o Sill JUlmnvtC, Henry A. Parsons, Jr. - - Editor THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1874. Washington, D. 0, May 23, 18. 71. Tho Scnnto it mained in session all night and at seven o'clock this morning parsed the Civil Rights bill, and then adjourned till Monday. Russia produces most ot tho platin um which Gads its way into market. The production is small, however, thai nf Russia in 1871 being only 4100 pounds. The mental sells in England for about $75 per pound. It is an ul. most indestructible mental, and is there fore very useful in tho construction ol various standards of measurement, and instruments for sioniiGo purposes requir ing great exactness in the parts. Europe produces annuallj 85,000,- 000 value of ribbons, fully one-half ol which tire made in Fiance, Paiis being the chief market and 'it. Etienne, .Lyons, and tho department of the Loirs tho great producing centres. The value of those produced in St. 'Etienno alouc is estimated at $22,500,000 yearly There arc more than 250 houses cngag ed in this branch of industry there, and in the department of the Loirce which employ 24,000 poisons exclusive of those working in the great machine rib' bon weaving establishment. Tho in dustry has been much extended of late years. It becrun in France at the latter end of the eleventh century in Saint diamond and extended thence to St Etienne, Lyons, and tho Loire. Eng land and America do not purchase I heir ribbons from Paris but draw them directly from St. Etienne and Lyons. GENERAL NOTES. United States Senator Ferry, of Con necticut, is very ill of a-spinal diseas and he will probabiy never bo able to resume bis place in the Senate At New Castle, Del., on Saturday seven men were publicly flogged aud pillored for budary and larceuy. One of the men punished received hit third ' whipping, lor as many different offences, Fires have been raging in the wood in Loot; Island since Friday. It is esti mated that 10,000, to 15,000 acres to timber laad have been burned over The loss thus far is roughly estimated at $200,000. Some idea may be formed of tho pow er of the water rushing through the . crevasses on the Mississippi, by its tear ing up huge cottonwood trees two and a hall ieet in diameter and scatterm lUeuiuvvi uulghliuiiuK phtutaliuus. The estate of the late Oukes Ames was represented iusolvent by the execu tors, in the Probate Couft at Taunton Mass., on Friday. Depreciation in the astets of the deceased is tho oause for the action takeu. alleged Among the passengers on tho steam ship Hermann, of tho Rreniuu line which arrived at Baltimore on the 13th were 185 jMeononites, from the vicinity ot Odessa, bout tieru Kussia, wlio propos to eettlo in Dakota or Nebraska. Luke Eacran, the notorious burglar who escaped from State prison at Al leghany City,Pa., about eighteen months since, after tunneling under the wall lor six months, was arrested ic Buffalo last week and sent to Alleghany. Suit has been commenced by the United States against the official bond of ex-Postmaster Patrick Heury Jones of New York, lor 85C0,000, to cover a deficiency ot accounts amounting to 810,000, arising, as alleged, lrom em bezzlcmcnt by John V. Norton and others. There is great excitement at Lois An gelcs, California, in consequence of the irtrcFtot asquez, tho bandit. The jail guarded by a strong f'oi ca of men to pre vent tue escape or ivncning ol the p.'is oner. The total aiipropriat ion for the oapture of Vasquez and his men was 815,000; C8.00O lor the chief. A new bureau is proposed at Wash ington. It is to be presided over by a Commissioner ot Internal whose du'ies are to be to gather, collect. jiod annually report to Congcss statistics and tacts