FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Household Help. Coldslaw. Yolks of two 'eggs ; a tablespoouful of cronm; a Bin nil tea Bpoonful of must aril; a little Halt; two t:illonpooiifuls of vinegar. If cream is not wail, put in a small lump of butter rubbed in a little flour. Cut the cab bage very flue; heat the mixture, and pour it on hot. Good Mince Pies. Four pounds beef, nix pounds sour npplos, two pounds raisins, threo pounds brown sugar, one quart molasses, three quarts cidor, one half pound suet, one-hnlf pint brandy, two tablespoon fills salt, one ounce each of nutmegs, cloves, cinnamon, lemon-peel nnd mace. Rice Pudding Without Eas. Put into n well buttered dish half pound best Carolina rice, simply washed; pourou it tlire9 pints of cold milk; sweeten and flavor to taste; put a little butter aud nutmeg on the top to browu; bake two and a half hours in n sluw oven, on which much success of the pudding de pends. Venison Steaks. Cut them from the neck; season thorn with pepper and salt. When the gridiron has been well heated over a bed of bright coals, grease the bars, aud lay the steaks upon it. Broil them well, turning them once, nnd tak ing care to save as much of the gravy as possible. Serve them up with some cur rant jelly laid on each steak. Lemon Cake. Threo cupfuls of pow dered white sugar, one cupful of fresh butter, one cupful of milk, live eggs and four cupfuls of flour. Beat the butter and eggs to a cream; beat the eggs separately, the whites to a stiff froth, unci then dissolve a little soda iu the milk; mis all together; then sift the flour and put iu by degrees, aud add the juice aud grated peel of a fresh lemon. This cake is delicious. rmcAssEE or I'owls Bp.own. Broil ns for pot-pie, then fry slowly in butter until browned; toast bread and lay it on the platter under the chicken. Pour a little of the broth in the spider with the browned butter, thicken with flour, sea son to suit, and pour it over the chicken; or if you want it very nice, add the but ter for the gravy to the butter iu which the chicken was browned; dredge with flour, add salt and pepper, brown well, and lastly, add the chicken broth. Scrav Tudding. Put the scraps of bread, crust and crumb, into a bowl, with sufficient milk to cover them well. Cover with a saucepan lid or plate, and put it into the oven to soak for half an hour. Take it out and masli the bread with a fork until it is a pulp; then add a haudf ul of raisins and as many currants, a teaspoonful of brown sugar, half a cup of milk, some candied lemon peel, and one egg. Stir it up well, grease a pud ding dish, and pour tho pudding in. (Irate over a little nutmeg, put it into a moderate oven, and let it bake for an hour and a half. FucitliiK Hogg Corn lUenl. CONGRESSMEN OUT OF BUSINESS. SUMMARY OF NEWS. On tho second day of last December, writes a correspondent, I weighed twenty six hogs, tho aggregate being 4,900 pounds, or an average of one huudred nnd ninety and one-half pounds per head. They were then fed six weeks o corn meal. The first week they consumed twenty-nine and one-quarter bushels, and gained four hundred and seventy two pounds; second week they were fed the same, twenty-nine and one-quarter bushels, and gained three hundred and seventy-two pounds ; third week they were fed thirty-one and one-eight bushels and gained four hundred and eighty-x pounds. They were then fed two weeks, consuming seventy-one and one-quarter bushels and gained nine hundred and forty five pounds. The sixth week they wore fed twenty-nine and one-quarter bushels and gained three hundred and ninety-two pounds. Their average gain was fourteen pounds to the bushel of meiil, or f ourpouutl s of meal to thepound of pork. They were then sold for six dollars and thirty-Jive cents per hundred, which paid me eighty nine and nine-tenths cents per bushel for my corn. The unevenness of their gaiu was owing to tho cold weather part of the time. My experience is that ground corn will make one-fourth more pork to tho bushel when fed iu a close-iloored pen, than when fed in the wholo state. This experiment was the result of careful feeding and watering three times a day iu a good, tight, warm pen. Farm Notes. Orchard grass ripens at the same time as red clover, and hence it mixes best with that plant for hay. It is remarkable for enduring drought, aud for the rapidity with which it springs up again after being cropped. It produces excel lent milk, uud yields a very large amount of feed. A Maine farmer says he thinned out tho small brunches 6f his apple trees after tho fruit had formed taking off about half of the fruit. On gathering the apples in tho fall he found them nearly double the size ot previous years, and about the usual quantity iu bushels. Tho seed of the pine should be sown in spring. Tho soil should be mold and sand, with sufficient sand to prevent the ground baking when dry. The bed must be kept moist, though not wet. Drenching it should be avoided. A chicken raiser says he cures gapes in chickens by the application of air slaked lime. 'The chickens iuhalo the dust of the limo and this causes them to Hueeze, which throws out tho worms. I'or t'arrlewi Fnrmern. Wo trust that the following does not apply to any of the readers of this paper : Tho following advice to farmers has been tried in various sections with most astonishing success ; Leavo your reap er out of doors, run your horse rake in fence corners, throw your hand rake on tho barn floor, let the cattle and hogs have tho run of your small orchard, keep your fence corners full of briars, culti vate tho succulent burdock and the fari naceous jimpson weed, don't lay up a fallen rail or restore a dilapidated gap, make your cowyard and woodpile iu front of your house. After having thoroughly attended to these things, use your spare time going around com plaining of hard times and bad crops. An Anrrdolo of Lincoln-. Tlic Old Mrmlir to lie Provided for. The number of gentlemem who were members of tho last United States Con gress, and who were not elected to the