WW (SO Thursday, june 24. :76. Erangs'.ical Lutheran Chroli. REV. I. BREFEMEN pRtor. Funday school nt 11: 45 A. M, All are in vited lo attend.' II. E. CH'JUCa. KLWM. MARTIN, Pastor. Punday tol at 9: .10 A M Morning Service at 11 A M Cln?s M ceting nt 12 M Evening Service nt 7:ii0 P M Prayer Meeting Thursday Evening GRAC3 CHuilCII. Service in Grata Church Similar next at the usual hour?, tl A. M. and 7 J P. M. All arecordialy invited to atteaj. Seats Free to all. Car Time at ftirfg iri;. Mail East do West lenovo Accom East Kane do West 4:45 P: M. - as p. m li:25 A. M. 4:45 P. M. 5:40 P. M 8:20 A. M Local carry Local East do West The Mnil' and Through tmseengers, the local docs cot. About Paris Groan. In reference to ihe use of Paris Orecn, s a preventative of the ravages of the po tato bug. Mr. Samuel L. Allen, Citina minson, N. J , writes to the Phil'a Press, dale of J une 11th, as follows: "Several articles denouncing tho use of Paris Green for stopping the ravages ol the potato bugs have been going llie rounds of the papers, writtcJ by physicians nud others, who Fpeak ns those having knowl edge, yet whose teachings seem very un wai r.intable "Tticy claim that its use mint ciako the ubers poisououi end unlit for food. About one pound of green lo the acre is sufficient. This would contain 7,t580 grains. A good yield ot potatoes is atiout 12 bushels, or 7 500 ib; so that it is needful lo use about one grain of poison to the pound of pota toes grown. By a short calculation it will also be found tuat there are over 2,000,000 pounds of soil, counsing nine inches deep. to lUe acre, or about 275 pounds to each pound of potatoes raised. If then, we sup pose the Paris green equally distributed through this I ody of earth, and admitting Hint Hie potato is wiLiug lo absorb an equal prop iv ionate weigh', of green as cf suitable nutriment, each pound of potatoes flioull contain l,io j art ol n grain ot Paris preen whilst n dose to a hum in be ing is between one nnd two grains. lint Hie tuner consists largely of water nnd plants do nut nb.-orb eartus, or nt most very alight ly, but diuw their nourishment ' from solutions of the lood presented. The remarkable rlKcncy of liquid manures is u familiar example "Paris green is. however, staled to be insoluble, aad therefore could not be nbsor. bed readily. If physicians (oil us that llie ubers absorb to an injurious oxienl an it soluble poison of which but 1.27, juit of a jrraia to the pound of product has even a chance of absorption, what would limy say if they remembered that sinie plan', ai well as the whole list of vegetables was universally grown by surround inj tiie roots with a bulky mass of decnu.p.);i.,g vegeta. lo fibre an auim il excrement ol the most revolting description, and such as would Hie, if taken directly imo the human system, a most terrible poison? liy tu'iny well-nu-theotica'ed examples we know that fre quent deaths have been the result of drink, iti water from a well poisoned by a de cuii.posiug iiuitual carcass, 'ow just that kind of poison is largely used in Uiu grow ing of a poii'lo ere p. Thu average qunn tity of decomposing .'tiiiiual mailer applied is prob..b)y about ton to :s, or 20.000 pounds, thi'Uh olnni ihiub'.e ihU nuoui.l, o llie aero. In oilier words about 2. iiiund.4 ot ihesrt d"Ooi!inosinrr im-si il'i.rnns compounds lot-hidden proximity to dwel lings by law. tiro plated in llie ground to produce yield of one pound of poiatoes. Vet eijrhty millions of people in this conn, ary and Great liiiiain aiono make them a proTineut article of food; and llie crop :growu whero '.he largest amounts of these poisons are used is considered Ihe best! "The probability of the tuber absorbing an appreciable amount, of the poison .through Ihe l::oves is extremely problem atical, as ihe oliice of the leaves is one chiefly of exhalai ion, as the familiar bell glasses and Wardian cases indicate. Again, the potatoe is a solonui.i, belonging to the snrce class ns the deadly nightshade, its leaves poisonous, which, no doubt, is the cause of the poisonous nature of ihe Colo rido beetle, which feeds upon them. The skin of Ihe tubers is also poisonous, waicr in which potatoes with the skins on have toeen boiled bciug known to poisou stock; yel uo food is more universal or healthful tUau the- potato. 