rtH. Bend stamp for samples of lain)) Cards). Alnrhle, Nnotvllnkrm scroll, l)n inimk. Kir. We have over lOOatyles. Anentt n'antul. A. U. t'DLLEl A Oo., Brockton, Maaa. TO Write T.KTTEHW ot Fl HE. send lOr. to A. V. WlLLOUtiHBY CO.. Tamaroa, 111. . A WF.FK guaranteed to Male and Fe mnle Agents, In their locality. Oosts NOTHING to try It, Particulars Free. P. O. V1CKKKY 4 CO., Augusta, Me. 50 $77 A NEW BOOK BY MARK TWAIN aerial ladder, oomtioeed of eectiouH which rose to a height of ninety foot, it suddenly broko aud the seven men upon it were thrown to the ground, the four near tho bae escaping with blight injuries, while thoeo further up wero hurled with terriflo force, and all three wore killed, among them Chief-of-Battalion .Nanh, who occnpiod the top of the ladder, ninoty feet from the ground The reports from the Turkish revolt are that Russia will attempt to.arrange a conference with the object of in fluencing tho Porte regarding the future gov ernment of the Slavonic provinces. Montene gro has definitely informed the insuigent is reported that six men wore killed At leaders that sho cannot make war against the tho Lexington (Ky.) races Harper's Ten Broeck mado ono mile and live furlongs in two minutes and forty-nino and one-quarter soconds, being the fastest timo ou record, and beating flurry Bassett's time of two minutes and iifty-six sec onds The Atalanta crew won the two mile race over tho Athletic club on Ilarlera river, Now York, iu eleven minutes aud thirty five seconds The murderer Sharkey has been banished from Cuba by the authorities. Charles Blockuey, an attornoy at Gowandu, N. Y., was mot on the street by Louis Darby, who drew a pistol and fired at him, killing him instantly. The murderer then fled to the woods aud committed suicide by cutting his throat. No motive is given for the doed Admiral Baron de la Ronciere-le-Noury, the commander of the French Mediterranean squadron, has been removed on account of his having written a strong Bouapartist letter in answer to an invitation to a banquet. The Pope has instructed the Catholic bishops in Bosnia and Herzegovina to use their in- Affectation is a orreater enemy to the face than tho smallpox. Caution to pnrchascrs of the Peruvian Bvrnn fa nrotoctod solution of the protoxide of iron). Beware of being deceived by auy of the preparations of Peruvian bark, or bark and iron, tvIuou may be offered to you. Every bottle of the genuine has the name Peruvian Bvrup (not Peruvian bark) upon it. Examine carefully before purchasing. Com. Porte. Austrian surgeons are attending the to insurgent wounded brought into Montenegro, and the governor of Dalinatia has been in structed to forward supplies of food for thirty thousand refugees now in Montenegro in great distress aud destitution The number of deaths caused at St. Chiuian, France, by the late inundation is eighty-eight. One hun dred and twenty bouses were destroyed One man has been picked up floating on the pilot house of the lost steamer Equinox. He had been in the water thirty-ono hours and is supposed to be the only survivor The great stallion race at Mystic Park, Boston, for a puree of f 10,000, was attended by an im mense throng. Thcro were f ourtoon entries, but ouly six started : Thomas Joffereon, W. H. Allen, Commonwealth, Ned Wallace, Defiance and Parkis Abdallah. Commonwealth