The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 19, 1875, Image 3

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    K2i t
Erang9lkal Lutheran Chrch-
Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. All Are ta
iled to attend.
Sunday School at 9:30 A M Morning
Service at 11 t M Class Meeting at 12
M Evening Service at 7:30 P M Prayer
Meeting Thursday Evening
8ervlce in Grace Churoh Sunday next at
the usual hours, 11 A. M. and 6 P. M.
All are cordialy invited to attend. Biats
Fbkb to all.
Car Time at Illdftcay.
Tall East
4:45 P:
: M.
do West
2 25 P
9:25 A,
4:45 P
, M.
. M
Renovo Accom East
Kane do West
, M
.ocal East
5:40 P. M
do West
8;20 A. M
The Mail and Through Local carry
sengers, the local does cot.
Watermelons have appeared.
D. T). Cook and Ed. Pain are having
heir South street hill cleared up.
Mrs. r-arrett's r.ew house on Centre
kreet has been inclosed.
Blackberries are selling here at eight
bents a quart.
The army worm stills prevails In this
The house at Boot-Jack come near being
Itirncd this week.
The work on the new foundry is pro
cessing rapidly.
1A colored ladv died In Reading on the
th inst aged 115 years.
I We publish in another column the names
the Republican County Committee.
I Company II goes to Erie on the 4th of
bptember. See general orders in another
'I have done my duty to my God, my
fcuntry and my family," were the last
ords of Andrew Johnson-
Mrs. Kufus Lucore showed us a large-
lecn cucumber that measured fifteen in
lies in length. Quite a cucumber.
II. S. Thayer has made an improvement
the shape of a new side walk along his
ill street property.
Rev. Boss. Stevenson', of Corsica, will
each in the Lutheran church next Sun-
y at the usual hours.
tobt. Kime has harvested his rye, and it
lids about sixteen bushels to the acre, or
uld have yielded that much had not
lout lmlf been lost in harvesting.
Die JZidswar Bank building has been
lered inside and several improvements
kde; a new wiadjw has been put in the
)on't fill to get registered before the
It of September como m person or
Id your name to (lie Aovocate office
I you will be registered.
fwo men were loleed in the jail at this
re. vciterdav. for steilme and killing a
-ig heifer belonging to Theodore Fox of
-Ion township.
I here was a very hard rain here last
it, and it it looked at though we were
ig to have a flood; the hope vminhed
n this morning was uslicreu in warm
eumis Servick R :t S IC. Brobst of
intown. Pa., editor of the Luthemche
nehrift and the Yugmdfrtund will preach
German in the Lutheran churcu in
rway mxt Sunday afternoon at J
case has recently occur:e I at Gohen
that seems to confirm the popular
f that beech trees are never struck by
ning. A beach and maple standing
together with branches interlocking
l'i other, received an eletrio bolt from a
sing cloud which shattered tho maple
passed into the earth through a pros-
hemlock tree lying near, which was
ped ofits bark nearly the whole length
trace or the ligiuniug was upon me
'ibk AT Boot-jack. The house at Boot-
owned by J. S. Hyde was burned yes-
lav afternoon. The fire is known to be
1 J . - , . 1 - L..!tJ
work or an inoenaiary, as i no iuuu-
- , i v. r
jng has Den nreu several mucs uuiure.
A family was living in the house at the
time of the fire; but they managed to save,
nearly all their household goods. We have
not learned the extent of the loss by ihe
Are. Incendiarism seems to be a growing
epidemic in this country and we know of
no better use to which Judge Lynch could
te put than exterminating the class of
people that persist in firing other people's
Tirooerty. The fire at Bootjack was through
personal spite at Mr. Hyde.