'The fear of Paris green, applied in uch limited quantities as is usual, being deleterious to the health of those using the tubers, I believe to be an error arising from waul of knowledge of the manner ot growth of the crop; and this seems amply proven, too, by the well-known fact thai Western farmers have for years applied this remedy and eaten the putatoes with impunity. "J believe Tarts greeu Is the remedy for t he Colorado potato beetle safn, cheap and effectual and hope farmers will apply it carefully, and I tint no one will dream that its application to laud at (he rate of one gram to each 2o pounds of soil, or in be proportion of one part of poison to 2,i 112,000 pans of soil, will injure the crop." One who has given the subject, some at tention, recommends ihe mixing of one part of Paris green with six parts of flour, and dusting the compound ou the vines when they are dry. A good and cheap dusting box can be niaUe by punching small holes in the bottom of a discarded fruit can. Cure should be taken to tie something over the t'.p of the can, and a handkerchief or cloth over the mouth and nose, so as to prevent the inhaling of any of the poison' Salt, cheaper than dirt at P. & K's Cheese! Choice Factory, at 1 & K's Fresh family Groceries, and Canned" goods at P & K's. The cheapest and best. Summer Clothing, for tbosa Iys and children, Linen, Alapaca and sum mer Cashmer at P & K's Bargains ;0 ladies and children hats, Bouoets and Mlllirery floods at lAV & SILVERMAN'S Williamsport Pa. ' Hair Switches 81,00 82.00 S3.00 & $4,00 worth double the money, Kucbes 5 ceuts upwards, Shawls $1,50 upwards Hats from 25 coots upwards, Lest und cheapest t rimed hats in the city - at MAY & SILVERMAN'S opposite the Court House Williamsport Pa. Elk creek is on tho rise. AH kinds of job work at this offioi. The Ridgway auditors are still settling. The engineers on the new road hare reached Wilcor. Last Tuesday we had a rery refreshing rain in this section. Since the rain vege tation has made wonderous strides. There will be Presbyterian services, by Rer. D. W. Cassat In the Lutheran church next Sunday, morning and evening, at the usual hours. Parsons ns a poultry fancier, keens his readers posted on Ihe price of eggs. Elk Democrat, And Miller as a base ballist, keeps his readers posted on the scores of games James Rhine's caught a trout last week which measured 11 j inches, and weighed one pound. This we believe It the "boss" fish of Ihe season. If any one can do bet ter let us know. Hazleton, Pa., June 21. W. H. Curnew, John Cartnel, and James Weber were suffo catcd in the Stockton mines yesterday while engaged in clearing the ohamber of black damp. Three others miners who were in the mine at the tio were overcome with the foul a:r, but are recovering. The Rev. Win. Jas. Miller intending to return from his vication this week; there will be services in Grace Church next Sun day, nt the usual hours 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. All are cordially invited to attend. We have heard Uidgway's chronic crumb lers Bay nt different times that this country was worthless, agriculturally considered Let these malcontents look at the oats crop growinri on Osterhout's Hcighls and then fi . '.. r L't'. i , 1I01U lueir pcuutt lUlCTUi. x.k jrf(iuvm Aud yet G'eue, with all your knowledge ef "old rye" you call rye oats. "Go west, young man, go west." The township supervisors, made a raid on Pelcr L'cnneda's domicile last Tuesday afternoon, and succeeded in fiuding a super abundance of ngiicultural implements, and a large lot of soap and candles, together with about iu silver and currency Peter and his wife, an aged couple, have been a tewu charge for about, six years past audcoinplaiuts having reached the super- risns liiat Peter was "playing off" and that ho was ns able to do a day's work as anyone they concluded lo visit him an 1 as certain his circumstances. Jhcre was found in tho shanty ten good coals belong ing lo Peter nnd any amount of di esses be longing to the parti.er of his woe'snnd joys The candles and soap were drawn from the township from time to time aud it is sup posed the honest Peter intended to trade his soap an I candles for cash or other arti cles. There is one lesson that this revela tion teaches anJ that is that the township is boing badly "taken in" by its poor. Wo are informec that Mr. Balchelor, who resides nlong the pike, several miles from Phillipsluirg, committed suicide on Friday last. Some ti'ite in the afternoon of that day he remarked that he was a cumbrance to his family, but no further notice was ta keu of what he had said In Ihe evening he walked out from the