won the Clot heat iu 2.27, and Jefferson won the three succeeding boats and race in 2.20, 2.25 and 2.2(3 The Itussian government has begun prosecuting socialists iu its domain, 612 Just ready for Canvassers. Now then Is the time to got 'I'erritorv. Don't stop to experiment with other books. Take one you know will sell. Prompt action will glv you oholoe of Held, and Gulden Returns. Got on tho course at once and you will WIN. tjn cor iuMihh, erersilMnj 'nreianeri. Hend In your nnmes, and to wns want, or lor circular, a, ncw. i"""- . AMR.RIOAN PUBLISHING CO.. Hartford, Ot. nT A lr fl 17 Till? WFKT. the best Strawberry. ft MUllone of trees and Plant at Pomona Nurjexy, Send for Circular. WM. PAKKY. cinnannnsoD, . u lluence in allaying the troubles there men and 158 women having been indicted. A cyclone near Bloomington, 111., destroyed a number of bouses, barns aud outbuildings. A number of vessels were also destroyed ou the lakes President Gonzales, of Santo Domingo, hag suppressed Dot Antilles, a news paper of Puerto Plata, published in the in terest of the Cubau insurgonts Judge Richardson and Commander Lewis, two Ameri cans, were arrested iu Japan by mistake, lor which the authorities made ample apology. . . . A fatal cattle disease has broken out among several drove of cattle near the Aucrntu load mines, Bhinebeck, N. Y., aud nearly all had diod. It is thought the disease was introduced by Western oattle Much damage was done to timber in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., by fires in the woods. A heavy rain qnenohed the flames Cardinal MoCloskey has been presented with a cardinal s robe and miter by the American residents of Borne John Kelly, Jr., of Buffalo, N. Y., superintendent of Drawing-Room Music. For want of judgment, however, on the part of those who listen to inusio in' drawing-rooms, says the Saturday Re view, considerable excuse may be found in the kind of musio which they are of ten condemned to hear. Among the many rare gifts which seem to be now adays considered common to the greater part of the world, that of musical excel lence is not omitted. The same folly which induces misguiaed persons to im agine that they can string together a readable novel witnout any Knowledge or character or grammar, and act a difficult part with no understanding of stage re quirements, has led them to Bay with Bottom: "I have a reasonable good ear lot us have the tongs and A MAN OF A THOUSAND. A CONSUMPTIVE! CUBKD. - When death was hourly expected from ConMUiiiiHlon, all remedies having failed, aoeldent led to a discovery whereby Dr. II. James cared bis only child with a preparation of Cannabis Indira. He now gives recipe free on receipt of two stamps to pay expenses. There Is not a single symptom of Consumption that It does not dissipate Mgnt Sweats, Irritation of the Nerves, IHthoult Expec toration, Sharp Pains In the Lungs, Nausea at the Stomach, Inaction of the Howels, and Wasting of the Muscles. Address ORAOUOCK A CO., Race StreBt, Philadelphia, Pa., giving name ot this paper. KC'IIKNC'K'M PULMONIC! HYHUP, FOlt THE IX'IIE OF CONSUMPTION, I'OKiHS AND t'OI.IXi. The great virtue of this medicine la that tt ripens the matter and throws It out of the system, purifies the blood, and thus effects a cure. Scbenck's Sea VTeed Tonic, fob the Cobb of Dyspepsia, iNmnrsTios. Etc. The