next, is very largo. During the admin istration of President Lincoln a Senator from a Western State called at tho White House to present his successor, who was to take his place in the Senate Chamber within a few days. Tho President re ceived the new-comer cordially, and said he was always glad to welcome to Wash ington new men, fresh from tho people "And yet," ho added, with a dolorous expression, "I don't know that lean say quite that ; since for every new friend I receive I have an old friend who has to be tnken care of a sort of lame duck, you know." This was a pretty broad hint to tho out-going Senator ; but it did not nrnvont him from implying for a bu reau in ono of the departments within a week. To an overage rx-Coiigrassman, says tho New York Times, lifo among his constituents iu simply intolerable. He is no longer the little magnet of his dis trict to whom flock suitors, hat, in hand, aud eager for favors. With human fickleness, his old admirers tmu their faces toward the new Representative ; they are no loniver his constituents, of whom ho spoke proudly when ho ad dressed the nation through tho coluul.'is of the Conffrcnnional Jcconl ; and an other man supplies them with public documents and garden seeds. He would like to bo "let down easy," if he must return to tho dullness of his own place. One or two terms iu Congress must un fit him for the old pursuits. It will take him long to be used to the new order of thing. In Washington he spent most of his time in a marble palace, waited on by obsequious servants, his errands run by Eages who came at the clap of his hands, is personal convenience and comforts ministered unto at the national expense. And, even if he were iudifferent to tho sweets of office, ho lived in a stirring and kindling mental atmosphere; if he had any wits at all, they were sharpened and exhilarated by daily contact with bright men. Is it any wonder that he does not want to go back to the dull round of his native village or inland city ? Somehow, a foreign mission is thought to be tho best refuge for a Congressional "lame duck," to quote Lincoln's epithet. There are not many first-rate places at home, and these are usually filled by local politicians, or, what is worse, by men whose removal would make a great popular outcry. Many a Congressman seems to think that his service in the House, where ho has made (or printed) speeches, voted on bills, aud hunted offices for his constituents, has peculiarly fitted him for the exercise of diplomatic talents in a country of whose location on the map he is uncertain, aud whose language is to him a sealed book. If he regards a foreign appointment as any thing more than an absolute sinecure, he thinks he is' "smart enough to get ahead of them foreigners," even if he does not speak their language. A first-class foreign mission is his objective point; he glides down tho scalo under the force of circumstances. What a miner would call "the tailiugs" of the mass of Con gressmen out of business drift into clerkships, claim agencies, and tho lobby. We have no privileged class of office holders in this country. With some ex ceptions, ex-Congressmen make the only caste which resembles that of other na tions. Washington is a siren which charms even tho wisest. Xot every Senator and Representative who has spent a few years there has the dignity or self-respect which sends him pleasant ly back to his old calling and his own fellow-citizens. This is a great pity; for a bright, sensible man who has come out of Congress unscathed aud blame less ought to be a better citizen and a more intelligent leader of public opinion for his experience. The country cannot afford to lose his services and in fluence. Even if he has aecoinplished 110 great thing in Congress, it is a waste of promising material to bury him in the United States legation at lehabou, tho consulate at Flor del Fuma, or in the casemates of the Interior department at Washington. From tho host of men who went out of office at the end of the Fortv-tlurd Congress, there were manv who returned to their constituents and took lip tho old thread of lifo without any sense of defeat. It would be bet ter for the country, aud for ex-Congressmen, if there were more such. We can imagine thajb tho heads of the govern meut profoundly wish that there were fewer hanging about Washington, wait ing for something, and making life a burden to themselves and others. Item of Inwrest from Homo nnd Abro . The civil service reform In force for the goloction of employees by the Unitod States government lias been abandoned by ordor ot the President Tho Kansas Legislature adjourned without voting a penny to the grass- hovror-Btr'c'lon regions of tbe State Steamers arriving In United Statos ports report having soon many wrecks at eoa, the wrecks gonorally doeortcd by thoir crews Iu Schouoctady, N. Y., Gates, charged with tmu dor, was tried and found guilty all In one day. Iu the case of S.xandor, the colored wife murdorer iu Virginia, sentenced to be banged, a stay of proceeding has boon granted Two children of Wm. Thomas, a colored man, of WillteabaiTO, fa., wero burnod whilo thoir mother was out after water. The oldeHt was a boy threo years old, who died a few miimt'js after the mother returned, aud the youngest, a baby, had Its logs burned to a crisp np to the liiioes A boilor exploded iu Ilnshvllle, Ind., killing two persons instantly and serious ly injuring fonr othors. . . ..IuNew Hampshire the vote for Governor was bo cIoho that tbore was no choice by tho people, and the election of Governor goes to tho Legislature About one thousand men have Joined tho new Black Hills expedition to Btart this spring Iu Atlanta, Georgia, a colored barber joiurd with others iu viHiting saloons and testing the Civil Kighla question. He lost patronage by it, and this so worked upon his tniud that ho com mitted suicide. , Upon the revival of the franking privilege t,ms upon tons of matter were Bont by mail fro.ti Washington During the last ton vearV fifty-two lifo insurauce companies iu tho