relating to commerce among the States, especially as to railroads and their charges, management, &c. From several hundreds of reliable dis patches it appears that the prospects for an abundant yield ot wheat this year are unusually lavorable in the States of Illinois, Indana, Wisconsin, Iowa, min 1 1 .11 1 nesoia, ana uticuigan. ins average seeded is fully up to that of 1873. Most of the Indian corn has been plan- eu unucr iavoraDie auspices. The President on May 15 issued i proclamation recognizing Baxter's gov crnment in Arkansas, directing that the Legislature aud O over nor be reinstated in the State House, and ordering all who may have combined to resist the authority of Raxter to return to their homes within ten days or be subject to punisbment. Two members of tho Yellowstone ex pedition have returned to Bozman, "don tuna, and report the whole party return ing. The command penetrated the coun try to near the vicinity of the Tongue river. From the 1st to the 26th of April the force was harassed the whole time by the Indians. Four pitched battles were fought, in which 100 Iudi una were killed. The skirmishing was continuous and bands of from J 00 to 1, 000 Indians were hovering around. The whole outfit is in a battered and ex hausted condition. The party lost one killed named Z. Yates, and two wound ed twenty horses were also killed. The members of the expedition assert that rich mines exist in the Big Horn 'mountains, but the vigilance of the Sioux rendored prospecting out of the question. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LAND. NOTICE is hereby given that agreeably lo the Aot ol Assembly, panned the lath day ot Marcn, 181&, entitled "an Act to amend nn Act," tlireoting the mode of selling Land for taxes &e. The following Tracts ot Unseated Land in blk Inunty, wilt be exposed to public salo or outcry, for arrearages of taxes, ni tho Lourl House in Ridgway on the second Monday of June next (being the 8th day of June, A. D. 1874,) unless sooner paid. IENE2ETTB TOWNSHIP. War. Acres. Warronleo or Owner -; :. U2H James Stokes r:w3 1007 no GUIW Kill" do Taxe. :i to S:i 40 I'O (id 113 OO 1.17 80 85 (HI 120 4"i i n oo (18 20 l.V, OO 07 00 101 80 124 20 57 44 121 20 1 11 OO 17 02 Kt ( 0 8,') 00 85 00 15o 00 40 20 113 00 81 80 40 20 82 80 08 20 8o 00 684 1007 do 5345 1007 do " 5340 1007 do 6847 1007 do 5341 1007 do 5379 450 do 6380 110'.) do 5383 400 do 5384 1C00 do 5887 1100 do 5340 1008 do 6342 1100 do 6(08 000 do 5353 143 Myron Merrill 6834 1100 do 5337 1007 do 5350 1008 do 5851 11' 0 do 6852 300 do 6380 1100 Amos 15. Morrill 5287 275 do 5288 275 do 6280 223 do 5300 1100 James Ifainmou & Co 53:10 1100 Jonathan llrown 4005 5841 5012 5470 5470 4003 54H1 5000 4007 4081 5470 4-"8 Addison .Swnrtwood & Co 67 00 000 Cornelius AYainwright 61 40 (it;0 Miles Dent 107 32 600 do 67 00 100 do 12 20 00 John firooks 40 20 4"0 dj 61 40 tiOO do 7'J 4(1 4sl II. C. Fpnulding 64 87 6.-)0 do 02 10 200 Robert Ewinz 2:! 40 6(12:! 8!2J John Johnson 40 20 o;88 1100 Ilezokiab Mix 118 00 6(12:1 60 Andrew Dent u 21 5170 25 Hamilton Down 40 20 5022 110 David S. Johnson 10 4i 5840 650 Henry Blush 81 80 5001 000 Finney & llorrows 100 82 642 415 Erasmus Morey 87 00 5020 100 Ceo. Window & Xi. E. Johnson 12 20 54SO 00 Ober &. English 4 8(i 5002 !".'0 Reading Fisher & Co. ir,',i;i2 5018 t'i'O do 1 11 88 5014 800 do 150 62 5000 000 do 108 82 5024 184 John & D. S. Johnson 12 20 5025 302 do 48 00 5022 110 Edith Johnson & A.Apker 10 48 5481 275 Martin Enze 23 40 5024 28 do 2 58 5003 000 Shaffer & Johnson 111 88 5482 605 Julius Jones 50 80 5840 650 Smith MoCormick & Man 70 40 5020 000 Reuben Vtinslow Estate 85 00 5021 405 do 53 08 158 13-80 do 17 80 5015 000 do 111 88 5027 700 do 07 80 150 do 12 20 000 dj 73 80 100 do 10 74 200 do 21 00 100 do V 40 5014 100 do 0 00 117 do 14 10 21-G do 42 44 180 do 12 20 5027 200 do 17 80 5843 lloO Cook & Fartee 155 00 5021 003 Ralph Johnson 40 "0 5478 lloO Chas St John & Rothrock 70 40 601 1 000 do 84 10 5477 1100 do 141 00 5020 100 do 15 00 5481 800 II. Merriman 20 20 BEKZIKGER TOWNSHIP. 