The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 10, 1874, Image 3

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    f&lk Stents
IUdgway Insurance Agtney.
Repreienting Cath of
835.907.744 40
German Am., New York 11,050,000.00
Niagarajof New York 1,319,933,00
Amaion Cinoinnati of ,850,957 17
City Ina., Co. of Providence 196,854 32
Travelers Life & Accident
Hartford 2,0C0,000,00
North American Mutual of
New York 5,000,000,00
Equitable of New York 15,000,000,00
Insurance effects in any of the above
standard companies at the most reasona.
terms, consistent with perfect seourity
tojtho insured.
J. O. W. BAILEY, Agent.
var rime at magway.
Mail East
(to Went
4:4fP: M.
2:33 P. M
8:20 A. M.
nronn ijaeai, fcast
Irt fin Wf
6:25 P. M.
4:50 P. M
do Went
8; 20 A. M.
The Mail and Through
Local carry
passeD-aers. ine local uues uuv.
1 V , , A . 1
The stated meetings of Elk Lolgc, No.
Mttn 1 . 1 . . 1. ' , r '
oiv. are ueiu ai. meir nau, onrner m main
nd Depot streets, on the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month'
W. C. 7IEALY, Sec'y.
Bates of AlverUeinjr.
One column, one year -
$75 00
i " " " 40 00
I " 25 00
15 00
Transient advertisements per square of
eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser
tions, 1 1.60, three insertions r-.
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
year f 5.
Advertisements payahlo quarterly.
The Tramp of tt "Yap."
From our exchanges we notice that
the tramp Of the "Vags" has begun
Tlie""Vagissottie relation to the hungry
Vandals of old; they roam about the
country seeking where they may find
something to cat. There are several
D .
Wpeoies oi this animal, wi h two of which
'we have to do There is the" Ya2"'who,
being born tired has a 'dielike to any
thing that flavors of work, there was one
of this kind in the Warren lock-up the
other night, who made his bra 79 that
lie had lived three or four years with
out work, by tramping from place to
place This variety comes in the fhape
of lazy good-for nothing that should be
kicked rather than led.'- The other
specimen is the "Vag who is out cf
work, and having spent tho little he had
for drink must needs fall upon tho cbiri
table support. This cla-s are more Id
be pitied than blamed, for they are to
themselves their worst enemies. There
re a great many varieties of what might
be termed Vags," but they are al
known to us, and why discuss their
merits or demerits. Then again there
are a great many men and women
T aming about the country who are in
needy circumstances from no fault of
V:. m t !l .1, ..1.J ,1.
nd of charity be extended- In con-
Lolusion we will give a receipt to euro the
m,i . . . . 1 .v- ...
prsi two classes or tne " a": snow
hem the way to the wood pile and have
hem earn what they have by the sweat
f their brow, and nino chances to one
ou will lose your "Vag-"
Tub Commissioners of che Warren
08900 Asylum ask for a further appro-
riation. Up to Oct, 10. 1874, the
luperihtendcnt bad drawn 846,814 08,
nd had paid out 816,306,37. The
lilt amount paid out by the Commis-
loners, that expended by the Superio.
Anient, gand lor tarm the complete
. .1''
uiai w vki.. ,, loi. hub eju.uira.
. . . , , , .
ion. ine cUDU,uuv appropriated last
Ifinter will be expended in tho course of
he winter and spring. The Com mis -
ion ask tor a further sum lor next
bason of 8250,000, with which sum
Vey hope to put the whole building un.
Cf roof before the cold weather of the
all of 1875.
Following! is an Australian remedy I
br that dreaded disease diphtheria: In
ustralia, where dipiheria baa been ex-1
emlj prevalent and virulent, it is (aid
at the administration of a few drops of
lphurio acid in a tumbler full of
Iter has been found very efficacious,
e acid mixture appeanug to disinte- politics in this country for half a century The loss is one hundred thousand dol
ate the diphtheric membraue, which that the party which had a majority of lars. Steamers from Parkers assisted iu
then readily removed by a coughing
bit on the part of the patient. In
nnection with thin email pieces of ice
solved in the mouth afford quick and
rmanent relief,
cents 1 barrel. They don't use of
ueh water for drinking purposes at The first beiug "Human Brotherhood;" a large bear, which he shot and woun
arns oity now. The Karnsitea agree eoond "The curse of Meroz;" third ded Bruin 6tarted off, and Mr. Razee
th Josh Billings that water it good
r washing purposes but not worth a
Ljtfor drink.
What to do with the parents has
Lerceeded the query "What to do
h the girU." Gate swinging is now
1 of the question, and jet the old folks
11 presist in dozing benind the stove,
en they should be in bed. The girls th
gNOW loll here oa Tuesday last. J be
Clearfield according to the Jour
nal has a haunted house.
The United States Senator wilt be I
elceted on the 19th of next January.
WE have received the annual report
of the Warren Insane Asylum.
We bavi only two prisoners in our
jail now
Warren has had a few fatal cases of
A LOT in Boston was recently aold at
the rate of SI 800 per foot frontage
The Williarasport Register cam to
us this week enlarged and improved.
Col. Forney writes "that English
girls are magnificent creatures."
The corner of Broad and South
streets now boasts a street lamp.
The annual meeting of the Pennsyl
vania State Grange take placo at Wil
liamsport on the 5th of January.
