The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 29, 1875, Image 4

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Mr.ltrnl Mint..
Uoiled Floitr pob Invalids. Take a
pound of fine flour nml tie it in a linen
cloth, as tightnspoHnihlo; after frequently
dipping it in cold wntcr, drodgo the out
Bnlo with flour till a erunt is formed
round it, wliich will prevout the water
soaking into it while boiliuff. Then boil
it until it becomes a hard, dry mans.
Grate two or throo spoonfuls of this and
prepnro it os you would arrow-root, for
which it is au excellent substitute.
Headache. The administration of
n brisk purgative, or a small dose of Ep
som salts, twice a day, is a most effectual
remedy for frontal hwulaehe when com
bined with constipation-, but if the
bowels be regular, the morbid processes
on which it depends seem to be checked,
and tho headache removed more en'octu
ally by nitrohydrochyrio acid or by al
kalies, giv n before meals. If the head
ache bo immediately above tho eyebrows
the acid is best; but if it bo a little
higher up, just where the hair begins,
the alkalies nppenr to be moro effectual.
At the samo time that the headache is
romoicd, tho feeling of sleepiuess and
weariness which frequently loads the
patients to complain that they rise up
more tired than they lie down, generally
Chilly Sleeping Rooms. An errone
ous idea seoiiis to prevail m regard to
the healthfulness of our sleeping apart
ments. It is often asserted that they
should be cold in order to bo healthy.
In alludiuj to this a medical journal
states that a moderato amount of heat is
needed in winter timo. There is no ad
vantage in going to bed in a cold room,
nor in sleeping in a cold room, nor iu
getting up and dressing in a cold room.
Persons may survive it; may have lost
health by it. To have the chill
the air on going to bed, and when dress
ing, is comfortable and healthful. A
room under forty-five degrees is a cold
room for a sleeping apartment, and
sleeping in an indoor atmosphere lower
than that is always hurtful and positively
pernicious, for the simple reason that
such a temperature causes the carbonic
acul gas of a sleeping apartment to con
dense and settlo in tho lower part of the
room, where it is breathed into the
luugs, with all its pernicious results.
Farm Hint.
A hog should never be fattened for
food without being fed on charcoal to
purify the meat. It is on assertion.
tnat with plenty of salt and charcoal hogs
would never be affected with cholera and
In a portion of Denmark, where one
fifth of tho land is cultivated to clover,
the vitality of the seed is tested by
placing a quantity on a knife blade, and
heating it over a lighted candle. The
good seed will pop open and pop off,
while the worthless remains and carbon
izes on the blade.
A Missouri farmer, while admitting the
value of other grasses aud clover, thinks
red top is the best grass for summer pas
turage. He claims that it will stand
drought better than blue grass. It is
well adapted to tenacious clay soils, and
will thrive on wet lauds better than most
E. S. Dyer, of Vermont, says he once
raised thirty-two pounds of Early Kose
potatoes from four ounces of seed, but
itinWea mnmu' extl'agantly, spading
How to Work.
The American Aarieiilfuriut antra. Ac
order is kept by having a place for every
thing, and keeping everything in its
place, so work succeeds best when it is
rightly done, and at the right time.
I here is a best and a worst way of doing
everything, and a best and a worst time
for doing it. One who has well consid
ered his season's work and has a list of
all that has to be done will go right; one
labor will succeed another with regu
larity, and each will bo well dope. Every
ob should tell. There should be no
making holes aud filling them up again
on a farm, no hand-work where machines
can bo used ; no small weedsloft to grow
large ; no manure kept wasting by the
ram or baked in the sun while crops are
starring for it ; no work done twice over;
110 cattle starved or allowed to suffer and
fail, to bo restored at a greater cost than
they are worth; everything should bo
ahead, and work must be driven and not
allowed to drive. The head must guido
tho hands always.
IIoiiNclioliI Hint.
To Remove Paint from Clothino.
Equal parts of turpentine aud spirits of
ammonia will take out tl
from any kind of clothing, no matter
how old and dry and hard it may be.
Haturato tho spot with the liquid, per
haps two or three times, till the paint is
Bof t, then wash out all with soap suds.
Con; Cakes "Without Eggs. Three
cups of buttermilk, three of corn meal,
one of wheat flour, one tablespoonful of
salt, two of sugar, one level of soda;
dissolve the last three ingredients in
water, stir all together; if the meal swells
too much to spread nicely, add more
Graham Muffins. Three pints of
flour, half a teacup of sugar, the same of
shortening, a teaspoonful of saleratus,
two teaspoonfuls cream lartar, salt to
taste; rub all together with the hands;
moisten with cold water; bake in muffin
lings half an hour in a hot oven.
Dreary Homea.
Of all the drenrv nlnnnn ,IoU
- j i' wv.M v un iiuju
tno dreary farm-houses rhin1i an nmnw
peoplo call "homo." Bars for a front
gate; chickens wallowing before the
door; pig-pens elbowing the house in the
rear; scraggy trees never cared for. or
ijlf ra itt uu; no noworiug shrubs, no
neatness, no trimness. And vet a Wn
and trees, and a neat walk, a pleasant
jjuii-u iiu u juuin ience in iront do not
cost a great deal. They can be secured
little by littlo at odd times, and the ex
pense naruiy leit. And if ever the time
comes when it is best to sell tho furm,
fifty dollars so invested will often bring
back five hundred. For the men 'are
rare that have money to invest in forms
v uo ure luseusiuio to pleasant surround
ings and the inducement they offer to
nue uuu cuuiiren.
On tho Stand.
A correspondent, describing the ap
pearance of the Rev. Henry Ward
Beeiher on the witness stand, says : At
times his deep bass intonation resounded
over the court, then the emphatio voice
quivered with pathos, then it trembled
and broke with emotion; again, he
mimiced the pompous theatricality of
Tiltou, and so ho reproduced all the
varied styles of the characters who ap
peared in their different modes. He
tore up a scrap of paper and flung it on
the floor to illustrate how Tilton had
torn and dashed down the so-called con
fession of his wife. He fumbled in his
pocket to show how Moulton once fum
bled for a key. He crossed his arms to
nhow how Mrs. Tilton lay in hod, and so
Fighting a Tarantnla.