Last Friday was a -jala day for mdgway.
an AmDurg s circus anu lueungcnc
here and everybody came to town to see
the show. It is said there were from fif
teen hundred to two thousand persons in
town. Several persons were see meanden
ing about town filled with the fiery potion
that steils men's souls, two or three
fights, the legitimate fruits of said potion
were reported at various times during the
day. The circus came into town too late to
exhibit twice as advertised, having traveled
all night from Sheffield over an extremely
bad road their horses were somewhat
iadedand the men tired completely out, and
to cap the climax the rain poured in tor
rents as they came into town. In the af
ternoon the weather cleared up and the
performance in the evening was well atten
ded, the crowd present being variously esti
mated at from ten hundred to two thousand.
Bepubli:an County Committee.
Chairman Jas. H. Hagcrty, of Ridg
way. Benexette D. B. Winslow, D. 8 Johnson
Benzinger John Farrer, James Snad-
fox V. W. .Rogers F. E. Hewitt.
Highland Wm. James, Levi Elethrope.
Horton J. S. Chamberlain, N. M.
, Erockway.
Jy A. E, Goff J. M. Brookins.
Jones A. T. Aldrich, John Ernbout,
Millstone Harry Cats, John Moore.
Ridgway W. H. Osterhout, J. O. W.
. Spring Creek Hiram Carman, John Me
(Jaffick. St. Mary's Boro..-L. B. Cook, Chas. Mc-
The Cameron iYcs Bays: Geo. Goss
aged 72 years, is remarkably vigorous
for one of his age. Last week lie
worked oo Barclay Bros, log drive, iix
teen houn a day for two days, and was
one of the best men on the job.
If you want eopy of Dr. Foote's
"Plain Home Talk" we hive a namber
of copies on hand which we sell cheap.
For $4,00 we will send the Advocate
one year, and give the book in the
bargain. The retail priee of the book
is $3.25. We will send the book post
paid lor this price. Dr. Foote's "Pfain
Home Talk" is a book of 800 pages
treating on subjeots all should be ac
quainted with.
The one hundreth anniversary of the
birth of Mrs. Mary Jones Lockard, of
liigler, this couoty, was celebrated by
a picuio on August 4th 1875 Mrs Lock
ard was born in Montogomery county,
Pa., on August 4th 1775. Earley in
life she removed to Philadelphia, and
came to this county nineteen years ago.
She is tho mother of four children, has
sixteen grand children and fifty-three
great grand children. Mrs. Young,
aged sixty-six, was the oaly one of her
children present at the anniversary.
Dr. T. J. Boyer, of this place, was pre
sent by special invitation and made an
address. If Mr. Lockard lives she will
be present at the Cectennial in 1876.
She is at present in good health and
possessed of strength remarkable for one
of her age. Rafttman Journal.
At the new well ot Satterfield, Tay
lor & Co, Stewart farm, near New
Athens, this county, a strong vein of
gas was struck on Saturday night last
at a depth oi about 1,800 feet. On
the Sabbath afternoon a number of per
sons visited the well. Among these
were two boys named Marlin and Lo
baugh. The boys attempted to light a
cigar by igniting a match against a
stump, not far from the well. With
the lighting of the match occurred an
explosion of the gas with which the air
was charged, with a shock like an earth
quake. The two boys were seriously
burned, and it was with great difficulty
that the well-rig could be saved. Both
the boys wero taken to the residence of
of Widow Lnbaugh, at New Athens,
and at lust dates were getting on com
fortably. The accident was tho result
of recklessness The boys having been
warned of their danger of lighting
matches previously in the vicinity of
the well. Clarion Republican.
It is astonishing how much cold
blooded abuse and murderous persecu
tions the potato bug will-endure. Noth
ing but Paris green seems to depress
his spirits He has been found proof
against aquafortis, and a variety of liKe
stimulants wherewith the vengeful
granger has experimend; and last week
it was demonstrated on the Honesdale
dock that even tailrdad cars were power
less to harm hiui. A boy named Kav
auauli, from Shanty Hill, brought a
well developed specimen to the railroad
tract with a view to immolating him
uudcr a pacing train. The bug, how
ever declined to j articipate in the pro
ceeding, and his captor endeavored to
hold him on the rail by brute force. In
the wrestle that took place, the boy's
forefinger wascaught under a car wheel
and crushed to the first joint. The bug
however, emerged from tho contest un
harmed, and is now ready for a fight
with a trip-hammer. The damaged
finger was amputated by Dr Gibbons,
and the cew mode of destroying the
potato bug was pronounced a failure
Honetdale Citizen.