Gen. Belknap, Secretary of war,
was made happy by the birth of. a
daughter on Saaturday evening a week.
Evert Republican in Elk county
should subscribe fur the Advocate.
Terms $2,00 a year.
S. G. Stevrrs, aged 80 years, and a
resident of Warren since 1830, died nt
., . , , i . -w i
tbat P,ace. weck aS lost onfay
It is said that a banal of oil in the
oil regions will cot purchase a pound of
Dr. Earley Las a street lamp on bis
corner, and the beauty of the thing h
he has it lighted every night.
Beastly! The Williamsport Built
tin says there are nve foxes, nine
Lyons and nineteen Wols in that city.
The Weather, the local quill driver's
most fruitful theme, was very fine on
last Friday and Saturday,
The snow was so deep at Wellaooro
Tioga County last week that the people
couldn't an to church it was three
inches deep.
Barney McCue has been convicted
nf ninr.lpr in fhn first drTfff fur takiiiu
the life nf John Decter at Muney dam
Lycoming County.
The lumber shipments from Wiliam-
port for the week ending November
28th, were 3,54,400 feet. The total
shipments for the year are, 228,457,000
Hie .HcKean Aimer savs the cars
will be runnia to Farmer's Valley by
Christmas, on the McKrau and Buffalo
RailrcaJ, Providence pcrmittinsr. Five
miles are now ready for (he ties.
ihv JJAToitF, who was elected i
member of the legislature from Bcrk?
coanty has since died. He was out visit-
ins some raticots, anl 00 his return
home was struck with anpoplcxy.
A requisition has been made for
panel of 1,000 jurors in addition to the
other thousand called for last week
from which to select a jury to serve on
he Tiiton-Reccher slander suit.
W.M F. IIavemyer, mayor of New
-t- -I. ....) ! t 1
ti - I 1 J
Monday of last week whilo transactinp
public buinsss. His term of office ex
pires on the first of January next.
IIev W.M Martin, has succeeded in
having a new oiffin placed in the
Methodist Church at this placo. The
price of the organ wa $1000, it has
three banks of keys, twenty-two stop
and is a magnificient organ.
The dwelling house of Genl. Harri
son Allen, in U;aue, w arreu county,
was burned to the grouod last week
The building was insured for about
R7.000. and cost at the time it waK
built about 810,000
n t it n 11:...
xn. ui.ia.-ii jv., iviiuuiilhu
member - elect of the Legislature from
Armstrong county, died last week
This is the second death since the elcc
tion. The other ono being a Democrat
from Berks county. Both of the
gentlemen were physicians.
Geoboe LabaR died near Strouds
rg, Monroe county
on Suuday, at
the great age cf 112.
It IS said Mr.
Labar was too old to enter the army
during the war of 1812. For many
years he has annually been visited by a
curjous crowd and the story of his life
was frequently told in the newspapers.
Tut Warren Leihicr savs. It has
been a notable fact in the history of
over thirty in Congress would elect
their President. The Forty-fourth
Congress willhave a Democratic majority
of over seventy
vR baVe received, with the comnli-
Ii i
tneots of the author, Levi Little, a copy
aphamplet entitled "'Three Sermons,"
"Christian Contentment. The work is
publishedby L. Little & Co., Ridgway
Pa., at 25c, apiece or 815 per hundred
Weighing the Mails -In accord-
ac Wltl1 an oroer recently issued from
th. Department, all the mails
carried over the Pennsylvania Railroad
aro weighed daily, tor over thee monthb
obJe;5t belD t0 Terage the whole
oommenced on the 1st of October, will
eDntinued until the 13th of January. 1
Elilgwa? Qraiei School
The general average of the students
in the high school department, for the
month ending Dee. 7th 1874, are as
follows, 100 signifying perfect and 50
very poor:
Sonior Grade
Arthur B. Little 100
c'u Pauley.
"A" Grade
Willie Geary
Otis Keltz "
Kattio Callahan"""""
Fanuie 5uwers """"
Louis Klv
. . i'13.4
.lennie Gresh
Florence Osterhout
lvatio Uresh 98
Alton Cbapin mi.88
Charles Olmsted "J"2"""Jl0')
Libbcus Luther t)
Ida Luther
"""" Grata""""
John Walker 92
Charles Karlcy""J """ )'
Bonnie Till ' 87 . 5
Arthur Norton". 95
Thomas Maloue 92
I'atriok McQoutie","." 98
James Cunningham 97
Michael Mceuan 99
Dennis Ilealy 01
hhoda lleox 97
Clara Brooks )7
llelleo Little t)'),6
Julia Flyn 98
v'adie Cutliberf Ifu,;)
May Little t).7
lH'fsie fctcele ytf.5
Dosiu Ilhines" " "" 97,5
Lillie Wicks 117
Laura Y arner 98.5
Hena Powell . rig 5
Minnie Service "1"98.5
lbert Fitch
I nomas Gillouly 9
reicr ;lenan 98
"C" Grade
Nellie Schraui 9S,5
Annie McCloskv !I7.5
Ida Olmsted
Lizzie Walker
Jennie Howard
Kllsworth Hewers
Oscar Gardner
Eddie Luther
Rulfc Wilinarth
Thomas King
. 99
Joseph Jackou
CInrles' Meenan
Lewis Lesser
Willie Xetl
Oiiu Iload
Fred Fitch
Ella Leary
Jack Darrctt
Casper Kitne
. 9
" 85
tlyue Kixo
Frel Klv
ra Sherman
Albert Co:its
Lorenda Warner
t'iliio Cutiiiinliam
Emma Oims'ed
Wiilinm fioliard
John Pliean
Orin Lel'i iv
One hundred and ninety-seven ncliol-
.irs have attended the school this mouth
The average daily attendance about 90
per cent.
