i t B ft tlcRBT A. Parsons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, MAY 14, 18:4. Thk Colorado Potato Boo. The Colorado potato bug, or doryphora dc cemlineata, has lor several years past made alarming ravages in the potato crops of the western section of the ttffUbtty. Some forty years bro, it wis Voown in the Rocky Mountains, where it seemed to be indigenous, reedtog upon the tolanum rostratum, or wild potufo. When the common tuber was introduced in that region, the beetle soon attacked it; and spreading Irotu one nclrt to an other, in 1859 it had reached a point One hundred miles west of Omaha, lu 1861 it invaded Iowa, and, crossing the Mississippi in 1864 5, it has since pro ceeded eastward at the rate of about sixty miles per year; so that it will pro badly reach the Atlantic, unless some be found for its extermination, during 1878. Professor Hall, of Chicago, states tbat the beetle lays its eggs on the Under side of the potato leaf. These re' speedily hatched. The larva, when full grown, is over half an inch long tery thick in the middle, and tapering towards head and tail. It is of a pala yellow color, often dusky or freckled on the back, with small blackish dots, and along each side are two row of large black dots. The legs are black, and the head black and shining. The mature insect; the beetle itself, is nearly half an inch long and quarter of an iQCh wide, its shape is oval, very own vex above and nut beneath: or bard oruataceous texture, smooth and ehiniug, and of a bright straw color, the head aud thorax being sometimes tawny yellow; head aud thorax marked with black spots: the wins cases with black stripes arranged longitudinally, five on each case. The antennae are twelve jointed; the first five joints aro palo or tawnv vellow, the remaining joints biact the last joint being small, and suok into iho penultimate one. ihe legs are tawny yellow, the hips, knees, aud feet being usually black. It requires less tTiau a month to pais from the egg to the beetle state. Where the bug once gets a footing, it speedily destroys the entire crop, It i believed to effect all its truDstoruia tions in fifty days, so that a single pair would, if unmolested, producs sixty millions of progency in a single season. Various modes ol preveutiug its ravages have been suggested. Brushing or shaking the lavoe from the huulra into a vessel is sometimes tried, but-this is a laborious and dangerous operation. Dusting the loaves with white hellebore powder is an effective remedy when it is Well done; the powder must however, be freshly ground, as it loses its efficacy when kept to long. Paris green is also recommended, but both powders are ir ritating to those applying them, while tt j latter is cxtreme'y poisonous. Birds, it is said, will not destroy the bugs, as the emauations from their crushed boJi(3 are noxious even to human beiuis, and, it is said, have caused several deaths: The symptoms resemble those caused by the bite ot the rutiescake. The beetle has several insect enemies, especially some varieties of Udjbird, which pity upon its eggs and lavce. There has been considerable alarm in England, lately, lest the pest Bhould be imported thither in American potatoes, and official investigations have been made in order to dctermiue the advisa bility ol prohibiting importations of the vegetables. The report, however, points out tbat the lavas ol the parasite are not deposited in the tubers or con veyed by thum, and that with the exer cise of proper caie no dunger need be apprehended froia bringing American potatoes into the country. Wood's Household Magazine, for ' May, has an abundance of excllent reading. There is the real go-ahead snap to this periodical which entitles it to much credit, and we cannot name oue that will afford an equal amount of en tertaininent and instruction for so little money. The number before us con tains among other articles a paper en titled "Poor Jack", by F. W. Holland, in the intrest of seaman; "The Child in Church," by Mary Ilatwell; "Kin and Kad," by II. V. Osborri; "Dumb Days," by Caroline B. LeRow, and some gooi poetry. There are several illustrated articles, the New York Fashions, Arch itectural Designs, &e.