4105 25 John I'arrnll 410-5 25 1'cter Canity, for 1878, 4HI.1 25 Geo. U'cis 4115 75 John Milne, for 1873, 4115 48 Cesar A. Jackot 41()4 25 Peter Byrnes, for 1873, 4407 5 Michael O'Sullivan, for 4107 50 John Farnill 4107 27 Cesar A. Jackob 4105 25 Samuel Hancock 4888 611 Lawrence & Cassett 4882 823 do 4850 000 do 4000 200 do 5G8 8 70 5 08 10 44 0 98 5 81 73 1 01 12 01 5 08 5 08 90 09 173 13 185 51 38 22 17 91 47 89 50 84 94 04 18 01 179 11 93 12 185 23 1 H5 28 80 do do . 220 4058 4058 4001 4001 4077 4000 4003 4002 800 Lanont Gas Coal Co 6(H) do 00 do 0O0 do 405 Daviu Raw 000 900 000 do do do 1 85 23 4Ki3 807 4104 Cf.5.1 Ridgway Farm & Coal Co 74 89 do 124 90 4105 1188 4100 1442 4107 808- 4108 990 4115 703 41O0 990 1410 1040 1-10 4402 540 4403 90 4410 10781 4411 1025" 60 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 213 00 2 to 17 10810 180 85 148 81 180 35 193 04 102 01 183 38 201 47 191 55 10 30 82 00 82 90 72 &4 28 200 200 80 20 4990 4404 622 Edward Huffer 4404 622 Fred. F. Kersenbrock 44O0 6224 Francis Auleiks 84 28 84 35 4400 5221 August Fortenbeck 84 4407 4408 420 Clemcnz Keller 600 do 905 Mathias VonGnlen 100 F L Newton 79 04 H2 00 4470 180 OO 4001 2357 19 57 (90 West Creek M'f & M'g Col84 95 (00 do 184 95 4878 900 4879 1023 4844 990 4945 990 do 218 55 do 184 95 do 184 95 4880 1023 Chas. Heebner 2374 952 Geo Dickinson 4975 500 Rona CartuyvaTl 4881 6111 John Morris 4881 32 do 202 57 177 61 94 00 101 78J 4 20 and 184 95 2803 990 M'Kean & Elk Land llUD. Co. 2397 990 do 4905 990 do 4877 990 do 184 05 184 95 184 95 5 08 50 33 88 74 10 36 27 47 4 10 10 90 6 81 6 31 25 M A Mitchell 4900 275 Thns Luckeubatk 600 Sidonia Von Ercsel 4881 60 John Kircbner 4800 142 Wm C Black 4101 18 do 4407 107 do 4407 20 do 25 Owner unknown 125 The Wilcox Tanning Co lot so. muawAV stbkkt. 91 Rev Jeremiah O'llara 92 do 79 James Doyle 88 WmM 'Kennedy 80 . do 90 do 68 Thos MCormick 59 do 84 Michael O'Sulliran for '73 102 David Spillane TALBOT STREET. 17 Thos Collins 18 do 66 Wm Shine for 1873 88 Thos Collins 89 do A1LH0AD 6TUKET. 57 gaiah Heairr 27 58 1 57 1 54 1 63 1 55 150 1 64 1 66 1 63 1 82 1 5G 1 66 1 53 1 27 1 66 1 63 561 00 M OSullivan for 1873 1 82 10 Lots James Coyle 4 l'.l 840 Rev Louis Cartuyval 74 02 1 Lot J 8 Hates 1 f0 200 Benzinger and Esclibach 21 40 4115 60 Edward Delahunt 10 80 VINE STRKF.T. 4107 60 Daniel Gary 10 80 4107 25 Wm Khannalian 5 08 4068 100 (leo Yels 17 88 25 M 8 linn n ah an 5 ('.8 80 E G Vvillin-ns 14 88 60 ltenxmycr 4- Co . V 48 50 Mnthins lliirnum 8 48 4105 200 Palmer & Co 87 15 4100 25 William Corkey fi 24 4105 25 Tat Dwye 7 7t 41 10 81 Win J Hint fi 81 4111 02t James Hall It 01 4101 71 John Ford 10 03 50 Owners unknown 10 03 4105 400 Owners unknown 80 OO 4 lot 400 do 80(10 4103 400 do 80 0(1 4880 400 do 80 00 4870 400 do 80 00 4888 1000 flemingcr and Esclibach 257 '.'8 4887 1000 do 207 03 4102 210 do 43 40 20 do 0 80 25 James Donnelly 6 47 4115 25 Daniel Frusur 0 31 4110 50 do 103 488U 03 John' Krug U 03 FOX TOWNSHIP. 70 J L Ellis 591 J Sampson Short 4244 85 87 1245 4841 257 47 90 98 4810 4840 4243 4178 4098 4098 219 927 J 170 170 do do Michael Shean John Albert 404 2. 32 32 00 1 0 Nicholas Hummel CO 04 40 7 290 Ridgway Form &Coal Co 103 99 4078 246 do 86 09 23 88 20 78 4081 4088 4097 4008 4374 4087 4187 4901 4S90 4902 4177 4190 4190 4000 4274 4274 4082 4077 4178 4070 4088 4088 4081 4178 4097 4098 4098 40K7 4087 4087 (. 