rtl (r? Henry A. Parsons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, :874. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. Bafremo Judge, HON. E. M.i'AXSON, Philadelphia. Licutcnnnt-Governor, HON. A. G. OLMSTED, of rotter. Auditor General, GEN. HARRISON ALLEN, Warren. Secretary ol Internal Affairs, COL. 11. B. BEATII, of Schuylkill. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICSET. For Congress, COL. A. I. WILCOX, (Subject to District Conference.) Tor Assembly, P. C. OTSTEil, Ridgway For Sheriff,' II . II. TYENSEL, Kidgway. For Commissioner, AV. H.OSTF.RHOUT, Ridgway For Auditor. J. J. TAYL0I1, Fox. For Coroner, CHAS. MCVEAN, St. Mary's. 113. VTIHIISS'S LSTTSS. Last week, ia the Gazette and Demo crat we noticed a long-winded article from Mr. Sebastian Wmituer, candidate for Legislative honors. The letter in question is far above tho level of ordinary minds, and even in the very bogining, seeks to make the impression that the writer is a man of vast importance. The long lingo of long words at Hie onset stamps the writer, as an egotist of far more importance to himself than other men will ever give him credit for. With this letter before us we are not surprised that Mr. Wiuimer should have wondered that eo good a man as he should have any opposition at all. Mr. Wimuier has been charged with being a railroad man, and he eeeks by writing a column and a quarter, to the papers above named, to deny the charge. And ho fails, and in the course of his letter remarks that he is a railroad man, but that tbe people of Elk county want just such a man to represent them, and that his policy U to uphold the rights of the people, should they elect him. He, in "glittering generalities" tries to pull the wool over the eyes of the voterSj so that he may rise to tho position, h e covets. Wo ask all fair-minded men to give this letter a careful perusal and then judge if Mr. Wimmcr has denied any charges made against him. You may also notice, if you please, in tho letter he complains that he has been charged with being a non-resident of St. Maryl and denies it by saying that ho has made St. Mary's his home since June 113, barring afew years spent in Mexico, etc., and that he has always been in the employee of railroad companies, and, we presume, tho most of the time away from St. Mary's. His term of residence in St. Mary's however, we consider cf vory little importance, although we have had scores ot men ask us, who is Mr. Wimmcr? We find nothing whatever in this let letter to answer, and we only call atten tion to it that more pcoplemay think of and read it, for we know unless some extra efforts are made in tho letter's be half, a dozen men in Elk county would comprise the number who will read it. Now in conclusion we wish toask the question can we afford to trust the in terests of Elk county in the hands of a man who is, by his own acknowledge ment, a railroad man, and who has not liyed long enough in our country to know what our wants, are and"who tries to stand with "freezing dignity" above the common class? We will answer the question and 6ay no, emphatically JVb "Rut. wa do want a man who is" of the people, and in common with ourselves Las a deep interest in our wellfare, and who from a residence of thirty-five years in our midst knows precisely what the needs of our country are aud who will faithfully guard our interests; sucl a man we all know D. C. Oyster to be and we ask the voters to consider well before they east their votes on the 3d day of- November next. It cost 8100,000 to transport Cleo patra's Needle from Egypt to Paris. Buffalo, New York is agitated over the arrest of a nuaibcr ot nody-steaiers, The oulprits are thirty students ol tbe Buffalo Medical College, who were sur prised by the police while ac work dis Bectiner. Several graves bad been ran tanked and the coipses carried off. The prisoners were released on parole. A daring highway robbery is reported from Galveston, Texas, as occurring on the 7th instant to the inmates of a stage coach, near Brookston, in that btate, The robbers were all masked, and sue ceeded in making their escape with the valuable property of several of the pas eengers. The sheriff and a posse of well armed men are id pursuit. George Washington (colored) made