Summit or the Alleghenies,
The highest point touched by the Phila
delphia and Erie Ilailroad, in crossing
the Allegheoies is Kane in McKean
county. It is located on what is known
as the Big Level, a great plateau twenty
miles in length, and varyng from four
to six miles in width. The village of
Kane which takes its name from Gen.
Thomas L. Kane, a brother of the
famous Artio navigator is twenty-two
hundred feet above the levol of the sea.
There is a large hotel at this place
known as the Thomson House, which
was so named in honor of the late presi
dent of the Pennsylvania railroad. It
is a very delightful place, and tourists
soon fall iu love with the wild and ro
mantio country surrounding it. The
air ot that high elevation is very pure
and invigorating, and the mornings and
evenings are cool and pleasant. The
inside of the hotel is finished in native
woods, the doors and window casings
being ot cherry, while the floors are of
white wood, and ash and maple are also
used largely. The effect is beautiful,
and on entering tbe house the attention
of strangers is at once attracted by the
rioh appearance which the interior pre
sents, by the blending of these rich
woods. The house which is now used
as a dinning station, is kept by Mr. R.
M. N. Taylor a gentleman of large ex
perience in the business, who was tbe
first man to opeu the new Gait House
ia Louisville. Gen. Kane occupies a
hansome chateau within a short dis
tance of tbe hotel, which ia surrounded
by native oaks, where he lives in prin
cely style, and dispenses bis hospitality
with liberal hand to all visitors. lie-
novo Record.
Offblal Order.
Tho following is the official order for
the encampment at Erie next month;
Headquarters Seventh Division,
National Gurds of Pennsylvania.
Meadville, Pa., Aug. 2.
(General Order No. 3.)
1. The anuual fall inspection of
this command will be made, as pub
lished in General Orders No. 4, from
the Adjutant General's Office, Harris
burg, at Erie on Saturday, the 4th of
September, at an early hour in the
morning, after whioh probably at 2 p.
m. the troops will be reviewed by his
Excellency the Governor, Commander-in-Chief.
As the 8100 authorized by law to be
paid each company, will be allowed only
tn such companies as present a credita
ble appearance in numbers, uniforms
and equipments, and a proficiency in
drill, the Majot General urges upon all
the necessity of constant and thorough
work from this time on, both in manual
of arms and company movements on
open ground, particularly in niarchicg
by company front.
2 To facilitate tho discipline of
this command, the troops will assemble
at Erie on Wednesday, September 1st,
not later than 4 p. m , and go into camp
until the inspection and review; each
company providing for itself camp cooking-utensils,
rations, for four days fuel
two axes, two shovels, and ono pick and
each man for himself, a woolen blaukct
a canteen and a cup.
The importance of this encampment
is enhanced by the possibility of the
Legislature authorizing a general en
campment of ten days at Philadelphia
in 1876, during tho Centennial Exhibi
ion. 3. The commanding officer will
take with him to Erie the company
books of record for inspection, and also
one inspection roll, which must be
properly filled up and signed, attention
being paid to the instructions thereon
The blink rolls will be afforded iu
ample time.
4 Arrangements will be mado for
transportation to and from Erie at the
expense of the State, and the tents will
be furnished upon proper requisition.
5 Upon receipt of this order, each
company commander must without fuil
ure, report to these headquarter?,
through the proper millitary chauoels.
the condition ot his command, and
what number of men will probably be
present and ready for muster on Scp
tenibei 4th.
G As his Excellency the Governor
Cammander-in-Chief of the National
Guard, will review this division at the
time of the fall inspection, the Major
General trusts that every member ot it
will report in person, and that every
effort will be made to have the parade
a perfect one in number and appearance
7 The Major Gemrul announces
the following Stuff appointment:
Major M. P. Davis as Division
Q-iarter Master.
