ill Jtitoak THURSDAY, JULY 80, 1874. EPUBLICAN COUNTY pONVENTION. JThe Republicans of Elk County, are ucsted to meet at their respective poll- place?, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 1874, at 6 o'clock p. n. to choose legates to meet in County Convention TUESDAY, AUGUST 4th 1874, kch district is entitled to two dele tes. JAS. IT, IIAGERTY, Chairman. Blackberries are fast ripening. Corut will comence here next week. Tall John Cobb was in town this pk. He la looking well. XtXT Sunday there will be Lutheran rvices in the Court IIouso, at 11 lock, by Rev J. Brennemao. The School directors bold a meeting Saturday, August 1st at the school use. Peaches have made their appearance this market, as also have tomatoes, d green apples. Tradition says ther? is a woman in neighboring town with a boy prone to lying out late at nights. Recently she d him some needles, and now when e thinks it is time for him to wash his etand go to bed she bangs a horse oe magnet on .the door knob and he pears, He may scratch and yowl, and et other boys to hold on, but before he an make his arrangements he is at the ont door trying to swallow the brass nob. This is a pretty tough story, and o hope the Government will send out a ientifio exploring party to investigate A . Chorch Festival. On Wed- esday afternoon, and evening August Uh, a festival will be hold af Rhines' all for the benefit of the Lutheran 'huich. Mr.' Brenneman has labored bog and faithfully for th building of his church; but now, tor lack of funds, lie work stands still, and we hope the itizens will do their utmost to aid this ood work. We know that money is parce; but let us follow, as far as we can, he scriptural injunction, "Cast thy read upon the waters and it shall re turn after many days." The following dispatch gives the par oulars la regard to the drowning of Ira R. Nanny, forniely of this place; Warwick N. Y., July 21. Tester ay while out fisting iu Wallkill, near 'ine Island, Marcellus Duscnberre, Ira ft. Nanny and Robert Colwcll, of Edoo- ille, were drowned, lhcy were last ben about one p. m., and on being niis pd search was made, but nothing found until 8 p. m., whtu an empty boat Was discovered. Search was renewed Jhis morning and the bodies were found Iear each other and within a few feet f the shore. Nanny leaves a wife; Col- Arell a wife and two children; Dusen Jberre is unmarried. Terrible Hail Storm. Last Fri. flay, terrifio hail and wind storm visi ted the eastern part of this county, do ping untold damage to all kinds of crops, The leaves and fruit were stripped from khe apple trees; oats were cut down nd then cut into pieces; potatoes were tterly destroyed, and hay in vast quan- ties, rendered worthless. So far as we ave been abble to learn the storm ex- ended about four miles in width and (teen long. The farm of Jacob Mo- ley was laid waste and we are told he offered all the products tor 85. . Hyde is a losser to the amount of $2000. Mr, Hyde had planted 00 bushels of seed oars expeotiog ap an immense harvest, all of which destroyed. We have it from trust- l0ttuy authority, that the ground was a depth ot several inches with hail,Vand that it was an easy mat- r to shovel it up with a scoop-shovel. We have not learned the total amount f damage,'. but it must run into the thousands. Damage Law. Few people are ware that there is on the, statute books of the State a civil damage law, under which friends of persons injured by the ales of liquors may recover damages. The following is the third seotion ot the ot of May 8, 1S54; "Any person furnishing intoxicating drinks to any other person in violation of any existing law, or of the provisions of this act, shall be held civilly respon sible for any injury to persons or prop erty in oonsequeoce of such furnishing nd any one aggrivated may recover full damages against such persons so furnish ing, by action on the case, instituted in ay eourt having jurisdiction of form of ctioo in this State." There is story of an Indian boy taken by some good missionaries to ed ucate. Before completing his educa tion he returned to his tribe, and began to preaeh for his brethren. Sometime iter, he met one ol his missionary friends, who asked him how he occupred his time. "O! me preach," said the In dian -How much pay do you get?" aaked the missionary. "Shilling a waek," taii the Indian. Very poor pay," replied the missionary. "Yes," aid the Indian, "but hiui d poor preach. "Those Five Dollars." The head ing of this article we quote irom the last issue o! the Elk Democrat, and re lates.ns our readers will at once surmise, to our taking five dollars on the fourth, for calling numbers, and