x mi IIksbt A. Parsons, Jr. - - Editor thuushav, ArniL 2, ism. TllE Mayor of Cincinnati issued n proclatnatiou 011 Saturday, forbidding Btrect prayers in front of saloons, and the ladies have acquiesced. Strtir meetings are being held there on boih sides of tli e question, but the license party seem to bavo a majority of tbc votes with thetri. flow to Stop a Paper. The ful lowiog which we clip from on exchange, is worthy of a careful perusal by cer tain newspaper patrons: "You have an undoubted riijht to stop a newspaper whenever you arc dis posed, upon paj ment of all arrearages Do not hesitate to do so cn nrcnuut of any tenderness of feeling for the editor on't you supposo he would stop buying sugar of you, or meat, c'othin dry goods, etc., etc , if ha thought ho wa? not getting his money's woilh? And when you discontinue a paper, do so manfully. Don't bo. so spiteful as to throw it back with "I dou't want it any longer" and have "reluscd" written oil the margin, and have the paper returned to the editor. So gentleman ever stopped a pspcr m that way, no matter if bis head is covered with gray l air that should be honorable. If you do cot wish longer to receive a newsp ipei, write a note to the editor like n man. Bayinjx so and bo sure that aricaiages are paid. That is the way to stop a paper." Stalmage, a 1 SPURGFON U T. De Witt Talnmao is editor o!g TheThristimi at l!;,-,C. 1J. Spur B 'eon siiecial contributor. Tlir I vritc fur no other rarer in America u Three tnacniificeut Chromos. Pa1 8 .larger coinuiit-sion than any othr-i gpaper. CHEOMOS ALL KS AD Y. i g.S'o Sectarianism. No ftclioi.alisiu j EOne ageut recently obtained ;J0 sub sm;i ipiiuna in ciniy Hours ii!..-o:uit j Swiuk. Sample copies aid circulars! Ncnt free. AGENTS WANTFC). t'l. W. ADAMS, Publisher. 1, 'j Chanibor street, X. V. J)I1YSICIANS AND lil LTU'J 1 TS. A prouiiuect New York physician Kiel? complaimd to Dundas Dick, uncut iii- San dalwood Oil Capsulas, Muting that seim times they cured miraculously ; tint tli.it a pitieut ot 1 s bad taken tlicui tor suiuctiru wilhout etl'cct. On being iutormed that several imitations were mudo and soM. lie inquired aud found that liis patient had been taking capsulas sold in cuttles, uud not DUN DAS DICK & (JO'S. What happened lo this physician may have happened to other, ami bl'NDAS DICK K CO., take this method of protecting '-0:1 of Sandalwood'' froin tins disrepute. PHYSICIANS who nnce prescribe the Capsulas will CO.VUML 'Jo JJi i(, lot they contain the l'Lltli OIL in the Li Si AND CHEAPEST form. OIL OF SANDLLWuOD is fact super seding every other lenie.ly, sixty Capsules ONLY being reiiu. led to insure a tale ami certain cuie in six or eight days. i'lt-m no other medicine can this result be had. Dick'b Son Cai-m'J.cs solve the piv.b l?m long considered by tunny eminent phy sicians, of how to avoid the nuusea mid dis gust experienced in swallowing, which are well known to detract lioiii, if not dou-oj, the good effects of many valuable remedies Soft Capsules aie put up in tin-foil ami neat boxes, thirty in each, ami are the only capsules prescribed by Physicians. ByTIiESE AYEltE THE ONLY CAP SULES ADMITTED 10 XUE LAST PA1U3 EXPOSITION. Send for Circular to Go VVoosier St., X. V. SOLD AT ALL DftUG ST02S3. General Agency, 130 Ueade Street, X. DAGUSCAK01TDA EAILSOAdT From and af.cr Monday. Feb. 5th .S7:J. Trains will run oa this Road as follows: Leaves Earley 7 'M a. m., hi rives r.i Dajruscahonda Junction 8 10 a. iu , out) noi-'inf with Accout. cast 1-i a. m., snu witi- Mail west at 'J 15 a. ni. Leaves L'aguaCahonda at 9 20 a. in arrives at Earley 10 00 a. ni. Leaves Earley 3 30 p. in., and arrives at Dasus eahouda at 5 00 p. m., connecting with Mail east at 5 00 p, nr, aud Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. ui. In