The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 25, 1875, Image 3

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I Y j
in Grace Church Simla next at
the usual hours, 11 A. M. nnd 7 1'. M.
All are Vordialy invited to attend. Beats
eh to nip
' Evangelical Lutheran Chrch
REv I. Br.UNEMEX Paptor.
Sunday school at 0:45 A. M. All are in
it 'd to attend.
Sorvicos appropriate lo E:ister Sunday
KnglifM-'iri ("lin morning at. 1 1 and evening
it i o clock Herman Services at d o doc
ii. e. ciiuacn.
KEV. W.M. MARTIN, rator.
Fundny School at, (WO A M Morning
I' lit 1 1 A H lanRS Meeting at
Evcninc Fcrvioe nt. 7:30 1 M Prayer
becting TJiursdny Evening
L'ttr Time at iCldfficuy.
Mail Dad
'1:45 V: M.
2: SO P. M
.t-O A. M.
1:41 P. SI.
1 00 P. SI
8: -2 J A. SI
Locol carry
do West
: Through Loral. East
do nio Vial
Local Cast
jlo West.
11 Mail and Through
ts, the local does tot.
1 I'f it t ni.nn . - .
'Thc stated meetings of Elk Lodge, No.
70, are nld at their hall, corner of Slain
ind IV-nnl fltt-opts. rtn tho wnnnn.l nml fnurlli
uvs.lays of each month-
W. C. JIEALY, Pec'y.
Eist:r Sjrvi:e: h C:J.:9 Cjjr:a.
Sun lay r.cxt be!n Eantcr Day, a festival
observed throughout Christendom iu mem
ory of our Lord's A'esuivcRlion, there will
i 'i service in Grace Church at the following
li iurs: Morning Prayer, Sc. mon an 1 Holy
fcuim union at 11 o'clock. Children's Scr
Vaat 3 o'clock P. SI. Evening Service
Sermon t 7 o'cloc': P. SI. Tac Chil-
s Service will be for the members of
mdxy school: an interesting feature
e the singing of tho Easter Carols by
liildren themselves, also tin biptism
lumber of child -en, of couiec the par-
friend, and all interested are invited
present. The subject, of tho morning
in will !.; "The Resurrection, its ln
"0 on the World." Subject of sermon
chillren, 'First. FraiU." Subjoot
ain;; sir'ii in. "T'l-: Doot i-iuo o!' tho
rco;' ji).'' Th-'se Services all are
illy iaVi'el to iit.'i-nd. S'Jts free to
dropped iuto t ie a'i ljv.y JVilcevy,
loor to the po'l-cilice, the oilier d.iy
eve very'y surpi i-ed nt llie
e iu the place M.'ico Louis Bicndcl eet
ere for himself. Evcryth'ir on the
s was arranged Sn a tasty a:;d or
manner, a new iljorand new counter
liee'.i put it, and taking all together
aco presented a pleasing ap;carano3.
!;o ';ii ft first-class bakory, ni.d, be
as bi!iiu is nit sn'Soieatly ve n tn -e
in this coni'nuniiy, ho has also a
ot of canned fjood), an 1 intends to
ail kinds of fruits in their ciion.
s a general news-depot, where may
ind all ("tin popular periodicals of the
io.netlier with the nicest lot of ciuJ,"
va soa-i anywhere; a Iwgo varisty of
i he it is j'i-"i received; we also noticed
of excellent lenotij and oranges;
se..l'"l.wjver. for nnyono by giving
i!:ery a ci'.l will ti i 1 Louis thero nnd
at all limes to oblige h's cusioi.icrs
g tliis tiiffother wiili the ficl that he
rery clieip, we tiinn ueil?se"vei en-
nen an 1 a libera! sha''e of pa'roa
We almost fo')l to meitio.i th it
is to be a luris new wiudoiv put
front of the It ikory which will adl
npptatance ot tuj builifiag la J the
? vrtragt of the studei'a of
gli school department for the inort'i
; S! l'.;h, l-;7"), are as fjllnvs,
jj signifying pciTeet nnd 7" very poor.
SESIO OflADE. . LiHie Vviivts W
i Lati'a Waraer
Ai tbur 15. L'ttls 10 'I Xena Powell ?H
I.elu L. Pauley lu: Minnie St-rvice !M.o
! Albert Filch 91
A" flrtADH. il' Qillouly .W
'C.irrio Luther f3. .1
Wdlie Qen-y 101 A -i
Otis Kelts - '.Hi,
jie Itiri'i'tt
Ka'ie Callahan
Fsnnio llowers
Louis Ely
J miiio Gros'i
!;i N'ellie S-hram
c.i7:ldi Olmstead
Florence Os!erhou!(.i7
Kllswortli 15 iwers
y Kaiio GresH
0V! Oscar Gardner
Alton Uliapm
(.'has. Ol iistend
Libbcus Luther
Ida Lul her
Linda Sleredit'u
Harry Hall
li'.i. Eddie Lu'hor
100 Thomas King
l' ! Joseph Jiickscn
'.'7, Charles SIcenau
Hi). Lewis bessor
7, Willie NciH
Orin Head
jFrcd Fitch
Ira Sherman
"3" Gil ACE
J-i Walker
Charles Barley
Hennio DiU
Arthur Horton
Tlioma? Slalona
Khoda Wilcox
Clara JProoks
f7j Albei t Coatcs
00 Lorcnda Warner 05
0: Tillio Cunningham 00
02 .Emma Olmstead 07
0 I John Shchan
07 Oria II. Lclloy
O.Ella Leary
0 i Jack Barrett
OS. 5 Casper Kinia
OOjClydo Kime
O.i, Fred Ely
9if ft. Lizzie Walker
Helen Lit lo
Julia Flyna
rlalie Cutlibert
May Little
Jiessio S'e-ile
J)osia llhines
104 names were registered this month
and the nverage daily attendance was
"about 133. The next examination will be
beld on Friday, April 2d, 1375. Capt.