an ascension tbe other atternoon in hot-sir balloon, attached to the circus at Towsontown. Baltimore county, Md When about four hundred feet high the balloon rappidly decended, and became impalled ou the flig staff of tbe court house. Wasl ington jumped from the basket, and reached terra nnna unnurt, (Bll M If I ,11 II I Bail Boad Monopolies- This influence conspiring r.gninst the rights of the people, has bcraaio so strong, that it now controls the polities of the country. Its power dictates the nomination of Presidents, Governors Attorneys and BeprcsenhtivcB, sways whole Legisla tures to aid in upholding a system ol overriding tho people, and wrenching from them their honest money, to sup port unjust and unfair tariffs, wherever and whenever the people are obliged to submit. This power is being resisted in the great states of New York, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and others, At this fall election, the initial has been taken for our protection, in the right direction, thanks to our new constitutional fathers, by a clauso in our new Constitution, which if carried out by the proper legis 'ation will aid us in maintai ning that equality which a sense of justice and right demands. To attain this object so desirable) and of so much importance to every one, we must look well to tho men who are to represent us in the next legislature we must not take it for granted in tho ab sence of well dofinetl views on this im portant question, that the 11. It, nom inee Mr. Wiumior, is to oid uj in this particular! It could not 1)3 expected of him, ns he is "a Railroad man" and of course iilcntficd with their interests; in their employ, in the past, tit the prescut aud we might fay for tho future, is indissolu bly coDnecttd with them, it is practically his business to look after their interests and as such he is not a fit representative of the people. GENERAL NOTES. The State fair at Easton was n great success. , There are 150 postmistresses in Penn sylvania. The Grasshopper Aid Society of Ne braska have Lsued a call for additional subscriptions. It is toped aid from abroad will be rendered. To promote tho cause of temperance, a number of Paraisians have established a "milk club." The first of the new sugar crop in Louisiana arrived in New Orleans cu tho 8th inst. The price of tuition at Cornell Col lege has been raised from 813 to 20 per term. The dome of the Capitol building at Boston is being decorated with gold leaf at a cost of 1,650. Wells. Farco & Co., had 85,719,819 worth of silver, gold and coin pass through their hands during the quarter ending Sept 30th. The citizens of Swiss nativity in Baltimore propose to celebrate the ad versary of the freedom of Switzerland on the 17th of November. Tho New York Board ot Health ad vocates the disuse of candy, as it blunts whose reported wealth exceeds one mil lion dollars apiece. Snow blockades are already reported from the far west. On September 4th, train on the Union Pacific Railroad was snow-bound on tne iiea iioot Mountain. A Boys' and Gir's' Aid Society exists in San Francisco. It has large rooms. and provides a library, reading room, gymnasium, and other national aituse- nicnts for boys and girls. Eighteen thousand boxes of matches were thrown overboard from a steamer at San Francisco, one day last week, by an irate importer who was disgusted with the scale ot duties. York is to have a soldiers' monumeut, the base of which has already been ship ped to that place. It is to be of the finest Maryland marble. The cotton crop notes for October show that tho crop opens freely, and the picking generally was in rapid pro gress. In some oases the teed had sprouted in the boll. A sad accident is related from Soyder county, 1'a. A little girl, tne daughter of Job alter, while left alouo in tuc house, caught firo by her clothes, aud before assistance could be rendered was burned to death. Governor Ilartranft, after a careful examination ot the case ol Luuc.zook finds it his duty to issue the death-warrant. The condemned has received the decision with that strors nerve for whieh he is noted. iashionable women m 1 arts now wear attached to a belt arouud their waists an alms bug, a fan, a card case a pocket-book, an umbrella, a tuixip watch, a