( &o., . The illus tration on Decoration Day is just the thing. Price of Magazine one dollar per year. Address, Wood's Household Maqazixz, Newburgh, N.'Y. On Sunday forenoon a little girl about nine years of age, daughter ol Mi- Sprjgg, saloon-keeper at Second and Arch (Plum) streets, Camden, while kindling a fire poured coal oil on the wood in order to make it burn ouicker. The moment the fluid touched the fire it ignited instantly into a blaze bursting the can, and throwing its cou :ents over her. In a moment ehe was enveloped in fames, and before reiiei could be extended to ber sho was so dreadiully burned that she died a short time after, the little sufferer having breathed the flames into ber lungs though medical aid was promptly on band, ber life could not be saved. What a foe the fanners have to con tend against in the potato bug is shown by the experience of a lean in Juliet, 111. He placed some in a bottle eight months ago. Tbey have been exposed to the extremes of winter and summer, Lave bad nothing to eat, and are still living. Bostou bas bad to pay one of its lady residents 84,000 od account of a bad wdewalk. CoBgres will oo doubt paes the act priugiog about tjecie pay meat January Jt 177- TEEASTOEH'3 SALE OF UNSEATED LAUD. NOTICE is hereby given that agreenMy to the Act ot Assembly, passed the 13th day ot March, 1816, entitled "an Act to amend an Act," directing the mode of felling Lands for taxes He. The following Tracts of Unseated Land In Elk County, will be exposed to public sule or outory, for arrearages or taxes, at the uourt House In Ridgway on Ihe second Monday of June next (being the 8th day of June, A. D. 1874,) unless sooner paid. IENEZETTE TCV7NSHIP. War. Acves. Warrantee or Owner, Taxes 6382 929 James Stokes 93 40 98 40 6333 10(17 6338 10H7 6844 1007 6345 10(17 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do M) GO 113 00 157 80 5348 1007 6347 1007 6348 1007 6379 469 6380 1100 6383 4flO 6384 1000 6387 1100 6349 1008 6342 1100 86 00 120 45 141 00 08 20 165 00 67 00 101 80 124 20 67 44 121 20 6108 990 do 14100 17 02 85 00 85 00 85 00 165 00 40 20 63.r)3 143 Myron Merrill 6334 1100 do 6337 1007 do 63i'0 1008 do 6351 ll'-O do 6332 300 do 6336 1100 Amos 1). Merrill 5:287 275 do 5288 275 do 5289 223 do 6390 1100 James Ifnmmon & Co 113 00 81 80 40 20 82 30 08 20 6339 1100 Jonathan Drown 85 00 4','Oj 0341 5012 5479 5479 4996 4U97 4981 458 900 990 Addison Swartwood & Co 67 00 Cornelius Wninwright 61 40 Miles Dent do do 167 32 67 00 12 20 40 20 61 40 79 40 64 87 62 10 23 40 40 20 113 00 6 21 40 20 10 42 31 80 109 32 500 100 800 John Brooks 450 d) 990 da 481 II. C. Spaulding 650 do" 200 Robert Ewing 5479 5023 332J John Johnson 6388 1100 Hczekiah Mix 6023 60 Andrew Dent 5479 285 llnniilion Down 6022 110 David 8. Johnson 6340 550 Henry Blush 5001 990 Finney & Borrows 5482 445 Erasmus Morey 6026 100 Ueo. Winslow & 87 96 12 20 W. E. Johnson 5480 5(102 6013 0014 5009 5024 5025 5022 5481 6024 6003 5482 5:140 0020 00 Ober & English 4 30 169 32 111 88 150 62 108 82 12 20 43 00 990 Reading Fisher k Co. 990 890 990 134 do do do John & D. do S. Johnson 302 110 Edilh Johnson & A.Apker 19 48 275 Martin Enze 23 40 28 do 2 58 990 Shaffer & Johnson 111 88 605 Julius Jones 69 80 500 Smith McCoriuick & .Man 79 40 990 Reuben VN iiialow Estate 85 00 5021 63 08 17 80 111 88 07 30 12 20 73 80 5015 Oo: 10 74 21 99 9 40 6 00 14 10 42 44 12 2 J 17 80 5014 5027 5;u 1100 Cool: & Partte 155 00 5021 003 Bulph Johnson 40 20 6478 1100 Chus St John 1: KoiUrock i 40 501 1 5477 5O20 54bl 4105 4105 4100 4115 4115 4104 4407 4107 4107 4105 4K83 4882 4859 4900 990 do 1100 do 100 do 300 II. Mcrrimnn 81 10 111 00 15 00 20 20 25 Joli a Can-all 25 1'eler Garrity, for 1873, 25 Geo. Wois 75 John . Milne, for 