Tonic produces a healthy aotlon of the stomaob, creating an appetite, forming chyle, aud curing the most obstinate cases of Indigestion. Schesck'b Mandrake Pills, fob Tin: Cube of Liver Complaint, Etc. These Pills are alterative, and produce a healthy action of the liver without the least danger, as they are free from calomel and yet more efficacious In restoring a healthy action of the liver. These remedies are a certain cure for Consumption, as the Pulmonic Syrup ripens the matter and purities ine Diooa. i ne Aianarase r-uis act auun iu uver, create a htaltby bile, and remove all diseases of the liver, often a caure of Consumption. The Sea Weed Tonic gives tone and strength to the stomach, makes a gooa aigesuon, ana enables tne organs io lorin gnoa blood; and thus creates a healthy circulation of healthy blood. The combined action of these medicines, as thus explaioed, will oure every case of Consumption, if taken In time, aud the use of the mediclnea persevered In. Dr. Bchenck Is professionally at his principal office, corner Sixth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all letters for advice rauBt be addressed, bchenck's medicines for sale by all Druggists. Drlnroll Church & II nil " Tho Hftmnnf. for vonr Sea foam increases rapidly. Never ft com nl.int. 11 InnoH. TTnniil-r A' Co.. WiWt- h-irrr. i'a.. nay : ' Have Bold your Sea Foam to all ciucbos oi tnuie. It never t a Ilea to give Baiibiuu tinn" li-BRst thing raise yon ever saw. Greatest tbltiK to ee 11 you tacur It no iv rtinnv vnluable oooklnff recipna eent free. Send at once for Circular to GEO. V. (-ANTZ A CO.. 1 TH Pnano St.. fv nrk, PIERCE WELL Cronpnuy offers 1.000 to any one that will inccefiTully couiM.-tt.- witn iD'-m in soring s w-intu wen, iuhmifu . too, aixl in taklnjr up ana ,BRlnn itf.a in.-ra ana Asirru wanted in every Stale. S25 PER DAY CUAR AMTaTPn. Ben-1 for CaTAlOGi s- I-ItKK. A'l'ireaa CHAS. D. PIERCE Peru, Illinois. O WflVTHTl renderedeoonomlcaland healthy by DltiUIx.li.1 U using the Common Sense Sefar Hol der. Ten Hnlrlrrs fur 2oc. by mail. Agents wanU-d. J. M. (iAKDNI R 4 CO.. P. O. liox 5-"i7:l. New York in music : the boues." For the many attempts at mai section 01 canai, nag ueea arreaiea lor rjlavini? bv those who have no touch. accepting a bribe of 140 and eight tons of njjj ftt singing by those who have no coal from a merchant to influence the purchase ear, the system of education which of coal Lightning atruck aud ignited the teaches children a certain set of things Imperial Oil Refining company's works near without any reference to their individual Oil City, Pa., and caused $200,000 damage, on capacity for them is in great measure re- which there is no insurance. sponsible. But the worst specimens of The nroneller Eouinox. laden with salt, and muSlCtd incompetency Which may be towing the lumber schooner Emma E. Ways on Lake Michigan, was caught in a gale and went down with twenty-two persons on board, inoluding two young ladies. The captain of the schooner states that during the heavy gale In the night he heard the captain of the tug order the line to be cut, and immediately after the ladies soreamed and he dimly saw through the darkness the vessel heel over and go down. The propeller was old, and rated very low for safety Messrs. Moody and Sankey, the noted revivalists, held their