A dog is the hunter's usual companion
but in tropical countries a sportsman
finds use for cats, it seems, and for
something beyond rat-catching, too.
I had a pair of jet black, yellow eyed
cats, twin brothers, of vory large size,
wliich followed me whon I walked around
my grounds, and they usually accom
panied me when I hunted the Texan
hares on the adjacent mesquito prairio,
or when I angled in my fishing boat on
the Colorado river. They were very
much attached to me, and commonly sot
near or slept under my chair or table
when I was reading or writing.
They possessed unusual intelligence,
and I had taught them a variety of
amusing tricks. They were as useful to
me in my war upon the tarantulas, as a
pointer that I had was in my contest
with tho snakes, although the spiders
wore not bo numerous or dangerous as
the copperheads.
One day I was sitting in a passage
between two rooms of an unfinished
house, upon which the carpenters were
at work, carelessly leaning back against
the wall, reading while the cats were ly
ing near mo, on tho rockpavement wliich
formed the floor of the passage. Ono of
them sprang suddenly, and gave mo a
sharp blow upon the side of my knee,
which attracted my notice slightly; but
as they often did something of the sort
to induce me to lay aiido my book when
they wished me to give them water, or
to piay wmi tnem, 1 Uid not pay particu
lar attention to it, and resumed my
Soon one of them leaped three or four
feet in the air, and struck me on the
shoulder, aud instantly the other sprang
almost as high as my head, and knocked
a huge tarantula from the collar of my
coat, which fell heavily upon the pave
ment. It immediately "made battle"
by facing the cats aud raising its tyo
iorn legs at tnem, ana tiireateunig tliem
witii a uispiay ot its langs.
I did not interfere with the fioht.
knowing that the cats understood how
to conduct it. They quickly separated,
and one confronted the enemy, while
the other placed himself iu tho rear.
When the spider made a furious but in
effectual spring at the one which faced it,
tho other behind gave it a sharp pat upon
the head with its paw, which paralyzed
I then took it up with a pair of tongues,
and placed it upon the top of a conical
hill of the useful insectivorous yellow
ant of western Texas, wliich is very dif
ferent from the grazing ant, for which it
is often mistaken by ignorant or unob
serving peoplo, and which is a pest to
horticulture. Myriads of these insect
eaters soon covered the black, hairy
carcass, and disappeared,with it in their
subterranean vaults, where I suppose it
was added to their winter stores.
A Pumpkin Story.
A Paris market gardener had a patch
of pumpkins in his lot. He gave him
self little heed about his pumpkins, see
ing them thrive and swell day by day.
Last .September it occurred to him that
the fruit must be nearly ripe, and at
early morning he went to examine. The
first pumpkin startled him ; some hand
as patient as malignant had inscribed
upon it his opinion that M. Bernard, the
gardener, was, in fact, something wliich
no gentleman would desire to be. Dur
ing the pumpkin's tenderest ago of inno
cence had these words been traced, aud
they had grown with, its growth, retail
ing their calumny larger aud larger every
day. M. Bernard turned up another,
and found a like inscription. Every
pumpkin in the plot bore its libel. Fu
rious, the market gardener sought his
enemy and served him with a summons.
The caso caine on for trial, but there was
a want of proof. One of tho witnesses
cited, after listening attentively to tho
course of evidence, perceived on a sud
den what it was all about, and exclaimed,
innocently: "Why, it was I who
scratched the pumpkins." Promptly he
found himself in tho dock. Counsel for
the defense argued that there had been
no publication of tho libel, such as is
contemplated by the law. The court,
however, decided otherwise, since the
garden was proved to hare no hedge
auout it, aiui uie pumpkins had for
months exposed their calumnies to any
one who chanced to look at them. And
so tho engraver of vegetables was con
demned to iilO fine.
A Matrimonial Agreement.
The following copy of uu agreement,
prepared in 1810,- by a woman who
wanted to live happily with her trouble
some husband, is published in the Knox-
ville J'rena and Herald:
, You do solemnly swear that you never
will beat nor cus or abuse me without
grater provication than I have given you;
that you will not debar me from going
to see my connections and neighbors
when opportunity permits, nor them
from coming to my amusement or assis
tance in sickness nor health; that you
will not be against going with me to
meeting or for me to go on the same
terms.; that you will never throw up
what has been passed in angier; that you
will provide house room handy to water
and stay thare; that you will not move
me put of the settlement without I am
willing to go; that you will provide
things to work on au with; that you will
not treat me with the hard hip, flout or
wound my feelings as you have done,
but perform the duties of husband, uud
try for a living in peaco on all sides. I
do most solemnly swear that I will not
throw up what has been passed iu angier;
that I will not flout nor wound your
feelings without cause; that I will per
form the duty of a wife as far as health
au' reason will . admit. I will treat you
with kindness while you do me, and try
for a living in peace on all sides.
A Spell.
This spelling school furore has been
of great help to at least one Detroiter.
Ho has been courting a girl for three
years past and hadn't tho courage to
speak his mind. As they were seated on
the sofa the other night she referred to
tho spelling school excitement and added :
"Matrimony is an awful long word to
spell, isn't it ?" He leaned over, grasped
her hand, and the next morning ho had
arrangements made to be married on the
Fourth of July.
Correct. When a man hands an
editor an article for publication, and asks
him to " fix it up " because he " wrote
it in a hurry" and "hadn't time to re
vise it," you may know that he com
menced the article directly after supper,
and wrestled with it until midnight, re
writing it fourteen times, destroying a
quire of foolscap, 'and "blessed" his
pen every two minutes. That's the way
they generally write an article when
they are "in a hurry" and have "no
time to revise it."
The keeper of a Paris restaurant went.
into bis cellar, where he had a moment's
vertigo and fainted, and before he waa
OMooversa u vu uau eaten vp by rate,
tirma of Intrrrst from Home nnd jtbrond.