67 7(8 480 200.', 144 do do do do do do 208 24 102 40 72 05 88 66 259 35 216 23 990 Caroline M Pray 495 E 11 England 670 do 145 do 900 Hannah Ramavd 430 0 W Wliillaker 5(0 Richard Gardner 293 do 200 Geo C White 40 Robt I Rune 303 Edward Huffer 700 do 60 Wm Wcnsel 25 Wnlnchia O'Rouke, for' 25 Edward Bonner '73 25 do '72, '73 45 C R Earley 30 Silas Mnyer lot) Jerome Powell 27 Elizabeth McGlauglilin 12 Rose Kelly, f.r '73 64 James Wrinkle, lor '78 251 John K Jones 20 Thos Collins 60 Felix Gntgiiish 118 10 04 08 814 20 158 (tO 175 00 103 81 53 20 14 (li 95 7S 201 08 14 05 J 4 45 4 4 7 63 12 75 11 41 85 80 3 47 2 15 6 3 5 35 5 01 9 4078 "i 4077 00 Jamee Worton 51 Henry Clinton Wilt 11 44 4098 5 43 9 70 50 Patrick M'Creudy 100 Wm Apple, for 1873 50 Elias Hancock 60 Jos Feberly. for 1872 33 8ouiher & Willis 4087 10 20 14 05 5 10 4090 6 05 Arniel Turlcy 100 Thos Jordan 50 Mnthew Hays 20 Horace Little 50 do I 72 Koblo Coal & Oil Co L'-r.i uo 600 do J 1 500 do 25 Richard Edwards 50 Horace Littlo 12 31 42 70 9 70 4178 4(170 4217 4:i73 424 V 4240 4217 4245 4244 4087 4 48 18 04 26 0 M 04 195 88 195 83 9 70 7 53 4800 1 4901 I I 258 9-10 Sarah 11 Kidder 66 8 4189 250 Owner unknown HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 3000 274 A M WcidU-r 371 1000 Thos St rut her 8758 lfHHJ do C5 80 88 141 1 11 2i (20 8002 3004 8008 2025 2019 1778 2025 2027 1880 2(C18 8000 2084 2025 Part Part 8752 3788 1881 20.'13 2082 1803 8701 1783 1558 2084 3706 2408 2456 3057 2034 8773 8782 3771 8778 1 799 1799 1775 1776 1776 2034 2034 2084 3776 3786 8778 3700 2302 2404 3655 1776 loOO do 11 896 Drexel Dulning& Wrght 126 982 do 181 1081 do i; 106 Sebastian Halm 1 896 Walter Bryant 126 1081 do 115 106 A Wolf 15 402 Geo Dickinson 48 954 do lol 1013 do 147 406 do 70 150 do 10 100 J and M Mnck 15 of 3752 600 Thos Gould for '73 34 of 8788 500 J M Jonison do 84 5lH) Jehu Lane 71 600 do 71 1005 Allegheny Bank Pitts. 73 07 1088 Wm Robinstu 146 1052 do 148 962 John F Jones 135 1095 Martin Hart 154 902 Abner Cnssel 1 8fS John P Biown 125 90 J C Clmpin 18 1000 ko 141 315 do 45 289 do 84 looo Owner unknown 141 60 do 8 9O0 S Jones and Co 57 900 Little and Souther - 127 10(H) Nathaniel F Jones 141 1000 do 141 100 James Gallagher 15 800 ChasK Gillis 71 500 do 53 100 John Hukle 15 100 Ed Rart, for 1873 7 12 J Jo li Wadsworth 16 118 Joseph Thorpe 17 112j Thos Bow 16 160 S P Johnson 23 216 do 81 1000 Henry M Deckart 141 1000 Souther and Willis 141 290 do 41 288 John Nicholson 40 1010 Alfred Avery 143 100 Elizabeth Cooper for '73 7 IIOSTON TOWNSHIP. 4255 4890 4270 4370 4370 I 1002 J L Ellis 191 88 932 do 62 Geo Dickinson 26 do 50 James Coyne 43 do 60 do 60 Rechenwald and Taal 52 Jacob Didlot 100 T Echiuan 50 Wingarducr and Rubel 60 Souther and Willis 208 14 10 91 6 '.15 10 52 9 18 10 62 10 62 10 52 20 05 10 52 10 63 9 20 8 94 8 95 128 32 212 68 4370 4371 4871 4870 6J 60 60 673 652 '.(OO 677 669 9(H) do do do Penn Cannel Coal Co do do 4371 4369 4344 4453 4342 4343 4450 4248 201 03 Shawmut Cannal Coal Co 129 20 do do 127 44 201 03 80 84 11 41 10 24 20 08 08 09 22 84 154 William Reed 41 Noble Coal & Oil Co CO do 200 Short and Wilcox 633 do 84 Elvira C Horton 4248 4249 4340 4241 4272 4343 4400 875 Short, Wilcox & M'Clelland48 03 21 James Wilson 664 64 James O'llara 7 85 200 Daniel Kingsbury 57 90 858 Owner unknown 444 U 4272 4242 847 N ULane and oiuei 4300 60 0-10 J S Hyde and others 45 07 10 62 4 81 22 78. 100 do 4200 000 Henry L Carlisle 4182 900 do 42(H) 830 James M't'lolland 41 91 C3 87 21 dO 9 89 10 88 10 60 13 70 23 23 03 87 89 74 175 70 222 04 219 03 145 09 98 81 4188 140 do 4188 250 do 4181 245 do 4188 200 Nathan Bailey 4188 850 John llulme 4275 990 do 427t 010 John T French Jay township. 