He will be obeyed and respected ac
cordingly. By order of
Major General fl'JlPF.KorER.
Official John M. Clark, Lieut. Col
and A. A. G.
Under the laws of this State game is
only allowed to be killed as follows:
Deer From the 1st of September to
the 1st of January.
Squirrels From the 1st of Septem
ber to the 1st of January.
Raltits From the 1st of October to
the 1st of February.
Wild Turkeys From the 1st of Oc
tober to the 1st of January.
Woodcock From the 1st of August
to the 1st of January.
Partridges From the 1st of Novem
ber to the 1st of January.
Pheasants From the 1st of Septem
ber to the 1st of January.
I'ersons interested would do well to
keep io niiud these provisions of the law
since the penalty for the violation of
any one of thsm is rather severe.
The burglars who have been terrorizing
the inhabitants of the cities and towns
of southwestern New York and north
western Pennsylvania for several weeks
past, during which time a vast quantity
of valuables have disappeared, are still
plyiug tbeir nefarious avocation. Ad
ditional particulars are received daily
of new robberies and attempts at rob
bing from all portions of Chautauqua
and Cat'.aiaugus counties, New York,
and Crawlord and other contingent
counties io this state. Early Sunday
morning burglars effected an eutrance
into the elegant residence of A. C.
Hardroper, of Meadville and succeeded
in securring plunder mostly cousiting of
silver plate, valued at 5,000. Two or
three burglaries were also committed in
this place, the valuation ot the property
taken being about 82,000. The rob
bers seemingly not satisfied with the ex
tent of tbeir crimes, have added incen
diarism to their operations, and the
citizens in the invested places are be.
coming apprehensive that other and
more violent outrages will soon eventu
ate. The papers of Meadville are call
ing upon tbe authorities and the people
to adopt such measure as will enectu
ally stop a repetition of the criminality
that has prevailed. Tbe Kepublican
the leading daily there suggests that in
the event of the capture of any of the
law breakers that they be hung to the
first lamp post, which suggestion meets
with tbe approval ot the outraged com
munity. On Sunday night tho burs
lars visited Callensburg, Reisburg and
Corry. At the first named place, the
residence of Geo. Snyder was entered
and robbed of 92,500 in bonds and cash
The occupant of the house awoke just io
time to see two masked men leave the
house. Between Saturday night and
Sunday morning the Eagle House was
entered and robbed ot 2,000 in cash
E ie Dispatch.
Those Hamiltan Corsets at P & K's
are tbe most durable, and the cheapest
' io market.
Meeting of the Eepublle&n Co. Committee.
The members of the Republican
County Committee are requested to meet
at the Ridgway Bank, in Ridgway, Ti.f
on TUESDAY, AUGUST 24tn, 1875.
A full attendance is desiied as business
of importance relating to the time of
holding the County Convention and
the Primaries, will come before the
Chairman. '
List of Jurors.
Below we give the list of jurors drawn
for the September term of court; including
their occupations, as provided by the new
1. David S. Johnson Benezetle Laborer.
2 Christopher Leitncr, Benzinger, Farmer.
8 Martin Frits, ' "
4 Xavier Haberbusch " Miller.
C John Kreckel ' Farmer
C George Sell
7 James Block
8 Jaites J. Taylor
0 J. W. BidJIe
Fox, Merchant.
" Slone cutter.
" Laborer.
10 James English
II Horace Spnngenbers " "
12 Joseph Bchreiber "
13 John Spooler " . UlacKsmitli.
14 Chauncey Brcckway Horton Lumberm'n
15 Joseph Kolle Farmer.
16 Herbert Burchfield " Laborer
17 Allen Giles ' Farmer.
18 Robert Lothrook Jay Laborer.
19 losiah It. Morey " Farmer.