James Woodward, C. E. Holaday, and J.
O. W. Dailey will examine a class in United
States History, and lo the scholar who ex.
eels i tliis bi-aach they will award a prize.
The sohool directors will also "be present
nnd many others wo trust who are inter-
) ested in the educatiou of youth.
' Riwnaetfiil'v submitted.
GtO. R. DIXON, Principal.
rtir .mintv. bv P. W. Hays. Esq., ou Feb.
,i,llK7ii. Mr. Jibenezer eierueus ui
1son county, Pa., lo Sirs. Levissa m.
Pinr of L'k county. Ta.
l.ffAVTZ G?OS3 By the srme on
:.iu'a fAibcr. Sir William J Frants toMiss
artiia x. uruu " 1 -
urnAN'IELS AYES At the bug of
Wftllambliu, Lsq., Dy ev ui .i"i vu
Wednesday, March 24th, i875, Sir Francis
M'Daniels, of ruunem, nu hubs
jlyers of I5roclport
Snow storm and thaw yesterday.
Last Sunday was Palm Punday.
Pan'l Scull, bts appointed C. V.
Gillis Deputy Sheriff of Elk County.
Clcnrfiold county lias a woman 103
years old.
Folks are beginning to talk about
maple sugar,
A Willhmsport man named Joseph
Alishon, recently celebrated his 101st
For making fun of the minister in d
colored church in Jersey Shore, a man
oamed Wiley has been sentenced to the
penitentiary lor one year.
A young lady now teaching echo-)! in
Wcllsboro Tioga county, Ja a candidito
for county superintendent, and sho is
said to b.3 well qualified for the office.
At the lato towDship cloction in Pike,
Samuel Loscy, aged 102 years, cast his
vote with the boys. Mr. Losey is blind
but hale, still.
Last n;ght a dwelling home was de
.stroyed by fire rn the hiil above Grant
& Ilorton's tannery, tho fire could be
seen ve-y distinctly from town. We
have no further particulars.
Anybody that cant find a suit of
clitics at tho West End Gallery from
tho 150 M'umples displayed there mimt
he very hard (o suit, suit 3 from S13 to
?50 all guaranteed in price and quality.
During the Maginnis-Servico dif
ficulty, a constable from Jefferson
county, interfered anl choked Miain
nis to in':o htru lot go Service's thumb
We think tTiat constable rthcr ex.
cecded his duties.
The Northumberland Pir publishes
a letter written by Mrs. Rebecca J.
Patterson, formerly of that place, aged
eighty-five years, addressed to Mrs
Nancy Gaskins of that place, ago
ci .hty-two years. It took four montln
less ono day to write tho letter.
A bill has been made tho special or
der io the Slate Senate of Teuneee
which contains the following special see-,
tion: '-That bachelorism is hereby de
clared a privilege, and every male io-
hauiusnt ot tiiu Male over thirty years
of a;-o, hing of sound mind and enjoy
ing ?v-.d bodily health, remaining un-
niaiiied after the first day of May, 1875,
shall pay a fiae of ten dul'ats annually.
Wmsp (7. it B. say?; Yesterday in
court an a'torney oro-e very gravely fo
read a petition and make a motion, nt
when he had concluded, the court with
pq-nl gravity iuformed him that his
client was dead. The attorney blushc 1
to tho tips of Lis ears, hut made bis
motion nevertheless, and asked that tho
papers bp filed.
The chap that broke in'o Rhine's
Billiard saloon was capture 1 at Warren,
last Wednesday, and brought baeK tied
c'jnHcned to the "stone pile." lis ar
rest was brour.t about by a postal card
sent to the differ mi, jewelers, by 0. II.
Rhinos, tho owner of the watch. The
postal card reached Warren at 11 o'clor-k
and about 2 o'clock, he wj'it in'o tin
jewelry stora to get his watch repaired,
and was detained long enough to have an
oliieer scut for who'anested him.
Charles Service was broug'it before A
Cuteming", Ei'i'jirc, last evening, on the
chai go of Assault on James Maginnis. The
evidence was lo the effect that a pane of
glnss was broken in ono of Slaginnis' win
dows, anl Minimis has started to pot an
othevpane wnon he sai l pomethinp; about
being mistaken, when Charles siiuck at Sla
ginnis when Slaginnis canught Service's
liumb in his mouih. and tiei viee toolt hold
iti regular bull-dog fashion, of Slaginnis'
forehead, biting it terribly. (lut: i lets in
terfered, when a warrant was sworn out.