case 1'. Jc h. tiains are late. Dt-nus- cahonda train holds twenty uiinulej be-1 yond tho above tune. liekets should ulways be procured before leaviug stations. C H. EARLEY, Law. "TO-DAY," HIE PEOPLE'S ILLUSTKATED PAPEK. Is a thoroughly American enterprise, il lustrated by the leading autists, and teem ing with the best etlorts of the most able writers of our country. It is a paper that, once introduced in the family circle, is sure to be eagerly watched for ami carefuliy pre served. Tits choioo of THREE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHROMOS ever issued, is given to each subscriber, viz: Just So High'' and "Little Slnsiuxk," two beautiful Child Pictures, by Mrs. An derson, Btll "AMONG TUB DWD1101'S," a landscape in water-color by the celebrated HI KELT FOSTEIt. All our agents have copies of each, aud are prepared to deliver then together with a subesription Certificate sigued by the pub lishers, at the time the money iB paid. Agents wanted everywhere, and liberal in ducements offered. Sample copies with full paiticulars and description of the Chromoa sent ou receipt of six cents. Only two dollars mi half a year. Address, TO-DAY PRINTING & PUB. CO.. 133 Satihom St., M'ftila. XI 2 Broadway, N. Y. 3 School St, Boston. 113, 4 117 E. Madison St, Chicago. SALS cr LAND. UNSEATED NOTICE ts hereby given that agreeably to the Act 0. Assembly, passed the l;ith day ot March, 1815. entitled "an Act to amend nn Act," directing the mode ot se 1 ng Lands for taxes o. The following 'J'r o a f t'nveateJ Land in Elk County. wi'.I be cupesod to fuMio said i.r outcry, lor an eerugeii of ta"S, ai t le t'o :i t Jluso in Kidgwny on the second Monday of June next (being the 8th day of June, A. D. 1S74.) unless sooner paid. tEl'ESETTE TOWSE. War. Acres. Vnrrntee or Owner. Taxes. i,3;Vl 'JH Jauu j Stokes '.'3 Ott fiir.S lt'07 uo SKt fni 6;t:if? im;7 do .0i0 f.:!44 Kti7 do 113 Uli f(3 4 5 1U'17 do 157 8' 10(17 do 85 00 M17 10117 io U'J4.- o:!4S 10H7 do 14) 00 f37!) 450 do CS 'JO 5H80 HO'J ibi 155 00 f:?83 4'0 do 57 00 5:54 KitlO do 101 80 0-S87 1100 do :!1 -Jti o:M0 1008 do f,7 44 6H42 1100 tlo 2 at) ot 08 000 do 141 00 6;?.r3 143 Myron Merrill 17 OJ 63r4 1100 do H,-)I0 0337 1007 do 85 On 5:;G0 100S do M 00 5351 lli'O do 155 00 5i!52 t'.OO do ti) L'O o;i3ii 1100 Amos I!. Merrill 113 00 5:S7 75 do 31 80 52S8 (52S9 53'JO 53-0 4005 534 1 5tH2 5-170 5470 i:".n; 5JK1 0 ion 5'.''i7 40'.'8 5-t 7 51 -2 i 5:S ii(.L'3 5)70 5i,-2 5::n 50ol 51 .2 51120 5 !;30 VH!2 5i'i3 51 '1 1 K.t 5o21 5i St 5i 'L'2 54S1 5n24 5i :i 1.3 5-ivJ 5:tH 5i rji I 5021 1 5!I15 275 do 40 20 223 do 3J 3H 1100 James Kamnu.n A Co 580 1100 Jonothaii tSrotrn 85 Oil 458 Addis.m SwAi'twnnd & Co 57 (.0 '.100 Cnriieliun n ainwright 51 40 Ot'.O Miles Dent 107 32 fin) (lo 57 (10 100 do 12 2'i 300 John Itvooks 40 20 150 d.i 51 lo '.".ii do 7'isu 41 II. C. Spattltlliif 54 87 550 do" G1 10 201 R.jl.dt Ewinj; i:;; ;i S32A .lehn Jol'ti'un 4ii2o llni l..el;iuk Mix 11 ! t,d Andrew liorit 5 21 2';5 Hamilton li.ntti 4-1 2i' llti H.ivid S. .Icluiftn 12 55o Henry 13!u-:li ill Ml !'"0 I'liiuey 4c HeiTows li'.O :'.2 415 Erasinus Mercy 37 00 lm) Gfo. Vi inflow & V. E. loliiisou 12 2o 00 (Out Eiifi;.'li 4 ;;ii l1'.'!' Heading Fisher ii Co. l'i.i 3L' ( ".'0 ,!0 111 ss r.-.n) do 150 e. o do vr, so 131 Ji.iin .c D. S. Johnson 12 LM ::r2 do 43oo lid IMiih Johnson & A.Apker 10 is L75 Martin Lnzc 3 40 2' do L 5S livii 5i 15 Shafl'er k .lohn."en lul 5s Julius Jones 50 SO r,.,u :::io .milli Mct'nrniicls & Man 70 40 Heiibcn a insluw Estate 8100 405 53 1 3- ' I O'.'O 7'iO 1 ! C-r.o 1 "'.) 2'-'i lM) 1"0 117 2 ii 3 1 '!) 2' io do do :o do do i j do do do .o do la do do 53 OS 17 So in ss 07 30 12 20 73 SO 15 71 21 00 9 40 0 00 1 1 10 42 41 - ' ; 17 u 155 no 501 1 I 5343 1 1i.ii Cook x P -rtto iii 3 lli.lph .1 o!i n .