20 C. J. Dill " Laborer
21 Alfred Evans " "
22 A. J. Avery " Merchant
23 Isaac Kcefer, Jones Carpenter,
24 Joseph Pistner ' farmer,
25 Michael Dill "
26 Jerome Powell Ridgway Merchant.
27 T. W. Jones " Laborer.
28 O. B. Grant " Tanner.
29 Martin Huber St. Marys Barber.
30 Louis Giease " Laborer.
31 Jacob Kraus ' Ba'n Keeper.
32 J. E. Weideiiboerner Merchant.
33 Fred. Stuerenberg Laborer.
84 Henry Steureuberg " Grocer.
85 Peter Wilhelm " Tailor
30 Wm- Hackenberg Clerk.
87 Tliilip Meyer " Shoemake.-.
38 Alex., Muyhood Spring Ck. Lumberman
39 D. V. Davidson " Jobber.
40 George Nicholas " Laborer.
1 George Winslow Uenczette Farmer.
2 C. Wainwright " Lumberman.
3 John B Gietter Benzinger Farmer.
4 Frank Facy " Laborer.
5 Anton Bnuer Fniiner.
b Charles litter "
7 Anthony Bille' " "
3 Daniel t'orbe Fox Carpenter.
9 Henry 8 Gioas " Laborer.
10 John Moore ' "
11 J. A. Miller " Farmer.
12 John Kuntzleman " Carpenter.
13 Patrick Jordan ' Laborer,
14 Jeremiah O'Hern "
15 Jno. C. M'Allistcr Horton Farmer.
16 J. H. Meffcrt Jones '
17 C. A. Paine " Laboree
18 Anthony Coyle " Carpenter.
19 Jus. 8. Champion Millstone Farmer.
20 Ueorgn Crispin " Laborer.
21 D. D. Cook Ridgway, Lumberm'n.
22 W. Gulbrnith Sp'g Cr'k, Laborer.
23 Jackson Waite " Lumberm'n.
24 William Gies St. Marys. Laborer.
Fresh family Groceries, and Canned
poods at P& K's. Tbe cheapest and
A choice lot of Pastry Flour at
POWKhU&JvlMK'S Jry it.
Madam Dcoiorests Patterns
We are agents for Madam Demorests
Patterns Catalogues free, send tot
one 1'atterns sent by mail 31 AY &
SILVERMAN opposite the Court
House Willinmsport Pa.
Salt, cheaper than dirt at I'. & K's
Pupils wishine to receive instruction in
Orcek or Latin, or disii-ing to prepare for
College can uave opportunity ol dome so
"y applying to tbe Hector of Uraoe Church
He buving mado the neeeseary arrange
ments will be glad to receive a limited
number of young Indies and gentlemen for
instruction. For information as to terms
io apply to
Ridewav. Pa,
White, Powell & Co.
No. 42 South Third Street,
Philadelphia, August 17th 1875.
U. S. 1881. c 21i 21
do 5 20, o 02, M and N 14 15
do do '04 do 15 15
do do '05 do li 18
do do 'U5 J and J- 18 li
do do '07 do 2ul 20 4
do do '08 do 2
10-40, do coupon 18
do Pacific ti's cy Int. off 22J
NewS'sReg. Ibbl. 15
" " U. 18bl IS
Gold M 13
Silver K'7
Pennsylvania 50
Reading 5uj
Philadelphia & Erie 20
Lehigh Navigation Div. off 61
do Valley C2
United R R of N J JSx. Div 13UJ 130
Oil Creek 9 9
norinern central 2V 30
Central Transportation 4Gi 47
Kesquehouing 66 6'JI
A & A Mortgage ti's '69 1031 104
Summer Clothing, for those Boys
and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum
mer uasnmer at 1' & K's
Bargains in ladies and childrcns hats
Bonnets and Millinery goods at MAY
SILVERMAN'S Williamsport Pa.
Hair Switches 81.00 82.00 83.00
8-1,00 worth double the money, Ruche
a cents upwards, shawls 81,50 upwards
Hats from 25 cents upwards, best and
cheapest trimed hats in the city at
MAY & SILVERMAN'S opposite the
umrt tiouse Williamsport l'a.