ll:e teachers and scholars f and our
near neighbor-) o!l uiit! in retnrninn
hanks to tho dirctnrs lor that hvdianl
in the sfho'.l yard. Wc frlok more tn
fhi health of directors and t'nst laying
May tney uev-'-r tlursr in vain." We
also leturu thanks for those much
needed scats which have dm.! at length.
Our r;cxt public examination will he
held next Friday P.M. 1 Itli iiist., and as
we were -surprised at our last examina
tion, bv a large atteiidaijrc. ot prouiinent
ciiizeusso we would like to le surprised
A teachers cls will be OfL'snizcd
immediately nircr the holiday vacation
to aecoiumodate those who intend to
teach. We hrar it said that several who
reside out of (he township would like to
attend this clas to any such wees
tend the hand ul waleoni !.
ltespcciluliv Submitted,
GEO. R. DIXON, Principal.
We have received the h'rst number
of the P.eynoldsville Herald, published
by Brandon and Reynolds, with W. S
Pieynolds as editor. The paper is both
typhograpically and editorially a credit
to the proprietors.
The two three year old steers o'
Joseph Garfield, of Busti, N, Y., which
took the first premium at the Sugar
Grove Fair, in Warren County, and also
at tho Cbautamjua County Fair, wr:
sold last week to U. La Due. nf
Portland, for 277,f)0, who intends ship-
ping ttiem immediately to the east.
They bounce the scales easily at 3,975,
und are as Sua a liinkino n;iir of unimulj
a3 0ne often sees
a , .........
Extensisi F:re at Karn9 City
A fire broke out at Karus City in the
Hutler county oil district, at noon Dee.
2, and di'sroyed two-thirds of the town,
Seventy-five buildings were destroyed,
including two hotels and the postoffico.
fighting the flames. There was but
little insurance on the property de-
strove J.
Fuom the Potter countv EnternrUe
w wVan h tnllnwo hir tnr
r- n j
One day last week John Razee started
out for a hunt, and soon came up with
pursued him until dark, but did not
overtake him. The aext nioruiag he
continued the pursuit, and in passing
J U rot. th beat came out from
"1U1UK u . m.mus pas-
. - " " .
which he pointed at the bear's head and
bred as bo retreated, until he planted
" " nu ahout nis Dead, betore
fortunate thing for Mr Razee that be
tad his "big shooter with hiiu.
List of itiBtrmnunts entered fur record id
the Recorder's office Elk county, from Nov,
1st, 1874, to Oeoamber 1st, 1874:
Uil Leaa from Hiram Carrier et al. tj J,
t-'lis, October l!)ili, 1874, lor 844 7 10
acres land in warrant. !WS1, also iloit 4-10
acres in warrant 2i"71 lioih tracts m Spring
Creek township for $1.
MorigHgo from Joseph F. Windfelderto
Andrew KbuI, October iiGth, lt74. on Sloo
square leet or Und in 6t. Mnry's Uorough
given t secure .it00.
Power of Aitorney from Igoatius Onr
ner to Fred, F. Scbocnitiff, Nov. 21. 1874
power to uiscliarge morigngo recorded in
morigngo uooa "W."
Deed from John J. RMgway to Osonr B.
Gruut, October 8th, 1H74, fur acres of
lanu in wi rnnls 4o . 43o8, 48 1. 4M51
4(4'.) nnd 4So'J in lliilgwny township for
$ 1 '.1,84 5.
Deed from Levi H. Straw an i John W
MoKin, trusteei. to Orrin 8. Sunders ct al
August lOlh, 1870, all the railroad owned
by the lienzinger Coal and Iron Co., also
for 48'J acres of land in Jienzuiger township
in fee, and also for 427J acres raining
rignts etc., iu ticuzuigcr township for
ueeti iroin Kiclinrd Vi erti Bliss to
Kdward Finlon, October lSltii, 1S74 for lot
ofland ia Jay township, warrant 48'Jj, for
u ceo iroin tuarles Vcbb and wife to
fcuwam 1'inion, October 20th, 1874, for 2
acres and 8d perches laud iu Jay township.
Assignment of Morteaee from T. J. Ben.
neit to Isaac Hanson, Novcuibor 7tb, 1874,
assigning morlgugo from Jilias Mover to
i i, .
ounni'ii 10 isaao ttnnson.
Assignment of Mortgne from Charles
R. Larlc.v to James 11, Graybill, exuculor
oi Joel viai K Uuod, November 0th, i874,
assigning ti!04.', of a mortgage froai North.
niv.ic.ii .Miinng asm txcliaiitfe Co.
lower oi Attorney ft om J. F. Weaver to
W. 8. Ctetvioe, October tlUtli, 1874, nower m
receipt lo J. s. Hyde lor ins.almcnt of
uiuriK-llTC Ue Iiom J. K. ' i Imiirn
frati?faction of Mori tVnm i
c-oieimm wile orHeymourColcinau lo Anson
ri , .. 1 . . " r a
U. It L'OJUe. UC fl I1T Hi I lH7i ln f.
mortgage in mortgage book "li"'pago 803.