1873, 48 Cear A. Jacket 25 Peter Byrnes, for 1873, 5 Michael O'Sullivan, tor 60 John Farnill 27 Cesar A. Jackob ' 25 Samuel Hancock 611 Lawrence & Cossett 823 do 990 do 200 do 80 do 220 do 6 08 3 70 5 08 10 44 9 93 6 84 73 1 01 12 01 6 08 5 08 90 09 173 13 185 51 88 22 17 91 47 89 4958 4958 4901 4901 4977 4990 4993 4992 4103 300 Laaiont Gas Coal Co 66 84 94 04 18 01 179 11 600 90 900 495 990 990 do do do David Raw do 93 J2 185 23 do do 185 23 185 23 990 397 Ridgway Envoi & Coal Co 74 89 4104 CU.H 4105 1138 do 124 90 do do do do do 00 do do do do do d do do do do 213 09 4100 4107 4108 4115 4109 1442 898 990 703 990 249 1 10816 180 35 1 13 31 leu So 193 04 1410 1049 1-10 4402 546 4403 9.0 4410 107Ci 4411 1025 60 200 102 01 183 38 201 47 191 60 10 80 82 90 C2 90 7 70 4996 200 30 20 6 31 4404 622 Edward Iluffer 4404 522 Fred. F. Kcrsenbrock 4400 522) Francis Aule;ks -4400 622 August Fortenbcck 4407 420 Clenicnz Keller 84 28 84 28 84 35 84 35 79 04 112 CO 180 00 19 67 4408 4470 4001 2357 4878 4879 4844 4945 4880 2374 4975 000 do 905 Miithias VonGalen 100 F L Newton 990 West Creek M'f & M'g Col84 95 090 do do do 184 Mb 218 65 184 95 184 95 202 67 177 51 94 00 101 78J 4 20 1023 090 990 do 1023 Chas. Heebner 952 Geo Diekinson 600 Rona Cartuyvall 4881 611 John Morris 4K81 2303 32 do 990 M'Keaa. & Elk Land and Imp. Co. 990 do 990 do 090 do 25 M A Mitchell 275 Thos Luckeubaek 600 Sidonia Von Eresel 50 John Kirchner 142 Win C Black 18 do 107 . do 29 do 25 Owner unknown 125 The Wilcox Tanning Co LOT NO. BJDOWAY STBEKT. 91 Rev Jeremiah O'Hara 92 do 79 James Doyle' 88 Wm M 'Kennedy 89 do 90 do 68 Tlios M'Corruick 59 do 84 Miohael O'Sullivan for '73' 102 David Spillane TALUOT BTBELf. 17 Tlios Collins 18 . do 66 Wm Ehine for 1873 88 Thos Collius 119 do B4UB0AD STIEKT. ;-7 Ssrsh Heley 184 05 2397 4905 4877 4900 4881 4809. 4101 4407 4407 184 95 184 05 184 95 6 08 60 83 88 74 10 30 27 47 4 19 19 90 6 31 0 SI 27 68 405 do 153 13-80 do 990 do ' 790 do 100 do COO d j 109 do 2C6 do 100 do 100 do 117 do 293 do 180 ' do ' 200 do 1 67 4371 1 64 4B09 1 3 4;!44 1 55 4453 160 1 &4 4343 1 60 44,-,o 1 63 4248 1 82 4248 1 66 4-ji'i 4340 1 66 4041 1 63 1 27 4272 M 4343 1 68 . 4400 561 4272 1 82 4 19 74 02 1 60 21 46 10 80 10 Lots James Coyle 840 lev iouis liartuyvai 1 Lot J 8 Hates 200 Iteniinger and Eschbaoh 4115 60 Edward Dclahunt vim STBEET. 4107 60 Daniel Gary 10 80 6 G8 17 88 6 08 14 88 9 48 8 48 87 15 6 24 7 74 6 81 11 01 10 63 19 63 86 08 86 06 4107 25 Wm Bhannaban 4968 100 Geo Wels 25 M Slmnnahan 80 E G Williams 60 Bemmyer Co 50 Mithias Burnutu 4105 200 Palmer Co 4100 25 William Corkey 4105 25 Pat Dwyo 4110 81 Wm J Hint 4114 62) James Hall 4104 74 John Ford 60 Owners usknown 4105 400 Owners unknown 4104 400 do 4103 400 do 4880 400 do 4879 400 do 4888 1000 Beniinger and EschbacU 4887 1000 do - 4102 219 do 20 do 86 00 80 06 86 06 257 98 267 93 43 40 0 30 25 James Donnelly 26 Daniel Frasur 60 do 03 John Krug FOX TOWNSHIP. 79 J L Ellis 6 47 6 81 4115 4110 4888 1 63 9 03 42441 85 37 257 47 4245 f 4341 i 691 Sampson Short 4340 f 4340 219 do 00 98 4243 4178 4098 4098 4077 4078 4081 4088 4097 4098 927J do Michael St.ean 170 John Albert 170 Nicholas Riimmel 404 82 32 60 10 60 04 290 Ridgway Farm &Coal Co 103 99 240 do 86 09 CO 67 708 439 do do do do do do 23 88 20 78 208 24 102 40 72 05 38 66 259 36 216 23 4374 200 408; 111 4187 4901 4890 4902 4177 4190 4190 4'.K) 4"74 4274 4082 4077 4178 4079 4088 4088 4081 4178 4097 4098 4098 4087 4'7 4087 990 Caroline M Pray 495 E 11 England 679 do 145 do 900 Hannah Ramard 439 O W Whit taker 6( 0 Richard Gardner 293 do 200 Geo C White 40 Robt I Ruhe 803 Edward Huffer 709 do 118 10 04 08 314 20 153 90 175 00 103 81 63 20 14 92 95 73 201 08 50 Wm Wcnscl 25' Walnchia O'Rouke, for '73 25 Edward Bonner '73 25 do '72, '73 45 C R Eurley 80 Silas Moyer 100 Jeiome VowcVt 27 Elizabeth McUlauahlin 12 Rose Kelly, f :r '73 61 James Wrinkle, for '73 25 John K Jones 2'.J Thos Collins 50 Fe!ix Gat guish 14 05 4 45 4 4ij 7 