-on lloo Ci.us t-l John ItoiUrnt1 '.'.'0 do 40 L'u I i 40 I ;1 1 s i 1 0 liOO dj 100 do 3ii0 H. Meii-imau 1-1 2'i 2o V"0 TBEASUMB'S 0 08 3 70 1 49 5 08 1 4 HO lo 44 10 03 5 84 3 1 51 12 91 5 5 08 90 119 173 13 1x4 51 38 12 17 91 17 89 50 84 9104 1 8 01 170 11 93 12 185 23 1.- 5 25 185 23 74 to 124 00 213 09 249 17 108 10 180 35 143 31 l'-0 35 193 04 1"2 01 l'-3 39 2ol 47 191 55 10 30 r.2 no 32 90 7 72 0 31 84 28 si 2t- 84 35 81 35 70 (.4 4 9'0 4 401 4490 4108 4170 It '01 4957 2378 47') 4il 4915 V22.4 Francis AuIejUs -'-i 'lJtlll Fortenbeck 4.1 Cleiuin Keller COO do 112(1,! Matliias VonGaleu lno on i F L Newton 19 57 Inn 990 090 1023 990 900 n est i Teen n l K M g tot 84 t, do 184 S'5 218 55 181 05 184 95 202 57 177 51 94 00 101 7t'-4 do do do Chas. Ilecbncr Ceo Dickinson ItoiiH Cm iiiy vail 4980 1023 4X74 2375 491 88S1 49C0 4881 JSOO 4101 4407 44o7 952 5oi) 511 John Morris aid eiheis 41 '5 25 John Carrall 1105 L5 I'eter Oarrity for 1873, 41 i") 2 Hector Jackob 41 I'l 25 (ieo. Weia 41 i i 73 ilr clor-Jachol) 4115 75 Jehn Milne, for 1873, 4115 4- CcMir A. .lackob 4104 25 IVtcr BynifH, f.ir 1873, 4407 5 Michael 0'8ullivan, for 410" 50 John Farniil 4 107 27 Cesar A. Jackob 4105 25 Samuel ll:iuco"k 4 -3 511 Lawrence 4: Cussett 4ss2 M'3 do 4S59 ! '. 0 do 4900 i'0 do SO do 22: 1 co 49'8 300 La noM Cr.s Coal Co l'.i:,8 5nO do 4001 90 do 4"'. I 9-ii d) 4077 41-3 I'uviu P.aw 4090 990 l'o j"93 O'.'O da 4992 1,90 O.o 4103 397 r.idgway Farm 5: Coal ( 4104 Or,.". do 4105 1138 do 41ii0 1412 do 4107 8'.:s do 4108 990 do !'.15 703 do lii'O 900 Co 1110 1040 1-10 io 11"2 5 91 Jo 4193 9-vO tls i-'.lo 1073J do 4-ill 1025 do 50 do 200 do 4'J9'.1 2i '0 do 30 do 20 do 4404 5.2 Edward Hnffer 1401 522 Fred. 5'. Keienbrock 32 do I Hall 25 M A Mitchell 275 Thns Luekenshack Ono S.donia Von Eresel 50 John Kirchnar 142 Wm C Black 18 do 107 do 29 do 25 Owner unknown 125 The Wilcci Tunning Co LOT NO. BIIiflWAT STREET. 91 Bev Jei cuiiah O'llara 92 do 79 James Dr.ylo 88 Wui M' Kennedy 89 do 90 do 68 Thos M'Cormick 59 do 84 Michael O'Sullivan for '73 102 Divid Spillane TALBOT STB BET. 17 Thos Collins 18 do 56 Wm Ehine for 1873 38 Thos Collins 3J do SAIIH0AD TltlT. n7 Sarah Henley 4 20 5 08 50 33 88 74 10 30 27 47 4 19 19 90 0 31 C 11 27 5.8 1 57 1 54 1 53 1 55 1 Ou 1 54 1 50 1 53 1 82 1 50 1 66 1 63 1 27 1' 66 1 63 561 CO M O'SulliTun for 1878 ' 10 Lots James Covle 840 Kev Louis Cartnyval 1 Lot J S Hates 200 do 1 82 4 19 74 12 4 50 40 21 10 80 4115 60 Edward Pelonhart VISR STRUCT. 4107 50 Daniel Oary 10 3(1 4107 25 Win Shnnnahan 5 08 4058 100 Uco Wets 17 88 25 M Hhsnnalmn 5 08 80 E O Williams 14 88 50 Benimyer Co 0 48 00 Maihias Barntun 8 48 Horn liOO Palmer & Co 37 15 4100 25 William Corkey 5 24 4105 25 Pnt Dwyer . 7 74 4110 81 Wm J Flint 6 81 4114 CL4 James Hall 11 01 4104 74 John Ford 10 03 50 Owners unknown 10 03 4105 400 Owners unknown 80 00 4 lot 400 do .80 00 4103 400 do 80 00 480 400 do 80 00 4870 40(1 do 80 0(1 4888 1000 Bcnzinccr and Escheach 257 08 4H7 1000 do 'MO 83 4102 21!) do 43 40 20 do 0 30 25 James Donnelly fi 47 6115 25 Daniel Frasur 0 31 4110 00 do 1103 4888 03 John Krug 9 03 res TCWKSHIP. 79 J L Ellis 42 111 J245 f 134 n 4 HO f 85 87 257 47 90 PS 4o J 25 32 3L 00 10 (10 04 I Sampson Short 1340 210 1213 027 do do Michael Sl.ean 41 78 inns 40 18 I 177 1078 4nsl 4(18 40'. '7 liiOS 4!V4 4;.m 41 s7 4 '.'() I 4i'.K) 41-02 4177 1 1 00 1100 I'.iCO 4270 170 John Albert 170 Nicholas lluinmel 200 Kidgway Furio SCoal Co 103-'.:f. 201 00 57 708 fill :oo 14 4 du Si) 09 do do do do do do 23 83 20 78 208 2i 102 40 72 05 38 50 219 ii 210 2 ". 118 10 04 08 32 32 153 90 175 00 103 81 53 20 14 92 95 , 3 201 08 14 Oo 1 3 4 45 4 45 7 5! 