JOBXTTORK. We are now prepared
V to do all kinds of JOB WORK.
r,nveiepes, lags, uui-beads, Letter beads,
VI Patio Anil bhaanla a J Affiaa in
Thayer & Hagerty'i new building, Ma;
Give ihe Aunooia othoe a call for bill toga,
and if you are going to gel married leave
u iu must ,r jour caras
In entjring iupon the New Tear, ana
within a few months of the second anni
versary of the 8rst appearance of ihe paper
the publishers ot tbe 1'ITTSIJUKUH
EVENING TELEGRAPH renew their ex
pressions of thanks to an intelligent and
appreciative public for its
during the year just closed. Coming into
existance at a time when every kind of
business was to a certain extent depressed,
and when retrenchment in every direction
was tho rulo, the TtLKGltAVH has fought
its way, and become, not only an estab
lished fact, but a
whether it be of the'" counting-room, the
prol'essionalofnce, the woskshop, or the
family. Its circulation, equal to the best
trom the start, has grown in extent and im
portance daily, until now it acknowledges
but two equals the Dispatch and Leader
so far an the number issued daily is con
ccrned, and no equal as to the character of
Is readers. Ihese facts are so well known
and appreciated by the husiness commu
nity, or the shrewdest members thereof.
hat our columns nave been well. filled by
the favors of
and we are gUd to know that their faith in
lie i LLhUKA I'll as an advertisidir me
dium has been firmly established.
ha, we think, during tho past year main
tained its claim to the good will and sup
prot of the people, irrespective of party,
uasmuch as its opposition to bud nomina
tions within the party whose principles it
favors was largely instrumental in procur
ing their defeat. While it shall be our aim
io promote the established principles of
the Kepublican party, we shall in the fu
ture, as in ihe past, oppose the election to
office of men nut fully qualified, or who
hall by trickery or any unfair means
manugo to secure a place on tue ticket.
Honesty and capacity only will receive our
THE, TELEGRAPH? will - continue to
at the earliest moment, and in such a
shape as to be acceptable to the most
critioul reader.
The TELEGRAPH will continue to re
fleet ihe semimcKts of the people on all
public questions touching their welfare.
The TELtGKAPU will uphold zealously
the hands of all men honest and earnest in
reform, and it will, as in the past, give all
bides a hearing on the topics ot the time.
The TELEGRAPH will labor with re
newed zeal for the prospeuty of the city
and stale and the advancement of the ma
terial interests of our citizens. Its
will conlinuo to be carefully attended to,
and its reports of local events will be
alw ays fresh and reliable, lta
from the Capitals of the Nation and state
and from all important nous centers will
continue to be of the most .attractive and
trustworthy oharacter. Its
will receive the eame careful attention that
has been remarked in the past, and in this
respect the XLLhuttAf H will .continue to
be without a competitor. Its
will'contain an honest expression of views
on all topics, political and
otherwise, its
which have always enjoyed an exalted rep
utation, will continue to 'be of Ihe same
unexceptionable character. In fine, the
will be during the j'ear 1875, superior to
the past, excellent as it has been by gen
eral admission. No expense will be Bpared
to keep the paper abresst with, the times
and its managers will exert every effort that
experience may suggest to make it possible
more attractive to the general reader.
By mail, including postage, Nine Dollars
per annum.
Delivered by Carriers, iu
Pittsburgh and Allegheny,
Cents a week.
any part of
for Fifteen
RATES furnished on
Price, Tvtttty-fivt Cent.
Containing a complet list of all the towns
n the United States, the Territories and
the Dominion of Cuiada. having a popula-
on bi eater than 0,000 according to the
last census, together with the names of the
newspapers having the largest local circu
lation in eaoh of the plaoes named. Also,
a catalogue o. newspapers which are re
commended to advertisers as giving great,
est value in proportion to prices charged.
Also, all newspapers in the United Etatcs
and Canada printing over 5,000 copies
each issue. Also, all the Religious, Agri
cultural, Foientio and Mechanical, Medi
cal, Masjnio; Juvenile, Eduoalional, Com
mercial, Insurance, Real Estate. Law,
Sporting, Musical, Fashion, and olhi-r
pectal class journals; very complete list s.