Unitod States have ccai-od doing business A woman railed at the housof Mr. IJeckworth, iu Georgetown, D. C. and on being refused alms left. Shortly after she met a little niece of that geatlemaiM, having in her arms his in fant child, ix weeks old. bhe persuaded the girl to give it to her, and sent her off to a store to buy soma ciuidy, since which time ntdther tho woman nor child has been soen or heard of A dispatch from Florence, Arizona, says old Bonder, tho Kansas murderer, is still there awaitiug Gov. Osborne's requisition. He seems to realize his fate, and is willing to submit to tho law The Congressional delegation in New Hampshire is two Democrats to one Re publican At tho twenty-third annual com- nieucai'ient of the Women's Medical College iu riiilr.Uojphia sixteen students graduated as doctors of medicine Petitions for the pas sage of a prohibitory liquor law, from all sec tions of the Dominion of Canada, continue to bo receiv ed daily. Mr. Burke presonted ono to the House signed by 13,000 inhabitants of New Brunswick. There was great cheemig when the petitions was presented Jolji Mitchel was re-elected to Parliament from the Tip- perary district, Ireland Gov. Booth, of California, having resigned his ofiiue in order to take his seat in the United Srates Senate, Lient.-Gov. Bomualdo Taeheco, a native Cali forniau, becomes Governor A bill passed both Houses of the New York Legislature de claring that after January 1, 1879, all taxes shall be collected iu gold or its equivalent, and all contracts mado shall be payable in United States coin The Apaches have been killing herders in Mexico. Joshua Griffin, colored, was hanged at Eelair, Md., for the murder of Miss Susan Taylor, and George Wheeler, colored, was hanged at Eas tou, Md., for tho murder of Mrs. Margaret Whitman John Mitchel was elected to the English Parliament from Tipporary by i,SG8 majority.. ..The National Fire Insurauce 'Ccmpauy of Philadelphia has suspended Stat.' Engineer Thompson, of Louisiana, re ports that there is imminont danger of crevas ses in that State, and that at some points the levees hav o already begun to cave in It is announced that tho party now in tho Black HilU will, if necessary, be driven out by troops, and others will be prevented from entering The Vocedi Verila says the Pope confers the Cardinal's hat on Archbishop McCloskoy, not only on account of tho personal merits of that prelato, but because tho Holy See is desinonB of honoring the Catholics of America and of marking the progress of Cotholicism in the Uniied States A 50,000 Ire occurred at Stillwater, N. Y Tho Uuited States Freed' men's Bank is said to be in a much worse con dition than supposed,, and little will bo re alized from it. A number of Ohio distillers have been arrested charged with defrauding the United States government Two boys named George Selb and Westley Goodcnough wero playing with a revolver in Burlington, N. J., when tho former, not knowing the weapon was loaded, pointing it at the latter, said: " Your money or yonr life," aud discharged it, tho ball entering OooJenouch's head abovo the eye, causing a dangerous wound The e7,000 paid by cx- Senator Tomeroy to State Senator York of Kansas in 1873 has been returned to Fomeroy by York, tho former paying out of it the 2,000 costs incurred iu tho criminal prosecution against himself The tow boat Babbage sank near Cairo hi the Mississippi river and three live were lost Tho Legislature of Texas refuse to make an appropriation for the Centennial exposition.... Beports from various sections fay that tho fruit trees have not been injured by the extreme cold, and that fruit prospects are good. The island of Mackinao, in Lake Michigan, which heretofore has been held as a military season, though all accounts agree that the young wheat has passed its trials success fully. Most of the European markets show s rise in prices of from one to two shillings A dispatch from Washington' says the postmaster-general wui not enforce the new postal law so far as Its provisions on transient mail matter ere oonoerned for the present The statom ant; made that goods sent to the Phila delphia Centennial exhibition are liable to seizure to meet the demands of the commis siouet's creditors, Is officially denied by Hon. Alfr jd T. Goshoru, director general. Dr.lrrs for Vlaltlna? CnTrls) innt to W. O. CAN- . . . . . . . , i . '. . . IJ M.u vlll h. rum, 4t ivnpninna P1"!., "I""' ........... ..... ... promptly and eoiisolentlmiRlf Hllod. Bee aavertlBBinent. Tho Mason & Hamlin Organ Co. have completed and now occupy their new f ictorics in Cambridgeport, Mass., m 'hich they have introduced machinery to an extent never beforo employed iu the manufacture of organs. I5y tho aid of this they not only produce the best organs, but with greatest economy. Twice as many organs can be produced, in proportion to the number of men em ployed, as would bo possible with ordi nary facilities, and this is tho reason not only for such admirable instruments out also for such low prices. A Good Curling Story. There are some good stories told of tho excitement of curlers on tho ice, says a Scotch paper, but we have never heard of a better ono than this: A laud m Strathaven, who owned a quarry and was reported to be worth " a gey twa three bawbees besido, was playing ono day, and his foreman, whoso name was Liawrence, was playing with liini on tlio same side. Tho laird was vory anxious he should take a certain shot, aud ha eriod out in this fashion: " Noo, Joek Lav rence, d'ye see whaur my broom is? Lay yer staLe doon there, and, as sure as doath, I'll gie ye my dochter Jean if ye do it." Birr went tho 6tane out of Jock's hand, aud went tintling along to tho very spot where the laird wished it. " Capital I Jock, capital I Ye couldna hae dun better, and ye can get Jean the morn if ye want her." " Ye maun gie mo something else than Jean, laird ; I hae got her already. Wo were married at Gretna Green sax weeks since, and we ve neon tliiuting about asking your blessing ever since, but something aye