Servieo attempted to oscape, but was cap
tured, after a short run, by Deputy-Sheriff
Oillis and Constablo .Wensel lie was al
lowed to go by furnishing bail in the sum
of 3100 for his appearance at llie next term
of court. In a short time he was again nr
rested on a charge of threats of destroying
Slaginnis' property, etc., and was, after a
heaiiug before Esquire Cumm'ngs, in de
fault o.' !j!)OUbail committed to the "stone
The new postal cardi will be unlike
these now iu use. The color will be
violet blue. The border and all direc
tions as to where and bow to write the
name and addiess will be dispensed with.
A mono'rahtu formed of the letters "U.
S." will be printed on the card in black
ink. This will be on tho upper left
hand corner, across which will be the
words 'Postal card." Tho vignette
Liberty with her luxurious tresses hang
ing down her back and confined by a
cap adorns the upper left hand corner.
The new cards will bo identical in eize
with the old one3. They will bo ready
for delivery about the middle of April.
A deer was chased by hounds on
Friday of last week, from somewhere in
the lower part of Judge Dickinson's
flats to Hyde' barn yard in the eastern
part of town. Tho deer passed up
Centre street, and into a lot of Ji. F.
Ely ou Mill street, and from
thence into tho court house square,
and up South street to tho place where
he was caught several of our valiant
(?) hunters, were on the trail, and at
each coDviaeot point on tho route, a
new hound or two was let loose, upon
tho tenified animal, several shots were
fired, but fell far short of their aim.
The deer was a young fawn and when
caught was completely tired out. James
Earley, succeeded in getting it and
now has it a his place. Let us sug
gest that flung off firearms in the
streets is a dangerous pastime, and
might endanger life, and that hunting
deer is now out of season, and bouuiug
deer is unlawful
The flood in tho Susquehanna 7?ivct was
attended last week with disastrous results
The ice gorged above IVilkesbarre between
0 and lOo'clock on Tuesday night, and the
back water flooded Pittslon. It rose two
feet higher than in 1 86 ", nnd reached West
1'ittson. At half past I Wednesday morn
ing the ice broke up with a terrible cra-Ji,
and moved pnst Wilkcshnrre, Another
gorge wns formd nt Ihn island, a mile he-
low, and in ten minutes the river rose live
feot, and continued rising until it reached
twenty-five feet above low-watermark, nnd
the ice touched the King'ton bridge Tho
ice enkes were four feet thick, nnd all com
munication with the fppposito sido of the
river was stopped. Communication be.
Iween Wilkcsbarre and Kingston remained
suspended, owing to the submergence of
the Hats on cither side of the river, and t lie
perilous'condition of the bridge. 'J'hc dam .
age at Kingston was much greater than at
Wilkcsbnrro, the iron bridge of (ha Lacka
wanna and IJlonmsburg lailioad, and the
woodeu wagon bridges having bcn swept
nwny. The railroad bridge cost !j!l:!0.0(MI,
and the county bridiges ueaily 'iO.ODO
each, These bridges ar.i jammed in a
gorgo throe miles nbovc Wilkeslnrrc.
The Lehigh Valley I'ailroud, both above
and below 1'ittston, is covered in places
with huge blocks of ice, and no trains run
above Wilkcsbnrro- At Nnntienbe dam,
eight, miles below vVilUesbarre, tho ice
moved on Wednesday, but remained solid
above iho dam. A gorg also formed be
tween linnville and Sualniry, causing a
great flood, aud cuttin;; off railroad com
munications. 'J lie highway bridge at
Catawispa was carried away and part of
the bridge at P.m.'ille. On each side of
the river for mile?, is a polid wall of ico.
and the river bed fruiii Campbell's Ledge
to Wilkesbarre, a distance ol twelve miles,
is a "field of ice, studied with immense
boulders." West I'itcson was caught be
tween two flood-", one of which broke
through a raviue nt the base o( tho moun
tains at 1 o'clock on Wednesday morning.
The losses by the flood nnd by the obstruc
tion of railroad travel are estimated at $1,
OW.OOl). A dispatch from Columbia, on the lower
Susquehanna, date! the lMth says: The
ice in thvSiiS'p.cimmia .liver at Ht.s point
commenced running ta ":(:'.l this alterjo-in.