12 75 11 41 35 80 2 15 5 35 5 35 5 01 0 70 11 41 5 43 9 7o in 20 14 05 5 lo 0 73 12 31 42 70 9 70 4 48 18 04 20 07 87 C4 11)5 88 195 88 9 70 7 53 50 87 0 5 80 900 Cumline M Pi-ay 4! 5 K U England 570 do 145 do ! (il) Hannah Barnard 430 O W Vhinaktr 5i 0 Eichm.l (iardner 203 do 200 Oeo C White 4.) Uot.t I linlio 3,03 Edward lln'.rer 709 do 50 Wm Weasel 25 Walachia O Rouke, for ' 25 Eowaid Bonner '73 25 do '72, '73 45 C II Earley 30 Si'as Mnjer lno Jeionie Powell 12J Kose Kelly, for '73 54 J.rnes Wrinkle, for '73 25 Jolin K Jones 20 Thos Collins 50 Felix Gar.guish 427 1 li f'2 1077 1178 4ii79 404 pi-S 4081 4178 4U08 PiOH 4o87 4nS7 4n87 4t-78-. 4000 4008 4087 00 Jamee orion 51 Henry Clinton Witt 5u Panick .M'Cready 100 Win Apple, for 1873 50 Elias Hancock 50 Jos Feherly for 1872 33 outlier & Willis 05 Armel Turley 100 Thos Jordan 50 Mat hew Hays 20 Hor.ico Littie 5" do 72 Noble Coal & Oil Co 4000 4178 -M79 ..!7 43,73 j 2 47 213 4240 I 500 4217 ) :2i5 1 500 do do do Itichard Edwaids Horace Little J 25 los 50 4;90 .258 9-10 4901 , IrJarah II Kilter 4189 0 Owner unknown 3LA.n? TCWKSEI?. 3000 37M 9,753 202'i 3002 300 4 3003 2i 125 2019 1778 2925 274 A M Wcidlcr T8 01 lonn Thos .Si rut her 111 00 1000 do til 00 11.99 do 154 17 890 Drexel DuhiingS; Wright 120 43 93'. 0 131 4 1031 100 890 1031 11,0 do Sebastian Halin Walter Brvant do A Wolf 145 34 15 8 4 120 44 115 34 15 84 41 22 101 13 147 02 70 4 4 10 15 70 : ,'.4 t.o 34 00 ' 71 O'J 71 00 07 23 1 13 20 1 is 2". 135 53 154 Ml 13)53 21 2 7 In2 Ceo Dickinson is: li I 2"-18 :;i;iui 2o: :4 95 4 10 43 490 150 do do do do 2.'25 U li J and M Mack I art of :-:752 51X1 Thos Could for'7-. Part o1 37-s 500 J M Jonibou do :i7'2 5iK) John Lane 87W til'O do 1831 10(15 Allegheny Bank Pitlsk 73 2033 1038 Wm Ucbiuson 2032 1052 do 1803 902 John F .Tcnes 37'.1 1095 Martin Hart 1783 902 AI ncr Cassel 155H Sf-H John P liiown 2i 34 t ul J C Chnpin :.700 lOOO ko 2103 315 do 2450 29 do .9,57 1000 Owner ur.kr.ovrn 2034 5il do 37::7 9o0 S Jones and Co 3773 907 Lilllc and 8oiuher 3771 looi) Nathaniel F Johcs 3775 K.Oi) do 17":i 1nO Juiues tiallaghr 1799 800 Chas if tiillis 1775 600 do 1770 lno John I'.uklj 1770 loo la Bai t, f( r 1873 2034 II 2. Jos B Wadswonh 2i34 118 Joseph Thoipo 2031 1I2A 'Ihos' ow 3770 loo jj V Johnson 3780 210 do 3778 D WO Henry M Deckart 3700 liMiO tiouthcr and Willis 2302 290 do 2404 288 John Nicholson 3055 1019 Alfred Avery 1770 100 Elizubetu Cooper for '7! HOmON TOWNSHIP.. 125 :, 13 00 141 00 4 4 7n 3-1 45 141 HI 8 50 57 8 4 128 55 111 (i. 141 00 15 t ( 71 00 53 50 15 t.n 7 00 10 71 17 10 74 23 40 31 23 141 (Ml 111 00 41 00 40 90 143 34 7 GO 4255 1002 J L Ellis 191 88 43! 0 4279 932 do 208 14 4370 62 Geo Dickinson 10 91 20 do 5 95 4370 60 James Coyne 10 02 43 do It 18 60 do 10 62- 4370 60 Bechenwald and Paul 10 02 4371 52 Jacob Didlot 10 52 4371 100 T Echman 0 05 60 Souther aud Willis 10 53 52 do 9 20 60 do 8 94 4371 60 do 8 95 4309 673 Pe'an Cannel Coal Co 128 32 4344 952 do 212 68 4453 900 do 201 03 4342 577 Shawmut Cannal Coal Co 129 20 4343 609 do 127 44 4450 900 do 201 03 4248 154 William Reed 80 34 4248 41 Noble Coal i Oil Co 1141 4249 CO do 16 24 4340 200 Short and Wilcox 20 08 4241 633 do f 8 09 44 Elvira C llarton 22 84 4272 875 Short, Wilcox & M'Clelland48 63 4343 21 James Wilson 664 54 JafuesO'Hara 7 85 4400 200 Daniel Kingsbury . 87 96 4272 858 Owner unknown . . 46 43 firm q m&i.'H-im 4242 847 NULnne and others 45 07 43U6 60 9-10 J S Hyde and others 10 62 22 8 160 do 4 81 4200 600 Henry L Carlisle 41 91 4182 - do 63 87 42tK) 830 James M'Clelland 21 96 4188 140 do 9 89 4188 250 do 10 88 4181 245 do 10 60 4188 2IK) Nathan Bailey 13 70 4188 850 John Hubue 23 23 4275 990 do 63 87 4271 CIO John T French 39 74 JAY TOWNSHIP. 