cam' in the way." The laird was dumbtomntou when he heard tho news, but he compromised matters by saying: "Aweel, aweel, Jock, I'll let bygauna be bygauns. A man that could lay doon a pat-lid like that is worthy o the best and bonniest lass in Lanarkshire ; keep her and wel come, and ye'll maybe get the matter o' sax hunner pounds vi her. Keep her, Jock, and if ye hae ony laddie weans atween ye, bring them up in the fear o' the .Lord, and be sure that ye dinna neg lect to mak' them a' guid curlers." The Markets. HW TOBK. Beef Osttle-Prlme to Estra Bnllooks CQXQ IH Common to Good Texans I S (4 11 Milch Cows t0 00 (9100 00 Hoga Mre 7'.S m Uroesod f ( u.f Sheep .V Lambi 0X4 Ofi)? Ootton Middling 1V Flour Extra Western..... B 10 $ B 10 Stata Kxtra B 15 K0 Wheat llrd Western 1 VI (, 1 27 Mo. a Spring 1 lev 1 17V live Btnto M.V H Jinrley Htnte 1 II) C4 1 18 Hurley Milt 1 811 (4 1 H5 Outs Mixed Western 09 Corn Mixed Western PS4 HH Hay, pcrewt M (A 100 Straw, per cvtt M (4 m Hops '74s, 8310 olds 08 (4 lfi'f rom -jtiubb. ... 2U (m m'4u (13 Innl WiH IS Fish Mnekerel No. 1, new 13 00 (14 00 " No. 3, new 10 00 (10 BO Pry Cod, per cwt 6 00 (4 6 (SO HerrinK, Scaled, per hoi..., 85 at, 40 Petroleum Crude. 07(407. Kenned, 14 Wool California Fleece 38 (A flUX joxas " an (4 8'2 Australian " (4 3s, 4d Butter Htnte 87 (4 89 Western PMry 25 (4 2J Western Yellow 24 (4 20 Western Ordinary in (4 20 lvnusylvanla Flue- 82 (4 84 Cheese Htnto Factory 7 (4 17 " Skimmed 05 (4 11 Western 12 (4 UK au (4 m Eggs Stulo , Wheat Rye Sliito Corn M i xed ..... Hurley State Oats Stuto AL RANK 1 BUFFALO, Floor Wbeat No. 2 bpriug Corn Mixed Oats Kyo Barley BALTIMvKK. Cotton Low Middlings Flour Extra Wdoat lied Western Bye Corn Yellow. Oats Mixed Petroleum.... PniLAHKLl'UIA. Flour Pennsylvania Extra Wheat Western Ked Itye Corn Yeiloir Mixed Oats Mixed Petroleum Crude 1 85 00 f4 1 15 64 8 25 1 1(1 70 (It 95 1 10 m, 1 85 (4 PO 4 84 (4 1 IS (4 67 (4 t n (4 110 (4 11 (4 05 a 5 1 10 For Home Use, and for Churches and Halla. NEW AND mrROYED STYLES. Unequalcd in Tone, and in Beauty, of Exterior. He Smith American Organ Co. OF liOSTOX, MASS., Call attention to thoir Nrw Ust, with KnjrrivimrB and Dob crip Hon n, nnd nsfmre the public that In tlwce Instru meutfl are to Ire found combined the best effect which thoy hnve made In their twenty-five year of experience. No other Instrument bo exactly Imitates the Pipe Organ ttmo, FKICUS TO HVIT THE TIMES ilst rwnt free on application. VrmVOSIL AKTS WANTED tnrrlttlio SP 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 nil (J j twnnmise or Unit j-ntre cuv, icr e VVT' vcat 1 tlie wile of Mormon ilich Pricat la J traduction hy Vi Mowp. Thin story qt .omit no experience ny ware mo nmttcn tv myutrrlca, nccret doings, etc. of tha Mormons on "toide -awake vonntn tn-et them" Bright, Pure and Good. It l tlie trst new book out, actunuy QrvrrtLuvinn with pood thinL'B for au. It it popular wry 6 mi mi r13. endorse iL Kvcryliody wnnta it i and geuta are omiinjr Irotn ID lows a nny I .m Uitmvmt now m prev v Want MWi irtut-e trtmtv cfL-nt.i NMW-mm or woman ; fT J . will mnil ttutlll Free to tlioutj who Will canvas. Lai ;& lan.iM!to will! full p?rticnIaM, ternu, etc. mtm So A . Hartford C'uun KX 1 ( 0 (4 7 (ID 1 25 (4 1 25 1 00 (4 1 03 HI (4 83 (8 (4 '.2 07(4 07 K 6 25 1 22 95 r'J M 68 (4 6 00 (4 1 23 (4 U5 (4 83 (4 M 69 1j,V(410,V KeOned, 14; fSMM) A MONTH. AI.-l.'VTU avivt.i i. .... .Diic ..w. r-m-cin III If lift In I' MM.7' or Mfl TWf Til T This oonntry hns moniy for J AM j JL wwrybody: for WorklnBnien, jiusimisn men, rarrmers, YniiriK Men, Boys, Worasn, nnd nil; nnd this honk ihows how to net tt. Just ths book for the timos, nnd wlrl sell fust. mi . arw-t mm penci ior circular mm Terms to ll H K II. I 'I' "Rents. f. w. 7.1l-:i,l''.K A This tinw Truss Is worn with perfect comfort nlirht nnd day. Adapt Itself to e7ery motion ol the body, retaining Uup turo undor the hardest DKerciso or sevei est strain until permanentlj cured Hold onenp by the Elastic Truss Co.. No. G83 Itrondwnv. N. V. City. and sent by mrMl. Call or send for Clronlar, and he cared. $5 WAl t IV nt home. Terms free. Ad. 'rirnnw (H;o. Ntinhun A Co., Portland, Me. $250 h Mt MONTH Agents wanted every re. TinlnpFs honorable and first in. Piirttculnrn sent hoe. Address OHTH A CO... St jioui. Mo. Oi'Ki monh to Ap"iti evorywherw. Addrest pjmJf JCXM'XSrou M't-Mj CO., Buchanan,Mlcti, A OKNT'S. ChanR ChanR nulls at slplit Neoessnry as l soup. Good troe. Chang Chang M'f'ft Co., liofiton. AOICXTR WANTED F.VKHTWHKRR. The cli'iirost tn th world Importers' prices laig- PFtt Cumpnny in America ntn pie article pleat ea everyuouy trad'i increasing neei lnanceineMe don't wAst time send for Circular to HOKKI'-T WKLI.h. 4 a Vesc Street, Xev, York. P. O. Hox 12S7. CiD ? W.U liAV Gninmlntfon. or 3(1 a week Kal- nry and, Kxpeneefl. We offer it and will jmy iir. J. Walter's L'ninornia in eear Uitters aro a purely Vegetable preparation, mauo tniuuj u"'" tive horbs found on tho lower ranges ol the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, "What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit ters!" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, nnd tho patient re covers his healLh. They are the great Wood purifier and a life-giving principle, ft perfoct Kenovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before iu the history of tlie world has a nicuicino been eompounded posbessing the remarkable inalities of Vinegar Bitters in healing th lick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, elieving Congestion or Inflammation the" Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious diseases. Tlin Tirnnnrtios of Dr. Walker'c inbqar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretift, Carminative, Kutritioua. Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irrit.ast, Sudorific, Altera tive, and ADti-Biliou. - R. 11. McHONAIjO ft CO.. RrnfTfriFta nncUrpn. Atrts., Siin Frnnctwo. California, aud cor. of Wnsliinirtim anil Churlum ts.. N. YT. Sold y nil llriigsistd mul U. alcra. " NTYHrUifina TEA! AND HOW TO now !tm,KS, SIIOT-flt'SS, PISTOLS (J. WF.HBER A CO., Marion, U. ilVArch St., Phlla..Pn. Men lorwmrjenfrt4 4 JENTS WANTRll, week, or ftllHI fnrfpjt.. Write at onoe to F. M. RKKD, Klghttl Strst, New York. BR AI'KKT MAWEIIS.