The Now York court of appeals has amended
the ruloe governing the admission of attorneys
at law in that court by adding tlioroto the fol
lowing! "Or furnlfh to tlie supreme conrt
other natinfactory evidence of fitness, oharacter,
and qualiflcations under tills rule." The
Repnblicani elected their city ticket!) in
Leavenworth and Topcka, Kaueas The
rcjioi t, ending with March, allows that the rate
of mortality of the white population of Wash
ington, D. C, was 19 84-100 por 1,000 per
annum, while the mortality of tho colored popu
lation was nearly 4!) per 1,000 for the name
period The longshoremen of Now York
have made another strike The collegiate
regatta will take place at Saratoga July 13th.
Fonrtoon crews will take part in it. Tho
freshmen race will be rowed on the 13th, and
the university race on the 14th The Demo
cratic majority iu tho Connecticut House of
KoprcseutativeB Is twenty-five j in the Senate,
nine By an explosion of giant powder iu
Han Francisco a number of peoplo were killed
by beuig buried in tho ruins of a building.
llorr Higl, editor of the utlra-montane Vare
land of Munich, who was recently sentenced to
imprisonment for publishing au article insult
ing to Trinco Bismarck, has been arrested by
the Austrian authorities on the application of
the German govommont Attachments
havo been made undor new suits agaiuat tho
property of Wm. 31. Tweed in New York
Oeu. Campos entered Ilipoll, Spain, after a
fight, iu which he lost forty killed and wounded.
The loss of the Carlists is not known Full
returns of the State election Iu llhode Island
gave the following vote: For Oovoruor, Hazard,
Independent Republican, 8,717, Lippitt, Regu
lar Republican, 8,841 j Cutler, Democrat, 6,169.
For Lieutenant-Governor, Day, Independent
Republican, 0,135; Pcisson, Regular Republi
can, 7,912: Pierce. Democrat. 5.121 Thn
flour, grain and commission houso of Howard
Huichman A Son, of Philadelphia, failed lately,
their liabilities being placed at $100,000
The total vote for Governor in Connecticut
was : 53,785 Democratic ; 44,301 Republican ;
2,809 rrohibition and fourteen scattering,
leaving a Democratic majority of 6.661. The
total vote for Congressmen in the State was :
61, 0U3 Democratic ; 47,311 Republican, and
1,909 rrohibition. The Democratic majority in
this vote is 1,867.
Michaol Sullivan was hanged at New Bruns
wick, N. J., for the murder of Dnuiel Talmadge,
an old man seventy-two years of ago. The
murderer secured about $270. Sullivan made
no confession and died with little evident pain.
The registry of births in Charlestown,
Mass., thows that Jesse Pomeroy, tho boy
murderer, now under sentence of death in
Biston, completod his fifteen year on the
twonty-uiuth day of November last The
employees of the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Railroad Company's coal mines voted
1,512 to 319 against a strike The employees
of all but one of tho collieries in the Bhamokin
(Pa ) region are on strike The town clerk
of South Chicago has refined to sign the cer
tificates of the candidates declared olected in
the recent municipal elections on the grounds
of wholesale corruption and ballot-box stuffing.
A number of houses were blown down
and five persons wore killed aud several others
wounded by a tornado near Little Rock, Ark.
About the same time a storm struck Texarkaua,
unroofing the public school building and fatally
wouudiug one child and slightly injuring
several others. Rain fell iu torrents......
Patrick O'Shea, who stabbed his wife on March
18, 1874, from tho effects of which she died
five days later, was hanged at St. Louis.
Nine buildings were destroyed by fire at
Greenville, Mass., and several persons were
badly injured by falling chimneys. The loss
li $59,000. . . .The rush of immigration to Ne
braska, Wyoming, Utah and tho Pacific coast,
this spring, is enormous, and continues without
abatement Gen. Crook and his soldiers
have received the thanks of the Arizona Legis
lature for their services in subduing the hordes
of hostile Indians that held the territory under
a reign of terror By the rise in the Misis-
tippi river at Minneapolis tho steamer Min
neapolis was wrecked, two railroad bridges
were destroyed, and several sawmill were sub
Merged A party of Mexican robbers
threatened au attack on Roma, Texas, but the
presence of troops caused thorn to retreat
The decrease iu tho mpply of coal sent from
the Pennsylvania mines so far this year is 910,-
258 tons A farmer named McKinzio, living
fivo milos from Greenville, 111., was murdered
in his bed, and then dragged to tho utable
and placed under the feet of a pair of mules.
His wife and son havo been arrested ou sus
picion of having committed the deed A
new disease has developed itself among horses
near Albany, N. y. Tho horse's breast and
forelegs are covered with lumps, which mutt
be painful, as the animal exhibits signs of
sickness and severe suffering President
Grant and his Cabinet participated in the cen
tennial celebrations in Lexington and Concoid,
An engagement has taken place between
government troops and tho Carlists near
Tolosa, the latter being defeated with a loss of
one hundred killed In answer to a question
as to what course the British government
would tako if the independence of Belgium
was threatened in consequence of her rojecticn
of Prussia's demands, Mr. Disraeli said that
there had been much exaggeration in this mat
ter, but if Belgian neutrality was threatened
England was prepared to d J her duty The
steamers Oceau and Fu-Sing collided at Shang
hai, and the latter sank immediately, causing
great loss of life Much damage has been
done by Hoods in Australia A party of
Mexicaus, returning from Texas with stolen
cattle in thou- possession, have been arrested
at Camargo The explosion of a boiler in
the gingham mills, at Bouth Adams, Maes.,
killed three men and fatally injured three
othera Gov. Hartranft, of Pennsylvania,
has signed the bill to repeal the local option
law Thaddeua Smith, a North Hadley,
Mass., fanner, has failed. His liabilities are
6150,000, aud his assets $101,000 Dan
Bryant, the noted minBtrel, died in such poor
circumstances that hia theatrical associates had
to contribute money for his burial.
The draft has been completed of a bill pro
hibiting religious orders iu Prussia except
those employed in nursing the sick The
cholera has appeared iu the province of Oude,
East India The Rothschilds have issued
the prospectus of a new Russian loan of A'l5,.
000,000, with interest at four and a half per
cent, por aunum, to be issued at ninety-two.