5283 1100 Amos R Merrill 5288 825 do 5287 825 do 6280 646 do 6290 012 112-100 do 4194 4(H) Win Parker 4196 989 D R Jones 4195 200 James atokes 4197 220J do 6005 990 do 38 08 106 83 22 84 24 32 158 41 27 37 8 95 182 20 10 90 40 79 8 95 132 17 182 18 132 18 89 99 105 94 168 48 27 60 10 90 3 05 130 85 38 81 128 20 43 40 98 52 03 64 89 83 19 55 234 20 4 98 11 00 210 88 210 88 22 20 78 91 16 90 4197 4197 4198 4K95 4899 4MI7 5016 6(110 5006 4896 5007 6004 4892 48901 4897 J 4882 4185 4899 489!) 4845 4891 4894 4893 4896 245 Sebaetian Weis 5(i, Chas B Miller 850 James Donuehauer 184 lUnding Fisher and Co 388 do 60 do 990 rhillip M Trice 990 do 990 dj 659 E B England 990 do 990 do 200 DuBois and Lowe 00 do 15 do 090 A J Lewis 852 Christian Browcr 8H llezckiah llorton 100 do 400 B A Weed 295 Reading and Bartles 419 do 150 do 1100 do 25 David Tyler 60 Daniel Brewer 990 Heury Loiuiue '.(90 do 94 0 11 Rice 490 Johu R Cox '.14 Tyler and Finney 98 do '.(8 do 217 n II 8lniw 5284 4897 5029 4898 5(117 6030 4892 4893 4895 495 4893 41901 4198 I 4195 I (1194 1(5 90 16 90 27 50 72 Francis Schider 72 Horace Little 94 Reuben Winslow 12 45 12 45 5081 "I 6032 j 8 95 411(1(1 5082 5083 5082 4899 5080 4906 4906 5018 4180 6032 4194 5028 5081 4194 4896 2501 2731 2073 2078 60 do 8 95 22 20 19 55 11 00 47 65 29 05 11 00 11 00 1 84 60 100 do 94 do 100 Hammond Jones and Co 293 JI Henry and Co 267 A E Golf 100 do 100 W S Hamblen 990 Souther and Willis 990 Berks and Bowman 100 J R Morey 60 Phillip Reilly 132 1 990 Spring Run Coal Co 105 94 727 do 8:: 100 John F Combs K 347 Saiah H Kidder 49 81 JONES TOWNSHIP. 193 Robert Iluleey 35 12 990 Chas Heebner 228 76 893 do 91 81 4;6 John Scott 9 200 Thos Yuu Court 4 2(.u Geo Dickinson 4 2592 2024 2501 990 Wm Hermvog Estato 170 84 9'. 0 do 1 70 84 25 Chas Veibcck, for 1873 3 33 60 R Brown ICO Wm li Jackson 825 Isnao 11 Couiad 142 51 -! Jol.n J Ui.Wy aid fid 4:-46 2i.i0 111 do 25 21 990 M'Kean and Elk Land and Improvement Co 229 78 2310 990 do 2828 99() do 2826 990 do 2.1U9 990 do 2882 '.190 do 28;j8 990 do 2801 990 do 2808 990 do 2877 990 do 2425 802 do li.-' 990 do :.'489 990 do 2527 802 do Lj.'I 990 do 2j'j4 498 do 2564 5571, do 2587 990 do 2591 990 do 2598 990 do 2598 990 do 2599 990 do 2604 990 do 21.08 990 do 2611 990 do 2012 990 do 2014 990 do 2000 990 ' do 2686 990 do 2791 326 do 8180 905 do 8215 990 do 8217 990 do 8218 990 do 8220 990 do 8226 818 uo 8228 990 do 8229 490 do 8280 990 do 8281 990 do 8282 990 do 8288 990 do 8237 495 do 8213 990 do 3242 495 do 8251 990 do 2252 -905 do 2253 990 do 2290 100 do 3295 70 do 4!KI3 090 do 4904 990 do 2564 2HJ Gen T L Kane 2604 282 do 2527 161 J do 2563 859 do 2554 627 do 2564 490 do 2610 181 do 2791 8971, do 8214 7971 do 3221 794 0-10 do 3222 1053 do 3224 457 do 8290 784 do 8291 206 do 8293 183 do 8295 292 do 3290 129J do 32901 8293 r 200 do 2558 J 8296 90J do 2588 9o do 2610 93 do 2588 837 do 2010 205 do 3291 947 do 8293 021 do 3296 803 do 8290 88 do 8143 121 do 80 do 8224 823 Wilcox Tanning 8227 090 do 8223 850 do 8229 815 do 8237 398 do 8242 445 do 3044 1074 do 8111 865 do 8117 755 do 3140 800 do 8143 882 do 3214 230 do 120 do 822" 900 do 229 229 78 229 77 229 88 229 77 22!) 