-Swit stamp for Circular of Dxci l-lor llriii'kct Snw Krmiip arvl list of new rlef.iffnH jnst puhllshed. Address L. H. 1-XKTCU- Elt X i;u ..irntoira Springs, W. Y. Bin IS. TELEGRAPH Jfx ATulHrVs- QOO A DAY. AaentH wanted, mule nnd fomnle. CPiJ Address Rnrekn M'fg (Jo., liuchinan, Rlich. MM jriith Ado Ahout It. There was lately nu nmusiug exarujile of the red tape of bankruptcy iu Pitts burgh, Pa. Tho trustees of a bankrupt estate were paying creditors a dividend of ten per eent., amounting iu all to 220,000.- John 12. James was a work man iu the bankrupt mill before it closed, and tho firm was indebted to him 50.11. As James was au employee, $50 was a preferred debt, and immedi ately paid, leaving eloveu cents as a i enervation, iu to be set apart for a uationa claim against tho estate. James was i tll0 exception of Fort Macltinac and therefore entitled to ten per cent, of i gl.oull(ia t1i8 iusurt.euts in Cuba bavo eleven cents, which is one cent, as neauy ; HUCCoedt.a iu destroving a urnuber of line sugar as our cuiTeiiey will split. Iu order to , IautatiolJH A company of United States settle this little balance ordmg (o rtart from Fort Laramie t'" ' 4-,rt ,7 .f,,,,,, t as Boon rh tho weather will permit, with m U itIUL n( llllll il V U'LA ilV OH lilt J .....n.i ' i. 1 ... .':v f o,r 'I'l.a -lw.l -LinK ! structious to bring iu all the miner reported wna fiiiiulio.l 11, i ivitll fitvil't. lf'CfllitV. find 1 I a deptb of Col fest on a farm at Yarren, I'a. ! recently. This strike develops an entirely new A ew Belief. A new roligiou3 belief is gaining ground iu Ohio. Its adherents are called Eteruidists. They hold that the sold ia immortal and that it occupies a succession of bodies ou earth, both of men and ani mals; and when disembodied by death it hovers iu tho air until by some subtle process of materialization it form3 or enters a new infantila body, the character of that body whether of hog, dog or man depending upon the manner of lifo which tho deceased person from whom the soul cornea ha3 led. Something like the doctrine of Pythagoras. Poverty- iz a grate blessing to sum folks az long az they are poor they are endurable. Joan Millings. the checit was worded so as to conform with the Bankruptcy act. Eight cents wero expended to produco one, accord ing to law, and this is how the money goes wheu a man is thrown into the whirlpool of the bankrupt court to get his rights. Murder In a Court Room. Whilo several boys were playing in St. Louis, a little son of Robert M. Koatright was killed by abrick supposed to havo been thrown by Charles Wood- sou. Whilo Woodsou was being tried in tho criminal court, aud while counsel were arguing a legal point, another eon of Mr. Boatright, about sixteen years old, stepped up to Woodson nnd said : "You killed my brother, aud I will kill you," and plunged a butcher's kuifo to the handle into his abdomen. Woodson fell to the floor, his bowels protruding iu a terrible manner. The wound is mortal. Young Boatright was seized by a deputy marshal aud placed iu jail. What They Did. Iu that slippery night they had in Paris an old man fell on the ice in a lonely street and hurt himself no as to lose consciousness. He was only found several hours later, and then wai frozen fast. People who found him lifted him with too much energy iu fact, tore him up and left iu the ice much of his clothing and a large strip of his skin They put on the raw place the skin of a lamb that had been reoeutly killed, and that skin has grown fast. bolt of oil territory Ihe llerlm papers have notified persons intending to send articles to the Philadelphia Centennial exhibition that if they should beeomo bankrupt their good will bo liable to seizure .... A frightful tornado parsed over Rionza, Miss., doi ig a vast amount of damage Of tbe five Councilors-elect in New Hampshire, two are Republicans and three are Democrats. Tho State Senate stands five Republicans aud five Democrats, with no choice in districts two and four. Ihe House of liepre seutatives will stand 192 Republicans aud 181 Democrats. Two Democrats ana one liepuuu- can were elected to Congress . . . . Iu New Jersey three men were killed ou different railroads withiu fifteen minutes of each other. A fearful tornado passed over the lower part of Richmond, S. C. One house wag blow down, and two persons killed and several badly injured. Trees were torn up and twisted.. Iu the New York Legislature a bill was intro duced to authorize tho New York State Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry to organize au insurance company. The object of the com. pauy would be to issue policies for the purpoBa of mutual insurance against loss or damage by fire or lightning The vote by which the motion in the United States Senate to postpone the I'iuchback matter until December was thirty-three for to thirty against it . . ..A reso lution before the New York Senate' to adjourn on St. Patrick's day received ten votes out of twentv-eicbt Tbe Mark Line Eivr i, in its weekly review of the breadstuff market, ayi that the long winter ba made a backward 5 Ml Despornmliiiii. A real healthy man or woman is a rarity; and what wonder? when we re alize that it is tho custom to overload the stomach, and then produce chronic dis ease by the use of spirituous liquors, "tonics," "appetizers," "restoratives," etc. Having first produced disease by indiscretion, tho victim wonders why uotlunc does Him good. J ust so ; and the reason is that they all, or nearly all, find a basis in alcohol or poison, lo rpTTTi nil thus discouraoed we can conscien- tiously say, "make one more trial. Discard spirituous medicines, and give nature a chance, aiding her iu the strug gle by using one of her own pure and unadulterated Herb remedies, in tlie shape of Vinegar Bitters. Tho discov erer. JJr. J. Walker, ot uaiitornia, is no pretender, but an honorable practicing physician, and his discovery is the result of veors of labor and study. The won derful cures enected by them ot dyspep sia, fevers, rheumatism, and many other terrible diseases, are almost incredible. PORTABLE K5I! 810, $50, $75, & $100. GOOD, DURABLE, AND CHEAP. Shipped Ready for Use. Manufactured by ClfAIViIAN 3fc I'O., Jrlurifoull, lucl. Seod for ft (Jr.tqlogue. ItEVOLYKBS, I'.. .Tl.l. .... '2Mnt lV..l.ri f... una Utl Vttrks. PllTHBURIl U, PA. !pHafoit Cured and expennoB to all. A rticlpt n flour. Kammn free. IJ. M. il HKO., N.Y.w Chicago. DNSTANTf' RWI.OYiHKNT. At home. Mule or I (fiunle, $;() a wc;k warranted. No capital re- flirfirt. Particulars and vnlnaiile camniPB Bm i roe. An K. V- 1 lii.lTTlRiii vll'i fie rntnrn ntrtmn. 