pin-cushion, somo lvoiy tabids, and a littlo mirror. Chicago's latest sensation is a suit against C. B. Farwe'l, a member of Con gress from that city, to recover eighty acres of land, which; it is alleged, were obtained by Fai well in settlement of a gambling debt Baltimore will hold a Centennial celebration on the 19th instant A bun drcd years ago on that day the Pe Stewart laden with teas, was burned in the harbor of Annapolis, by Charles Carroll, of Carrolton, and other eminent sons ot Maryland. Sewing machines are opposed in China on the score that they cheapen labor. Seveial tailors in Hong Kong who tried to iutoduce them weremobed In America Chinese cheap labor is de- rided, and in China American cheap labor by machinery is forcibly repuuia- ted. At a squirrel bunt in Florence, Mass., on Monday last, one party Ehowed 3.915 heads, and the other 4,915, chipmucks being excluded Among the game were 200 coons, 50 gray squrrels, 25 red squirrels, SO pigeons, 75 woodchucks, 100 crows, 100 hen hawks, 50 rabbits, 200 foxes, and 75 patridges. It will be seen that wo have placed at the bead of our columns t lie name of Cyrus T. Alexander as the people's cnndMiilo fur Congress. In view of the fact ibnt our pai ly lias made no nomination or Ibis im portant office, we feel called upon to gup. port the man whose Influence will be lor , lie people and against tbe monopolies. It lias come to be a question to farmers, mechanics and laboring men, whether they will longer vote to sustain men in oflicewhich every deduction cf common dense and rea son teaches them cannot and will not rep resent their interest. Too long have tho people been led to vote for men whoso in terests were not in unison with theirs, with the hope that when they were elected they would forget their own individual interests and vote for the public good. Such men always fail us in lime of need, nnd the con sequence is thai the monopolists have ob tnincd a gigantic power in (he land which will require a strong pull, nnd n pull nil to gether to overcome. We therefor, urge tho Republicans of Centre to givo Mr. Al exander their undivided support. We ap peal to Ibo farmers, mechanics, nnd labor ing men to rally to his support. Ho is your candidate, and be will represent your claims in the Congress of the nation. Never in Ihe history of tho Republic havo you needed a faithful public servant more than now. All over Ihe land Ihe cry comes lo ns that the people are ground down into Ihe very dtiEt by n fearful tyranny. Will you resist it or will vou allow the chains to be drawn so close that yon can never shake them olH L. A. Mackey, the regular Democratic nominee, is making superhuman ellorts to carry Ihe district. All that money can do, will be done; the rower which is always sed by the monopolist, nnd which is so apt to induce a poor man to tell his birth- ight. Resist the temptation. Or if some poor fool is bought with the gran-bacVt of this monied king, let his influence and power die when bis own vote is cist. Had the Democratic parly nominated n farmcr.or a man in the interest of the labor, ing nnd producing classes, wo should have had no preference between him nnd Alex, nnder, and no power on earth could have induced us to express one. But ns be tween the monopolies nnu the people, we must be found on the Fide of tho people, for our interests aud sympathies are all with ihem. The Centre Hall lleportcr says wo earn c from tbe land of patent l ights and monopo lies. Too true, therefore, we know their power to ruin nnd oppress tho people. Bilbj'onle Iicpuhliciin . Tho notorious counteilcitir. Thomas Ballard, together with Julia Ann aud Elizabeth Brittoa, alias Elizabeth Lai lard and Ann Adams, who were artes- tcd at Buffalo last week fur having in their possession a large amount of coun terfeit currency, tools, dies, presses, etc , una for manufacturing the sutie. were brought before a United States Commis sioner on Tuesday, and in dclault of &lO,000 bail each, lully committed lor trial in November next. Notice is hereby given that M. M. Schultz, A. I. Wilcox, John Ei-uho'ut, J. I. Drown, A. 11. l'reston, A. 1. AMikIi, itnu C. Malone intend to m.ike application lur the incorporation of themselves, and inch others as shall associate wua tueui, under the corporate name and stylo of '-The Wil cox Leuiclery Association; Lie onjcci oi said Corporation lo be the etablihuu ut and maintenance or a Cemetery at or near t ne village of Wilcos, iu Elk County, Pennsyl- VailiU. Bollil. lsi:tioi . All persons are hereby cautioned not to buy the following described property, ;ow in tae possession ot Jacob tjuiggle, at lower Mill Creek uiiil, as the same be longs to mc; Two horses and harness; one yoke oxen; cne ix yoke and wajron; one set bob-sleds, six chaius; one cutting bcx; one sliiunle machine; two shingle st.ws and belts belonging to machine; one set blacksmith tools nnd bellow.