selling tickets at a dance held on the evening of that day. Mr. Miller in his effort has occu pied over a column of the Democrat to explain about "Those Five Dollars1'' We have carefully senned the aforesaid article, and failed yes, utterly failed, to even see the first semblance of an argu ment showing up the great wrong we did in faking five dollars. However, we notice that Mr. Miller has character ized us as having "ungainly arm?;" "fuzzy pate" and "smutty jaw;" and numerous other names, more charaoteris tio of the Miller, who wrote them than of the printer to whom they are applied, at least we believe this will be the ver dict of that "discriminating publio" on whom Mr. Miller fondly hopes to throw the burden of his lolly, as evinced in the article before mentioned. It is hard work for a person to answer a thing when you have nothing to answer, and had Mr Miller made the least shadow of an argument, wo would then have had something to answer. Mere assertions count as nought and are as apt to re bound on the person that makes them, as they are to hurt the person of whom they are made. The Miller did not want to make a publio matter of this affair, but to set himself right before the world he must needs strike us in the, back, undor the cover of "those persons' and when we protest against the outrage he pours on our "defenceless head" the vials of his unmeaning argument, and then, puffed up with conceit, he makes himself believe he has written some thing that cannot bo answered. aud some" thing that will cause the life of the Advocate, and its editor, to hang in the balance. Behold, gentle reader anoth er tragio attitude which the young man takes when the "ungaiuly armed" Hank of the Adiocatc appears before the committee with his bill for "those five dollars;" he at once becomes too lull for utterance, and we might add tint it were well for his credit that he were 't jo full for utteranos" at all tirass, and surely then he would not show hituse If to be so great a fool, like that boy whose father told him, when starting into the world for the first time, not to open his mouth aud no one would sus pect him of being a fool; tho first time the boy was spoken to he disregarded his father's advice aud the fesult was all knew him to bo a fool. Again Mr. Miller says; "wo were requested by somo of our must respected citizens to pub lised the whole transaction, in order that the public might know what Parsons was capable of doing." In this sentence ho strives to convey tho impression that we were capable of almost any vi: lany; of this we have nothing to say. simply we leave it with a "discriminat ing publio" that have known us for twenty years, to determine whether Mr. Miller has any ground, save that of mer cenary motive, to publish such an asser tion. Mr. Miller also, accuses us of having volunteered our services on the fourth-of-July, this is not true, aud we can if necessary, furnish proof to sustain our statement. We fiud at the end of this famous article that Mr. Miller has resource to doggeral to more fully redi cule us, this ho charges to a "friend of known poetical proolivites" when the truth is he wrote the stuff himself. Miller, calls us the "five dollar man," we might more justly call him the "fourteen per cent." una, an explana tion of which term we may sometime give. Murder in Jefferson County;. We learn from the Brookville Jiejmbli can, of last week, that Henry Perry, of Snyder township, iu that county, was shot by a man named Amzia Sibloy, a near neighbor, on Wednesday evening tho 15th iost., resulting fatally on the following Sunday morning. It appears that a family difficulty existed between the parties, an improper intimacy exist ing between the wife of the murdered man and Sibley, and that threats of violence had frequently been made by Sibly in case any interference was made with him. On tho evening the crime was committed Sibley passed Perry's house, whon he was hailed by some members of the family and asked to take home some tinware that had been borrowed to be used while huckleberry ing, and while engaged in conversation Perry ordered him to go away and not talk to his wife, but he refused to do so, and Perry coming toward him with hoe in hand, he pulled a revolver from his pocket, at the same time saying he would &hoot if Perry came any closer. It is not known whether Perry made any further movement to strike Sibley or not, but the latter fired, the ball take n effect in the abdomen, passing into the hip, causing death as above stated. Mrs. Samule Godley, ot Curtis Sta ion Steuben county, died a few days ago from the effect of poison inhaled while sprinkling Paris green on