'i. Horr. hiinrh.N.Y. bold iu tttiib by Drugtfiaia. ctau auU UDWttrOa, .lu'i'n ANTlJJ i'or Pcoplo Of the PrrlllCHt Cnrdsyouevornaw, with your name hmdsmnely printed on them, Bent, post-paid, upon receipt o 20 cents. Your Iriends wilt ail want thorn when they Bee voure. Address. "V. C. CANNON, 4 Kneoland Street, Boston, Mass. PENN XaUTUAL Life Insurance Company, OP PHILADELPHIA. An old and succertil Lifo Company desires to noenre lue Berlco8 of a reliable parson, w ho haB had exp Tlenoe ns a Life Insurance Solicitor, us District Axent, for tills locality. The reun m en'irrn Mutual manes nnnnai aiviaonas, llio NEW HOOK Will." T!ie ( Srnutiitn of tlio Ape. Investigation of the won-i.-rlul Sttirit .MiiiiilVhliiTimtN at tbe Kdi'.y llmtiuNtrrtil, t. by tbe New York Gritphir (Jommis. sl.mer. Si(.!?t jist'mmiins results. The whole country HStoninhi.-l. 50.'"" ;W Eitvritrin!lttnt;tn .om LiJ't. Send for t'ireulaf for Territorv. Terms, ete., t.l AMKItKiAN ITHI.INHlNti II).. Hartford. Ct. A certain and snre euro, without Inconvenience, Bid at homo. An uutlduto that stands purely on Itp own merit. Send for my quarterly mnsazlno ( coHtS yon nothing), cor.talnliitrccrtiftcates of hundred, that liava bicn permanently cured. I claim to liavu discovered and rroduccd tho FinsT oeioihai. and OMLT BtJRB CCBIfYOB OPIVJf EATINO. DR. B. B. COLIflXS, La Pnrtc, Tml. 1IAI1ITCUI!KD nt H'imo. Ijo l'ubliolty.. Terms moderate. rri..,n tta.vf l.'.nr veara of Ull (fl r,n....iini...i Biiei'n,n Ti.K(.ribecase. 4UOtmOH(art.AddresDr.l',.li.Mri'li.Qulncy.iHeli. 5 and expenses a rnonth to airnts. Adilree or return of surplus, to Its members, and bas ss lume a proportion of Assets to Liabilities as any Mutual Life Company in tho United Statos. Is issues policies of all desirable forniB, which are all non-forfeltable, and can otfor Inducements to the insuring public eipial tu any. It is prepared lo raaKo ii'iaraiuommmsiou uoniraccswitn en.frionced men. In the 2S yenra of its existenoe the IM'Ni ,H Tl Al, has dtsDuted tne payment of but tWOiJPolicies. Aiiply to 11. n. nu',1 nr.nn, Mfe-iTrHn'n', 1)2 1 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Pa. Forest Trees. Tho importance of forest culturo, which is attracting attention in Minne sota, is likely to be more and more ap preciated in tho Eastern as well as the Western States. ue uoston uiooc thinks it is clear that the preservation of what timber we have is the first requisite to its increase, aud that, by setting aside the Adirondack Park, Kew York has recognized the absolute necessity of do- lug something to protect agricultural and mechanical interests ot the btate from the evils wlu'ch au irregular rainfall, caused bv tho destruction ot forests, occa sion. Our excessive cold and heat are doubtless iu some way connected with this diminution oi timber, and, as this is becoming so valuable, tree planting may be recommended as profitable iu more souses than one. Let tho woodmen, therefore, not only uparo the trees we have, so far as they can, but plant a great many more. THE BEST Prairie Lands IN IOWA AND NEBRASKA, FOB SALE BV The Milton & Missouri Payer R. R. Co. On Ten Yeni-a' Credit nt G per cent. Intercut. ONE MIT-TION At.E.Sin IOWAand SOUTH- KUN NfcUKASKA. Tlie finest oonntry In th world to combine FAIUI IMi aud STOCK ItAlSiM;. ProtlnrfH will pny for Innri nnd Iniprove niriilN Ion;; he lore tho J'rhiciiml bu c ouie a due I in 1 wo Discount lor CiihIi. ' The so-called destitution in Nebraska lies in the fnr wfifitem region, buyond tbe lunds of tbe B. & Co." tW" Kor oircnlnrs that will deaoribe fully these lands, and the tenna of sale, apply to or address, liAxn coimissiom;k, Burllneton, Iowa, for Iowa Fands, or Lincoln, Nub., for Nebraska Lauds. SENT FREE A Book exposing the mystories of XWT li T T. CfTO and how ii n? one mHynpprato ruo JJJ UA ceiully wit n a eaniuu ot iT or !M''Hf. uomnlcte intiuci1fin nnd illustrntims to any nddress. Tl'iM IMM iSc CO.. Uankkrb and Uuokuhb 3 W'ull StrHct . Nw York, The Favorites. PAIII.Y FWOKITI?. ) Tho Titlej H1.M:I'. TI'IU-;!(S' PATOMITE.5 lnillonte ;l.Vl.l(M, I-'AVOUITH. ) tlm Ue. I-'or full inform.itlon rcspeutinff nnr Oonds, nr AncfRS for sn-nH.ndrlrijSB V.'I-:i:i hKtVIMi SIAt'lll.Mi f'OiHI'ANV nt I3Hrll4r(l, C'uilli., or our Branch Orticph in lejullnp Cii fits. ADVwWT'-Fff ! "ft Tri o gpo v ROWELTj 4 CO., 41 Park Row. N. T.,for their Pamphlet of 100pa.7&9,oontAlnlnglljitof 3(M0 nens papers, and eetlmateB ahowlng post of advertising. The Ways of Women, by Trcf, J. V. C. SMITH, M. r., on. of the mwil rem.rVM kook, ever EtHuil from tlie Ani.rirna pies.. Iir. Hall i.yi, mEvsry Cuaitkb ts A ek-h ttiNR o9 t.s.'uiiMATloN." Tht New York WorlJ tayi, " It is a nouK FL'i.L of Borsn iTtpoau.TiuH pok bitii Brxiis." Pr. Moth,thoctlebrt..l Krenn phyileiBn,BByB, "liviE, f.r;B IB a-HLAT, TiiBCHAvr I. A ernod op- r-ortnnity fir B-.n:t to m.liflnioaeyl WHY RIT RTII.T,, m jilitlninc.if har M!"ir.t 1!.!, t will Bell. S 'Tid for circulars bbmt icbb. DLSTl.V. G1LMA.N & CO., IlurtturJ, Cooa. Don't Hack, Hack, Cough, Cough J Conjili ia a tmnntorn by wliieli various dis eased condition! of tlie throat, bronchial tubes and lungs manifest themselves. Hut whether it arises from the irritation produced iu the throat and larynx by taking