pnd is si ill running past i-.i ore continuous
mass nt tliis b'-iir, K 1'. SI. It carried
awuy.tho winding b.-idge of iho Ti.lo w tier
Canal Company at rii.hlsvi!le and moved
one of the piers of t!.e Columbia b ii'ge
twenty-eight, inches out ofplnai, ier.u g
the brulge'iisrcpassahlo for t lie ; nssnjre of
trains i ho ice nud water have done con
siderable damage to the Fennsy ivauia A'ail
rend tiacks, wit of he-e, piling iee upon
the tracks, rendering the pusa.'o of tiaii.s
impossible Canal boats wire washed on
the tracks of the l'ennsyivatiin A'.iilroad at
.Marietta, and lcmain tLere The,
furnaces, Ate, w-nv nil in-i-idaled at
Cliiekies The only los.-es repurel are
tlioae of parties who had rails carried oil
Another difpa'cU of the I 'ill, from I'urt
IVposit, says: 'i lie tb-.-d here isleattul
I he water is from " lo feet deep in I lie
streets Kolhing hi;: it wus ever seen bp-
ore; nearly the whole town is flooded and
there is a greu destruction o'' property,
but no lives have been lo:st so far The 11
ti depot is fall ot water us wo II as the Ic'.e
grapu oiiice v. iiieh was abandoned last
niglii in a boat Tac river is running ai
tlie awful ra'e of twenty ui !js a:i hour, ail
no one can prsaict wicu the peril w.ll be
'llie catastrep'.ie of t'.ic anticipated flood
at l'ort Jei-vis, Ofcurcd on Wedncsii.iv
lnorniug, but the d. image, tuougli great,
tovlunaiely piovjd kfs tlji-.n wis apprthen
ued At ti o'e'eck in the liioriinig, the poo
pie weie warned, by : li-j sounding of tlie
sieaia whistle, of iho sweep of ice and
water from nhcyo AI 7 o'clock the water
was rising raj'-iby. aud Kingsuect was m
undalcd. At tins time, a large amount of
nitro-g'ycerb.e waa i-xpWud in thu gorge
and diu good service. Tits iiood increased
m force, aud tao people living on the
flats" fled beixvc it in ciwiiiiMuii. .oou
alter 8 o'cloc';, a bp go oo.-.ioi. ,,t iuj town
was inundated, u'umit houses be'-ween
uieiunuay ami me r vjr iioousi, most of
tlicm to llie !-eeoi:d siury. About twenty
smail housps iiii i a uimilu'i- of sliaaiies
weie dcuioiisl.e i, i ui owior to the it tuning
riven there was n o loss of life, except iu pic
laieoi one jn-in reported hilled At fi:b.)
the gorge b'-oUe, ti-e tte b.nan io move
down, ho rivti.aud i ae iuuiid:i' ion sulisidcd,
leaving iee tJiies e.ioii.; i lie- lii.iiks thirty feci
bigu, and many l.-h-cke! to v;ei;h
as much us thirty tons. Iho chief loss la
by the dcMi-uctiun o! the bridges. Four
of the five t-p-.-us -.f ihe i't-iaivuic It nil read
bridge, three mdes west el tiie cily, were
earned tiowa by ihe iu.;!i ef the i-.-e r.nd
waicr, and s.m p: :.v;iy inu lb, ne t luiiijc
below. The l e:aviaie Uu:! -nad li id ;c w.s
finished iu 7. ai a cect ot lO-.i.iHti. 'Ihe
lhirrett liridjro Cmupaiiy lofics about ili,
UUU, and tho Wsvd in the Ivrivu agrga.e
Iu the Superior Court, at Now Ycrk,
it was decided 1 i--t eek t ttit a street
ra'lway com puny bus a perloet r:;:!'t to
eject iotoxis-ated j-eisuna frcm their
cars, and that the company is n-jt re
sponsible for dam Jes i:i the event of
the fatal injury of a pet -ou ejected if -der
such cireiimsiariccs. The Chief
Justice not only di missed a c;imp!ait)t of
this kind, but warmly cotntueuded the
conuutor whose act tho company defen
ded, on tlu groiud that coo-luj'or)
should be encourage-l aud protected in
the exercise of the duty ot siving pas
sengers from being disturbed or endan
gered by the disorderly and imprope
behavior of drunken men. There caa
be no doubt, however, that conductor p
should exercise c tro in euch cases' '0
save the intoxicated porson from bodily
harm as far a possible, in executing the
ejectment, e'.M they end the company
may be liable io caso of persoual injury.
The Hartisburg correspondent of the
Philadelphia Evening Bulhtin, wpcaking
of the struggle for the Republican notu
ination for the State Treasurship, sayi:
Several who havo uot heretofore been
recognised as iu the canvas, have put
in an appearance, and the fight is get-
tins iuterestina;. The list of candidates
comprises the names of lion. B. B.
Strang, of Tioga; Hon. John Allison, of
Mercer; Hon. John Thompson, of But
ler; Hon. Harry White, of Iodiaot;
lion. John' Potter, of Cleaifiold: E.
Reed Myer, cf Bradford; V, W. Mitch
ell, Venangr; II. Sturgeon, oi Dauphin
and P. A. B. Widener, with tho chance
in favor of the lirst named.
The election of county superintend.
ents of schools will take place in May
next. These elections aro held every
'hrce years.
"The proportion of the married
among the insane, is smaller than that of I
the unmarriod." ITndoubtly A man
who lias to scratch around and make a
living lor his wife and eleven children
couldn n be insane if ha wanted to. He
hasn't the time.
TWnn Stiln, w. MilUrite. but he
failed to convince bis wife of the truth On a winter night he
aweke her, exclaiming; -Arise, wife!
..: i.i ri .oid ,b il
Mill, VIU 1 UUIj HW I
wile: "tho Lord wouldn't be 'round
here on wheels with such good sleigh
-I . , 1 .AnKnJA.. it,.l t-ftllnfT I .
mu luaiiien jwii:ii..i; iunv -j---0
man, a butcher, who has been but a few
years in this country, stayed with the
- v i r...- J.. r.rn;.ii,p
juungi..,.,! iuu. uJO
to his death, and having somo previous
knowledge ot the disease informed tne
family of Lis suspicions, but they
heeded him not. His testimony is that
ho was seized with pains in the back
and limbs, fiually bccimo paralyzed and
unable to ht-lp himself, and died.