house, and, not returning, feirs were entertained that ho had done himself some bodily injury. These feart were made known, and search instituted, which resulted in the finding of his body in Stoiner's saw mill dam, with ihe IhroaUcut frosa ear to ear. It is thought that he first waded into the water and then cut his Ihoat. lie leaves a wile and several children t mourn his sad deal h . l!at'tonai8 Juurnal. The lutiiot says: In Lancaster counly is the greatest nickel mine ia the world, and the only one that has yet been diseov- eiediathe United Slates. The mine lies upon the dividing vidge betweeu Chester county and Pciiua Valley. Resides nickel, iron and copper ore havo been found. The copper has been known thero for seventy years. Tho nickel oro is of a gray color, and so hard that it can be obtained only by blasting Alter it is broken into email particles, it is thrown into a furnace and subjected to a stronj heat It is then smelted like irou. After being placed between tvo heavy iron rollers and pulverized, it is sent to Camden, N. J.. where Ihe copper is separated from the nickel It is ne-ct protectid from foreign nickel by a forty per cent, duty The aver age price of pure nieke 1 is about $'.2,00 a pound. In the Lancaster mine -401) or 6U0 t.s are obtained monthly, and about one hundred and fifty men are employed Playing an old Trick. An old dodge ucder a new guise is being fuc cessfully practiced by a sharper in New York city, who signs himself "Wesley Law." Ho writes to country store keepers, telling them that packages for them, shipped through him, are held for charges, upon paymeuc of whioh he will forward the detained articles. Ho has found several dupes who deserve to be taken in for not having sense enough to know that goods not worth the amount of exprcssage to their final des tination, are not worth havings There is woik for tie fool-killer yet. On Monday morning last, while Richard Mujer and Wm. Mcloineh were removing the timbers from an ab andoned coal drift on the Henry Ash baugh farm, about a quarter of a mile north of this place the roof fell in and before Meluinch could escape partly buried him He immediately called to Mayer, who ran for assistance, aud on returning found that a second fall bad occured, completely burying poor Mo Inioch beneath fifteen feet of stale and clay. It required leven hours work be fore his body was reached, when it was found that his neok was broken and bis face terribly swollen, indicating that death occurred by suffocation rather than by bodily injuries. Mr Mclniuch was a young man about twenty-four years of age, and he had a wife and two children living in Westmoreland county His parents Jive near Monterey, this county. St. Ptierslurg (Clarion Co.) Uncord. 177G 1375 THE GLORIOUS FOURTH I THE DAY WE CELEBRATE. Grand Demonstrations at SlIDGWAY! Saturday, July 3d, 1875. PROGRAMME. 1st. 100 guus and ringini? of Lolls at sunrise, -d. Parade a 10 A. .u. The procession will form at the public square, and will consist in part of representation of States sur rounding tho Goddess of Liberty, by 38 young ladies, drawn by six hor tC9 St. Mayrs nnd Ridgway Silver Cornet Uauds, KNAPP COMMANDER?, NO. 40. IC. T., ST. MARYS FIRE COMPANY, Co. II, 17th Reg. National Guards, Pa., CENTENNIAL P. 0 C, CITIZENS, &C, 3d. Meeting in court yard; music by Ridgway Glee Club; prayer by Rev. Win. Martin; ftiusic by Glee Club; reading of the J)e chivathn of Independence by J. 0. W. Railcy, Esq. music by Rand; oratious by Hon. Jas. L Gillis, of Mt. Pleasuut, Iowa, and Col. J. K. Haffey, i'f Gov. Hartranit's Staff; music by Rand; poem by Geo. 11. Dixon. FAXTASIIVS, WllEELfiA Ml 0 II' HA CE, Exhibition Gome of Ji'ist Hull on Ci utiiiiihil Bail (jt ounth, 7th. Dancing. th. Grand display of Firo Wot Its in the Public Square. Trains Will Leave Wilcox aud St. Marys in the Morning in tho Eveuiug after the Display of Fireworks. JJy Order of the Committee of Ar raonements. D. C. OYSTER. ChiefMarsl.nl. The JSruokiillc Republican says:- Jos Foster and Wiilium Austin, whose arrest for bur':laiv e noticed in our last issue, seem to have plenty of busi ness ou bands. Mr Welluian whose store was broken in, and in which was the Post office, made information before U. S CommisMoticr, W F Stewart, Esq., ou a charge of rubbing I ho Post ofliee aud a warrant was issued and placed io sistaut Marshal, W 0 Smith's hands, who made a Uemuod lor the prisoners upon Sheriff U;irt, but that uilicial did not deliver tliem into iu& custody. We undcisiuui that a war rant br their arrest on a charge ol horse stealing, from Elk county, has also been received, as w-.'