5283 1100 Amos R Merrill 175 70 6288 825 do i22 64 5287 825 do 219 03 6289 640 do 145 69 5290 C12 112-100 do 98 31 4194 400 Wm Parker 38 08 4190 989 D It Jones 105 83 4195 L'OO James stokcs 22 84 4197 220 do 24 32 5005 9' 0 do 158 41 4197 245 Febastian Weis 27 37 4197 6oJ Chas B Miller 8 95 4198 850 James Donuehauer 182 20 4895 131 lUnding Fisher aud Co 10 90 4890 888 do 40 79 4897 60 do 8 95 5040 990 Phillip M Price 132 17 5019 990 Uo 132 18 500(1 990 do 132 18 4890 659 E B England 89 99 5on7 990 do 106 94 5004 99IJ do 158 48 4892 200 DuBois ond Lowe 27 50 4,v.i0 1 00 do 16 90 497 J 1.W2 15 do 3 65 4i)-." 0! (I A J Louis 110 85 489'.) 052 t.hriclian Brower 38 31 Kill 300 Heieluuh llorton 12820 4!5 100 do 43 40 iHH 400 1! A Vted 98 52 4Mi4 295 Beading and Bartles 63 04 4S93 419 do 89 83 4 90 .,0 do 19 65 52-4 1100 do 234 20 4 97 25 David Tyler 4 98 5 129 60 Daniel locver 11 00 4'9S 99ii llcniy Loiair:o 210 88 5:17 990 d.i 210 88 '.030 94 O 11 Hire 22 20 892 490 Ji.h-i U (Vx 78 .'1 4' 9 3 1 I 'ij in-an 1 Finney 10 90 4895 98 do 10 !0 4805 98 ,K H ; t, 217 Ii Shaw 27 AO 4190") 72 Frauci Sciiidcr 12 45 4198 j 4195 72 Horace Little 12 45 6031' 94 lteuheii insl.w 8 9'i HI32J li'OO 60 do 8 9.j 5032 100 do 22 29 5i:,3 94 do 19 55 5o ,2 loo Hamiiionl Jones and Co I'l ! 1 v 2.3 II Henry anu Co 47 C.? 5030 207 A ECotf 29 C5 4. .CO 100 do 11 0,i 41.00 lo.) W Hamblen 11 CO 5nlS 9l'il (.'outlier and Willis 184 00 418;) Sn u Berl.s and Bowman 132 17 5032 100 J l: Morey 11 a 4)94 60 Phillip Leilly 815 5028 990 Spring Cun Coal Co 105 94 )0.il 727 do 83 22 4194 loo John F l.'iiml-s 10 90 4895 347 Surah 11 Kidder 49 81 250 4 193 Robert H..K.;y ,35 12 2931 990 Chas HeeUcr . 228 70 2 173 3:! do 92 81 207: I'- i Jon n fcolt 9.8 88 2 i.J Ihc Van Cmi't 47 20 2.M Clio Kicking, i 47 20 592 9.-I Win llent.Yig Estate 170 84 201 .: O do 17084 25 i'l ss Veil -o!,, 1873 3 33 2503 59 !! W Frcv.-o -10 02 lull Wm II .'ae!.-n 24 02 239.1 .-2, IsmiB H Cenrnd 142 51 3254 1222 John. I Kidg!.y 210 CO if hi Ml ,m " 25 21 2;.1'1 99n M is t'.in inl Flk Laud and Ipi'.riivetu'.'u. Cu 229 78 2319 :-4, ' da 229 7; 2523 990 do 220 78 2320 tf.m d 221) 77 2329 I'.-i i u. 220 88 2332 990 ilo 22.1 77 2333 990 do 229 78 2301 99IJ i',j ' 229 77 2303 S vii do 229 78 2377 99(1 do L'2'l 77 2425 8o2 do iMj 34 2I7 99(1 do 229 78 2489 990 do 2rJ 77 2527 802 d 18l 34 2551 99i,i do 2:8 70 -'554 493 do 114 90 2504 5571 do 129 72 257 990 do 220 78 2591 9;ii tlo 229 77 2593 990 d 229 7h 2598 990 do 229 78 2599 990 do 229 77 2004 990 d L20 78 201 '8 09O do 229 77 2311 C'.'J Co 22 17-j 2012 9 ill do 229 7 7 2014 990 UO 2L9 78 2''.i,0 "990 , do 229 77 20M1 ! 90, u t LL'9 78 2791 320' d 75 48 3!0 i,i.1 2DID9 3215 990 du 220 78 321 7 in n uo 229 78 3-i8 I '.'n do 229 77 3220 990 do. 229 78 3220 fl8 uo 190 02 B228 990 do 229 77 3229 490 do 114 31 3230 990 do 229 77 3231 990 do 3232 990 do 3233 990 do 3237 495 ,o 3243 Km j, 3242 495 do 3251 ,!,o , 2252 905 do 2253 090 do 21.90 100 uo 3295 70 d0 49o3 090 do 4.ini O'.m) j0 2504 23 Gen T L Kano 25o I do 2627 101 J do 2563 Stllj d. 2554 b.'.i uo iOOi 490 d0 20)0 181 do- 2791 397 do- 3214 797j do 3221 794 6-10 do 3222 1053 do 3224 467 do 3290 734 do 8291 200 do 3293 183 do 3285 292 do 3296 129J do 8290 1 321.3 200 d 2558 J 3296 90 do 2588 95 do- 2610 93 do 2588 637 do 2010 209 do 3291 947 do 3293 621 do 3290 S03 do 3143 88 do 3296 121 do 80 do 3224 323 Wilcox Tanning O 3227 090 do 8223 850 o 3229 815 do 8237 398 do 8222 445 do 3044 1074 do 8111 865 do 3117 755 do 8140 3O0 do 8143 882 " do 3214 230 . do 120 do 8225 ,- 900 do 220 78 22.) 77 229 7t 115 3" 229 78 115 80 229 77 210 09 229 78 2 4 05 17 26 2L9 77 221 '.s 0 i I 54 )8 a 13 119 08 122 7n 113 10 4 ! 87 01 89 181 48 181 70 214 29 iOO 60 170 09 62 03 43 29 68 36 30 83 49 20 85 21 23 02 83 80 195 22 62 25 219 72 144 26 70 96 21 83 28 98 19 48 53 68 107 30 121 23 49 57 62 05 69 64 166 44 134 80 117 25 47 21 69 69 86 48 18 60 139 69 aurnaunmMneamtvEKHfJnt 3255 1108 do 171 02 3258 996 do 153 00 8257 800 do 133 48 8268 825 do 128 07 UILLST01IS TOWNSHIP. 