first services in this country at Nortbfield, Mass., reoently, there being a large assembly present...... The general oounoU of the Indian nations and tribes, held at Okmulgee, Indian Territory, passed a resolution expressive of the principle that this is the Indian's country by many solemn treaties, and if ever it is fettled op it must be by the Indians, with a government suitable for Indians A new Spaniel, minis try has been formed under Oen. Joveliar. heard in drawing-rooms are due to the want of perception and the vanity of those who exhibit the specimens. There are many men and women who might sing or play agreeably il tney would con fine themselves to things within their powers ; but vaulting ambition carries them pell-mell into the dangers oi dim cult music which can only be encounter ed successfully after years of study and practice, and makes of the struggles which, it is to be hoped, are more pain ful to their hearers than themselves, a terrible warning. When one has been present at one or two performances of this kind, .one can understand the feel ings of. a professor of musio who was Kilted with a very tender conscience ba sides a great talent, and, being asked the reason of aa unusual ht of gloom. replied: "Well, I am just .Linking whether I ought to go on teaching these amateurs. They come and lcaru, but they understaud nothing ; and they The executive committee on the foot and mostly have voioes like little oats." ami luii. and yet so Now is the time to Subscribe! Seven Fine Engravings preaented to every New Yearly Subscribe. The Now York Fireside Companion PROSPECTUS FOR 1876. MR NRW Yomc FiRKsirm COMr anion In now recojrnljfMl as the t best . mnlntnlnprt, moBt pomilar. moat vanen mm eniriiiii"K win.-,u, i-u ... .v,... . No effort UT snarwl toitain w lmtm-er w ill add to tlio Interest and value nf its con. tonta The best wrlt.-rs inevrlT ilepnrtmeiit nroseciired.wlllioiit i-pcard to expense. it Is tbe aim uf the publisher t iiketliis mi liitr-retiii nn.l I'opular .'finer . .1.1. .. ..,,,i,i,,B..i,i,,ii,ilniiiMMl unit amusement null desirable iiifnrniatiuH on llllittois P-latlll to the Home, courran n, niairiHKe. socieiy, ami d ess - to Krallfy the innnte curiosity anil interosDoi ai in lira pin e ammau iai romauco of life; toonltlvate a taste for renrtliig and intellectual pleasures; and to SSflcate Rood sentiment and principles in Urn uilniiof the young. tUlng of an immoral tendency is ever nJiutttcd into Its columns. It contains Tho raont FanrlnntlnB I.ove ftorle, JlaBllliiK Morli'is of Adventure on f.nnil nnd Sen, HtirriiiK Indian nnil ltordi r Tnleti, t Storlei. of Home 1.11c In ity ami Country, Liveliest Sliort Klorics and t-.entlineiir.nl rkotcnr-, OrlsHnnl Humor. Jokes. ComloSketchea.Poetry, 1'eiwiiialaHiiil r lontiiiK ParairrHiibii l.at" FShton oiwslp f..r the Ladies s Answo.