f'H 1'WIWIW.tl.lHWnMrV 1 It. IS) Henby A. 1'arsoks, Jr. . Editor THURSUAV, NOVEMBER 12, 1874. Is Virginia, lately, nn eaglo pounced on a young lady, fixed his talons in her hair, and flow off with about ten pounds of jute. This incident will un doubtedly be used by the ladies as an exouse for wearing snoh enormous chig non?; but is it right, is it fair, to deceive a poor bird in that way. Imagine the feelings of tli at proud American bird when it alighted in the nesr? of i'a young with keen appetites, and found no girl attached to that bunch of hair! Governors were chosen iu eleten States on Tuesday only two of whom are Republicans. They are as follows, Republicans in Italic. Alabama, Geo S. Houston; Delaware, John P. Coch ranc; Kansas, lhomas A. Otbornc; Massachusetts, William Gaston; Michi gan, John J. Bajlcy Missouri, Charles H. Hardiug; Nevada, L. B$ Bradley, Nev Jersey Joseph, D. Redle; New York, Samuel J. Tildcn; South Caroliua, John T. Greon, Ind , Tennessee, James D. Porter. History Kei'eapino Itself. Iu 1810 the Democrats were swept out of power as by a whirlwind; and yet in 1814 they elected their Presidential can didate, Polk, over the great lleory Clay. In 1852 the Democrats elected Pierce by the electoral votes of all the States except lour; but in 1853 their party began to break up and, narrowly escap ing a defeat in 1856, it was scattered to the winds in 1800. In 1872 General Grant was re-eleoted by the electoral voters of nil the States except six, with two-thirds ot eaeh house of Congress to back him, and yet in 1874 we have something very much like the reaction ary whirlwind of 1810, and upon simi lar issues. iV. Y. Herald. Silver Fractional Coins . The gold price of silver bullion has become so cheap that the fractional silver coins of the United States are not worth any more in gold than greenbacks. It is now suggested as desirable that wo have silver fractional coins put in circulation, instead of the pobtal currency, and thus make a beginning in specie resumption. Tte low price of silver in Europe promi ses to be permanent. In this connec tion two new silver coins for immediate circulation are talked of as very likely to be authorized at the next session of Congress, one a twelve-and-a-half-cent piece, and the other a twenty-sent piece Ad attempt was made at the last session of Congress to get the last mentioned coin authorized, and the recommenda tion was favorably reported upon, but through the hurry at the close of the session the bill was neglected and not acted upon. Tuk Democrats will not "realize" on their recent gains of Congressmen, giv ing them a majority ot forty or fifty iu the floufis, until December a year, as the first session of the Forty-fourth Congress will not convene until that time. They will be powerless to carry through any politieal measui, as the Republicans retain a majority in the Senate, which oannot be changed be fore March, 1877, when the next presi dential term will commence. It is likely the Democrats of the next House will devote their attention to making politi cal capital for the Presidential cam paign, by all manner of investigations into the good, bad and indifferent acts of the in party, power. But this fact which appears to be generally under stood will do doudt'itnpose on Republi cans at the coming session the duty of letting their political household in order conduting publio affairs with prudence and-unloading. Pittsburgh Telegraph Toe Man Teat Defeated Butler. Mr. Charles P. Thompson, the man who ha3 made himself imraornl by de feating Buttler, seems to bo a mo3t d3 sirable kind of man to have in Congress He made a speech at a jubilation meet ing in Gloucester on Wednesday night, and in it uttered