Jicob V. llouk and wife to
Liugnnv vemeicrv Aason ul n. Nnr,u.
M, 1874, for 0 acres of land in UiJcrwav
.vnvc.ljl iur f uuj.
li,w..l e
,,uia .-eorg3 Uaucr and wife to
ueuige ccnaut, Sept. 2d, 1S73. for 2131
Square foet of land iu Ihe JJoroiigh cf St.
Deed from Scliaiit find w I tn A
J c ivi Vl'tJJ.
uosch .ucio Deri: ,ih, 1874, for 2131 s.iuan
. it iIQ vv auui Kits
r . - . , , , tbe u'-ough o; St. Mary's
Deed from Eliza O. Clemen's to Tati-idi
.uuioiic, September 11th. 1ST I. '(! Sivi
i.ui. ui mini ia me village of ltiilg
way, lot 14 and 15, for $1200.
.Moilgagi Irom I'alripk Malono In Elln
O. Clemeiitg, S.;piembcr lllU, 1374, on 20,.
p..hj square leet . ot land beiug lots 14 and
K iu the village ot Ridgway to score
478 78.
Keouei-t for Release of Liens from Jnrnh
II. Walter et al. to Geo. O. Lord, to relvP
laml in t. Mary s sold to Charles Luhr
from two mortgagee and a judgment.
iJeed from Joseuh K. VSindiclJr. Trcnu.
of Llk county, to II. M. Towers for Hut;
acres of lund iu warrant fl.'J'JO iu Beuxingei
township, tax and coils $72 20.
Assignmei.l from II. ! . Powers and wife
to diaries liehird. Seulember .".ill. 1874.
assigning Powers, interest iu the foreoin;'
deed. .
Deed from Martin Ait! elf anil w'ifp In P
R. Kailey, June 23d. 1S73. f.,r 3f rvore .,1
land in warrant 4078, Fox township, for
JJeedfton Jerome 1'owell and wife tii M
M. Schult. trusteo of Wilcox Tunnies Co. .
-Nov. 12tli, KS74. for GOO acre of land in
War. 323 and -14S iu Itiiliruav tnn.ia'ii t.
for$l.-..!t ' r
l'ce l from Charles Corbel to Jane Aiiar i
itc 'd H llinra, June th 1874, for 141-21.
acres of latd iu Millslonn lnn;w un r..r
Ice l from Joenll Vi"i!lielm nml orifn (.1
iToim W. M-MJ.inn,!. A i.?m L' Uli. 1871. fur
noriH of .i,l iu warrant 40.17. lot 14
in Fox towu.jbip.
jJeca noni tjeorc Sehaut ami wife to
osepb Wilhclm. (ictober 17ih 1871 to.-
onefourtli of lot H in tft. Michael 3 stro'il
for SI I KM).
liecd from Charles Luhr and wi'e t Ar
nold, Octoh.T 21st. 1x71. fur
ots 4 and 5 on Charl.-s street iu the JJoro.
of St. Marys foy $'M).
ixea ti om (ieorg Ivetpcr and wife to J.
Steriey, Aii 'uh 7th. IS7 1. for lol noras
and 30 perches of laud in liciizinger towu-
slnp for 4'.iOO.
1'eed ft 'oui J. R. Sterlev and wife to The
St. Miry's Coal Co., November l'Jih, 1874.
for 151 acres an J 30 perches ofland iu Ben.
linger township for $2100.
feed t ro in William Clyde and wife lo
Robert Carothers, Norembar 4tli. 17-1 fjr
2j acres oMand in warrant 2 V.lO. Milltioue
township for $100.
Meed from John HolobaiiKh and wife to
Peter llolobaueh. November IMlh. 1874 for
40 acres of land in warrant 4000 Fox town
ship for 1 000.
Jjced from Maibias Benzinzer and wife
et al. to John Alles, August 1st, 18 jf for
0 acres of land, loi25, oil uorth St. Marv's
road for JIO1!.
Quit Claim I'eed from F. V. Kite nnd
wil'eet al. to Charles It. Earley, November
lOtli, 1874. 471 acres of land &r.& 58 81100
acres cf laad in warrants 4088 and 4078 in
Fox township for '700.
Oetd from Soloiimu Bxckert to Catherini
B. Wilber, November 17th. 1871. for 8')
acres land in warrant 4247, in Fox town-
Hip tor J lOOO.
Tower of Attorney from Samuel IF.
Bibigliaus to Horace Little, November 23d
l874, to satisfy mortyaire recorded in mort
gage book "B" pnge 432.
lJeed from Joseph V. Norris et al. to
Uriah Ropers, April 17th, 1732 far 203
acres and 131 perches of land in warrants
4244 and 4245 in Clearfield couniy for
203 77,
Deed from Jno. G. Hall and wife to
Joseph H. Uyda, Noveuiber 12th, 1874. for
1 10 acres of land iu warrants 4240 and 4253
known as the Bacon lot in llortou township
for $2000.