2543 900 Owners unknown 811 60 2548 900 do 81160 2542 990 do 811 60 2596 075 Wm Dilworth 233 88 2518 350 Rumback 121 80 2518 60 Miss J A Hara 18 25 2518 875 Wm Armstrong ISO 68 2545 900 James A Hara for '73 154 00 254") 900 do 81160 2550 900 do for '73 164 00 2517 000 do 31160 2523 . 900 do 811 60 2790 990 do 811 60 2532 800 do 311 50 2639 990 Drexel Dohring & Wright 31 1 60 2007 900 do 222 92 2581 550 do 190 75 2302 990 do 311 60 2505 990 Jo 811 60 2792 242 do 84 49 2789 693 do 210 09 3775 471 do 225 99 192 Henry Raught 20 49 4042 626 Owner unknown 128 23 2797 650 do 190 75 050 do 135 65 4134 900 do 811 60 4135 900 do 31150 4129 900 do 81160 600 N Strong & II Raught 230 77 2518 00 Oeo& J Mays 13 42 2521 900 J F Wynkoop & Co 187 3o 0700 loo Owner unknown 36 00 25 L 0 Wyukoop 0 10 HIS5WA7 TOWJISZP. 4302 020 Constant Van Dusta IJcuhelT 112 OS 4.303 171 do 40 10 30(50 1112 J S Seliulu L!30 01 JJ201 1142 do 220 54 :42s 4 0(54 do 131 05 3285 437 do 87 20 48J49 4(57 do SO 22 -I.jO 702 do 153 40 4fs? 870 do 175 01 4,54 735 do 13tj 15 800 da 105 00 4375 073 Ridsway Farm & Coal Co 222 87 4370 1020 do 234 3S 43.80 075 tlo 155 50 1377 1020 do 233 38 4300 117 do 27 80 'SOU Dili Bryant & Ewer 207 lo 4270 11)00 do 20S 50 1-85 048 do 200 71 528 do til 38 3283 40 A W It Uurroushs B 00 4380 103 Edward Huffcr 30 32 4:.05 400 do 03 00 4304 400 do 87 OU 4300 501 do 107 84 4301 803 J II Huffer 205 4s 4395 020 A liaxlmuser 145 03 4304 420 do 00 55 1000 Wilmarth & Co 288 10 277 Goo Dickiusou Js 53 150 do 418o 1H8 do 40 05 4302 210J do' 73 15 332 do 77 02 4870 83 do 20 00 4805 12 ) D N Tucker 21 70 100 John Gulnao 20 75 3204 1010 John J ilkhjway 233 80 3205 1018 do 230 12 3278 1005 tio 244 78 3283 520 tlo 120 OS 328 1 33 do 8 55 4sG2 003 do 22 50 4S;3 144 do 32 40 4"'tit 150 do 35 15 408 70 do 18 42 4800 45 Asa Cummings 1132 80J J V Houk 15 GO 804 dn 15 GO 4375 72 Wm F Iloijtkil 10 00 4285 81 In J 8 So, for 73 10 48 50 T 15 Cobb 10 88 lvO do L'O 75 110 do 23 01 01 do 13 05 12S do 32 00 40 do 8 00 20 do 7 42 3185 253 Clarion River Miti Co 87 00 48.30 231 do 80 30 5 G T M Xuity 14 00 4S48 ) 400 Jeruua 1'owell 58 25 32X1 f 3833 i 200 Tittimv Joekson 50 38 .4283 f 4G8 Dk-kinsou & Wi!- murili 100 30 1 Charles M Wulty 3 8S 4800 83 Geo W Uliicug 25 07 i 00 do 15 04 00 do 14 00 4()0 11 F E!y 115 50 170 do 0130' 1055 do 24o 45 80 do 19 ;;3 50 James II Mayo 12 45 o) Geo Stephenson 12 45 481 G3 C V G i liis 13 77 100 Sam & Jas Gardner 18 75 Z2.ZZZ T077i;S2!P. ' 5707 51:: Noil Rogers & BlacklOO 00 1500 5(i3 do 221 31 5708 532 j do 03 00 5700 1035 do 200 88 570:1 :J!0 do iio 78 32 do 7 05 372 1) do 2(4 4041 341 do 0105' 255 do 07 74 2030 1358 Bryant & Kuwcr 238 IS 15(52 501 do 07 11 2748 554 Henry R Moure 121 05 2042 350 lU.iry Rnuubt 40 84 2071 000 Merchants and Manf Bar.k vt l'ittsburah 294 00 2080 000 do 30 4 00 2915 000 Darius Carrier et. al.304 00 2048 000 G Blake & others S94 00 2775 113J do 32 02 2037 1055 Alleghany Bank of Pitkburgb, for '73 107 61 2702 200 Drexel Duhncg & Wright 44 67 1500 300 A W Irwin 40 30 102 Thos Irwiu 17 80 15G0 200 do 27 20 1557 182 Geo D Messenger 3178 4552 200 Samuel Crawford 35 93 4500 150 Dellaven & Prociug 27 20 3500 25 Seth Clover 5 36 200 do 35 93 3728 174 Wui 3 Marshall 23 77 1561 485 Richard Baker aud JnoGIIail 84 71 657 Souther & Willis 115 76 481 do 85 01 4044 114 James Morrison, '73 12 67 08 Artuagost 20 90 ST. VAST'S S0&075& Lot. No's Streets 14 Benedict John Hawley 1 35 58 62. 5' Centr RF & 0 Co4 53 'fuCTfM.vjiii.'v'jiMm-aaijrixsg3Ka 0, 42, 43, 44. 31. 82. 33. 34. 35. Maurice do 12 28 36.37,38, 3040,41. i of 30. J 31, 33, 35,S 37. 39. 41. 