The Erie Dirpntrh says: Wo have a
few further particulars in regard to the
Creeu trichiue case mentioned in yes-
.... tv.i I
it may mm mux VV- l'1'
the herd oi tho tamtly, is stil. in a cnti-
cai situation and tire daughters remain
in auout tne simc conmuop. j.ui we
may say, as they were fo -owavood not to
eat of tho infected pork, they wisely
heeded the advice and partook of no
mre, hence are but lightly altlicica.
At last the spirits have been subjeo-
ed to practical test. It trpperrs that at
a circle in Scranion, a believer received
.i mil til ft ' tiin fVnin fl i1ernii nn frinnil I
. r . ,. ., . ,
luioruiing mm uat on a ocnain uay uu
would die, and adv-siog him to take an
iofutanco oo h's life, which he immedi
atoly proceeded to do. At the appoin
fn.l time bo died, leavi-ig his wifo a
claim of 810,000 against the insurance
company. And now the company re-
r-is'.s piyment on tho ground that tho
deceased committed "moral suicide."
The WtM amsporl G. & B. says:
The following touching lyrical stanzas
ire recommended to the favorable con-
. . ..,.
ldcratton ot schord superintenaents,
eaehcis and dtrectors, as in every way
niLpcr to be observed in tho primary
epartmcu's of city and county schools,
. - - i
fo long as this new dispensation of die-
shall last:
0, lead my infant, feet to walk
Into the spelling school;
Let other cli'ld'en sneer and laugh
it oil hog nphie rule.
Tut me that bet 'or way still lead
Til' perfectly I spell;
So may 1 shun the path that leads
To where Josh Uillinga fell.
Specm? Payments. Some of the
State Legislatures seem disposed to
e'iach the pledge of Congress for a ro
Miuiplion of specie payments January 1,
1873. The New York Lcislaturo has
passed a bill providing that all taxes
levied i-i the fji.ito niter that date shall
be collected in United States coin, or
notes rtdecinuble in cold, ami th it
every contract mad3 or implied and
payable alter lhat date in dollars, not of
tpteified kind, shall be payable in
United 8. .ties coin of the slaudard fixed
ut tr.c time the contract is made. A
bill containing the same provisions has
been l'ntvoduced iu the Massachusetts
The Butler Ci'kcn, of last week,
s: There is a uest of about twenty
big tanks at Dilks btalioo, which cn an
iveiage bold 20,000 bbls, each or about
100,000 bbls. in all, and there aro also
gieat many tanks at Millevstown,
Modoc, Ka, os, Petroha, Parker, and
other place. It is estimated that there
aie about 3,000,000 bbls. of oil in slock
in the oil region, and . nbcut 2.000.000.
, ,. ., ., . ,... ..I, ,
f? '
5:000,000 in all. The consumption of
ou in the world amouats to siinosi j,-
000 bbls. per day, or about 9,000,000
. i
bbls. ccr vcar. There is no trade or
LusitiCss thut does net carry from three
to six months stock; but trom tne
. r. , f
fiuies given above, it will bo seen that
the oil business is rather over-stocked,"
, o q o.
i-jttui c.saiv., oivri vr in
SON. The Altooni Tribune of Monday
Mi.h IS povo. VVo bnv nnsitive
assurance that the comme season will be
a good one for snakes, while the Morn -
t7 Tribune can iustlv Dut in the claim
, c . , ,,. j
r-'P'"o -
year of grace 1875. People of a ner-
, . :n -ottot, ibp
Y UU3 ICUJ'UIUUiaUl Will UUb 1
foregoing statement, nevertheless we
d cem it advisable to put tbem on tbeir
o-nnrrl in On Frirlav evenintr
as a. run, a son oi ex ouenu
James Funk, of DuncansviUc, was go-
iug to his father's stock fields after the
nowa. bn flnnmintprfld in tbft nath a live
, ., . . , ...
snaKe over tnree leec long, wnicu w
in the act ot crawling at a brisfc rate
over enow ono foot deep. Mr. Fuuk
immediately dispatched his scakeship,
and took it along home with him. The
ex-Sheriff, writes us, measured the 6er-
pent and will vouch for the truth of the
foregoing. Possible -it was a copper-
head on its wav South from New
Hampshire, as th. raW election in
lhat State would seem to indicate that
.. . A . . , ...... .t...
tbat locality wasnot very healtbf for
Advanced Rate of Postage
Tho advanced rates of postage on all
articles of tho third class causes much
grumbling. That, it may bo clearly un
dorstood by the reader what comes un-
der tho head of mail matter of tho third
class the items are specified as follows:
AU P"phlcts, occasional publications,
t"n51eot newspapers, magazines, hand-
b,1 posters, unsealed e.rculars maps,
P"nls, engravings, blanks, flex.blo pat-
terns, articles of merchandise, sample
cnrd3 pnotographio paper, letter cn
. I I
velopcP, nostnl envelopes and wrappers,
cards, plain or ornamental paper, seeds
bulbs, roots and scions. Under the old
law this olass of matter raised throueh
the mn at t in rate Of Oun rnnt nor
ounconow tw0 ccn(3 per ounc0 ftre re.
t d vcspar)()rg t))at usod to f)
ror ono C(,nt now reauir0 lw ccut
8amp or b(j (irown .Q thp
waste basket.
Still the ouy is fur the Wihon
Shuttlo Sewing Maohiuo. And Why?