potato vines. A general convention of life insurance agents doing business in the South is to be held at Bath Alum Springs, Virginia, on tne lUtn ol August. List of Deeds, Leases, and Assign ments, entered fo'r record in the llecor. der's office up to July 23d 1873! Lease of William Murray to Geo. F. Birmelin, Milton 8. Romig Jonolhan T Romig, and F. Romig, dated April 24th 1874, for minerals cto, on 300 acres land in Benczotte township for 15 years. Lease of Robert F, Smith and Simon P. Romig to George F. Birmelin, Mil- on 8. Romig and Jonothan P. Romig, dated April 29, 1874, for minerals etc., on 100 acres land in Benezette township excepting iron ore for the spuco of 25 years. Deed of Ezra Canficld, Emma Can field Lydia P. Sheldon, John R. Shel don Mary Miller, Iliram Miller, and Diana Canficld to Henry C Spaulding, dated July 19, 1807, for 550 acres land in Shippen township, McKean Co-, Pa, south half of warrant 5981; 550 acres in Elk Co., 295 acres in Elk Co., south half of warrant 5947, and 2471 acres in Elk Co., south half of warrant 5997. Consideration paid 5500. QuitClaim Deed from William Beach and wifo to Henry C. Spulding. dated April 11, 1871, for north half of war rant 5980; 550 acres in Shippen town ship; 550 acres in Elk Co., Pa., south half of warrant 6981, also south part of warrant 59471 295 acres, also 217 acres south par tof warrant 4997. Con sideration $1000. Quit Claim Deed of Biggs Watious and wife to Henry C Spaulding, dated Nov. 12, 18G8, lor B. Watrouscs interest in lands described in the foregoing deeds Consideration 1000. Deed from Henry C. Spaulding and wife to Lyman Truman, dated Juno 8 1874, lor the undivided two fifths of tract 4997, containing 248 acres Bene zette township; also undivided two fifths of tract 5981; containing 1100 acres in Benezette and Shippen townships, Coun ties of Elk and Cameron. IV, also the undivided two filths of tract 5847, iu Gibson township, Cameron Co, Pa., res ervoir icJiie pine thnbir. Considera tion paid 87000. Quit Claim Deed from II. II. Hait to II. C. Spaulding, dated Jan. 20, 1SG0 for all tho land described in a deed made by John Brcoks and wife to F. S. Jonson, dated Jauuary Gth 1805, con sideration 1. Deed trom Randal Malin and wifo to Abncr Malin, for 40 acres land in llidg way township; consideriion $240. Deed from Charles Luhr and wife to Joseph Schuiit, dated Nov. 21, 1873. for two lots of land in St. Mary's bor ough, consideration 150. MortgHgo Jrom John R. Mooru,llcnry C. Moore, and Samuel M. Moore to William Dickey dated Nov. 17. 1873 on 920 acres and 12 perches land iu Millstone township, warrant 2542, also 802 acres and 14 perches in warrant 2548 in Millstone township; also 900 acres iu the township of Heath and .Millstone counties of Jefferson aud Elk in warrant 'Ib'So tor the sum of 250,- 39. Deed from Charles II. Earley treas urer of Elk Co, to Jerome Powell, dated June 10, 1872. fur 200 acres land in warrant 484S, 323, Ridgway township; tax cost and bond 108 58. Deed from Chnrlc3 R. Earley trcas urer of Elk Couuty to Geo. Weis, dated June 10, 1872, for lots G3, G4, and 05 on Walburgcr street, St. Mary's; tax cost and bond o9 28. Assignment from Geo. Weis to Char les R. Earley dated June 1874 tor Weis' interest iu forgoing deed, consid cratiou10. Deed from Charles R. Earley treas urer of Elk County to Joseph Deitz, dated November G, 1872, for lots 102, 103, and 114, on Patrick street, St Mary's; tax and costs 8 78, Assignments from Joseph Deitz to C R. Earley dated June 24, 1874, assign ing Deitz's interest in foregoing deed. Deed from Charles R. Earley, trcasu rer of Eik County to Joseph Deitz, da ted Nov. G, 1874, for 200 acres land in Benzinger township, warraut 499G; tax and costs 24,55. Assignment from Joseph Diets to C. R. Earley dated June 22d 1874 for Dietz's interest in foregoing deed;' con sideration 24,55. Deed from Charles R. Earley, -treas urer of Elk County, to Joseph Wilhelm. dated June 10, 1872, for 275 acres iu Benzinger township, warrant 49G0; tax cost and bond 337. Assignment from Joseph Wilhelm to C. R. Earley dated June 1S74 lor Wil helm's interest iu foregoing deed. Deed from Charles R. Earley trcas urer of Elk County to Geo. Weis, elated June 10,1872 for hts 37, and 47, on Shamrock street, St. Mary's borough, tax, cost aud bond, 2S,18. Assignment from Geo Weis to Char les R. Earley. dated June 1874, for Weis interest in the foregoing deed; consideration 10. Deed from Charles R. Earley, treas urer of Elk County, to Lewis Gcis dated June 10, 1872, for 25 acres laud iu Benzinger township; tax cost, and bond 8133 94. Assignment from Lewis Geis to Chas- Ics R. Earley dated June 5 1874, for