44, 45, 47, 5-Jobo do 15 10 48, 49-, 57, 53, 54, 65. 1,2, 3,4, ) George do 8 42 5, 11, 12. r 45, 0. 20, 1 Charles do 7 36 26. 27. ; 20, 27, 22 23'. io! 20. I Church do 15 10 21, 25, 24, f 1 ol 28. J 6. School do 2 acres Mill do i acre Mill do 3 acres Mill Bev Louis CartuyaU 51 Rupert Dennis Bergen 55. 73, 65 do Owners unk'u 44,88, 8 do do 9 Patrick James Boylo OS do - do 65,80 do Ellen Hopsdale . 79 04 71 20 08 24 11 71 .71 41 41 12 64 38 71 41 38 17 12 14 71 71 71 87,88 do Isabella C O'ConoerS 102.103.104 Pat'k John Sheridan 3 82. 83, 84.") 01. 02, 95, Patrick Owur's un'knO 100, 101 ) 32 Benedict Pat Ganley HI do Win NuciteU 11,12 do Ow'rs uu'ku 4 lo do 08 V.'alLuvi'or Pat Faliort'T 03. 01,05 16, 62, 00 do do John Mora 11 Un'rs uu'ku '7. do Ed Byrnes John Oonnisky 3 72 do 0 Julin 00 do 50, 01, 02 , 02. 1 , 0., s John 03, 04 Ou'rs un'kn 5 GS GO. 14 (5 15 17 4 4 ) Louis James M'Namcr do J.ihu Dixon 71 71 7. 71 71 70 12 71 71 38 71 41 71 41 12 23 do do do ) do Wm A Nugent John M'Naiuer Leonard Conk Owners un'kn 5, 9, 11. J 51, 52, 53, Erine J.din Mono 54, do A Moouey 30, do .lames Rowan 35 Shamrock M Flyner'73 1 47 do Pat Given 1 34,30, do Leonard Cuuk2 38, do Mike Mur'y 1 Mike Mur'y Geo Ed Wcis do 37. 47. do 42. 43, 00 Frina 115 110. ) Charles 117.118 113.1 I I. I do Unknown do K'M.1',7. f itf, 4:5, liaoir.rk E t?tauiT-r 2 41 f.'4 Centre Michael 'I'uwoy 1 71 41 MiciTad J'at Lawl-.-r 1 71 120 i.'-s lluah M'Uiath & Co S5 (lit 30. 31.:i2,-l . .) .-. -j., 30, 37. 38. V Maurice J Kalcr '73 G 70 30.40, 41, I ; 42, 43, 41 j ; 43.45,51,1 53, 55. 01, jCeuter do 4 SO i 0"). i)lj, tl( 04. I JOS !: V 11 W I N 1)1' E LP E R, 'IViusurer. Hidgway, Pa., April 2, 1874. 'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR EENEWER. Every year increases the popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfected prep aration for restoring Gkay or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and daudrullj and, by its tonio properties, prevents tho hair from falling out, as it slirau late? and nourishes tho hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores tho capillary glands to their normal vigor, aud will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy ap pearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., Stato Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "Tho constituents aro pure, and carefully eclected for excellent quality ; and I consider it tho Best PnEPAitATioJi for its intended purposes." Sold bji all Druggists, and Dealer fit ilttllcintt. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOH THE WHISKEE3. As our Renewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or laded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, iu one preparation ; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., ltf.4J3.EUA, NU l;STAr.I.ISHI-:i) 12?, JtUTK & NANO M A X I' FA C T U I! E 11 .$ , 722 Arch Sti eet, PHILADELPHIA. THE LEAPING FIKST-CLAPS riASOS. No other Pianos have the improvements Frize Medal of t'ne World's Fair, London England, ond the highest Prices of 1 Ui couulry awarded. v3ul2-3iu VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE FOE 1874. 200 PAGES; 600 INGRAVIHGS, and COLORED PLATES. Published quarterly at 25 cents a Year. First No. for 1874 has been issued. A German, Edition at same prios Address . JAMEfi VICE, Kochastsr, V. T.