The Secret. Those who prizo a
beautiful head of hair (and wa know
our lady frieuds all do.) will thank us
tor a few words on the iu valuable quali
ties of Ayeh's Ilxia Vtuoii as a dress
ing. In our own case it heals a buuior,
keeps the head free from dandruff and
seurf, stops the tendency ofourhairto
fall, and heightens its beauty. A slight
touching with it removes the coarse and
dry appcaraoco which negleoted bair
puts on, imparts a rich gloss, and makes
us presentable in the most fashionable
company. Such rare qualifications, pre
sented in a single preparation, create
it as enduring value; but add to these
.he faculty of restoring to grey looks
their youthful color, and maintaining
our good looks with so small an expen
diture of time and attention, and you
stamp it prime favorite with the publio,
and ensue its permanent and enduring
popularity. Huutsville (A.Ia.) Jfcpub
Mean In Syracuse are four mild cases of
Bruall-pin and nine of varioloid.
Albany N. Y., December 3. The
Governor wroto n letter to Mayor Ifav
cmeyer three days belore the latter's
death, staling bis attention had been
called to Tweed's ease and the unlaw) tiS
indulgence granted; that Tweed hud a
room furnished with ad the comforts,
was allowed to wear ordinary dress, re
ceived visitors, and was exempt from re
straints imposed on others, often com
milled under pressure of want. This
distinction was disgraceful to the Rtato
and makes crimiual justice a tnocketv
The Mayor's attention is called to these
The Uedster aud lieccivcr of the
land Office of Utah are appointing in
spectors to prevent lires among the tim
her on the publio lands.
New Advertisements.
PETiTUt. .
i l'ctition will be presented at the next
session of the Legislature 'or the passage of
a law reinstating 1 lie loniimvsioiiers of the
liig Level State lload, long enough to collect
present taxes, pay up indebtedness and set
tle up accounts.
For the Commissioners
Uec. 3, 1874. 4t
late of Heuzingcr Township, Elk Oouut
deceased. All persons indebted to
aid Estate are requested to make im
mediate payment. All those having
legal claim against the same will pre
sent them without delay in proper order
for settlement, to
n41t6. Exoeutors.
This splendid enterprise is not only well
sustained in every feature, but is being
cohbtantly developed and improved. li
lo-day stands without a rival iu Ihe whole
world cf periodical literature. Tho beauti
ful dog-portrait, "'Man's Unselfish Friend,"
a chronio presented to every subscriber, is
a dociued.hit, and will, if possible, add to
the popularity irhich this ork has g-uiitd.
The Ai:t Union feature also promiais great
and beniticeut results, in uror.tung public
interest in the fine arts. Circulars uud ful.
information on application.
Parts I, II, III, and IV are now ready.
Leisure-Hour Miscellany.
lo be complsted in 40 pans issued for
nigtly. Each part will contain an elegant frontis
piece, originally engraved on steel fur the
bondon Art Journal.
nt a price within the popular reach, en
"ravings neve? before otfered at less than
five times the amount.
Tbeie plates have been the attraction nf
The London Art Journal,
Fach pnrt will contain "6 quarto pages.
Deluding the elegant frontispiece, on heavv
plate paper. A superb title pa??, riehh
iilumina'ed in red and gold, will be given
will) Ihe fh:-,t part, end the printing of the
entire work will be a worthy represenla
ion of "llie AUline Press ' which s n
guarantee of something ben utiful and val.
At a Cost cf 25 Cents a Part
Tarts I, II. aud HI are Jut Published.
lompleie in 12 monthly parts, at $leach
Reproducing the best full psge illustra
tions from the earlier volumes of
The Aldine.
Fach monthly part will contain six bu-
perb plates with accompanying descriptive
matter, and whether for binding or framing
win ne entirely Deyona competition ir
price or artistic character. Every impres
sion will be most carefully taken on the
finest toned paper, and no pains will be
"pftred to make tui.i tue richest production
of press which has won, in a marrelously
short time, a world-wide reputation.
Especially assorted for
Scrap Book Illustreticns and Drawing
Clans topics.
A larpe collection of pictures of different
sizes and on almost every conceivable Suh.
jeot have been put cp iu an atlractive en
velope, and are now otlered at a price in
tended to make theui popular in even
Envelope No. 1, containing 50 beautiful
engraving3, is now ready, and will be sent,
postago paid, to any address for ONE DUS,-
LAll. A liberal discount to agents and
A splendid assortment of SCRAP UOOKS
have been expressly prepared for the holi
day season, and no present nf more perma
nent interest can be selected for gentleman
or lady, old or young.
No. 1. Half bound, cloth sides, cilt.
back 'J5d pp. llixl'S inches to 00
No. 2. Half bound, clo h sides, cilt
ba-, 500 pp. 12x10 inches 7 00
No. 3. Full nioroceo, beveled hoarJs
gill aud antique, very rich 500 pp li 00
Lettered to order iu gold at 2j cents
each line.
Sent by mail post paid on receipt of the
Iu compliance with repeated requests.
the publishers of Tus Aldisb fcavo pre
pared impressions of many of their most
neautitul plates for passe-partout framing.
1 ue cuts are mounted on a beautifully
tinted azure mat, with a hands jmo red bor
der line.
To attach the g!ass, it is only left for the
customer to paste and fold over an already
attached border and this may be doue by a
27 subjects, 12x15 inches. 25o.: with
plass, 60o.
bix of this size for XI when selection is
eft to the publishers.