Disturbances still continue in Bolivia
and Buenos Ayres Sir Michael Hicks
Beach, Chiof Secretary for Ireland, stated iu
the House of Commons that the law in regard
to the bearing of arms iu Ireland would not in
terfere with the American riflemen who are
going there A government geologist left
Fort Laramie to make a survey of the Black
Hills Chas. D. Thompson was trying to
escape to England from the law, and an officer
having found him on the steamer, Thompson
shot himself Another insane man was ar
rested at the White House iu Washington
while looking for President Grant. A loaded
pistol waa found on his person. . . .The pleasuro
yacht Ella Anna, containing a party of eight
persons, capsized and sunk iu the harbor at
Cuarlewter, S. C, in a squall. Four of the party
were saved and four drowned The Jesuit
College at Buenos Ayres was burned by a mob
tad lavwraJ of tha priatta killed or woundtd.
Spllklns and tho Grangers,
Sortie- two months ago Mr. and Mrs.
Bpilkins, at the close of one of their
lively Masonic conversations, agreed
upon a compromise, which was that they
should both join the Grangers. Bpilkins,
however, with thot gallantry for which
he is so distinguished, and, as he said,
to prove his good faith in the matter,
proposed that Mrs. 8. shonld join first,
and nr that way become enabled in turn
to participate in his initiation. His wife
jumped at the idea, but stipulated, that
as it might be embarrassing for her to
go through alone, she would like to havo
her widowed sistar, Mrs. Stickwitz, join
the order with her, if possible. Bpilkins
readily acceded to this, aud shortly af
terward the two ladies' applio ition for
membership went in. In due time they
were elected and ordered to present
themselves for initiation. On that event
fid night the noblest side of Bpilkins'
character Bhone forth. He got supper,
washed tho dishes, put tho children to
bed, and sat up till two o'clock in the
morning, waiting for the ladies to get
home. When they did come an air of
awful mystery pervaded their de
meanor. Bpilkins didn't exactly like it.
ana thought it augured badly, but ho
kept still nnd waited his turn. A week
later, au ominous silence on the subject
having been meanwhile observed by
Mrs. S., Bpilkins mildly suggested that
now would bo a good time, so he thought,
to send in his . application. Mrs. 8.
looked at him and laughed. " It will be
1 1 no avail, Leandor," shereplied. "And
why not, my love?" inquired Bpilkins,
great drops of perspiration starting from
his brow as the situation faintly dawned
upon him; "why not, my love ?'" " Be
cause, sir," replied Mrs. Bpilkins, "Sis
ter Arr.minta and I will black-ball you.
sure as fate. " Then, for the first tinif ,
apuiuns discovered he unci been checL
mated. " Villain 1" continued Mrs. S.,
in a tragic voice, which made the family
eat seek safety in flight; "villain! at
lot I'm even with you. No lodge for
me no Grange for you. Btay home
henceforth from tho lodge and I stay
home from the grange. Continue your
horrrid weekly Masonic orgies and I
ft" Spilkius could hear uo more.
tie rusiied frantically from tho house.
upsetting Herodotus in his flight, and
alter remaining absent two days came
home, signed articles of surrender, and
iiusu i ueen io the lodge since.
Patent Medicines.
mat there are some good patent
medicines no intelligent man dare for a
moment deny; and pre-eminent is the
great California hero medicine, Vine
gar Bitters, discovered by Dr. J. Walker,
a prominent physician of San Francisco.
This medicine, olthouph called bitters,
is not to be classed pmoug the vile
"fancy drinks" recommended and
sold over the bar by rum-venders, but i3
a comuinauon oi pure herbalistic ax
tracts, known to possess sterling medi
cinal qualities, and is compounded with
out the use m any shape of spirits. Its
action upon the internal system is not
stimulating to the extent that alcoholic
poison is, but it at once attacks blood
impurities, and by removing the original
cause destroys the germs of disease and
invites returning health. Its action upon
tho stomach and liver renders it an al
most certain specific iu the most stub
born cases of dysp psia, and iu truth
imparts new lifo and vigor to the whole
system. It is one of the boat medicines
ever invented.
A wash that would usually take all day
wim uniiuury soap, can De done m three
hours, with Dobbins' Electric soap (made
by Cragin & Co., Philadelphia), and it
cannot injure tho finest fabric. Try it.
Imports nnd Exports.
Previous to the war the exnorts of tho
United States had, as a normal state of
things, exceeded the imports, the excess
on this. account during the ten years be
tween 1851 and 18G0 having amounted
to an average sum of 86,000,01)0 annually.
After the war the balance was largely
the other way the imports were in ex
cess of the exports. Iu tho five years,
1808-1872, inclusive, the excess amounted
on an average to 44.000,000 annually,
while in 1872 it grew to gl 10,000,000. "
Saved Litigation. "I have come,"
said a Scotch farmer to a neighbor laird
who was just dying, "I have come to
settle about that bit of laud." " Set
tled !" cried the old wrangler; "how
will you settlo't ? Your father conldua
settle't, and your grandfather eouldna
settlo't, aud the ' fifteen ' conldna set
tlo't, and how will you settlo't I" "Oh,"
said the rival claimant, "I'll let you
hwe it altogether." "But I'll not tak'
it," cried the stout old litigant, and turn
ed his face resolutely to tho wall.
Haud on Chicaoo. A St. Louis paper
sa -s : Storey, of the Chicago Thiirx, is
iu jail at last. That a man should havo
slandered almost everything and every
body of pure aud good repute for years,
and at last be sent to jail for what ho
said about a Chicago grand jury, re
minds us forcibly of one of those re
markable episodes of which we often
read, wherein a inan who has 'gone
through a dozen buttles unscathed is
at last kicked to death by a mule or
killed by a falling treo.
Theodore Thomas, of Thomas' or
chestra, than whom thcro is no higher
musical authority iu the world, says
there are no other cabinet or parlor or
gans equol to those mado by tho Mason
& Hamlin Organ Co., and that musicians
agree with him in this opinion.
Diphtheria. This fatal disease ap
pears to have been successfully coin
bated by Dr. Thomas Praugley, of Eng
land, by the local application of tincture
of iodine, to the strength of forty-eight
grains to the ounce, to every part of the
throat covered by the membrane at least
once in twenty-four hours; aud if the
larynx be invaded, the inhalation of
iodine vapor mixed with steam.