78 229 229 78 229 77 186 84 229 78 229 189 34 228 76 114 96 129 229 78 229 7 229 78 229 78 229 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 -.7 229 78 229 229 78 75 48 210 09 229 78 229 78 229 7 229 78 190 02 229 77 114 31 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 115 80 229 78 115 30 229 77 210 09 ".29 78 24 05 17 26 229 77 229 78 0 44 64 58 38 13 199 08 122 70 114 16 43 87 91 39 181 48 181 70 244 29 l(Mi 00 170 69 02 03 43 29 08 36 30 83 47 20 35 21 23 02 34 40 195 22 02 25 219 72 144 20 70 96 21 83 28 98 19 48 53 68 107 80 121 23 49 57 02 05 09 54 100 44 134 80 117 25 47 21 49 89 80 48 18 00 189 59 8250 1108 do l'l 6-1 8256 990 do 153 00 8257 860 do 133 48 8258 825 do 128 07 MLLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 2543 000 Owners unknown 81150 2548 WM) do 81150 2542 990 do 81150 2590 G75 Wm Dilworth 233 88 2518 850 Rumback 121 80 2518 60 Miss J A Itara 18 25 2518 875. Wm Armstr ng 130 68 2545 Oor James A llara for '73 811 00 2540 (KM) do 154 50 2546 0(H) do 154(H) 2517 9(H) do for '73 811 60 252H 900 do 811 60 2790 900 do 811 60 2632 9(H) do 311 60 2639 900 Drexel Duhring & Wright 81 1 60 2007 0(H) do 272 12 2581 650 do 190 75 2302 900 do 81160 2505 900 do 81 1 60 2792 242 do 84 49 2789 093 do 210 09 3775 471 do 280 99 192 Henry Raught. 21 40 4042 026 Owner unknown 128 23 2797 650 do 190 75 060 do 1 85 55 4134 900 do 81160 4135 900 do 31 1 60 4129 900 do 811 50 000 N Strong & II Raught 230 77 2518 00 Geo & J Mays 13 42 2524 900 J F Wynkoop & Co 187 30 6700 100 Owner unknown 35 50 25 L C Wynkoop 1 j EEDGWAY TOWNSHIP. 4S92 620 Constant Van Dustc lleishoff 112 08 4393 171 do 40 16 3660 1112 J S Schultz 2'M 61 3261 1142 do 226 54 3281 664 do 132 95 3285 437 do 87 29 4S40 467 do 93 22 450 762 do lol 19 4853 879 do 175 01 4854 735 do 146 15 8110 do 159 60 4375 973 Ridgway Farm & CoaiCo 223 87 437G 1020 do 231 38 4389 675 do 155 5(1 1377 1020 do 233 38 4390 117 do 27 So 4869 916 Bryant & Ewer 267 10 4870 916 do 191 07 4276 1000 do 208 50 4285 948 do 197 71 528 do 88 38 3283 40 A W It Burroughs 8 90 4389 163 Edward ilufftr 39 32 4395 406 do 93 99 1394 400 do 92 60 4390 501 do 107 81 4391 893 J II Huffer 205 48 4395 629 A Ilaxhauser 145 03 494 426 do 98 55 1000 Wihuarth & Co 288 16 277 Geo Dickinson 48 53 150 do 44 80 198 do 46 05 4392 2102 do 73 15 332 do 77 02 4870 83 do 20 00 4865 120 D N Tucker 21 70 100 John G ulnae 20 75 3264 1016 John J liidgway 233 86 3265 1018 do 236 12 3278 1065 do 244 78 3283 520 do 120 08 8281 S3 do 8 55 4862 968 do 222 50 4803 144 do 32 49 4864 150 do 35 15 4868 76 do 18 42 1866 45 Asa Cuuiuiings 1132 86 J J V llouk 15 60 86 i do 15 60 4375 75 Wm V Hobdcll 16 69 4285 81 DrJ 8 Scott, Jor '73 16 48 50 T I Cobb 10 8S 100 do 20 75 116 do 23 01 61 do 13 05 12S do 32 60 40 do 8 90 '26 do 7 12 3285 253 Clarion Elver Min Co 87 90 4850 231 do 80 36 5 G T M Nulty 15 29 4848 ) 400 Jerome Towell 58 25 3283 4848 200 'fallow Jackson 50 38 3283 408 Dickinson & Wil- u'iirth 109 30 1 Charles M "Nutty 3 88 4S69 83 Geo W Khiues 25 07 90 do 15 94 66 do 14 90 400 B F Ely 115 50 176 do 61 36 1055 do 241 45 80 do 19 33 50 James II Mayo 12 45 50 Geo Stephcnsiiu 12 45 4843 63 0 V Gillis 13 77 100 Saui & Jas Gardner 19 75 SPRINQ CSESS TOWNSHIP. 5797 1500 5798 5796 5799 3728 4044 2036 1562 2748 2942 2971 2986 2915 2948 2775 2037 2792 1506 1566 1557 4552 4569 4569 3728 1561 543J 504 J 532 i 1035 316 32 15 344 255 1358 501 554 350 900 900 900 900 113J 1055 200 300 102 200 182 200 150 25 200 174 485 C57 481 114 98 Neil Rogers & Black 100 09 do 231 do 'J3 99 do 1S18S do 83 78 do 7 65 do 2 04 do 61 65 do 07 74 Bryant & Euwcr 338 18 do 67 11 Henry It Mooro 121 95 Heury Uauht 46 i:4 Merchants and Manf Bank of 1'ittsburgh 294 00 do 394 00 Darius Carrier et. al.394 00 G Blake & others S94 00 do 32 02 Alleghany Bank ot Pittsburgh, for '73 108 61 Dresel Duhring & Wright 44 67 A V Irwin 40 30 Thos Irwin 18 80 do 27 20 Geo D Messenger 32 78 Samuel Crawford 35 93 Dellaven & Procius 27 20 Seth Clover 5 80 do 35 93 Wm S Marshall 23 77 Itichard Baker aud JnoGIIail 86 71 Souther & Willis 115 76 do 85 01 4044 114 James Morrison. '73 12 67 Armagost 20 90 ST. MAEY'S EO&OUSH. Lot. No's Streets 14 Benedict John Ilawlev 1 3. 