-', one slab car; one circular saw for board mili; six cant hooks; sis tons ot Lay more or less. J. II. HAGElilY. n20i3. Kl.minuton Sbwino Maciiiscs Fiuk Arms, and Agbkultliial Im PLKMENTS. Tho l'eniiimion Sewiuii Machine has sprung rapidly into favor a possessing the Lest combination of pood qualities nuiue'y, liht running smooth noiseless rapid and durable. It La a straight needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-feed, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike on both sides. The Ucniington Sevwug Machine has received Premiums at many Ftirs, throughout the United States, aud with, out effort took the Grand Medal of Pro gress, the highest order of luedal that was awarded at the late Vienna Esposi- position. Tho Bcmington Works also manu facture the new Double Barrelled jjreccn Lioaaing dnot guu suup and positive action, with patent joint check, a marvel of beauty, finish and cheapness, and the celebrated Bern ington Kifles adopted by nine different governments, and renowned throughout the world for military, bunting and target purposes all kinds of Pistols Rifles, Canes, Metalio Catridges, Xe. Agricultural Implements, Improved Mowing Machines, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, lload Sciapers, Patent Excavators, Hay Tedders, Cotton Gins, Iron Bridges, &o. The undersigned bas been appointed agent for the sale and introduction of tbe Remington Sewing Machine in and for the counties of Elk, Clearfield and Warren. TIIOS, J. BURKE, Depot and office, St. Mary's, Pa 1 S. A good local ageDt wanted. Till. II, SAST. Following Is the list of onuses set down i for trial nt November term 1H74, commenc ing Monday, November 10. 1 Tho Spring Run Coal Company vs. Thomas Tozier, No. 10, of January term, 1800. 1 Geo. D. Messenger et al. vs. James Geo. et al., No. 41 of April term, 1800. 1 John Tudor vs Hiram Woodward et nl., No 6, of August term, 1870. E. M. Mason et al. vs. Henry Souther et al., No 19of January term, 1871. 2 James Curry vs. K. & C. Paine, No 38, of Apri term, 1872. 3 Martin Soig vs Nicholas Kronenwettcr et al., No 48, of April term, 1872. 4 The School Disirict of Fox vs. John Myers et al., No 81 of January term 1873. 6 Anthony Wise vs J. A. Hank, No 44 of August term 187H. 0 The Clarion lliver Navigation Co, vs Hiram Carman No O'.l of August term, 1873. 7 J. C. Seldcn vs Administrators of Charles Sheldrake, No 2U of November term 1873. 8 U. F. Lawrence vs 15. F. Ely, No 40 of November terra 1873 9 Kalph Johnson et nl vs Miles Dent, No 10 of January term 1871. 10 The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania use of J. A. Hank vs A. Kaul, No 67 of Jan. term 1874. 11 Charles Willing ct al vs Thomas Irwin ct al No 72 of January term 1874. 12 1' W Hays vs Klias Moyer, No 74 of January term 1874. 12J Aldci fer & l'reston vs Tho Buffalo New Vork aud Philadelphia Railway Co., Ne 4o of August term 1874. 13 Phillip W.IIays vs Elias Moyer, No 13 of April term 1874- 14 J. L. El'ia vs, Sunlmry Fire Insur ance Company. No 21 of April tern 1874. 15 J. L. Ellis vs, The Columbia Iusur nnceCo, ofLuneastcr Pa. No 22 of April term 1874. 1(1 Jiivuuon & Coon vs II. W. May No 41 of April term 71. 17 John Van Urnbant vs L. L. Tutzcl et nl No 30 of August teii 1871. 18 James Black vs The Benzinger Coal and Iron Co. Nj 47 of August ter.ui 1874. 19 S. A ()!ni.4ead vs The Township of Horton No 03 of August term 1874. 20 Timothy Guilluyle vs Henry Ticlge To 00 August term 1874. 21 (.icorge Opdyke vs Francis A Loesch No 70 of August term 1874. 