Well Done. A foolish person in the
gallery of the California Theatre, San
Francisco, the other evening, created a
panic by cryiug "File!" A bright
light shining in at the windows added
to the terror caused. The doorkeeper
barred his doors, and shouted : " There's
no danger! the fire is a mile away I
stand bock I" aud at length quelled the
There is fire in the eye of the tidy
housewife now, for spring cleaning is at
hand. But the "lord and master" wears
a dejected look. Ho minds him of
cheerless rooms and cold dinners.
Oppression after eating, headache,
nervous debility, are the effects of indigestion,
One, or two at most, of parsons' funjotive
Pilli will give immediate relief. Coin.
JohmoA g Anodyne Liniment may be
administered to children with perfect success,
iu cases of croup. whoopiDg oough, influenza,
and almost anv of ! Hiaouu ta ti,.
Lab!.-Con. . '
For All Female Complaints,
In ypung or old, married or single, at the dawn
or womanhood or the cliance of life. Dr.
Tierce's Favorite Prescription mnnifm-tB such
a positively remedial influence as to call forth
tno lomiest praie trnm au wno use it.
Mr. John A. Kimzey, druggist of Kncb
pouter, mo., writes bb follows i
"pr. Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Fir Your
medicines sen netter tnan any other 1 keen.
and give nniversal satisfaction. The people
are especially dolighted with your Favorite
Prescription, and it teems to be a favorite
among all that have ever used it." It is sold
ny druggists and dealer in medicine Com,
BcnNETT s Coooainh is tho best and
ohoopeut hair dressing in the world. Com.
A Hist to this Woukino Man. A
man with a fnniily. however poor ho may m,
owes it to Mh wife to mvn brr and
ru pnni.ii in every way poHciiiiii. I In linn no
riKht to allow tho timlher of his cliiMimi l,
wear her lifo out toiling with Imr tmndln Ui
cioine nor family. Ihn duty In to l,uy tl,n
Wilson Hlinttln irwiiig innrhlim, the bmt tniv
chino for family sun ini: mill ninininvlutitii pur
posos over invonlivl, and lm run liny thn WiImum
machine upon teiniH uliich ciml.ln lilm to nav
tt- i.. . i, i.. . ., .. . ' . J
" "i niiiHii iimimtiy lllHllllltmiiilF, lliht I
can sparo out or IiIh wagm without feeling lhi
drain. Ho will get. llii ri'by, a tniirhinn mpiihUi
of doing every variety of f.Miiily wniic in Ihn
most beautiful manner ; n miwhiim that even a
eniid can operate, and which will prove n tmr.
manent ramily blessing. Marhimm will he
delivered at any railroad station iu this county.
ireo of transportation rlinrgOH, tl ordered
throngh tho company's branch home at K27
aud 82!) Broad n ay, N Y. They send an cli-iranl
catalogue and chromo cireuliir fren on nppli-
ci'iupuny warn a lew more agents,
C !.
Cfl Jvolice advertisement of tho Zino
Collar Pad. Ihcy havo been thoroughly
esreu, mm me guarnnrco or this company is
Rood. Ask hardware dealers or harnOHB-makers
ror tnem. com.
Peruvian Syrup. This valuable
medicine has been iMleutly mailing its way into
pnDiio lavor oy the numerous remarkable
cures it has performed. Its Bingnlar eftioncy
is owing to tho protoxide of iron which in this
preparation remains unchanged, and is the
only form in which this vital clement of healthy
Llood can be supplied.- Com.
Out the best. The best
Pomeroy s, 744 Broadway, N.
Elastio Truss is
Y. Write for it
Are You Awahe that the Premoni
tomeh of OuNscMinoK are coughs, colds,
bronchitis, pains in the side and chest, difli
lultics of brearhiuR, etc ? If von permit these
symptoms to ruu ou tubercles will be the re
sult, and end in consumption. Now, if you
want to euro these diseases, use Allen's Lung
Balsam without delay. For sale by all medicine
dealers. Com.
I',mc.Y aiE A! V1-,,M YolT gooi.
I all tho modftfl of rirMinir thn hnmnn .nn.,lin.
and it kindrt'd niw?Rp, nono is'o ffticcespfiil aft the use
of lr. liA.Mil.UY'.H HOOT A.M 1IKHII
HIT! tits, Ihey not as a potent tonto and gentle
aperli'iit, uro mild In tholr (.uerutions, (wfe under any
citunnistiinceB, and thotiRnnda h'tve borne testimony to
the benefits tuny have derived from their use. They are
the sulxst and best sprint; and summer medicine yet
disoorered. lamily phjulcliins regularly prescilbe
diem. HKO. o. UOODWIN 4 UO., Boston,
WhnlntinlA Agents
'ln of lmpiirltiei of tho blood, nupcpiln, torpid Uer
The Markets.
Beef Cattle Prime to Extra Bullocks
Common to Good Texaua
io m 13
. 0D)tf 10
.50 00 (39) 00
. 08!,' t'8
. 10'aO lnft
. 05 u 17 V
. O:. 07J
,. ln.'itst lax
Milrh Cows
Hoks Live. m
Dressed , ,
Cotton Middling
Flour Kxtra Wcetern
Ktate Extra
Wheat Hod Western
No. 2 Spring
Rye Stato.
Barley State.... ,
Barley 5t:ilt
Oats Mixed Western
Corn Mix"d Western
Hay, per cwt
Straw, per cwt
O 43 (11 S iS
ft a
l ao
1 21
1 05
1 27
1 40
8 40
a l so
(4 1 92
& 1 05
1 38
(4 1 41)
9 16
O 1 (JS
(4 80
(323 M
ai4 oo
(iio no
(4 6 60
a 40
Hops 7is 8S38 olds
Pork Mess.
,21 (0
I'isU Mackerel No. 1,'uew..
" tio. a, new. ,
Dry Cod. wr cwt. . .
.. lfi
..13 00
. .10 00
.. 6 00
Heri-liipr, Scaled, per box..
Petroleum Crude ...7 ($7
Kenned, ll'i
28 (4 safe
viuui tjuu.oruia fleece....
TexiiB " ....
Australian " ....