6;i 12 11 41 ;;5 so 8 4 2 15 6 8- 6 6C1 9 70 11 44 4078 ; 4077 4093 00 James Wonon 51 Henry Clinton Witt 543 9 70 50 Patiicir M Trendy 4887 100 Wm Apple, for 1873 60 Elias lliniccck 60 J03 Feberly. for 1872 4096 S3 fomlicr & Willis 05 Armel Turlcy 100 Thos Jordan 50 Mathew llavs 4173 20 Horace Litt'le 4079 60 do 4217 72 Noblo Coal & Oil Co 4:;73 10 20 14 05 5 10 0 ' 12 42 70 9 4 48 18 0 2G 0 12-17 249 4210 600 421 7j 4245 1 OCO 4244 4087 25 50 do uo do 87 04 V.'O S3 195 8S Richard Edwaids Horace Little 9 70 7 63 66 87 C5 80 48901 258 9-10 Sarah II Kidder 4901 4189 250 Owner unknown . HIGHLAND TOWSSHtP 3000 3781 3753 2020 3002 3004 274 A M Weidlcr 1000 Thos Struther 1000 do 1099 do 38 91 141 00 141 00 154 4 890 Drexel Dulning& Wright 120 43 9: do do 131 4 145 8 15 8 120 4 3003 1031 2025 106 Sebastian Halm 2019 890 Walter Bryant 1778 1031 do 2025 100 A Wolf 2027 402 Geo Dickinson 1880 954 do 2038 1043 do 3000 490 do 2034 150 do 2025 loO J and M Mack 145 84 15 84 43 22 101 13 147 o: 70 44 16 15 00 Part of 3752 600 Thos Gould for '73 84-00 Pan of 8788 500 J M Jouison do 84 00 3702 600 John Lane 71 00 8788 610 do 71 00 18'1 1005 Allegheny Bank Pitts. 73 07 23 2083 1038 Wm Robinson 1-10 20 2032 1O02 do 148 27 1803 902 John F Jones 135 63 3701 1095 Martin Hart 154 30 1783 902 Abner Cussel 180 63 1058 88S John P Brown 125 32 20S4 90 J C Chapin 13 00 3700 10OO ko 141 00 2403 315 do 45 10 2450 289 -do 84 45 3(i57 1000 Owner unknown 141 00 2034 50 do 8 65 3773 900 S Jones and Co 67 84 3782 900 Little and Souther 127 65 8771 1000 Nathaniel F Jones 14100 8778 1000 do 141 00 1799 100 James Gallagher 15 00 1799 800 Chas K Gillis 71 00 1775 600 do ' 68 CO 1770 100 John Hukle 15 CO 1776 100 Ed Hart, for 1873 7 00 2034 12 .1 oi B Wade worth 16 74 2031 118. Joseph Thorpe 17 68 2084 112 Thosl.'ow 16 74 8770 100 S P Johnson 23 40 3780 216 do 81 23 3778 1000 Henry M Deck art 14100 8700 1000 Souther aud Willis 141 00 2302 290 do 41 00 2404 288 .John Nicholson 40 90 8055 1019 Alfred Avery 143 84 1776 100 Elizabeth Cooper for "73 . 7 00 BOSTON TOWNSHIP'. 4255 4396 4279 4370 4370 1 1002 J L Ellis 191 88 932 do 208 14 52 Geo D:ckinson 10 91 20 do 6 95 50 James Coyne 10 62 43 do U 18 60 do 10 52 60 Rechenwald and Paul 10 62 62 Jacob Didlot 10 62 100 T Echman 20 05 60 Wingardner and Rubel 10 62 50 Souther aud Willis 10 53 62 do 0 20 50 do 8 94 60 do 8 95 673 Peiin Cannel Coal Co 128 82 652 do 212 68 4370 4371 4871 4370 900 do . 201 03 677 Shawniut Cannal Coal Co 129 20 609 Uo 127 44 900 do 201 03 164 William Reed 80 84 41 Noble Coal & Oil Co 1141 6V do 16 24 200 Short and Wilcox 20 08 633 Uo 8 69 84 Elvira C Horton 22 84 875 Short, Wilcox & M'Clclland48 3 21 James Witjoa. 664 64 James O'Hara 7 86 200 Daniel Kingsbury 87 96 8-r'S Owner unknown 46 43 60 M O'SulllYnm for 1878 4242 847 N B Lane and others 46 07 4396 60 9-10 J a Hyde and others 10 62 22 73 100 do 4 81 4200 COO Henry L.Carlisle 41 1 4182 990 do 63 87 4200 830 James M Clelland 21 96 4188 140 do 0 89 4188 250 do 16 88 4181 45 do 10 66 4188 200 Nathan Bailey 13 70 4188 850 John Hulme 23 23 4275 990 do ti3 87 4271 610 John T Frenoh 89 74 J AT TOWNSHIP. 6283 1100 Amos R Merrill 176 70 6288 825 . . do, , . 222 64 6287 825 do ' ' " 219 63 6289 640 dr 145 69 6290 612 112 100 do 68 81 4194 400 Wm Parker 88 08 4196 989 DR Jones 105 83 4195 206 James btokti 22 84 4197 2201 do 24 32 6005 990 do 158 41 4197 4197 4198 4895 4899 4897 6046 245 Sebastian Weis 27 87 60) Chas B Miller 8 95 860 James Donuehauer 182 20 134 Reading Fisher and Co 10 90 888 do 40 79 60 do 8 96 990 Phillip M Price 132 17 990 do ' ' 132 18 6019 6006 4890 6007 6004 4892 4896 1 4897 J 4882 4185 4899 4899 4845 4891 4894 990 do " 132 18 669 E B England ' 89 99 990 do 105 94 990 do 158 48 200 DuBois and Lowe 27 60 06 do 16 90 15 do 8 6: 690 A J Lewis 852 Christian Brower 800 Hcieklnh Jlorton 100 do 400 B A Weed 295 Heading and Burtles 419 do 150 do 1100 do 25 David Tyler 60 Daniel Brevi er 990 Henry Lornine 09O do 94 OR Ritoi 490 J oh a U Cox ' 94 Tyler ai:d Fitiney f'8 d,i 98 do 17 A Il.Shiiw 130 85 88 31 128 20 43 40 98 62 63 64 4893 4896 5284 89 83 19 65 234 20 4 98 4897 5029 4898 6017 6080 4892 4893 4895 4895 4893 41901 4198 ) 11 00 210 88 210 88 22 20 78 91 10 90 10 90 16 90 27 60 12 45 12 45 8 95 72 Francis Schidcr 4195 9194 72 Horace l.itilo 94 Reuben WiiitljW 50 do 6031 1 50J'2j 4900 5082 5083 5082 48'. 