cold, from an at tack of bronchitis, from incipient consumption, or from various other causes, nothing will allay it more speedily or cure it more permanently than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It does not matter whether it be a recent at tack, or a lingering cough, tlie Discovery is in cither ettna equally well adapted fur its relief and permanent cure. Iu fact, it will cure a cough in one-half the time necessary to euro it with any other medicine, and it does it, not by drying it up, but by removing the cause, sub duing the irritation, nnd healing tho affected parts. No time should be lost 111 commencing the use or a proper medicme ior tne reuei oi a cough, for uulei-s this course is pursued, seneus and dangerous disease of the lungB is liable to result. Golden Medical Discovery is sold by all dealers iu medicines. Cum. N. Y. Supreme Court bas confirmed its injunction against an imitation of the prepara tion of Witch Hazel, known as l?oud;8 Extract. Com. Allen's Ltjno Balsam causes the lungs to throw off the matter that is collected over the air-cells, and makes the patient breathe more freely, aud purifies the blood, gives strength to the body, aud tone to the di gestive organs, ana neais rue lrmaiea parts, and gives lifo aud health to the system. Asth ma is soon relieved by its use. i'or sale by dealers in family medicines generally. Com. Over-exertion, eitlier of body or mind, produces debility and disease. The usual remedy is to take some stimulant, the effict of which is the same as Riving a tired horse the whip instead of oats. The true way is to for tify the system with a permanent tonic like the .Peruvian Bvrup (a protoxiae ox iron, wlucli gives strength and vigor to the whole system. Com. Johnson's Anodyne Liniment is, with out doubt, the safest, surest, and best remedy that hns ever been invented for internal or ex ternal use. It is applicable to a great variety of complaints, and U equally beneficial for man or beast. Com. We liave seen it stated in various papers throughout the country that agents for the sale of uneriiian't Cavalry Condition Pow Oert were authorized to refund the money to auv rjersan who nhould use them and not be satisfied with the result. We doubted this at first, but the proprietors authorize us to say man it is truo. c ow. Burnett's Cocoainb is the best and cheapest hair dressing in the world. torn. A Drinroll, hiircli & Hnll, ate fSrnrtrs, A'tte liwlfitrd. Manx., ny; " The demand for your ISea Koam increases rapidly. Rover a com plaint. " .In 11 cm, FtMinrr A 'o. Wf .- h-iif, l'a.tan .-"Have aold your ISea Foam to nil clnsfieiinf t rule. It nevur failed to give oatisfuction." JliKKHHt tliinK to raise you ever aw. Oroatt(ot tbinff to nell you ever knew. Mirny vulnublu cook inn Toolpts Bent froe. Hend at once for Circular to i;i;o. v (jantz &- '. t Jii Dunne St. Ni'w Vorlc. JUST Till. BOOK CAN SELL .UONHY IN IT K(TltK! Just out. Useful, Handsome, Cheap. Sella every whore. A law ctuince. Also, NEW MAPS, CHARTS. Etc. Our new chart, 'lIIfSTIAN tilt ACT'S, 1b a Hplenrliti success. Cia i nrttM-s biiim us XewVork. Send firtruiatiK.C. KRIIKiM AM,5 Itaru lay SI..X.Y., A IT.t V. -Illi S..,Cln..O. Address money rxir, ticulara Fnn. N.JW.JSri:: l! i mi r" n ! I rnPVmH Eirie-Eiria i i. MARKET My annual catalogue of VecetnWe and llrwr Seed for 1876, will be sent .tree to all who ni.jly. Cn.stoiwrB of last seaeon need not write for it. In it will bo found several valuable varii-tioo of new vpRetnld. introductd for the first time this season, haiiiiK nmde now vje tables a spocialty for many yoavs. (.; row iiip ''' " drrd and fifty rarietie ou my .i-vpnil inline, 1 would particularly invite the patmnaae of maiket Kardcnera and all others who are pspncialiy do irons to have their Beed pure and fresh, and '"' tftn. All seed Bent out from my estnljlirtlmint ure covered by threo warrants as Riven in my cuiiiMpup. .,,,,, yf&jgrS Established 1S5S. wi- . : ;?; hi - n n . . . am. - a n H t Vl bZD bast Fanillj Paper In Ajnerloa, with two tl.N CbxsoKM, Im, AM, M'r e VV., tAr nreauwaf, . i, SHARPS RIFLE CO., Manufacturers of Patent Hieech-loadlnBT, Militarj', SporMnB and t'reedraoor UitlHs. Til lilf III Il lrlir. Winner fit International and nearly all utlier tjrinoip:il miitcheB at fJreedinoc.r. (S-o Olt'u l .1 Keenrd 1 sI'OltTINti It II-1, I S, . - isaotoiys tli tiooit icil-'i.KM, U Klnvatlor.a I"r ;iIU yaras, rSU H1H1 l 1 i Semi for Illustrated Calaluuue. AliviiHY UD OFFlt'E, K. G. WKSTflOJT. llAUTrOUl), tJONN. r 1 HiutUt. 30( A loillli. Ak-ents Wanted. Kllher fei. Send tamp fur Catalnu. A I). Wagner, lilt Hroudway.N.Y. to (835 J'KK l V-Send fur "Cliromn' cataliiKue. dll.Ul'FOKl)'Sj i ON(rostl. A GENTS WANTED '7J BelliiiR book ever publlslied, bend ior vircuiars and our extra terms tf Atnts. HATlfJNAL. 1U liicsii irst Liu., rnuaanipoia, r. A AVKKK. Aitnts wanted everywhere. For i-iithtiuo. 1'iurt-H A ALUi:it, uayton, unio Thle PATENT CABINET or LETTER FILE iouoeful to every busincsa man, to keep BILLS. LET TEH3 or PAPERS always cleaa aud la alphabetical order i holda 4,000 Lettura.caji boused on a desk or hung to the wall. Wo prepay l;xpresa chargeB. Bend for circular and price list with 1,000 reference, a A. CwOit & GQ Cliioago, IU. 'Utt with Stoncil A Kpy ('hock tt.ilo'tiin. naniplHS and full par :ij:h, 117 HuiioverSt., llostoa. WHAT AUK PirESt BKADI "i'LAIX ItLlNt FactN,9 n Treat ine on the C'aut-us, History, Cure and Prevt'titioii of PI I. I'M. pnh. li.!ied by P. NKLSTAKI). 1 Kit A (;., 46 Walker Street, Npw York. Sent KKKK tnull i m tls of tha 1'niipd Kiti nv receipt of a letter stamp. TS cured by tbe use of Ross t'll.KPiic Hi.Mi".im:H. 