.il us one from Clar ion county on a cbiirve of burglary. They have been extensively engaged in their nefarious bu.-iuess, nnd it will re- juite the cxeteikO of the Shcritl'e watchfulness to keep them in baud un til September term of of court. A Sewing Machine is nn absolute ue3eisity lit every family. In making a selectiou do nut fail to examine the Wilson Shuttle. 'J his uiachino is meeting with unpiecede tiled success, being o!d at a less price than any other first-class machine, uud at tho same time combining to a greater degree all the essentials of a family machine. Machines will be delivered at any lluil- road, station this county, freo ol transportation charges, if ordered through the Company's Branch House at 327 and o20 Superior fct. Cleveland Ohio. They seud an elegant catalogue aud cbrouio circular fieeon application. 11ns Company want a tew more good agents. A. Cummings, llidgway Elk Co.. Pa. is the agent of the Com puny at this place to whom all orders should be addressed. CoRCNEas Inquest. Au inquest was held on the body of ,lMikey" Smith, at Driftwood, terminating ou Tuesday of this week. It seems that Smith was at a Suloou kept by a widow in Driftwood wheu he was attacked by Chas. 13rovu, bar tender, and one Mc Kay, nnd severely punished. Smith was found next morning in a lane where he had passed tho night, and ta ken to Heuezette. Smith died in the course of three or feur days, aud was buried After the iuteimeut, the authorities hud the body taken up, and the inquest held. The coroner found that his death was caused by the in juies received, and Brown was ai rested, aud is now in the jail at this place. McKay has not yet been arrested. He is a dangerous charaoter and it is hoped he will be captured. He was ' recently released from the Clinton county prisoo where ho ba been incarcerated nearly a year lor btabbing young Swope, at Iienovo the paticulars of which are fresh in tho minds of our readers. Cvmeron 1'resH. Chicago coal dealers have fixed the piice of anthracite coul for the summer at id 50 for nut range aud 'J for other ranges. Mr. Suelling, of Pennsylvania, has been appointed Deputy Commissioner ol Customs, the appoiutuient to take effect July l. It costs six million do'lars a year to pay the salaries ol tbe preachers, and ten millions a year to support the dogs in this country. STATE K0TE3 The woods in Venango oouoty are on firo in various places. Mad dogs are said to be numerous lo the eastern end of the state. It is stated that Carlisle barracks are being put in order for the icccption of troops. There is at Mahanoy Cily a four legged duck, tho extra pair growing out under the wings. Rending claims to consume 300,000 pounds ol coffee aud 15,000 pounds of tea every year. The big elephant in Fnirmount park zoological garden, Philadelphia, is said to be 130 years old. Lock Haven has contributed to the Oseeola suffers, $1,293,75, tu merchan dize aud money There aro 344 Masonic Rluo Lodges in Pennsylvania with a Master Mason membership of 34,772. Jesse Jones, colored, of West Vin cent towushiD. Chester county, died ou the 29ih ult , at the alleged age ol 110 years. Woik iu the Reading railroad shops is going ou about as it uta oeiore tne su-vpcn.-iion, About l.rfuit men are em ployed tno majority of them woikiug teu hours a day. A Philadelphia iude comments oo tho tact that there aie 7,000 drinking saloons iu that city, and uo more than u third of them pay no license. Mr Johu Rrickcr, of Gregg township uuiun count y is the possessor of a tur key which has four perlectly formed ie::s. lour wmas, two tails auu out one ueud. Gov. llartrarjft has appointed Hon John P. Wiekersham. for a number ol yeais State Superiutenuout ot Common Schools, the hist buperiutcntieiit ot Public luiiti uctiou under the new Con stitution. The-jury in tho case of Dr. A Gib son Malum, at Philadelphia, charged with malpractice tu causiug the death of Mis. Amelia C. Desliver, rendered a verdict of guilty, and he has been sen teticed to seven years imprisonment. An Indiana man recently opeued ooe of the hollow wooduu pillars euuporliug Ins porch, nud. to his uticr astonishment, fDuud within the remains of more than lour hundred dead Liids. '1 hey. had made an entrance through a smail hole at the top of the pillar, uud were uuablu lo eoapc. Juo. C. Plaucganjof Restraver towu ship