6 subjects, lUxI.'i luches. 20,!.. with
glass, 4 13.
7 subjects, flxPJ irehes. 15c. with
glass, 0c.
12 Bubieets, 14x19 inches, 50 .: with
glass, $1.
beet by mail, without glass, post paid, for
SS JI.iitt n lAine. .Vc.v York.
a TiintcB sroBT Tna Rntroit or Tna
Chicago, lecembcr 3 Wilbur F.
Storj, proprietor of the Timet, has taken
the citjr by surprise, by officiating as
groom in a wedding last night. The
bride is Mrs. Kureka O. l'earson, a
dashing and beautiful young widow ct
tlurf v-hve, lormerly a Wiss JJissel
Only a dozen trieuds witnessed the cere
mony. lo-niL'ht there will be a grand
reception at. the rcsideuce of Mr. Story,
on iMicluumi avenue. It is reported
that, in addition to other valuable pre
sents made the bride, Mory has deeded
her a half ioteiest in the 1'ime.t, which is
equal to a dowry vt nearly a hall mil
lion dollars. This is the third time
Story has risked the dangers ot the mat
rimonial state.
Disasters on Lake' Michigan this fall
are very numerous. No less than a halt
itozeu ships have gone to the but torn,
with all ou board.
William Stunres, the Hoard of Trade
man, who succeeded iu settling with Us
creditors, has commenced suit against
President Howe, tit the ISuard, cluimiug
$25. 0U0 damages for unjust rulings
when his case was on trial.
London, December 2. Advices from
C;ipe (Joast Castle state that a council
of native kings, caib d by the Governor
of the Gold Coast, was rtecntly held for
the purpose ofneeivinga communica
tion from Quoeii Victoria relating to the
African slavery questiim. In the mes
sege, which was read by the Governor,
the Queen inists upon the abolition of
slavery in Atrica as a recompense lor
Her uiujt'Sty's assistance in the wat
gainst the Ashantees under King
Mrs. Abraham Lincoln is in Jackson
ville, Flot'da, to spend tho witter.
Texas is proud ol ur. Teter Gunsolus
aged seventy-six, who has taken to him
self six consecutive wives ar.d owns pa
teruity to fiity-tour children.
IkLMi.vuroN Maciiinks
Finn Arms, and AanicurrtiHAii Im
PLEMENT8. Tho lletuington Fcwiug
Machine has sprung rapidly into favor a
;irssessii) e Lcit cotulitialiou of pond
ijualiticsjinuely , light running smooth
noiseless rapid nnd durable. It ha
etraight net-die, j crpeudicular action,
lUtimatie drup-fttd, makes tf ie Lock i
';lmttl( Stitch, which will neither rip nor
ravel, und is alike on both tides.
Tho Heuiiugton Sewing Machine Las
received pcuiiums at many Fi'its,
throughout the United States, and v.ith.
iut ffl-iit tmkthc Grand Medal of In-
:refs, the highc.-t order of medal thai
was awarded at the lato Vienna Epoi
The Remington Works alno maru
'aeture the new Double Barrelled
iret:i'h Loading Shot gun snap
nd positive action, with patent
joint check, a marvel of beauty, fiui-h
und cluapuess, aud the celebrated litm
mgton Rifles adopted by nint different
-ovcmm uts, nnd renowned throughout
he wdi Id for military, hunting and
'argot jurpoH?s all kinds of I'istols,
Kifl'is, Canes, Hetalic Catridgcs, K c.
Agricultural Implements, Improved
Mowing Machines, Stil l l'lns, Cn'tiva-
ti-rs, Road Sciarcrs, Talent 1'xetiiatois,
Hay Tedders, Cutttn Gins, lion
Drillers, dtc.
The undersigned has licen afipoiiitc;
agtnt lor the sale and iiitrodneiion o1
'he Reminctun Sewing Machine in b mi
.'or tlie counties' of Eik, CUaitieid and
Depot and office, St. Mary's. Pa.
P. S. A good local egent wanted.
Elk County Directory.
Fres'dcnt Judge L. I). Wotmore.
Additional Law Judi-o lion. Jno- P
Associate Judges Chas. Luhr. J V
liistrict Attorney J. K. P. IUU.
fclicritl U. C. Oyster.
I'mili-moiary -c, t ied. Schoening.
Treasurer Joseph Wiudl'elder.
Couniy 8uperiiit-udeiil liufus Uucore.
Coiuinissioiicrs Itoht. t'ainiiliell. Juliiia
Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis.
Auditoi-b O. W. llkiTclt, Thomas Irwin
Thomas J. Iturke.
County Surveyor Geo Vi'ilmsU-y.
Jury ComtaissitBcrs. l'liilliti treica
Uuieoin T. Kyler.
On and after iiONUAV, NOV". 21, 1874,
iraias between Itedbaub and lliil'tnood will
iiiu as fellows;
EXPRVSand MAIL will leave Drift
wood daily at- 12:30 pm, KoyBoldsfilie at
;j:'J0 p ki, iJ;ookille at 4:05 p i, arriving
at ltedli:iua at U:12 p ai, euBiiectin wiib
txpresN on Maiu Liae fmr I'iitsburgli.
M1XKU WAV leaves IteynolasTilie daily
at C:4 l a m, Xieokvilie al b:10 a n, arm
in); at Itedhank tll:id ai, connecting
wi:a trains aoi ia aud svuta ea iain Liu.