'i'rial Pack- ui'i for. I or circulars, evidenna of Idtcsh KOSS HHOS., Kichmond, Ind. Our Mew 1 ulitloue vlth prices for Spriijy ofVr,&, is now nt tliu disp.isafof all who wish lor it, aud will be sent Port Fkke ox ArPLiCATion. It contains lists of the choicest varieties, c:irHfully Rrown from Ik-hT- of stock, fipcciallr suited for tho most r"!. t AlaiT.ct Gar- ib'Ti and llot-Hi'd Hue; Farina. TTT l7DrT?"Q Vrivnte (imduns aud Green i? XJ VV XX houses. Address, M-hlrcrl, JCverrtt Co.. 10 S. .Market Street, TB4.TJE aiAXtlC, PATEJETJ. Th bctt antl chcapi-ct. PnJnt In 1io World for Iron, Tin or Word. Tor nalo by Pcitlers ovrrvTvhoro. Pil7yn:rV irFTALLIO PAIXT CO.. TtTnniift.'rrrR, 00 Cvdr.T St., N"w York. t"C AUTION Purchasers will plcaeo Bee that onr name nnd trade tmeuciiimd every package. Scud for a Circnlssr. ATLANTIC AVEEKLY. TFRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. PON i CK PAID. OKK YKAK KSJ.50. ( 1HONTIIS, $ l,tf.i The choice of two beautiful htcnl l-.nsravinuH, size 1)1 CKI.INtiS mid "Till-: HliTr.ltSi" As a premium to each subscriber for G moot lis: "d si WouTii oicinut K plow :r skluh. yearly Bubcriber. crv pLRJTC For this amount va will send the uuiiiji "Atlantic" for ;s inohttiH trmi, post-paid. AkciKm wuiUimI rvrrvwlicrr. AddreFfl AT LA NTH' WFLKLV, 72-J Chestnut frt..Phila. I.AUKKf-I.'fl NEW ASTHMA anD CATAKRU HEMIIDl'. IHftTtng struEfiled twenty yu-ara batween Ufaoa ath with ASTHMA, I experimented by cora ponndlos roots sod hi ba utul luliaUDS tbe niud- llclDA. I fortuuaieiy aiacovera wuuaernn rmdv and sure cure lor ARtnnii. d1 UftiiTU i Warranted to relleva tuntantly go the patient can IH down to rest and sleep cnmiortauiy. urns '.'.iti are uppitsrt witn aampio pacKSRcn tor rasa Idlitribntion. Call and ct ono, or arMreio l. AmiBKLL., Apple UreeUf ltl HTBold by PrnifgUta, FuU-aiao i' mall, $1.26. GARDEN AND BE EBB $10 i Tjlll) T- A r tn Agents, canvnslng O 1 t ) JfPj li 1 A 1- f"r Munley's CJolBbrut- etl vieiuntf anil iiusmwM i.iimi.ui. iwi w ... 7 2 niftgtiincent suiupleB to Ix-diii work with Bent for Ic.l cts. Address H. I). MANI.KV, Fashionable Kngravur, 3 I it Wiu.hinirtou Btniet. Huston, Mass. HOTELS Ja. -L.v w' f.-- :,?4 GrROOEKS a i HOUSEKEEPERS BOARDING HOUSEiS & PRIVATE FAMILIES, I bnvean IIPUOVFI It KC'FI PT for maklim a PITKH HAKI.; or YKAST POVHKK, equal to the b Pt in tho market, with which it will s.'Tid a book Hiving 4 0 nw and K JOLLKNT MKTIIOOS lor UfiuK it in cooking. My liakina Powder can be madu for II cents a imuum. w ny pay of r nu bchii ! h'miuu when you can easily make your own for 1 (I cnta f Price of my receipt, H 1 .25. It will, bowovr, be front upon receipt oi Ql.(M) ly maiij wun nirecnoua nu r.uiiu ,nd German tor makinu ana t'8iN. h tna mamk oi iuo vFwaFAPK.H ia iriven in which this ndvurtiAment is seen. The cobt of this HKiKirT is baed in kvkbv thuek poi'NDB of the powder raadu. InfcredlnnU kept by gro sersand drugpi.ts everywhere. Address J. W UUK.US, Practical nruffplKf. ( LiruMx, 111. feO YOUR OWN PRINTING PRINTING PEB. Fur lrolVionuI una AiiU'trirr Iriuterat Kclioolu, Wucietle, .rf i.Li n.t. liF.rtT ovur invt-nUKl. llt.OOO inl ' iTeu ctyles, Triaei from 5.00 to V. BENJ.O. WOODS CO. Manut i-ri I rt.-nlrr. In all kludi of nt flfl M at.'.E ibr MORPHINE HABIT iiijr ciubd ly Dr. Bock only known and sure Beinedf. SO CHARGE treatment until cured. Call on or addresl DR. J. C. BECK, 112 John Street, CISCIAKATI, OHIO, i ; m Iowa R. R. Land Co. Has forsiile l,5tM),(MM ArrcN of Itiiilroad Lands iu the Middle Keion of Western lown. BETTER IiAM)S AT rilEAPPR PKK'PS than can be found elsewhore within cl-ilizatvou. arabsh uppers. No hkuo. No Induns. A.'iai.o credit price and Hit per acre. Stmt riglr ! i'all 'r s. i d to the (Jompauy's ottice, U' lt.uidolj.ii Stwvt, t iiicf o, and obtain full information und li-.w tn ''t"ub fre. tor maps und psmimlcts. with pricc and b'tnir, address Iowa Kailroad Laud Co., Cuictgo, or Ctdi-r Rapids. low..jouN H (,AIiIIO,.N) J, ami t oiiiiinwwiniuT. C A "EJIitfTiMQT Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar ll iTilfuUQ9Wy Tho only Magazine that IMPORTS STYLES and SELLS Patterns of thorn. Only $1.10 a ar, with Premium. See Below II ro.rr.Hrt.. F'Nk iVsk lite"4 V'XlfX ft 4? h Wrsik'v 1 x. ft- Polonnleo mmXtirf PIM 111 III.', Htw frorwli. HNttarn wlll'i f.otk MiKltl. hi) aim. fLudys3j23. Ladb All1 in ItaUe, Linen oriu wiu very atyllah CAinel'm-hatr. Pat-fnr afreet suit. I tern with UlUh Mud-, Vnttem with doth el. 2f rents. Wftdrl, rents, 3Z0. 3201. Ladles'1 Waist - &!- uhliiE entirely new Vary dMrab!e. Pattern vim iwa Modei, 2ft rents. 2210 i MISS'S WalOtl'prins an.i uinmt furure.liianvtffoiiB.lua'lo for lanndrlngr. ttern wuu LtuB.i'nttern witn vtUh I.U'Wf, 50 cents. Wo clve a narfert CLOTH MODEL with avery pattern, which hnv Jnt liow to put th sarntont tosoiiier, after being cut by the pattern. Tney are PERFECT GUIDES. Any Pattern on this page mailed on receipt or marked price. Smith's " instant Dress Elevator." - Till CUT Mhuws the f Upper Part of the hun t iwrony eiae out with tlm "Ele vatci" nxoii In. Vmi ran raiae your skirt i while paastuita niun- dy place, and tlieu let it fall.oryouraii keep I It railed. It keens the Irtklrtfrom the FUtb. It Loopa theaklrt lu a Taet&ful and Fa shionable Manner, it draws all the fullness lo the bark, makliij the "strfiischt front." H eaves more than Ten Times its Cost, It rnn be ihangtd from One Dresu to anotlasr. Price, 0 cents eacii, Those wVin flsnri tn A. SurrinttJt Smith One Yeur's Subscription (fl.lO InrhlB -BAZAAR' THIS MONTH, will et 'lheir Choice rf TULrk nf thnahnva Patterns, aud 'Smith's Instant Uress Kla. vaior, mauea vo inera rites ."-c?'f "i"mvju will send you a certificate wluun mium at ary time GREAT OFFER!! OP ha will entitle, you tu select your pre GET TJX -A. OXjT733 I UULU UUIil 1 In COLO COIN to 102 Person, who sat up the larprsrt Clubl for tha BAZAAR between NOW and Flrat T AUGUST, 'xne person wuwkib um i.j AUdre, Very plaln P, Oi Boa 6010. The person who (rota up tbe LARGEST CLUB will Set 8250. OO. xejtB mrireai.. ,uu.uu. Ateati iui Beat, s irn.oo. ex" 8100.00, etc. We nave 8l,3SQ.OO in Gold on last SasTaVK to 50 veraona. wnoee names and addresses will ba tound in this BAZAAJEL. wita the number that each one sent. Got a copy. cnlB Ann. mnllBd far SB CBntB. KMITU'R IBiftXBkin- Bocrets or Brou-iiltilUE,nHj touu a yeur. CutulotTua mukd bt tis tiuif, A. BURDETTE 8MITH, B4 Broadway. New York City.