22 D. E Hewitt, vs E. II Dixon No 90 August term 1874. FoU SALE BY E.K. CUES II, Masonic Hall Building, Bidgway, Pa. VA1T VLECK'S CELEBRATED PATE-NT SPUING BED PEST tempered steel spring wire, these springs tan be laid on the slats of any common bed aud arc COMPLETE IN Til EM SELVES ! Also agent for Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest Buiminc, Most Durable, nnd BEST MACHINE iu Ihe market. Call unj txa.iiinc before purchasing elsewhere. v4n!0t'.:!i!, litiiHiiiistrulor's Jt'oticc. In the matter of the estate of JOHN KETNEU late of Junes Township, Elk Co., l'n., deceased. Lnttrs of Administration on the above estate hav'ug been prunled to Ihe under signed, all persons indebted to Ihe p:iid es n k requested to make payment, and those having claims Against the t-ame will present til cm without delay to MADISON S. KLINE, or ilia Atty's. Administrator. HALL & M'CAULEY, Kidgway, Pa. Jlidgwny, Pa. n20i4. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAM I-.? II- I AG ERTY Main Street, I'.iJway, Pa. DRY C.:Oi)3. NOTIONS, BOOTS ISUOES, II ATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEi:NS- v.'ap::, wood and w1llow-ware, tobacco and cigars. A Lai je Stock of Groceries a:;d Frsvidoas. The BEST I'RR ANJ-'S of FLOUR Cciu-tiiiitty mi hand, and sold ai cheap the CD EA1 P.ST. JAMES II. HAGEUTY. 0 TI!K UTIZKNS OF PEXNSVL VAMA. Yuitr attention is uiitoially invited to the 1'act th .1 the National Pmuks are now pvcf ar?d to receive subvcriptiouH to the Capital Stock ot the Ctnteunial Eoai d cf Finance. Tho funds realized from this miirce arc to bo employed iu tho erec tion of tho buildings for tho International Exhibition, und the expenses connected with the same. It is confidently believed that the Keystone tiite will be represented by the mime of every citizen alive to patri otic commemoration of Ihe one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for 10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rale of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, lk"0. Subscribers who are notneai a National Bank can remit a check or post otlico order to the undersigned, FRED'K FltALEY, Treasurer, 004 Yalnut St., Philadelphia Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jn Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V Ilouk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Prothmotury J-o., Fred. Scheening. Treasurer Joseph Windfelder. Countv Superintendent Hufua Lucore Commissioners Kobt. Campbell, Julius Jones, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors C. W. Barrett, Thomas Irwin Thomas J. Burke. , County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissi iners. Phillip Kieic Hansom X . Kyler. FRED SOHOENJLNG & CO., Law, Commercial, Book, and General Job Printers, and Stationers. HID G WAY. ELK CO., 1A. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S WRITING: FLUID AND COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND TRICES. llsltrUrook's Celebrated Steel Pens, the Ilest Jflatle. All Kinds of Job Printing doue in the Best Style and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL KIME. MAMMOTH STOCK firmly Lclievlng tbal the world moves, and iluit Ihe demands of the public arc con sluutly iucieasiuT, tho proprietors of the (Brand tutt-al $iorc have junt returned from the eastern and western cities with the most perfect aud complete stock of MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You eanuot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they absolutely have imOKEN THE BACKBONE of high price?. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH I CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST t Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, NEW I.IVPUIY STABLE IN III DAN SCKiliNKU WISHES TO IN form the Cittzeus of Ilwlgway, aud the public generally, tlmt lie bas Btnrteda Liv ery Stable and will Uccp (HUM rtopk. r.nnu r a T a cjks 4- p i Uie most rensonn blc i onus. Q)uHu will also do job toniritig. Stable ou Bionrt street, above Main, All orders lefl nt the Tost Ofiice will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1S70. if. yer's Cathartic Pills, Fur the mhuf nnfl cure vi' all ilvraiige- n.o't- pi i no i-tom- a. 