-s to c:ot i enixmileuts i Kitchen Lore , Tuebest SauiiiK for Little Folks i Beautiful Illustrations, etr. etc. SIX CONTINUfcU alUltllta pnuusnea con- , no nirttter ac Not loss than utantly, and a NKW story commenced about every J;"??'",1!;" will ue Dieu get ine uob-.ii. i..b y;. V. . . , ViViV-: . im.i o mtaluiiiB the what time they may subsoiilie. couiuieucenioiit oi every siury. PARTIAL LIST OF CONTIUBUTOnS FOTt 1878. . John B. Williams l.ney Itniidnll I'oiiiiorr. ; inrn rrrry liir-N. r-iimiit Wilrlev Hrowno Jluzel W ood IHiirv J. lure rr.iiiu-l W. I'rnrco drome 1.. Aiken Albert W. Aiken jive, iraMiuon jointress Von llovlfl John ICIderkln Annie II. .IcrnmA Mnnnette f. Knierflon Jennie W. Footer Allnn Den no Inek ICntlin Addisou F. Browne. OWES. AEXTS WASTED TooclUhrns a ABff Olir If All or l.lff nnd Adventures In the Orient. By Thos. V . SUM. 11 reveal- me smiura mmw vfla, anil My-lenes of the Land of the Kisine Sun. and portray- life as it really is in theold and leepv East. It tells what the Author saw, heard, and did. in inch inimitable style, that every one lauiiha in tt-He of himself at IU genuine humor It is I.lve, Kacy, Spirv, brimfull of pcial tluucs, "ineatv" that 400 OilhQ' I'rtAdtnlt. i'roteuon. Uociin'H-r, etc., pronounce It "irrrmfiwe. .lunfan rei-j iu S.",o illintrslions, inoilly executed in Europe at a cot of llu.lim. To VOi:. reader, and every wideawake psrson, it nfTunls a 111161111111 chance to earn MUTA... Only tltiitk, !UO jwiycs Xul tviterh lUuttrnhnnt. lo lire Afrr-nu, fnr Hit .ivfnM tne muni i- r ret?. ...lav . a.,,,.,...., Bueciraen I'aje". and Terms, free to all. Address. A. D. VYUHTHINGTON CO., Hartford, Conn. The Markets. aiw TOBK. Def Cattle Prime, to Eltra Bullocks 11 V IS Common to Good Xexans t'iXt it MilchCows uu IS7B uu Hoga Live C8',4 08",' ureasea 9 ''" flheep MV4 06 Lambs " 9 " Cotton MlddUnn "MA Wi Flour Extra Western o mi w o iu State Extra o w (S-UJ Wheat Ked Western 15 (4 1 45 Ko. J Spring I I ? Rye State 16 ,4 75 Barley Htate J Jo 1912a Barley Malt 1 0 14 1 49 Oats Mixed Western MX& M Corn Mixed Western A 7S fay. per cwt ou w 1 iu Straw, per cwt , 00 (4 90 Hops 76 16iS olds 04 08 Pork Mess 21 96 (421 36 Lard IHHW ViH Ulan Mackerel No. 1, new in uu sai uu no. 'i. new.. a uji u Dry Ood, per cwt 6 S5 (4 6 60 Herrlnsr. Healed. Der box! Petroleum Ornde ..t s(6 Woo! California Fleet Texas Australian Butter State..... Western Dairy Western Yellow...... Western Ordinary Pennsylvania Fine Cheese State Factory " Bkiinined.a.... .... .. Western Etfgs SUte ALBANY. Wheat Ilye State ,. Corn Mixed Harley State Outs BUte..,. Burr ALU. Flonr Wheat No. 1 Spring uoro---Jauxea., Oau Rye.... Barley........ BALTiaioiia. . . Cotton Low Middlings... Flour Extra Wut--S.ed Western Kye Onra Yellow .,, , ....... Oats-Mixed,,. ....... ............ .e Pesrejeuju..,..,.. ...... 1 - , roiLAbaLViUAj , Hour Pennsylvania Ultra Wneat-Wutcxa Bed Rye...- ...ats Ooru fellow. Mixed Oitn Mixed Pstreleaia Crude. lWt OV 86 (4 40 Refined, 12 t9 eu B. ....... . 30 60 80 24 18 13 26 07 02 08 22 1 60 00 78 1 10 40 ro 1 86 64 83 60 86 28 24 14 28 10 06 ts 22 A 1 69 14 90 15 13 (4 1 10 vt 60 9 7.1 (4 1 85 Ut 67 65M-4 66 1 12 14 1 15 t 1 40 1 40 14 6 00 I 40 76 11 42 e i4V 19 IW (41 41 (S 11 0 46 MX 18 (I 60 1 ; 90 74 74 9 1 00 V) 1 40 4 - n 4 76 m 74 88 Canned, 41 S15.00 SHOT GUN. r dotble taml pn, bv or front acttoa loeki; vtmatM pq TsThMirwiM (Mrrvta, Md ft fond thootCT, om wo t; with FlMk. roBott tod Wed-rjntttr, for .