Uecauso it is the most perfect and de
sirable sew in;r nftchine for family use
and manufacturing yet invented, and is
the cheapest. The constant demand
for this valuable machine has made it
i,poi,sjble for tho manufacturers to sup-
. ... r
ply the demand. Machiuos will be de
ivcrcJ at Bailvoad Station in this
county, free of transportation charges.
jf or(jrrcd through tho Company's
lrat,eh ff0B90 nt 3l7 aa(i oo-j Superior
gt. Cleveland Ohio.
They send an decant cataloirue and
cbnrjio circular, free on application.
This Company want a few more good
or.-, us Bishop
of Southern Ohio has
received the ap
proval of tho Standing Committees of
twenty-three dioceses, aud ho will
therefore be consecrate! by the House
of Bishops. It seems to be pretty well
established that Dr. DeKovcn's election
as JJishop of Illinois has failed to re
ceive tho approval of a majority of tho
Standing Committees. From this latter
fact it is argued that the majority cf the
Protcs'unt JCpiscopal Church aro op-
p0,od to the ritualistic ideas of tho
nii-li Chnro.h ivinv. 77t
" i
Teh graph
Full unofficial returns ftotn New
Hampshire g;vo Cheney. Republican,
30,440; Roberts, Democrat, 38,707, and
White, Temperance, 731, votes for iov
crnor. fjhoney has o.ia pluanty, but
lails of an c!ec:ioa by 123 votes. Tlr
Legislature, 00101; Republican, will elect
Cheney. The total vote is 70,008, the
largest ever cast for a State officer.
Tho Democrats elect Messrs. Jones and
Bel! to Congress, and tho Republicans
elect Mr. Bli.ii-.
On Fjturdav, at I'ottsvillc, Michael
Flanagan was found guilty of murder iu
theliist degree. He killed James Mc
Gorleck last December, near Mahanoy
Iu Pittsburgh on Saturday, Frederick
Jlyers was convicted of the murder of
Goihard Wnhlin in November, 1874
His accomplice, William Murray, was
convicted on Thursday.
cw York, March 22. The only
case of trichina spiralis that has been
known in this city for years eamo to tho
knowleugo ol physicians to-day in 'the
person of on. Mary Brown, who was
sentenced to the ten-day houc ol the
Tombs on Wednesday, and who died en
Saturday last. Iu making tho post
mortem examination tho Deputy Coro
ncr found tho body iufected with tri-
Avtletons American Crcr.op edia
that the revised, and elegantly illus
trated edition of this work, now being
published, a volume of 00 psges once
ia tff0 months, is the beet Cyclopedia in
America, is certain. Ao library is com
P'ete without it. It is a complete ono
in itself. It only costs f 3 a month to
I rrnl it in o hrr r.i ml i r. cr 1 Iia line anil
cbe,pMl :i!jra).v in tie crld. Ada1-csg.
(j, j,, Jugsod. irjdcDia, . x.
New Advestisements.
Dissolution of Partnersihp.
rilheurm cf W. S. SERVICE & CO. is this
I day dissolved by mutual consent.
the business hereafter will be conducted
oy o.oeivice, ny uuom an oeDts aue by
said firm will bo naid. and with whom all
uccounts due to said firm must be settled.
. ...... Ibli. Mtt UU,
1 NotlCO.
A LL persons knowing themselves to be
XV indebted to ihe lute firm of W. IS.
SERVICE k CO. are requested to call and
genu the 6ame before the first of Aprii'next,
as alt accounts ct said hrm not settled at
that time will be placed in the hand of an
attorney for collection.
nlio w. a. BtltVlUi.
- Tho True Capo Cod Cranberry
best sort for Upland, Lowlaud, or
Garden, by mail prepaid, fel per 100, fro
Pd' 1,0,00. All the lCW, Choice fctraw
. berries and Peaches. A priced Cata
of theM an(, M 0fnamen
,al Tree8 j.crgreeus, Shrubs, Bulbs;
Uoscs, Plants, &c, aud FilESH
cicest collection in the country with
all novelties, will be sent gratis to any
, . . , ' .,, , f .
QardeD. 'rree pruit, Evergreen, or
Uerb Seeds, tor 81,00, sent by mail
. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur-
8crje8 aD( gee(j Warehouse, Plymouth
Mass. Jistabltshed 1343
Buffalo, New Vork & Philadelphia R'y.
On ond after FEBUARY lllh, 1876, and
until further notice, trains will leave Buf
falo from the Buffalo, New York & Philai
dolphia Railroad Depot, corner Exchange
and Louisiana streets, (Buffalo time) as fol
lows: 7:40 A. M , MAIL, stepping at Kbencser
8:03 Springbrook 8:10 Elnm 815 Jamison's
8:19 Aurora 8:20 Wales 8:88, Holland 8:50
Protection 9:00 Arcade 9:14 Yorkshire 9:23
Machias 9.-33 Franklinvillo, 9:60, lscbua
10.11 Hinnlale 10.27, Erie Railway 10 43
Ulcnn 10.66, Weston's 11.03, Poriville,
11.10, State Line 11.18; Kldred 11-81
Lnrabec's 11.38, Sartwcll 11.44 Turtle
Point 11.48 Port Alleghany 12.01 P. M.,
Liberty 12.19, Keating 12.29 IShippen
12.40 Emporium 1.00 P. M.
9.10 A. A1.,M1.E1J TRAIN TU ULtiAiM,
stopping at Ebenexer 10 06 Ppringbrook.