- in in 'WiijiAh'SII BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. RATUBUN, Attorney-at-Uw, Kidgway, Pa. KUFUS LUC ORE, Allorney-at-tur, Ridgway, Elk Co., To. Office la Hall's new brick Building. Claims ft collection promptly attended to. v3nlly. HALL & M'UAULEl', Attorneys-at-Lw. OlTico in New Brick Building, Main St Kidgway, Llk Co., i'a. 3n2tf. REYNOLD'S U9US& HEnTCLESVILLE, JEFFEESON CO, TA. II. S. BELNAF, 1'RorniETOB J, 0. V. BAILEY, ATTOKNF.Y-ATLAW. vln2ul. Kidgway, Elk County, Ta. Agent for the Traveler's Life ond Ao4 dent liiourante Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLERTOK, Surgeon l)ent;et, having permanently lo cated in Itigwuy, oilers his professional ser vices lo tte citizens of Kidgway and sur rounding couniiy. All work warranted. OHice in Service ti Wheeler's Building, np oiairs, liist door to the left, 73-n-82-ly G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and I'aracentist, N. W. cornn of Main and Mill 811601?, liidgway, Pa. A lull assortment of caielully selected For eigu ami Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at All hours, day er niiit. vlnSjr J. S. BURL WELL, AI. D., Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, hs remov al his ofhee lroiu LVutre street, to Main at. Kidgway, Pa,, in the second story of tha new brick building of John 0. 11 all, oppo site Hyde's store. nftieo hours; 8 to 0 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m, T jan 9 73 r. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician ana Surgeon, Kidgwa , Ta. Office iu Walker's Building, t-lic-cial attention given to Surgery. Othca hi.use iroui tS a. 111. to 10 p. ni. Kesideno uu con.er of Sotuli uud Court streets, op posite the new School House. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. HYDE- HOUSE, Ku'Gway, Elk Co., Pa. W. 11. SC11KAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage hcietofor 30 liberally bestowed upon him, the ntv pvcpiictor, hopes, ty paying strict at tention lo thu vouifort and convenience at quests, to nieru a coutinuauca si tks ale. Oct 10 188J. BUCK TAIL HOUSE, Kanb, McKean Co., Tn. K..E. LOOKLK, Proprietor. Tbaukiul lor me patronage beretufeis liberany bestowed upon him, the mew pr jineior, hopes, by paying slrict allcniiaa 10 the cotutuit and couvenieuce of guests, tu uieiil u uouiiuuauce of the same. The uuly stables lor nurses in Kano and well kepi mgut or day. ilail attached to the Hotel. vlu2iiyl. HALL & BUG,, Attorneys - it t - Law ST. MARY'S, ZLZ COtJUITf. PENlISYLYAiriA. JO.INU. UALI JAS, K. V. U4II KERHEl HOUSE, C'ENThCVlLLK, V.LK Co., P. Joun Collins, I'ropriotor. Thauklul lor thu pittiouuge heretolore so libci'ili) bestowed upuii linn, the new pro 1 l ieiur, Uopts, bv ya) tug strict at ituUou to t lie couiioi'. am couveuuuee i gtiusts, t imoiil 1 couiiuuauue ot the name. r. W. HAYS, DKALK. IN Cry Goods, Notions, Groceries, and Central Variety, . FOX ELK CO., PA. Earley i. l. vln47tf. JAMES fLWFlbLD, (Suco. sor to W. C. Healy,) DEALER 1.1 H7 GC0E3, CHOCSniSS, PSOVISIOMS, pnoDucE, Fiiurrs, &. v3u7tf. West End, Kidgway, Pa. FRED. SVHOENIXG, WHOLESALE AND BKTA1L DK4LKB. IX FIANO-FUKlEiS, OltGANS, SHEET ilUSIU, aud MUSIC BOOKS Piano-i and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothouotury's Office, Ridgway, Pa. v2u2Utf. 0 THE CITIZENS OF PEXXSYL- VAXIA. Your attention is SDecially invited to the faet that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions 10 the Capital Stock ot the Centennial lioard of Finance. The funds realized from ihis source are to be employed in the ereo tion of the buildings tor the International Exhibition, and the expenses couuected with the same. It is confidently believed; that the Keystone Slate will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patri otic conimemoratiou of the one hundredth birib-day of the nation. The shares of stock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stack, suitable for framing aud preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum will be paid on all payment's of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are not neat a National Dank can remit a check or post office ordor 10 the undersigned. , FRED'K FRALIY; Treasurer. Wsliw St., Philadelphia. A