&. Cn ktMol C. O. D. wllb prtT (kn u uajr.104) tiurwkT.n Mil. (Hfid Sump for otrMilr to r .TUW2LL SOR. Ou DiT. S38 Mtvis 6b. CiacUsMU O. IVCRY BOOK AGENT 1 th Hud ibootd m Jlvahistan OR, THE LAND OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS, By COL. WMi PERRY FOCC, Hh an INTHODiCTloN b; BAYARD TAYLOR. Thewort W AHTin rtTIiT' tuAciiiaitiHJ bok of travtri uublutied. A.ent as. JDDCHilumul liiuiirtlluui. Tiui a paner. tieKnwj bound. Price low lomeutihtitiuei. IT EXCELS ALL. IT FREE U U work, write mr iuui ti-ftted CiroulKn, ud Urge termi, to ueareU oftice. Di'STlN, (tiJuMAM 4 CU., Bartui d, Ot., t'AJcajo, ., or Vineinnati, Q. aJT. 9LLaA Noltiluar likeltt In medietas. A luxury to the palate, a painless sracaant, a gentls stimulant to the olreutatlon. a perspiratory preparation, an anti-bilious medicine, a stomachic a dluretio and an admirable letters! alterative. Such are the acknowledged and daily proven properties of Tarrant'8 Effervescent Aperient. 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. MllM'llinii k PKNSi-.S to kiL Article daw. staple as flour. Samples free. C IaIIS-I uu 'wwwnwMiiw "n "H "H 'nan tnu io lan juwo insod pnei eusqMetie yuo tMojig Bauvuuia aaous'till OU BDU1M WSASi ou uedduo -BSHJt) oh 4wuilir) iqj9H -)Vjl poof) sdoif) wag iau) srB0 no pui woi-m u itiuv lutfuwuxi. OPIUM and Morphine Habit bolately and speedily curd. Pain tea ; no publicity. Hand MtJtnin for Dartlctilitra. lir. CARL TON, 1 87 WafthtnKtoQ SU.Chtuago.lU. JAiTnCpArdar. Bend for ChrtmoCaU1 all 1 V CI vf . U. nrroitna Bunr. Uoatab, ahtt WANTED! A4.KNTB HO It THE Iwat-SciUtDs; Prlie favl agu In the world. It ood Lalua 1 A Hhca-ta Panttt , . J auioiuna, uuaaiu ..a, in iiuiuei, .micii, riWS Vard Measure, su4 a Pieu of jHwelry. BlogUi FaotAge, wiiii eiHKaiu rrizti, tHwi-paia, c .) ctiuisu ULrouiaf Iras. riKUJH. uu., Hill proaoway, www yora. , - WANTED AHENTM 1 f UtIM UbM ol(J1 OOULTKB OO., tftllos). tlla day at horn. Agents wanted. Outfit aud terms .. AddiM TRUKAOO., Auausta, MsJua, Tr, Tony Pnstor linver sipiio l'rof. Jnines Io Ilillo P. Hamilton Myers Leslie Thome Frnnk Corey ArUo Penno l...a.Alnum V. Nasnv linr FnmllT PhTslrlnn. vtmer tniaiitio we annii piiunmi uuhub ..ui.. re"?;seiies"f Bl ticlesl.y eminent nliyslcians, devoted to the ti-eatniont anil euro of prevalent diseases, sui-ri ns skin senses. Consnmiuinn, Dipth.;;; In, Rlieninntlsiii, cVncerrfnn Disease, Hone Disease, Kye anil Kar l)lsn, Tliront Diseases, rnysloioiy ot DisoasMor Women, Manacement c,r YmuiK t liiKiron, llyKlene oto, T oso ai-Mclos -rvill contain tlie liest moil.-sot trentment nf dlsoaso adouteil l-y tlio lilgbeat ' niodioal outhoiltlos ot tUe day, and will bo a valuable gnido to Uie readeis "VoMnondenta' Colnmn.-N'o effort or pains nro spared lo make this rlerart. mont ""Kuraetl ve "," uielul to our i eadei-s. 1 1 Is milled by a centlenian oi de exiwrienco and wund iudiruient. and a vast amount el Informal ion Ih kIvoii ; answoi a toouestlSn , relntlnff to lovoaiid ellquotte. leBal and tm-dttal questions, inrornin on roVtlS ? kltolien , a.i.Hiouseliold, ill lact, auawoia to all Qiieetiona that turn up iu UIo. CaRcValgior I.luleUFolk-.-Tl.lsls,andwmco,,tlnneto be, ono ot the promi. ,,o,.t "eauifes (it the .paper. .'I.e contributions to this .l.-partnient are by the very foremost writers lor children in the country. This alone makes I II h N t.V..X f 'S. . JTIKISSIDE (JOM PAN ION Invaluable to every household hore " ..,ocm....u. 1,1st of F.nirravliiBa Presented to New Vear'.j''riibscrlbcrat ALHSSOtflN LOVE, Value, 30 cts. THE p'N1f;;'i,i, V"1.',10' c,,.!l THE PET FAWN'. . " 30 I KA K A WA V FHOM HOME, " a A MODEL YACHT. )ooloi,'t) Value 25 cents. These beautirnl plclurtw are suitable')-.