9 5030 4 !O0 4900 601 8 4180 5082 4194 6028 6081 4194 4890 2504 2781 2078 8 C5 100 do 94 do 100 Hammond June? and Co 293 Jl Henry and CO 207 A E Goff H'O do ICO W S Hamblen 990 Souther nol Willis 990 lieri s and Hownmu 100 J K Morey 60 Phillip lU':lly 990 Spi iLg i.ui Cosl Co 727 uo 100 John FCuiil-s 847 Sr.iah 11 Kidder 1'..3 r.oleil l!i.Ucy .-'..() Chas Hubiiei 893 do iMi Jehu .--cull. 'JV j'hos Van Court 200 Geo Dkkmv 990 Wm llerfi-iTiiy KmIii! 9!-0 d 25 v'l.iis A'cvbcck, for 1873 00 It "V Frown K'O Win 11 Jnckern 825 Imuic 11 .'oinbd 1222 Juhu .1 Riiigwuy 2' 20 19 65 11 00 47 05 29 05 11 00 11 CO 18 4 00 182 17 1100 8 95 105 94 83 22 10 90 49 81 35 12 228 70 91 81 98 88 47 20 47 20 1 70 84 170 84 3 33 2592 2-',Ol 2881 32.-4 k-,4'i 2810 2819 2323 2820 2829 10 02 24 02 112 01 210 00 25 21 I and nt.d 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 1.8 229 77 229 78 230 77 V29 78 229 77 If 0 34 229 78 V29 77 J 89 34 228 70 114 90 129 72 229 78 . 229 77 29 78 229 78 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 7H 229 77 229 78 229 77 t29 78 75 4S 210 09 229 78 229 78 229 77 229 78 190 02 229 77 114 81 229 77 229 78 229 77 229 78 115 30 r29 78 116 80 229 77 210 09 229 78 2105 17 20 229 77 229 7b 6 44 64 58 38 13 199 08 122 70 114 16 43 87 91 39 181 48 181 70 244 29 106 CO 170 09 02 G3 43 29 08 36 80 83 1 ft do 990 M'Kcan niid Kil; Improvement do 990 190 9;'0 990 990 990 '..Co 990 '.'90 802 090 990 802 090 498 557J 990 090 090 090 990 090 990 990 990 990 090 990 320 905 990 990 990 990 818 990 490 990 090 9'iO 990 495 990 495 990 905 090 100 70 990 990 23 Gen do (!j .1.) do ill do do do do d-v do do do do do do do do d do do do do do do do do dv do di do uo do do do do d-r i 2883 2801 2803 2377 2 J 25 247 2489 2027 2001 2004 2504 2587 2591 2593 2598 2599 2004 2008 2011 2012 2014 2000 2880 2791 81p0 S215 8217 3218 8220 3226 8228 8229 8230 3231 32512 3283 3287 8243 8242 3251 2202 2263 2290 8295 4903 4904 2504 2504 i uo do do : do di ' do do do do do do T L Kane dc do do do dc do do do do do ' do do do do 2 2527 101 201)8 2554 25C4 2010 2791 8214 8221 809.J 627 490 797 794 0-10 8222 1003 8224 457 8290 734 8291 206 8293 183 395 292 8296 129 3290") 2010 I 8293 ' '1-200 do 47 20 ' 00 do 85 21 l 96 do 23 02 i 93 do 34 40 837 do 195 22 i 205 do 62 25 047 do , 219 72 ; 021 Uo " 144 26 i 803 . do 70 96 ; 88 do 21 33 121 do 28 08 80 ' do 19 48 823 Wilcox Tanning Co 63 68 C90 do 107 80 850 uo 121 23 815 do 4967 898 do !2 05 445 do M 64 1074 Ue 106 44 805 do 134 80 756 do 117 25 800 do 47 21 882 Uo 49 89 230 : no 36 48 120 do 18 60 900 Utt 139 69 8290 2588 2010 2088 2010 3201 8293 329'0 8290 8143 3224 3227 8223 8229 3237 8212 8044 8111 8117 8140 8143 8214 8226 8255 1108 8256 993 do do 171 62 163 00 183 48 128 07 8257 8258 800 de 825 do MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 900 Owners unknown 900 do 990 do 676 Wm Dilworth 850 Rumback 60 Miss J A Hara 875 Win Armstr ng 900 James A Kara for '73 2543 2548 811 60 81150 811 60 233 88 121 80 18 25 130 68 811 00 164 60 164 00 811 60 811.60 811 60 811 60 2542 2596 2518 2518 2518 2545 2546 2546 900 900 900 900 900 do do 2517 252S 2790 2532 2639 2G07 do do do for '73 900 do 900 Drexel Dnhring & Wright 811 60 900 do 272 12 2581 2302 2506 2792 2789 3776 650 900 900 242 698 do 190 75 do 81160 do 8H &0 do 84 49 Uo 210 09 do 230 99 471 102 Henry Ranght 21 49 128 23 4042 626 Owner unknown 2797 650 do 660 do 4134 000 do 4185 000 do 4129 900 do 606 N Strong & II Rauelit 190 76 135 65 811 60 811 60 811 60 230 77 2518 CO Geo & J Mays 2524 900 J F Wynkoop & Oo 6700 100 Owner unknown 25 L C Wynkoop IUDG77AT TSWNSHlft 4392 620 Constant Van Dusto 13 42 187 30 85 60 18 Iletshcff 171 do 1112 J S Scuulta 1142 do 604 do 437 do 467 do 762 do 879 do 735 do 800 do 142 98 40 16 230 Gl 226 54 132 95 87 29 93 22 151 19. 