FXPUKSS aud MAIL leaves Ttedbaiik
daily ai 12:) a w. arrives at lireokvillo ul
2:hi ) m lleTBoldivill at o:'JO p ui, Urifl-woodai-
ti:liJ u m, connecting witU trains
eost and a cit ou P and L Itailro.
M1XKU WAi leaves New Ueihle'ui daily al
.;:M6iui arrives at Kreokville al u:03 j'
ui, Ueyuoldivilleat 7:3d p at.
On and afler MONDAY, NOV 23, 1S74,
trains ou the Allegheny Valley Itailroad will
ma as follows:
BUFFALO EXlRE33 will leive Pitts
burgh daily at 7:45 a in, Heubitnk Junction
at 10:47 a ui, and arrive at Oil City at 2:40
p m.
NIGHT EXP K CM will 'leave Oil
City at :1 p ai.ltedbaak Jauotiou ail'2: 60
p m, snd arrive i Pitisbui-ijU a 7:2) a in.
TiTL'BVlLLE EXPULSS leaves Pitts
burgh at 3:00 p bi, edhauk Junction ul
0;25 piu, aud arrives at Oil City at 10:20 p
m. Heiuruing, leaves Oil City at 8:30 a
m, Redbank Junutinu at 12:11 a ui, aud r
rivea at l'ittsliurgb at 3;4 j p in.
tieueral Superiutendeut.
Wm. M. Phillips,
Ass't Supt., rirookville, Pa.
Philadelphia & l'.rie II. H Division.
6U.MME1; ll.MK TAIU.E.
ONandafterS'JNl)AV,JI.'NK 2?, 1874,
the trains on the 1'hiiaileipLia ft
Lna Hiiilrond will run as futlotirn:
Ningnra Fx, leaves 1'liilndclphin.. 7.20 a. ni
" ' " Keuovo 4.20 p iu
" " bit. at Emporium ti 20 p in
" " " St. Mary 's 7.H0 p 1.1
" ' " ltidgway H.Ufi p in
" " arr. at Kane......... ti. l.jpm
F11I2 MAIL lenyes l'lnirnlelphia 11.55 p ni
ltvtiovo 11.10 a m
" " Emporium 1.13 p m
" 8t. Mary's 2.10 p m
ltidfcwuy 2.33 p tu
" arrive ut Driu 8.00 pm
NIAGARA EX. lenven K:inc... 0 00 p m
" ltidgway ...10.04 u m
' " Emporiuiu..ll.8:j a in
" ' ltimovo 4.0o p ia
" " air. nt Philadelphia 2.5Uam
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m
" " ltidgway 4.40 p ni
" " M. Mary's 0.0'J p m
" " ' Emporium 0.10 pm
" " llenuvo 0.20 p m
" " iirr. nt Pbilndepuia... SI. 40 a in
Mail Enst connects cast uud west at Erie
with L e M S It, W and at Corry and lr
vineton witb Oil Creek aud Allegheny K
K W.
Mail Went with east and west trains on
L S & M S K V and al Irvinutou with
Oil Crock and Allegheny U K W.
Ueu'l Sup't.
Winter Arrangement.
To Williamsport, Suubury, IIarriburg
I'liiiadiilphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington aud the South.
On anl after NOVEMBER 10, 1S74, and
until tun her uotice, trains will leave Buffalo
New York & Philadelphia Railway Depot,
corner Exchange aud Loui.-duua streets
(Buffalo 'iuie); a f .llows:
7 40 A.M. ACCOMMODATION idaily
except Sundays!, stopping at Ebcneter
8 04. .Springlirook H 14, Elm 8 20, Jamison
8 2j, Aurora 8 31, Wales 8 44 Holland 8 50;
riuiectiou S) 05, Arcade V 20, Yorkuhi'-e
'.12V, Maehiaa i) 37, Franklmville y 55,
isliua 10 15, Hinsdale 10 ol, Erie Railway
Juncliou iO 45, Oleaai 10 4(1, Westons 10 fit).
L'onvillc 1105, Ututo Line 11 12, Eldred
1125, Larabees 1134, Sartwell 1140,
t ui tie I'uiul 1 1 45, Port Allegany 11 5,
Lilnviy 12 17, p. U., Keating 12 26, Sliip
pcu 12 43, Emporium 1 00, P. M.
t5ta;ren ave advertised to connect with
ihis train at Elma for Marilla; at Arcade
t ! Vcriishire; at Fraaklinville for Rush
lord aud Centreville; at Portville for Ceres,
Kiculjui'ir, Little tieuee-tee, Boliver, Miil
)urt aad Aharon Ceulie. at Larabees for
mcthport; at Pon Allegany for Cou.lcis.
pun; ui Kta'.ing, luesilay aud Fridays for
vYIiariuu, Eaat haitonnnd East Homer.
(daily r ic-pl Sundays), stopping at Ebcn-
zer J uj, pringbrojk 10 07, Kliiia 10 28,
.iiuiiii-uii in 44, Auioia 11 05, Wales 11 3,
ili l'.i.n-.i 11 I' 12 16 P. M , Ar-ia-lc
Ui 4S, urkahire 1 05, Machiag 1 20,
Fta:ikliuii!e 2 05, I melius, 250, HinsJale
3 U'3, Eiie Railway Juoc.ian 4 00 P. M,
Kingt'H me a'iveiliscd to connect with
ihi- train a! A;-cade for Yorkebire and
Uulifon!; al Fi anklinville for Rushford.