Geis' interest in the foregoing deed; consideration 9. STATS NOTES' The various industrial corporations centering in Scranton have, within a- low month, reduced their working forces by discharging about 10,000 men aud boys. A landlord in Blair county was sued recently for 1,000 damages lor nelling liquor to a man who soon after fell from a horse and was killed. The defendant settled the case by paying the claimants 8000. Lxchanne. And now Potter countv claims to have the oldest man in the State His name is Judson; he lives on Pino Creek, and is -said to be one hundred ami two, quite active, and never wore glasses. hilo speaking of old meu it sho'ild not be forgotten that Joseph Mishow, of iluamsport, was one hundred years old on the 8th of March last, is quit ac tive, enjoys good health, and never wore spectacles, either. This is from the pen of Peter Conver, of the Tionesta ': A woman walked into Tionesta from tho other side of Luckingvillc, in Clarion couoty, a distance of ten luiles, the hottest day this week, oud carried tweuty pounds of butter and a six months old baby. Robinson bought tho butter for twenty cents a pound, and the baby she carried back home. Her husband had ridden into town the day before to find out the state of the market. A green woim is making sad havoc with the cabbage in Crawford County, It is from halt an inch to an inch and a halt long, and lies cioso to the rtem of tho leaf, making it difficult to discover. One of our citizens tells us that he butchered nearly two hundred on a s.uall patch oue morning. Stiong soap suds thoroughly sprinkled on the plants is said to be sure death to tho pests, tie sides acting as a fertilizer to the cab bage. Chicago, July 25. Tho underwrit ers meeting last uijiht coustdered tne resolutions to charge a half per cent. additional iates on business brick, iron buildings, without rear and side shut ters. The ordinance prohibiting the erec tion of frame buildiugs has been passed. Giles Brothers, jewelers, lately burned out, yesterday found the jewelry in their tfafes almost undamaged. From recent saniturv statistics taken in Connecticut, it appears that there are at piesent in the State no less tluiu 117,100 persons ol sixty years and over. List cf Jtuons drawn for August term of Court, coiiimetjciiig Monday, August 3d, 1S74- grand Jtnoits. Benezette W W Walker. Benzinger Charles Cionncwctter, Anton Bobeiircid. Fox James Bixby, Daniel Munn, Charles Rogers, Paul 11 ivick. Jay Lawrence A very, Ephraim Hewitt. Jones Michael Mtlzgar, Charles Miller, Stbnstian Kecler, Emerson 1 rescott. Ridgway Nelson Gardner, R. V. Kime, J 11 Whitman, J F, Weaver, Isaac Avery, W A Iiwin, John Zim mett. St. Mary's Boro John Mciscl, Phillip Schissner, John Fieindcl. TRAVERSE JUKOKo. Benczetie W L Vinslow, A!;ncr Ober, Robert Smith, Edward Walter John M. Uatisco'.n, Milton Wicslow Benzinger Paul Bush. Pter Herb street, Jacob Nist, Joseph Gross, Peter Wilhelm, John Wilbeltu (summit), John Gregory. Fox Elijah T Meredith. Johu Christ, Edward Slnivc.r, Jchn J. Hays, Eugene A Tr.omp.Mju, Solomon Pontius. Andrew Spillano. Ilorton Joseph S Ilrile, Charles Brnvu, George Ay res, Michael Shar traw. Jay John Wheeler, Sau.uel I'hl, Searis S Dodd. Jones A I Wilcox, Daniel Atlle bcrger, Anthon Cole, John Nist, Adam Pistncr, Joseph lloughtailing. Millstone John Gibson. Ridgway B F Ely, Jeremiah Stewart, DuBois Gorton, A G Cuth bert, Wia II Osterhout, lienry Flynn, John Flynn. St. Mary's Boro Charles Garner, Joseph Craft., Louis Yollmcr, Engel bert Spelleuberg. Spring Creek Wm. Henry, Iliram Carman. ITew Advertisements. ldmlil&lralor'8 P olice. ESTATE OF EMILY JOHNSON', late of Benezette Township, Elk couoty, deceased. All persons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment. Aud those having legal claims against the.sauie, will present them without uelny in proper order for settlement to 11. M. POWERS, Administrator. Ridgway, Elk Co., fa., June 30, 1874. 1? LK COUNTY COURT PROCLA j MATION. Whereas the Hon. L D Wetmore, President Judge for the 3th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Chas Luhr aud J V Ilouk Esqs., Associate Jugcs in Eik county, have issued their precepts to me directed, for the lime of holdiug of Orphan's Court, Court of Common Pleas, General Quar ter Sessions aud Oyer aud 'terminer, at Ridgway, for the County of Elk, on the 1st Monday of August, (being the 3rd day) 187-1, and continue one week. Notice is therefore given to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace, and Consta bles iu aud for the couuty of Elk, to ap pear iu their own proper persons, with their records, inquisitions aud remem- beranccs, to do those tkiogs which of their offices and in their behalf apper tin to be done; aud all witnesses and other pertons prosecuting in behalf ot the Commonwealth against any persons or persons aro required to be then aud tljero attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance at the appointed time, ugreeable o notice. Given under my hand and seal at tho Sheriff's office, in Ridgway, tho Pith day ot July, iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seveuty-lour. D. C. OYSTER, SheriL , SHERIFFS SALES. 