Butter State
Western Tairy
Westwu Ycllo...,
Western Ordinary..
Pennsylvania Flue.
Cheese State Factory
" Skimmed... ,
(9 85
(4 2s, 4d.
05 (4
1 30
1 00
1 40
ft 2?
1 18
1 05
1 25
7 0i i
1 ,'1'J
1 II!
6 25
1 30
1 10
Eggs State.
Rye State....,
Corn Mixed. .
Barley Siute.,
Oats State...,
(4 1 30
( 1 CO
(4 92
(4 1 41
0 75
7 00
(4 1 IS
(4 7
14 70
(J 1 05
(4 1 40
; if
( 7 00
t 1 82
1 10
(4 9!
(4 70
1 4 outf
.a 6 on
14 1 30
(4 1 10
(4 91
(4 91
Wheat No. 2 Spring
Corn Mixed
Cotton Low Middlings
Flour Extra
Wheat lied Western. .....
Corn Vellow j".
Outs Mixed... J,
Flour Pennsylvania Extra
Wheat Western Ujd
Rye....-, "
Corn Yellow
Oats Mixed
Petroleum Crude ! !fli ji'ityliV
(4 70
Refined, 14
MnrcWvrkfiiS.- 4
llini.n.l VI I.',,,,,,, Hreid Prepara
tion. Oursalxaru lour-f'iM vhut
they Mere n year ok.,." All like it.
In II I ill, Neiidller 1- 4'o.,
Gntrrr. ,,.(.,, , Hava j;,,
your Sen Toiim for the punt thr.e
years with perfect sutinfactioatoall
who hiiveb.HiKhl it." "itsecmon.y
is wonderful; one ycttr'ti HaviiiKS wiU
liny a cow." Nemi for t'ircuhir Ui
': I'. 4XTZ oV !..
170 Ituitiit- St., NrwVorh.
OH AliENi'S in our li-n New
ovellies. Just out. Needed in
inrs irue ny inuil. l. H,
WHH1-: i IX)., Newark, N. J.
rv menu S.-imtilu nni ih-i.-
Don't (in Went. Fruit Farms. Eiis.ern Shore. Mary.
, , . l;'n,1''h,"'lV '.- " .' NewYork, U K. Nteamein.
Mild Winters Healthy l.'lnnnte. Schools and Churches.
Addrosafor Catalogue, J. C. Pi.hmmi. h. i;ambrid!e.Md.
In Actual Use :
Estey Organs!
" . ESTEY & CO.,
ttr Srun j-oa Illi-straito Cataloock,
The best. AU Colon. One Wafer
makes .1 nuuee. hauiple aud Circu-
IlirA m:ill..fl fur Hi iwnt. nr.)
DKFIANCK NKKDI.K CO ll.-.M llroHrlwnv. N V.
Dry KtPRiii dries lumber in 2 dnys; cures Cheese and
warms Houses cheap y H. G. Bl LKLtv, Cluvelaud, O.
Mill VAM'AHI.K IM'Olt.llATlON address
Jj. , M. HARRIS, Box J1.)0, Boston, Mass.
Dunham & Sons, Manufacturers,
warerooms, ia usi I4in Street,
Established igs4. Kew VOHX.
Slid for Illustrated Cirndur and Pric Lilt.
lafo liuaucial specula
tion. 0 OO sometimes
hrlnnftin fUJI e .
OS .X .1. 9 11I,UW, DWH
5 cents for Book fflin thn .- 'j ... ,
'.''""t Pin investment of the day. Address Box
lofta, New York.
can be obtained at
about one-half tha
usual rates by order.
Inji direct, him...-'
40 eta. per doi.i Wheeler Wilson, (lit cla.; Howe's!
60 ct. ; lirover dt Baker, 50 Ota. ; ana others In propor-
Iion. inclose the amount tad Aicedies wiU be returned
I rtl mail. Address,
vuiA.ii r, nrr oi.ts J,".,
titf Ureatlwar, fVw York
Uoston, 3VXas3.
These Standniul litttrument
Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere,
AgenU yTanted in E?ery Town.
Sold throughont tha Unltod State on the
That Is, on a System nf Monthly Payment.
rorciNfr shmi
11 i-fc for tlm RWfTft A Vftttir a OnOAlV.
! mil pftniriiiJini on ppilfmiiin.
MOKY IN IT Tit K ! .ftifit ont
A turn r.Unn'-m. A Inn.
ehsrt. C tilt 1ST I AN
4 . If A I f ',H, Is a pl'r'trl M success. I 'An
jlHitmH pfp SMm as N.-wVoik. Send
I;, I., K l: l;l(llil;MAN,.-, IWn
l-t 1" ,1 V , 1711 V. 4ih Sl.,(.ln.,().
MKuimaHLLll At!
('. ut town llih I'rlML
I hf Mfi, fl. '!.! t,rr M .
'frmttri'a mtffUh'm Uf tfv tf ht-t-lm Ufa
" uulm mimlm wmiem tvt IAm." Bright. I'tir
nil Ofarxl. II la tttP trtt tiw Wiii..i
wit, n,,uino wiiii w'n tnmt?i inr mti. ji i popular j'jrj
whan, llh v-ryUyily, ati'f auUrU ill otbr. hook tfirr
rmn, Miiiiil r t.v ' fW qwrrf it. i,rnimtnl wwnit
rrAt-nm it rlvaryrvwW vmU It i ami ay?tiU r rljnf
from 10 to 90 a 1y I tMli thmttrtwt nnw in pttI
want MOO tun trtrntV mjrnt .OH' tnrt or women ; Ti
wi will mail Onlfll Vrw to ttioie who wi'l cinvui, I,ti 5v
ttmptikU will) full part If ultra, term, f.r. mMfrr So
AiHmi A J. WoMTiimuioJf Co liutford. Cud'
Ohri;f)Ht il
-t .Inmin
In thn wiirld Importers' prlcM tare;
i if iv in A liiricn.-.LniilA airtfi'Ii4nlniLjM
- ri!ont wmt tiruft inr1 for Clrculnr to ROHKRT
VVKIiLS, 4 11 Vwwy Htmwt, Nnw Vnrk. P. O Tin t2Hl,
TJie Ways
of Women,
fc-Pror.J. V. C. SMITH, M.TMtfttw meat rtmttrtabU Wki
fvtr taautd from lh Ameriran pra, Pr, Hall lara. uEtt
Cbwtbb is a Rich hinb of inpoehation.1 The New York
th fiat." Dr. Moth, tha celebrated French pbyalclnn.gBya,
'KvinrrAOB ti wheat, thbciiapv in mibinV A prand op
pontinlty fr vp-tnu to innkn money WHY R1T STIl.L,com
pi. Inini ".mr l tlmnf Thii Wk will tail. Send for clrcuUnf
aril imss. Dt STIN, OILMAN A CO., Hartford. Cobb.
ed Vlsltlnif and Business Cards, the best in the world.