- iiauilug, uud uUurd a valuable addition to the lurultura ol every homo. MUNRO'S GIRLS & BOYS OF AMERICA. Largest and Most Popular Weekly Paper for Young Folks. tls tho only papor which contains the kind nf stories which mothers want to I aloud to their little ones, and which every rather may unhesltatlnKly place In the hands or his children. It contains a larger amount anil variety ot Rood reading for girls aud boys than can be hud in auy other weekly or mouthly periodical. TERMS FOR 1876. MVKRtm OTMB AKD BOYS OF AMERICA and THE KEW TOR IT FT RE BWKCOMPANION: One copy of iCunvo' Uirltand Rout nf America will twai-nt for one year to any subscriber in the United Mat- s on receipt of t2.so ; two copies for Us nine copies for $18. The lfeu York Firetide Vumpaian will be sent for one year on rocelpt of $3 ; two copies tor t-5 : or, nine copies for 20 Getters up ot Clubs can afterwards add single copies at $2.R0 emui. We will be rosiHiustble for remlttauoes' aetit In Uonlsteie.1 Letters, or by Post Oiuce Money Oiilera. Until papers sent lo one address tor one year, for ?4-S0. lstage, fhkk. Specimen copies, sent rree. Specimen copies with auy cue of the above l'ictuies sent oi any uilclicdd on receintor Ten Cents. Aj!E.TS WAITED to canvass for the above two papers In every town and villaKO where there are no newsdealers. Good wages can be made by eucoeastul canvassers. Boys and tiirta are invited to become casivassera. Every lKy ana gin can go auusoiiuura in tueir own vniasjo. w i ito tor particulars. Address, r. o. Bos sosr. GI.OBGE 9IVIKU, rulIllier, ;81 Bcekinnn r-lrecl. New York. rt 4a OA adayathnrae. Samples worth fll sent $3 TO 9t-V free. BTIN6QN A t;0., Ponlaiiil, Me. NEW YORK TRIBUNE The Leading American Newspaper. THE BEHT ADVEKTISIMJ. MEIHtMl. Daily, $10 a year, Semi-Weekly, $3. Weekly, fa rottagt Vss to thi AiB-i-riScr, specimen Copies and AdTertiBtua Rates Free. Weakly, In olubsof 30 or more, only 1, postage paid. Address TB Tbibcmb, W. Y. H. Y. N. U.-No. I PRINTERS' ROLLERS Made from the Patent KxrelHtor' i'oinporift Ion will recast, not atToted by tbe weatber; price, ilO ueuta pur pouua. is nMto in priming mis papt-r. J. u. i oi.i:, At Si., N. Y. EVERY FAMILY WANTS IT. Moxmj (n It bold by AcenU. AddreM M.N. LQVKLL. Krle.Ft IP VISITING CARDS. 31 Kf Fin Wtalta Bristol Visiting Curds, with yonr jJ Name beaatlfallj printed on thtrn, poet-paid, for ton ata. 2(1 KsttDD or Damask. 20 ota. Kltwaot lJ.rd Cases, 10 ota. We have over SO different styles of uaras, inoiaaing uiass. Rnontmae, Marble, university riaia, ew, Bona stamp ior buuipies, or iu uta. tor AKHUts' outfit. Address- - 1 . H. H. WAI.OKN, North Adiimn, ftlnss. N. T. BURN HAM'S TtKUINK ' " Water Wheel Va Helertrd, 4 years aro, and pal to work In the Patent Orfcoe, Wah. Inifton, D. O., and has proven to be the beet, 10 sites made. .Price lower than any other first-olass Wheel. Pamuhlfet free. i N. F. rnJRNUAM, YORK, Ps, MICHIGAN PINE AUD FARMING LAUDS FOR S A L E . Good Koll! Uood Timber Good Air! Good Water! Good Title ! Healthy 4J 11 male I The entire I-and Grant of the Flint 6V Pere Marquette Railway Company, 205. OOO A( HhH, la offered for sale for purposes of Actual Kettlemeut In parcels aa desired. O40,000,000 teet of Pine, located convenient to the line of tbe railroad. Fanning Lands, as good as any in