43, 44, 45, ) nn.ft i p- n p A ko 58, 62. 1 v,wt u. 9, 42, 43 1 44, 31, m, 33, 34, 35, Maurico do 12 28 m, 37,88, 8940,41, J of 80. J 31, 33,35,1 37, 39,41, I 44, 45, 17, V John do 15 10 48, 49, 57, 53, 64, 65, 1,2, 3, 4, ) George do 6,11, 12.) 4,5, 9, 20, ) Charles do 26, 27. f 26, 27, 22, 1 23, 19, 20, I Church do 21,25,24, J J of 28. J 6. School do 2 acres Mill d i I acre Mill do 8 42 56 15 10 6 64 2 71 3 acres Mill Rev Louis Cartuyals 7 20 51 llupcrt Dennis Bergcu 2 08 55, 73, 65 do Owucrs uuk'n 44,88, 8 do do 9 Patrick James Boylo 98 do do 85,80 do Ellen Ilonsdale 4 24 3 11 171 1 71 2 41 87,88 do Isabella U ()'Connei2 41 102,103,104 Put'k John Sheridan 3 12 82, 83, 84," 91. 92, 95, V Patrick Ownr's un'kuO 64 100, 101. ) 32 Benedict Pat Gaulcy '73 1 38 31 do Win lluckctt 171 11,12 do Ow'rsun'kn 2 41 11 do do 1 38 68 Wallmrgcr Pat Faherty'73 1 17 0:!, 64,05 do John Morau 3 12 16, 62, 69 72 (.0 do Ours uukn '73 2 14 do 171 1 71 1 71 6 John Ed Byrnes 00 do John Connisky 59,61,62,) 63, 61, 65 John On'rs un'kn 5 03 66. 14 litiuis James M'Numcr 1 71 6 15 17 4 do do do do John Dixon Win A Nugent John M'Nunier Leonard Cook Owners un'k'n 1 71 1 71. 1 71 1.71 4,1 do 8 70 5. 9, 11, y 51, 52, 53, Erine John Morati 54, do A Muouey 39, do James Itowan 35,36,73,1 James Bojle 3 1: 1 7 1 7 3 8 and 44 I 35 Shamrock M Flvner'73 1 38 47 do Pat Given 1 71 34,36, do Leonard Cook2 41 38, do Mike Mnrty 1 7i 87.47, do Geo Ed Wcis 2 41 42. 48, 60 Erine do 115,116, ) Onirics Unknown 117,118 1 13,114. I uo do 100.107. f 1: 62 25,46. Shamrock E Stauffer 2 41 53 Centre Michael Towey 171 41 Michael rut Lawler 1 120 acres llu-h M'G rath & Co 8560 80,31,82.) 83. 84, 35, j 86, 37, 88, J. Maurico J Haber '73 6 70 2'J,4t, 41, 42, 43, 41. j 43, 45, 51,1 53, 55, 61, Center do 4 80 58, 56, 62, j 64. j JOSEPH WINDFELDEIt, Treasurer. Bidgway, Pa., April 2,1874. JTAZJ7S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAin ItENEWEH. Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is duo to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it 60ft, lustrous, and 6ilken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and Btronger. In baldness, it restores tho capillary glanda to their normal vigor, and will creato a new growth, except in extreme old ago. It is tho most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "Tho constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; audi considerit tho Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Bold by all Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines, y Frioe One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOB THE WHISKERS. As our Rcnewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, wo have prepared this dye, in one preparation ; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., H ASIU7A, XT.H. LSTABLISHED 1823, SIEVE K & HONS, PIANO MANUFACTURERS, 722 Arch Sheet, PHILADELPHIA. THE LEADING FIUST-CLASS TIANOS. No other Pinnos have the improvement Prize Sledul of the World's Fair, Londo England, and the highest Prizes of th oountry awarded. v3nl2-3ni VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE FOE 1874. 200 PAGES; 600 ENGRAVINGS, and COLORED PLATES. Publshed quarterly at 25 cents a Vear. First No. for 1874 has been issued. A German Edition at same price Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. V. BUSINESS CARDS. C. A. R A TUB VM, Atlorney-at-Uw, Bidgway, Pa. If. RUFUS LUC ORE, Attorney-at-Law, Ridgway, Elk Co., Ta. Offiof la Hall's new Brick Building. Claims for collection promptly attended to. rSnlly. IIALL & M'CAULEY, Attorneyi at-Lw. Office in New Brick Building, Main Si Ridnway, Elk Co., fa. v8n2lf. REYNOLD'S HOUSE1 SEYNOLIIS VILLE, JEFFIBSON CO, PA. II. S. BELNAP, Pbopmitor J, 0. JF. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlnyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aeci dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLERTON, Hiirrrnnrt flonlicf 1. ..!.. 1 1 crited in Rigwny, offers his professional ser- vif'PS tn I Ink niiiiAim II:, I . w.v viiii,vuQ ui iviugnnjr una BUT ruiHlllillff rmmfrv A 11 j j B ...... j . u nun vrnrrtmiea Oilice 111 Service & Wheelcr'a Building, up. in 3l uuur iu me leil, (o-n-isii-ly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraoeutist, N. W. eornei of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or "igl't- Tln8j J. S. li ORE WELL, M. D., Eclectic Thysician and Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Centre street, to Main si. Ridgway, Pa in the second story of tht new brick building of John G. liall, oppo site Hyde's store, ofliec hours: 8 to 9 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 jan 9 7a T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon, Ridgwa , Pa. Office in Walker'a Building, (special attention given to Surgery. Offio hipuse lrom 8 a. ni. to 10 p. in. Residence on corter of South and Court streets, op posite Hie new School House. All calls promptly attended to. Tln2yl. HYDE HOUSE, Ridqwat, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCH RAM, Proprietor. Thankful for tho patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict si lent ion to the cuuit'ort and convenience ol guests, to merit a continuance oi llm saiuu. Oct 30 18G9. BUCK TAIL HOUSE, Kane, McKean Co., IV K. C. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so libviuily bestowed upon him, the new pro pnoiur, hopes, by paying strict attenuou 10 the coujlui't aud convenience of guests, 10 uiuril a continuance of the same. The only stuutus lor horses iu Kane and well kepi tngiii or day. Hall attached to the Hotel. tlD23yl. KERSEY HOUSE, CtNTBtvtLLK, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patrouage heretolore so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict et temion to tho comfort and convenience of guests, t) merit a continuance of tht same. I1. W. HAYS, DjbALEi. IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Parley I. O. vln-17tf. JAMES FENF1ELD, (Suco sor to Vf. C. Healy,) DEALER IN LHY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PRODUCT-, FRUITS, &o. v3u7tf. West End, Ridgway, P. FREE. SCUOENING, WHOLESALE AMD BETAIL DEALER III PIANO-EORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS Pianos and organs to rent and renlal Ap plied if purchased. Prothonotary's Office, Ridgway, Pa. v2n20tf. "TO-DAY" THE PEOPLE'S ILLUSTRATED PAPER. Is a thoroughly Amorican enterprise, Il lustrated by the leading autists, and teem, ing with the best efforts of the most able writers of our oountry. It is a paper that, once introduced in the family eirole, is sure to be eagerly watched for and carefully pre served. The choice of THREE OF THE M08T BEAUTIFUL CHROMOS ever issued, is given to each subscriber, yii:. "Jcst 80 Hiou-' and "Little Sunshine," two beautiful Child Pictures, by Mrs. An derson, and Amoho the Dewdeofs," a, landscape in water color by the celebrated BIURET FOSTER. All our agents have copies of each, and are prepared to deliver them together with a subesription Certificate signed by the pub. Ushers, at the time the money is paid. Agents wanted everywhere, and liberal in ducements ottered. Sample copies with full paiticulars and description of the Chromot sent on receipt of six cents. Only two dollar ui a bail 1 ye&r. Addbess, TO-DAJT PRINTING & PUB. CO,. Sanuom St., Fhita. 712 Broadway, N. T. 8 Bchool 8t, Boston.. 113, & 117 E. Madison 6t.Chie.go. I