7 i mannincent samples to healn work with fent for SJS
cts. Address H. O. MANLKV, Fashionable Kngrarer,
310 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.
Established 1858.
Tt ATW Uinv ejumi .
rFriai toc i,1 a w . .
h t i ." 7. 1 r or sate
WOrlrl Tn linn rrin lir T- .
PAINT CO.. Mnnnft'iTn,, 9G CVHar St Now York
ieo that our name and trade mark are on each And
nvery iackago. tScud for a Circular.
lo f i l-Kii IM.V-Sflid for uiiromo
ataloKueJK BU jax)HI' SONS, Boston
A ."UO.Vni Afrents wanted every
"nsro. Business honorable and tlrst.
ii",'u-i.riril5,,!1."r.""?t fre8- Address
WORTH A CO.. St. louls. Mo.
This new Trans 1p worn
with prfot oomfor
nitzht and day. Adapt
itself to 67ery motion ol
tho body, rufAlnlns Rup
ture under the hard at
niereisa or aavniw-it strain
tint 11 porniantntl) cured.
Sold cheap liy the
Elastic Truss Co.,
No. (183 Itrondwny, N. Y. Cltr.
adsent hj maiLOiill orjidfor Oircnlar.and be onred
jSO fT PEIt HAYOomralsslon
?4f' . ,rr snd Kipeuces. We 0
If. Apply iioiy. (i. WRBBKR
offer it and will pn
A CO.. Marion . O.
Water Wheel
M n Selcrtril, 4 years airo. and put
to work In the Patent Oltice. Wash
inatton, D. C and has proved to be
the llent. I 0 sizes made. I'rll'e
"- Vi';",r it-r nrst-class
y Wheel. Pamphlet free.
r N. F. HtlHNHAM. Vnm P.
l'!j!,!!'.e'!..op .S'nsatlnnnl Stories In the
I'J.Ol'I.K'.H I.KIMJICll. H large psge.
months for only .() cents. A Special Agent wanted for
go-id Py. H. K. CUUTIS, Pulillslier, Boston. Muss.
:u wnom we Inrnl-h Advert nir f.icl ttlea and
lova R. R. Land Co.
Uaa (or sale 1,500,000 Acre of Rallmad Lauds in
the Middle Region of Westfrn Iowa.
than can be found elsewhere within tivniTnrinti v
KiaHttinppers. N arue. No ludians. Average credit
nrlce and ier acre. Start rich. ! Call or send
Untie L-omiiani's oflcs, !)2 Randolpb Street, Ohlcafto,
and obtain full Information and how to reach tho lauds
frfp. For maps and pamphlets, with prices and Urnis,
Bddr-s low Railroad lnd Co., CuicjiKti, or Cedar
Rapids, Iowa.
I. and i'liiiiinlwwloner.
Of the rrottii'Mf CnrtU you ever saw,
with ymir name handswmn-ly prtntd on
them, sent, poftt-paid, upon receipt of 20
cents. Your friends will nil want tbem
WllBn th(l- ion Viitira Arlilrau
U CANNON, AH kuefand Stroot, Huston, Masa.
The only Preparjitlon that
atIvhS nnrfiH't t
JLLiJ those wishing to raise Uuard
Mustache. Dm l.i KHMita Vlirnrlnn " nrntiArarl niilw
In FfirtJ. Knob I'aciniKe warranted and sent by mail ou
recH pt of k .)(. Sample" mailed for I 5 cto. Address
J. P. FRANKLIN. Solo Importer, .Jersey City, X. J.
, OK NTS. Chang; Cbanft sells ft sight Necessary as
. soap. Goods free. ChangChj uu M'f'g Co.. Boston,
Drtiirifiat will unt ui
a Proscription that any
th;it Is u PoNttivti Cure la
Ouluiu Kutimr nnd liruiikenneHS. Address.
i. r. WU.tilN. C.barkvtowD. Mom.
Q)0 A DAY. A cents wanted, male and female.
?WW Addifns Knreki M'f'ir l io.. Rnchanan. Mich
SO.h & month to agents everywhere. Addresi
A-Ull KXCKhSIOrtAri',(SCO.,Uuohanan,Mlcli
l!i SoldbyAKunttt. Address M. N. UtVFAA,, Krie.Pa.
Habit Cured
A cerluln and sin e cure, without tuconvenlence
and at home. An autiduto that stands purely on Iti
own merits. Bend for my quarterly magazine (U
coutt you nothing), contalnlnycertiacate of luindredi
have been permanently cured. I claim to bave
discovered and produced the first, obioihal aso
.. a. T. i i Li 1. 1 S , I.a Porte, Tnd.
ft A WKKK. Auents wanted everywhere. Fot
99 outfit liuc. 1'iUTCH A Valki:h, layUm, Ohio
2)A aud eipeuM-s a month to ageuts. Address
?Jmrf A. L. STOUDARD, JomsvillH, Mich.
Tlie Improved iSuitcnm YnNliinpr Marhiue.
t I 4 0,000 worth in 3 years,
and give univenttl salbtf ac
tion. It watthes all size of
clothing, including Bed
ISp-.eada.or Ijich Collars.with
out injury. Half ihitts
areclaued in H minutes, in
cluding 8'iilcd wristband.
Power Machines for Laun
drita to order. For descrip
tive Pamphlet address
YOltK ro.,
York. Pn.
ASKvonr Harness Maker ror
the 2INC 4.0LLAU lAI.