1)Y virtue of sundry writs of venditioni ) exponas issued out ot the Court of Common ricas of Elk County, aud to me directed, I will eiposo to publio sale or outcry, at tho Court IIouso, llidgway, Pennsylvania, on MONDAY, AUOUST 8D, 1874. At one o'clock p. m., the following real estate, to wit: All tho right, title, Interest, claim and demand whatsoever of defendant, of, in, to or out of that certain town lot in the borough of St. Mary's, situate on St Mary's street, containing in front on St. Mary's street one hundred and forty feet by two hundred feet deep, at right angles, and being lot number 45 on St, Mary's street in the map or plan of St. Mary's upon which is erected a story and a half dwelling houso fourteen by twenty-'our feet, with a one-story wing ten by eighteen feet, and a well of water. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Theresa Kothenhoefer. ALSO All the right, title, intaresi, claim and demand whatsoever of defend ant of, in, to or out of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situato in Jay township, Elk county and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at ft pine stump stnnding on the south line of warrant No. 4844, being ih i southeast corntir of land now owned by G. A. Iluller; theneo north eighty perches more or less to the south west corner of land now owned by Joseph Dill; thence east, parallel with snid south line oue hundred and six perches to a corner on said Dill's land eighty perches to the said south line of warrant 4844; thence west by said sout h line of warrant 4844 one hundred and six perches to the place of beginning, containing fifty'thrce acres strict measure, being paK of said warrant 4844, on which there is erected one frame house sixteen by twenty-four feet, one and one-half stories high; one frame barn thrty.two by forty-four feet; about thirty acres improved land, with orchard, ko. ALSO All the right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of defend ant of, in, to or out of all that piece or parcel of land Bitnalo and lying. in Jay township, Elk county and State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a pine stump standing iu the south line of warrant No. 4K44, being the southwest corner of land now owned by the said Josiah Morey; ihence north forty-four perches to the township road known as the Spring Run road; thence southwesterly along said road forty-six perches to a pojt joining other lands of said Begnzett Leggett; thence Bou.h thirty-four perches to a post joining lands of Jerome Powell; thenco cast forty-six porches to 'the place of be ginning, containing elevcu acres more or less, and being inrt of the same land deeded by Benjamin Leggett and wifo to (.'htiilt's Leggett by deed dated Apil 11, 1844, tho greater part ot said laud being cleared and under cul ivation. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of J. K. Morey. ALSO By virtue ot sundry writs of Fieri Facias issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Elk County, and to me directed I will cxpoFe to sale at pub lio vendue or outcry at the Court House, Ridgway Pu , on MONDAY, AUGUST 3d, 1S71, at one o'clock, p m, All tli j right title iutcrest claim find demand whatsoever of defendant in and to or out (f all that certain tract piec or parcel of land situated in Jay town ship, Elk County Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows; Beginning ot the northwest corner of lot sold by Reading and Biutlcs to Wil liam Webb, thenco south sixty-eight and one-fourth decrees west eight aud tiireo tenths perches to a post thence by lino of Justice Weed's laud, north ihitu and eight-tenths perches to a post thenco north eighty degrees east eleven and four tenths perches to a post, thenco south twenty-eight and one fourth perches to line ot said Webb's land, thenco south sixty-four and one half degrees north three oud seven tCiitlis pirohos to the place of beginuin containing two acres and being part ol warrant 48'.) 