17501 146 15 159 6( & 223 87 234 38 155 50 233 38 27 80 207 10 191 07 208 50 197 71 88 38 4393 3CG0 3201 3284 3285 4849 4850 4853 4854 4375 4376 4389 1377 4:590 4869 4870 4276 4285 3283 43b9 4395 1394 1390 4391 4395 4194 973 Ridcway Farm Coal Co 1020 do 675 do 1020 do 117 do ' 916 Bryant & Ewer 910 do 1000 do 94 3 do 528 do 40 A V R Burroughs 8M 39 32 93 99 92 60 107 84 205 48 14;03 IMA Adwnra Uuffir 100 400 501 893 629 426 do do do J II Huffer A !Ixhauser do OS 55 288 16 48 53 41 80 46 05 73 15 77 02 20 00 21 70 20 75 233 86 233 12 244 78 120 08 8 55 222 50 32 49 35 15 18 42 11 82 1 5 60 15 60 16 69 1000 Wilmarth & Co 277 Geo Dickinson 150 198 210J ooi 83 120 QJ do do d,i C-y I) N Tueker 4392 4870 4865 3204 3205 100 John C ulnae 1016 JohD J Itidsway 1018 do 3278 1005 do 3283 520 d 3281 4803 4SG1 4868 1866 33 do yi5 uo 144 do 150 do 76 do 45 Aea Cututuinss SO m 75 81 50 100 116 01 128 40 26 J V Wouk do Win F Hobdell 4375 4285 DrJ H Pcutt, fur '73 16 48 B Cobb 10 88 do da do do dw do 20 75 23 01 13 05 32 GO 8 90 7 J" a - 3285 4850 253 Clariou River Min Co 87 90 231 do 80 36 5 G T M'Nulty 15 29 4848 400 Jerotuo Powell 58 25 3283 f 4848 200 Tntlow Jackson 60 83 3283 f 40 Dickinson & Wil- lmtrth 109 30 Charles M'Nulty 3 88 Ueo W Rhinua 25 07 do 15 94 do 14 90 1 K3 90 06 4809 400 BFEly 115 50 176 do Gl 36 1055 do 241 45 80 10 33 50 Jamci II Mnyo 12 45 50 Geo Stephenson 12 45 63 C V Giilin 13 77 100 Sam & Jas Gardner 19 75 SPEET& csiek; township. 4843 5797 543J Neil Kofteis L BlacklOO 69 1500 504 do 221 31 5798 532 da 93 99 5796 1035 do . 181 88 5799 316 da 83 78 32 do 7 65 3728 15 do 2 04 4041 844 do 6165 255 do 67 74 203G 1358 Bryant & Euwer 388 18 1502 501 do 67 11 2748 554 Henry R Moore 121 95 2942 850 Henry Raus-ht 40 84 2971 000 Merchants and Manf Bank of Pittsburgh 294 CO do 894 00 Darius Carrier et. al.394 00 G Blake & others 894 (10 do 32 02 298G 2915 W94S 2775 2037 000 900 1)00 113 1055 Alleghany Bunk ot Pittsburgh, for '73 108 61 2792 200 Drexel Duhriog Wright 15S 300 A W Irwin & 44 07 40 80 18 80 27 20 32 78 ' 85 03 102 Thos Irwin 1566 1557 4552 4569 4560 37e8 1561 200 do 182 Geo D Messenger 200 Samuel Crawford ' 150 De Haven Si Procius 25 Seth Clover 200 do 174 Wm S Marshall 27 20 5 86 35 93 23 77 485 Richard Baker Jno G Hall C57 Souther & Willis 481 do and - 86 71 115 76 85 01 4044 114 Jaaics Morrison, '73 12 67 98 Aruiagost 20 00 Lot. No's Streets 14 Benedict John Hawley 1 35 S' ro 45, ) Centre II F C Co 4 53 58, C2 ) 0, 42, 43 1 44,31, 82, I 33, 34, 35, ( Maurice do 12 23 38, 37,38, 8940, 41, of 30. J 31,83, 35.) 37. 89.41. I 44,45, 47, John do 15 10 8 42 7 30 15 10 48, 49, 57, 53, 64, 55. 1, 2, 3, 4, ) George do 6, 11,12. r 4,5, 9. 20, I Cbarlei do 26, 27. f 20, 27, Ti, 23, 19, 20, ChurcU do 21, 25, 21, of 28. . 0. 2 acres School do 1 79 Mill do 6 04 Mill do 2 71 aore 3 acres Mill Kev Louis Cartuyals 7 20 61 Rupert Dennis Bergen 2 08 55. 73, 05 da Owners unk'n 4 24 44, 88, 8 do do 8 11 9 Patrick Jauies Boyle 171 98 do do 1 71 65, 86 do Ellen Ilopsdale 2 41 87, 88 do Isabella C 0'Connei2 41 102.103.104 Pat'k John Sheridan 3 12 82,83. 84,1 91.02, 05, V P.t.:lr Ownr's un'knO 64 100, 101. 32 Benedict fat Gnolcy '73 1 38 31 do Win Hackett 1 71 11,12 do Ow'isun'kn 2 41 14 do do 133 08 Walburger I'at Faherty73 1 17 63, 64, 65 do John Moran 3 12 16, 62, 69 do On'rs un'kn '73 2 14 72 do do 171 6 John HJ Byrnes 171 GO do John ConuiBky 1 71 'o'J, 61, 1 03. (U. 05. John On' r un'kn 5 63 ' i y 7 66. 14 Louis James M'Namer 1 71 6 do 1 5 do 17 do 4 do 4.) do John Dixon Wm A Nugent John M'Numcr Leonard Cook Owners un'kn 171 1 7L 171 171 3 70 5. 9, 11. 