tbe world, Ue alon tbe line, and will be sold on most tuvorahle terms to ae tnal settlers. Timbkb Oak, Beeoh. Maple, Hock Elm, Kin ok Cherry, Banswood, Pine, limn luck, etc., etc. Every variety of tiiner, soil ana surtaue can be found. Cheap Land and Railroad Facilities are seldom offered together, and those who wlob to secure homes will do well to apply early and take choice selection.. Tebub- One-fourth In cash and balance with annual Interest at 1 per cent., as may be served. promptly furnished. Apply, In pei WM. JL. WEBbKH, Land CommUsloner. Address at Fast Kaglnaw, Mlcu, In format ion by msU reon or uj mau, to fi SALARY only. reman, aqo: Mate and bistiam, Marlop.Ohle . A vents wanted. O. B. Ch PENNSYLVANIA MHItarT Academy, t'henier'. Pa. Opens Sept Nth. CItU Engineering, the CUaslcs, English and MilitaiT Art thoroughly tangbt. For ohoulara aply U ijuia. i xir.y. mail, rreatqeafc. This new truss la worn with perfect eomfort night and day. Adapts Itself to avery motion of the body. i tain Lug Kup) ture under the bardeet aierclas or severest strain ontll permaaeutly on red. do.q eutap by to C Elastic TrussCo'l 683 Broadway, N. Y, City, : gad sent by malL Call or send for Olronlar , and b cured 1? T TV A GTT 181 Bboadway, New York, . s 99 ll ZlijJls mannfactnrer of Solid O01.0 JEWELRY of every description. The stock is large, very oholoe, and Is offered at retail at trade Diicesto keep our workmenpolug. Hills nnder via P.O. order la advance. Over 9 lo 0.0 D. privilege to axamlna Catalogue free. $3 SAMPLE males andvmalfsvary whero. Address Tui Umom Pub. tio., Newrk,N. J. COME AND SEE These Rich Prairies. Near one million acses for sale on the hloux City and St Paul R. K. and on tne Motlreaxir aud lllsaouri River R. R. Several large tracts lor Colonies. Come or send committees to eiauatiie. Every onv woo sees me iana lines 11. aduithi IAVIOSO oV C'AlilifNK, Hibley, Oeeeola t o.. Iowa!. Geo. P. Roweil&Co-I $250 A MONTH Agents wanted every ihara. bnainees honorable and tirst class. Particulars sent tree. AddreM WOKTU A CO., BU Louis, Ala, tpT A O The choloest In the world Importers JL MJl prices Largest Company In America- staple article pleases everybody Trade continually increasing Agents wanted everywhere heat induce BiMPts don't waete time send for circular to ROBERT WELLS, 43 Veaey Street, New York. P. O. Bm 2H1 SMITH ORGAN CO. The Standard Instrument Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. Aceuts Wantei in Every Town, Hold throughont the United States on tb LNMTAMaMENT PLAN f That Is, on a System of Monthly Payments, Parchasers should ask for tbe Hmitb AifKBirAlf OboaH Catalogues and full particulars on application. Your Kama Klefcantly Print d on IS Transparent visitimo CAKns.fur-15 Cental. Each card cad tain : a mim vhtch Is not visible until held towards tns light. Ioth.nRlikthemeverbforcof.eredin America. Htginduce LoaU to Agent. NovitLxr PaiKTiMa Cu.(Aakaad.Aisss. Selected French. Burr Mill Stones in an antes, and superior wm KiiiHiiMiip. 1'oruiuie UrludiHjf Mille, upp.r or uud-r ruiiuem, tor Fasrua or neiH'Imiu work. 4iiuliie lHiilt An her l&ultiiiftTv'lotli, Milt Pirk Cora hhuilets aud 'k..uew, Uearing, bhaftlug. 1'uiiifs, mhuvis, etc.; an kinds of Hill Mh biiiery and Alillers supplies, beu-l nr rsnipnieT. 1 1- lT17x raab Mill Company. Hot 1480, Clauiluiusll, Vblo.