1 hey aVe varrantud to cure
any ora neck on. Iiorse or
mule, or mont-y refunded. II
primed directions are fol
lowed. Send 75c. forsainnle.
Zinc Collar Pad Co., Sole
Aluuaft'rs. Buchanan, Mich.
or tnalmenl nntil cured. Call oa or- mint
mEL A 8T10H
Dr. J. Walker's Ciilifornia Vin
egar DHtcrs nro a purely Vcgctablo
preparation, mado cbiolly from tlie na
tive herbs found on the lower ranges of
tto Sierra Nevada mountains-of Califor
nia, tho medicinal properties of which
aro extracted therefrom without tho uso
of Alcohol. Tho question is almost
daily asked, What is tho causo of tho
unparalleled success of Vixeoau Hit
teksI" Our answer is, that they remove
tho cause of disease, and the patient re
covers his health. They are tho great
blood purifier nnd a life-giving principle,
a perfect Renovator nnd Invigorator
of tho system. Never beforo in tho
history of" tho world lias a medicine been
compounded jiossessinir tho rnninrknblo
qualities of Viskoar Uittkiih in hciilinct tho
ick of every disenso imin is heir to. They
are a gentlo riirirntive ns well ns a Tonic,
relieving Congestion or Inflammation of
the Liver and Visceral Orb'iius in Bilious
The properties of Dn. Walker's
Viskoar Uittkhs nro Aperient, Diaphoretic,
Carminative, Nutritious. Laxative, Diuretic,
Sedativo, Countcr-Iiritunt Sudori lie, Altera
tive, and Anti-Ttilious.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vnr.
Bgar Bitters the most wonderful In
vigorant that ever sustained tho sinking
No Person can take these Bitters
according to directions, and remain hong
unwell, provided their bones aro not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other
means, and vital organs wasted beyond
Iliiious, Remittent and Inter
mitteilt Fevers, which are so preva
lent in the valleys of'tsjr great rivers
throughout the United Stales, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohrcv Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee. CumberlnnflV.rkan-
sas, lied, Colorado, Brazos, Kio Gnsndo,
Fear, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah,
anoko, James, and many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout out
entire country during the Summer nnd
Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual beat nnd dryness, are
invariably accompanied by extensive do
rangements of the stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful infiueuce upon theso various or
gans, is essentially necessary. There
is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to
Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters,
as they will speedily removo tho dark
colored viscid matter with wliich tho
bowels are loaded, at the sanio timo
Btiirmlating tho secretions of tho liver,
nnd rnnirnllv vpstnviniT thn licaltliv
functions of the digestive organs.
Fortify tlie body against diseasn
by purifying all its fluids with Vixkgah
Bitters. Is'o epidemic can tako hold
of a system thus fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, rrcarl
nche, Pain in tho Shoulders, Cough?,
Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness. Monr
Eructations of tho Stomach. Bad Taste
in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, l'alpita
tation of the Heart, Inflammation of tho
Lungs, Pain in tlio region of tho Kid
neys, and a hundred other painful symp
toms, nro the oll'springs of Dyspepsia.
One bottle will prove a better g'uarunteo
of its merits than a lengthy uuvcrtiso
rrenu Scrofula, or King's Evil, winto
Swellings, Uleors, Krysipeias, Swi-ili-d Neck,
Goitre, Scrofulous InlSaiumitliona, Indolent
Inflammations, ifereuiiiil Ahi-rlioua, OU
Sores, Eruptions of tlio Sldn, Sore J'vos, etc.
In these, a in nil other cuuHiitutiimal Dis
eases, "Walker's Vi.nkoak UirrKus hava
shown their great curative powers in tlio
most obstinate and intractable eases.
For Iniianiniatory and Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of
the Blood, Liver, Kidneys nml Bladder,
these Bittera linve no cnunl. SucU Diseases
are caused by Vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Diseases. Persons en
gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as
Plumbers, Typo-setters, Gold-beaters, nnd
Miners, as they advnnco iu lifo, aro subject
to paralysis of tlie Bowels. To guard
against this, take a dose of Walker's Vin
egar Bitters occasionally.
For SKin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet
ter, Salt-Klieum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples,
PUstnles, Boils, CaVbuiK'les, King-worms,
Scald-head, Sore Byes, Erysipelns, Jteh,
Scarfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Humors
and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever natno
or nature, are literully dug up and carried
ont of the system iu a blioi t time by the use
of these Bitters.
Pin, Tape, and other "Worms,
lurking in the system of so many thousands,
are effectually destroyed and removed. Xo
system of medicine, no vermifuges, no nn
tnelminitics will free tho system from worms
like these Bitters,
For Female Complaints, in young
or old, married or tangle, at the dawn of wo
manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic
Bitters display so decided an influence that
improvement is coon perceptible.
Cleanse the Vitiated Wood when
ever yon find its impurities bursting through
the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores;
cleanse it when you find it obstructed and
blnggish in the veins j cleanse it when it is
UUl ; your feelings will teil vou when. Keep
U-e blood pure, and the health of the syBtem
will follow.
h. ii. Mcdonald & co., -
XrrngfrUts nnd Qon. AgU., San Frnnciseo. California,
m oor. of Washington and Clinrlton St., N. Y.
Kjld ky sill iWuqWie uud Dealer.
N. Y. N. U.-No. 16
FPU FPCY "rl'lTS cured by the use nf Rok'
Ull-trOI KPU.KPTIO Hkmemf. Trial I'si-lt
eKMBHSBBTMeBE t sse'r... For uliculut-s, evidence of
sc.-s. ei address ROSS BltOS.. HI. :limnirl. Ind
$5 3 S20 rKK,AYrt horn. Term. free, id
" "'fcu dress OKU. BriNeiiN Or . Vnrlli..l
$40, $50, $75. & fclOO.
Shipped Heady for Use.
Manufactured l,y ( H A I' ll AN Si
t It., JIhiIUuii, Intl.
fy-Bend for l'etirtA.
Of tD7Dd6Tenrkti4. Send irfkmn
risi riis. 1 1' r S L S b U .
,'?BfA? Jnv.d. 13.00O In lis..
boi.1 Iu r&ua i,y jJn'ij