Westmoreland county, sheared 617 pounds wool liom 79 sheep. Johu Kankine ot the same township; sheared 103 pounds from 8 sheep. Mr Raukin sheard 441 pounds wool from 84 last year's Ivinbc. Sheep and wool raising is profitable if persous attend to the business promptly. The Pottsville Minors' Jmirtn.il has iu opratiou a gas generator called a "l'enu sylvanin coal gas machine" which makes Iruni biluuiiiiious coul at a cost not exceeding eignty tents per thousand feet. The invcutioii is editorially en doistd by tho Journal after several moiiihs' trial as the if phi ultra of es eelleuce and is certainly worth the at- len.ion of the geneial public. comparison of the last report of the coal tonnage of the Pennsylvania railroad with that of the Laltimore and Ohio railroad is interesting as showiu;; how verv much greater is the amount ut coul transported by the former than the- ci u.ntity t-ariicd by the latter liuiiuir lust week the IJaltiiuote aud Ohio cosi.paoy curried 33 294 tons ol cuid, uud during the present year 602, 997 toii3. Puriui; the week the Penn sylvania company transported fiSjilo inns of eoal and 8,GSG tons of eoke, and during the year ,2Uj,7u7 tons ot coul and coke. Florence M Bingham, nn old and ac live lumberman, died suddenly at his home, OiJo North 11th Street on lliurs day niiiht, the 10th itist., UL'id about G) years. Mr. Bingham had been con neoted with the fcu."(uehanua lumber trade ever sidcj ho ivus 10 vears 0! age, and was well aud favorably kuowu to ..it .I.,, l.i..., I.. tl.ta .Anli.ni 'I K rt norpo nt , . , , -,, . ,.!' ill UI.UIVI.1 IU llllO ObbllUll. n.s iieain w.ii oo sua intelligence 10 many oi our readers, some ot whom had implicit coiiudenee in his integrity aim i tul. tini nt in limlii-r nfljiiiR. It is re- j -- . . ported that his ectate is worth not less than oue milliou dollars. He leaves a wile, but co child reu. Cluirfield Re- publican. On Saturday last, about 10 o'clock, the Ikillant Oil llefinery of Messrs Lockhott D Frew, located at egley's Hun, lbth W ard, rittsburuh. was des troyed by fire. The los is estimated at 5,00075,000 barrels of oil were consumed. Insurance about $100,000 The fire originated in one of the stills cotitaiuiuir about 5,000 gallons of pr.rtiaily distilled oil, ami locuted near tbe centre ot the remaining tanks. It is thought the tire had its origin from a sheet of tras which' extended into the atmot-phere nearly to the buildings con taiinti" the machinery. Others think that possibly a snaik from the stacks may have lighted on the still and thus hred t he oil. Ihis, however, is mere speculation, as the origin is not definitely known. Philadelphia is to have nn untisal dis play tf pyrotechnics afr the approaching bourtb ot July Among the larger tlis ay pieces will baa representation ol the Goddess of Liberty mounted upon a pedestal, the figure to to sixteen leet hijib. For mit)'' an arch over tbe head will be, in letters ot liie, the passage: Proclaim liberty throughout the land, unto all the inhabitants thrrcut. Above the arch will be a representation ot the old Independence bell surmouo ted by an eacle, and over all, the Ameri can liuir. The heicht of this design will be sixty feel. To the right of the central design will be displayed trie arms of tbe etate of Pennsylvania, with the legend, "1776, Ceutennial, 187G." Arched over them, and to the left, ot a similar size, the arms of the city ot Philadelphia, with M177u, - ludepeo dence, 1816" over them. The width of the whole design will be about two hundred leet. The town of Wilkesbarrc, Pa is eradually getting into the q'ticksands that underlie it ihe recoiu ol the times estimates that in tho brief period of 8,900,000 years it will sink below the surface ot tne eann The co-operative iron nnd steel works havo been running Readily for the past two weeks nnd ore the ouly irou works at present in operation in town. They have been turning oat some ot tno pret tiest rails ever made iu Danville. Tho next state fair will doubtless be held at Lancaster, that, city having of fered the best inducements to the com mittee appointed by the state anricttl- tural society lo select n site. Yesterday a dispatch was received from Lancaster that tho necessary additional ground lo tho property ot the agricultural associa tion of that city had been obtained five acres for tho accommodation of stock and the display of farming and other implements, llie stale committee on site made this one ot the conditions precedent to locating 