these unmistakably sound ideas: "I stand now as no partisan. I am not the servant of the Democratic party; I am not the servant of the Republican party. I shall advocate those measurers, that I believe to be for the common good. I shall never advocate a principle upon party grounds. I shall be unwor thy of the confidence that has been placed in me if I understand what tho Democratic party meant when they put me in nomination, which was that I 6hould carry out those principles whioh I believed to bo right that I should servo my country first, and by serving my country I know I can best serve my party. In this canvass there are some important questions'. One of them is the financial question. I know that my Republican friends who voted for me did so because I was souud upon that question. You may ask me if I am in favor of the colored man. I answer, yes, I am in favor ot the white man aud the oolored man. I believe they are both entitled to equality of rights and an equality of duties. I would Dot go for a law that would discriminate in favor of white man or a black man. I want the earns law for all. (El) Mr, Lcschcr. of i'ottavillo. IV. is tlia latest Qjing exemplification of the bencBts of life ItHuranco. On the 19th ult. he insured his life lor $50,000. and the next day ho was waylaid, murdered and robbed If that dosen't encourage the publio into insuring, them there is no faith to be reposed in dodgers and circulars. One of the largest, if not tho largest, real estate transactions of the day, has. just taken place in Kansas, A tract ot 100,000 acres of land, extending fifty miles, between the Cottonwood and Little Arkansas rivers, with the town of Ilal.MfMid for its trading contre; has been sold to a colony of Russian Men nonites, who arrived in this country in September. The oolony will number 2,000 persons. The payments made troiu tbo Na tional Treasury by warrants during the month of October were as follows; On account of civil and miscellaneous, ?G, 840,807,04; war 4,391,435,49; navy, $2,331,982,43; intenorlndiaii8 and pensions $1424,910,54; total, $14,995, 185,47. The above docs not include payments made on account of interest on the principal of public debt of th e United btates. The officers and the brunch societies of the Nebraska Relief and Aid Society, in behalf of the suflerers by the grass hopper plague, are receiving contribu tions to meet immediate demands. It is proposed to Ncud a car load per week of j rjv's'uns and clothing to each of the six principal stations in the western counties, where tho crops were des troyed if the liberal contributions now arrivii g continue. Nine car loads have beeD already forwarded. Washington, November G. The fact that the Democracy control the or ganization of the next House of Rep rcsentives has brought into active labor a large number of candidates for various positions to he filled by the majority ol that body, The amount of patronage, however, is so small and the applicants so numerous that tho prospects ot a large number being disappointed are quite strong. The places tc be filled are as follows; The Clerk of the House has forty-seven persons on his rolls; the scrgeuD t-at-aruis and three door-keepers, tweuty-six; and pobtmaater ten. There nre twenty-eight committee clerks. Total, one hundred and fourteen, which will enable the Democratic House to re ward three Democrats in each State of the Union. Washington, November 7. The presi dent, sinco the results of the election have become known, has expressed him self freely with his intimate friends on the causes producing such a revulsion in the popular verdict, In his opinion the Demociats are as much surprised at their overwhelming successes as the