51,52,53, Erine John Morjn 54, do A Moooey 89, do James Rowan 35, 86, 73, ) James Bovle 0 12 1 71 1 71 3 82 and 41 ) 35 Shamrock M Flvner'73 1 33 47 do 34, 36, do 38, do 37.47. do Pat Given" 171 Leonard Cook2 41 Mike Muvty 1 71 Geo Ed Wcis do T.'nkiic-wn 2 41 8 12 5 23 42.43, 60 LVme 115 110, ) Charles 117.1S ! 113.1.! 4.) do do 100.107 25, 40. Shamrock K Stauffer 3 82 241 53 Centre Michael Towey 1 71 11 Michael Put Lawlcr 1 71 120 rnrs Ilu-h M'Graih z Co 85 60 30. 31, 82,1 33. 8 I. 35, I I , OS, .Mauri se J flabcr '73 6 70 39.40. 41, 42, 43, 41. j 43. i;, ol, 53, h.-j, CI, 55, 50, 62, 61. Center do 4 80 JOSE I'll WINDFELDER, Treasurer. Ridgway, Pa., April 2, 1874. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, jMff .4, For the relief and jfyJ cure of all derange- JSL tncnts hi tho Horn. Jffir"" acb, liver, and bow '.T nla Th.u.r..ii,ilI aperient, and an excellent purgntire. Being purely vere table, they contain no mercury or mine.. ral whatever. Much seriouft sickneen and suffering ia prevent et bv their timely use; and every tamUy should have them on hand for their protection anil relief, when reniiireU. I.ong experience has proved them to be the eaf eat, surest, and best of all the Villi with which the murket abounds. By their occasional use, the blood is puritled, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity, lnte.iml orR.ins which become clogftea and sluggish are clennsed liy Auer' fills, una tiinuhited into action. Thus incipient disease Is changed into hcalih, the value of which change, when reckoned on the v.tst multitudes who c joy it, ran hardly be computed. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, ami preserves their virtuB-j uuimpaired for any length of time, so that Uiey are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although 6car-:hin?, they are mild, and operate without disturbance to tho cons tiiutiou,'or diet, or occupation Full dire Full directions aro gtv3n on tho wrapper to ich box. bow to use tliam as a family l'hrsic. each box, bow to use tliam as a Fain and fur the following complaints, which uifsa ami tor the mnowmf I'illt r.iiiidlv cure: For ls.mpv3.Hiu1 or Tndlg-riitloii, iMMleee m, Euniruor and JLotm of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, ami restore its healthy tone aud action. For I.I ver Complaint and its various symp toms, Jliliou HeH.lucIif, Wick 1 1 end ue be, JFauiilire or reen Nltkaow, Slit. loue Colic iind Hilloue I'evern. Uicy should bo judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For lysenterT or Ilrrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For Rbeumutum. Clout, Oravel, Pnl Bitutlon of the lleurt, aVain in the trie. Ruck and I,o!na, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of tho system. With such change those complaints disa'ppenr. For 15rony and nronaictst Swellings, they should be taken in large and frequent (loses to produce the ell'pct of a d.'astic purge. lor Mupprewlon, a large dose should be taken, as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. As a Dinner Pill, take one or two Ji(( to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is oft on advantageous where 110 serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these J ills makes him feel decidedly better, from their i-leansii g and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. PREPARED BY Xr. jr. C. A. TER CO., Practical ChemUti, ZO WELL, MASS., V, B. A. FOB BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVEBTWHEKE. ESTABLISHED 1823, MEYEIl & SOKS, J'lAXO MANUFACTUHEllS, 722 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE LEADING F1KST-CLASS PIANOS. No ether Pianos have the improvements rrize JMeaul 01 the world s Fair, Londo England, and the hiuuest Frues couu.tr awarded. EC&S FLORAL GUIDE FOB 1874. 200 PAGES ; 500 ENGRAVINGS, and COLORED PLATES. Pubis lied quarterly at 26 cetUs a Tear. First No. for 1874 has been issued. A Germm Edition at came price Address AMES VICK, Rochester, N. y. BUSINESS CARDS. O. A. ItATUBUX, Attorney-at-law, Ridgway, fa. 2 2tf. RUFUS LUC ORE, AUorney-at-Law, Ridgway. Elk Co., Pa. Offioe ia Hall's new Lrick Building. Claim for collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. II ALL tfc jU' CA DLETt Attorneys-ab-Lw. Office in Xew Brick Buildincr. M In St Ridgway, Llk Co., l'a. v8n2tL REYNOLD'S 110 USE &YH0LDS7ILL,JEFFE&S0NC0, IA. H, S. BELNAP, Phopbiitob J, 0. If. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AI'LAW. vlnol. Ridgway, Elk CouBty, Pa, Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aoel dent Inuranoe Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently cated in Rigway, offers bis professional ser vices to the citizeus of Ridgway and ear rounding country. All work warranted. OUice in Service Winder's Building, up. stairs, first door to tie left, 73-n-o2-ly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraceutist, N. W. cornet of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. M full assortment of caret ully selected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescription! caref ully dispensed at all hours, day er night. vln8y J. S. LORD WELL, M. D., Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, lias remov ed his office from Cimre street, to Main at. Ridgway, Pu in the second story of the1 new brick building of John Q. Hall, oppo site uyue s store, (jllieo hours: 8 to 0 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 jan 9 13 T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Ridgwa , Pa. Office in Walker's Building, tpccial attention given to Surgery. Office house lroni 8 a. in. to 10 p. m. Kesidenoa on corLt-r of iSoutli and Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calU promptly utlendod to. vln2yK HYDE JIO USE, 1Uiuway, Blk Co., Pit. W. 11.-SCI1RAM, Proprietor. Th.tukt'ul for l in) patronage heretofore so nberuily licstowcd upon lain, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict av icution to the comfort and conveuieuee l guests, to merit a contibuauo ot ilu niiUie. Uu 30 18W. BUCK TAIL JJO USE, Ka.K, McKcan Co., P E. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. TliKiiMul lor the putiouuge heretofoit so libeiullv bestowed upon niui, theuew prv pneiur," hopes, by paying strict ultenuoa 10 liio cuiulurt aud convenience of guests. to uitiiii u cui.iiiiuauce of the sunie. lh only stables lor horses in Kane and well kept nitit or day. Hull attached to the tiolel. vinzjyl. KERSEY HOUSE, CtsriLvai.E, lr Co., Pa. Jons Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretotorsj so libenlly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience oi guests, t merit a continuance of lh same. P. IV. HAYS, DEALS 1M " Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Eartty 1'. O. vlnlTtf. f'M JAMES PEXF1ELD, (Suco- not to' W. C. Ilealy.) DEALER IN LEY GOODS, GR0CEIU2S, FBOVISIOXS, PRODUCE, FRUITS, &e. v3u7tf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. FRED. SCHOENING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER- lit PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Protnonoiary'd Office, Ridgway, Pa. v2nJ0tf. "TO-DAY," THE PEOPLE'S ILLUSTRATED PAPER. Is a thoroughly Ainoricaa enterprise, il lustrated by the leading autists, and teem ing with the best ellorta of the most able writers of our country. It is a paper that, once introduced in the family oirele, is sure to be eagerly watohed for and carefully pre served. The choice of THBEE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHROMOS ever issued, is given to each t "Just 00 Hiob ' ana "Lii two beautiful 1 derson, and "Aj iMnuuTLvr FOSTER,. Ail our agents have copies of each, and are prepared to deliver them together with a subesription Certificate signed by the pub. ' Ushers, at the time the money is paid. Ageuta waated everywhere, and liberal in ducements offered. Sample copies with full particulars and description of the Chromos sent on receipt of six cents. Only two dollars and a talf a year. Address, TO-DAY PRINTING & PUB. CO.. T33 Sansom St., I'M fa. 712 Broadway, N. T. 8 School St, Boaton. Hit, & 117 E. Madison St, Chicago.