10,31, Lima 10.62 Jamison's 11.00 Aurora
11 26 Wales 11.49, Holland 12.10 P. M.,
t'rotectiou l-iit), Arcade, lorKsntrc
1.12 Machias 1.30. Fninklmville 2.03,
Ischua 2.61), Hiniidalo 3 21, Erio Railway
4 00 P. M.
3.30 P. M.. EXPRESS, sloppinn at
Ebcnezcr 3,50, Sprin-tbrook 4.04 blma 4.11
Jamison's 4.10 Aurora, 4.22, Wales 4,36
Holland -1 4(, Protection 4.60, Aronde5 11
Yorkshire 6.19 Mnchias 5.30, Franklinvillo
5.40 Ischtia 0.05 liin.-dalo G.20, Erie Rail
way 6.80, Olcnn 6.o2, Weston a 7.00, Poit-
ville 7 00, b'tnte Line 7.14, Eldred 7.27,
Larabec's 7.36, S art well 7.41, Turtle Toint
7.46, Port Allegany 7.68, Liberty 8 17,
Keating 8.25, bhippen 8.45, Emporium
9.00 P. M.
4 00 A. M., EXPRESSBtopping atShip-
pon 4.15 Keating 4.35 Liberty 4.44 Port
Allegheny 6.03 Turtle Point 6.1a, fart well
6.20, Larabec's 5.25, Eldred 6.33 State
Line 5.44 Portville 5.52. Weston's 5.57,
Olean 0.20 Erio Railway C.23, Hinsdale
88, Ischua 0.62, Fruklinville 7 10,
Machias 7.20 Ycrkshicr 7.35 Arcade 7.43,
Protection 7.67, Holland 8.05; Wales 8.15,
Aurora 8.20 Jamison's 8 83 Elma 8.88,
pringhi-ook 8.43, Ebcnezcr 8.52, Buffalo
9. 15 A. M.
FREIGHT, stopping ntShippen 0.40, Keat
ing 7.85 Liberty 7.60. Port Allegany 8i40
Turtle Po.ut 9. 13, Sartwcll 9.2o, Larubee's
9.40 Eldred 10 05 State Line 10.38, Port
ville 11.10 Weston's 11.25, Olean 11.42,
trie Railway 11.47, Hinsdale 12.20 P. M..
lscbua 1.08, Frniikliuville, 2.06, Machias
2.41, Yorkshire 3,00, Arcade 3.L Protect
ion 3.42, Holland 4.08 Wales 4,85, Aurora
5.00, Jamison's 5.20 Elma 6.28, Spring-
brook 6.40, Ebcnezcr COO, Junotiou 0.30
P. M.
2.00 P. M., MAIL, stopping nt Fhippen
2.15, Keating 2. 80, Liberty 2.44, l'ort A 1
lcgheny 3.03 Turtle Point 3.15 Sartwell
3.20, Larabees 3.20, Eldred 3.33, State
Line 3.40, Portville 8.65, Weston's 4.02
Olean 4.20, Brio Railway 4.23, Hinsdale
4.38 lschua 4.62, Franklinville 6.11,
Machias 6 80. Yorkshire 5:37. Arcade 5.40
Protection 0.02, Holland 0.10, Wales 6.20.
Aurora 6.32, Jamison s-0.38, Lima 0.42,
Springbrouk 6.-17, Ebcnezcr 6.58, Buffalo
7. 20 P. n.
FREIGHT, stopping at Hiusdalo 7.00
lschua 7.30, Franklinvillo 8.15, Machias
8.53, Yovk9ciire 9.23, Arcade. 9.45, Protect
ion 10-14. Holland 10.35. Wales 11.00,
Aurora 11.25, Jamison's 11.39, Elma 11.-19,
SpiiuKbrook 12 02 V A Ebcnezcr 12 22,
Buffalo 1 00 P. M .
ia"Ko trains run on Sundays.
11. C. Fltitt, Gen't Manager,
il. L. LYMAN, Gen't Pnss'r Ag't
J. D. YEOMAN S, Gen't Sup't
U. S. Internal Esvenue
Kay 1, 1570, to April 30, 1875.
1 Uni:ed Slates, Section 332. 823:
and 32.10, require every persou engaged in
any business, avocation, or employment
vr'uich renders him hablo to a Sl'LClAL
Doting tho payment of said SPECIAL TAX
for tho Special Tax Year beginning May 1,
lt?7o, betore ccmmencing or continuing
busiucsB niter April !0, lnio
The taxes embraced within the provisions
of the law above quoted are ihe following
Kcotifiers $200 00
Dealers, retail liijuor 25 00
Dealers, wholesale liuuor 100 00
Dealers in malt liquors, wholesale 60 00
Dealers iu malt liquors, retail 20 00
Dealers in leaf tobacco 25 00
Retail dealers in leaf todacco 500 00
And on sales of over fclJdO fifty
cents for cvciy dollar in cxccs
of $1,00".