Republicans. He was not prepared lor such a crushing party defeat, aud don't think any act of his contributed. The Republican Congress alone is respoosi b'e. The great element of discord in the Republican paity was the attempt to force upon the people Sumner's Civil Rights bill. The President opposes, and if Congress passes on the Civil Right's Rill next session ho will veto it. He believes the Republicans will be triumphant in 1870. He will probably give his views iu his December me ssage The sweepings of the rooms in the British miut last year contained Sll, 476 worth of the precious metals. No less than 22,UU0 Southern claims have been presented to the commission at Washington, and only 5,254 have been adjusted thus far, leaving over 1G,000 to be passed upon. To pay these claims the handsome sum of over ten millions ot dollars was required, and to pay the ballanoe it will take fifty mil. lions. Now, that the Democrat have got control of congress, we may expect to see more of these little bills come rol ling in. DiPTUEHiA is prevailing uj an epi demic in New York city. Last week no less than fifty five persons died ot it. This disease has become singularly pre. valcnt in New York during the last fif teen years, prior to which it was so rare that few physicians had ever seen a case of it- The causes are understood to be foul air and bad drainage, or pre cisely tho causes which produce typhoid fever. It is, however, more contagious than the latter disease, and it is proba ble that a large proportion ot the cases recently reported originated from conta gion lather than from tho poison de veloped by decaying organio matter. Wet Boots. What an amount of discomfort wet boots entail, and how well wo all recall the painful efforts we have now and then made to draw on a pair of hard baked ones which were put by the fire overnight to dry! Once on, they are a sort of modern stocks, detructive of all comfort, and entirely demoralizing to the temper. The following plan, it is said will do away with this discom fort: When the boots are taken off, fill them quite full with dry oats. This grain has a great fondness for damp, and will rapidly absorb the least vestige of it from the wet leather. As it quickly and completely takes up the moister, it swells and fills the boot with a tightly fiting last, keeping its form good, and drying the leather without hardening it. In the morning, shake out the oats and hang them in a bag near the fire to dry, ready for the next wet night- draw on the boots, and go happily and comfortably about the day's work. Sienifio American, A girl in the cloth factory at Lowell, Mass., on Saturda7 had her arm torn from the socret by a belt, and died in few minutes. THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST TATER IN TflR COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCU- ATION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY )rvoM to the ftttcwt.s of tlit ccplc of (Silt Count". TEEHS:$2.00 P3B YEAS. If you want to sill anything, let the people know it through the Advocate, the great advertising medium. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AXD GET THEM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. She (KHi gdwafq Job Printing Office '5 In the Court House, Ridgway, Ta. The best work done, and at tho very lowest prices. Hand bills printed at the shorcst notice, Call in and get our prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by mail promptly attended to Address, HENRY A PARSONS, JR. Ridqway, Pa. THI.1L lit ST Following g the list of causos set down for trial at November term 1874, commenc ing Monday, November 10. 1 The Spring Run Coal Company vs. Thomas Tozier, No. Ki, of. January torui, lNli'J. 1 Geo. D, Messenger ct al. vs. .Tames Geo. et al., No. 41 of April term, 18(H). 