1, on which is erected a iwo-siory frame hotel 20xf)0 feet with wing lor kitchen 10x10, feet and base ment barroom and cellar. Also barn 30x10 feet with shed attached and a well of good water on the premises. Seized and taken in execution as the property of David Kuucs. AISO All tho right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of defend ant, of, in, to or cut of all that certain piece, parcel, or t.-act of land being and situate in the county of Elk, known and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a hemlock at the novthwest corner of warrant number AflO; tnence north three hundr:d and twenty perches to a hemlock, thence east five hundred and I wcnly-four and seven tenthe perches to a post; thence south three hundred and twenty perches to a post; theuce west lire hundred and (wenty-lour and seven-tenths peiches to the place of be ginning, containing ten hundred aud forly nine and four-tenths acres. ALSO All tho right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of defendant of, in, to or out of another certain tract of hind known and descriteJ as follows, to wit; Beginning at the hemlock at the southwest corner of tract number 5015; theuce east live hundred and twenty-four and seven. tenths perohes to a post; thence south thrcce hundred aud tweuty perches to a post, thence west five hundred and twenty-four uud scvcn-tcnlhs perches to a chestnut, thence north three hundred and twenty perches to the place of beginning, known as survey 6UO and containing. ten hundred una fortyniue and fourtenths acres. ALSO All the right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of defend ant cf, in, to or out of another certain tract of land known and described as fol 'oYia, to wit: Beginning ata post at the southeast corner of tract 5020; thence north three huudred and tweuty perches to a post; thence east one hundred aud seven-teuths perches to a post; thence south three hundred and twenty perches to a post; thence west one huudred and Beven tenths perches to the place of beginning and coutaiuiLg two huudred aud one and I'our-ionihs acres. ALSO All tho right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever of defendant of, iu. to or out of another tract, or parcel ot land beginning at a chestnut at the southwest corner ot survey i2'M: tnence east hve nun dred aud twenty-four and seven-tenths perches to a post; thence south two hun dred and sixly-Bix perehes to a post; thence west two huudred aud sixty two and thirty five ono. hundredths perches to a post; ihence north sixty-eight perches to a post; theuce west two huudred and sixty-two and thirty-five one huudredtls perches to a toet; thence north one nunnreaanu ninety perches to the place of beginning, it being purtof district survey 6027 and containing seven lit ugred and sixty anu uine-tentns acres, the said four tracts above described containing in the whole three thousand and sixty-one acres more or less, Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of the Winslow colliery. D. C. OYSTER. Sheriff. tSiitnifF's Otn CE, 13, '74. ( Ridgway, Pa., July n-'Ots. ITAiEAiKNT OV UECEI PTd aND EX- OPEND1TURES Or RIUUWAY ENDING JUNE 1, 1874. tbhasuber's statement. Jerome Powell, Treasurer, in account tri'tA Scuol r and: Dr. To amount received from II. II. Weasel, collector for 1871 50 50 To amount received from Jerome Powill, collootor 1872 888 29 To amount received from taxpayers (seated!. 1873 710 .21 To amount received from tax- tin vers (unseated), 1873 420 55 To State appropriation 170 00 To amount received from C. H. Earley, treasure loo 80 To amount reocived from Joseph Windfelder, treasurer '. 234 00 To amount received from M. T. French, collector 1873 ... 60 00 $2,188 85 (Jr. By balance of June 1, 187t, tor ward 688 91 By paid teachers' wages on orders 2 410 86 By paid for fuel 388 43 By paid for repairs on school build ings 815 88 By 2 per cent, commission for pay ing out $3,115 17 C2 30 3.701 38 2,188 85 Balance due treasurer ...$1,673 03 Jerome Potrcll, Treasurer, in account with liuitdintf Fund: Dr. To balance of June 1, 1873, for. ward 850 81 To amount received from II. H. Weasel, collootor 1871 60 50 To amount received from Jerome Powell, collector 1872 219 19 To amount received .from tax payers (sealed i, 187'! 3J7 48 To amount received from tax payers (unseated), 1873 210 77 To amount received from C. It. Earley, treasurer 79 87 To amount received lrom Joseph Windfelder, t reasurer 129 00 To amount received from M. T. Freuch, collector 1873 20 00 $1,40 Cr. By amount paid bond Ridgway School District, to Jackson 1,203 84 By 2 per cent, commission lor paying out 24 00 $1,227 40 Balance due Building Fund $241 72 Ridgway Township Scaool Fund owes Treasurer Powell 1,573 03 Treasurer Powell owes Hidg'.vay Township Building Fund 241 72 Balance due treasurer , ..