Dealers in manufactured tobacco .5 00
Aud for each still ninnu'actured 20 00
Aud for each worm manufactured. ..20 00
Manufacturers of tobacco -10 00
Manufacturers of ciirars 10 00
Peddlers ot tobacco, first clash (more
llu.n two horst-s or other animals. ..00 00
Peddlers of tobacco, second class (two
liortos or otner animals) -- uu
Peddlers ot tolmcco, third class (one
iiorsc or otner animals) lo uu
Peddler of tobacco, fourth class (on
loot or putilio conveyance) IU UU
Drcwers of less than 600 barrels 50 00
Brewers of 600 barrels or more 100 00
Any person, no liable, who ehall fail to
comply with the foregoing requirements
will be fculijcct lo severe penalties.
Persons or firms liable to pay any of the
Special 'l uxes named above must apply to
E. COWAN, Deputy Collector of Internal
ltcvenue ut Yairtn, Warren County, ri.,
and pay for and procure the Special Tax
Stamp or Stamps they need, prior to Mny
1, lfcio, and VWTUUUT JjUAIUJSA'KO
Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 1. 1375. n4t4
Any person suffering from the above
disease is requeued to address Db. Pbick,
and a (rial bottle ot medicine will be tor
warded by Expresj.
The only cost being the Express char-
ges, which owing to my largo busineas, are
Dr. Price has made the treatment of
a study for years, and he will warrant a
cure by the use of his remedy.
Do not tail to send to Inai tor a trial bot
tle; it costs nothing, and he
no matter cf how long standing your ease
may be, or bow many other remedies may
have failed
Circulars and testimonials sent with
Ce particular to give your Express, as
well as your Post Otlice direction, and
C7 William Stieet, New York. v-5n31y
Sates of Aivertklnj.
One column, one year $75 00
Trausient advertisements per square
eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser
tions, fcl.ou, three insertions, $2.
Business cards, ten lines or less,
year $o.
Advertisements payable quarterly,
Ridgway, Th. 2 2 It.
Bidaway, Elk Co., Ta. Office id
Hall's new lirick Building. Claims for
collection promptly attended to.
HALL ik M'VAt. Lt r,
Attorney sot-Law.
Office In New lirick Building, Main St
Ridsway, lilk Co., fa. v3n2tf.
vlnZoyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aeoi
dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn.
Surgeon Dentist, having permanently Io
catcd in Rigway, offers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Ridgway and sur
rounding country. All work warranted.
Otuce 111 bervice x Vt heeler a Building, up
stairs, lirst door lo the left, 73-n-82-ly
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler.
Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for th
Howo Sewing Machine, and Morton GoU
Pen. Repairing Watches, cto, done with
he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis-
nction guaranteed. vlnly.
Druggist and raraceutiet, N. W. cornel
of Main and Mill street?, Ridgway, Pa.
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign and JJouiestio Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, day or
nigiit. vln3y
Physician ana Surgeon.
Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and
Main Sis, Residence corner Broad St.
opposite the College Ottice hours from
8 to 10 A. M. aud from 7 to 8 P. M.
J. S. B OR DWELL, M. D.t
Eclectio Physician and Surgeon, hasremov-
cd,his otlice from Centre street, to Main st.
Kulgway, l'a,, in the second story of the
new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo
site Hyde's store.
(jlheo hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7
jau 9 73
Ridqway, Elk Co., Pa.
W- II. SCII RAM, Proprietor.
Thnukful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the now
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience of
guests, to merit a continuance oi the
Oct 30 1809.
Kane, McKean Co.,
R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore so
liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro
prietor, hopes, by paying striot attention
lo tlie comtort and convenience of guests,
to merit a continuance of the same. The
only stables for horses in Kane and well
kept night or day. Hall atlaohed to tho
Hotel. vlnUSvl.
Centbeville, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liber illy bestowed upon him, the new
pro pnetor, Hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience
of guests, ti merit a continuance of the
r. W. HAYS,
Goods, Notions, Groceries,
and General Variety,
Earlty I O.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division. '4
ON andafter MONDAY, NOV, 16, 1874,
the trains on the Philadelphia &
Erio Railroad will run as follows I
I ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.56 p m
Renovo 11.10 a m
" " " Emporium 1.10 p m
" St. Mary's 2.5 p m
" Ridgway 2.33 p m
" arrive at Erie tj.Oo p m
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m
" ' " Ridgway 4.45 p m
" " Bt. Mary's 5.10 p m
' " " Emporium tj.05 p m
" " Renovo 8.25 pm
" " arr. at Philadephia... 6.60 a m
Mail East conuects east and west at Erie
with L S M S R W.
Mail West with east and west trains no
L 8 & M & R W
Gen'l Sup't.
White, Powell L Co.
No. 42 South Third Street.
Philadelphia, March 10th. 1875.
U. S. 1881. e 201 21
do 5 20, o 't2, M and N.
de do 'od do
do do 'U5 do
do do 'U5 J and J.
do do '07 do
l'Ji ' 20
do do 'L8 do
Ill-All An -n.mnn
l'Ji 20
do Pacino ti n cy Int. off ,
New 5'a Reg. 1881
" V. 1881 ,
Gold ....
Oliver ..107
Pennsylvania 66
67 67
20 20
49 60
rnuauelphia s trie
Lehigh Navigation Div. off..
uo vauey 6c K4
Uuite4 R R of N i Ex. DW. 13a 134
Oil Creek nl
Northern Central 83 84
Central Transportation 44 45
Ncsquehoning ,41 54s
A a A Mortgage ' '89 108 108