'the fair at that point, and the requirement having been fulfilled the exhibition will in all pro bability go thero. The Lancaster, L'.rprc t says: A lad named Funk, aged lourteen years, re siding with his parents on Low street. tins city, uiet wiiu a horrible aoeident the other day. He was running through one of the cotton mills, with a flat tin whistle, aim st square- in form between his lips, wheu by some means tho instru ment slipped into his throat aud lodged there, lie cimld not lorce it back, but after a good deal ot effort gulped it down a considerable distance, whero it lodged causing tho must intense suf fering. He was taken homo and Dr. Warren was summoned. Ho applied all the remedies usual in cases of the kind, but up to last uceounts without producing any effect. A final resort was had to walking the lad n.pidly up and down, but this also failed to pro duce the desired effect, and but litlle hope is entertained for the lad's recov ery. CENTENNIAL V I 8 I T U li 8 WIIEIIE THE1' WILL COME FUOM Now, as to tho sight-seers, ex-Governor JJi-ilcr says that the ma'.ier has lec-civtd the careful attention of the Hoard of I'iuiince, and the number of visiiois, placed at tho prutab'e min imum, is estimated at 3,01111,0110. In the main exhibition building alone thero will be tweuty miles of avenue, more spate thau most victors would care to cover in oue day. In addition to the main building will be the many ether attractive adjuncts to bring the visitor on tho grounds for moro than one iky, Au important qui s'ion, then. is, llow often will he come? The gen tlemen who have studied the problem sav at least three times. Ihree entire.- for J!, 000,000 people gives a total ot 0,000,000 onirics, which ex-i lovertior Ligler thinks a moderate estimate. A reliable firm, with extensive European connections, is already in receipt ot ad vices which lead to the belief that all Europe will be represented by at least oOO.OiiO pci-plo. J he greater part of these will dime from (jreat Jmtuin and (lermanv; it is difficult to say which will send the larger number. This leaves 2,oOO,000 to be drawn Irom the Stales and Territories, nearlv ail ol wnicli havo given very promising ai- suiaiices The commissioners think however, that the rrqdi.-ite number cm elud upon without goin veiy far in any direction. Taking" Philadelphia as a focus, there arc, wr.hiu a radius of 2.')0 miies, 12,000,000 of people, allow ing fi'0 members to each faicily; should euch send a representative there will be 400,000 visitors from near-by-points leaving 100,000 to come from outside the limits named The commissioners c-stimato iiO.OOO us the average daily attendance. Millinery goods, hair goods, Jewelry l'ancy goods, notions, Ladies and c-lii drens cloaks. dtCRscs and undergarments whole-ale and retail at MAY ct' tIL VEKMAN, Williamsport IV Eenczetie Auditor's Settlement .1 inurirur, uillic it'll, loci T1-, T .11.1 ,n Settlement whh Treasurer and Collector for lne year 175, William B. Jordan ai lollows: WILLIAM K JORDAN DR. To amount of duplicate $1128 82 " " res'd from county treasurer 000 00 To amount from former treasurer titf OS To am't Btate appro. U7 Oil $:iSS9 o' WILLIAM 11. JORLO.-J CR. liy orders redeemed and canceled $3!01 2-i Ey extra orders redeemed and canceled By percentage on dupli cate collected $ oliti O'i (ij 7 per cent My percentage on nn't from couuiy treasurer 2000 ('; 2 per cent. liy percentage ou ain't from for. trcas. 804 OS J?y percentage on State appropriation i'J7 O'J (a, 2 percent. 15y percentage ou extn- 15 00 43 5-2 52 00 1 37 1 U4 2:1 37 eiutions 53420 78 Palance on duplicate not collected $40U 81. We do hereby certify that the above settlement is correct beiug approved by the auditors. C. II. VINSLOW.X AllJilor3 JULIUS JONKS, J AllUllr3' GEOEGE T. KUTIItOCK, Sco'y. nl8i3 We notice on Towell & Kimo's plat form an assortment of those celcbiated Gowanda l'lows, Cultivators &c. Wedding and mouintu outfits for ladies at MAY & SILVKllMAN'S Williamspott Pa. A larue lot of Parasols. J.udies lies Handkerchiefs, Hosiery aid Gloves Trunks aud Satchels at M4T dl' tlL VEKMAN'S Vil!huupi,rt Pa- . t, 0. ) , BAIL EX, ATTORNEY-AT'LAW. vltuol. Ridgway, Elk County, P. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acc) dent Insurance Co., of 11 art fol d, Couu. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ONE HUNCHED DDLLA&3 REWARD. I will give the above reward for the ar rest and conviction of the parties, if they are responsible when convicted for seven thousand five hundred dollars, who cut and conveyed about fifty acres of my timber from my premises in Elk county, l'a., Fon township, warrant 40H7, or for the confed erate if he In alike responsible. tf.lZA BEi'lI II. rouivroN. Dnnboro, liuoks Co., Pa., May U4, 1875. Valuahh and EesiraUo Tropcrt? for Sals. rIIb! subscriber offers lor falo tho JL property now occupied by him ns a rc.iidoncc iu the village of Ridgway, Elk county. Pa. The lot is pleasantly shunted upon Depot street audoontnins 10,0'H) fret. Upon it is erected a first class TWO-AND-A-HALF SIOKY DWELLING HOUSE," 24x"l! feet, wilh addition 1 (s24 lect; a Conl Ilofse, Ice House, Chicken Ileuse and Ibirn. There is upon the premises n Commodious (Jarden, whicn is well stocked with Fruit Trees in, bearing condition, nnd contains llii'-pberry, lilackberry, Cur rant and Asparagus Beds, l or terms, &c,. address. . EDWARD SOUTHER, jelO-tf Ridgway, Elk Co , Pa. LIST OK VENDERS OF MERCHAN DISE IN ELK COL' NT if, PA. Following is the report of tho Mercantile Appraiser of Elk County for the year 1875: venaers ol uercnanaiso FT MARY a noBOlOH. Class. Sales. Tit. Joseph Wilhi.'lm Adolph Fochtmau .1 Walker & Son Wois Unit her L li Ccok Gilford Hall & Co $;!0 IKK) ?'25 Oil 12 10 COO 12 30 J 'J 11 1-1 10 2 OHO 1') ( r, i it) 20 O'JO 20 O'l 15 Oil 10 (HI 20 00 W cidentocrner Sa Witt man 11 8 000 - 1 0 'HI Cburli'S Luhr 1 1 Coryell & Rush !' lo 000 30 000 0 01 10 tl 000 4 000 il not 10 (HIO 4 0 10 1 OKI 4 000 4 OHO 4 ooo -1 (KM 5 0:tO 8 00!) 4 000 4 000 lo ( 0 20 00 10 00 10 00 Ueo II Uarncr i ' Charles M'Vean 1:1 Joseph Wilhelin 14 7 Oo 10 0 1 12 50 7 00 7 oo 7 oo 7 (10 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 oo 7 00 25 00 10 oo 7 00 7 00 1 5 00 12 50 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 20 00 F L Snceriuger ) :J E Weidetihocrucr 12 William Sp.itfor-1 1 4 Edward M Bride . 1 1 Charles Holes 14 Charles Miller 11 LCllacvcr 14 M C Hul sch 14 J Sosenoeinier & Tuvlor 1:1 Alois Loetlcr ' 1 1 Mrs Miehael M Nally 14 W J lilakely 14 niimwuv township. W II Ostcruout 0 30 00:) M'Oloin ,t M'Uvchnu 13 0 000 W C llealy 14 4 ooo J V lloiilc 11 " 4 000 Oram & llorlou 1 1 15 OOO J II llui'iTiy 12 10 OOO Mrs A l.uhlman 1 1 3 000 Hyde K funis 13 t) 000 (i li Me-f ci g..r J3 0 000 L A llrci.dM 1 4 4 III..0 t'u m i,i i ti ij a 1 4 4 000 W 8 S-.Tvh-e 13 0 000 Powell .4 Kiiuo 10 2o 0'Hi Chan cm llolei 1 1 4 OOO 7 00 7 00 7 oo 7 00 25 00 It 1 Camplicll 14 4 000 S Puwi'l! 14 4 OOO 1' S Hartley I t 4 000 S W 11 ilvdo 0 3) 000 liklM esh 14 4 OOO 7 OO 7 00 It 1 Robinson 14 4 000 KoX TOMVSIIU' Michael Mi.hau 13 0 000 I) A Pomious 11 4 000 Koch t-'on JO 2o Ooo 11 Slrasslcy 1 1 4 000 10 00 7 00 20 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 I .1 l ay lor 1 I J UOO Koch Etnz 1 I i 000 Jacob M Cu'iicy 1 4 1 OOO Johu M'.Mahan 14 2 000 7 CO 7 00 7 00 12 50 llt.NI ZEITK TOWJisulP. Miles Dent, VY K John.1011 14 12 1 1 13 4 OOO o o:o 4 ooo !l I 00 4 000 Wii.siow Pros Pleicher Cms 7 00 10 00 7 00 Juhu Van Vjlkenhuig 14 J.Y ToiVXMIU' E II Dixon 1 i 4 ooo 7 00 Avery Hi own 13 y 000 10 00 hoiito.n Township I-'arariu Cuneo 11 4 000 7 00 Mrs S V VYilooxitt lm'r I 13 V I 0 I 10 00 J e Hyde 11 7 (00 10 00 MIU.STONK TCWNSUIP Moore Pi 09. 14 2 0,M 7 00 JO.NKS TOWNSHIP A T AUlrich 12 12 000 12 50 Tunning Luuiher Co 0 05 000 50 00 J C Malone lo 3.000 7 00 .Martin Sowers 14 3 OOO 7 00 Restaurants and Eatise; Houses, ST MAI1V S. .1 T He in lol 8 800 5 00 Anton Shauers H fH'O 6 00 Charles Glaus-man S ooo 6 oo ij P Cook 8 GOO 6 00 Jacob K rut's' H GOO 5 00 William Gies 7 1 000 10 00 Ceo Schaul 8 800 5 00 nuiuwA v. James Mnginnia H 600 6 00 rox Andrew llau 8 800 5 00 UBXLULTrB John Daily 8 e(0 6 00 Brcwor3 ST. MAUVB. Joseph VYindfelder 8 6 OOO 12 60 Wiliiiuu Gies 8 5 000 12 50 Lawrence Vogcl 8 o OOO 12 50 IiKNZINGIlll. I'X Sorg js 5 ooo 12 50 rox Andrew llau 8 5 COO 12 o0 EilUari Hills, bT. MA11V S J F Wiudfeldcr MUUWAY C 11 Rhiies James Maginuis JONES A C Allen 2 tables 40 00 il " 50 OO 3 50 00 1 " 30 00 An appeal will be held at Ihe residence nf Albert Weis, St Marys, Pa., on Monday, June 28ih, 1875, where you, feeling aggrieved by said assessment, can have ueh redress us the law provides. Respect lully, ALPERT WEIS, jc8-lt Mercantile Appraiser. ELK LODGE, A. V. M. The staled meetings of Elk Lolge, No. K79, are held at their hall, corner of Main aud Depot streets, on the second bud fouilh 1'uesdays of each month- W. C. J1EALY, Sec'y. AGENTS WANTED, TO SELL The