Together with a complete list of over 300
German papers printed in the United
8tates. Also, an eBsav upon advertising:
many tables of ratei, shoving the cost of
advertising in various newspapers, and
everything which a beginner in advertis-
ng would like to know.
Address GEO- P. ROWELL & CO.,
41 Park Row, New York.
A prominent New Voi-k physician latelv
complaintd to DUNDAS DICii & CO.,
about their Sandalwood Oil Capbulei,
stating that sometimes they cured miracu
lously, Dut that a patient of his had -oaken
hem without encct. On beine informed
that several imitations were sold, he in-
uired and found his patient had not beat
taking DUNDAS DICK & CO'S.
What happened tj this physician may
ave happened to others, and DUNDAS
DICK & CO., take this method of protect
ing plittician-i drurjgxstt and themsetva, and
preventing Uil of sandalwood from coni
ng into disrepute.
1'HlblLlAr.S who once prescribe the
Caspusles will continue to do so, for ihey
contain the pure Oil in tho best and cheap
est- form
DUNDAS DICK & CO., nee more Oil or
SAkdalt.wood thun all ihe Wholesale and
Kctail Druggists aud Perfumers in the
Uuited States combined, and this is the
sole reason why the pure Oil is sold
cheaper in their Capsules than in any
other form-
OIL OF SANDALWOOD is fast supered-
lng every other remedy, sixty Capsules
nly being required to insure a safe and
certain cure in six or eight davs. From no
other medicine can this result be had.
LES solve the problem, long considered by
eminent physicians, so how to avoid the
nausea and disgust experienced in swal
lowing, which arc well known to detract
from, if not destroy, the good effects of
many valuable remedies.
soft Capsules are put up intin-foil and
neat boxes, thirty in euoli, and are tbe only
Capsules per.-cr.hed by physioians.
and many other nauseous medicines can be
ftken easily and safely in DUNDAS DICK
Send for Circular to 35 Wooster street.
N. y.
Grass fey i lies, Scythe Snaths, Hay
Kakes, Hay Folks, Hoes, Shovels, Spades,
Picks, Mattocks aud all other articles
adapted to the season at POWELL &
Mrs. M. E. Mulune 1ds the agency
for Elk County for the Combination
Shoulder Brace Corset Adjustable Skirt
Supporter. Call and see it. Also for
the Excelsior Shield or Corset Clasp.
If yuu want any bl'ched or brown
muslins, from J to 10-4 wide any
inality, go to head quarters, Powell &
Kime's and select to vour taste. .
HOUSE RAKES ! Upon a thorough in
vestigation it has been demonstrated that a
good norse rake will save more labor to a
farmer than any other invention of its cost
Among all tho machines of (he kiud, Ihe
Albion V.'evolving Horse Rnko stands
supreme, ot which POWELL & KIME are
the sole agents for this section. Every
person should have one. They are selliug
very rapidly
Cl eese! Choice Factory, at P & K's
Valuable and 2eslrable Property for Sale,
'iMii. subscriber oners for sale tjc
property now occupied by him as a
evidence in the village' of Viidgway, Elk
county, la. The lot is pleasantly situated
upon l.epot street and contains lti.000 feet.
Lpou it is erected a first class TWO-AND-A-HALF
4..i leet, with addition lGxi!4 teot;
Coal House, Ice House. Chicken House
and Barn, There is upon the premises a
Commodious Garden, whicn is well stocked
with trim Tiees in, bearing condition.
and oouUins Kapbcrry, iilaekberry, Cur
rant nnd Asparagus Beds, for terms, &c,,
jelO-tf Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.
Millinery goods, hair goods, Jewelry,
Fancy goods, notions, Ladips nnd chil
dreus cloaks,dressc3 and undergarments,
wholesale Hnd retail at MAY & SIL
VEKMAN, Williamsport IV
AYe notice on Powell & Kinie's plat
form an assortment of those celebrated
Gowanda Plows, Cultivators &c.