1 John Tudor vs Hiram Woodward et al., No 6, of Aegust term, 1870. 1 E. M. Mason et al. vb. Henry bouther ct al., No 19of January term, 1H71. 2 Jnmcs Curry vs. E. & C. 1'aino, No 88, of Apri term, 1872. 8 Martin Sorg vg Nicholas Krnnenwcttcr ct al., No 4H, of April term, 1872. 4 The School lisrict of Fox vs. John Myers et al., No 'il of January term 187;i. 6 Anthony Wine vs J. A. llaak, No 41 of August term 187:1. U The Clarion River Navigation Co, vs Ilirain Carman No C'J of August term, 1873. 7 J. C. Selden vs Administrators of Charles Sheldrake, No 20 of November term 1873. 8 11. F. Lawrence vs B F. Ely, No 40 of November term 1873. y Ralph JobtiBon et al vb Miles Dent, No 40 of January term 1871. 10 The Commonwealth of l'eimnylvnniu u ho of J. A. llaak vs A. Kaul, No 07 of Jun. term 1874. 11 Charles Willing et al vs Thomas Irwin et al No 72 of January term 1874. 12 1 W Hays vs tlias Moyer, No 71 of January term 1874. I'JJ Alderfcr & I'reston vs The I'.nffalo New fc'ork aud Philadelphia Railway Co., i i ot August term 184. Id l'liillip W.IIays vs Ellas Moyer, No 13 of April term. 1874 14 J. L. Ellis' vs, Siinbury Kire lnsur ance Company. No 21 of April terra 1874. la J. L. J.llm vs, liie Columbia Insur ance Co, of Lancaster l'a. No Tl of April term 1874. 10 Haimon k Coon vs H. W. May No 41 of April term lb74. 17 John au Urubant vs L. L. Tutzel et al No 36 of August term 1874. Jo J.iiues lilnok vs llie lienzuiiier Conl and Irou Co. Nj 47 of August term 1871. iu o. A OiUitend vs i lie township of lioriou .o bif or August term 18i l. 20 Timothy (iuilfuyle vs Henry Tictee No 00 August term 1874. !1 George Opdyke vs Francis A. Loosch No 70 of August term 1874. 22 IK licwilt vs U. 11 Dixon No VO August term 1874. FuR sale by e.ic. guesii, Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Vii. VAN VLECK'S CELEBRATED PATENT SPRING BED BEST tempered steel spring wire, these epriiigs tuu be laid on the slats of any common bed utid are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES 1 Also agent for Weed Sewing .Machine, Easiest l'liimiiip, Most iiuvable, and BEHT JiACliib .m the market. Cull and examine before purchasing elsewhere. v4nl0tti!f , Sdminislrtilor's .X'otUe. In the matter of the cstr.te of JOHN KETNEH late of Jones Township, Elk Co., l'a.. deceased. Letters of Adminiflratini on the above cstiiie haviig been grained to the under signed, all persons indebted to the said es tie requested to make payment, utid those having claims against the tame will present them without delay to MADISON S. KLINE, or his Aliy'n. Administrator. HALL & M'CAULLV, itidgway, Fa. liidgw.iy, l'a. n2U4. I V YOU WANT TO RU Y GOODS CHEAP CO TO JAMES II- 11AGKRTY Main Street, lUdgway, l'a. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ROOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUE HNS WARM, WOOD AND WILLOW.WA15E, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stoelv of ' Groceries ar.d Provisions. Tho BEST tBHANDS of FLOUH Ctiisttmtly on bund, utid sold as ehoup tlx CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGKRTY. rU THE CITIZENS OF l'ENXSVL i. VAX1.1. Your uitenlion is tpeeially invited to the fuel ih -1 the Nationul banks are now prepared to receive subscription to the Capital Stock of the Centenuial Eoard of Finance. The funds realizod from this source are to be employed in tho erec tion of the buildings for the International Exhibition, aud the expenses couuecled with the piune. It is confidently believed that the Kcystono tnte will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri otic commemoration of tho one hundredth birth-dny of the nation. Tho shares