$1,331 81 ASSETS AM) LIABILITIES. Assets. Amount due from P. M alone col' lector 1870 tax 30597 Amount due from H. H. Wcnscl, collector 1871 tax 5o0 51 "Amount due from Jerome Powell, collector 1873 tax 485 73 "Amount due from M. T. French, collector 187-". t.x - l,O8-?0 Amount duu from cfmuty treasurer unseated tax (csliuiulud) 1,000 00 $4,013 47 Linhilitiet. Due J. Towcll, treasurer Ridgway , ownsliio hchoot District 1,331 iil Due ou outstanding orderf, teach ers, repairs, Ko l,G2o 10 2,950 41 Excess of assets over liabilities $1,057 00 SCHOOLS. Kumber J'upih. Whole number of male pupils who have in tended sehoul in year 209 Whole number of female pupils who have attended school la year Ill Total 380 1'otal Day Attendance. Ridgway school 23,7?JTJ Whittle. own school 531 Laurel Mill school 1,0341 Gardner school 2,019 Daguscalionda school rh2 Jnhnsouburg school 1,410 j Cott per 'Diem for Teachers. Ridgivay school 0 74-100 cents Whistleiown school 19,7-100 ' Laurel Mill school 17 11100 ' Carder school 10 40 1O0 Dngtiscahoudii school 12 18-100 Johusonburg school 7 41-100 " Cost ptr Diem for Scholars. IliglieFt cos', per scholar per diem, W histleto v n... IS) 7 i -100 cents Lowest cost ner B hoi per diem, Ridgway 0 74 100 X amber Months School Tuughi. Total months sohool taughl 47 Average per school 5 J. V. HOUK, President. O. IS. Gbant, Sec'y. llidgway, July 11, 1871 n20t3. List of Causes. Below will bo found the list of causes set down for the August terra of Court, com- mencing Aug. 3d, 1874: I The Spring Run Coal Co. vs. Thos Toiier, No. 10 January term, 1809. i Thomas B M'Lain vs. B. A. Weed, No. 10, April term, 1809. 8 Geo. D. Messenger et al. vs. G. T. Wheeler et al.. No. 41 April term, 1809. 4 John Tudor vs. Uiruin Woodward, No. 5, August term, 1870. 5 E. M Mason et al. vs Henry Souther, No. 19, January term, 1871. 6 Geo. Decker vs. Geo. Schneider, No. 9, April term, 1872. 7 Benj. Johnson et al. vs. John Johnson et al., No. 20, April term, 1872. 8 Jatnes Curry et al. vs E. and C. Paine et al, No. 38 April term, i872. . 9 Martin Sorjj vs Nicholas Kronewetter, No 47 April term, 1872. 10 (same as above). II llcnry Souther, survivor 4"C, vs. II. S. Bclnap No 5 November term, 1872. 12 Mary J Beinan et al vs N M Brock way, No 20 November term, 1872. 13 Tho t-chool District of Fox vs John Myers et al, No 81 January term, 1873. 14 John J Paul vs Wilcox Tanning and Lumber Company, No 42 January term, 1873. 15 The Clarion River Navigation Co. vs Moore Brothers, 44 January term, 1873. 10 Anthony Weiss vs J A Hauk, No. 44 January term, 1873. 17 Johu Dubois vs David Tyler, Sr., et al, No. 64 August term, 1873. 18 The Clarion River Navigation Co.. vs Hiram Carman, No. 09 August term 1873. 19 Ralph Johnson et al vs Miles Dent. No. 40 January term, 1674. 20 V W liaysvs Elias Moyer, No. 74 January term 1874 21 Brown & Struther's Iron Works vs John GRyan, No. 11 April term 1874. 22 Lorentx Herbert vs Geo. Weis, 43 April term 1872. Nos, 1 and 2, of above list, liavebccu discontinued. KA1LR0AD3. l'ENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia k Erie R. R. Division. SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1874, the trains on the Philadelphia At Erie Railroad will run as follows! WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. leaves Philodelphla 7.20 a. m ' Renovo 4.20 p in arr. at Emporium 0 20 p m St. Mary' 7.35 p in " Ridgway 8.05 p ro ' arr. at Kane 9.15 u iu ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11.65 p m " Renovo. ....... ...U. 1U ra Emporium 1.15 p m St. Mary's 2.10 p m ' Ridgway 2.38 p m ' arrive at Erie 8.05 p m EASTWARD. NIAGARA EX. leaves Kane... 0.00 p m " " Ridgway ...10.04 a m " ' Emporium..ll.35 a tn ' ' Renovo 4.05 p m arr. at Philadelphia 2.60 am ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m " Ridgway 4.45 pm ' St. Mnry's 6.09 p m ' Emporium 6.10 p m Renovo 0.20 p m " arr. at Philadepliia... 0.40 a m Mail East conneots east and west at Erie with L 8 M 8 R W and at Corry and Ir- vineton witb Oil Creek and Allegheny K 11 w. Mail West with east and west trains on L S & M S R W and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny K R W. WM. A. .BALDWIN. Geu'l Sup't. A. V. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. LOW-GRADE DIVISION. On and after MONDAY, JULY C, 1874, trains between Redbank and Driftwood will run as follows: WESTWAB D. EXPRESS and MAIL will leave Drift wood daily at 12:30 p m, Reynoldsville at 3:30 p m, Brookville ot 4:20 p m, arriving at Redbank at 0:30 p m, connecting with Express on Main Lino for Pittsburgh. MIXED WAY leaves Meynoldsville daily at 6:4-3 a m, Brookville at 7:25 a m, arriv ing at Redbank at 11:50 a m, connecting with trains north and south on Main Line. EASTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL leaves Redbank daily at 10:15 a in, arrives at Brookville it 1:110 p m, Ueynoldsvilla at 12:37 p m, Drift wood at 5:20 p m, connecting with traius cast and west on I' and E Railroad. MIXED WAY leaves Redbank daily at 12:40 Dm, arrives at Brookville at 5:25 p in, Reynoldsville at 0:45 p m. MAIS LINE On and after MONDAY, JULY 6, 1874, trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will run as follows; BUFFALO EXPRESS will leave Pitts burgh daily at 7:05 am, Redbank Junction at Ki:oj m, and arrive at Oil City at 1:35 p m. I'lTTSBUUUlI E.M'KESS Will leave Oil Cily at 2:20 p m. Redbank Junction at 0:35 p ui, and arrive at Pittsburgh at 10:00 p m. ITIUSVILLE EXl'lIhSa leaves Pitts burgh at 1:00 p m, l'.edbnnk Junction at 4;1U pin, and arrives at Oil City at 8:15 p ni. Reluming, leaves Oil Cily at 8:20 a ra, Redbank Junction at 12:08 a m, and ar rives at Pittsburgh at 3;35 p in. J. J. LAWKKKOE, General Superintendent. Wm. M. rniLLirs, Ass't Supt., Brookville, Pa. Summer Arrangement. BUFFALO, NEW YORK & rillL'A. R. It. 11IK SHORTEST AND MOST DIRLCT ROl'TB To Williauisport, Sunbury, Ilarrisburg, rhiladelphia, JJaltimore, V ash ington aud the South. On and after MAY 1, 1874, and until furt h or notice, trains will leave Buf fulo from the Buffalo, New York & Phila delphia Railway Depot, corner Exchange nd Louisiana streets us lollows: 8.50 a m liixed Train to P. AUera'r (daily exect pSuudays). stopping alEbcueier 9 25, Springbrook 9 4o, Lima 9 oo-, Jamison Koad 10 04,Eist Aurora 10 15,Sonth Wales 10 40, Holland 11, Protection 11 15,Arcade 11 45. Yorkshire 12 08, Machias 12 30, Frank--linville, 1 28 Ischua 2 15, Hinsdale 2 60, Olean 4 20, Westons 4 45, Portvillo 6 00, State Line 5 18, Eldred 6 49. Larabeea 0 05, Sartwell 0 20, Ijrtle Point 0 80, Port Allegheny 7 p ra 12.33 v m Philadelphia Express (daily), Stopping at Ebcnezer 12 &o, Elnia 1 12, East Aurora 1 25, Holland 1 48, Arcade, 2 13 Yorkshire 2 22, Machias 2 31, Frank' Unville 2 60, Ischua 8 11, Hinsdale 3 20, Olean 8 42, Westons 4 53, Portvillo 4 00, State Lino 4 08, Eldred 4 22, Larabees 4 30, Sartwell 4 85, Turtle Point 4 41. Port Allegheny 4 65, Liberty 6 15, Keating Sum mit 5 25, Shippen 6 48, Emporium 0 05 p m Renovo 9 14, Williauisport 11 45 Sunbury 2 00 am, Ilarrisburg 4 30 am Philadelphia 9 15 am, Baltimore 8 35 a m, Washington 10 47 a m, St. Mary's 7 85 p in, Ridgway 8 ('5 p m, Wilcox 8 40 p m, Bane 9 15 p m. 5 30 p. m- Port Allegheny Accom.(daily), stopping at Ebenezer 5 6o, Spriugbrook 0,05 Eliua 6,10, Jamisons 0,15, East Aurora 0,21, South Wales 6,32, Hol.and 0,43, Protection 0,60, Arcade 7,05, York shire 7,15, Machias 7,25, FrankliuvilU 7,40, Ischua 8,00, Hinsdale 8,15, Oleau 8,30, Westons 8,42, .Portvillo 8,49, State Line 8,50, Eldred 9,09, Larabees 9,15, Startwell 9,23, Turtle Point 9,27, arriving at Port Alleghany 9.40.P. M. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM: 8,16, A. M. Local Passenger and Freight (daily except Sundays) stopping at uip- ping 3,50, A. M., Keating Summit 4.40' Liberty 6,00, Port Alleghany 6,40, Turtle Point 0, 20, startwell boo, Larabees out) Eldred 7 12, State Line 7 45, Portville 8- 08, Westons 8 20, Olean 9 00, Hinsdale 9 30, Ischua 10 02, Frankliville 10 40, Machias 11 13, Yorkshire 11 30, Arcade 11 45, Protection t2 20, P, M., Holland 11 31 South Wules 12 ol, East Aurora 1 2o, Jaiinson 1 40, El ma 1 60, t'pringbroclc 2 00, Ebenezer 2 20, arriving in ttuttalo at 5 50 p ni. TRAINS LEAVE TORT ALLEGANY: 4 45 A. M. ACCOMMODATION, daily, slopping at Turtle Point 4 69, Sartwell 6 03 Larabees 5 10, Eldred 6 17, State Line 5 82, Portvillo 5 41, Westons 6 49, Oleaa 0 00, Hinsdale 014, Ischua 6 28, Franklin ville 6 40, Machias 7 03, Yorkshire, 7 12, Arcade 7 19, Protection 7 34, Holland 7 41 South Wales 7 61, East Aurora 8 03, Janii. tons 8 09, Elma 8 13, Springbrook 8 19, Ebenezer 8 47, arriving in liullalo at 8 60 a. iu. SUNDAYS ONLY. Train '.eaves Buffalo for Arcado at 10 00 a m stopping at all stations arriving at Arcade 11 45 a m. Returning leavea Ar cade 5 64 pm, arriving in Buffalo at 8 60 J,. YEOMANS, H. L. LYMAN. Gen'l Suh't. Geu'l Pass'r Ag't. IlEGISTEMVS JTOTMCE. Notice is hereby giuen that the final ao-' eount of Andrew J. Overturf, Administra tor of the Estate of Andrew Overturf, lrfto af Benezettee Township, Elk County, de ceased, has been filed in my oftiee and will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Elk County for confirmation on tha first Monday of August next, being the lid day of August 1874. FRED. SCHOENINj, rvegisterj llidgway, Pa., June 30, 170.