Political, Personal, and Properly Rights a Citizen, Of the I nued Slates Iloio to extreme liow to perserve them. By Thtophilut sons, LL. D. Containing a ermn enlnry on the oral and 8iiite Constitutions, giving History ana origin, ana a full eiplauntioii of their principles, purposes and piovis ions; the pow rs and duties of Public Offi cers; the rights of the people, and the obligations incurred iu every relation of life; also, parliamentary rules for delibera tive bodies; nd full directions and legal forma for ill business transactions, as Bak ing Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, leases, Notes, Drafts, Contracts, clo. A Law Library in single volume. It meets the wants of all elates and sells to everybody. JONES PR01HERS & CO., Phil. Pa. BUSINESS CARDS. O. A. JiATIJBUM, Altorney-at-Uw, Ridgway, Va. 2 2 tf. JiL'FUS LUOOJtE, Allorney-t-Law Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Offio in Hall's new Prick lluilding. Cluimi for collection promptly attended to. v3nl ly. II ALL M' t'Al'LEl", Attorneysat- Lw. Office in New Urick Building, Maim 61 Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf. JAMES D. FI LLER TON; Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Itigwny, oilers his professional ser vices to tho citizens of Ridgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted. Office In Service it Wheeler's Pudding, up stairs, tirst. door lo tho left, 73-n-82-ly CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main ttriet, llidirwnv, Pa. Agent for tb Howe Sewing Machine, ud Morton Gol Pen. Repairing Watches, cle, do with ho same noourncy ns heretofore. Sati action guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER, Pruccist and Paraceutist, Jf. YV. eorne of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. lull assortment ot carctully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vlu3y T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon. Ollico in Drug Store, corner Proad and Main Sts, Residence corner Proad St. opposite the College. Olhce hourj from S 10 10 A. M. aud from 7 to 8 P. 21. vlnJyl. J. S. BURD WELL, M. I)., Kslcclio Physician and Surgeon, has remov edjiis oliice from Centre sueet, to Main St. Ridgway, Pa,, in the second story of ihe new brick building of Johu G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store, (jliieo hours: 6 to 9 a- ia; 1 to 2 p. m. 7 jau D 73 HYDE HOUSE, Riuowav, Elk Co., Ta. W. II. SC1J II AM, Proprietor. Thankful fur tho patronage heretofore ho liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and couvenienoe ot guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct SO BUCK TAIL LOUSE, Kane, McKean C F. R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful lor the patronage huietofoie libeially bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by payiug strict attention to the coiutort nud convenience of gue-Bte. to merit a continuance of the eauie. The ouly stables for horses in Kane and well kepi night, or day. Hall utlucbed to lh Holol. vln23yl. KERSEY HOUSE, Cb.NTKEVlM.K, LK Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful lor the patronage heretolor so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenieno of guests, l -mcni a continuance of the same. J'. Y. HAYS, PUALEu IN Goods, Motions, Groceries Dry and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Eurltu P. O. vlu47if. RAILROADS- riiNNSYLVANlA HAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON audafter MONDAY, MAY 21, 1875, the trains ou the Philadelphia k 1.1-ie Railroad will run as follows: wkstwaru. KANE ACCOM leaves Renovo.... 4 35 p m 5 55 p m 0 65 p iu 7 65 p iu 8 25 p m lJ 05 p m ' DriitA'ood., ' " " Emporium " " " St .Marys... " " " Ridgway... " ' " Wilco air at Kuce.. U 30 p ui ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m ncnovo 1 1 Uo a ut " " " Emporium 1 10 p ui St. Mary's 2 00 p u " Ridgway 2 25 p ut " Wiloox 2 58 p in " arme ut Erie 7 6l u m EASTWARD. RENOYO ACCOM leaves Kane... 8 00 a in " " Wilcox 8 33 a m Ridgway J ;!6 a in 8'. Marys 10 01 a m " " Emporium 11 06 am anil Par Fed Driti wood 12 15 p m " Eenovo 1 40 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Erie W.'M a m " " " Kaue 8 45 p m I' " " Wilcox 4 08 p in " " ' Ridgway 4.45 p ia ' Bt. iwury' 6.10 p in " " " Emporium 6.06 p at " " " Renovo 8.25 p m " arr. at Philadephia... 6.50 m Renovo Aocom and Kane Accom ceaaeot east and west at Enst vtiili Low Qrad Di vmion and b N Y & P U R WM. A. .BALDWIN. tien'l Sup't. their