(daii) ), flopping i Ehciieier 3 22. Spring
li.ook i uli EluiaU3U, Jamison 3 40, Auro
ra 3 40. Wales 3 5, Holland 4 05, Protec
tion 4 IS, Arcade 4 29, York
rhire 4 ;(". .'Jchia4 4 45, Franklivillc 5 00,
UcLu.t 5 1 7, liiindale 5 30, Erie Railway
.lunctii'ii 5 45, Olean 0 05 (Supper), Wes
loiis U 1", I'ari vilio U 22, 8tate Line 0 30,
Kldred ti -12, Larahces 0 53, Sartwell 0 58,
lurtle Point 7 Purl Allegauy 7 14,
Keating 7 ti, Eujporium 8 15, Reuovo
10 40, Williamsport 1 10 A. M., Sunbury
2 50, Barrisburz 4 21, New York U A. M..
i'iiilade!diia 'e 05, Baltimure 7 45, Washing
lon HV A. M.
Ktajes are advertised to connect with
(hisiikin at Klinu for Marilla; at ICast Au
rora, en Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Satur-
iiiy, lor Java tllaje, Mry korsv.lle, Wales
aud Wales Hollow; at Avcade for Sprine-
v i lie. tiaiiduskay an t iuvksiiire.
Piilnia'.i Palace bleeping Cars on this
lriiu ti om Rullalo to lialtiuiore aud Wash.
ingt'.'ii ni bout change. Piiiludelpliia pas-
eugeis transfer at Hari'-bur, New York
racBcngers at llarri urg On Sundays
iliid ti aiu doe3 not run easi of Olean.
2 30 A. M., BUFFALO EXPRESS (dailv)
slopping at Sbippen 2 50, Keating 3 15,
l.iheriy ti 1!0, Port Allegany 3 52, Turtle
Feint 4 10, Sartwell 4 10, Larabees 4 22,
Eldred 4 35, Stale Line 4 62, Portville 5 03,
Wettons 5 10, O'.ean 0 00. Erie Railway
lunction 0 05, Hinsdale 6 20, Ischua C 35,
Frankliuville 6 54, Machias710, Yorkshire
7 18, Arcade 7 20, Protection 7 40, Holland
7 48, Wales 7 6U, Aurora 8 10, Jamison
8 10, EluiaS 20. Springbrook 8 25, Eben
eter 8 30, liuCalo tt 00 A. M.
This train makes direct connections for
Niagara Falls, aud all points iu C'auadaaud
the West.
Slngta are advertised to connect with
this train at Arcade from Springville, San
dusky and Vorksuire; at East Aurora, on
Tue.-das, Thursdays and Saturdays from
Jata, b.rykeraville, V ales and Wales Hol
low; at tlaia from Marilla.
On Mondays tuistreiu does net run eat
of Olean.
FREIGHT (daily except Sundays.) stopp
ing at Ehippen 0 40. Keating 7 30, Liberty
7 40, Port Allegany 8 40, Turtle Point
9 13, Sartwell U 20, Larabees 'J 40, Eldred
10 00, btate Line 10 83, Portville 1105,
Wcstons 11 20, Olean U 38, Erie Railway
wy Junction 11 43, Hinsdale 12 15 P. M
Franklmville 2 05, D jlland 4 00, Aiuora
4 48, Junction b 00 P. M.
Stages are advertised to connect with
this traiu at Poriville .'loin Ceres, Rich
burg, Little Genesae, Boliver, Millport aud
SUa. ou Ceuire.
2 00 P. M., ACCOMMODATION (daily
except 8uudays). stopping at bhippen
2 14, Keating 2 33, Liberty 2 41, Port Al
legany 3 00, Turtle Point 3 13, Sartwell
3 18, Larabees 3 25, Eldred 3 81, Btate
Line 3 45, Portville 3 53, Westous 3 5'J,
Olean 4 08, Erie Railway Juncliou 4 13,
Hinsdale 4 28, Ischua 4 41. Frarfkliuville
5 00, Machias 5 25, Yorkshire 5 3'J, Arcade
6 50, Protection 0 10, Holland 0 22, alea
0 83, Aurora 0 40, Jamison 0 54, Elina 6 6
Springbrook 7 04, Ebeueier 7 15, Buffalo
7 40 P. M.
Stages are advertised to conneot with'
this train at Keating from Wharton, East
Homer and East W barton on Tuesdays and
Fridays; at Port Allegany from tjouders.
port; at Larabees from Bmetbpori; at
Franklinville from Rushford aud Centre,
ville; al Arcade from Rushford and York
FREIGHT, daily exoept Sundays, stopping
at Hinsdalf 6 47, Isohna7 18, Frauklinvilla
80 0, Machias 8 34, Yorkshire 8 53, Arcade
9 20, Protection 9 64, Holland 10 13, Walei
10 88, Aurora 10 05 Jamison 11 21 Elma
11 36 Springbrook 11 60 Ebenexer 12 15
Buffalo 1 00 P. M.
Uen'l Manager.
Gen'l Sup't. Gon'l Psa' Ag't.