of Lslock are offered for $10 eaeh, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of loclc, suitable for framiuj! and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at tho rale of six por cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stuck from date of payment to Jauunry 1, 1S7U. Subscribers who are not'ncai a National Bunk can remit a check or post ollice order to the undersigned, FltKD'K Fit A LEY, Treasurer, i)0i Walnut St., Philadelphia Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge lion. Jn Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Lulir, J V Honk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. I'rothonotbry o., Fred. Schoeniug. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder, County Superintendent Hufus Lucore. Commissioners Kobt. Campbell, Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors C. W. Barrett, Thomas Irwin Thomas J. liurke. County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissioners. l'hilli p Ereig Kansom T. Kylor. FllED SCIIOEN1NG, Law, Commercial, Book, and General Jot Printer, and Stationer. RIDGWAY. ELK CO., 1 A. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND COPING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. tlstcrhrook's3?,L'cltbralttl Slcel i'ens, the Mtcst viatic. All Kinds, of Job Printing dono in the Rest Stylo and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND 131LL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & KIM MMOTH STOCK Firmly believing Cint the" world moves, and that the demands of the public arc con stantly iuereasin-r, tho proprietors of the (GramI Ccnir;al tor have jurt returned from t'ie eastern anJ western cities with tho most pcrlect tied complete stock ol MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they have absolutely BROKEN THE RACKDONE of high prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH ! CHEAPER THAN TnE CHEAPEST ! . Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. NKW I.lVJHtY STABLE IN DAN SC1UBNER WISHES TO IN ti.rtu the (Mitz i;s of llid.rway, end the public gcLcruliy, thai la has euu ted a Liv ery fUublo and will keep GOOD .STOCK, GOOD CAIU'IAG ES ; i ), i4 i .m :n most lcasona bio terms. t.3i,Ile will alsrj do jub te.nr inj. i'luhla on Iji-ond ptreet, ubote Main. '.11 orders left at the 1'om Ollice wi'l meet pi'.impt attention Aupr 20 1870. tf. rei's Cathartic "Pills, n lit f am) I' : .' Hi.: MiiTO- ! iii !!:; r-hiii-, Mvi , :ui'l liuw ..iv.i i-iiM litM, illl't fill H"i!t .ui';t:ivi : p j il.cy i riitiiiii )': !iry (v ;!,i"u'. r i: 't-l'l'. mxu-U i t's -i V.iu hinl ( i !t:ir i dm vent--y lh'v timely v : l"t ni on hinwl w.t'ti rviiniri'i). mm use; r.'ul ever. fai hi.nl I h. Ilir I lift 1 1 I'l't'lO. tin:. .;,. i ,, '. I.QllK 0j)'i!-UMl .'" i ' Mil'-!., in- I !" -Wl I..'- i lit;- i 'I'irki' :! i -. i.y ll -i ti:' Ij.-JO'l i'tf.n- 1, lui' 'i'M-n; (-iu (vt.-:i .-. i ;i i;.n.s iv uii.t!. uu v: i' "..1 i i h .-un iU't : Vil V . i:ii.'.:l i win 1 Pi: 1 . 'L-.-Mi ;i f U-u. .-.I ).y .1 f i..:!iii;t;!ii 1 i Ii--.. i t. if- i i.- i-h:i!i.-- t i'ti' luv.itfi ilii mid' Vrh"t t - I" I ..II liu I .i.isti ,ttH with I. icli .. -f.Miilltl llP, Hon- til' lhe s s- in.Vf,!, Iho Iti its ht'iiiLhy l;L'fOinc flu;'.i fi r's t'-ifk;. ;:ml ii. ipi r.t !;-. :t-o .!' wit'tt'li Ciiltt'i.'. V. Mil --iljii? it, ; ; mi. il. 'I umir ri'iit:i.i! UK' S '. l it-; Virt ill: V:::' iVy ; iliiU;.h r;i:l ;.i"i'-i-rvi' liioir :i:fl J'.ir n. U-;ilh ut lluu", so ver lv h, nail ji.-i teft I- ivih.lile. liiiii', I'mi--.- a.i! uii!;l. mm'iI iiiipi-iito : lli. vun. iitutiifii, or diet, or : r-m re pivin an (V wiiij i'Cr to i.tl..ni t v. lii- !i ;i;i?so . t.l.'.M." tsti.