'It, fiViT, an.t hnw ws. i ik' .li e n mill ir.icntnl, niwt mi I'xrrih'iii innxativo. liein pme'v vetre t.thlo, It ley -iHiiin II l lllt'lTIH'V Ol ltilllO i ;tl whale1, it. Much tturimiK Mcl.nesK anil i un'orinc i- prevent (m1 tiv lie. tr timely rc; anl even familv fli'iuM e llieni on hnnd f-r their tvote 'l!m and iHirl. when reuiiiml. Loitf cxiMM-ieaeu has iHvot Idem to lip Uie af- c t, surest, ami l:e4 of ali th I'M with wliieh t:ui market rImimikIs. liv their of-nr-tumil u; the blood i uui ilied. the corral' tiuiis of the m s- teni expelled, oli.-tiuiMi.n.s removeit, and tho wholo ma'liiierv of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal orjran which heeoine eloreit nnil h"icrinli arc cleansed by Att r'M J'itln. and f-Limubitcil into action. Thus incipient di-ei-o channel fnlo health, the value ni watch el.aiiuti when ivt-Uoned on tho vat itinHilmles who enjoy it, caii hav 11 v be computed. Their Mii:ar coalinc makes them pleasant lo lake, and unserve their virtues unimpaired lor any lenptn 01 time, that thev ere ever fre.-h, ami in rlecllv reliable. Although Fpareliitifx, they aro mild, ami operate wiLhout disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or 'euiiiUi-m. Full direction are irivon on the wrapper to c:i''U box. now to ue them as a iainilv rhv cad for tho f-lowi:itf compki.lHts, which these k'ilis riridlv eary: For Evtitl; or r ivi:r,-t,.fMi. TLMalraM nrii, Iwiiyrti :r ami Ej if A jMif they mm hi tc tafcu moderate! v lo stimulate tiin turn- ach, aud restore its healthy tone and actum. r or JI.iv4r osn?6ls id and il various nvmp- to liilliii) fctlHttu l;e, toit U Ilr,ni touft C'flt and Fi!nti t-'vt-r. they hhuiud be judiriouMy taken for each eae, lo correct Iho i!i.-i-ard action or remove the oln lt ui tiouo w hich cause it. For rmterr or K9iarraofa. but ono u:iM (o-e is irencnillv remised. For HClieaimutUiii. Ount, uruvrl, 5rtl- pHitfioii of tlit ilc-iii-t, E it in !te titfl, Hilacli and Loin, they should be contin uously taken, a reuuirod, to cliantre the dieacd iil inu of the system. With bucli change those coin plaints disappear. Km Broi.v and E9ro7ftln1 mnfMllnir thev Mi mM he t i-icn in lare and irciiiieht do.-e to prod'.i.-e the ettel of a drn-dic mu'KO. hot ftitErj'Milon, n larire mom? f-hould bo t - Ken. as it urouuees uie ticsueu eneci i;y eym- I'athv. A a VII!, take one or 1,to 1U?h to pro itvto ifie.-tioa ami relieve the j-toma' h. An o 'visional do-e timnkde:- the Moma h and bov,e!., re -tores the appetite, ami invigorates tho sy-tem. llent it is often advanl :ttfoou- where eriourf derangement exi- ts. one who feels tolerably well, often llnd that a dofp of thee J'i'ifi makes him feel decidedly better, from their lieau.diuc aud reuovatiiiK cilect ou tho digestive apparatus. ntKI'AitKD UV Xr. J. C. AT Eli X- CO., Vrartical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS,, U. S, A, FOB SALE BY ALL DBUUGISTS EVERYWHERE. jpiIYSICIAXS AND DUL'GGISTS. A prominent New York physician lately compiainia to Uum'.as Dick, about his Sad- Millwood Oil Capsulas, slatiiic that some times they cured miraoulously : but that a p'iiicnt of his had taken them for sometime without tnect. On being informed that several imitations were made and sold, he inquired and lound that his patient hud been taking capsulas sold in bottles, and not DUN IMS DICK. & CO S What happened to this physician may have happened to others, and DUSDAS DICK & CO., take tliis method of protecting "Oil of eanuaiwooa iron tins Uisrepute. P111SICIAN3 who once prescribe the Capsulas will CONTINUE TO DO SO. for they contain the PURE OIL in the DFST AND CHEAPEST form. OIL Or SANDLEWOOD is fact super- I scdhig every other remedy, sixty Cspsules ONLY being required to insure a sale and certain cure in six or eight days. From no other medicine can this result be had. Dick Soft Capsi'Ies solve the prob Uni long considered by many eminent hv sicians, of how to avoid the nausea and dis gust experienced in swallowing, which arc wen Known to uetiact lrom, if not destroy, the good effects of many valuable remedies. bott Capsules aie put up in tin-foil and neat boxes, thirty in each, and are the only capsules prescribed by Physicians. fcuy-TUESE WERE THE ONLY CAP SULES ADMITTED TO THE LAST ...'"..... 