Wedding and
ladies at MAY
Williamsport Pa.
mourning outfits for
A large lot of Parasols, Ladies tics
Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and Gloves
Trunks and Satchels at M.4Y & SIL
VERMAN'S Williamsport Pa.
vlnzul. Ridgway, Elk County, Fa.
Agent for the Travelers Life and Acoi
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
Tbe stated meeticas of Elk Loisre. No.
879, are held at their hall, corner of Main
and Depot streets, on the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month-
W. C. J1EALY, Seo'y.
Those new style prints, at P & K's
are the general talk of the town. Go
Ridgway, Pa. 2 3 If
Ridgway, Elk Co., Fa. OIBoo ia
Hall's new Brick Building. Claims ivf
collection promptly attended to.
Office in New Brick Building, Main i(
Ridgway, Elk Co., l'a. vijuU.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo
cnted in Rigway, offers his profensional ser
vices to the citizens of 11 id g way anu sur
rounding country. All work warranted.
Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up
stairs, first door to the left, 7-l-n-iiJ-ly
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler.
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for th
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton GoM
Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, done with
ho same accuracy as heretofore. Sal in
action guaranteed. vlnlv
Druggist and Paraceutist, N. W. cornet
of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa.
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, duy or
night. vln3y
T. S. HARTLEY. At. I).,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office in Drug Store, corner ltrond and
Main Sis. Residenoe corner Broad St.
opposite the College. Office hours from
8 to 10 A. M. aud from 7 to 8 P. M.
J. S. liORD WELL, M. I).,
Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has rcmov
ed;his othce from Centre street, toMajL si.
Ridgway, Pa,, in the second story of the
new brick building of Johu G. Hull, oppo
site Hyde's store.
(jlhec hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7
jan 'J 7iS
Riuqway, Elk Co., Pa..
W. H. SCH11AM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the cuinfort and convenience ot
guests, to merit a continuance oi the
Oct 30 18G0.
B UCKTA 1L 11 0 USE.
Kank, McKean Co.,
R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage hcreiufoic so
liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro
prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention
to the couilurt aud convenience of guests,
to merit a continuance of the same. The
only stables for horses iu Kaue and well
kept night or day. Hall attached to the
Hotel. vluiiilyl.
Ckkt&sville, Elk Co.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience
of guests, t i merit a continuance of the
1 W. HAYS,
Cry Goods, Notions, Groceries,
and General Variety,
Earley 1 o.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division.
ON andafter MONDAY, MAY 21, 1875,
the trains on the Philadelphia Jh.
hue Railroad will run as follows:
KANE ACCOM leaves Renovo.... 4 35 n m
" " Drift wood- 5 65 p m
" " " Emporium 6 65 p iu
" ' '. St Marys... 7 65 p iu
" " " Ridgway... 8 25 p w
" " " VTilcoz 9 05 p ro
arr at Kane.. 9 30 p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 65 p m
Renovo.........ll 06 a m
" " " Emporium 1 10 p ui
" St. Mary's 2 00 p ui
Ridgway 2 25 p ui
" Wiloox 2 68 p m
" arrive at Erie 7 60 u m
RENOVO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a in
" " VVilcox 8 83 a iu
" Ridgway 9 25 a iu
" " 8t Marys lo 01 a iu
" " Emporium llo&aui
" " Driftwood 12 15 pm
FRlPM.TrV E!,n?T0' 140pm
ERIE MAIL leaves Eri....w.....n.20 a w
" " " Kane..... . 8 45 pm
f Wiloox 4 08pm
Ridgway. 4.45 pm
" 6t. Mary'. 6.10 p w
" " Emporium 6.05 p m
" Renovo 8.25 pm
' " arr. at I'hiladephia... 6.60 a m
Renovo Accom and Kane Aocom connect
east and west at East with Low Grade Di.
vision and B N V S P K R
Ueu'l Sup't.
and see tbeut.