- U liji. J. ia t n U' . liii.ui:.:' tin1 loin li'.i. d.'i vp. ii- I'.n'iijv i.tiit- np-t nt lion. V)V t.' r i v it. ,:' a: ( :ui'l it v:t: inn - ymi- ii 2;rl.:..fc hlr c . (-114. .';;!. fctl-. 5 ni'lfA'..!: I!Liipx. B:l it'Ui ait .;-: ' ...i-fc. tlH'V lu.lllil li" j .l'i.-'i"l.t ,y l':i.-?f I' 'u . ;, .i r.,i'recl. the 1 1 i 1 ' ir l i'ii.-j; e Uie oijr-i i ncliuus Hhiuh ).r l,u'.tfi li.:. I .i.t'i- "- i ! il !t' .ft Ii;A(:t .ft It ri;tr but ouo 1. .-.I. t- ifti;!. Kk&it. in Clio li.ir. ta-!. iitii-.tv t.,kc:i Ht':;tj'i or liie CO" it I;t 1 1. .J :.:.! X. !!.- siioni: rituiin. ;ir iftniivl, Itt t ini'ipc Iho .li-r:i-Ti kk st .?.u. iLii hilt Ii clian.o Illume Yt,,- Ir. ..y anil ItroriKltstJ nfl'fns, : iear. tli-v li't"i I linfiii.Mi in l.ir;'.t? ii!u! rn-tjiK-nt lit.seil tn j'tni t'i - tli" rn'-.'t of a lr.tiiit' intntii. l ili m lti:rt':t:su. n :u's tlti-c bhould 10 f kt :i n ijajJu Ui ilt .-ireil nrc"t by sym- I''.ir.". A- nt"trr l',7(, i;,l:i one or two Vl!l.i to p- ri,.-'i' -l'P '-liuu -i 1-i 1-,'iio . tilt' Mit!iu'..-h. .Mr .vfr-i..iitl .l;t-t' thm:i:;ti-- l'i;t st'inii'fli nml tmwt1!.. n- t-i''.s (lie :i;ii.t-t:iit, anil iiiviornt. llifl i-y.-t.-i.:. it ':-.e it i; o'.Urn .ti!va:ii.'ii-tni-s wIito :".. :i tin f! !i;ri'!!if::i exi-i". One who I'erls 1 ilt-rlt! v Wfl', 1 -len limls ('fit a ilii.:o ot llto.-e i'n makes hi n lt'i-1 .Icri-lt'tily la'tirv, IV01.1 tii"ir rl-Kti iii;z aiitl ivi.uviiiinj;; e.!t.t 'ii ti'O Uigoativc Hl'lai'&tus. rni CAHKD i:v Dr. J. C.AT.;t C- CO., rvacticnl Chemist, LOWELL, MASS., V. S. A. rOK SALE 11 If ALL DRUUGISiS KVIiUYWUERK jpilYS.CIANS AND TRUGGISTS. A jroininent New York physician lately complained to jDundas Dick, ahoui his Sad dalwood Oil Capsulus, slating that soni tinies they cured miraculously ; but that a patient of his had taken them for sometime without effect. On biii3 informed that several imitations were made and eold, he inquired and found that his patient had been taking capsula tsnld in bottles, and not MUSDAS DICK Si CO 8. What happened to this physician may have happened to others, undliUNDAS DICK & CO., take this method of protecting "Oil of Sandalwood" from this disrepute. PHYSICIANS who onco prescribe the Capsulas will CONTINUE TO DO KO, fur they contain the 1'L'ltE OIL in the Dl'ST AND CI1EAVEST form. OIL OP tfANDLEWOOD is fact super seding every other remedy, sixty Cspsules ONLY being required to insure a rate and certain cure in tix or eight days. From 110 other medicine can this result bo had. Dick's Soft Capsules solve the prob lem loug considered by many eminent phy sicians, of how to avoid the nausea anddis gust experienced in swallowing, which are well known to detract from, it not destroy, tne goou enects ot many valuable remedies. Soft Capsules aie put up in tin-foil and neat boxes, thirty in each, and are the only capsules prescribed by 1 hysicians. BSaTTHESE AVEBE THE ONLY CAP SULES ADMITTED TO THE LAST I'AIUS EXPOSITION. Seud for Circu'.ar to 35 AYooster St., N. YJ SOLD AT ALL THUG ST0E3S. General Agency, 110 Re ado Street, N. Y ESTATE OP ISAAC QUIGGLE. late of Ridgway Township EU- County, Pa. de ceased. AU persons indebted to said ts tale re renuested to make iinmAiliu.t.A nitv. men . And those having legal claims ngai nt the same, will present liiera with, out delay in proper order for settlement, to tiaiuu VUiuijLtfc, executor, Or bis Attorney, U. M. PDvVERS ESQ., Ridgway Pa 13 U SIM ESS CARDS. G. A. JIATHUVM, Attorney-at-Uw, Eidgwny, Pa. 2 2 tf. RVFUH LUCORE, Attorney-at-Law Ridgwny, Elk Co., Ta. Office In ltf.ll'. i liriek Ituildioir. Claims for collection promptly attended to. vflully. HALL & M' VALLEY, Attorney s-at-Lw. Office in New Brick Building, Main SIJ Kidmvny, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2lf. J. O. IK HAIL El', ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vln.jyl. Eidgway, Llk Coiniy, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life ad Acel dent insurance Co., of 11 ai l ford, Co. JAMES V. F I'LL EJi TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Kigway, offers his proltssioMl ser vices to tho citizens of ltidgway sur rounding country. All work varraaled. Ollice iu bin vice & Wheeler's Eaildiag, up stairs, first door to the left, iU-u-42-lj CHARLES HOLES, Wntchmaker, .Engraver aa4 Jeweler, Main street, Kidgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and iiortoa Cold l'eu. licpuaitig W atches, ell, 4oa with he same accuracy as heretofer. Satis actiou guaranteed. vlaly G. C. MESSES GES, Druggist and Paraceulist, N. W. corner of Mum and Mill streets, Kidcwar, Pa. lull upsurtnicut of carefully swleoted For eign and Domestic Drugs. Preseriptious carefully dispensed at all hoars, ay or night. vluay T. S. HARTLEY. M. 9., Physician ana Surgeea. Ollieo in Drug Store, corner Jiread and Main eft?, llcsidcncc corner Kread St. op posite the College. OtUce hears from & to 10 A. M. aud from 7 to i I'. U. vlnliyl. J. S. Li ORE WELL, At. J., Kuleclic Physiciuu and Surgeon, hasremov id ins ui::cc lrom Cenirc sneet, MMaiu tt. l;nlgway, Pa,, in the second stary af the new brick Ijiililnig of Juhn tt. alil, eppo tite Hyde's store, (jiUcC hours: t) to 9 a- in: 1 lo 9 p. ai. 7 jail U 16 HYDE HOUSE, HinuwAY, iii. I Co., Pa. V. II. SCURAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hrlwfoi3 so liberally bestowed upon him, taa ae proprietor, hopes, by paying e;rist t. lenuou to the coinl'orl and couveuieuc ot guests, to merit a coutiuuauce oi ihd same. Oct 30 13U0. BUCK TAIL LOUSE, Ka.nk, M:Kean Co., Vt. K.'l-:. LOOKtU, l'roprictor. Thxnklul for the putronago heretofote 10 liijeniliy bestowed upon hiui, the iifcY7 pro prietor, hopes, by paying Btrict attention 10 i!te cjimi'i'l and convenience of guieis, to iticrii a fiiitiiiuauce of the bums. 'J lie sialties tor horses in Kane uud vll kt'pt liignl or duy. Hall attached to tho loiel. vlu-ayl. KERSEY HOUSE, Centulvillk, Elk Co., Ya. John Collins, l'roprictor. Thankful fur the natronoiru lierctotor so liberilly bclowed upon him, the ue- pro j 1 iet or, hopes, by paying t-'trict at itiitiuu to the comfort acd couveuieuca 1 guests, I 1 merit a conttuuuricg of tha UUiUC. 1'. W. JfAYS, DEALRa in Er7 Goods, ITotions, Crccer.BS, and C-cnsral Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Hartty 1. O. vlul'tf. JAMES i'EN FIELD, (Sueo-- sor to W. C. Ilealy,) DEALER IN UY GOODS, GSOCERISS, PS07ISI0N3 PliODUCE, FRUITS, &o. 3u7tf. West End, Ilidgway, Pa. 00 D ALL'S a PLAYING CARDS BEST THE CHEAPEST. STE ?SIIirS Cheapest kind made. UEQ TTAS A chean common eavH. UKO DWAYS A nice common card. Vlll'i MAS Fine calico backs. GEN JACKSONS Cheap and popular, iern ducks, various colors and de siirns. COL . jIDIAS (Euchre deck) extra quality GOLDEN GATES One of the best cards niu'de, MT. VEKNONS Extra fine, twooolorpati - l 113. ASK FOB THE ABOVE TAKE NO OTHERS. ce List ou application. Dealers sun. by VICTOR. E. MAUGER. 0-ly 1( G to 112 lteade St., N. Y 4 Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, YOltK, l'ENN'A Cy-Cataloguos Mailed to Applicantsa - Refer (by permission) to iIon, J. IS, Ri.ack, Washington, D. C. Weiskk, Koa ii Cabl, Bankers, York, Pa, 2-Cd't ESTATE OE ANDREAS HEIMERL late of Renzinger Township Elk County Pa, de ceaised. AU persons indebted to said Eg. tate are requested to make immediate pay. ment. And those having legal claims againet the same will present them without delay in proper order for settlement, to CHARLES R1TTER. 1 CHARLES LUUR, j Executory, at St. MurHElk Conntyfc fa. u2H U