0""" " v"uu'r"""' "oosierai., a. i: SOLD AT ALL EHUG STORES. General Agency, 110 lleade Street, N. ' ESTATE OF ISAAC QUIGGLE. late of Kidgway Township El Couuty, Pa. de ceased. All persons indebted to laid Es tate are requested to make immediate pay ment. And those having legal claims against tbe same, will present tliem with' out delay in proper order for settlement, to jAWUii yuiuuLfc, .Executor. Or bis Attorney, II. M. P3WERS ESQ., Ridgway Fa- BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. RATUBUXl, Attorney-at-Uw, Ridgway, 1 2 2 tf- RUFU8 LUCORE) Attorney-at-Law Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. OtEoe im Hall's new Brick Building. Claims xor collection promptly attended to. y3nlly. UALL & M'UAULEYt Attorney8-at-Lw. Office in New Brick Building, Main BtJ Kidnway, Klk Co., i'a. iSn'Jit. i J, O. V, JSA1LEY, .ATTORNEY-AX-LAW. vlui.,yl. Eiilg-way, lk Connl, Pa. Aecnt for the Traveler's Lif, .ad Acci Jeut Insurance Co.. of Hartford, C'sua. JAMES D. FULLER TOK, Surgeon Dentist, hating perBii,Btly lo cated iu Kigway, oilers liis jirolsiwomal ser vices to the cilueua of Kidgvay mi lur. rounding country. All work warranted. Uttice in Service & Wheeler a tfiulduig, up stairs, first door to the leit, -J-Jy CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Knvraver as4 Jeweler. Main street, llidgway, 1'a. Agent lar'the Hove fr'ening Muchine, and llorlom Gold l'cn. Uepsiring Watches, cte, do with he same accuracy as hereto! wro. atis action guaranteed. laly G. G. JMESSEH GER, Druggist and Faraceutiet, K. W. corner of Main and Mill streets, Uidgway, 1'a. 1 full assortment of carelully gelceud for eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions cnrel'ully dispensed at all hoars, any or night. TiuBy T. S. HARTLEY. M. D.u l'hysician and Surgeoa. OHice in Drug Store, corner Mi. ad and Main Sts, Kesiuence corner rad St. opposite the College. OtUce hears lroni lo 10 A. M. aud lroni 7 to H I'. U. vln-y 1. J. S. LORD WELL, M. J)., Eclectic riiysicinn nnd Surgeon, a as remov ed ins otlice trom Centre street, la Main si. Uiugway, fii,, in the Becoud tt.ry af tke new brick building of John U. Hull, apto- site Hyde's store. Qthcc hours: 8 to !) a- m: 1 to I p, w. J jnn 'J tit HYDE HOUSE, Kidqwat, lc Co., Ya, W. II. SCIlltAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heietoforq o liberally bestowed upon hi in, the aew proprietor, hopes, by paying strict a. teiaion to the comfort and convenience ol guests, to merit a continuance oi the uiiie. Oct 30 1800. BUCK TAIL HOUSE. Kane, Mclvean Co., Pa. 15. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretefoK eo liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to tho comfort und convenience of guests. to 1'ierit a continuance of the same. The only slubles tor horses in Kane aud wall kepi niglit or day. llull attached to the Hotel. vluaSvl. KERSEY HOUSE, Centbivillk, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage herelolor so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, liopes, by payiug strict at tention to the couifori and convenience oi guests, tnicrit a continuance of the same. P. W. HAYS, lltALK. IN Goods, Notions, Groceries, Dry and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Ear ley !. ft. vlnl'tf. JAMES PENFIELD, (Succ sor to W. C. Ilealy,) DEALER IN LEY GOODS. GB0CEHI2S. PROVISIONS rjlODUCE, FRUITS, &o. v3o7tf. West Eud. llidaav. Ia. o it PLAYING CARDS. BEST THE CHEAPEST. STE SHIPS Cheapest kind made. TTAS A cheap common card. DWAYS A nice common .rri REG BKO VIllO KIAS Fine calico backs. GEN JACKSONS CheaD and n.,l- (Pa' tern backs, various colors and de signs.) ' COL . Al BIAS (Euchre deck exl GOLDEN GATES One of the best cards made, VERXOXS Extra fine, two colorpatt ASK TOE THE ABOVE TAKE KO OTHERS . ce List ou application. Dealers sup. VICTOR E. MAUGER, 39-ly ICti to 112 Reade St., N. Y Edw'd J. EVAN8 & CO., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, TOBE, PBNN'a B5yCatalogue8 Mailed to Applicants-g Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. S, Dlack, Washington. D C WslR. S & Cahl, Bankers, York, Pft. 2-61TT ESTATE OE ANDREAS HEIMERT. U.- of Denzinger Township Elk Countv 1 eeased. All persons indebted in v. tate are requested to make immediate pay ment. And those having legal claims against the same will present them without delay in proper order for settlement, to ciiAKi.t;a HITTER. CHARLES LUHR, at St. Mary 'a Elk County, Pa. "28 tY"'